Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
"The Kinmundy Express"; Kinmundy, Illinois; F.O. GRISSOM
Published Every Thursday; $1 Per Year in Advance
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site for the years 1904 thru mid 1914 are not currently available on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. News reports were copied in their complete form from the original newspaper copies.
Jan. 6, 1910:
- Birthday Dinner: Tuesday, Dec. 28, was the 85th birthday of Uncle Jimmy CRAIG, and in honor of the event and according to custom several of his children and grandchildren met at the home of L.N. KENNEDY to enjoy the day. The time was pleasantly spent by all and in the afternoon he called for that good old song "Happy Day" saying it had been a happy day to him. Quite a number who could not be present remembered him with postcards. Those present from a distance were Fred CRAIG and wife, of Waynesville, Ill.
- Farina Express: The funeral of R.W. CURRY was held at the home of his son, J.W. CURRY and wife last Sunday morning at 10 o’clock, conducted by Rev. GOLTFEITY, of the M.E. church. Mr. CURRY was one of the highly respected old citizens of this place and had been in ill health for some time.
- Farina Express: Mrs. T.D. SWITZER accompanied her daughter Zella as far as Centralia Tuesday morning on her return to Jacksonville where she is attending school.
- Farina Express: Frank CURRY of Oklahoma was in this city Sunday attending the funeral of his grandpa CURRY.
- George W. NEAVILL: George Washington NEAVILL was born three miles west of Fairfield, Illinois, April 14, 1840, and departed this life Dec. 28, 1909. He was united in marriage to Frances L. HINES, Oct. 1, 1866, and to this union two children were born: one dying in infancy, the other being Mrs. Dora YUNKER of Chicago. He was united in marriage to Melvina NICHOLS Feb. 28, 1870; to this union nine children were born, one having preceded him to the glory world in youth, all the others remain to mourn his departure, five of whom are married, Mrs. Dora YUNKER of Chicago, Mrs. James R. BARTON of Helena, Ark.; Mrs. E.R. NEWMAN, Chicago; Perry NEAVILL of Kinmundy; Fred W. NEAVILL of Peoria; Bert, Lemon, Lloyd and Walter; also two granddaughters and one brother, Wm. E. NEAVILL of Sims, Ill., and a host of friends. He united with the Baptist church in Feb. 1895, and lived a conscientious Christian until his death. He was a kind husband and father, a man who was highly esteemed and respected by all and will be greatly missed as a citizen in this community. The funeral services were held from the Baptist church, Friday, December 31 at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. NIX, and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. Lenore PRICKETT returned to her home in St. Louis last Friday morning after a week’s visit here with her father, D.A. PORTER, and family.
- Miss Nellie BEAVER is visiting in Chicago with her sister, Mrs. James YATES, and brother, Frank BEAVER.
- Andrew JACKSON and wife who have been visiting here with his parents, J.H. JACKSON and wife, left Saturday for Louisville, Ky., to visit relatives before returning to their home in Dubach, La.
- Jas. LOWE returned to Chicago Monday night after a two weeks visit here with his parents, W.A. LOWE and family.
- New Officers: The Township Mutual Insurance Co. held their annual meeting Tuesday and elected the following officers: R.C. ROBB - President; Dan DOOLEN - Secretary; C.H. WEST - Treasurer
Directors: R.C. ROBB - Kinmundy; Geo. WALTON - Patoka; William GARRETT - Foster;
T.C. HASHER - Carrigan; W.S. ROSS - Tonti; J.T. STEVENS - Tonti; H.F. KELSCHNER - Omega
- George T. LLOYD, of Coffyville, Kan., visited here Saturday with his parents W.B. LLOYD and wife at Glen Oak Fruit Farm.
- Lodges Elect: The following are the newly elected officers of the various secret societies:
Nellie BARGH - Oracle; Rose WEST - Vice Oracle; Ada SHRIVER - Recorder; Anna CHALFANT - Receiver; Merta ROTAN - Chancellor; Martha ROTAN - Manager; Nettie CAMERER - Pianist; Dr. J.D. CAMERER - PhysicianRoyal Neighbors:
M.W. of A.: Art PARRISH - V.C.; Wm. HOLEMAN - W.A.; Ellis WOLFE - Clerk; Harry WARREN - Banker; Clyde HARVEY - Escort; Dr. F.S. SONGER - Physician; Ayers CONANT - Manager; J.M. WILLIAMS - Watchman; J.L. LASWELL - Sentry
O.E.S.: Kate SCAWTHON - W.M.; Ufa HOUSH - W.P.; Winnifred GRAY - A.M.; Anna G. DILLON - Secy; Pearl A. PRUETT - Treas.; Abbie WALTERS - Con; Jennie LACEY - A.C.; Martha PRUETT - Ada; Adaline SHRIVER - Ruth; Bessie K. SMITH - Ester; Anna ROHRBOUGH - Martha; Florence SCAWTHON - Electa; Ellen K. DONOVAN - Warden; Stella PRUETT - Chaplin; Pauline H. NEIL - Organist; A.M. ALLEN - Installing Officer
A.F. & A.M.: A.M. ALLEN - W.M.; M. WAINSCOTT - S.M.; W.W. NEIL - J.W.; C.A. COMBS - Secy; W.H. GRAY - Treas; Ira MORRIS - S.D.; J.L. DAVIS - J.D.; L.J. LACEY - S.S.; C.F. PRUETT - J.S.; W.E. DOOLEN - P; C.B. ROHRBOUGH - Marshal; J.H. BALLANCE - Chaplin; W.W. LOWE - Installing Officer
Jan. 13, 1910:
- A Quiet Wedding: Yesterday at noon at the Presbyterian parsonage in this city, Rev. J.W. RITCHEY solemnized a very quiet wedding, the contracting parties being a prominent and highly respected young couple - Mr. Otis PENETON and Miss Julia SEXTON. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. PENETON departed for Salem where he is employed by the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, and where they expect to make their future home. This young couple start in life with bright prospects for the future and their many friends wish that their entire lives will be as happily spent as their wedding day.
- Farina Express: P.S. PARRILL has gone to Hammond, La. to spend the remainder of the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Ed RICHARDSON.
- James FIELDS and wife of Dix, arrived here yesterday morning to visit their son, Geo. FIELDS and family.
- John SCHOENBORN, wife and baby, of Vinita, Okla., arrived here Tuesday evening to visit his sister, Mrs. Chas. BUSWELL, and other relatives and friends.
- F.J. MINER has returned to this city after an extended vacation, visiting his parents in Vermont, his sister in Charlotte, Mich., and friends in Chicago, and has resumed his position with his brother, H.E. MINER.
- Albert SAGER and wife of Anacortes, Wash., visited in this city last week with their aunts, Mrs. S.M. WILLIAMS and Mrs. Dora BUNDY and families.
- Mrs. Lillie CRAIG, wife of Chas. CRAIG of Centralia, died Saturday July 8, at 3 p.m. of kidney trouble. The funeral services were held from the Christian Church on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock conducted by Rev. ROSBOROUGH.
Jan. 20, 1910:
- HASELTINE-SMITH: Prof. Lawrence S. HASELTINE, formerly of Olney, but now superintendent of drawing and music in the public schools of Langdon, N.D., and Miss Emily R. SMITH, of the same place were united in marriage Friday at the home of the bride, Rev. F.J. HIBBERD of the Presbyterian church, performing the ceremony, in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives. The groom is the son of Wm. HAZELTINE and wife, formerly of this city, and their many friends extend congratulations.
- NEAVILL-COX: On Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1909 (DFM note: should read 1910) at 2:30 o’clock p.m. at the home of Rev. W.J. SIMER near Omega, occurring the wedding of George NEAVILL and Miss Zella COX, two of Kinmundy’s most popular and highly esteemed young people, Rev. SIMER performing the ceremony. They will reside at his home on a farm near Kinmundy. Their many friends extend congratulations.
- Alvin HOWELL: Alvin HOWELL was born in Flora, Ill., Jan. 19, 1888, and departed this life Jan. 14, 1910, at Mt. Rose Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. He was united in marriage to Miss Clara SCHUETZE, of Collinsville, Ill., March 18, 1908. To this union was born a son, John William. Alvin took sick May 28, 1909 when he went to the Ozark Mts., in hopes of recovering his health, and where he remained up till five weeks ago, when he was taken to Mt. St. Rose Hospital in St. Louis, in order to be near his loved ones. Everything was done for him that could be, but all to no avail. A short time before his death, he embraced the Catholic religion. His body was taken to Flora Sunday morning and laid to rest by the side of his father in the city cemetery, his wife, and mother, Mrs. Mattie HOWELL, accompanying the body. He leaves to mourn their loss his young wife, son, mother, one sister, four brothers and a host of relatives and friends. "Allie" was a grandson of Mrs. B.B. HOWELL, and nephew of T.M. SMITH, of this city, and is quite well known here, having visited here many times, and has many friends who mourn his departure.
- Kinmundy Cornet Band: Our city has a new organization known as the Kinmundy Cornet Band and the members are taking great interest and are having their regular practice nights in the city council room. If they keep on improving by the early spring they will be able to give the people some open air evening concerts. The leader and manager Ben PHILLIPS has good control of the members and they are working hard. They need a few more members and they expect to add a part of them within the next few weeks. The following is the role at this time: John HENSLEY - Solo Cornet; Chauncey RICE - Solo Cornet; Marvin WHITSON - 2d B Cornet; Harry EAGAN - 1 Alto; Geo. HALEY - 2 Alto; Lloyd LOVELL - 1 Tenor; Ben PHILLIPS - Baritone; Clyde HARVEY - Bass; Willard BROWN - Tenor Drum; Jesse WAINSCOTT - Bass Drum. Watch for their reports of progress from time to time and encourage the boys in every way you can. A band is a good thing for any town and no place on earth has better material for a good band than Kinmundy.
- G.M. NIRIDER and wife were in Flora Sunday attending the funeral of her cousin, Allie HOWELL who died in St. Louis Friday morning.
- Farina Express: Jacob HAWKEY of Fort Wayne, Ind., is visiting with his brother, John HAWKEY.
- J.R. HENSLEY left for Lake City, Fla. to spend the rest of the winter with his brother.
- Mrs. FOUTZ and daughter, Miss Mabel of Olney are visiting here with her sister, Mrs. W.H. GRAY, and family.
- Miss Ella PARRILL is here from Chicago visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah PARRILL.
- Walter A. WALKER of Bloomington spent Sunday here at the home of his uncle, J.T. SEXTON.
- Miss Hester MANUEL of El Paso, Texas is visiting here with her grandmother, Mrs. J.B. ELDER and family.
Jan. 27, 1910:
- Isaiah Tevis DILLON, the second of a family of ten children, was born Jan. 27, 1832, near Maysville, Fleming Co., Kentucky, and removed with his parents George and Sallie DILLON to Vermillion county, near Danville, Ill., when but an infant where he lived until 1841. He then came to Marion county, in Meacham township, where he resided on the same farm for a period of 66 years. He was united in marriage with Miss Sarah WILSON of Alma twp., Sept. 13, 1855. To this union was born nine children: Mrs. C.H. WEST, Mrs. T.J. WADE, Anna S.T., and Edward G., of this city; Mrs. A.V. SCHERMERHORN of Ridgefarm; Geo. SUMNER of Chicago; and John R. of Farina, all of whom were present. Two, Margaret and Estella, died in childhood. He has 12 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren. One sister, Mrs. Mary HARRELL, of Oskaloosa, and one brother, A.M. DILLON of Siloam Springs, Ark., also survive him, besides numerous other relatives. When the Civil War came on, he and two brothers joined the great Union hosts in Feb. 1863. He served in the ranks of Co., H. 111th Ill. Vol. Inf. 15th Army Corps. The Colonel of his Regt. was the late Gen. James S. MARTIN of Salem, Ill. His regiment was one of the several which was with Gen. W.T. SHERMAN on his famous march to the Sea, returning by way of Washington, D.C., where the Troops passed in the Grand Review. He was then transferred to the 48th Illinois, which was sent to Little Rock, Ark., for a few months and then returned to Springfield, Ill., where he was mustered out of service Sept. 1865, and returned home to his loved ones. He continued farming until a little more than two years ago when he with his wife and daughter came to this city to reside, a city that he has seen grow from it’s infancy. During a camp meeting held at the Union Camp Ground near Omega in 1849, he was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church and remained a consistent member until his death, which occurred at 8 a.m. Jan. 19, 1910, after a lingering illness. He was loyal to his home country and church, though not permitted to attend services for some years on account of ill health. Funeral services were held in the M.E. church Friday morning at 11 o’clock, conducted by his pastor, Rev. J.B. CUMMINS, assisted by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY and the members of Hicks Post No. 255, G.A.R. of which he was an honored member, and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery. The pallbearers were T.D. SWITZER, Tilton WILSON, Jas. COCKRELL, W.E. BROWN, Chris SHAFER, Henry SHAFER, John HANSON, A.J. FOSTER, John HENSLEY, Jr., Bugier. Those present at the funeral were Richard WILSON and wife, T.E. WILSON, Mrs. Geo. WILSON, Frank PURCELL and wife, Mrs. J.A. BROOM and son, and Miss FOSTER of Alma; Tilton WILSON, Harve JOHNSON, J.S. KNISELEY, and Will WILSON of Salem; P.E. SWITZER of Tamoroa; E.M. SCHERMERHORN and sister, Miss Ruby of Ridgefarm; J.M. HOLMES and wife, S.E. HOWELL and wife, Mrs. A.J. HOWELL, T.D. SWITZER, E.E. RICHARDSON and M.D. HEWITT of Farina.
- The New Bank: A new organization known as the Farmers and Merchants Bank, with a capital stock of $50,000.00, the Individual Liability being ___ million dollars, opened for business Monday morning in the room formerly occupied by the Warren Banking Company, who turned over their business to the new organization. At the business meeting of the stockholders the following officers were elected: President - J.W. DOOLEN; Vice President - R.C. ROBB; Cashier - H.L. WARREN; Asst. Cashier - Louis J. LACEY; Directors - J.W. DOOLEN, R.C. ROBB, Henry WARREN, H.E. MINER, W.H. MAXEY, S.H. GRAHAM, W.T. WILKINSON. The new organization purchased all the Warren Bank fixtures, but rented the building. This is a fine corner for the business and the new members expect to build up a profitable trade.
- KLEISS-STOCK: On last Wednesday morning, Jan. 19 at 10 o’clock high mass at the Catholic church in this city occurred the marriage of Mr. Fred KLEISS and Miss Dora STOCK, Rev. V. HARTUNG, of Sandoval, officiating. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry STOCK and is a pleasing young lady with a host of loyal friends. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank KLEISS of Champaign county, and is an industrious young farmer. The bride was beautifully attired in while messaline satin with wreath and veil and was attended by her cousins, Miss Alice METZGER and Miss Clara KLEISS, cousins of the groom as bridesmaids. They were gowned in light blue. The groom wore the conventional black and was attended by his brother, William KLEISS, Jr., and Fred STOCK, brother of the bride. The church was filled to overflowing with relatives and friends. After the ceremony, a bountiful repast was served at the bride’s home to about 75 relatives and friends. The evening was spent in dancing and other pleasing amusements. Mr. and Mrs. KLEISS received many and costly presents which shows the high esteem of their many friends. They left Saturday morning for a months visit to cities in the northern part of the state, when they will return and reside on his father’s farm, three miles south of this city.
- Mrs. Fred DUNCAN and son of E. St. Louis, were in this city Wednesday morning en route to Champaign to visit her sister Mrs. Frances NELMS.
- Mrs. Eliza SMITH died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lydia POTTER in Culver, Kan., Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. She is the mother of T.M. SMITH of this city, with whom she lived until a few years ago when she went to live with her daughter in Kansas.
- J.N. BLACKBURN left Sunday for his home in Columbia, S.C. after an extended visit here with his mother, Mrs. E.E. BLACKBURN and family.
- H.P. JONES and family left Thursday for Lamar, Colo., where Mr. JONES has purchased a farm and where they expect to reside. The Express will visit them and keep them posted on Kinmundy news.
- Mrs. GAFFNEY, a sister of W.M. CLOW of this city, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jesse EVANS, in Alma Sunday morning. The body was shipped to her former home at Miller, Mo. for burial.
- Dr. A.H. RAINEY of Centralia died at his room at the residence of O.V. PARKINSON in that city _____ afternoon at 1 o’clock after an illness of one hour of heart disease. The funeral services were held at the M.E. church at 2 p.m. Tuesday conducted by Revs. _______ DOUGLAS and J.F. ROSBOROUGH. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, Elks, Odd Fellows, and Modern Woodmen. At the time of his death, he was 53 years, 8 months, and 5 days of age.
- Mrs. Eliza SMITH died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lydia POTTER, in Culver, Kansas Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. She is the mother of T.M. SMITH of this city, with whom she lived until a few years ago when she went to live with her daughter in Kansas.
Feb. 3, 1910:
- W.T. JONES: William T. JONES died at the home six miles northwest of Kinmundy on Sunday morning Jan. 30, 1910, aged 49 years, 9 months, and 13 days. He was born in Foster twp., Marion county, April 17, 1860. He professed religion about 25 years ago at a revival meeting held at the Zion church east of Patoka, conducted by Revs. REED and TRAPP and joined the M.E. church South at North Fork soon after, and remained a member of that class until death. He was married twice, his second marriage was with Mrs. Frances COLE, Nov. 17, 1905. His health began to fail about 2 years ago. He sought relief through medical skill and on the 15th of last June he went to Colorado hoping that climate would bring him a restoration of health, and returned to his home and loved ones the latter part of August, apparently some better but soon he relapsed, growing weaker as the days passed by. He realized he could not get well and conversed telling them what he wished them to do, and having settled his business affairs he was only waiting the Master’s call. Funeral services were held at North Fork church on Monday morning at 11 o’clock attended by a large gathering of relatives, friends and acquaintances, after which his remains were taken to Sandy Branch where, under the auspices of the Masonic Fraternity the body was consigned to the grave. His death brings a sorrow to his loved ones that only a Father’s love can comfort and console them. He leaves to mourn his death is wife, 3 children, 6 step-children, 3 brothers, and 1 sister. J.H. BALLANCE.
- An Early Wedding: Monday morning at six o’clock at the Catholic Church in this city occurred the marriage of Mr. Douglas FREEMAN of Centralia, and Miss Margaret ANDERSON of this city. The announcement of their marriage was made several days ago, but the exact hour for the ceremony was not ascertained by the public and some had it seven and only a few of the intimate friends and relatives of the contracting parties were present when Rev. Father HARTUNG performed the ceremony. The newly wedded pair left on No. 5 the Southbound I.C. Train at 8:49 a.m. amid showers of rice and good wishes, for St. Louis where they will spend a few days before going to Centralia where the groom has a home furnished in readiness for his new bride. Mr. and Mrs. FREEMAN are both well and favorably known in this city, the latter being the youngest daughter of Mrs. Bridget ANDERSON. Their many friends join in extending congratulations even if they were not permitted to witness the marriage ceremony.
- A Farewell Dinner: Last Sunday the Christian Church congregation gave W.H. MEEKS and family and L.R. DAVIS and wife a farewell dinner in the basement of the church after the regular morning service. Talk about good things to eat; words cannot tell of the many good things that were spread for the jolly crowd. Mr. MEEKS and family are moving to Edna, Texas where he has purchased a farm in the Gulf Coast country and where they expect to make their future home. Mr. DAVIS and wife are arranging to move to Salem in a few weeks where he will engage in the mercantile business. These two families will be missed in more ways than one in Kinmundy and it is with sad regrets by their many friends that they have decided to go elsewhere but all join in wishing them, health, wealth, and prosperity in general.
- J.J. HUBERT: John Jule HUBERT, an old and highly respected citizen, died at his home in this city Tuesday morning after a lingering illness, at the age of 63 years, 2 months, and 29 days. G.A.R. burial service was conducted by Hicks Post No. 255, at the residence Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The funeral service was held from the Catholic church Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock, conducted by Rev. HARTUNG, of Sandoval, and interment made in the Catholic Cemetery.
- Old Farmer Dead: Daniel BASOM, one of the pioneer farmers of Alma twp., died last Friday morning aged 77 years. The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at one o’clock at the Baptist church, nine miles south of Kinmundy conducted by Rev. Perry VANDEVEER, after which interment was made in the Baptist cemetery. Mr. BASOM was well known in this city, and was held in high esteem by everybody.
- Farina Express: The children of Grandpa MAXFIELD celebrated his 78th birthday Wednesday.
- Dick ATKINS and wife are the proud parents of a new boy who arrived one day last week.
- O.P. VALLOW went to O’Fallon yesterday to visit his son, Charles and family.
- Yesterday was Tom GUNN’s 50th birthday and he received various useful presents from his friends.
- Miss Jessie GRAY of Cincinnati is visiting here with her brother, Clarence GRAY and wife, and sister, Mrs. Oscar COX.
- Ora WAINSCOTT is home from Lafayette, Ind., where he is attending Purdue University on account of the serious illness of his mother.
- Last Sunday a boy about 17 years old was found at the coal mine in a critical condition suffering from rheumatism and was almost frozen. A rig was procured and he was brought to town and placed in Wagoner’s hotel where he remained until Monday when he was taken to the county farm.
Feb. 10, 1910:
- John Jule HUBERT was born in Florenville, Belgium Nov. 3, 1846, died Jan. 7, 1910. He was the fourth of a family of seven children, two dying when children. His parents came to America when he was seven years old. In less than a year his father died leaving his family in a strange country where he with the rest of his brothers and sisters were kept together and provided for by a mother who had to use economy to keep her children from want. In 1861, Oct. 22, at the age of 15, he enlisted in the Civil War in the 35th Indiana Infantry, and while in the service he was stricken with pneumonia and was discharged in Sept. 1862. He was united in marriage with Elizabeth JAMES in 1868, and to this union eight children were born, one dying in infancy; his wife dying in 1885. He was united in marriage a second time with Ella HUDSON in 1886, and to this union four children were born, all of whom survive him. All were present at the time of his death except one daughter in Michigan and two sons, George and Harrison, who are members of the U.S. Navy and were unable to get a leave of absence. The deceased was afflicted for nine weeks with a complication of diseases and during the time he never made a murmur or any complaint, but bore his affliction like a true and brave soldier. The funeral services were held from the Catholic Church Wed. morning at 10 o’clock conducted by Rev. V. HARTUNG. The burial service was under Hicks Post G.A.R. of which he was a member. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery. The pall bearers were his comrades W.E. BROWN, Jas. COCKRELL, Daniel ABBOTT, J.C. MORGAN, Philip YUNDT, and G.W. RUTHERFORD.
- Frank KING of Kansas City is visiting in this city with his mother, Mrs. Rebekah KING and family.
- Isaac MORRIS and wife returned to their home in Mansfield Monday morning after a visit here with his brother, Wm. and family.
- In Memoriam: Mrs. Eliza A. SMITH was born near Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1822; died in Culver, Kansas Jan. 25, 1910, aged 87 years, 10 months, and 28 days. When four years of age she went with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James CHANCE, to Marion Co., Ill., where she spent most of her life. At the early age of 13 years she gave her heart to her Savior and united with the Methodist Church of which she was a devoted member until she came to Kansas two years ago, when she united with the Presbyterian Church of this place. In 1839 she was united in marriage with Willis CHANCE, who died in 1851. In 1856 she was married to Thurman BORING, who died in 1869. In 1870 she was married to Charles SMITH who died in 1892. Of her ten children, six survive her: Henry B. JONES, Delphos, Kansas; Mrs. Ellen BORING, Salem, Ill.; Willis B. JONES, Delphos, Kans.; Mrs. Lydia PORTER, Culver, Kan.; Wm. BORING, Higgins, Tex., and Thos. H. BORIN, Delhant, Tex. Erasmus JONES, Marion, and Wm. BORING and Mrs. Sophia M. SMITH having preceded her to the better world. Besides her six children she leaves brothers: E. CHANCE of Crab Orchard, Ill.; J. CHANCE, Enterprise, Kan.; W. CHANCE, Patoka, Ill., and one sister, Mrs. G.W. KRETCHNER, Odin, Ill., and many other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Since coming to Kansas two years ago, Mrs. SMITH has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lydia POTTER, who has most tenderly and affectionately cared for her in a way that only love can do. (Delphos, Kan. Republican). "Grandma" SMITH was the mother-in-law of T.M. SMITH, of this city, with whom she made her home for a number of years and was one of the early settlers of Marion co., and her father was elected one of the first sheriffs of Marion county.
- W.O. TUCKER of Hickory Ridge, Ark., is visiting east of town with his mother.
- Jas. PHILLIPS of St. Louis, visited here Tuesday with his mother and brother, Ben.
- Carl CLAYBOURN, of Memphis, Tenn., is visiting in this city with his sister, Mrs. Chas. MARQUARD.
- Chas. CLOW left Monday morning for Mansfield where they will make their home. Mrs. CLOW remained to visit a few days with her parents, J.H. TAYLOR and wife.
- J.W. HAWORTH and family have moved back to this city from Minco, Okla.
- Farina Express: E.R. FAES and wife were in Effingham last Thursday attending the infair dinner of his brother who was recently married.
- Farina Express: Thursday was Grandma SOLDNER’s 71st birthday and in honor of the occasion a large number of relatives and friends gave her a very pleasant surprise.
Feb. 17, 1910:
- Russell CROSSETT, aged 69, died at his home in Salem Tuesday a.m. He was tax collector of Salem twp. Mr. CROSSETT was quite well known here, being a brother of Lloyd CROSSETT.
- Monroe KIRKPATRICK, an I.C. switchman was instantly killed in the North Yards at Centralia Monday night about 7:30 while on duty. He was working with another man and was on the rear car of a string of 11 box cars. The ground man failed to throw the switch in time and by a sudden start of the engine, the slack was taken out of the string of cars very suddenly and this threw KIRKPATRICK to the ground where he rolled beneath the cars. He leaves a wife and family.
- Ed HALEY has opened a general machine shop in the Dr. Hugo MILLER building.
- The children of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. KLEISS left Tuesday for Pesotum to visit relatives before going to their new home in Villa Grove. Mr. KLEISS and wife will leave in a few days for that place here they have purchased a large farm.
- A new girl arrived at the home of Floyd HERRICK and wife Saturday morning.
- Miss Anna SHULTZ of Olney visited here Sunday and Monday with her sister, Mrs. W.H. GRAY.
- Chas. BEAVER left Sunday for Evansville, Ind. to resume his work as sign painter after a month’s visit here with his parents, D.C. BEAVER and family.
- Mrs. W.H. MEEKS and daughters Alice and Helen and son David left Tuesday night for Edna, Tex., where Mr. MEEKS has purchased a farm and where they expect to make their home. Miss Lois will remain here until the close of the present school term.
- A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli ROBB last Thursday.
Feb. 24, 1910:
- An Old Resident Dead: Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Arville HOPPER, wife of the late Dennis HOPPER at the home of her son, Rev. W.J. HOPPER of Norris City, Ill., at 8 o’clock p.m., Feb. 12th, 1910, aged 88 years, 10 months, and 5 days. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Norris City, on Monday, the 14th, at 11 o’clock a.m., conducted by Rev. J.G. DEE of Cairo. Mrs. HOPPER has many warm friends in this city who will be saddened by the news of her death. She has been a patient sufferer for many years and death came as a welcome summons to her. Her children and granddaughter, Mrs. Marcia HANSON-STEV_____, who is so well known here, have the sympathy of all in the loss of this Christian woman, whose life for many years has stood for all this is good.
- At Rest: Mrs. Pearl EAGAN-BOSLEY died at the home of her nephew, Floyd HERRICK and wife in this city, on Thursday, Feb. 17, after an illness of several months, at the age of 37 years, 5 months, and 26 days. She was the last of the daughters of Mr. John EAGAN of this city, who by reason of age, infirmities and the severe weather was unable to attend the funeral. She made a confession of faith in Christ since her sickness begun and on Jan. 26, at her own request, received holy baptism in her home, administered by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The funeral services were held from the Presbyterian church on Friday conducted by the pastor in the presence of a goodly number of friends and relatives, and the body laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.
- W.H. GRAY, wife, and three children, accompanied by Miss Mabel FOUTZ, of Olney, left Monday afternoon for El Paso, Tex., where they will remain about 3 months owing to the ill health of little Anna GRAY. Mr. GRAY expects to be gone about two weeks and will probably visit Tucson, Ariz., before his return.
- C.A. COMBS visited in Findlay over Sunday with his parents, L.S. COMBS Sr., and family.
- J. BURT and wife, of Decatur, are visiting in this city with Mrs. BURT’s brother, D.N. MERCER and family.
- The old court house in Salem was sold Monday at public auction and was purchased by Circuit Clerk John M. SHULTZ for $75. This seems cheap for a building of this size, but on the other hand, what can a person do with it. The contract requires it to be removed by April 1.
March 3, 1910:
- BRANSON-KEITH: Marion BRANSON left last Thursday for New Orleans where he was united in marriage to Mrs. Anna H. KEITH, of El Paso, Texas, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mattie CAMPBELL, on Sunday, Feb. 27. They left for Gregory, Texas, where they will spend a few days before going to El Paso where they will make their home. The bride is a daughter of the last J.J. HUBERT, and is well known in this city. The groom has made his home in this city for several years and for some time has been employed in Lowe’s store. Their many friends extend best wishes.
- ZOLLER-NICHOLS: On Saturday, Feb. 26, 1910, at three o’clock p.m. at the home the bride’s parents occurred the marriage of Miss Ruby NICHOLS of Mr. Alexander ZOLLER of Odin, Rev. M.A. COX performing the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew NICHOLS, residing about three miles west of this city and for some time past has been employed in the Snelling restaurant. The groom is a promising young man of Odin and their many friends wish them success in life.
- Wedding a Surprise: Last Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock at the home of the bride in the west part of Kinmundy occurred a very quiet wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. Daniel Webster PLUE and Mrs. Sidney GILER. The ceremony was performed by Justice J.A. BAYLIS. Both parties have resided in this city for many years and for the past five years Mr. PLUE has had charge of the C. & E.I. pumping station. Their many friends extend congratulations.
- Alma Girl Gets Married: News reached this city Thursday of the marriage of Daniel McKINNON to Miss Cora SPROUSE, which took place Thursday in Salem, the county seat of Marion county. The bride who resides in Alma, is quite well known in Effingham, having visited in the city frequently at the home of her brother, D.E. SPROUSE and wife. Mr. McKINNON for many years has lived with his father, John McKINNON, on a farm about one mile west of this city. He was recently secured a position as teamster for the Essex Construction Co. After a brief sojourn the newly wedded couple will return to Effingham to make their home. (Effingham Record.)
- Heir to Fortune: J.W. FERGUSON, residing in this city has received a communication from relatives in Ohio that estate of $2,200,000 dollars in Ireland, mentioned in the Banner some weeks ago, probably belonged to some of his ancestors. The estate amounts to $2,200,000 with interest for 180 years and advice from the east is to the effect that the story of this fortune awaiting the Ferguson family is authentic. Mr. FERGUSON, who is now 70 years of age, said: "The FERGUSONS originally came from Ireland, my father being of Scotch-Irish descent. They settled in Virginia and Ohio, the descendants afterwards moving to Indiana, Illinois and western states. I have often heard my father say there was a large estate coming to their family and am not surprised to hear of it." The mater is in the hands of O.I. BROWN, an attorney, with offices at 319 Pierce Building, St. Louis, who is endeavoring to locate the heirs, and all members of the FERGUSON family or the descendants who desire may write Mr. BROWN, enclosing postage for reply and he will advise them. An earnest effort will be made to locate these heirs all over the country. (Casey, Ill. Banner-Times, Feb. 18, 1910)
- J.W. McCLURE: James Washington McCLURE was born in Marion county, Ohio, May 28, 1830, and departed this life Feb. 25, 1910, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. PARRILL of Marion county, Ill. At the age of 25, he was united in marriage with Miss Harriet LaRUE and in company with his wife and one child, moved to this state, settling in the northeast corner of Marion county, where he spent the remainder of his life with the exception of ten years, which was pent in the village of Farina, Ill. Deceased leaves to mourn his death, a wife, 1 sister, 7 children, 25 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren. There were 9 children in all: Mary Alice, deceased; George W. of Jackson, Miss.; Alfred Marion, who went to Kansas about the year 1880 and has not been heard from since; Mrs. Maggie PARRILL, Kinmundy; John Fremont, Payette, Idaho; Hugh Aaron, Kinmundy; Anna Martha, deceased; James Warren, Kinmundy; Mrs. Hattie Wilkinson, Centralia, Ill. About the year 1860 he was converted and joined the M.E. church, in which with great reverence he lived consistently until death called him home. The funeral services were held at Union church Sunday morning at ten o’clock, conducted by Rev. P.R. GOLTFELTY, pastor of the Farina M.E. church. Interment was made in the Elder Cemetery. The burial service was under direction of the Farina Lodge, No. 601, A.F. & A.M., of which the deceased was an honored member.
- Mrs. Allie DENNIS returned home Saturday evening after spending a few days in Sigel with her daughter, Mrs. C.E. SEIMER.
- T.M. SMITH and wife went to St. Louis Friday to be with their daughter, Miss Georgia, who was operated on yesterday for appendicitis at St. John’s Hospital.
- Farina Express: Will SPADE and wife are the proud parents of a 12 pound boy on Feb. 25.
- Farina Express: An 8 lb. boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John YOUNG in Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 25.
- Farina Express (Written for last week): Albert, Jas. and Chas. ARRINGTON attended the funeral of their sister here Saturday.
- Ora ALLEN, of Arrowsmith, is visiting here with his sister, Mrs. J.W. SANDERS, and while here wants to buy some good work mules.
- J.T. ARNOLD and L.E. GRISSOM are arranging to open a clothing and gens furnishing store in the Swift & Garrett building now occupied by Job INMAN. The new store will probably be ready for business the latter part of this week.
- Mrs. Tessie LOVELL and two children, of Kankakee, arrived here Tuesday to visit her parents, L.L. HULTS and family.
- Zelma Virginia, a seven pound daughter, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. CUNNINGHAM, in Kansas City, Wednesday, Feb. 23. The mother was formerly Miss Mattie MIDDLETON of this city.
March 10, 1910:
- M.J. HELM Dead: C.R. HAYS received a telegram on Tuesday afternoon announcing the death at Comanche, Mont. of his brother-in-law, former Sheriff Michael J. HELM. The telegram gave no further information. Mr. HELM and family resided in this county until about 1895. He was born and raised in Haines township and for many years was one of the foremost citizens of the county. He was a democratic politician of considerable ability and in 1900 he was nominated and elected Sheriff of Marion county. His record as an official was satisfactory and had he remained here he would doubtless have been given further honors. After moving to the northwest Mr. HELM accepted a responsible position with the International Harvester Co., and he was recognized as one of the best men with the corporation. Some weeks ago he was in a railroad wreck and sustained severe injuries; he had recovered sufficiently to return to work, but the opinion now prevails that he was more seriously injured than was believed and that his death resulted from injures sustained in the wreck. There are many relatives in this county as well as a brother, John HELM, who resides near Lawrenceville, Ill.; and another brother, Noah HELM, who resides in North Dakota. (Salem Republican).
- Farina Express: Mrs. F.E. HEWITT was in Saylor Springs Sunday attending the funeral of Mrs. Wilt DAVIS, a former resident of Farina.
- Farina Express: The body of Will SCHNEIDER, son of Herman SCHNEIDER, was brought home from the west for burial.
- Fallen Asleep: Lillian Alfreda, infant daughter of Floyd and Della HERRICK, died on Friday March 4, after a brief illness. The funeral services were conducted in the home by Rev. I.W. RITCHEY, pastor of the Presbyterian church on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 and the little body laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. This was their first born and lived scarcely three weeks. The young parents have the sympathy of all who know them.
- Saturday, March 5, being the 50th birthday of Mrs. Lou BARBEE a number of her friends and relatives gave her a very pleasant surprise by coming in and spending the day with her. She received a number of beautiful presents. Her sister, Mrs. Ella WILLIAMS and daughter, Georgia, of Alma were among those present.
- Herman SCHNEIDER, residing 3 miles north of this city, received a telegram last Friday announcing the death of his son, Will, at Phoenix, Ariz., who went there a few months ago for consumption. The body was shipped home for burial and interment made in the German cemetery west of Farina.
- M.B. NELMS, E.S. CARLTON, and A.P. HANKS were down from Farina Tuesday attending the preliminary hearing of Dr. LASWELL who was acquitted by Squire ROTAN after hearing the evidence of the prosecution.
- Wm. KNAUER, age 75, died at Farina last Thursday.
- Mrs. Lou ACRE of Mt. Vernon, visited here Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Isaac WAINSCOTT and family.
- Wilfred SMITH and wife of Farina, have a new boy at their home who arrived there one day last week.
March 17, 1910:
- Carroll WHITSON came down Chicago yesterday to visit a few days with his parents, J.P. WHITSON and family.
- Milt SCHOOLEY was in Anna Sunday visiting his wife who is there in the hospital.
- 17 Years Old: Last Thursday, March 10, was the 17th anniversary of the organization of Clipper Lodge No. 413 K. of P. and the occasion was observed by the members and their families on that evening. A brief history of the order was read followed by a few musical numbers after which J.H. SPILLMAN entertained the crowd for a half hour or more with a "Trip Around the World" on his picture machine and the views shown were of much interest and was greatly enjoyed by all present. After the entertainment refreshments consisting of brick cream and cake, were served and the remainder of the evening spent in a social way. It has been the custom of Clipper Lodge since it’s organization to observe its birthday and each year the occasion seems to grow more interesting and more entertaining. The members are all in favor of a good time on such occasions and always try to make it pleasant for the visitors present.
- Mrs. Grace TOWNSEND of Colorado arrived here Thursday evening visit her parents, Geo. HEATON and wife.
- Mrs. Helen BREHM and daughter of Kankakee, are visiting here at the home of her parents, James MITCHELL and family.
- J.L. DAVIS and wife and Wm. MORRIS attended the funeral of Mrs. Monroe SMITH at Patoka last Thursday.
- Herb SULLENS and wife, of St. Elmo, were in this city Saturday. Herb recently sold his barber shop at that place and is preparing to engage in the restaurant business.
- Mrs. BILLMAN, residing near Salem, died Sunday of appendicitis. She is a sister of Mrs. A.F. SHIELDS of this city.
- W.W. NEIL was in Farina Tuesday in charge of the burial of Will SCHNEIDER whose body arrived Monday morning from Phoenix, Ariz.
- Advertisement: A New Hat! We were in the city this week and purchased a new line of Men’s and Boy’s Newest Hats and Caps for spring and summer wear. Our purchases are expected to arrive today and we want you to see them. Don’t forget that we can sell you a regular $16.00 Spring Suit for $12.00. We have the goods you want. Call on us if you are looking for the store where you can dress well for a small outlay of cash. Bring in the boys and we will dress them for Easter. ARNOLD & GRISSOM. Newell’s Old Stand.
- The wife of Rev. J. Monroe SMITH of Patoka died last Wednesday after a lingering illness of cancer.
March 24, 1910:
- HOUSH-HERREN: Last Thursday afternoon at three o’clock occurred the marriage of Dr. A.C. HOUSH, of E. St. Louis, the ceremony being performed at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.N. HOUSH in Salem, on account of the physical condition of his mother, who wished to be present, by Rev. J.P. CUMMINS of this city, officiating. Dr. and Mrs. HOUSH are known to many in this city, both having visited here frequently. They spent Sunday here with his brother, Ufa HOUSH.
- A Successful Student: A message was received here last Friday from Washington, D.C. announcing the fact that Dr. Clyde B. CAMERER who as been a student in the U.S. Navel Medical school the past winter, has successfully passed the examinations and will graduate from that school and receive his second diploma on Wednesday of this week. A second telegram received states that he has been ordered to duty in the Norfolk (Va.) Naval Hospital, one of the largest and finest in the world. This will certainly be gratifying to his friends as it means his first promotion, an elevation in rank and an increase in salary.
- A ten pound boy arrived at the home of Dan GUNN and wife in Salem Sunday.
- Mrs. J.M. SMITH: Frances Virginia ARNOLD, was born April 16, 1861, died March 10, 1910, aged 48 years, 11 months, and 23 days. She was united in marriage with J.M. SMITH Feb. 1, 1877. To this union four children were born: Floyd E., who preceded his mother to the great beyond over seen years ago; Wm. F. of Patoka; Bert F. of Washington, D.C., and Blanche, of Mt. Vernon. In her death, the husband has been bereft of a true, loyal and loving companion; the children a kind and doting mother, the brother, F.E. WALL, an affectionate sister; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WALL, a dutiful daughter; the grandchildren, a counselor of all their woes; and the community an upright Christian woman. Sister SMITH professed faith in God at Arnold’s Chapel in March 1881, and later united with the M.E. church South at White Haven, and lived a consistent faithful Christian until the message came, "It is enough. Come home." Sister SMITH never knew a father’s kind and tender care, he having died on the field of battle under the stars and stripe to uphold the honor and integrity of his country while she was but a babe. Later John W. WALL became her step-father and he loved and cared for her as he would his own child. During her last illness she exhibited the true Christian spirit by being always a cheerful never complaining and always interested in the welfare and comfort of others. Funeral services were held at the M.E. church South Thursday afternoon under the direction of Rev. J.W. REEVES and others. The opening prayer was made by W.W. DAVIS and obituary read by J.R. QUAYLE of Salem. F.M. SMITH and R.N. NICHOLS led the singing. The church was filled to its greatest capacity by the large number of friends and relatives who attended. We bid Sister SMITH God speed in the new life that she has just entered, realizing full well that the same summons will come to us all. Let us then be found standing in our lot till the end. With the bereaved we drop the tear of sympathy but it fills not the void. Let us have hope. (Patoka Register.)
- Dr. CAMERER reports a fine girl at the home of Claude GARRETT and wife is Foster twp.
- John B. KAGY, one of the pioneer settlers and prosperous farmers of Alma twp., residing 6 miles south of this city, died last Thursday. The funeral service was held Saturday and was largely attended.
- Advertisement: Northing Mysterious About It! Some people wonder why it is we do the bulk of the lumber business, not only here in town, but for miles around. Surely there is nothing mysterious about it, nothing to wonder at. The quality and assortment of our stock is reason enough for that, even were our prices not as low, or lower, than can be obtained elsewhere. If you are not a customer of ours just give us a trial next time you want anything in lumber or building or material. No matter what, nor how much of it, see our stock and get our prices. E.S. COMBS & Son. C.A. COMBS, Manager.
- Advertisement: Ice Cold Drinks! We now have our fountain at work and invite you to call when wanting a refreshing Cold Drink or Ice Cream. We serve ice cream in every style and every order guaranteed to please you. Our fountain drinks are the sort you read about. Try em! Warm Meals, 25 cents; Lunch, 15 cents; Choice Fruits, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Peanuts, Etc. J.O. COX.
March 30, 1910:
- Obituary: Frances Charlotta KENT was born in Lyme, New Hampshire, May 9, 1833. She was married to Nelson GRAVES of Springfield, Mass., at Northampton, Mass., July 5, 1853. They came to Illinois soon after their marriage and settled in Moline, and a few years later they came to Kinmundy, settling, here in May, 1859, and lived here till the summons came that dissolved this earthly home on the evening of March 23, 1910, when the wife and mother was called from labor to reward, aged 76 years, 10 months, 14 days. To the above union was born two children, Leroy, of Johnson City, Ill., and Mrs. Etta GRAVES LACY, of Detroit, Mich. There are four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. For almost 57 years this couple have journeyed through life together, and this is the first time the "Grim Reaper" which we called Death, has evaded their household, but surely it has left a pathway of desolation and loneliness. Thirteen years ago last December Mr. GRAVES was stricken with paralysis and rendered partially helpless, and over four years ago, affliction again overtook him and rendered him entirely helpless and faithfully and untiringly has the wife administered to the wants of her invalid companion; she, as well as her friends, having realized of last that the strain was telling on her, but she kept on in her labor of love, fulfilling faithfully the vow she made in her young womanhood "through sickness and health till death do us part", when on the morning of March 21, she was stricken with paralysis and in a short time the weary body was at rest. Mrs. GRAVES was a devoted wife, a loving mother, a kind neighbor and friend. She was converted when a child but never identified herself with any church; she frequently attended services when it was possible to do so. She was an earnest and active member of the W.C.T.U. as long as she could attend these meetings. Mrs. GRAVES was a kind, unpretentious woman, cheerful and quiet, strictly attending to her own affairs. She will be sadly missed by her companion and her children. The helpful hands are folded, the voice we loved is still, the loving eyes are closed and we must say farewell. The funeral services were conducted at the home of Friday afternoon by J.W. RITCHEY of the Presbyterian church. The body was laid to rest in the Evergreen cemetery to await the resurrection.
- 70 Years Old: James F. HOWELL, of this city, was born March 25, 1840, and in order to celebrate his 70th birthday anniversary about fifty of his friends and relatives gathered at his home last Sunday and the day was greatly enjoyed by all present. A large number of nice presents were received by Mr. HOWELL, all of which he is very proud. One novel present was a birthday cake bearing the date of his birth and the present date. Among those present were Mrs. Sarah MEADOR (a cousin) her son Phillip and daughter, Mrs. Zora GRYLICH, and Mrs. Maggie DOOLEN of Vernon; A.J. HOWELL and family, Harry HOWELL and wife, H.W. BROWN and family, Willard BROWN and wife, Ben GARRETT and family, Lloyd PARRILL and family, Sell HOWELL and wife, Chas. HOWELL and children, Rev. F.O. FANNON, Aunt Lizzie GRAY, W.H. GRAY, Mrs. Tilda GEE and daughter Elsie, Aunt Minerva HOWELL and daughter, Flora, W.C. INGRAM, F.M. ROBB and wife, and Thos. DAY and wife, of Alma. Rev. FANNON acted as master of ceremonies at the noon hour and made a nice talk. This was a very happy gathering and such occasions add to the pleasures of life.
- MARTIN-McCLURE: Announcements were received here Tuesday of the marriage of Mr. Wm. Wayne MARTIN and Miss Nellie N. McCLURE, on Sunday, March 25, 1910, at Bicknell, Ind. They will make their home in Oaktown, Ind. The bride is quite well and favorably known in this city, where she grew to womanhood, and is highly cultured, refined, and pleasant, having been a teacher in our public school. A few years ago she removed with her grandmother, Mrs. CROFT, to Oaktown, Ind.; where she remained and taught in the school at that place. The groom is a rising young business man of Oaktown and is not a stranger to a number of our people as he visited her two years ago. Their many friends extend congratulations.
- E.S. COMBS, Jr., wife and little brother, of Findlay, visited in this city over Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Allie DENNIS.
- Last Saturday Mrs. Fannie K. EAGAN, teacher of room 3 in the public school, accompanied by the pupils of the room drove to Schneider’s Springs and spent the day very pleasantly picnicking.
- Mrs. Frank McCONNELL and children, of Patoka, attended the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. Nelson GRAVES, and visited relatives until Tuesday when she was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Roy GRAVES and Mrs. Net CHALFANT, who will visit there a few days.
- Two yearling and one 2 year old pure bred Hereford Bulls for sale by E.G. FORD, Alma, Ill.
April 7, 1910:
- Township Election:
For Town Clerk: Jesse GRIFFIN, dem. - 135; A.E. HUTCHINSON, rep. - 1
For Assessor: Peter J. EMBSER, dem. - 97; James FINCH, rep. 113
For Collector: Oren T. STEVENSON, dem. - 111; Elmer E. McCOLM, rep. - 98
For Highway Commissioner: Frank H. PURCELL, dem. - 119; John R. CLOW, rep. - 93
For School Trustee: John MAZANEK, dem. - 107; Albert COFFIN, rep. - 102
For Supervisor:
J.R. NICHOLS, dem. - 98; S.L. BUNDY, rep. - 59; D.F. NICHOLS, pro. - 12
For Town Clerk:
F.S. NICHOLS, dem. - 96; Melvin DOOLEN, rep. - 59; Cyrus ARNOLD, pro. - 14
For Assessor:
Alvin CHANDLER, dem. - 93; Seth MARTIN, rep. 64; Chas. G. SOUTER, pro. - 10
For Collector:
W.H. JONES, dem. - 84; Frank V. ARNOLD, rep. - 76; A.D. NICHOLS, pro. - 8
For Commissioner, Full-Term:
O.T. WALTON, dem. - 92; William McNICHOLS, rep. - 61; James DOTY, pro. - 11
For Commissioner, Short-Term:
C.C. WILLIAMS, dem. - 90; George BENDER, rep. - 64.
For Justice of the Peace:
A.I. EAGAN, dem. - 95; Geo. FRIZZEL, pro. - 17
For Constable:
Geo. PURCELL, dem. - 94; L.B. HUNTER, rep. - 60; Wm. JONES, pro. - 12
For School Trustee: J.W. JONES, dem. - 92; Lafe BASSETT, rep. - 61
For Supervisor: E.S. HOWELL, dem. - 127; L.S. LACEY, soc. - 69
For Town Clerk: W.C. THREEWIT, dem. - 134; Arthur COCKRELL, soc. - 56
For Assessor: E. MULVANEY, dem. - 126; Edward HENNING, soc. - 66
For Collector: Dolph WILKINSON, dem. - 122; Marion SHAEFFER, rep. - 69
For Highway Commissioner: Ellis A. WILKINSON, dem. - 127;
Chas. ALLEN, soc. - 62
For School Trustee: Samuel PUFFER, dem. - 128; W.S. JACKSON, soc. - 58
For Justice of the Peace: W.P. WAKEFIELD, dem. - 123; J.W. GAMBILL, dem. - 125
For Constable: S.T. COPPLE, dem. - 126
For Town Clerk: D.C. BEAVER, dem. - 265
For Assessor: D.N. MERCER, d. - 200; C.A. BOONE, r. - 161
For Collector: Chas. B. SMITH, d. - 226; W.W. LOWE - r. - 150
For Commissioner of Highways: J.A. BAYLIS, d. - 198; Jas. A. RENNIE, r. - 147
For Justice of Peace: A.B. STOKELY, d. - 169; John M. BASS, r. - 186
For School Trustee: J. Ras. JONES, d. - 239; Early MARSHALL, r. - 108
Shall this town continue to be Anti-Saloon Territory: Yes - 211; No - 132
The proposition For paying in labor the District Labor and Property Road Tax:
For - 189; Against - 166
- Wet and Dry Notes: At St. Peter the Wets received 104 and the drys 67. At Farina, the entire republican ticket was elected. The local option question was not an issue. In Centralia, the wets carried by 153 and the entire republican ticket was elected except for collector in which Walter WINKLER, independent defeated A.C. BARNES. Sandoval went wet, and Odin went dry.
- Miss Helen LARIMER of Tuscola, is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. H.A. BENNETT.
April 14, 1910:
- Little Charles WILSON: Charles Orval, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland WILSON, died at their home in Decatur on Friday, April 8, and the little body arrived in this city Saturday evening, accompanied by the father and mother, and Ed WILSON, an uncle, and was taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Del EAGAN, where it remained until Sunday afternoon when it was taken to the Presbyterian church where services were conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE, a long time friend of the family, and the little body laid tenderly to rest in Evergreen cemetery.
- H.E. YUNKER Killed: Henry E. YUNKER, formerly of Champaign, but late of Chicago, was killed in the passenger yards of the I.C.R.R. near the 12th Street Station in Chicago at 6:30 last Saturday evening. Mr. YUNKER was assistant yard master in the passenger was being transferred from one car to another, the cars setting parallel, the doors being connected with a gang plank, he watching the progress of the work. Without warning a switch engine came up and hit one of the cars knocking the gang plank in such a manner that it struck Mr. YUNKER, breaking his neck. The news of the accident reached this city Sunday morning and it was a great shock to the entire community as he was well known here, his wife being formerly Miss Dora NEAVILL. The body, accompanied by the widow and a large number of intimate friends and relatives, arrived in this city Tuesday morning and was taken to the Christian church where the funeral services were conducted at 10:30 by Elder F.O. FANNON, after which interment was made in Evergreen cemetery. The funeral was largely attended by the railroad men from Chicago, Champaign and Centralia. Among the relatives present were: Oscar SHEPHERD and wife, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. KECKEMYER, of Beckemyer; Mrs. Pauline SHLOW and daughter, Miss Lillie and sons, Henry and Charles, Chas. YUNKER, F.M. PERRY, Geo. McNEIL, of Centralia; Albert YUNKER, Fred NEAVILL, Peoria; Emery and Wm. NEAVILL, Fairfield; Mrs. Mabel BARTON, Helena, Ark.; Mrs. Jessie NEWMAN, O. GATES, W.W. MANN, A.H. MARLIM, Wm. BRITTON, I.H. KLINGLE, Chicago; Mrs. D.B. JOHNSON, Chas. BLAKE, Chas. KING, W.C. PIERCE, Francis NELSON, Edwin E. MILLER, Champaign.
- Rev. J.H. RITCHEY was called to Farina Monday morning to conduct the funeral of Ezekiel F. ABERNATHY, who was taken to Vandalia for burial.
- J.J. BELL came up from Centralia Monday to look after his property in the north part of town. He reports the arrival of a fine new girl at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank NOLAN, of Centralia, a few days ago. J.J. says he is feeling as young as ever although he is grandpa for the first time.
- Mrs. Wm. ANDERSON of Chicago is visiting here with her daughter, L.E. GRISSOM and wife.
April 21, 1910:
- Died Suddenly: Gotlieb FENSTER was born in Germany, Sept. 28, 1840, and came to this country with his parents and two sisters when he was three years old and located in Waverly, Ohio. He was married to Rachael H. CURTIS, May 22, 1862. To this union were born seven children: Anna, wife of Seth FOSTER; Mary, wife of Edwin S. GRAY; Grant FENSTER; Jennie, wife of Nelson LINGENFELTER; Charles FENSTER; Katherine, wife of Dr. F.S. SONGER and Roy FENSTER. All of the immediate members survive him except the one son Grant who died in infancy. The deceased is also survived by five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, and his two sisters, who still reside in Ohio, Mrs. Augusta HIBBELER and Mrs. Hanna HESSE. He was a member of the Lutheran church in Ohio and always believed in that faith. He loved his church. He moved to Marion county, Ill., in 1867, in the vicinity of Kinmundy where he has resided up to the date of his death. He was engaged in business in this city for about 20 years and by his close attention to business and honesty of character he was successful. He was an honest, upright citizen and a man in whom all had the utmost confidence. He was firm in his convictions and what he thought was right he strongly adhered to. When the Civil War broke out, he at once took up the cause of his country and on Aug. 11, 1862, enlisted in Co. G., 91st Regt. Ohio Vol. Infantry, taking an active part in 16 battles during the rebellion; he served in the army of the Potomac. He remained at the front until the close of the war. No man ever loved the flag of his country more than he did, he was thoroughly patriotic and was product of the part he took in making "one country and one flag". He was a charter member of Hicks Post No. 255 G.A.R. of this city, and proved himself a most faithful member ready and willing at all times to do his full duty. He departed this life April 16, 1910 at 10 p.m. "We shall meet, but we shall miss him." The funeral services were held from the family residence Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock conducted by Rev. J.B. CUMMINS. The burial services were under direction of Hicks Post, No. 255, G.A.R., of which deceased was an honored member and interment was made in Evergreen cemetery. The children were all present at the funeral, those living in Oklahoma having arrived Monday evening. Among other relatives in attendance were Mrs. Wm. WATSON and W.H. CURTIS of LaClede, Julius CURTIS, Ed McDONALD, and Rolla PUGSLEY of Pana.
- A Pleasant Surprise: On last Thursday morning, April 14, friends and relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Henry STOCK gathered at their home south of this city and gave them a very pleasant surprise, it being their silver wedding anniversary. They were both busy at their work when they saw them all drive in, it dawned upon them that they had been married 25 years ago that day and that their friends had not forgotten it and wished to remind them of that happy day so long ago. Every one brought well filled baskets and it was not long till the table was loaded with good things to eat and every one did full justice to the splendid cooking when the dinner hour arrived. They received beautiful silverware as a token of remembrance of the day. The afternoon passed away all too quickly when the guests begin to depart fro their home wishing Mr. and Mrs. STOCK many more happy years together.
- Martin BEAVER: One of the oldest and highly respected citizens of Marion county died at his home in Iuka April 14, 1910, aged 77 years, 7 months, and 4 days. He was born in Vermillion county but had lived in Marion county a little more than 71 years. He was a plain, unassuming man; honest, upright, generous and kind; a devoted husband and father, a good neighbor. He leaves a devoted wife, one daughter, Mrs. Mae HATMAKER, one grandson, one brother, D.C. BEAVER of this city, and a host of friends to mourn their loss. The funeral was held from the Baptist Church in Iuka Friday afternoon conducted by Elder KELLEY of this city, after which the remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Iuka Cemetery.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Saturday was school election and Jim CHARLTON was elected director.
- John HARGRAVES, wife and babe of Clinton, arrived in this city Saturday evening to visit his father, Tom HARGRAVES and family, and brother, Emmet HARGRAVES and wife.
- Harry E. PORTER, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived in this city Sunday morning to visit his mother, Mrs. R.A. PORTER, and brother, A.G. PORTER. He is taking his vacation and expects to spend several days here. He is employed with the Deere-Weber Plow Co., and has been with them several years.
- RUSSELL for Sheriff: There is one man in the race for Sheriff on the Democratic side of the fence, whose name I have seen less frequently mentioned in the press than it deserves to be, when the very many excellent qualifications he possesses for that office are considered, and a lover of fair play and also as an admirer of the gentleman in question, whom I have known for many years, I take this opportunity to say a few things in the favor that he is fully entitled to. The gentleman in question is none other than our well known townsman, J.F. RUSSELL, formerly engaged in the livery business in Salem until he met with a severe loss by fire and then disposed of his business to James AUSTIN and since that time has officiated as Township Constable and general collector for the business men of the city. He has recently spent considerable of his time in the capacity of bailiff, thus assisting the Sheriff in the regular court work of the county. Mr. RUSSELL was born and raised on a farm in Christian county, Ill, where he labored with his father in the support of the family until he became of age. He then set out to gain a start in the world for himself. At 21 years of age he engaged as a farm hand at $18 per month and stayed with the job through good and evil luck for four years and then with his savings he embarked in the restaurant business at Palmer, Il., where he did a prosperous business for a year or more and then came to Iuka where he alternately lived, there and at Xenia for several years, engaging in whatever profitable pursuits he could find, always industrious, ambitions to win success and withal economical, and thus accumulated considerable means. About five years ago he selected Salem for a permanent home and engaged in various pursuits that brought him good profits, having met with very few reverses, until about three years ago when he purchased the livery stable at the old Ardery stand which was destroyed by fire at considerable loss to him only a short time after he had purchased it. He then for a while conducted a hack line, which he transferred, together with its good will, to James AUSTIN and was then elected as before stated. Mr. RUSSELL has considerable valuable property interest in this city and elsewhere in the county, all of which is the result of diligence in his various pursuits and good judgment in his investments. Among other holdings in this city he owns a handsome residence property, a good sized farm in Wayne County, also considerable valuable property in Clay count and is an important factor in the Marion county Oil and Gas Syndicate. It will be seen by this, that Mr. RUSSELL, though only about 38 years of age, has made good use of his opportunities. T.W. WILLIAMS, J.P. (*)
April 28, 1910:
- Salem Marshal Shot: Last Sunday morning the city of Salem was a scene of excitement for a short time. City Marshal McMASTER and Granville PACE, known as "Granny Pace, the sign painter" had a few sharp words in a meat market and it seems that PACE struck the city marshal in the back, and the marshal ordered him out or he would lock him up. Outside the meat market they had more words and it is said the marshal slapped PACE. In a short time after this incident McMASTER was sweeping snow in front of the Broadway Hotel, of which he is proprietor, and PACE came up with a revolver and without any warming opened fire. Ten shots were exchanged, the city marshal being struck in the calf of the leg, and PACE escaping without injury. By this time a large crowd had gathered and PACE was arrested by Constable J.F. RUSSELL and placed in jail. McMASTER was taken to Centralia and an examination made with an X-Ray and the bullet located about six inches below the knee. The doctors claim if the bullet is removed the wound will not prove troublesome.
- Dr. BENNETT Moved: Dr. H.A. BENNETT, the optician, who has been conducting the jewelry store in the Tyner building the past six months left last Friday without bidding adieu or leaving a plot, but a great many of our business men and some others have slight tokens of remembrance in the way of a page in their ledgers. Dr. BENNETT came to this city last fall as an entire stranger and his health was such that people had sympathy for him and tried to help him. Late in the winter he was compelled to go to the hospital where he underwent a surgical operation and one leg was removed. Since his return his business has been seemingly very good, but it appears that he could not make the financial ends meet. On or about Saturday, the 16th his place of business was closed by Constable RHOADS and since that time the STOCK has been in charge of E.R. HENSLEY. The day of the trial was set for Friday of last week, but the Dr. left town a short time before the hour for trial, driving to St. Peter where he took the C. & E.I. train, and letters received here Sunday by I.C. Agent WORMLEY and C. & E.I. agent SUTTON states that he is in Chicago stopping at Hotel Warner. The letters stated that he was expecting packages by freight and express and requested that these gentlemen forward such packages to him at that place, but asked them to say nothing of his whereabouts. At the trial on Friday the court ordered the stock sold to meet the claims and the sale will be held on Tuesday, May 3d. City Marshal PRUDEN has been in correspondence with the sheriff of Dallas County, Texas, where the Dr. is wanted for disposing of mortgaged property. The sheriff was getting out the proper papers for the return of BENNETT to that place to answer the charge, but they left before the papers arrived for his arrest.
- Mr. Berthal GARRETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. GARRETT, and Miss Ruby DOOLEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DOOLEN, were married last Saturday evening. After the ceremony a large number of relatives enjoyed a wedding supper at the home of the bride. This happy young couple have the best wishes of their many friends.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McHATTON left last night for Champaign where they expect to make their future home.
- Mrs. Maggie DAVIS and two children of Jackson Center, Ohio are visiting in this city with her parents, Louis BARBEE and family.
- Mrs. Roy SIMER and children returned to her home in St. Louis last Thursday morning after a few days visit here with her parents Martin ALLEN and wife.
- L.C. ROHRBOUGH of DuQuoin visited in this city Sunday with his mother, Mrs. C. ROHRBOUGH.
May 5, 1910:
- A Surprised Couple: On last Saturday morning about one mile west of this city occurred a complete surprise at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha HAMMERS. Having arrived at their 36th mile post of wedded life and while not taking any particular note of the day they were busily engaged about their usual vocations when suddenly there came a ringing call from their lawn in front of the house. They hearkened to the call and soon discovered a large number of their friends who had come to pay their respects and extend congratulations. After many cordial greetings had been extended, a small sumptuous dinner was served which was highly enjoyed by the large company present. The afternoon was spent in pleasant conversation with some musical numbers to add life and zest to the occasion. Those present from a distance were Mrs. EDDY, a returned missionary from India, and Frank HAMMERS and daughter Venice of Chicago. Late in the afternoon the guests returned to their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. HAMMERS many happy returns of the day.
- Mrs. Etta LACEY returned to home in Detroit, Mich., Friday. She was accompanied by her father Nelson GRAVES, who expects to make his home with her.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Clyde SHUEFELDT returned home from the north last Sunday where he has been working the past two months.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Mrs. Wm. LESEMAN and daughter, Miss Alice left Tuesday for Oklahoma to visit a month with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. SIDELL.
- Mrs. Chas. COCKRELL and two sons, of Chicago, are visiting here with her mother, Mrs. E.V. FISHER and family.
May 12, 1910:
- Mrs. Lotta WAGONER and babe of St. Louis, arrived in this city Tuesday evening to visit her parents, Jas. WOODS and family. She was accompanied home by her sister Miss Gail WOODS who has been visiting with her the past five weeks.
- Ollie HANKS has returned from Tampa, Fla., where he has been for the past few weeks with his race horses.
May 19, 1910:
- Annual Commencement: The 22nd annual commencement of the Kinmundy High School took place on Tuesday night of last week at Gray’s opera house. The class of 1910 consisting of four boys and four girls, viz: Earl MORRIS, Raymond MAHAN, Lloyd and Walter NEIL, Lois MEEKS, Vera LENHART, Flossie HARRIS, and Helen RICE. (*)
- Natal Anniversary: When the 85th milestone is reached, it is meant that friends and acquaintances give or send a word of kindly greeting and congratulations. On the fifth of May, Mrs. Rebekah KING was 85 years old. Perhaps we should better say 85 years young, for very few people are more interested in the topics of the day - especially those of church and state, than is Grandma KING, as she is affectionately called. This natal anniversary was made the occasion of a dinner party and quilting bee, lovingly planned by her daughter, Mrs. Bessie KING-SMITH, at whose home the festivities were held, all the plans were so happily executed as to make this milestone in her life’s pilgrimage one of the brightest days of all the fourscore and five. One of the pleasures of the day for Grandma KING, perhaps the greatest, was the presence of her sister, Mrs. Sarah NEIL. Grandma NEIL has passed the last seven years in an invalid’s chair, but though shut within the four walls of her room, her sweet patience and affectionate disposition, make her life helpful and are as a garment of beauty about her. She has passed the 87th milestone. Another favored guest who had added three years to the fourscore was Mrs. Elizabeth GRAY. These three entertained the other guests, while around the quilting frame with reminiscences of the early - very early - days of Kinmundy. The quilt, quilted and finished at this party was the last one pieced by Grandma SMITH, T.M. SMITH’s mother, and is highly valued by Mr. SMITH and his daughters. At 12 o’clock dinner was served, a triumph in the culinary art, and but adding to the reputation Mrs. SMITH already holds. The birthday cake was one of her far-famed angel food. After dinner the photographer called and thru his art the guests and many other friends now have highly prized postcard souvenirs of the occasion. Other guests than those already mentioned were Mesdames Sarah PARRILL, Geo. FENSTER, Martha LOVELL, Wesley HARRIS, M.P. GRAMLEY, C.S. NEIL, and Thos. BAGOTT. A shower of postcards from still other friends added to the pleasures of the day. We wish for Grandma KING another and yet another happy birthday anniversary and God’s best for all the future. What is more beautiful, as one peacefully awaits the setting of life’s sun surrounded by loving children and many friends, than to look back for a moment upon a life well spent, full of good deeds and rich in Christian experience, as this life has been, and then after the fleeting backward glance to face again toward the "sunset and evening star" and calm await the "crossing of the Bar."
- Mrs. Chas. McCARTAN and Miss MAULDING of Alma are arranging to open up a pound and remnant store in the Tyner building opposite the Eagan Hotel.
- Miss Lottie BAYLIS of St. Louis is visiting here with her parents, J.A. BAYLIS and family.
- Mrs. W.E. BROWN left from Kansas last Friday morning in answer to a message announcing the serious illness of her father.
- S.L. and T.L. BUNDY were in Centralia yesterday attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Amanda BUNDY.
- Samuel H. GRAHAM: It is with a great degree of pleasure that we announce the name of Samuel H. GRAHAM of Meacham twp. as a candidate for treasurer of Marion County subject to the primary election Sept. 15, 1910. Mr. GRAHAM was born in Marion Co., Ind. in 1855 and resided in that state till he became of age, in the meantime attending the high school Hartsville and the University of Valparaiso. After completing his education, he engaged in teaching which profession he followed for about 25 years, and during that period, never taught in over 8 different districts. In 1881, Mr. GRAHAM moved from Indiana to Clay Co., Ill. where he resided till 1890, when he married and moved to a farm four miles east of Kinmundy, where he has since resided and by continuous toil has become one of the progressive farmers of that neighborhood. His prosperity is entirely due to hard work and strict attention to business. Mr. GRAHAM is a pure-bred democrat, a clean man morally and politically. During the 20 years in the county, he has held the offices of town clerk, school director, justice of the peace, tax collector, and supervisor. In the latter office he served three terms and during that time he was elected as chairman of the county board. In all public affairs he served the people fairly and impartially and was always found doing what he thought best for the people. To these places of trust he was always elected by good majorities. Everybody knows Mr. G. as an honest and upright man, firm in his convictions, liberal in his views, temperate in all things, and his principle is to do right under any and all circumstances. In asking the democrats to favor him with the office he now seeks, Mr. GRAHAM comes with a good record from his home twp. and his life is an open book and ready for investigation. His acquaintance in the county is quite extensive and his good work in public has caused him to be a favorite with the men of both parties. In his fraternal relation he associates with the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors. On Sept. 15, when you go to the polls to exercise your rights as an American citizen you will find the following: For Treasurer - SAMUEL H. GRAHAM. By placing an X in the square opposite this name you will do something which you never will have reason to regret and at the same time case your vote for a man who deserves the honor from every standpoint.
May 26, 1910:
- CAMERER-STEUBER: On Sunday evening at 9:30 o’clock at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.D. CAMERER, occurred the marriage of their son, Assistant Surgeon Clyde BRADLEY, U.S.N., to Miss Martha Louise STEUBER. The bride was a vision of loveliness her gown being of white imported mousseline trimmed with Irish lace and French embroidery. She wore a bridal veil of hand made lace of exquisite pattern, texture and antiquity. This veil was born fifty years ago at the English Court before Queen Victoria. This is the second bride the veil has adorned and is a family heirloom. The bride carried a bridal bouquet of American Beauty roses. The only ornament she wore was a diamond bandeau which held the veil in place. The groom was attired in Special full dress uniform with side arms, making a striking and handsome appearance. Promptly at 9:30, Miss Louis STEUBER, sister of the bride, sand "The Garden of Roses" in a very impressive manner. Immediately afterward the strains of Mendelssohn Wedding March played by Miss Bertha STEUBER, were heard and the bridal party, preceded by Miss Minnie STEUBER, Maid of Honor, entered the parlor. The ring ceremony was used, being performed by Rev. J.B. CUMMINS. After the congratulations elegant refreshments were served. The presents were many and useful, consisting of hand-painted china, cut glass, silverware, and table linen and a handsome check from the groom’s father. The wedding was a very quiet affair. They left yesterday morning for an extended trip through the Eastern cities on their way to their home in Norfolk, Virginia, where the groom is on duty as a surgeon in the United States Navel Hospital. The guests from a distance were H.B. MADISON and daughter, Mrs. Ed OOX, and Miss Irene ROBERTS of Tuscola; H.E. BRADLEY and daughter, Mrs. Myrtle BRADLEY-PAYNE of Charleston; Herman SCHMIDT and family of Xenia; and Miss Louise STEUBER of Kankakee and Miss Mae SPENCER of Salem.
- 72 years Old: On Sunday, May 22, occurred the 72th birthday of Mrs. Jesse GEORGE and at 12 o’clock a number of her friends and relatives gathered at her home to remind her of the date, and after spending a few minutes in exchanging greetings, they were invited into the dining room where a sumptuous dinner had been prepared to which all did ample justice. After dinner the time was spent socially and was enjoyed very much by all. Mrs. GEORGE received several nice presents. Those present were: Mr. GRANDFIELD and wife, St. Elmo; Leo and Fred DANCE and wives, J.H. GRAY, Centralia; R.A. GEORGE, wife and daughter, Clarence WILLIAMS and wife, Alma; Albert McLINSKY, Edgewood; F.B. GEORGE and wife, A.C. LOWRY, St. Peter; W.B. LLOYD and wife, O.W. GEORGE and family, Kinmundy.
- Miss Grace SHEPARD has returned home from Salem where she has been teaching school.
- The Old School House: "How oft we’ll remember in days that are coming; The olden brown schoolhouse that stood near the road. The hallway, the stairway, the time-worn schoolrooms; And every loved spot that our schooldays have known; The bench in the hallway, the broken glass by it; Where all stop to glance at reflections there in; The rope from the bell tower, the rusty gong nigh it, And even the whole school house that all of us knew. The battered old school house, the time scarred school house, Kinmundy’s old school house that stood by the road. ‘Twas the school of our fathers; their fathers well knew it. For’t was built long ago in the days of their youth. They wandered the aisles in this self same school room, And learned in this place the lessons of truth. But now it is gone; ‘tis replaced by another, A cheer for the new one; a tear for the old, For time can’t erase from our hearts the remembrance; Of initial carved desks and the dull frescoed; The old battered school house with it’s stair always all footworn; Kinmundy’s old schoolhouse of it’s glories all shorn; Farewell to the school house for it’s usefulness over; And memories sacred shall close it around; ‘Twas the friend of our youth; we are still its same lover; Too a new one displace it upon the old ground; And when its removed from the old situation; A thought of regret will return until me, And something of love bind us closer together; For the olden brown schoolhouse that stood ‘neeth the trees. The old battered school house the time-scarred school house, Kinmundy’s old school house that stood near the road." This parody was sung the last day of school by Georgia NIRIDER, Margaret COUGHLIN, Mattie HENSLEY, Lily ZIEGLER, Ruth ROHRBOUGH, Clara HAMMERS, Cleta BRANSON, and Della BAYLISS, of Room 3.
- Farina Express: Mrs. Dan WADE is visiting in Danville with her parents, D. FLAHARTDY and wife.
- Farina Express: Mrs. Seth DEVORE was brought a corpse from Effingham hospital last Tuesday, where she had underwent an operation, and was buried in the Oskaloosa cemetery Wednesday.
- Farina Express: Thos. BOUSEMAN and wife returned from a trip to St. Louis last Thursday accompanied by their son, Dr. Albert BOUSEMAN, who has just graduated from the Barnes Medical College. He has not decided where he will locate.
- Farina Express: Miss Mary COCHRAN of Springfield, Mo., is visiting her parents, Wm. COCHRAN and wife east of town.
- H.H. IRVIN, of Boston, Mass., is the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Rose DUMOND.
- Mrs. Chas. WAGONER and babe returned to their home in St. Louis Friday afer a visit here with her parents, Jas. WOODS and wife. Her mother accompanied them home.
- Mrs. Maggie DAVIS and children returned to their home in Jackson Center, Ohio, Monday after a visit here with her parents, Louis BARBEE and family. They were accompanied to Chicago by Miss Lenore BARBEE.
- Mrs. Claude CROSSETT of Granite City arrived in this city Monday evening to visit her parents, W.B. ROSS and family and Lloyd CROSSETT and family.
- Frank HAMMERS and wife came down from Chicago Tuesday morning to visit a few days with their parents. Miss Lenore BARBEE accompanied them.
- A new boy arrived at the home of Jas. REESE and wife Sunday a.m.
- Isaac PRUDEN and wife were in Salem Monday attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Mary PRUDEN.
- James F. HOWELL of this city received a letter from his son, James E. HOWELL, of Roumania, S.A., Monday morning announcing the arrival of a new son, Leslie Leander HOWELL, at their far away home on May 6, 1910.
June 2, 1910:
- Kinmundy Boys Honored: J. Ben MORGAN and Harry CRAIG, both of this city, who have been in St. Louis the past four years studying medicine, have successfully passed the examinations and are graduating; Ben from the St. Louis University of Medicine on Tuesday May 31, and Harry from the Washington University June 9. A few days ago, the St. Louis City Hospital gave a very rigid examination to the graduates of the different schools in the city, and these two boys were among the number to pass and gain places in the hospital, which Harry expects to accept. These examinations given by the City Hospital are so thorough that only a small percent of the applicants pass it, and our boys are above the average in their studies to gain these honors. Ben has been offered a position in St. John’s Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, as House Physician, which he expects to accept about July 1st. There are 68 members in his class of which he has the honor of being Secretary. These two young men have both worked faithfully for the honors they are receiving and both are to be complimented upon their success.
- WILLETT-BALKE: On Saturday evening, May 28, 1910, at Villa Grove, Ill., occurred the marriage of Miss Hazel BALKE of this city, to Mr. Herbert W. WILLETT, of Corydon, Kentucky. The bride is the oldest daughter of C.P. BALKE and wife, of Meacham twp., and is a talented and gifted young lady, being an excellent musician, and has many friends here who extend congratulations. The groom is a rising young professional man. They arrived in this city Sunday and visited until Tuesday with her parents, when they left for Calmnet, Mich., where the groom has accepted a position and where they will make their home.
- The Honored Dead: On last Monday, May 30, Decoration Day was observed by the people of our city and vicinity and the services were very appropriate in every respect. At one o’clock the procession was formed and headed by the Kinmundy Cornet Band marched to Evergreen Cemetery where Hicks Post, G.A.R. had charge of the services, and after the decoration of the graves, all marched to the opera house where a nice program was given, Rev. M.A. COX, delivering the address. All the stores closed for the service and everyone seemed interested in making the day a memorable one. Many people from out of town were in attendance and all were very much pleased with the service. The band added much to the occasion and their music was much appreciated by all.
- Farina Express: Sam JOHNSON, one of August RHINEHART’s berry pickers, died very suddenly with pneumonia last Wednesday morning. He came here from Shelbyville. His remains were entered at Keen’s Chapel.
- Farina Express: Early Sunday morning Matt DIPPALT was standing near a wire fence which was struck by lightning and he received a very severe shock. Dr. _____ was called and reported him as being better in the afternoon.
- Farina Express: Miss Mae MAXON has been engaged to teach in the primary department of the Central City Schools the coming winter. This will make her second year in that school.
- Wilson School Vicinity: A social dance was enjoyed by the young people at the home of Henry STOCK and wife Saturday night.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Mrs. Wm. LESEMAN and daughter, Miss Alice, returned home last Friday after a month’s visit in Blackwell, Okla. with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. SIDELL.
- Jas. R. ABERNATHY, of Omega, called at this office Tuesday and ordered the Express. He is almost 81 years old and is very active for one of that age. In 1847, he learned the printing trade and worked at the business up to six years ago when locating in Omega.
- The cornerstone of the new Kinmundy Public School Building was laid last Wednesday afternoon with appropriate services by the Board of Education and others. A large crowd was in attendance and the box was well filled with papers and other articles. The work on the building is progressing nicely and it looks now like the fall term of our school will open in the new building.
- Frank NEAVILL, of St. Louis, visited here Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Betty NEAVILL. He returned Monday accompanied by his two little daughters who have been here for some time.
- Mrs. Helen BREEM returned to her home in Kankakee Tuesday after an extended visit here with her parents, Jas. MITCHELL and family.
- Clyde FOSTER came down from Chicago and spent Saturday and Sunday in this city with his parents, A.J. FOSTER and wife.
- Mrs. Lizzie DUNLAP, of Chicago, is visiting in this city with her son, A.C. DUNLAP and wife, and sister, Miss Maria CLAYTOR.
- Mrs. Dora BRENNER returned home Friday evening after spending several months in Shawnee, Okla., with her son J.G., and daughter, Mrs. C.C. FENSTER, and families and in Little Rock, Ark. with her niece, Mrs. Bessie RAMEY.
June 9, 1910:
- J.L. SMITH for Sheriff: In this issue of the Express we announce the name of James L. SMITH as a democratic candidate for sheriff of Marion county subject to the decision of the primary election to be held Sept. 15, 1910. Mr. SMITH does not come to the democrats of this county as a stranger asking for their support, as he has resided in the county since 1878. In that year he moved from Edgar county, Ill., and located in Meacham twp., and engaged in farming, where he resided 20 years, when he moved to Salem and served as deputy sheriff for a period of four years. After his excellent service as deputy the democratic voters elected him sheriff in the campaign of 1902 and he filled his office for four years to the entire satisfaction of all. After his term of office expired in 1906, he purchased the place known as the Purden farm, located on the old State road between Iuka and Salem, where he moved and again engaged in tilling the soil and where he now resides. "Jim" SMITH is a man that has worked hard all his life; when he resided in Meacham twp., he would farm in the summer, thresh in the fall, and work at a saw mill during the winter. While thus engaged he built for himself a reputation for honesty and industry that will always stay with him. At the time he settled in this county, he did not possess a sufficient amount of this work’s good to let him live in luxury all his life and what he has acquired has been by hard work and economical living. (*)
- Prof. BABCOCK Resigned: The Board of Education met last Wednesday night and employed the following corpse of teachers for the coming school year: Superintendent - L.T. BABCOCK; Principal - Mrs. BRYAN; No. 5 - Pauline BAGOTT; No. 4 - Martha WALKER; No. 3 - No Choice; No. 2 - Clemmie WHITTENBURG; No. 1 - Mary SHRIVER; Owing to the ill health of Mrs. BABCOCK, Mr. BABCOCK has resigned his position here and accepted a position in Idaho, where they will move in the near future. Mr. BABCOCK has been Superintendent of our school the past two years and during his reign the school has been in prosperous condition, the board, pupils and teachers working in perfect harmony. The Board met in special session Tuesday night and elected Prof. F.D. HARWOOD, of Sandoval, to fill the vacancy. Mr. HARWOOD has been in Sandoval the past four years and he comes to Kinmundy with the best of recommendations and we think he will make a success here.
- Farina Express: L.L. CURTIS, Springfield, Ohio, has become partner with N.L. GANT in the furniture department of his store, and we are informed will add undertaking to his business.
- Farina Express: Lawrence HOHLT and his friend, Bus SCHACHT, both of St. Louis, are guests of his brother, Ed HOHLT this week.
- Mrs. HOLBROOK of Mason is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.C. BARGH.
- Mrs. W.M. THOMPSON, of Oakland, Cal., is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Henry LUX, who is seriously ill.
- T.M. SMITH and daughters, Miss Georgia, and Mrs. G.M. NIRIDER, drove to Fredonia yesterday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Becky GRAY.
- Miss Hester MANUEL left Tuesday morning for her home in El Paso, Texas, after spending several months here with her grandmother, Mrs. J.B. ELDER and family.
- Samuel INGRAM returned home Saturday morning after a visit in Ashley with his daughter, Mrs. G. HOOVER.
- The general store of Hensley & Morris are moving from the Gramley building to the room formerly occupied by the Company Store.
- John PHILLIPS was called to Christopher last Saturday by telegram to attend the funeral of his brother, Simeth, who died very suddenly.
- On Saturday evening, May 28 at Lovell Grove Church was held the graduating exercises of Omega twp, the graduates being Clarence WALKINGTON, Chester KLINE, Burleigh SWALLEY. The church was beautifully decorated and a good program rendered. Lawyer VANDERVORT delivered a splendid address to the class and the large audience. Co. Supt. J.S. KNISLEY presented the diplomas.
June 16, 1910:
- Farina Couple Elopes: Last Sunday while all was quiet on the streets of Farina - some attending church, others in the berry fields - a prominent young couple of the village planned an elopement. The young man was Sylvester LEITH, aged about 22, and the young lady was Miss Junia FOGLER, aged 17. The young man procured a livery rig and driver and drove to Altamont, where the driver left the couple and returned home. On Monday morning the driver, Doc SPORLEDER, was arrested, the charge being "Accessory to Kidnaping". The trial was heard before Squire RAUCKMAN, and after hearing the evidence of the prosecution the prisoner was dismissed. Hon. T. ZINN, of Farina, was attorney for the prosecution, and Hon. J.F. DONOVAN, of this city was on the defense. The young couple had been gone but a short time when the parents of the girl had been notified of their departure and parties struck out in an auto to catch them. The telephone and telegraph wires were put into service and the city marshals and sheriffs in the surrounding towns and counties ordered to arrest the runaway couple. The search was continued until Tuesday when the couple appeared at Monticello, when they applied to the county clerk for a marriage license and were taken charge of by the sheriff. We understand they were returned to Farina last eve. It is said that a state’s warrant was issued for LEITH charging him with "Kidnaping". The outcome of the affair is being guessed on in various ways by the Farina people and should the case come to trial it will be largely attended.
- Farina Express: Born Friday, June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Foster WOODEN, twin girls.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Richard WAINSCOTT’s family are slowly recovering from a severe attack of the measles.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Mrs. Jim CHARLTON has returned home from a visit in Villa Grove with her brother, Geo. SHAEFFER and other relatives.
- Miss Georgia NIRIDER is visiting Chicago with her sister, Mrs. Lee SNELLING.
- Luke WILBORN of Chicago, is visiting in this city with his sister, Miss Helen.
- Mrs. Henry KOTKAMP and children of St. Louis, arrived in this city Saturday to visit near here with her parents, J.B. SCULLEY and wife.
- The 18 months old child of Eli MORGAN and wife, residing eight miles west of this city, died Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and was buried Monday.
- James GARRETT came home from Champaign Thursday to spend his vacation with his parents, Ben GARRETT and wife, west of town.
- Presiding Elder Dies: The funeral of Rev. C.J. PRESSLEY, Presiding Elder of the Salem District of the Illinois Conference or the M.E. church South, took place from their church in June 12, 1910. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Odin. Rev. C.J. PRESLEY was born in Randolph co., Ill. May 13, 1851, and died in Odin, Ill., June 9, 1910, at the age of 59 years, and 27 days. His early life was present in teaching. He entered the ministry in 1890, joined the Illinois Conference in 1895, District in 1908. He gave his time, talent and means to the cause he loved so well. He lives to mourn his decease a widow, three sons, one daughter, one sister, six brothers, the brethren of the conference and a host of friends.
- A. LUCAS, a prominent farmer of Foster twp., died Tuesday morning at 6 o’clock, aged 60 years. The funeral was held this morning (Thursday) at 9 o’clock at the family home.
June 23, 1910:
- Miss Martha WALKER left last Thursday for Charleston to attend the summer term at the Eastern Illinois State Normal.
- Miss Ida RUTHERFORD of Salem, and Mrs. Sue GORHAM of Jacksonville, Fla., visited in this city a few days this week with their father, G.W. RUTHERFORD.
- Mrs. G.P. TOMLINSON and two little daughters left Tuesday morning for Ft. Worth, Tex., for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Jas. DARDEN. She was accompanied as far as St. Louis by her husband and two sons.
- A large crowd of Kinmundy people attended the German picnic at Cole’s Grove Saturday.
- A new girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WILSON in Clinton Monday morning. The mother was formerly Miss Gail FROST in this city.
- L.B. BRANSON left Tuesday for Sinton, Tex. to visit his son, Marion BRANSON and wife.
- Mrs. Chas. SEIMER returned to her home in Seigel Monday evening after a visit here with her mother, Mrs. Allie DENNIS.
- Aged Lady Dies: Mrs. Christina BLIBER was born in St. Clair county, Ill., Sept. 22, 1837, and died June 18, 1910 at her home north of Kinmundy at the age of 72 years, 8 months, and 26 days. She has been in poor health for a good many years and at times was a great sufferer, but of late her health was better. She was taken suddenly sick Friday from which time she never spoke a word. Her husband and three sons preceded her to the grave leaving three daughters and one sister to mourn her death. The funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE Sunday morning at 9 o’clock and interment made in the Evergreen cemetery.
- Nelson GRAVES: Nelson GRAVES was born in North Amherst, Mass., Oct. 2, 1829, and died June 16, 1910, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Etta LACEY in Detroit, Mich., aged 80 years, 8 months, and 14 days. He came to Kinmundy with his family in May 1859, where he has resided ever since until about 6 weeks ago when his daughter took him to her home to await the final summons. Mr. GRAVES was a good citizen, sober, honest and industrious, and was for several years the leading contractor and builder in this community. A number of quite substantial buildings yet stand as a monument of his work as artisan in this city. The writer was in his employ as a workman for several years and can truthfully say that the deceased always showed a desire to have the work done well, his chief ambition was to please the one who had given him the contract. He leaves to mourn their loss two children, Leroy of Johnson City, Ill, and Mrs. Ett GRAVES-LACEY of Detroit, Mich., four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, his beloved wife Frances having departed this life March 23, 1910. (W.W. NEIL.) The body arrived in this city Saturday evening and was taken to the home of Mrs. Rose DUMOND, where the funeral was held Sunday at three o’clock p.m. conducted by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY and interment made in Evergreen cemetery.
- Farina Express: The police court was busy most of the day last Monday trying Doc SPORLEDER for kidnaping, a verdict of not guilty was rendered.
- Farina Express: We are informed that the teachers employed by the Farina school this winter are Prof. Dan MITCHEL, Prin. High School, Dean PARRILL, Grammar Dept., Anna DIXON, 1st Intermediate, Flora ZINN, 2nd Intermediate, Adele HOWARD.
- NEAVILL-GRAY: On last Wednesday evening June 15 at 8:15 o’clock, at the Presbyterian manse occurred the marriage of Mr. John W. NEAVILL and Miss Jessie GRAY, both prominent young people of this city, Rev. J.W. RITCHEY performing the ceremony. This was very quiet affair and was witnessed only by the brother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence GRAY. The bride is the daughter of Henry GRAY and is a very estimable young lady. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. NEAVILL, and they have many friends who extend congratulations. They have gone to housekeeping in the D.C. BEAVER property in the south party of town.
- EAGAN-RHOADS: Sunday afternoon June 19, 1910, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J.W. RITCHEY was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Harry H. EAGAN and Miss Gladys RHOADS, Rev. RITCHEY, pastor of the Presbyterian church performing the ceremony. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah RHOADS of Alma, and is quite popular with her young friends in that village. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Del EAGAN of this city, and their many friends extend congratulations. They are making their home with his parents in this city.
- Miss Grace SHEPARD left Thursday for Salem to spend a few days; and from there she will visit with relatives in Kansas City and other western places.
June 30, 1910:
- Mrs. Will EAGAN: Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth EAGAN nee WILSON, was born in Marion county, Illinois, Jan. 1, 1867 and departed this life June 24, 1910 at 11:50 p.m., age 43 years, 6 months and 24 days. She professed faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 16 years and united with the church there. She lived a devoted Christian and was an honored member of the Presbyterian church with her husband at the time of her death. She was married to William EAGAN Sept. 3, 1890; to this union was born a daughter, Bessie, who lived but 19 months. She has been in poor health for 18 years and for the last 4 years has been a chief sufferer and finally died of cancer. Everything medical science could do was persistently applied and all tender care possible by loved ones was bestowed, but alas how feeble are our efforts when met by death, the last enemy of mankind, "But thanks be unto God who giveth tis the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." She leaves to mourn their loss two sisters, Mrs. Alice EAGAN and Mrs. Stella BOLOCK, and five brothers: Julius C. WILSON of Waynesville; Geo. C. WILSON of Adella; Ed, Rolland, and Leonard WILSON of Decatur. Her father, mother, and two brothers preceded her to the grave. Her husband and nephew, John WILSON, will greatly miss her and more sadly feel their loss than pen can subscribe. She often expressed a desire to leave for the sake of her friends and relatives and especially for her husband and nephew, for whom she has cared since childhood. Since she has known that her affliction could not be removed and she be restored to health she bravely met the results and was happy in the expectation to relieve her and often sang the songs of her earlier recollections. Often she spoke of the joy contemplated in meeting her Savior and loved ones gone before to the better country.
- Miss Elsie SWAIN has returned to St. Louis where she is in training at the Rebeckah Hospital, after spending her vacation with her parents and friends.
- Monday evening Raymond MAHAN met with a very painful accident while griding coffee in F.W. KILLIE’s grocery. One finger was broken and two badly smashed.
- T.M. SMITH received a message Sunday morning stating that his sister, Mrs. Mattie HOWELL, who resides in St. Louis, had lost all her personal property, it having been destroyed by fire.
- Mr. Percey WILKINSON, of Meacham twp., and Miss Bertha WILEY, daughter of W.M. WILEY of Patoka, were united in marriage Monday morning at 10 o’clock at the home of Dores WILKINSON and wife in Mattoon, where they expect to make their home.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Miss Ethel GEORGE has been employed to teach this school the coming term.
- Farina Express: Sunday night a number of friends gave Mr. and Mrs. Teddy DAVIS a pleasant surprise in honor of their 10th wedding anniversary.
- Dr. HOUSH and wife, of East St. Louis, visited in this city Monday with his brother, Ufa HOUSH. They were accompanied by Miss SUN of Sedalia, Mo.
- Dr. Harry CRAIG, who recently graduated in St. Louis, successfully passed the Illinois State Board Examination last week, and now has a license to practice in this state.
- Mesdames H.A. BROWN, Wm. BOUSEMAN, Belle ALLEN, and Dora BUNDY attended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth MERRITT 8 miles east of this city Tuesday afternoon.
- Farina Express: Sunday night a number of friends gave Mr. and Mrs. Teddy DAVIS a pleasant surprise in honor of their 10th wedding anniversary.
July 7, 1910:
- C.J. HILLER Dies: Died at his home in Kinmundy, Ill, Thursday, June 30, 1910, at 1:30 p.m., Christian Jacob HILLER, aged 72 years, and 12 days. He was born in Wittenburgh, Germany, June 18, 1838 and came in this country in 1865 and settled in Wayne Co., Ill. He was united in marriage with Elizabeth FELLER, Oct. 20, 1870. To this union were born 10 children, three sons and seven daughters; two sons and two daughters have preceded him to the grave. There are left of his family to mourn their loss his beloved wife, one son, Albert HILLER of Louisville; and five daughters, Mrs. Julia WAGONER of Fairfield; Mrs. Bertha QUICK of Wince; and Pauline, Matilda and Agnes HILLER, and four grandchildren, four having died. Mr. HILLER was converted in 1862 and united with the Evangelical church and lived a devoted Christian until death. With his family he maintained Bible reading and religious worship in his home. During his last illness when his son and daughters had all been called home, on June 8, the writer was called to administer the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper to him and with him to all the members of his family. This was a most solemn and spiritually blessed service during which he gave expressions of undying faith in Jesus Christ. He said, "If it be God’s will , I am ready to go," and stated to his family they should not grieve for him. He chose as a text for his funeral, Phil., 1:21. He had all the care bestowed upon that a loving wife, son and daughters, including those trained in nursing, could give day and night during his entire illness, but death claimed him and he calmly fell asleep in Jesus and his soul passed to be with the redeemed. May the grace of God sustain the bereaved family and his chosen text be their motto in life. The services were conducted by the writer, assisted by Rev. J.B. CUMMINS, from the M.E. church on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock and the body gently laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev. J.W. RITCHEY.
- A Farmer Killed: Early last Wednesday morning Samuel McBRATNEY, a prominent farmer residing about 12 miles southeast of this city, met his death on his farm while other members of the family were asleep. He arose early and was attending to his stock and while handling a bull he was killed. It is thought that while leading the animal from the watering trough that the dog run after it causing it to wrap the rope around him several times and afterwards dragging him, breaking his neck, arms and limbs. The rope finally broke, but not in time to save the man’s life. When the other members of the family arose, they found they found the cattle out and that was the first they knew that anything was wrong. Upon investigation they found Mr. McBRATNEY lying lifeless with the rope wrapped about him many times. Just how it happened, it is not known but the supposition is that it occurred as stated above. The unfortunate man was one of the prosperous farmers of that neighborhood, and was quite well known in this city.
- Alma Express (Written for last week): The newly organized Mission Sunday school, two and
one-half miles north of Alma, will have an ice cream supper Saturday evening, July 2d.
- Miss Rhea WHITE returned to Kankakee Saturday night after a visit south of this city with her parents, D.A. WHITE and family, and her many young friends here.
- Wm. MOTCH of Chicago is visiting in this city with his brother, John MOTCH and family.
- E.E. WILLIAMS and wife of South Butte, Mont., are visiting in this city with his parents, R.A. WILLIAMS and wife.
- Chas. GAMMON wife and son returned Monday morning to their home in Indianapolis after a visit here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E.G. FORSHEE.
- J.S. KNISELEY Announces for Supt. of Schools: In this issue of the Express appears the announcement of J.S. KNISELEY of Salem as the democratic candidate for Superintendent of Schools subject to the primary election to be held Sept. 15, 1910. Mr. KNISELEY is a product of this county, having spent the greatest part of his life in school work. We know of no man in public life in the county that has the acquaintance of this man. If there is a person in Marion county who knows every man, woman and child in the county it certainly is Scott KNISELEY. For the past four years he has filled the office he now aspires and during these years he has labored untiringly in the interests of better education and his services have been very satisfactory to the people over the county. It is likely that he is the most popular Supt. with the teachers and pupils ever in the county. In his daily work he is thinking what is best for the children. As to his qualification for this high and important office it is far above par; he has spent his life in school work. He has taught in a number of our so-called country schools, was Principal of the Kinmundy schools, Supt. of the Patoka and Odin schools, and he was one of the county’s progressive teachers. "Failure" was a word to him unknown. In casting your ballot for Scott KNISELEY you can do so with a certain degree of pride and at the same time feel that you are voting for a man with principal, a man that is owing daily for the best interests of your children, a man that has a character without a blot, and a man that deserves the place he aspires. Vote for KNISELEY and you will always be proud of it.
-Mrs. Elizabeth MERRITT: Elizabeth COURSEN was born in Licking Co., Ohio, March 26, 1841 and died Monday June 27, 1910. She was united in marriage with Anderson MERRITT in 1860; in this union was born ten children, all of whom are living and who were present at the funeral except one son, William. Mrs. MERRITT professed faith in Christ under the preaching of Rev. Leland BROWN and united with the Christian Church in 1892. The end came very suddenly; she had been working in the garden in the mourning and at a hearty dinner at noon after which she laid down to rest and passed away about 1 o’clock. She leaves to mourn their loss ten children, two brothers, 1 sister, and a host of friends. A brief service was conducted by Telfor COURSON on Tuesday afternoon and the body laid to rest in the Courson cemetery.
- Mrs. Betty NEAVILL: Mrs. Betty NEAVILL died last Friday night at her home southeast of this city after a long illness. The funeral services were held from the family residence Sunday morning at ten o’clock conducted by Rev. M.A. COX and the body laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery.
- Mrs. Jas. KEATON and daughter, Miss Jessie, of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting in this city with her sister, Mrs. I. WAINSCOTT and brother, Wesley HARRIS, and families.
July 14, 1910:
- ROGERS a Candidate: Marion county has a candidate in the field for the nomination of the office of Representative in the General Assembly from the 42d District, in the person of Frank A. ROGERS that should carry the District by a large majority. Mr. ROGERS was raised on a farm near Omega and after he reached the years of maturity he engaged in farming and school teaching. In his chosen profession he prospered and during the time he held several township offices of trust, and these offices he always filled faithfully, all the time working for the interests of the people. Four years ago he was a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Marion county on the democratic ticket and was elected to this office of trust. His services in this office have been entirely satisfactory if such a thing is possible for a man in public office. He has guarded the funds of the county every minute he has been in office and the office of county treasurer has increased since his election. Frank ROGERS is a man who has never been connected in any way with any scandal, bribes, or other case offenses and his conduct has always been that of a gentleman. He’s what is commonly termed an "honest man." That is just the sort of a man that is needed at this time to take in the law making of our great state and if he should be fortunate enough to attain the high honor he seeks. We firmly believe that Marion county can look upon him with pride and at the end of his term in office he will return home the same untarnished man that he left us. Read his announcement elsewhere in this paper and on the day of the primary remember that he is a candidate.
- Mart. ALLEN Found Dead: Monday afternoon our community was greatly shocked when it was announced that Martin ALLEN had been found dead. He was engaged in shocking oats for Harry WEST on the Songer land a mile north of town and after eating his dinner he went to work and it is supposed he dropped dead about 1:15. He was found a few minutes later by Jeff BARBEE who was driving the binder. Mr. BARBEE reported the matter to Chas. HOWELL who was also at work in the field. Just at this time, Mr. WEST drove in the field to see how the work was progressing. Upon learning the condition of affairs he at once returned to town and reported Mr. ALLEN’s death. In a few minutes a dozen or more men had appeared on the scene and the body was taken to his home in the east part of town. The Coroner was notified and he arrived here on the 9:35 p.m. train and held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was "Heart Failure". We are informed that Mr. ALLEN had been ailing the past week, but on Monday he thought he had sufficiently recovered to go to work and did so against the wishes of Mrs. ALLEN. The funeral service was held from the Christian Church yesterday at 10 o’clock, conducted by Elder W. J. SIMER, under the direction of Hicks Post G.A.R., after which interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased was born in St. Clair Co., Ill., Feb. 1, 1837, and died July 11, 1910. The bereft family have the sympathy of all in their sad hours.
- Charles Edward HANKS: The subject of this sketch was born Jan. 11, 1878. He was the eldest child of Austin and Mary HANKS. He was united in marriage with Eliza COURSEN, March 12, 1903; to this union was born two children, one whom died in infancy. After a lingering illness of 3 years, he departed this life, May 31, 1910. He leaves a wife, one daughter, a mother, three brothers, one sister, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his departure. In his great struggle for life and health, he spent nine months in New Mexico in great hopes of overcoming his afflictions, and of recovering his health, but alas, God’s will, not ours, be done. He returned home to make his short stay here on earth with relatives and friends so dear. He was loved by all who knew him. He was a kind husband, father and son. Some time ago he told his mother he was not going to be here long, but was going to a better place. His absence from his home and community will be missed by all, more so in the home; a vacancy is left which can never be filled. Farewell, Charlie, God be with you till we meet again. A Relative.
- A Home Celebration: On Monday, July 4, several relatives and friends of Mel GRAY and wife gathered on the creek near their home where they expected to spend the day but the weather man soon changed their plans and the rain soon caused them to seek the shelter of the residence where dinner was served, after which all gathered on the front porch and had some pictures made. Ice cream and cake were then served. It was the 16th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. GRAY and the occasion was very much enjoyed by them. In the evening fireworks were enjoyed.
- TELFORD a Candidate: The latest aspirant for legislative honors on the Republican side is attorney E.D. TELFORD of this city whose announcement appears in this issue of The Republican. Mr. TELFORD is one of the most promising young lawyers practicing before the Marion county bar and is a most worthy and excellent citizen. He comes from old Republican stock, his grandfather Samuel G. TELFORD, being one of the pioneers of Republicanism in Southern Illinois. His father, James D. TELFORD, was for many years chairman of the Republican Central Committee of the county, and served this county very efficiently as sheriff this county very efficiently as sheriff some years since. He has had a leading part in the councils of the party and never shirked the call of duty. His same quality of Republicanism has been bestowed upon his sons and the one who now seeks legislative honors is a worthy representative of the long time stalwarts. When his party called two years ago he accepted the nomination for states attorney although certain defeat was his ______. He made a gallant fight and was defeated by a narrow margin. In presenting his claims for the consideration of the votes of the district, Mr. TELFORD is fully aware of the responsibilities imposed upon such an important position. People who know him well believe that he is equal to every emergency that may arise and have no hesitancy in commending him to the citizens of the 42nd District. He is in full accord with the principles of his party and an ardent supporter of the right as he sees it. As City Attorney of Salem he prosecuted law violators without regard to class or pull, only seeking to uphold the law as he found it upon the book. He has been faithful to every trust imposed upon him; if nominated and elected to the General Assembly will look carefully to the interests of the people. (Salem Republican.) (Note: A picture accompanied this article.)
- Shanghai Express: Joe FIELDS is preparing to move his family to Arkansas.
- D. COX, of Mason, was in this city Tuesday, having been called here by the death of his cousin, M. ALLEN.
- An 8 year old son of Cal. McCONNELL, of Sandoval, was run over by a B. & O. train Monday afternoon and both limbs were crushed. The limbs were amputated above the knees, and the lad died at nine o’clock Monday evening.
- Mrs. A.M. WOODARD died at her home in Odin last Wednesday of paralysis, aged 81 years. She left an estate of over $150,000 to be divided among the heirs of her three children.
- Mrs. G.P. TOMLINSON and two little daughters returned home Saturday evening from a visit in Ft. Worth, Texas, with her sister, Mrs. James DARDEN, and brother, W.L. FOSTER and families.
- Lightning struck a flue on the east side of the Presbyterian church at Omega recently, and tearing up the flue ran along the plate to the corner and down a stove pipe, welding it to a stove sitting in the corner and spent it’s force in a circuit within the stove.
- Farina Express: Emma Cordelia, daughter of W.W. HALLADAY, died ______ afternoon after a lingering illness of 35 years. The funeral will be held from the residence at ___ o’clock Thursday afternoon, Rev. GLOTFELTY of the M.E. church officiating.
July 21, 1910:
- Farina Express: Mrs. Pearl THOMPSON of Sullivan, Ind. is visiting her parents, Jas. MARSH and wife.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Several from here attended the funeral of Columbus HEISTAND last Sunday.
- Miss Louise STEUBER of Kankakee is visiting in this city with her sisters, Misses Minnie and Bertha.
- Mrs. Sarah A. NEIL celebrated her 87th birthday anniversary July 15, 1910, by enjoying a good time and partaking of good things with her sister, Mrs. R.J. KING who has reached her 85th mile post both enjoying fairly good health.
- Mrs. C.M. NEAVILL and daughter, Miss Kittie, were in Effingham Friday attending the funeral of Chauncey SMITH, only son of Mr. and Mrs. S.S. SMITH.
- Frost SPILLMAN, wife and son arrived here Sunday morning from Denver, where they have resided the past year. They like the country fine, but were glad to get home.
- Dr. T.J. DENNY, a dentist of Murphysboro, has located in this city and has an office upstairs over C.B. ROHRBOUGH’s store. He is a graduate of the Northwestern University of Chicago and comes highly recommended. Read his professional card elsewhere in this issue.
- George SHRIVER, wife and little granddaughter, of Uniontown, Kans., are visiting in this city with his parents, J.P. SHRIVER and family.
July 28, 1910:
- HOUSH-TRACEY: Ufa HOUSH, of this city, and Mrs. Lillian SHANKLIN-TRACEY, of Centralia, were married in Chicago Monday afternoon. The bride was raised in Sandoval and is a highly educated and talented young woman. The groom is one of Kinmundy’s leading young businessmen and is a genial good fellow. We understand they will make their home in this city and reside in the Charlton property now occupied by Prof. L.T. BABCOCK. Their many friends extend congratulations and welcome them to Kinmundy.
- Martin ALLEN: Martin ALLEN was born near Lebanon, St. Clair County, Ill., Feb. 1, 1837. When the cause was for the flag he gave himself and for four years, he endured that awful struggle in Co. H. 5th Ill. Regt. After his return from the South, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah DUNCAN of Lebanon. To this union was born four children, three boys and one girl. In 1875 death claimed his little girl and in 1876, he was called upon to give up his wife, being left with three small boys, George, Charles, and John. In 1877, he was united in marriage with Miss Belle COX. To this union were born six children, five girls and one boy. In 1880, they were called on to give up their first born, Stella, a little girl of two summers. The next heart trial was in giving up John after he had reached the age of 14. Days and years went on until Sept. 3, 1898, when again they were called on to give up another one of their children; this time it was Maude a little girl of 8 years. The remaining children, Bert, George, Mrs. Roy SIMER, Mrs. Seph BOUGHERS of St. Louis, Jessie and Charles; Jessie being the only one in the home with the mother. The father was brought to Christ under the preaching of Rev. Henry VANDEUSEN in 1875 and united with the Christian church. He has lived a quiet devoted life so when the end came it found him ready. He had not been entirely well for several days yet he felt able to go to the harvest field. He had worked all morning and had eaten his dinner with two other men in the field, and had not complained of feeling bad. He had put up several shocks of oats and commenced on another but only placed two sheaves when the end came. Funeral services were held in the Christian Church Wednesday morning, July 13, conducted by Revs. SIMER, FANNON, CUMMINS, RITCHEY and the body laid in it’s last resting place beside a host of friends with a beautiful covering of flowers.
- Old House Sold: Last Saturday the old frame public school building was sold by the Board of Education at public auction. The building was first sold in two parts and then as a whole. On the first sale the north wing was purchased by T.M. SMITH for $60 and the south wing by Hugh McCLURE for $65. As a whole the sale was more interesting and the bidders more numerous, and the purchaser was Mr. McCLURE, the price paid being $178 cash in hand. Since the sale we are told that Mr. SMITH gets the north wing of the house and will move it onto the I.C. right of way north of the depot for the hay barn. By the price this old building brought it is plain to be seen that property in Kinmundy is more valuable than in our county capital, as the brick courthouse only brought $75 at public auction.
- Farina Express: Dr. ABERNATHY, of Ardmore, visited here last week with his sister, Mrs. HOFMASTER.
- Clark HENSLEY of Chaffee, Mo., is visiting here with his brother, Frank.
- Mrs. Roy FENSTER of Oklahoma City, who has been visiting in Champaign with her father, S.R. WOOLLEY and family, came down Sunday morning to visit Mrs. Geo. FENSTER and other relatives and friends. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Walter SIMPSON and little daughter of Salem, who had also been visiting in Champaign.
Aug. 4, 1910:
- Chauncey SMITH Dead: News was received in this city yesterday morning that Chauncey SMITH, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.S. SMITH, former Effingham residents, had died at Deaconess hospital in Indianapolis, Thursday morning after a short illness with typhoid fever. The news of his death came as a very sad surprise to his scores of friends in Effingham. Few knew he had been sick. Mr. SMITH had been an employee of the Indianapolis Southern the past few months out of Palestine, where an epidemic of typhoid fever is raging now, and where he contracted the fatal malady. He had been sick there a week or more before he was taken to Indianapolis, and placed in the Deaconess. He seemed to be getting along nicely until recently and his death was very much unexpected. Chauncey was reared and grew to manhood in Effingham and was about 25 years old. He was educated in our public schools and graduated in the class of 1902 from the Effingham High School. Besides his parents he leaves two sisters, Misses Florence and Hazel SMITH. The remains will arrive in Effingham today over the Vandalia Line at 10:30 a.m. and will be taken to the Presbyterian church, where they will lie in state till the funeral services at 2:30 p.m. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. TAYLOR, pastor of the Presbyterian church and the services will be under the auspices of the Masons of which order he was a member. Interment will be in Oakridge cemetery his body laid beside his two brothers and two sisters who preceded him to the grave several years ago. (Effingham Democrat - July 15). The mother of the deceased was formerly Miss Mollie REEDER of this city and has many friends here among the older inhabitants who are sorry to learn of her sad loss.
- Mrs. E.V. FISHER and daughter, Miss Agnes, went to Chicago last Friday evening to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chas. COCKRELL. They were accompanied by her little grandson Paul COCKRELL who had been visiting here the past few weeks.
- Shanghai Express: On last Thursday, July 18, the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe FIELDS gathered at their home and celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. All brought well filled baskets and an old fashioned country dinner was served, there being ten cakes one for each year. A number of pieces of tinware was received. After dinner was served the afternoon was spent in social conversation until four o’clock, when all departed for their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. FIELDS many more happy years.
- Farina Express: Mrs. Mattie PARRILL, who has been very low for several days, is said to be no better. Owing to her condition her sons, Cecil and Ray, have returned home from Valparaiso and Chicago.
- Farina Empress: Mrs. Dr. A.C. DAVIS died at her home in this city Monday after a long illness. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the residence and interment in the Farina cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. The Dr. has been seriously ill for some time, but is slowly recovering.
- Thomas and "Bill" NEAVILL went to Wren City yesterday to visit their brother, Sam, and family.
- T.M. SMITH is doing a rushing business with his new grain elevator located on the I.C. right-of-way north of the depot. About the best time made in unloading oats in elevating them in the car was six hundred bushels in an hour. This saves a large amount of hard labor of the buyer as well as the seller and is a much more rapid way of handling the grain.
- Mrs. Theodore GARRETT and daughter, Mrs. Thos. BALLANCE and son Clyde, went to Champaign Tuesday morning to visit relatives.
- Mrs. J.S. KLINE left Friday morning for Springfield for an extended visit with her brother, G.F. BEAM and family.
Aug. 11, 1910:
- The Big One: Monday afternoon, Sam LYNCH drove in town with a load of fish. He and his brother, Unice, had been spending a couple days on the Okaw and they returned home Monday morning with 17 catfish that weighted from 24 to 54 lbs. each. Nine of the number were brought here and dressed and sold like hot cakes at 15 cents per pound. This is probably the largest haul that was ever made in this part of the country and will be the cause of many people to go fishing and return with the usual luck. This was certainly a big catch and Lynch Bros. should be awarded the blue ribbon.
- Obituary: Permelia POSEY, the oldest daughter of N.A. HANKS, was born in Gibson co., Ind., Oct. 11, 1832, and died Aug. 1, 1910, aged 77 years, 9 months, and 20 days. She was married to Lane W. POSEY, late of Co. C., 115th Regt. Ill. Vols., who departed this life March 5, 1866. Mrs. POSEY professed faith in Christ and united with the M.E. church south in 1858. She leaves three children, Emma, James B., and Joseph; also three brothers and three sisters, with a host of friends to mourn their loss. Rev. M.A. COX conducted the funeral services after which the body was laid to rest in the Philips cemetery in Meacham twp.
- Alma Express: Homer LAWRENCE of Elgin and Miss Velma CONANT were united in marriage in Salem on Tuesday, Aug. 2d. They will reside with the groom’s parents in Elgin. Their many friends wish them a pleasant voyage on the sea of life.
- Last Monday C.L. WILLIAMS sold his restaurant and confectionery to E.S. COMBS, Jr. and Harry DENNIS, who assumed control at once. Mr. WILLIAMS will now devote his entire time to the photo business.
- On Sunday evening, July 30, 1910, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C.W. JACOBS in Casey occurred the marriage of Mr. Frank MILLER, of this city formerly, and Miss Anna DAVIS, of Casey, Rev. JACOBS officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. R. DAVIS and is a most popular young lady. The groom is a well known Kinmundy boy and is now a prominent young businessman in Casey which place they will make their home on Adams street. He has many friends here who were very much surprised to learn of the wedding but who extend congratulations.
- Word has been received here of the death of Wm. R. SHRIVER of Leadville, Colo., which occurred at that place Tuesday evening. He is a brother of Mrs. Chas. NEIL and Miss Carrie SHRIVER and Mrs. Henry WARREN of this city.
- Gem melons are ripe and the growers will be shipping in car lots in a few days.
Aug. 17, 1910:
- Baily BUNDY: Baily BUNDY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BUNDY, was born Dec. 6, 1897, and died Aug. 2, 1910. This dear little boy of only 12 summers was sick but a few short days when the death angel came and released him from his suffering and his deathless spirit took it’s flight to the regions of the blest. Now that his place is vacant in the home and hearts are sad we can only commend them to a loving Heavenly Father. The funeral services were held in the home of Wednesday afternoon. August 3 at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE. A Friend.
- Died Suddenly: Daniel Franklin LEE was born in Delaware Co., Ind. Sept. 14, 1851, and removed to Illinois in 187__. He was married to Bessie COURSEN in 1881 and to this union was born six children, four boys and two girls; three boys have preceded him to the Great Beyond, two in infancy and little Andrew at the age of ten. The remaining children are Mrs. Willie MOORE, residing 3 miles west of Salem; William E. of near Farina; and Irene, young girl of 14, left in the home to comfort the mother. Uncle Frank, he was commonly called, was brought to Christ under the preaching of Rev. Leland BROWN in 1890, and has lived an unassuming Christian life ever since. Death came without warning but it found him ready. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, for they shall rest from their labors and their works will follow them." After a prayer and song in the home, the body was taken to Union church where funeral service were held conducted by Rev. W.J. SIMER, after which the body was taken to the Coursen cemetery for interment. The large crowd of people who left their work at such a busy time to look on Uncle Frank’s still face and older hands was full evidence of the friends he possessed. After the funeral the wife and young daughter went back to the lonely little home in Meacham twp., 8 miles east of Kinmundy, to pick up the burden of life and bear it alone. He leaves to mourn their loss, a wife, one son, two daughters, one brother, four sisters.
- D.C. BEAVER and wife have returned home after a visit in Chicago and Champaign with their children. While in Chicago, Mr. BEAVER was treated for neuralgia of the face and is much improved.
- Mrs. E.E. NELMS and granddaughter, Martha, and sister, Mrs. Ella WINTERROUD, went to Hindsboro Monday morning to visit M.B. NELMS and family.
- Alma Express: Geo. CRONK, Francis SIPES, and Alvin RHOTEN left Tuesday for Kansas, Oklahoma and other points in search of a location for a homestead.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Miss Stella EMERSON and mother spent Sunday at Rome EMBSER’s celebrating her grandmother SPIECE’s birthday.
- R.H. MICHNER and wife, of Indianapolis, arrived here Saturday evening to visit south of town with her parents, S.M. STOKLEY and family.
- Chas. CLAYTOR and wife went to Effingham Monday to attend Teachers Institute. They are going to teach this winter in Mason.
- W.H. GRAY left Tuesday morning for Sulphur, Okla., where he expects to rent property and move his family in a few weeks to spend the winter. He will find a permanent location at his leisure after locating the family in Sulphur.
Aug. 25, 1910:
- Miss Nettie THOMASON: Nettie May THOMASON, daughter of A.J. and E.C. THOMASON, died at her home in this city Monday morning, Aug. 22, at 3 o’clock, after a lingering illness at the age of 24 years, 6 months and 18 days. She was born in Sullivan, Ill. She has been ill since Jan. 24, 1910, and bore her affliction patiently, which little by little has taken away her strength until she quietly passed to the great beyond. Her father preceded her 9 years and 20 days. She leaves to suffer their bereavement, her mother, 2 sisters, one brother, and a number of other relatives. The funeral service was held from the Christian Church at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, and in the absence of the pastor, Rev. FANNON, was conducted by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY, pastor of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. CUMMINS of the M.E. church. A good audience attended and the contribution of flowers made a beautiful appearance. The body laid to rest in the Evergreen Cemetery.
- HARWOOD-KYLE: Frank D. HARWOOD, of Flora, who has been employed as Superintendent of Kinmundy schools for the coming year, and Miss Sarah KYLE of Carlyle were united in marriage at the parsonage in Salem, by the pastor Rev. MORRIS on Wednesday, Aug. ___. After spending a few days in Carlyle, the newly wedded couple arrived in this city last Thursday to occupy the Mrs. Geo FENSTER property. For the past four years, Prof. HARWOOD has been employed as Supt. of Sandoval School and Mrs. HARWOOD was teacher in the same school. A friendship in school work developed into a love affair with the above result. Our people welcome Prof. and Mrs. HARWOOD as residents of this city, and they have the best wishes.
- A Pleasant Day: On last Sunday Aug. 21, relatives and friends to the number of 52 gathered at the country home of Uncle Dave HANNA and wife and spent the day. All came with well filled baskets and all did justice to the excellent dinner served. The day was enjoyed very much by Uncle Dave and Aunt Mary because the presence of the happy joyous children and the companionship of the pleasant older ones. Uncle Dave, who has resided at this place for the past 52 years, has been in poor health for some time but seems much improved, and it was good to see the happy smiling faces of this worthy old couple as they conversed gaily with the crowd. H.A. BEATTY, photographer was present making pictures of the crowd.
- Wilson School Vicinity: On last Tuesday evening a number of young folks gathered at the home of Chas. SHUEFELDT, it being his daughter, Miss Hazel’s 18th birthday. Ice cream and cake were served and a good time enjoyed by all. She received a beautiful gold watch as a remembrance of the day. At a late hour all departed for their home wishing her many more happy birthdays.
- Mrs. E.C. BARGH has received cards announcing the marriage of Miss Lena BAKER to Mr. Wm. PERRIN at Upper Alton, Wednesday, Aug. 17.
Sept. 1, 1910:
- Happy Birthday: A happy company of people, 89 in number, met at the home of Henry SIPES and wife last Wednesday to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. SIPES. Mrs. TUBBS, aged 90 years, was the oldest lady present; Capt. ABERNATHY, aged 80 years, was the oldest gentleman present. The reporter could not tell which one of the babies was the youngest or which of the young ladies was the prettiest. The gentlemen and ladies of mature years who cannot be ___ to old, were a happy and genial folks. A bountiful dinner, prepared by many hands, skilled in the _____ and served by a lot of dining ___ girls of various ages was enjoyed. After dinner speeches were made by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY of Kinmundy, Rev. Fay MARRIOTT of Alma, Capt. ABERNATHY of Omega. Music was furnished by the ladies.
- Judge O.F. EVANS: Mr. Editor - I see that my old friend Obadiah F. EVANS, is a candidate for the office of County treasurer before the Democratic Primary, which is to be held on Sept. 15, 1910. Having been acquainted with Mr. EVANS since 1882, and that too, quite intimately, both politically and socially, I feel that I do know Mr. EVANS to be a worthy citizen, an honest and honorable man among men. One that the voters can rely upon, that if elected to that office to which he aspires he will surely fill it with honor to himself and credit to all the people of Marion County. Mr. EVANS was born near Iuka, and reared in Raccoon Twp., this county, and is at this time 66 years old. His maternal grandfather was Joseph MORRISON, who did military service under Gen. George WASHINGTON as a veteran in the war for the Independence of the American colonies. This noble sire departing this life in 1836, now lies entombed in the cemetery seven miles south of Salem. Also a grandson of Obadiah EVANS, Sr., a native of West Virginia, and settled near Salem in 1830. Mr. EVANS, true to the principles of self government, at the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted as a private in the 40th Regt. Ill. Vol. Infantry and served during the war under Col. Stephen G. HICKS. He took part in several battles, being severely wounded in the battle of Shiloh. He was married in 1863, the fruits of this marriage being nine children, all now living, and caring also for 14 orphan children, the families of relatives. Being a very kind hearted man his hand and house have ever been open to minister to the wants of the poor and needy which prevented him from accumulating an ample fortune. His home has always been open to the many friends of himself and his amiable consort. He has been for 25 years active in politics, spending much time in organizing of the labor movement in this county, as well as the People’s party, and was known as the leading rep. of that party in this county. In 1896, he was an enthusiastic worker for Hon. William Jennings BRYAN and contributed much, in influence, time and hard work to secure the nomination at St. Louis, of Mr. BRYAN by that party. (*)
- L.E. GRISSOM and wife, F.O. GRISSOM and wife were in Meacham twp. yesterday attending the reunion of the PARRILL family. A large crowd was present and the day greatly enjoyed by everybody.
- Mrs. Jefferson FOGERSON, residing 6 miles east of this city, died Monday. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon and were largely attended.
- Mrs. N.B. EMERSON and grandson, Nelson Guthrie have returned to their home in St. Joe, Mo. and after an extended visit here with her mother, Mrs. SPIECE.
- Obituary: "There is a reaper whose ____ Death; And with his sickle clean; He reaps the bearded ______; And the flowers that grow." This was never more deeply ____ed on the minds of the _____ when this grim reaper with sickle snatched from the ____ one of the flowers, Laura Isabelle, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ______ COMBS of Omega twp. She was born Sept. 7, 1909 and passed away, Wednesday Aug. 17, 1910, age 11 months. Her illness but was of _____ duration. The funeral services was held from Miletus Church by Rev. COX, and interment made in Phillips Cemetery. (*)
- A new 9 ¾ girl arrived at the home of U.S. ALLEN and wife in Chicago Friday.
Sept. 8, 1910:
- Farewell Surprise: On Friday evening, Sept. 2, 1910, the Six Gs and Gee Whizzers very quietly assembled at the home of Mrs. Anna HARVEY in response to an invitation to tender Mr. and Mrs. W.H. GRAY a farewell surprise. Soon after 8 o’clock the party hid themselves forth to the GRAY home where their arrival was made known by the blowing of horns, flutes and the ringing of bells. ‘Tis said that the genial president of the G’s had boasted that she never could be surprised but on this one occasion she must make an exception for the surprise was complete. When the din of the music ceased, enough that Mr. GRAY might be heard, all were invited into the home and gladly welcomed by Mrs. GRAY. The rain did not seem to dampen the spirit of the crowds in the least so much merriment existed that it was with difficulty that quiet was never restored long enough for Mrs. Bessie K. SMITH to present Mrs. GRAY with a Kinmundy spoon, a small token of the esteem in which she is held by her many G. friends and a reminder of Kinmundy, Ill., the place dear to all. The party, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. GRAY and children, Elizabeth Anna and Harvey, then returned to the home of Mrs. HARVEY where W.W. NEIL in a few appropriate remarks present to Mr. and Mrs. GRAY in behalf of the Gee Whizzers an elegant cut glass pitcher. The remainder of the evening was spent in various games and pleasant conversation. At 10 o’clock delightful refreshments were served and soon after the members departed for their home thanking Mrs. HARVEY for the pleasant evening in her home and bidding Mr. and Mrs. GRAY a reluctant good by, but with very best wishing and expecting them in ____ "when the birds nest again."
- R.F.D. No. 4: Miss Ethel HANKS who attempted suicide last Sunday is improving.
- Dan CHASE, wife and daughter, of Farina, visited here Monday evening with their daughter, Mrs. H.H. CRAYCROFT. They left Tuesday morning for Ocean Springs, Miss., where they expect to spend the winter with their son, Woody and family.
- David Steen SHULTZ arrived at the home of Oliver SHULTZ and wife in Chicago, Friday, August 19, 1910.
- Thos. FOSTER died at the home of his daughter in Patoka last Saturday morning. He was an old soldier being a member of Co. D. 111th Illinois Regiment. He has been in poor health for a number of years.
- GRAHAM for Treasurer: Mr. Samuel H. GRAHAM, farmer of Meacham twp., is announced as a candidate for county treasurer of Marion county, before the democratic primary Sept. 15. Mr. GRAHAM was born in Marion county, Ind., in 1855 and resided in that state till he became of age, in the meantime attending the high school at Hartsville and the university at Valparaiso. After completing his education, he engaged in teaching, which profession he followed about 25 years and during that period taught in over eight different districts. Mr. GRAHAM is a well informed man, perfectly capable of caring for the county’s finances. In 1881 Mr. GRAHAM moved from Indiana to Clay county, Illinois where he resided until 1890, when he married and moved on a farm four miles east of Kinmundy, where he has since resided and by continuous toil has become one of the progressive farmers of that neighborhood. His prosperity is entirely due to hard work and strict attention to business. He is well known over the county having resided in the county 20 years and owned property six year before that time. Mr. GRAHAM is a pure-bred Democrat, a clean man morally and politically. During the 20 years in the county, he has held the offices of town clerk, school director, justice of the peace, tax collector and supervisor. In the latter office he served three terms and during that time he was selected as chairman of the county board. (*)
Sept. 15, 1910:
- Samuel M. HOLT: Samuel Marion HOLT was born in Foster twp., Marion Co., Ill, June 25, 1845, and died in St. Anthony’s Hospital, Effingham, Ill., where he had been taken for treatment after a brief illness attended with much suffering, on Wed., Sept. 7, 1910, aged 65 years, 2 months, and 12 days. He was united in marriage to Susan F. ATKINS, July 21, 1864, and to this union was born two sons and five daughters, all living except one son who died in infancy. There are 17 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, 3 grandchildren having preceded him to the spirit world. Mr. HOLT was born, raised and has always lived in Marion county, Ill, and was well and favorably known having a large acquaintance all over the county. His father died when he was but nine years of age, leaving the burden and care of his family to him, thus early in life, he learned industry and frugality. Mr. HOLT was a useful citizen, a kind hearted man, a good neighbor, a loving companion and a tender father and will be missed by all for he was known only to be loved. Because of his happy, jovial disposition, the extent of his acquaintance was the limit of his friends. His house was a home for the preacher and his means often went to help forward to the work of the church. As the end drew near he asked those standing around him to pray for him, then his lips moved as though in prayer and it is thought by those present that he entered into soul rest several hours before the end came. And this thought or hope comes as an angel of mercy and drives from the tomb the gloom that would otherwise gather around it and tells us that we will meet again where sickness, sorrow pain and separation never come. His body arrived in this city last Thursday morning from Effingham and was taken to the home six miles northwest of this city, where funeral services were held Saturday morning at 11 o’clock, conducted by Rev. M.A. COX of the M.E. church South, assisted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery. The following relatives were present at the funeral from a distance: J.A. ARNOLD and wife of Fort Worth, Tex., Loyd ARNOLD, New Orleans, La.; E.M. ARNOLD and wife, Dayton, New Mexico; E.S. JONES and wife, Oscar CHANCE and family, of Salem; Will HARKEY, wife and son, of St. Peter.
- HUGGINS-PRUETT: On last Wednesday evening at 9 o’clock at the home of the bride occurred the marriage of Hon. Earl C. HUGGINS and Miss Martha Sue PRUETT, both of this city, the Rev. J.B. CUMMINS of the M.E. Church officiating. The wedding was a very quiet one and was quite a surprise to their most intimate friends. After the ceremony refreshments were served after which Mr. and Mrs. HUGGINS left on the I.C. train at 11 o’clock for Chicago and Wisconsin where they will spend a few days. After returning to this city, they expected to go to housekeeping in the Mrs. Dora BRENNER property which Mr. HUGGINS recently purchased. This couple has many warm friends in Kinmundy and all join in wishing them happiness, prosperity and a long voyage over the sea of life.
- Dr. Harry CRAIG has returned home from St. Louis where he has been employed in the City Hospital. He left Monday for DuQuoin looking for a location to engage in business for himself.
- BUNDY-JONES: Earl BUNDY and Miss Bessie JONES drove to Salem last Saturday and were united in marriage. They were accompanied by Chas. ROBB and Miss Bertha LANSFORD. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. JONES, residing four miles northwest of this city, and has many young friends in this city, where she attended school. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T.L. BUNDY, residing near St. Paul. Both are popular young people and have the best wishes of their many friends.
- Dedication of the Kinmundy New School Building. Monday, September 19th. Program: 9:00 - Opening of School; 11:00 - Building opened to the public; 12:00 - Basket Dinner; 1:15 - Music by Kinmundy Band; Song "America"; Invocation; Solo - Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM; Address - Prof. SHRYOCK; Music - Quartet; Music - Orchestra; Music and Short Talks by Former Teachers, Public and Citizens; Music - Band; Alumni Reception to former teachers and pupils.; Everyone is invited to attend these exercises : Come and make the day a joyful one.
- At Rest: Mrs. Rosetta SPURLIN, wife of Morton SPURLIN, after a brief sickness, passed to the great beyond Tuesday evening Sept. 6, 1910, at 10 o’clock, aged 44 years, 2 months and 9 days. She was married to her now bereaved husband, Aug. 27, 1884; to this union was born five children, all of whom are living and with their father are left to mourn the loss of a precious loved one. On Wednesday afternoon religious services were held at the family residence the music being furnished by the choir of the Christian church of Kinmundy. A short scripture lesson was read, followed by a prayer and a few remarks by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE, after which this dear companion and precious mother was laid to rest at Sandy Branch. The entire community join in sympathy with the bereaved family.
- Wilson School Vicinity: School opened at this place last Monday with Miss Ethel GEORGE as teacher.
- Wilson School Vicinity: A new girl made her arrival at the home of Art WHITE and wife last Monday morning.
- Wilson School Vicinity: Revival meetings were held at Pleasant Grove church last week.
Sept. 22, 1910:
- Building Dedicated: Last Monday the beautiful new twenty thousand dollar Kinmundy school building was dedicated and opened to the public and large crowd was in attendance, including many out of town people. In the morning, the fall and winter term of school was opened, and at 11 o’clock the school work of the day closed, and the public stepped in. The new building is certainly a grand structure and the school deserves a great amount of praise for getting such a building for the amount expended. It is constructed of Danville Pressed Brick with stone trimmings and the interior is finished with tinted walls, the wood being left in it’s natural colors. The hard wood floors add greatly to the interior of the building and seem to add the finishing touch to the inside beauty of the building. The school grounds have been ______ so as to slope from the building in every direction and the broad concrete walk in the front and all along the east side of the school grounds certainly make it a beautiful place and ____ of which every person in Kinmundy and vicinity are justly proud. At the noon hour, a large crowd enjoyed a basket dinner on the school grounds and about 1:30 the Kinmundy Band furnished some of their excellent music after which a program was rendered in the High School room. Prof. H.W. SHRYOCK of Carbondale, delivered the dedicatory address which was greatly enjoyed by all. His address was an inspiration to the school ____ children, pointing out the advantage of a good education and in many instances illustrating his points by his personal experiences and travels. Prof. SHRYOCK has addressed our people on various occasions and always ____ his audience. After the address, short talks were given by former teachers who were ______. Those from out of town being J.S. KNISELEY, and Prof. M. _____ASHER of Salem; and Miss Ada _______ of Kiowa, Kan. School work was resumed Tuesday morning with the following teachers: Frank D. HARWOOD, Mrs. Bry_____, Misses Mae MATTHEWS, Pauline _____, Martha WALKER, Clemmie ____ENBURG, Fannie K. EAGAN, Mary ________ IVER; all proficient in their work, with the present facilities insure the best work in the history of the schools.
- "Dad’s Tavern": The name of Hotel Eagan has been changed to "Dad’s Tavern" and the new proprietor is S.B. SARCHET, who is conceded to be one of the best hotel keepers in Southern Illinois. Mr. SARCHET was in the hotel business here several years ago and decided he could do better elsewhere, but after trying northern Illinois, he has decided Kinmundy to be the best town on the map, and the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. SARCHET, or "Dad" and "Mother" as they are familiarly known, are pleased to have them again locate in Kinmundy and they will doubtless do a nice business. "Dad" is known by all commercial men and they are always glad to see him. We have not learned the future plans to Mr. WATSON, the retiring proprietor, but we are informed he intends to leave Kinmundy. During his stay here he has run a nice house and enjoyed a good business.
- HAMMERS-SUNDERLAND: Arthur HAMMERS, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. HAMMERS, and Miss Lulu SUNDERLAND, both residing in this city, drove to Salem Monday and were united in marriage by Rev. ____IS of the M.E. Church. They were accompanied by Miss Bessie HAMMERS and Paul SUNDERLAND who witnessed the ceremony. The newly wedded couple left Tuesday morning for Hood River, Oregon, to reside. _____ best wishes of their many Kinmundy friends follow them.
- Margaret Rebekah WAINSCOTT: Thursday afternoon, Sept. 15, 1910, death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldo WAINSCOTT and claimed their little darling, Margaret Rebekah, who had gladdened the hearts of her parents and made home more cheerful. Little Margaret was not permitted to live but 4 years and 16 days, but in the other land she still lives and Heaven has ben made brighter for her coming. She was a bright interesting child and loved by everyone who knew her. The funeral of the little one was held at the Christian church Friday afternoon conducted by Rev. F.O. FANNON. After the services were concluded at the church, the early remains of little Margaret were conveyed to Evergreen cemetery, the following named girls acting as pallbearers: Mary GRAMLEY, Rochelle BROWN, Ruby HULTZ, and Leona SEE. In the presence of the bereaved parents, relatives and sympathizing friends the little casket covered with beautiful flowers was consigned to the tomb. The entire community sympathize with the grief stricken parents, grandparents, and relatives. A precious bud from us is taken, Plucked by death’s relentless hand! Beyond the earth it will awaken, It blooms now in the better land. There it blooms mid joy and pleasure; There where all is bliss and love; There, at home is now they treasure; In thy better land above.
- Mrs. Elizabeth GRAY and daughter, Mrs. W.C. INGRAM left Tuesday for Sulphur, Okla., where they expect to reside the coming winter and perhaps permanently. Their many friends regret to have them remove from Kinmundy, but all hope they will find their new home what they expect it to be, but should they ever return here to reside they will be received here with a hearty welcome.
- Frank CRAIG, who has been in the Soldiers’ Home at Danville for several months, is visiting here with his parents, Joseph CRAIG and family. Frank’s eyes are badly afflicted and a portion of the time he could only distinguish daylight from dark. He is much improved now and thinks he will have the use of one eye as he had to lose one to save one.
- Norman SUGG has gone to Decatur to attend Milliken University this winter.
Sept. 29, 1910:
- Badly Injured: On Wednesday, Sept. 15th, while Claude DAVIS and Greeley PARKS of Battle Creek, Mich. were conveying a huge jug of hot milk at the Sanatis Food Company’s plant from one department to another, the jug of lacteal fluid exploded and the hot milk saturated them both, the flesh being cooked wherever the milk struck them. Mr. DAVIS was burned about the face, arms and left side and Mr. PARKS on his right side. What caused the milk to burst a thick earthen jug is somewhat of a mystery, but it was probably due to the steam generated. Mr. DAVIS is a son-in-law of Louis BARBEE and wife of this city, his wife formerly being Miss Maggie BARBEE, and her many friends are sorry to learn of the accident.
- Mrs. FRANKLIN returned to her home in Dundas yesterday after a visit here with her daughter, Mrs. H.E. PERRINE and family.
- Wiley B. SAPP, of Farina, and Mrs. Nellie BROWN-AMBUEHL, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. BROWN, of this city, were married in St. Louis last Wednesday. They expect to make their future home in Farina. Both parties are well known here and their many friends join in extending congratulations.
- A.S. COON, owner and former editor of the Farina News, died at the Effingham hospital last Wednesday, aged 27 years. The funeral was held from the S.D.B. church in Farina on Friday. He leaves a wife and babe, a number of relatives and a large circle of friends.
- Farina Express: Sherley COON died Wednesday at the hospital in Effingham and the funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from his late home.
- Farina Express (written for last week): Dr. DAVIS died last Thursday and was buried Saturday afternoon at 3:00. Funeral services were held from his home.
- M.W. BREEN, wife and daughter have moved from Kankakee to this city and will occupy the James MITCHELL property in the north part of town. Mrs. BREEN was formerly a Kinmundy girl, being Miss Helen MITCHELL.
Oct. 6, 1910:
- J.H. HOLMES: James Henry HOLMES was born in Salem, Marion County, Illinois, May 25, 1855, died in Kinmundy, Ill., Oct. 3, 1910, aged 55 years, 4 months and 8 days. He was united in marriage to Retha A. GREENWOOD March 21, 1878; two children were born to this union, Charles, who now resides in California, and Bessie who died in infancy. The wife passed to her reward whom 25 years ago. On Jan. 30, 1890, he was again united in marriage to Nancy L. COOPER and to this union 6 children were born: Earl B., Bertha May, Laperle B., Bennie Berdelle, Mary Lodema, and Tracey Garner, all living except two, Bennie and Mary, who died in infancy. The deceased leaves besides his wife and children, two sisters, Mrs. E.R. WHITSON and Mrs. Marion ELDER of this city. For years he has suffered much but bore it all with patience. Altho not a member of any church he had respect for all churches and church people. The funeral services were held from the family home Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. J.B. CUMMINS and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Obituary: Philip M. GRIFFIN, son of J.W. and Mahala A. GRIFFIN, was born in Todd Co., Kentucky, Oct. 12, 1857, departed this life Sept. 27, 1910, aged 52 years, 11 months, and 15 days. In April 1882 he came to Marion county, Illinois, and made this his permanent home with the exception of one year and a half spent in Arkansas. He was united in marriage with Miss Louisa A. BASOM, March 4, 1885; Four children blessed this union; two, Henry Earl and Frank P., preceded him to the better world. He was the last of his father’s family to quit the walks of men as his parents, his one brother and one sister passed to the great beyond years ago. When the Modern Woodmen of America organized a lodge at Brubaker he became a charter member and remained a beneficiary member until all earthly ties were severed. He is survived by his faithful companion, two sons, Jesse and Fred, his brothers in the lodge and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his departure. Two churches, Baptist and Christian, were his favorites though he united with neither. His home in Alma Township was a pleasant one. A kind and loving husband, an indulgent father and good neighbor has passed from time to eternity. We are again forced to pray, "Not my will but Thine be done." Funeral services at Summit Prairie church were conducted by Elder VANDEVEER. The solemn and impressive ceremony of M.W.A. conducted by Alma lodge assisted by Omega and Brubaker, concluded the services at the grave. The unusually large assemblage of friends who accompanied the body to its last resting place in the City of the Dead, was a mute testimonial of the high esteem in which this neighbor was held.
- PRUETT-STEUBER: On Wednesday evening Sept. 28th, Mr. Walter S. PRUETT and Miss Bertha W. STEUBER were united in marriage at the palatial home of Mr. A.W. SONGER, the Rev. J.B. CUMMINS pastor of the M.E. church officiating. The beautiful and impressive ceremony was witnessed by a few invited guests after which elegant refreshments were served. The groom is the youngest son of F.A. PRUETT, of his city, and is the junior member of the firm of F.A. PRUETT & Sons. He has earned for himself an enviable position in the business and social world by his thrift, industry and integrity. The bride is a charming young lady who has made her home for several years as a member of the family of Mr. SONGER and has endeared herself to the people of this community by her musical and social talents and by her gentle traits of character. They departed Friday night for a ten days tour of the Eastern cities. After November 1 they will be at home to their many friends in their splendid new residence just completed on Third Street.
- John SMITH and wife of Ivesdale, are visiting here with her parents, J.B. GARNER and family.
- A new girl arrived at the home of Oscar RENNIE and wife Saturday morning.
- Chas. WANTLAND and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a new girl at their home last Sunday.
- Mrs. W.W. BAGOTT left Tuesday evening for Culver, Mich., to visit her sister, Mrs. Anna WALKINGTON.
- Tuesday was Mrs. Jane GARNER’s 79th birthday and in honor of the occasion her children enjoyed a dinner at her home. Her daughter, Mrs. Ella WILLIAMS, of Alma, was present.
Oct. 13, 1910:
- Hugh SIMER: The funeral services of Mr. Hugh SIMER occurred Monday at the Lovell Grove church, eight miles south of Kinmundy conducted by Rev. THOMPSON of Flora. Mr. SIMER was but a young man, yet had been a sufferer for about three years. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife and two small children, a father and four brothers. Mr. SIMER was a member of Lovell Grove Christian church, having been baptized a short time before he died. The large crowd of people who attended this last sad service was evidence of his many friends.
- Henry LUX and wife left Monday morning for Oakland, California, where they expect to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. LUX have spent most of their lives here and are estimable young people with hosts of good friends who regret to have them removed from our midst but who wish them success in their new home.
- Rev. W.H. WHITLOCK, formerly pastor of the M.E. church at Altamont, was in this city, Saturday enroute to Centralia his new charge. While here Mr. WHITLOCK, made the Express a pleasant call. He resided here when a boy and also at Farina and is quite well known in this community.
- Theo. GARRETT, Dick ATKINS, and Sam JONES and families spent Sunday in this city with Mayor J.T. ARNOLD and family.
Oct. 20, 1910:
- MILLICAN-SEE: On Sunday afternoon, Oct. 16, 1910, occurred the marriage of Mr. Roy O. MILLICAN, and Miss Hazel SEE, both of Omega, at the home of the brides’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shull SEE, Rev. J.W. RITCHEY officiating. After the ceremony an elegant dinner was served by Mrs. SEE, assisted by her sister, Mrs. ALLEN of Kansas. On Monday a splendid dinner was served in their honor at the groom’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MILLICAN. The wedding was a very quiet one, only the immediate family of the contracting parties being present. Mr. and Mrs. MILLICAN are both excellent and popular young people of Omega, both being members of the Presbyterian church, and their many friends extend congratulations.
- A new son, James Earl, arrived at the home of Otis PENETON and wife in Salem last Thursday morning, of whom the parents are very proud.
- Wesley EAGAN, who formerly resided on a farm west of this city, but who has been in Oklahoma for several years, was here last Thursday greeting old friends. He was enroute to Chicago where he expects to reside in the future.
Oct. 27, 1910:
- CRAIG-SHEPARD: A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John SHEPARD, three miles north of Kinmundy, last Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock, the contracting parties being their accomplished daughter, Miss Grace G., to Dr. Harry F. CRAIG, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. CRAIG, living three miles southeast of town. Rev. M.A. COX of Clay City performing the ceremony, the decorations were beautiful, the porch under which they stood being carefully decorated with flowers from _____ was suspended two large hearts ______ woven and united with myrtle. Miss Emogene FORD, only niece of the bride, played the wedding march. After the ceremony, the sixty guests present were invited into the dining room where delicious refreshments were served. Many handsome and useful gifts were presented them. The groom is a graduate from the School of Medicine, St. Louis, and has recently located at West Liberty, Ill., where they have gone to make their future home. Their many friends extend congratulations.
- Farina Express: Dr. Harry CRAIG and Miss Grace SHEPARD were married at the home of the bride on last Wednesday evening.
- Mrs. Sarah DILLON and daughter, Miss Anna, were in Centralia last Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lucy TOMKINS, who died from the effects of a severe burn. She was 85 years of age.
- Mrs. J.N. BARNES, together with her little daughter and one son and niece, Frank MEDLEY, were discovered shortly after 8 o’clock this morning in a distressed condition from the gas fumes of a gas heater, which had been burning for about an hour. Her sister, Mrs. COLLINS, upon arriving home from work, found the family almost overcome, by the fumes, but by quick work in opening the doors and windows and summoning medical aid, averted that might have proved a disaster. (Monday’s Centralia Democrat.)
- A fine boy made his arrival at the home of Willard BROWN and wife Saturday evening.
- Mrs. L.C. ROHRBOUGH of DuQuoin, visited in this city Sunday while enroute home from Champaign where she attended the marriage of her sister, Miss Ethel KING.
- Last Saturday was the 20th birthday of Earl LACKEY and in honor of the event his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. LACKEY gave him a pleasant surprise at their home, 3 miles east of town on that evening. Quite a large crowd of young people were present and the evening was very much enjoyed by all. He received several nice presents from his parents and young friends.
- Mrs. Rachel MARSLAND of Dexter, Cowley Co., Kansas, arrived in this city Sunday to visit her sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth R. MARTIN and Mrs. M.R. LAWWILL for a few weeks, and to be present at the Home Coming and Harvest Home dinner at the M.E. Church. Ten years have elapsed since she has visited her old hometown, and she sees many changes. In 1868 her husband was in business in the building now occupied by the Beaver Millinery store.
- Wm. HOLLMAN and Elmer MALONE who have been employed by the Kinmundy Milling Co, the past year, have resigned their positions here and left yesterday for Tamoroa where they have accepted positions at increased salaries. They expect to move their families to that place in a couple or three weeks.
- Last week a deal was closed and the Mutual Telephone Exchange of this city, changed hands. W.H. STORRS sold the business to Wm. B. ROSS, who has assumed control of same. Mr. STORRS expects to leave in a short time for the West, but just where he will locate we are unable to say, but it will probably be Phoenix, Ariz. He expects to go from here to Montana and visit his brother before locating permanently. By hard work and close attention to business, Will has built up the Mutual Telephone Exchange and it seems that it is a profitable investment. The many friends of Mr. STORRS wish him abundant success in his new home.
- A new boy arrived at the home of Walter LESEMAN and wife one day last week.
- Henry CAMERON and family of Richview, visited in this city Sunday with her brother, N.A. RICE and family.
- Dr. Granville PRUETT and wife of Marshall, Ill., arrived in this city last Thursday evening to spend a week visiting old friends. The Dr. formerly resided here and read medicine in Dr. E.G. FORSHEE’s office a good many years ago. In a conversation with Mr. PREWITT he remarked that he could hardly find any men here now that were here 22 years ago. A few years make many changes and these changes are noticed more by one who has been away than by those who reside here.
- J.F. HOWELL informs us that his son, Jas. E. HOWELL, and family, who have been in Ploesti, Roumania, the past two or more, left that place last Tuesday for the U.S. and will probably locate in New York or Chicago. Jim has been employed by the Standard Oil Company for a number of years and was looking after their business while in Roumaina. It has been a great trip for him but no doubt, he will be glad when he again reaches the U.S., and that is too far from home to think about staying your entire life.
Nov. 3, 1910:
- Mrs. Mattie PARRILL: Martha S. LACEY was born in Meacham twp., Marion Co., Ill., Sept. 10, 1859, and departed this life Oct. 28, 1910, aged 51 years, 1 month and 18 days. On March 8, 1881 she was married to Thomas Jeptha PARRILL, to this union was born seven children, one boy Virgil, having died in infancy. The father also preceded the mother in death about 12 years ago, leaving the widow to rear the children. She was converted in early youth and joined the Methodist Episcopal church in which she remained a faithful member and devoted worker until she was called to the church triumphant. There remains to mourn her departure three sons and three daughters, Leslie Dean, Ethel Irene, Elmore Ray, Cecil Day, Vena Grace, Eda Marie, and one grandchild, Irwin Homer PARRILL, an aged father, mother, brother, one sister, and a host of relatives and friends. The funeral services were held from the M.E. church in Farina on Sunday morning at 11 o’clock conducted by Rev. O.L. CLAPPER and was largely attended. Remains were laid to rest in Elder cemetery four miles east of Farina.
- Over Four Score: Matthew HUMPHREY was born at Loveland, Ohio, April 5, 1825, and died at his farm home two and one half miles south of Kinmundy on Sunday morning Oct. 30, 1910, aged 85 years, 6 months and 25 days. He was united in marriage with Miss Mary ROWAN of Loveland on Aug. 21, 1851, at Sharanville, Ohio. To this union was born Mrs. Harriett DeVORE, Ennis, Arthur, Mrs. Anna FISH, Mrs. Clara STEVENSON, Mrs. Fannie SCHWARTZ, Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEY, Frank and Mrs. Elizabeth GRAMLEY; all these children survive the father except Ennis, who died May 7, 1908. On Aug. 21, 1901, Mr. and Mrs. HUMPHREY celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary and on this occasion all the children and a large number of other relatives were present and enjoyed the day. In November 1874, Mr. HUMPHREY and his family moved from Ohio to Illinois and settled on the farm in which he died. During these thirty-six years in Illinois, he toiled early and late tilling the soil and by his hard work he made and owned one of the model Marion county farms. Mr. HUMPHREY was quite well known over the county and was honored by old and young for his noble traits of character; he was highly esteemed by his neighbors and will be greatly missed by them all. When 19 years of age he united with the Christian church at Reminton, Ohio, and he was a charter member of the Masonic Fraternity at Montgomery, Ohio. The funeral service was conducted at the family home Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Rev. F.O. FANNON assisted by Rev. J.E. STORY and Rev. W.J. SIMER and a large crowd of sorrowing relatives and friends were in attendance. The body was shipped to Miamisville, Ohio, for burial, and was accompanied by Mrs. HUMPHREY, all the children, Mrs. Ennis HUMPHREY and son, of Washington, Ind., and Mrs. Helen BROWNRIGG and son, of St. Louis, and Matthew BERRY of Sullivan, Ind.
- Mrs. William GREEN: Mrs. William GREEN died at her home three miles north of this city Friday morning, October 28, 1910, after a short illness at the age of 22 years, 6 months, and 10 days. She was united in marriage with William GREEN November 3, 1907; to this union, two little daughters were born, both dying in infancy. She accepted Christ as her Savior and united with the Baptist Church at Mt. Carmel, Illinois, at the age of 13 years. She was an excellent young woman and loved by all who knew her and will be greatly missed by all. A large number of friends and relatives attended the funeral services which were held at Sandy Branch school house, November 29, after which the body was laid to rest in the Sandy Branch cemetery. The husband, mother, brothers, and sisters are left to mourn the loss of a dear companion, a loving daughter, and an affectionate sister, and have the sympathy of all in their sad hours.
- Mrs. W.D. REYNOLDS visited relatives and friends in Mason last Thursday. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Will MILLS of Chicago, who had been visiting her.
Nov. 10, 1910:
- Obituary: Harry E. KLINE was born in Geneva, Ill., Sept. 30, 1888, and removed with his parents to Kinmundy in March 1895. This family consisted of father and mother, Harry and three sisters, Clara, Mary and Cora. For some time he was a student of the Kinmundy High School. In November 1909, he accepted a position in Chicago where he remained until Sept. of this year. During this time he felt the need of a more thorough business education and in Sept. entered BROWN’s Business College in Centralia of which he was an honored member at the time of his death which occurred Oct. 30, 1910. The high esteem in which he was held in that Institution was verified by the beautiful floral offering which was sent by the Class and Faculty. One year ago Harry publicly confessed his faith in Christ and joined the Christian church. Since this time, when at home, he was always seen in his accustomed place in the Sunday School class and at the church. When death came it no doubt found him ready. The funeral services were held at the Christian church conducted by Rev. F.O. FANNON, his pastor. The large concourse of people who attended the funeral as well as the numerous floral offerings from the church, Sunday School class and friends bore testimony to the fact that he was highly esteemed by all. After Harry was tenderly laid away to rest his birthday offering was sent away to foreign fields to help bring others to Christ and his Sunday school pennies were kept here for the same purpose. His pall bearers were numbered among his associates, being Emmett HARGRAVES, Clyde SHUFELT, Marshall SPENCER, James SCOTT, Walter NEIL and Guy SEE. After his remains were tenderly laid in the tomb he was covered over with the beautiful flowers, tokens of the love of his many friends, and left him alone with memory.
- Eli ROBERTS Dead: Eli ROBERTS was born near New Albany, Indiana, Sept. 1, 1832, and departed this life Nov. 2, 1910, aged 78 years, 2 months, and 1 day. He was the last survivor of the family of Henry and Mary ROBERTS who preceded him to the home beyond several years ago. He was married to Lucy Jane GREEN Jan. 19, 1853; to this union 13 children were born; Wm. Aaron, Ed S., Sarah M., Paulina J., Stephen D., Lewis F., Volney W., John O., Willis SCOTT, Henry L., Joseph Eli, Etta J., of whom four have gone before, Wm. Aaron, Lewis F., Henry L. and Willis Scott, the others remaining to mourn the loss of a father. His faithful wife passed on to the Glory World Feb. 5, 1895. He has always been a believer in the Bible but was never identified with any church; his parents being members of the Christian church and most of his family belonging to the M.E. church, as was his wife at the time of her death. The funeral services were conducted from the home of his daughter, Mrs. WAGNER, on Friday morning by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and his body laid to rest in the cemetery near by.
- Mrs. M.I. NEEPER has returned to her home north of this city from a trip to Dale, Ind., where she went to care for her mother, Mrs. M.C. HULL, who died after a lingering illness.
- A fine boy made his arrival at the home of Ed WILLIAMS and wife last Friday.
- George BENDER of Foster twp., died last Friday of pneumonia after an illness of four or five days. Mr. BENDER was well known in this city and was at one time Supervisor of Foster twp. The funeral service was held Sunday morning after which interment was made in the Martin Cemetery.
- Advertisement: Go to Hensley’s Jewelry Store for watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, China, Toilet Sets, Military Brushes, Umbrellas, Fancy Hat Pins, Back Combs, Barsetts and everything in the way of Jewelry. Phonographs and Records of the latest music. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired at Tyner’s Music Store. Ladies and Gents’ Clothing repaired, cleaned and pressed; Alterations in new clothing at Tyner’s Music Store. Pianos and Organs and Sewing Machines for rent. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines repaired at Tyner’s Music Store.
Nov. 17, 1910:
- H.E. PERRINE was in Flora Sunday attending the funeral of his brother who was killed in Mattoon Friday while switching for the I.C.R.R.
- Roy PINKLEY, a brakeman on the I.C.R.R., age 22 years and residing at Watson, was held up by two unknown men on top of a box car between Centralia and Odin last Friday night. The men ordered PINKLEY to throw up his hands and he leaned over to set down his lantern and while in this position he was struck and knocked unconscious and afterwards shot, the ball entering his left shoulder and lodging in his right arm. PINKLEY was robbed of his watch and money and the men escaped. When the train arrived at Odin the wounded man had partially gained his senses and he was taken to Effingham and placed in the hospital where he died Monday. The funeral was held Tuesday at his home in Watson.
- Miss Rena JONES returned home Thursday evening after spending a month or more in Edmonds and Oklahoma City with her brother J.E. JONES and family, and sister, Miss Nellie JONES.
Nov. 24, 1910:
- Mrs. Tilton WILSON Dead: Mr. Tilton WILSON of Salem died last Tuesday, after several weeks illness, age 64 years. The funeral services were conducted in the home Friday afternoon by Rev. J.G. DEE and under the auspices of the Order of Eastern Star. The deceased was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Sarah DILLON of this city, and was well known by many of our citizens.
- Jasper NICHOLS died at the home of his son, John F. NICHOLS, residing eight miles west of Kinmundy, on Monday, after an illness of only a week, at the age of 77 years. The funeral services were held from the Zion Church, there miles east of Patoka, on Tuesday conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE.
- The 12th wedding anniversary of E.S. HOWELL and was celebrated Sunday when a surprise was given them by several friends and relatives. Those present were A.J. and S.E. HOWELL, J.M. HOLMES, J.W. LACKEY, Wm. MEYER, Chas. WILLIAMS, Mark BOYD and families, Wm. LEE and wife, Mrs. GRAHAM and two sons, and Miss Pearl PURDUE. An excellent dinner was served and a good time enjoyed by all present.
Dec. 1, 1910:
- MALINSKY-GEORGE: It looked like a wedding and - it was a wedding! Ask any one of the large number of guests that sat at the table at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen GEORGE, Saturday, Nov. 26, 1910. It was the wedding of Mr. Albert MALINSKY to Miss Ethel GEORGE. As ____ nine o’clock in the morning, friends, relatives and neighbors from far and near were arriving "with pomp and circumstance" to celebrate the occasion. Not only Kinmundy and Farina, but Gilmore and Flora, yea even St. Louis was represented and everyone reports a good time. Twelve o’clock at noon was the appointed time for the ceremony, and at that hour the young couple solemnly, but pleasantly entered the crowded parlor as the organist played the well known "Bridal Chorus" out of the Opera "Lo___" by Rich Wagner. As the music ceased, the Rev. J.H. BALLANCE solemnly tied the nuptial knot, offering a prayer for the welfare and _____ of the young couple and the _____. After the ceremony, the merrier part of the celebration began. A beautiful decorated table present to the ____ splendidly prepared wedding ________ afternoon and evening were _______ passed by singing, playing _________, and other amusements. Among the valuable and beautiful presents received may be mentioned two ______ chairs, table linen, bed spreads, dishes, and various other articles. The young bride is well known in and about Kinmundy in social and educational circles as one of the ablest and most esteemed school teachers of the vicinity. The groom is the son of Wm. MALINSKY, of Gilmore, Ill., the brother of Mrs. Frank HUMPHREY of this city. May they be fav_____ with a long life of continued happiness and prosperity.
- J.S. SEE Lost Hand: Tuesday afternoon, J. Shull SEE, residing seven miles southeast of this city met with a serious and painful accident while at work with a corn fodder shredder. The machine got out of order in some way and he was trying to adjust it when his right hand was caught and hacked and mangled so that it was necessary to amputate it above the wrist. The surgical work was performed by Drs. CAMERER and SONGER and he is getting along nicely. Only a short time before Mr. SEE met with his accident, J.M. SCHOOLEY, one of the owners of the machinery, had the misfortune to almost lose one of his fingers while working with the shredder. Two such accidents in one afternoon on one machine is certainly bad. Shredded fodder makes fine stock feed, but we are of the opinion that the shredders have caused more men to be crippled for life since their introduction than any other piece of farm machinery ever invented. It is a daily occurrence to hear of a man losing a finger, hand or arm in a corn shredder.
- George W. BLURTON: Died at the home of W.M. GARNER on Saturday Nov. 26, 1910, Geo. W. BLURTON, aged 70 years, 8 months, and 1 day. He was born near Kinmundy in Marion county, Ill., and was united in marriage with Sarah GRAY in 1870. To this union was born three sons and one daughter, Charles, William, John, and Hattie. Besides there he leaves three grandchildren and one brother residing in Farina. The funeral services were brief and were conducted at the home where he died by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY Sunday morning at eight o’clock and the body conveyed to the Patoka cemetery where it was laid to rest.
- Frank BLURTON of Farina was in this city Sunday attending the funeral of his brother, Geo. BLURTON.
- C.D. RIDDLE loaded his stock, household goods and machinery and left yesterday for Thorntown, Ind., where he will take charge of his father’s farm. Mrs. RIDDLE and children left Tuesday for Tuscola to visit a few days before going to their new home. They have resided east of Kinmundy the past ten years and their man friends are sorry to have them move from this community. Anson BRANSON has purchased the RIDDLE farm and will moved there in the near future.
- Mrs. Albert BOUGHY and son of Danville, and Mrs. Ed PARKS and son of Odin, and Lois and Winifred VERNER of Salem, spent Thanksgiving south of this city with their mother, Mrs. John SKIDMORE.
Dec. 8, 1910:
- Obituary: John Berry CONANT, youngest son of Airs and Polly CONANT, was born in Marion county, Ill., Feb. 17, 1839 and died Nov. 28, 1910. He professed religion and united with the Methodist church in 1859, but later united with the Cumberland Presbyterian of which church he remained a member until death. He was united in marriage with Mary ATKINS, daughter of Uncle Johnnie and Aunt Peggy ATKINS, April 11, 1861. To this union was born 12 children: Fannie, Airs, Polly, Eli, Ida, May, Emmet, Rheufina, Ira, Martha, Hulda; four of whom have preceded the father to the better world, the others with the faithful wife and mother being left to mourn their loss. He had three sisters and four brothers, all of whom have preceded him to the grave. His father was one of the first settlers of this community and Mr. CONANT has resided near the old homestead all but about six months of his life.
- Celebrated at Ninety: On Thursday, Dec. 1, 1910, Judge David P. SNELLING of this city celebrated the 90th anniversary of his birth at the "Snelling Homestead". In 1857, Judge SNELLING moved to this place from New Hamp., and engaged in farming, purchasing several hundred acres of land, which at the same time was mostly raw prairie. With the use of oxen and horses, this land was first plowed, after which wheat was grown very extensively. From his landing in this place, he prospered and was one of the largest farmers in the county. In the early 60's, he was elected to the office of county judge of this county and bears the distinction of being one of the first republicans ever to be elected to a county office in Marion county. Mr. SNELLING has been a lifelong republican, but he has _____ posted on the issues of the day reading his daily papers. At one time, it is said that he knew every man in Marion county. Judge SNELLING has resided in his present home for more than 50 years, and the celebration that was held on _____day, was one that but very few families ever enjoy as there were present _____ children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren - four generations. All those in attendance were: Fred D.P. SNELLING and wife, G.S. DILLON and wife, Miss Lettie SNELLING, David P. SNELLING Jr., wife and little son, Fred D.P., Sam A. SNELLING and wife, of Chicago, Wilfred SNELLING, wife, son George W., and daughter, Lenore, of Granite City; E.A. SNELLING and wife; G.W. SNELLING and wife; and Mrs. Abbie BABCOCK of Kinmundy. Letters of regret were received and from Hallett SNELLING and wife, _____ Lea SNELLING and wife, of Chicago, ________ being the only grandchildren present. Judge SNELLING greatly enjoyed the homecoming of his family and the family greatly enjoyed the occasion. He received a big shower of beautiful Post Cards from his many ______ with kind greetings and loving ___________. Such tokens add to ______ of life and the Judge certainly enjoyed them all.
- Farina Express: Tom BLYTHE and family are here from North Dakota to spend the winter with her parents, J.W. FARTHING and wife.
- Chester BOYCE, son of Mrs. Kate BOYCE, residing six miles southeast of this city, and Miss Alice EMBSER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.N. EMBSER, living six miles south of here, were married Sunday at the home of and by Rev. W.J. SIMER. The wedding was quite a surprise to their most intimate friends. They are both popular and estimable young people and their many friends extend congratulations.
Dec. 15, 1910:
- Thomas E. HOWELL: Thomas E. HOWELL died at 5:45 yesterday morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. Arthur W. MURRAY, 505 east Main street, after an illness of 8 weeks of typhoid fever, complicated with tubercular trouble, which ended with pneumonia and quick consumption. Funeral services were held at the family home at 2:30 this afternoon Rev. W.A. BLISS officiating and interment made in Oak Hill Cemetery. Thomas Earl HOWELL was born May 5, 1892, at Flora, Illinois. He came here a little more than four years ago to work for his brother-in-law, A.W. MURRAY, and has been here ever since. Two other brothers have died from tubercular troubles within the past two years, leaving another, Mrs. Mattie HOWELL, a sister and three brothers of his immediate family yet living. His father has been dead for several years. Tom, as everybody knew him, was a likable young man, popular not only with his associates, but with all with whom he came in contact. He had talent as a musician which aided largely in his popularity. The sincere sympathy of an unusually large number of friends is expressed for those who are left to mourn. (Hoopeston Daily Chronicle, Monday, Dec. 12, 1910) The deceased is a grandson of Mrs. B.B. HOWELL and a nephew of T.M. SMITH of this city, and is quite well known in this city, having visited here often, and has many friends who are sorry to learn of his death and who extend sympathy to the bereaved family.
- ROTAN-HILLER: The marriage of Mr. Byron J. ROTAN and Miss Agnes HILLER, both of this city, took place at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Chas. WAGONER, at Fairfield, Ill., at 8 o’clock on Monday evening, Dec. 12, 1910. The happy affair was witnessed by the immediate family and was a very simple homelike affair. The ceremony was performed by Rev. CROW, pastor of the First M.E. Church. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. C.J. HILLER and is a very charming and pleasing young lady, being held in the highest esteem by her friends. ROTAN is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. ROTAN and has for several years been in the real estate business and has many friends here with whom he is held in the highest esteem. Mr. and Mrs. ROTAN returned last evening and will be at home to their friends after Dec. 28 in the L.M. ROTAN property in the south part of town which the groom recently purchased.
- BROWN-MERCER: Arthur A. BROWN and Miss Jessie E. MERCER left Sunday morning for St. Louis and spent the day with Roy SIMERS and wife and on Monday Dec. 12, 1910 at 1 o’clock p.m. were married at the home of and by Rev. Chauncey J. KRUEGER, 1007 Chestnut Street. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.N. MERCER and is _______ among her many young friends. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ____ A. BROWN of this city. Their many friends extend congratulations. They returned home ______ night and will reside with her ______ on Quality Hill until spring when they expect to move to a farm.
- LACKEY-THOMASON: On Sunday, Dec. 8, Mr. Earl LACKEY and Miss _____ THOMASON, both prominent and ______ young people of this city, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in Salem by Judge O. _______. After the ceremony the returned to this city and the announcement of their marriage was a surprise to their most intimate friends. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Kate THOMASON and has resided in Kinmundy most of her life and is highly respected by all. Earl is the youngest son of J.___ LACKEY and wife, residing four miles _______east of town, where the wedded couple will reside after the ________.
- A new baby girl made her arrival at the home of S.L. BUNDY and wife last Wednesday evening.
Dec. 21, 1910:
- Dr. J.D. CAMERER reports the arrival of a fine girl at the home of Ed ADAMS and wife near Omega yesterday.
- W.F. ROLEY, of Stewardson, who has traded for the J.W. BROOM stock of merchandise at Alma, was in this city today and left an order for a large bill of printing. He is arranging to dispose of the stock and will start a big sale about the first of the year.
- Chas. F. ARNOLD has purchased the Henderson JONES farm, about nine miles west of Kinmundy. He is arranging to move to his new home after the first of the year.
- Wedding A Surprise: Yesterday morning at 9:30 at the Baptist parsonage occurred a very quite wedding and one that was a great surprise to the citizens of Kinmundy. The contracting parties were Hon. George W. RUTHERFORD, aged 73, and Mrs. Frances SNYDER, age 48. The ceremony was performed by Rev. NIX, and was witnessed by Miss Letha SNYDER, a daughter of the bride, and Mr. Roscoe NIX. The newly wedded couple will reside at his home in the west side of this city. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. RUTHERFORD extend congratulations.
- A.J. ESTES, who was seriously injured by the falling derrick at the new court house last Monday afternoon, is not much improved and at last reports, he was in a semi-conscious condition and unable to tell how the accident occurred. He has been taken to his home one mile east of Salem.
- John SMITH: After a lingering illness of 10 weeks, died at the home of his son, H.P. SMITH and wife in Alma on Saturday, Dec. 17, 1910, aged 72 years, 2 months, and 10 days. During his sickness, he was tenderly cared for and all done for him that could be, but he gradually grew weaker and when the summons came in, found him ready. For over 50 years, he was a servant of God and identified with the church. He was a good man and a sweet singer and no doubt many were led to Christ through the influence of his life and the talent God gave him. He was a faithful and honored member of the M.E. church South and was identified with the class at Zion on the Patoka charge and was recording steward for nearly 40 years. He was born in Marion county and had resided here all his life and was esteemed as one of Tonti’s most hon_____ citizens. Four sons are left with out their father’s counsel, Charles of this city; H.P. of Alma; Harry of Tonti; and George who is in the employ of the American Express Company Chicago. Four sisters, Mrs. H.D. _______, and Mrs. Kate GRAY of Tonti; Mrs. ___ L. BALLANCE of Patoka; and Mrs. ___nnie NICHOLS of Sandoval are _____ to mourn the loss of a brother. On Monday his body was taken to Fredonia where funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.H. BALLANCE and talks on his life and character were made by friends. The Odd Fellows took charge and interment made in Marshall Creek Cemetery.
- J.C. MITCHELL of Mt. Vernon, was in this city yesterday, and arranged to open a shoe repairing shop in H.A. BROWN & Son’s Harness shop. He went from here to LaClede to visit relatives a few days, and expects to be ready for business here by the first of the New Year.
- Advertisement: Holiday Bargains: Our 10 cents Department is full of nice things. Cheap dolls and Toys. Lots of Fancy articles for the Holidays. One-third off Misses and Children’s Coats. Reduced prices on Ladies’ Coats. A nice line of Xmas Hosiery. Fancy Handkerchiefs and Collars. Dress Goods of all description. All Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats at Half price. Come in and see how to get a Vacuum cleaner. M.A. SONGER & BROWN.
Dec. 29, 1910:
- SCHOOLEY-OURANT: On last Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 21, John L. (Deacon) SCHOOLEY and Miss Maggie OURANT, both of this city, drove to the home of W.J. SIMERS in Omega and were united in marriage Rev. SIMERS performing the ceremony. They will make their home with his father, D.T. SCHOOLEY. The wedding was quite a surprise to their friends, the groom’s father being the only one who knew of the affair.
- John P. SHRIVER: John P. SHRIVER died at his home in this city Monday night, Dec. 26, at 9 o’clock, aged 83 years, 6 months, and 3 days, after an illness of several weeks duration. He was a private in 3d regiment, Kentucky Volunteers Mexican War Veterans. The funeral services were held from the M.E. church Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. R.D. WOODLEY, assisted by Rev. J.W. RITCHEY, and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- SPENCER-MAXEY: Mr. Marshall SPENCER, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SPENCER, of this city, and Miss Nellie MAXEY, daughter of Wm. MAXEY, residing two miles southeast of town, were married Sunday afternoon at three o’clock at the home of and by Rev. HOCKER, pastor of the M.E. church South. The bride and groom are highly esteemed young people and their many friends in this city extend congratulations. They expect to reside on the Wilbur farm one miles north west of town.
- KNISELEY-ENGLEBRECHT: A pretty wedding occurred Sunday, Christmas Day, at 4 o’clock p.m. at the home of Herman ENGELBRECHT when his daughter Miss Christine was united in marriage with Mr. Noah G. KNISELEY, Rev. J.W. RITCHEY, officiating, using the ring ceremony. An elegant dinner was served by the sisters of the bride. On Monday a splendid reception held and dinner was served at Wm. KNISELEY’s in honor of the newly wedded couple. A goodly number of relatives and friends were present. The dinner was served by Mrs. Wm. KNISELEY assisted by Mesdames May BAKER, Lucy SCHOOLEY, and Mary BOSLEY. The bride and groom are both highly esteemed and popular young people and their many friends extend congratulations.
- Henry LUX and wife, who left Kinmundy about seven weeks ago for Oakland, Cal., to reside, returned last Friday night. They have decided that Kinmundy is about the best place in the world and expect to make this their home. Their many friends here bid them welcome.
- In February 1891, B.J. BAILEY residing two miles north of this city resided near Washington, Ind., and during that month and year burglars entered his home and stole a nice sum of money and his watch. The remarkable part of the affair is that a few days ago the watch was returned to Mr. BAILEY. Some few weeks ago it was ploughed up by a party and one of Mr. BAILEY’s old friends mailed it to him at this place. It is a solid silver case and open face, key wind and seems to be in fair condition and will probably run. On the inside case in engraved "B.J. BAILEY" and the opinion is that the robbers have buried the watch to keep from being detected and it has been buried all these years. So far as money value is concerned it is not much, but as a keepsake Mr. BAILEY prizes it very highly and feels that he is more than fortunate to get his old time piece once more.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (February 2003) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.