Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Jan. 5, 1928:
- On Dec. 24 at the home of Mrs. Emily C. THOMASON in Collinsville, her granddaughter, Miss Marcelyn THOMASON became the bride of Fred W. WATT, son of Mr. and Mrs. John WATT of Collinsville. The groom is employed as a mechanic at the Eichman-Laythrop garage and the bride has been employed at the newsstand.
- Della Jane FISHER was born in Martinsville, Ill. on Feb. 7, 1861 and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ellis WILKINSON on Jan. 2, 1928. She was left an orphan at the age of 3 years and was reared in the home of an aunt. She married on April 28, 1880 to John H. WILKINSON of Meacham twp., and was the mother of 6 children - 3 sons and 3 daughters. The husband and their sons preceded her in death more than 20 years ago leaving her with the responsibility of rearing their 3 daughters. She spent her entire married life in this community. She was stricken with paralysis on Aug. 29, 1925. She had a half-sister who died in early childhood, and a half-brother, C.S. EVANS of Kansas, Ill. who died a few years ago. She leaves 3 daughters: Mrs. Maude McCAREY of Richview, Ill., Mrs. Mabel EMBSER of Alma, and Mrs. Hattie WILKINSON of Kinmundy; 6 grandchildren, 2 nieces and 3 nephews. Services were held at Camp Ground Church with interment at Cockrell Cemetery.
- Word was received by Chas. E. CONANT on Sunday that his brother, Frank E., better known as "Pete" was killed early that morning in a Railroad crossing accident in New Smyrna, Florida. Later news revealed that Darrell WOOLLEY, a former Kinmundian, was killed in the same accident. Mr. WOOLLEY owned a restaurant in New Smyrna and Frank was employed as a night man. This being New Years Eve, the trade was especially heavy and Mr. WOOLLEY had remained at the restaurant to help. Their bread supply was running low so they went to get some more. They were returning with the bread and as they were crossing the L & N tracks, a fast passenger train struck their car, instantly killing both of them. This crossing is equipped with crossing arms, but after midnight there is no one there to operate the arms. The remains of Mr. WOOLLEY arrived in Salem early Wednesday where funeral services were held. The remains of Mr. CONANT arrived here Wednesday and the funeral at the Chas. E. CONANT residence with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Frank Everett, second son of Gibeon Henry and Ellen ARNOLD CONANT, was born on March 3, 1887 on a farm north of Kinmundy, and died Jan. 1, 1928 in New Smyrna, Florida. He was early educated at a rural school and attended Kinmundy High School. In 1912 his father died and left in Franks care, a mother. In 1915, together with his mother and younger brother, he moved to Kinmundy, where he entered business being the proprietor of a novelty store. The fire of 1916 destroyed this business and so he immediately purchased the News Stand, and in 1917 a Restaurant, combining them which he sold in 1924. In Oct. 1925 he went to New Smyrna, Florida where he was engaged in the fishing industry and Restaurant business. He leaves 2 brothers, Fletcher G. of Memphis, Tenn., and Chas E. of Kinmundy; 1 sister, Mrs. Minnie SALTER of Chicago; 1 nephew and 4 nieces.
- A letter written by Maude PORTER of Houston, Texas was printed.
- Camp Ground: Wm. WHITTENBURG had 5 stands of bees stolen a few days ago. He says he will give $25 for the capture of the thief.
- Rev. E. Grey WININGER was called to Shipman, Ill. on Saturday to preach the funeral of Mrs. Elmer TEDROW.
Jan. 12, 1928:
- Eugene ALEXANDER, age 15, was hurtled 35 feet in the air when he was struck by the rear fender of a powerful touring car on Sunday afternoon in Champaign. The car that hit him contained a driver a passenger who were both intoxicated. Eugene is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER of Champaign.
- Gray WILLIAMS celebrated his birthday on Jan. 3 and received as a present a new daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAMS received word from their son, Fred, of Daytona Beach, Florida, that he was married on this date. Fred has been located in Florida for the past few years and is a painter by trade.
Jan. 19, 1928:
- Burdette SHAFFER and Miss Elsie LANE were married on Thursday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J.M. LONG. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin LANE, residing 3½ miles southeast of this city. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. SHAFFER of this city. They attended the rural school.
- Miss Elva Ruth JOHNSON of this city surprised her friends Friday Jan. 13 by going to Chicago, where she was united in marriage to Joseph Laurence CAPRONI of Harvey, Ill. They will live in Harvey, Ill. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Effis JOHNSON residing west of this city. She has spent the entire life in this community, and was a graduate of the class of 1926 at Kinmundy High School. The groom is the proprietor of Candy Land at Harvey, Ill.
- Miss Gayle NEAVILLE, 21, a nurse at Seaside Hospital, died in Tucson, Arizona where she was taken last month. She had lived in Long Beach for 8 years, and was the granddaughter of Mrs. Elizabeth NEAVILLE of this city.
- Wm. GARNER, received word Saturday that his nephew, Lee GARNER, died in Hollywood, Cal. on Thursday. He was the eldest son of the late Ed GARNER.
- On Jan. 17, a crowd of about 50 gathered at the home of Ed DILLON, and gave Miss Velma MARLOW and had a pleasant surprise, it being her (??) birthday. Games were played and apples and cake served.
- Wilson School: The neighbors of J.T. CHARLETON came in Jan. 10 and helped him celebrate his 59th birthday.
- Elder School: Mrs. Amy SIPES received a long distance call from St. Louis on Tuesday calling her there to help care for her sisters children, who were dangerously ill with the whooping cough. She went Wednesday and word was received here Thursday of the death of the 2 youngest children. The mother was formerly Miss Jennie HULTS.
- Elder School: On Jan. 16, a number of young people of this neighborhood gathered at the home of Ruth SOUTHWARD in order to surprise her on her 16th birthday. Lena BAKER won the award in the word contest and Cleo MULVANEY won a consolation prize.
Jan. 26, 1928:
- After being separated for a quarter of a century, R.E. GARNER of Springfield just returned to Springfield after attending the funeral of his oldest brother, Lee GARNER, 34, known in Hollywood as Roy C. HUGHES. Just before he died 10 days ago, HUGHES told the Springfield man that he had seen the other brother, Elden, in the army during the war, but had lost track of him. It was about 29 years ago that the 3rd son was born in the GARNER family in the village of Kinmundy. A year later the father died. For 2 years the family struggled along, but the mothers health was poor and there was little money, so the boys were separated. Realizing his illness would probably be fatal, HUGHES told his associates his real name and asked that his mother and brother be sent for. The mother, now Mrs. Etel BISACKER of Decatur was unable to go to her sons bedside, but the son took the next train west. R.E. GARNER recalled that he had seen his brother on the screen in Springfield, but never knew who he was.
- Word was received here that Mrs. Sarah GLAZEBROOK MOTT of Hammond, La. Died Dec. 23. She was a former Kinmundy girl.
- Leslie BLACK died a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell SWIFT Sunday after a few days illness with pneumonia. Mr. BLACK, with his family, resided on the O.K. MILLER farm north of town and was employed at the C. & E.I. Yards in Salem. A week ago, he was feeling so bad he came home on the night train, but could only get as far as his brother-in-laws, Russell SWIFT. He leaves a wife and 3 small children. Leslie Floyd BLACK, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. BLACK, was born at Tonti on Nov. 21, 1903, and died Jan. 22, 1928. He married Miss Eva WILLIAMS on Dec. 24, 1921, and they had 1 son, Leslie Clyde; and 3 daughters, Katherine, Ruth, and Evelyn, the son preceding him in death at 13 months old. He also leaves a father, mother, 5 sisters: Mrs. Rosa DEFORDE and Mrs. Lillie SHREFFLER of Alma; Mrs. Dorothy COPPLE and Miss Nellie BLACK of East Chicago; and Miss Bessie BLACK of Kinmundy, an aged grandmother, 4 uncles, and 1 aunt. A sister, Marie, died several years ago. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
Swift School: People of this community were surprised to hear of the marriage of Clabe SIPES and Alice SMITH. A group of 21 gathered at the formers home Thursday and gave them a roasting charivari. They will reside on a farm in this community.
- Omega: Mr. Clabe SIPES and Mrs. Alice SMITH were married Wednesday. F.E. CHEELEY performed the ceremony at the brides home.
Feb. 2, 1928:
- Do you want to work in a factory? Kinmundy, at present, stands a fair share of getting a garment factory to locate here. There are several things to consider before it is assured. One of the biggest questions is the labor. This factory will employ about 100 women and 50 men. We are satisfied we can procure the men without any trouble, but dont know about the women. Below we are printing a coupon which you may fill out and mail or bring into our office. There is no obligation. If you cant work in this proposed factory, maybe you know some one that could.
- Wilson School: Last Thursday morning, while riding to school, Kenneth McCARTYs horse slipped and fell throwing him off and hurting his arm pretty badly. He went onto school but had to return home as it became so painful. He was taken to Salem where he was found to have a dislocated elbow. At present, he is getting along nicely.
- Over the Line: Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG attended the funeral of her uncle, Tom AUSTIN, in Salem on Thursday.
- Mrs. Jake HOCKADAY attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. SILLS, in Conners Prairie Saturday.
- Word was received here by the ROONEY families from Mrs. Mary DONAHUE, formerly of this city, now Oakland, Cal. of the birth of a 7 lb. boy, William Francis Edward, to her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MARTIN, also of Oakland. The mother was formerly Miss Maize DONAHUE.
Feb. 9, 1928:
- The country roads are almost impassable. The frost has left the ground and the excessive rains this week, have made them so. Our 5 rural carriers declared Wed. a holiday, and did not go on their routes.
- Cecil JONES, son of F.H. JONES, who lives near Salem, is a Junior in the agricultural college, was one of the 4 members of the University of Illinois dairy cattle judging team which made a 3,325 mile tour during the past year.
- Mrs. Frank GARRETT and children of Mitchell, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett JONES.
Feb. 16, 1928:
- Arthur WEISS and Miss Eva E. HEICHER were married at the home of Rev. E. Grey WININGER, pastor of the M.E. Church. Their attendants were Leonard HEICHER and Miss Bertha WEISS. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Dora HEICHER residing east of this city. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. John WEISS, also residing east of this city, and is a young, prosperous farmer. The couple will make their home on the JACKSON farm.
- Alice May POOL (nee WILLIAMS) died at her home in Peoria on Feb. 13, 1928. The body arrived in this city on I.C. Train #3 on Tuesday, and the funeral was held at NELMS Funeral Parlors with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. She was a former resident of Alma, and a sister of Mrs. B.G. PULLEN.
- The performance at the Fine Arts Recital Hall of Louise WAINSCOTT was reviewed by the Chicago Daily News. She was described as having a voice which is a smooth, fine, unforced, the tone of soft and pleasing quality. She sings simply and easily without affection or pose. She is the wife of Ora H. WAINSCOTT, a former Kinmundy boy.
- Meacham News: Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT are the parents of a 7 lb. baby girl born Feb. 7 and named Clarabelle.
- Meacham News: Mr. and Mrs. Richard PAULZMEYER of near Centralia visited with her parents, John WEISS and family. On Saturday night several of the neighbors charivaried them. They were married last May but was kept a secret until recently. Candy, cigars and cake was served and some good music enjoyed by everyone.
Feb. 23, 1928:
- E.K. JUNKINS purchased the Red Front Store on Saturday, and is now opening for business.
- Word was received here of the death of Louis EARL, who passed away at his home last Wednesday, following illness due to heart trouble. His wife was formerly, Mrs. Kate HENSLEY, a former resident of our city.
- Over the Line: R.F. MAXEY assisted the Sheriff and his deputies in their search for an escaped criminal Monday night, who was supposed to be hiding in the vicinity southeast of here.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ROBB and sons, and Miss Florence DOOLEN spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R.C. ROBB.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB returned home from Villa Grove Thursday. She reports the arrival of a baby girl born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth HARVEY.
- On Monday, about 18 neighbors went to the home of Charles FORD and wife, and surprised them in honor of their 3rd wedding anniversary. Games and cards were played, and everyone present spent a delightful evening. Refreshments were served.
March 1, 1928:
George Sherman WHITE died Sunday at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Van SMITH of Decatur. He was born in Salem on Aug. 13, 1866. In 1892 he came to Mattoon where on May 13, 1894 he married Miss Josie E. FULLER. They had 4 children, 1 dying in infancy. They resided all their lives in and around Mattoon, except for 2 years. The funeral was held in Mattoon with interment in Old Campground Cemetery. He is survived by 1 son, Earl WHITE, and 2 daughters, Mrs. Gertrude TUCKER, and Mrs. Van SMITH of Mattoon. He was a former resident of Kinmundy, and the last of 6 children, the son of the late Samuel and Caroline WHITE.
- Funeral services for Ivan Leonard, 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. RICHARDSON, was held Saturday in the home. After the services the body was taken by train to Kinmundy. He died on Thursday at Mercy Hospital from mastoid infection. He was born Aug. 29, 1918 at Farina, and is survived by his parents; a brother, Stanley; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. RICHARDSON, Champaign, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank BISHOP of Claremont, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GUERRENTTZ of Farina. Also a great-grandfather, Joe DESHAYES of Louisville. He was nephew of Louis RICHARDSON of Kinmundy.
- The little body of Marjorie Elmo, 2 week old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth HARVEY of Villa Grove, was brought here Tuesday with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery. The father, Ellsworth HARVEY, son Cecil, and Mrs. Valinda CONANT accompanied remains here.
- Chas. BOYD celebrated his birthday Wednesday. He has had 12 birthdays but should have had 13 but the calendar man cheated him out of one in 1900. Mrs. BOYD cooked him a regular birthday dinner. Poor Chas. only gets to enjoy one of these feeds every 4 years.
- Swift School: Fletch COLE and his wife entertained to dinner Sunday, Theodore WILLIAMS and family, Geo. COLE and family, Mack ROBB and family, Ren WAINSCOTT and family, and Paul SWIFT in honor of Mrs. WILLIAMS and Mrs. COLEs birthdays.
- Over the Line: A crowd of 24 neighbors gathered a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BURKETT Thursday to help celebrate their 20th anniversary. The guests were in favor of staging a mock wedding as the Mrs. still has the bridal dress and flowers, but the bashful groom refused to stand up for a second marriage.
- Mr. and Mrs. M. Claude CROSSETT came Saturday to spend the weekend with his parents, and helped his father celebrate his 74th birthday. They brought him a large packing of choice fruit.
March 8, 1928:
- On Feb. 29, the marriage of Mr. Pearl PURSLEY of Odin and Miss Agnes LUCAS of this city. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Roy LAMBERT. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Dessie LUCAS of this city, and for the past few weeks has been employed in Salem. The groom is a resident of Odin, where the couple will make their home.
- The marriage of Miss Madeline TIPTON and Henry BOYD of Woodriver occurred at the home of the brides parents on Feb. 26. The attendants were Miss Faye TIPTON, sister of the bride, and John BOYD, brother of the groom. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Omar TIPTON of Woodriver, and is the bookkeeper in a store in that city. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin BOYD of this city. He is a graduate of the class of 23 from Kinmundy High School, and has been employed 2 years in Woodriver. He is now a salesman for Ill. Light and Power Co. The couple will make their home in Woodriver.
- The marriage of Dr. Jeanette F. THROCKMORTON and Dr. Charles Noah DEAN of Sumner, Ill., took place at Derby, Iowa on March 1st. The groom is a former resident of this city and a nephew of Mrs. J.C. LYNCH.
- A photo of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. LACEY of Meacham twp. appeared in the last issue of Prairie Farmer. They celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary on Feb. 21. He is 90 years old and she is 91. They have lived in the same house on the same farm where they began housekeeping 62 years ago.
- Mrs. Christ P. ROWE of East St. Louis, formerly known as Miss Pansy CHAPMAN who was a former Kinmundy girl, left 2 diamond rings in the bathroom of a downtown hotel valued at $1000 which later disappeared. She had forgotten the rings and walked away after washing her hands.
- Mr. and Mrs. A..N. GRAY were called to Neoga last Wednesday by serious illness of their daughter, Mrs. Edwin PETERS. She died Sunday with services and interment in Neoga. She leaves a husband; 1 small son, Junior; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.N. GRAY; 1 brother, Carl of Willard, Ohio; and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James BAYLIS of this city.
- An old landmark burned when the Dr. FOWLER property, better known as the Giles SONGER property, burned to the ground. The doctor supposes it caught fire from the flue. He was awakened by the smoke and just had time to awake the children and get them out.
- Over the Line: Mrs. Edna MAXEY is the proud owner of a new Dexter power washing machine.
- Swift School: Almost 20 neighbors and friends of Mack ROBB and Fletcher COLE met at the ROBB home Sunday to help celebrate their birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.J. FOSTER recently announced the birth of their 1st great-grandchild, Dorothy Alice, born ton Mr. and Mrs. R.H. MABREY of Little Rock, Ark., on Feb. 28. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James DARDEN formerly residents of here.
- Mr. and Mrs. G.W. NEWELL served birthday dinner Monday to her niece and nephew in honor of Clark SCHOOLEYs 12th birthday.
March 15, 1928:
- Dr. Chas. Noah DEAN, son of late Chas. DEAN, died on March 11 in a hospital in Des Moines, Iowa after a rupture of the Pulmonary Artery. The funeral was held from the home in Sumner, and the body was brought to this city on I.C. Train #24 accompanied by his wife, daughter, and mother, Mrs. S.E. DEAN. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. DEAN was a former resident of this city and a nephew of Mrs. J.C. LYNCH.
- William BOUSMAN, eldest son of A.J. and Martha BOUSMAN was born near Farina on Oct. 24, 1848 and died at his home in Kinmundy on March 11, 1928. On Apr. 23, 1874 he married Lucinda Lee, and they had 1 daughter, Mrs. C.L. WILLIAMS, who with her husband, assisted the mother in caring for him during his last illness. He also leaves 2 sisters, Mrs. Nancy PHILLIPS of St. Louis, and Mrs. Margaret BOSTON of Oskaloosa, Ill. Services were held at the Christian Church.
- Miss Helen BALLANCE was surprised March 8 when 18 of her friends entered her home for a party, it being her birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Stoker WILLIAMS of Salem, accompanied the body of their daughters baby from Centralia to this city where interment took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
- H.F. DENNIS was called to Alma Monday to assist in preparing the body of Mrs. Alice MALONE for burial.
March 22, 1928:
- Sidney FRY was born in Sullivan Co., Ind. on July 19, 1840 and died at her home in Kinmundy on March 18, 1928. She grew to womanhood in Indiana, where she married John BOUGHERS in 1860, they moving to Illinois in 1867. They had 8 children, 5 dying in infancy, Jacob Elroy on Oct. 28, 1922, and Hattie L. SIMMONS on March 20, 1925. The father died on Jan. 2, 1887. She leaves 1 son, Ed BOUGHERS, 9 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- The guests were all assembled, a beautifully decorated wedding cake was on the table, and although the guests waited until a late hour, the bride and groom did not appear. March 13 being the 21st wedding anniversary of Ellis WILKINSON and wife, also his birthday, a surprise party was planned for them, but the joke proved to be on the crowd for Ellis was called to Salem on business Tuesday and did not return that night. A pleasant time was enjoyed by all, refreshments were served and we bid our hostess a kind goodnight. Not to be out-witted and thinking Ellis would surely return, a larger and mostly different crowd gathered Wednesday night, but it was a repetitious of the first night, which created much merriment indeed. Another delightful evening was passed with vocal and instrumental music, contests and games. After vainly awaiting the arrival of the host and when hope had nearly fled, a midnight luncheon of sandwiches, cake, and cocoa was served, but at the stroke of 12 he suddenly appeared. Of course he was completely surprised but soon rallied from the shock and entered into the gala spirit of the hour. The wedding cake which had been sent by his sister, Mrs. Addie SONGER was duly admired.
- Rev. H.O. McCLURE and family arrived here Sunday morning from Cincinnati, Ohio. They left Cincinnati in the their car and on Saturday at Vincennes, Ind., another car ran into their car, and demolished it. Mrs. McCLURE was badly bruised but no bones broken. They made the remainder of their trip on train. Rev. McCLURE is the new pastor for the Church of God.
- Elder School (from last week): The pupils of Elder School range in their bi-monthly examination grades as follows: Herbert ANDERSON, John SHAFFER, Lucille SHAFFER, Paul SHAFFER, Marion SIPES, Geneva SIPES, Robert LONNON, and Edward REPIC.
- Elder School (from last week): W.H. SHAFFER has a sick cow.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. F.E. CHEELEY, Hazel MILLICAN and Estella MARLOW attended the funeral of Mrs. Lloyd BRADLEY Saturday a.m.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Leroy KNISELEY, a daughter, Willadean, and Miss Myrtle LONNON attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar SMITH near Brubaker.
- On Saturday night while Henry, Jesse, and Mary CHARLTON were on their way on horseback to attend a dance at the home of Vesta SMITH, the horse on which Mary was riding became frightened and threw her up against a tree. She is suffering with a sore arm and side.
- A 7 lb. boy was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MILLER of Neoga on March 19 and was named John William. Grandpa (Pete) MILLER says it makes him feel like an old man.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mrs. Esta ROBB spent Monday night with her sister, Mamie, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie GARRETT.
March 29, 1928:
- James Franklin BRITTON, son of Nathan and Lockey HARRELL BRITTON, was born in Orange Co., Ind. on June 13, 1850 and died at his home near Kinmundy on March 20, 1928. He married Sarah T. EASLEY on May 19, 1870, and they had 1 son, C.O. BRITTON, of Lawrence, Kansas. In Jan. 1889, he and his wife brought in their home his half-sister, Lockey, 10 years old, and a half-brother, Charles, who was 2 years old. He leaves a wife; 1 son, Oscar BRITTON, 1 sister, Minnie ROSS of Spigert, Mo.; 1 brother, Will BRITTON of Orleans, Ind.; and 1 half-brother, Charles BRITTON of Tamaroa, Ill., who was also a son to him. Interment in Elder Cemetery.
- Swift School: Ellsworth HARVEY and a gentleman from Villa Grove, delivered a tractor to Mack ROBB and Marvin CONANT.
- A crowd of 36 in number were amused and entertained at Paul SEEs on Sunday with various games and contests, coperious ponies and bicycle. Mr. EMBSER sang some favorite selections. The crowd was: F.E. CHEELEY and family, Chester BOYCE and family, Mrs. Jerome and Charley EMBSER, Noah MARLOW, wife and son, Fern SPIESE and children, H. STOKELY and Donald MARLOW.
- The Kinmundy township sample ballot for the April 3 election is:
J.H. JACKSON Town Clerk
E.R. LOWE R.H. PIGG Assessor
Seward GREEN Chas. BOYD Highway Commissioner
Frank HUMPHREY J.E. CRAIG School Trustee
- Elder School: On account of the bad roads and weather in the past, the church services at Pleasant Grove Church have been omitted for several Sundays. There will be preaching Sunday, April 1, in the afternoon. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
- Word was received here of the birth of twin daughters to Mr. and Mrs. Joe CARTER of Jacksonville, Florida on Feb. 25. The mother is formerly Miss Gladys CHARLTON of this city.
April 5, 1928:
- Mrs. Martha WITWER of Lake Worth, Florida and Leo A. PORTER of Boston, Mass. were married at Lake Worth on March 29, daughter of H.T. and Anna WITWER. The bride is a graduate of the University of Illinois class of 24, and the groom is a graduate of Eastern University and is a Constructional Engineer. The couple will reside in Harrisburg, Pa. The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. Martha ROTAN.
- Miss Pearl Evelyn SELLERS, a teacher in the Samuel Strong School, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SELLERS of Stevens Point, Wis. became the bride of Hiatt Bartley SPILMAN, son of Mrs. Elizabeth SPILMAN. Mr. SPILMAN will be remembered as the son of Mr. and Mrs. John SPILMAN, former residents of this city.
- Mrs. Will EAGAN left Saturday for Pilot Knob, Mo., to attend the funeral of her brother - Lou COX. Miss Stella COX and Delbert BOUGHERS accompanied her from St. Louis to Pilot Knob.
- Kinmundy twp. election results are:
J.H. JACKSON - Town Clerk;
R.H. PIGG - Assessor;
Chas. BOYD - Highway Commissioner;
School Trustee - J.E. CRAIG.
- Foster twp. election results are:
Ira CALDWELL - Supervisor
Ed DOUDERA - Town Clerk
Virgil LIVESAY - Assessor
Edwin ARNOLD - Commissioner
A.I. EAGAN - Justice of the Peace
T.M. JONES and W.H. JONES - School Trustees.
- 7th and 8th grade students who won township spelling contests were:
Kinmundy twp. - Raymond BASS
Patoka twp. - Maurice WILLIS
Alma twp. - Mary HAYS
Iuka twp. - Gladys STEVENSON
Stevenson twp. - Elden RODDY
Salem twp. - Olive LAUGHLIN
Odin twp. - Louise WARREN
Sandoval twp. - Hazel WILLIAMS
Centralia twp. - Virgil KNIGHT
Raccoon twp. - Robert OLDFIELD
Haines twp. - Lydia BEASLEY
Foster twp. - Hilda McNICOL
April 12, 1928:
- Mrs. Melissa HERRICK died at her home last Thursday after a lingering illness at the age of 84 years with services held at NELMS Funeral Chapel. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- At Niles, Mich. on April 4, Miss Mina BROWN, a nurse in the Patawing Hospital and Lucien GREEN were married Feb. 12 in Michigan City, Ind. Mrs. GREEN formerly resided in Warsaw, Ind. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Nancy GREEN who resided west of this city, and at one time he attend Kinmundy High School.
- Over the Line: R.P. POTTER received a message last Sunday that his daughter, Vervadine, had died after a short illness of flu-pneumonia. He went with his son, Cecil, to Champaign to attend the funeral.
- Over the Line: Feeling ran high in our corner on Election day last Tuesday and everyone went to the polls. In spite of much mud slinging and floating of highly colored propaganda, the Democrats won by a safe margin. KAGY and WILKINSON were in the lead with a majority of 68 and 45 votes respectively.
- Omega: We were visited by an Easter blizzard Saturday.
- Omega: S.G. COPPLEs barn caught fire by unknown origin April 9, and was completely destroyed.
April 19, 1928:
- Fay DAVIS was killed Sunday. He had driven his car to Salem early Sunday with the intention of going to work there Monday. He left his car there in company with John FRENCH and Frank LEE and went to a dance near Breese. They left the dance and started to Breese. In going over what was known as the levy, which is a high fill in the bottoms near Breese, they lost control of the car, and turned it over, rolling down a steep embankment. Fay was taken to Breese hospital where his back was found to be crushed. Fay died at 9:20. The remains were brought here to the home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Fay V., son of Frank V. and Berenice YOUNG DAVIS, was born in Alexandria, Ind. on May 13, 1902 and died at a hospital in Breese on April 15, 1928. He leaves a mother, father, and sister.
- Mrs. Nancy McGEE died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Scott DAVIDSON, in Odin on Wednesday. The funeral was in Odin with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in this city.
- On April 15, Mr. J.R. CHEADLE was surprised when he arrived home from morning church when he found he had been preceded by a large number of church members, who came to help celebrate his 70th birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold MAXEY of Denver, Colorado had a baby girl weighing 6½ lbs., named Bonnie Lorene and born April 8.
- Mrs. Tony YOUNG entertained with a party Saturday in honor of her son, Chas. WILLIAMS 10th birthday.
- A bunch of neighbors gathered to help Mrs. Edna MAXEY celebrate her birthday last Wednesday. Everyone enjoyed the brilliant light from the new gas lamp which was a gift from her son, Robert.
- Eli DOOLEN, son of C.I. DOOLEN, sailed for Hawaii on the U.S.S. Melville. Also on board are Glen LEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. LEE, and Dr. Clyde CAMERER.
April 26, 1928:
- Marion county officials are still searching for the man and woman who helped Newman A. COX, an insurance agent of East St. Louis, and Mrs. Bernice HITCHINGS, the 18 year old estranged wife of Thomas J. HITCHINGS, who confessed to the robbery of the Vernon Farm and Merchant Bank on April 5 when $3200 was obtained. The bank was robbed near the noon hour by 2 men and 2 women. L.E. GREE, cashier, was robbed and bound up in the vault, while the robbers took the money. The girls remained in the rumble seat of the Buick Roadster.
- Eugene WORMLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. WORMLEY, sailed for Central America where he will be in the service of the United Fruit Co. of the U.S.
May 3, 1928:
- James MITCHELL, son of John and Rachael MITCHELL, was born Dec. 25, 1865 in Kilburnie, Ayershire, Scotland, and died April 30, 1928 at his home near Kinmundy. He was left an orphan at the age of 2. At the age of 8, he began to earn his own livelihood. On Aug. 15, 1878 he married Helen Law FERGUSON, also of Kilburnie. This couple had made great plans toward celebrating their golden wedding anniversary in August of this year. They had 7 children, 2 dying in infancy, William at the age of 9, and Helen in 1910, leaving John of OFallon, James of Decatur, and Martha, now Mrs. W. C. STOUT of Montreal, Canada. Mr. MITCHELLs vocation in life was that of a coal miner. He worked in the mines of Scotland, and 2 years after his marriage, he emigrated to America, landing in Halifax, Nova Scotia, thence coming to Illinois and settling in Trenton only a short time when they moved to various other points in Illinois finally locating in Kinmundy, where they made their home for more than 40 years. In all he has worked in mines of Scotland and America for over 55 years. He also leaves 5 grandchildren, namely, Ruth BREEN, who has lived with them since infancy; Helen, Frances, Russell and Oliver MITCHELL. 1 granddaughter, Mildred MITCHELL, preceded him in death. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- C.P. BALKE and Mrs. Mary McCULLOM were married May 3 at the M.E. parsonage in this city. The bride is a resident of Farina. For a number of years she was a telephone operator in that city. The groom is a young prosperous farmer residing east of this city. The couple will make their home on the grooms farm.
- Harriett Margaret LACEY, daughter of Amos Hudson and Margaret WILSON LACEY, was born April 4, 1874 near Farina, and died at her home near Kinmundy on April 24, 1928. She married Charles Albert ALLEN on March 18, 1897, and they had 4 sons: Erman of Chicago; Rolland Hudson of Flora; Cecil Martin of Kinmundy; and Charles Albert Jr. of St. Louis, Mo; who all remain along with the husband. Also, 2 brothers: Edward P. LACEY and Joseph Paul LACEY of Farina; and 1 sister, Carrie BRASEL of Riverton, Wyoming. Interment in Union Cemetery.
- Word was received here by Mrs. A.A. DENNISON and Mr. and Mrs. W.T. WILKINSON that their grandson, Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. WILKINSON of Centralia, was run into by an auto on Sunday, and thrown from the motorcycle on which he was riding severally mashing his foot. It will be a few days before doctors know if his foot will have to be amputated.
- Caroline Augusta HUTCHISON, daughter of Gilbert and Nancy DART, was born in Mendon, Mich. on Nov. 5, 1852. She married Eli B. HUTCHISON in Parkville, Mich. on Nov. 25, 1876. In 1878 they moved with Mr. HUTCHISONs brother, Aaron, to Illinois, settling on a farm near Kinmundy. Later Mr. and Mrs. HUTCHISON moved to Odin where they entered the Restaurant and Hotel Business. A boy and girl were born to them in Odin. In 1904 they moved to East St. Louis where she lived until her death on April 20. Interment was in Mount Hope Cemetery near East St. Louis. She leaves a husband, daughter, grandson and son-in-law.
- Eugene CRAIG fell from a scaffold while painting at the Soldiers Home in Danville, Ill. last Wednesday. No bones were broken but he was crushed and bruised, and he is still in the hospital.
- Elder School: Guy SHAFFER received a long distance call Wednesday calling him to Kinmundy to see his mother who had fallen and fractured her hip.
- H.F. JAHRAUS has a new Chevrolet Sedan.
- Meacham News: Several of our people attended the kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Art WEISS Saturday. They received several beautiful gifts. Refreshments of sandwiches, pickles, and cake were served.
- Swift School: A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles FORD April 27. It was dead and buried near Farina.
- Omega: Ed FORD of Alma, purchased the BECHLOR-SPEISE farm Saturday which consisted of 205 acres for $1250.
- Over the Line: Beryl and Chas. Daniel DISS were helping Howard ROBB celebrate his birthday Wednesday of last week.
- Miss Ruth LACEY and John Allen ALLERIGHT at Loogootee motored to Pana Saturday to attend the funeral of Miss LACEYs aunt, which was held at Sharpsburg on Sunday.
May 10, 1928:
- A telephone message from Decatur this morning stated that Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ROBB had a boy stillborn to them last night. The baby will be brought here this afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. J.H. BACKENSTO with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Wm. HOWELL and wife were in Farina Sunday attending the HOWELL reunion held at the Jack HOWELL home.
- C.L. WILLIAMS has leased the Frank SHAFFER Restaurant and is now opened for business.
- J.P. STORMENT has opened a General Merchandise store in the BARGH building. He came here from Tonti, where he had a store.
- A 9 lb. boy was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank JOHNSON on Saturday.
- Freda LENHART walked out and spent Wednesday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LENHART.
- A 6½ lb. daughter, Mary Joan, was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight ALEXANDER on May 4.
- Meacham News: Last Wednesday a good number of neighbors and friends of C.P. BALKE and wife gave them a charivari and pleasant reception in the BALKE home. Thursday night a jolly crowd motored down from Farina and gave them another charivari and reception.
- Omega: About 75 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.B. BAKER Sunday to celebrate Mrs. BAKERs birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. M.J. EDMAN of Great Bend, Kansas announce the arrival of an 8 lb. girl, Betty Lois, at their home on May 3. The mother was formerly, Miss Martha DOOLEN of this city.
- About 60 relatives and friends of L.B. BAKER of Omega enjoyed a birthday dinner with he and his family Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.T. ARNOLD and Mr. and Mrs. E.E. BROWN and daughters motored to Centralia Sunday and visited Miss Mamie GARRETT at the hospital. They report her recovering nicely from her recent operation.
- The following named pupils made the highest grade in their respective townships on April 14, 1928 at which time the 8th grade final examination was given. Each of the above name pupils is entitled to a Normal School Scholarship to be awarded by the State Supt. of Schools, and they are entitled to free instruction in any State Normal School for a period of 4 years:
District 11, Meacham: Paul FOGLER, Farina, Ill; average 79
District 19, Kinmundy: Lucille MAXEY, Kinmundy, Ill.; average 88
District 33, Foster: Nina DOOLEN, Alma, Ill.; average 85
District 46, Patoka: Alice BRITT, Patoka, Ill; average 85
District 53, Carrigan: Harold SNYDER; Sandoval, Ill.; average 82
District 61, Tonti: Eunice SANDERS; Alma, Ill.; average 87
District 75, Alma: Lowery BRANNON; Alma, Ill.; average 84
District 76, Alma: Ralph HEISTAND; Salem, Ill.; average 84
District 86, Omega: Vernon THOMPSON; Xenia, Ill.; average 84
District 95, Iuka: Maxine L. COX; Iuka, Ill.; average 89
District 105, Stevenson: Leonard DANIELS; Salem, Ill.; average 89
District 112, Salem: Louis YOUNG; Salem, Ill.; average 83
District 126, Sandoval-Odin: Agnes SHANKLIN; Sandoval, Ill.; average 95
District 139, Centralia: Forrest ATCHISON; Centralia, Ill.; average 86
District 148, Raccoon: Ruth BOGGS, Dix, Ill.; average 88
District 153, Haines: Lydia BEASLEY; Cartter, Ill.; average 89
District 174, Romine: Estel BURKE; Iuka, Ill.; average 86.
May 17, 1928:
- Martha M. EASTLAND was born on Oct. 4, 1845 and died May 11, 1928. On April 25, 1867 she married Anderson J. ANGLIN, and after he died, she married Mr. J.F. HOWELL of Kinmundy on Feb. 20, 1908. He died a few years ago. She is survived by no living children, but step-children, nephews, and nieces. She was a step-sister to the late Orcellas SEE and Michael SEE of Alma. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- On May 13th, being near the 85th birthday of Uncle David HEADLEY, all his children, most of his grandchildren, and part of his great-grandchildren met at the hold home where he has lived the greater part of his life to celebrate the occasion. More than a half a hundred were present, most of them being his own relation: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MORRIS, Mrs. Tack CONANT and daughter, Lodema, Andy EAGAN, Cleve DOOLEN and family, Dr. BALDWIN and wife of Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs. James SAWYER of Springfield, Missouri, a nephew of Mr. HEADLEY were presented Uncle Dave with an old fashioned cane and they hope he will use it.
May 24, 1928:
- Word was received here that John GERE of Decatur died Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. GERE and his wife, who was formerly Miss Kate ENGLEBRECHT, visited relatives at Omega last weekend. He died of pneumonia.
- Little Miss Ruby CANTRELL of Iuka, returned to her home Sunday, after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON and family.
- Mrs. Amanda BRANCH, who suffered a broken limb 4 weeks ago, met with a catastrophe Tuesday when the bandages which held her limb in the cast came loose, letting her limb fall. Upon examination it was found that her limb was broken again.
- A memorial column was written about Ann STOKELY, wife of the late S.M. STOKELY.
- Over the Line: Mrs. Anna MARLOW and son, Monroe, accompanied by her father, went to Decatur Sunday to attend the funeral of John CUNNINGHAM, who of flu-pneumonia on Saturday.
- Swift School: Bill GREEN and wife are the parents of a new 10 lb. girl.
- Swift School: Wes ROBB, wife and children, Fletch COLE, wife and child, Ren WAINSCOTT, wife and daughter took Sunday dinner with Mack ROBB and family.
May 31, 1928:
- Clyde E. HAMILTON of Centralia and Miss Laura MAZANEK of Alma, motored to Centralia on May 26 where they were married at the home of the Baptist minister in that city. They were attended by close friends, Ray D. BOSTON of Centralia, and Miss Edith E. PULLEN of Alma. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John MAZANEK of Alma. She attended Kinmundy High School graduating with the class of 22, and attended the University of Illinois graduating in 26. She has been teaching school, 1 year in the Edgewood high school, and the past year in our local high school. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. HAMILTON of Centralia. He attended Kinmundy High School, graduating with the class of 23. He was associated with Metropolitan Insurance Co. of Centralia, and later with American Tobacco Co. The couple will reside on a farm west of Alma.
- Mrs. BILEK, aged 83 years old, died at her home north of Alma on Saturday. Services were held at Greenridge Church with interment in Martin Cemetery.
- Willis A. ALDERSON, age 65 years, was instantly killed on Friday when the rear end of a street car split an automatic switch in East St. Louis, causing the car to swerve and strike ALDERSON, who was crossing the intersection. The blow knocked the aged man several feet fracturing his skull causing immediate death. He is survived by a son, Bert ALDERSON, of East St. Louis, and 2 daughters, Mrs. Helen HARRISON of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. S.S. BESON of San Francisco, Cal. He was a brother to C.R. ALDERSON of this city.
- Little Isabelle GARRETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT of North Fork, was painfully injured on Friday at the Sandy Branch Cemetery when a monument fell over and struck her.
- Very appropriate memorial services were held at Sandy Branch Sunday afternoon with a large crowd in attendance. Ward HOLT of Salem delivered the address. A very fine program was rendered. The cemetery looked very beautiful and showed that some attention is being given it. Many of our country cemeteries are not being kept up. In fact, if it were not for an occasional tombstone, one would never know it was a cemetery. But Sandy Branch is a historic spot and will be looked after.
- Omega: Nearly 100 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Adelia MARLOW on May 27 to surprise her and her son, Douglas, it being his 22nd birthday, and the 29th her 67th birthday.
- Wilson School: On May 24, a jolly crowd of about 30 gathered a the home of Chester KLINE to remind him of his (?) birthday. Ice cream and cake were served.
- Wilson School: On May 25, another pleasant evening was spent at the KLEISS home when about 40 neighbors and friends gathered to help their daughter, Mildred, celebrate her 14th birthday. Card playing and music was enjoyed by the elder ones and games by the children.
- Over the Line: Lucille and Marion MAXEY were at Harry MAXEYs last Sunday. While they were returning home, their car caught fire. Loren KLINE first saw the blaze and helped extinguish it.
- Over the Line: Chas. BURKETT was surprised Sunday when his brothers and their families came to help celebrate his birthday. The dinner ranged from chicken to strawberries and cake. The afternoon was spent in conversation, singing a variety of songs, also instrumental music.
June 7, 1928:
- Ralph Thomas, 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. WILKINSON of West Frankfort, died from drowning at the family home this morning when the child fell, head first, into a tile well. Doctors and first aid men who worked for almost 2 hours in an effort to restore life, were without success. Mrs. WILKINSON saw the baby plunge into the well and was just a second too late to prevent the fall. He was born in West Frankfort, Ill. on Jan. 20, 1926, and died June 1, 1928, and leaves a father, mother, 4 brothers, 2 sisters, 2 grandmothers, and 1 grandfather. Services were held in West Frankfort, and then the body was brought to Kinmundy to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. WILKINSON, where services were held. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- C.M. MORGAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MORGAN of this city, received his degree in Dentistry on June 5 from St. Louis University.
- Elder School: Guy SHAFFERs were called to Kinmundy Monday to see his mother, Mrs. Amanda BRANCH, whos condition is improving. May 31st was her 75th birthday.
- Elder School: Several attended the preaching services at Pleasant Grove Sunday, which were conducted by Burdette WALKINGTON. Rev. McKAY and daughter, Ruth, were also present.
- Sunday being the 23rd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles COPPLE of Omega, they entertained many guests at dinner.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HOGGE of Foster twp. are the proud parents of an 8½ lb. girl born on June 3.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph VANDELOO are the parents of an 8 lb. girl born June 2.
- Florence JACK received some painful burns this morning when a can of berries bursted. She was canning berries and as she set the can on the table, it exploded.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edd DOOLEN received a message from Mr. and Mrs. Charles KENNINGTON of Chillicothe, announcing the birth of a son born May 30. The mother was formerly Miss Nelle DOOLEN of this city.
- Misses Lela and Rada GARRETT left Sunday for Decatur, where they are visiting relatives.
June 14, 1928:
- Thomas S. LACEY, son of Hiram G. and Sophia LACEY, was born Oct. 14, 1838 in Marion Co., Ohio, and died June 6, 1928. He lived in Ohio until 18 years of age, when with his parents he moved in a covered wagon to Marion Co., Ill., where he resided until the time of his death. In 1860 he entered the Union ranks in the Civil War in the 111th Illinois Regiment. On Feb. 21, 1866, he married Mary Elizabeth HOLLINSHEAD, who at the age of 90 survives. He leaves 2 sons: Louis J. LACEY, who with his wife lived in the home this year past, and cared for the aged couple; and Howard of Chicago, who died 13 years ago to the day. Besides these 2 sons, little Edith BEARE at 7 years was added to the family, and who for 17 years was loved and carefully reared and is now Mrs. Edith NORTON of Champaign. Besides his son, Louis and wife, the foster daughter, Mrs. Willis NORTON and her husband, he leaves 2 brothers: Scott LACEY of Farina, and Hiram LACEY of Kinmundy; 2 sisters, Mrs. J. Allphin of Oskaloosa, and Mrs. S.D. ROBERTS of Farina. Interment in Union Cemetery.
- Laura Ann INGRAM was born in Kinmundy on June 27, 1861 and died on June 8, 1928 at her home northeast of Maroa. She was the youngest daughter of Samuel and Minerva INGRAM, and married Charles THOMAS of Maroa on Feb. 22, 1883, and this community has since been their home. They had 6 sons, 5 of whom are living, 1 son, Leonard, having died at age of 13 years. She leaves the husband and sons: Samuel, Robert, Fred, Harry, and William, all of near Maroa; 23 grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Mary HOOVER, who made her home with Mrs. THOMAS for the last 12 years, and Mrs. Fannie DEFORD of Los Angeles, Cal.; and 1 brother William INGRAM of Kinmundy. Services were held in Maroa at Epworth Chapel Church.
- Mae, daughter of Celia and the late J.B. BRASEL, was born northwest of Kinmundy on Oct. 23, 1877, and in this community she grew to womanhood. One of a family of 12 children, all of whom, with the exception of 1 brother, survives. Some 22 years ago she suffered mental derangement and was patiently cared for at home until 5 years ago, when she was removed to the State Hospital in Anna, Ill., where she died June 7. She leaves a mother, twin sister, Myrtle, 4 other sisters and 5 brothers. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. HOWELL in Des Moines, Iowa, the marriage of their niece, Zelma L. FERGUSON, to Mr. Frederick E. MALANDER took place June 8.
- About midnight last Saturday evening, Alfred SHIELDS, living southwest of Kinmundy, was awakened by a knock on his door. Upon opening the door, 2 men stuck a gun in his face and he admitted them. They tied his hands and feet with a short rope, and proceeded to rob him of his valuables. They took 5 cents in money, a gold ring, and a ham of meat. Mr. SHIELDS finally managed to untie himself, but not until a good while after the culprits had gone.
- Miss Nelle INGRAM graduated from S.I.N.U. at Carbondale and has been employed as a teacher in Richview Schools.
- Meadow Branch: Wess ROBB gave a barn dance Saturday night.
- Meadow Branch: Julian NOCHMAN went to Chicago Friday to attend the wedding of his brother, Anthony, on Saturday.
- Wilson School: Jesse CHARLTON accompanied by his uncle, John CHARLTON, left Sunday for Terre Haute, Ind. to attend the Reunion of the Spanish-American War Veterans of which John is a member.
- Jim BRIMs resident caught fire Tuesday from the flue. A good sized hole was burned in the roof.
June 21, 1928:
- J.R. CHEADLE wrote of his 1000 mile trip.
- Amanda Catherine VALLOW was born in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio on May 31, 1853. She moved with her parents to Marion Co., Ind. in 1873. In 1877 she married John SHAFFER, and they had 4 children, only one of whom, Guy SHAFFER, survives her. Ernest and Letha grew to maturity and were married. Ina died at the age of 3 years. On Nov. 22, 1892, her husband died, and she married second to C.V. BRANCH on Sept. 20, 1897. He died Jan. 30, 1902. She died June 12, 1928 leaving besides her son, Guy SHAFFER, 8 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren, also 2 brothers and 3 sisters: Rev. J.L. VALLOW of Denver, Colorado; Emmett A. VALLOW of LaJunta, Colorado; Mrs. W.R. BRADLEY and Mrs. W.A. MAXWELL of Kinmundy; and Mrs. W.H. BATES of Shenadoah, Iowa. She was a member of the Pleasant Grove M.E. Church for a period of more than 55 years. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- The FORD Reunion: On Sunday, June 17, a reunion of the FORD family was held at Lone Grove. It was a typical June day with sunshine and roses everywhere and with the roads in excellent condition. There were 36 present and each family came with well filled baskets, the contents of which at the noon hour were spread in real picnic style in the shade of lofty trees. It was a feast that appealed to the eye and tickled the palate as all that were there can testify, with the exception perhaps of little Miss Charlene, the 3 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY. In the afternoon the younger men with bathing suits, sought the water, the children explored the woods, while the older folks gathered in small groups and sitting in cars, spent the time socially. The five FORD brothers, Edwin, Charles, John, Eugene, and William with their wives, most of their children, 2 grandchildren and a number of other not so closely related, enjoyed the occasion. Those attending from a distance were: Miss Fern and Gilbert FORD, Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY and little daughter, of St. Louis, Mo., the children of Charles FORD, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard COOK of Indianapolis, Ind., Mrs. COOK being Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William FORD, Roy and George FORD of Flint, Mich. The former is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William FORD, the latter a son of Charles FORD, Sr. As the sun sank in the west, plans for next years meet were discussed and reluctantly farewells were said, and all departed for home, hoping that all present and many others might be together next year.
- Emery FOSTER died Tuesday at his home in this city aged 51 years, 2 months, and 26 days. He had arisen, dressed and sat down in a doorway to put on his shoes when he took a coughing spell which terminated in hemorrhage of the lungs. In the inquest it was found that it was contributory to Tuberculosis. James Emery, son of H.C. and Cyntha FOSTER, was born March 23, 1877 and died at his home in Kinmundy June 19, 1928. He leaves a father and brother of Kinmundy; 1 sister, Mrs. Fannie THOMAS of Montana; a brother and sister having preceded him in death. He also leaves 2 sons, Basil and Harold, and 1 daughter, Ruby. The funeral was held at Sandy Branch Cemetery with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Mr. Anthony NOCHMAN and Miss Helen JELENIOWSKI were married on June 9, 1928 at St. Boniface Church in Chicago. The groom has a promising position with Gliddens Food Product Co. He formerly lived in the Meadow Branch community and he and his wife have been visiting the formers brother and sisters here the past week. They will make their home in Chicago.
- Mr. and Mrs. George A. MOORE, better known as Daddy and Auntie MOORE, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Saturday by receiving guests in their home. In all there were 40 people who paid their respects in person. Mr. MOORE was born at Lebanon, Ill. while Mrs. MOORE was born and raised in Texas. When Mr. MOORE was almost grown he moved with his parents to Texas where he met his bride, Mattie E. DUPAY. They were married in Melissa, Texas on June 16, 1878. The young couple lived in Texas for 2 years after their marriage and then moved to Girard, Kansas where they resided 9 years. From there they went back to Texas for a year, then spent 1 year in Oregon, Washington, and California, then back to Kansas for 8 years, then to Missouri 3 years, then coming to Illinois. They located in Vandalia 6 years, then to Loogootee 10 years, then to Kinmundy where they resided the past 10 years. Mr. MOORE has served 2 terms as highway commissioner, and has followed different vocations but has spent most of his life behind a counter. This couple having no children of their own, adopted a boy and girl. The girl, Mrs. Sam C. BROWN, died 2 years ago. The boy, George, is still at home with his parents. (Note: A picture of the couple accompanied this article.)
- Revival Meeting: Brother McKAY and daughter, Ruth, are holding a Revival Meeting at Pleasant Grove Church. Services begin at 7:45 each evening. Everyone should come hear the fine sermons by Brother McKAY and singing by Ruth.
- Meacham News: 26 relatives, friends, and neighbors gathered at the home of Ed DILLON Monday nite to help him celebrate his birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robb GREEN and sons spent the weekend in Lester with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHERS and Mr. and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD and attended the Ladies Aid Play at ARNOLDs Chapel Saturday night.
- Meadow Branch: Wess ROBB and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willie GARRETT.
June 28, 1928:
- Mrs. W.L. KING, who is visiting here at the T.M. SMITH and Mrs. E.K. DONOVAN homes, has received word of the sudden passing of her sister, Mrs. Jennie ROPELL, daughter of the late Dr. W.T. FORSHEE of this city, at her home in Arvada, Colorado on June 6.
- The stork swooped down upon the editorial mansion early Wednesday and left a fine 8½ lb. boy. He has been named Carl Bernard.
- Mrs. Herschel ROGERS and son, Durward, of Harvey, spent a short time Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. F.A. ROGERS. They were enroute to Mt. Vernon to the bedside of her sister, but she passed away before they arrived there.
- Wilson School: Several of our young folks attended a dance at the Ellis SILL home Saturday night.
- Mr. and Mrs. John A. BROOM of Alma, announce the birth of a baby daughter at their home, June 23.
- Swift School: Tom GARRETT, Lorene GARRETT, Red WILLIAMS, Carroll GARRETT, Helen WAINSCOTT, and Kenneth ROBB spent Wednesday with Peck CONANT and mother, and enjoyed ice cream.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT spent Tuesday at the Elvin CONANT home.
July 5, 1928:
- Veda ROBB of this city married Frank BURRELL of Nashville, Tenn. on June 30 at the M.E. parsonage in Salem. They were attended by Miss Marcelline PRUETT and Forrest JONES of this city. An infair dinner was enjoyed on Sunday at the home of the brides grandmother, Mrs. Sarah F. BALLANCE. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. ROBB of this city. She attended Kinmundy High School as a member of the class of 28, and for a short while she attended Champaign High School. The groom is son of Mrs. Hattie BURRELL of Nashville, Tenn., and is employed with the Signal Dept. of the Ill. Central R.R. The couple will make their home here at present.
- On June 30, Miss Edith PULLEN of Alma married Ray Dewhurst BOSTON of Centralia. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.G. PULLEN of Alma, and is a graduate of Kinmundy High School class of 22, and from the University of Illinois class of 26. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. BOSTON of Albion, Ill., formerly of this city. He was a member of the class of 22 at Kinmundy High School, later attending the University of Illinois, a Chicago Technical School, and graduating from Gradwahls School of Technician in St. Louis. He is employed at Centralia X-Ray and Serelogical Laboratories. The couple will make their home in Centralia.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde PRUETT received the announcement Saturday of the marriage of their only son, Kleon O., to Miss Wilma Jewel YOUNG of Mattoon, which occurred in that city. The bride is the step-daughter of H.P. SHAINE of Mattoon. She is a graduate of Mattoon High School Class of 25, and from Utterbachs Business College in 26, and has been a stenographer for the Foundry in Mattoon. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde PRUETT of this city. He is a graduate of the Kinmundy High School with the class of 23, and is employed in the Signal Dept. of the Ill. Central and Big 4 R.R. The couple will make their home in Mattoon.
- Rex EGGELSTON and Miss Maxine MODGLIN of Alma were married June 30 at the M.E. parsonage in Salem. The bride was reared on a farm near Alma. The groom is son of A.T. EGGESTON of Alma, and attended Kinmundy High School. The couple will make their home in Alma.
- Mrs. J.R. TELFORD had her Dodge Sedan stolen Sunday while on a visit to Indianapolis in company with her mother, Mrs. W.T. WILKINSON, her son, Leroy, and nephew Howard WILKINSON.
- The 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry JIMMERSON of Hammond, Ind. while visiting here at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KNIGHT, met with a painful accident when she pulled a motorcycle over on herself. An x-ray showed her hip was broken.
- The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey LACEY received lacerations of the scalp Monday when it was thrown thru the windshield of the automobile in which it was riding in company with its father and mother. They were driving and turned aside to meet another car. The steering wheel locked and the car ran into the buttment of the culvert. The baby is slowly improving.
- Revival at Pleasant Grove: Large crowds and good interest has been shown in the Revival which is in progress at Pleasant Grove conducted by Rev. McKAY and daughter, Ruth. Many have been converted and many strengthened by the meetings. Sunday, July 8, an all day service will be held to which everyone is cordially invited. We are expecting a large crowd, and we are sure no one who attends will be disappointed. We expect a great morning service with special music. Come and spend the day with us.
- A delegation of good Christian folks from Centralia attended Church at Pleasant Grove Monday night.
- Mary Elizabeth, 7 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva WILLIAMS, residing west of here, died Sunday morning July 1 following an operation for appendicitis. Interment in Martin Cemetery. She leaves a mother, father, 2 brothers and 1 sister.
July 12, 1928:
- On March 2 at Odin occurred the marriage of Mr. Don C. JACKSON and Miss Wilma GAMMON. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. GAMMON of this city, and a graduate of Kinmundy High School Class of 28. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence JACKSON of Odin and is employed as a welder for I.C.R.R. Co. The couple will make their home in Kinmundy.
- Miss Eloise OLIVER of Baltimore, Md. and William CHEADLE, formerly of this city but now of Baltimore, Md., were married on July 7 in Baltimore. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. CHEADLE of this city. He is employed in the Hardware Dept. of Montgomery Ward and Company in Baltimore.
- A Revival Meeting will be held July 15 at Cubbage Chapel Church near Tonti.
- R.J. SMITH received a message on Tuesday telling her of the death of the only brother, J.E. SMITH, formerly of Peoria, but who had been spending winters in San Antonio, Texas where his death occurred. He will be buried in Phillips Cemetery, east of this city. He is survived by 1 sister, Mrs. Z.H. GORDON of Omega twp., and 1 brother, R.J. SMITH of this city.
- The Penecostal Revival Meeting still continues.
- George B. ROOF, 17, of New Brookland, S.C. was killed in a motor accident Tuesday. He was son of Mr. and Mrs. H.F. ROOF of New Brookland, and nephew of Mrs. Paddy GRAY, formerly of Kinmundy, but now of Litchfield.
- Mr. and Mrs. Louis JONES of Foster twp. are the proud parents of a boy born July 5.
- Elder School: We are still having a revival meeting at Pleasant Grove and we invite those from far and near.
- Swift School: Mack ROBB and family spent Sunday at the Wess ROBB home.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. FORD and Lorene GARRETT spent Sunday with Ren WAINSCOTT and family.
July 19, 1928:
- Margaret Jane HANNA, daughter of David and Mary HANNA, was born Aug. 4, 1862 and died July 14, 1928. She married Gray WILLIAMS on Oct. 29, 1885, and they had 7 children: Jessie, Mayme, Earl, Glenn, Fred, Winifred, and Elizabeth. Elizabeth died March 7, 1903, at the age of 21 months; Earl died May 5, 1915, aged 25 years; and Jessie died May 26, 1920, aged 31 years. The remaining children are: Glen WILLIAMS of Lansing, Michigan; Fred WILLIAMS of Daytona Beach, Florida; Mrs. J. W. SHULTS, of Kalamazoo, Michigan; Mrs. C.L. PRESTON of Watsonville, Cal., and 12 grandchildren. Mrs. WILLIAMS mother having died while Mrs. WILLIAMS was quite young, she practically reared her brothers and sisters. Those surviving are: Mrs. Charles DISS and Clarence and Homer HANNA all of Kinmundy. Services were held at M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- James Edward SMITH, son of the late James E. and Susan J. SMITH, was born in Tazwell Co, Ill. on Feb. 22, 1859, and died in San Antonio, Texas on July 9, 1928. He married Elizabeth GUTHRIE on May 10, 1900, but they had no children. Besides his wife, he leaves a brother, R.J. SMITH of Kinmundy, and 1 sister, Mrs. C.H. GORDON, also of Kinmundy; 9 nephews, 7 nieces, 1 step-daughter, and 3 step-grandsons. The youngest, Jimmy, preceded him in death by 1 year and 3 months. He spent most of his life in the northern part of state, the last few years spent in Peoria. Two years ago he went to Texas.
- On July 15, 1903, at the home of Rev. W.J. SIMER occurred the marriage of Charles S. KELLER and Miss Josephine Marshall POTTER. Besides a son, Max, of Champaign, Ill., and daughters, Marjorie and Vera, about 35 of the brides and grooms relatives gathered at the old home and helped them celebrate.
- A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. Herman SOLDNER by her relatives, neighbors, and friends on July 15, the occasion being her 25th birthday. At the noon hour a crowd of 45 began to arrive with well filled baskets. The afternoon was spent socially, some going to see the new hard road.
- Harold Gerkin, age 19, son of Louis GERKIN of Farina, was instantly killed Tuesday on the Schneider Hill just north of the bridge. He was employed as a truck driver by the BAUM-WILLIAMS Construction Co., who have the contract for the pavement north from Kinmundy. GERKIN was returning to Farina with his empty truck at a rather high rate of speed. In passing a loaded truck, he held up his 1 hand to either tell the driver the time of day or to show how many loads he had hauled that day, and lost control of his truck in the deep dust, and the truck went head-long against the earth embankment. When the men reached the spot, they found the truck on its side with GERKINs head pinned under the wheel. The boy leaves a father and 4 brothers, his mother having died about 5 years ago. Harold, better known here as "Pickle" gained many friends in this vicinity by his stellar basketball playing on the Farina school team of 27 and 28.
- W.H. BALL, formerly of Romine twp., has been appointed State Supervisor of Vocational Agriculture for the State of New Mexico.
- Wilson School: The Revival Meeting at Pleasant Grove will continue all this week.
- Wilson School: While trying to lift a hay rake Monday, C.R. HEATON received a very bad injury on one of his limbs which confined him to his home.
- On July 11 several young people were invited to help Ellis JOHNSON celebrate his 27th birthday. Ice cream and cake were served by his mother and assisted by her daughters, Mrs. Otis HINES and Mrs. Frank JOHNSON.
July 26, 1928:
- Former residents of Marion county held a picnic at Millers Park in Bloomington last Sunday.
- Dr. Harry CRAIG, wife and son, Forrest, of Marcus, Wash., are visiting with relatives here and in Alma.
- Meadow Branch: Mamie GARRETT spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Wess ROBB and family.
- Mrs. Della CRAIG of Alma, and Mrs. Harry CRAIG of Marcus, Wash. Spent Tuesday with the formers sister, Mrs. J.C. LYNCH.
Aug. 2, 1928:
- John Wesley BACKENSTO was born in St. Louis, Mo. on July 2, 1839, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hattie KUHNS, near Mason, Ill. on July 26, 1928. Early in life he came to Illinois and lived the remainder of his life in Fayette and Effingham counties, having lived in Moccasin, Ill. for more than 50 years. He had for many years followed the trade of blacksmithing, and for more than 38 years he was station agent for B & O R.R. Co. On Jan. 2, 1860 he married Rachel Ellen HOOD, who he was married to for 64 years until she died Jan. 19, 1924. He is survived by 7 children: Della K. (Mrs. MALONE) of Paris, Ill.; Hattie Z. (Mrs. KUHN) of Mason; Joseph F. of Kinmundy; Lloyd B. of Moccasin, Ill.; Harry J. of Edwardsville, Ill.; Walter H. of Tuscola, Ill.; and John F. of Johnston City, Ill.; 13 grandchildren; and 1 brother, Mr. Ben BACKENSTO of Tower Hill, Ill. 5 children preceded him in death - 4 in infancy and Pimptus in young manhood. Services were held at the M.E. Church in Moccasin, Ill. with interment in Moccasin Cemetery.
- Quite an accident occurred Saturday just north of Sturrs Corners, east of town, when a Chevrolet car driven by Pat JAMES of this city, and a Hudson Sedan driven by Farmer WILLIAMS, of the Baum-Williams Construction Co. of Farina, met face to face. At this particular place the main travel is on the east side of the road. Pat was following a car which was stirring up much dust and staying well over to the right side of the road. WILLIAMS was in a hurry and was not moving quite so slow. From all evidence, Mr. WILLIAMS was to blame. Both cars were damaged considerably. Pat received a broken jawbone and some cuts on the face. WILLIAMS was not hurt.
- Mrs. Fern SPEISE served a birthday dinner on Sunday in honor of her sister, Mrs. HANNAN.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY and daughter were Sunday visitors at Wes ROBBs.
- Swift School (from last week): Mrs. Fletcher COLE entertained 13 little boys and girls Monday in honor of her daughter, Darlenes 11th birthday.
- The annual ARNOLD Chapel picnic will be held Saturday.
- Ernest WOERNER, one of the respected citizens of Farina, died on Monday.
Aug. 9, 1928:
- Bright and early on Aug. 5, cars began to arrive at the H.H. MAXEY Grove, north of Salem, to attend the first MAXEY-HARVEY Reunion. By noon, about 100 people had assembled long tables to partake in the basket dinner. The oldest was Aunt Mary MAXEY MAXFIELD and the youngest was little Frances Jean MAXEY.
- Carroll JONES and Miss Vivian TINSLEY, both of this city, were married in Salem on Monday. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Tad PLUE, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Alva PLUE of this city. She is a native of St. Louis. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles JONES west of this city. He is a graduate of Kinmundy High School class of 23, and is a prosperous young farmer.
- Mrs. Irene BRUCE and Beldon BRUCE, both of Villa Grove, were married in Paris, Ill. on July 28, and were attended by Mr. and Mrs. N.H. BLACKBURN of Paris. The groom is a brakeman on the C. & E.I. R.R. Mrs. BRUCE was formerly Miss Irene MESSER, of this city, and graduated with the Kinmundy High School class of 23.
- Mrs. GRIFFIN and son, John, of Brubaker, Mrs. Otto BORING of Odin, and Mr. and Mrs. B.L. FURRY and son, William, enjoyed a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.S. FURRY, in honor of their mother, Mrs. GRIFFINs birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOYT are the parents of an 8 lb. daughter, Monna Roumaine, born Aug. 5.
- Meacham News: Mrs. Georgia DILLON attended a birthday dinner at Will MILLERs Sunday.
Aug. 16, 1928:
- Mr. and Mrs. Harve BRANSON, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred SMITH of Farina, started to Crete, Ill. on Monday in the Chevrolet car to visit their daughter, Mrs. Archie PATHEL and family. They were 4 miles north of Effingham when they passed a Ford car. While Mr. BRANSON was passing the car, his steering wheel locked and he could not pull his car back to the right hand of the road. When the wheel did turn it, it went straight across the road and almost in a ditch, and then went to the other side of the road where it upset. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH were both bruised.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.M. FISHER suffered a small loss by fire Tuesday evening caused by their gasoline stove. It was quickly extinguished with little damage.
- O.K. and A.H. MILLER motored to Clifton Saturday to attend the funeral of Herbert CHAPMANs mother, Mrs. W.H. CHAPMAN.
- Miss Viola Charlotte BLACK and Maxwell D. TYNER were married at Olivet M.E. Church in Chicago Aug. 18. The groom is the son of the late O.N. TYNER, and attended school here 1 year.
- The 23rd annual reunion of the PARRILL family was held on the Dean PARRILL family lawn last Thursday. 36 members of the family attended.
- Tatoo marks on his left arm resulted in the identification of Carroll USEMAN, 31, World War Veteran and local coal miner, who was fatally injured when he was struck by a train in Casey. USEMAN was removed to a Terre Haute hospital and never regained consciousness before his death. His mother, Mrs. Blanche PATTERSON of Taylorville, left Tuesday for Terre Haute to claim the body. He also leaves a brother, Ernest USEMAN, and a sister, Violet. He was a nephew of Harry and Clyde PRUETT of this city.
- Wilson School: A large crowd gathered at the J.T. CHARLTON home last Thursday to help his son, Jesse, celebrate his birthday.
- Meadow Branch: Aug. 10, being Mrs. Andrew SLOVICKs birthday, her daughter, Sophia planned a surprise for her and 32 were present. Ice cream, cake, candy, and popcorn were served.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo BAYLIS and daughters, J.A. BAYLIS and daughters, Miss Maude and Mrs. Lodemia BAYLIS, motored to Salem Monday in answer to a message announcing the death of Roy, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BAYLIS, who died Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd BARBEE of Centralia are the parents of a 10 lb. baby daughter, named Frances Marie.
Aug. 23, 1928:
- Miss Helen Viola RUDOLPH and Charles Nelson HOUSH were married in Forrest Ave. Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri on Aug. 22. The bride is daughter of Carl RUDOLPH of Kansas City. The groom is son of Ufa HOUSH, is a nephew of C.F. and W.S. PRUETT, and is well known here.
- H.G. LACEY, son Raymond, and A.F. FUNK, returned Saturday from tour of the South.
- Miss Betty Frances THOMS entertained 17 of her little friends to a party in honor of her 6th birthday. Ice cream and cake was served by her mother, Mrs. R.L. THOMS.
- Mr. R.J. DOWNEY, watchmaker and jeweler of Decatur will locate in this city in the F.J. NIRIDER Drug Store.
- Everett VANGELDER, His sister and daughter, all of whom live near Salem, and Leonard STURM of Alma, were all seriously injured Saturday when STURM drove his automobile into a car occupied by the VANGELDER party, 2 miles east of Salem.
- Swift School: Ice cream was enjoyed at Mack ROBBs home Sunday in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Mack ROBB, Mrs. Selby GARRETT, and Clyde GARRETT. 38 were present.
- Wilson School: A large crowd of neighbors and friends enjoyed ice cream at the home of Emil MEYERS last Wednesday, the occasion being the birthday of their daughter, Wanda.
Aug. 30, 1928:
- The home of Mr. and Mrs. George REESE on the west side of this city, was the scene of much pleasure when about 140 people helped them celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. The wedding took place at high noon, when Mr. and Mrs. REESE, attended by their 7 sons, marched from the house to the lawn where Rev. J.M. LONG preformed the ring ceremony. Their great-granddaughter, Emma Rose CASTLE, was the ring bearer, and granddaughters, Lavonne, June, Wanda and Hope REESE were flower girls. The wedding dinner was then served to 95 persons. All their children were present, and all of their grandchildren but 2. The only 2 present who witnessed the ceremony 50 years ago were Mrs. Mary JONES of Vernon, the brides sister, and Mr. John REESE of St. James, the grooms brother. Just 50 years ago they were married at the home of Abe WORKMAN, Mrs. REESEs foster parents, 3 miles north of Brownstown. They had 8 children: James W. of Pana; Frank M. of Farina; Charles E. of Rock Falls; Sam H. of Brocton; Jesse G. of Kinmundy; Otto V. of Centralia; and Ben of Kinmundy. 1 daughter, Lou, died 24 years ago. They took in Helen and reared her from early childhood and loved her as a daughter. She is now the wife of Mr. Alex ALEXANDER of Christopher, Ill. They also have 24 grandchildren in all, and 1 great-granddaughter. (Note: This article was accompanied by a picture of the couple.)
- Mrs. Chas. DEW and granddaughter of Kansas City, Missouri are here visiting Mrs. Harriett DEW and daughter, Miss Lucy. Aunt Harriett celebrated her 90th birthday Wednesday.
- Wilson School: A large crowd attended the ice cream supper Saturday night at Pleasant Grove.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. W.W. BAGOTT attended the birthday dinner and family reunion near Farina on Sunday at the home of Eura BROWN.
- Swift School: A birthday dinner was enjoyed Sunday at the Mark SWIFT home in honor of his 66th birthday. There were 50 present to partake in the sumptuous noon dinner.
Sept. 6, 1928:
- Aug. 29 was the 90th birthday of Mrs. Harriett DEW, and relatives enjoyed a delicious dinner with her in honor of her birthday.
- Eldo LEMAY, 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LEMAY was killed Sunday. He, in the company with his sister, Marjorie, age 13 years, were watching their cousin, Kenneth GOFORTH, age 17 of Muncie, Ind., shoot sparrows with a 22 rifle. After killing a few sparrows, Kenneth decided to shoot at a match he had placed upon a post. In some unknown manner, the gun slipped and Kenneth caught it by the trigger, which discharged it, the bullet entering Eldos forehead. He died about ½ hour later. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LEMAY and was born May 29, 1921, and died Sept. 2, 1928. He leaves a mother, father, 2 brothers, Harold and Clifton, and 2 sisters, Marjorie and Dorothy. Services were held at the Church of God with interment in Eastland Cemetery.
- A family reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. SMITH in honor of their daughters, Miss Freda, who will leave soon for her Nursing school at St. Johns, and Miss Martha, who will leave for Champaign to enter Nurses Training School.
Sept. 13, 1928:
- Charles Edwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George MILLER, of South Bend, Ind., was born May 18, 1928, and died Sept. 7, 1928. Services and burial were at the South Bend. He leaves his parents, 3 brothers, 1 sister, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore MILLER, and Mr. and Mrs. M.H. SEE of this city.
- WILLIAMS and WILLIAMS are keeping pace with the times by installing an 8-hold Frigidaire ice cream cabinet in their restaurant. It was installed last week and is now in use.
- A letter was printed from Elizabeth, Roy, and Dr. John E. PARRILL telling of the surgery of Mrs. Elizabeth PARRILL and that she had an operation to remove her gall bladder and appendix at a hospital in Chicago, and shes in critical condition.
- The home of Mr. Ivey CURRY, near Farina, was the scene of a happy family gathering on Sept. 9 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. CURRY of Carmen, Oklahoma who have been here visiting for the first time in 28 years.
- Meadow Branch: Thurman ROBB, wife and son were visitors at Wess ROBBs Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SEIMER of St. Louis, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J.H. NELMS. They left Sunday for Altamont, where they attended a reunion of the SEIMER family.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.H. ALLEN returned home Tuesday from Newark, Ohio, where they attended the funeral of an uncle, Joseph EDWARDS, who was killed in an accident Friday. Mrs. EDWARDS is a sister of Mrs. Anna ALLEN of this city.
- Mrs. Guy ARNOLD left Monday for Xenia, where she will spend a few days with her son, Darrell and wife, who announce the arrival of a daughter, Monday morning.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thurman ROBB announce arrival of a fine 7 lb. girl born at their home Wednesday morning.
Sept. 20, 1928:
- The marriage of Mrs. Loretto BAUMGARTNER and Fred B. HAMMER took place Aug. 25 at Sacred Heart Church at the University of Notre Dame. He is the son of Mrs. Matilda HAMMER of this city.
- Erwin MOELLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward MOELLER, died at the home seven miles northwest of this city Monday from Typhoid Fever, aged 18 years, 6 months, and 19 days. He is survived by his parents, and several brothers and sisters. Services were held at St. Pauls Lutheran Church with interment in St. Paul Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.W. KILLIE and son, Richard, of Centralia, visited Sunday with his mother, Mrs. E.O. KILLIE and daughters. In the afternoon, they motored to the L.W. OSBORNE home in Farina, where a surprise was given MR. OSBORNE in honor of his birthday.
Sept. 27, 1928:
- On Sept. 19, 1878, Mr. James H. BAYLIS and Miss Harriett T. EAGAN, both of Kinmundy, stole the March on their many friends as they quietly slipped away to Salem and were married by Rev. HENDRICK. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reese EAGAN. She was born June 30, 1860, and grew to womanhood here. The groom was born in Decatur Co., Ind. on Apr. 21, 1858. At the age of 5 years, he came to Kinmundy with his mother to make their home. A year or 2 afterwards the mother died, and he returned to Indiana, where he spent the remainder of his boyhood days. During this time, there was always a warm spot in his heart for Kinmundy, and at the age of 19, he returned to the vicinity. 12 children were born to their couple of whom 8 are now living, namely: Arminda NEAVILLE of Kinmundy; Edna BAILEY of Harvey, Ill.; Eugene BAYLIS of Stanford, Mont.; Nellie SPURLIN of Chicago; Harriett BARBEE of Centralia; Hazel JONES of Kinmundy; Rochelle DURKIN of Chicago; and Burdette BAYLIS of Kinmundy. After their marriage they settled in the vicinity of Kinmundy, and have lived here ever since. For the past 28 years, they have lived on their present farm northwest of town. Mr. BAYLIS is 70 years of age, and Mrs. BAYLIS, 68 years old. On Sept. 19, 1928 this happy couple celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary, with 75 relatives and friends present with them. At the noon hour a bountiful dinner was served under the large maple tree.
- The Ladies of Pleasant Grove Church met at Mrs. Will JACOBS and organized a ladies aid of which the following officers were elected: President - Mrs. Thos. SHAFFER; Vice President - Mrs. Francis SIPES; Secretary - Mrs. Pearl ROSE; Treasurer - Mrs. Nora SHAFFER. We had an aid of about 16 members and will accept others at any meeting. We are now ready to do quilting or any other kind of work that is brought to us. Our next meeting will be Wednesday Sept. 26 at Mrs. Will JACOBS. Visitors are welcome. At our last meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Ed JACOBS and Mr. Pearl ROSE were there. Come again and bring others.
- A sumptuous dinner was served Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. BARBEE in honor of J.D.s 67th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. BARBEE had the pleasure of having all their children at the home on the occasion. - Elder School: A few members of Pleasant Grove church motored to Alma Saturday night and spent the evening with Rev. MAYS and family, pastor of Pleasant Grove church. Rev. MAYS preached his farewell sermon at Alma Sunday night and some of the Pleasant Grove people drove over to hear him. The MAYS family have made many warm friends here the past 2 years, who wish for them success in all their undertakings.
- The 77th anniversary of the Rebekah Lodge was duly celebrated by the members of the Rosedale Rebekah Lodge Friday evening.
Oct. 4, 1928:
- Judge DOVE gave his final decision Monday morning in the Circuit Court regarding the hard road case, and it was received by a majority of the listeners in about the same manner as a murderer receiving a death sentence. He stated that as he interpreted the law, the state has no right to deviate from the traveled highway in establishing a route for a hard road except to make minor changes. He says it cannot be built thru the fields adjoining the Railroad right of way northeast from Alma to Kinmundy which amounts to 3.6 miles. The state has taken an appeal of the case to the Supreme Court.
- And now comes Mr. Roy MISSELBROOK with 4 Nancy Hall sweet potatoes and proclaims himself the "Chiefton of the tribe of Nancy Halls". Come on folks with your exhibits and we will have an institute all of our own. We might suggest that the ladies take up this fight also by bringing in samples of pies, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, etc. as you know the editor has to sample everything in order to pass judgement.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT and daughter, Dorothy, returned home Wednesday evening from a visit in Villa Grove. They were driving with Orville HARVEY and near Altamont, in going down a hill, the brakes failed to work, and they mixed up with a truck loaded with ice and also another car. None of the occupants were injured.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT announce the arrival of a 10 lb. son at their home, Friday evening, Sept. 28.
- Mr. George FIELDS received word Monday evening that his brother, Oscar, of Centralia, had died in the afternoon. He had taken suddenly ill at 2 oclock and died 1 hour later.
- Lost: Between Sandy Branch and town, a spare tire, rim, cover, tail light, and license plate. Finder please return to Billie MORRIS.
- Mrs. John H. HOLT passed away at her home near ARNOLDs Chapel Tuesday morning. She was about 60 years of age. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon.
- The State Bank of Loogootee has been consolidated with the Farmers and Merchants State Bank of St. Peter.
- The Pleasant Grove Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Will JACOBS, Sept. 26th and preceded on a postcard quilt top. The pieces were all cut and donated to the Aid.
- Meacham News: Bob GREEN and family called on Bert GARRETT and family and Marvin CONANT and family Sunday afternoon.
Oct. 11, 1928:
- James P. WHITSON was born in Park Co., Ind. on May 1, 1850, and died at his home in Salem Oct. 2, 1928. He married Miss Martha WILLIAMS on Nov. 2, 1871, and they had 9 children - 5 girls and 4 boys. 4 children preceded him in death. He united with the Southern Methodist Church in Kinmundy in an early life, later uniting with the M.E. Church in Kinmundy, and then moving with his family to Salem in 1914. He leaves his wife 5 children: Mrs. Lena SCHOOLEY of Kinmundy; Harry of St. Louis; Mrs. Susie WILCOX of Chicago; Miss Elsie at home; and Marvin of Chicago; 1 brother, Charles, of near Alma; 11 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild.
- Charles WAGNER died at his home here 4 miles west of Fairfield on Oct. 6 at the age of 61 years, 2 months, and 4 days. Services were held at the M.E. Church near his home with interment in Geff Cemetery. Mr. WAGNER and family were former residents of this city. He is survived by a wife; 1 daughter, Mrs. Amelia SPRAGUE; and her husband, Walter SPRAGUE; and an adopted son, Gail WAGNER; 4 brothers and 1 sister of Huntington, Ind.
- Emily Jane ANGLIN, wife of William R. PEARSON, was born March 27, 1847 and died Oct. 4, 1928. She married W.R. PEARSON on Nov. 8, 1872, and they had 6 children, 1 dying in infancy. The following children survive: Joseph of Kinmundy, Margaret EAGAN of Alma; Florence MORGAN of Vernon; Susan JONES of Decatur; and Corda GREEN of Maroa; 9 grandchildren; and 1 brother, Ira B. ANGLIN of Brubaker. Services and interment were at Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- George FIELDS and family, and Miss Mary MAXEY attended the funeral of Mr. FIELDs brother in Centralia Thursday.
- Mrs. Elizabeth SPILLMAN, 70, of Elkhart, Ind., mother of Capt. Seth SPILLMAN of Elkhart Police Dept., was seriously injured last evening when she was hit by a touring car. She is a former resident of Kinmundy.
- On last Sunday morning, Oct. 7th at 10:30 a.m., Mrs. Jennie STOCK returned to her home after a 3 weeks visit in St. Louis with relatives and friends. Upon entering her home she found the house filled with relatives and friends, and the dining room table loaded with everything good to eat. They soon informed her that they had come to help to celebrate her 66th birthday. After everyone had eaten all that was possible, the afternoon was spent in a social way with games, music and kodaking. One pleasant feature of the gathering was the presence of all her brothers and sisters, it being the first time in more than 30 years that they had all been together. Those present were: Mrs. Mary ROBB, Mrs. Kate BOCKELMAN, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter STEVENS of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Leo STOCK, Mrs. Mary SANDHOFER, son, Edward, and daughter, Frances; John METZGER, son, Carl, and daughter, Eva, of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Frank KLEISS of Pesotum; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. METZGER and family; Alex STOCK and family; Arthur STOCK and family, Fred KLEISS and family, Mrs. Mary KOLB and daughter, Miss Anna.
- Meadow Branch: A message was received by J.A. BAYLIS Thursday stating his sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura BAYLIS, had died Wed. at Greensburg, Ind. Burial made there.
- Wilson School: Several of the young people charivaried Delbert SMITH last Sat. night.
Oct. 18, 1928:
- Malita A. GARNER, daughter of William and Mary Jane HOLT, was born in Effingham Co., Ill. on Dec. 4, 1857, and died Oct. 9, 1928 at her home in this city after suffering of months duration. On Christmas Eve 1874 she married Mr. J.B. GARNER of this city, and they had 6 children: Mrs. Maude STREVEY of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Edna HUNT of Taylorville, Ill.; Chas. C. of Kinmundy; Fred M. of San Francisco, Cal. Lillian MORITZ preceded her mother in death in 1909, and Mrs. Mary SMITH in 1913. Mr. and Mrs. GARNER celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Dec. 24, 1924. Besides the husband and 4 children, surviving are a niece, Mrs. Alice BATES of Taylorville, 7 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Edwin, youngest son of Mrs. Belle PERRY of this city, died at the family home on Oct. 15 after 3 weeks illness of acute endurocartis, aged 25 years and 2 days. Services were held at the Church of God with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Word was received here by Mr. and Mrs. O.M. ARNOLD of the arrival of a baby girl at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen JOHNSON of Neoga. She has been named Marion Elizabeth.
- Another Cardinal fan came to reside at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON, when a 10½ lb. daughter was born last Saturday.
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Halice LEWIS, a 7½ lb. son on Oct. 16.
- Mr. and Mrs. Don JACKSON are the parents of a 7½ lb. son was born on Oct. 10.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe COUGHLIN of Los Angeles, Cal., announced the arrival of a son, Joe Jr.
- On Oct. 14, relatives to the number of 60 gathered at the home of Hiram LACEY to help him celebrate his 75th birthday. He was away from home in the morning, and when he returned at noon, he found us there. To say he was surprised is putting it mildly. All 10 children were present to help to help him celebrate, it being the first time in 15 years they had all been home at one time. The children present were, namely: Ronald and family of Red Bud; Mrs. Nellie KOLLMAN and family of Altamont; Mrs. Myrtle RILEY and husband of Beecher City; Hazel and Raymond of Bloomington; Avis of Salem; Mrs. Iris SOLDNER and husband, Dewey and family; Ruth and Ted all of Kinmundy. Mr. LACEY received many gifts, among which was 25 dollars in gold.
- About 40 jolly neighbors and friends stole a march on Mrs. Nora BURKETT on Oct. 13 when they arrived about 8 oclock with much gust and honking of horns to help celebrate her birthday. Although she was aware of her birthday, she was not expecting company, therefore was completely surprised. The crowd brought a variety of homemade candy, apples and pears.
- There has been quite a few incidents of tinkering with cars in the community by someone trying to play as a joke on the owner. Evidently these were unaware that this is a penitentiary offence and it would be well for said offenders to watch out.
- Wilson School: About 65 friends of Miss Mary CHARLTON gathered at her home Saturday to help her celebrate her 17th birthday. The evening was enjoyed by dancing.
Oct. 25, 1928:
- Mary Alice BLACKBURN, daughter of Geo. and Emily BLACKBURN, was born in Medora, Ill. on March 16, 1849, and died at her home 2 miles south of Kinmundy on Oct. 17, 1928. She married at Hillsboro, Ill. on June 30, 1869 to H.W. SEE, Sr., and they had 8 children, 5 sons and 3 daughters. The husband and 5 sons, Harry, Ernest, Saybon, Michael, and Richard, preceded her in death. There are left, 3 daughters: Mrs. Ollie E. LASATER of Long Beach, Cal, Mrs. Mabel KELLEY of Sturgis, Ky., and Mrs. Emma WILLIAMS of Kinmundy; 10 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren; 4 sisters: Mrs. Annie ORCUTT and Mrs. Winifred GRAY of Litchfield, Ill.; Mrs. Minnie WESLEY and Mrs. Effie HALL of Chicago; 2 brothers: Neal BLACKBURN of Columbia, S.C.; and Albert BLACKBURN of Webster Grove, Mo. Services were held at the Baptist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Harve BRANSON returned home Monday after spending the week in Crete, Ill. with his daughter, Mrs. Archie PATHEL, who has been ill. On his way home Sunday, he attended the funeral of his nephew, Warren BRANSON, aged 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert BRANSON of Rantoul.
- Miss Ruth LACEY, 19 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram LACEY, residing east of this city, was struck by a freight train Tuesday while driving her car home from town. She drove north of the hard road, crossing the railroad 1½ mile north of town. She had driven part of the car clear of the northbound tracks when a fast freight train struck the rear end completely demolishing it. The local crew picked Ruth up out of the ditch and loaded her on the rear end of the caboose bringing her to town. She was unconscious when she was picked up, but regained consciousness enough on her way, telling, telling her name and that she wanted to be taken to a hospital. The local crew flagged No. 1, put her in the baggage car, and she was taken to Centralia. Her parents got there when Ruth was in the operating room. She had 1 rib was broken, a deep gash in the right thigh, her lower lip cut open, and she was bruised. Later, the rib was found to be pressing against her lung and she received several hemorrhages Wednesday and was given treatment for lockjaw thru out the day. She is still in very serious condition.
- Wilson School: A number of folks enjoyed the dance Saturday night at the CHARLTON home. It was a surprise on their daughter, Miss Mary.
- Word was received here last Monday that Mrs. Sam ADAMS at Wichita, Kansas had died of pneumonia. She was formerly Mrs. Ida TULL.
- Former Kinmundians who are non-residents of California, met for their annual picnic Sept. 13 at the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. ELDER at Hermosa Beach, Cal.
- James HESTER of Alma returned to High School Monday after a weeks absence while taking a trip in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio.
- A letter written by Elsie GEE was printed.
- Early LANE and wife were quite surprised Saturday night when a crowd of 30 arrived with their usual hilarity to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Earlys were preparing to go to town, but were delayed by Lester VANSCYOCs until the bunch arrived. The evening was spent in playing rook and other games. We also enjoyed the Victrola music. Hot coffee and cocoa were served with sandwiches and pumpkin pies.
- Meacham News (from last week): John WEISS and family attended the silver wedding anniversary of Henry JASPER and wife last Wednesday evening.
Nov. 1, 1928:
- (From "The Centralia Sentinel"): On Wednesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.I. DOOLEN in Harvey, Ill. occurred the wedding of Miss Melba DOOLEN and Wayne BRACEY. The best man was W.B. VALENTINE, former coach of Salem High School, and Miss Bonnie SPIRAL was bridesmaid. Wayne graduated from Salem High School, and was one of the star basketball players. Miss DOOLEN spent most of her school life in Salem coming here when young when her father was deputy sheriff of Marion County. The couple will make their home in Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Dan DOOLEN, parents of the bride, were former residents of the Kinmundy community.
- The funeral was held for Mrs. Lutie BAKER GUNN, former resident of this city, in South Bend, Ind. on Oct. 30. She died from cancer.
- Robert FOSTER, aged 63 years, died at his home near Brubaker on Oct. 28. He leaves a wife and 2 daughters. Services held at the Church of God in Kinmundy with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Herman Howard, son of Carl Andrew and Dora HEICHER, was born Oct. 3, 1919 and died Oct. 26, 1928. He had a brief illness of 1 week, and was taken to Effingham hospital for an operation. He leaves a mother, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, and a brother-in-law. Interment in Elder Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HATFIELD of Shawneetown, Ill. are parents of a 7 lb. son, William Hill, born Oct. 28. The mother is the former Miss Louise HILL of this city.
- Harve BRANSON received word this morning of the arrival of a baby daughter at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie PATHEL of Crete, Ill.
Nov. 8, 1928:
- Miss Marjorie WILLIAMS has been ill for the past 6 weeks and Sat. evening Dr. FOWLER pronounced her ailment infantile paralysis. The city officials placed the family under quarantine Sunday morning.
- Little Ethel Louise, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie PATHEL, died at Crete, Ill. Friday, aged 3 days. The father and Mr. MORGAN of Crete, motored here with the little body which was laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.
- The announcement received by Mr. and Mrs. J.R. CHANCE of the marriage of their daughter, Mildred, to Roy TWIGG which occurred in Danville on Nov. 1. They will make their home in Chicago.
- Swift School: Miss Lorene GARRETT is staying at the Marshall WILLIAMS home.
- Swift School: Charles FORD and wife, Mrs. Valinda CONANT, Mrs. Mack ROBB, and Mrs. Ren WAINSCOTT attended the funeral of Richard MICHAEL in Farina Tuesday.
- Swift School: Mark SWIFT and wife spent Sunday with Otis CHARLTON and wife and helped Otis celebrate his birthday.
Nov. 15, 1928:
- Marcella WILBRACHT died at her home in Steeleville Nov. 9 after an illness of brain fever. She had made her home here with Mr. and Mrs. J.T. BROWN. The funeral was held in Steeleville.
- Funeral services for Mrs. Mary MANGNER, who died in St. Anthonys Hospital on Nov. 10, were held in this city from St. Philomenas Catholic Church in this city. The deceased, wife of the late Thomas MANGNER, was a former resident of this city, but for the past few years made her home in Farina. Her husband died some 2 years ago. She leaves 1 sister, Mrs. Catherine SULLIVAN; 2 nieces and 2 nephews of Dayton, Ohio; and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Cora MANGNER of Farina.
- The John MERCHANT residence caught fire Monday and burnt to the ground. When the fire was first noticed, a small blaze was on the roof, but the entire attic was on fire. All furniture was carried out and saved. They are living in the JERNIGAN property.
- Monday being the birthday of Herman SOLDNER, several of his friends gave him a surprise party Sunday evening, at his home east of town. About 25 were present.
- A merry bunch of neighbors came to help Miss Edith celebrate her birthday Oct. 25. Social chat and listening to the radio was the past time for the grownups, while the children played games.
- Elder School: The election is over and Chas. WANTLAND is rejoicing to think that these good old Republican Times will still continue.
- Wilson School: A big crowd attended the dance at Marion SHUFELDTS Saturday night.
- Over the Line: Monroe MARLOW received a very painful injury to his right arm Tuesday noon while scuffing with one of the larger high school boys. He was taken to Centralia Wednesday where an x-ray revealed a broken bone.
Nov. 22, 1928:
- Harriett Talietha, daughter of Eli and Martha ROBB was born near Kinmundy on Aug. 29, 1838. Here she grew to womanhood. She married John Randle DEW on Apr. 2, 1857, and they had 9 children, 2 daughters and 7 sons. She lost 2 sons in infancy and her son Edward died in 1903. Those remaining are: Lucy, who for years has been a comfort and help of her mother. She has been assisted in loving duty by a son and brother, Frank, who left his home and work to care for his mother. Other children are: Charles of Kansas City; John of Mt. Vernon, Iowa; Martha of Bridgeport, Conn.; and Herbert of Minneapolis, Minn. Her husband died Aug. 1, 1877. "Aunt Harriett" died on Nov. 7, 1928, and services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Word was received here by Robert L. INGRAM of the death of Mrs. Joseph E. EASTLAND which occurred Nov. 1. She was 77 years old and died of cancer.
- The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. GRESHAM died at their home in Chicago Saturday and brought here for burial. Services were held at the home of Mrs. E.V. FISHER with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. David Elihu GRESHAM was born Dec. 17, 1927. He leaves his parents and an older brother.
- Miss Arlene BUNDY married Mr. Joseph WATT on Nov. 11 at the Baptist Church in Gillette, Wyoming. The bride was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.L. BUNDY, pioneer family of Gillette. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank WATT of Moorcraft. Mr. BUNDY attended high school in Kinmundy.
- Miss Lucille TOMLINSON of Salem became the bride of Lawrence KELLUMS of Springfield on Nov. 14 at the M.E. parsonage in Centralia. The couple will reside in Springfield. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. FOSTER of this city, and is a twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TOMILSON. She is a graduate of Salem High School.
- James W. and Permelia Jane ROBB ARNOLD celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary near Arnolds Chapel on Nov. 18. 40 friends and relatives ate dinner with them. They were married Nov. 18, 1869 near Kinmundy, and have lived near Arnolds Chapel ever since. They had 4 children: Elmer, Sam, Mrs. Lola GREEN, and Orien; 17 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.
- Mr. and Mrs. Seymour CHANCE are parents of an 8½ lb. baby daughter born Nov. 18.
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hester KENNEDY, a baby boy born Nov. 17 at the home of Mrs. KENNEDYs mother, Mrs. Susan BLACK.
- Mr. and Mrs. Rolland ALLEN of Flora have a baby daughter named Norma Ruth, born Nov. 13. The arrival of his first grandchild makes Grandpa ALLEN wear a smile that wont come off.
- A 7½ lb. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. LYONS at their home in Kankakee, Nov. 21, named William Marion.
- Swift School: Mrs. Ren WAINSCOTT and Mrs. Mack ROBB attended the Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Wes ROBB Wednesday.
- Wilson School: A good crowd attended Sunday School at Pleasant Grove Sunday.
Nov. 29, 1928:
- Mr. and Mrs. Emmett GRAY and son, Carl, were in Centralia last Wednesday. Carl remained for treatment for a broken arm.
- Herschel HEFLIN and family, Mrs. James HEFLIN and family, son Ed and daughter, Clara, of near Iuka, and Mr. and Mrs. R.J. SMITH of this city spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.C. HEFLIN and enjoyed a birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. HEFLINs birthday.
- Charles Montgomery was born to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. GRAY in Champaign Nov. 23. The mother is formerly Miss Gene DOOLEN of this city.
- Miss Cora BARBEE, formerly of this place, married Mr. W.E. CLARK of Chicago in Danville on Nov. 22 at the Lutheran parsonage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. BARBEE. She has been employed in Danville at the Soldiers hospital for the past year. The groom is a native of Chicago. The couple will make their home in Chicago.
- By the request of his mother, the late Amanda C. BRANCH, Guy SHAFFER dis-interred the bodies of his father, John SHAFFER, who died 36 years ago, and his sister, Ina, who died 48 years ago, from the YOST Cemetery last Friday. The bodies were re-interred in Evergreen Cemetery. Much to the surprise to all concerned, the casket of Mr. SHAFFER was still intact.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe BACKENSTO were called to the home of their daughter, Mrs. VALLOW, Nov. 26, where they found the Priscillas, their husbands, and other friends had assembled to remind them of the fact that their 29th wedding anniversary was being celebrated.
Dec. 6, 1928:
- Glenn BRASEL and Miss Dola CHASTEEN, both residents near this city, were married on Dec. 3 at the M.E. parsonage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CHASTEEN, residing east of this city. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry BRASEL, but since infancy has made his home with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O.W. GEORGE, north of this city. The couple will make their home on a farm owned by Ray GEORGE, which the groom has purchased and had the home furnished while awaiting his bride.
- For the first time in history, Tuberculosis is a greater menace to rural than city people in Illinois.
- Over the Line: Beryl DISS spent last Saturday with Xon WILKINSON and helped celebrated Xons birthday.
- Wilson School: Fred KLEISS has received word of the marriage of his cousin, Mr. Wm. J. BEHL of Pesotum, to Miss Emma RHINEHART of Mattoon on Thanksgiving Day.
- Swift School: Theodore WILLIAMS and family, Selby GARRETT and family, and Marshall WILLIAMS and family, spent Sunday with Ves WILLIAMS and family. Mr. WILLIAMS and family are moving to a farm near Farina.
Dec. 13, 1928:
- Nelson B. EMERSON, pioneer western livestock buyer, died at St. Marys Hospital in East. St. Louis, Ill. He was born in Dunkirk, Erie Co., New York, and was 87 years old of age on June 15 last. His grandfather, Nathaniel EMERSON, served in the War of 1812. "Uncle Nels" was a personal friend of Grover Cleveland, President of the United States. He married twice. His first wife, Mrs. Amelia BRIGGS EMERSON of Buffalo, died in 1891. His son E.R. EMERSON survives this union. This second wife was Florence SPEISE GUTHRIE of Mt. Vernon, who died 9 years ago. Mrs. J.H. OWENS, a daughter, and J.L. Guthrie, a son, survive the second marriage. He also leaves a brother, George EMERSON of Buffalo, aged 82, and a sister, Alice EMERSON of Buffalo, aged 76. The funeral was held in East St. Louis, after which the remains were brought to Kinmundy to lay beside his wife, Florence GUTHRIE EMERSON, in Evergreen Cemetery.
- The Gem Theatre was purchased from Mrs. Myrtle SCHOOLEY by Carl DUNLAP. Carl has been an operator for the past few years.
- Rev. E. Grey WININGER was called to Shipman, Ill. Thursday to preach the funeral of Geo. KULENKAMP.
- A small blaze was discovered on the roof of the John HANSON home last Friday morning. The fire alarm sounded, and the bucket brigade extinguished the flames. A good sized hole was burned in.
- Meadow Branch: Wess ROBB and family visited Sunday with Willie GARRETT and family.
- Relatives received word Monday that Mrs. James GRIFFIN of Patoka died Sunday morning from pneumonia. She formerly resided here for awhile.
- Meacham News: C.C. FORD of St. Peter spent Tuesday with Ed HARRELL.
- Meacham News: Ben BOSTON was buried at the Union Cemetery on Tuesday. He was the father of Dr. BOSTON, formerly of Kinmundy.
Dec. 20, 1928:
- Last weeks "Prairie Farmer" was printed on paper made of corn stalk. The successful manufacturer of paper from corn stalk pulp should be news of tremendous value to the entire nation.
- Meacham News: The infant son of Art WEISS and wife was buried at Elder Cemetery on Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MORGAN received a message Sunday announcing the arrival of an 8½ lb. boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd THRASHER of Chicago. The mother is formerly Miss Mary MORGAN of this city.
- Omega: Mr. Chas. HADDEN, our township highway commissioner died on Dec. 14. The funeral was held at Iuka on Dec. 16.
Dec. 27, 1928:
- Susanne F. TOLSON was born Apr. 4, 1847 near Concordia, Meade Co, Ky, and died at her home in Kinmundy on Dec. 24, 1928. She was the youngest of 4 children - 2 boys and 2 girls. The parents were Jerimiah and Catherine (HORN) BAILEY. She married Daniel S. BROWN on July 21, 1872. He died on March 14, 1911. She married second to Benjamin F. TOLSON on March 3, 1913, who died Dec. 19, 1919. Shes been a resident of Kinmundy for the past 5 years. She was a sister to the late Jeff BAILEY of this vicinity. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Claborn COCKRELL died at his home in this city early Wednesday at the age of 83 years, 1 month, and 3 days. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Elmer JASPER died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August JASPER, on Friday morning after a lingering illness of tuberculosis, aged 17 years, 1 month, and 10 days. He lived his entire life in this community. Services were held at the Evangical Church in Farina with interment in Farina Cemetery.
- C.I. DOOLEN tells of the marriage of his son, Eli, of San Diego, Cal. and Miss Birdie HAMMOND of Green River, Wyoming, Dec. 16 at St. Josephs rectory in San Diego. The bride is a native of Green River, Wyoming. The groom is the youngest son of C.I. DOOLEN of this city. He attended public schools and grew to manhood in this city. He was a student at Dr. GRADWAHLs School of Technology in St. Louis, later employed in Holden Hospital in Carbondale, Ill. He is presently in the U.S. Navy.
- Bobby SMITH, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman SMITH living north of Farina, died on Wednesday. The child fell into a pan of scalding water on Wednesday last week. Services were held at the M.E. Church in Farina. Mr. Smith, the father, is nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Harve BRANSON of this city.
- Swift School: A large crowd attended the Christmas tree and program at Pleasant Grove Sunday night. A splendid program was given.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (March 1999) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.