Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Jan. 1, 1931:
- The store of Ira C. MORRIS was robbed Friday night and $172 in cash was taken from his safe. The robbers gained entrance by breaking the lock on the front door.
- Ralph METZGER of Kinmundy and Ted PATTON of Walnut Hill are in a hospital at Highland, Ill., and a third man is dead as the result of an automobile accident near St. Jacob on Christmas Eve. Ralph KRAFT, a telephone lineman, died at the hospital Saturday morning from injuries received when the automobile in which he was riding, struck a threshing machine. The impact was so terrific that the gasoline tank exploded throwing METZGER and PATTON from the automobile. KRAFT was not thrown and was fatally burned. The men, all employed by Bell Telephone Co. of Alton, were enroute to their homes when the accident occurred. KRAFTs home is at LaHarpe, Ill.
- Master Richard MOTCH celebrated his 8th birthday by entertaining 8 little boy friends.
- Wilson School: A large crowd enjoyed the program and tree given at Pleasant Grove Church Xmas night.
- Shanghai: Mr. Wm. MORRIS celebrated his 8th birthday Christmas Day. He has the distinction of being the oldest native in Kinmundy township. There are older men than Mr. MORRIS, but he has lived in this twp. his entire 80 years.
Jan. 8, 1931:
- Mrs. Russell SWIFT died Saturday. Charlene, daughter of Columbus C. and Mary WILLIAMS, was born on a farm in Foster twp., June 10, 1898. She was 1 of a family of 13 children, the father and 3 children being gone before her. On this farm she resided until her marriage to Russell SWIFT, a young farmer, Feb. 14, 1914, and they made their home on a farm near the SWIFT homestead, and they had 3 children: Maxine, Burdette, and Valda. She also leaves 3 brothers and 6 sisters. At the age of 13 she joined the little church of Shanghai. The funeral was held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Pallbearers were Mac ROBB, Ren WAINSCOTT, Marvin CONANT, Sam LOWE, Ira MORRIS, and George COLE. Flower girls were Lora Elsie DOOLEN, Nelda PULLEN, Lenore DOOLEN and Virginia ROHRBOUGH.
- James HORTIN of Albion, Ill. and Miss Pauline BROOKS of Jerseyville, Ill. were married at Lebanon, Ill. Dec. 30, 1930. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. GARVIN of McKendree College, a former instructor of both Mr. HORTIN and Miss BROOKS. Attendants were Miss Helen BROOKS of Jerseyville, sister of the bride, and Jack HASKIN of Pontiac, Ill. She is the daughter of Mrs. Clara BROOKS of Jerseyville, and has made many friends in the city since coming here in Sept. as an instructor at the local high school. She graduated from McKendree College in 30. Mr. HORTIN is a graduate of McKendree College, and at present time is a member of the faculty of Vandalia H.S. teaching science.
- The Alma State Bank voluntarily closed their doors Friday morning. This was due merely to the lack of Patronage. The bank was closed by action of the directors and it is reported that depositors will lose nothing. Saturday a rumor was started in Salem that a run was being made on our local banks which, of course, was erroneous.
- Miss Audrey PETERS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. PETERS, died Tuesday at the age of 18. In company with her grandmother HOFFMAN, she had gone to Chicago to spend Christmas with relatives. She became ill while taking in a show, and a doctor was summoned. He pronounced it diabetes, and she soon went into a coma. She died shortly after her parents were able to come by train and were at her bedside. Mr. PETERS has been employed on the I.C. local thru here for the past several years.
- Miss Margaret WARREN entertained at dinner on New Years Eve in honor of Miss Kathryn WORMLEYs birthday.
- Booker: There was a big New Years Party at Bill SIMMONS. Music was furnished by Jessie SINCLAIR and wife, Roy HANKS and the rest of the bunch. These were some old time jigs by William SIMMONS and John WEISS.
- Booker: Mr. and Mrs. KELLER entertained a nice crowd at their home Jan. 2. There was plenty of radio, violin, guitar, banjo, piano, and mandolin music.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. J.T. CHARLTON are all smiles now, the cause being their first grandson who was born New Years morning at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil LANE.
- Mr. and Mrs. Billie MORRIS, Jr. are rejoicing over the arrival of a 10½ lb. son born Jan. 6 at St. Marys Hospital in Centralia, named William Darrell.
Jan. 15, 1931:
- Mr. I.D. INGRAM was very much surprised Jan.10, when several of his neighbors gathered at his home to help him and his son, L.C., celebrate their birthdays. Cake and ice cream were served.
- 10 young friends of George H. BARGH were his guests at a birthday party in honor of his 4th birthday on Jan. 10. Most of the afternoon was spent playing with toys. Mr. Fred BENKE of Salem appeared on the scene and gave the party a movie show with his kodatoy and films. He also took motion pictures of the host and guests doing various stunts in the yard. Guests included: Kathleen BROWN, Barbara Jean MILLER, Betty BARCROFT, Buddy and Jimmy ROBNETT, David LOWE, Scott and Charles DAVIDSON, Peter BROWN and Jo BARGH.
- T.M. SMITH celebrated his 73rd birthday Jan. 12. Before leaving for his office that morning, he mentioned to Mrs. SMITH that she did not need to get him a present. Upon going home for supper that evening, Mr. SMITH noticed his wife wearing a new dress. He mentioned the fact to her and asked how come she got it. She replied, "Why Tom, that is your birthday present."
- Mr. and Mrs. A.J. FOSTER received an announcement of the birth of a 7 lb. son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane TOMLINSON in Benton, Ill. on Jan. 8 named George Duane.
- A war is raging right here in our little city, but it is a friendly war and well liked by the people. This is a bread war with the declining of prices on food stuffs. Centralia has introduced here an 11 oz. loaf of bread which retails for 4 cents. Then comes Effingham with a 16 oz. loaf selling for 5 cents. Salem in turn dropped their price on their 68 oz. loaf of bread to 8 cents.
- Mr. and Mrs. HARRELL called on Ruben FULFERS Saturday evening.
- Omega: George KNISELY had the misfortune of having his leg hurt last Saturday while working in the timber. A number of men in the community gathered at his home Monday and sawed a large pile of wood for him.
- Booker: John WEISS and Wm. SIMMONS take the cake for jig dancing nowadays.
- Walter B. PRUETT, while playing football on the lawn at home, had the misfortune to fall and break both bones of his right arm.
Jan. 22, 1931:
- Mrs. Martha METZGER was buried Friday. Anna, daughter of Frank and Augusta STOCK SANDHOFER, was born Sept. 22, 1877, and died at St. Anthonys hospital in Effingham, Ill. on Jan. 14, 1931. On Aug. 20, 1902 she married Martin METZGER, and they had 5 children, 1 daughter and 4 sons. The infant daughter and 2 infant sons preceded her in death. At the tender age of 8 years, she with her 3 younger sisters, was bereft of both parents, and she was reared to womanhood in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob STOCK. At their death she made her home with other relatives until her marriage. She leaves a husband; 2 sons, Victor and Ralph; 2 step-daughters, Mrs. Alice KRAMER of Farina, and Mrs. Neta LONGHEINRICH of Kirkwood, Mo.; 2 sisters, Mrs. Katie KRAMER and Miss Lucy SANDHOFER of Farina. 1 sister, Mrs. Mary WANTLAND, preceded her death 26 years ago. Services were held at St. Philomenas Catholic Church in Kinmundy.
- Miss Dorothy WIDDIS and Mr. Frank DERIEMER were married Dec. 6, 1930. The ceremony was performed at the 1st M.E. Church in Glendale, Cal.
- The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry EAGAN died at the family home in Hillsdale, Ind. on Sunday morning after a brief illness of pneumonia. The little body was accompanied by the father, sister, Marcelline, and brother, John, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd HERRICK and daughter, and Mr. MAYS, and taken to the home of Mr. EAGANs mother, Mrs. Alice EAGAN, where services were held. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. The mother was unable to be present at the funeral services because of more illness in the family. Baby Ralph Leroy EAGAN, son of Harry and Gladys RHODES EAGAN, was born May 8, 1930 in Hillsdale, Ind., and died Jan. 18, 1931. He leaves his father and mother; 4 sisters, Marcelline, Tiona, Opal Louise, and Ailene; 3 brothers, John, James, and Noah; 2 grandmothers, Mrs. Alice EAGAN, and Mrs. Anna RHODES.
- Ira MORRIS witnessed a terrible experience Monday morning by being held up. Mr. MORRIS opened his store at about 6:30 oclock. Since his recent robbery, he has been keeping his police dog in the store at night. As soon as he opened the store he let the dog out. He was preceding to the back of the store when a man wearing a mask walked in the back door and ordered him to stick em up. He then told Ira to put his hands behind him and tied them. Then he crammed his mouth full of rags with the gun barrel, told him to bend over and be nice, and then hit him in the head with the butt of the gun. He took about $68 dollars and made his getaway. Ira was found about a half hour later by Dolph HAMMER, who was on his way to work but happened to stop by the store.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG spent Sunday in Salem, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi EAST, it being the birthday of their son, Lovell. It was also the birthday of Mr. Homer BETTS, and he with his wife and daughter were guests too.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB visited last Thursday with her parents, Willie GARRETT and wife.
- Swift School: Selby GARRETT and family, Ren WAINSCOTT and family, Cecil GARRETT and Marcelline DOOLEN were Saturday evening callers at the Mac ROBB home.
- Swift School: Mack ROBB and family, Cecil GARRETT, Marcelline DOOLEN, Tom GARRETT, Marcelline GARRETT, Loy MORRIS, and Forrest THOMS spent Thursday evening with Helen WAINSCOTT, it being her birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur STOCK are the parents of a 7 lb. baby daughter, Shirley Joan, born Jan. 20 in Vandalia, Ill.
- Booker: There was a double birthday party at Louis BURKETTs Thursday night, it being his wifes birthday, also his step-daughters, Miss Alice ROGERS.
Jan. 29, 1931:
- J.N. EMBSER and son, Theodore, who have been operating a rock crusher south of town the past year, have purchased a much larger machine which has the capacity of 20 tons of limestone per hour.
- Although he denied it at first, Mr. William B. HAMMER of this city and Erma SALZMAN of St. Louis were married Sunday in Sandoval. They were attended by Ralph BOUSMAN of this city and Miss Ethel SALZMAN of St. Louis, a sister-in-law of the bride. The groom is the son of Mrs. Matilda HAMMER of this city and for the past several years has followed the barber trade in Kinmundy. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert WILLIAMS of LaClede, Ill. At one time she was employed in this city. She is at present employed in St. Louis. The marriage was supposed to be a secret for some time, but leaked out.
- The marriage of Miss Elizabeth BARTLEY of Tilden, Ill. and Rev. L. Burdette WALKINGTON of Kinmundy was solemnized at Tilden Jan. 26. The couple was attended by Miss Mina BARTLEY, sister of the bride, and Rev. Gail HINES of McKendree College. She is the well known daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. BARTLEY of Tilden. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman WALKINGTON of Kinmundy and is pastor of the M.E. Church in Tilden. At present he is also a Junior at McKendree College. He was born and reared near Kinmundy, and graduated from K.H.S. in 25.
- Mrs. Bert GARRETT is at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Hattie ATKINS, convalescing from a nervous break-down.
- Wilson School: Word was received Friday night of the death of Frank WOODEN, brother of Dave WOODEN of this vicinity. Frank was a former resident of this district.
- Meacham: Frank WOODEN, a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. D.D. DEVINE, died at his home in Salem Friday. The funeral was held at Mt. Carmel Church with interment in Phillips Cemetery.
- Meacham: A large crowd of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom NEAL Tuesday to celebrate the birthday of their son, Ivory.
- Meadow Branch: Jan. 25, being Mrs. Lodema BAYLIS birthday, 38 of her neighbors and friends spent the evening with her. Popcorn and candy were served.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Dayton CRUTCHFIELD are the parents of a baby girl born Monday afternoon.
Feb. 5, 1931:
- Miss Juanita BUSH of West Frankfort and Harold KAESER of Belleville and Kinmundy were married Feb. 1, 1931 at the Methodist Church in West Frankfort after the close of the regular Sunday morning worship. The bride is daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W.E. BUSH of West Frankfort. The couple met while students at McKendree College. Mr. KAESERs parents reside in Belleville, but hes a coach at Kinmundy High School having secured that position shortly after his graduation from McKendree last June.
- On Jan. 29, the 19th birthday of Loy L. MORRIS, a number of his friends gathered at his home and gave him a hearty surprise. The evening was enjoyed with music on the piano, violin, and banjo. At a later hour sandwiches, pickles, cocoa, and wafers were served. Present were: Mrs. E.J. DOWNEY and son, Helen WAINSCOTT, Alecia MENDENHALL, Florence McCULLEY and Lenora DOOLEN, Nelda PULLEN, Ferne WILLIAMS, Marcelline DOOLEN, Forrest THOMS, Glenn WHITE, Forrest JONES, Charles LOWE, Fred BOYD, and Cecil GARRETT.
- The R.N. MORGAN Clothing Co. is quitting business in Kinmundy and will move their stock of goods to Assumpton, Ill.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.A. ARNOLD entertained Mr. and Mrs. Orville DISS and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude HANNA to a delicious dinner Sunday in honor of the wedding anniversaries of the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. DISS, and Mr. and Mrs. COLE.
- Chas. A. PAYNE, former Kinmundian, died in Oklahoma on Dec. 26, 1930 of heart trouble. Services were held at McCallister Funeral Home in Bartlesville with interment at Memorial Park there. He is survived by a wife, and 5 children, namely: Lester of Canon City, Colo.; Mrs. W.R. NEAVILL of Palatka, Fla.; Burdette of Dewey, Oklahoma; Mrs. Pauline DAVIS of Bartelsville, Oklahoma; and Deane Allen at home. For several years he was a telegraph operator at the Tower, leaving Kinmundy in 1908 with his family to live in New Mexico.
- Little Miss Annette VALLOW entertained a number of her friends after school Thursday in honor of her 7th birthday.
- A fire from unknown origin burned about 100 acres on the E.C. HUGGINS farm east of town Tuesday, burning a barn, granary, and shed. It burned over 10 acres for Steve HAGENSEE, threatening his house, but due to the help of neighbors, it was stopped before reaching the house.
- At noon last Thursday, a blaze was discovered on the roof of the Mrs. Etta VALLOW home, but due to the quick work of the fire department, it was soon extinguished. Quite a large patch of shingles was burned.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.C. BARGH were in Edgewood last Wednesday attending the 40th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F.V. WILSON.
- Omega: A large crowd met at the Lyman WALKINGTON home Monday night and charivaried Burdette and his wife. They were married at Tilden on the 26th of January.
- Elder School: Rev. Burdette WALKINGTON and bride arrived home Monday and quite a large crowd gathered about 7:30 that evening to given them their 3rd charivari.
- Camp Ground: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. WOMACK entertained a number of friends to a radio party Saturday night having purchased a new radio.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB and son and Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT and daughters, Isabelle and Lucille, spent Saturday evening with Ren WAINSCOTT and family.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB visited Wednesday of last week with her parents, the Willie GARRETTs.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT called on Wes ROBB and family Monday night.
- Meadow Branch: J.A. BAYLIS and daughter, Maude, Harold and Clifton LEMAY, and Milton BAYLIS attended the funeral of James WICKENHOUSER Sr. at the Zion Church west of here Wednesday of last week.
- Swift School: A kitchen shower was given to Jess JONES and wife at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom JONES Saturday.
- A Pie-Pound Party was given at the Thomas NEAL home Jan. 27th, in honor of their son, Ivory, it being his 20th birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry GRAY of Kankakee had a 7½ pound daughter born Jan. 30 named Shirley Louise.
Feb. 12, 1931:
- Louisa PHILLIPS, daughter of Henry and Katherine PHILLIPS was born Feb. 11, 1865 and died Feb. 4, 1931. She married J.P. STORMENT on March 20, 1890, and they had 3 children, 1 of whom (Janey) died at 10 years. She united with Pleasant Grove Church when a small girl. She leaves her husband; 1 son, Frank STORMENT of Salem; 1 daughter, Mrs. Nora ALEXANDER of Flint, Mich.; 1 sister, Mrs. Mollie GRAVES of St. Louis; 2 brothers, John PHILLIPS and Martin HOWARD of Salem; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held at the Christian Church here with interment at East Lawn Cemetery in Salem.
- Tuesday at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BASS of Rock Falls, occurred the marriage of Miss Elizabeth BASS and Malcolm RICE, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. RICE of near Coleta. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Edward FORDER, who were a bride and groom of the same afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BASS were former residents of this city, and they have relatives here.
- Mrs. Elzie CRUTCHFIELD and 6 children were arraigned before Judge FINN Wednesday and committed to the State Institution at Lincoln, Ill.
- Mrs. Bert GARRETT returned to her home west of town Tuesday after spending 2 weeks at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Hattie ATKINS, suffering from a nervous breakdown.
Feb. 19, 1931:
- Gold Star Mother, Mrs. M.H. SEE will visit France. She expects to sail on the steamship, "The President Harding", on June 13 from New York to France with the Gold Star Mothers Pilgrimage to visit the U.S. Military Cemetery in France, where her son, Hobart H. SEE of Company A, 159th Infantry is buried. He was killed on Aug. 8, 1918 near Fismes, France, and is buried in an unknown grave in the Military Cemetery near Fereen-Tardenois.
- Ralph METZGER has sufficiently recovered from burns received in an automobile explosion Christmas eve to return from his duties as lineman for the Bell Telephone Co. He left Breese, Ill. on Sunday.
- Caleb CALLISON, aged resident of this city, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Martha BRIMBERRY, Feb. 12, 1931, being 73 years of age. The funeral was held from the home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Harry EAGAN and family have moved to this city from Hillsdale, Ind.
- Mr. and Mrs. M.E. HELM and son, Howard, Mrs. Kate BOUGHER, son, Ray, and daughter, Wilma, and Mrs. Amanda HELM attended the birthday dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. Margaret HELM, of near Loogootee, it being 86th birthday.
- Maurice and Frank NELMS have rented the BARGH building recently vacated by Perry STORMENT, and will open a cash and carry grocery store in a few days. Maurice left here about 21 years ago engaged in the Mercantile business in Hindsboro. Frank has been on our streets every week as a traveling salesman for Goodale-Puffer Grocery Co. of Centralia.
- Over the Line: R.F. MAXEY, assisted by his brother, Harry, loaded his car with his stock and household goods Thursday and Friday and departed for Milledgeville with his family to make their future home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lester JOHNSON of Champaign have a new baby daughter named Jelaine Irene who weighed 7 - 3/4 lbs. and was born on Feb. 15th at Mercy Hospital. The mother is the former Miss Martha SMITH of this city.
Feb. 26, 1931:
- The Annual Father and Son Banquet held at the M.E. Church Tuesday with 96 men and boys and 5 lady guests present.
- Feb. 21, being the 41st birthday of Rev. LOVELL, Pastor of the Christian Church, 100 participated in a party to help him celebrate.
- Birthday Surprise: Mrs. J.T. ARNOLDs children with their families gathered at the home of their mother Sunday to celebrate her birthday anniversary, having arranged their coming for a surprise. At the noon hour a sumptous dinner was served. Those present were Elston GREEN and children of Vernon, Ill.; Robb GREEN and family; E.E. BROWN and family; Ralph FEATHERS and family; Guy ARNOLD, wife and daughter; and Darrell ARNOLD and family. This completed the family group with 1 exception, Mrs. Elston GREEN of Vernon, was ill with the flu and couldnt be present.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harve BRANSON were very pleasantly surprised Sunday after Church when relatives parked their cars at their home. All alighted with well filled baskets and the noon meal was served to the 22 relatives present in honor of Mrs. BRANSONs birthday, also of Mrs. Bruce VAN SANT and Master Bennie SMITH of Farina.
- Omega: Mr. Jake McCARTY was in Omega one day last week. We were sorry to hear that his son, Charles, who lives near Chicago was accidently hurt by a steam shovel.
- Mrs. Dolph HAMMER received word last Monday that her half brother, John STEVENS, died at his home in Decatur that morning.
- Wilson School: Vesta SMITH and family, and Robert SMITH and family, and Jess CHARLTON and bride attended the dance at the Frank EMBSER home Saturday.
- Meacham: Miss Vera HOHLT and Lowell REESE were married Saturday at the parsonage of the German Evangical Church in Farina. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Fred HOHLT of Meacham. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank REESE, also of Meacham. The couple will reside on what was known as the Thomas MANGNER farm.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB has been sick with the grippe.
March 5, 1931:
- Mrs. C.B. ROHRBOUGH received a message yesterday announcing the death of her mother, Mrs. W.H. WATSON which occurred at her home in Fairmont, W. Va. shortly after the noon hour Wednesday. She had suffered a stroke of paralysis about 1 year ago and has been an invalid ever since. The deceased is also an aunt of Mrs. E. WORMLEY.
- In honor of the birthday of Mrs. Clarence GRAY, the members of the Junior Aid of the Christian Church planned a social Feb. 25 to which were invited the husbands and a few friends.
- The residence of Miss Helen WILBURN caught fire Tuesday, but was quickly extinguished, burning a small hole in the roof.
- Clayton CORNELL, son of Stephen and Minnie GORDON CORNELL, was born in Cumberland Co., Ill. on Dec. 10, 1888 and died Feb. 26, 1931 in Mattoon, Ill. When a youth he moved with his parents to Marion Co., Ill. near Kinmundy. On Jan. 26, 1912 he married Miss Cora WILSON of Kinmundy, and they had 1 son, Lewis Stephen. 4 years ago, Clayton moved from Kinmundy to Mattoon where he was employed in the Big Four Shops. Besides the widow and son, he leaves his mother; 5 sisters, Mrs. Mary MORGAN, Mrs. Iva WERLEY, Mrs. Lena CRAIG, all of Mattoon; Mrs. Blanche JASPER of Kinmundy; and Mrs. Daisy KIDD of Vandalia; and 3 brothers, Gordon, Glenn, and Paul, all of Mattoon. His father, and 2 brothers preceded him in death. Services were held at the Christian Church here with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- John Harvey BOUGHER was born Jan. 15, 1847, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Amanda HELM in this city on March 3, 1931. He married Miss Paulina PERRY on March 5, 1864, and if he had lived 2 more days, they would have been married for 66 years. They had 8 children, 3 sons and 5 daughters. 1 son and 1 daughter preceded him in death. He leaves a widow, 2 sons, 4 daughters, and 25 grandchildren. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Wilbert WACHHOLZ, age 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius WACHHOLZ, residing ½ mile north of Farina, was killed Sat. evening when his car struck a piling of the C. & E.I. subway here. Wayne FITZGERALD, age 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl FITZGERALD of Farina, was in the car with him. The car was going about 45 miles per hour, and the road underneath the trestle has been made more or less into a one way road. Upon approaching the subway, they noticed a car approaching them from the west, and attempted to take the north side of the subway, the car skidded in loose gravel, and the front wheel hit one of the pilings, demolishing the car. Dr. MILLER was called to the scene, where WACHHOLZ was pronounced dead, and FITZGERALD was taken into his office to attend to the several cuts on his head. Services were held at the Evangical Church in St. Peter with interment in St. Peter Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.N. RICHARDSON of Champaign celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary Feb.22. Their 8 children were all with them. They have 22 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Children are: Mrs. Harry HALLISTER of Bricendridge, La; Mrs. Omar CLEMENTS of Elgin, Ill.; Mrs. Della LOGAN of St. Louis, Mo.; Louis RICHARDSON of Kinmundy; Glenn, Carl, Edd, all of Champaign; and Mrs. Ray NEILL of Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. RICHARDSON were married Feb. 22, 1876 at Kinmundy. She was Miss Laura JAMESON of Palmara, Ind., and he was from Kinmundy. They moved to Champaign 10 years ago.
- Meacham News: Saturday evening, 40 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William SIMMONS to help Mrs. SIMMONS celebrate her birthday.
- Meacham News: Mr. Jas. JONES and family attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. JONES near Brown Church Sunday.
- Mr. A.J. HOWELL of Farina died. He lived in this community several years before moving to Farina.
- Swift School: Wes ROBB and family, Ira MORRIS, wife and son, Loy, and Mrs. Vera BASSETT and son, and Forrest THOMS were Sunday callers at the Ren WAINSCOTT home.
- Swift School: Carroll GARRETT and Alice BUNDY spent Sunday evening with Marshall WILLIAMS and family.
- Wilson School: Jess CHARLTON and bride have moved into their new home on the LESEMAN farm and on last Tuesday night quite a crowd of their friends and neighbors gave them a rousing charivari.
March 12, 1931:
- Mr. Jefferson Davis BARBEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BARBEE, and Miss Eliza GRAY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey GRAY Jr., were married at the home of the brides parents on March 10, 1881 by Justice of the Peace, David C. BEAVER. They were attended by Messrs. John GARNER and Wesley BLURTON. Mr. BARBEE was born in Meacham twp. on Sept. 21, 1861, and Mrs. BARBEE was born in Kinmundy on March 14, 1862. While yet a boy, the groom moved with his parents from the old homestead to a farm in the northern part of the state. While living there, he came back to Kinmundy and claimed his bride, returning north where he was employed on a farm. The couple came back to Kinmundy in 1888, and have engaged in the farming here ever since. 8 children were born: Lillie SCHNEIDER, Clara (deceased), Clarence, John, Floyd, Alta (deceased), Cora, and Lela; and also 15 grandchildren. The children had intended to come home Tuesday and help the couple celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary, but owing to a snowstorm in the central part of the state, they could not get here. (DFM note: A picture accompanied this article.)
- Mrs. William EAGAN received a message yesterday announcing the death of her son, Bert ALLEN, of Dallas, Texas. He was accidently killed when he fell from a building on which he was working. He was a glazier by trade and was in the act of setting plate glass when he fell. He was 42 years old, and was born and raised in this community. He is the half brother to Chas. ALLEN, residing east of town. The funeral was held Saturday in Dallas.
- Albert Jackson HOWELL, son of J.B. and Agnes HOWELL, was born 1 mile north of Kinmundy on April 5, 1860, and died at his home in Farina on March 2, 1931. His early life was spent in Kinmundy. It was here that he met and married Maggie EAGAN, on March 22, 1881, with whom he moved to Kansas for a residence of 1 year, after which they returned to Illinois. They had 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls, of whom 3 of the children preceded him in death. The living children are: Harry, and Mrs. Edna STORCK of Farina; Mrs. Gleda JOERDING of Vandalia; Arthur of Webster City, Iowa; and Willie of Anita, Iowa. Mrs. Maggie HOWELL died March 4, 1904. On Oct. 21, 1908 he married Mary HOLMES, and they had 1 child born who died in infancy. At about 12 years of age he was converted at Sherman School house. Besides his wife and children, surviving are: 1 sister who lives in California; and a half-brother who resides in the state of Washington. Services were held at the M.E. Church in Farina with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy.
- The State Bank of Kinmundy is no more. The affairs of the bank were taken over by the First Natl Bank of this city the close of Saturday afternoon. The affairs of the bank were still in excellent condition, but the stockholders, owing to the present depression period, thought it best to get out while the bank was in good shape.
- George HAYWARD of Aurora, Ill. and Mrs. Lydia M. HAYWARD of this city were quietly married on March 10 in Salem at the home of Rev. J.E. SHAFER, pastor of M.E. church there. Attendants were Miss Helen DICKENS, niece of Mrs. HAYWARD, and Mrs. Kate L. SONGER, both of this city. Mrs. HAYWARD has lived in our city the past 10 years coming from Aurora. She has been one of our leading dressmakers. He is a native of Aurora, and holds the position of City Commissioner there. The couple will make their home in Aurora.
- Lester HOWELL who attends S.I.N.U. is spending midterm vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.E. HOWELL.
March 19, 1931:
- Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DOOLEN had a baby daughter born Friday morning at their home weighing 8 lbs. and was named Dell Marlene. She was born on Friday the 13th and is the 13th grandchild of C.I. DOOLEN.
- Mr. S.J. HIEFT of Farina has opened a blacksmith shop in the old S.W. JONES stand in the TELFORD building. For the past few years he has been employed as a blacksmith in the C & EI shops at Salem.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. John SHORT received word that his father, Mr. Phillip SHORT, fell Tuesday and broke a bone in his leg just below the hip.
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond GARDNER of Kansas City, Mo. have a new baby boy born March 16 and weighing 8 lbs.
- Elder School (from last week): Lois, Merle, and Bobby LONNON, Golda, and Ollie MULVANEY and Oren ALDERSON took dinner at Ray SCHOOLEYs Sunday, it being Uncle Bobs birthday.
- Over the Line: A jolly crowd of 35 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Chas. BURKETT and wife to help them celebrate their 23rd anniversary on Feb. 23. Everyone enjoyed music by W.E. HARPER and son, Wilson. Other diversions of the evening were athletic stunts by the ladies and games by the kiddies. A midnight luncheon consisting of sandwiches, pie, cookies, hot chocolate, and coffee was also served.
- Wilson School (from last week): A kitchen shower was given Saturday to Jess CHARLTON and wife, but owing to the severe blizzard only a few of the brave ones ventured out.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Joe VANSCYOC entertained their son, Lester and family, to dinner Saturday in honor of their grandson, Samuel Leroys 4th birthday.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Rhea MORRILL and children of Lansing, Mich. visited Friday and Saturday at the home of her brother, Wes ROBB and family. On Sunday, Mr. ROBB and family accompanied Mrs. MORRILL and children to Martinsville, Ill.
March 26, 1931:
- Mrs. Samuel E. HOWELL, nee Florence SEE, daughter of Orcelas and Mary Jane McCULLOUGH SEE, was born Oct. 2, 1882 and died March 21, 1931. He married Samuel E. HOWELL on March 28, 1923. Preceding her in death are her father, mother, and 2 brothers, Charles and Dr. Clarence SEE. She leaves her husband; son, Lester; 4 sisters: Lida, now Mrs. Oscar GAFFANEY of Hialeah, Fla.; Gertrude; Carrie; and Nellie, now Mrs. Joe MAZANEK of Alma. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- John W. SCOTT was born Feb. 1, 1863 at New York City, New York, and died March 21, 1931 at his home near Kinmundy. He was son of John and Anna SCOTT, and a brother of Henry N., Anna Alice, and Mary Ellen, all of whom preceded him in death. Most of his young manhood was spent in Clay Co., Ind., later going to Tuscola, Ill., and about 30 years later coming to Kinmundy where he has since made his home. While he resided in Tuscola he married Martha FRETZ of Clay City, Ind. on Feb. 24, 1886, who died Nov. 23, 1926, and they had 3 children, James Fretz SCOTT of Dayton, Ohio; Lauretta SHRIVER of Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Maude who died in infancy. Besides his son and daughter, he is survived by 1 grandson, John Lyle SHRIVER of Colorado Springs. He married Mrs. Anna FISH on Dec. 22, 1930, who survives. Services were held at the M.E. Church here with interment in Tuscola Cemetery.
- While Misses Carrie and Gertrude SEE were helping care for their sister, Mrs. Sam HOWELL Friday night. Some culprit relieved their chicken house of 30 chickens, and took the battery and tools out of their car. Saturday or Sunday night they again visited the chicken roost and took about 20 more hens.
- William G. SIPES was born White Co., Ind. on Jan. 1, 1862, and died at his home about 5 miles east of Salem March 14, 1931. When a small boy he moved with his parents from Indiana to Marion Co., Ill. and settled on a farm near Kinmundy. He married Miss Odell HILL and they had 1 child, Effie, who died in infancy. Mrs. SIPES died only a few years after their marriage. He married Miss Emma DAVIS in 1890, and 1 son, Loren, and his wife died in 1892. On July 4, 1895 married Miss Herriah PHILLIPS, and they had 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter. He united with the M.E. Church at Pleasant Grove near Kinmundy as a young man, and moved with his family to Salem about 18 years ago. He leaves a wife; 4 children: Loren of Salem; Clyde of Indianapolis; Vernon of near Kinmundy; and Mayme at home; 4 grandchildren; 4 brothers and 2 sisters: Sherman of Effingham; Henry, Clabe, and Francis of Omega; Mrs. Elizabeth ELLIOTT of Salem, and Mrs. Katherine MASSEY of Bloomington, Ill. The funeral was held from the home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy.
- Henry C. FOSTER passed away at his home in the northwest part of Kinmundy at six o'clock the morning of March 16, 1931, at the advanced age of 89 years, 1 month, and 17 days. He had been in poor health for some time, becoming worse on Thursday of last week. Uncle Clay, as everybody knew him, was the son of William H. and Mary LOWE FOSTER. He was born January 29, 1842, near Carlyle, Illinois. He was the ninth child of a family of eleven brothers and sisters, all of whom have passed on in death, except one brother, A. J. FOSTER of Kinmundy. H.C. FOSTER married Sinthia A. GARRETT September 30, 1869. To this union were born four children, Charles, Emory, Nolia and Fannie, two of whom, Emory and Nolia, with the mother preceded him in death. Those of his family who are left to mourn his death are Charles, who has always lived with his father and taken care of him, and Mrs. Fannie THOMAS of Delphia, Mont., eleven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mr. Foster was a veteran of the Civil War, having volunteered for service at the age of twenty and serving sometime as bugler. He was a member of Co. F, 7th Illinois Calvary, acting sometimes as sergeant. He fought in many of the major engagements of the war, serving 4 years and 4 months. Throughout his life he too great interest in all patriotic gatherings. He was a member of the Methodist church. He has heard his Master's blessings; "Good and faithful, enter in". The funeral services were held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 conducted by Rev. Monroe Smith and interment was made in Sandy Branch Cemetery. Those from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Jake THOMAS of Delphia, Montana; Basil, Harold and Ruby FOSTER of St. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. S.S. WILLIAMS and two sons from Farina.
- Word was received here Friday by relatives announcing the death of Humphrey GRAMLEY and Charles SUKOW of Westwood, Cal. The boys drowned while fishing in a lake there on Thursday. The bodies have not been found. On Thursday after work, Humphrey and Charles went to the lake to fish. When they didnt return home, a search was made to find them. The boat was found about half full of water and contained a pair of shoes, socks and an oar. The other oar was floating in the lake. Humphrey is the only child of Mrs. Elizabeth GRAMLEY, while Charles SUKOW, whose parents live near Gilmore, Ill. is like a son to Mrs. GRAMLEY. While she operated a farm here, Mr. SUKOW was employed by her to do the farm work, and then went with them to California in 1924.
- Mrs. Francis LOWE, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, Mrs. Hattie ATKINS, and C.I. DOOLEN were in Vernon on Friday to be present for the 73rd birthday anniversary of Mrs. LOWEs brother, Mr. Isam DOOLEN.
- Mr. and Mrs. James HESTER of Alma are parents of an 8 lb. daughter born March 25. The mother is formerly Miss Marjorie WILLIAMS of this city.
- Jessie FISH of Mt. Vernon came Saturday in answer to a message announcing the death of her step-father, John SCOTT.
- Brubaker: Several from here attended the funeral of Mae ENGLISH on Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.E. MINER assisted by some of their neighbors gave a surprise in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Lettie HULTS, Charles MINER, and Forrest JONES on Friday. The surprise was complete when at 6 oclock by some subterfuge, Mrs. HULTS was inveighed to the MINER home just at the exact time, the doors to the dining room were thrown open. The happy incident of the evening was the presence of Mr. THOMAS, who 52 years ago had been a pupil of Mrs. HULTS at Kagy School. At 10:30, another surprise occurred arranged by Miss Mary MINER, when congratulations came over the radio by KMOX for the guests of the hour.
- A surprise party is lots of fun when it is on the other fellow. Just imagine sitting by a cozy fire while the blizzard raged outside, presently it is time to say goodnight when suddenly car lights flashed in the window and soon a crowd of merry makers came trooping in saying "Surprise, Surprise." Thus it was when 30 neighbors came to the home of Ellis WILKINSON and wife Saturday night to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, also his birthday which occurred March 13th. A midnight luncheon of sandwiches, pie and cookies, pickles, and coffee were enjoyed.
April 2, 1931:
- A letter written by Mrs. Florence STEVENSON FORD to her uncle Mr. Frank HUMPHREY was printed about how the bodies of the Humphrey GRAMLEY and Charles SUKOW had not been found yet.
- Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph H. SMITH of Farina are celebrating their golden wedding at their home on April 5. They have lived in or near Farina most of their lives. An Open House will be held from 2 till 5 and 7 till 10.
- Chas. E. PRUETT was home from the University of Illinois for Easter vacation.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT and Mrs. Lewie SULLENS were Centralia visitors today.
- Mrs. Cora CORNELL and son, Lewis, have moved their household furnishings here from Mattoon and are occupying their home in the west part of the city.
- Kinmundy twp. Sample Ballot for the election on April 7:
E.W. DOOLEN Supervisor
Sam E. LOWE R.M. BINGAMAN Justice of the Peace
- Myron HAMMER Constable
R.C. MAULDING J.E. CRAIG School Trustee
- Swift School: Selby GARRETT and family spent Sunday at the S.M. ROBB home.
- Meadow Branch: Dr. HANNA was called to Wes ROBBs Tuesday to see a sick cow.
April 9, 1931:
- Uncle Bob MARTIN of Salem, well known thru the county, died at his home Sunday at the age of 92 years.
- Frank HUMPHREY received word that the body of Humphrey GRAMLEY was found and that the search continued for SUKOW.
- Election results for Kinmundy twp. on Tuesday:
Supervisor: E.W. DOOLEN (D) - 235; Sam E. LOWE (R) - 184
Justice of the Peace: R.M. BINGAMAN (D) - 279; No Republican opposition
Constable: Myron HAMMER (D) - 224; R.C. MAULDING (R) - 181
School Trustee: J.E. CRAIG (D) - 230; C.A. BOONE (R) - 158.
- Charlie BROWN of Pana died Monday. He was a brother of W.E. BROWN of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Herschel WILKINSON of West Frankfort have a new son born March 25 and named Joe Edwards. His grandmother, Mrs. Kate BUSWELL of Champaign, stopped here on her way to see her new grandson.
- Mr. and Mrs. Shirley LEE have an 8 lb. baby boy born Thursday night. Their family resides on the Tschudi farm northwest of town. The mother is formerly Miss Ruby HANNA.
- Gilbert DOOLEN returned to Carbondale Sunday after spending Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. DOOLEN and family.
- Elder School: Miss Rada GARRETT and brother, Tom, called on Miss Helen WAINSCOTT Wednesday.
- Elder School: Mrs. Rella MULVANEY and mother have returned from Champaign where they were called by the death of Mrs. Myrtle BROWN who died at her home March 28.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB spent Saturday afternoon with Lorraine BAYLIS at the J.R. CHEADLE home.
- Meadow Branch: Lorraine BAYLIS ate Sunday dinner at the Wes ROBB home and accompanied them to the Bert GARRETT home in the afternoon.
- Meadow Branch: Lois, Reindl, and Merl BAYLIS attended the party at the Fred HOGA home Friday, it being the birthday of Miss Sylvia.
- Mrs. Melvin BOYD returned home Friday from Olney where she was called by illness of her daughter, Miss Thelma, who underwent an operation for appendicitis.
April 16, 1931:
- Mr. and Mrs. R.J. SMITH of this city celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sunday. Because of the smallness of their home, their children planned for the celebration to be at the home of their son, Robert, in Farina, with 60 relatives and friends in attendance. All of their children were present except 2 sons, Edwin and Bryon of Woodriver, and 3 grandchildren. Robert Jacob SMITH and Miss Clara May YOUNG were married April 14, 1881 at Gibson City, Ill., and went to live on a farm near Elliott where they remained a few years, when Mr. SMITH purchased a farm 10 miles east of Kinmundy in Omega twp, and they came here to make their home. 10 years ago the family moved to this city. They had 11 children, all living; also 25 grandchildren. The children are: Mae (Mrs. Andrew CRUTCHFIELD) of Centralia; Robert and Pearl of Farina; Clarence of Anna; Edwin of Woodriver; Otis and Otie (Mrs. Cecil BOUSEMAN) of Centralia (these are twins); Bryan of Woodriver; Raymond of Anna; Frieda (Mrs. Solon SMITHSON) of St. Johns; and Martha (Mrs. Lester JOHNSON) of Champaign.
- A telegram was received here Thursday announcing the death of Mrs. Sam BUNDY of Gillette, Wyoming.
- Chas. SUKOWs body was found. Both boys will be buried in Westwood, Cal.
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul STEVENS of Alma are the parents of a 7 lb. son born April 11. The mother is formerly Miss Jane WALKER.
- Mrs. W.M. MALINSKY died Friday at the MALINSKY home near Gilmore. The funeral was held at the United Brethren church 4 miles north of Edgewood with burial at the Church yard cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe FIELDS and son departed for Marceline, Mo. on Thursday where they plan to make their home.
- Meacham News: April 14 was the 72nd birthday of Mr. William SIMMONS of Meacham twp, and to honor him 80 of his neighbors and friends gathered at his home Tuesday evening. Music was furnished on the violin, madolin, guitar, and banjo.
- Swift School: Miss Rada GARRETT has been employed to teach at Swift School next term.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB spent the weekend with her cousin, Lucille GARRETT.
Apr. 23, 1931:
- Amos M. DILLON was born Dec. 13, 1852 in Meacham twp., 4 miles east of Kinmundy and died at his home in Siloam Springs, Ark. on Apr 14, 1931. He was the youngest child of 10 children born to George and Sallie McKEE DILLON, all who preceded him in death. Bereft of his father when quite young, he and his mother made their home for a number of years with his older brother, the late I.T. DILLON. A few years after the death of his mother in 1881, he went to Labette Co., Kansas and spent several years with another brother, moving to Siloam Springs, Ark. about 30 years ago where he has since lived. On Nov. 25, 1913 he married Matilda E. CRIST of Gravette, Ark. who survives him. He is also survived by a large number of nephews and nieces among who are: Mrs. Belle SCHERMERHORN of Ridgefarm, Ill.; J.R. DILLON of Muncie, Ind.; Mrs. Gertrude WADE of Salem; E.G. and Anna DILLON of this city; J.M. HOLMES, Mrs. Mary HOWELL, and Mrs. E.S. HOWELL of Farina. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery in Siloam Springs.
- Mrs. Wm. McNICHOL died at her home near Patoka Friday. She was a sister of Mrs. Dessie LUCAS of this city. The funeral was held Zion Church.
- A message came Sunday announcing the death of Mary WADE THOMPSON of Oakland, Cal., who died Saturday with the funeral being held in Oakland. She was a sister of Mrs. Minnie LUX, Mrs. Melvin BOYD, Miss Lydia WADE, the late Thomas J. WADE, and niece of Mrs. Martha ROTAN.
- Fire destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel WILKINSON of West Frankfort Tuesday morning. Very little of the contents were saved. Mrs. WILKINSON received several burns about the arms and shoulders while rescuing her 3 small children. The fire started in the kitchen while she was in the other part of the house doing morning housework.
- Camp Ground (from last week): The school election was held at the school house last Saturday. More interest was shown than in past elections as there were 27 votes cast. Mrs. Jack PHILLIPS was elected by a large majority.
- Mr. Charles HOWELL and Mrs. W.W. LOWE are in St. Anthonys Hospital. Little Donald MILLER is also recovering from an operation there also.
- Meacham News: We are all sad to hear the news of the death of Mrs. William THOMPSON of Oakland, Cal. She was formerly Miss Mary WADE.
April 30, 1931:
- Floyd GAINS, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas GAINS of Shelbyville and Miss Helen SCHOOLEY of Kinmundy were married at the First Christian Church parsonage in Shelbyville on Saturday. Mrs. GAINS is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James SCHOOLEY of Kinmundy. She graduated from Kinmundy High School with Class of 1929, and she attended Sparks Business College for several months. Mr. GAINS graduated from Shelbyville High School, and has been employed in the Union office for the past 3 years. The couple will reside in Shelbyville.
- Miss Grace ARNOLD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. ARNOLD of west of this city, is 1 of 20 nurses who graduated from Deaconess Hospital, School of Nurses in Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Duane THOMAS, 2 week old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight BUNDY who resides northwest of this city, died Wednesday morning after a brief illness of pneumonia. Services were held at the family home with interment at Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Harold M. BROWN, is in St. Louis where he is rehearsing with the chorus of the Municipal Opera for the summer season. He is one of the 1st Tenors.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.W. WARREN, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. WARREN, and Miss Margaret WARREN, and Rev. and Mrs. S.A. MATTHEWS were in Loogootee Monday attending the funeral of Miss Comalletta WARREN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William WARREN. She died Saturday at the age of 30 years. Interment was made in Harvey GRAY Cemetery, north of this city.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB and Katherine MARSHALL are back in school after having the mumps.
- Meadow Branch: Thurman ROBB, wife and little daughter, were visitors at the Wes ROBB home Tuesday.
- Omega: Last Wednesday evening when Virgil SEE and Dayton CRUTCHFIELD were returning home from working the roads. Virgils team of mules became frightened in Omega and threw Virgil and Dayton out of the wagon ran thru Etta COPPLEs yard fence and were finally caught at Donald MARLOWs.
- Mr. and Mrs. T.M. SMITH and Mrs. Kate SONGER were in Patoka Friday attending the funeral of Mrs. A.S. GRAY.
- Swift School: A birthday dinner was held in home of Mr. W.F. HARVEY Sunday in honor of his 70th birthday anniversary. At noon a bountiful dinner was enjoyed by those present which included: Elsworth HARVEY, wife and sons, Cecil and Billie, Mack ROBB and family, Forrest HARVEY and wife, and Mrs. Ren WAINSCOTT.
May 7, 1931:
- B.E. "Daddy" BALDWIN, friend of President LINCOLN and oldest veteran of the Civil War on Grays Harbor, will be honored as he celebrates his 98th birthday in Aberdeen, Washington. He is the father of Mrs. George BARBEE of this city and will be remembered from here by the older citizens, Kinmundy having been his home at 1 time.
- Clarence KRAMER, a young farmer residing northwest of Edgewood committed suicide Friday by cutting his throat with a razor. He attempted to murder his wife by cutting her throat and did murder his 2 small children by the same method. As the story came to us, he arose in the morning and called his wife. She stated that she would get up although she was not feeling well. He did his chores and came into the house again to find his wife still in bed. In a fit of anger he cut her throat but she got away from him and ran to a neighbors house. He then turned on the children and himself. The neighbors notified the sheriff and when he arrived on the scene, KRAMER was not dead. He was rushed to the hospital but died soon after. A triple funeral was held Sunday.
- On May 1st, 12 boys of the Junior boys class of the Christian Sunday School met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. LOVELL for a surprise party for Loyd, Jr., it being his 13th birthday.
- Elder School: Misses Helen WANTLAND and Rada GARRETT left Sunday morning for Carbondale where they will enter S.I.N.U.
- A poem entitled "In Memory of our Baby" and was signed, "Sadly missed by W.E. HARPER and family, and Mrs. Wm. KIDDER and family".
- Brubaker: Mrs. Clyde HEISTAND has been re-employed to teach Allen School next year, and Miss Beryl STATTON has been re-employed to teach Happy Hollow next year.
- Mrs. Fannie LOWE who is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie DARDEN in Memphis, Tenn. reports that she is slowly improving from an attach of rheumatic fever around the heart.
May 14, 1931:
- Mrs. Abby OVERTON, 93, a member of Abraham LINCOLNs household as a companion of Mrs. LINCOLN at the time he was elected president, died May 4th in Miami, Fla. She came from Chicago to Miami 22 years ago, and is survived by 3 daughters: Mrs. Arthur JARVIS of Lewistown, Penn.; Mrs. George C. BOWER of Chicago; and Mrs. L.M. CULLEN of Miami; 1 sister, Mrs. Katherine TAYLOR of Syracuse, NY; 3 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. Burial was made in Miami Memorial Park Cemetery. She was an aunt of Mrs. Anna HARVEY and Geo. W. ELDER of this city.
- Harold ARNOLD, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.M. ARNOLD of Kinmundy, who graduated from Kinmundy High School, graduated from the school of Mines and Metallurgy in Rolla, Missouri on May 23.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. HEADLEY of Hardin, Ill. have a baby born who was born May 5 weighing 8 lbs. and named Charles Andrew. The mother is the former Miss Laura DOOLEN.
- Heavy fines will begin to be imposed for the selling of colored oleo. A law prohibiting the selling of colored oleo has been on the books for some time. A great deal of the depression in milk prices has been caused by the use of oleo and especially colored oleo.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Harold ROBB has the mumps.
- Meadow Branch: Saturday being Mrs. Pearl LENHARTs birthday, a basket dinner was held on Sunday to help her celebrate. Attending were: H.W. SEE and wife; Mrs. Leona RUTHEFORD and son, Jack, Emery TELFORD and family, Mrs. Caroline LENHART and sons, Harmon and Russell, Joe LEWIS and Andrew NICHOLS.
- Meadow Branch: About 60 relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Otis HINES enjoyed a wiener roast at their place Monday night.
May 21, 1931:
- Mrs. W.W. WILLIAMS died at her home in Champaign on Thursday after a painful illness of 4 weeks, the nature of her illness being a broken hip, which she received in a fall 4 weeks ago. The body was brought on the I.C. Train Friday, and the funeral held at St. Philomenas Church, with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Ellen, daughter of Dennis and Nora ROONEY, born in Kinmundy on May 19, 1860, and died May 14, 1931. The early part of her life was spent in Kinmundy, where she married Wyatt W. WILLIAMS in march 1896. They had 2 daughters: Madeline, who died in infancy; and Frances, now, Mrs. Irl CECIL of Centralia. Several years ago, Mrs. WILLIAMS moved with her family to Centralia, later moving to Salem. Some 3 years ago they moved to Champaign. Besides her husband and daughter, she leaves a niece, Mrs. Minnie GRANT, of Champaign.
- C.B. ROHRBOUGH has torn out the partitions on his 2nd floor and rented the hall to the American Legion Orchestra for purposes of giving dances. They will open the hall Saturday night with a dance. This will make a dandy ball room.
- Ida May AVISE, daughter of Thos. L. and Mary AVISE, was born in California on April 1, 1859 and died in Kinmundy on May 15, 1931. At the age of 6 years, she came with her parents via the Ithmus of Panama and New York City to their former home in Hancock Co., Ill. While on their journey they received word of the assassination of Abraham LINCOLN. On Feb. 22, 1883, she married at the home of her parents to Joseph R. CHEADLE, to whom she was married for more than 48 years. They had 7 children, 2 who preceded her in death: Charles R, at the age of 19 years, and an infant son. Remaining are: Leon L. of Hamlet, Ind.; Harry F. of Ashkum, Ill.; and Thomas P. of Chicago; Mary E. VERHOEKS of Kankakee, Ill. and William J. of Baltimore, Maryland. Besides her husband and these children, she leaves 8 grandchildren; 2 sisters: Mrs. Jennie JOHNSON and Mrs. Rebecca BALLENGER, both of Pontoosuc, Ill. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Lowell DISS, in company with Clyde HANNA and Ted MILLER, took a load of livestock to East St. Louis on Tuesday night. On the way home, Lowell fell asleep and his truck hit a culvert buttment, which sheared the body from the chassis, and sent the boys hurling thru the air. Lowell and Clyde received deep cuts on the head, while Ted received a cut lip and cut leg. The truck was completely demolished. The accident occurred 3 miles west of Trenton.
- According to the "Decatur Herald", GAMMON, pitcher for the Kinmundy H.S. nine, has a rather remarkable record for the season just closed. He has struck out 80 batsmen in 39 innings. An average of 2 per inning.
- Swift: Selby GARRETT and family spent Sunday at the S.M. ROBB home.
May 28, 1931:
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle HANKS are the parents of an 8 lb. boy born May 27 and named David Lee. The mother is formerly Miss Mary HANNA.
- Swift School: The Breakneck Baseball Team defeated Patoka Sunday, 2-0.
- Meacham News: Mr. Phillip SHORT, an aged resident of Meacham, died at the home of his daughter, near Salem, and was laid to rest in Phillips Cemetery Friday.
- Meacham News: Mr. and Mrs. C.P. BALKE and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS Sunday evening.
- Omega: The body of Walter THURSTON, who formerly resided here, was brought to the Church of Christ on Monday where services were held, and interment was made in the cemetery nearby.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Wes ROBB and family spent Mothers Day with Mrs. ROBBs parents, the Willie GARRETTs.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mr. Andrew NICHOLS was surprised Wednesday when 41 of his neighbors drove in to spend the evening with him in honor of his 70th birthday, which was the day following. Music and social conversation was enjoyed. Refreshments of sandwiches, cocoa, and coffee were served.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mrs. Pid BASSETT spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Wess ROBB and assisted in house cleaning.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB and Lorraine BAYLIS called on Mrs. Pid BASSETT Friday afternoon.
- Meadow Branch: Richard ROBB of Salem is spending this week with his cousin, Harold ROBB.
June 4, 1931:
- Decoration Day services were held under overcast skies here Saturday at Evergreen Cemetery. A large crowd attended to honor the heroes of wars past. The program opened with the audience singing America, and invocation by Rev. MATTHEWS. The Gettysburg Address was given by Ralph LUX, 2 numbers were sang by the Chorus, and a recitation was given by Ella JACKSON. Rev. LOVELL delivered the address of the afternoon. Only 6 civil war veterans from here are living, namely: A.J. FOSTER, W.H. BREWER, W.E. BROWN, A.J. BAYLIS, David HEADLEY, and Chris SHAFFER. Only 3 of the 6 were able to attend the services.
- Dr. I.G. LEWIS, a practicing dentist for the past 18 years of Dieterich has opened an office in this city over the Mahan and Motch store. He will be in Kinmundy Monday and Tuesday of each week.
- Mrs. Amanda HELM was in Carbondale Friday attending the High School commencement of her granddaughter, Miss Bernece LYONS. After returning home, Miss Bernece invited her father and grandmother to go with her as they thought down town to a restaurant; they excused themselves but she still insisted until she had to confide the secret to her father that it was her wedding night and she was on her way to the appointed place to meet the minister which would marry her and Mr. Charles DERUSE of Granite City, Ill.
- BASSETT - NEAVILLS: Mr. Lafayette BASSETT and Mrs. Elizabeth NEAVILLS stole a march on their many friends Wednesday, May 27, when they were united in marriage in Salem, Ill. at the M.E. Parsonage, Rev. J.E. SHAFER performing the ceremony. Mrs. NEAVILLS has been a resident of our community for a number of years until the past winter when she went to California to be with her daughter. Mr. BASSETT is a prosperous farmer, living west of this city in Foster township. The couple expect to reside on Mr. BASSETTs farm. Kinmundy friends extend best wishes for their happiness.
- Mrs. Charles HOSKINSON of Odin, Ill. died in St. Marys Hospital on May 29. She was the daughter of the late John and Mary CARMAN and was born and raised in Kinmundy. She is survived by her husband; 2 daughters: Stella and Mrs. Arlie UHLS; 1 sister, Mrs. Joe McGEE of Breese, Ill.; and 2 brothers: Gideon and Bennett CARMAN of Centralia.
- Clyde TATE, 26, of Farina, committed suicide Monday afternoon by drinking carbolic acid. He purchased the carbolic acid at the drug store and drank it immediately after leaving the store. After drinking it, he walked a block when he was seen to reel drunkenly and fall. Medical aid was summoned but died before it could be administered. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis TATE, a wife and 2 children. Domestic troubles are said to be the cause of his act.
- A.J. JACKSON received word Tuesday that his uncle, Ed SKEEN of Sandoval, fell from a scaffold while working on the new Sandoval High School gym, breaking his neck and killing him instantly.
- Elder School: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL attended the Memorial services in Salem Sunday afternoon.
- Meacham News: Mr. and Mrs. Lewie SULLENS of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT.
- Meadow Branch: Robbie ROBB sheared sheep for Wes ROBB Thursday.
June 11, 1931:
- On June 7th, the congregation of the Christian Church celebrated the 29th anniversary of the dedication of their Church Building. There are but 4 of the Charter members of this congregation living, 3 of whom attended the services, namely: D.N. MERCER, E.C. BARGH, and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG. Mrs. Elizabeth MATTHEWS was unable to attend due to illness. At the close of the morning service, everyone was invited down where baskets had been taken for dinner. Afternoon services were held that afternoon.
- Donald GRAY, 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne GRAY met with quite a misfortune here Sunday. The GRAYs were spending the day with Mrs. GRAYs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art BRIMBERRY in company with other children who were playing with the washing machine. They were grinding sticks in the cogs. Donalds stick was a little short, and the cogs caught his finger, drawing his hand into them before the machine stopped. He was taken to Centralia Hospital where 1 of the fingers was amputated.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. WITWER and daughter, Patricia Ann, of Urbana, Ill. motored here Sunday to celebrate Mrs. Martha ROTANs 83rd birthday. He is the grandson of Mrs. ROTAN. They brought a birthday cake and handed her a telegram stating that a great-granddaughter had been born to her on this natal day at Hartsburg, Penn. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. L.A. PORTER, the mother being formerly Miss Martha WITWER.
- Milton HALL died at his home in Chicago on Monday after an illness of pneumonia, aged 36 years, 7 months, and 29 days. He was single and made his home with his mother, Mrs. Effie HALL. He was employed as a switchman in the Chicago Yards of the Michigan Central Railroad. The body was brought here and was taken to the home of Paddy GRAY. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. He made his home here many years with his aunt, Mrs. Paddy GRAY.
- The ROONEY families received a telegram Friday announcing the death of a niece, Mrs. Joseph V. COUGHLIN, of Fort Sheridan, Ill. She was known here as Miss Nell DONAHUE, daughter of Mrs. Mary DONAHUE. She is survived by her husband and 1 son, Francis X., her mother, 1 brother, and 6 sisters. Interment was held at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Chicago.
- Dr. Naut NELMS died at his home in San Diego, Cal. on May 22 at the age of 78 years. The funeral was held in San Diego and the remains were brought to Warsaw, Mo. Dr. NELMS was a former resident of our community, practicing medicine with Dr. SMITH about 50 years ago. He was a Civil War veteran, and was uncle of John, Frank, and Maurice NELMS, and Mrs. Ellis WOLFE.
- Mr. and Mrs. Don JACKSON are the parents of an 8 lb. daughter born June 5 and named Mary Jane.
- Omega: Ray SCHOOLEY went to Albion to be fitted for a new set of teeth.
- Wilson School: The Childrens exercises at Pleasant Grove Church Sunday night were attended by a very large crowd. All report a splendid program.
- Swift School: Selby GARRETT and family, Peck CONANT and wife, and Mrs. Valinda CONANT ate Sunday dinner with Mack ROBB and family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HAMILTON are parents of a baby daughter born May 30th. The mother will be remembered here by many as Miss Laura MAZANEK of Alma.
June 18, 1931:
- Orville HAMMER died at Jefferson Barracks Friday where he was in training. Thursday he was struck with spinal meningitis. The body was accompanied home by a guard on Saturday, June 13. Orville Clyde HAMMER, eldest son of Myron and Cloe HAMMER, was born Aug. 18, 1908. He grew to manhood in Kinmundy. On Feb. 13, 1929, he entered the services of his country. He leaves a father, mother, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- In the tire-blowing contest conducted at SNELLING Motor Co. on Saturday, W.S. PRUETT and Dale HAMMER were awarded prizes which was a new inner tube to fit their car. It took 486 strokes of the pump to blow one, while the other held out till the 3392nd stroke.
- 5 CRAIG brothers are all overseas veterans. Eugene CRAIG, the youngest of this family lives at Tripp, S.D., and was in the infantry in the World War. Benj. H. CRAIG lives in Philadelphia was in the navy on the Battleship Memphis in the World War. Robert W. CRAIG of Danville, S.D. served in Cuba in the War with Spain. Chas. W. CRAIG of Danville, S.D. was with his brother in the Ill. Infantry in the War with Spain. The other brother, David F. CRAIG, lives in Canada. He served with the Tenn. infantry in Cuba during the War with Spain. Their grandfather was in the Scottish Highlander body guards of the late Queen Victoria of England. The boys formerly resided in Kinmundy.
- Milton Larry HALL, son of Lawrence L. and Effa HALL, was born in Chicago on Oct. 9, 1894, and died in Chicago on June 8, 1931. He was in the World War, and was a Kinmundy boy, he and his mother having made their home with Grandma BLACKBURN until she passed away. Then he and his mother moved to Chicago. He was employed at the Michigan Central Railroad. He leaves a mother, Mrs. Effa HALL; 3 aunts: Mrs. Minnie WESLEY of Chicago; Mrs. W.H. ORCUTT of Litchfield; and Mrs. C. GRAY of Kinmundy; 1 uncle, Albert BLACKBURN of Webster Grove. Services were held at the Baptist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Park E. McLEAN of Everett, Wash. and Miss Maurine NELMS of this city were married May 30 in Everett, Wash. Mrs. McLEAN is the 2nd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.B. NELMS of this city. She just completed a successful term as teacher in the Hindsboro Public Schools. She was also a teacher in the schools of Everett, Wash. for 3 years during her parents residence there. Mr. McLEAN is assistant cashier of the Citizens National Bank of Everett. The couple will live in Everett.
- A still born son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chris JASPER on Wednesday.
June 25, 1931:
- Mrs. Lon HAMMER Laid to Rest Monday: Mrs. Lucy Matilda HAMMER, wife of Alfonzo HAMMER, was born near Fosterburg, Ill., March 4, 1879, and passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O.R. FYKE, near Maroa, Ill., June 20, 1931, aged 52 years, 3 months, and 16 days. On Sept. 4, 1904, she was united in marriage with Alfonzo L. HAMMER of Kinmundy, Ill. To this union were born five children, four sons, Ellis, Carl, Burdette, and Wesley, and one daughter, Geraldine, all whom survive. About 20 years ago, she confessed her Lord and became a member of the Christian Church at Kinmundy. Her faith remained steadfast and in the hour of her suffering, sustained her. She looked forward to a release from her suffering that she might enter into the fuller life. Besides her husband and children, she is survived by seven grandchildren, four sisters; Mrs. Elizabeth ATKINS, and Mrs. Ella GARRETT of Kinmundy; Mrs. Cliff GILLESPIE of Shobonier; Mrs. Bertha ROBB of Decatur; and one brother, Henry Monroe LANSFORD, of Fosterburg, besides many other relatives and friends. She was ever a faithful wife and companion, and a loving mother. She will be greatly missed by her loved ones but they have had the blessed experience of her loving companionship and now have the consolation of the knowledge that she believed in and trusted her heavenly Father. The funeral services were held from the Christian Church in this city Monday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. L.V. LOVELL, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Wes ROBB and daughter and Mrs. A.J. BAYLIS and daughters attended the funeral of Mrs. Lon HAMMER, Monday.
- Samantha Elizabeth LYDICK, oldest child of Isaac and Sarah SUGG LYDICK, was born near Odin, Ill. on Dec. 24, 1854 and died June 18, 1931. She married Leander C. MATTHEWS of Centralia on Oct. 9, 1873, who died on Nov. 3, 1913. They had 5 children. 2 infant daughters, an infant son, and a son, Carl LYDICK age 13, preceded their mother in death. Mrs. Hulda DUNLAP is the only surviving child, besides a son-in-law, Albert C. DUNLAP; a grandson and granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carl DUNLAP; 1 brother, Alfred LYDICK of near Odin; an aged step-mother; 5 half sisters; and 1 half brother, all of Western states. Interment in Sandoval Cemetery.
- June 2, while Mr. and Mrs. D.W. POWELL, who reside 4 miles west of Alma were enjoying the shade in the front yard, a number of cars drove up and stopped. It was his 8 daughters and their families. This was the first time in 25 years the whole family had been together. Just about the time Mr. POWELL was getting over his surprise, he was invited to partake in a delicious dinner, which had been prepared for his honor. After dinner, songs were sung and a short talk on Honor Thy Father and Mother was given by W.E. HARPER. Then each daughter shook hands with their father and mother. The family consists of 8 daughters: Mrs. Lue GAMBLIN, Mrs. Minnie GRAY, Mrs. Jessie GAMBLIN, Mrs. Ella HARPER, Mrs. Grace JONES, Mrs. Addie SLATOR, Mrs. Etta EAGAN, and Mrs. Berthal RICHARDSON. Pictures were taken in the afternoon. Also present were 5 sons-in-law, 31 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchildren.
- Mrs. A.E. HELM returned Friday from Shelbyville after caring for her brother-in-law, Rev. E.V. SMITH, for several weeks. He died June 15, 1931.
- Mrs. Catherine CRAIG left Friday for Tolono after receiving a wire announcing the arrival of a 9 lb. son at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Joe GUNNING.
- Mr. and Mrs. Noah JONES are parents of a daughter born at their home June 13.
- Swift School: Lorene GARRETT and Freida LENHART were guests at Marcelline DOOLENs Saturday night and Sunday.
- Swift School: Mrs. Icy GARRETT has returned from a few days visit with her son, Claude and family, of North Fork.
- Mr. and Mrs. Roy FENSTER and niece, Miss Harriett DUNCAN of Champaign, were here Sunday to celebrate Mrs. FENSTERs birthday, Mrs. Rachel FENSTER.
July 2, 1931:
- Mrs. M.H. SEE, who is visiting as a Gold Star Mother, writes a letter from Paris, France.
- Stephen Decatur HUGGINS son of James M. and Eliza HUGGINS, was born near Iuka on May 19, 1852, and died at his home in Kinmundy on June 27, 1931. He married Selena CRUNDWELL on Dec. 29, 1874, they having celebrated their 56th anniversary last December. They had 2 sons, Roy who died 15 years ago, and Earl C., who is located at LeRoy, Ill. He leaves a widow, 1 son, a foster-daughter, Mrs. Myrle SANDERS of St. Louis; 3 grandchildren: Harold Richard, Francis Stephen, and Clarabelle Selena HUGGINS of LeRoy; also the 3 children of Mrs. SANDERS, whom he loved as his own grandchildren; and 4 sisters: Miss Charity HADDEN of Sandoval; Mrs. Mary MOODY of Odin; and Mrs. Luna McGUIRE and Mrs. Rachel SMITH, both of Sandoval. He had a fine tenor voice. Services were held at the residence with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
- Miss Hazel B. LACEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.G. LACEY of Kinmundy, and P.J. OTTES, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. OTTES, were married at Holy Trinity Church in Bloomington, Ill. on June 29. Mrs. L.V. WAGNER and Anthony A. OTTES, brother of the bridegroom, served as attendants. The couple will reside in Bloomington.
- Wm. Roy DAVIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. DAVIS, former residents of Kinmundy, graduated from Harrison Technical High School and received a 4 year scholarship from Northwestern because of his 4 year general average.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ZINDEL of Moweaqua announce the arrival of a baby daughter at their home June 21. The mother is formerly Miss Frances PERRY of this city.
- Meacham News: Mrs. E.G. DILLON went to Kinmundy last Wednesday, where she met the East Side Priscillas, who had gathered at the home of Mrs. ARNOLD to go to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette BASSETT, about 7 miles west of Kinmundy. Mrs. BASSETT, formerly Mrs. Lizzie NEAVILL, was expecting them at the noon hour and the table was loaded with a potluck dinner. To say that each enjoyed the day only mildly expresses it. A storm cloud frightened the ladies away very soon after dinner, and they left wishing Mr. and Mrs. BASSETT many years of wedded happiness.
- Swift School: Cecil and Clyde GARRETT and Clyde BALLANCE spent Sunday with Tom GARRETT.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB visited Lorraine BAYLIS Thursday afternoon.
- Meadow Branch: Lloyd HINES had his eyes badly burned one day last week while mixing lime and sulphur spray. It was at first thought that the sight of 1 eye was lost, but later reports are that it might be saved.
July 9, 1931:
- H.M. FISH received a message Saturday of the death of his uncle, Walter M. MORGAN, which occurred that morning at his home in Denver, Colo. He was a former Kinmundian boy, being born and raised on a farm northwest of Kinmundy, now known as Camp MORGAN. He was the youngest child of Barb and Martha MORGAN and was born Aug. 1876. There are 2 of this family surviving: a sister, Mrs. Frances BALLANCE of this city; and a brother, Gilbert W. MORGAN of Chicago. He received his education at the University of Illinois in Champaign, being a graduate of that university. In 1898 he was superintendent of our public school. Afterwards he studied law at Chicago University. He married Helen ROHRBOUGH on Sept. 25, 1902 and they went to Denver, Colo. to make their home. She died Jan. 6, 1919, while on a visit here with her mother. On June 9, 1921, he married Valera Bell GROSS of Denver, who survives. Burial was made in Denver.
- Quite a group of enthusiastic nimrods from Alma, Farina, and Kinmundy met to perfect a new organization for the purpose of leasing the I.C. Reservoir for the purpose of fishing.
- Walter CONANT and Miss Arlene Edna TUCKER of Denver were married June 21 by pastor of the Englewood Methodist Community Church. The ceremony was performed at the home of the grooms parents, Rev. and Mrs. George CONANT at Laurel Lodge. Miss Clara DOOLEN of Kinmundy and Mr. Carl TUCKER, the brides mother, were the attendants.
- Inmates of the Vandalia Penal Farm who were implicated in the riot and incendiary fire at that institution some weeks ago are to face grand jury action July 16. In the recent outbreak, 4 were captured by the guards after they had climbed the fence.
- A 6 lb. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E.D. McGUIRE at Golden Hospital in Carbondale, Ill. on July 7 and named William Bradley. The mother is formerly Miss Fern BRADLEY.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl SHANAFELT are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby daughter born July 6.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VERHOEKS of Kankakee have a new baby son born July 1st at 7 lbs. The mother is the former Miss Mary CHEADLE of this city.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB and Mildred spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie GARRETT.
July 16, 1931:
- Mary J. HOWELL was born March 20, 1870 in Meacham twp, and died at her home in Farina on July 7, 1931. She was 1 of 4 children born to William M. and Hester DILLON HOLMES of Curtis, Neb. On Oct. 21, 1908 she married Mr. A.J. HOWELL, and 1 child was born to them dying in infancy. During the last year of their married life, she took care of her husband who was a constant sufferer from the effects of cancer. Aside from her brothers and sister, she is survived by her stepchildren, Harry HOWELL and Mrs. Edna STORCK of Farina; William of Anita, Iowa; J.A. of Blairsburg, Iowa; and Mrs. Cleta JOERDING of Vandalia. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in this city.
- Infant Son Dies: Dale Wayne, the infant son of Monroe and Myrtle LANSFORD, was born Apr. 18, 1931 and was wafted back to the angels that sent him July 9, age 2 months and 20 days. His stay on earth was short but his suffering was intense from birth and now the tiny soul is at rest. Besides the dear mother and father, he is survived by 2 sisters and 2 brothers, his grandmother, Mrs. Nancy GREEN, and several aunts and uncles. Safe in the arms of Jesus; Safe on his gentle breast; These by His love oer shaded; Sweetly thy soul shall rest.
- Mr. and Mrs. George WILSON of Clinton have announced the marriage of their daughter, Anna Gail, to Edward A. WILCOX, son of Dr. and Mrs. E.A. WILCOX of Minonk. The ceremony took place in Bloomington on June 6. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WILSON, and is a graduate of Clinton H.S., and the Illinois Wesleyan School of Music with this years class. She taught music last year at Colfax. The bridegroom is a student at Illinois Wesleyan University. The couple will reside in Minonk. Mrs. WILCOX is granddaughter of Mrs. Anna FROST of this city.
- Keeps Wedding Secret for almost a Year: The many friends of Miss Mary MAXEY will be surprised to learn of her secret marriage to Louis FERGASON of Indianapolis, Ind. on Aug. 8, 1930 at the Rectory of the Little Flower Parish. George FERGASON, brother of the groom, and Miss Dorothy SCHAUB were the only attendants. Mrs. FERGASON is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Julia MAXEY of this city. She is a member of the class of 29 at Kinmundy H.S. and later graduated from a Commercial College in Indianapolis where she has since been employed. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John FERGASON of Indianapolis. The couple will make their home in Indianapolis.
- The descendants of the late pioneer, Charles LYNCH of Salem, were a happy gathering Sunday at the Bryan Memorial Park, when 68 of these descendants met to celebrate the 84th birthday of J.C. LYNCH of Kinmundy. A long list of those attending was printed.
- "Fitz" FITZGERALD of Farina, while enroute to Salem, hit the concrete buttment near the G.W. SNELLING residence Saturday morning. The car belonged to George RICHARDSON of Farina, and FITZGERALD was driving it to Salem where it was to be repaired.
- Eldo WAINSCOTT of Champaign but formerly of this city was injured Wednesday of last week when he fell from a scaffold while working on a schoolhouse in Champaign. He remains in critical condition.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles SEIMER of St. Louis, came Friday evening on their way to Sigel, Ill. called there by the death of Mr. SIEMERs father, Mr. Geo. SIEMER.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.T. ARNOLD, Mrs. Emmett JONES, and Forrest JONES were in Vernon Thursday to see Mr. ARNOLDs brother-in-law, Mr. Alec MASSEY, who suffered a paralytic stroke.
- Meacham News: Mrs. F.S. HARRIS, Mrs. Wm. HARRIS and daughters, Mrs. Edwin HARRELL, Miss Ruby SHAFFER, and Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary HOWELL in Farina Thursday.
- Meacham News: Quite a family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John BASS on July 3, when her 3 sisters arrived for a visit, it being the first time they were together in 4 years. They were: Mrs. H.A. McCLURE, her son, Rad and wife of Kinmundy; Mrs. A.W. TRUEBLOOD and family, and her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo HOTWICK and baby of Decatur; and Mrs. Fannie LAMBORN of Bloomington. Ice cream was served and the children enjoyed the fireworks.
- Camp Ground: William PERRY received a telegram last Wednesday stating the death of his brother whom he had not heard from in 40 years.
July 23, 1931:
- While enjoying a ride on the new road from Mt. Vernon to Salem on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George BARGH had their car run into by another car driven by a set of drunks, turning both cars over and damaging them to a great extent. It was after dark, the other car had only 1 light, and it was on the wrong side of the road. No one was seriously injured. The other occupants of the other car were apprehended by the law and are being held. They had no license on the car and are reported as being "tough customers" anyway.
- Thanks: The Pleasant Grove Ladies Aid wants to thank the Kinmundy Chamber of Commerce for making their ice cream supper a success. The net proceeds amounts to more than $27.00.
- On July 21, the Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian Church gave a surprise party in honor of Russell LOVELL, their president, the occasion being Russells 19th birthday. There were 30 members present besides Rev. and Mrs. LOVELL and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. GAMMON as guests. It was also Mr. GAMMONs birthday, but his age remained a secret.
- Mrs. C.B. ROHRBOUGH received a message Sunday announcing the death of her aunt, Mrs. A.B. FLEMING in Fairmont, West Va. Mrs. FLEMINGs husband was at one time the governor of West Va.
- E.A. SNELLING of Chicago, was surprised Saturday on his 75th birthday when some friends from Kinmundy now living in Chicago surprised him.
- Sarah Elizabeth BLACKWELL McDONALD, daughter of James H. and Nancy M. BARNES BLACKWELL, was born in Dent Co., Mo. on March 5, 1848, and died June 24, 1931. She was the oldest member in a family of 9 children, in which 2 brothers and 1 sister preceded her in death. She is survived by 2 brothers: Jim and H.A. BLACKWELL; and 3 sisters: Mrs. Francis FRANK, Mrs. Michael RONEY, and Mrs. Eliza CHAMBERS. On Jan. 3, 1867 she married Harvey McDONALD, and they had 8 children, Mrs. Dora PECK having preceded her in death. Other children are: Mrs. Geo. MOSES of St. Louis; Mrs. R.J. PLANK, Mrs. Wilber HEAD, Mrs. Albert BONEBRAKE, Jim, Jessie, and Frank McDONALD, all of in or near Salem, Mo. She is also survived by 28 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-granddaughter. Burial was made in Blackwell Cemetery. She was the grandmother of Mrs. A.H. PLUE of this city, and the great-great-grandmother of Little Miss Jeanette JONES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll JONES, also of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON and sons were in Iola Wednesday attending the funeral of Mrs. ALDERSONs aunt, Mrs. P.D. VANDEVEER of Peoria, who was a victim of a gas explosion.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.C. DUNLAP entertained at dinner July 19 in honor of their sons, Carls birthday anniversary. The following guests enjoyed a most sumptuous dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP, Mrs. Elizabeth DUNLAP, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, Mrs. Hattie ATKINS, and C.I. DOOLEN.
- Meacham News: During a rain storm Sunday, lightening struck a dog and killed it and stunned Estle NORMAN and his little brother. It was a very narrow escape for them.
- Chamber of Commerce Enjoy Ice Cream Supper: The members of the Kinmundy Chamber of Commerce in company with their wives and guests wended their way southward last Friday evening to the Pleasant Grove Church where they were served with an ice cream supper by the ladies of that church. The viands were very delicious. The crowd was so large that the ladies were served first. The men then held their business session, which was short, the men ate to their capacity. After all were filled with ice cream, cake, and ice tea, Mr. Frank NELMS produced his guitar and entertained the crowd with music and songs. He was aided a little later by Rev. L.V. LOVELL and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW. Rev. MATTHEWS made a short talk. This gay event held forth until about 11 p.m. Yes Sir! It was enjoyed by all present and now we are looking forward to someone giving us and invitation to another ice cream supper or a chick fry for our next meeting which will fall on Friday, August 21. Following are the minutes of the business meeting: There were 21 members present and we dont know how many guests. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The president asked for a report from the oil committee. It was reported that the oil would be spread the following week. The business committee reported that the merchants were not interested in a trade day proposition and they were honorably discharged. Rev. MATTHEWS introduced the following resolutions which were adopted as read: WHEREAS, At a meeting held in the American Legion Hall at Kinmundy, Illinois on July 7, 1931, a resolution was passed requesting the Farina Fishing and Hunting Club to surrender their lease on the Illinois Central Reservoir to a new organization made up of members of the three towns of Alma, Kinmundy, and Farina; and WHEREAS, A copy of this resolution was sent to the Farina Fishing and Hunting Club and also to the Illinois Central Railroad Co.; and WHEREAS, The Farina Fishing and Hunting Club has displayed no inclination to comply with this request, giving neither a negative or affirmative answer, and the Illinois Central Railroad Co. has taken no action in the matter, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Kinmundy, Illinois request the said Illinois Central Railroad Co. to take some definite action on this matter at once advising the secretary of the action taken. The question of the railroads providing electric lights at the tower was raised. It was brought out that they are badly needed there for public safety as we are required to go to this tower after 5 oclock to send telegrams. The secretary was instructed to write the Company about the matter. Rev. LOVELL, chairman of the Relief Committee, made a short talk on the condition of this work and suggested that a resolution committee be appointed to draft a set of resolutions and send them to the I.C. officials asking them to put their section men back to work at this point. The following committee was appointed: A.J. YOUNG, Rev. LOVELL, F.O. GRISSOM, and Web LOWE. The question of erecting a billboard south of town was next brought up and a miniature design was displayed to the members which met with their approval. The following committee was appointed to look into the matter: F.O. GRISSOM, R.S. ROWAN, Rev. LOVELL. The president suggested that we follow the five year plan of Russia to some extent and see if we couldnt accomplish something. He did not necessarily mean that we should wait the full five years but have some object in view and work toward that goal. The following committees were appointed to try out this plan and instructed to give a report at the next meeting:
General Business & City Needs: C.R. ALDERSON, M.B. NELMS, C.B. ROHRBOUGH
Factories & News Businesses: C.F. PRUETT, F.O. GRISSOM, E. WORMLEY
City Beautification and Improvement: B.J. ROTAN, Mrs. E. K. DONOVAN, Rev. L.V. LOVELL
Cemetery: R.S. ROWAN, Mrs. E.K. DONOVAN, E.R. LOWE, C.S. FOX
Orchards & Agriculture: Tony YOUNG, D.F. NEATHERY, J.N. VALLOW
Streets & Roads: A.J. JACKSON, C.S. FOX, L.N. KENNEDY
Conventions, Celebrations, and Recreation:
It was suggested by the president that the business houses stay open on the evening of July 24 (tomorrow evening) as there will be a big American Legion meeting in town and it always makes a town look better if the business places are open. The members then gave a rising vote of thanks to the ladies of the Pleasant Grove Church for furnishing such a delightful evening. That meeting then stood adjourned.
July 30, 1931:
- Charles DOOLEN arranged for a surprise celebration of the 10th wedding anniversary of his son, William R. DOOLEN and wife, by inviting the relatives to assemble at their home Thursday night. The surprise was complete, and the evening was replete with pleasure.
- Mrs. Alice SEE wrote of her travels abroad.
- The annual ARNOLD Chapel Picnic which is held the first Saturday in August will be held on Saturday of this week. Although it will conflict with the Reunion at Salem, it has never deviated from this day. Ira C. MORRIS of this city, has been awarded the standrights for the day and the American Legion Orchestra from here will furnish the music. This is an event looked forward to by many in this community as it means a homecoming of friends and relatives.
- F.M. (Bunt) BASCOM was found in bed Wednesday morning suffering from a light stroke of paralysis. He was taken to the F.O. GRISSOM home where he is being cared for.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edward LOWE were in Pana Thursday giving their other children, David and Nancy, a birthday outing to Kitchell Park, whose birthdays occur July 7 and 25 respectively. Mr. and Mrs. W.W. LOWE Sr. accompanied them.
- William FURRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.L. FURRY, was bitten by a dog owned by A.H. MILLER.
- Mr. George MAHON of California was here Monday renewing acquaintances with friends of former years. He was a former resident of Kinmundy, but hadnt been back in 21 years.
- Swift School: Ralph BASSETT, Florence McCULLEY, Forrest THOMS, and Helen WAINSCOTT spent Sunday evening with Sam LOWE and wife.
- Swift School: Miss Marcelline DOOLEN spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Lorene GARRETT.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. EAGAN received word Thursday of the serious illness of their grandson, Delbert BOUGHERS of St. Louis. Delbert underwent an operation for a tumor and Mrs. EAGAN went to be with him Friday. The tumor appears to be cancerous and there is little hope.
August 6, 1931:
- Funeral services for Mrs. George SOLDNER, 56, were held in the German Evangical Church in Farina on Tuesday. She had been in failing health for several months. Before her marriage, she was Miss Carrie ERNEST born on Oct. 11, 1872. She had been a resident northeast of Kinmundy for many years. Besides her husband she leaves 1 daughter, Mrs. Glenn WELLS and 2 grandchildren, Charles and Ruth Elaine WELLS, all of near Farina. Burial was made in Farina Cemetery.
- Ruben WILKINSON, aged 87 years and a life time resident of Scruthfield Prairie, died at the home of his brother, Robert WILKINSON, Aug. 2. The funeral was held at the home of his brother. Interment was made at Cockrell Cemetery.
- The late Henry HASSEBROCK family consisted of 10 children, 3 of whom are still living, namely: George, Christ, and Mrs. W.F. GLUESENKAMP. Descendants of this family met in the park in Centralia on Aug. 2, 1931. 2 births were reported, a son born to Mr. and Mrs. E. BISHOP of Bath, Ill.; and a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter NICHRENZ of Centralia. The day was spent playing baseball and other games. Officers elected were: Geo. SOLDNER, President; Christ HASSEBROCK, Treas.; and Lydia C. WITTE, Sec. A long list of those attending was printed.
- Mr. and Mrs. Coy INGRAM of East St. Louis spent the weekend here with homefolks. They are moving this week from East St. Louis to Danville. He was been promoted to the position of 2nd Assistant District Attorney.
- Miss Helen Elizabeth GARRETT of Chicago is here for a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Fina GARRETT.
- Mrs. Solon SMITHSON, who has been in very serious condition in St. Anthonys Hospital at Effingham, is reported as slowly improving.
- In the Methodist Church in Vernon, Ill. occurred the funeral of Mr. Alec MASSEY Sunday. Mr. MASSEY was well known in Kinmundy and was a brother-in-law of J.T. ARNOLD and Mrs. Lizzie DOOLEN. Mr. and Mrs. MASSEY had celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.
- Omega: Freida MILLICAN and Dorothy FIELDS took an aeroplane ride at Salem Saturday afternoon.
- Meacham News: Mr. Ruben WILKINSON, a well known and respected man aged 80 years, died at the home of his brother, Robert WILKINSON, and was laid to rest Tuesday in the Cockrell Cemetery.
Aug. 13, 1931:
- Eldo WAINSCOTT died Tuesday at a hospital in Champaign. He had been seriously injured 4 weeks ago when a scaffold on which he was working fell with him. Doctors had removed a kidney and he had received several blood transfusions.
- Mrs. Laura C. DISS, 71, of Decatur, mother of the largest family in Macon Co., died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ruth HOGE, near Clinton. She was the mother of 14 children, 13 of whom are living. She also leaves 60 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. She was the widow of William H. DISS, miller for the old American Hominy Co. Mill in Decatur, who died in Oct. 1924. Laura WILLIAMS was born in Kinmundy on Feb. 3, 1860 the daughter of Roger G. and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. She was married to W.H. DISS 53 years ago. Only one of the DISS 14 children preceded her in death - Mrs. Geo. TRIMBY of Decatur who died May 1929. The children left are: Mrs. J.H. GILLEN, Mrs. E.V. HIRSCH, Mrs. Harry BINNS, Mrs. Nora ALBERTS, Mrs. Charlotte SLAYBACK, Mrs. Roy WHITTEN, and C.M. DISS, all of Decatur; Fred DISS of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Dora SPROUSE of Centralia; Mrs. Ruth HOGE of Clinton; Mrs. Gladys MAYNOR of Centralia; Chauncey N. DISS of Pana; and Mrs. Herman MEYER of Deland. Mrs. SPROUSE and Mrs. ALBERTS are twins. She leaves 3 brothers and a sister: A.J. WILLIAMS of Alma; C.H. WILLIAMS of South Bend, Ind.; S.S. WILLIAMS of Farina; and Mrs. Cora LANG of Chicago. She was a member of the Baptist Church in Alma. Services were held at the Grand Ave. Baptist Church in Decatur with interment in Hickory Point twp. She was the sister-in-law of Mr. Chas. DISS residing northwest of Kinmundy.
- Harriett Tabitha EAGAN, daughter of Reece and Elizabeth EAGAN, was born in Fayette Co. on June 30, 1861, and died Aug. 10, 1931. She married James BAYLIS on Sept. 19, 1878, and they had 12 children, 4 of whom with her husband preceded her in death. She united as a young girl with the Presbyterian Church in Kinmundy. She leaves 8 children: Burdette, Minda NEAVILLE, and Hazel JONES of Kinmundy; Nellie SPURLIN and Rochelle DURKIN of Chicago; Edna BAILEY of Harvey; Harriett BARBEE of Centralia; and Eugene of Stanford, Montana; 24 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren,1 brother, 1 half-brother, and 1 half-sister. Services were held at the Church of God with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Joseph S. WHITE, age 81 years, 8 months, and 15 days, died at his home in Kankakee, Ill. Aug. 8 after an illness from cancer of the stomach. The funeral was held at Kankakee. The remains were brought here on the I.C. Train Tuesday and short services were held at Evergreen Cemetery. The remains were accompanied here by Mr. WHITEs 2 sons and daughter, Mrs. Anna FROST, Mrs. Gail WILSON and son of Clinton. He was a resident of Kinmundy for some 40 years.
- It has been the custom for more than 25 years for the descendants of Silas PARRILL to hold a yearly reunion. These reunions were held at different places near Farina until last year when it was held at Rose Lake at Iuka. Aug 9, 1931 at Rose Lake, was set for reunion day, and the day was beautiful although warm. A crowd of more than 50 of the PARRILL relatives gathered there. A bountiful dinner was served. Mr. A.J. PARRILL of Farina was re-elected President and Miss Evangeline PARRILL of Kinmundy, Secretary.
- Meadow Branch: Lorene GARRETT is spending a week at the Wes ROBB home.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB spent Saturday night with Pearl JACKSON.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB spent Thursday afternoon with Lorraine BAYLIS.
- Swift School: Lorene GARRETT and Valinda CONANT had Sunday dinner at the Mack ROBB home.
- Swift School: Selby GARRETT and family spent Sunday with Elvin CONANT and family.
- Omega: Word was received here last week that a baby boy had arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo COPPLE. Charlie and Etta are wearing big smiles since they became Grandpa and Grandma.
- Richard WILLIAMS has been quite sick having suffered from an attack of appendicitis.
Aug. 20, 1931:
- Eldo, son of Isaac and Mary WAINSCOTT, was born Sept. 9, 1879 and died Aug. 11, 1931 at Burnham Hospital in Champaign at the age of 51 years, 11 months, and 2 days. He married Lottie May LYNCH on Sept. 19, 1905, and they had 4 children: Margaret Rebecca and Helen Louise, who with their mother, preceded him in death. Cyril Emmett and Beulah May survive. Also, 5 brothers and 2 sisters. In early manhood he joined the Christian Church in Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.D. THOMPSON will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 23 and extend an invitation to their friends to a basket dinner in Brubaker on Aug. 23.
- In the country home of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. TELFORD on Aug. 16, a family dinner was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. WILKINSONs 49th wedding anniversary which was Aug. 17. Mr. and Mrs. WILKINSON have lived in and around Kinmundy practically all of their lives. Mr. WILKINSON was raised in Meacham twp; and Mrs. WILKINSON in Washington Co. Until 15 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. WILKINSON lived on a farm 3 miles south of our city, and here raised a family of 4 children: Bert of Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. J.R. TELFORD of Decatur; Claude E. of Centralia; and Herschel B. of West Frankfort. All of the children with their families were present. Also present was Mr. and Mrs. C.A. KENNEDY and granddaughter of Paxton. Mr. KENNEDY being a nephew of Mrs. WILKINSON.
- On Aug. 16, a family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray GEORGE and family of this city in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. DAVIS and family of Chicago who had been spending the week here with relatives and friends. At 11:30 the crowd gathered with well filled baskets and spread out on a shady lawn. After dinner, they were called into the parlor where music was enjoyed. Later pictures were taken and 2½ gallons of ice cream and 2 - 35 pound watermelons were enjoyed. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray GEORGE and family; Mr. and Mrs. J.L. DAVIS and family and granddaughter, Miss Martha DAVIS, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. MORRIS and son; Miss Pauline NELMS, Mrs. Vera BASSETT and son, Mr. Wm. MORRIS Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. R.J. ANDREWS and family.
- Last Sunday, Mrs. Pauline CONANT STEWART of Hanford, Cal. was surprised when relatives and friends brought well filled baskets and gathered for dinner in her honor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Airs CONANT of this city. A list of those who attended was printed.
- Last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. James MONTGOMERY of Breese motored here and spent the day with relatives. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. Montgomerys sisters, Mrs. Theodore MILLER and Mrs. J.H. JACKSON. On Sunday a family reunion was held in honor of these 2 sisters. A noon dinner was served at the Breese Club House and enjoyed by all. A list of those attending was printed.
- A birthday party was given Mrs. Arthur Brown and daughter, Nellie, at their home near Carter last Sunday. Attending from Kinmundy were Mrs. Arminda BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Elno BROWN and daughter, Harriett, Virginia, and Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles HOWELL and son, Harold, Mrs. S.E. HOWELL and son, Lester, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard BROWN and family of Effingham.
- The James WILLIAMS family completely surprised Mr. and Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS Sunday by bringing well filled baskets at the noon hour. The surprise was to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Mr. Riley WILLIAMS. In a conversation with Mr. WILLIAMS he remarked that he liked surprises and invited all back next year. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. James WILLIAMS and sons, Maurice, Russell and Richard; Mr. and Mrs. P.F. ROBNETT and sons, Pleasant Harvey and James and daughter, Zola, and Miss Rhea HILL.
- Mr. C.I. DOOLEN celebrated his birthday Sunday in a rather quiet manner. He merely took dinner with his 2 sisters, Mrs. Hattie ATKINS and Mrs. Icy GARRETT. No need to say he did ample justice at dinner. The occasion brought back fond recollections of the long ago and the reminisces were talked of quite freely. Chas. boasts of having a wonderful memory inasmuch as he can always remember his birthday.
- Mr. Norval SILL of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl SMITH and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford HAWKEY of Farina, Mrs. Mary HOCKADAY and son, Billy Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Sam COURSON and sons Floyd and Gerald of Kinmundy and Miss Marie KRUTSINGER of Xenia attended a SILL reunion in Fairview Park in Decatur on Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde PRUETT entertained several relatives to dinner on Sunday.
- Meadow Branch: Pid BASSETT and wife spent Thursday at the Wes ROBB home.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Gene KLINE and son visited with the Wes ROBB family Sunday.
- Meadow Branch: Lucille GARRETT visited Wednesday with Mildred ROBB.
- Meadow Branch: Wes ROBB and Selby GARRETT motored to Decatur Tuesday.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB was a guest of the Junior Aid Friday.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred and Harold ROBB visited Friday with Lorraine BAYLIS.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS and son, William, started Saturday for Muskogee, Oklahoma to attend the funeral of Mr. Roy HARRIS, the oldest son of Mr. HARRIS.
- Meacham: Mr. John BASS and family, and Mr. Louis RICHARDSON and family attended the annual BASS Reunion held at Kitchell Park in Pana Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. T.M. SMITH, accompanied by Mrs. E.K. DONOVAN, Miss Pauline BAGOTT, and Fred John NIRIDER visited the graves of T.M.s great grandparents, Solomon and Martha SMITH, who were buried in the 40's. They are buried in a little graveyard on a wooded knoll near the Stringtown Schools just off the highway near Iuka. Their markings are kept intake.
Aug. 27, 1931:
- William C. THREEWIT, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John THREEWIT, was born east of Omega on Aug. 28, 1857, and died at his home near Farina on Aug. 13, 1931. He married first to Miss Etta MILLER, and there were no children born. She died Jan. 12, 1882. On Oct. 1, 1884 he married Miss Ida RODGERS, and they had 5 children, 2 dying in infancy. She died Aug. 16, 1894. He married Miss Minnie DENNY on Oct. 7, 1897, and there were no children born to this union. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Minnie THREEWIT; 3 children: Ruth MARKLEY of Farina; Glenn T. of St. Louis, Fern COX of Beecher City; 8 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren; 3 step-grandchildren; 2 brothers and 4 sisters: Tillie ROBINSON of Mooreland, Oklahoma; Chas. THREEWIT of Joy Coy, Colo.; Mary FOGERSON of Centralia; J.E. THREEWIT of Kinmundy; Fannie BLAIR and Dalia HARPER of Centralia. He united early with the M.E. Church South. All were present except 1 brother, 1 sister, and 2 grandchildren. One grandson, Loren MARKLEY is in the navy and couldnt come. The funeral was held at the home with interment in Phillips Cemetery.
- Miss Ruth MARSHALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL of near Alma, departed Tuesday for Bridgeport, Conn. Where she has a position as Assistant Director of Religious Education in the United Church. She graduated from Vandalia H.S. in 1926, and Illinois College in Jacksonville in 1930. Later she did work at the University of Chicago, and Columbia University in New York City.
- Mr. and Mrs. Emmett GRAY entertained Sunday with a family dinner in honor of Mrs. Abe OWENS and sons of Gideon, Mo., who are visiting relatives. A list of those attending was printed.
- The floor of the American Legion Hall has been undergoing a good "slicking up". An electric sander has been used to smooth the floor. The boys claim that after the floor is polished it will be unexcelled by any floor. The weekly dance Saturday night will, no doubt, prove this statement.
- Miss Alta GARRETT of Villa Grove, came Saturday to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT and other relatives.
- Elder School: Mr. and Mrs. Lewie SULLENS who have been making their home in Chicago, have returned to this city.
Sept. 3, 1931:
- Mrs. Mary Anna ADAMS of Glendale and Mr. Charles F. GILMORE of Audobon Park, Sierra Madre, Cal. were married in First Methodist Church at Upland, Cal. on July 31. Mrs. Gilmore is the oldest daughter of Mrs. Frances CRAIG of Danville but formerly of Kinmundy. She will be remembered here as Miss Anna CRAIG.
- Mr. and Mrs. T.D. MANGNER had a baby son born at Woodlawn Hospital in Chicago on Aug. 30 weighing 8½ lbs. and named Patrick. The mother is formerly Miss Alice SEXTON.
- John CONANT left Friday for Pawnee, Ill. where he has been employed as coach in the school there.
Sept. 10, 1931:
- Mr. and Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS received quite a surprise Sunday morning when relatives came from afar to spend the day and have a sort of family reunion. The guests brought well filled baskets of a fried chicken dinner, and needless to say, no one had to chew the necks. The list of those who attended was printed.
- The 5th annual Reunion of the Brown family met Sept. 6, 1931 at the Wm. BAGOTT home. 64 relatives enjoyed the noon day meal. Baby Rosalee VANSANT, age 3 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.M. VANSANT of Farina was the youngest member present, and Marie and Margaret STEVENS, the 9 month old daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Roy STEVENS also came as new members. We did especially miss Vera KAGY CRANE who died a few weeks ago. The same officers were re-elected. The time and place next year is the 3rd Sunday in Aug. 1932 at the L.J. HAMMER home.
- James Wesley EAGAN died at the home of his daughter in Maroa Monday after 3 weeks illness. He had been in failing health for the past year. He was born in Fosterburg, Nov. 3, 1854, and married Miss Emily ARNOLD on Oct. 17, 1878. Besides the widow, he leaves 2 sons and 5 daughters: John E. EAGAN of Brookfield; Ellet EAGAN of Chicago; Mrs. H.H. JONES of Patoka; Mrs. Roy MEADOR of Maroa; and Violette EAGAN of Bloomington. He also leaves 3 brothers and 1 sister: A.I. EAGAN and Harrison EAGAN of Fosterburg; Mrs. George CONANT of Kinmundy; and Sam B. EAGAN of Rialto, Cal. Following services in Maroa, the body was taken to Arnold Chapel Church where services were conducted with interment made in Holt Cemetery.
- The annual Labor Day picnic was held Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. DAVIS in this city where they enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner. The names of those attending was printed.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed GREEN and family of Chicago, motored here last week to visit his sister, Mrs. Lizzie SWIFT. They left Friday for Iowa, accompanied by Mrs. SWIFT, to be present for the 50th wedding anniversary of their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. LUHR.
- Miss Thelma DOWNS surprised her friends by slipping quietly away to Salem on Sept. 8 and being married to Mr. Hansford WRIGHT of Decatur. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C.B. MENDENHALL. She is daughter of Mrs. Mattie DOWNS of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter WRIGHT of Decatur. He has worked here with the Western Union Telegraph Co. The couple will make their home with the brides mother, Mrs. Mattie DOWNS.
- The marriage of Miss Carrie Dee MILLER to C. Kenneth EDWARDS took place at the home of the brides parents in Salem on Friday. She is a graduate of the class of 22 of Salem H.S., a graduate of Browns Business College at Centralia, and held responsible position as Secretary to Supt. of City Schools and also Secretary to the County School Supt. The groom is a son of Supt. and Mrs. C.L. EDWARDS of Salem City Schools, and holds a position with Lyons and Carnahan Book Co. of Chicago. He graduated in 1920 from Carlyle H.S., and attended Ill. State Normal University. The couple will reside in Bloomington.
- Saturday being Miss Ruth ROHRBOUGHs birthday, she was kidnaped by friends, Misses Mary MINER, Florence JACK, and Helen MORGAN, and was taken to Park Hotel in Salem, when dinner was served them and then to the Fox Lyric to a talkie for the remainder of the evening. This was a very happy surprise for Miss ROHRBOUGH, and she doesnt object in the least to a kidnaping of this kind.
- Miss Tiona EAGAN was completely surprised last Monday Sept. 7 when a number of her friends and classmates arrived at her home to remind her of her 18th birthday. Delicious refreshments of cake and ice cream was served by Tionas mother, Mrs. Harry EAGAN.
- A group of friends journeyed to the home of R.J. ANDREWS Tuesday to assist in celebrating Bobs birthday. A social evening was spent mostly in eating watermelon.
- Rex GAMMON and Audrey VALLOW motored to Lebanon Tuesday where Rex enrolled as a student of McKendree.
- Swift School: Otis CHARLTON and wife, Mrs. Lilly McCULLEY and daughter, and Mark SWIFT and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE in honor of the birthday of Mrs. CHARLTON and Mrs. LOWE.
- Omega: Several of our young people attended the charivari at Mr. and Mrs. CORRELLs Saturday night in honor of Mr. CORRELLs son and his bride who were married recently.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Roy MILLICAN accompanied their son, See, to Carbondale Monday where he will attend school this winter.
- Meacham: John BASS and family and Miss Blanche THOMPSON enjoyed ice cream and cake at the Will CHASTEEN home Wednesday it being their sons birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn DAVIS are rejoicing over the advent of a little daughter in their home born Thursday and named Ethel Marie.
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank LEE on Sept. 6, a baby daughter.
Sept. 17, 1931:
- Loyd CROSSETT was born in Orangeville, NY on Feb. 27, 1854, the youngest of a family of 10 children. Being of a studious disposition, he finished early the work of the local schools and decided on teaching as a life vocation. He attended Brockport Normal College, from which he graduated as President of the class of 1879. Shortly after graduation he married Finette B. JOHNSON, whom he was married to for 52 years. They had 3 children born; a daughter who died in infancy; and 2 sons, Claude and Ralph, who survive. A few years after he began teaching, he was stricken with deafness which caused him to give up his chosen profession and move to this state where in Jan. 1886 he purchased a farm which has since been his constant residence. He died on Sept. 8, 1931, leaving his wife; 2 sons; 2 daughters-in-law; 2 grandchildren, Louis Loyd and Rhoda Belle; and a brother, John CROSSETT of Rochester, NY. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Salem Cemetery.
- J.P. HALEY, prominent Farina businessman, died at St. Marys Hospital in Centralia Saturday after submitting to an operation for a bowel obstruction. Services were held at the family residence with interment in Farina Cemetery.
- E.C. HUGGINS of LeRoy, Ill. was here this weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lena HUGGINS. He was returning from Sandoval, where he had been attending the funeral of his aunt, his fathers half-sister, Miss Martha Chat HADDEN. Miss HADDEN was 83 years old, a daughter of W. and Eliza Earl HADDEN, who were pioneer settlers of Marion county. The funeral was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert SMITH of Sandoval, where she died. Interment in Peaceful Valley Cemetery in Odin, Ill.
- Major Morris LAMBORN died at his home near Vernon on Sept. 9 age 53 years and 18 days. Born in Abilene, Kansas, Mr. LAMBORN came with his family to Indiana then to Illinois where they settled on a farm west of town. On Nov. 25, 1902 he married Miss Effie NICHOLS, who survives. Besides his wife, he leaves 1 brother, Lemuel L. of Vernon; 2 sisters, Irene DENTON of Bloomington, and Luella MORRIS of this city. Services were held at Vernon Park with interment in Vernon Cemetery.
- March 13, 1931 at their home in Kinmundy, a daughter was born to Wm. ROBB and Ruth WILLIAMS DOOLEN, and named Dell Marlene. She was stricken on Wednesday and died on Thursday. Besides the father and mother, he leaves 2 brothers, Bennie Eugene and Charles Lee; 2 great-grandfathers, F.M. ROBB and W.R. WILLIAMS; Grandfather and Grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. WILLIAMS; and a Grandfather, Chas. DOOLEN; 5 uncles, 4 aunts, and 10 cousins. Services were held at the family home with interment in DOOLEN Cemetery.
- Loy L. MORRIS and Miss Pauline NELMS surprised their friends last Thursday when they announced their marriage which occurred June 28 in Jeffersonville, Ind. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. NELMS of this city. She graduated from Everett, Wash. H.S. with the class of 28, attended Eastern Illinois Normal at Charleston for a year, and since coming to our city has been employed in NELMS Bros. Grocery Store. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MORRIS. His entire life was spent in this community. He is graduated with the class of 30 at Kinmundy H.S., and was a star basketball player with the famous K.H.S. Sectional Semi-Finalists team of 30. Since school he has been employed in his fathers mercantile store.
- Another truck driver has made his appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren KLINE. The 8 lb. youngster was born Sept. 14.
- Mr. and Mrs. Phillip HANDLER of Chicago have a baby son born Sept. 4 at Michael REESE Hospital named Duane Phillip. The mother is formerly Miss Millie MOTCH of this city.
- Elder School: Quite a crowd attended Church and Sunday School at Pleasant Grove Sunday afternoon.
- Over the Line: Chas. BURKETT attended a family reunion at Xenia, Ill. Sunday. He moved away from there when he was 12 years of age, and had not visited there for 25 years.
- Meadow Branch: Wes ROBB and family attended the ballgame at Iuka Sunday.
Sept. 24, 1931:
- On Sept. 22 occurred the marriage of Mr. Morris CHASTEEN and Miss Blanche THOMPSON both of this community. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William CHASTEEN who resides on the Clabe COCKRELL farm east of this city. He is a young prosperous farmer. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred THOMPSON of this city. She has lived in and near Kinmundy all of her life.
- Thursday a large group of friends wended their way to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. MORRIS for a kitchen shower on their son, Loy and bride. After gifts were opened, the merrymakers were called to the rear of the house where the host made a big bonfire and the crowd massacred 25 lbs. of dogs by roasting them. After that, the crowd journeyed to the Legion Hall, where thru courtesy of the Orchestra, a dance program was arranged.
- Word was received here Friday announcing the death of Estel PERRY, who with his mother, Mrs. Belle PERRY, was confined to the State Hospital at Lincoln, Ill. a few weeks ago. "Heck" as he was better known, fell from an upstairs window, and death resulted. Funeral and interment was held in Lincoln.
- The descendants of F.M. ROBB held a reunion Sunday at the Jollywoods Park near Alma. At the noon hour, more than 100 partook of the feast spread on tables under the shade of the forest trees. Other relatives in the afternoon swell the number to more than 125. Mr. ROBBs children present were: Mrs. J.T. ARNOLD, Mrs. Emmett JONES, Mrs. Frank JONES, and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD. The only son, Eli ROBB, was detained at his home and was not present. Some of the other relatives present were: Mr. ROBBs brother, R.C. ROBB and sisters, Mrs. Mary WALKER and Mrs. Jeemes ARNOLD. The day was one of real pleasure for this well known family, pioneer settlers of Marion County and it is to be made an annual gathering.
- Local merchant, A.J. JACKSON, turned from grocer to detective for a short time Tuesday and caused a swindler to be caught. Shortly before, A.J. had read an article written up in the Prairie Farmer and had heard it broadcast over WLS several time. The swindlers graft was usually $10 for "full payment" on premium cards for merchants to give to customers cards redeemable in Chinaware thru Penn China Company in Chicago, and his name was HARRIS or HARGIS or HILL or MONROE, but the company was no longer in business. Tuesday afternoon a man introduced himself as HARRIS and confronted Mr. JACKSON with his plan. Mr. JACKSON informed him he was not interested whereas HARRIS politely took his leave and headed toward Salem. Mr. JACKSON called the Sheriff VOGT and gave him a description of man and car. The Sheriff met him north of Salem. He approached the fellow once they were in Salem, and he gave his name as HARGIS. At present time we have not heard whether or not he has confessed.
- Hannah OGLESBY, aged 89 years, died at her home in Pacific Grove, Cal. last Saturday. Mrs. OGLESBY was an aunt of Mrs. L.M. ROTAN of this city.
- Fiftieth Anniversary: On September 22, 1881, Mr. Henry BASSETT and Miss Mary McCUNE were united in marriage at Monticello, Ill. Last Sunday, Sept. 20, a large gathering of their relatives and friends met at their home to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of this event. Those present at dinner were Mrs. Serena McCUNE and Dave DEAN of Alma; Mrs. Vera BASSETT and son of Kinmundy; Mrs. Kate LAMBERT, Loren, Wayne and Miss Opal BARNES of Patoka; Joe PEARSON, Ralph BASSETT and the following families: Milburn JONES of St. Louis; Mason BASSETT of Vernon; G.W. Conant, Mrs. Ella SHREFFLER, Luther SULLENS of Alma; Chas. FORD, W.L. GREEN, Clyde BASSETT, Wm. JONES, R.H. FEATHER, T.M. JONES, Lafe BASSETT, Ernest BASSETT, Elmer BASSETT, and Nancy GREEN. Those calling in the afternoon were Andrew ROSS and wife, Tom DAY and wife, C.E. RAINEY and wife and Harry SHREFFLER and family of Alma; Abbie COX and family, Jessie JONES and family, Wm. ROBINSON, Aunt Tack CONANT and Lodema CONANT.
- Arthur and Lora Elsie DOOLEN of McKendree College in Lebanon, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. DOOLEN.
- A pie supper will be held at Oak Grove School, 2 miles west of Alma, Friday Oct. 2.
- Rev. S.A. MATTHEWS made the address Sunday afternoon at the homecoming at the Pleasant Grove Church. A basket dinner had been served and enjoyed at the noon hour.
- Dr. and Mrs. Claude WRIGHT of Carbondale have an 8½ son born Sept. 18. The mother was formerly Miss Mary INGRAM of this city.
- Wilson School: Marion SHUFELDT and family and Chris MEYER and family attended a family reunion at the home of a relative near St. Peter, Sunday.
- Wilson School: A large crowd attended the basket dinner at Pleasant Grove last Sunday.
- Elder School: Quite a large crowd attended the basket dinner at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Everyone reports a fine time.
- Omega: Mr. Lyman JONES and Miss Zilpha SEE motored to Salem Friday and were quietly married there. Virgil SEE, Claude ROSE and Elsie SEE accompanied them. A rousing charivari was given then Friday night at the home of the brides father and they were again charivaried at the home of the groom Saturday night.
- Omega: A large crowd attended the basket dinner at Pleasant Grove Church Sunday and enjoyed the sermons and program.
Oct. 1, 1931:
- Mrs. Sarah BALLANCE was laid to rest Tuesday. Sarah Frances, oldest daughter of John Barb and Martha DOOLEN MORGAN was born on a farm 6 miles northwest of Kinmundy on Dec. 6, 1854, and died Sept. 27, 1931. She married John H. BALLANCE on Jan. 8, 1871, who died Aug. 15, 1914. They had 10 children, 5 daughters and 1 son preceded her in death. The remaining children are: Lou WARREN and G. Tom BALLANCE of Kinmundy; J. Lem BALLANCE of Salem; and Josie ROBB of Ashkum. Also surviving are 7 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Of her brothers and sisters, only 1 is left, Gilbert W. MORGAN of Chicago. 2 aunts also mourn her: Mrs. A.J. FOSTER and Mrs. Frances LOWE. She was a member of the M.E. Church South. For the past year she had been failing health, and about 2 weeks ago she suffered a stroke of paralysis. Services were held at the Sandy Branch Campground with interment at Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Mr. Cecil GARRETT and Miss Marcelline DOOLEN motored to Salem, Ill. Saturday afternoon, Sept. 26, and were quietly united in marriage at the home of J.E. SHAFER, pastor of the M.E. Church of that city. They were attended by Miss Marcelline GARRETT, sister of the groom, and Dale CAUDLE. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.C. DOOLEN, who resides northwest of this city. She is popular among the younger social set, having made many friends while attending Kinmundy H.S. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude GARRETT, residing northwest of this city, and a prosperous young farmer. The Express joins their many friends in extending congratulations.
- Mrs. James WOOD received painful injuries to her arm and shoulder last Wednesday when she missed the step and fell from the porch of the home of Mrs. Arminda BROWN.
- Swift School: Misses Rada GARRETT, Treva GOOSETREE, Maxine SWIFT, Lucille GARRETT, Vernell MORGAN, and Helen WAINSCOTT were Iuka callers Sunday afternoon.
- Omega: Ed FORD of Alma was in this community Monday.
Oct. 8, 1931:
- Delbert BOUGHERS, formerly of this city, but of recent years of St. Louis, died at Bernard Hospital in St. Louis on Oct. 7 after a few weeks suffering of cancer of the bowels. He was aged 26 years and 10 months.
- John Wesley McGEE of Central City, Ill. died Sept. 30. He was born Sept. 27, 1841 in Virginia, lived 30 years near Kinmundy, and went to Central City 6 years ago. He was married twice; 1st to Miss Bird ALLEN and later to Mrs. J. WEDDING in Feb. 1891 in Washington, Ind. He leaves 4 sons: Lawrence McGEE of Loogootee, Ind.; James McGEE of Montgomery, Ind.; Charles McGEE of Kinmundy; and Lewis McGEE whose address is unknown; 4 daughters: Mrs. Bros. MILLER and Mrs. Laura PARSONS, both of St. Louis, Mo; Mrs. Bessie KIRKPATRICK of East St. Louis; and Mrs. Myrtle SANKINS of Centralia; 1 step-child: Mrs. R.C. WILKINSON of Centralia also survives. Services held at NELMS Funeral Parlor with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Lawrence Richard, only son of Lewis and Mary BURKETT, was born Nov. 14, 1920 and died Sept. 26, 1931. On about Aug. 24, he was stricken with malady typhoid and soon his fever raged so high that his mental faculties were impaired. Bronchial pneumonia developed 2 days prior to his death, and died Sept. 26. 5 other members of the family had been stricken with this fever, and at the time the mother was so ill that she knew not of his passing. He leaves his father, 2 sisters, Vera and Audrey, a step-mother, 3 half brothers, 1 half sister, 1 step-sister, Alice RODGERS, and 2 grandmothers. His mother died nearly 8 years ago. Services and interment were held at Phillips Cemetery.
- Mrs. Frances PRATHER, aged 63 years, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Neal FERRELL, who resides on the Frank BRITTON farm east of town. Interment was in Phillips Cemetery.
- On Sept. 26, 1931, Mr. Victor SMITH of Farina and Miss Ada HANNA of this city were married at the home of Rev. L.V. LOVELL, pastor of the Christian Church. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Claude HANNA of this city. The bride is the youngest daughter of Dr. H.L. HANNA of this city and was born and reared in this city. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford SMITH and a native of Farina.
- 52 former Kinmundy people enjoyed the 34th annual picnic at Arroyo Seco Park, Los Angeles, Cal. on Sept. 27, 1931. A long list of those attending was printed.
- Mr. and Mrs. Emmett JONES celebrated their wedding anniversary last Sunday by entertaining their children at dinner. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and family of Mitchell, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy JONES of Patoka; Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES and family of North Fork; and Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES of this city. Afternoon callers were Mrs. J.T. ARNOLD, Mrs. E.E. BROWN and children, and Mrs. Ralph FEATHERS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle NIRIDER of St. Louis have a 10 lb. son born Sept. 30 and named John Gilbert.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB, Mrs. Lodema BAYLIS and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL assisted Mrs. A.J. BAYLIS in cooking for threshers Thursday and Friday.
- Meadow Branch: Wes ROBB and family attended the kitchen shower given for Cecil GARRETT and bride Saturday night.
Oct. 15, 1931:
- Carl BOONE received word Saturday that his sister, Mrs. Maude NOOT of Effingham died following an operation for gallstones. Funeral and interment were held in Effingham.
- White at work re-roofing the Chas. PRUETT residence yesterday, W.H. ALLEN received some painful injuries when his scaffolding broke and he fell about 20 feet to the ground. He was rushed to Mt. Vernon where an x-ray was taken but showed no bones broken.
- Mrs. Tom BUNDY, residing northwest of Kinmundy, died at her home Tuesday afternoon after a brief illness of blood poisoning. Funeral services will be held from Arnold Chapel this afternoon.
- S.L. BUNDY received word Saturday of the death of his grandson, Howard Leonard COOPER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse COOPER of Phoenix, Arizona, after a brief illness of quinsy. Howard was 10 years old. The mother is the former Miss Bertha BUNDY.
- Harriett, daughter of James and Hattie BAYLIS, was born in Kinmundy on Jan. 30, 1896 and died in Centralia on Oct. 8, 1931. She married Floyd BARBEE on July 11, 1915, and they had 3 children: Lester, age 15; Roberta, age 12, and Frances, age 3. Besides the husband and children, she leaves 2 brothers: Eugene and Burdette; and 5 sisters: Arminda NEAVILLE, Edna BAILEY, Nelle SPURLIN, Hazel JONES, and Rochelle DURKIN. Services were held at the Church of God with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Luraney F. LEWIS, daughter of Obediah and Mary LEWIS, was born near Xenia on May 18, 1868, and died at the home of his step-daughter, Mrs. Neal FARRELL in Meacham twp. on Oct. 7, 1931. She married John W. PRATHER on Feb. 15, 1894, and they had 8 children, 1 dying in infancy. She leaves 5 sons and 3 daughters: Lloyd and Harley of Kinmundy; Fred of Kenney, Ill.; Robert of Harvey, Ill.; Mrs. Nellie FISK of Iuka; Mrs. Adeline HOWELL of Benton Harbor, Mich.; Mrs. Agnes WEISS of Harvey; and Earl BRYANT, a son from a former marriage of Mt. Vernon. The step-sons and daughters are: Mrs. Maggie PHILLIPS and Mrs. Myrtle FARRELL of Kinmundy; Ben PRATHER of Christopher, Ill; Charles and Ernest PRATHER of Gale, Ill.; and Bert PRATHER of Stonington. Services were held at the NEAL FARRELL home with interment in Phillips Cemetery.
- Delbert Marvin BOUGHERS was born in Kinmundy on Dec. 8, 1904 and died in St. Louis on Oct. 7, 1931. He joined with the Methodist Church of Kinmundy at the age of 15. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Jeanette ALLEN BOUGHERS of St. Louis; his father, Mr. J.S. BOUGHERS of St. Louis; 1 sister, Mrs. Oneta EASTER of St. Louis; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will EAGAN, and Mrs. and Mrs. B. FRITZE of Kinmundy. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Meacham News: Mr. and Mrs. John WEISS were in St. Peter on Oct. 4 attending the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William JASPER. 150 guests were present.
Oct. 22, 1931:
- Mrs. Hiram LACEY died suddenly last Saturday, Oct. 17, 1931. She suffered a paralytic stroke that morning and died at noon. The funeral was held from the home on Tuesday with interment in Elder Cemetery. Avis Almira WILBUR, eldest daughter of Jesse and Eunice WILBUR was born Apr. 4, 1874 in Meacham twp. where her entire life was spent. On Dec. 10, 1890 she married Hiram Gibson LACEY at Rockport, Ind., and they had 10 children: Ronald M. of Grafton, Ill.; Mrs. Nellie KOLLMAN of Altamont; Raymond Gleason; Dewey S. of Kinmundy; Mrs. Myrtle RILEY of Beecher City; Mrs. Hazel OTTES of Bloomington; Mrs. Iris SOLDNER of Kinmundy; Avis of Centralia; and Lena Ruth and Hiram Theodore at home. Besides her husband and children, she leaves 3 sisters and 3 brothers: Dennis S. WILBUR of Harvel, Ill.; Nathan G. and Walter D. of Everett, Wash.; Mrs. Bettie PLESKA of Hutchinson, Minn.; Mrs. Abbie BREFFIE of Taylorville, Ill.; and Mrs. Addie VANDEVEER of Los Angeles, Cal; 6 granddaughters and 2 grandsons.
- Christopher C. SHAFER, the son of Elias and Sevinia HOLMES SHAFER, was born in Allen Co., Ind. on Apr. 15, 1844, and died at his home in Meacham twp. on Oct. 10, 1931. He was a veteran of the Civil War with Co. F. 38th Regiment of Ohio. In 1870 he married Miss Emily BURTON of Picaway Co., Ohio, moving in 1876 to this community where he spent the remainder of his life. They had 7 children: Edward B., Ruby E., Marion F., and Anna B. surviving him. William, Mable, and Maud preceded him in death. His wife died Nov. 11, 1923. Services were held at the home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jed HARPSTER of St. Peter celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at their home. She is formerly Clara FISH of Kinmundy. Relatives attending from here were Mrs. HARPSTERs mother, Mrs. Anna SCOTT, her aunt, Mrs. Harriett DeVORE, and uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank HUMPHREY.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.T. ARNOLD, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. BROWN and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Robb GREEN and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHERS, son and daughter were in Vernon Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. GREEN and family. They were there in honor of the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. GREEN, former residents of Kinmundy.
- The 15th birthday of John EAGAN was celebrated with a surprise party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry EAGAN, on Oct. 16th. A large crowd was present.
- Mrs. J.W. NOOT (Helen Maude) daughter of Thomas A. and Margaret J. BOONE, was born at Kinmundy on Aug. 28, 1874, and died at St. Anthonys Hospital on Oct. 10, 1931 following an operation 1 week prior. She grew to womanhood in Kinmundy, and her education was received in Kinmundy and Carbondale. She taught school until her marriage on June 24, 1898 to James W. NOOT. They had 1 daughter, Florence, now Mrs. Jack BARNES of this city. Excepting about 8 months spent in Wilkes Barre, Pa., the first years of their marriage was spent on a farm near Alma. In 1907, they moved to Effingham, where they have since resided. Besides the husband and daughter, she leaves 2 grandchildren; 2 sisters, Daisy (Mrs. C.S. KNABB) of St. Louis; and Florence (Mrs. W.A. LACY) of Effingham; and 2 brothers, Geo. L. BOONE of Selma, Cal.; and Carl A. BOONE of Kinmundy. Services were held at the M.E. Church in Effingham.
- Mrs. Laura FRY died at the home of her nephew, Irvin PERRY, Wed. She had been in ill health for the past year, and was aged 67 years and 3 days. Services were held at the Baptist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Herschel VALLOW is confined to St. Elizabeths Hospital in Belleville where he underwent a major operation.
- Wilson School: Relatives and friends gathered at the home of Vesta SMITH Sunday and gave him a surprise in honor of his (?) birthday.
- Meadow Branch: The Busy Bee Club met Wed., October 14 with Mrs. Esta ROBB, this being the first meeting of the Club year, and still a busy time for some of the members, only 8 members was present, but fingers as well as tongues were kept busy and a quilt was quilted. All report a pleasant day spent. Freida LENHART was a welcome guest. The next meeting will be Oct. 28 with the Misses Dorothy and Mary WANTLAND.
- Over the Line: Less WILKINSON and wife accompanied Ellis WILKINSONs to Centralia Sunday, where they attended the birthday dinner in honor of Ellis birthday and Mrs. Abbie WILKINSON.
- Elder School: Quite a crowd attended the surprise party for Miss Elsie ALDERSON on Oct. 17.
- Elder School: There will be a pie supper at the Pleasant Grove Church Saturday night Oct. 24th. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP entertained Mr. and Mrs. A.C. DUNLAP and Mrs. Icy GARRETT to dinner yesterday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. DUNLAPs 25th wedding anniversary.
Oct. 29, 1931:
- G.W. SNELLING died at his home early Saturday at the age of 69 years, 8 months, and 2 days after suffering heart trouble for 2 years. He was born in Kinmundy and spent his entire life here with the exception of a few years which were spent in Michigan immediately after his marriage. He was known to us as a farmer, businessman, civic leader, and politician. He did much to propagate the fruit industry here. First it was the melon industry and later the peach industry. He also worked on behalf of the dairy industry. At one time he owned and operated a basket factory, manufacturing baskets for the melon industry. For years he was a mail messenger for the government. He later formed a partnership with his son, and went into car sales under the name of SNELLING Motor Co. Among his elected roles was that of Highway Commissioner and City Alderman. George W. SNELLING, son of David P. and Hannah A. SNELLING, was born in Kinmundy on Feb. 22, 1862 and died Oct. 24, 1931. He married Emma C. SHADER at Minden, Mich. on June 26, 1883, and they had 2 children: Rhea and Wilfred. Rhea died at the age of 18. After becoming married, he resided in Michigan for 3 years then came to Kinmundy and located on a farm south of town until 1903. Then he built his home in Kinmundy where he lived until his death. Besides a wife and son, he leaves a grandson, 1 sister, and 3 brothers. Services were held from the home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. (Note: A picture accompanied this obituary.)
- T.M. SMITH had the misfortune of having his arm broken above the elbow while in East St. Louis at the Stock Yards. He had accompanied Loren KLINE to St. Louis with a load of grain seed and in returning, stopped at the stockyards to buy some horses. He had his arm thru the fence when one of the horses fell on it.
- H.M. TUCKER has moved his Drug Store and Soda Fountain from Edgewood to this city, occupying the Warren Building recently vacated by the State Bank.
- The community was recently shocked Friday with the sudden death of Mrs. Will GREEN. The great number of her friends was evidenced by the fact that one of the largest crowds ever known to Sandy Branch, attended the funeral Sunday. Grace, eldest daughter of Hall and Eva FEATHER, was born in Wayne Co., Ill. on March 23, 1898, and died Oct. 23, 1931. At the age of 12 years, she moved with her parents from Wayne Co. to Foster twp. On Sept. 19, 1917, she married W.L. GREEN, and they had 5 children. The eldest son was born while her husband was stationed in France during the World War. The children are: Lyle William, Carl Keating, Burl Phillip, Laura Jean, and Louise Marie. She was converted and baptized at a meeting held by Brother HOAG at Sandy Branch Cemetery 4 years ago. Besides her husband and children, she leaves 1 sister, Mrs. Marie FORD; and 4 brothers, Earl, Ralph, George, and Orville. Services and interment were held at Sandy Branch.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lewie SULLENS and mother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, motored to Villa Grove, Ill. Saturday to visit their brother, Gene GARRETT and family. Mr. and Mrs. SULLENS returned Sunday evening while Mrs. GARRETT remained for 2 weeks.
Nov. 5, 1931:
- Mr. Oran ALDERSON and Miss Lois LONNON were married last Wednesday in this city by Rev. E.T. CARROLL last Wednesday at the M.E. Church. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou ALDERSON of this city, and the bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George LONNON of near Omega. Both members of the contracting party were reared in the Omega vicinity, and will make their home on the Lou ALDERSON farm.
- Mr. Samuel L. BUNDY and Mrs. Alice EAGAN slipped to Salem Wednesday where they were joined in holy bonds of wedlock. This came as a surprise to their many friends here. We learned of this just as we were ready to go to press and did not have time to get the full particulars on it, but from all reports, Sam will probably spend his Wyoming ranch in treating the boys around town. ????
- Mr. Albert COFFMAN died at his home in this city Thursday after a lingering illness of dropsy. He had been confined to his home the past 3 years. The funeral was held from the home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Albert Andrew COFFMAN died in Kinmundy on Oct. 29, 1931 at the age of 72 years, 3 months, and 13 days. He was born in Uniontown, Pa. coming to Illinois in Feb. 1880 settling on a farm south of Kinmundy about 6 miles, where he lived until his failing health made him give up farm life. He moved to Kinmundy in 1895 where he has since resided. On Nov. 13, 1883 he married Laura HUMPRHEYS and they had 1 child, Clara Emma, who died Feb. 1, 1923. His wife survives along with 1 grandson, Elroy Albert SNELLING.
- Rev. J.W. McNEIL, former pastor of the M.E. Church in Kinmundy, celebrated his 85th birthday on Sunday.
- The streets of our fair city was the scene of Halloween festivities. After a parade led by the American Legion Orchestra with the assistance of J.H. NELMS, the following prizes were awarded:
Best Boy as Girl: Kenneth JACKSON
Best Girl as Boy: Lucille SMITH
Best Clown: Robert CARROLL - 1st; Dorothy GORDON - 2nd
Best Negro: Katherine WORMLEY - 1st; Alberta JACKSON - 2nd
Best Indian: Bennie DOOLEN - 1st; Dwaine HANNA - 2nd; Geo. BARGH - 2nd
Best Spook: Laura GUST - 1st
Most Original Kid Make-up: Robert Arthur GRAY - 1st
Cutest Kid Make-up: Edna Mae LOWE - 1st
Best Jack-o-latern: John William McCULLEY
Best Apples: Harold KLEISS
Best Masked Man: E.W. DOOLEN - 1st; Pat JAMES - 2nd
Best Masked Woman: Florence NOCHMAN - 1st; Sophia SLOVICK - 2nd
Best Masked Couple: Ruth BREEN and Margaret WARREN
Best Masked Girl: Mildred Louise JONES
Best Masked Boy: Richard MAULDING
After this, kiddies were given marshmallows to roast. At the masquerade ball given by the American Legion Orchestra, prizes were awarded to Miss Marie OBRIEN of this city and Mr. Ted MANGNER of Farina for best masked boy and girl.
- Chas. BLOMBERG had his chicken roost visited Tuesday night and several chickens were taken. With the present low prices of farm products, it doesnt seem as though this would be a very profitable business, especially when there is a danger of getting filled with lead.
- Mrs. Mary HOCKADAY and son, Billie, attended the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Robert WILKINSONs 50th anniversary in Scrutchfield Prairie.
- Omega: Oren ALDERSON and Miss Lois LONNON motored to Kinmundy last Wednesday night and were quietly married there. They were given a rousing charivari Thursday night and another Monday night.
- Mr. C.I. DOOLEN shipped a bushel of Kinmundy apples to a friend in Wyoming and he received a letter that the apples had arrived O.K. and they were the best flavored apples he had tasted for sometime. Their fruit there all come from the western coast and looks nice, but has no taste.
Nov. 12, 1931:
- David William POWELL, son of Ephram and Rebecca POWELL, was born May 27, 1842 and died at his home near Alma on Nov. 4, 1931. In 1881 he married Miss Anna E. POLLARD and they had 10 children, twin sons having preceded their father in death. The 8 surviving daughters are: Mrs. Luliza GAMBLIN of Martinsville, Ky.; Mrs. Minnie GRAY, Mrs. Jessie GAMBLIN, Mrs. Addie SLATER, Mrs. Etta EAGAN, and Mrs. Berthel RICHARDSON, all of Alma; Mrs. Ella HARPER and Mrs. Grace JONES of Kinmundy. Also surviving are 31 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, 1 brother, Jackson POWELL of Desoto, Ill., and 1 sister, Mrs. Ella COPHER of Marion, Ill.
- J.A. BAYLIS received a message yesterday announcing the death of his daughter, Florence (Mrs. Ed SANDLER) who died at her home in Phoenix, Arizona of cancer of the stomach. Funeral and interment were made there.
- Mrs. H.E. MINER received a painful injury last Saturday evening when stepping from her car in front of the Mrs. Sam BUNDY home. Her ankle turned and caused a fracture. She was taken to Centralia for an x-ray.
- Gus PORTER of San Antonio who had his leg broken a while back is improving at the hospital there.
- Wilson School: Vesta SMITH and family visited Sunday at the bedside of Mrs. SMITHs grandmother, Mrs. WAGGONER, who suffered a paralytic stroke Saturday and is very low at this time.
- Omega: Several attended the kitchen shower held for Mr. and Mrs. Oren ALDERSON Sat. night.
- Mr. and Mrs. George FIELDS and daughter, Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Joy FIELDS and baby son were in Centralia Sunday attending a birthday dinner at the home of Dr. C.P. STEPHENS.
Nov. 19, 1931:
- Mr. Wilford SNELLING and Miss Alta SUTTON stole the march on their many friends while visiting relatives in Chicago last week when on Thursday they were married. They were attended by the grooms cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel SNELLING. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.S. SUTTON, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Emma SNELLING, both of this city. The infair dinner was served at the home of Hallett SNELLING being served by Mrs. Elroy SNELLING, aunt of the groom. For the past year, Mr. SNELLING has been in partnership with his father, the late George W. SNELLING in the Garage business in this city. The couple have rented the BALLANCE property where they will go to housekeeping.
- Mrs. Sam BUNDY received word from her nephew, Mr. William HOWELL of Anita, Iowa that he was married Oct. 12.
- Last Thursday at 3:50, 2 men entered the State Bank in Farina and ordered the employees in the vault. One fellow townsmen, Herman SOLDNER, happened into the bank at this time and they put him in the vault too. They forced Mr. H.P. IRISH to open the safe but as soon as the safe was opened, they became frightened and left without taking anything. They proceeded north from Farina in their Sedan and took the dirt road heading toward Iola. The rain had left the roads in such a condition that they had to abandon their car and proceed on foot. A posse was soon formed and the roads were guarded, but at that they escaped and were approached Saturday at the home of their father in Mt. Vernon.
- On Nov. 18, Miss Helen MILLER entertained a group of her young friends in honor of her 10th birthday.
- Swift School: Sunday callers at the Mrs. Valinda CONANT home were: Pid WILLIAMS and family, Elvin CONANT and family, Mack ROBB and family, Marvin CONANT and family, John PUFFER, wife and daughter; Pid BASSETT and wife, Ren WAINSCOTT and wife, Carl HEADLEY, Irma GARRETT, Ralph BASSETT, Pid WILLIAMS, William COLE, and Mose WAINSCOTT.
- Elder School: Fred MULVANEY and family attended the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. RITTER, one day last week.
- Omega: Mrs. RITTER, an old and respected resident of Omega township died at her home last week. The funeral was held at Brown Church with interment at Phillips Cemetery.
- Omega: Mrs. S.J. WAGGONER died Sunday. The funeral was held at Brown Church with interment in Parker Cemetery.
- Meacham News: Mrs. Steve WAGGONER died Friday and was buried in Parker Cemetery Monday.
Nov. 26, 1931:
- James Carl, only son of A.N. and Jessie BAYLIS GRAY was born in Kinmundy on Aug. 14, 1901 and died in Willard, Ohio on Nov. 20, 1931. When a very small lad, he moved with his parents from Kinmundy to Centralia where the greater part of his youth was spent. He chose railroading as his lifes vocation and in 1923 tendered a position as yard brakeman for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Willard, Ohio. He kept this position until failing health forced him to less strenuous duties when he acted in the capacity of Crew Dispatcher. In April 1928, after his health grew worse, he left the Railroad. He married Miss Gladys BOHN on Apr. 6, 1925. His mother died Jan. 1918, and an only sister, Eula (Mrs. Edwin PETERS) died March 1928. Surviving are: his wife, father and step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. A.N. GRAY of this city, and 1 nephew of Neoga. The funeral was held at Fink Funeral Home in Willard, Ohio. The I.C. Train brought the body here. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. Maria J. GRISSOM died Nov. 17, 1931. Maria Jane, daughter of Silas and Susan PARRILL, was born on the old homestead a few miles southeast of Farina on July 14, 1850. Here she grew to womanhood and received her education in the common schools. She was a member of a large family of boys and girls, all having preceded her in death except 1 brother, A.J. FARRILL of Farina, and 1 sister, Mrs. Huldah C. FOSTER of Los Angeles, Cal. At the age of 15 she united with the M.E. Church near her birthplace. She married J.W. GRISSOM on Dec. 15, 1867, and she began housekeeping in what is familiarly known as the stonehouse east of Farina. In 1882, they established their home in Farina. 3 sons were born: Floyd, who died at the age of 6 years; Fred O. of Kinmundy; and Louis Earl, who with his family has lived in the home with his mother since the death of her husband in 1920; also 2 grandchildren, Louis Earl, Jr. and Helen Jeanette added much to her life. Services were held at the M.E. Church in Farina with interment in Elder Cemetery.
- George MAYER died Friday in a Tuberculosis Sanitarium in El Paso, Texas where he had been receiving treatment for the past year. The remains were taken to Covington, Ind. where funeral and interment were made. Mr. and Mrs. MAYER were residents in Meacham twp. for about 20 years. They were widely known for their fine herd of Jersey cows. He entered the sanitarium about 2 years ago.
- Mrs. Matlida HAMMER is confined to her bed from a fall she received in her home Saturday. She is reported to be suffering quite severally.
- Mr. T.M. SMITH went to St. Louis Thursday to be with Mr. SMITH a few days where hes still in St. Marys Hospital in East St. Louis. The cast was taken from Mr. SMITHs arm causing him quite a bit of suffering.
- Swift School: Mrs. Selby GARRETT and daughter, Lucille, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ren WAINSCOTT.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter MILLER accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILSON of Decatur to South Bend, Ind. last Sunday to visit George MILLER who is confined in a sanitarium suffering from a nervous breakdown. He has since been to a sanitarium in Battle Creek, Mich.
Dec. 3, 1931:
- Mrs. Mary LINDSAY, mother of Mrs. A.J. YOUNG, died at her home in Carbondale Thurs. after a short illness of pneumonia. Services were held at the First Baptist Church.
- Lawrence STEVENS was a recent business caller at the Express Office and while here, he informed us that he and Mrs. Nellie MULVANEY were quietly married Nov. 18, 1931 at the home of Mr. STEVENs cousin, Mrs. Mary TARTAR in Salem. The couple will make their home in Salem.
- Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N.S. SUTTON, about 30 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford SNELLING spent the evening and gave them a kitchen shower.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT entertained at a family dinner. There were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom BALLANCE, Mr. and Mrs. Ora ATKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Dow GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP, Mr. and Mrs. Lewie SULLENS, Mrs. Hattie ATKINS, Charles DOOLEN, all of Kinmundy, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene GARRETT of Villa Grove.
- Mr. and Mrs. N.E. OPITZ entertained a number of her friends Saturday at their home in Chicago last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEYs birthday. It was a complete surprise to Mrs. GRAMLEY. A list of those attending was printed.
- Meadow Branch: Misses Rada and Lucille GARRETT spent the weekend at the Wes ROBB home.
- Meacham News: Mr. Wm. ODELL of Salem died Thursday morning. Burial was made in Jasper county.
- Elder School: Several from this vicinity attended the MAXEY trial in Salem Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dec. 10, 1931:
- The funeral of Ada TYNER HILDEBRAND was held in Mason, Ill. on Dec. 1, 1931. She was well known here and a sister of Miss Minnie TYNER and Mrs. Nellie REYNOLDS, who were both residents of Kinmundy for a number of years.
- Mrs. Amanda LAPE, residing near St. Paul died Monday after suffering paralysis for the past several weeks. She was 64 years old and has spent the greater part of her life teaching school. She was a sister to Mrs. E. YUND of this city.
- Lloyd NEIL is confined to his home suffering intense pain from a carbuncle.
- Great was the surprise of Mrs. Ora LOVELL when a number of her friends gathered at her home Monday evening to bring birthday greetings. The ladies brought sandwiches and made cocoa then presented her with an angel food cake and asked her to cut it. A list of those attending was included.
- Mrs. Frank HEISTAND residing south of town committed suicide Tuesday by hanging herself. Mr. HEISTAND had gone to Odin after a load of coal and upon returning found her hanging in the barn. Ill health was attributed to the cause of her actions.
- Mrs. Emmett JONES and son, Forrest, have been in Mitchell, Ill. visiting Mrs. JONES daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT.
- Nov. 26, was indeed a day of Thanksgiving for the BRASEL family, and especially Mrs. Celia BRASEL, who in spite of 79 years of age, was an able hostess to nearly 50 members of her large family who gathered at her home for an old time Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. Hortense CRYDER of Chillicothe, Ohio, a cousin, and Dr. and Mrs. W.R. DALE, Sr. of Sumner, Ill., the latter a sister of Mrs. BRASEL were guests of honor. 8 of Mrs. BRASELs 10 living children were present with their families as follows: Mr. and Mrs. N.H. BLACKBURN and children, Archie and Mrs. J.D. PRINGLE, Mr. and Mrs. Art METCALF and children, Bobby, Ada Virginia and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman TANNER and children, Glenadine and Jackie, all of Mattoon, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. J.D. KELL and Mrs. C.M. WALKER of Benton, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. R.B. BARTLESON and daughter, Mary Jane of Mt. Carmel, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. E.V. PURNELL of Carlyle, Mr. and Mrs. Edd BRASEL and children, Elizabeth, Mary, Ruby, and Nora, Mr. and Mrs. Leland BRASEL, Mr. and Mrs. Harry BRASEL, Mr. and Mrs. Glen BRASEL and son, Denton Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette BRASEL and children, Dale, Donna, and Benny, all of Kinmundy and vicinity. The children living at home are Misses Myrtle and Josephine BRASEL and Mr. John BRASEL.
- Sunday being the 32nd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. ROHRBOUGH, Mrs. ROHRBOUGH and daughter planned a surprise for Mr. ROHRBOUGH by having their friends, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. NEAL of Springfield motor down and spend the day with them.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Donald MARLOW have a new baby girl born Dec. 2.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.M. FISHER returned home Sunday from Chicago where they have been for a couple of weeks while Mr. FISHER has been receiving treatment in Hines Hospital.
- Mr. and Mrs. John DYER of LaClede have a 10 lb. son born Dec. 4. The mother is formerly Miss Lela BARBEE of this city.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT had for her Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Dow GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. Ora ATKINS, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP.
Dec. 17, 1931:
- The near neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. BREWER surprised them at their home Wednesday by going in and serving them a farewell pot-luck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. BREWER and daughter will be moving.
- Dec. 13, being the birthday of A.H. PLUE, Mrs. PLUE planned a very pleasant surprise for him by inviting guests to partake of a bounteous dinner. Those enjoying the event were: Mr. and Mrs. A.H. PLUE, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil PLUE, and Paul TINSLEY of this city; Mrs. Nora DICKSON, Mr. GILBERT and daughter, Catherine, and Miss Jewel SANDERS of St. Louis.
- Rebecca Jane WOLEY was born near Paradise Valley, Marion Co., Ill. on Jan. 1, 1863 and died at St. Anthonys Hospital in Effingham on Dec. 9, 1931. She married William A. PROUDFIT in 1882 and they had 11 children born, 3 of whom preceded her in death. Her husband died just 2 years and 2 days ago. Surviving are 8 children: 3 sons, Roy of Homewood, Ill.; Everett of Princeton, Ill.; and Dan of Calif.; 5 daughters, Cora of Daytona, Fla; Ruth, Delia and Velma of Chicago; and Aleta of Gainsville, Fla.; 8 grandchildren also survive. Everett, Dan, Cora and Aleta were unable to attend the funeral. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. Charles KING of Centralia was host to a party of friends Sunday at the home of his brother and sister, the L.C. ROHRBOUGHs in Salem, in celebration of his birthday. Besides Mr. and Mrs. L.C. ROHRBOUGH and daughter, Miss Helen, his guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C.B. ROHRBOUGH and daughters, Misses Ruth and Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin WORMLEY and daughter, Miss Katherine and Miss Ida RUTHERFORD, all of Kinmundy.
- Miss Lora STREET and Carl BLACK were married in Paducah, Kentucky on Nov. 21. Mrs. BLACK was a former teacher at Kinmundy H.S. and is now teaching in New Madrid, Mo. The couple will make their home in Chaffee, Mo.
- Received were clippings from the Arizona Silver Belt, a weekly publication in Miami, Arizona, concerning Coach Bud DOOLEN who has been coaching in Miami the past 2 years, and who still claims Kinmundy as his home. He has gained statewide repute from his ability in coaching sports.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.A. ARNOLD and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD were in Centralia Saturday.
- Laymen of the M.E. Church have organized a Brotherhood.
- Mr. and Mrs. P.F. ROBNETT are rejoicing over the advent of a baby daughter, who was born Thursday night and named Helen Louise.
- Mr. and Mrs. Byron NIRIDER of Henrietta, Oklahoma were in Kinmundy calling on old friends. They had come to Farina to bring Mr. NIRIDERs mother for burial.
- Meacham News (from last week): Mrs. C.P. BALKE received word Tuesday of the death of her brother, Mr. George NORMAN of near Farina. We are very sorry to learn of his sudden death.
- Meacham News (from last week): Mr. Howard FRANKLIN fell from a load of baled hay this fall and was operated on Saturday in St. Anthonys Hospital for a broken or dislocated vertebra and crossed eye caused by the fall.
- Meacham News (from last week): A musical was held at the home of Leo EASTMAN Wednesday evening. A large crowd and a very good time was represented.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mrs. Pearl LENHART and daughter, Freida, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Lora BAYLIS.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Wes ROBB and family spent Sunday at the R.C. ROBB home.
- Meadow Branch: Centralia visitors Saturday were Wes ROBB and family, Harold LEMAY, Thurman McCULLEY and family, and Mrs. A.J. BAYLIS, Merl, Lois, and Lorraine.
- Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB spent Saturday night and Sunday with Pearl JACKSON.
- Meadow Branch: Clyde GARRETT spent Saturday night at the ROBB home.
Dec. 24, 1931:
- Mrs. Chester KLINE was adjudged the best cake baker in the cake contest held at the Ira MORRIS store last Saturday. Her cake was sent to Centralia where it will be in a contest of the whole district of Red and White stores. She received $2 prize from the MORRIS store.
- Old Santa Claus in person paid us a visit Saturday afternoon and was on the street all afternoon. Needless to say he had a large following. Most every boy and girl in the community had a chance to tell him just what they wanted for Christmas. An appropriate program was given in the band stand after which 286 treats were given out to the kiddies. It was just a little early, but it gave the country children a chance to get in on it.
- Mr. and Mrs. I.D. INGRAM motored to Carbondale Thursday accompanied back by their daughters, Misses Helen and Lucille, who are students at Southern Illinois Normal University.
- Swift School: Selby GARRETT and family, Ren WAINSCOTT and wife, and Relza WILLIAMS spent Sunday with Mack ROBB and family.
- Elder School: There will be a program and Christmas tree at Elder School Wednesday afternoon, at Allen School Thursday afternoon, at Wilson School Thursday night, and at Pleasant Grove Church Friday night.
- CampGround: Darward ORLEY died Dec. 18, 1931, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John ORLEY. He leaves his parents, and 3 brothers. Services were held at Hancock Funeral Home in Salem.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.A. McCLURE are parents of a 10 lb. girl born Tuesday morning who was named Vivian Elaine.
- Mr. and Mrs. William SLANE are parents of a baby boy born Dec. 9th. The mother is the former Miss Dollie KAGY.
Dec. 31, 1931:
- Mrs. Harriett DOOLEN ATKINS died on Monday. Harriett Llewllyn, oldest daughter of Benjamin and Laura Ann DOOLEN was born on a farm in Foster twp. on Sept. 1, 1861. Here she grew to womanhood. On Feb. 1, 1881 she married J.W. ATKINS and they established a home on a farm near her birthplace. 17 years ago they moved to this city, where her husband died 9 years ago. There were no children born to this union. At an early age in life, she heeded the call of her Master at a meeting held at Sandy Branch. She united with the M.E. Church at Arnold Chapel, later bringing her membership to the M.E. Church here. She leaves a sister and brother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT and Chas. DOOLEN, 2 aged aunts and an uncle, Mrs. A.J. FOSTER and Mrs. Frances LOWE all of Kinmundy, and I.W. DOOLEN of Vernon. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Norman E. SANDERS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W. SANDERS, died at his home south of town Saturday from acute nephritis aged 16 years, 9 months, and 26 days. The body was shipped to Cape Girardeau, Mo. where services and interment were held. This family had just moved here from Cape Girardeau and are living on the Shriver farm just east of Shriver School.
- Frank SANDHOFER, of Steamboat, Routt Co., Colo., died of paralysis. He was 72 years old and born in Illinois, never marrying. Interment was made in Steamboat. He will be remembered here by older residents. He went to Routt county more than 40 years ago.
- A.J. FOSTER, practically a lifetime resident of our community, observed his 92nd birthday Dec. 29. He was born in 1839. "Uncle Jack" was a Union soldier in the Civil War. We believe he is the oldest citizen in our community.
- Mr. Frank WIEGAND died at his home in Belleville, Ill. on Christmas day after an illness of several years. He was 83 years, 11 months, and 16 days. At one time he lived in Kinmundy and was son-in-law of the late Mr. and Mrs. WETTER. He leaves an aged wife and several sons and daughters.
- Lemuel N. KENNEDY, son of James and Elizabeth KENNEDY, was born in Washington Co., Ill. on June 17, 1862. When 16 years old, his parents moved to Marion county, and settled on a farm 3½ miles southeast of Kinmundy in a community known as Campground. Here he spent the greater part of his life. He married Miss Ida CRAIG in 1883, and they had 6 children, 1 son and 5 daughters, all of whom are living. His wife died in March 1916. He married Mrs. Martha KLINE of this city on Dec. 6, 1924. After this marriage he made his home on the east part of this city. He leaves a wife, children, 3 step-children, 4 sisters and 3 brothers. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Dec. 28 being the birthday of Miss Katherine WORMLEY, she took this time to entertain her friends to dinner. Guests were Misses Margaret WARREN, Frances BOYD, Ruth BREEN, Alice FRENCH, and Thelma BOYD of Olney.
- Meacham News: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON called on Mr. and Mrs. Lafe BASSETT in Foster twp. Sunday afternoon.
- Meacham News: Ed HARRELL and wife were Sunday guests at the F.S. HARRIS home. Mrs. HARRIS was assisted by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W.F. HARRIS, serving a delicious dinner.
- Omega: Several from this community attended the Christmas program at Pleasant Grove Church Friday night.
- Swift School: Mack ROBB and wife and Ren WAINSCOTT and wife spent Saturday evening at the Selby GARRETT home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SPENCER are announcing the arrival of a fine 8 lb. girl born Dec. 28.
- Meadow Branch: Wes ROBB and family spent Christmas with the Willie GARRETTs.
- Meadow Branch: Wes ROBB and family were callers Sunday afternoon at the Clyde BASSETT home.
- Meadow Branch: Harold and Mildred ROBB and Lorraine BAYLIS visited Swift School Tuesday.
- Meadow Branch: The 27th, being Mrs. Melvin HINES birthday, a large number of relatives and friends helped her celebrate with a basket dinner.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (March 1999) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.
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