Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"


"The Kinmundy Express";  LAWSON & SCOTT, Publishers, Kinmundy, Illinois.

Issued every Thursday evening; Rates of Subscription - $1.50 per year

Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley

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The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois.

November 8, 1883:

- Greeting: Here we are, and this is the Kinmundy Express, an independent local newspaper, which comes to you without pledge or promise, relying upon its own merits for success, but having sufficient faith in the intelligence of the people of this community to firmly believe that our efforts will be appreciated and that the paper will receive at your hands a living patronage, become a permanent institution and a power of good in your midst. The Express will be unbiased in religion, politics and all other matters of public opinion reserving the right to criticize or commend the acts of any creed or party whenever occasion may require, from an independent standpoint; always advocating the best interests of Marion county in general and Kinmundy in particular. We have a good office, intend to publish a good paper and do good work. Owe no man a dollar that we are not both able and willing to pay; transact business on a strictly cash basis; pay for what we get, and expect a reasonable compensation for services rendered. Established and conducted on these principles, if the Express does not become a success, it will not be the fault of the Publishers.

- The Express Crew: The Kinmundy Express is ______ard gauge, run on schedule by the following crew: Owen SCOTT, Engineer; R.F. LAWSON, conductor; ___.F. DONOVAN, postal clerk; and ____ TYNER, news agent (peanut _____); remainder of the community stockholders and passengers. All ______ for local news, Good Rea______ work, and all points of interest on county.

- Mr. Wm. SIMPSON, who has been confined to his home for the past five months, we regret to say is still in very poor health.

- Miss Maggie CRAIG was employed as additional teacher in the public schools, commencing Oct. 17.

- Mrs. Etta LACEY of Effingham, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GRAVES in Kinmundy the past week.

- The Express will accept three or four hundred cords of wood on subscription.

- Fred HUBBARD, now of Rochester, N.Y., visited his Kinmundy friends a few days last week and this.

- The firm of WEST and LAWWILL has been dissolved by mutual consent, and both continue in the hay business.

- Chas. WETTER Jr. and Edgar POPE departed Tuesday morning, via wagon route, for Knoxville, Tenn., where Mr. R.F. POPE will engage in the nursery business.

- Mr. and Mrs. C.H. SIX, late of Farina, has opened up a first-class restaurant in the old postoffice building on Madison street. When you want anything to 8, call on Mr. 6.

- Mr. W.H. LAWWILL, dealer in hay and field seeds, was the first to favor us with an order for commercial printing, and when the work was submitted for his approval, said it was good as he could ask.

- Mrs. Fred BALKE, of Meacham township, will depart this week for an extended visit with friends in Pennsylvania. She has had very poor health for some time, and it is hoped by her many friends that the trip may prove beneficial.

- Several weddings have occurred since the demise of the Kinmundy Register, that have not been reported: the more notable, being the marriage of John T. SIMPSON to Miss Cora ABBOTT, on Oct. 18; and that of Mr. WHITTENBURG of Richview, to Miss May JOHNSTON of this city, Oct. 23d.

- At a regular meeting of the city council on Monday evening all the Aldermen were present except FORSHEE. About the only thing aside from the routine business was the recommendation by Mayor DONOVAN of Mr. G. FENSTER for Marshal and his appointment by the council. The selection is a good one. He has qualified and entered upon the duties of his office.

- Married: At the residence of the bride’s father in this city on Wednesday last, by Rev. N. BASCOM of the M.E. Church, Mr. S.S. SMITH of Effingham to Miss Mollie REEDER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. REEDER of Kinmundy. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH departed the same evening for Effingham, their future home, carrying with them the best wishes of the entire community, for peace and prosperity. The editor was remembered with a quantity of the customary cake which was of the choicest quality.

- Mrs. MIZUER, a native of Belgium, but for several years a resident of this county, died at her home three miles west of Kinmundy last Wednesday, aged about fifty years. She had suffered with dropsy for several months, and that was the cause of her death. Her funeral took place on Friday from the Catholic church, conducted by Rev. P.J. BECKER of Centralia. A few days before she died, her husband came to town to send for the priest, and while returning home his horse became frightened and threw him off, breaking his arm. Mr. MIZUER has been doubly unfortunate, and has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

- City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable: Parties with or without baggage conveyed to all; Parts of the country at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the Day, Week or Single Feed. W.H. SIMPSON, Prop. Kinmundy, Illinois.

- J.C. HAWORTH, Dealer in General Hardware; Guns, Pistols, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Carpenters’ Tools, Etc. Also Manufacturer of and dealer in Saddles, Harness, Horse Collars and carriage Goods; Kinmundy, Illinois.

- Great Attractions! And Rare Bargains! In Millinery at Songer & Smith’s. Having now on hand a large stock of goods bought at greatly reduced prices, I am offering you goods at lower figures than you ever bought at. In truth I am selling many goods at wholesale prices, and some even below wholesale prices. This I will continue to do until these bargains are gone, but to have the full benefit of lowest prices come at once, as these goods are fast selling, and I do not know that I can replace these goods at the present prices. You can buy a hat at 35 cents and upwards. Plumes, tips, fancy feathers and birds are selling cheaper than any other house in Egypt. Why? Because they were bought cheaper than others can buy. Come and see. To my many patrons, old and new for past favors, thanks. Will only say, that I will always try to make if pay you to continue to give me your patronage. Yours Respectfully, M.A. SONGER.

- At NELSON’s Jewelry Store Will be found a complete line of everything belonging to a first-class Jewelry Store consisting of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Sliver and Plated Ware. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. And will be sold us low as anyone will sell the same kinds of goods, no matter where the goods are bought. Watches, clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired and Warranted. Engraving done to order.

- School Report: Report of the Kinmundy Public Schools for the month ending Oct. 19, 1883. School opened Sept. 17, 1883. Teachers employed: A.B. CHILCOAT, Supt. and Principal; Miss Ada SKILLING, Miss Edith POPE, Miss Addie COLEMAN, Miss Winona DODD, Mrs. A.E. WHITAKER. Teachers present at commencement: A.B. CHILCOAT, Principal, Miss Ada SKILLING, Room No. 1; Mrs. A.E. WHITAKER Room No. 2; Miss Edith POPE, Room No. 3; Miss Addie COLEMAN, Room No. 4; Miss Winona DODD, Room No. 5. Miss COLEMAN being sick, furnished a substitute, by consent of the Board. Total enrollment the first day was 220. Enrollment at the present 290; an increase of 70 pupils during the month taught. The 290 pupils enrolled constitute an average of 58 pupils to each department. The rapid and large increase in the number of pupils enrolled at the beginning of the school year has made it essentially necessary for the Board to employ another teacher that a new department may be organized. The teacher, Miss Maggie CRAIG has been employed, and the new department will be organized at the beginning of the second school month. The school at present is in a prosperous condition and we are constrained to believe that good and lasting results shall attend our efforts, as teacher and pupil. The teachers are earnestly engaged in the work assigned them, and with the regular attendance of the pupil as well as a sufficient degree of diligence upon the part of pupil, rapid progress and thorough development will be final results of the year’s work in school. In order that the school may be what it should be, we ask the parent and guardian to aid us by causing promptness in attendance and diligence in study. At present we have arranged for six departments in the school, exclusive of the Principal’s office. The present enrollment will give an average of 48 pupils to each department with a prospect of 50 or 55 before the ensuing month shall close. Foreign pupil enrolled, three in the high school department. Names of foreign pupils: Miss Hattie GRAY, tuition collected, $6; Miss Sarah SHEPHERD, tuition collected $6; Miss Flora HOWELL, tuition collected, $6. The six dollars is the tuition for the 1st quarter or three months.

- Obituary: Lyda NELMS of Xenia, Ill., died at the home of her son, in Fairfield, Mo., Oct. 2, 1883, while on a short visit there, after an illness of three days. Sister N. was the daughter of Rev. Samuel DICKENS, formerly of the Illinois conference. She was converted in early life and lived a consistent Christian life until called to her reward. She was born near Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1808; was married to N.B. NELMS Jan. 1st, 1826, came to Illinois about 1850. Was left a widow with ten children in 1857. She recommended Christ to her children by precept and example. In her last sickness she was attended by two of her children.

- Wooden Weddings: A Notable Event in Alma, Illinois: At 1 p.m. on Nov. 3rd a goodly number of their numerous friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah WARNER in honor of the fifth anniversary of their wedded life. Lack of space forbids an extended report of this social reunion. It was, as all such gatherings should be, free from formalities. A season of general enjoyment, admirably assisted by the genial host and hostess. Old friendships were renewed and new ones formed. And especially was the occasion improved by the host of younger friends to whom, until the wee small hours, the house resounded with their merry laughter. Many beautiful and substantial articles remain to bear witness of the generous traits of their departed guests. Among the presents, from cards attached, your reporter read as follows: A magnificent parlor set, worth $75 from Messrs, T. MARSHALL, F.T. PACE, C.D. MERRITT, F. SWARTZ, G.P. WARNER, H.W. STEVENSON, J. SWARTZ, E. BOYERTON, F. BOYERTON, Perry WARNER, V.C. STEVENSON, S.A. WILSON, W.D. McCARTY, Charles TOMLINSON, D.D. WHITE, W.S.S. FRENCH, J. FRENCH, J. CLOW, M.A. ALLMON, M. CRAIG, G. PURCELL, J. DOSIER, H.R. STEVENSON, Charles BAKER, M. WARNER, W. GARLAND and J.E. MARTIN. Misses Sallie STEVENS, Nannie TOMLINSON and Belle WARNER. Messrs. and Mesdames D.W. PATTERSON, H.R. HALL, S. HERRON, W.E. McMACKIN, R. McGUIRE, H.C. GOODNOW, T.E. MERRITT, L.C. PULLEN, T. COLE, J.W. JOHNSON, Geo. SMITH, B. GRUNENDIKE, J.H. KAGY, Aaron WARNER, W.A. MURRELL, M.T. STEVENSON, J.R. ROSS, A. COFFIN, Wm. HARVEY, John CLOW, Richard WILSON, Charles DEAN, William FINLEY, G.R. PACE, C.E. JENNINGS, J.J. BENNETT and Van CAMP. Mrs. SLACK and daughters, Mrs. CURRIE, Mrs. EASTLAND, Mrs. MOORE and Mrs. TOMLINSON. A Grand Kimball Cymbella Organ, worth $125 from Mr. and Mrs. T. PURCELL. Elegant toilet case from Mr. and Mrs. A. BACHMAN; Fancy wall bracket from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HARVEY; Folding rocker from Mr. and Mrs. McCARTY; Hand-painted panel picture from Mr. and Mrs. O.N. TYNER; Bread tray, wooden large, from A. PURCELL; Butter tray, wooden large, from Mr. and Mrs. CARRIGAN; Butter mold from Rudolph COLE; Butter ladle from Girtie COLE; Fine silk handkerchief and woolen hose from Grandma WARNER; Music holder from Mrs. Nora HUMPHREY; Patent washing machine from Messrs. and Mesdames McCULLOUGH, J.D. ABBOTT, C.M. SEE, Thomas MAYS, A.D. TOMLINSON, C. McCONNELL, and W. WHITE; Misses Jennie HARVEY, Sallie STEVENS, Angeline FRENCH and May WORMLEY; Messrs. George WHITE, Arthur WILSON, George LOCEY, Henry MANELLE; Irvington SHOEFFLER, Henry __OMRELL, John FRENCH and I.D. LEAR. The Alma cornet band arrived about 11 o’clock and rendered some excellent music ___ ification of the assembled throng, after which the boys repaired to the dining room and helped themselves to the remains of the feast.

- ________ wedding of G.W. GILLMORE and wife in Kinmundy: ______ host pleasant "soiree" we have attended since the "days of yore", was the ____ anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. GILLMORE’s wedding, which occurred on the evening of the 12th ult., at their residence on Adams street. There were about 75 guests present, six of whom were Methodist divines. Supper was called at half-past seven, which was truly of "the fatness of the land." Everything the heart could wish for in the way of the "good things of earth" was spread before us, and one would only have to witness their fast disappearance to know they were heartily appreciated by all present. After supper music with a general god time by all present, was the order. To say we had a general good time does not express our feelings. Mr. and Mrs. G. are just the ones to make folks enjoy themselves. The presents were elegant and costly, embracing one large pier mirror with marble stand and base; elegant large rockers of different descriptions; and last and least, 1 box alphabet blocks from "Polly B." to George W., Jr. At the hour of eleven came the sad solo "homeward march", each one wishing the happy couple many more pleasant anniversaries.

- Songer & Smith Dry Goods Department, Frank C. SMITH, Manager.

- James MAHAN - Dealer in Choice Meats, Fresh and Bologna Sausage, Salt and Smoked Meats, Nice Lard, etc., etc. Fresh Fish Every Friday. West Side, Madison Street. Customers supplied with the best the country affords.

- S. Bradley, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Flour, Provisions, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Canned Goods, Glass, Queens, Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionery, Etc., Kinmundy, Illinois.

- You can Buy Dry Goods and Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., Etc., Etc. from Thomas BAGOTT, Cheaper than you can steal them and pay a man to watch the night police.

- Farmer’s and Merchants’ Bank of T.W. Haymond & Co. Receives Deposits, Loan Money, Sell Exchange, make collections and do a General Banking Business. Kinmundy, Illinois.

- John M. ROTAN: Real Estate, Insurance, and Collecting, Agent - Money to Loan on Improved Farms, from one to five years. Kinmundy, Illinois.

- Dan R. LOVELL, Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser (near depot, Kinmundy, Illinois). Patronage Respectfully Solicited.

- John F. DONOVAN. Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. (Office in Post Office). Kinmundy, Illinois.

- W.O. SMITH, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Will continue at his old stand. Calls promptly attended to night or day.

- E.G. FORSHEE, M.D. Will attend to all professional calls promptly. Office - On Madison Street.

- J.D. CAMERER, M.D., Physician and Surgeon. Will attend professional calls day and night. Office on Third Street, adjoining Eagan’s Block.

- Church Directory:

+ Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Services every Sabbath in the month, except the first at 11 a.m., and 6½ p.m. Sabbath School every Sabbath at 9½ p.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 p.m.

+ M.E. Church, South - Services every Sabbath at 11 o’clock a.m. and 7 p.m. except at 11 a.m. the second and fourth Sabbath in each month. Services at Union Camp Ground the Second Saturday evening and Sabbath at 11 a.m. each month. Sunday school at 9 a.m. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening.

+ M.E. Church - Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 9½ a.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. N. BASCOM, Pastor.

+ Roman Catholic Church - Services about the middle of every month. Mass at 10 a.m.. Sunday School at 9 a.m. Vespers at 3 p.m. Father P.J. BECKER, Pastor.

- Walter CARROLL, Dealer of Candies and Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco; Oysters, served in all styles; and on short notice at reasonable prices.

- The Boss Tin Shop! W.C. REEDER, Prop. A large assortment of Stoves and Tinware; Glass, Queen’s and Majolica Ware; and a full line of House furnishing Goods, Library Lamps and Lamps of all kinds. Special Bargains to those buying house furnishing outfits complete.

- WARNER Bros., (Successors to H.L. ALLMON), Alma, Ill., Dealers in General Merchandise - Hay, Grain and Country Produce. Our Stock is all new. No old or shop-worn goods will be found in our store. Everything on sale. We will sell as cheap and pay as much for articles bought as any other dealer in the county. WARNER Bros.

- Pianos, Organs, Pictures! I buy for spot cash, and can furnish any make of instrument, direct from the Manufactures at prices which no traveling man can duplicate. I carry in stock only Standard Grades of Pianos and Organs and a good assortment for choose from, and Satisfaction Guaranteed in every instance. Instruments seen on trial if desired. Sheet Music, Stools, Instruction Books, Scrap books, and Musical Merchandise. Frames for Photographs, Chromos, Oil Paintings, Brackets, Albums, Stereoscopes, Etc.; Art Gallery! New Ground Floor Studio - Photographs in the highest style of the art. I am "an old settler". I solicit your trade. I am. O.N. TYNER, 40 years in the U.S., 25 years in Egypt, 7 years in Kinmundy.

- Geo. W. ELDER, dealer in Staple and fancy groceries. Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionary, Etc. Etc.; Kinmundy, Illinois.

- J.B. McBRYDE Keeps a select stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Provisions - Boots and Shoes; Clothing, Hats and Caps.

- C.A. CHRISTENSEN; Manufacturer of and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. I employ none but the best of workmen and guarantee a good fit and entire satisfaction. Prices as low as the lowest.

- GLAZEBROOK & BRENNER; Lumber, Lath, Lime, Hair and Shingles or anything in the line of building material. Cheap for Cash. Estimates furnished. Kinmundy, Ill.

- C. ROHRBOUGH established in 1866. Oldest Dry Goods House in Kinmundy. Over 25 years Experience in the dry goods business. More than 17 years in Kinmundy. Ample Capital to Pay Spot Cash. No Rents; Very Small Expense. These facts are mentioned - not to blow - but to show any thinking person that I am well prepared to meet close, honest competition as any of my neighbors. I have long since learned that shoddy goods are dear at any price, and that five and ten cent baits are too thin to build up an honest, permanent trade. Boots and shoes! We are the only house keeping a full line of the celebrated Phelp, Dodge, and Palmers’ Custom made fine shoes. A nice pair given in place of every pair failing to meet our warranty. No better goods on the market. We are headquarters for Laide’s and Children’s Cloaks and Dolmans. Ready-made clothing!. If you will come and examine our stock and prices before running off on some big humbug advertisement, and if we fail to show you better made goods, better indeed in every respect for the money, than the shoddy concerns, we will take a back seat and step down and out. Listen! We have the goods. Come and We’ll sell you sure. Produce taken for goods. Cash for Oats. Many thinks for past favors, Remaining respectfully yours, C. ROHRBOUGH.

- Here to Stay. Who? W.W. NEIL. Having just completed my elegant new brick store, built and arranged expressly for convenience in the furniture trade. Where I can serve my customers with pleasure, I will remove my stock from the room now occupied by me to the new one on or about Saturday, Nov. 10th, where I will be found anxious to entertain all whether they wish to buy or not. I thank all for their liberal patronage, and being a "Permanent fixture" here, hope I will merit it in the future, by giving value received for every dollar. My prices I am determined will be the lowest. Below will give prices of some of the bargains. Good Bedsteads, with castors, $2.50. "Daisy" Bureau (one-fourth marble and good glass.), $11.50, Chairs from $2.50 and upwards. Woven wire mattress, best bed in use, $4.50 and last but not least, the elegant "Langtry" bedroom suit, Bevil glass, Richly trimmed and best finish in the world, three pieces, $31.00. Carpets. Have on hand samples of all the latest styles of carpets from hemp to Wilton’s at prices that will astonish you. Cabinet and repair shop in rear of store. All kinds of work done with neatness and dispatch. Very respectfully yours. First door south of bank, Kinmundy, Ill. W.W. Neil.

November 15, 1883:

- Mr. John MOTCH has purchased the bakery and restaurant of Mr. LIVESAY.

- Mrs. N. GRAVES l left last Wednesday morning to visit relatives in New Hampshire.

- Twenty-eight Salemites voted to have the court house moved, and eight Odiners did not want it there.

- Miss Gussie BROWN one of the teachers in the Sandoval public school, spent the Sabbath at her home in Kinmundy.

- Mrs. BRADLEY returned last Friday from a five weeks’ visit in Kentucky, and the Doctor is happy in consequence thereof.

- The election was held in EAGAN’S hall, adjoining this office, and a great many of the voters came in and subscribed.

- City vs. William ROONEY, was tried before his honor, C.S. PURCELL, Monday evening. Defendant plead guilty, and was fined $3 and costs, for disturbing the peace.

- Mr. M. JERNIGAN having sold his residence to Mr. A. SCHERMERHORN, is now erecting a little cottage on the lot adjoining on the north of the property sold.

- G.W. HARLAN departed for Iowa with four car loads of apples last Friday. He writes Mr. CHAPMAN that he found ready sale for all of them, also their dried fruit.

- Mr. Chas. HAUGHTON and two children, of Oaktown, Ind., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. CROFT for some time, will return home this week.

- The Kinmundy Cornet Band is now thoroughly organized, and prepared to furnish music for any occasion. The band is composed of ten pieces, and is simply immense.

- "Birds of a feather flock together" to buy their Birds, Feathers, Hat, Ribbons, and Millinery at Miss Kate ELDER’s because they are always nice and sold at a reasonable price.

- Mr. Ed SWENEY and his sister Miss Ella SWENEY, returned Tuesday evening from a six weeks visit in Ohio, accompanied by Mrs. L.D. BUDLONG, who went there about 2 months ago.

- HAWORTH’s is the place to buy hardware, guns, pistols, or harness of any kind.

- Miss Etta CARMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John CARMAN, died last night, aged about 16 years.

- Parents, see that your boys are at home after dark. By so doing you will abate quite a nuisance, and save our city officials a great deal of trouble, and at the same time save your boys from contracting many bad habits.

- W.W. NEIL is now fully established in his new store room, where he would be pleased to have you call and see him. His plate glass front is the finest in town, the praise is Billey’s.

- In our rush last week, we inadvertently neglected to mention the departure of our esteemed young friend, W.E. NELMS, who went to Quincy, Ill., to attend school during the winter. Will is a good boy, and we wish him unlimited success. His brother, Johnnie NELMS, takes his place at J.W. WILSON’s store.

- Saturday last, Messrs. E. HERRICK and B.W. BLAKSLEE went to Salem to ascertain how much stock the citizens there would subscribe for a telephone line from Kinmundy to that place, and succeeded in securing $260, which added to the fund already raised by our people, is quite sufficient to build the line, and ere long Kinmundy will do the greater part of her courting by telephone. This is as it should have been years ago.

- Mr. E.G. MENDENHALL arrived in Kinmundy last Friday and remained over Sunday with his little son and many friends in this city. We are pleased to learn that Mr. M. has decided to engage in the nursery business here, and made every arrangement to that effect. He has a most excellent place adjoining town for that purpose and with his extensive knowledge of fruits, trees, and shrubbery, cannot fail to succeed in the business decided upon.

- Dwelling Destroyed: About half-past eleven o’clock today a small frame dwelling owned by Mr. D.P. SNELLING and occupied by Mr. P. MURPHY on Third Street near Monroe, caught fire from a defective flue and was completely destroyed. The family succeed in getting everything out, but not without considerable damage. The loss on building, from $300 to $400; no insurance. A strong north wind was blowing and several buildings on the south were in immediate danger of being burned, but a vigilant watch was kept and every spark extinguished. The Express had just gone to press when the alarm of fire was given, but we stop to announce the conflagration. In this issue we publish an article on the advisability of organizing a fire company in Kinmundy. This blaze proves the sanity of the write on that subject. What will you do about it? Wake up, or burn down? A fire company would have saved that building. Let’s have it.

- Into the Silent Land: Died - at his residence in Kinmundy on Tuesday morning, Nov. 13th, 1883, Mr. William SIMPSON, aged 56 years and 15 days. Mr. SIMPSON was born at Whitehall, Grindleton, England, October 28th 1827. Was married Feb. 5th 1854 to Miss Sarah HEATON, who still survives him. In 1857 they together set sail for Australia, but owing to illness of Mrs. SIMPSON they landed in Canada, from whence he came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1859, where has resided with his family ever since, except a short time they lived in Farina, and a few months spent in Effingham. The only relative he had in the United States, aside from his own family, was a cousin living in Minnesota. Mr. SIMPSON was an industrious, hardworking, inoffensive citizen. Physically he was a powerful man, and in years gone by, could not realize how strong he was, but for several months he had been in failing health, and during the last few weeks the decline was almost incredible. The writer of this sketch was with the deceased during his last moments of consciousness, and to us he expressed his willingness to die, saying he was a peace with God, and ready to go when the Savior called. He leaves a wife, comfortably provided for, and six children, four of whom are married. He was buried on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the M.E. church, under the auspices of Fidelity Council No. 24, Royal Templars of Temperance, of which order he was an honored member. Rev. N. BASCOM preached the funeral sermon, which was very able.

- SONGER Mills is the Place to Get Good Flour and Meal! Also Chop Corn, Bran and Mill Feed! At Lowest Price. The best place to sell grain. 100 cents paid for every dollar’s worth of grain. Best Brand of flour $6 per bbl. "Mind that now" and oblige SONGER Bros.

- Variety Store! Consisting of a Complete Hardware Stock! Largest and Most Complete Stock of Groceries! The Largest Assortment of Books and Stationery! The Only complete stock of Wallpaper in the town with Paper trimmer. Also a full line of Paints and Oils, with Druggists’ Sundries. The above goods will be sold at the Lowest Living Prices. Country Produce taken at the Highest Prices in Exchange. Remember to Come to BLAKSLEE’s.

- H.F. GREEN - Dealer in Pure Drugs Miscellaneous and School Books. Newspapers and Periodicals, Finest Assortment of Stationery and Fancy Goods Druggists’ Sundries, etc. to be found in town. Best cigars always in stock.

- S. BRADLEY, Dealer of Staples and Fancy Grocers. Flour, Provisions, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Canned Goods, Glass, Queens, Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionery, Etc. Kinmundy, Illinois.

- Chas. H. WEST, Breeder of Thoroughbred and High grade Hereford Cattle. Young stock for sale at Hereford Park, East of Station, Kinmundy, Illinois.

November 22, 1883:

- W.H. LAWWILL - Dealer in Hay and Field Seeds, Kinmundy, Illinois. Highest Market Price paid for good hay at all times.

- Let’s have a fire company.

- And a town hall to meet in.

- Chas. GAMMON made a flying visit to Effingham Tuesday.

- On Saturday, the 17th inst. Mr. C. WETTER put up ice three and three quarter inches thick.

- A young folks’ party was given by Miss Mary ELDER at her home last Saturday night in honor of Miss Cora POPE.

- Mr. John G. WEST is building a cozy little office adjoining his hay barn, where he can whistle the happy hours away, whilst the monstrous sledge continues to beat hay into bales ready for the market.

- Mrs. Arthur HOWER of Altamont came to Kinmundy Monday morning from Centralia, where she had been on a visit to friends, and will spend a few days with her father, Mr. Joshua DAVIS, near this city.

- Mr. L.A. THOMPSON and wife, late of Elkhart, Ind., visited the former’s sister, Mrs. W.C. SQUIERS, last week. They departed Monday morning for Arizona; their future home, where Mr. T. goes for the benefit of his health, also to accept the secretaryship of a mining company, at a salary of $5 per day, which is of itself very healthy.

- Dr. J.D. CAMERER received by express a fine pair of light Brahma chicks, a present from his father, D.M. CAMERER, Chrisman, Ill. The foals are but six months old and the male weighs nine pounds and the female five pounds. They are regular beauties, and the Doctor can now dispense with his alarm clock, as the basso voice of this fine bird will be sufficient to arouse him from peaceful slumbers about four o’clock every morning.

- Mr. and Mrs. S.S. SMITH of Effingham, came down Sunday morning and remained until Monday eve with Mrs. S’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. REEDER.

- Mr. F.W. KING went to Springfield Monday night to attend the grand lodge of I.O.O.F. now in session there, as a representative of Rosedale Lodge No. 354. This lodge has a membership of 66, which is a good showing for any town the size of Kinmundy, and Frank may well feel proud of the body he represents.

- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MILLICAN returned last Friday eve from a five weeks visit in Washington Territory, and trip along the coast. Mr. M. does not speak in very glowing terms of the boasted greatness of the Territory, and think it can never amount to much as a farming or manufacturing country, on account of its being so badly cut up into hills and valleys.

- The following from the Central Telephone Company explains itself: Chicago, Nov. 21, 1883: J.F. DONOVAN, Esq., Kinmundy, Ill.; Dear Sir - Yours enclosing subscription list for $420 received, for line from Kinmundy to Salem, Ill. We have stopped construction work for this season but expect to go ahead again in the spring. As soon as we arrange to start new construction work, I will arrange to have this line built among the first.

- Wheat $1 per bushel.

- Good corn 40 cents per bushel.

- Lumber Cheap: At the new Saw Mill of W.C. INGRAM, you can get the best oak lumber at from $10 to $14 per 1000 feet.

- Mr. C.B. PERKINSON has sold his interest in the Commercial House to Mr. Wm. LUSTER, of Fairfield, an old hotel man who will take charge of the same in a few days.

- Kinmundy Public School: Report for the second month, beginning Oct. 17, and ending Nov. 16, 1883. Regular teachers present, six. The school, for the second month, was organized into six departments exclusive of the Supt. and principal’s office. Miss Maggie CRAIG having been employed as teacher in room No. 4. Total enrollment for last month was 290. For month just ended, 318, an average of 53 pupils to each department. Teachers meeting for the month just ended, three. A marked improvement is already apparent in the large increase in the number of pupils, in the wonderful increase in regular attendance and in the rapid advancements made in recitations. We still need the hearty cooperation of the parent in order that we may make the Kinmundy public school what it is intended to be, and what it should operate heartily with us in seeing to it that their children attend school regularly, for upon regularity in attendance, as well as diligence in study, depends their permanent advancement and future success. A general and an urgent request is extended to the patrons of the school to visit the school frequently, that they may see and know what is being done daily for the good of those who are regular in attendance. A noted man was, at one time asked this question, - What is life? He replied: "Life is just what we make it." Thus it is with public schools throughout the world; they are just what the patrons of the school make them. Be careful to make the school what it should be by your endorsement. A.B. CHILCOAT, Supt. and Prin.

High School Department - Winona DODD, assistant teacher.

No. of pupils enrolled - 46; Average daily attendance - 40; Average per cent. attendance - 87

Roll of Honor - Those neither tardy nor absent. Sarah SHEPPARD, Harry WHITAKER, Hattie SEE, Nicholas LOVELL, Letha JACKSON, Delbert EAGAN, John CLOW, Hattie EICOLTZ, Anna CHALFANT.

Credit Roll - Irene DENNISON, Hattie GRAY, Jessie JACK, Ella CRAIG, Anna CHALFANT, Nora YOUNGKIN, Flora HOWELL, Emma SHULTZ, Lizzie VALLOW, Susie DAVIS, Nicholas LOVELL.

Room No. 5 - Addie COLEMAN, teacher.

No. of pupils enrolled -  42; Average daily attendance - 38; Average per cent. attendance - 90

Roll of Honor - Mary EDGAR, Annie ELDER, Arthur HASELTINE, Fletcher WHITAKER, Markie SQUIERS, Otto HARLAN, Freddie CAWREY, Harry PORTER, Bertie SQUIERS, Art EARLY.

Credit Roll - Myrtie ROTAN, Mary WADE, Ella POWER, Oliver SHULTZ, George HOWELL, Emma BALDWIN, Charles BOSSE present the last five days. Teacher absent one day, caused by sickness.

Room No. 4.

No. of pupils enrolled - 41; Average daily attendance - 36; Average per cent. attendance - 90

Roll of Honor - Charles KING, Merta EDGAR, Charles PORTER, Berenice YOUNG, Frank PORTER, Clara HERRICK, Cecil DENNISON, Jennie SIMPSON, Glendie HARLAN, Jessie FOX, Robert CRAIG, Jossie McBRYDE, Charles FENSTER, Annie GEORGE.

Credit Roll - Cecil DENNISON, Clara HERRICK, Jessie FOX, Louisa NEEPER.

Room No. 3.

No. of pupils enrolled - 51; Average daily attendance - 44; Average per cent. attendance - 86

Roll of Honor - Susie RUTHERFORD, Florence HAWORTH, Carrie RYAN, Sarah STEADMAN, Annie LOHMAN, Clinton STEVENS, Robert PURETT, Jimmie BLAKSLEE, Joseph RUTHERFORD, Charles WHITE, Fred SONGER, Kleon EAGAN, Willie EDGAR.

Credit Roll - Florence WHITE, Carrie RYAN, Minnie PARKER, Eva WEST, Clinton STEVENS, Frank BISONETT, Rilla MURPHY, Lizzie JOHNSON.

Room No. 2 - A.E. WHITALER, teacher.

No. of pupils enrolled - 57; Average daily attendance - 52; Average per cent. attendance - 91

Roll of Honor - Wood CHASE, Charles INGRAM, Tilden PERKINSON, Charles PORTER, Vivian EARLY, Charles SIMPSON, Louis WHITAKER, James HAWORTH, Charles CLOW, Charles THOMPSON, Jonnie MOTCH, Robert GRAY, Ollie PARISH, Edith WOLF, Rilla MARTIN, Dudie NELMS, Maud McBRYDE, Kate FENSTER, Mattie DEW, Annie CRAIG, Emma LOHMAN, Effie WHITAKER.


Room No. 1 - Ada B. SKILLING, teacher.

No. of pupils enrolled - 70; Average daily attendance - 57; Average per cent. attendance - 80

Roll of Honor - Bert HARLAN, Rena SQUIERS, Maud SIPLE, Emma SMITH, Flora ABBOT, Ella PURCELL, Robbie PARISH, Robbie EDGAR, Fred GEORGE, Jennie STEVENS, Mattie BASS, Nannie BASS, Robert GRAY.

Credit Roll - Lydia WADE, Minnie WADE, Mabel HERRICK, Lillie LOVELL, Leslie LYDICK, Robbie EDGAR, Frank MILLER, Eldonis EAGAN.

- Meacham Music: Jep PARRILL is happy over a new arrival, a bouncing big girl this time.

- Meacham Music: H.G. LACY is putting up a substantial residence on his farm recently purchased.

- Meacham Music: August KRUG is building on the south east quarter of the section. What does it mean, August?

- Meacham Music: Mrs. Mary THAYER, nee THAMER, became the happy mother of a nice little girl last Monday night.

- Meacham Music: J.W. McCLURE has been making substantial improvements to his residence, in the way of a new cellar.

- Meacham Music: Billy THREEWIT of Miletus makes frequent visits to the north part of Meacham. What is your idea Billy? Have you an Ida or something?

- Death and Autopsy of Mrs. Emily COX: Mrs. Emily COX aged about 45 years, died at her home five miles east of Kinmundy, on Sunday last, and was buried on Monday, Rev. N. BASCOM of this city, conducting the funeral exercises. For about six months Mrs. COX was a constant sufferer, the pain being located in different parts of the body at different times, but never ceasing. Her case was one which has baffled the medical fraternity of this section, the doctors differing as to the diagnosis of the disease. The sufferer requested of one of the attending physicians that when death should relieve her of her pain, that a post-mortem examination be made for the benefit of the living; and in accordance with her wish Dr. FORSHEE of this city, and Dr. BLACKBURN of Farina, conducted the autopsy, assisted by Dr. HENDEE of LaClede, Dr. HANCOCK of Farina, and Dr. SMITH of this city. The surface of the body was, during here sickness, perfectly smooth, and showed no sign of disease, but the examination at once revealed the cause of her death, which was a cancerous condition of the liver, stomach and kidneys, that completely destroyed everything vital with which it came in contact, producing death at the end of six months of constant pain. The facts gleaned from the autopsy will prove a generous benefit to the medical world at large.

November 29, 1883:

- Chicken pox in Kinmundy.

- Small pox in Fayette county.

- Get vaccinated immediately.

- It is to the interest of every fruit grower in this vicinity to encourage the establishing of a cannery in Kinmundy.

- The storm on Sunday night laid low the smoke stack on GAMMON Bros. Mill, also a barn belonging to Mrs. SIMPSON.

- Master Lute SCHERMERHORN makes himself generally useful about the store of Songer & Smith nights, mornings and Saturdays.

- Mr. Zarda FROST returned to Kinmundy on Friday last and has been confined to his home with rheumatism most of the time since.

- Mrs. James MAHAN went to Chicago last Saturday night, expecting to spend about two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. James MAHAN, Jr., in that city.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. CHAPMAN went to Chicago on Thursday and returned on Sunday. Mr. C. went up to gather the fruits of his fruit deal this season. The yield was very prolific.

- Grandma and Mrs. W.B. EAGAN, Mrs. CHALFANT, and Miss Fodie EAGAN attended a reunion of the TULLY family at Salem this week.

- Mr. E.G. MENDENHALL arrived home Wednesday morning from a very successful trip through southern Indiana to Cincinnati, returning home through Kentucky and home via Evansville. He leaves again in a day or two for St. Louis and Chicago.

- Alex FERGUSON and Chas. GAMMON will take leave of Kinmundy before Christmas, the former for Canada and the latter is yet undecided.

- Mrs. STEWART, living just east of town, suffered for some months past with a cancer in her left breast, which was successfully removed by Dr. CAMERER of this city and Dr. HENDEE of LaClede, a few weeks since, and we are glad to state, she is now fully recovered and enjoying as good health as ever.

- Mr. Fred CAWREY, of Centralia, has purchased the bakery and confectionery of John MOTCH, on Madison street, and will open up for business about Monday next.

- Chicken-pox prevails among the school children and the attendance has fallen off considerably in some of the departments. President of the Board, DONOVAN, has ordered that all children be vaccinated at once or stand suspended until they present certificate of vaccination.

- The storm on Wednesday night of last week did considerable damage to fences, hay stacks and window lights in this section. The residence of Mr. John HOLT, living seven miles west of this city, was raised from its foundation, carried some thirty feet and let down bottom side up. It seems almost miraculous that the occupants escaped as they did, without sustaining any serious injury. By prompt attention the building was saved from catching fire from the stoves. We understand that the generous people of that neighborhood gathered in and helped replace the house upon its former foundation.

- Birthday Party: The social event of the week in Meacham was a party at Mr. BALKE’S, in honor of Percy’s 19th birthday, on Tuesday evening. Miss Clara WORLEY planned the affair, and deserves many thanks from those present, for the good time and especially for the supper which consisted of everything good. Percy was remembered by a number of his friends as the presents left testify. Among the most valuable was a young mule. The M.G. cornet band put in an appearance and gave us some delightful music. Not until a late hour did quiet reign. That Percy may live long to ride his mule is the wish of a Guest.

- Small Pox: the daughter of Mr. Henry GLEASONCAMP, living seven miles northwest of Farina has been sick for some days, and is attended by Dr. BLACKBURN of Farina, who we understand, on Tuesday pronounced it a genuine case of small pox, and the parties were recently exposed to the disease in East St. Louis, which goes to confirm the opinion of the attending physician. He thinks there is no danger of it spreading, as the old folks have had it. Still it is well enough to get vaccinated.

- Now Ready for Your Inspection! My entire stock of General Merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Clothing! To all who want to and will, I say come and I will do as well by you as any man in town. I buy all kinds of Produce, and will pay the highest market price for what you have to sell. In clothing, I will not be undersold. Overcoats cheap. Come and see. Boots and Shoes I will sell as cheap as any man in town. I keep a full line of groceries, and will sell them as cheap as the cheapest. My stock is nice and clean and it is for sale. Thanking my many friends for past favors, I am, Yours Respectfully, J.W. WILSON.

- Geo. W. ELDER, Dealer in Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Spices. Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Cigars & Tobacco. Wood and Willow-Ware. Also a full line of stoneware. In fact, everything that is kept in a first-class grocery store.

- J.B. McBRYDE keeps a select stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Provisions. Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Caps. Which he is selling at bed-rock prices. Produce taken in Exchange for Goods.

December 6, 1883:

- Miss Lyda COZAD of Farina, visited Mrs. Nettie CAMERER, Thanksgiving.

- Mrs. Lou GLAZEBROOK visited her sister Mrs. Frank MAXON, in Farina, Monday last.

- Mr. W.M. HASELTINE returned thanks at home with his family in this city last Thursday.

- John GUNN and wife of Springfield, visited relatives in this city from Friday until Monday.

- The cars killed a cow, appraised at forty dollars, belonging to Geo. W. HARLAN, last Friday.

- Miss Annie CAWREY commenced the study of telegraphy at the depot last Monday. She is quite a spark of electricity and will doubtless master the art.

- Dr. S.T. SONGER left Friday for Kinmundy where he will spend a few weeks after which he will go to Washington Territory to locate. (Fairfield Record)

- Mr. Chas. MISSELBROOK, of Meacham twp., received a telegram last week announcing the death of his father, aged 72 years, which occurred on the 27th ult., at Forest, Ont. Mr. MISSELBROOK departed on Friday for the home of his mother, after an absence of 20 years, expecting to be gone about two weeks, during which time he will visit several points in Canada, the scene of his youth.

- C.A. CHRISTENSEN, H.F. GREEN, and E.D. PORTER, three mighty nimrods, each armed with his fowling piece, went out last Friday in quest of bobtailed deer. PORTER and GREEN each succeeded in bringing down a festive cotton tail, but if CHRISTENSEN got anything it must have been a "jay bird". Forrest presented his game to the editor, and we can testify to his skill as a huntsman for he selected the fattest. John RAMSEY and Alex FERGUSON tried their luck on Saturday, and met with fair success.

- If every citizen of this place would do as much for the Express in proportion to their ability as Mr. Geo. RAY, they could well afford the best paper in the county. But we have no fault to find with anyone. They are all doing nobly. Besides taking the paper himself "Uncle George" sends it as a present to his son-in-law, Henry SHEESLEY, Carthage, Mo., and his son, James T. RAY, who is now a member of the signal service, stationed at Ft. Lyon, Col. Jim is a good boy, an old school mate of the editor’s and with a copy of the Express to guide him alright, we have no fear but what he will come out on top.

- The W.C.T.U. will meet next Tuesday afternoon in the parlors of the Squiers House.

- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBERG, of Richview, Ill., came to Kinmundy last Monday and will spend the winter with Mrs. W.’s mother, Mrs. JOHNSON.

- Maple Grove cornet band received a new member last Monday evening in the person of E.A. SNELLING, Jr. The young musician will, for the present, have tuba kept at home on account of his extreme youth.

- The following are the officers of Rosedale lodge 354, I.O.O.F. elected last Saturday night of the ensuing year: W.W. NEIL, N.G., G.L. EAGAN, V.G.; F.W. KING, Sec.; J.G. WEST, Treas.; J.F. DONOVAN, J.C. HAWORTH, B.W. BLAKSLEE, J.W. WILSON, and R.P. McBRYDE, Trustees.

- The young son of Mr. P.O. THRANE got a small button in his nose last Saturday evening, causing considerable commotion for a time. Not until Sunday morning could the button be gotten out, and then only by the aid of Drs. CAMERER and SMITH. The little fellow will not try to button up his nose again soon.

- Our esteemed young friend, G.W. WEST of Meacham twp., brought to town the fatted ox last Monday and had it butchered by Mr. MAHAN, for winter use, but before going home he kindly remembered the editor by presenting us about 15 pounds of the choicest beef, for which he has our most grateful thanks. May he ever have an abundance of the same.

- Mr. C. ROHRBOUGH again took charge of the Kinmundy Mill last Monday, and will continue to operate it with a competent crew of mill men. Attention is directed to the new advertisement of Mr. R. in this issue. This mill is one of the institutions of Kinmundy, and the Express is glad to see it kept busy and hopes the proprietor will receive plenty of grists and a liberal toll for his enterprise and energy in trying to do something for himself and the town.

- A social reunion of old settlers and friends was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. HARLAN on Thanksgiving Day, about 40 persons enjoying the hospitality of the host and hostess at dinner. The Misses BROCKWAY and HEATON were present and furnished and some excellent music on the new piano recently purchased by Mr. H. The editor must acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to join the company, but owing to previous arrangements was unable to accept.

- Mr. Samuel NEAVILS returned last Thursday from Iola, Clay Co., where he had been a work since September last. He speaks very favorably of that thriving little village, and says it is improving very rapidly, he himself having plastered ten new houses which were all built this season, and several other buildings, including a town hall, were erected the past summer. He says the people are all very social, enterprising and strictly moral, which insures the future prosperity of the town. On Tuesday evening of last week, Mr. NEAVILS attended the tin wedding of Rev. and Mrs. E. PATTON, minister of the Harmony Baptist Church, which was a very enjoyable event, participated in by about 50 persons, who left many valuable presents to testify to the sincerity of their friendship for the Reverend gentleman. Rev. PATTON’s many parishioners will be pleased to read of this joyful occasion. Mr. NEAVILS is so well pleased with Iola and her people that he intends to return in the spring just as soon as work commences in his line of business. Every branch of trade is represented there but a lumber yard, and he thinks it an excellent opening for one.

- R.F. POPE and his daughter, Cora, departed Tuesday for their future home in Knoxville, Tenn. on account of the severe illness of little Arthur, Mrs. POPE will remain here with him until he is able to travel.

- Mrs. A.V. SCHERMERHORN of St. Louis, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.T. DILLON, in Meacham twp. and friends in Kinmundy, and Effingham, part of last week and this. She returned home today.

- Mr. Fred CAWREY and family of Clinton (not Centralia, as stated last week) arrived here Saturday night. They will occupy the RASER property as a residence, and the same old stand on Madison street as a restaurant.

- Mr. L.F. BOOTHE has traded his farm south of town to Mr. Henry COLEMAN, of Raymond, Ill. for a stock of general merchandise, consisting of dry-goods, groceries, boots, shoes, etc. Mr. J.W. WILSON went up Monday night to assist in the invoice, and returned yesterday morning. Whether Mr. B. will move to Raymond or not, we are unable to say, Mr. C. is expected to take possession of the farm in a few days.

- GLAZEBROOK & BRENNER sell Lumber, Lath, Lime, Hair & Shingles or anything in the line of building material cheap for cash. Estimates furnished. Kinmundy, Illinois.

- Albert EAGAN was the lucky man and drew that elegant tea set given away with the Magnolia baking powder at Songer & Smiths.

- Mrs. W.B. EAGAN sends the Express one year as a present to her sister, Mrs. L.A. NORMAN, Quiet Dell, W. Va.

- Stephen HUGGINS and Will REEDER are now members of the Kinmundy Cornet band, the finest in Egypt. L.C. ROHRBOUGH is a prospective member.

- Mr. E.G. MENDENHALL returned Tuesday night and will remain here until he goes to Cincinnati in January. He is now engaged in fixing up his different pieces of property and getting ready for business in the spring.

- At the G.A.R. election on Tuesday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Command, W.J. BROWN; Senior Vice-Commander, J.F. DONOVAN; Junior Vice-Commander, Geo. W. HARLAN; Quarter-Master, W.H. LAWWILL; Officer of the Day, W.L. KING; Chaplin, Joseph BARGH; Surgeon, L.L. HOLLISTER; Officer of the Guard, B.E. BALDWIN; Installing Officer, C. ROHRBOUGH; Representative, J.F. DONOVAN, alternate, A.W. SONGER.

- Married: In Patoka, on Sunday last, Mr. James H. GRAY to Miss Luella KNAPP. Rev. W.N. GERARD of Kinmundy, administered the narcotic which gave Mr. GRAY a Knapp which we hope will ever be a blissful one.

- Mrs. Wm. KEPNER, living two miles northwest of LaClede, underwent a surgical operation last Tuesday, which is something of more than ordinary importance. For about a year she had been afflicted with an ovarian cyst, or tumor. Three weeks ago the sufferer was tapped by Dr. HENDEE and 12 quarts of fluid taken from the cyst. This afforded but little relief. On Tuesday Dr. HENDEE of LaClede, and Dr. CAMERER of this city relieved her of her burden by opening the abdomen and extracting the tumor said to be about the size of a man’s head, and several gallons of fluid, weighing in all sixty pounds. Dr. RODGERS of Fairfield was present and administered the chloroform, keeping her under the influence of it for two hours and a half. Dr. J.N. MATTHEWS of Mason, Dr. HANCOCK, of Farina, Dr. GREER of St. Paul, and Dr. BOND of Loogootee, were present to witness the operation, which they consider very successful, and all unite in the belief that the patient will recover.

- Meacham Mention: Will WEST is improving his residence with a new portico. Quite an improvement. Will is a jolly good fellow. Meacham could not well do without him.

- Meacham Mention: The singing school at Prairie Grove is succeeding well, under the direction of D.C. BEAVER; the only regret being so few have availed themselves of the opportunity. What do parents mean by not giving their children an opportunity to learn to sing?

- Meacham Mention: The Meacham schools are booming. No township in the county can boast of a better corps of teachers. At the Switzer School house, Miss Lizzie PARRILL; at the Lacy, Mr. E.F. KELCHNER; at Prairie Grove, Mrs. W.J. HARRELL; at the Farris, Mr. G.S. LACY; each district thinks they have the best teacher.

- Meacham Mention: August KRUG’s new house looms up. Strange he should want so much room when he is only going to bach.

- Meacham Mention: A very pleasant surprise last Thursday, being Mr. Charlie PARRILL’s sixteenth birthday, his sisters prepared a grand surprise for him. His father sent him to Farina in the evening, and when he returned home he found the house full of young people, his relatives and friends, who seemed to enjoy his confusion hugely. But the most interesting and attractive feature of the evening was the grand and superb supper provided for the occasion. An attempt at a description would be a failure; it was simply immense. The table was presided over by Mrs. PARRILL and her two daughters, Misses Ella and Eva, with a grace and dignity becoming persons of their taste and refinement. The evening was spent in social conversation and innocent games (not bruising games). At a late hour the company dispersed thankful to Mr. and Mrs. PARRILL for an evening of social enjoyment, and wishing Charlie many returns of his birthday.

- Kinmundy Pensioners: The following list of persons living in this vicinity and receiving benefits from Uncle Sam, we copy from the report furnished by the pension office at Washington: SHULTZ, David - $8; MULVANY, Martha J. - $8; COLE, Mary - $8; JAMISON, Mary E. - $8; BALDWIN, Benj. E. - $2; SHAFER, Christopher - $2; HANKS, William - $50; POWNALL, Matthew S. - $4; GUISER, Mathias - $2; HOLLISTER, Lorenzo L. - $8; RAY, George W. - $12; STORRS, Sophronia - $8; READNOUR, John S. - $4; JERNIGAN, Martin - $14; EARL, Thomas - $8; SPILMAN, Martha - $17.

December 13, 1883:

- Isaac SONGER has commenced the study of law with J.F. DONOVAN.

- Samuel VAN ARNUM put on his armor last Tuesday night and joined the G.A.R.

- Mr. W.C. SQUIERS has built a good substantial sidewalk in front of his hotel property.

- Grandpa HASELDEN of Clay county is visiting his many friends in Kinmundy this week.

- E.G. MENDENHALL put out a number of shade trees in the diamond park near the depot, last Monday.

- Mrs. Ella KIMBALL of Teutopolis, Ill., is in this city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WITHBECK.

- Mr. J.S. LYDICK has gone to St. Louis to receive medical treatment from Dr. A.D. WILLIAMS, oculist.

- Mrs. H.R. HALL and daughters, Nellie and May, of Salem were visiting friends in Kinmundy a few days last week.

- The six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LOWE, living in Foster twp., died last Sunday and was buried on Monday.

- Mr. Alex FERGUSON departed yesterday for New Market, Ont. The Express will keep him posted on what happens in Kinmundy the coming year. But we hope to welcome him back ere his subscription expires.

- Miss Eliza BURPO departed yesterday morning for Ashley, Ill., where she will visit friends for a time, and from there she goes to Boiling Springs, Alabama, to spend the winter. The Express will keep her informed on what transpires in Kinmundy.

- Mr. and Mrs. L.F. BOOTHE departed yesterday for their new home at Raymond, Ill. We are indeed very sorry to lose such citizens, but our loss will be Raymond’s gain. They were great favorites among and will be greatly missed by the young people of this place.

- On our Christmas proposition last week Mr. J.W. WILSON sends the Express one year to his mother, Mrs. E. WILSON at Lawrence, Kansas; O.N. TYNER orders it to his father, Maj. TYNER at Mason; Wm. REYNOLDS, Delphos, Kansas, will receive it during 1884, sent by a friend in this city who would rather not have it announced.

- It is no trouble to raise money for public improvements in Kinmundy when someone goes to work for that purpose. Mr. MENDENHALL started out with a subscription paper last Monday, and in one hour’s time secured enough signers to build a sidewalk from 4th Street south of Washington to the corporation line thence across to T.W. HAYMOND’s corner, the city paying for half the walk. The contract was let on Tuesday to Alex PORTER and the work will commence at once.

- Miss Fodie EAGAN gave us a call yesterday. She is a well-RED lady and always a welcome visitor.

- Wm. CAWREY and G.W. ELDER went to Chicago last Sunday night to investigate the crookedness of a commission house.

- J.M. ROTAN and J.W. WILSON went out last Monday night to join Ras ARNOLD and Sam JONES in a fox chase. After six hours hard riding they arrived home with nary fox.

- A fancy apron and neck tie party was given at the home of Miss Minnie DUMOND last Tuesday night, as we understand, in honor of Alex FERGUSON and Chas. GAMMON, in consequence of their departure from Kinmundy. The ladies all wore a fancy apron and neck tie, and it was arranged that the gents secure partners by drawing envelopes containing samples of the ladies’s aprons, and that they then repair to Six’s Restaurant and take oysters, at the expense of the fair ones, but for some unknown reason the drawing failed to take place at the appointed time. Merriment reigned supreme until a late hour, and then they paired and went to the restaurant for oysters. The boys all showed their gallantry by paying the bill before the girls had time to ask any questions.

- Miss Winona DODD, assistant principal in our public school, went to Odin, last night to remain until she regains her health. She has been unable to speak above a whisper for several days on account of throat trouble. It is hoped that she will be able to return soon.

- Mr. W.F. McCLURE of Effingham inaugurated the roller skating season at Jones Hall last Monday and Tuesday nights. On the first evening the attendance was small, but the second night brought out the young folks almost enmasse. Pro. GILMORE of Chicago was present each evening and gave an exhibition of his skill as a skater, and the verdict was that he is first-class. The rink will be open again Jan. 8th and 9th, and every Monday and Tuesday.

December 21, 1883:

- C. ROHRBOUGH and James SWIFT are grand jurors from Kinmundy to the February term of court.

- Mr. W.B. HAWORTH has traded his farm near Kinmundy to Mr. J.E.W. HAMMOND of Salem for a large stock of merchandise in that city.

- On Monday last we printed invitations for a dance and oyster supper to be given at the residence of Mr. J.R. ARMSTRONG, five miles south of town, on Monday evening Dec. 24th 1883.

- At a stated communication of Kinmundy Lodge 398, A.F. and A. Masons, held Tuesday evening, Dec. 18th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Thomas BAGOTT, W.M.; C. ROHRBOUGH, S.W.; C.A. CHRISTENSEN, J.W.; T.W. HAYMOND, Treas.; W.H. WHITE, Sec.

- Mrs. Cora SIMPSON received a very severe fall last Sunday night which has caused her a great deal of suffering, Mr. and Mrs. SIMPSON had been to spend the evening with his mother, returning home about 9 o’clock, and in going down the incline between the depot and the Commercial house, Mrs. S. slipped in a gutter that has washed out there, and fell, striking her head with great force on the sidewalk, rendering her unconscious for some time. She was carried home by her husband and Dr. W.O. SMITH was called and administered restoratives which soon ____________.

- Miss Mattie RUTHERFORD went to Centralia Monday to work in the Daily Times Office.

- Mr. Frank FROST and wife of Ashley, Ill., visited Mrs. FROST’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. GUNN, in this city the past week.

- The teachers of the C.P. Sabbath school, will give a candy pulling at EAGAN’s hall Tuesday evening, Dec. 25, for the benefit of the school. Admission 10 cents.

- The rabbit crop this year is immense. Nearly all the boys in town from 5 to 75 years of age go out in pursuit of the festive critter, and return with all the way from 0 to 25.

- A boy of average weight and intelligence arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.V. EARLY, last Saturday morning.

- Jones’ Hall is bing fully equipped with stage, scenery, etc., for the accommodation of theatrical troupes, plays, exhibitions, etc.

- Now is a good time to organize a building and loan association. It would be in good working order by the opening of spring building and improvements.

- The ladies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church will give a supper, interspersed with oysters, at Eagan’s Hall, Friday evening, Dec. 28th, to raise money to paint the church building and make other needed repairs.

- G.W. HARLAN yesterday sold to S.M. McHATTON, the residence on Monroe street, known as the Coleman property. Consideration, $300, cash. There is a possibility of Mr. M. retiring from the farm and becoming a citizen of our town.

- Mr. WETTER commenced to put up ice in earnest yesterday morning, having all the teams that could work with convenience. The ice is from 4 to 4½ inches thick. He thinks he will be able to keep the community cool next summer.

December 28, 1883:

- Mr. J.F. REEDER of Vandalia, Ill. spent Christmas with parents and friends in Kinmundy.

- Mr. I.W. ARNOLD, ye editor’s cousin, who is teaching school near Brownstown, Ill. visited relatives in Kinmundy during the holidays.

- Charley MAHAN will continue in the meat business at his father’s old stand on Madison street, and solicit a continuance of patronage.

- Mrs. M.A. SKILLING will dispose of her household and other property at public sale on Saturday January 5th, 1884, preparatory to going to Kansas.

- Mr. Wm. HASELTINE came home to spend Christmas with his family. The firm for whom he travels suffered the loss of $150,000 by fire on the night of the 24th.

- Several years ago, Kinmundy enjoyed the advantages of street lamps, but now belated pedestrians must grope their way through the darkness. Are we degenerating?

- Miss Sadie SCHERMERHORN, teacher at Ashley, Ill., is spending vacation with parents and friends in Kinmundy. Master Lute SCHERMERHORN visited her school last Friday and she returned with him.

- Mr. Henry HASELBROOK, the victim of smallpox in Fayette county, mentioned some weeks since, has so far recovered as to be able to be up, but he has sufficient evidence of the disease on his fact to last him a life time. Mrs. Wm. WOLF, living just a quarter of a mile from Mr. HASELBROOK, was taken sick on Tuesday last with strong symptoms of the same dread disease. The case will be closely guarded, and there is but little danger of spreading.

- Lee BARBEE has purchased the interest of Mr. BEAL in the butcher business, and they will hereafter be known as the firm of HOLMES & BARBEE.

- Miss Mamie SONGER gave a party to the members of her Sunday school class on Christmas night, in honor of her 12th birthday.

- Mr. Jas. COLEMAN and wife, of Rock Island, Ill., came down Wednesday evening and will remain until tomorrow with parents and friends in this city.

- Mr. W.R. SHRIVER was married on Saturday Dec. 22, 1883, to Miss Mary ATKINS of Salem, who was engaged in teaching at Shriver School house.

- Andy RABBIT got on a double - and - twisted drunk Christmas day and was arrested and placed in the cooler to sober up. When taken out he was fined $3 and costs for his fun.

- Mr. W.B. HAWORTH moved his stock of goods to Salem this week to combine with his store there. This leaves an excellent store room vacant, but we have reason to believe that it will not long remains so.

- Mr. F.W. KING goes to Salem the first of the new year to accept the deputy clerkship in the county clerk’s office. A young lady in this city says she hopes he will have nothing to do until he issues his own marriage license.

- Captain A.S. GRAY greeted many of his friends in Patoka last Thursday. He will soon depart for Iowa, to take charge of a district for the Rockford Insurance Co., to which he has been appointed agent. (Patoka Enterprise)

- The following are the officers elect of Kinmundy Lodge No. 1091, K. of H. for the ensuing year: Past Dictator - W.C. REEDER; Dictator - J.C. HAWORTH; Vice Dictator - B.W. BLAKSLEE; Assistant Dictator - C.M. NEVILS; Reporter - F.A. PRUETT; Financial Reporter - J.F. DONOVAN; Treasurer - J.W. WILSON; Guide - J.R. YOUNGKIN; Chaplain - Joseph BARGH; Guardian - Alonzo EAGAN; Sentinel - S. DOWNS; Medical Examiner - E.G. FORSHEE; Representative - J.P. WHITSON; Alternate - J.G. WEST; Trustees - W.H. WHITE, J.G. WEST, and J.P. WHITSON.

- Mr. Daniel DeVORE of San Antonio, Texas, is here on a visit to his family.

- Mr. H.V. JONES of West Tennessee came home to spend the holidays with his family.

- Mr. Wm. McFEE of Shoals, Ind. arrived in town yesterday to accept the position of head miller in Mr. ROHRBOUGH’s mill. The new smokestack has been received and the mill will be in operation in a few days.

- Married: On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 27, 1883, at the residence of Mr. R.E. SHELTON just south of town, by Rev. E. PATTON of Iola, Ill., Mr. Benjamin GEE to Miss Matilda WAUGH, in the presence of about 25 friends from Kinmundy, Alma and the surrounding neighborhood. After the ceremony a sumptuous feast was served for the assembled guests. The newly married couple will reside in this city, and to them the Express extends hearty congratulations and best wishes for long life, peace and prosperity.

- Died: Wednesday evening, Dec. 26, 1883, Mrs. Minnie BOOS, aged 42 years. She came to Kinmundy about two months ago, from DeKalb county, Illinois, with her husband, Mr. T. BOOS, who purchased the POPE farm and came here with the hope that a change of climate might prove beneficial to the health of his wife, who was then afflicted with pulmonary trouble, but alas, the cold hand of death cannot be evaded. A little babe that never breathed the breath of life will be buried in its mother’s arms. The funeral takes place this afternoon from the M.E. church, conducted by Rev. BASCOM. Her death will be mourned by a husband and a large family of children, who have the sympathy of the people of the entire community.

- Meacham Musings: Tom MANYNER smiles all over his face. Says it’s a boy this time.

- Meacham Musings: A Mr. MARTIN, living on the Esq. WHITE’s farm, buried two children last week.

- Meacham Musings: The members and friends of Prairie Grove Sunday School, gave their Supt., Mr. D.C. BEAVER a grand surprise, Dec. 11. The school was organized the first Sunday after Mr. BEAVER moved to the country. He has been very earnest and faithful, not having missed a single Sabbath since the school was organized; therefore the friends determined to show their appreciation of his labors by assembling at his residence to the number of about seventy, bringing with them wheat, corn, oats, fruit, vegetables, flour, etc., worth near twenty dollars. J.W. McCLURE, Esq. made a nice little presentation speech, to which Mr. BEAVER responded in a few appropriate remarks, thanking them for their private remarks, thanking them for their visit and the many nice and valuable presents they had brought. After partaking of a very nice lunch prepared by the ladies, and spending a very pleasant evening, the company dispersed, all happy and in a good humor, carrying with them the thanks and best wishes of Mr. BEAVER and family.


Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.

Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (February 2003) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below.    Permission to copy,  is requested.


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