Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"


"The Kinmundy Express"; Kinmundy, Illinois; F.O. GRISSOM, Editor and Publisher

Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley

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Please note!!! The articles on this web site for the years 1904 thru mid 1914 are not currently available on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois.  News reports were copied in their complete form from the original newspaper copies. 

Jan. 4, 1906:

- H.G. PHILLIPS: Henry Gillard PHILLIPS was born in Christian County, near Taylorville, Illinois, Sept. 29, 1870. He was married to Miss Ellen Lee _______ and to this union eight children were born, two having died in infancy. About six years ago, he professed faith in Christ and united with the Christian church. He departed this life Dec. 30, aged 35 years, 3 months. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife and six children, a father and five brothers. After religious services at his late residence Sunday afternoon consisting of some very beautiful songs a Scripture lesson, prayer and a few remarks by Rev. John BALLANCE, the body was laid to rest in the city cemetery.

- Discovered Escaping Gas. A Peculiar Discovery Made in the Public Highway seven miles west of Kinmundy. People Greatly Excited. Yesterday George H. CONANT, a prosperous farmer residing west of this city, was driving along the public highway seven miles west of this city and he heard a roaring and rumbling noise and for sometime he was unable to determine what it was, but upon investigation, he found places in the road where the water was bubbling and boiling as if it was in a kettle with hot fire under it. Mr. CONANT observed his discovery for a few minutes and then went to a nearby farm house and told what he had found and in company with some other parties. They returned and dug a hole in the ground about two feet deep and the roaring sound got louder and could be heard several hundred yards. Today the situation remains the same and it is the opinion of many that a short distance under the surface gas and oil will be discovered in immense quantities. This place is a mile south and a half mile west of the gas well on Henry HOLT’s farm that was discovered a few months ago.

- Mrs. E.J. TURNER and Mrs. F.M. COLLINS of Etbon, Kan., are here visiting their sister, Mrs. J.W. BARROW.

- Henry D. COLEMAN and wife left Tuesday morning for their home in Pittsburg, Pa., after a week’s visit in this city with his mother, Mrs. Henry COX.

- Mrs. Frank HUMPHREY went to Edgewood Monday morning to attend the funeral of her mother.

Jan. 11, 1906:

- GRAY-MUCK: On Tuesday, Jan. 8th, at the residence of and by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE, Mr. Robert GRAY, and Miss Louisa MUCK, both of Tonti, were united in marriage. They arrived in Kinmundy on the morning train, procured a rig at SMITH’s livery and were accompanied by Mrs. Stella BALLANCE. After the ceremony a repast prepared by Mesdames Emma and Stella BALLANCE, was enjoyed and the afternoon spent socially, when they returned to Kinmundy and took the train for Tonti. The bride is the eldest daughter of Jacob MUCK, of Tonti, formerly of Lebanon, Ill. The groom has been employed at the Borden farm for a number of years. These two young people have a large circle of friends who wish them unbounded happiness.

- Lester News: Rev. LAWRENCE spent last Sunday with Willie GARRETT and family.

- Lester News: Robert QUAYLE, the Lester school teacher, reports a good attendance of scholars, all doing well in their studies. Mr. QUAYLE is the best teacher we have had at Lester and is well liked by all the scholars and the community.

- Lester News: A box supper was held at Arnold Chapel Saturday night under the auspices of Alf DUKES and Miss Edith ARNOLD. Will JONES was the auctioneer. A good crowd was present considering the bad roads and all present spent a very pleasant evening.

- Lester News (written for last week): Mr. and Mrs. Claude DOOLEN have returned from their wedding trip to Chicago, and Claude has resumed his duties on the mail route. Their many friends extend congratulations.

- Lester News (written for last week): Miss Pearl EAGAN, one of Chicago’s most industrious young ladies has been spending the holidays here with her sister, Mrs. Hen JONES and family and visiting among her friends. She has worked her way up to a responsible position with Geo. B. PETTY & Son, of Chicago.

- Lester News (written for last week): Dan ARNOLD has returned from Oklahoma where he has brought 160 acres of good land for $15 per acre, three miles from a good sized town.

- Lester News (written for last week): C.C. ARNOLD, late of Lester, has a good position with Hibber, Spencer, Barlet & Co. largest hardware house in the world in Chicago.

- Lester News (written for last week): Reports from L. Frank LOWE and wife, of Georgetown, Washington, says their baby boy is doing fine. Frank is an industrious upright young man and their many friends extend congratulations and wish them success in far away Wash. where they have gone to make their home.

- Lester News (written for last week): A New Years letter from Ivy GARRETT, formerly of Lester, but now Postal Clerk in the Chicago Postoffice, states that he and his mother are well.

- Lester News (written for last week): George B. BRATCHER, of Waynesville, spent the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. John BRATCHER, and among his many friends here, who were all pleased to see him again.

- Lester News (written for last week): George B. BRATCHER entertained Selby GARRETT, Monroe LANSFORD, Artie CHICK, Henry ABENDROTH, Frank V. ARNOLD, and Edd ABENDROTH of St. Peter last Sunday evening with music.

- Lester News (written for last week): John Mass ARNOLD has returned south after an extended visit here with relatives and friends.

- Lester News (written for last week): Grant ARNOLD and wife gave a New Years dance to their many young friends Monday night, which was enjoyed very much by all present, who were Misses Buelah and Edith ARNOLD, Bertha and Mable DOOLEN, May MEADOWS, Leona and Ilma DAVIDSON, Jessie and Jennie RUSE, and Oley GREEN, Frank QUAYLE, Frank V. ARNOLD, Ely ROBB, Selby and Berthal GARRETT, Sam ARNOLD, George and Jimmie SHAW, Fred and Floyd LITTLE, Chester and Orville DOOLEN, Fred LAWRENCE, Bob DAVIDSON, Ben MARTIN, Geo. HATHAWAY, Frank ROUSE, and Mr. and Mrs. TUCKER.

- In this issue we announce the name of Geo. B. SIMCOX as a candidate for Sheriff of Marion county subject to the democratic primary election to be held Saturday, April 28th, 1906. Mr. SIMCOX was born in Kentucky, June 9, 1864 and with his father’s family in 1866 moved to this county and settled near where the Foster townhouse now stands, shortly afterwards removing to Patoka where they have ever since resided. At an early age George entered the service of the I.C.R.R. company and for several years served as trainman and telegrapher and afterwards was connected with some Western roads. Ten years ago he returned to Patoka and engaged in the mercantile business, but in a few months after this venture, he was put out of business by a disastrous fire. He served for four years as supervisor of Patoka township, and in 1902, was made chairman of the county democratic central committee and these offices he filled with honor to himself and the people. In the fall of 1902, he was appointed Deputy Sheriff, which place he has since filled and his excellent services there makes him well qualified entitled to the position he now seeks and his party will make no mistake in placing him in this important office.

Jan. 18, 1906:

- A Happy Surprise: The home of F.W. KILLIE and wife was the scene of much merriment Tuesday evening. It being the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. KILLIE, the "Thimble Club" with their husbands planned to surprise them and, with their usual silence (?) appeared at their home at 7:30. The evening was spent playing Flinch, Pitt Flags, etc.; the company regaling themselves, meanwhile, upon fruits supplied by their hospitable host. The company dispursed wishing them many such anniversaries, leaving them a small token of their visit and felling that another delightful evening had been added to the many enjoyed by this Club since its organization. - Rev. FANNON Returned: At a recent meeting of the official board of the Christian Church, Rev. F.O. FANNON was unanimously elected to the pastorate for the year 1906 at an advance in salary of $104. From the throngs that have gathered to hear Rev. FANNON recently it would indicate that the board made no mistake. (*)

- Lester News: Rev. FYKE preached an excellent sermon at Arnold Chapel Sunday. There will be services next Sunday at 11 a.m.

- Lester News: Will JONES and Monroe LANSFORD had good luck hunting Saturday night.

- Lester News: Lafe BASSETT and wife, Tom JONES, Jimmie and George SHAW, and Frank V. ARNOLD visited with Avill JONES and wife Sunday.

- Lester News: Miss Cliffie LANSFORD visited Miss Bessie JONES Sunday.

- Lester News: Selby GARRETT visited Monroe LANSFORD Sunday.

- Lester News: Mr. and Mrs. Ras ARNOLD visited Dan ARNOLD and wife last week.

- Lester News: Jimmie G. ARNOLD is J.T. ARNOLD’s son, his brother-in-law and his fourth cousin. Question - what relation is Darrell Wesley to his grandfather?

- Mrs. Elsie WEESE, widow of the late Geo. WEESE, and J.F. KELLOGG, both of St. Louis, were married Monday, the 15th. The bride is quite well known here and her many friends extend congratulations.

- Ike PRUDEN and wife and daughter, Mrs. Harry T. WEST, were in Odin and Iuka yesterday attending the funeral of Mrs. PRUDEN’s father Wm. BRADLEY, who died at his home near Odin Monday night, aged 85 years.

Jan. 25, 1906:

- A Double Wedding: On last Thursday evening Frank REESE and Miss Martha CONANT and Ira D. CONANT and Miss Hattie B. HARVEY, all of this vicinity, went to Salem and were united in marriage at the parsonage of the M.E. church by the Rev. J.G. TUCKER. These young people are well known by Kinmundy people and all wish them a happy voyage through life.

- Left For Louisiana: Tuesday evening ex-mayor Leander C. MATTHEWS departed for Monroe, La., where he will engage in the lumber and timber business. Mr. MATTHEWS has been engaged in business in this city for a number of years and during that time he has worked untiringly for the interests and upbuilding of Kinmundy. He has made hosts of warm friends in this city and surrounding country and all regret to have him engage in business elsewhere. He will not remove his family from this city and expects to return home every few weeks.

- A Farmer Arrested: Henry LAMKIN, a farmer residing six miles east of this city, was arrested Sunday afternoon and brought to this city and landed in jail, where he remained till Monday when he was released on a hundred dollar bond for his appearance next Saturday. The states warrant was sworn out by Constable A.G. PORTER, who charges LAMKIN with taking one bird dog belonging to PORTER. It seems from what we can learn, that the accused took the dog and give it to his son at Flora, who disposed of it. The member of the canine family is quite valuable and is prized very highly by Mr. PORTER, he having refused $35 for it. While the result of the case can not be determined at this time, it is rumored that it may possibly be compromised upon the return of the dog. LAMKIN will be remembered by many, as he is the one that sold the quails here last fall, and turned state’s evidence against the purchasers.

- Lester News: Jones J. ARNOLD has counted up 21 buyers for his home place with some good offers. He is thinking of selling and going to Oklahoma.

- Lester News: Sam ARNOLD and Miss Isabel NICHOLS were married Wednesday at Vandalia. The bride is a beautiful and charming young lady and worthy of the hand she obtained in marriage. The groom is one of our most industrious and ambitious young farmers and is well respected by all who know him. Their many friends extend congratulations. We welcome Mrs. ARNOLD into the ARNOLD family.

- Lester News: Theodore GARRETT was in Vernon last week on business.

- Lester News: Monroe ARNOLD has been visiting in this vicinity with relatives.

- Lester News: Sam ARNOLD was good to the boys at his chivari as he coughed up a 5 spot for them to have a good time on. It was not his fault that the Lester boys did not get their money’s worth.

- 66th Birthday: Mrs. James COCKRELL entertained about 30 friends on Friday, Jan. 19 in honor of her husband’s 66th birthday anniversary. The occasion was a complete surprise to him as he supposed the preparations being made were for the daughter to entertain company. Mr. COCKRELL enjoyed the day very much. It was thought by all present that he could make a speech anywhere, from the home literary to the halls of Congress, and they were astonished when he, being presented with a beautiful rocking chair, broke down. But he soon rallied and expressed his appreciation for the gift and the good will of his friends and neighbors. After spending a very pleasant day in social conversation and music, both vocal and instrumental, the company departed wishing Mr. COCKRELL many more such happy anniversaries.

- W. Smith CONANT is the happiest man in Kinmundy township this stormy weather. Since he has installed the new heating plant in his residence, he only comes to town once a week. He says the new heating plant is working fine and the whole family is in a good humor as the question of building fires has been laid on the shelf. Mr. CONANT has otherwise improved the interior of his residence and now he has everything more convenient.

- A fine boy arrived at the home of Wilbur SMITH and wife Sunday morning.

- Farina Express: John FORD was up from Alma a few days ago on business and pleasure.

- Farina Express: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. COOLEY are the possessors of a fine large girl born Monday.

Feb. 1, 1906:

- Obituary: Mary Jane BARROW was born in Kingston, Mo., Nov. 1, 1886, and father died when she was only two years of age. She came with her mother to Illinois where she grew to womanhood. She was educated in the Kinmundy public school; was united in marriage to W.T. JONES of St. Louis in 1898; to this union two sons were born. She professed a religious faith and was a member of the Baptist Church. She died Monday, Jan. 15, 1906 at 9 o’clock in St. Louis, and the body brought here for burial. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE and the body laid to rest in the Eastland Cemetery. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, 2 sons, mother, 4 brothers, and a host of relatives and friends.

- A Former Kinmundyan Dead: Harlan CROSSETT, who for many years resided one miles south of this city, died at his home at Covert, Mich. Saturday, Jan. 27th, aged 68 years. He has been failing in health for several years, and for many months has been almost helpless, having suffered from paralysis. Mr. C. was well and favorably known in Marion county. He was a man exceptionally well informed on subjects of general interest. He was strongly identified with matters of local importance, and zealous in the accomplishment of what he believed public interests demanded, a man of strong personalities and forceful character as strong in his expressions of appreciation of sincerity and true manhood as in denouncing trickery and chicanary. He could be depended upon to follow his convictions of right regardless of consequences. He is a brother of Lloyd CROSSETT near this city and is survived by a wife and two sons.

- Basket Factory Sold: Some weeks ago, F.A. PRUETT & Son sold their interest in the PRUETT SNELLING Package Co., in this city, to John MOTCH, and on last Friday on deal was closed between Mr. SNELLING and Mr. MOTCH in which the latter became sole owner of the plant. Mr. MOTCH informs us that he expects to add a new boiler and some other new machinery and then he will push the business for all there is in it. In the near future he expects to put in some machinery for making other kinds of packages and then he will be enabled to run the factory almost the entire year. He has procured the services of Mr. SNELLING for this season and he thoroughly understands the fruit package industry from start to finish.

- HASELDEN-DAVIS: Sunday evening, Jan. 28, 1906, at 6:30 o’clock at the home of Rev. G.W. SCAWTHON, Mr. D.R. HASELDEN and Miss Junia DAVIS were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Mr. SCAWTHON. The bride has made her home with her aunt, Mrs. A. MILLICAN, in this city, since childhood. For several years she has been employed in Miss M.A. SONGER’s dry goods store. The community recognizes the many estimable qualities of the young lady and she is universally loved and respected. Mr. HASELDEN, the groom, is known by the community as he has held the position as clerk in the C.B. ROHRBOUGH clothing and shoe store for the past year. The couple has the best wishes of a host of friends and their desire is that their lives may be flooded with happiness.

- H. LAMKIN Released: The trial of the State vs. Henry LAMKIN in Squire ROTAN’s court last Saturday attracted a great deal of attention and the court room was crowded throughout the proceedings. The state was represented by Attorney HUGGINS and the defense by Attorney DONOVAN. LAMKIN was charged with taking a bird dog belonging to A.G. PORTER, but the complaining witness could not produce enough evidence against the defendant to demand a conviction and he was released. The trial occupied the whole afternoon and the arguments of the attorneys were heard after supper.

- A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.L. EIKENBERRY and wife Sunday evening.

- Wm. CLOW and family and Wesley CLOW and family and Chas. CLOW and wife went to Alma this morning to attend the funeral of Earl CLOW who died Tuesday night after a two weeks illness. He died at the home of Robt. MALONE and the funeral services as held at the residence this morning at ten o’clock and interment made in the Martin Cemetery.

- Farina Express: Mr. SATTERLEE celebrated his 79th birthday Tuesday by giving a family dinner.

- Farina Express: C.R. DAVIS spent a couple days with his daughters recently and celebrated his 61st birthday.

Feb. 8, 1906:

- RAMEY-BRAUNICK: Last Monday morning at 9:30, a quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. Dora BRENNER, the contracting parties being Mr. Harry M. RAMEY of Little Rock, Ark., and Miss Bessie A. BRAUNICK, of the same city, Rev. N.D. SWEENEY, of the M.E. church, officiating. The bride is a niece of Mrs. BRENNER, and is well known in this city and has a large circle of friends, among whom she is quite popular. The groom is state manager of one of the large insurance companies and enjoys an enviable place in business circles. The happy couple departed on the ten o’clock train for New York City and other places of interests, after which they will return to Little Rick, where they will reside.

- An Early Blaze: Monday morning at 7 o’clock, the fire bell was sounded and it was reported that the Kinmundy Hotel, occupied by I.D. LEAR, was on fire. The citizens responded to the call and it was but a short time till the flames were extinguished. The fire originated from a defective flue in the room occupied by Dug FREEMAN and he is the one that discovered the fire. The fire department had the engine out in a very short time after the alarm was given, but ice soon froze in the nozzle of the hose and the bucket brigade had to do most of the work. The loss to the building and contents is estimated at about $75 and it is very fortunate that it is not more.

- Obituary: Early F. CLOW was born in Kinmundy, Illinois on Feb. 18, 1880 and died Jan. 31, 1906, aged 25 years, 11 months and 19 days. He was the youngest son of W.M. CLOW and wife of this city. He was married to Miss Nora MALONE of Alma, on Dec. 9, 1901; to this union three children were born. He was sick but a short time and his death was a sad shock to his family. Early was taught from infancy to be devotional and his life is an open book to the public. He will be missed so much by the lone one at home and by his many friends. He told his mother that he was ready and willing to go. The pallbearers consisted of his six brothers, T.H. CLOW of Joliet; J.R. CLOW of Alma; J.G. CLOW of Centralia; B.W. CLOW of Rock Island, C.S. and W.M. CLOW of Kinmundy. The funeral services were conducted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MALONE on Feb. 1 at 11 a.m. by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE after which his remains were laid to rest in the Martin Cemetery 2½ miles west of Alma. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife, three children, father, mother, six brothers, three sisters.

- Farina Express: Mrs. ZINN’s 53rd birthday was celebrated last Friday by some relatives and friends.

- Farina Express: The Farina Cannery was organized Monday by the election of the following directors: T. ZINN, Carl SCHWABE, M.L. SABIN, A. WHITFORD, and C.W. MAXON.

- Advertisement: WILLIAMS & LACEY, Restaurant and Confectionery. Meals, Lunches, and Sandwiches, Hot or Cold. Fancy Creams, Made to Order. Paper Napkins, Nuts, Fruits and Candies. Fresh Pies every day. Pop Corn, Cracker Jack, Salted and Roasted, Peanuts, Cream and Brick Cheese, Etc. Call and see us. Kinmundy Restaurant.

Feb. 15, 1906:

- CHANCE-LOGAN: At the Southern Methodist church in this city on Monday Feb. 12th, 1906, Mr. Bert D. CHANCE of near Tonti, and Miss Ethel LOGAN of Patoka Prairie, were united in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. LOGAN and is well and favorably known in Patoka township and is a model young lady and by reason of her sweet disposition is much admired by her many friends, both young and old. Mr. CHANCE is one of Marion county’s enterprising young farmers and for his many good qualities is held in high esteem by all who know him. Their host of friends join in wishing them much happiness in their voyage over life’s sea.

- Lester News: Miss Cliffie LANSFORD spent Sunday with Miss Nellie JONES.

- Lester News: The many friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Noll JONES of Mt. Vernon, sympathize with them in the loss of their little son, Everett.

- Lester News: School closed here last Friday with a pleasant afternoon and an eloquent address by the teacher, Robt. QUAYLE, and a good treat for all. Mr. QUAYLE has been a faithful efficient teacher and we are sorry to lose him. The visitors were Theodore and Frank V. ARNOLD and Misses Elsie LOWE, Delsie STEELE and Nora HOLT.

- Lester News: For the benefit of those who have moved far away from Lester and others not familiar with its growth, we will state that we can now boast of a church, school house, department store, two rural routes, two hay presses, a squire, one soldier boy, one newspaper correspondent, two telephone bobblers, one traveling soap man, one physician, and many hunters headed by the Big Chief in our vicinity.

- Lester News (written for last week): Elmer ARNOLD and wife and Orie ARNOLD, wife and little daughter, Florence, spent last Thursday with Geams ARNOLD and wife.

- Lester News (written for last week): Dan ARNOLD and family have moved to Oklahoma. We wish them success in their new home.

- James C. COLE Dead: Hopeful and brave unto the last, Judge James C. COLE, a member of the local bar association, died at 6 o’clock on Saturday evening of Bright’s disease of the kidneys. Attended by a few friends the end came quietly and the physicians, realizing that death was only a matter of days, had telegraphed for his wife in Denver. Her arrival is expected this evening. His only son, Waldo C. COLE, a student in the Berkeley University, California, is also expected. The disposal of the remains will be decided upon on their arrival. Judge COLE was born in Illinois 48 years ago. As a young man he settled in Southwest City, Missouri where he resided and practiced law for a number of years. In 1895 he moved to Cripple Creek and was elected assistant prosecuting attorney in Colorado’s new mining camp. This office he filled satisfactorily and with the beginning of the strike times in 1904. He then moved to Denver where he resided until the Goldfield excitement begun. He arrived here about a year ago and during his stay has made many friends. His kindly ways and natural good fellowship with all whom he came in contact, combined with an inborn integrity and honesty of purpose, caused all who knew him to grieve the loss. He was a member of the local order of Odd Fellows and also belonged to the Woodman of the World, Camp 157 Cripple Creek. A committee of the bar association has been appointed to draw a set of resolutions regretting his death and his many lodge friends will meet at his bier. Besides his legal practice during his residence in Goldfield he also became interested in several mining properties. As president of the Red Mountain Gold Mining company he was very active in arranging and promulgating the driving of a long tunnel on the company’s property near Diamondfield. (Goldfield, Nev. Sun). Mr. COLE is well known here, having formerly resided west of this city, and is a brother-in-law of David HEADLEY.

- Chas. W. WITWER has sold his interest in the grain, hay and implement business of WITWER & BALLANCE to W.S. CONANT and Chas. will now devote his entire time to the real estate business. Mr. CONANT has put his son George in charge of his interests and the new firm name will be BALLANCE & CONANT, and they will continue the business at the old stand.

Feb. 22, 1906:

- To Be Voted On: The proposition to establish a Township High School in Kinmundy township will be submitted to the voters at the spring election. It is certainly a proposition worthy of your careful consideration. Such an institution would better our educational facilities and cause more young people to take advantage of school. It would be like bringing a college within the reach of every boy and girl in Kinmundy township. Under existing circumstances only one boy or girl whose parents are rich can afford to leave home and attend college, while a township high school puts an education in the reach of the wage earner and the common citizen as well. A Township High School will bring a desirable class of citizens into the community; families of means, intelligence and refinement will be attracted by the school. Real estate throughout the Township will increase in value. Now will you not help in this great work of bringing the means of an advanced education to the door of every farmer, day laborer, mechanic, business and professional man in the township? There are more than 30 township high schools all ready established with an enrollment of over 5,000 students who are thus receiving a college education and are yet under the parental roof and not subject to the pitfalls of college life away from father and mother. Are you a friend of the many country boys and girls who are striving so earnestly to get an education? Would you like to put a college training in the reach of the honest laborer whose son or daughter has an education? Then give the Township High School proposition your support and its civilizing influence and the praises of the rising generation will be your reward.

- Thos. DAY Insane: For the past several weeks, Thomas DAY, a prominent citizen of Alma, has been mentally deranged and it had been arranged to take him to the hospital at Anna Tuesday morning for treatment. Monday night he was being guarded by four men, but in some way the demented man made his escape from the house. A search was commenced at once and continued all day Tuesday, but no trace of him could be found. About one o’clock Wednesday morning Mr. DAY returned to his home in a very critical condition physically. He had been out in the heavy rain and was chilled almost to death. He has now been taken to Anna for treatment. Mr. DAY is highly esteemed by all who know him and it is hoped by all that he will soon recover and return to his home.

- Omega Weddings: Mr. George LONNON and Miss Bessie SCHOOLEY, both of Omega, were untied in marriage at the home of the bride last evening.

- On Sunday evening, February 11, at 7 o’clock, occurred the wedding of Mr. John BAKER and Miss Amy SOUTHWARD, at the home of the bride’s brother, A.A. SOUTHWARD, Rev. J.W. SIMERS performing the ceremony. After the ceremony an elegant supper was served to the many guests.

- Wedding Announced: Mr. John RETHORN and Miss Mary RUBIN, both residing northwest of this city, have announced their marriage to take place in the German church at St. Paul next Sunday. They expect to reside on the farm of J.L. DAVIS, one mile and a half north of this city.

- Mrs. Lenore PURCELL: Lenore GUNN was born at Richview, Ill., Sept. 7, 1850. She was the second daughter of John C. and Caroline GUNN. The family was composed of five girls and three boys. Two of her brothers have died leaving but one brother, Dan, who is in St. Louis sick and thus unable to attend the funeral. This death is the first break in the circle of five sisters, three of whom Mrs. M. MAXON of St. Louis; Mrs. W.W. NEIL of Kinmundy; and Mrs. A.C. BARNES of Centralia were present at the funeral; one sister, Mrs. B.E. BALDWIN is in Hoquain, Wash., too far away to be able to attend. She was married to Edward H. PURSELL April 25, 1866, in Centralia, Ill. They resided in Galesburg and other points for several years, finally settling in St. Louis, where the last twenty-five years of her life were spent. To them were born six children, four daughters and two sons. One daughter and one son have preceded her in death leaving three daughters and one son: Mrs. Edwin DYER, Mrs. Scott SHELLY; Miss Fannie PURSELL, and John Dates PURSELL, all of St. Louis. Also four grandchildren, Sadie and Alice DYER, Bessie and Edwin SHELLEY. Her husband died 16 years ago and was brought here for burial as were also their son and daughters. Her death occurred Friday, Feb. 16, 1906, at the age of 56 years, 5 months and 9 days. She was a member of the Compton Heights Christian church, the pastor of which Rev. F.N. CALVIN, held services at the home of the deceased, assisted by the members of the Eastern Star, of which she was a member, on Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. The remains were brought to Kinmundy Monday night. On Tuesday burial services were held at the home of W.W. NEIL and wife. Appropriate music was rendered by a trio of ladies from the M.E. church choir composed of Misses Alta BAGOTT, Bertha STEUBER and Mattie PRUETT, Rev. N.D. SWEENY of the M.E. church, delivered the sermon from S. John 14: 1-2-3. W.W. LOWE, Thos. BAGOTT, Chas. ROHRBOUGH, J.W. WILSON, O.N. TYNER, and R.P. McBRYDE were pallbearers. Interment was made in our city cemetery and the grave completely hidden amid the most beautiful floral offerings.

- Farina Express: Mrs. P.S. PARRILL died at her home in this city Wednesday morning. The funeral will be held at the M.E. church Friday morning at 11 o’clock conducted by Rev. J.W. WESTCOTT, of Xenia, assisted by Rev. V.W. THRALL, of this city. She leaves to mourn her departure two sons, six daughters and a host of other relatives and friends.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Edith CARROLL MARTIN of Michigan, arrived here last evening to visit her parents, B.N. CARROLL and wife.

- Farina Express: J.M. WILLIAMS and wife of Kinmundy, attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. B.N. ANGLIN, Tuesday afternoon.

- Farina Express: Mrs. B.N. ANGLIN died at her home in this place Monday evening after a prolonged illness of cancer. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock.

- Farina Express (written for last week): J.T. HANBAUM and Mrs. Heneretta MYERS were married last week.

- Mrs. Peter S. PARRILL, of Farina died at 9 o’clock yesterday morning and the funeral services will be held at the M.E. church in Farina conducted by Rev. J.W. WESTCOTT and assisted by Rev. V.W. THRALL.

- In this issue we announce the name of Harper T. SWEENY of Salem as a candidate for treasurer of Marion county, subject to the will of the democratic voters. Mr. S. is a "Kinmundy boy" having resided here several years ago and he is well and favorably known by our citizens , especially the older ones. He has made a success in life and makes friends where ever he goes. As to the office he seeks, he is amply able to fill the place with credit to himself and the county and earnestly solicits your support.

- Mrs. Wm. HERSIG and little son of Nashville, Tenn., arrived in this city Tuesday morning to visit her brother, R.P. McBRYDE, and wife.

- W.H. GRAY has traded the opera house building to J.A. HUTTON for the John C. WILSON farm, three and a half miles south of this city. Mr. HUTTON and family will soon move to this city to reside.

March 1, 1906:

- A Farina Citizen: Miss Nancy JONES was born in Gentryville, Ind., July 18, 1836. While a child, she came with her parents to Illinois. In the year 1855 on the 24th day of May she was married to Mr. Peter Switzer PARRILL, and to this union 11 children were born, three of whom died in early childhood. The remaining eight survive. They are F.M. PARRILL of Glasco, Mo.; G. __ PARRILL of Washington, Ind.; Mrs. _____ SMITH and Mrs. Minnie SIPLE, of ______; Mrs. Annie RICHARDSON of Hammond, La.; Miss Elizabeth PARRILL of Vincennes, Ind.; Mrs. Jennie HOHLT and Miss Lillian PARRILL of Farina. The greater portion of her married life was spent in Iuka. In 1892 the family home was changed to Farina. The past few years marked the decline of her strength. Her last illness was of about six weeks duration. On Wednesday Feb. 21st, 1906, at 8:40 a.m. the chariot swung low and she was born to the many mansions of her Father. Her life was one unusual cheerfulness and sweetness. She leaves an honored and respected family. Her circle of friends was limited only by the number of her acquaintances. She lived a consistent Christian life from the age of 13 years. In early life she was a member of the M.E. church, but in later years united with the M.E. church South in which fellowship she remained until her departure.

- Last Saturday, a fine 8 lb. boy arrived at the home of Harry G. WHITSON and wife in St. Louis.

- Wm. HERSIG of Memphis arrived in this city Friday evening to spend a few days. He was accompanied home by his wife who had been visiting her brother, R.P. McBRYDE and wife.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Emogene FORD has gone to Enfield to visit her son, Will.

- Farina Express: Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. CROSLEY celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary


- Farina Express: Eugene FORD was in town a few days ago.

- Wm. And Leonard JONES, Mrs. FYKE and Mrs. KENNEDY, of Iuka, were in this city last Friday attending the funeral of their sister, Mrs. P.S. PARRILL.

March 8, 1908:

- Fruit Growers Elect: The annual meeting of the Kinmundy Fruit Growers & Shippers Association was held in the K. of P. hall last Friday and the following officers elected for the ensuing year: D.C. BEAVER - President; John LENHART - Vice President; G.W. SNELLING - Secretary; John MOTCH - Treasurer; J.A. BAYLIS and W.H. MEEKS - Directors. Quite a large number of the members were in attendance and the meeting was very spirited at times.

- Lester News: Mrs. Sam ARNOLD is still receiving wedding presents, one coming from J.T. MORGAN, Gillette, Wyo., and presents by mail from J.B. MORGAN in Honolulu, who is in charge of the U.S. Government Iolani T.H. College of that place.

- Lester News: Orie ARNOLD and wife, Mrs. Marie STORMENT and Mrs. Mate ADKINS visited Theodore GARRETT last Wednesday evening and were entertained with some excellent

music by Emma, Bethel and Claude GARRETT.

- Lester News: Eli ROBB and Selby GARRETT attended a dance in Patoka last week.

- Lester News: Monroe LANSFORD makes regular trips to St. Paul now.

- Lester News: Mrs. Marie STORMENT closed a successful term of school at North Fork last week. An excellent program was rendered. The following pupils had been neither absent nor tardy during the term: Ruby, Lotta, Dorothy, Willie, Frank, Bryan and Minnie DOOLEN, Laura and Esta GARRETT, Allie JONES. The visitors present were Ed DOOLEN and wife, Emmit JONES and wife, J.G. ARNOLD, wife, and baby, Orie ARNOLD, wife and baby, Theo. GARRETT and wife, Dock ADKINS and wife, Sam MORRIS and wife, Charles DOOLEN and wife, Ben and Eli DOOLEN, Eli ROBB, Frank V. ARNOLD, Selby GARRETT, Ovin and Fred HEADLEY, Misses Cordelia PIERSON, Emma GARRETT and Bessie JONES, Mrs. Willie GARRETT, Mrs. Mate ADKINS, Kate and Bett ADKINS, Mrs. Mag DOOLEN, Wes MORGAN, Mrs. F.M. ROBB, Maggie PIERSON, Fred JONES, Albert SHERWOOD, Earl BUNDY, Mrs. Henry MILLER, Gene HEADLEY, Mrs. Mable JONES, and Pid GARRETT.

- Lester News (written for last week): School closed at the Doolen school last Friday with spelling bee. The teacher Ethel JOHNSON is well liked by all. The scholars highest in their studies were Carl and Bertha DOOLEN, Harry MEADOWS, Beulah ARNOLD and Maggie STEEL. The visitors were Mr. JOHNSON, Frank V. ARNOLD, Mesdames Mable JONES, Pearl and Mag DOOLEN.

- Lester News (written for last week): Eli and Thurman ROBB made a business trip to Chicago this week. Eli had one of his fine teams shipped up there and sold for $400.

- Walter L. WEISE and wife of Winslow, Ariz., are rejoicing over the arrival of a little son at their home on Friday Feb. 23. Mrs. WEISE formerly Miss May PIERSON, will be remembered by many in this city as she spent two seasons in the millinery department of M.A. SONGER’s dry goods store.

- The body of Mrs. Louisa HATFIELD, of Centralia, arrived here last Saturday morning and was taken to the Elder cemetery in Meacham township for burial. She formerly resided in that neighborhood and was well known there. The remains were accompanied her by her son-in-law, Joseph TATE.

- Farina Express: The friends of T.P. ANDREWS and wife celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Wednesday, the 7th inst. Mr. and Mrs. ANDREWS have resided here 40 years and quite a number of people who came here about the time they did, were present at the celebration to express a continuation of old time friendship.

March 15, 1906:

- BOYD-DENISON: A quiet wedding was celebrated at the M.E. parsonage last Thursday evening the contracting parties being Mr. Charles BOYD and Miss Edith A. DENISON. The impressive ring ceremony, uniting these young hearts for life’s journey, was performed by Rev. N.D. SWEENEY at 7:30 p.m. The attendants were Mr. Claude WILKINSON and Miss Estella DENNISON, the bride’s sister. The bride is daughter of Mrs. A.A. DENNISON, residing a half mile east of Kinmundy and is highly esteemed by all her acquaintances for her superior traits of character and charming disposition. The groom is an industrious and prosperous young farmer of Meacham township, and enjoys the friendship of the best people of the community among whom he is esteemed as an honorable citizen. The Express joins their many friends in congratulations and best wishes.

- Farina Express: At the Fruit Shippers’ meeting W.H. GOODRICH was elected loader and Wes WEHE unloader.

- WILKINSON-WILKINSON: Mr. Ellis A. WILKINSON and Miss Hattie WILKINSON were united in marriage at the Southern Methodist parsonage, Tuesday evening, March 13th, 1906, Rev. S.K. HOGAN performing the ceremony. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mrs. J.H. WILKINSON and is well known in Meacham township commanding the respect and admiration of all who knew her. The groom is the son of Esq. J.E. WILKINSON, of near Miletus, and is a sturdy, industrious young man whose friend can be counted by the score among his acquaintances. Their many friends join in wishing them a long happy and prosperous life.

- Birthday Surprise: The many friends of Mrs. W. EAGAN gave her a very pleasant surprise Monday evening, March 5, the occasion being her 74th birthday. The evening was very pleasantly spent. Refreshments were served and the guests retired at a late hour wishing her many more returns of the day. Those present were: O.N. TYNER and wife, G.L. EAGAN and wife, J.W. WILSON and wife, J.F. DONOVAN and wife, John EAGAN and wife. Mesdames J.B. ELDER, L.R. DAVIS, W.W. NEIL, BANDY, Lee HAWORTH, D.C. BEAVER, C.N. NEAVILL, J.W. HAWORTH, Harriett HAWORTH, E.O. KILLIE, E.B. RAY, R.A. PRUETT, Fannie K. EAGAN, D.R. HASELDEN, M. MILLICAN, Misses Lida BEAVER, Bessie KING, Jennie DAVIS, Florence MOTCH, Goldie HOWE, Kittie NEAVILL, Ruth and Harriett HUMPHREY, Maud DAVIS and Master Kleon HAWORTH.

- A new daughter arrived at the home of Harry E. MINER and wife Sunday.

- Thomas ZIMMER of Neoga visited in this city a portion of last week with his brother, P.Q. ZIMMER.

- Raymond CRAIG, one of the popular young men of this city and Miss Mae SKINNER, residing near Kell, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the home of the bride on the third inst. They will reside on a farm near Kell so we are informed. The Express joins with their many friends in extending congratulations.

- Lester News: Frank NICHOLS and wife spent Sunday with Theo. ARNOLD and wife.

- Lester News: Miss Jennie LANSFORD is visiting in Kinmundy with Lon HAMMERS and wife.

- Lester News: J.W. ARNOLD, the republican boss of Foster township is busy electioneering this week.

- Lester News: Sam B. EAGAN, the democratic captain of this township is doing some electioneering now.

- Lester News: Dan ARNOLD writes us from Eldorado, Okla., that he is well satisfied with his new farm.

- Lester News: Mrs. C.C. SPENCER, wife of Attorney SPENCER, of Chicago, was down last week with Master Charles D. to attend the golden wedding anniversary of her parents, Richard WILSON and wife at Alma.

March 22, 1906:

- HIDDLESON-WILKINSON: Miss Alice HIDDLESON and Mr. Bert E. WILKINSON were quietly married last home of the bride’s mother in Morrison, Ill., Rev. WENZ, pastor of the M.E. church officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by a small company of relatives and friends of the couple. After the ceremony, a bountiful supper was served and the usual festivities held the attention of the guests throughout the evening. The newly wedded pair arrived in this city Wednesday evening at five o’clock and repaired to the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. WILKINSON two miles southeast of this city, where they were given a reception. Mr. WILKINSON and wife will make their future home on the Rhoer or Kline farm, four miles southeast of Kinmundy.

- Lester News: Uncle Ben DOOLEN gave a dehorning party recently, assisted by Theo. And Willie GARRETT, Ed and Charlie DOOLEN and Orie ARNOLD. 38 head of cattle were dehorned in half day.

- Art SPROUSE, formerly of Alma but now of Chester, where he has a position in the State Penitentiary, was greeting old friends in this city past Saturday.

- Mrs. Angeline MARSLAND died at the home of her son, Geo. MARSLAND at Pana, Ill., Tuesday, March 13th, at the age of 85 years. The body was taken to Dexter, Kansas, the same day for burial. Her husband died some years ago. She formerly resided in this city and was highly respected by all.

- E.G. FORD of Alma was in this city yesterday on business, and while here ordered some printed matter at this office.

- On Thursday, March 8th a company of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Hiram HERRICK and wife and gave him a very pleasant surprise in honor of his 77th birthday. A very enjoyable day was spent by all present.

- The annual commencement exercises of the Kinmundy High School will be held at Gray’s Opera House on the evening of April 11th. There are four graduates, Miss Clemmie WHITTENBERG, Harry CRAIG, Ben MORGAN and James LOWE. An excellent program is being arranged for the occasion.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Emogene FORD has returned from a visit in Enfield with her son, Will.

March 29, 1906:

- John A. CLAYTOR: John A. CLAYTOR, for many years a resident of this city, died on Monday, March 19th, at his home in Palco, Rooks County, Kansas, in his 75th year. He leaves two sons and four daughters to mourn their loss.

- Ellis WAINSCOTT and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a little son at their home yesterday.

- Presley McHATTON, a prominent farmer residing two miles north of this city, and Mrs. Margaret DALTON, residing near Iuka, were married at the home of Chas. WETTER in this city Tuesday, afternoon at three o’clock, the Rev. S.K. HOGAN, of the M.E. church South, officiating.

- The body of Mrs. Susan A. BROOKING was transferred from the old Pickett cemetery in St. Louis to this cemetery last Saturday. She has been dead over eighteen years, and was the mother of Thos. GUNN of this city, and Mrs. S.E. CARRUTHERS OF Waukegon, Tex.

- Isaac MORRIS, of Mansfield, visited in this city a part of last week with his brother, Wm. H. MORRIS. He resided here 35 years ago and is well known by old settlers.

- J.J. PHILLIPS and wife of Farina, and Mrs. Ben PHILLIPS of this city, went to Mt. Carmel this a.m. to attend the funeral of Mrs. Jas. PHILLIPS who died at her home in St. Louis yesterday. Jas. PHILLIPS is a member of the hardware firm of Phillips Bros. in this city.

- S.L. BUNDY has traded his general merchandise store in the old Haymond Bank Building and his residence property in the Southeast part of town to Chas. W. WITWER for 300 acres of land known as the Henry Hall farm 7 miles south of this city. Mr. BUNDY and family will soon remove to the farm to reside.

- Mrs. Chas. C. FENSTER and little daughter, Zelma, of Okmulgee, Ind. Ter., are visiting in this city with her mother, Mrs. Dora BRENNER, and the FENSTER families.

- Farina Express: All of Mrs. FAES’ children were home to her funeral. Miss Emma from Indiana; Miss Ida from St. Louis; Misses Ella and Tillie from Texas and August from Minnesota. It was a sad family reunion.

- Lester News: Mr. John CHICK departed this life last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus GREEN at the age of 85 years, 3 months, and 18 days. He was married to Miss Lucinda WALKER, May 28, 1843 at Patroit, Ohio, and celebrated their Golden Wedding in May 28th, 1893, and their 63rd wedding anniversary last May. To this union was born 15 children. He was beloved by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn their loss, a widow, 8 children, 44 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and a host of other friends. The funeral service was conducted at his home by Rev. S.M. WEBBER of Centralia, but it was his dying request that no funeral sermon be preached until after the death of his wife when it be preached for both. The family has the sympathy of all.

- Lester News: School closed at College Hill better known as Pop Gun School, with an excellent program prepared by the efficient teacher, Miss Ethel GEORGE, who has the respect of all. A dinner, in charge of Francis JONES and Miss Pansey COLE was given by the neighbors of the school. The program opened with as song by school; recitation, Grace WAINSCOTT; song, school; recitation, George COLE; dialogue, Pansy COLE and Grace SEITZES. There were 30 numbers given on the program and all were well rendered. Earl MORRIS was best scholar in the figuring contest and John HOLT best as visitor. Cliffie JACKSON received a certificate for being neither absent nor tardy and Pansy COLE had not missed a day since staring and was recommended for good behavior, also Earl MORRIS and Cliffie JACKSON. Those highest in their studies were Earl MORRIS, Pansy COLE, Grace WAINSCOTT, and Clara SEITZES. The directors, Wm. MORRIS, Wm. JONES, and Henry JACKSON, made short talks also the teacher. Frank V. ARNOLD made a closing address. The following visitors were present: Wm. MORRIS, Henry JACKSON, Wm. JONES, and Harry WAINSCOTT and wives; Mose SWIFT, John HOLT, Rollen EVAN, Herman ZINDELL, Frank V. ARNOLD, Ray JONES, Harry and Otto Henry SEITZES, Ray GEORGE, Misses Cora JACKSON and Stella MORRIS.

April 5, 1906:

- Samuel J. SMITH Dead: County Treasurer Samuel J. SMITH, died at his home in Salem this morning of organic heart trouble. Mr. SMITH is one of the best known men in Marion county and is highly esteemed by everybody. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 conducted by Rev. BECK of Flora.

- LAWRENCE-LACEY: A quiet wedding occurred at the M.E. parsonage Wednesday afternoon April 4, 1906, the contracting parties being Mr. Homer E. LAWRENCE, of Farina, and Miss Ivolene LACEY, of Meacham twp. The ceremony was performed by Rev. N.D. SWEENY pastor. The couple were attended by Harry HOWELL and Miss Olive LACEY. The groom is the son of Leonard LAWRENCE, one of Farina’s progressive merchants and serves as his father’s clerk. The bride is the daughter of A.H. LACEY, one of the prosperous farmers of Meacham twp., and is highly esteemed by all who know her.

- John R. KELL Dead: John R. KELL, a prominent citizen of Salem, died Tuesday night at the age of 70 years. He leaves a widow and two children, Dr. Omer KELL, of Kankakee, and Miss Lotta KELL of Salem. The funeral service was held today.

- Mrs. CARROTHERS Dies: At seven o’clock this morning the wife of F.L. CARROTHERS of the C. & A. Cash Grocery, died of consumption after an illness of a little over two years. When she came here with her husband from Fairfield, Ill., three years ago last November she was in the best of health. Two years ago while waiting on her mother who was ill and who afterwards died of Bright’s disease, she took the grippe and that developed into tuberculosis. Her’s was one of the rare cases which as developed in this state. It has been realized for some time that she could not recover and her death this morning was not entirely unexpected. She was 30 years old, and leaves her husband and a son five years old. (Boulder, Colo. Herald, Monday March 26, 1906). Mrs. CORROTHERS, formerly Miss Madge HOLLISTER, grew to womanhood in this city and has many friends here who will mourn her death.

- Various Township Election Returns: High School Proposition Defeated in Kinmundy:

Meacham Township

For Supervisor: A.J. PARRILL, rep. - 41, E.S. HOWELL, dem.- 75; Henry BALKE, soc.- 88

For Town Clerk: J.W. McCLURE, rep.- 64; Frank BOUSMAN, dem- 78; Art COCKRELL, soc. - 72

For Assessor: O.C. WELLS, rep. - 55; Hobart PARRILL, dem. - 80; Tom WADE, soc. - 71

For Collector: J.P. FRANCE, rep. - 47; J.A. GAMBILL, dem. - 81; D. WILKINSON, soc. - 72

For Highway Com.: E.M. VARNER, rep. - 47; W.S. NICHOLS, dem. - 84; Mike BUTTS, soc. - 62

For School Trustee: Fred FELLER, rep. - 45; A.E. SMITH, dem. - 89; All JOHNSON, soc. - 60

Kinmundy Township:

For Clerk: C.B. FRENCH, rep. - 148; D.C. BEAVER, dem. - 236

For Assessor: E.A. SNELLING, rep. - 168; L.J. NICHOLS, dem. - 213

For Collector: M.B. NELMS, rep. - 192; J.C. LAMBORN, dem. - 198

For Highway Com.: J.E. REESE, rep. - 167; W.S. JONES, dem. - 211

For School Trustee: C.H. WEST, rep. - 146; John MOTCH, dem. - 235

For Tp. High School - 107; : Against Tp. High School - 245

For District road tax - 151; Against District road tax - 198

Alma Township:

For Town Clerk: A.E. HUTCHISON, dem. - 122; Virgil McNEIL, rep. - 93;

C.G. POLLOCK, prohibition -12

For Assessor: A.W. FISHER, dem. - 124; Wm. BROOM, rep. - 96

For Collector: P.M. GRIFFIN, dem. - 113; W.H. SHAEFFER, rep. - 99; G.C. DUGAN, prohi. - 13

For Highway Com.; Lyman WALKINGTON, dem. - 106; Wm. GIFFIN, REP. - 105;

B.F. McCARTY, proh. - 13

For School Trustee: M.O. ALLMON, dem. - 111; Albert COFFIN, rep. - 83;

E.S. CROOKER, prohi. - 31

Foster Township:

For Supervisor: A.I. EAGAN, dem. - 108; C.W. LOWE, rep. -99

For Town Clerk: Harbin CHANDLER, dem. - 114; Rollin DOOLEN, rep. - 92

For Assessor: Dug MEADOWS, dem. - 103; Henry MOELLER, rep. - 99

For Collector: Chas. ANDERSON, dem. - 106; Sam WRIGHT, rep. - 98

For Highway Com.: J.R. MALONE, dem. - 108; Noah GRAVES, rep. - 94

For School Trustee: Eli CONANT, dem. - 108

For Constable: Frank V. ARNOLD, rep. - 103

- P.M. GRIFFIN, residing south of this city, received a telegram announcing the death of his brother-in-law, J.N. PEPPER, of Kirkmansville, Ky.

- Mrs. Chas. MARQUARD of Washington, Ill. is visiting in this city with her parents, R.C. CLAYBORN, and family.

- Farina Express: Widow PETERS, who lived northwest of town, died last Friday.

- Farina Express: Emorest GLICK of Annopolis, visited his brother, M.A. GLICK last Sunday.

- Farina Express: A large company of Mrs. M.D. HEWITT’s most intimate friends celebrated her birthday Sunday.

- Farina Express: Mr. GANT took possession of the AMBUEHL meat market Monday. Jno. AMBUEHL takes charge of it.

- Lester News: Miss Bertha LANSFORD is visiting with Willie GARRETT and wife.

- Lester News: Claude GARRETT, Earl BUNDY, and Frank V. ARNOLD visited Sunday with Selby GARRETT.

- Lester News: Miss Flossie MASSEY closed a successful term of school recently at the Bundy school. Earl, Carrie, George and Edna BUNDY were highest in their respective classes.

- Lester News: Miss Laura FISHER closed a most successful term of school at Swift school last week. An excellent program was rendered. The following scholars have been neither absent or tardy during the term: Bessie JONES, Otto REESE, Leila SWIFT and Johnny DOOLEN. Those highest in their classes were Garrell MEEKS, Bettie and John ROBB. The following won prizes: May SPURLIN, Belle and John ROBB.

April 12, 1906:

- Fourteen Graduate with Honors: Last Friday evening at Gray’s Opera House occurred annual graduation exercises of Grammar Grade of the Kinmundy Public School. The class was composed the following 14 members: Josie BALLANCE, Vera LENHART, John NEAVILL, George BARGH, Lloyd NEIL, Georgia SMITH, Mildred HOUGHTON, Flossie HARRIS, Norman SUGG, Marcelline EAGAN, Walter NEIL, Raymond MAHAN, Elston GREEN, Clark KLINE. The members of the class and their instructors, Misses Evangeline PARRILL and Grace WILLIAMS are deserving of much praise for the success of the school year as well as the entertainment. (*)

- Chas. H. DENNIS: Last Friday night, Dr. C.H. DENNIS, who for more than 20 years has been located in our city, was summoned by the grim messenger of death. Thus another well known citizen has joined the great procession of those who have tarried with us for a little while and then hastened on into eternity. Charles H. DENNIS, oldest son of Dr. and Mrs. W.B. DENNIS, of Effingham, Ill., as born in Williamsburg, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1858. He came with his parents in 1865, when but seven years of age, to Effingham, Ill., where he lived until March 9th, 1885, when he came to Kinmundy and began the practice of dentistry which profession he followed as long as his health permitted. He was married Nov. 8, 1885, to Miss Allie PORTER, who with three children, one son and two daughters, survive him. He also leaves an aged father and mother and two brothers and a host of distant relatives. The family circle until now has been unbroken for two generations. Charlie was naturally of a genial disposition, kind and helpful to those in sickness or distress. After three months of suffering and affliction, which he patiently and kindly bore, he passed away on Friday, April 6, 1906, at the age of 47 years, 5 months, and 8 days. Funeral services were held at the family residence Sunday afternoon at three o’clock conducted by Rev. N.D. SWEENY, of the M.E. church, assisted by Revs. J.H. BALLANCE and S.B. BASCOM. The remains were laid to rest in our city cemetery.

- Dr. W.B. DENNIS, Jr. and Wm. DENNIS of Effingham, attended the funeral of their brother, Dr. C.H. DENNIS, in this city Sunday.

- Dr. W.B. DENNIS and wife of Effingham, were in this city Sunday attending the funeral of their son, Dr. C.H. DENNIS.

- Mr. Homer KAGY of near Brubaker, and Miss Grace WILLIAMS of this city, were married in Alma Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock. Mr. KAGY is a prosperous young farmer of Alma twp., and Miss WILLIAMS has been employed in the public school of this city the past two terms as teacher in room 5 and has many friends here who extend congratulations.

- Mr. Samuel IGO of Shelbyville, and Miss Mable SHAEFFER of East St. Louis, were married at the home of the bride last evening at 6:30, Rev. HARMON of the First M.E. church officiating. They are both quite well known in this city. They will make their home in Shelbyville.

- J.A. HUTTON returned home from Fancher, Shelby Co., this morning, where he has been on business and traded Gray’s Opera House to H. RICHMAN of that place. Mr. RICHMAN is here today looking for a house in which to move his family.

- Farina Express: Jas. MARSH’s house caught fire last Sunday. Best prompt action by the neighbors saved it.

- HAMILTON-JONES: Mr. E.E. HAMILTON and Miss Yetta M. JONES, of Loogootee, Ill., were married Sunday, April 8, 1906, at the home of Mrs. J.M. WITZEL, with whom the bride has made her home since the death of her parents, when she was but seven years of age. She was born near Kinmundy. Her parents will probably be remembered by the older residents of this vicinity, her mother’s maiden name being J.M. MORRIS. The bride is a charming young lady of true Christian character and held in high esteem by all who know her. The groom is a mail carrier on one of the routes from Loogootee and is a good Christian, being an Elder in the Loogootee C.P. church. They ware nicely located at present in a country home not far removed from town. After the ceremony which was performed by Rev. H.C. SHARP, of the C.P. Church, they with their friends, retired to a most delicious supper which proved the skill of those who prepared it.

- Dr. A.C. ELDER: Dr. A.C. ELDER, a former citizen of this city, died at his home in Topeka, Kan., last Thursday morning. The remains were shipped here, arriving Tuesday morning via Chicago. Brief services were held at the residence of Mrs. J.B. ELDER at 2:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. N.D. SWEENY of the M.E. church, and the remains were laid to rest beside his relatives in our city cemetery. Abram Caldwell ELDER was born in Covington, Ind., Jan. 20th, 1833. He came to Kinmundy, Ill, in 1860 and resided here for 14 years, practicing medicine and later engaging in the drug business. His father, Rev. Jas. ELDER, a Methodist local preacher, died on a farm near this city and his body now rests in our city cemetery. His mother then moved to town and spent her latter years in the cottage on the corner recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. BARGH. She is well remembered by many of our citizens who rever her memory as a devoted Christian woman. His two brothers, Capt. R.W. ELDER of Sedalia, Mo., and Rev. Lee ELDER of Boaz, Ala., are well known to many of our citizens, as are also his sisters, Mrs. Wm. HENWOOD of Welcome, Ont., and Mrs. Kate YOUNG of Boaz, Ala. Dr. ELDER was married to Larisa Wood FANCHER in Salem, Ill., March 4, 1855. In April 1874, they removed from here and after a few years spent in Mattoon and Chicago, finally settled in Topeka, Kan., where he has been in business for the past 24 years. His health has been failing for the past six years, and for more than a year he has been confined to his home. Death came in the early morning hours, April 5, 1906, in his 74th year. Of his immediate relatives, he leaves besides the two brothers and two sisters, his wife, two sons and three daughters, namely: Frank W., and Bessie, who are at home, Mrs. P.I. MURPHY of Topeka; Mrs. A.F. ROBINSON of Chicago, and Charles A., of Los Angeles, Cal. - the last two mentioned being present at the burial services held in this city Tuesday. All of his children and his oldest brother were present at the services held in Topeka, which were conducted by the Rev. Francis L. HAYES, of the First Congregational Church.

- Advertisement: White Feather Poultry Yards; W.H. SHRIVER, Prop. S.C. White Leghorns, White Plymouth Rocks, White Pekin Ducks, Eggs in Season. Correspondence Solicited. Kinmundy, Illinois.

- Advertisement: Egyptian Poultry Yards, Kinmundy, Illinois. Pure Bred White Syandottes. Skees and Dustan Strains. Bred for last 20 years. Eggs $1 per 15. L.R. DAVIS.

April 19, 1906:

- Mrs. L.B. BRANSON: The funeral services of Mrs. Anna Eliza BRANSON was conducted by Rev. H.C. SHARPE, pastor of the C.P. Church, at Union Chapel Church 8 or 10 miles east of Kinmundy, on Saturday, April 14, 1906. The services were largely attended by neighbors and friends showing the high estimate of character in which she was held and the love and sympathy these good people have for humanity. Le the family sorrow not as for these who have no hope. I Thes. 4:13. She was born in Columbriana Co., Ohio, Nov. 7, 1836, and died April 12, 1906, aged 59 years, 5 months, and 5 days. She united with the Presbyterian Church while quite young and remained faithful to those vows until called to her eternal rest. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, one brother, one sister, and five children, all of whom were present at the funeral but the brother.

- Four Complete Course and Receive Diplomas. It is with pleasure that we chronicle the commencement exercises rendered on the evenings of April 10 and 11, closing a seven months term of the Kinmundy High School which completed the course for the following graduates: Messrs. James O. LOWE, Harry F. CRAIG, J. Ben MORGAN, and Miss Clemmie WHITTENBURG. On Tuesday evening, April 10, at 8:30, the curtain lifted, revealing the eager gaze of hundreds, the graduates and orchestra seated on the stage in a semi-circle, whose radiant faces were beaming with smiles while their olfactories and optics were regales with the rich odors and superb tints of fragrant flowers. (*) (A class picture accompanied this article)

- Misses Matilda and Agnes HILLER are visiting with their brother, A.R. HILLER near Flora.

- Farina Express: Miss Nellie MAXON was in East St. Louis last week attending the IGO-SHAEFFER wedding.

- Farina Express: The S.D.B. Church celebrated the 40th anniversary of it’s organization in this place last Saturday with special services.

- Farina Express: Mrs. KASTNER, who lived 3 or 4 miles southeast of town, died last Monday. She was about 75 years old.

- Lester News: A new boy at Air DUKES’.

- Lester News: Bertha ARNOLD has gone to Oklahoma.

- Lester News: Mr. and Mrs. LINTON are the proud parents of baby boy.

- Lester News: Mrs. Olive ARNOLD, late of Lester now of Chicago, lost her father recently. She and her mother and Frank Jr., are running the grocery store.

- Lester News: The Doolen Debating Society was organized recently with Chester DOOLEN president, and Voleney PRITCHETT vice president. They will meet every Saturday night.

- Lester News: Sunday School was organized last Sunday with the following officers: John STEELE, superintendent; Charles LOWE, assit. Supt.; Edith ARNOLD, sec.; Martha WALKER, assist. Sec.; Buelah ARNOLD and Nora HOLT, organists.

- Lester News (written for last week): Eli ROBB and Selby GARRETT were Kinmundy business visitors last Friday.

- Lester News (written for last week): Sam ARNOLD and wife visited J.W. ARNOLD and wife last week.

- Advertisement: A new dry goods store in Kinmundy! Having purchased a very large stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Linoleums, Etc., Etc., which we have added to our clothing and shoes, we cordially invite you to call before purchasing. We will have plenty of competent help, and will earnestly endeavor to please you and merit a portion of your patronage.

April 26, 1906:

- School Board Organized: Last Tuesday night the school board met and organized. The newly elected president, W.W. LOWE, served in the "Big Chair" and he makes a very efficient officer. N.A. RICE was elected secretary for the ensuing year. The president appointed the following standing committees: Finance - Thos. BAGOTT, J.P. WHITSON, N.A. RICE; Building and Supplies - J.P. WHITSON, N.A. RICE, C.S. NEIL; Grounds - J.H. NELMS, L.R. DAVIS, Thos. BAGOTT.

- John PIGG, a young farmer residing near Fairman, was killed by lightening while at work in the field yesterday. The funeral was held today conducted by Rev. J.R. KELLEY of this city.

- James NOOT and family of Alma, spent Sunday near this city with her mother, Mrs. M.J. BOONE.

- Cards have been received here announcing the marriage of Clyde VICKERY and Miss Rochelle COCHRAN, two of Iola’s most prominent young people, the ceremony being performed on the evening of April 11.

- W.H. WHITE left Tuesday night for New Orleans to attend the annual reunion of the confederate soldiers.

- Farina Express: Mrs. GANT met with a painful accident Sunday by spraining her ankle.

- Farina Express: Charlie FRIEND’s father is visiting him. He had not seen him for 15 years.

- M.M. PRUETT: Another familiar figure has gone from our community; one whose genial smile and pleasant words reached a large circle of friends each day for many years, will be seen among us no more. Last Friday McKendree PRUETT passed to the great beyond. For many than 18 years, Mr. PRUETT, familiarly known as "Ken" PRUETT, has been in the employ of our Songer Milling Co., and as then delivery man has perhaps visited more or less frequently every house in Kinmundy. His illness was very brief, just one week. The funeral serves were held at the M.E. church Sunday afternoon and were attended by a concourse of friends that more than filled the house many not being able to even secure standing room. The Ladies Aid and Epworth League had filled the platform with beautiful potted plants while wreaths of cut flowers converted the casket. An appropriate funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. N.D. SWEENY from the text: "Tomorrow, thou shalt be missed." I Samuel 20:18, and the choir furnished appropriate music. His favorite song "The Ninety and Nine" was effectively rendered as a solo by C. ROHRBOUGH. Rev. F.O. FANNON led the closing prayer. The pallbearers were his former employer and fellow workmen of the Milling Co., Messrs. A.W. SONGER, J.T. BROWN, Ellis WOLFE, Geo. WHITE, A. HUMPHREY, I. PRUDEN, and a hearse was drawn by his old mill team; interment in our city cemetery. Ken PRUETT will long be remembered as a faithful employee, a kind friend, a citizen loyal to the best interest of the community, an indulgent husband and father and a man of faith in God. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community. The following obituary was read: Meridith McKendree PRUETT was born near Kinmundy, Illinois, Oct. 10, 1847, and with the exception of about 8 years, his whole life has been spent in this community. He was the second son of J.W. and Susan PRUETT of blessed memory, who for so many years were identified with the religious life in this community. Of his three brothers, F.A. the oldest, and S.B. the youngest, were present at the funeral, while of the third we must say with Jacob of old "Benjamin is not." His two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie J. LANGDELL and Mrs. Rose HAMMERS, also survive him. On the 20th day of March 1870, he was united in marriage to Miss Nellie DEWEL, who with their six children and nine grandchildren, survive him. Their five sons and one daughter, namely, Horace, Robert, Harry, Clyde, and Floyd and Blanche (Mrs. USEMAN) were all present at his death. MR. PRUETT was raised in a religious home; he was consecrated to God in holy baptism, in infancy and received into his heart when but a child, the "see of Truth", which as born fruit in old age. His illness was of but one week’s duration; death came on Friday evening April 20, 1906, he being 58 years, 6 months, and 10 days of age. As the end drew nearer, he called each children to his bedside and gave to each separately his council and his blessing. Even the grandchildren each little one was remembered. He told them he was ready to go, giving praise to Christ the Redeemer, and spoke to his sister of meeting father and mother. After loving farewells he laid back upon his bed and after another attack of severe pain, became calm and peaceful and quietly fell asleep.

May 3, 1906:

- A Home Wedding: A very pretty home wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. SEXTON, in this city, last Sunday evening at seven o’clock, the contracting parties being their daughter, Miss Anna, and Mr. Francis Wayne WHITLOCK, of Dix, Ill., the Rev. H.C. SHARP, of the C.P. Church officiating. No one was present except the immediate members of the family. The bride is one of Kinmundy’s most charming and highly respected young ladies, having been employed in the Central Office of the Hull Telephone Co. for the past four years and has a wide acquaintance throughout the county. The groom is an industrious and hustling young man well qualified for any line of business he may engage in. He has taught in the Kinmundy Public School and his services were very satisfactory in every respect, and during that time he made hosts of friends in this city. The happy couple left Monday morning for Dix, where they will make their future home. The Express joins their many friends in extending congratulations.

- A Fatal Accident: The little village of LaClede, ten miles north of this city, was visited by a sad accident last Sunday morning. Four young men, Lucian KEPNER, Elmer SIMMONS, Will KIMBALL and Roy KEEN went to the creek to spend the day and were sitting on the bank fishing when Elmer SIMMONS attempted to draw a revolver from his pocket to shoot a fish which he saw in the water. The hammer of the gun caught in his pocket and the gun discharged, the ball passing through the right hand of SIMMONS and then striking KEPNER in the head above the ear. KEPNER fell into the water and was taken out by KIMBALL, who held him in his arms and washed the blood from his face till he died, about three minutes later. The unfortunate young man was taken to his home in LaClede where an inquest was held by the coroner and the jury returned a verdict of accidental homicide. The funeral service was held at the M.E. church in LaClede Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. V.W. THRALL of Farina, and it was attended by a large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives. The young man was about 21 years of age and was a telegraph operator and a brother of Dr. M.E. KEPNER, of that place. This was indeed a very sad accident and the sorrowing family have the sympathy of all.

- Mrs. John F. SUGG Swallows Carbolic Acid: Startled by the screams of one of the patients shortly after 9 o’clock Saturday night, the nurses at the Centenary Hospital. No. 2945 Lawton avenue, rushed into a room and found Mrs. John F. SUGG, wife of a merchant at Odin, Ill., writhing in agony from the effects of a large dose of carbolic acid, mysteriously obtained, which she had taken to end her life. It is said that the label had been scratched from the bottle containing the poison. The woman died in a few minutes, notwithstanding heroic efforts on the part of the hospital physicians to save her. Despondency, due to the belief that a nervous affection, from which she suffered, was incurable, is assigned as the cause. An inquest will be held at 9 o’clock this morning at the Coroner’s office, to ascertain, if possible, how the acid was secured by the woman, who, it is said, had not been out of the hospital during the time she had been a patient there. Mr. SUGG stated that he was greatly shocked on receiving a telegram announcing the death of his wife. The message was handed him on the train while he was enroute to the hospital where he expected to find his wife bright and cheerful. "Mrs. SUGG has been in poor health for several years", he said, "and about four weeks ago she became so nervous that I placed her under the care of Doctor C.H. HUGHES, of No. 3872 Washington Boulevard, and at his suggestion, sent her to the hospital where had been well cared for. I know my wife was despondent at times. She remarked only last Sunday when I suggested a trip for her health that it was of no use, as she knew she was not going to get well. But how she could have obtained the acid is a mystery to me. I understand from the elevator boy, and one of the nurses of the hospital, that my wife had asked them on several occasions to procure some carbolic acid for her, which , she said, she wanted, to use in a diluted form as a face wash, but they both say they refused to comply with her request. This point will be investigated at the Coroner’s inquest this morning." The body was taken in charge by undertaker ALEXANDER of No. 2835 Olive street, who will forward it to Odin today after the inquest. Burial will take place Wednesday. The deceased is survived by her husband, a brother and three sisters. (Monday’s St. Louis Republic.)

- David R. HANNA Injured: Last Tuesday afternoon Uncle David R. HANNA met with a severe and painful accident. He was riding a horse along the bank of the creek near his home and a portion of the bank caved in and the animal fell on Mr. HANNA’s left leg, breaking it near the ankle and dislocating the ankle. Dr. CAMERER was called and reduced the fracture and the Dr. pronounces it a severe break for a man the age of Mr. HANNA.

- W.H. MAXEY and wife drove to Jefferson county this afternoon to attend the funeral of his cousin, Robt. F. FIELDS.

- Mrs. Harry L. HOLLISTER and son, of Johnston City, visited east of town this week with her parents, James RICHARDSON and family. Mr. HOLLISTER and family are moving to Wichita Falls, Tex., where he has accepted the railroad agency.

- Noah DEAN and wife have returned home from Keokuk, Iowa, where Mr. DEAN has been attending medical college.

- Jas. NICHOLAS of Sullivan, Ind. spent a portion of the week here with his son, Howard, and family.

- Miss Stella WHITLOCK of Dix visited in this city Saturday and Sunday and attended the wedding of her brother, Wayne, and Miss Anna SEXTON.

- Farina Express: A lively little daughter was born to Teddy DAVIS and wife last Friday.

- Farina Express: Eugene FORD and wife and Mrs. Emogene FORD were in town Tuesday.

May 10, 1906:

- J.L. McHATTON a Suicide: James L. McHATTON, a farmer formerly residing three miles north of this city, who became mentally deranged about a year ago and was taken to the hospital at Anna, committed suicide at that place Monday by hanging. He was left alone for a few minutes in his room, and when found he had taken the sheet from the bed and tied it to a steam pipe and then to his neck and was strangled to death. His relatives here were notified of the affair and W.F. HARVEY and G.V. McHATTON went to Anna Tuesday morning and returned that night with the body. A short funeral service was held at the residence of his brother, G.V. McHATTON, Wed. morning conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE, after which the body was laid to rest in the Harvey Gray Cemetery. The deceased died at the age of 64 years, 6 months, and 20 days and leaves two daughters, four brothers, and two sisters to mourn their loss.

- Eight Months School: the school board met last Tuesday evening and accepted the applications of the following teachers at the following salaries: M.A. THRASHER - Supt. - $100.00; Evangeline PARRILL - Prin. - $60.00; Pauline BAGGOTT - Room 5 - $40.00; Minnie PARKER - Room 4 - $35.00; Martha PRUETT - Room 3 - $35.00; A.E.W. PRUETT - Room 1 - $40.00.  There being no application for Room 2, that place remains to be filled at the next regular meeting. The question for an eight months school was brought before the meeting and the question was carried by a unanimous vote. Harvey BRANSON was re-employed as Janitor at a salary of $30 per month for the ensuing term. Prof. M.A. THRASHER was award the contract to take the school census the contracting price being $10.

- Mesdames Dora YOUNKER of Champaign, and Mable BARTON of Little Rock, Ark., visited in this city Monday with their father, Geo. NEAVILLS and family.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Will SNYDER died last Saturday after a long illness and was buried in the Farina cemetery Monday. She was about 45 years of age and leaves a husband and a large family of children.

- Farina Express: Oluf ARRINGTON has gone to Chicago where he has obtained a situation in the office with his brother, Will. Dever who went into the same office a short time ago, has received a promotion.

May 17, 1906:

- Alma Stores Burglarized: Last Friday night our neighboring village of Alma was visited by burglars and the general stores of R.F. MALLOTT and John MAZANEK were entered and at each place the safe was blown open. At the first named place, no money was procured, but several articles of merchandise are missing. That night when Mr. MALLOTT closed the store, he put his money in his pocket, as the safe was locked and he did not want to open it. To take his money home at night is something he seldom did, but it was fortunate for him that he did so on this occasion. At the store of Mr. MAZANEK about $140 was taken from the safe besides some merchandise. These robberies were not performed by amateurs as the store doors were unlocked (not broken open) and the manner in which the safes were blown showed the skill of experts. No clue to the robbers has yet been found. In the history of Alma, this is the first time for a safe to be blown open.

- Several members of the G.A. R. drove to Alma this afternoon to attend the funeral of Nathan A. WINKS, a highly respected citizen of that place.

- Farina Express: Ernest SWITZER’s baby swallowed a large does of iodine last week, which came near proving fatal.

- Farina Express: Report come that a boy has lately been born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert HILLER.

- Farina Express: Miss Grace SHEPARD called on Miss Eva SATTERLEE Sunday.

- Farina Express: A daughter was born to Fred REITZ and wife last week.

May 24, 1906:

- Alma Express: The cannery addition is almost completed.

- Alma Express: C.W. ROSE of Dumbs Creek was in Alma Monday distributing patient medicine literature.

- Alma Express: Dr. and Mrs. LASWELL attended the wedding of Wesley DOUGHET and Miss Josie FARMER in Patoka Sunday evening.

- The four months old daughter of Grover CARMAN and wife died yesterday and was buried this afternoon.

- Mrs. J.E. McCULLEY and children left Tuesday for Clinton, Ind. to visit a couple of weeks with her parents.

May 31, 1906:

- A Worthy Couple Honored: Monday, May 28, 1906, marked a notable anniversary in the lives of an aged and highly esteemed couple who have long resided in our midst. Samuel INGRAM and wife on that day passed the 62nd milestone of their journey through life together. In honor of this event, a company of their relatives and friends gathered at the M.E. church and tendered them an informal but very fitting reception. The aged couple were escorted to the church in a carriage by J.W. SCOTT and Rev. N.D. SWEENY. Here they were cordially greeted by the assembled guests. Capt. C. ROHRBOUGH presided and so directed the program that good cheer and solemn truth were appropriately blended. The song "Blest be the Tie That Binds" was sung after which the pastor led in prayer. Short talks were made by F.A. PRUETT, J.F. DONOVAN, W.W. NEIL, Wm. BROWN, J.M. ROTAN, C. ROHRBOUGH, Mrs. M. MILLICAN and Rev. SWEENY. These were interspersed with songs by the choir, also beautiful and appropriate solos by Miss Bertha STEUBER and Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM and a duet by Misses Bertha and Louise STEUBER. In these brief addresses which bore testimony to the genial good nature of the old couple and of the beneficent influence of their lives. In them the young people of the rising generation may find examples worthy of their emulation. The secret of their honored and successful lives is found in the fact that they early dedicated themselves to God, who, according to His promise gave them the new heart and made them partakers of the spirit of Christ the natural result is manifest. They like their Master, love God and their fellowmen Hence they have lived lives of uprightness, kindness and holiness. How fitting it is that this worthy couple should thus be remembered on this unusual occasion.

- 4th Anniversary: Of the Dedication of the Christian Church: On Sunday, June 3, the members of the Christian church of Kinmundy will celebrate the fourth anniversary of the dedication of their church with a feast of good things. Rev. F.O. FANNON will be present and preach both morning and evening. At 12:30 p.m. dinner will be served in the basement of the church. Those who have heard Rev. FANNON do not need urging to come. Those who stay away will miss a rare treat. Special services at 3 p.m.

- City Marshal Appointed: The city council met in adjourned session Monday night with all members present. The Mayor appointed R.H. FLANNIGAN as City Marshal for the ensuing term and on motion of MENDENHALL and SNELLING the appointment was confirmed.

- Alma Express: G.C. WILSON who is suffering with malaria fever, is worse again.

- Alma Express: After a long and severe illness J.H. BOLES died Sunday morning.

- Mrs. Tessie LOVELL, of Lincoln, arrived in this city Saturday morning to visit her parents, L.L. HULTS and wife.

- Mr. Walter GEORGE and Miss Nettie WILLIAMS, both of this city, were married at the home of the groom last Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. H.C. SHARP of the C.P. Church officiating.






















































Thomas BOONE























































1st Lieut.












































Samuel B. GRAY


























7 Serg

































Elias NEIL






James L. BAKER

1st Lieut.





1st Lieut.





Asst. Sur.




Thomas C. KILLIE












George W. RAY












Mathias GUISER


Joseph BARGH













Clay DeVORE - U.S.S. Brooklyn

Lewis COLLINS - Co. I 5 U.S. Inft.

Charles F. WILLIAMS - Co. E 3 U.S. Inft.

Fletcher WHITAKER - Sergt 43 Miss.




JONES CEMETERY: Frances M. JONES - Private Co. B. 111 Ill. Inf.

GRAY CEMETERY: B.L. BLACKBURN, Private Co. B. 111 Ill. Inf.


June 7, 1906:

- Obituary: Mrs. Elizabeth PLIANT MAHON was born near Knoxville, Tenn., March 27, 1828, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. WEST, at Manhattan, Kansas, May 29, 1906, aged 78 years, 2 months and 2 days. Her remains arrived at Kinmundy on the early morning train, Thursday, May 31 and was taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. WEST, where a brief funeral service was conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE after which the body was laid to rest in our beautiful city cemetery. She leaves to mourn their loss one son, Geo. MAHON, of Silver Lake, Kan., and one daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. WEST of Manhattan, Kan., and nine grandchildren.

- WISEHART- PARRILL: Mr. Harrison WISEHART of Iola and Miss Inez PARRILL of Meacham twp., were married at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Sarah PARRILL, last evening, Rev. V.W. THRALL, pastor of the Farina M.E. church officiating. Only a few of the relatives and friends of the bride and groom were in attendance. Although the affair was rather quiet, it was one of the prettiest home weddings held in that part of the township for sometime.

- A Silver Wedding: Promptly at 8 o’clock p.m. Saturday, June 2, about 50 friends of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. GREENING met at Forest Lawn, their beautiful country home just east of this city, and enjoyed a most pleasant evening, it being the 25th anniversary of their marriage. At 9:30, Rev. F.O. FANNON most beautifully and touchingly, by a ring ceremony, repledged Mr. and Mrs. H.A. GREENING to their marriage vows. After refreshments in their spacious dining hall the guests departed wishing Mr. And Mrs. GREENING many years of continued happy wedded life. A number of valuable presents were received by the couple among them being a handsome gold lined silver tea set from the social and religious orders to which they belong. Among those present from a distance were ___vy WALKER and Mrs. D.A. COWDEN of Pana, brother and sisters of the bride; Mrs. F.A. BROWN and Miss Fannie DECK of Perry, Okla., mother and niece of the groom, and Miss Pearl GREENING of Hospital, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GREENING.

- Lester News (written for last week): Dick ATKINS and wife are proud of their big baby boy.

- Lester News (written for last week): The many friends of Mrs. I. LANSFORD regret to learn of the death of her third child in as many years.

- Lester News (written for last week): Sunday school every Sunday morning at Arnold Chapel at 9 o’clock. All welcome.

- Farina Express: Eugene FORD and wife and Miss Emogene FORD were in town a few days ago.

- Farina Express: Harry CRAIG and Miss Grace SHEPARD were guests of Miss Eva SATTERLEE Sunday.

- Alma Express: H.P. WINKS and wife are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy. The mother and babe are doing well; Howard is getting a little better.

- Alma Express: Mrs. Lizzie NELSON returned to Alma Monday night; Oscar will be here in a short time. They moved to Cardwell, Mo., over a year ago and not being satisfied they are returning to this county. They recently suffered serious loss by fire.

- Alma Express: TOMLINSON says the reason the trains go so fast through Alma is that the crew is afraid Taylor JACKSON will want them out to work on the road.

- Oscar MILLER of Hoplinsville, Ga., visited in this city this week with his brother, Dr. Hugo MILLER, and wife.

- R.W. WALTERS and wife spent Sunday in Mason with her parents, W.B. REYNOLDS and family.

- George MAHON left Monday for his home in Manhatton, Kan., after the funeral of this mother and visiting a few days with old friends. This was his first visit to Kinmundy for twenty years, and he found many changes but saw many familiar faces.

- Miss Pearl GREENING returned home Friday night from Kankakee to attend the 25th wedding anniversary of her parents H.A. GREENING and wife. Miss Pearl has finished the trained nurse course and will remain at home for some time.

June 14, 1906:

- First Anniversary: The Baptist Church in this city will celebrate it’s first anniversary next Sunday and an all day service will be held. At the noon hour a diner will be served in the yard of J.H. JACKSON and everybody is invited to attend and enjoy the occasion. Bring well filled baskets.

- Married in St. Louis: Mr. George S. CONANT, the junior member of the implement and buggy firm of W.S. CONANT & Son, of this city, and Mis Florence E. DeVORE, the youngest daughter of Mrs. Harriet DeVORE, went to St. Louis last Sunday morning and were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at 12 o’clock noon, at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. R.F. BROWNRIGG, the Hon. Judge CRONAN officiating. These are two of Kinmundy’s most highly esteemed young people and their many friends join with the Express in wishing them a happy and prosperous wedded life. For a time they will make their home at the home of Mrs. DeVORE.

- Alma Express: Miss WHITTENBERG of Kinmundy has been employed as primary teacher in the Alma schools.

- Farina Express: Presley SWITZER and daughter, Mrs. Jennie STILLMAN, have gone to North Dakota to take up homesteads.

- Farina Express: All of the children of John NIRIDER visited him last week. It was a delightful family reunion.

- Mrs. Joseph CRAIG went to St. Elmo Monday to attend the funeral of her old friend and schoolmate, Mrs. Adam FINK. Mrs. FINK was a niece of Ben MAHON, the Baptist preacher.

- Miss Flora HOWELL and Miss Grace SHEPARD have been employed in the Central City school for the coming winter.

- Homer KAGY of Brubaker was in this city Tuesday and returned with a new mower purchased of J.P. WHITSON. He was recently married to Miss Grace WILLIAMS of this city and he says that other young men should follow his example.

- J. Lem BALLANCE, who has been working in Chicago, the past two or three months, returned home Sunday. He thinks Chicago is most too far from Kinmundy to ever amount to very much and has decided to remain here.

- S.J. ALLEN who has been in Champaign for several months with his daughter, Mrs. E.E. BUCKMINISTER, returned to this city Saturday night and visited till Tuesday morning with his son, J.W. ALLEN, and wife, when he departed for Carthage, Mo., to spend a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. CHEESLEY.

- Chas. W. WITWER has traded the Fenster & Son Grocery stock to this city and his town lots in Eldorado, Okla. Mr. WILEY assumed charge of the grocery Saturday morning.

- Rev. J.H. WILEY has sold the Fenster grocery stock to Pruett & Son, who assumed charge of the business this morning. We understand that the business will be conducted by Ufa HOUSH of St. Joe, Mo.

June 21, 1906:

- COCKRELL-HUMPHREY: Mr. Rosco COCKRELL of Vinita, Ind. Ter., but formerly of Meacham twp., and Miss Mollie HUMPHREY of this city were married in Newton, Ill. Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Edgar JOHNSON. The newly wedded couple will spend a few days in this city before going to Vinita to reside, where the groom has a good position. The couple have many warm friends in this vicinity, all of whom extend best wishes.

- Fell in a Well: Dorcus, the little daughter of Mrs. Anna HARVEY, while walking on the platform of E.G. MENDENHALL’s well Tuesday afternoon the boards broke and she fell in the well. The well was 24 feet deep and it was 14 feet to the water. When she came to the top of the water she grabbed the gas pipe of the pump and clung there till she was rescued. It was a narrow escape from death and rather a cold bath.

- A Narrow Escape: Last Friday evening just before six o’clock Eli JONES and Norman BAYLIS, who are employed on the Hull Telephone System, met with a serious and almost fatal accident. They were both on the same pole and were working on a guy wire and the wire was being tightened by a team and the pole broke about 12 or 14 feet above the ground letting the boys fall. Eli JONES struck first, lighting on his back, striking his head on a wooden pulley and cutting an ugly gash in the back of his head and cutting his left ear quite badly and otherwise bruising him. The end of the pole fell on top of JONES, and BAYLIS fell on top of the pole and he was badly bruised and his right wrist received a bad sprain. The boys were both unconscious for a time and were carried to their home on stretchers, where they received medical attention. They are able to be out, but it will be some time before, they will resume work. They both had a very narrow escape from death and they are glad their wounds are no worse.

- Our Baseball Team: Since the game of baseball between the Star Bloomer Girls and Kinmundy has been advertised for Saturday afternoon, June 23rd, the question has been asked by many, "where did Kinmundy get a ball team?" In a word of explanation we wish to say that a new team has been organized with Dug FREEMAN as a manager and the team consists of the best players in Marion county, and if you will read the following list you will certainly agree with us: Ed RAINEY - Pitcher; Harry COFFIN - Catcher; Fred MINER - 1st Base; Earl BARBEE - 2nd Base; C. COFFIN - 3rd Base; Noah WILLIAMS - Shortstop; Harry SMITH - C. Field; John PUFFER - R. Field; M. COFFIN - L. Field; Gilbert NIRIDER - Umpire.  With this collection of players Kinmundy is ready for any and all challengers that our neighboring cities may wish to make and at the end of the game they will know that Kinmundy has a baseball team. The first game will be with the Star Bloomer Girls next Saturday. The visiting team travels in a special Pullman car and will arrive in our city at 8:30 p.m. Friday and immediately upon their arrival they will give an open air band concert. This company consists of 25 people and they are considered the champion female baseball club of the world. On Saturday afternoon they give a street parade and another band concert. Everybody come early and spend an enjoyable day in Kinmundy and witness the best ball game of the season.

- The Old Liberty Bell: Much as been said and written of the old bell which rang from the dome of the old State House in Philadelphia the glad news that the Declaration of Independence was signed and our people were declared free. No wonder a loyal people love that old broken bell. But to many people in Kinmundy, there’s another "Liberty Bell" which likewise has a share in their affections. The bell which first rang from the steeple of the old M.E. church "on the hill" was cracked some years ago and laid aside. A nice new one with rich mellow tones replaces it. For years it lay almost forgotten save as a plaything for the Sunday school children. But in these reconstruction days, the old bell has been remembered. To Mr. W. W. NEIL, whose father was the builder of the old church, and first Superintendent of the M.E. Sunday school, belongs the praise for striking a chord of sweet sentiment, so often forgotten in the commercial age. At his suggestion the old bell has been brought from its seclusion and placed on a cement pedestal in front of the new church.

- Alma Express: Aunt Virginia SEE was in Alma recently viewing the new church.

- Alma Express: The sidewalk committee is preparing to build brick walks on the principal business streets. This is commendable and the committee should have the support of every citizen.

- Farina Express: Wallace TITZELL and family returned to their home in East St. Louis Tuesday evening after a week’s visit here with his parents, E.W. TITZELL and family.

- Farina Express: Sherman E. ROGERS and wife, of E. St. Louis, arrive in this city Monday to visit his mother, Mrs. Jennie ROGERS.

- Farina Express: N.L. GANT is building a 50 foot addition to the north end of the building he recently purchased of F.M. VINCENT.

- SCHERMERHORN-STEUBER: One of the most happy events occurring in Kinmundy was the wedding of MR. Earnest SCHERMERHORN, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.V. SCHERMERHORN, and Miss Fredereka STEUBER, daughter of Frederick Carl STEUBER, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.D. CAMERER where the bride had made her home during the last year, while employed in the Kinmundy school. The ceremony was performed Wednesday evening, June 20, 1906 at 8 o’clock. The officiating clergyman was Rev. N.D. SWEENY of the M.E. church. The bride was attended by Miss Martha STEUBER. Mr. Clyde CAMERER was groom’s best man. The bride wore a dress of white Persian Lawn elaborately trimmed with lace and insertion and carried a bouquet of Brides Roses. The bride’s maid wore white and carried a bouquet of carnations. The bridal party entered the parlor to the music of Medelssohns wedding march. Miss Bertha STEUBER presided at the piano. Before the ceremony Miss Louis STEUBER sang a solo, "Violets". Mr. SCHERMERHORN is employed with his father in the Lumber business in this city. He is not only an efficient business man but a true gentleman. The bride has made her home in this city for six years, has been employed as teacher and is second in popularity to no young lady who has ever made her home here. She is handsome, highly educated, loving and lovable; has lived a bright beautiful life and will be a wife of whom any man might be proud. The guests present were A.V. SCHERMERHORN and family, A.W. SONGER, R.P. McBRYDE and wife, James T. BROWN and wife, James T. BROWN and wife, Misses STEUBER, Miss Bess LINK of Paris. Thursday morning the bride and groom left for a wedding trip to Chicago, Aurora and points in Wisconsin and Michigan. Showers of congratulations and best wishes are bestowed upon this happy couple. The bride is recipient of beautiful gifts sent to her by many friends.

- J.H. WILEY and Chas. DEAN are opening a new meat market in the Donovan building vacated by the News Stand.

- D.A. PORTER spent Sunday in St. Louis with his son, A.C. and daughter, Miss Lenore.

June 28, 1906:

- CURRIE-CRAIG: On Monday evening, June 25, 1906 occurred the marriage of Mr. Arthur CURRIE to Miss Ethel CRAIG, at the home of the bride’s parents, in the presence of about 30 invited guests. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.K. ?HOGAN of the M.E. Church South. After the ceremony, refreshments were served. Miss Ethel is the highly accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben D. CRAIG, residing one mile south of this city. Miss CRAIG is a favorite with the young people of this community on account of her modesty, sweet charm of manner, and many other qualifications which go to make a lady in the true sense of the term. The groom is the trusty and efficient salesman for the Curry Sale Company of St. Louis. After teaching school for a short time he entered college and after completing his course, he shouldered the musket for Uncle Sam in the war against Spain; at the close of the war then again taught school until he was called to his present excellent position. The happy couple left the same evening for Moberly, Mo., where they will be temporarily located.

- BAYLIS-BRASEL: Mr. Norman BAYLIS and Miss Marie BRASEL, both of this city, were married last evening at six o’clock at the M.E. parsonage at Salem, the Rev. J.G. TUCKER, officiating. They returned to this city on the evening C. & E.I. train. They will make their home in Kinmundy and reside in the ROHRBOUGH property opposite the city park.

- Crazy Man Shot by Marshal: City Marshal J.W. McMASTER of Salem, had a desperate encounter Tuesday with Fred DILG, a farmer living near that place. DILG had come from St. Louis, bringing with him a sword, which he carried carefully encased in a shield in order to avoid detection. After reaching the business portion of the city, DILG drew the sword and preceded to chase people about the streets. Marshal McMASTER caught up with him just outside the city limits. DILG struck him across the face with the sword and McMASTER shot him, the ball passing almost entirely through the upper part of the abdomen. He was adjudged insane some six years ago and after a term at the Anna hospital was pronounced cured and was released. Reports last night were the DILG was growing weaker and it is thought that he will live only a short time. We are informed that the City Marshal did not intend to shoot the man in the abdomen, but aimed at the hand in which he carried the sword.

- Mallie H. ALLEN of Madison visited in the city from Friday till Monday with his parents, H.L. ALLEN and family and attended the funeral of his grandfather EMERY.

- Alma Express: The Alma Gems have reorganized with RAINEY for pitcher and COFFIN for catcher. They are now ready. Hear ye them.

- Alma Express: Mrs. R. WILSON and Miss Ruby SEE are in Greencastle, Ind. attending the wedding of Miss Myrtle ABBOTT, formerly of Alma.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Myrtie YOUNG and daughter came up from Memphis a few days ago to spend some time with her father, A.H. PERSELS. She and Mrs. E.L. BURDICK are in Vandalia this week, guests of Allie PERSELS.

- Mrs. Adaline JOHNSON was in Richview last Saturday attending the funeral of her nephew, Eugene WHITE, who died Friday of consumption.

- Mrs. Rebecca MYERS of West Frankfort, Ill., has returned home after a short visit here with her daughter, Mrs. Howard NICHOLAS.

July 5, 1906:

- Restaurant Changes: The Farmers’ Restaurant and Lunch room heretofore conducted by L.L. DOUGHTY, has changed hands and is now owned by E.A. SNELLING, who has changed the name to "The City Restaurant". Mr. SNELLING informs us that he has gone into the business to stay and will keep everything in first class shape and cater to the demands of his customers. He will add a new line of goods to the stock and will always be found at your service.

- ALEXANDER-HARVEY: A quiet wedding was celebrated in the parlor of the Methodist parsonage in our city last Tuesday evening, the contracting parties being Mr. Claude ALEXANDER and Miss Floyd HARVEY; Mr. Lloyd HAMMERS and Miss Lulu ALLEN, who had been in attendance at the Epworth League meeting, were summoned without previous notification, to act as attendants. Rev. N.D. SWEENY spoke the words that united hands and hearts for the voyage of life. So quietly had the whole arrangement been kept that the announcement of their marriage came as friends and even the ubiquitous boy with the cow bell and tin horn, missed his opportunity to wake the shrill echoes of night. The bride is a charming young lady from our neighboring village of Alma; the groom is a promising young "Knight of the Grip" whose parents reside in Salem. The Express extends congratulations.

- Boy Severely Burned: Last Saturday morning, Harold, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James BOUGHERS, met with a painful and almost fatal accident. He was playing in a box of excellsior and shavings and set fire to it and was severely burned about the legs and back before he could climb out of the box. The burns on the legs were more severe than those on the back and it was thought for a few days that they would prove fatal, but at this time he seems to be getting along nicely.

- Farina Express: Arthur BURDICK and bride are here guests of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. C.A. BURDICK, on their bridal tour. Mrs. BURDICK was Miss Clara FIRTH of New London, Conn.

- Farina Express: Ed FORD and family came up from Alma and spent the 4th with his mother here.

- Ross WOOLLEY returned home from the southwest last Friday evening. He left his son, Darrell, in Wichita, Kans., to visit his uncle, Chas. WOOLLEY and family for a month or two.

July 12, 1906:

- PRIBBLE-KELL: Dr. Eugene PRIBBLE, a former Farina boy, and Miss Lotta KELL, a popular young society lady and school teacher of Salem, were married Tuesday in Carlyle. The wedding was quite a surprise to their many friends. They will reside in Salem where Dr. PRIBBLE has entered into partnership with Dr. RAINEY.

- SCHERMERHORN-LANGER: Mr. Frank E. SCHERMERHORN, of this city, and Miss Mena LANGER, of Spokane, Wash., were quietly married in the bride’s city on Sunday evening, June 24th, 1906, at six o’clock. Mr. SCHERMERHORN is the son of A.V. SCHERMERHORN, a prominent citizen of Kinmundy, Ill. He was a hustling young man while at home on the farm, but having a desire to learn more of the commercial world, he entered Dixon Business College from which he graduated in 1900; was then employed with the Wheeler & Wilson Mtg. Co. of Chicago, for 18 months, then coming west was employed with the Wholesale Grocery house of B.L. GORDON & Co., of Spokane, for two years. Then coming nearer the coast located in Seattle and for the past two years has been connected with M. SELLER & Co. of Seattle, Portland and Spokane, he having charge of the German and French Goods Dept. The bride is one of Spokane’s most charming young ladies, having made that her home of the past sixteen years. Her friends mourn their loss but pour showers of blessings in her future happiness. Among some of the beautiful presents received was a rich cut glass water set of eight pieces presented by M. Seller & Co. and employers. Mr. and Mrs. SCHERMERHORN are now at home in their beautiful residence at 3970 Evanston Ave. (Seattle Times.)

- A Wreck at Odin: Odin, the Junction of the B. & O. S.W., and the I.C.R.R., 15 miles south of this city, was the scene of a bad railroad wreck Tuesday night about 9:30 o’clock. According to the information obtainable there was a freight on the B. & O., and was standing on the crossing and a special passenger train carrying some of the officials of the road were going south on the I.C. and it seems that the towerman displayed the proper go-a-head signals and in almost an instant the I.C. special collided with the B. & O. freight. Six or seven of the freight cars were thrown from the track and badly demolished. One car was loaded with heavy lumber and it is said some of the lumber was thrown over a hundred feet. Two Odin ladies, Mrs. Jas. CROW, and Miss Nora ALEXANDER, were standing on the sidewalk crossing, waiting for the freight to pull out, and these ladies were buried beneath the wreck and severely injured. Mrs. CROW sustained a broken arm and was otherwise bruised. Miss ALEXANDER received one broken limb and both arms rescued from the wreckage and taken to their homes where they were give medical attention. None of the train men on either train were hurt. The wreck train on the I.C. arrived about 20 minutes after the accident and traffic was delayed only a short time.

- Alma Express: A little child of C.W. HANNA and wife, died in Salem, Tuesday, July 10. Funeral service was conducted in the M.E. church in Alma by Elder R.F. MALLOTT. Interment in Martin Cemetery.

- Farina Express: Sherman E. ROGERS, of East St. Louis, died last Friday of lung trouble. He was a stepson of Mrs. Jennie ROGERS of this place, and was raised on a farm south of town. He and his wife spent the last week in June visiting relatives here and the announcement of his death, came as a great surprise to Farina people.

- Farina Express: O.W. MILLER’s team ran away Sunday and threw him out of the wagon bruising him considerably, while one of the horses was so badly injured that it was necessary to kill it.

- Farina Express: Widow STABENOW gave a reunion party to her brothers and sisters and families Sunday. It was a large and pleasant gathering.

- Fred DILG, the fellow who was shot at Salem two weeks ago, by the city marshal, has been taken to the insane asylum at Anna.

- Miss Helen MITCHELL of Kankakee, arrived in this city this a.m. to visit her parents, Jas. MITCHELL and family.

- Mary Elenore ELBOW arrived at the home of MR. and Mrs. Gus A. ELBOW in Oklahoma City, Okla., on Tuesday, July 3, 1906. Mrs. ELBOW was formerly Miss Nellie PORTER of this city.

July 19, 1906:

- PITT-HULTS: Mr. John C. PITT, of Mulberry Grove, Ill., and Miss Lydia HULTS were married last Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace HULTS, in this city, Squire John M. ROTAN officiating. The groom is a young railroad man of good character and has a good position. The bride is a highly esteemed and educated young lady of our city and for several months has been employed at Hospital, Ill. Their many friends join in extending congratulations.

- LILLY-SHRIVER: Mr. C. LILLY, a farmer residing six miles south of this city, and Mrs. Emma SHRIVER, residing seven miles southeast of this city, were married in Salem last Saturday afternoon. The many friends congratulate the happy couple.

- HUGHY M. EAGAN: The subject of this sketch died at his home about five miles southwest of this city of paralysis. He had been quite feeble for over 18 months, but was taken suddenly last Thursday morning between nine and ten o’clock and only lived a few hours. The funeral services were held at his home conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends who had gathered there to hear the words of consolation from that great Book of our Heavenly Father, and Rev. BALLANCE proved himself master in uses of scripture adapted to such occasions. Following is the obituary used at the services: Hughy M. EAGAN was born in Marion Co., Ill., Sept. 28, 1840, and was raised in this county and made his home for a number of years near the city cemetery. He was married Jan. 5, 1870 to Anna A. KITTLE, and lived with her until her death on Feb. 27, 1883. Of this union five children were born: two of whom survive him. He was married again to Lucy M. HENDRICK Nov. 8, 1883, who still survives him. To this union eight children were born, three of who have passed into the other world. He became a member of the M.E. church early in life and lived a consistent member until his death which occurred July 12, 1906, being 65 years, 8 months, and 16 days of age.

- Etta A. CHALFANT: Etta Athaline CHALFANT was born in Kinmundy, Ill., April 7, 1870. She professed religion and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian church Feb. 3, 1889. She departed this life Wednesday, July 11, 1906, at 3 o’clock a.m. making her age at the time of her death, 36 years, 3 months, and 4 days. Her mother, a sister, and three brothers preceded her to the spirit world. She leaves to mourn their loss a father and two sisters, and a large number of relatives and friends. As she was a worthy member of the Royal Neighbors of the local lodge of Kinmundy, she will be sadly missed by them as she will by us all. "Who by searching can know the paths of God? Providence sometimes these paths are very sad and disappointing to us, yet we bow to the mandate of the Lord and say, "Thy will be done." The funeral services were conducted at her home Thursday afternoon by her former pastor, Rev. J.M. WYCKOFF of Findlay, to a large concourse of sympathizing friends, after which she was born to the city cemetery where the sisters of the Royal Neighbors performed a beautiful and impressive ceremony, when the body was consigned to the tomb to await and rest until God shall call it from the sleeping dust in that great day.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Emogene FORD was in her town residence a few days last week.

- Alma Express: The safe for the Citizens Bank arrived Tuesday and was unloaded and put in place Wednesday. Now Alma has a bank.

- Mrs. "Aunt" Sallie RICHARDSON died at her home in Farina at 3 o’clock this morning. Funeral tomorrow afternoon.

- Mrs. Mary J. HAMMOND, aged 74 years, 6 months, and 24 days, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. SNELLING yesterday morning. She came here about a month ago to visit her daughter, Mrs. SNELLING, and has been sick the past week. The body was taken to her home in Princeton, Ind., this morning for burial. Her son, E.H. HALLETT and wife of Princeton, arrived here yesterday morning. The body was accompanied by E.A. SNELLING, wife and son, Lee, and E.H. HALLETT and wife.

- Mrs. Jennie ROGERS of Farina died yesterday afternoon at 4:30, after a lingering illness. She was a sister to D.A. PORTER of this city.

- A new son made his arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James BARNES in St. Louis a few days ago.

July 26, 1906:

- A Great Victory! The New Methodist Episcopal Church Dedicated Free From Debt. The Whole Community Rejoices: Last Sunday, July 22, 1906, was a day that will long be remembered. The beautiful new First M.E. church was opened for the first time to receive a congregation of worshipers. The day was bright and clear. A great company of people from far and near assembled promptly at 10 o’clock. Every pew and every chair was occupied, chairs were placed in the aisles, even the spacious vestibules were filled and many stood in the rear of the room. Mr. C.F. PRUETT, with his faithful corps of assistant ushers, Messrs. E.C. HUGGINS, Earnest SCHERMERHORN, Guy WHITTENBURG, Will ROSS, and Edward LOWE, cordially welcomed and carefully seated the crowd. Every visitor was at one impressed with the beauty and comfort of the building. The meeting began promptly with the call to service, according to the Discipline, as follows: "Dearly Beloved, the Scriptures teach us that God is well pleased with those who build temples to his name. WE have heard how he filled the temple of Solomon with his glory, and how in the second temple he manifested himself still more gloriously. And the Gospel approves and commends the centurion who built a synagogue for the people. Let us not doubt that he will also favorably approve our purpose of dedicating this place in solemn manner, for the performance of the several offices of religious worship; and let us now devoutly join in praise to his name, that this godly undertaking hath been so far completed, and in prayer for his further blessing upon all who have been engaged therein, and upon all who shall hereafter worship his name in this place." Hymn No. 1: "O, for a thousand tongues to sing. My great Redeemer’s Praise" was the first song. Rev. Naaman BASCOM very feelingly and appropriately led the opening prayer. The choir, composed of Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM, Misses Francis WOOLLEY, Grace MACE, Helen RICE, Georgia SMITH, Gail NIRIDER, Bertha STEUBER, Martha PRUETT, Louise STEUBER, Mrs. E.R. HENSLEY, and Messrs. Walter PRUETT, Lloyd HAMMERS, Fred MINER and W.W. NEIL, accompanied by Mrs. Lotta SHARPE, organist, rendered the beautiful dedicatory anthem, "Oh, How Amiable." Rev. N.B. COOKSEY, of Benton, read the first Scripture lesson, and Rev. C.E. BOVARD, of Mason, the second. The choir and congregation sang heartily, "All hail the power of Jesus’ name." The pastor then introduced the Rev. Thomas Corwin ILIFF, D.D., of Philadelphia, who delivered a masterful and soul-stirring sermon from the text, "Our Savior Jesus Christ hath abolished death and hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel." - II. Timothy, 1-10. Such a sermon, to such a congregation, was never before heard in Kinmundy. The effect upon the congregation was beyond description. The spiritual power of that sermon will be felt in our community for a generation. At the close of the sermon, Dr. ILIFF complimented the community and commended the church, especially through heir official representatives, the trustee and building committee, on the erection of so beautiful and substantial a structure. After making a financial statement, which showed that the building had cost a total of about $14,000, he called upon the congregation to subscribe the additional amount, $5,500 to complete the whole amount. Messrs. L.C. ROHRBOUGH and Raymond WALTERS were chosen secretaries, and rendered valuable service. The following corps of solicitors, C. ROHRBOUGH, F.A. PRUETT, J. NELSON, M. JERNIGAN, W.H. GRAY, W.W. NEIL, M.A. SONGER, Mrs. E.C. BARGH, Mrs. J.T. BROWN, Mrs. I.F. SUGG, Miss Bessie KING, J.W. SCOTT, W.E. BROWN, E.M. SCHERMERHORN, E. HAMMERS, W.W. LOWE, C.B. ROHRBOUGH, and C.F. PRUETT, waited on the congregation with subscription blanks, which were readily taken and filled. To the great surprise and exceeding joy of all concerned, the entire amount was soon subscribed and the meeting closed in blaze of glory, amid shouting and singing and devout thanks to Almighty God for this signal victory. All strangers and visitors were eagerly sought out by the members and friends and taken to their homes where sumptuous feast were spread. The services at 3 o’clock were intended primarily for the children, and an excellent address to them was made by Rev. N.B. COOKSEY, but in view of the gracious victories of the day, the meeting could not be held within the bounds intended, but broke out spontaneously into a service of praise and thanksgiving in which Revs S.B. BASCOM, C.E. BOVARD and Naaman BASCOM participated. Letters of congratulations had been received from the presiding bishop, some of the ex-presiding elders and former pastors, and several of these were read at this meeting. The evening service was a meeting long to be remembered. The choir sang the beautiful anthem, "Jesus, the very thought of Thee". Bro. COOKSEY led the prayer Dr. HIFF recited the thrilling story of his labors for a third of a century in the frontier fields, "bounded on the east by the Missouri river, on the west by the Pacific ocean, on the north by the British possessions, and on the south by Old Mexico." To this trying field he went as a young man in his early twenties, accompanied by his young bride. Humorous, pathetic, even tragic were many of the incidents of those early days, but faithful home missionaries laid well the foundations of a splendid Christian civilization. At the close of the sermon the trustees were called before the altar. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the president, C. ROHRBOUGH, made the presentation of the building as follows: "We present unto you this building, to be dedicated as a church for the service and worship of Almighty God." (*) (A picture of Rev. N.D. SWEENY, Pastor, and of the First M.E. church building dedicated July 22, 1906 was included).

- Alma Express: Dr. W.S. SHRIGLEY has installed a new light system of 53 lights which brilliantly lights up the entire cannery.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Jennie GRISSOM of Kinmundy attended the funeral of Aunt Sally RICHARDSON last Friday.

- Farina Express: George WEHE, of Hutchinson, Kan., is visiting his brother, Wesley WEHE, and family.

- A Good Woman Gone: E.H. HALLETT this morning was notified by wire of the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary J. HAMMOND, which sad event occurred at 1 o’clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. SNELLING at Kinmundy, Ill. She had been sick but a short time, and her condition was not considered serious until a short time pervious to her death. Deceased was about 74 years of age and was in every sense of the word a truly good woman. Kind and helpful to all, and ever ready to assist the deserving suffering, she went her way quietly through life doing good as her hand found it to do. She was a consistent member of the Christian church and tried to so live that death did not find her unprepared. Besides her son, Edward, of this place, she leaves three daughters, Mrs. Olive HUFF of Laton, Cal.; Mrs. Marie STOKES of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Jennie SNELLING, of Kinmundy, Ill., and several grandchildren, and to them the sympathy of all is extended in the loss of a kind and loving mother. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 10 o’clock from the residence of her son, 315 South Prince street, in this city, Rev. OTTO, her pastor, conducting the services. Interment will be in Odd Fellows Cemetery. (Princeton, Ind., Evening Tribune.)

- D.A. POATER and sons, Anson and Frank and daughter Miss Lenore were in Farina Saturday attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Jennie ROGERS.

- Mrs. W.C. INGRAM returned home Saturday after visiting several weeks in Sulphur Springs, Ind. with her sister, Mrs. G.W. GILMORE.

- John EDWARDS and wife and Benjamin WADE of Pawnee City, Neb., sister and brother of John WADE, visited relatives here this week.

- E.A. SNELLING, wife and son, Lee, returned home Saturday after attending the funeral of Mrs. SNELLING’s mother, Mrs. Mary HAMMOND, at Princeton, Ind.

Aug. 2, 1906:

- Alma Express: Arch SPROUSE went to Chicago on Wednesday on account of the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Ida EDMUNDS who has suddenly become insane.

- Farina Express: Miss Grace SHEPARD has left GANT’s Store to take a trip to Kansas with her parents.

- Advertisement: A New Firm! We have purchased the Frank E. NELMS stock of General Merchandise and have added a $2500 Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes and Gents’ Furnishings and will be glad to have all of Frank’s old customers, as well as new ones, to call and give us a trial. Highest market price paid for Produce. Eggs Cash or Trade. Arthur OSBORN & Co.

- D.A. PORTER and Mrs. Elizabeth RAY, two highly respected citizens of Kinmundy, drove to Salem Saturday and were united in marriage.

Aug. 9. 1906:

- Geo. L. HERRICK Dead: The funeral services of George L. HERRICK were conducted under the auspices of Rosedale Lodge Mo. 354 in the Christian church in this city at 3 p.m. Aug. 6, 1906. Funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. J.H. WILEY from the text "For now we see in a mirror darkly; but then face to face". I Cor. 13:12. The deceased departed this life at Old Folk’s Home of I.O.O.F. at Mattoon, Ill, Aug. 4, 1906, aged 91 years and 6 days. The family of the departed parent can but feel grateful to each and all of the kind friends who extended a helping hand and spoke loving words of sympathy in the hour of bereavement. The following sketch was written at the dictation of Father HERRICK and read at a reception given by the younger members of Dixon Lodge No. 39, to the older members of the same, one of whom was the subject of this sketch and could not be present. Geo. L. HERRICK was born July 29th, 1815, at Morrison, Lamoile Co., Vt. When 14 years of age he moved to Worchester, Vt., then to Montpelier and from there to Bethel, spending his last summer at Barry, Vt. Sept. 18th, 1837, he started for Illinois, arriving in Chicago Oct. 14. He left there on Nov. 21 for Grand Detour, Ogle Co., embarking in the Tin and Stove business, being the first industry of the kind on Rock River. May 5, 1840, he was married to Julia MUZZEY, who was a native of Weare, N.H. They were parents of three children, Clyde, dying in infancy, Amelia M., and Charles M., who was drowned in Rock River at the age of 11. He moved to Dixon, Lee Co., in May 1853, having established the Hardware, Tin and Stove business there the year previous, continuing same until June 1870. He was elected Town Trustee March 2, 1857 and Mayor in 1861. Jan. 1882 he was appointed to the position of Head Police and Usher in State Capitol, Springfield, which he filled for ___ years, and 4 months. May 1890 he moved to Kinmundy, going into his present home named by his wife, "Sunny Cottage", on their Golden Wedding day. He built his residence in North Dixon in 1855; built his store in 1857 adding the third story for the Odd Fellows Hall. In 1850 he joined Lodge 39, I.O.O.F. In 1854 joined Masonic order, Friendship Lode No. 7. He and his wife were charter members of the Colfax Rebekah Lodge No. 30 instituted on Oct. 27, 1870. His wife passed to spirit life April 5, 1901, since which time his sight has failed until he can just distinguish the outlines of forms. Mar. 21, 1905, he became helpless from a fall. He is 90 years, and 9 months old. Brother HERRICK was a worker in the Lodge and Encampment, filled all the offices in the subordinate Lodge from Left Scene Supporter to N.G. He was wealthy at one time and through the machinations of a partner and son-in-law his fortune was swept away and a grand, good man was left penniless in his old age and subject to the cold charities of the world, were it not for these brothers assembled here this evening.

- Obituary: Nancy Jane PORTOR was born in Muskingum county, near Frayeysburg, Ohio, March 15, 1853, and died at Farina ,Ill., on July 18, 1906, at 4:35 p.m. aged 53 years, 4 months, and 3 days. She moved with her widowed mother and two brothers to a farm in Marion county, Illinois, March 27, 1865, where they lived but a short time when they moved to Kinmundy, where she grew to womanhood. On Dec. 27, 1871, she was married to R.W. WHITE, brother of W.H. WHITE of Kinmundy, who died Oct. 3, 1873. On March 29 she was married to Jas. _____ who only lived one month. She was united in marriage to James ______ on April 14, 1878, who departed this life Sept. 3, 1889. To this union was born four children, one son and three daughters. She united with the M.E. church at Kinmundy at the age of 12 years, and lived a faithful Christian until her death. She was a constant sufferer for two years, but bore her afflictions with great patience. During the long weeks of pain and suffering she was patient and hopeful, anxious to get well for the children’s sake, but toward the last often expressed herself as being ready and anxious to go when God wanted to call her home. She was always a faithful wife, a loving mother and a true friend. She endeavored to be useful and live to help others. She never thought of herself but what she could do for her family and friends. She died as she had lived and met death fearlessly and without a struggle. She was a faithful Christian and always set an example of patience and endurance to all who knew her. She leaves to mourn their loss three daughters, one son, two step sons, a brother a host of relatives and friends. The funeral took place at the family residence in Farina Saturday July 21, 1906, at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. S.B. BASCOM, assisted by Rev. V.W. THRALL, in the midst of a large circle of sympathizing relatives and friends after which the remains were taken to the Kinmundy cemetery, where she was tenderly laid to rest to await the beautiful dawn of the resurrection morning.

- Farina Express: John DIPPOLD’s team ran away in town last Friday and crashed into a carriage in which Mrs. Geo. TAYLOR was going home, severely wounding her, and smashed Theodore GERHART’s wagon and bruised him severely. Fortunately no bones were broken in any one.

- Alma Express: Mrs. Ida EDMUNDS, who is deranged makes no improvement. It will perhaps be necessary to take her to Anna for treatment. This is a melancholy case as her insanity was brought about by overwork and worry incident to the care of her husband for more than 4 years, who was recently committed to the hospital at Anna.

- Alma Express: Fred C. CLOW and wife are the proud parents of a girl baby.

- T.B. SPROUSE of Norris City, Ill., visited friends in this city last Friday and Saturday. Mr. SPROUSE resided here in his younger days but his is his first visit to Kinmundy since he left 30 years ago. The original town of Kinmundy was platted by his father, Capt. SPROUSE.

- Mrs. Caroline SMITH of Tonti twp. Died Sunday, aged 78 years, 2 months and 14 days.

- J.F. HOWELL and wife, Henry WARREN and wife, and Miss Flora HOWELL attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Caroline SMITH, Monday afternoon.

- Harvey HERRICK of Dixon was in this city Monday attending the funeral of his brother, George L. HERRICK and visiting relatives.

Aug. 16, 1906:

- Barnett W. BLAKESLEE: Barnett Woodburry BLAKESLEE was born in Austinburg Twp., Ashtabula Co., Ohio in 1833; died in Kinmundy, Ill., Aug. 12, 1906. When 18 years of age, he went to the California Gold Fields and remained there 21 months. He returned to his home in Ohio and in the fall of 1853 went with a cousin to Chicago and engaged in the lumber business. In less than a year they dissolved partnership and divided the stock. Mr. BLAKESLEE shipped his to St. Louis by water from there hauling it by teams to Mt. Vernon, Ill., where he sold it. After a few months he located south of Kinmundy on a farm that is known as the "Old BLAKESLEE Farm", having purchased it of old Geo. PACE at ___ per acre. While in Ohio on business in 1861 he enlisted in the army and served till the close of the war. In 1874 he moved to Kinmundy, where he and James HAWORTH went into the hardware business. After two years they dissolved partnership, dividing the stock, Mr. B. conducting his store till it was destroyed by fire, July 8, 1904. He was also a grain merchant, and at one time was in the drug business. Mr. BLAKESLEE was twice married. Three children were born to the first union, Mamie, Frankie and Clara, the latter still living. He was married the second time to Miss Mary SELLECK of Ohio. Three children were born to this union, Lou, Nettie and James. Mrs. BLAKESLEE died in 1878. Mr. BLAKESLEE cared for his children till they were grown. Nettie died Feb. 13, 1896. The other two have married and gone to new homes. Mr. B. loved the place where he had lived so long, and it seemed that loving Providence brought him back to Kinmundy to die, among the friends of many years. The services were conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE, remarks were also made by an old friend "Uncle Jimmie" CRAIG and a paper was read by Mrs. A.E.W. PRUETT an intimate friend of the family. The Orders to which he belonged A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F., and G.A.R. each took part in the ceremonies at his grave. And thus in the evening of life, at the close of a beautiful day, just as the sun went down we laid our brother to rest. We knew as surely as the sun shall shine forth in all his glory again, so our brother shall rise in the glory and beauty of a new life and dwell forever with the Lord.

- A Family Reunion: Rev. Thomas J. COX, of Kansas City, Mo., an old Clay county soldier served in the 98th Ill., also in the 10th Tenn. Cavalry, is here on a visit after many years absence and will be entertained at the home of Martin ALLEN in this city by a family reunion of all relatives. His many old time acquaintances desiring to hear him preach he has consented to do so at the City Park Sunday next at 4 o’clock p.m. At the same time by permission of Rev. COX, G.W. RUTHERFORD will exhibit the Photographic Suggestive Cure for Alcoholic Temperance.

- Alice LASATER Dead: Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. LASATER died at her late home in Ashland, Oregon, Aug. 10, 1906, aged 11 years, 11 months, 1 day. Little Alice was known and loved by many friends in Kinmundy and our hearts are made sad on account of her death. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of all their friends. Dear parents take courage and look forward to the happy reunion with your beloved child when the storms of life are over and you shall meet dear little Alice on the beautiful shore where parting will be no more. Her Grandma.

- Only One Bank: For several months a move has been on to unite the Haymond State Bank and the First National Bank of this city. Some days ago the plans were perfected and the union was made yesterday and the State Bank is now out of commission and all interests are in the First National. The capital stock has been increased to $50,000 and the union is considered a good move by all concerned. The newly elected officers are as follows: President - A.W. SONGER; Vice President - Wm. MORRIS; Cashier - R.P. McBRYDE; Assistants - R.W. WALTERS, Miss Nellie SCHERMERHORN; Directors - A.W. SONGER, Wm. MORRIS, August BORCHELT, J.F. HOWELL, R.P. McBRYDE, F.A. PRUETT, Jacob NELSON. The First National is now located in the handy corner of the Elder block, where the friends of both institutions are invited to call and receive the same courteous treatment as in the past.

- Farina Express: Julius STABENOW’s baby died last Friday.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Deacon CLARK became insane last week and it was found necessary to take her to the insane asylum. DeForest CRANDALL carried her and Mr. ZINN and Miss Clara ROGERS to Vandalia where an examination in lunacy was held and she was taken to Anna. Mr. ZINN and Miss ROGERS attended her to her destination.

- Miss Augusta PEARSON HUBBARD, widow of the late W.R. HUBBARD, died at their home 1621 Briar Place, Chicago, Friday morning, Aug. 10, 1906. Her death occurred on her birthday, she having been born in Homer, N.H., Aug. 1__, 1836. She came to Kinmundy, Ill., with her family in 1854, her father, Elder B.H. PEARSON being very prominent in the Baptist Mission of Southern Illinois. She was married to W.R. HUBBARD in Kinmundy in 1857, who preceded her two years ago. Three children were born to them, Frank and Charles, who died in infancy, and W.L., Musical and Dramatic Editor and the Chicago Tribune, who accompanied the remains to this place, where a short impressive service was held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. DONOVAN.

- Mrs. Kate THOMAS returned home Friday after a visit in Breese with her brother, Joseph BARBEE.

- James W. BLAKESLEE of Springfield, Mo., arrived here Friday evening in answer to a message announcing the serious illness of his father, B.W. BLAKESLEE.

- The second annual reunion of the PARRILL family will be held at the residence of Mrs. Sarah PARRILL, in Meacham twp., on Wed. Aug. 29th. About 100 relatives are expected to be in attendance.

Aug. 23, 1906:

- George A. MILLER: Was born in Madison, Jefferson Co., Ind., Aug. 4, 1844, and died at his home in East Norwood, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1906, aged 62 years and 20 days. He was married to Mary E. RENO, May 30th, 1868. He leaves a wife and one daughter, three brothers and one sister to mourn their loss. He enlisted in 1861 in Co. K, 40th Ill. Infantry and was discharged in 1865.

- Derailed a Fast One: Train No. 4 on the I.C.R.R. due here at 5:36 a.m. was derailed here last Sunday morning by towerman C.A. PAYNE. The train was running at a good lively rate, when the accident occurred, but fortunately no one was hurt. The C. & E.I. had the right of way and a freight train was going over the crossing when the fast train approached and whistled for the signals, but Mr. PAYNE could not give both trains the crossing at the same time and it was the business of the engineer on the fast train to stop but this he failed to do until the engine, baggage car and one sleeper had left the track and were bumping along on the ties. When the engine left the track, the engineer and fireman both jumped and were unhurt, but they would have escaped without injury if they had stayed with their "iron horse" as it remained on its "feet". The wreck train arrived here about seven o’clock and pulled the coaches remaining on the track back to Alma where they were transferred on the west track and another engine hitched on and they come here and then transferred again on the east track and proceeded to make the trip to Chicago. The train was heavily loaded with passengers as the company was running an excursion from New Orleans to Chicago and No. 4 was run in seven sections. Traffic on the east or northbound track was abandoned between here and Alma until three o’clock Sunday afternoon, when the work of getting the cars and engine back on the track was completed.

- Two Electric Storms: This vicinity has been visited by two severe electrical storms, the first occurring last Friday and the last one Sunday. During Friday’s storm H.G. LACEY, residing two miles east of town, had two good horses killed by lighting. A number of farmers report the loss of hay stacks. During Sunday’s storm, Theo. GARRETT, residing five miles west of town had a good horse killed, and Wm. C. THREEWITT of Meacham, also reports the loss of a good horse. In the vicinity of Farina and LaClede the wind did great damage to the orchards and the apples. In many orchards the fruit was estimated to be one-half destroyed. Sunday afternoon the farm house of William JONES, one mile south of Miletus, was struck by lightening to two places and considerable damage done, but fortunately the house did not catch on fire. Several young people of the neighborhood had gathered in this place to spend the afternoon and all received a shock and were knocked unconscious for a time, some being worse affected than other, but no one was seriously hurt. The residence of Ellis WOLFE, in this city, was in the way of the lighting and received a slight wound. Mrs. S.B. SARCHET received quite a severe shock which lasted for several minutes but she escaped without much injury only a bad scare. Taking everything into consideration, our city and citizens were very fortunate in escaping as luckily as we did.

- Farina Express: Friends of John GING and wife celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary Saturday night. Large attendance and splendid time was reported.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Samuel WEALE died last Thursday after a long and painful illness.

- Mrs. C.W. WITWER went to Chicago, Tuesday to visit her sister, Miss Irene MAHAN.

- Wm. DAVIS of Portland, Ore. and Mrs. Eliza TINKER of Kansas City left Wednesday morning for their homes after a 10 day visit here with their nephew, J.L. DAVIS and family.

Aug. 30, 1906:

- A Pretty Home Wedding: The marriage of Miss Lenore Ethel PORTER and Mr. Thomas Emmett PRICKETT was celebrated last Sunday night at the home of the bride’s father D.A. PORTER, in the east part of this city. At 9:30 the ceremony of the M.E. Church was performed by Rev. Victor W. THRALL of Farina. The bride was gowned in a beautiful creation of pearl grey voil made over taffeta silk of the same color and carried a bouquet of bride’s roses. After the ceremony, a dainty supper was served in honor of the occasion which was very much enjoyed by the relatives and a few invited guests present. At 11:30 the same evening Mr. PRICKETT and bride left for Chicago, amid showers of rice, etc., and from there they will begin their wedding trip making a tour of the Great Lakes. The bride and groom are both highly respected young people of Kinmundy and their many friends hope that their lives will always be as happily spent as their wedding day.

- Jacob L. SMITH: Last Saturday Mr. Jacob L. SMITH, an old and esteemed citizen of our city closed his earthly life. For many years he has been a familiar figure in our industrial life. He came to our city from Omega in 1888 and has conducted a blacksmith shop ever since. He was known as a quiet man, a law abiding citizen and a good workman, and one whose influence was always on the side of right. He had been ailing for a month or more and for the last two weeks declined rapidly. Funeral services were held at the family residence on Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. N.D. SWEENY pastor of the First M.E. Church, the choir furnishing appropriate music. The following obituary was read: Jacob L. SMITH was born in Lebanon, Ill, Sept. 21, 1837, and died in Kinmundy, Ill., Aug. 25, 1906, aged 68 years, 11 months and 4 days. When quite young he came with his parents to Omega, where his boyhood days were spent. He was married in 1857 to Elizabeth S. DEEDS, who survived less than a year. In 1860 he was married to Miss Martha C. DAVIS, east of Omega. They lived for a time in Xenia but returned to the farm east of Omega, where she died in 1876. Five children of this union still live: Miss Minerva SMITH, Sacramento, Cal.; Emit L. SMITH, Ralston, Okla.; Mrs. Lizzie ABBOTT, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Louella VANNAY, Stephen, Minn.; Miss Ethel SMITH, Anna, Ill. On Dec. 24, 1877, he was married to Mary E. MILLER, who with her two children, Wilbur SMITH, Xenia and Mrs. Dollie HENNIGER, Mt. Auburn, Ill., survive him. He also leaves eight grandchildren. Jacob SMITH will be remembered by many. He was a good man, quiet, honest, kind, attending strictly to business as long as health would permit. In his younger days he was quite active and devoted in all services of the church, a loyal Methodist with a heart true though very unpretentious. He united with the M.E. church in Kinmundy, by letter, Feb. 19, 1888, under the ministry of Rev. J.G. DEE, which membership he retained until death. The body was laid to rest in the city cemetery.

- Mrs. T.J. CHARLTON: Died at her home in Kinmundy, Ill., Aug. 25, 1906, Mrs. Catherine CHARLTON, aged 63 years, 8 months, and 28 days. Mrs. CHARLTON, whose maiden name was THOMPSON, was born at Fredricksburg, Wayne Co., Ohio, Nov. 27, 1842. She was united in marriage with Thomas J. CHARLTON, Nov. 11, 1859. To this union 13 children were born, five of them preceded their mother to the spirit world. She was a great sufferer at times, being stricken with paralysis for several months. She was a woman of cheerful disposition, a loving companion, and a devoted mother. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE from the family home on Monday, Aug. 27 at 2:30 p.m. after which the remains of loving wife and precious mother were laid to rest in the city cemetery. The family circle is again broken and the earthly home can never be what it once was, but these broken links and these inevitable changes only tell us of the unchanging home and the possibility of a reunited family circle in that higher sphere to which she in advance has gone. May God sanctify this deep sorrow to the loved ones left behind and one day may there be an unbroken home gathering in the Father’s House.

- An Ordinary Day: Last Saturday was a very ordinary business day in Kinmundy and in order to satisfy our own mind we walked through the business streets and counted the vehicles hitched to the racks. To our utmost surprise they numbered 204, and this number did not include dray and delivery wagons. It is estimated by many that the number of rigs on our streets that day from 7 a.m. till 9 p.m. would reach 500 and we are of the opinion that this number is none too high. There was nothing out of the ordinary to draw the crowd - they just come to trade with our merchants. People in the surrounding country come to Kinmundy to trade for the simple reason that our merchants treat them right and give them good at the lowest possible prices. Of course, Kinmundy has no wooden smoke stack round house two miles from town or post oak town lots to sell, but when it come to selling goods, we are "it". If any of the neighboring towns can beat the number of teams on a like day we would be glad to hear from them.

- Alma Express: N.J. RHOADS, Claude DEWEESE, E.W. BLACK and Elder K.A. WILLIAMS were sued for road labor, tried in Magistrate WILSON’s court with the result that they work or pay.

- Farina Express: Louis ANDREWS and Miss Ida LAWRENCE were married last week. Congratulations.

- Farina Express: A child was born to Mrs. SHIRLEY Saturday.

- Fred BEAVER and wife of Chicago arrived in this city Monday evening to visit his parents, D.C. BEAVER and family.

- W.H. GRAY left Monday evening for Portland, Ore., where he expects to remain a month with the view of locating permanently. He will stop at Denver, Salt Lake City and other noted places while enroute.

- Chas. W. LOWE left Monday for Seattle, Wash., to visit a month with his son, L.F. LOWE and family. He will also visit in Denver, Salt Lake City and other places of note.

- W.A. MATTHEWS, formerly of Odin, but late of Matthews, Ill., and Mrs. Julia JOLIFF of Odin, were married in Sandoval Saturday afternoon.

Sept. 6, 1906:

- A Family Reunion: The second annual reunion of the descendants of Silas PARRILL was held at the home of Mrs. Sarah C. PARRILL, in Meacham twp., last Wednesday and a good time was enjoyed by the 72 relatives present. Silas PARRILL was born in West Virginia Sept. 13th 1806, and this reunion was held just 15 days before his 100th birthday. He settled in Marion co., Ill., in 1845 and lived here till his death which occurred in May 1889. By 11 o’clock the relatives had all assembled at this beautiful county home and the photographer arranged the group and a picture was made of the happy family. At the noon hour all were seated at a long table which had been arranged on the shady lawn and here is where all demonstrated the fact of their storage capacity and the working order of their digestive organs. The good things that were on that table to eat were too numerous to talk about. After dinner was over all were seated in the shade and a short program rendered by the little folks, songs sung by the crowd, the family history read by Mrs. J.W. McCLURE; short talks made by P.S., J.W., and A.J. PARRILL the three surviving sons. Letters of regret were read from far away relatives who were unable to be in attendances. This feature of the occasion was very interesting to all present and especially to the young people who had heard but little of the life of their grandparents. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, A.J. PARRILL; Secretary, Miss Evangeline PARRILL; Executive Committee, Misses Lillian, Clara and Agnes PARRILL. The executive committee were given authority to fix date and place of holding the reunion next year. Among those present were C.E. PARRILL and family, of Evanston, Ill., Mrs. Ed RICHARDSON and sons of Hammond, La.; Miss Elizabeth PARRILL of Washington, Ind.; Mrs. J.W. McCLURE and children, of Jackson, Miss.; Henry SPECKER and family of Loogootee; Harrison WISEHART and wife, of Iola; J.W. GRISSOM and family of Farina; Silas JONES and family of Xenia; P.S. PARRILL and daughter Lillian and Ed HOHLT and wife of Farina; Mrs. Mary WOLFE and son Peter, of Xenia, Mrs. Byron SIPLE and Mrs. Daniel SMITH and daughter, of Iuka, Lloyd PARRILL and family of Kinmundy, A.J. PARRILL and family, J.W. PARRILL, A.H. PARRILL and family, Mrs. Mattie PARRILL and family, E.E. BROWN and family of Meacham, F.O. GRISSOM and wife of Kinmundy.

- OSBORN-LAMONT: Arthur C. OSBORN went to Farina Sunday to spend the day and that evening he and Miss Lillie LAMONT drove to this city and went to the M.E. parsonage where they were united in marriage by Rev. N.D. SWEENY. The happy young couple were attended by Mr. Albert NORMAN and Miss Stella LAMONT both of Farina. Mr. OSBORN is one of the prominent young business men of Kinmundy and is highly esteemed by all who know him. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. LAMONT of Farina, and is respected by all of that place. We welcome them as citizens of Kinmundy and hope they may ever be happy.

- Birthday Surprise: On Tuesday, Aug. 28th, about 25 of Mrs. Vard COCKRELL’s most intimate friends gave her a very pleasant surprise as her home in honor of her 32nd birthday. A sumptuous dinner was served which was enjoyed by all present, and the afternoon spent in social conversation and music, both vocal and instrumental. The party departed wishing Mrs. C. many happy returns of the day.

- A fine girl babe was born to Eldo WAINSCOTT and wife on last Thursday and now John C. LYNCH is grandpa. John says he thinks fish will bite better for him since he has become Grandpa LYNCH.

- Last Saturday afternoon Mr. VAN HORN drove on the dump south of the I.C. depot for a load coal, and a train passed and the team started to run. Mr. VAN HORN tried to hold them and one of the lines broke and he had to turn them loose. They run north to the public square where a number of other teams were hitched and they come to a rig belonging to Ayres CONANT, and the team tried to miss the buggy, but failed and one of the horses jumped over CONANT’s buggy and about that instant the horses, buggy wagon and all fell in one pile. A crowd soon gathered expecting to find the horses almost killed, but they escaped with only a few scratches. Mr. CONANT’s buggy was smashed to pieces and the harness badly demolished.

- Farina Express: E.H. HALLADAY went to Oskaloosa Thursday to attend the wedding of Pearl HOCKMAN.

Sept. 13, 1906:

- Roy VANDAVEER Dead: Roy Vandaveer, son of M. and Mrs. Joel VANDAVEER, of this city, died Tuesday morning at 5 o’clock of appendicitis after an illness of a week’s duration. Mr. VANDAVEER was injured about three weeks ago while shoeing a horse and has not been well since that time. The funeral services were held at the residence of Joel VANDAVEER Tuesday afternoon, Elder T.D. DAVIS of the Baptist church conducting the services. The burial was made in the old Louisville cemetery. Roy VANDAVEER was born in this city June 26, 1884, and has lived in the neighboring towns of Farina and Kinmundy several years, but resided here for the last several years. He married Miss Nellie SENITE of Clay City, June 22, and they have been living over the Minch store room. He followed his trade as blacksmith in his father’s shop. (Louisville Ledger)

- A Farina Boy Killed: Wilder LEATH, a young man from Farina, aged about 20 years, was killed at Mattoon last Friday night or early Saturday morning while employed as brakeman for the I.C.R.R. His train had gone on the siding to let No. 8, the midnight fast passenger train pass, and the freight remained on the siding for an hour or more as the passenger train was late. It is thought that LEATH sat down on the east rail of the east or north bound track and went to sleep as things indicated that such was the case after he was killed. From the reports it seems that he was struck by the engine on the fast train and thrown under the freight cars of his own train and the body mangled. Both legs and both arms were cut off and the body otherwise disfigured. It was some time before his crew missed him and upon search they found his lantern and one shoe close by the rail where he was supposed to have been sitting. He had two toes taken off one foot a few years ago and it is supposed that his shoe was hurting this foot and he removed his shoe to rest it, and while sitting there, dropped off to sleep. The mangled body was picked up and taken to the undertaking room in Mattoon where an inquest was held and the remains shipped to Farina for burial. The funeral was held Monday morning and was largely attended by the friends of the family. The sorrowing parents and relatives have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement.

- The KAGY-HITE Reunion: Saturday, Sept. 8th, a reunion of the KAGY and HITE families was held at the old Summit Prairie Baptist church in Stephenson twp., and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. The forenoon was given to social intercourse and in renewing old acquaintances. At noon a sumptuous dinner was served; so bountiful, so delicious, and so characteristic of these good ladies that the only regret was that we did not have a little more capacity. In the afternoon a very fine program was rendered. Addresses were made by Judge S.L. DWIGHT of Centralia; Hon. Luke HITE of St. Louis, L.M. KAGY of Salem; Mrs. Clara HOLTSLAW of Iuka, Mrs. Etta B. HITE and others interspersed with most excellent music furnished by the young people of the community and a fine Quartet from Salem. M.T. STEPHENSON presided over the meeting with dignity and conducted all business to a happy termination. Mrs. Etta B. HITE as Secretary was at her post of duty and did much to make this gathering a success. The society voted to hold another reunion next year. Taken altogether it was a most enjoyable occasion and one long to be remembered by all that were present. These families came to Marion Co., in 1840 and 41, and settled in Summit Prairie, about five miles northeast of Salem. They were thrifty farmers and professional men and have done much to bring Marion county to the front.

- SLAUGHTER-GARNER: Cleatus SLAUGHTER, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. SLAUGHTER, and Miss Maude GARNER, formerly of Kinmundy, Ill., were united in marriage by Squire Frank BALDRIDGE at his home at 3:30 o’clock Monday afternoon. The bride has been staying at the Slaughter hotel for sometime and is a sister of Mrs. Joe MORITZ. The couple will live in Stonington and The Star joins their friends in hearty congratulations. (Stonington Star)

- Alma Express: Ed RAINEY and Frank COFFIN are attending the University at Champaign. This is Ed’s second year.

- Farina Express: Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roy COON celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Tuesday. There was a large and cheerful company that wished the couple many more years of wedded bliss.

- Farina Express: Miss Ruth ZINN began her school in Prairie Grove Monday. Miss Bessie RICHARDSON began in the Grove school and Miss Clara ROBERTS in the Wolf school.

- Farina Express: Wilder LEITH was killed by a train in Mattoon Friday night and was buried here Monday.

- Farina Express: Mr. and Mrs. GANT were at Geneva Lake, Wis., the first of the week.

- Miss Grace SHEPARD left Monday for Central City to commence her duties as teacher in the public schools.

- Will GREEN, a student of the Kinmundy high school has accepted a position as teacher of the Lacey School in Meacham township and commenced his labors Tuesday.

- Mrs. J.W. BLAKESLEE of Carthage, Mo., is in this city attending the funeral of her brother, Marsh FORSHEE.

Sept. 20, 1906:

- Neck Broken by Fall: Marsh FORSHEE, 35 years old, a lamp trimmer in the employee of the electrical department of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, fell from a fifty foot ladder just after finishing his work on the lamps at furnace A and broke his neck yesterday at noon. FORSHEE was dead when he was found by other employees of the plant less than five minutes after he had been seen working at the top of the ladder. FORSHEE was not married and so far is known, has no relatives in the city. He came to Pueblo nine years ago. His home was in Kinmundy, Ill. He has been with the C.F. & I. Company during the entire time of his residence here. Before taking up the work that ended in his death. FORSHEE was a watchman at the east gate of the Minnequa plant. He was big and handsome and made many friends at his post, where thousands of the plant’s employees pass in and out day after day. He had practically completed his work for the day when death claimed him. The lamp on which he did his last work was thoroughly cleaned, new carbons had been put in and the lamp was ready for the night. On this account it is though FORSHEE had probably gone down the ladder several rungs when he fell, whether from a slip, dizziness or a collapse is not known. There was no witness to the accident. He fell to a stone floor, evidently striking on the back of his head with the neck bent forward. His death is thought to be instantaneous. The body is at the McMAHON & COLLIER parlors awaiting instructions. (Pueblo Star Journal Sunday morning, Sept. 16) The body arrived here this a.m. on the five o’clock train and taken to the home of his parents, where the funeral was held this afternoon at 3 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J.H. WILEY, after which the body was laid to rest in city cemetery.

- SIMPSON-WOOLLEY: A quiet home wedding was held at the home of Silas R. WOOLLEY in this city last Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, the contracting parties being Mr. Walter SIMPSON, of Salem, and Miss Ruby WOOLLEY, the Rev. F.O. FANNON performing the ceremony. The immediate members of both families and Henry RICHMAN and wife were the only ones present at the marriage of this happy young couple. They remained here till Monday afternoon when they drove to their future home in Salem and were given a welcome reception. The bride is one of Kinmundy’s popular and highly esteemed young ladies and will be greatly missed by her many young friends in the social circles. The groom is considered a Kinmundy boy, having removed to Salem only a few months ago and engaged in the grocery business. He is a bustling young business man and bears the respect of all. The many friends of this happy pair wish them all the success possible.

- Wed at High Noon: On Wednesday, Sept. 19th, the beautiful country home of A.J. PARRILL and wife, eight miles east of this city in Meacham township, was the scene of a pretty home wedding, the contracting parties being their daughter, Miss Della, and Mr. H. Raymond CRUSE, a son of Henry CRUSE and wife, of Sassafras Mound, Clay county. Promptly at high noon the wedding march was played by Miss Iva SMITH, of Iuka, and the bridal couple marched into the beautifully decorated parlor and after a vocal selection by Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM, the impressive ceremony of the M.E. church was pronounced by Rev. Chas. B. SPRAGUE of Louisville. After the ceremony the guests were escorted into the dining room where the heavily laden tables were awaiting this jolly crowd. After dinner was over and the usual congratulations a short address was made by J.W. McCLURE in which he presented the happy couple the many useful and valuable presents which showed the esteem in which they are held by their friends. The presents consisted of $5 in gold, silverware, chinaware, table linen, books, etc. Thirty relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present to witness the ceremony and enjoy the occasion. About 4 o’clock the guests departed all wishing Mr. and Mrs. CRUSE a happy and prosperous life.

- Oil on Ed FORD’s Farm: The work drilling the oil well on the farm of E.G. FORD about four miles south of town, and a mile and a half east of Alma, has been discontinued, the hold plugged, the casing pulled, the derrick torn down and the machinery has been or will be moved near Trenton where the work will be resumed. It is reported that the well on the FORD farm is in the neighborhood of 1200 feet and the drillers claim that it was a salt water hole, but a small amount of oil was found. According to the information we are able to obtain from what would seem reliable sources, the drill struck the oil sand Monday and when the well was drawn and a small amount of oil found, the drilling stopped then and there, and work was commenced to quit the well. It is said that the casing drawn from the bottom of the well was dripping with oil when it reached the top. There are some very peculiar circumstances connected with this well. When the work drilling was commenced they reported that they did not expect to strike oil before going 1500 feet and probably 1800, but they had come to go 2000 feet if it was necessary. Just why this work was stopped at this time and the well only 1200 feet deep is one of the reasons our people believe that oil was struck in paying quantities. Why was the hold securely plugged several feet under the ground if there was no oil there. Why was the well not shot? There is talk of a home company being organized for the purpose of prospecting and drilling for oil. Several thousand acres of our land has been leased by home parties and there is plenty more they can get if a drilling outfit is purchased. That is the only way we will find out what we have in the way of oil gas, etc., and every farmer in this locality should take an interest in a move of this kind. It would mean a big thing for our city and vicinity if it should be found in paying quantities. Let’s go after it and if oil is found, not plug the hold till all the creeks and ditches overflow and there is danger of the stock being drowned.

- The School News: The baseball team are grieving over the loss of Wes ROBB from school. He was a good second baseman.

- Farina Express: Mrs. GANT has returned from a visit in Chicago and Wisconsin.

- Farina Express: Miss Della PARRILL and Mr. Raymond CRUSE were married Wednesday at the home of the bride’s parents, Andy PARRILL and wife. We bespeak for them a large degree of conjugal happiness, constancy of affection and prosperous lives.

- Farina Express: A large number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph MAXON gave them a very pleasant surprise Saturday night in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. The Farina Orchestra was present and rendered some excellent music and an all around good time was enjoyed.

- St. Peter Express: The marriage of Miss Magdalena NEIKRENZ and Mr. Emil KRUG was celebrated Sunday, Sept. 9. The ceremony was performed at 3:30 p.m. by Rev. FEDDERSON, an uncle of the bride, in the Lutheran St. Peter Church, Prof. SCHULZE playing the wedding march. The bride was gowned in a while silk and carried a bouquet of white asters. After the ceremony a grand supper was served at the home of the bride’s mother, which was very much enjoyed by the relatives, and many guests present, 95 invitations having been sent out. The presents were beautiful and numerous. Among some of the relatives present were Rev. FEDDERSON of Batalta; Mrs. LUERO of St. Louis; Miss Corda FEDDERSON of Chicago and Edward KRUG one Edwardsville. The St. Peter cornet band furnished the music for the home occasion.

- F.J. NIRIDER and wife are in Farina today attending the funeral of their uncle, Hartman NIRIDER, who died Tuesday night.

Sept. 27, 1906:

- Farina Express: Eugene FORD was in town Monday.

- Farina Express: The canning factory is running only half the time. The management was so fearful in the spring of having to work overtime that the farmers were not allowed to contract as large an acreage as they would have been glad to. Tomatoes are fine and the factory would have sent out a large output if there had been a sufficient acreage.

- Farina Express: N.L. GANT and wife were at Chas. FORD’s Monday night.

- Farina Express: Mrs. R.N. CARROLL died very suddenly last Friday morning and she was buried Sunday. She had been afflicted for several months with asthma and disease of the heart and had just returned from a several week’s stay with her daughter, Mrs. Edith MARTIN in Norway, Mich.; apparently much improved in health and her unexpected death was a terrible shock to her family and the community. All her children were home to attend her obseques. Others were Chauncy D. RICE, Walter RICE, and Mrs. Nellie CAMERON of Richview, N.A. RICE and wife of Kinmundy, Dr. PARK and daughters Miss Lulu and Mrs. SELBY of Flora, Walter CARROLL of Mason, Mrs. FAULK of Edgewood, and Wallace TITZELL of E. St. Louis. Funeral services were conducted at the residence by Rev. THRALL after which she was tenderly laid away in the Garden of the Dead. As a true and faithful friend she had but few equals and no superiors.

- Alma Express: The cider mill is in operation.

- Alma Express: N.J. RHOADS and wife are the parents of a ten pound boy.

- Alma Express: Gordon WINKS was quite sick but is up again.

- The marriage of Mr. Chas. J. HOLBROOK, of Monmouth, Ill., and Miss Lola L. WOOLLEY took place at the home of the bride on Tuesday Sept. 25, 1906, at 8 o’clock p.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M.B. BAKER, pastor of the M.E. church at Sumner, Ill. Many beautiful presents were received by the bride and groom. Elegant refreshments were served and all present spent a most enjoyable evening. Mrs. E.C. BARGH and two children of this city were in attendance at the wedding.

- Walter PULLEN and Wm. HESTER of Alma, were in this city yesterday on business and made this office a brief call. They informed us that the oil was still bubbling out of the well on the FORD farm. The people of Alma are organizing a stock company and they expect to hire an outfit and drill and if oil is found a dry or salted hole will not be reported. Alma people say they have oil and they want everybody to know it.

- What’s Kinmundy going to do about drilling for oil? With oil on all sides of us it does seem that we should go after what is under us. Arouse! Get into the harness and do something.

- The water is being pulled out of the mine and the work hoisting coal will be commenced soon.


Oct. 4, 1906: No paper on file.

Oct. 11, 1906:

- KOONCE-HAMMERS: A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha HAMMERS last Wednesday evening. The contracting parties were Mr. George D. KOONCE, of Salem, a prominent young railroad man, and Miss Grace HAMMERS, one of Kinmundy’s well known and highly esteemed young ladies. Rev. N.D. SWEENY, former pastor of the M.E. church here, of which the bride is an active member, came down from St. Elmo and performed the ceremony. The bride presented a charming appearance in a gown of white silk. The groom wore the conventional black. Mr. Lloyd HAMMERS, brother of the bride, and Miss Lulu ALLEN were the attendants. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served to which all did ample justice. The young couple departed on the night train for an extensive tour which will include Chicago, Denver and Salt Lake City.

- A New Industry: John MOTCH, owner and proprietor of the Fruit Package Factory, has added a complete saw mill to his factory and the new enterprise will be ready for business this week. Mr. MOTCH informs us that he will do custom work with his mill or will saw for cash and will keep on sale a completed stock of hardwood lumber. A saw milling connection with the Fruit Package Factory will be able to do a good business the year around and at the same time give employment to a number of hands.

- Martha L. BOSLER Dead; Martha L. BOSLER, nee DAVIS: Known in Kinmundy as Mattie, was born near this city Feb., 3, 1879. She was converted in early life and united with the C.P. church in Kinmundy. Her parents having died when she was but a child she made her home with her grandfather GRAY, where she lived until January 1900, when she went to Maroa, where she remained for a short time. She then went to Chicago where she lived with her brother, John, until her marriage Oct. 15, 1902 to Charles R. BOSLER of Maroa to which place they removed to make their home, where she was known as Mae BOSLER. In July 1905, she with her husband went on a pleasure trip to California, but affliction came and this loved one was stricken and on arrival was confined to her bed where she remained until Aug. 30, when they returned home. February 14, she was taken to Chicago where she underwent an operation, remaining in the hospital seven weeks. She seemed to improve for a time, but never was well again and on Friday Oct. 5, her deathless spirit took it’s flight to the regions of the Blest. She was a great sufferer but was never heard to murmur or complain, bearing her affliction and enduring her suffering with Christian fortitude. Mattie had many friends, among them were the children. Many dear little ones would come to her sick room bringing pretty flowers and greeting her with smiling faces, always to receive a smile in return. She was greatly loved and respected by all who knew her. Loving hearts and willing hands left nothing undone, that was possible to be done, that would in any way relieve her sufferings, but all this could not avail and a short time before her departure she sent for the minister and asked him to read to her from God’s Word, also that she wished to hear him pray, saying she had no fear of death and was perfectly resigned to God’s will. Mother BOSLER for the past seven months lovingly and tenderly cared for and nursed this dear one, leaving her own home with its cares in California. The funeral services were held in Maroa Sunday, Oct. 7, 1906, conducted by the Rev. Dr. R. ENNIS, of Illiopolis, assisted by Rev. DRAKE of Maroa. Her remains arrived in Kinmundy Sunday evening and were taken to the home of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. DAVIS, and on Monday morning Oct. 8, at 10:30 a.m. the funeral service was conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE assisted by Rev. J.B. CUMMINS, attended by a large gathering of friends and relatives. Interment was made in Gray’s Cemetery north of Kinmundy. She was a member of the Eastern Star of Maroa. She leaves to mourn their loss her husband, two brothers, J.L. DAVIS of this city and J.H.N. DAVIS of Chicago, and a large circle of relatives and friends.

- Farina Express: One of Sam GRAHAM’s children is reported sick with appendicitis.

- Farina Express: Miss Myrtle JONES is reported quite sick with appendicitis. There may be others not yet reported.

- Farina Express: John KEEN, who dwelt 4 miles east of town, died Monday night.

- A fine new boy arrived at the home of W.H. GRAY and wife this morning.

- Chas. R. BOSLER and mother returned to Maroa Wednesday after spending a few days with relatives since the funeral and burial of Mrs. BOSLER.

- Geo. BENDER of Hoopston, Ill., who has been visiting west of Alma with his son-in-law, died Tuesday night and was shipped home Wednesday for burial.

Oct. 18, 1906:

- BOGIE-PARRILL: Dr. William BOGIE, of Vincennes, Ind., and Miss Elizabeth PARRILL, of Farina, were married last evening at the home of the bride’s father, Peter S. PARRILL. The ceremony was performed promptly at 8 o’clock by Rev. V.W. THRALL, of Altamont. After the usual congratulations the guests were seated in the dining room and a delicious supper was served. The guests present were E.F. HOHLT and wife, Miss Lillian PARRILL of Farina, Mrs. Ed RICHARDSON and 2 sons of Hammond, La., Miss Ella PARRILL of Chicago, S.B. PARRILL and Mrs. S.C. PARRILL of Meacham, Byron SIPLE and wife, Mrs. D. SMITH and daughter, Miss Iva of Iuka, Miss Evangeline PARRILL, F.O. GRISSOM and wife of Kinmundy, Rev. V.W. THRALL, wife and daughter, of Altamont. The bride and groom left on the midnight train for St. Louis, where they will spend a few days before going to their home in Vincennes.

- HARPSTER-FISH: Mr. J.H. HARPSTER, a prominent young farmer residing a few miles north of St. Peter and Miss Clara FISH, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O. FISH, residing two miles east of this city, were united in marriage at the home of the bride last Sunday evening, no one being present but the immediate members of the families. The happy couple will reside on a farm near St. Peter. The bride is a highly respected young lady of this city and will be greatly missed by her many young friends.

- Etta BORING HITE: Prohibition Candidate for Superintendent of Schools of Marion Co. Etta BORING HITE has been a teacher in the schools of Marion county since 1881 with the exception of a few years; holding a first grade certificate twenty-two years. The nomination was conferred unsolicited. Believing the hope of our nation lies in the careful training of the youth of our land, this method is employed to announce her name as a candidate. Your support and influence will be appreciated. Mrs. HITE can show a first grade certificate issued in Marion county with a general average in 98; six subjects marked 100. S.G. BURDICK, when County Supt. gave her the highest grade in discipline awarded in the county. Notwithstanding her name is to be found on the unpopular Prohibition ticket, many of the best citizens in the old parties have declared their intention of voting for her. She believes "The Star of Hope of the Temperance Reform stands over the school house." She has the courage of her convictions and believes in winning the people to temperance by knowledge rather than by force.

- St. Peter Express: Henry GLUESENKAMP, Sr., is still suffering very much. Some time ago his eye was injured and the sight destroyed, which will probably never be restored. The physicians advise him to have it removed.

- St. Peter Express: Mrs. J. WEIS, beloved wife of John WEIS, well known and highly respected in our community, died Sunday at her home from that most dreadful disease consumption. She leaves to mourn their loss her bereaved husband and two small children, who have the sympathy of all. The body was interested in the Farina Cemetery Tuesday.

- Farina Express: Mrs. John WEIS, four miles north west of town, died Sunday of consumption. She was a daughter of Fred SPORLEDER. Services were held at the German Evangelical church Tuesday.

- Farina Express: Mr. Earl SMITH and Miss Fern VANSANT were married in Vandalia a week ago. Congratulations and best wishes for long and happy married lives.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Dr. MAXON of Harvard, Ill., and Mrs. Frank READ of Chicago, are guests of their sister, Mrs. GANT.

- Farina Express: Fine new boy at Abbie SWITZER’s. Standard size.

- Mrs. Alonzo BAYLIS: Miss Nina WYLEY was born Nov. 7, 1884, and was united in marriage with Alonzo BAYLIS Feb. 28, 1905. She died at their home one and one half miles southwest of this city, Oct. 16, 1906. The funeral services were conducted at the family residence Wednesday, October 17 attended by a gathering of relatives and friends. Her remains were laid to rest in the Eastland Cemetery. The bereaved husband has the sympathy of the entire community.

- Chas. THOMAS and wife, of Maroa, visited in this city last week with her parents, Samuel INGRAM and wife. They left Saturday for Ashley to visit her sister, Mrs. Mary HOOVER.

Oct. 25, 1906:

- Pretty Home Wedding: At 5 o’clock Sunday evening, Oct. 22, 1906, at the home of the bride in this city, in the presence of members of the family only, was solemnized the marriage of Miss Hulda Elizabeth MATTHEWS and Mr. Albert Clarence DUNLAP, of Chicago. The beautiful service uniting these two was spoken by Rev. F.O. FANNON of the Christian Church of which the bride is an active member. Mr. DUNLAP is a son of Mrs. C.A. DUNLAP, Sr., of Chicago, and is a foreman in I.C.R.R. car shops. He is a most estimable young man, highly esteemed by his co-workers and employers. Miss Hulda is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.C. MATTHEWS of our city and has grown to womanhood here where she is highly esteemed by a large circle of friends, who will greatly miss her. They left Monday morning for their future home in Chicago and may their lives be crowned with choicest blessings is the wish of their many friends.

- A New City House: The question of building a new fire engine house with a council chamber above is being agitated by the members of the Council and will be left to a vote of the people to decide the matter. According to the plans now under advisement the new building will be erected over the public well and will be 23 x 30 feet on the inside, two stories high and be constructed of concrete building blocks. The lower story will be used for the fare engine and other fire fighting fixtures and will have concrete floor. The upper floor will be used as a Council room by the city officials and can also be used for other public meetings. A room like this is badly needed by the city as the Council have to rent a place from year to year and this is costly. How is this proposed building to be paid for is a question that will be asked by all when a petition is presented to hold a special election. We will try to answer this question so it may be plain and when the petition is presented you can sign it ready and willingly. A year or more ago the city passed an ordinance taxing all fire insurance companies doing business in this city and the tax derived from this source is about $75 per year. The city council pay for their meeting place about $50 per year. Now the plan proposed is to erect this building at a proposed is to erect this building at a cost not to exceed $1000 and to levy bonds of $100 each, payable every other year to pay for same. Now the fire tax money will pay for the building in twenty years and the taxpayers will never be out one cent and the city council will have a place to meet without cost, the fire engine will have a suitable place and the fire company will always know where to find it, and the proposed building will be an ornament to the city and will be a home that every citizen should justly be proud of. When the petition to submit this matter to a vote of the people is presented to you sign it. When the day of the election comes go to the polls and vote for the city building and do so feeling that you are doing a good deed and one you will never have reason to regret.

- Will Go to Kinmundy: Rev. J.B. CUMMINS whose picture is shown above was born in Johnson Co., Ill, July 12, 1868, and reared where most good men and boys come from - on a farm. He attended school at Vienna, until sufficient education was attained and he became a teacher in the schools of his home county. Later in life feeling he was needed in the Master’s vineyard to work and labor with the fallen, he entered the Southern Illinois Normal at Carbondale, Ill., later spent one year in McKendree College where he completed his educational course for the ministry. He was licensed to preach the Gospel at Carmi, ordained deacon at Flora, by Bishop TOWLER, ordained as an Elder by Bishop Joyce at Metropolis, Ill. At this writing he has spent 14 years in the work of saving souls and ministering to the needy and to say that he has done his duty is but telling the truth. He came to this city two years ago where by diligence and labor he has builded on the solid rock and advanced the cause of religion and been a success in every sense of the word. (The Staunton Star) (*)

- St. Peter Express: Grandma BORCHELT, widow of the late J.H. BORCHELT, passed away Friday after a brief illness at the age of 78 years. The funeral services were conducted Sunday by Rev. WITTE and the body laid to rest in the St. Peter cemetery. She leaves to mourn their loss two sons and three daughters, 1 sister, and a great number of grand and great grandchildren.

- St. Peter Express: An excellent surprise was given J. MICHEL last Friday in remembrance of his 64th birthday. A large number of relatives and friends were present and all report an interesting time.

- Farina Express: Mrs. Emogene FORD was in town last week and was present at the reunion of the GOODRICH sisters at Mrs. GANT’s.

- Farina Express: The children of Mr. and Mrs. N.I. REITZ celebrated their mothers’ birthday last Friday.

- Farina Express: Saturday night was the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. DUNHAM and their friends celebrated it with much effusiveness. Load after load congregated at their residence after nightfall until more than 125 persons were present. Feasting began early and was kept up until quite late. Among the viands was the unique dish of roasted peacock, which was pronounced excellent. Fireworks were displayed, the boys got up an extempore charivari and the S.D.B. Orchestra played their merriest tunes. The happy couple were present with quite a collection of silverware. Hosts and guest all united it a joyful occasion long to be remembered.

- Farina Express: 10 lb. boy at Frank JUNE’s.

- Mrs. George READNOUR died at her home in this city last Friday morning at 10:30 of consumption, at the age of 30 years. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Baptist church, of which she was a member, conducted by Rev. J.R. KELLY. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband and four small children, who have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement.

Nov. 1, 1906:

- G.C. WARNER and wife of Decatur, are visiting in this city with her parents, J.F. HOWELL and wife.

- Farina Express: Mr. FENDER, one of our new livery men, have moved into Mrs. FORD’s house.

- Farina Express; This is the town for weddings. Maxie WHITFORD and Miss Almeda ROBNETT were made one of the matrimonial process this week. May they find wedded life one unending pathway of bliss.

- Farina Express: Sparks GREEN has gone to California with his family, where all his people reside. He expects to get employment in a sugar beet factory.

- Farina Express: A child of Jake SWABE’s died last Saturday.

- Farina Express: J.H. IRISH and family came over to Mrs. Carroll DAVIS’ funeral, returning home Sunday.

- Farina Express: Old Mrs. FENDER, who died in Kansas, was brought here Monday and was taken to Edgewood Tuesday for burial.

- Farina Express: All of the GOODRICH sisters fed at Geo. BOND’s expense last Friday.

Nov. 8, 1906:

- Suddenly Passed Away: The citizens of our city were greatly shocked Monday afternoon when it was announced that Mrs. Mary Ann WILSON had suddenly passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. EAGAN. Mrs. WILSON had eaten her dinner and was apparently in her usual health, but immediately after dinner she was attacked with a hemorrhage of the lung, and died in a few minutes. Mrs. WILSON was born in 1832 and at the time of her death was 64 years, 3 months, and 7 days of age. When quite young she united with the M.E. Church. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE, assisted by Rev. H.C. SHARPE. She leaves to mourn her departure 5 sons, 3 daughters, 1 brother, and many kind friends and neighbors.

- Geo. CONANT and wife have gone to housekeeping in their new home, and in honor of the occasion a number of their friends gave them a kitchen shower last Thursday evening.

- Rollin WILSON, who has been working at Macon, returned home to attend the funeral of his mother.

- Julius C. WILSON of Waynesville, was in this city Tuesday attending the funeral of his mother, Mrs. M.A. WILSON.

- Ed and Leonard WILSON, who are working at Waynesville, came home to attend the funeral of their mother.

- Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Dave R. HASELTINE were made the proud parents of an 11 lb. girl.

- Farina Express: A child of Jake SWABE’s died last Saturday.

- Farina Express: Old Mrs. FENDER who died in Kansas was brought here Monday and was taken to Edgewood Tuesday for burial.

Nov. 15, 1906:

- Married in Chicago: A very pretty home wedding occurred at the home of Misses WASHBURN and HEATON at 2979 Prairie Ave., in Chicago, on Thursday, Nov. 1, 1906, in which Miss Georgia HEATON and Mr. W.R. MAIZE of Chicago were the contracting parties. The ceremony was performed by Rev. BAKER of the First Universalist Church. After congratulations the happy couple left amid showers of rice to their home on 37 South Park Ave. The bride is a daughter of MR. and Mrs. Geo. N. HEATON, south of this city, and has many friends here who extend congratulations.

- At Rest: Mrs. Tennie CAVETTE MAULDING died Oct. 28, 1906. She was born in Sumner Co., Tenn., Nov. 13, 1844, and moved to Nashville, Tenn. when about six years of age and remained there until the year 1866. She was married to Isaac MAULDING Nov. 10, 1864, and came to this state some two years later. She united with the Baptist church when about 11 years of age and remained a member of said church until about 20 years ago when she with her husband united with the Church of Christ and remained a faithful and devoted Christian until death. She has been a great sufferer for the past ten years, but her faith in Christ never wavered. She would often say "The Lord doeth all things well." She was only confined to her bed about 20 hours. She departed this life so quiet and peaceful those present could hardly believe she had gone to her home beyond. Dearest mother though hath left us; We our loss do deeply feel; But ‘tis God that hath bereft us; He can all our sorrows heal. Card of Thanks: We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted during the sickness and death of our dear mother. Also for the beautiful flowers. Chas, Tennis, and Elsie MAULDING; Mrs. Minna NICHOLS; Mrs. Myrtle McCARTY; Mrs. Elsie McCARTAN.

- Farina Express: The depot building has been painted bright green.

- Farina Express: Charlie OSBORN is grandpa to a girl - standard size. The furrows of age are beginning to wrinkle the supervisor’s brow

- Richard P. McBRYDE and wife left Sunday morning for Nashville, Tenn., to visit his parents, J.B. McBRYDE and wife, and attend their golden wedding anniversary.

- The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. BROWN was buried Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. BROWN have the heartfelt sympathy of their very large circle of friends.

Nov. 22, 1906:

- Suddenly Passed Away: Last Thursday evening when the announcement was made here that Isaac B. BETTS, of Vernon, had died very suddenly while at work in his cornfield the entire community was greatly shocked. It is thought he died of heart failure and without a struggle as he was lying on the ground cold when he was found. The funeral service was held in Salem Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev. L.D. BECK, of Flora, and were in charge of the I.O.O.F. and K. of P. lodges of which Mr. BETTS was an honored member. Mr. BETTS has held various county and township offices and at the time of his death was supervisor of Patoka township. No man in Marion county had a wider acquaintance and enjoyed more a friendship than the deceased.

- The Odin Bank Robbers: The three Odin Bank suspects were given a preliminary hearing at Salem Tuesday before Squire BRINKERHOFF and were held to report to the grand jury under bonds of $1000 each. The three men offered no defense whatever and a large number of Odin witnesses identified them as being the men who were in Odin two days prior to the robbery. Cashier FARTHING testified that one of the men was in the bank and got a $10 bill changed. Mrs. FARTHING testified that one of them called at her back door for something to eat. Rev. WEBER testified that on Oct. 24, two of them asked him where Cashier FARTHING resided. The evidence showed that $1261 in currency, $853 in county orders and $309 in postage stamps was taken from the safe.

- Allowed to Marry: Norris SHEPARD, a young man from St. Louis, employed as expressman on the B. & O., and Miss Blanche SOMERVILLE, a young lady of Odin, were married in Salem Thursday afternoon after quite an exciting experience. The young lady was teaching school near Alma, and she had planned with her lover to come and gather last Tuesday evening and the groom appeared at the country school house at the set time and the couple drove to Alma, where they took the train for Centralia and from there they intended to go to St. Louis. The girl’s father heard of the elopement and telephoned the neighboring towns for the arrest of one couple and they were arrested at Centralia just before the arrival of the St. Louis train. They were kept over night. The couple was taken to Salem the next day and in the meantime the father had gone to St. Louis to head them off there. He was notified by telegraph of their capture and by the time he arrived in Salem many of the near neighbors and relatives had gone to Salem to participate in the affair and they all decided to allow the couple to marry, but when the irate father arrived he "kicked". He accused the young man of trying to steal his daughter, but the young man produced a letter in which the girl had planned the whole affair. The father finally consented to the match, but refused to witness the ceremony. After the ceremony the couple left for St. Louis where they will make their home but they left without the blessing of the father.

- Farina Express: Miss Mary WHITFORD celebrated her 17th birthday Sunday night by giving a spinster party to the members of her Sunday school class. A fine time is reported.

- Farina Express: E.R. FAES celebrated his 33rd birthday Sunday with suitable festivities.

- Uncle John EAGAN, residing a mile north of town, suffered a stroke of paralysis on the left side last night.

- Last Sunday at the residence of F.M. BURNS, 6 miles southeast of town, the 16 month old daughter of Edgar STEVENSON and wife, was severely burned about the body, arms and head by a vicious dog belonging to Mr. BURNS. The dog was killed and Dr. CAMERER dressed the wounds and reports the little youngster getting along nicely.

Nov. 29, 1906:

- A Very Quiet Wedding: Jesse EVANS, cashier of the Citizens Bank, and Miss Anna GAFFNEY, were united in marriage at the home of Elder R.F. MALLOTT on Wednesday evening, Nov. 28. They left on the evening train for St. Louis to spend a few days. Miss GAFFNEY is a very popular lady of Alma and is quite well known here where she has many friends. Mr. EVANS during his brief residence in Alma, has gained many substantial friends.

- Dropped Dead: Just as we go to press, we learn that Mrs. James NELSON, residing in the north part of this city, suddenly dropped dead. She was apparently in her usual health and attending to household duties when she fell. Up to the time of going to press, no arrangements for the funeral have been made.

- Somebody is in It: Last Thursday at Salem, the work was commenced recounting the ballots polled at the recent election. According to the official count as returned by the various township judges and clerks, John S. STONECIPHER, democrat, was elected county judge by 5 votes; M.W. MICHAELS, republican, Sheriff by 112 votes; Frank A. ROGERS, democrat county treasurer, by 44 votes. These results did not appear entirely satisfactory to some of the defeated candidates and their friends and a contest was commenced by Geo. W. SMITH, republican candidate for county judge; Geo. B. SIMCOX, democratic candidate for sheriff and Boyakin WHAM, republican candidate for treasurer. Almost every attorney in the county has been employed in the contest and Judge S.L. DWIGHT of Centralia, has been the presiding officer. After the recount had been completed it showed that SIMCOX had an apparent plurality of 90; STONECIPHER 57, and WHAM 3. It seems that some one has had hold of the ballots since they were returned to Salem and made the necessary changes to give these men the necessary changes to give these men the necessary pluralities. After it was discovered that the ballots had been tampered with the contest of SIMCOX and WHAM was withdrawn and the judgship will be decided next Saturday by Judge DWIGHT. The party or parties who tampered with the ballots seems to be in it for a trip over the road if it is proven on them. From all accounts the job remarking the ballots was a very poor one, as a pencil was used that did not correspond in color with the one that was first used. The party or parties who performed the job should be taught a lesson and all law abiding citizens are opposed to such business. It is now thought by all that the official count as returned after the election will be declared by the judge as correct. The voters of Marion county should say who shall hold public office and not let any one, two or three men get together after the election and fix the returns to suit themselves and have the sentiments of the people ignored.

- A new 12 lb. Boy made his arrival at the home of W.H. MORGAN and wife, of North Fork, Sunday evening.

- John EAGAN of Elco, returned home yesterday morning after attending the funeral of his sister, Miss Bettie EAGAN, of Fostersburg, who died last Friday evening.

- J.L. DAVIS of this city, left Tuesday from Chicago to visit his brother, J.H.N. DAVIS, who is in the hospital undergoing a surgical operation for gallstones.

Dec. 6, 1906:

- Last Friday morning, Daniel ROHER, a bachelor, and an old resident of this city, fell on the sidewalk near GRAMLEY’s meat market. He was taken to the office of Dr. J.D. CAMERER, where he was given medical attention and his trouble pronounced heart failure and he remained there till noon, when he walked to the bank corner, where he again fell. He was carried in the bank where he died in a few minutes. He was taken to the undertaking rooms of Nelms & Ingram, where a brief funeral services was held Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev. H.C. SHARP after which the body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. Supervisor ARNOLD took charge of his personal effects, which consisted of $4.55 in silver, 50 cents in gold, two pocket knives, a memorandum book pencil and a few other worthless articles. Mr. ROHER has resided in Kinmundy for about 40 years and for a long time made his home at Chas. WETTER’s but of late he roomed at Wallace HULTS’ and took his meals at the restaurant. It is said that at one time he was a man of considerable means, but the above mentioned amount is all that he possessed at the time of his death. He was a man that was respected by everybody, and it is said that he never was known to say an ill word of any one. He leaves a brother, John ROHER, who resides in North Dakota.

- CRAYCROFT-CHASE: On Sunday, Dec. 2, 1906, at 2 o’clock p.m., a quiet wedding took place at the home of the groom in the eastern part of this city, the contracting parties being Harry H. CRAYCROFT, of this city and Miss Nellie CHASE, of Farina, Rev. H.C. SHARP performing the ceremony.

- Malinda E. JOHNSON: Malinda E. BOONE was born in North Madison, Indiana, Oct. 25, 1836, and spent her early life in the same place. In 1863 she was united in marriage to J.W. CALLOWAY, who died Jan. 11, 1870. Dec. 25, 1875, she was married to F.B. JOHNSON, who died Aug. 30, 1894. No children were born to either of unions. After the death of her late husband she continued to reside in Spencer in her old home on the east side of the public square until Sunday evening, Nov. 4, 1906, when death summoned her after an illness of three months with appendicitis. Age 70 years and 10 days. Mrs. JOHNSON is survived by one brother, James BOONE, of Indianapolis and one sister-in-law, Mrs. M.J. BOONE of Kinmundy, Ill., three nieces, Mrs. L.P. LITTEN, Mrs. Marion FIELD, and Mrs. Edna McHENRY. Mrs. JOHNSON united with the Methodist church in North Madison in 1870, and transferred her membership to Spencer in 1876 and was a faithful and devoted Christian and a woman who was held in the highest esteem by all who knew her. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the residence, conducted by Rev. D.B. BANTS, an old friend of the deceased, assisted by Rev. W.N. GAITHER. (The Owen County, Ind. Democrat), Nov. 8. Mrs. JOHNSON or Mrs. CALLOWAY, as she then was, was for many years, a resident of this place and has many friends here.

- Farina Express: August SCHMIDT, who has been for some time in the asylum at Anna, is home temporarily.

- Farina Express: Mrs. BUNNELL has returned to her home in Chicago after quite a long stay here.

- A fine 12 lb. Boy arrived at the home of J.H. LEWIS and wife in time to eat Thanksgiving turkey.

Dec. 13, 1906:

- A Birthday Surprise: About 75 of Mrs. Della KAGY’s relatives, friends and neighbors gathered at her home the 8th inst. To celebrate her 42d birthday anniversary. They came with well filled baskets and at the noon hour the table was spread with all the good things to eat that could be wished for by a hungry crowd and it is useless to say that this happy through was equal to the occasion. The host has been decoyed to town for some purpose and when she returned she found so many of her friends present that she was almost overcome with joy, but she finally became reconciled and enjoyed the day as did all the friends. Mrs. KAGY was the recipient of many valuable and useful presents.

- Mrs. Maggie M. ROBERTS: Died yesterday afternoon at one o’clock at the home of her mother, Mrs. D.O. CHAPLN, of consumption after an illness of several months, aged 22 years, 2 months, and 2 days. The funeral service was held at the Christian Church this afternoon at 3 o’clock conducted by Rev. W.J. SIMER of Omega, and the remains will be shipped to Sadorus for interment. The sorrowing ones have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

- The Alma Express: Sebastian ROLLER died Sunday.

- The Alma Express: H.P. WINKS has traded his stock of general merchandise for land in Jasper county.

- Waine WHITLOCK came up from Dix Monday evening to attend the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. J.T. SEXTON.

- Chas. LEITH, a brakeman on the I.C. has been promoted to freight conductor. Charlie is an excellent railroad man and deserved the promotion.

- Otis CHARLTON has been appointed Carrier on R.F.D. No. 6 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Guy WHITTENBURG. Otis has had charge of the route several weeks and his services are entirely satisfactory to the patrons.

- John R. GING, who has been visiting his brother, John GING, has returned to his home in Missouri.

- P.E. SWITZER and wife of Tamaroa, brought the corpse of Mrs. EDWARDS, Mrs. SWITZER’s mother, for burial near Iola.

- Mrs. R.W. CURRY, one of our highly esteemed citizens, died yesterday morning after a lingering illness. The funeral was held this afternoon.

- A 10 lb. new section foreman made his arrival at the home of Chas. FRIEND yesterday.

Dec. 20, 1906:

- Mrs. James T. SEXTON: Julia Ann HOOTEN was born in the state of Arkansas June 15, 1853. When a small child she removed with her parents to Effingham county, Ill., and located near the village of Mason, where she grew to womanhood. She was united in marriage with James T. SEXTON, July 24, 1874. To this union, 8 daughters were born, all of whom survive her. The family removed to Kinmundy, Dec. 9, 1886, and on Sunday, Dec. 9, 1906, at 9 o’clock p.m. in the arms of him she had loved so many years, and lovingly clinging to her who had been her dependence and faithful nurse through all her illness, she fell asleep; completing a beautiful life of 53 years, five months and 24 days. During the 20 years Mrs. SEXTON resided in Kinmundy she made hosts of friends, which was shown by the deep concern and never tiring attention paid to her during her last illness. It was not her custom to preach or tell in words how others ought to do, but by her life she told the beautiful truths our Savior taught of faithfulness, perseverance, patience, loving kindness, and humble upright Christian living. Through her several months of suffering, she was never hear once to complain or speak impatient to those who were caring for her. She seemed to be contented that it was her lot to suffer instead of one perhaps with less fortitude and patience than herself; and often expressed her willing to depart and be at rest, as she felt her work was finished here on earth and her reward was certainly her suffering she heard to sing praises and utter prayers of _____ giving to her Redeemer.

- Louisa R., daughter of Welson and Elizabeth PROCTER, was born in Tenn., Feb. 14, 1858, died Nov. 28, 1906, aged 48 years, 9 months, and 14 days. At the age of 6 years she moved with her parents to Mo., then in a short time moved to Ill. In the year of 1878, she was married to James H. NELSON. To this union eight children were born, 4 of whom preceded her to the grave. Mrs. NELSON was a plain unassuming woman of strong character, a true friend and a devoted wife and mother. Her charity knew no bounds, no sacrifice too great for her family. "She stretched out her hands to the poor and reached forth her hand to the afflicted, her children rise up and call her blessed and her husband also praises her. At the age of 14 she united with the M.E. church South and lived a devoted Christian life. She was a very industrious woman and often spoke of the long rest she would get some day and said she was ready and willing to go. She had due regard for others and was very careful to injure no one or the property of another. Those who were most intimate with her best knew her many virtues, her neighbors will bear testimony of her many excellent traits of character. The funeral services were held from the M.E. church South on Nov. 30 conducted by Rev. J.H. WILEY, after which the remains were tenderly laid to rest beside her parents in the Martin Cemetery west of Alma to await the resurrection. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, 2 daughters, 2 sons and a host of friends.

- Isaac PRUDEN and wife left last Tuesday for Weaver, Iowa to visit their daughter, Mrs. Hattie PEEKE, and family.

- Mrs. Fannie DeFORD returned to her home in Oklahoma yesterday morning after a visit here with her parents, Sam’l INGRAM and wife, and other relatives. She was accompanied as far as St. Louis by her niece, Miss Ethel ROSS.

- Andrew JACKSON has returned home after a short visit in Monroe, La., with his sister, Mrs. Fred ALEXANDER.

December 27, 1906: No newspaper on file.


Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.

Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (February 2003) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below.    Permission to copy,  is requested.


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