Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
"The Kinmundy Express", Kinmundy, Ill.
(Microfilm Roll #1 & #2)Jan. 2, 1918:
- Married on Dec. 21, 1917 were Mr. Earnest HARRIS of this city to Miss Blanche RHOADES of Alma. The groom is stationed at Camp Taylor and while on furlough, the couple slipped to Centralia and were married. He departed on Saturday, and she will continue to make her home with her parents.
- Mr. Hugh SPENCER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SPENCER, is stationed at Camp Taylor. While on furlough, he arrived in Salem and was met by Miss Virgie BRASEL, who is employed there, and they were married at the ME parsonage in that city. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry BRASEL who resides north of town.
- Elder School: On account of the stormy weather on Christmas evening, the tree was not very well attended at Pleasant Grove.
- A.M. ALLEN received a letter from Edgewood, Ill. this week telling of the death of Wm. J. FAULK on Dec. 26, 1917 at his winter home in Lakeworth, Florida. The body was brought to Edgewood for burial.
Jan. 9, 1918:
- Elizabeth Edith was born on Jan. 7, 1893, youngest daughter of Frederick and Louisa YUNG, 3¼ miles southwest of Kinmundy on the farm she still lived on at the time of her death on Jan. 3, 1918. She leaves a father, mother, sister, Mrs. Alonzo FRENCH; a niece, Miss Alice FRENCH; and a nephew, Howard CHARLTON. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Del EAGAN and wife received word on Saturday of the death of C.T. MIDDLETON, which occurred at his home in Centralia on Friday. He was a businessman in Kinmundy for several years conducting a restaurant.
- Elder School: Sylvester SMITH and Miss Minnie SILLS were married at the home of the bride on Dec. 30, Rev. W.J. SIMER performing the ceremony.
- Elder School: Our school is closed for awhile on account of scarlet fever.
Jan. 17, 1918:
- Mr. Michael MURPHY, an aged and highly respected gentleman, was brought to Kinmundy from his home in East St. Louis on Monday where he died on Thursday. The body was taken to the home of his niece Mrs. B. ANDERSON, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. Uncle Mike was born in Ireland 84 years ago and came to this country when a boy. He married Miss Bridget ROONEY, sister of the late Wm. ROONEY, and they lived in Kinmundy several years. After leaving here he went to Effingham and then to East St. Louis where he worked for the Vandalia R.R. After moving to East St. Louis, he would still make frequent visits to Kinmundy to visit the graves of his wife and 2 children, Michael and Julia. He leaves a daughter, Mary, one son - William, one grandson - Clarence, and one sister.
- Sandy Branch School, located in Foster twp., was destroyed by fire last Friday. The high winds made the fire impossible to fight. The fire supposedly started in the belfry tower from sparks from the flue, and it was discovered about 5 p.m., an hour after school closed. This building was one of the best country school houses in the county having being built just a few years ago, and last year was remodeled at a cost of $250 to conform to the new state law. It was insured for $370.
- Mrs. Jacob JARHAUS died at her home in St. Louis last Friday and the body was taken to the home of her son, George, near Farina, accompanied by her 2 sons-in-laws and daughters, Chas. BERBLE and wife, and Wm. SIMROOT, wife and 2 children. Burial at Farina Cemetery. She also leaves a daughter, Mrs. George MICHEL, and 2 sons, George and Henry, all living near this city. She was 79, and her husband died some 6 years ago.
- Letter was printed from Chas. HAMMERS stationed somewhere in England.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry WARD, residing south of town, had an 8 pound baby boy born Jan. 10, 1918.
- On Jan. 8, 1918, an 11 pound boy was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. ALEXANDER in this city, and named Arno.
- A letter was printed from Roy W. ABBOTT at Camp Taylor.
- A letter was printed from Milton HALL at a camp in Brooklyn, NY.
Jan. 24, 1918:
- John Urban KOLB was born in Bayren, Germany on March 29, 1856 and died Jan. 9, 1918. As a boy he helped his father on the farm, but later took up the trade of woodcarving which he practiced up to the time he left Germany for America in 1881. After coming to America he made his home with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John METZGER, residing northwest of Kinmundy. In 1883 he put on an exhibition at the St. Louis Exposition of a large display of carving, some which he sold for large amounts of money. In 1884 he married Mrs. Augusta SANDHOFER of Kinmundy, and they had twin babies, both dying in infancy, and the mother dying soon after the death of the children. In 1885 in married Miss Margaret WAGNER of New York City, and they had 5 children, 2 dying in infancy. In 1890, he moved his wife and children to his farm south of Kinmundy where he lived until his death. Services were held at the Catholic Church in this city with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- The beautiful home of F.J. NIRIDER was completely destroyed by fire Sunday morning. It was situated on the hill near the C & E depot. Due to the effective work on the part of the department and others, nearly all of the household goods were saved.
- Lloyd ZIMMER died of tuberculosis at the home of his parents, P.Q. ZIMMER and wife, at Mattoon last Wednesday. He grew to manhood in this city.
- Word has been received here of the death of Eli ROBINSON which occurred at his home in Vernon on Saturday. He is survived by his wife, 2 sons, and an adopted daughter. He had lived in Vernon most of his life. Interment in Vernon Cemetery.
- Mrs. E. WORMLEY received a message Tuesday announcing the death of her father, J.R. GROVE, at his home in Mansfield, Pa. He was a resident of this city 45 years ago. At one time he was editor and publisher of a paper in Altamont.
- Elder School and Omega: Glenn MILLICAN was in town last Thursday morning. He is letting his mustache grow which greatly improves his looks.
Jan. 31, 1918:
- Miss Virginia A. BROWN, eldest daughter of Isaac and Melinda BROWN, was born Nov. 4, 1836 at Steeleville, Ill., and she spent her early life there. In the fall of 1876, she, with her fathers family, moved to Pana, Ill, where she lived until 1892. She came to Kinmundy where she lived until her death on Jan. 28, 1918. She leaves 2 brothers: C.C. BROWN of Rosemond, Ill., and W.E. BROWN of Kinmundy; also a sister, Mary E. BROWN of Kinmundy. The body was taken to Rosemond with burial in Rosemond Cemetery.
- Happy Hollow District: School was closed at Happy Hollow on account of measles but will open again on Monday morning.
- John ANDERSON, the negro who assaulted Mrs. McCLELLAND, a woman more than 70 years old at her home on the farm near Odin, was found guilty by a jury last week, and was sentenced to 30 years in the penitentiary.
- Elder School and Omega: Mrs. Lucinda MULTEN, residing 3½ miles northeast of Omega died at her home Sunday. She was about 70 years old and leaves 2 sons. This makes the second death in the family within the past 2 months. About 6 weeks ago a son David died.
- Elder School and Omega: Clyde TROUT and wife of Lebanon had a baby boy recently. Mrs. TROUT is the daughter of Clabe SIPES and wife.
"Marion County Express", Kinmundy, Illinois
Feb. 6, 1918:
- The name of the paper has changed from "The Kinmundy Express" to "Marion County Express" in order to serve the county rather than any small portion of it.
- The wedding of Miss Elizabeth GRAY and Mr. Abe OWENS took place on Sunday at the ME. Church parsonage. Afterwards an elegant dinner was served at the brides parents home for a number of immediate relatives. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. GRAY, and the groom had made his home in Springfield, until 3 years ago, since time being employed as a farm hand.
- Oswald MILLER, son of Dr. and Mrs. Hugo MILLER of this city departed for Ft. Washington, Md. to go into training for the Coast Artillery. He is known more commonly here as "Buck".
- Mr. and Mrs. L.J. LACEY received the announcement of the marriage of Homer MEEKE and Madge LACEY in Chicago on Jan. 12, 1918. The groom is a brother of Mrs. LACEY.
- A marriage license has been issued to Will EAGAN, 32, and Etta POWELL, 18, both of Alma.
- A letter was printed from Leon HANNA at Camp Logan.
- On Jan. 29, a surprise party with several of the young people was given at the home of J.L. DAVIS to celebrate the 18th birthday of their son Gray. Various stunts and games were played.
Feb. 13, 1918:
- On Feb. 9, 1918 at St. Thomas Church in Salem, the marriage of Miss Agnes CRAIG and Mr. Dennis Joseph GUNNING took place. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. CRAIG of this city. She has been connected with the Songer and Brown Dry Goods and Millinery store for a few years. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. John GUNNING of Champaign, and a prosperous young farmer. The couple will live on a farm near Tolono, Ill.
- A letter was printed from Mr. and Mrs. Thos. WILLIAMS of White Bluffs, Wash.
- Happy Hollow News: Roy STEPHENS and wife are parents of a 9 pound boy. Mr. and Mrs. STEPHENS formerly lived in this neighborhood.
- Happy Hollow News: The little children of Marshall KAGY and wife east of Brubaker have the Scarlet Fever.
- A picture was printed of the men who worked on committee to arrange the laying the foundation of a gravity lime dust pit to be erected on the Ill. Central Railroad.
- Thos. BOUSEMAN, formerly of 8 miles northeast of this city, died at the home of his son, Dr. A.W. BOUSEMAN at Fountain Green on Saturday. The body was taken to Farina, with services at Union Church and interment in Elder Cemetery. He was born Feb. 11, 1850 and buried Feb. 11, 1918, and survived by 4 sons and 1 daughter. He is uncle of Dr. A.J. BOSTON and Ben PHILLIPS, and brother-in-law of Frank COX of this city.
- Mable Edna, 5 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan DOOLEN, died at her home in Salem on Tuesday. The body was brought here with services at the Christian Church and interment in Evergreen cemetery.
- Word was received by J.F. HOWELL of his sister-in-law, Mr. W.H. HOWELL, at her home in Sylvia, Kansas last Wednesday. She leaves a husband, 4 sons, and 2 daughters.
- Reuben C. HAYS, a retired businessman of Salem, died of blood poisoning at his home Saturday. He was 55 years old.
- W.C. TANNER died at his home in Farina on Sunday at the age of 88 years. He had been totally blind for a number of years.
- Brubaker News: Clarence WRAY and wife are the parents of a baby girl born on Sunday.
- A letter was printed from Ted LOWE at Camp Hicks, Texas.
- Word was received by E.R. HENSLEY and family of the birth of a son at the home of Chester HENSLEY and wife in Rhoda, Va.
Feb. 20, 1918:
- Barbara, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest BELL of Salem, died Monday at not quite a year old.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. O.R. ALDERSON on Sunday. We predict in the future somewhat shorter hours for the First National Bank for Clarence as he says the boy has all the attributes of a banker.
- From the Hillsboro Journal: Mr. and Mrs. Charles WILCOX had a daughter Wednesday weighing 7½ pounds. The mother is the former Miss Effie SUGG of Kinmundy, and a sister of Norman J. SUGG, formerly of Hillsboro.
- Elder School and Omega News: Mrs. Nuet ROGERS residing 4 miles southeast of Omega died at her home on the 11th. She was about 72 years old.
- The Marion County chapter of the Farm Bureau is organized.
- Alma News: Word was received of the birth of a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Chester HENSLEY of Rhoda, Va. Mrs. HENSLEY is the former Miss Gladys WILLIAMS of Alma.
Feb. 27, 1918:
- Letters were printed form Murray JONES of Camp Pike, Ark. and Chas. HAMMERS from somewhere in France.
- Kinmundy News: Grandpa HOLT died at the home of his son, Chas. H. HOLT, in Salem on Sunday. He was a former resident of this city.
- Daniel GUNN died Tuesday of pneumonia. He was brother of Mrs. W.W. NEIL of this city.
- Alma News: Philip APPLEMAN of Anvoy died here at the home of his daughter, Mrs. N.J. RHOADS, on Feb. 20, 1918, at the age of 73. Interment at Martins Cemetery.
March 6, 1918:
- On Feb. 27, 1918, the children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. TATE met at their home and celebrated the 50th anniversary with about 40 present. They have 26 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. The afternoon was filed with music and recitations by grandchildren.
- Alma News: Whittie ROSS Jr. of Centralia and Miss Ethel METCALF of Salem were married. He is the grandson of W.S. ROSS of this place.
- Letters were printed from Eugene M. CRAIG of Camp Logan, Houston, Texas, and Loyd PRATTER from somewhere in France.
- John ROBB, wife and son, John Robert, left this morning for Clifton, where they will move to a farm.
- Mrs. C.C. SPENCER died at her home in Chicago on Monday. She was formerly Maggie WILSON, daughter of the late Richard WILSON of Alma, in which the body was brought to and the funeral was held. She was the niece of Mrs. Sarah DILLON and sister-in-law of W.J. SPENCER of this city.
March 14, 1918:
- Ettie BORING HITE died at her home in Alma twp. on March 3, 1918. She was born in Marion county on Aug. 3, 1865, the oldest child of Eli and Ellen BORING, and married Isaac L. HITE on March 6, 1890. For several years she was one of the strong teachers in the public schools of Marion county. Her service was consecrated to the temperance cause, and after much work she had the joy of feeling the temperance pulse throb with new life as the prohibition wave swept over the country. She leaves a husband, aged father, 3 sisters, and 3 brothers. The funeral was held at the Old Baptist Church with interment in the cemetery near the Church.
- Fayette R. LOVELL of Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky married Miss Evelyn B. STEPHENSON, also of Louisville, in Jeffersonville, Ind. on Feb. 20, 1918. He is grandson of Mrs. M.J. LOVELL of this city, where the groom grew to manhood and graduated from Kinmundy High School.
- Silas KRUTSINGER died at his home in Centralia on Saturday. The body was brought to this city and taken to near Oskaloosa for burial. He was a former Kinmundy resident living about 4½ miles southeast of town, and was brother-in-law to Denver and Ellis WILKINSON.
- From Texas to Alma: Ed FORD and wife of San Angelo, Texas visited here Monday with her mother, Mrs. Rebecca SHEPARD, who is sick. Mr. and Mrs. FORD are moving back to the BRADLEY farm near Alma, which they purchased.
- Alma News: Mrs. Chas. C. SPENCER died at her home in Chicago on March 3, 1918 after a few months illness and was brought here for burial. The funeral was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank PURCELL, east of town, with interment in Wilson Cemetery. She is survived by a husband and 4 children of Chicago; a mother, Rebecca WILSON, of Alma; 2 sisters - Mrs. Ira HUMES of Ind., and Mrs. Frank PURCELL of Alma; 4 brothers - Dr. S.A., Clark, T. WILSON of Chicago, and John WILSON of Danville.
- Elder School and Omega: The wind blew some sparks out of the chimney at the home of Uncle Tom WANTLAND and set fire to the smoke house, which would have been serious had it not been for the help of some neighbors.
- On March 9, 1918 took place the marriage of Mr. O.J. HANSON and Miss Elsa TATE, both of this city, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. RUEDI of St. Louis. They will go to housekeeping in the TYNER property on Quality Hill. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.C. TATE of this city, and has held a position in Springfield for the past 2 years. The groom is son of Mr. Thos. HANSON of Villa Grove, and he came to this city last April and took charge of the Paddock Lumber Company yard as manager.
- Letters were printed from Orie H. WAINSCOTT, and Clark E. KLINE of Great Lakes, Ill.
March 21, 1918:
- Kinmundy News: Chas. and Fletcher COLE went to Alma this morning to help erect the new pickle factory.
- A new daughter called Helen was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. COCKRELL in Veneta, Okla. on March 6, 1918. The new parents are former Kinmundy young people.
- Dan PURCELL of Alma received a long distance phone message from Sulpulpa, Okla. stating the death of his father, Thos. PURCELL of that city, yesterday. The body will return to Alma and the funeral will be held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ransom McCARTY of 2½ miles south of Alma on Saturday. Interment will be at the cemetery nearby. He leaves 3 sons: Dan, Frank and George, and a daughter, Mrs. McCARTY, living in Alma.
- A letter was printed from Gus A. SPITZE of Key West Barracks, and J.H. BROWN of Ft. Riley, Kansas.
- Noah Earl SEE, eldest son of Charles and Alice SEE, was born in Omega twp, Ill. on May 17, 1885, and died at the home of his parents on March 16, 1918. He married Mary WAGGONER at Gayes, Ill. on March 18, 1908, just ten years to the day of his burial. He leaves a wife, father, mother, and 2 brothers - Lewin and Forrest. The funeral was held at the home of his parents 5½ miles southeast of Kinmundy, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Married were Mr. Orville L. GORDON and Miss Margaret McHATTON last Saturday at the courthouse in Effingham. She is the daughter of G.V. McHATTON and wife residing north of town. He is son of Lon GORDON and wife of LaClede, and is a prosperous young farmer. They will reside on a farm near Tuscola.
March 28, 1918:
- March 24th was the 78th birthday of Uncle Frank HOWELL and in honor of the event, Mrs. HOWELL planned a dinner for him and invited the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brother, and other relatives. All 8 children were present except one, J.E. HOWELL, who resides in El Segundo, Cal. The cake was baked by a granddaughter, Mrs. Willard BROWN of Farina. Mr. HOWELL has been a resident of Kinmundy twp. all of his life.
- Elder School and Omega: C.M. WANTLAND, W.A. ROSE, and A.A. SOUTHWARD and wives, and J.C. WANTLAND were near Alma a part of last week caring for Mrs. W.C. WANTLAND, who had been dangerously ill for the past week and died on Saturday.
- Nora M. ROSE, oldest child of Wiley and Serelda ROSE was born in Omega, Ill. on Jan. 15, 1881 and died at her home near Alma on March 23. In 1899 she married William C. WANTLAND, and they had 4 children: Douglas, aged 15; Martin, aged 7; Erma, aged 4; and a baby about 10 days old. She leaves her husband, 4 children, father; 3 brothers - Pearl ROSE of near Salem, Elma of Omega, and Norman in the service; and 2 sisters - Mrs. Albert SMITH of Decatur, and Mrs. Frank SHAFFER of Omega. The funeral was held at the ME Church in Alma, with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy.
- A letter was printed from Orie WAINSCOTT from France.
April 4, 1918:
- Elder School and Omega News: Chase HADDEN was in town on Saturday looking for Democrats. Pretty hard to find, arent they Chase?
- Elder School and Omega News: Mrs. Cal KITCHER , a resident a few miles northeast of Omega died on March 23 at the Olney Sanitarium. She had undergone an operation and seemed like she was doing alright when pneumonia set in. Funeral held at the Baptist Church with interment in Pate Cemetery.
- James Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. ANDREWS was born Oct. 26, 1917, and died March 29, 1918. The funeral was held at the Methodist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mabel Agnes PRUDEN WEST died on March 27, 1918. She was born Dec. 18, 1879 in Iuka, Ill., the daughter of the late Isaac and Mrs. Sophia PRUDEN. She married Jan. 15, 1898 at Terre Haute, Ind. to Harry Thomas WEST, and they had 2 children, Charles Druden and Georgia Corneda. Her sister Hattie is now Mrs. Omar PEEL of Milton, Iowa.
- A letter was printed from William LEMAY of Camp Logan, Houston, Texas, and from Ransom Deloss BROWN of Camp Logan.
- Alma News: W.S. ROSS is quite busy working with flowers. He shipped out 35,000 flowers on Monday, and 45,000 on Tuesday, and will average about that every day.
- Brubaker News: Mrs. Joe ANGLIN was called to Salem on Monday on account of the serious illness of her father. Mr. LYNCH passed away Friday after enjoying about 92 years. Funeral was at Zion Church.
- (From Atlanta News): Miss Harriett GILBERT and Maxie SUGG, both former Millikin students, were married Saturday. Miss GILBERT has been staying with her parents in Atlanta. Mr. SUGG has accepted a position as instructor at Atlanta High School. (Kinmundy paper note: Maxie SUGG is son of Mr. and Mrs. I.F. SUGG of this city.)
April 11, 1918
- Mrs. Lou BARBEE returned home from OFallon where she visited her new grandson who arrived at the home of Guy BARBEE and wife on April 1, 1918.
- Miss Mary E. CHEADLE of Kinmundy and William H. VERHOEKS, son of Mr. and Mrs. John VERHOEKS of Clinton married on April 6, 1918 at the M.E. Church in Kankakee, Ill. The bride is the only daughter of J.R. CHEADLE and wife, and is a senior class of Kinmundy High School. The groom is stationed at El Paso, Texas at Fort Bliss.
- A dirty, one-legged bootlegger landed in our city Tuesday and proceeded to dispose of his rotgut to a few of the local boozers but his illegal business was soon nipped in the bud - not by the Marshall but by a lady, Mrs. Jas T. BROWN, who gave the cuss just 10 minutes to leave town, and he was not slow in moving, suitcase, peg leg and all, down the railroad track toward Alma. Such characters should be dealt with by men, but if not, more power to the women.
- Alma News: Miss Elizabeth HINES, daughter of Melvin HINES and wife, died at her home north of town on Sunday aged 15 years, 4 months, and 24 days after a few months illness. Interment in Alma Cemetery. She is survived by her parents, 3 sisters, and 4 brothers.
- A letter was printed from Harvey BROWN from Fort Riley, Kansas.
- Elder News and Omega News: Byron E. MILLICAN, Republican candidate for supervisor was elected by a majority of 12 votes; J.A. KAGY, Democrat for Assessor by 7 votes; and G.C. KITCHEN, Democrat for Constable by 110 votes.
- Elder School and Omega News: Bessie BRADLEY closes a successful term of school on Wednesday.
April 25, 1918:
- Shanghai News: Frank JONES are parents of a baby girl.
- Wilson School News: Frank HUMPREY and wife went to near Edgewood Sunday to attend the funeral of her niece.
- Letters printed from George MOTCH in France, and Loyd PRATER from somewhere in France.
May 2, 1918:
- John W. ALLEN came down from Chicago Friday to visit his father, S.J. ALLEN and wife and other relatives and friends. He left Wednesday fro Ellmore, Mo., to visit his sister, Mrs. E.E. BUCKMINISTER and family.
- Walter P. ZIMMER was ran over by a freight train at St. Peter Wed. night. He had expected to return on the night train from Salem, but since it was running late, he boarded a freight train instead. For some unknown manner he fell beneath the wheels when alighting and one arm was severed at the shoulder. He was rushed to Effingham Hospital. He was a young progressive poultry dealer in St. Peter.
- Elder School and Omega News: At the election at Elder on Wednesday, C.M. WANTLAND was elected school director by a majority of 6 votes over M.S. KNISELEY.
- Mrs. Kate SANDERS of this city died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mable WRIGHT in Sandoval on Friday with burial in Sandoval Cemetery. Mrs. Bertha GARDNER and daughter, Elaine, went to Sandoval and attended the funeral.
- Word was received here Tuesday by Mrs. Jas. T. BROWN of the death of Frank MILLER, which occurred at his home in Casey on Tuesday with burial in Casey Cemetery. He is a former Kinmundy boy, having grown to manhood in this city. He leaves his wife, mother, Mrs. Mary MILLER, and a sister Miss Bertha of this city.
- Wilson School News: Ellsworth HARVEY and family attended the birthday surprise at the home of his father, W.F. HARVEY, on Sunday.
- Letter was printed from Edward R. LOWE in France, and Charles HAMMER from somewhere in France.
May 9, 1918:
- The Alma township Sunday School convention is to be held at Pleasant Grove on May 19.
- Meacham News: May 5, 1918 was the 88th birthday of Charlie MISSELBROOK.
- The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. WHITSON will be celebrated at their home on May 14, 1918 with an old fashioned basket dinner.
- Letter was printed from Frank C. KALB at Camp Green, N.C.
No May 16, 1918 newspaper.
May 23, 1918:
- J. Harvey BROWN departed Tuesday for Fort Riley, Kansas after spending a 10 day furlough at his home whither he had been called by the death of his father, H.A. BROWN.
- Shanghai News: Mrs. Charles DISS is in Greenville with her daughter, Mrs. Ed SCHAUFLEBERGER, who is the proud parent of a baby girl.
- Elder School and Omega News: The Sunday School Convention at Pleasant Grove Sunday afternoon was largely attended. There is to be an ice cream supper there Saturday night. Proceeds to be given to the Red Cross.
- Last Thursday night, Kinmundy received a visit from a thief a little different from the usual night prowler. Between the hours of 11:30 and 12:00, the office of Dr. E.B. RATLIFF was entered and a hypodermic syringe and his stock of cocaine taken. The drug store of F.J. NIRIDER was also entered and a stock of morphine and 7 fountain pens were taken. There were still a number of people on the street at the time and is therefore very evident that the party was one addicted to the use of drugs and his appetite no doubt drove him to his recklessness and also provided his downfall. He was seen leaving the Nirider store by Marshall FLANNIGAN who gave chase. He was later captured at Effingham and held there until Deputy Sheriff DOOLEN and Marshall FLANNIGAN brought him back. He was taken to Salem and will await the action of the grand jury.
- Letters printed from Orie H. WAINSCOTT in France, and Edward R. LOWE in France.
- Kinmundy News: Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Charlotta BISHOP of Centralia to Fay CARLTON of Farina on Sunday.
- Last Thursday was the 75th birthday of David HEADLY and in honor his children spent the day with him at his home north of town. A splendid dinner was served.
- Saturday was the 7th birthday of little Dosh NIRIDER, and a number of her friends enjoyed the afternoon with her.
- Brubaker News: James Henderson made his arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James HARLOW on May 19.
- (From Adel, Iowa newspaper): Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. FERGUSON of Adel announced the engagement of their daughter, Hazel, to Mr. F.W. HOWELL of Kinmundy. The wedding will take place in June at Adel. She is a graduate of Iowa State Teacher College, and is a teacher in Des Moines schools. He is employed at the Iowa National Bank in Des Moines.
May 30, 1918:
- Geo. HEFTON and wife of East St. Louis visited here Sunday with their niece, Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM while enroute to Farina to attend a funeral of her brother, E. CARLTON.
- H.C. LILLY and wife have files a claim of 640 acres in Trespe Dras, New Mexico, and will leave for their new home soon.
- Frank J. ROEDL died at this home in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on May 22, 1918 at 78 years 6 months and 22 days. The body arrived in this city on Sat. with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. He was a former resident of near this city living 4 miles north of here. He moved away 35 years ago.
- The Christian Church is planning for big days on Sunday, June 2 in honor of their anniversary. There will be all day services as well as a basket dinner.
- Mrs. Mary NORTON passed away at her home in Tuscola on Saturday. She was the oldest daughter of the late Jesse GEORGE and wife, and sister of Walter and O.W. GEORGE of this city. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Andrew David OSBORNE, second son of John S. and Matilda OSBORNE, was born near Paris, Jennings Co., Ind. on Nov. 13, 1858. When a small boy, the family moved to a Cumberland Co, Ill, and in 1874 to a farm 1½ miles north of Farina. He married Lucinda KEPNER on Feb. 12, 1880, and they had 4 children, 2 of whom died in early childhood. He was engaged in business in Farina and later in Kinmundy. He met his death in a tornado near Clay City. When found after the storm, he was protecting his little grandchild from debris. This in saving her from injury, he gave up his own life. He leaves a wife, 2 sons, 3 grandchildren, 4 brothers, and 4 sisters.
- Harry PRUETT and Bliss PARKER, both of this city, were severally burned in an explosion occurring at the mine at Tower Hill where they were employed.
- P.O. THRANE, one of Chenoas venerable citizens, died Tues. He was born Feb. 19, 1845 on the island of Loland, Denmark. On July 20, 1867 he came to the United States. After following his trade in various cities in this country, he settled in Kinmundy in 1871. In 1875, he returned to the old country and married there Miss Mary HOLLING, who survives. They had 5 children, all surviving except the first born boy who died in infancy. The living children are: Mrs. Anna HEPPERLY of Haviland, Ohio; Mrs. Mae HEPPERLY of Unionville, Mich.; D.P. THRANE of Snyder, Texas; and Miss Bertha THRANE of Chenoa. Interment in Chenoa Cemetery.
- Ray LACKEY, son of John LACKEY and wife of Farina, was severally injured about 2 weeks ago by an explosion while at work in a garage in Elgin and died on Saturday. The body arrived in Farina on Sunday. Burial at Elder Cemetery, 4 miles east of Farina.
- A write-up was printed about Mrs. C.B. CAMERERs trip to Cuba.
June 6, 1918:
- Nancy Emma HOWE, wife of Wm. J. HOWE, was born in Marion Co, Ill. on Feb. 29, 1856 and died May 29, 1918 after a lingering illness of several months. They had 4 children: Levi, died in infancy; Virgil, Forrest and Goldie, who with the husband and father survive, along with 1 sister and 1 granddaughter. Services held at the ME Church South with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Word was received that the first Kinmundy boy gave the supreme sacrifice for his country for this war. Joe DOWNS, son of Mrs. Mattie DOWNS, lost his life in action on May 27, 1918. He had made his home in Kinmundy for several years.
- The new Presbyterian Church in Omega will be dedicated on Sunday.
- Elder School and Omega News: Carrie MARLOW, second child of Thomas and Delile MARLOW, was born near Omega and died 3 miles east of hear on May 26, 1918 aged 33 years, 5 months, and 6 days. She married Martin PRESGROVE on March 27, 1901, and they had one child, who died in infancy. She leaves a husband, mother, 6 sisters - Mrs. Paul SEE, Mrs. F.E. CHEESLEY, Mrs. Hal LAUGHMAN of Detroit, Mich., and Stell, Velma, and Leona MARLOW; 4 brothers - Noah, Donald, and Douglas of here, and Herschel of Wyoming. Service held at Siloam with interment in Millican Cemetery.
- Elder School and Omega News: O.B. SWALLEY, who has been working in Mississippi for the last 8 months, surprised parents and friends by coming home last week with a bride. They will reside in Missouri.
- Miss Blanche PERRY and Ira (Pat) COMBS were married in Louisville last Thursday, accompanied by the brides sister, Mrs. HOWELL and husband. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James PERRY and has entertained audiences as a accomplished pianist. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Logan COMBS and a young farmer of the community. The couple will reside with the grooms parents 4 miles southeast of Farina.
- Alien Females to Register: The law requires that all natives, citizens or subjects of the German Empire or of the Imperial Government being females 14 and up who are within the United States and not actually naturalized or American citizens, are required to register as German alien females.
- Alma News: Stephen Eugene, only son of Elijah and Sarah WILLIAMS, was born in Lone Grove Twp, Fayette Co., on Oct. 12, 1867 where he grew to manhood. He married Mary Ida LAWRENCE of Farina on Sept. 10, 1889, and they had 5 children, 3 of whom along with the aged father and infant sister, preceded him in death. After moving to the state of Washington, he later returned to Alma in November. He went to Kimball, Neb. on Jan. 20, 1918 where he farmed and on May 27, 1918 was struck with paralysis, dying 12 hours later aged 51 years, 7 months, and 16 days. He leaves 2 daughters, Jessie Iona, and Gay Nelle WILLIAMS of Hamilton, Montana, an old dear mother, 5 sisters: Eunice DORR, Lockie SULLENS, and Grace KAGY of Alma, Edith BYRNE and Mattie ALLEN of Chicago. Services at the ME Church with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- A letter was printed from Gene PRUETT and from Geo. MOTCH in France.
- Kinmundy News: Mrs. John E. ALLEN and Mrs. Edith BURNS of Chicago came here on Thursday in answer to a message announcing the death of their brother, Stephen WILLIAMS.
June 13, 1918:
- Wilson School News: The father of Earl PERRY, with whom he had made his home for a number of years, was found dead Sunday morning in the garden. Death was due to heart disease. Interment in the Baptist Cemetery.
- Marquis M. CRAIG had returned from town in a car with a neighbor and was standing beside the car talking when Douglas ROBERTS drove up and sounded his horn, and just as he was near him, Mr. CRAIG stepped backward, directly in front of the Roberts car killing him instantly. He was born near Lexington, Ky. on March 19, 1848, and died June 7, 1918. At the age of 12 years he came to Illinois where he lived the remainder of his life. In 1871 he married Sarah A. MERRITT, and they had 3 children: William, died in infancy; Charles A. of Maugun, Oklahoma; and Mrs. Gartie WOOD of Rock Fall, Ill. Mrs. CRAIG died Aug. 19, 1886. On March 15, 1888 he married Miss Kate RUSH and they had 1 son - Myron M., who is now stationed in Texas. He leaves his wife, 3 children, 1 sister - Mrs. Eva BOLTON of Chesterfield, Ill.; 3 brothers - William of Taylorville, James of St. Elmo, and Samuel of Blake, Oklahoma; and 4 grandchildren. The body was brought to this city, with services at the Christian Church and burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Andrew B. CRAIG was born Aug. 25, 1865 in Swanerick, Ill., and died June 8, 1918, after an illness of several weeks. He was a man we had seen on our streets for 26 years. He married Miss Catherine ROONEY on June 18, 1893, and they had 1 daughter, Agnes. She came to them 24 years ago and now resides in Tolono having moved there just after her marriage to Joseph GUNNING. He leaves a wife, 1 daughter, 2 sisters - Mrs. Elizabeth BROWN of Cutler, and Mrs. Anna BUTLER of Duquoin; and 1 brother - James CRAIG, who died 3 years ago. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Kinmundy News: Dr. J.L. LASWELL, wife and 2 sons left Friday for Indianapolis to make their new home.
- Letters were printed from M.L. HALL and Bert McHATTON.
- Meacham News: The infant child of Anson BRANSON and wife was buried Tuesday at Phillips Cemetery.
June 20, 1918:
- Mrs. S.A. HASELDEN and daughter, Mrs. Minnie KAGY, left Sunday for their new home in Emerson, Neb. where her son, Charles, holds a good position.
- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. HOWELL on June 16 occurred the reunion of the HOWELL family, descendants of W.H. and A.J. HOWELL. 58 members of the family enjoyed the day together.
- Lessie Levere, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. SELLERS, married Mr. Leroy Jasper NICHOLS on June 19, 1918. Mr. NICHOLS is a former resident of the vicinity of Kinmundy, being at one time a teacher in our public schools. They will make their home in Scottsville, Kansas.
- (From Adel, Iowa newspaper): William Frank HOWELL of Des Moines, Iowa married June 8, 1918 to Hazel T. FERGUSON of Adel, Iowa. The groom was connected for years with the First National Bank in Kinmundy and is now with the Iowa National Bank of Des Moines. The couple will reside in Des Moines.
- Shanghai News: A letter is printed from Ted MILLER.
- A letter is printed from Floyd PRATER.
- An endorsement was made for Dan DOOLEN who is running for Sheriff.
June 27, 1918:
- A letter is printed from Harry S. NEIL.
July 4, 1918:
- Margaret Rosella ROBB DOOLEN died June 26, 1918 at Egyptian Hospital in Mt. Vernon where she was taken only a few short days ago for treatment. She was born on Dec. 28, 1870 the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB. Her early life was spent at her parents home 5 miles west of Kinmundy. On Sept. 4, 1890 she married Charles I. DOOLEN, and they had 5 children: James Oliver, died in infancy; Ruby Ann, now Mrs. Bert GARRETT, Benjamin Franklin, William Robb and Sherman Eli. The family lived on their farm until a few years ago when they moved to Kinmundy for educational advances for their children. Sisters are: Harriet, Agnes, Emma, Lulu, and one brother, Eli. Services were held at the M.E. Church, with interment in Doolen Cemetery.
- (From "The Farina News"): Raymond SOLDNER of Camp Taylor, Ky. and Miss Eva WYATT of Salem were married June 2, 1918 in Mt. Vernon. He is the son of W.C. SOLDNER and wife residing west of town, and she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred WYATT, farmers near Salem.
- The Reo car owned by F.O. GRISSOM was stolen Tuesday night from his garage behind his house. A reward of $50 has been offered for the apprehension of the thief and another $50 for the whereabouts of the car.
- The store of John MAZANEK of Alma was entered last Monday and $500 - $600 of merchandise taken.
- Letters were printed from Orie WAINSCOTT in France, Hobart SEE from somewhere in France, M.L. HALL at sea, and John J. BRASEL of Camp Chillicothe, Ohio.
- Shanghai News: Miss Ethel CARPENTER and Grover BAILEY went to Salem on Saturday and were married, returning to Shanghai on Sunday.
No paper July 11, 1918
July 18, 1918:
- Wes MORGAN and wife received the announcement of the birth of a 9 pound son, Charles Wesley, born on July 8, 1918 at the home of their son, Maurice MORGAN at Hardin, Montana. The mother is the former Velma MAULDING of Alma.
- Brubaker News: Eugene GARRETT and wife are the parents of a baby girl born July 5.
- Letters were printed from Carrol A. PYLES from somewhere in France, George A. ANNA, and Frank McGEE.
July 25, 1918:
- Mrs. Sarah DILLON celebrated her 80th birthday last Thursday. About 100 relatives and friends came during the afternoon and evening. Very dainty refreshments were served by Miss Anna DILLON and Misses Marjorie WADE, Georgia WEST, and Georgie DILLON.
- Elder News and Omega: Roy MILLICAN and wife are the proud parents of a new son born Saturday.
- Miss Minnie WADE of Farina drowned. She had made her home with her brother A.M. WADE west of Farina, and had been in poor health for some time. It is believed that the cause was that of taking her own life.
- Henry William SEE died at his home south of this city. He was one of the pioneers of this county, and had been ill for about 2 weeks. He was born in Marion co. near Kinmundy on April 30, 1849, the son of M. SEE and Elizabeth ALLMON, and died at his home on July 20, 1918. He married Alice BLACKBURNE and they had 8 children, 5 of whom preceded him in death. He leaves a wife, 3 daughters: Mrs. LASATER of Long Beach, Cal.; Mrs. Mable KELLEY of Patoka, and Mrs. Emma MALONE of Kinmundy, and 11 grandchildren. Services were held at the Baptist Church in Kinmundy with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. Kate BOYCE, a former resident of this city and sister of J.S. SEE, was married July 13 to Marion L. COOPER at Thief River Falls, Minn., where they will make their new home.
- Letters printed from Ray E. HAMILTON of Camp Laurel, Md., and Dan PROUDFOOT in France.
Aug. 1, 1918:
- A letter was printed from W.L. GREEN of Camp Hancock.
- (From a Grayville paper): Miss Mary, daughter of Mrs. Jane SHELTON, married Lieut. John W. RICHARDSON, son of Rev. and J.W. RICHARDSON. The groom is well known in Kinmundy.
- Elder School and Omega News: Paul SEE and wife are parents of a new son born recently.
- Elder School and Omega News: Mrs. W.H. SHAFFER was trading in Brubaker Saturday when her horse became frightened, broke loose, and ran away going down the railroad track and into a field where it turned the buggy over and broke loose. Mr. CARPENTER caught the horse uninjured, but the buggy and harness were damaged.
Aug. 8, 1918:
- Hobart PARRILL, a prominent young farmer residing 8 miles east of the city in Meacham twp, succumbed to an attack of cancer of the stomach from which he had suffered for sometime. Services were held at Union Church with interment in Elder Cemetery.
- Mrs. Mary A. BROWN died at the age of 84 years, 3 months, and 28 days. She had been ill for some time, and was cared for by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wm. PROUDFOOT. Services at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Jefferson B. TANKERSLEY, who made his home many years near Alma, died Friday in Effingham. He had been suffering from poor health for the last 2 years, and having become despondent over his own life, and made an attack upon his own life which resulted in death a few hours later. By a strange coincidence, his wife voluntarily ended her life in Dec. 1915. The body was brought to Alma for burial. He was born on Feb. 9, 1854 in Green Co., Ill., and died on Aug. 3, 1918. He married Ella LANDIS and they had 5 children, 1 son and 1 daughter preceded him in death. In 1900 he married Lyda LADD who died Dec. 2, 1915.
- Mr. Monroe LANSFORD and Miss Myrtle GREEN were married in Vandalia last Wednesday at the home of the pastor of the M.E. Church. She is the daughter of Mrs. Nancy GREEN, residing 5 miles west of this city. He is the son of Mrs. John BRATCHER, residing 8 miles west of this city, is a brother of Mrs. Chas. ROBB and Mrs. Dick ATKINS of Kinmundy, and is a prosperous young farmer. They are at present at the home of his mother.
- Mose WAINSCOTT was severally burned. He had lighted one of the burners for his oil stove and having thoughtlessly turned it up very high and stepped out of the room a few minutes. He returned to find the stove in flames, and in excitement that it threatened his home, he grasped the flaming stove by its legs and drug it outdoors. His clothing caught fire and he severally burned his right arm and hand.
- Thursday, being the 8th birthday of Francis ALEXANDER, about 30 of his little friends gave him a surprise party. Ice cream cones were served and the children present presented him with a gold signet ring.
- A poem was written by Ted LOWE entitled "My Own Home Town".
- Sam STOKLEY, who has been suffering from blood poisoning of his right arm underwent surgery Monday to have the limb removed.
- While assisting with the threshing on the Joseph TELFORD farm, Will HOLTON of Xenia had his arm crushed. Medical aid was summoned at once, but it has not been determined whether the arm would have to be amputated.
- Elder School and Omega News: Mrs. Wiley ROSE went to Tuscola Saturday to attend the funeral of her brother, Will WOOTEN, who was accidently killed while cranking a car.
- Elder School and Omega News: Mrs. Bertha HANNA has been reemployed to teach at Allen School during the coming term.
Aug. 15, 1918:
- Homer W. FOSTER, son of A.J. and Mary FOSTER, was born on Sept. 18, 1877 near Kinmundy and died Aug. 11, 1918. He had been afflicted for 9 years duration. He leaves a father, mother, 2 sisters, and 3 brothers. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Wm. T. GIFFIN, son of John and Fannie GIFFIN, was born on Feb. 23, 1858 in Columbia, Hamilton Co., Ohio and died Aug. 5, 1918. He moved from Ohio to this county at the age of 7 residing in the Allen School district, and lived there the remainder of his life. Commonly called "Billie", he married Miss Amanda HIESTAND on April 8, 1896, and was engaged in threshing and an engineer for 35 years. He had been in poor health for over a year, and is survived by his wife and 1 brother, Charles W., of Salem. Services were held at Summit Prairie Baptist Church.
- Delores MULVANY died on Monday at the home of her parents east of this city at the age of 4. The funeral was held at Brown Church with burial in Phillips Cemetery.
- Samuel Mountford STOKELY, son of Euclid and Asenath STOKELY, was born Dec. 2, 1847 in Mercer co., Penn. the youngest of 7 children, 2 of whom survive - A.B. STOKELY and Mrs. M.J. BOONE, both of Kinmundy. He moved with his parents in 1854 to Indiana and in 1860 to Illinois, locating on a farm 2½ miles northwest of Omega, and he lived there until his death. He married Feb. 1, 1871 to Ann Sophia FRENCH who survives, and they had 11 children: B.A. STOKELY of Ceylon, Minn.; Mary MICHNER and Dosh HANNAN of Indianapolis, Ind.; Thos. and Joseph STOKELY of Sheridan, Wyoming; C.E. STOKELY of Bisbee, Ariz.; Byron and Samuel Jr. abroad in France, Mrs. Jessie PEARCE of Champaign, and Fern C. and Stephen E. STOKELY at home, all of his children of whom are living. About 4 weeks before his death, he contracted blood poisoning from which he died Aug.8, 1918.
- Kinmundy News: Thos. JONES and wife are parents of a 9 pound girl born recently.
- A letter was printed from Bert McHATTON.
- Wilson School News: Cal KLINEs oats caught fire from the railroad and burnt about half of them. It was hard fighting by men, women, and children that they werent all destroyed; also his hay which joined the field on the south.
No paper Aug. 22, 1918
Aug. 29, 1918:
- Charles Wesley PARKER was born on May 24, 1848 in Wilcox Co., Ala. He came to Illinois in 1867 where he remained until his death on Aug. 22, 1918 at his home in Tower Hill, Shelby Co. On Sept. 12, 1886 he married Nettie EAGAN in Kinmundy who preceded him in death 15 years ago. He leaves 1 sister from Calif., 4 sons, and 3 daughters. Services were held at the M.E. Church South in Kinmundy, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Music at the ME Church was provided by Mrs. Charlotta HEINRICHS with her pupils at the piano, and Miss Chat CONANT as reader.
- W.L. BEARD, a former resident of Kinmundy died at his home 6 miles east of Odin on Aug. 24. He had been in poor health for 3 years, and was found dead in his barn lot Saturday evening due to heart failure. The body was brought to Kinmundy with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. His wife died 11 years ago.
- A letter was printed by M.L. HALL and Lewis CONANT.
- Charles L. McMACKIN states his case for candidacy.
- Happy Hollow News: Sam PURCELL and wife are parents of a boy.
- Killed in France: Eugene COLEMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed COLEMAN of St. Louis who were former residents of Kinmundy. He was the grandson of Mrs. John EAGAN of Kinmundy.
- Mr. John MERCHANT celebrated his 58th birthday on Aug. 26, 1918, and his wife arranged a surprise for him at their home 1 mile east of Kinmundy. Nine of their friends arrived and they were all served a 4 course dinner and a large decorated cake. Mrs. MERCHANT was assisted by her daughter Grace and Mrs. Dell EAGAN.
- The 14th annual PARRILL family reunion was held in A.J. PARRILLs Grove on Aug. 22, 1918. A.J. PARRILL was elected President and Evangeline PARRILL was elected Secretary/Treasurer. P.S. PARRILL, retiring President praised the boys who are in the service from the family.
- Merle GUY, a 22 year old man residing 4 miles north of Farina, had his foot cut off at the ankle by a northbound freight train on the IC Railroad. He had bought a ticket for home and while waiting for the No. 22, he and some friends walked down the track and his foot turned on a pebble and was thrown underneath the moving freight. He was taken to Effingham Hospital, where his leg was amputated below the knee. He was to have been called in the draft within the next week.
- Alma News: A baby boy was born Aug. 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben READ.
- Alma News: A baby boy was born Aug. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Sam PURCELL. Mr. PURCELL is in training camp in Pa.
Sept. 5, 1918:
- Write-up about Henry S. WALLIS of Odin, who is running for county treasurer.
- Mrs. Harriett DEW celebrated her 80th birthday and a number of relatives gathered at her home. She has lived in Kinmundy a greater part of her life.
- Daniel Ryden LOVELL, youngest son of Daniel R. and Martha J. LOVELL, was born Apr. 17, 1886 in Kinmundy, and died Sept. 1, 1918 in Chicago. He was a charter member of the Christian Church here. He spent most of his mature life in Chicago where he married Gertrude EVANS on Sept. 5, 1904. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
- Wm. HOWELL has sold his restaurant to Frank CONANT, proprietor of the News Stand.
- Mrs. John RHOADES died Tuesday from paralytic stroke. The funeral was held at the M.E. Church South with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Leslie McWHIRTER and Mirianda EAGAN were married last Friday in Salem. The groom is youngest son of Jasper McWHIRTER, 3 miles west of here.
Sept. 21, 1918:
- A wedding took place Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. McCASTLE in Salem when Miss Gail WOOD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. WOOD of this city, married Thomas F. BARNES of Effingham. The wedding came as a surprise to their many friends, when Mr. BARNES, being home on a ten day furlough, decided to claim his bride. She has resided here since childhood. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. BARNES of Effingham.
- A letter was printed from Bryan HOWELL in Great Lakes, Ill.
- Ellen ALLMON RHODES died Sept. 3, 1918. She was born on Oct. 22, 1871 in Marion Co., and married J. H. RHODES on Aug. 22, 1888. They had 3 children, all dying in infancy. She leaves a husband, 3 sisters, and 1 brother. The funeral was held at the M.E. Church South with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Little Dola A., infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HEEG, died on Wed. morning. Services were held at the M.E. Church South. The father is in training at a camp in Mississippi and was unable to attend.
- Rachel Caroline FRENCH KNISELEY died on Sept. 7, 1918. She was born July 16, 1833 in Tenn., daughter of John P. and Elizabeth A. FRENCH, the youngest of 11 children, and the last one to survive. At 2 years of age she came with her parents to Lebanon, Ill., and when came to Marion Co., settled near Alma where she grew to womanhood. She married George A. KNISELEY of Omega on Aug. 7, 1856, and they had 6 children: Elizabeth and Robert C. died in infancy; leaving to survive her J.S., W.A., G.W. and M.S. KNISELY, and seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She was familiarly known as "Aunt Rachel", and her husband died Oct. 7, 1879. Services held at Omega Church with burial in Millican Cemetery.
- Alma News: Sarah E. MAYES, wife of James MAYES, died Sept. 7, 1918 in Springfield. She was born June 27, 1832 in Monroe Co., Ind., and her father was Solomon WOODEN who was born in Kentucky. She married in 1851, and moved to Decatur in 1857, later moving to Marion Co. in 1872. Her husband died March 29, 1899 in Alma. She had 14 children, nine surviving: Liggen T., Beaver City, Neb.; Thomas E., Chicago; John F., Decatur; Nettie PITTMAN, Fairfield; Nellie FILSON, Paris, Ill.; Rachel FILSON, Salem; Margaetta MARK, Oscaloosa, Iowa; Lyda JEFFERIES, Bowden, N.D.; and Rebecca BEAM, Springfield with whom she lived at the time of her death. She also leaves 57 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
- Shanghai: Someone visited Chas. JONES chicken house one night last week departing with most of his chickens.
"The Marion County Express", Kinmundy, Illinois
(Microfilm Roll #2)Sept. 19, 1918:
- In a casualty list issued Wednesday, the name of Ray VANDORN appears among these missing in action. He is the son of Chas. VANDORN a former resident of this city.
- J.S. KNISELEY, democratic nominee for County Superintendent of Schools of Marion County, was born and raised on a farm in Omega twp. He worked on his mothers farm until 21 years old, and then turned to teaching. He taught in a number of towns, and for the last four years has been Supt. of the High School and grade work of Odin Schools.
- A listing of the winners, at the Marion County Farm Institute and Alma Fair from Friday and Saturday, were printed
- The 15th was the birthday of S.W. JONES and a surprise birthday dinner was given by his children, brothers and sisters. Present were: Chas. LOWE and wife, J.R. JONES, wife, and daughter, Mrs. J.B. CROSLEY and Babe of Oklahoma City, R.M. ATKINS and family, Mrs. M.J. ATKINS, Misses Elizabeth and Kate ATKINS, O. JONES and family, Earl BUNDY and family, Leland BRASEL and wife.
- Chas. MAULDING of Alma received a telegram that Otto was severally wounded in France.
- Alma has a least two families doing their full part for the war - the SHREFFLER and JENKINS families. Gordon SHREFFLER is the third boy from this family to enter in just a few months. His brother Leslie joined the service in January, and brother Harry was called in March. JENKINS was also the third in his home to respond to the call. Leslie McWHIRTER, a third Alma boy also left Alma recently for the war.
- Will FORD, who recently moved here from Texas and occupied the WILSON residence for a short time, has moved to the W.H. SEE farm near Kinmundy.
- A team owned by SMITH Orchard south of town and driven by John COFFIN, became frightened at an umbrella carried by Miss Ruth PURCELL and bolted. He was thrown off with several barrels of apples. One horse received internal injuries and died soon after.
Sept. 26, 1918:
- Fern A. BARROW died at his home north of Salem at the age of 32 years 10 months and 21 days. He was a former resident of this place.
- The funeral of Warren, 4 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. John WILSON of this city was held last Thursday at Evergreen Cemetery.
- September 21st was the 64th birthday anniversary of Mrs. John KOLB and Mrs. Ella HUBERT. 31 friends gathered at the KOLB home to give her a surprise.
- Catherine WAINSCOTT was born in Jefferson Co., Ind. in 1845 where she grew to womanhood. She married Arthur E. STEADMAN in 1865 and 1 son and 2 daughters were born, the son dying in infancy. She removed to Kinmundy in 1866 where she has resided most of the time since Mr. STEADMAN died in 1876. She married second to John EAGAN in 1894. He died a number of years ago. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James GLOSSER of Terre Haute, Ind. on Sept. 19, 1918 at the age of 73 years and 2 months, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. She leaves 2 daughters: Mrs. Rosa GLOSSER of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs. Sarah COLEMAN of St. Louis, Mo.; and 3 brothers, Isaac, Wm. and Mose WAINSCOTT of Kinmundy.
Oct. 3, 1918:
Nancy C. SEE, daughter of John and Mary SEE, was born May 13, 1856 near Kinmundy, and died Sept. 23, 1918 at Physicians Hospital at Thief River Falls, Minn., the result of a surgical operation four days before. Her father died when she was 15, and she cared for her mother who became an invalid. On New Years Day 1887 she married Geo. BOYCE who died Feb. 13, 1897, leaving her with two boys. On July 13th of this year, she married Marion COOPER. She leaves a husband of Thief River Falls, Minn; two sons, Chas. of Duluth, and Chester of Mavie, Minn.; one sister, Mrs. POWHALL of Canton, Okla.; 2 brothers, M.G. SEE of Tuckerman, Ark., and J.S. of Kinmundy.
- Word was recieved of the arrival of a new son, Arthur B. MERCER, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A.B. MERCER in Kankakee. The mother is the former Miss Pearl PRUETT of this city.
Oct. 10, 1918: No newspaper on microfilm.
Oct. 17, 1918:
- Mrs. Maurice MORGAN and son of Hardin, Montana arrived Monday from Patoka where they have been visiting her parents. He husband, Maurice MORGAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MORGAN of this city, was recently called into service. They will remain here until he returns from his task of "licking the Kaiser".
- "Aunt" Minerva HOWELL, widow of the late Barney HOWELL, passed away at her home on Wednesday. She lived within a month of her 91st birthday. She leaves a daughter, Flod, and a son, George.
- Miss Ida RUTHERFORD stationed at Camp STEWART in Hampton Roads, Va., a recuperating hospital.
- T.J. ROGERS, residing 3 miles west of Omega, was found at the bottom of a well on his farm on Tuesday. He and his son, Lloyd, had been cutting corn, and after dinner he went to a distant well to draw water for some calves. Two hours later, the son went to find him, and found his fathers hat floating on the surface of the water of the well. Examining Physicians found that he succumbed to a sudden attack of heart trouble. He was 48 years old at the time of death. Funeral services at Bee Branch Church.
- John J. BRICKLEY was born at Marsh Creek, Penn. on Nov. 15, 1840, and came to Illinois in 1844. In 1867, he married Lucinda PLETCHER. He was a resident of Livingston Co. for more than 40 years, until when he came to Alma almost 6 years ago. He died Oct. 11, 1918 and is survived by a wife and 2 daughters.
- Jack OSBORN and wife are the parents of a baby boy born on Oct. 6. Shes the former Jennie GAMMON of this place.
- Lucian BEASLEY, candidate for Sheriff, reviews how he handled the murder case of Andrew SMOTHERS.
- Capt. John M. GREEN, democratic nominee for County Judge, reviews his service record and those of his ancestors. His father was Dr. D.K. GREEN, grandfather was John Newton GREEN, and great-grandfather was James GREEN of Stafford Co., Va. All of these were veterans of wars. Also lists other family information from maternal side.
Oct. 24, 1918: No newspaper on microfilm.
Oct. 31, 1918:
- Luther Orde GARDNER, son of Wm. and Bertha GARDNER, died on Oct. 26, 1918 at Champaign, where he was employed for some time. He died from the influenza epidemic, and under a ruling of the State Health Board, the funeral was private. He was born March 17, 1900, and spent his childhood years here until his early years when he was forced to leave school in order to help support his mother.
- Lotta PERRY and Earl LANE were married Oct. 23, 1918 in Salem. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. PERRY from southeast of this town, and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.K. LANE.
- Married were Miss Mary MEYER and Marion SHUFELDT on Oct. 24, 1918 in Salem. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William MEYER who live 5 miles south of town, and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles SHUFELDT who live 1 mile south of town.
- Melvin Earl GEORGE died Oct. 29, 1918 with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. He was born May 1896, son of O.W. and Dorey GEORGE. He married Miss Zella BARNHART on Dec. 23, 1916, and one child was born, Alice Eileen, age 1 year and 2 days. He leaves a wife, daughter, father and mother, one sister, Mrs. Albert MALENSKY, and one brother, Ray GEORGE.
- A cablegram was received by Mose WAINSCOTT from his son, Orie, that he had been promoted to captaincy while stationed in France.
- From Meacham News: Mrs. Ethel LACEY died Sunday after a lingering illness of about 3 years. She leaves a husband and 1 daughter. Burial in Union Cemetery.
- Henry WALLIS, a democratic candidate for County Treasurer, prints his record.
Nov. 7, 1918:
- Joseph DOWNS, who was born in our city on March 28, 1890 the son of Melvin and Mattie DOWNS, died on May 27, 1918 leaving a widowed mother, 5 brothers and 3 sisters. Sisters are: Gladys, Mattie Bell, and Thelma. Brothers are Ruby, Harry, John, Clifford and Tracey. He died while serving in the war.
- The body of Willie ANGLIN of Farina was returned home Sunday for burial. He died of pneumonia while on board a transport in the service enroute to France.
- Frank McGHEE was wounded in France.
- Mrs. Guy AUSTIN, living 9 miles east of here in Clay City, died on Sunday of Influenza. This is the 9th death in that immediate neighborhood from this dreaded epidemic.
- Daniel ABBOTT died in St. James, Mo. The deceased is a former Kinmundy resident.
- Ben Craig wrote to the paper from overseas.
- Elder School News: Word was received on Friday that Ruby HADDEN, who was stationed in England, died of pneumonia. This is the first boy from Omega to die in the war effort.
Nov. 14, 1918:
- Ray W. WHITE, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. WHITE of Kinmundy, who is stationed at Camp Meade, Md., was hospitalized due to the "flu" and pneumonia.
- Caroline Patience McCOY, died at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J.W. McNEIL in Carbondale on Thurs. at the age of 90 years and 10 months. She was born in Davidson Co., Tenn., the daughter of the late Thos. T. McNEIL, and sister of Rev. and Mrs. J.W. McNEIL. The body was taken to Reynoldsburg where interment was made. (Taken from Carbondale newspaper.)
- John MERCHANT went to Urbana on Wednesday to answer to a message concerning the death of his daughter, Mrs. Ray MERCHANT, who died Tuesday of influenza. She is survived by a husband and little son, Donald. Mr. and Mrs. MERCHANT were one time residents of Kinmundy.
- Miss Violet USEMAN died at home in Stonington on Oct. 30, 1918 after 10 days of influenza. Interment is in Stonington Cemetery. She was 16 and the granddaughter of Mrs. M.M. PRUETT of this city, and a formerly a student here.
- Alma News: Mrs. Ruth GREENWALT McWHIRTER died at her home west of Alma on Wednesday. She was married in August to Cleveland McWHIRTER, and was a child of Mr. and Mrs. GREENWALT. Interment in Martin Cemetery.
- Meacham News: The body of Mrs. COURSON of Canada, a sister of Mrs. A.J. PHILLIPS of this town, arrived Monday, with interment in Osklaloosa Cemetery. She had started here to visit her brother, but was taken sick with influenza in Chicago where death occurred.
Nov. 21, 1918:
- Miss Florence Lillian NOOT and Jack Sterling BARNES were married in Brazil, Ind. on Halloween. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. NOOT, and the granddaughter of Mrs. M.J. BOONE of this city. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. BARNES.
- Lieut. Walter GRAHAM was killed in action in France. He was son of the late Samuel H. GRAHAM of Meacham twp. Since his fathers death, he had made his home with his mother in Capron, Ill.
- Willie REYNOLDS, son of Mrs. Percilla REYNOLDS, west of town, died in France.
- From Alma News: Charles McWHIRTER, who was born Nov. 16, 1915, died Nov. 16, 1918. He leaves a father, mother, 11 sisters and brothers. Burial in Martin Cemetery.
- Alma News: Irvin SHREFFLER died near his home near Alma on Nov. 13, 1818. He was born Feb. 20, 1861, and married Miss Ella CHANDLER on Dec. 25, 1884. They had eight boys and one girl, one dying in infancy. Five boys survive along with his wife to mourn the loss. They are: Cecil, at home; Gordon, at Camp Eustis, Va.; Harry E., somewhere in France; Leslie, at New Port News, Va.; and Hershel, at home. He also leaves 3 brothers and 3 sisters.
- Alma News: John STONER died at his home in Alma on Nov. 10, 1918 with an attack of pneumonia. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, son, father, mother, and one sister, Mrs. Chas. GAMMON of Kinmundy. He was aged 40 years and 21 days, with interment in Martin Cemetery. His wife is also ill with pneumonia.
Nov. 28, 1918:
- Louise Henrietta STEUBER EBERENMAN, of Dunsmuir, Cal., was born a farm near Iuka on May 5, 1890, and she married Jacob EHERENMAN on Jan. 9, 1916 at Dunsmuir, Cal. She was taken to a hospital where her baby daughter was born Nov. 21, 1918, after which she contracted influenza, followed by pneumonia. Mrs. EBERERNMAN died on Nov. 23, 1918. She leaves a husband, who is ill in this hospital with influenza, and a motherless baby. Also leaves sisters and brothers: Mrs. Huldah SCHMIDT of Dundee; Andrew STEUBER, Fairmount; Mrs. Minnie LOCKART, Vandalia; Mrs. Reka SCHERMERHORN, Ridgefarm; Fred STEUBER, Mont Rose, Col.; Mrs. Martha CAMERER, Galveston, Tex.; and Mrs. Bertha PRUETT of this city. She attended high school here for two years.
- George HARBOR, a prominent resident of Farina and supervisor of LaClede twp., died Tuesday from influenza.
- Hugh SPENCER, stationed in France, is suffering from influenza. His father J.W. SPENCER reports that he just recovered from a gas attack not long ago.
- Frances Esma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PROUDFIT, died in a Chicago hospital during a surgical operation at the age of 18 years, 5 months, and 24 days, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. She was born May 29, 1900 in Deland, Ill., and also leaves 4 brothers and 4 sisters: Leroy, Everett, Deal, and Dan PROUDFIT, Mrs. Lewis MEYERS, Mrs. Marcel OLLSLAGER, and Velma and Aleta PROUDFIT.
- Alma News: Mrs. Priscilla REYNOLDS received a telegram on Saturday stating that her son, Willie, had died in France with pneumonia six weeks after landing. He leaves a mother and two sisters. Willie is the first to make the supreme sacrifice from Alma.
Dec. 5, 1918:
- A number of Kinmundy boys have been wounded lately in the war effort: Eugene PRUETT, according to Mrs. A.E.W. PRUETT; John FRENCH, son of C.B. FRENCH; Herman ANNA, nephew of Miss Clara SEE, was wounded Nov. 10, the last day before signing the alliance. He is in the same company as Abe and Alva BAYLIS, Eugene CRAIG, Avery BOUGHERS, and Frank HOYT; Abe BAYLIS is the hospital for a twisted ankle, and Avery BOUGHERS had been slightly gassed.
- Returning home from the army: J. Raymond MAHAN who was in Georgia; From Texas, Pleasant ROBINETT, the hustling young proprietor of the Star Garage, has just returned after a severe attack of influenza and pneumonia; and Clay SIMER, from Kentucky.
- A letter was printed which was sent from Wag Loyd PRATER
- Guy SHAFFER and family, of Champaign, have moved to a farm south of this city.
Dec. 12, 1918:
- Mrs. Mack HUMPHREY died at her home in Bridgeport on Tuesday following influenza. She is the daughter of J. H. VAWTER of Salem.
- Lem MAXWELL, son of W.A. MAXWELL of this city was wounded in France.
- M.H. SEE received a letter telling him that his son, Hobart H. SEE, was killed in action Aug. 8, 1918, by machine gun bullets while moving forward with his company along the Rheims Road near Fismes.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.J. SPENCER received word of the death of their son, Hugh, on Nov. 13, 1918 somewhere in France of influenza. Several months ago he had been severally gassed while in the trenches, and it is thought this weakened his system. While he was home on furlough during the Christmas holidays, he married Miss Vergie BRASEL, daughter of Harry BRASEL of this city.
- Letter printed from Alva BAYLIS to his sister.
- From Alma News: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon SHREFFLER, a baby girl, born Dec. 2, 1918. Mr. SHREFFLER is training at Camp Eustis, Va.
- From Elder School and Omega News: Clarence ROBINSON, late of Omega, died at his home in Missouri on Dec. 2, 1918. The body was brought back and burial was at the Lovell Grove Church burial grounds. He had made his home six miles southwest of Omega up until about 18 months ago. He is survived by a wife, 3 children, 1 brother, and 3 sisters.
Dec. 19, 1918:
- Omer READNOUR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. READNOUR, was born on Sept. 25, 1895 in Kinmundy, and died at Camp Taylor, Kentucky on Dec. 11, 1918. He leaves a father, grandfather, two aunts, two sisters, and one brother.
- Cyrus Moses SWIFT, known as "Mose", was born on Feb. 22, 1868, the son of James and Elizabeth SWIFT. He died at his home on Dec. 10, 1918, 3½ miles west of Kinmundy, after a brief illness. On March 15, 1888 he married Lizzie Ann GREEN, and they had 8 children: Howard Wesley died during infancy; Blanch L. of Kinmundy; Elizabeth of Newman; James G. of Ellsworth, Iowa; Russell C., Lela B., Dwight J., and Raymond E. Also surviving are two sisters: Mrs. R.C. ROBB and Mrs. Martha ORGAN; and one brother, M.C. SWIFT. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
- Lieut. Eugene PRUETT wrote his mother Mr. A.E.W. PRUETT concerning a wound he received in France.
- Arno Dale, eleven month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. ALEXANDER, died on Wed. of double pneumonia. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Lloyd NEIL, Loren KLINE, Wm. BAYLIS, Clifford JACKSON, and Hugh COUGHLIN have been discharged from the service.
- Noel SANDERS, son of Jas. SANDERS, has been wounded in France.
- From Alma News: Two more discharges from the army - Leslie McWHIRTER and Reuben RHOADS.
- From Alma News: Sgt. Earnest WILLIAMS has been wounded in a limb.
- A letter was printed which was sent from Bryan ROBB to his brother T.E. ROBB.
Dec. 26, 1918:
- A letter was printed from Pvt. Otis HINES.
- The report concerning the death of Herman ANNA of war wounds was an error and he is fine.
- Arno Dale, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER was born Jan. 8, 1918 and died Dec. 18, 1918.
- Eugene GRIFFIN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor GRIFFIN of Brubaker, died of influenza terminating in pneumonia from which he died last Friday. He was serving in the army.
- Lawrence, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry HUBBARD of Salem, died last Sunday of the "flu". He was brought here for burial. He was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MESSER of this city.
- Service men returning home or visiting: Harry WHITTENBERG, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBERG; Lorentz WORMLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. WORMLEY; Bryan DOOLEN, Arno MILLER, son of Dr. and Mrs. Hugo MILLER; Harrison HUBERT, son of Mrs. Ella HUBERT; Otto REESE; Will NEAVIL, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. NEAVIL; W. Frank HOWELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HOWELL; The son of Dr. and Mrs. J.D. CAMERER, Clyde B. CAMERER and wife, were visiting.
- James Franklin HOWELL, known as "Uncle Frank", died on Dec. 21, 1918. He was born on March 25, 1840 to Jackson and Agnes HOWELL on the old HOWELL homestead one mile north of Kinmundy. He married Isabelle Jane ROBB on July 29, 1858, and they had 10 children: Nettie and Jefferson Leander preceding him in death. In order of birth: Arminda Harriett, Rufina Ellen, Ida, Charles, Henry Samuel, Ellie, Eva, Myrtle, and James Elbert. He also leaves 3 brothers and 1 sister: William Henry of Silvia, Kansas; Mrs. Eliza Jane COLE, Los Angeles, Cal.; A.J. HOWELL of Kinmundy; and Samuel G. HOWELL of Sheldon, Wash. "Aunt Jane" died on Feb. 3, 1907. He then married Mrs. Martha ANGLIN on Feb. 20, 1908, who survives.
- From Alma News: Leslie SHREFFLER has returned from service.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (March 1999) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.