Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"

Friday, July 17 1891, Volume 8 Number 29

The Kinmundy Express; Dick Lawson, Editor

Rates of Subscription - $1.00 per year

Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley

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The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois.


A Concise Condensation of Timely Town Topics, and Items of Information Deemed of Interest to Kinmundy People, Interspersed with What Enterprising Citizens have to Say at Five cents a Line, which are in many caused the more Valuable Reading.

- * Organ for rent at one dollar per month. W.C. SQUIER

- The Marion County Circuit Court meets at Salem next Monday.

- Messrs. J.W. WILSON and J.F. DONOVAN were in Salem Tuesday.

- The Southern Illinois soldiers reunion will be held at Murphysboro.

- Both our fruit evaporators are running full time, to their utmost capacity.

- Have you read the Directions wrapped around Sugar Coated Yeast?

- * Persons who have engaged to work for the Steam Heat Evaporator will please report for duty.

- Mr. and Mrs. W.T. BOGERT and little son, of Cincinnati, arrived in Kinmundy Wednesday morning.

- The subject at the M.E. Church next Sunday morning will be, "Baptism", and in the evening, "It is done." You are invited to both these services.

- Mrs. Kate GRUNDER and Mrs. Katie JOST, of St. Louis, sister and niece of Mrs. S.B. McCLOUD, S., of this city, have been visiting her the past two weeks.

- Messrs. HUBBARD and SEELEY, assisted by members of the Eclipse Club, presented their play, "Mixed Pickles" at Mason Wednesday and at Salem Saturday night of last week, to good houses at both places.

- Mrs. Wm. CAWREY went to Chicago last Saturday night to visit her daughter, Mrs. Linnie LOVELL, and to receive medical treatment for the afflictions with she has been a great sufferer for a long time.

- Some enterprising fellow with a team could do well with a street sprinkler. Who will undertake it? Kinmundy needs one, and our business men and women would no doubt subscribe liberally to such an enterprise.

- * Ayer's Hair Vigor has long held the first place, as a hair-dressing, in the estimation of the public. Ladies find that this preperation gives a beautiful gloss to the hair, and gentlemen use it to prevent baldness and cure humors in the scalp.

- Mr. C.B. FRENCH said his force of carpenters returned to Kinmundy Wednesday evening from northern Illinois, and on Thursday evening departed for Waterloo, Iowa, to do the wood work on a mamoth brick freight house at that place, which will require five or six weeks.

- The Baptist people have completed negotiations for and now have possession of the old Presbyterian hall, which will be repaired and "converted" into a meeting house for that denomination. Applications will be made to the August meeting of the Baptist Association for a minister to preach here and at Harmony once a month at each place. At present the church is very much divided on account of their late trouble about Rev. JONES, some crying crucify him, while others say crown him. An article from his home which was crowded out last week is given in this issue and we sincerely hope that all will soon be serene with them.

- The Express was this week shown a letter from J.H. DOOLEN, of Quanah, Texas, dated July 4th, giving an account of the burning to death of his mother, at that place on June 29, at the age of 72 years. Mrs. DOOLEN was the first white child born in Foster township, this county, and has a host of relatives and friends from this vicinity. She moved to Texas several years ago. The old lady was at home alone on the fatal day, and while making a fire to get supper the head of the match flew off into some dry prairie grass that had blown into the kitchen. From this her clothes caught, and she was so badly burned that she died three days later. The house and contents were completely destroyed.

- Come to The Express for first class job printing.

- The Centralia fair will be held the first week in September.

- * Money to Loan on improved farms. Inquire of J.F. DONOVAN.

- * Girls wanted at the Steam Heat Evaporator of MENDENHALL and BOGERTS.

- Have you read the Directions wrapped around Sugar Coated Yeast?

- Are you preparing anything for the Kinmundy fair? If not, better commence to do so.

- Mrs. Chas. RYAN went to Muskegon, Mich., the first of the week on an extended visit with relatives and friends.

- WALLS Bros. have just finished their first kiln of brick, about 200,000, which will be cool enough to open the first of next week.

- The fourth, and last, quarterly meeting for this year will be held in the M.E. Church on the 25th and 26th. Rev. F.M. VAN TREESE will officiate.

- A letter from W.D. CLAY, to his mother, recently, states that he is still in Tuscola, doing a thriving business, as druggist for A.A. WASHBURN.

- The Steam Heat Evaporator of MENDENHALL and BOGERTS has put in a new pair of wagon scales from Jones of Blughampton, who pays the freight.

- * As there is no royal road to learning, so there is no magical cure for disease. The effect, however, of taking Ayer's Sarsaparila for blood disorders comes as near magic as can be expected of any mere human agency. This is due to its purity and strength.

- Mr. Martin NELSON thrashed last week, and from ten acres garnered 320 bushels of fine wheat - 32 bushels to the acre. Six years ago the same ground turned off 10 bushels of oats to the acre, since which time he has ben in clover and pasture, reaching a fertility sufficient to produce the largest yield yet reported.

- At the meeting of the Southern Illinois Immigration and Improvement Society at Anna, last week, Mr. J.F. DONOVAN, of Kinmundy, was elected president of the same. Mr. DONOVAN has the time, talent and inclinations for such work, is a boomer from away back and under his direction the association ought to reach the standard of usefulness for which it was designated.

- There will be a competitive examination at McCleansboro, Ill., on Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1891, at 9 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the appointment as cadet to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Competition open to all young men in this the nineteenth congressional district between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two.

- The Marion County Teachers Institute met in Salem on Monday last for a session of one week, with the following corps of instructors: Profs. INGLASS, of Carbondale and GROVES, of Kankakee, and Mrs. M.A. BURDICK, of Centralia. The attendance was unusually large, 121 teachers being enrolled Tuesday evening. Those present from Kinmundy were: Mrs. M.J. and Florence BOONE, Misses Mary and Sarah SHEPHERD, Flora HOWELL, Anna CHALFANT, Susie DAVIS, Kate GROVE, Rose LOVELL, Anna DILLON, Jessie JACK and Mr. J.W. SMITH.

- Eugene Stoker LAWSON - Richard F. and Jennie S. LAWSON - Sunday, July 12, 1891: Handsomely embossed cards bearing the above legend were sent to absent relatives and friends last Sunday evening to tell the story of the arrival of a ten pound boy at the Express domicile at 10:30 that morning. The little fellow displayed such marked ability from the first that he was immediately named in honor of our worthy representative to the legislature from Centralia which title we hope the young postmaster and printer may live long to hear with dignity becoming the original Eugene STOKER. The many jests that have been thrust at us about extra editions and supplements to the Express are protested against as wrong. The truth is this is the most valuable piece of "male" matter coming to the office during our administration, and bears the special delivery stamp of Dr. FORSHEE.

- LEMEN Bros. show, which gave two performances in Kinmundy yesterday, while presenting some excellent features, was on the whole a fraud and a fake. Aside from a veay fair elephant, their collection of animals was about the poorest excuse for a menagerie ever palmed off on the people in these parts. The price of admission is omitted from the bills, but it cost a half dollar to get in. The usual horde of gamblers accompany the circus, and seem to be on good terms with the management, and were not lacking for victims, even in the small crowd assembled to see the show.

- Little Ruby, daughter of Noah J. and Lily ROBNETT, died Wednesday, July 15, 1891, after an illness of eight days, aged, one year, nine months, and twenty-seven days, and was buried Thursday afternoon, the funeral taking place from the family residence just north of Kinmundy, conducted by Rev. J.M. WICKOFF, and attended by a large assemblage of sorrowing relatives and sympathetic friends. Little Ruby was the only child, idolized by her fond parents, who are almost prostrate by the untimely death of their little innocent. But their sorrow should be appeased by the assurance that "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

- Card of Thanks: We desire through the Express to return our sincere thanks to the many friends for their deeds of kindness and words of sympathy during the sickness and at the death and burial of our darling little daughter; also to the contributors of the beautiful floral offerings at the funeral. May our Heavenly Father shower blessings upon you all in proportion to your great kindness to us. Respectfully, N.J. and L. ROBNETT.

- Several weeks ago, Rev. J. JONES, engaged to preach at Harmony and at Presbyterian Hall in this city, was reported to have came to Kinmundy in a state of intoxication to fill his appointment. Hearing of the charge, Rev. JONES at once resigned and returned to his home in Pocahantas. The acqusation was stoutly denied by his friends who have since been investigating his character and standing at home. The Reverend gentleman claimed to have been sick and suffering from an overdose of Opium at the time he was thought to have been drinking and in refution of the charge the following note from his family physician, is published by request of his friends in this city and vicinity.

Pocahantas, Ill., June 24, 1891: To whom it may concern. This is to certify that I have been intimately acquainted with Rev. J. JONES for the past ten or twelve years and I have never heard of any act, word or deed of any kind that was unbecoming as a gentleman or as a preacher of the gospel, and I would be very sorry to hear of such. Respectfully, J.H. GORDON.

- WILSON & DAVIS. The Popular Leaders of Popular Prices Whose Goods & Prices Speak for Themselves. Come and See Us.

- MCBRYDE'S GRAND Saturday Bargain Day! - Gives the People a Chance For The Best Bargains Afloat! - Be on Hand for Bargains!

Another List of Sugar Plums for the Ladies. And many more that you will have to see on our counters to appreciate. It will pay to read the list and come to see what we are doing.
Children's Ribbed Balbriggan Vests worth 15 cents, Saturday price 10 cents; Ladies' Ribbed Balbriggan Vests worth 25 cents, Saturday price 10 cents; Ladies Ribbed Balbriggan Vests Saturday at 7 cents; 10 Yards of Good Style Print on Saturday at 20 cents; One Lot of Fancy Fans on Saturday at 3 cents each; 26-inch Gloria Silk Umbrellas with Oxidized handles Saturday price $1.25; 7 cent Unbleached Muslin nice and fine, on Saturday 5 cents a yard; 10 cent Fine Bleached Muslin on Saturday price 8 1/3 cents per yard; 7 cent Quality blue and White Check Shirting on Saturday 5 cents a year; Black Lawn at bare cost. Come and get you a new dress, Cashmeres, Henriettas and Worsted Dress Goods we will shovel them out very cheap on Saturday. Men's Flannelette and Unlaundred White Shirts at 50 cts., the best in town; Lace Curtains full 3' yards long, extra width, taped all around, Saturday price 85 cents; Black Satine Overshirts worth $1.25 Saturday at $1.00; 1 Lot Gent's Balbriggan Undershirts Saturday 35 cts worth 50 cts. $2.00 Ladies' Dongola Kid Patent Tip Button Shoe, Shovel em out on Saturday at $1.50; $1.50 Misses' Dongola Kid Patent Tip Button Shoe, Shovel em out on Saturday at $1.25; $1.25 Ladies' Dongola Kid Patent Tip Oxford Tyes, Shovel em out on Saturday at $1.00 a pair.  Don't forget where to come to get your hose at 8 1/3 cents worth 10 cts. Rush and get one of our Stylish Shopping Bags at 10, 11, and 12 cts. Sizes are broken and lots are small this time of the year and goods being so ridiculously cheap, we want you to understand that prices advertised go as long as goods last and as we generally get a great rush on such occasions, a great many lots may be sold. So don't wait too long but come at once.
J.B. McBRYDE, Kinmundy, Ill. - The Establishment that sells goods, Reliable Goods lower than all Competitors.

- Alma Items "crowded out last week":

- Mrs. Bovard has been quite sick.
- Dr. and Mrs. LASATER entertained friends Tuesday.
- Mrs. P.D. APPLEMAN has returned from a visit to Champaign.
- Misses Ruby and Belle SEE visited relatives in Ashley recently.
- Miss Birdie HARLAN visited W. S. ROSS and family a few days last week.
- Mrs. J.V. TAYLOR, of Armondale, Kansas, is visiting Mrs. Geo. TAYLOR
- Alma was well represented at both Kinmundy and Centralia celebration day.
- Mr. Le CRONE, St. Louis Globe Democrat agent, visited relatives here Tuesday.
- W. T. WILSON and wife of Chicago are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. WILSON.
- Miss Nora PURCELL, of Kinmundy, visited Miss Bertha PURCELL several days this week.
- C.C. SPENCER, of Ann Arbor, Mich. is visiting his best girl here and relatives in this county.
- Mrs. Nellie WHITE recently entertained Mrs. Lou ALLMON of St. Louis and Mrs. Jesimine SPEARS of Effingham.

- The Alma post office is now a newly designated money order office. It will be a great accommodation to the people.

- At GREEN's Drug Store - You will find PAINTS OF ALL KINDS, consisting of the best white lead at the lowest Market Prices. The Purest Ready Mixed House Paints Of All Colors - $1.25 to $1.75 per Gallon. A Good Ready Mixed Paint at 90 cents to $1.10 per gallon, for painting Barnes, Fences, Farm Implements, etc. Also Family Paints in ½ and 1 pint cans, 15 to 20 cents, for use on Cubboards, Chairs, Boxes, etc. Paints & Brushes of every Description. A Full Line of Artist's Materials constantly in stock, consisting of Tube Paints, Water Colors, Artist's Sable, Camel Hair and Bristle Brushes, Canvass and Stretchers, Plaques, Academy Board, Studies, etc., etc.

- The KINMUNDY FRUIT PACKAGE FACTORY. Will supply you with all kinds of crates, boxes and baskets necessary for shipping fruit and vegetables. Also Climax Melon Baskets. E.G. MENDENHALL, Prop. Also Prop. of Park Nursery.

- E.G. MENDENHALL, Pres., T.O. BOGERT, Supt., A.C. BOGERT, Secretary.  The STEAM HEAT EVAPORATING COMPANY. Kinmundy, Illinois.
Increased Their Capacity to 600 Bushels of Apples a Day for the Season of 1891.
Patronize those who had the nerve to start the enterprise for saving your heretofore worthless apples. We propose to meet competition in surrounding towns and as we have two Evaporating Companies here, the old saying will hold good, so bring your apples where there is competition and then don't fail to come to the Steam Heat Evaporator.

- Keep Cool. Don't get excited this hot weather over the promises of Great Bargains at other places, but remember that though DEIWERT'S Dry Goods & Grocery Store may not make as much noise as it neighbors it keeps on "fishing" to give you low prices straight through, while the other fellows "cat bait" on a few lines in order to catch the unsuspecting seeker of something for nothing, and Will Save You Money on almost everything you need in our line.
The merchants of Kinmundy justly have the reputation of selling better goods for less money than those of surrounding towns, and we propose to help maintain the same; so come here to do your trading and then be sure to make no purchases in General Merchandise until you have seen the Nice, New, Clean Stock and learned the Low Prices that prevail at the store of
Yours very truly, MYRON DEIWERT.

- Our Bargains! Are in the Goods on the Shelves and Counter. Our Competitor's Bargains!
Are on paper. If you will come in, we will show you how they can sell prints at 2 cents and lose no money. We will also prove to you that, At Our Store! Is the Place where Real Bargains Are Found Every Day!
A few prices will convince you: Black Embroidery Suits worth $3.50, now 2.50; Suits worth 4.50, now 3.50; 15 cent Black Organdies now 10 cents; Ladies' Black Silk Mitts worth 25 cts, now 18; Ladies' Silk Mitts worth 50 cts, now 40; Ladies' 26 inch Silk Umbrellas worth $2.00, now $1.50, these are samples of reduced prices at the Bee-Hive-Store. Costs don't figure anything in our clearing sales, our present stock must give place for new goods. Trimmed Hats at one-half their real value. Come and be convinced that we sell Shoes cheaper than anybody, quality considered. Respectfully, M.A. SONGER.


Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.

Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (February 2003) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below.    Permission to copy,  is requested.


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