Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Jan. 6, 1938
- Marvin GARRETT Has Face Disfigured After Being Thrown From Horse; Marvin GARRETT Meets With Accident: Marvin, more familiarly known as Jack, 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT, residing in the North Fork neighborhood, met with a rather painful accident last Friday evening. Just what happened, Marvin was not able to tell. He, in company with a neighbor boy, Corky ERHART, was riding horseback on this particular evening. When nearing the DOOLEN schoolhouse, four miles east of Vernon, Marvins horse threw him. After he landed on the ground the horse either kicked or pawed him in the face. The accident happened about 8 oclock and it was rather dark. The ERHART boy could not see what was taking place as he was riding a few paces ahead. Marvin was rendered unconscious. He was taken to a house nearby. Two doctors were summoned but they could not get there on account of the bad roads. The father was notified and when he arrived on the scene, he was taken in a spring wagon to the end of the gravel road east from Vernon, and from there taken in a car to the Mark Greer hospital, in Vandalia. Marvin remained in the hospital until Monday which he came here to the home of his grandfather, Chas. DOOLEN. He is bruised about the face and has his nose broken but is apparently getting along alright.
- Mr. H.K. JONES died in the Anna State Hospital on Jan. 4. Services were held at the M.E. Church here with interment in Central City.
- Sunday morning, Mrs. Chas. H. HOWELL died at her home. Mary Elmina, daughter of Sarah ROGERS and William CUMMINGS, was born Nov. 4, 1871 at Mt. Vernon, Ill. and moved near Kinmundy when a young girl. On Feb. 15, 1891, she married Chas. H. HOWELL, and they have since resided in and near that city. They had 5 children: Walter, dying in infancy; Frank, Bryan, Geneva, and Harold. She died Jan. 9, 1938, and is survived by her husband and 4 children: Frank of Des Moines, Iowa; Bryan of Long Beach, Cal.; Geneva PURVIS of Odin; and Harold at home; 2 grandchildren, Junior HOWELL of Long Beach; and Shirley Jean, who lives in the home and was the pride and joy of her grandmother; a sister, Mrs. Nell LUSK of Berne, Ind.; a step-sister, Mrs. Mary THAYER of Taylorville; and an aunt, Mrs. Annie PARR of Mt. Vernon.
- Mrs. Lillian SUGG was called to Mt. Vernon Friday by the death of her brother, Mr. Frank MAXEY. Services were held there Sunday. The only surviving members of the MAXEY family of 8 are Mrs. SUGG and Dr. Moss MAXEY of Mt. Vernon.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.E. MINER were very pleasantly surprised Sunday, when Mrs. MINERs brother, N. TAYLOR and son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Earl TAYLOR, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh TAYLOR and son, Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles TAYLOR and son, Dickie Neil of Nobel, and Mr. and Mrs. George BOWER of Olney arrived unexpectedly with well filled baskets and at the noon hour suffered a marvelous dinner, wishing all a happy and prosperous New Year. This was indeed, a very pleasant surprise to the MINERs and H.E. thinks if the oil wells in Richland County have anything to do with the sumptuous dinner that was served, he hoped there would be one well in or near our home town that would produce a few barrels of oil, at least.
- Miss Ella JACKSON, our assistant postmistress, has been ill for the past few weeks with intestinal flu. Her condition became serious enough that it was thought best to removed her to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia on Thursday. A blood transfusion was given on Friday, Marshall WILLIAMS, of this city, donating his blood. She is improving nicely.
- Chas. SEIMER, who suffered a severe heart attack, resulting in a congested lung, is reported as holding his own and is some better.
- Mr. G.W. NEWELL, who has been confined to his home for the past 5 weeks with heart trouble and pleurisy, is reported some better.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Art WHITE and family are enjoying a new radio since Santas arrival.
- Swift School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB and family and Mr. Virgil LIVESAY and family spent Sunday at the Clyde BASSETT home.
- South of Town: Mr. and Mrs. August BECCUE were in Edgewood Monday attending the funeral of Charles BERG, a cousin of Mr. BECCUE.
- Green Ridge (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WILLIAMS, Lyle WILLIAMS, and Adolph TOCKSTEIN of Chicago, were called here Tuesday by the death of her cousin, Mr. Alfred WILLIAMS. They returned to Chicago Tuesday evening.
- Green Ridge (from last week): Those attending Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank DOUDERA, Sr., and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe DOUDERA, Mr. and Mrs. Ed DOUDERA, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde OSBORNE, Mr. Thomas DOUDERA and family, Mr. F.L. DOUDERA, Jr. and family, Mr. George DOUDERA and family, Mr. Tom GARRETT, and Mr. B.D. DIXON. All of the children were home to celebrate Christmas. Music was enjoyed during the day.
- Brown (from last week): Mrs. Ida SILLS, wife of Dean SILLS, died Christmas morning. Services were in Salem with interment in Parker Cemetery.
- Brown (from last week): Buren FOGERSON and wife have a baby girl born Dec. 26 and named Shelba Jean.
- East Zion (from last week): Aunt Meddie HINES died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tom PUGH, in Patoka Friday. Services were held at Zion with interment at Jones Cemetery.
- East Zion (from last week): John GILLESPIE and family and Jim OSBORNE and wife ate Christmas dinner at the James BASSETT home.
- North Fork (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Carroll GARRETT and family were guests of Bert GARRETT and family Christmas Day.
- North Fork (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and Lila visited Sunday with her parents, George LENHART and wife.
- North Fork (from last week): Carroll GARRETT and family were Sunday guests of her parents, the Jim McNICHOLS.
- Meacham (from last week): Christmas Day was the 18th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRANE and the Community Birthday Circle had a surprise dinner planned for them, but the weather and other happenings made it impossible for the Club to attend. The few who were there report a very fine dinner and very pleasant day together.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRANE have a new radio.
- Green Ridge: Noah THOMAS and sons helped Selby GARRETT butcher Saturday morning.
- Green Ridge: Miss Eulaine WILLIAMS, who is working at the home of Mrs. Paul CALDWELL, spent last week with homefolks.
- Green Ridge: A New Years Party was enjoyed at the home of Mr. T.P. WILLIAMS, Saturday night. There was also a chilli supper. Guests included Dresden HEADLEY, Tom GARRETT, Henry, Paulene and Helen WILLIAMS, Josephine, Kathryn, Louie and Laura DOUDERA, Jack, Alfleta, and Chloris WILLIAMS, Nelda, Bessie, Clyde, and Paul THOMAS, Harry DONOHO, Adolph TOCKSTEIN, and Lyle and Eulaine WILLIAMS.
- Meadow Branch: Wm. PYLES and Henry McWILLIAMS attended the funeral of Mr. Jim PRITTS at Shelbyville, Monday. Mrs. PRITTS was a cousin of Mr. PYLES.
- On Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. BROWN and daughters motored to Patoka to see their new relative, the first born of Mr. and Mrs. Orville SHROEDER.
- Meacham: Mr. Martin HASSEBROCK received word of the death of his father, Mr. George HASSEBROCK at his home near Loogootee. Services were held at St. Peter Church. He is survived by his wife, 3 sons, and 1 daughter.
- Shanghai Chapel: Mr. Charlie FORD of near Farina, spent Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Clyde BALLANCE.
- East Zion News: Misses Mary Del and Kathryn SOUTIER, Misses Lucille and Lela Mae NICHOLS, Ruth BASSETT and Roberta ARNOLD ate Friday dinner with Miss Nellie Mae JONES.
- East Zion News: Mr. Merle JONES and son, Floyd, Emmett GARRETT, and Mr. Charlie ARNOLD called in Kinmundy Saturday afternoon, at the Emmett JONES home.
Jan. 13, 1938:
- The whole town and countryside is literally alive with measles. In almost every home where there are small children, you will find a case or two. They are in a rather light form and are apparently not hurting the children very much. Some of the grades in the local school have postponed their semester examinations this week due to so many pupils being absent.
- Saturday afternoon, the residence property owned by Mrs. Helen MITCHELL and occupied by the Emery WRIGHT family, caught fire from a spark, burning quite a patch of shingles. The blaze was extinguished by the quick work of the neighbors before the fire department arrived on the scene.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin CONANT and family moved into their beautiful home which they have just completed.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters spent Wednesday at Bert GARRETTs and assisted in butchering a beef.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Henry BASSETT had with them Sunday, their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BASSETT of St. Louis.
- A review of events of 1937 in Kinmundy were printed.
- Meacham: Mrs. Susanna JONES and family attended the funeral services for Mr. H.K. JONES in Kinmundy Thursday.
- Green Ridge: Miss Josephine DOUDERA visited Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Paul CALDWELL.
- Green Ridge: The young folks called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul CALDWELL Sunday night and enjoyed cards and music.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Dresden HEADLEY was in Kinmundy Friday evening visiting his friend, Jack GARRETT, who was injured last week, but is improving nicely.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Mr. and Mrs. Arno SMITH returned to Sterling, Sunday. They were called back to work. The factory where they had worked had not been running with a full force since before Christmas.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.C. DUNLAP and Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP and little daughter were in Champaign Monday attending the funeral of Senator Henry M. DUNLAP, an uncle to A.C.
Jan. 20, 1938:
- Word has come to Kinmundy friends of the marriage of Richard Frederick KILLIE and Miss Jeanette SCHMEDT, both of Centralia. The wedding ceremony was celebrated in Chicago on Dec. 19.
- At the regular meeting of the Eastern Star Tuesday evening, the members put on a surprise for Mrs. E.K. DONOVAN in honor of her birthday. The surprise was complete. The cake was baked by Miss Katherine WORMLEY and was lovely with its 80 candles.
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BASS of Bloomington, Ill. have a 6 lb. son born Jan. 8. He has been named Raymond Melvin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. BASS were former residents of Kinmundy.
- On the evening of the Rebekah Installation, after this ceremony had been completed, the evening was given over to observing Mrs. E.K. DONOVANs birthday. Mrs. DONOVAN, a Charter Member of Rosedale Lodge, is their Secretary. Rook and dominoes were played and a social time enjoyed.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Merle HEADLEY of Sterling are parents of a baby girl born last Wednesday and named Marilyn Sue. Mrs. HEADLEY was formerly Miss Frances NEILSON.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT and daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde OSBORNE.
- East Zion: Mrs. John MARTIN called on the Chas. ARNOLD home Monday.
- East Zion: Nellie Mae JONES, Gayle GARRETT, Roberta ARNOLD, Eli GREEN, Lyle CONANT, and Roy GARRETT called Saturday night on Marvin and Ruth BASSETT.
- Shanghai Chapel: Mr. and Mrs. Mel GRAY attended the funeral of James FINICH in Alma Saturday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Miss Florence STORRS Sunday afternoon.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT and babe called on Mr. and Mrs. Clyde FRANCE, who lives east of Salem, Saturday night. Helen, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FRANCE is in a very serious condition with diabetes.
- Green Ridge: Tom GARRETT and Clyde THOMAS attended the basketball game in Kinmundy, Friday nite.
- Mr. and Mrs. Airs CONANT have received the announcement of John Charles, a 7 lb. son , born to Mr. and Mrs. John CONANT in Jacksonville on Jan. 17. The CONANTS are residents of Murrayville, Ill., where Mr. CONANT is a high school instructor.
- Pleasant Grove: The Aid met with Mrs. Jennie HIESTAND and daughter, Wilma, last Wednesday for an all day meeting. A good dinner was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Lottie MUNDWILER and Mrs. Nora MONICAL were welcome guests. 5 more blocks have been handed in for the Aid quilt.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND and Pud STATTON and sister, Miss Beryl, visited Saturday at the John KAGY home in Vandalia, and while there called at the hospital to see their daughter, Darlene, who is a patient there convalescing nicely from a broken limb.
- Swift School: Mr. Bill GREEN and family, and Miss Bertha GREEN spent Sunday afternoon with Monroe LANSFORD and family.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters visited Sunday afternoon with her brother, Mr. Bert GARRETT and family.
- Wilson School: The KLEISS young folks attended a birthday surprise party on Misses Rita and Neta KRAMER, near Farina Wednesday evening.
Jan. 27, 1938:
- A quiet home wedding ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. PRUETT on Jan. 22 when their eldest son, Walter Burwell PRUETT, married Miss Beulah JONES of Patoka. Present at the wedding were the immediate family of the groom and the father and mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. JONES of Patoka. The marriage is the culmination of a boy and girl romance began in Kinmundy High School; Walter B. graduating with the class of 1984 and Beulah, the class of 1937. For the present they will make their home in Lebanon, where Walter B. - he will always be Walter B. to his Kinmundy friends - will graduate from McKendree with the class of 1938.
- A list of the 85 boys enrolled in the 4-H local Clubs was listed along with the project they have enrolled in.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.B. ROHRBOUGH, Misses Ruth and Virginia and Mr. Edwin WORMLEY and Miss Katherine were in Salem Sunday to a dinner in honor of Mr. L.C. ROHRBOUGHs birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lou KING of Champaign were also guests.
- Wilmadean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verchial TROUT, was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital, Vandalia, Wednesday morning and underwent an operation for appendicitis this morning.
- Green Ridge: Miss Eulaine WILLIAMS and Tom GARRETT attended the basketball game in Kinmundy, Saturday night.
- Swift School: Mrs. Hall FEATHER spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Charles FORD, who has been very ill with measles.
- Swift School: Harvey BASSETT spent Thursday night with the Sam LOWE family.
- Wilson School: Jan 19 being the 28th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS, several neighbors and relatives gathered at their home and gave them a pleasant surprise. The evening sped all too quickly with games, dancing, conversation, etc., and late, refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Fred STOCK were also celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary. A list of those present was included.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Mark SWIFT, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul SWIFT and son spent Sunday at the Ren WAINSCOTT home and celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Mark SWIFT and Mrs. Richard SCHWABE.
- East Zion: Merle JONES and family, Marshall SOUTIER and family, Henry JONES and wife, James BASSETT and family, William JONES and family, Eli GREEN, Frank BALLANCE and family of Patoka, and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus COX of Vernon gathered at the A.D. NICHOLS home Wednesday night and helped him celebrate his 54th birthday. They enjoyed eating oyster soup, pickles, popcorn balls, ice cream, cake and candy, and playing games.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON and Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER attended a surprise birthday dinner for Mrs. Louie JOHNSON in Farina Sunday. About 25 neighbors and friends enjoyed a fine covered dish dinner.
- Meacham: Mr. Ivory NEAL is building a house where fire destroyed his home last fall.
- Pleasant Grove: Guy SHAFFER and sons, John, Paul, David and daughter, Ruth Edna, attended the John Deere show in Salem Saturday morning. Guy won one of the prizes - a tractor umbrella.
- Pleasant Grove: Norene, eldest son of Ted MAYBERRY, who was staying in Salem, was taken to the Centralia hospital Thursday night for an appendicitis operation.
- Pleasant Grove: Wayne WHITNEY and wife announce the arrival of an 11 lb. boy.
February 3, 1938:
- While about half of Kinmundys population was sleeping, the other half witnessed the gigantic blaze made by the burning of the A.J. JACKSON Store along the hard road Sunday night at about 10 oclock. The local fire department could not get the blaze under control and a call for help was sent to Farina and Salem. Both departments responded immediately and arrived in time to be of considerable help. The building was all ablaze when the fire was discovered. All that was saved from the building was 2 sacks of flour, 2 sacks of meal, a few clothes pins, some cigarettes, a table with a broken leg, and a chair. The total loss was estimated at $4000. The building was owned by Merle JACKSON while the stock and fixtures were owned by his father, A.J. JACKSON. Both building and stock were partially covered by insurance. Just what caused the fire, no one will ever know, but it was thought that it might have been caused from a kerosene stove which was used in cooking lunches while others think it might have been defective wiring. The fire was banked for the night in the stove and it could have been caused by that. There was a very high wind from the west on this night, which sent sparks all over the east end of town. Naturally, the neighbors were frantic with fright. This was the cause of sending to Farina and Salem for help. And we sure want to thank Farina and Salem for responding to our call. It was certainly a cold ride for these men as fire engines are not equipped with windshields. We do not know just what Mr. JACKSONs intentions are regarding the rebuilding, of his business. For the past few years he has been employed as a guard at the State Penal Farm near Vandalia. The business was carried on by his family in his absence.
- Saturday was a happy day for Mrs. Amelia DENNISON, who was celebrating her 93rd birthday. The members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church helped make this a memorable day by sending beautiful flowers and boxes of candies. Many of them had the pleasure of calling in Mrs. DENNISON during the day. Mrs. DENNISON has been a member of the Methodist Church for many years. During the last few years she has not been able to attend the Sunday service. Her daughter, Mrs. Charles BOYD, served the birthday dinner on Sunday, when other members of the family were present - Mr. and Mrs. Claude WILKINSON of Centralia, Mrs. WILKINSON, a daughter.
- Miss Anna DILLON was in Alma Saturday attending the funeral service of Mr. Seth C. WILSON, a relative. Services had been held in Chicago, and later a service in the home of his sister, Mrs. Sadie WILSON PURCELL in Alma. Burial was made in Wilson Cemetery near Alma. The following excerpt was taken from a Chicago paper: "Seth C. WILSON, 1427 N. LaSalle street, an elementary and high school teacher for nearly 60 years, died yesterday at the North Avenue hospital after a 2 week illness. For 20 years he was a member of the faculty of the Central Y.M.C.A. high schools. He is survived by his wife and a son, Bruce. Burial will be in Alma, Ill."
- In Memoriam of our little son, Robert GRAY, who died Feb. 2, 1932.
- Mr. Wm. LUX has resigned his position with the Kinmundy Lumber Co. and with his family has moved to the Owen GEORGE farm, north of town.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB returned home from Sterling, Ill. Friday where Kenneth has had employment the past few weeks.
- Swift School: Mrs. Clyde BASSETT spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Billie MORRIS.
- Green Ridge: Miss Betty BENDER of Alma is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT and family.
- Green Ridge: Several of the young folks were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah THOMAS Saturday night. The evening was spent dancing. Refreshments were served at a late hour. This was also the birthday of Mr. Ed DOUDERA.
- East Zion: The community was saddened to hear of the death of John HOLT who passed away early Saturday morning. The funeral was held at Arnold Chapel Church Monday at 1:00 p.m. and interment was in the HOLT Cemetery. The family have the entire communitys sympathy.
- Meadow Branch: Miss Kathleen McINTOSH was the successful participant in a contest given over the radio, and last week received a guitar for the prize.
- Brown: Marion OULREY returned home Tuesday from a hospital in Chicago, where he had been receiving treatment for his eyes.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Leo DEADMOND of Salem entertained the Ladies Aid last Wednesday with a fine dinner at noon. Owing to the sickness and cold weather, several members were unable to attend. Mrs. Myrtle POWELL, Mrs. Geneva BOYD and son, and Clyde HIESTAND were all day visitors. Rev. MOTZER and family called in the afternoon.
Feb. 10, 1938:
- Mr. S.L. BUNDY died in St. Anthonys Hospital in Effingham, aged 75 years, 7 months, 27 days. The body was brought here to the B.F. Linton Funeral Home and prepared for burial. Services will be held from the M.E. Church in this city Friday afternoon. The body will leave here on the I.C. Train No. 2, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Beulah HEYDUCK, enroute to Gillette, Wyoming, where interment will be made. Mr. BUNDY was a native of this community. He left here about 25 years ago for the West, where he made many friends. About 8 years ago he returned here to spend his last days. Six weeks ago he was taken to St. Anthonys Hospital and underwent a major operation. He recovered from his operation but complications developed. Only last week, it was well enough to return home but he gradually grew worse until death relieved him of his suffering.
- In Memoriam of our dear husband, father, and grandfather, Ira C. MORRIS, who died Feb. 13, 1937.
- Mr. C.D. JONES of Patoka, is reported seriously ill after an operation for appendicitis, where the appendix had bursted before the operation. Mr. JONES is Mrs. Walter B. PRUETTs father.
- Mrs. Roy TELFORD and son, Joe, of Salem, spent Friday in Kinmundy with Mrs. TELFORDs parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. WILKINSON. Joe was home between semesters from Chicago, where he is a medical student.
- Meadow Branch: Rufus WOODEN is in Chicago, taking treatment for his eyes at the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary.
- Omega: Russell BAKER will hold a public sale the 17th of this month, and will then move near Bannister.
- Green Ridge: Miss Ellen PARKER and Mr. Charles PERGYL of this community were married Saturday evening by Rev. N.D. MOTZER of Alma. They were attended by August SPOKAN of this community, and Miss Irene McLAUGHLIN of Chicago. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. Albert PARKER, and the groom is the youngest son of Mr. Mike PERGYL.
- East Zion: Ancel, Lyle, and Beryl ARNOLD of west of Patoka called on Mr. Marvin BASSETT Sunday afternoon.
- Shanghai: Glenn BRASELs children have the measles.
- Meacham: Mr. Riley PHILLIPS was very ill Saturday night with hemorrhages from the nose, but is better at this writing.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.S. PARRISH spent Tuesday in Effingham with their daughter, Mrs. Robert OSTERHOLTZ, who had undergone an operation for appendicitis that day.
Feb. 17, 1938:
- Samuel Lewis BUNDY, son of B.D. and Eliza BUNDY, was born in Fayette Co., June 10, 1862, and died Feb. 9, 1938 at St. Anthonys Hospital in Effingham, Ill. On Sept. 5, 1886, he was married to Miss Minnie LYNCH, and they had 12 children: Beulah, Bertha, Gilla, Jessie, Howard, Mark, Mattie, Arline, Irma, Florence, and Bailey. Jessie, Bailey and an infant preceded their father in death. Mr. BUNDY in his early years engaged in farming but later entered into the grocery business and remained in that business until his health forced him to give it up. After the death of his wife, he was married Nov. 4, 1931 to Mrs. Alice EAGAN. At the age of 18, he was converted and joined the Northern Methodist Church at Arnold Chapel, later transferring his membership to the local M.E. Church. He was a member of Kinmundy Lodge, No. 398, A.F. & A.M. Left to mourn their loss are his wife; 7 daughters - Mrs. Beulah HEYDUCK of Savageton, Wyo.; Mrs. Bertha COOPER of Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs. Gilla CUNNINGHAM of Mountain Grove, Mo.; Mrs. Mattie SAUNDERS of Hardin, Mont.; Mrs. Arline WATT of Moorcroft, Wyo.; Mrs. Irma CHRISTY of Gillette, Wyo.; and Miss Florence BUNDY of Littleton, Colo.; 2 sons - Howard of Savageton, Wyo., and Mark of Gillette, Wyo.; 2 sisters, Mrs. Mary MORGAN of Shawnee, Okla., and Mrs. Gilla HOPKINS of Patoka; and 15 grandchildren. Services were held from the M.E. Church in Kinmundy. The body, accompanied by the widow and daughter, Mrs. HEYDUCK, was taken to Gillette, Wyo. for burial.
- Mrs. Emma SNELLING is recuperating after almost being overcome by gas, which escaped from her hard coal stove last Thursday night. She awoke Friday morning, feeling very weak and deathly sick at her stomach. She managed to get word to a neighbor, Ray BOUGHERS, and he in turn called her son, Wilford. When Wilford entered the house, he said he was almost overcome by the gas. Dr. MILLER was summoned immediately and stated that within a very short time, Mrs. SNELLING surely would have been asphyxiated. Upon investigation it was found that a small piece of coal was lodged under the lid, letting gas escape from the stove.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.A. SNELLING of Chicago celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Feb. 12 and 13, at the home of their son, H.M. SNELLING with 55 relatives and friends. They were pleased to have among their old home town friends, Mr. and Mrs. HUBERT of Kinmundy, Ill.
- Mr. and Mrs. John BROOM of near Alma are vacationing in Florida. They left their home about a month ago, spending part of their vacation in Columbia, S.C. with their son, John. They also visited their son, Charles, in Miami. They expect to return home about the first of the month.
- Mr. Charles FOSTER died suddenly early yesterday morning at his home in this city. He had not been in very good health the past 2 weeks, and death came soon after he suffered a stroke of apoplexy.
- Services will be held Sunday in the Garrison Funeral Home for Alexander I. FERGUSON, 78 years old, who died Saturday afternoon after an illness of about 2 weeks. Burial will be in Dighton, Kansas. FERGUSON was in the real estate business here for 25 years. Survivors include his wife and a daughter, Miss Florence FERGUSON, and a son, L.D. FERGUSON of Hutchinson, Kansas.
- The Boys 4-H Clubs were organized yesterday in the local school. They were organized into 2 clubs, one for the older boys, and one for the younger boys. Each club elected their own officers and selected the clubs name. The older boys elected the following officers: Gum VALLOW, President; Charles KLINE, Vice President; Carl GREEN, Sec.-Treas.; Howard ROBB, Reporter; and Francis SULLENS, Chairman Recreation. They are named "Kinmundy Roudies" 4-H Club. The smaller boys then preceded to organize. Officers elected were: Leon JONES, President; Richard MAULDING, Vice President; David LOWE, Sec.-Treas; Charles PARKER, Reporter; and Charles Lee DOOLEN, Chairman Recreation. They are named the "Kinmundy Go-Getters" 4-H Club.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB moved Thursday to the Frank GARRETT place, better known as the Ren WAINSCOTT farm.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Bessie HIESTAND entertained the Ladies Aid last Wednesday with good attendance of members. Rev. and Mrs. MOTZER were the honored guests, it being their 9th wedding anniversary. Mrs. HOWELL furnished the work which was tacking rags for rugs. The Aid is invited to meet with Mrs. MOTZER at the next meeting time, Feb. 23rd.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Eula CRAIG attended church at Pleasant Grove Sunday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Ted MAYBERRY went to the dentist one day last week and Mrs. MAYBERRY had her teeth extracted.
- Shanghai: Misses Nelda and Fern GRAY called on Miss Irene LIVESAY in Kinmundy Friday.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday with her parents, Bert GARRETT and family.
- North Fork: Clyde GARRETT, wife and daughter, Lila, spent Sunday with her parents, Geo. LENHART and wife.
- North Fork: Orie ATKINS and wife visited in Kinmundy last Friday with Mrs. Icy GARRETT, also Mrs. G. Tom BALLANCE.
- North Fork: Carroll GARRETT and family were guests Sunday of her sister and family, the Mose ADAMS.
- Wilson School: Chester KLINE returned home Saturday from Little Rock, Ark. where he had accompanied his father, who entered a hospital there for treatment.
- Mrs. Gillie HOPKINS of Patoka, has returned home after being here to attend her brothers, Mr. S.L. BUNDYs funeral.
- Meacham: The young people of the neighborhood and several others enjoyed a farewell party at the home of Mrs. Olga WEISS, Saturday evening in honor of Johnnie WEISS, who will leave soon for Wisconsin, where he has employment.
- Meacham: Mrs. F.S. HARRIS called on Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
- Green Ridge: The young folks gathered at the home of Mr. Mike PERGYL, Friday night and charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Charles PERGYL. They also received several nice gifts.
- East Zion: Misses Lucille and Lela Mae NICHOLS and Miss Roberta ARNOLD called on Misses Kathryn and Mary Del SOUTIER and helped celebrate Kathryns 21st birthday.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy JONES are moving from their place to the Harvey BASSETT farm which was vacated by the James BASSETT family.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT spent Sunday near Vernon with Mr. and Mrs. John GILLESPIE and daughter, Mabel.
- East Zion: Several of the young folks gathered at the James BASSETT home Sunday afternoon, and enjoyed playing basketball and horseshoes.
- East Zion: The Club met Wednesday with Mrs. Florence BASSETT. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Edith SOUTIER.
- Mrs. W.W. LOWE is suffering from an attack of appendicitis.
Feb. 24, 1938:
- Life History of Charley FOSTER: Charley, son of Clay and Cynthia GARRETT FOSTER, was born in Foster twp., Sept. 12, 1870, and departed this life February 16, 1938, age 67 years, 5 months, and 14 days. He was united in marriage to Mrs. Viola FULFER, March 27, 1937. On October 24, 1937, he united with the Church of God, in Kinmundy, and never lost an opportunity to render service in the Masters cause. He was a good neighbor and highly esteemed by the entire community. He leaves to mourn their loss, a devoted wife, two step-daughters, who idolized their father, a sister, Mrs. Jake THOMAS, of Couer Delaine, Idaho, many other relatives and a host of friends. One brother, Emery FOSTER, and one sister, Enola WILLIAMS preceded him in death. A home is sad because of his departure, a community feels their loss, but Heaven is made more ready for the coming of those who follow his example. "Sunset and evening star. And one clear call for me. And may there be no moaning of the bar; When I put out to sea. For tho from out our borne of time and place; The flood may bear me far; I hope to see my Pilot face to face; When I have crossed the Bar." The funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 oclock from the Church of God, Rev. C.L. ASHBY, officiating. Interment was made in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Mrs. Guy HANKS died at her home about 9 miles east of Kinmundy, early this morning. Pneumonia was the cause of her death. Funeral arrangements are incomplete as we go to press.
- The members of the Tri-City Fishing Club met in Kinmundy last Friday evening for the annual election of directors and other business. According to the by-laws, 3 directors were elected from Farina, 3 from Alma, and 3 from Kinmundy. Farina elected C.V. DODDS, A.E. BAKER, and Clyde COOPER. Alma elected E.L. WINKS, E.J. JACKSON, and Denzil GAMMON. Kinmundy elected E.E. BROWN, J.R. MAHAN, and H.E. THOMPSON. C.V. DODDS was elected as president, and A.H. MILLER as secretary-treasurer. Annual dues were raised to $2.00.
- Int every one who has the honor of having a birthday on the same day of the month as George Washington, "The Father of our country?" Mrs. J.T. ARNOLD had this distinction, and on Sunday, the immediate members of the family came to the home to help her celebrate the day and enjoy together the sumptuous dinner spread at the noon hour. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L.E. GREEN, their son and daughter, L.E. Jr. and Miss Madeline of Patoka; Mr. and Mrs. Robb GREEN and sons, Leroy and Keith, of North Fork; Mr. and Mrs. E.E. BROWN and daughters, Misses Virginia and Kathleen; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHER and daughters, Misses Juanita, Helen and Evelyn, and son Joseph. The members of the family who could not be present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MORGAN, Jr. of Wichita Falls, Texas; and Mr. and Mrs. Orville SHROEDER and baby Sandra.
- Mrs. A.J. YOUNG was called to Carbondale, Tuesday night, because of the illness of her aunt, Miss Margaret HAYDEN. Miss HAYDEN was taken ill Monday night, later pneumonia developed and she died Sunday morning. The funeral was held in Carbondale.
- Rev. H. Morris DAVIS, who was seriously injured as the result of a fall on the ice Dec. 14, is still in critical condition at his home in Greencastle, Ind. In falling, Rev. DAVIS broke 2 ribs and also struck his head on the ice, causing a slight concussion. His left side has been partially paralyzed since the fall.
- Mr. C.R. ALDERSON was called to Streator to attend the funeral of his brother, Marvin Scott ALDERSON, Sunday afternoon, at the home and then at the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. ALDERSON had been ill for 3 months and died in St. Marys hospital in Streator. He was the son of S.F. and Rachel ALDERSON, deceased, and was born in Marion Co., Ill. on May 10, 1877. His marriage with Miss Margaret JARVIS occurred in El Paso, in 1906, and a few years later they moved to Streator, where he has since resided. He entered the cement contracting business which he followed until a few years ago, when he became the local agent of the Hi-Lo Gas Company. Mr. ALDERSON leaves a widow; and 4 children - Mrs. Leona STEVENSON of Peoria; Levan ALDERSON of Liverpool, Iowa; Lester and Leo ALDERSON of Streator. The surviving brothers and sisters are: Addie WOLFE of Linden, Wash.; Llewellyn ALDERSON of E. St. Louis, Ill.; Letha HENINGER of Clarkston, Mont.; Bertha FISHER of Los Angeles, Cal.; and Clarence R. ALDERSON of Kinmundy.
- Brown: Buren FOGERSON and family moved Saturday to the Harvey SMITH farm in Clay county.
- East Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. DOOLEN of Sterling announce the arrival of a baby daughter in their home on Feb. 17.
- East Zion: Dean, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis JONES, had the misfortune of falling and injuring himself Sunday evening. He is reported to be improving at this time.
- Green Ridge: There was no school Friday on account of the illness of the teacher, Mrs. Rada CALDWELL.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER were called to Salem Sunday night, owing to the serious illness of a relative, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell BRUBAKER, whose death occurred the same night.
- Prairie Grove: Little Harley COURSON was a victim of pneumonia and measles last week.
- Meacham: The body of Mr. Charlie PHILLIPS of St. Louis, a brother of the late Mr. Ben PHILLIPS, was brought to the Baptist Church Wednesday. Interment was made in Elder Cemetery.
- Meacham: Mrs. Chas. KELLER called Sunday to see Mrs. Harriett BURKETT who was in very serious condition with cancer of the mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRANE spent Sunday night with the children helping them care for their mother.
- Meacham: Mrs. Harriett BURKETT died Tuesday morning.
March 3, 1938:
- Harriett BURROUGH BURKETT was born July 5, 1859 and died at her home in Meacham twp. on Feb. 22, 1938. "Sis", as she was called by relatives and friends, was loved by all who knew her. She married at an early age, to James BURKETT, who preceded her in death nearly 8 years. They had 9 children, 2 of whom died in infancy. She leaves: Carrie COPPLE of Salem; Nellie STEVENS of East St. Louis; Frank, Charlie, Layman, Fred, and Lewis, all of Kinmundy; 24 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. Interment was made in Phillips Cemetery.
- On Feb. 27, the children and grandchildren living near gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.G. JACKSON and spread a bounteous potluck dinner in honor of their father, Henry JACKSONs 80th birthday, which would occur on March 1st. The birthday cake baked by Mrs. R.C. ROBB, was decorated with candles and formed a lovely centerpiece for the table. Although confined to his room, Mr. JACKSON was able to enjoy the dinner and says he believes that the first 80 years are the hardest. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. E.H. GRAY and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. R.D. HANNA and sons, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. LOWE, Misses Florence DOOLEN, Jean VALLOW, and Barbara MILLER.
- Mr. and Mrs. James KENNEDY and Mrs. Fred CHANCE were in McLean, Ill. Monday attending the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Oscar CURTIS, who died at his home in Bloomington, Saturday. The wife of the deceased will be remembered by many here as Miss Myrtle KENNEDY, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. L.N. KENNEDY.
- Dr. J.W. LLOYD has leased his fruit farm, west of this city, to Mr. R.O. LIVESAY, of Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. LIVESAY and their 10 months old son moved in yesterday.
- Mayor P.F. ROBNETT, who is vacationing in Florida, expressed a crate of fancy oranges to the school. They were received and distributed to the first 6 grades Wednesday morning. They were shipped direct from the grove. We did not get a chance to see them but the kiddies said they sure tasted fine.
- Mr. J.T. ARNOLD was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia, Thursday, suffering with kidney and bladder trouble. It has been necessary for him to remain in the hospital this week for treatment. We understand he is felling much better and expects to return home today and tomorrow.
- North Fork: B.O. GARRETT and son, Jack, were business visitors in Vandalia last Friday.
- North Fork: Hubert HEADLEY, wife and babe spent Saturday night and Sunday with Carroll GARRETT and wife.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Orie ATKINS and daughters were in Kinmundy Sunday at her mothers, Mrs. Icy GARRETT.
- North Fork: Mrs. Cleda ROBB spent last week with her parents helping her care for her mother, who has been ill but is improving.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and C.I. DOOLEN spent Sunday with the Bert GARRETT family.
- North Fork: Junior and Floyd GARRETT spent Saturday night with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB.
- Pleasant Grove: The Aid spent a very pleasant day with Mrs. MOTZER and family last Wednesday at the parsonage in Alma. Quite a bit of work was accomplished and a social good time was enjoyed. Mrs. Nora SPITLER invited the Aid to meet with her March 9th.
- Brown: Mrs. Leona HANKS, wife of Guy HANKS, died Thursday after several months illness. She was aged 43 years. A few years ago, she united with Brown Church. She leaves her husband; 3 sons and 2 daughters, Zon, James, Oulrey, Virginia and Vera; her mother; 3 sisters and 4 brothers. Services were held at Brown Church with interment in Phillips Cemetery.
- Brown: Luther GORDON and wife were in Iuka Friday visiting his sister, Mrs. Nettie MORROW, who has recently opened a store there.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Charles LOWE attended the birthday dinner, Sunday at the C.G. JACKSON home for Uncle Henry JACKSON. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. COLE and daughters were afternoon callers.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and daughter spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and family.
- Swift School: Moving seems to be in full sway in this community this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE are moving to their farm just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry BASSETT, Mr. BASSETT moved to the Marshall WILLIAMS farm. Ren WAINSCOTTs are moving to the Mose WAINSCOTT place, and Virgil LIVESAYs are soon moving back to their farm.
- Swift School: Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Bert GARRETT, who has been ill the past week.
- Shanghai: John MILLER attended the funeral for his sister, Miss Lon MILLER in Farina last Tuesday. She was 78 years old.
- Shanghai: Mr. and Mrs. E.H. GRAY and daughters attended a birthday dinner in Kinmundy at the home of Cliff JACKSON in Kinmundy Sunday. The dinner was in honor of Mr. Henry JACKSON, who was 80 years old on March 1st.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and children spent Sunday at the James McNICHOL home.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Tom NEAVILL of Ferguson, Mo. are visiting at the James BASSETT home.
- Meacham: There is no school at Booker School this week on account of the teacher, Miss Jessie LONG, leaving Saturday for Garden City, Kansas, to attend the funeral of her niece, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Paul ROGERS.
- Mrs. A.N. GRAY was in Odin Wednesday attending the birthday dinner given in honor of Mrs. R.A. GEORGE.
- Mr. Frank JONES motored to Sullivan Saturday and on his return Sunday was accomplished by his wife, who had been in Sullivan a week or more helping care for her little granddaughter, Marie Louise INGRAM, who is recovering from a tonsil operation.
March 10, 1938:
- Minnie O. HEADLEY LOWE, eldest daughter of David and Hannah COLE HEADLEY, was born Nov. 2, 1867 in Foster twp. She was the eldest of a family of 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls, all of whom survives her but a brother, Mark, who died in infancy, and Eugene, who departed this world at the age of 22 years, the mother passing a number of years ago and the father in July 1936, at the age of 93. She was a happy, dutiful daughter and sister. At the age of 17, she was converted at North Fork church and united with the M.E. Church at Arnolds Chapel, where she remained a loyal member until her removal to Kinmundy in 1899, when she transferred her membership to the M.E. Church here. On May 7, 1885, she married W.W. LOWE, and they had 5 sons were born: Charles Albert, who died at the age of 15 months; James O., Edward R.; W. Webster; and Gordon M. Seven years ago she was stricken with paralysis and never fully recovered. For the past 2 years, she has been confined to her bed. She died March 3, 1938, and is survived by the husband, and children: James O. of Hercules, Calif.; Edward R. of Kinmundy; W. Webster of Palisade, Colo.; and Gordon M. of Los Angeles, Cal; also 7 grandchildren; 2 brothers, Win and Fred; and 3 sisters, Myrtle DOOLEN, Mable JONES, and Pearl DOOLEN, all in and near Kinmundy. Services were held from the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. Sarah BROWN very quietly observed her 85th birthday on March 4, in the home of her son-in-law, Mr. B.L. FURRY, where she has been at home during the past winter months. She is very grateful to the members of the M.E. Ladies Aid Society for the flowers and to Mrs. SECHLER for the lovely birthday cake.
- Mr. James NEAVILL and Mrs. Bessie WHITE stole the march on their many friends by slipping away to St. Charles, Mo. on March 1st, and being quietly married. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Tom NEAVILL of Ferguson, Mo. They are now at home in the NEAVILL home in the south part of town.
- Friends here received word from Mrs. Ed WAGGONER of St. Louis, of the very serious condition of her daughter, Mrs. Emmett GROBNER (nee Clara WAGGONER) following a major operation in Dr. TIERNANs Hospital, St. Louis, last Tuesday morning. Mrs. GROBNER has visited frequently at the home of her grandparents, the late Mr. and Mrs. James WOOD.
- Harry LINDER, 21, whose home is with his mother, Mrs. Grace LINDER of Elkart, Ind., was seriously injured Wednesday afternoon when he lost control of his roadster and is turned over 2 or more times on the Cassopolis road. Both cheek bones, his upper jaw and nose were crushed in, and he lost much blood from the wounds. At the Elkart General hospital, to which he was brought by a motorist soon after the accident, and where a physician was quickly engaged in the necessary surgery, it was said this morning his condition was "only fair". After regaining consciousness, he told the attendants to notify his brother George. Mr. LINDER is a nephew of L.J. HAMMER and has visited here several times in the HAMMERs home.
- EAGAN-GARRETT: On Saturday evening, March 5, 8 oclock, at the M.E. Parsonage in Patoka, occurred the marriage of Mr. Robert EAGAN and Miss Lucille GARRETT, both of Patoka. The ceremony was read in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. James BALLANCE, of Patoka, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard SCHWABE, of this city, intimate friends of the bride and groom. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. EAGAN motored to Kinmundy, where they were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. SCHWABE. Upon returning to Patoka, they took up their residence in an apartment which Mr. EAGAN had made ready for his bride. Mrs. EAGAN, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. GARRETT, residing west of this city, is a graduate of Kinmundy High School with the Class of 34, and since her graduation, has had employment in Patoka. Mr. EAGAN is the son of Mrs. Mendora EAGAN of Patoka, and is associated with J.C. Beery, in the grocery business, in that city. This couple is held in very high esteem by their legion of friends, both here and in Patoka, and the Express joins these friends in extending heartiest congratulations.
- Meacham: Mr. Igo JONES and family moved Saturday to a farm near Mansfield, Ill. where he has employment for the summer.
- Meacham: The Community Birthday Circle went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle JOHNSTON Sunday to help them celebrate their wedding anniversary which was Tuesday. It was a complete surprise. All came with well filled baskets, and afternoon was spent in games and jolly conversation.
- Shanghai: Howard DISS, wife and children, and Fay CRANDALL and wife, attended the funeral of Mrs. Geo. GREEN in Farina Tuesday. Mrs. GREEN and Mrs. CRANDALL were sisters.
- East Zion: This community was saddened to hear of the death of Miss Hester OGLESBY, which occurred in the Anna State Hospital Wednesday. She had been ill for some time. The funeral was held at Zion Church with interment in Jones Cemetery.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer FRIZZELL and daughters, Clara and Ethel, Mrs. Blanche DOOLEN and Miss Helen McNICHOL of this vicinity, ate Sunday dinner and helped Elmers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank FRIZZELL celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Afternoon callers from this vicinity were: Mr. and Mrs. Chris NEILSON, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice BALLANCE, Mr. and Mrs. Addis WALTON and daughter, Leah Pearle, and son, James Kenneth, Chas. and Cyrus ARNOLD, Mr. and Mrs. Robert WALTON, Aunt Belle WILLET, Mr. and Mrs. John CHANCE, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank BALLANCE of Patoka.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT and daughter, Ruth, were business callers in Patoka and Kinmundy Friday afternoon. Their son, Marvin, who attends high school at Kinmundy, returned home with them for the weekend.
- East Zion: Mr. Dresden HEADLEY called on Mr. Marvin BASSETT Friday night.
- East Zion: Miss Helen McNICHOL spent Thursday and Friday with her sister, Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and children.
- Swift School: Mr. S.M. ROBB, Mr. Fletch COLE and Mrs. R.H. GREEN celebrated their birthdays Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ROBB. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE and son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. G.R. ROLLINSON, Mr. and Mrs. Timmy CROWLEY of Salem were afternoon callers.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Carroll GREEN attended the basketball game in Salem Thursday evening.
- East Meadow Branch: About 20 friends of Clifton LEMAY surprised him on March 3, it being his 25th birthday. Popcorn and candy were served.
- East Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB and Mildred were Salem visitors Saturday.
- Brown: Vera HANKS, age 11, daughter of Mr. Guy HANKS was taken Friday to Olney when he was operated on for appendicitis. She is doing nicely.
- Brown: Jim WILKINSON went to Vandalia Tuesday where he had his little sons tonsils removed at the Mark Greer Hospital.
- Brown: Mrs. Tressie HAUGHABOO who was called here from Los Angeles, Cal., on account of the serious illness and death of her sister, Mrs. Leona HANKS, and is in Olney staying with her niece, who was recently operated on for appendicitis.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BECHTELHEIMER of Waterloo, Iowa are rejoicing over the advent of a baby daughter born March 2. She weighed 8 lbs. and 8 oz., and named Mary Kathryn. The mother was formerly Miss Emma ARNOLD.
- Mrs. S.L. BUNDY returned home Wednesday after a 30 day visit in Gillette, Wyo. with the children of her decd husband, Mr. S.L. BUNDY.
March 17, 1938:
- The Kinmundy High School Basketball team lost to Johnston City Team in the final game of the Centralia Sectional Tournament and was awarded a trophy. A picture of the team accompanied the article which included: Mgr. Beryl DISS, Art HOYD, Lester McWHIRTER, James HAMMER, Wayne PIGG, Charles KLINE, Coach KAESER, Willard WILEY, Cecil ALDRICH, Howard ROBB, Harold ROBB, and Dale WRIGHT.
- Mr. and Mrs. William F. HARVEY of this city, were privileged to celebrate their Golden Wedding Sunday. They were happy to have with them 4 of their children, 2 sons-in-law, and 5 grandchildren, namely, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth HARVEY and son, and Mr. Ira CONANT of Ridgefarm; Mrs. Chas. McKENZIE and daughter of Brazil, Ind.; Mr. Clyde HARVEY and 3 children of Downs, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman FRAZIER of St. Louis. They were recipients of many cards, gifts and letters of congratulations, and many of their friends called at the home. William F. HARVEY and Miss Louella REDBURN were married March 14, 1888 in Jefferson Co., Ill. Here they resided for a short time, later moving to this community where they engaged in farming. They followed this occupation until a few years ago when they retired and moved to this city. Mr. HARVEY had 2 children, Ellsworth and Lillie (McKENZIE) by a former marriage, who were left motherless while quite young. There was no distinction made with these children and the other six, which came to bless the home. One daughter, Mrs. Ira CONANT, died a few years ago. The 7 children still living are: Ellsworth of Ridgefarm; Lillie (McKENZIE) of Brazil, Ind.; Martha (FRAZIER) of St. Louis; Charles of Portage, Wis.; Clyde of Downs, Ill.; Forrest of Anderson, Ind.; and Gladys (MILINOSKY) of Chicago.
- Birthday Dinner: Friday, Mrs. Icy GARRETT observed her birthday anniversary by serving a sumptuous dinner at noon. She had with her all her children and their families with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Dow GREEN. The number present, augmented by some of the neighbors, numbered 50. We wish for Mrs. GARRETT many more birthday anniversaries, each one better than the last.
- Mrs. Cora WILLIAMS received a message this morning announcing the death of her uncle, Joseph SCHOOLEY, which occurred at his home in Shoals, Ind. last night.
- Mr. J.F. HOCKADAY entered St. Anthonys hospital in Effingham, recently, suffering from a kidney and bladder disturbance.
- Green Ridge: The children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DOUDERA gathered at their home Sunday to help Mrs. DOUDERA celebrate her 68th birthday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ed DOUDERA, Mr. and Mrs. Joe DOUDERA, Mr. F.L. DOUDERA, Jr. and family, Geo. DOUDERA and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde OSBORNE, Tom GARRETT, and B.D. DIXON. All children were present except for one son, Tom DOUDERA and family. A very delicious dinner was served.
- Green Ridge: Mr. and Mrs. Noah THOMAS and daughter, Bessie, were in Kinmundy, Friday helping to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Icy GARRETT.
- Swift School: We are very sorry to hear of the death of Annette HAREY at Ridgefarm. The family have the sympathy of this community.
- Swift School: The Willing Workers met Wednesday with Mrs. Elsie MORRIS with all members present except one. One comforter was quilted and several blocks pieced. Mrs. MORRIS served a delicious dinner at the noon hour, being assisted by Mrs. Mamie BASSETT and Miss Bertha GREEN. Mrs. Lou MORRIS, Clella WAINSCOTT, Lottie COLE, and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB were welcome guests. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Clyde BASSETT, March 23.
- Swift School: Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEY and Miss Helen GARRETT were dinner guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Orville GARRETT, this being Helens birthday.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. COLE and daughter, Raymond SWIFT and family, and Clyde BASSETT and family attended the kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Bob EAGAN Saturday night at the Selby GARRETT home.
- Swift School: Miss Norma Dell GARRETT spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Ren WAINSCOTT assisted Virgil LIVESAYs in moving to their farm Saturday.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters were Salem visitors Saturday.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Dale BALLANCE spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BASSETT visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry BASSETT.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER and Mrs. E.G. DILLON called in Farina Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER, and Mrs. E.G. DILLON called in Farina Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER attended the funeral for Mr. Adolph AMBUEHL, Thursday at St. Johns Church in St. Peter.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Marion SIPES visited relatives in East St. Louis a few days last week before returning to Carbondale.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Nora SPITLER entertained the Aid Society last Wednesday. Although Mrs. SPITLER is not a member, we have been pleasantly entertained in her home at different times. 9 members and 9 guests were present besides some children. A quilt top was finished. The next meeting will be March 23 at which time Mrs. Lotta MUNDWILER has invited them to go with her.
- On March 11, Mrs. Theodore MILLER observed her 79th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman KNECHT and daughter of McLean, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Gene REINHARDT and son, Billy, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILSON of Decatur, spent the day with her. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Stella McGEE of Breese, Mrs. Frank McGEE of Flora, and Mr. Fritz MILLER of Hammond, Ind.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ROBB and daughter entertained with a family dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. ROBBs birthday which occurred Tuesday, March 15. A sumptuous dinner was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. George GILLESPIE and family, and Richard MURFIN of Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Carl NEWLIN and little daughter, Joyce Ann, of Bluff City, and Mr. and Mrs. R.M. ATKINS and son, Raymond of this city.
- East Meadow Branch: Miss Mildred ROBB accompanied her friends to Centralia last Thursday.
- North Fork: Orie ATKINS, wife and daughter, Bert GARRETT, wife and baby, and Claude GARRETT and family were among those who attended the birthday dinner for their mother and aunt, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, in Kinmundy last Friday.
- North Fork: B.O. GARRETT was in Salem last Tuesday and Wednesday attending a Supervisors meeting
- North Fork: Norma Dell GARRETT spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Kenneth ROBB.
- North Fork: R.H. GREEN, wife and sons visited the Bert GARRETTs Saturday evening.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday night with the Bert GARRETT family.
- East Zion: This community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Francis GRIFFIN, who died Wednesday at his home, west of Arnold Chapel. He was 81 years of age. Interment was made in Patoka Cemetery.
March 24, 1938:
- Catherine SMITH GRAY, daughter of Britton and Mahala SMITH, was born in Tonti twp. on Feb. 2, 1849, and died at her home March 18, 1938. She spent her entire life in this community. She was converted when 18 years old at a meeting held at the Chance school house. She is the last of the charter members of the Zion Church. She married Dec. 23, 1869 to Thomas W. GRAY, and they had 6 children. The 3 oldest children: Mrs. Emma MAULDING, Mahala Maybel and James Denton have preceded her in death. Her husband died Feb. 24, 1931. The remaining children are: Mrs. Fannie BORING, Alvin and Alpha GRAY. Also surviving are 7 grandchildren: Otto and Raymond MAULDING, Mrs. Velma MORGAN, Mrs. Katie ARNOLD, Mrs. Elsie MORRIS and Maurice and Alpha MAULDING; and 11 great-grandchildren.
- Mr. John B. GARNER, a pioneer resident of this city, passed his 84th birthday at his home here March 21st. A family dinner was served in his honor at the noon hour, with a few guests present. We regret to state that Mr. GARNER is in failing health.
- On Sunday, the Community Birthday Circle went to the home of Mrs. Olga WEISS to give her a surprise birthday party. It was a complete surprise. 18 members and 12 guests came with well filled baskets and soon the table was loaded to its capacity. As all gathered around the table to enjoy the good things to eat.
- On March 13, Loren and Chester KLINE motored to Little Rock to be with their father, who underwent an operation on Wednesday at the Research Hospital.
- Mrs. Dow GREEN of Sterling, is here spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT.
- Mrs. Martha DOWNS was most graciously remembered by her children, neighbors and friends on March 22, when she quietly observed her birthday at her home in this city. The day was made complete with cards, letters, flowers, and many lovely gifts and visits. Only a daughter, Thelma, was privileged to be with Mrs. DOWNS on this happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Dan SCULLION of Beardstown; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SCURRY and sons; Mr. and Mrs. J.C. SCURRY; Wm. SCURRY and Miss Jean MONTGOMERY of East St. Louis also called Sunday to wish their mother and aunt a "Happy Birthday".
- On Sunday, the Community Birthday Circle went to the home of Mrs. Olga WEISS to give her a surprise birthday party. It was a complete surprise. 18 members and 12 guests came with well filled baskets.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT of Granite City, were here Sunday visiting Mrs. GARRETTs father and brother, Mr. Emmett JONES and Forrest.
- Prairie Grove: Art WEISS, wife and daughter attended a basket dinner at the home of Mrs. Olga WEISS Sunday in honor of her birthday.
- Prairie Grove: Gilbert FORD spent Sunday in Farina with his wife and son at the home of her mother, Mrs. BAILEY. Other guests were Charlie FORD, Ed FORD, and Mrs. Fern BALLANCE.
- Swift School: Elmer BASSETT spent Thursday with his daughter, Mrs. Grace CONANT and family.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Billie MORRIS attended the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. Kate GRAY, at Fredonia Sunday.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Arno SMITH spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB.
- Swift School: Several of the young folks of North Fork gathered at the Kenneth ROBB home Saturday evening and enjoyed a social good time.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil MARSHALL of Jacksonville, Ill. and Miss Lillian HENNINGER of Vandalia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL and family. It was the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. MARSHALL.
- Recent Items (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Lewie SULLENS and baby son of Chicago, have been visiting Mrs. SULLENS mother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, and other relatives.
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur STOCK of Centralia have a 7 3/4 lb. son born March 15.
March 31, 1938:
- Sarah M. TABOR NEATHERY, daughter of H.H. and Charity Olive TABOR, was born May 26, 1860, in Alhambra twp., Madison Co., Ill., and died in Kinmundy on March 24, 1938. She was one of a family of 7 children, all of whom have preceded her in death except 1 brother, James TABOR of New Douglas, Ill. Mrs. NEATHERY grew to womanhood in the community of her birthplace and at an early age united with the Silver Creek Christian Church of that community. Here she retained her membership until 1906 when she moved it to the Christian Church in Greenville. On Sept. 8, 1904, she was married with D.F. NEATHERY of Greenville, who was teaching school at that time. They later moved to Edinburgh, Ill. where Mr. NEATHERY entered the lumber business. They later moved to Findlay and came to Kinmundy on June 1, 1920, and they have lived there since. Services was held in the local Christian Church with interment in Montrose Cemetery in Greenville.
- Funeral services for Henry M. LETTEN, who prior to his retirement 3 years ago and been connected with the local office of Parke Davis & Co. in Chicago since 1903, will be held with interment in Oakwoods Cemetery in Chicago. He was at one time resident of this community.
- Bert WILLIAMS was about the happiest boy in town yesterday because he was celebrating his 64th birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd CLEM of Thompsonville have an 8½ lb. son, Ronnie Lee, born March 24 in West Frankfort hospital. Mrs. CLEM will be remembered here as Miss Fern WILLIAMS, sister of Mrs. W.R. DOOLEN.
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ollie CRAIN, March 19, a 9 lb. boy, who has been named Carroll.
- Meacham (from last week): E.W. SOLDNER and wife attended a surprise party for Miss Geneva COOK, Friday evening. Nearly 30 relatives and friends gathered at her home to help her celebrate her 16th birthday. Refreshments of pickles, cake, coffee, and lemonade were served. After enjoying a pleasant evening with movie and games, all departed wishing Miss Geneva and Miss Evelyn ERNST, whose birthday occurred the same day, many more happy days.
- Meacham (from last week): Mrs. F.S. HARRIS called on Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Thursday afternoon.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Arlie SLANE are the proud parents of a little son, Rudolph Duane, born March 14th.
- Meacham (from last week): Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Mrs. HASSEBROCK Friday afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. RAYMOND of Gulf City have a 9 lb. son born in St. Anthonys Hospital in Effingham, Saturday named John Douglas. Mrs. Ida SMITH of this city, is the proud grandmother.
- Camp Ground (from last week): Mr. Arlie SLANE and wife are the proud parents of a big 5½ lb. son.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BAGOTT quietly celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary March 15. It was a double anniversary, also being the 79th birthday of Mr. BAGOTT.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.N. GRAY were in Breese Sunday attending the birthday dinner in the home of Mrs. Joe McGEE, given in honor of her granddaughters Miss Shirley McGEEs 7th anniversary.
- South of Town (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Walter WEISS attended the birthday dinner Sunday given in honor of his mother, Mrs. Olga WEISS.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Olga WEISS and Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER attended services and dinner at the Evangical Church in Farina, Sunday. The service was to dedicate the newly remodeled church interior.
- Wilson School: Sunday being the 8th birthday of Darrell SHUFELDT, several little boys of the neighborhood gave him a pleasant surprise. A lovely dinner was served by his mother and sister, Emogene. Those present were Lester VANDEVEER, Kenneth SMITH, Charles Lee FORD, and Francis KOLB.
April 7, 1938:
- While returning home Saturday evening from a business trip to Fairman, the car belonging to Arnald HIGGINS was wrecked and completely demolished just north of Alma. HIGGINS was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John BRASEL and Mr. Frank HOYT. The 4 occupants were taken to the Salem Hospital where they were given first aid. All of the injured were permitted to return home that night with the exception of Frank HOYT, who suffered a broken shoulder and some broken ribs. He returned home the following evening via ambulance. All received many cuts and bruises. They were meeting a car which swerved over on their side of the road. They took for the shoulder but the car hit them anyway, turning their car over several times. It did not appear to injure the other car much because it never stopped. From the looks of the HIGGINS car, it was a miracle any of them escaped without being killed.
- Mrs. Mary McALLISTER died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G.P. DOUGHERTY. She had attained the age of 86 years and 7 days and had been in very poor health for some time. Short services are being held in the DOUGHERTY home after which the funeral party will motor to Neoga, where services will be held and interment made in Neoga Cemetery.
- The E.E. BROWN residence witnessed another roof fire Saturday morning. By the help of the neighbors, the fire was well under control before the arrival of the fire dept. This is the second time this winter that this roof has caught from a spark from the flue, but the entire house is now covered with the asbestos shingles.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB called on Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT Saturday evening.
- Shanghai: We had only 4 days of school last week owing to the high water. Old East Fork was on a rampage.
- Shanghai: Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY and daughter, Irene, spent Friday with Mrs. Frank JONES and daughters.
- East Zion: Mrs. Florence BASSETT and daughter, Ruth, called on Mrs. Eva HEADLEY, Monday.
April 14, 1938:
- Rev. Otis Grey ANDREWS of Memphis, general evangelist of the Methodist Episcopal Church, died in Blytheville, Ark. where he was conducting a city wide revival. He was about 50.
- Mary ZIMMER McALLISTER, the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth ZIMMER, was born March 28, 1852. She was married to O.G. McALLISTER on Feb. 17, 1874, and 5 children were born, 4 of whom are living: T.G. McALLISTER of Kirkwood, Mo.; Mrs. L. Myrtle FERGUSON of Decatur, Ill.; John E. McALLISTER of Chicago; and Mrs. Mabel F. DOUGHERTY of Kinmundy. There are also surviving are 9 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren, and 2 brothers. Her early church affiliation was with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, later with Grace Methodist Church of Neoga, where she retained her membership until her death. For the past 13 years she made her home with her youngest daughter, Mrs. G.P. DOUGHERTY. Her entire life was spent in Neoga and vicinity until 3 years ago when she moved, with her daughter, to Kinmundy, where she died April 5, 1938.
- Mr. Jerome N. EMBSER, one of the best known and progressive farmers of Marion County, died at his home in Alma twp., April 8, aged 68 years, 10 months, and 15 days. Although in failing health for the past 10 years, suffering from cancer of the bladder, he did not take to his bed until just one week before he died. Services were held from the home with interment in this city. Mr. EMBSER was born in Luzerne Co., Penn., coming with his parents to Illinois when only 7 months age. They settled on a farm in Alma twp. just one half mile from the site of the present farm home. Here he grew to manhood. On Oct. 18, 1891, he was united in marriage with Miss Jessie SPIESE, also of Alma twp. To this union, 5 children were born, namely Alice BOYCE of Minneapolis, Minn.; Frank and Theodore of Salem; Jerome of Benton; and Leon of Harvey, Ill. All of whom survive along with his wife. He also leaves 14 grandchildren and a half brother, Mr. Pete EMBSER of Salem. Mr. EMBSER lived practically his entire life in Alma twp. He was a very influential man in his community and never tired of lending a helping hand to his neighbors and friends.
- Kenneth, the 5 day old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel WILKINSON of West Frankfort, Ill., was laid to rest here in Evergreen Cemetery Monday afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER have received announcement of the birth of a 6 lb. son in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Xon ALEXANDER, Newton, Ia. on April 9. He will be known as Billy Xon, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dewey COMBS are parents of a 9½ lbs son, who was born April 11.
- A local school election was a very quiet affair Saturday. Chas. GAMMON was re-elected as president of the Board of Education and A.H. MILLER re-elected as a member. Harold E. THOMPSON was elected as a new member in place of W.S. PRUETT, who did not choose to run for re-election.
- John CLOW has retired after 51 years of working on the railroad. He started out with the C.B. & Q. out in Iowa in 1887, moving to other railroad companies until he came to Illinois Central. His long history with the railroad was reviewed in the article.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): George LONG and his truck drivers, Ted EMBSER, Paul WARNER, Darwin HIESTAND, and a man whose name was not learned, worked faithfully Saturday and Monday hauling and spreading rock on the road west of Omega and report the gap is joined up with a thin layer of rock which they think will allow people to go thru even though it does rain before its completed.
- Wilson School (from last week) on Saturday, April 2, a 6 lb. boy was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon SIPES and named Marvin Howard.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. Forrest JOHNSON was re-elected school director Saturday. The board organized with Ira MARSHALL; President, Forrest JOHNSON, Clerk; Walter WARREN, director.
- Omega: Mrs. Hattie SOUTHWARD, a former resident of this community, was buried in the Christian Church Cemetery Monday.
- Omega: At the School Election Saturday in Omega District, Marion PHILLIPS was elected director.
- Meacham: Mr. Otis TATE and Miss Vera WILKINSON were married in St. Louis, Saturday, and are now going to housekeeping on the Cord FARRIS farm.
- Meacham: Mrs. Dora HEICHER was elected director of Rockhold School at the election Saturday.
- Meacham: Mrs. Murrell REESE and babe have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert OUTHOUSE, the past week and they called on Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Tuesday afternoon.
- Meacham: Callers at the HARRELL home the past week were Mrs. HARRIS, Thursday, Mrs. Dora HEICHER, Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER, Sunday morning.
- Wilson School: Chester and Loren KLINE went to Little Rock, Ark. Last Thursday and returned Friday night accompanied by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal KLINE. Mr. KLINE has been a patient in a hospital there for some time, and is reported much improved. On their return, a telegram was awaiting them announcing the serious illness of their sister, Mrs. Ruby TAYLOR of Holdrage, Neb. Check and Loren left immediately for Nebraska.
- Pleasant Grove: The aid met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Pearl ROSE. Seven members and four visitors were present. Mrs. Glenn BOYD gave us a quilt block and donation. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND Wednesday afternoon, April 20th.
- Greenridge: Mr. Roy WILLIAMS was elected school director Saturday at Greenridge. Mr. Noah THOMAS was the outgoing director and was not a candidate for reelection.
- Greenridge: Tom GARRETT spent Sunday with Noah THOMAS and family.
- North Fork News: The school election was held at North Fork School was held Saturday night. Cecil GARRETT was elected as director.
- North Fork News: Mr. and Mrs. Darrell ARNOLD and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Arno SMITH spent Tuesday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD, and helped their mother celebrate her birthday.
- North Fork News: Jack GARRETT accompanied his grandfather, C.I. DOOLEN to St. Louis Tuesday to meet Eli DOOLEN of California who came to visit his father, C.I. DOOLEN and other relatives.
- North Fork News: Bert GARRETT and wife were business visitors in Salem and Centralia, Wednesday.
- Camp Ground: Jim LEWIS had bad luck with Arkansas sow. She died last week.
- Camp Ground: Mr. Bert COPPLE spent his 65th birthday Sunday. Several neighbors and friends served a nice dinner for him.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. William LOWE and Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES went to Effingham Monday morning to see their son and brother, Mr. Charles LOWE, who underwent an operation for appendicitis that morning. He is getting along nicely.
- Miss Grace ARNOLD, R.N. of Cincinnati, Ohio has been here spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan ARNOLD.
- Miss Pearl ARNOLD of Olney was here spending the work with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan ARNOLD.
April 21, 1938:
- Mrs. Ruby KLINE ROBERTS TAYLOR died in the hospital in Holdrege, Neb. last Thursday, after suffering a stroke of apoplexy 4 days previous. Short services were held in Holdrege, Saturday. The body was then brought to Kinmundy and taken to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. KLINE, southeast of this city. Services were held at the Camp Ground Church near the family home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Ruby Fern, daughter of C.B. and Maggie HARVEY KLINE, was born Feb. 4, 1890, and died April 14, 1938 at Brewster Hospital in Holdrege, Nebraska. Ruby was born and reared in our little home community. She was kind and gentle and her sweet disposition. In early youth, she joined Camp Ground Church. She married to J.W. ROBERTS of Champaign, Ill. on Dec. 26, 1914, and they had 2 children, a son, Harold Eugene, and a daughter, Wilma Roberta. Mr. ROBERTS died Jan. 19, 1921, and soon afterward Ruby and her 2 children moved to Nebraska near her sister, Gail, where on Oct. 23, 1924, she was married to Chas. TAYLOR, who with her son and daughter, survives her. She also leaves a father, mother, 3 sisters, and 4 brothers, and several nieces and nephews. Rubys death is the first break in the immediate circle of her fathers family.
- Mr. Charles LOWE returned home Tuesday from St. Anthonys Hospital in Effingham, Ill. where he underwent an operation for appendicitis.
- In Memoriam of William Eugene BRUBAKER who died April 22, 1936.
- East Zion: This community was saddened to hear of the death of Mr. Wall THOMAS who died Thursday at his home southwest of Greenridge. He had been ill for some time. Interment was made in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT and daughter, Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. James OSBORNE spent Sunday northeast of Vernon with Mr. and Mrs. John GILLESPIE.
- East Meadow Branch (from last week): The McCULLEY family are enjoying a new Ford car.
- East Meadow Branch (from last week): C.W. HOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. HOWELL, and Shirley Jean were in Farina Monday night, attending a charivari given for Mr. and Mrs. Ellis HOWELL.
- Meacham: Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS and Mr. and Mrs. Glen JAHRAUS were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL.
- Omega twp. will have the opportunity to vote on a consolidated high school next Saturday at the Omega Schoolhouse and the Shadden Schoolhouse. The proposed district will also embrace all of Iuka twp., 12 sections of Romine, 3 sections in Alma twp., 6 sections in Stevenson, and 3 in Haines twp. It is to be proposed to locate the high school in Iuka and run school busses for the rural pupils.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT of Granite City, spent Easter with Mrs. GARRETTs father and brother, Mr. Emmett JONES and Mr. Forrest JONES.
- Mr. Charles DOOLEN and son, Eli, of Los Angeles, spent Sunday with Mr. Chas. DOOLENs son-in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT.
- South of Town: Mrs. Bertha SEE has been employed at Young School for the Omega term.
- Green Ridge: Mr. H.W. THOMAS died Thursday at the age of 76 years and 11 days at his home northwest of Alma. The funeral was held at Green Ridge Church with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Brown: There were several who attended the shower Saturday night at the home of Frank WILKINSON for the newly wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Otis TATE.
April 28, 1938:
- Elizabeth J. CLAYTOR DUNLAP, was born Nov. 11, 1848, near Waverly, Ohio, coming to Kinmundy with her parents at the age of 12. She attended the public school and one winter to a boarding school at Booneville, Mo. In August, 1868, she married Albert C. DUNLAP of Savoy, Champaign Co., Ill. at which place they made their home until 1884, when they moved to Champaign. They had 4 children, Marion, Alice, Helen, and Albert. Her husband was killed in a tragic railroad accident at Savoy in Nov. 1886. Mrs. DUNLAP belonged to the Presbyterian Church as a girl, but going into the Methodist Episcopal church at her marriage, it being the only church at Savoy. In March of this year she was an honored guest at a Foreign Missionary Society Reunion at Woodlawn Methodist church in Chicago, which society she started 30 years ago when she first went to Chicago to live. At the time of her death, she was aged 89 years, 5 months, and 18 days. Services were held from the home of her son, A.C. DUNLAP in this city, with interment in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Centralia, Ill.
- The marriage of Miss Mabel GREEN of Rockford, to Mr. Willard KAMPMAN of Milwaukee, took place in the Congregational Parsonage at Milwaukee on Thursday, Apr. 14. After the honeymoon trip, they went to Fairfield to spend a couple of days with Mrs. KAMPMANs parents, Mr. and Mrs. GREEN, then to Kinmundy to visit friends. Mrs. KAMPMAN will finish this semester in the Rockford schools, where she has been a teacher for a number of years, after which she will be at home in Milwaukee. Kinmundy was her home during her school days, and she graduated from K.H.S. in 1916.
- Mrs. John ROBB celebrated the birthdays of her sons, John Robert and Howard, Sunday, with a birthday dinner at noon. As these anniversaries come so near each other, it is customary for Mrs. ROBB to observe them on the same day. Mrs. ROBBs father and wife were guests at this time.
- Mr. Ed BOSLEY residing near Omega, suffered a light stroke last week. He is reported some better although he remains in serious condition.
- Frank E. PERRY, yard section foreman on the C&EI at Villa Grove, Ill., died at his home April 21, 1938. He had been ill at his home since Aug. 14, 1936 when he was stricken with paralysis while on duty. He was born Aug. 12, 1864, the son of James A. and Matilda PERRY, at Dupont, Ind., and the family came to Illinois when Frank was five years old, settling 3 miles southeast of Kinmundy. He spent all of his early life in this community, and married Nov. 28, 1883, to Miss May RODGERS in Kinmundy. At this time, Mr. PERRY was a farmer and the couple lived near Kinmundy and Edgewood on farms until 1887 when he entered railroad work. They moved to Villa Grove in 1928 and he continued in the railroad service until illness forced him to retire. He was a member of the Old Camp Ground Methodist church, and of the Modern Woodman of America, both of Kinmundy. He is survived by his wife, and 9 children: Mrs. Iva PRATHER of Christopher; J.L., Glen, and Mrs. Pearl HANSON of Villa Grove; Mrs. Myrtle BENNETT and Mrs. Irma SHELTON of Peoria; Otis PERRY of LaHarpe; Mrs. Dolly SHANAFELT of Kinmundy; and Mrs. Frances ZINDEL of Moweaqua. He was the last survivor of his own family. Services were held in the home, and the party motored to Kinmundy where services were conducted. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy.
- A large cortege of fellow workmen and friends accompanied the body of Mr. C.E. MENEELY of Champaign, Ill. to this city Tuesday for interment. I.C. train No. 1 also stopped for friends. Mr. MENEELY died very suddenly at Bluford, Ill.. After being called for his train, he being a flagman for the I.C.R.R., and failing to report, hotel authorities investigated to find him in a serious condition. Medical assistance was immediately summoned but he lived only a short while. Apoplexy was given as the cause of death. Mr. MENEELY was born April 26, 1889, being 49 years old the day of his burial. On Aug. 11, 1912, he married Miss Daisy BOUGHERS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.F. BOUGHERS, of this city. Since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. MENEELY have always made their home in Champaign, where Mr. MENEELY has served the I.C. railroad in train service as flagman and in more recent years has been an examined conductor. Surviving are his wife, mother, 2 sisters, and 1 brother. Services were held in the Stewart Chapel with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in this city.
- The little inland town of Omega, southeast of here, witnessed quite a fire Tuesday morning when the telephone exchange and the Ray SCHOOLEY blacksmith shop were destroyed by fire. The Salem fire department answered the call for help but could render very little service due to the lack of water. The telephone exchange was being operated by Bert PRATHER but the home in which it was situated was owned by Frank CHEELEY. The burning of the SCHOOLEY blacksmith shop marks the passing of an old landmark of that community. It was formerly a store building and one of the first buildings in Omega.
- Omega: An unofficial report from the community high school election reports that the school lost by 40 votes. Omega pulled a heavy vote with 182 against and 8 for the school.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Wiladene KNISELEY has been re-employed to teach Allen School the coming year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank BOSLEY and daughter, Jean, of Urbana, spent the weekend here near Omega with Mr. BOSLEYs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed BOSLEY. Mr. Ed BOSLEY is very ill, having suffered a stroke of apoplexy the latter part of the week.
- Prairie Grove: Murrell REESE, wife and son attended a birthday dinner at the Harold PERRY home Sunday.
- Shanghai: Shanghai School will close April 29. The teacher, Mrs. Bertha GASTON, has been employed to teach Excelsior School next term.
- Shanghai: Basil GENTRY and John SEE spent Friday night near Bannister with Billy GASTON celebrating his 40th birthday.
- Green Ridge: A list was printed of those attending the 70th birthday of Mr. Frank DOUDERA, Sr. and the 47th birthday of Mr. DOUDERA, Jr.
- Meacham: The patrons of Rockhold School went Apr. 22 with well filled baskets and gave the teacher, Mr. Earl YUND, and the scholars a surprise dinner, as it was the last day of school.
- Swift: Carroll GARRETT and family visited Sunday at the Clyde BASSETT home.
- Swift: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday at the Bill CONANT home.
- Mrs. Hank WRIGHT received a painful injury Wed. evening when she accidently fell in the yard at her home, tearing ligaments in her right arm.
- Wilson School: Our pupils are enjoying vacation as our school closed last Friday with Mr. B. MILLICAN as teacher.
May 5, 1938:
- Mr. Edward BOSLEY, residing on a farm just north of Omega, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a shot gun Tuesday morning. The whole country side was shocked when the news of his untimely death, was spread. A few weeks ago, Mr. BOSLEY suffered a slight stroke of apoplexy. Although his condition was such that relatives and friends believed that he was slowly regaining his health, there were times when his mind was unbalanced. Mr. BOSLEY raised about the best corn in his neighborhood and consequently, sold all his surplus corn for seed. On this particular morning, a neighbor had called to purchase some of this seed corn. He told his wife to go with the neighbor to the crib and pick out the corn. They had no sooner reached the crib until they heard the report of the gun. The back of the head was torn away by the shot. Although his physical strength had been at very low ebb during his illness, in order to get the gun, it was necessary for him to put a box on a chair and get upon the box. The body was brought to the Linton Funeral Home where services were held. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. Edward Hall, son of Amos and Mary BOSLEY, was born in Euricksville, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1868, and died at his home near Omega, May 3, 1938. When just a small lad, he moved with his parents to the home he occupied at the time of his death. After growing to manhood, he followed the carpenter trade for several years but moved back to his farm about 20 years ago. On June 21, 1899, he was married to Miss Mary DIXON, of Belleville, Ill., and they had 1 son, Frank. He leaves his wife, the son, Frank of Urbana, the daughter-in-law, and 1 granddaughter.
- The Bond Issue carried in Tuesdays election, 183 for and 85 against. The bond issue was for $6,000 for the graveling of more township roads.
- Henry MAGSAMEN, Jr., 25, of Pesotum, a semi-pro baseball player, was fatally injured at noon Sunday when the car he was driving was hit by an Illinois Central passenger train at a grade crossing one mile north of Pesotum. The auto, wrecked by the impact, burned in a ditch along route 45 attracting a crowd of several hundred motorists. MAGSAMEN died in Burnham Hospital in Champaign. A farmer who lives one fourth mile from the crossing said he saw the wreck from his barnyard, but could not say whether MAGSAMENs auto stalled on the tracks. MAGSAMEN left the home of his sister, Mrs. Elmer BEST only a few minutes before the crash and was on his way to Ivesdale to play baseball. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MAGSMEN, Sr., he leaves 4 sisters and 4 brothers. A passing motorist was the first to reach MAGSAMEN, who suffered a skull fracture, broken back, and internal injuries. Mr. MAGSAMEN was a nephew of Mr. Fred KLEISS of this community.
- Howard ROBB, son of Mrs. Lois ROBB and a senior in high school, was taken to the Effingham Clinic Tuesday suffering from an attack of appendicitis. He has been in a serious condition but is now improving. He will undergo an operation soon.
- The Girls 4-H Club officers were officially elected and the clubs have been named. The officers are as follows: Frances KLINE - President; Gladys MERCER - Vice President; Thelma BAILEY - Secretary/Treasurer; Helen PRUETT - Club Reporter; Annette VALLOW - Recreational Leader of the Cooking Club; Anna MERCER - Recreational Leader of the Sewing Club.
- James HAMMER and L.C. INGRAM are to be very highly commended for their excellent work at the Northern Egyptian Conference Track Meet April 30. They broke 3 conference records. James set new records for the 220 and 440 yard dashes; and L.C. shattered the record for the pole vault.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER had the pleasure of having with them last Sunday all of their children and families, except 1 son, Xon, of Newton, Iowa. This happy reunion was in honor of Mothers Day and planned a week early as it was a more convenient time for all to spend the day together. A sumptuous dinner was enjoyed. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F.D. ALEXANDER and 2 sons of Logansport, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. M.H. HART and son; Mr. and Mrs. Geno ALEXANDER and 2 daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Francis ALEXANDER of Champaign, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. William HUMPHREY and 2 daughters of Newton, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. D.J. ALEXANDER, son and 2 daughters of this city.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Roger MONICAL have a 10 lb. girl born Friday named Joan Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Will HIESTAND and Mr. and Mrs. Herb MONICAL are the happy grandparents.
- Pleasant Grove: Some of the young folks here attended the charivari at the Elmer BLACK home last Wednesday night for the newlyweds, Harry BLACK, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BLACK, and Lucille HIESTAND, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel HIESTAND.
- Prairie Grove: Miss Iris BROWN closed a successful term of school at Prairie Grove on Friday. The patrons of the district gathered at the noon hour with well filled baskets.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Clyde OSBORNE called on Jim BASSETT recently.
- Green Ridge: Mrs. Rada CALDWELL closed a very successful term of school Friday. Several attended the dinner at the noon hour and the program in the afternoon.
- East Zion: This community was saddened to hear of the death of Mr. Cyrus NICHOLS which occurred at the Mark Greer Hospital, Vandalia, Saturday. He was hit by a Michigan car early Saturday morning at Patoka while walking across the highway. He was immediately taken to the hospital. Services were held at Zion with interment in Patoka Cemetery. (Note: The article originally said it was Cyrus ARNOLD, but a correction was made the following week to say it was Cyrus NICHOLS who was killed.)
- Shanghai: The Frank JONES family had for their Sunday dinner guests, Bert GARRETT, wife and children, and Howard DISS and family.
- Pleasant Grove: The 200th Anniversary of John WESLEY was celebrated at the church Thursday night. Mrs. MOTZER gave a short sketch of the program and motto: "I felt my heart strangely warmed", also the invocation. The Brubaker ladies, Mrs. Gladys SQUIBB and daughter, Annabel, Mrs. Lucy RANDOLPH and niece, Miss Edith SULLIVAN, with Miss Tillie THOMPSON accompanying them on the piano, favored us with 2 numbers suitable to the occasion, one of which was written by John WESLEY himself. Biography of the WESLEYs were given, also some of the songs written by John WESLEY, followed by a Bible play of the talents. Bro. MOTZER gave the benediction after which refreshments of cookies and tea were served.
May 12, 1938:
- Francis HAMMER and Miss Edith SCHAUFELBERGER were married May 10 in the Methodist Episcopal parsonage at St. Charles, Mo. They were accompanied by Dale HAMMER, brother of the groom, and Misses Mildred ROBB and Lora JONES. Mr. HAMMER is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L.J. HAMMER of Kinmundy, and is engaged in dairy farming with his father. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed SCHAUFELBERGER of Greenville, Ill., but has made her home in Kinmundy with her aunt, Miss Beulah DISS. She is employed with the Bell Telephone Co. The couple will make their home with the grooms parents.
- The many Kinmundy friends of Mrs. Fred KLINE of Centralia will extend to her at this time their deep sympathy, because of the death of her brother, Robert STEEN. Mr. STEEN died very suddenly of a heart attack at his home in Los Angeles, Cal. on May 4. Mr. and Mrs. STEEN, Sr. were former residents of Kinmundy, and here Robert spent his early school days.
- Elmer A. SCHOOLEY, a former resident of this community, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home in Chicago, May 2. Services were held and interment made in that city. The deceased was born in Ohio but spent the greater part of his life in the vicinity of Omega and Kinmundy. He was almost 76 years of age at the time of his death. He leaves his wife, Margaret H.; 1 son, Willard Fay of Knox, Ind.; 1 daughter, Elta JOHNSON, with whom he made his home; 4 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and 1 sister, Mrs. Molly TUCKER of Olney.
- A belated charivari was accorded Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS here on the streets Monday evening by their young friends. Mrs. WILLIAMS was hardly able to walk the next day due to the effects of the wheelbarrow ride.
- Rev. and Mrs. Ira SCHLAGENHAUF came from their home in Appleton, Wis., last week that they might be here to spend Mothers Day with Mrs. SCHLAGENHAUFs mother, Mrs. Arminda BROWN. Mrs. BROWN then arranged for a homecoming of her children on Sunday, and while all could not be here at this time to greet their mother and grandmother, there were present: Mr. Willard BROWN of Effingham; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald LACEY and Mr. Arthur BROWN of Bloomington; Mr. and Mrs. McGRAW of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. MORTON of Kell; and Mr. and Mrs. Elnoe BROWN and daughters of Kinmundy. Other relatives and friends called during the afternoon.
- A long list of grade school student winners from the P.T.A. Art Exhibit were listed.
- Swift: Clyde BASSETT and family called on Wes ROBB and family Sunday afternoon.
- East Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PYLE received a message Monday evening of the death of 1 grandson and the serious injury of another in an auto wreck in Texas.
- East Zion: Rev. Monroe SMITH of Springfield, visited at the Chas. ARNOLD home over the weekend and preached at Zion Sunday morning.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Pete BUTTS took their daughter, Delma, to Olney Hospital and she was operated on Thursday night for appendicitis and is reported doing nicely. They also took their son, Gerald, to a hospital in Chicago this week for surgical treatment.
- Dr. G.P. DOUGHERTY reports the birth of a 10 lb. girl to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DONOHO, May 9.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.S. PARRISH left a week ago Sunday for Sterling, Ill. and Beloit, Wis., where they visited their sons, Donald and Hugh. They also attended funeral of Mr. PARRISHs uncle, Elmer SCHOOLEY in Chicago.
- Maxey SUGG has accepted a position in Seattle, Wash. His family will remain in Atlanta for awhile.
May 19, 1938:
- Mr. Joe VANSCYOC met with an accident Saturday afternoon which caused his death later that evening, while enroute to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia. With the consent of the Fayette County Coroner, the body was brought here to the B.F. Linton Funeral Home where it was prepared for burial. An inquest was held here by the Marion County Coroner the next day. Services were held from the M.E. Church, and the body was then taken to the Long Point church, his former home community, east of Neoga, where short services were held and interment was made in the church cemetery. For the past few years, Mr. VANSCYOC, with the help of his son, Lester, had been operating what is known as the Eckel farm of about 320 acres, east of town. On this particular day, they were planting corn, Mr. VANSCYOC driving the team to the planter and Lester using a tractor to work down the ground. At about 3:30, Lester turned his seat on the tractor over to his son, Junior, in order that he might return to his home, a distance of about a mile, in order to do some work before chore time. Junior finished the harrowing and was to do some discing. Mr. VANSCYOC left his team and came to help Junior hitch onto the disc. He was holding the stub tongue of the tractor to within about 6 inches of the hitch. In moving back these 6 inches, the clutch of the tractor broke which prevented Junior from stopping it by releasing the clutch. The tractor started to climb on the disc and this knocked Mr. VANSCYOC down across the tongue in the path of the tractor. The boy saw what was happening and killed the engine, but the tractor had pinned his grandfather, between the draw bar and the disc. He tried to shift the gears of the tractor but they would not shift. There was only one thing left to do and that was to go for help. Junior ran as fast as he could and overtook his father, who happened to stop to talk to Mr. HOWELL, who is farming the PORTER land east of town. Lester hurried back, followed by Mr. HOWELL. The team was unhitched from the planter and hitched to the tractor to pull it away enough to release Mr. VANSCYOC. He was then taken to the house in the wagon and Dr. DOUGHERTY summoned. The ambulance was then summoned and he was started for the hospital but died enroute. The draw bar had crushed the pelvis and if not injured internally, he died from the shock. Joseph VANSCYOC, son of Benjamin and Elsie VANSCYOC, was born April 15, 1874, near Neoga, Ill., and died May 14, 1938. He grew to manhood in the vicinity of Long Point, east of Neoga. He was converted at this place at an early age and remained a faithful member. On March 10, 1896, he married Nellie R. ROYER, and they had 4 children, 3 of whom preceded him in death. Besides his wife, he leaves 1 son, Lester; 5 grandchildren; 1 sister, Mrs. Mary ALDRIDGE of Neoga; 3 brothers, Benjamin of Effingham; Henry of Neoga; and Wrens of LaClede; and several nieces and nephews.
- Charles C. FENSTER died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Kate L. SONGER, May 17, after an illness of several weeks. He was 65 years, 3 months, and 20 days. Services were held from the SONGER home this afternoon with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- With hundreds of school children participating, a gigantic parade was staged Monday on Main Street in Montrose, Colorado in honor of J.B. MORGAN, retiring Superintendent of Schools, and Mrs. MORGAN. Mr. MORGAN is a brother to Mr. Wesley MORGAN of this city. This good family was raised in the North Fork community.
- Word was received here yesterday of the death of James N. RICHARDSON, which occurred at his home in Champaign Tuesday night. Services will be held in Champaign this morning after which the funeral party will motor to Kinmundy, where interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Green Ridge (from last week): Mr. Paul CALDWELL is still ill, but improving.
- Green Ridge (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Charles DONOHO have a baby boy born Friday night.
- Green Ridge (from last week): Mr. Forrest WILLIAMS and family and Tom GARRETT spent Thursday night with F.L. DOUDERA and family.
- Pleasant Grove: The 3rd quarterly meeting will be held at Pleasant Grove Sunday, May 22. Rev. HALL will deliver the message at 11 oclock.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Paul CALDWELL is slowly improving.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin CONANT and family, Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY and son spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and family.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Chas. FISHER and family, Wm. HEIFFNER, Mr. and Mrs. Marion WARREN, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie WARREN, Walter SHEIF and family and Harry SHERMAN and family, all of St. Louis spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter WARREN to celebrate Evelyns birthday.
- East Zion: This community was saddened to hear of the death of Mrs. James DEVINE who died at her home Tuesday morning. Funeral and interment were over near Omega.
- Brown: A large crowd attended the birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Ell GOODWIN in honor of his mothers 88th birthday.
- Brown: Mrs. Jim DEVINE died Monday night at her home near Patoka. Services were held at Oak Park with interment in Phillips Cemetery.
- Pleasant Grove: The Aid met with Mrs. See MILLICAN last Thursday afternoon, the meeting having been postponed Wednesday on account of the funeral of Mr. BOSLEY. 3 members and several guests were present. The next meeting will be May 18th with Mrs. Ruby VANDEVEER.
- Meacham: Mrs. William SLANE was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia Thursday and operated on that evening for appendicitis.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Mrs. Mary MAYER Sunday afternoon and on Mrs. Mary BALKE Sunday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank BOSLEY and daughter, Jean, returned to their home in Urbana, Sunday. Mr. BOSLEY had been here since the death of his father helping his mother arrange farm affairs, necessary at this time.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BLOMBERG have a 10 lb. boy born May 1st.
May 26, 1938:
- Charles Curtis FENSTER was born on a farm near Kinmundy on Jan. 27, 1873, and died May 17, 1938. He married Miss Mae BRENNER on June 8, 1897, and they had 1 daughter, Zelma. They made their home in this city until 1903 when they moved to Oklahoma City, where he lived until recently, having spent the past year in the home of his brother, Roy, in Champaign. He became ill in January and came to Kinmundy 5 weeks ago. He leaves a wife and daughter, Zelma, now Mrs. Joe HALEY, of Houston, Texas; 3 sisters of Kinmundy; 1 sister of Weleetka, Oklahoma; and 1 brother of Champaign, Ill. Services were held at the SONGER home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. Louis BERENFANGER, nee Clara DOOLEN, died in a sanitarium in Tuscon, Arizona on Wednesday. Her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan DOOLEN, were with her at the time of her death.
- Word reached here of the death of Mrs. Mary A. SANDHOFER, nee SCHOENBORN of St. Louis, Mo. on May 22. The funeral was from Clarks Funeral Home in St. Louis with interment Calvary Cemetery there. Surviving are the following children: Eva LAWRENCE, Edward, Frances, Pauline, Mrs. Lucille LLOYD, Joseph, Mrs. Josephine LAWLESS, and Maurice; 1 sister, Mrs. Kate BUSWELL of Champaign; 3 brothers, John SCHOENBORN of Parsons, Kansas; Pete SCHOENBORN of Assumption; and Tom SCHOENBORN of Cherokee, Iowa.
- Mr. Thomas BOONE was rushed to the Mark GREER hospital in Vandalia on Wednesday of last week and underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis. The appendix had ruptured and Thomas has been in a very critical condition. He is well on the way to recovery.
- Mr. Roy MISELBROOK, well known farmer in Meacham twp., delivered some berries to the Farina Shipping Association Monday and among this shipment, the State inspector opened one case which he pronounced to be the best berries he has ever seen.
- Miss Lucille LUCAS graduated as a Registered Nurse from the Missouri Baptist Hospital in St. Louis on May 19. She was an honor student. Her mother, Mrs. Henry OGLESBY, and her sister, Mrs. R.C. MAULDING of this city attended the exercises. Lucille will leave for New York City where she will take a post-graduate course specializing in mental diseases.
- Prairie Grove: Chas. MANGNER, wife and son attended the funeral of her brother-in-law, Paul MAGNUS, at St. Peter last Tuesday.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Paul CALDWELL is still on the sick list but improving.
- Green Ridge: Earl YUND of Kinmundy has been employed to teach Green Ridge school the coming term.
- East Meadow Branch: Miss Sophia Ann SLOVICK, who has been visiting her mother and brother, Mrs. Mary SLOVICK and Joe, and friends, left Sunday for Chicago to visit her brother-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Fred KURTZE and Mr. and Mrs. A.L. BEBERGER, and will leave Chicago Wednesday for Grand Canyon, Arizona, being transferred from Winslow.
- Mrs. Lydia GARRETT of Villa Grove spent Tuesday here in the home of Mrs. Icy GARRETT.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dow GREEN of Sterling, are here for a visit with Mrs. GREENs mother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, and other homefolks.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Halice LEWIS were in Vandalia Saturday and called at the hospital to see Thomas BOONE, who is a patient there having undergone an operation for relief from appendicitis. Mr. BOONE has been assistant mail carrier for Mr. Alonzo FRENCH on our route at different times.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ruby VANDEVEER entertained the Ladies Aid last Wednesday afternoon. A good attendance of our members and visitors were present. The new baby, little Joan MONICAL, made her first visit to the Ladies Aid. The next meeting will be June 8, with Mrs. Ruby HIESTAND.
June 2, 1938:
- The Annual Alumni Banquet and Reception was attended by 183 members and guests. Officers elected for the ensuing year were: Mrs. Francis HAMMER, President; Miss Florence JACK, Vice President; and Miss Alberta JACKSON, Secretary-Treasurer. A list of those attending from out-of-town were listed.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. PRUETT and Miss Helen were in Lebanon Wednesday attending the Commencement at McKendree College. Their son, Walter Burwell PRUETT, was a member of the Senior class.
- Tracy SNYDER of Sandoval, Ill., a member of the Salem Energetics 4-H Club and Amos STONECIPHER of Salem, a member of the same club, each one won a $10 certificate in the national 4-H club farm accounting contest.
- Mrs. Emma SNELLING received word Friday that her only brother, Mr. Wm. TRAVERS, of Dewitt, Ark., had suffered a paralytic stroke.
- Brown: A large crowd attended the birthday dinner at the home of Tanner MARTIN in honor of his 40th birthday.
- Shanghai Chapel: Mr. and Mrs. Howard DISS gave a kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER last Thursday evening. A large crowd of friends were present, and many useful gifts were received.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and family of Granite City are here visiting her father, Mr. Emmett JONES.
- Born at St. Josephs Hospital in Bloomington, Ill. on May 24, a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Lee MILLER, named Donnell Lee. The mother was formerly Miss Alice BASS, formerly of this city.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Paul CALDWELL is still improving.
- Green Ridge: Several from here attended Decoration Day at Sandy Branch, Sunday.
June 9, 1938:
- Mr. Elmo WILLIAMS of Sterling, Ill. and Miss Katherine LOWE of this city were married June 1 in Clinton, Iowa. The groom is the son of William WILLIAMS, residing west of Alma, and for the past few years has had employment in the wire mills in Sterling. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Sam LOWE, residing west of this city. She is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 38. This happy couple were accompanied on their wedding trip by the grooms father, his brother, Dwight, and a cousin, Katherine GILLIE. The couple will reside in Sterling.
- Miss Gladys BRADLEY, who has suffered from an infection in one of her legs for several years, had the leg amputated above the knee last week, in the Methodist Hospital at Carbondale. Kinmundy was her former home and here she taught in our Public School.
- Miss Bertha MILLER had the misfortune to have a rug slip on which she had stepped in the upper hall of her home, causing her to fall and break the 2 bones of her right leg just above the ankle. She was alone at the time, but managed to slide, step at a time, down the stairs and across the room to the porch where she called and was heard by Mrs. Lulu YODER, who summoned Dr. MILLER.
- The prospects for oil again are looking up, as much leasing is being done in Foster township.
- Mr. OSBORNE of Effingham, an employee of the I.C., had the good fortune of landing an 18 lb. buffalo while fishing Sunday in the I.C. Lake here. There are more about the same size in the lake as they have been seen on numerous occasions.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark ARNOLD are rejoicing over the arrival of a 6 lb. baby daughter, Janet Sue, who made her appearance Thursday, June 2.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Marion SIPES came home last Thursday having completed the winter term at S.I.N.U. Carbondale.
- Pleasant Grove: Owing to the rainy weather, only a few attended the Aid meeting last Wednesday, and expect to meet again this Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. HIESTAND, and Wednesday afternoon, June 15th, with Mrs. Bertha SEE.
- Mr. Albert MALINSKY, accompanied by W.S. GEORGE and family, and Wallace OSBORNE and family of Farina motored to West Frankfort, Sunday, to attend the birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.H. HARRELL. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Maude HARRELL, sister to W.S. GEORGE. Others present were: Mr. R.A. GEORGE and family of Odin, and Mr. and Mrs. John ELLIS and family of Centralia.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Eli ROBB and Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ren WAINSCOTT.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, Mrs. Ella DILLON, and Miss Anna DILLON, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ROBB and Mrs. Gertrude WADE of Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robb GREEN and family, and helped Mrs. WADE and Keith GREEN celebrate their birthdays.
- Mrs. C.F. PRUETT returned home Monday from Urbana where she had spent the winter with her sons, Charles E. and Frederic, students at the University of Illinois. Mrs. PRUETT will return for graduation ceremonies, Frederic being one of the Senior Class.
- Mrs. A.J. YOUNG and Charles returned home Monday from Urbana where they have spent 3 school years, where Charles was a student at Illinois University.
- East Zion: Mr. Fred BLACKBURN and secretary, Miss GARNER of Salem were here Thursday to help young folks organize a 4-H Club. The following officers were selected: Local Leader - Clara FRIZZELL; President - Irene BELCHER; Vice President - Lulu Mae BLACK; Secretary - Roberta ARNOLD; Reporter - Mary Jane McNICHOL; Recreation Leader - Leah Pearl WALTON.
- East Zion: Mrs. Carroll GARRETT, who has been ill for some time, was taken back to the Mark Greer Hospital at Vandalia, Saturday morning. We hope for her a speedy recovery.
- East Zion: Frank GARRETT and family spent Tuesday night at the Merle JONES home.
June 16, 1938:
- Walter NEAVILLE died in the Cook County Hospital in Chicago on June 13, death being caused from a ruptured appendix. He had complained of not feeling well for the past 2 weeks and returned from his work at the noon hour on June 6. A physician was immediately summoned and he was rushed to the hospital. The medical examinations revealed the appendix had ruptured. His mother here was notified of his illness and went to Chicago Wednesday to be with him. She returned home with the body Tuesday, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Rochelle DURKIN, with whom Walter had made his home while he had employment in Chicago. The body was taken to the family home, and funeral services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Walter George, son of Perry L. and Arminda BAYLIS NEAVILLE, was born in Kinmundy, on Sept. 29, 1914. He was the third child of a family of four - 2 girls and 2 boys. Here Walter spent his childhood, entered grade school, attended Sunday School at the Christian Church, and graduated from High School with the Class of 1932. On July 10, 1937 he went to Chicago, where he secured employment with the Ingersoll Steel Disc and Wire Company, where he worked until he was stricken with his fatal illness June 7. While in the city, he made his home with an aunt, Mrs. Tom DURKIN. His illness was not regarded as serious until last Tuesday, and he died June 13, 1938. He leaves his parents; 2 sisters, Mrs. Verchial TROUT of this city; and Mrs. Walter MILLER of Findlay; 1 brother, Perry Leonard NEAVILLE of this city; 4 nieces, 2 nephews, aunts, and uncles.
- Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON and son, Neil, are entering the Bee industry quite extensively. They now have 21 hives, and have taken care of 8 swarms so far this spring.
- Mrs. Harve BRANSON had the misfortune of falling yesterday breaking her right arm at the wrist and cutting a gash in her head. She was cleaning the ceiling in her home and fell from the ladder, her head striking the stove.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle SHRIVER of Colorado Springs, Colo. visited here while on their honeymoon. Mr. SHRIVER is the son of Mrs. Lauretta SCOTT SHRIVER, a once popular young lady of Kinmundy, and a graduate of Kinmundy High School, and the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John SCOTT.
- Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG received encouraging word Tuesday from Mrs. Howard CLINEBELL, in regard to the condition of Miss Miriam CLINEBELL. She states that the doctors have pronounced her out of danger and making a rapid stride forward. They hope to be able to make the trip from Florida to their home in Springfield in about 2 weeks.
- North Fork: Mrs. Carroll GARRETT returned last Friday from Mark Greer Hospital, where she had been receiving medical care the past week. She is slowly improving.
- North Fork: Little Miss Lila GARRETT spent part of last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George LENHART.
- North Fork: George LENHART and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and family, Sunday P.M.
- North Fork: Bert GARRETT and Orie ATKINS called on Tom JONES Sunday P.M. The latters foot is showing improvement. He has been suffering from blood poisoning the past 3 weeks.
- North Fork: C.I. DOOLEN was a caller at the Bert GARRETT home Tuesday.
- Mrs. Wesley MORGAN, Jr. left Friday for Oklahoma City, Okla. after spending 4 weeks visiting her parents and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Elnoe BROWN and Misses Virginia and Kathleen. She was joined in Oklahoma City by Mr. MORGAN and they left for Casper, Wyo., their new location.
- Mrs. S.L. BUNDY has received word of the arrival of twin girls in the home of Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTY in Gillette, Wyo. on May 28. They each weighed 7½ lbs. and were named Sharon Lee and Sharleen Rae. There are also twin boys in the family. Mrs. CHRISTY was formerly Miss Irma BUNDY, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S.L. BUNDY.
- Miss Helen MORGAN arrived in Kinmundy Saturday, spent the weekend with her parents, and then left for Carbondale, where she entered Teachers College for the summer term.
- East Zion: We are sorry to hear of the serious condition of Mr. Edwin NATTIER who is a victim of lockjaw. He is a patient in Mark Greer Hospital.
- Meacham: Mrs. Mary BALKE and Mr. and Mrs. Percy LACEY called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy BOUSMAN Sunday. Grandma BOUSMAN suffered a stroke of paralysis one day last week and is in serious condition.
- Meacham: Mrs. F.S. HARRIS called on Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Saturday afternoon.
- Pleasant Grove: We had a good attendance of members and guests at Aid Wednesday, when Mrs. Ruby HIESTAND was hostess. A quilt was taken out of the frames and bound and one put in the frames for Mrs. Lois ALDERSON, also parts given out for Childrens entertainment.
- Pleasant Grove: Erwin DAYs car caught fire Sunday night and was damaged beyond repair. Monday he purchased a new Chevrolet.
- Swift School: Billie MORRIS and family and Virgil LIVESAY and family visited Sunday evening with Clyde BASSETT and family.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Paul CALDWELL, who has been ill for sometime, is slowly improving and able to up some of the time.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.G. FORD of Alma, were in Kinmundy Sunday, calling on Mr. and Mrs. E.R. LOWE.
- East Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LENHART spent Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT. They were accompanied by their little granddaughter, Lila Pauline, who has spent several days with her grandparents.
June 23, 1938:
- Mr. Leo E. DONOVAN and Miss Marie G. OBRIEN, both of this city, were married June 18 at the Sacred Heart Church in Effingham. They were unattended. Immediately after the ceremony, they motored to Palestine, Ill., where Mr. DONOVAN returned to his duties as acting Supervisor for the Illinois Central Railroad. The groom is son is son of Mrs. Lillian DONOVAN of Champaign and a graduate of Champaign High School. Since his graduation, he has been in the employ of the Illinois Central System. For the past few years, he has called Kinmundy his home and has made several acquaintances here. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. OBRIEN of this city and is a graduate of the local high school with the Class of 22. Since her graduation, she has been in the employ of The Express, first being employed as a compositor and later as a linotype operator, which position she now holds.
- Kinmundy friends have been apprized of the marriage of Edna May LOWE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Webster LOWE, to Willard HOAK, on June 10 at their home in Palisade, Colo. They will reside on a ranch a few miles from Palaside.
- On June 16, in St. Marys Church in Champaign, Helen Elizabeth, daughter of the late Charles and Mrs. Kate BUSWELL, became the bride of John BROSNAHAN. Stafford BUSWELL, brother of the bride, gave his sister in marriage. Mrs. Robert SCHUBERT of Cairo, a friend of the bride, was matron of honor. The wedding breakfast was held at the Southern Tea Room to 35 relatives and friends. The couple will make their home in Champaign. Kinmundy was the home of the BUSWELL family until after the death of Mr. BUSWELL when they moved to Champaign.
- George CRISMAN of Deland announces the marriage of his daughters, Miss Ruth and Miss Lenora CRISMAN, to Decatur young men in a double wedding June 18 in the First Methodist parsonage in Decatur. Miss Ruth CRISMAN became the bride of Joseph Woodrow TELFORD, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. TELFORD of Salem, formerly of Decatur. Miss Lenora CRISMAN became the bride of Edwin L. FRECH, son of Dr. and Mrs. Lee FRECH. Mrs. TELFORD attended high school in Decatur, but graduated in Deland. Mr. TELFORD is a graduate of Decatur High School, later attending Illinois University, and now a student at University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago. He and his bride will pass the summer in Salem returning to Chicago in the fall, when Mr. TELFORD will resume his studies. Mr. TELFORD is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. WILKINSON.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed BOUGHERS motored to Effingham, Saturday where they were guests of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando SCHWABE. On Sunday they celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary, also Dads day. They were accompanied by Mrs. Daisy MENEELY.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.M. FISHER are entertaining this week, a house party for Mrs. FISHERs sisters - the SEXTON sisters, who have not been in Kinmundy, all at one time, since the death of their mother, in 1906. The sisters: Gertie, Mrs. Roy HUNT, of Temple City, Cal.; Annie, Mrs. Wayne WHITLOCK, of Spear Fish, South Dakota; Nettie, Mrs. Bernie BAILEY, of Three Rivers, Mich.; Julia, Mrs. Otis PENETON, of Hammond, Ind.; Bessie, Mrs. Ray HARGRAVE, of Centralia, Ill.; Alice, Mrs. Tom MANGNER, of Chicago; Pearl, Mrs. Hubert FISHER, and Miss Della SEXTON, of Kinmundy.
- Wilson School: Sunday being Fathers Day, the children and grandchildren and several other relatives gathered at the home of Wm. MEYER, Sr. where a delicious dinner was served. Those present were: Mrs. Kate HASSEBROCK, Mrs. Lizzie GERHARDT, Mrs. Yetta HANEY and son of St. Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis BUTTS and family of Athens, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Albert MEYER and family of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil KEEN and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marion SHUFELDT and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank KOLB and family. The young folks attended a ballgame in the afternoon.
- Meacham: On June 21, the Community Birthday Circle gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed DILLON and pleasantly surprised Mrs. DILLON, it being her birthday. A social hour was enjoyed by all after which delicious ice cream and cake was served.
- Swift School: Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY and daughter, and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters called on their brother, Clyde GARRETT and wife Saturday afternoon. Mrs. GARRETT remains very poorly.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters called on Mr. and Mrs. Dick ATKINS Sunday afternoon.
- Pleasant Grove: The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Bertha SEE last Wednesday afternoon with very good attendance. Several new guests were present which are always welcome. Quite a bit of work was accomplished. Our next meeting will be with Mrs. Amy SIPES, July 6, as Brother MOTZER announced a Sunday School meeting to be held in Alma, Wednesday afternoon, June 29, and wishes that the teachers and officers of the Sunday School to attend.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd enjoyed the Childrens program Sunday night, of which the young folks were in charge.
- East Meadow Branch: Joe SLOVICK left Friday morning for Chicago, where he expects to have employment.
- East Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. T.A. McCULLEY and Dorothy attended the homecoming at Mt. Moriah church recently.
- East Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. R.C. ROBB and daughter, Rhea, and family visited Sunday in the W.F. ROBB home.
- Prairie Grove: Bert FORD, wife and son, Carroll, were supper guests in Farina at the home of her mother, Mrs. BAILEY, Thursday evening, it being Carrolls birthday.
- Prairie: Ted MAYBERRY, is driving the milk truck for Halice LEWIS.
- East Zion: We are glad to hear that Mr. Edwin NATTIER is improving from his illness. We hope that he will soon be able to return home from the hospital.
- Shanghai Chapel: Mr. and Mrs. Marlin DISS, daughter Irene, and 3 sons arrived Sunday from Hooper, Colorado for a visit with relatives and friends.
June 30, 1938:
- Mr. B.F. LINTON received a message Tuesday announcing the death of Mrs. Alice AHLEE which occurred in San Antonio, Texas. The body will arrive here tomorrow on the I.C. Train and after short services, will be interred on the T.H. CRAWFORD lot in Evergreen Cemetery.
- On June 26, a number of relatives and friends met at Bryan Memorial Park in Salem for a picnic in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin DISS and children who are visiting from Hooper, Colorado. A basket dinner was served at noon and the afternoon was spent in visiting. A long list of those present to enjoy this happy occasion with Marlin and Alta and the children were listed.
- Mr. and Mrs. John MITCHELL whose marriage took place in St. Louis, very recently, and are now making their home in Kinmundy, were given a reception and shower on Thursday evening by friends from out-of-town.
- East Meadow Branch: Mrs. Marjorie McCLURE has gone to Flora where she has employment in a beauty shop.
- Wilson School: On Monday evening a crowd of 40 gathered at the Chris MEYER home, giving his daughter, Miss Ruth, a very pleasant surprise in honor of her 18th birthday. Games and a good time were enjoyed and refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL, Sunday afternoon.
- North Fork: Noah JONES of Centralia was a caller at the T.M. JONES home Monday and reports the arrival of a baby boy in their home in Centralia named Glenn Gilbert.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB were guests of their parents, B.O. GARRETTs, Sunday.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. George LENHART visited their daughter, Mrs. Clyde GARRETT, Monday afternoon.
- Shanghai Chapel: Wednesday being Howard DISS birthday, his relatives surprised him. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Orville DISS, Lowell DISS, wife and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER, Miss Beulah DISS, Mrs. Josie GREEN and daughter of Farina, and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin DISS of Hooper, Colorado.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Bert PRATHER have a baby born last week.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT, son Marvin, and daughter Ruth, spent Saturday and Sunday in Ferguson, Mo., with relatives and friends, Miss Ruth remarried for a visit until the 4th of July.
- Prairie Grove: Mrs. Irwin PARRILL and daughter, Earlene, are here from South America, spending several days with Mr. PARRILLs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean PARRILL and son.
- Prairie Grove: Arthur WEISS, wife and daughter attended a family dinner at the home of her parents, Thos. NEAL and wife, it being in honor of her mothers 67th birthday.
- Prairie Grove: Glen SIGRIST and family visited Sunday afternoon at the Thed SIGRIST home getting acquainted with the new baby girl.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Archie "Bud" CALDWELL and Miss Delila McWHIRTER were married June 25 at St. Louis. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lessie McWHIRTER, who resides west of Alma. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Peck CALDWELL, and is engaged in farming with his father. They will make their home with the grooms parents.
- Green Ridge: We are happy to report Mr. Paul CALDWELL is able to be out again.
- Green Ridge: Several of the young folks gathered at the home of Mr. Forrest WILLIAMS Tuesday and helped their son Henry celebrate his 20th birthday.
- Pleasant Grove: The funeral of Mrs. Russell TATE was held at Lovells Grove Church Friday.
- Pleasant Grove: Our young folks enjoyed a surprise birthday dinner given for Miss Ruth MEYERS at her home Monday night. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.
- Meacham: Mrs. Caroline FINNEY, mother of Mrs. F.S. FINNEY, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank WEAVER near Casey on Tuesday aged 87 years and 2 months.
- Meacham: Sunday being the birthday of Mrs. Tom NEAL, all of her children went to her home to help her celebrate the occasion. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer NEAL and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton NEAL, Mr. and Mrs. Ivory NEAL and son, Mr. and Mrs. Art WEISS and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul BRASEL and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin HAMPSTEN and family, Verl BEARD and family.
- Meacham: Mrs. Finetta CROSSETT is entertaining her friends, Miss FLOWERS of New York, who is on her way home from an extended stay in Dallas, Texas. Sunday they were surprised with a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claude CROSSETT and Miss Rhoda, and Mr. MARION of Granite City. This was the wedding anniversary of both Mrs. Finetta CROSSETT and Mr. and Mrs. Claude CROSSETT.
- Meacham: Miss Ruby ARNOLD left Wednesday from Chicago, where she is employed in the Shriners Hospital after a few weeks visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. ARNOLD.
July 7, 1938:
- City officials received a telegram from Washington, D.C. stating a grant of $32,727 had been made by the government toward the cost of installing a waterworks plant. The city will have to raise $40,000 for the plant.
- A HOWELL family basket dinner was held at the home of Charles HOWELL on July 4, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan HOWELL and son, Burrell , who are visiting here from Long Beach, Cal. A long list of those attending was listed.
- Mrs. Guy SEE died at her home in Kankakee, Ill. from apoplexy. The body was brought here Saturday morning, and services were held from the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Martha M. ROBB, second daughter of R.C. and Hannah SWIFT ROBB, was born at the family farm home near Kinmundy, Aug. 23, 1891. She was a member of a family of 15 children, 2 of whom, an infant and a brother, John, preceded her in death, and the mother died May 31, 1924. She attended the rural grade school and later Kinmundy High School. When a young woman she joined the Christian Church. On Nov. 5, 1913, she married H. Guy SEE, and they made their home southwest of Kinmundy, later moving to Kankakee where they have since resided. They had 4 children: an infant who preceded her in death; Max, who just graduated from High School; and Fredrick and Donna Mae. She had not been well for some time, but took suddenly ill June 30, and died July 1, 1938. She is survived by her husband and children, father, step-mother; brothers and sisters Thurman of Kinmundy; Roy of Lansing, Mich.; Wes of Kinmundy; Betty CHEADLE of Kankakee; Bryan of Wisconsin; Mack of Kinmundy; Lloyd of Lansing; Glenn of Salem; Lester and Robbie of Lansing; Rhea MORRELL of Flint, Mich; and Dora KLINE of St. Joseph, Mo. A list of those attending the services from out of town was included.
- Mrs. Anna FOSTER had the misfortune of getting her collar bone broken in a car accident last evening. Mr. Roy LINGENFELTER, in company with his mother, Mrs. Jennie LINGENFELTER, Mrs. Anna FOSTER and daughter, Edna, and Miss Nora YOUNKIN were motoring to Salem. Just south of the overhead crossing south of Alma, the car struck some cattle which were crossing the road. The car was badly damaged, and Mrs. FOSTER was placed under the care of Dr. Hugo MILLER.
- At noon on Thursday, the fire alarm sounded, which told the public the John CURRY Barber Shop was on fire. The well had caught from the oil stove. The blaze was quickly extinguished by means of buckets, with a slight damage to the building.
- Mr. Art COCKRELL has moved his used furniture establishment back to Kinmundy. He moved from here to Edgewood and then to Salem. He says he didnt like the water in Salem and therefore came back to Kinmundy.
- Frederic A. PRUETT will be located in Chicago, on and after July 11, as Publicity Director for the Air Line Pilots Association. July 11, also marks the 21st birthday anniversary of Frederic.
- At a regular meeting of Kinmundy Lodge, No. 398, A.F. & A.M. held last evening, and they elected officers, which were listed.
- City Marshal John BORING tendered his resignation to the city officials Monday. Consequently, we will be without a cop until the next regular meeting in the City Council.
- Miss Wilmadeen TROUT had her tonsils removed Wednesday in the Mark Greers Hospital.
- East Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LENHART spent Monday night with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and Pauline.
- Brown: Masel BROWN and family, S.J. MULVANY, Arvie MULVANY and family, W.H. MULVANY and wife, Lonnie MULVANY and family were among those who attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary at Bryan Memorial Park, Sunday in honor of Eli ANDERSON and wife. There was a large crowd in attendance.
- Pleasant Grove: There will be an ice cream supper on Pleasant Grove Saturday night, July 16, for the benefit of the Sunday School. A welcome is extended to all.
- Shanghai: Mrs. Mel GRAY has malaria.
July 14, 1938:
- Louis B. HARLAN, retired agent at Tuscola, was guest of honor July 12 at a banquet after completing 50 years service with Illinois Central. HARLAN, Sr., was born in Indianapolis, Ind. on April 1, 1868, and moved to Illinois with his parents when 8 years of age. He was educated in Kinmundy, where he learned telegraphy under William M. CHAPMAN, agent at this point in the middle 80's. He worked at various points on the Illinois Central between Chicago and Cairo. Mrs. E. WORMLEY and daughter, Katherine, were special guests at this dinner Tuesday evening.
- Mr. Oscar YUND, residing north of this city, died this morning. Mrs. YUND arose a little earlier than common this morning, did some of her morning work, and then about 5 oclock, she went to awaken her husband, but found him dead. Dr. MILLER was immediately summoned, and he stated that, he had been dead only about 30 minutes. He ate his supper as usual yesterday and after resting a short while, he returned to the hay field to do some shocking. After this he took a bath and sat around for awhile talking with the family and then retired.
- Mr. and Mrs. P.W. PIPER announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia, to Mr. Robert FISHER of St. Joseph, Mo. on July 3. The young couple met in Texas in 1936. They will make their home in St. Joseph, where Mr. FISHER is employed at manager in the meat department of Western States Store.
- More than 50 water agreements have been secured in a short time on Monday afternoon by residents.
- The city has employed Mr. Ralph FEATHERS as city marshal. He entered upon his duties his last week and will, no doubt, make us a good peace officer.
- Green Ridge: Mr. and Mrs. Forrest WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Noah THOMAS, and Mr. and Mrs. F.L. DOUDERA, Jr., attended the birthday dinner of Mrs. Mandy NICHOLS in Wayesville recently.
- Prairie Grove: Miss Betty WINEGARNER of Iuka has been employed to teach Prairie Grove the coming term.
- Prairie Grove: Charles LACEY and wife are parents of a baby boy born July 10.
- Shanghai: Orville GORDON has a serious burn on his right leg, the result of filling a tractor tank with gasoline too near a lighted lantern. This happened early Friday morning.
- East Zion: Mrs. Orie GREEN and children, Eli, Cleda, Pearl and Margaret, Paul and Marie DOOLEN, and Mrs. Mag EAGAN at Sunday dinner July 10th at the Chas. ARNOLD home helping celebrate their daughter Roberts, 19th birthday, and Miss Margaret GREENs 9th birthday.
- Pleasant Grove: A good sized crowd attended the ice cream supper Saturday night which thru mistake, was announced for the 16th. The proceeds were $14.76.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd, numbering several more than 100, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred GRIFFIN Tuesday night. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served and all report a good time.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Amy SIPES entertained the Aid Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance of members and guests. It was voted to meet at the church for the next meeting.
- Meacham: Mrs. Martha PETERS and daughter, Mrs. Nellie JUDY, called on Mr. F.S. HARRIS and Mrs. Allen BLAINE, today. They were had moved to Oklahoma City, where they have been living for son Ellis health. They lived in Meacham in the past.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Mrs. Dora HEICHER Sunday evening.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard CLINEBELL and family of Springfield were also guests, it being Miss Miriam CLINEBELLs birthday. We are glad to report Miriam is nearly in normal health after her illness.
- North Fork: Marvin and Elvin CONANT and families, Fletch and George COLE and families, Mack and Kenneth ROBB and Merle JONES and family, Jim BASSETT and family, and R.H. GREEN and family, and Norma GARRETT spent Sunday near Tuscola at Patterson Springs. Elsworth HARVEY, wife and son, Billy, Ira CONANT, Mercer BROWN, and Cecil HARVEY and family of Ridgefarm joining our crowd and a delicious dinner was served at noon. All enjoyed the WDZ broadcast all day.
- North Fork: Mrs. Lora ARNOLD was in Vandalia last week attending the funeral of her half sister, Meade GREER.
- Dale HAMMER left Monday for Chicago to attend a school of embalming, which will be in session for a few days.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BECHTELHEIMER and daughter, Mary Kay of Waterloo, Iowa, left for their home Monday, having spent a week or more visiting Mrs. BECHTELHEIMERs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan ARNOLD and other relatives and friends. Their nephew, Beryl DISS, accompanied them on their return.
July 21, 1938:
- Oscar YUND, son of Phillip and Elizabeth YUND, was born July 9, 1874, and died July 14, 1938. He married Nola LANSFORD, daughter of I.I. and Fannie LANSFORD, and they had 6 children. Mr. YUND has been a resident of this community for many years. When a young man, he became a member of the St. Paul Lutheran Church. He leaves his wife; and 6 children, Harold of Del Monte, Colo.; L____a of Champaign; Phyllis SIGRIST of Farina; Addie, Jimmy and Dickey of home; 1 sister, Mrs. Ida DECKERT of St. Elmo; 1 brother, Edwin YUND of Kinmundy; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held from the home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. Lenard LEWIN, who moved his cheese factory away from here last fall, has relocated here. He is now busily engaged in fixing up the building and will be ready to again make cheese within a few days. We were very sorry to see Mr. LEWIN leave us last fall and we are happy to see him return.
- Virgil LIVESAY Breaks Back in Fall from Ladder Friday While Building House: Mr. Virgil LIVESAY, who has been assisting in the building of a new house for Clyde BALLANCE, fell from a ladder Friday, breaking a vertebra. He was on a 20-foot ladder nailing on weather boarding and was almost to the top of the ladder. The ladder slipped and let him fall. While falling, he struck a 1 X 4 scaffold brace edge-wise, breaking it. This, no doubt, broke his fall, and presumably his back. He was rushed to the Effingham Hospital where he was pronounced in a serious condition. Reports from the hospital the next day were to the effect that his condition was not as serious as it was first thought to be but he will have to remain there for a period of about 3 weeks. The last reports are to the effect that he is getting along as well as can be expected.
- Miss Ida RUTHERFORD had the misfortune of falling down the stairs in her home Sunday afternoon, bruising herself considerably. There were no bones broken but she was in such pain that she was removed to the Salem Hospital Tuesday morning where she is recuperating.
- Bob MAHAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. MAHAN, underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago Tuesday.
- Miss Virginia BROWN is home from the Mark Greer Hospital, Vandalia, where she had a tonsilitis operation.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT, Mr. and Mrs. Dow GREEN, and Mr. Charles DOOLEN are on a motor trip visiting relatives and friends in Missouri, Oklahoma City, Oaklahoma, Little Rock, Ark., and Memphis, Tenn. In Little Rock they visited Mrs. DARDEN, nee Etta FOSTER, a niece of Mrs. Fannie LOWE, whose girlhood home was in Kinmundy.
- Meadow Branch: Fern RIPPY had her appendix remained at St. Marys Hospital in Centralia Monday night, a week ago, and is recovering nicely. Her mother, Mrs. Walter RIPPY is staying with her.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Homer MILNER returned home Sunday from the Clifford HAWKEY home, where she had been caring for Mrs. HAWKEY and the little new daughter.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Wes ROBB, Mrs. Agnes HINES, Mr. and Mrs. Dean CLESSON, and Robert MARSHALL attended the funeral of Mr. Oscar YUND Saturday afternoon.
- Wilson School: Sunday, a very pleasant surprise was given Mrs. Chris MEYER in honor of her birthday. A delicious basket dinner was served at the noon hour, and ice cream and cake were enjoyed in the afternoon. Present were: Ora DOUGLAS and family of Centralia, Mrs. Florence OWENS of Stanford, Herschel MULVANY and mother of Iuka, Ed WEBB and family of Salem, and Marion SHUFELDT. Evening visitors were Albert MEYER and family.
- Mrs. Fannie LOWEs friends will be glad to know she is well enough to return to her home after so many weeks illness in the home of her niece, Mrs. Icy GARRETT.
- Swift School: Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY spent Sunday in Effingham with her husband who is a patient in the hospital there. He is getting along nicely, and we hope for him a speedy recovery.
- Swift School: Irene LIVESAY spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and family.
- Greenridge: Mrs. James BILEK left thus for Chicago to attend the wedding of her nephew, John DOUDERA, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John DOUDERA.
- Greenridge: Mr. Tom GARRETT and Dresden HEADLEY called at the Noah THOMAS home Sunday afternoon.
- South of Town: Mr. and Mrs. Denard MERCER took their daughter, Dorothy to the hospital in Bloomington, Saturday. On Monday she underwent an operation for the removal of a goitre.
- Meacham: Miss Katie HULTS of Kinmundy was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL over the weekend.
- Brown: Mrs. Stella CANTRELL, wife of Rolly CANTRELL, died at her home near Xenia, Monday night. Services were held at Chapel Church with interment in Parker Cemetery. She was ill only a few days, having been bitten by a tick which caused Mountain Spotted Fever. She leaves her husband and 1 daughter.
July 28, 1938:
- Mr. George FIELDS died Tuesday evening, just a few minutes after leaving the business district. He had worked all day in Farina, digging a cistern. He had returned home at the usual hour and had cut an armful of fodder in Will EAGANs, a neighbors, garden, and was on his way to milk. He pastured a cow in the Joe BACKENSTO pasture and was walking down the private road leading to the Annie YOUNG home. Under one arm he was carrying the fodder, in the other hand he was carrying his milk bucket and fly sprayer. Miss Beulah DISS saw him pass her house and soon heard the rattle of the milk bucket and sprayer falling on the ground. When she reached him, he was dead. Mrs. FIELDS was near Walnut Hill where she has been assisting in the car of a relative who is dangerously ill. It was not possible to reach her by telephone so Burdette MAXEY was sent after her. The Coroner pronounced it either apoplexy or heart trouble. He was 65 years and 2 months at the time of his death. He was born near Dix, the son of J.R. and Malissa FIELDS, where he grew to manhood. While a lad, he joined the M.E. Church at Dix where he retained his membership. In 1902, he married Minnie B. SHAW, and they had 2 children, 1 son, Joy, and 1 daughter, Mary Bell. Just 2 years ago their daughter died. The son, Joy, now resides in Boulder City, Nevada, and was not able to make the trip home to comfort his mother on account of his wife undergoing an operation Tuesday morning. Services will be held from the Baptist Church in this city with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- D.A. ARNOLD, Jr., was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia yesterday afternoon, suffering from an attack of appendicitis. An emergency operation was performed and he is getting along nicely.
- The 78th birthday of Mrs. Lizzie GENTRY was very happily observed Sunday, when her 5 sons, with their families, came to spend this auspicious day with her. They were Sherman, Fred and Henry from Decatur, and Retus and Shelly from near Kinmundy. They, with their children and grandchildren, numbered 28.
- Brown: Arvie MULVANEY and family attended the funeral of little Beverly Ann ODELL held at Penacost Church.
- East Zion: James BASSETT and family spent Sunday with James OSBORNE and wife.
- North Fork: Carroll GARRETT and family spent Sunday with Mose ADAMS and family.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday with her parents, B.O. GARRETT and family.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Carl HEADLY and daughter, Donna, and nephew, Dwane HEADLY of Lansing, Michigan came Sunday to spend their vacation with their parents Win HEADLY and Bert GARRETT and families.
- Swift School: Frank GARRETT of Granite City is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY.
- Swift School: Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY and children spent Sunday in Effingham Hospital with Mr. LIVESAY. They report him doing nicely.
- Pleasant Grove: The Pleasant Grove Epworth League attended League at Zion Church Sunday night and were entertained by the League from Young.
- Meacham: Mr. Paul PERRY and Miss Louise PERRY, a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert COPPLE, were married last Thursday. That evening they were given a rousing charivari at the home of his mother, Mrs. Myrtle PERRY.
- Meacham: Mr. Orin BUTTS had the misfortune to lose their garage and their car by fire, Monday morning.
- Green Ridge: Mr. and Mrs. Paul CALDWELL moved to their home in Alma last week. Mr. CALDWELL has gone back to work.
- Omega: Fred MULVANY was thrown from a wagon last week and injured his back. He is now able to be in town but walks very proud.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard LEWIN who are again residents of Kinmundy, have taken rooms with Mrs. Arminda BROWN.
Aug. 4, 1938:
- George Nelson FIELDS, son of J.R. and Malissa FIELDS, was born May 26, 1873 in Dix, Ill., and died near his home in Kinmundy on July 26, 1938. He grew to manhood in the community of his birthplace, and when just a lad became a member of the M.E. Church at that place. On Dec. 23, 1902, he married to Miss Minnie SHAW of Walnut Hill, Ill., and they had 2 children, Joy N. and Mary Bell, the latter who died just 2 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. FIELDS came to the came to the vicinity of Kinmundy in 1905, where Mr. FIELDS worked as a farm hand for the late W.H. MAXEY. It was not long until he was farming for himself. He did not farm on a large scale and consequently hired out as a hand a part of the time. No matter what kind of work he did, he did it well. He was very congenial and was always anxious to make friends with everyone. He was particularly fond of his 2 grandchildren, namely Billy Gene and Joyce Arlene. The son and daughter-in-law were very dear to him and the space of 2 years had not healed the wound caused by the death of the only daughter, Mary. Mr. FIELDS was the last of his family and leaves only 3 nieces, namely Mrs. Elmer PETREA and Miss Ruth HAGARTY of Centralia and Mrs. Ruth HUTCHINSON of Chicago. Besides these, he leaves his wife, and the son, Joy, and family of Boulder City, Nevada. Services were held from the Baptist Church in this city with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Nathaniel BASSETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert BASSETT, born Oct. 28, 1867, and died July 29, 1938. In 1892 he married Maria MAYHILL, and they had 1 daughter, Bessie, who died at the age of 6 years. 20 years ago he united with the Church of Christ. He spent most of his life in the community surrounding Kinmundy. He leaves to mourn his wife, 1 stepson, Albert, and 8 grandchildren. Services were held from the Christian Church in Salem with interment there.
- Miss Evangeline PARRILL was in Effingham Sunday attending the 7th reunion of Austin College Student Association. A number of Kinmundy people were once students of Austin College, the only 3 present Sunday were: Miss PARRILL, Harry MILLER of Nokomis, and Mrs. G.L. KISNER nee Mabelle FORSHEE of Terre Haute, Ind.
- Richard MAULDING, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. MAULDING, was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital, early this morning suffering from an attack of appendicitis. He underwent an operation this morning for the removal of the appendix.
- Mrs. Susanna JONES, widow of the late O.P. JONES, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe BASS, near Centralia Wednesday, aged 87 years and 3 months. Services will be held from the Church of God with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Martin WANTLAND, formerly of near this city, was killed in a car accident near his home in Carlyle Thursday. B.F. LINTON brought the body to the home of his step-mother in Alma. Services were held from the Christian Church in Alma with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in this city. Martin Wiley WANTLAND, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. WANTLAND, was born near Kinmundy, July 22, 1911, and died July 28, 1938. He was married to Miss Bessie BRANSON of Salem in 1931, and they had 4 children: Betty Jane, Mary Joan, William Herbert, and Francis Martin. He was preceded in death by his mother, father, and 1 brother who died in infancy. He is survived by his wife, children, 1 sister, Miss Erma WANTLAND of Decatur, 2 brothers, Lloyd of Kinmundy, and Douglas of Decatur, and a step-mother of Alma.
- There appears to be much oil activity west of town at the present time, and we sincerely hope it will continue. The core-drilling outfit have completed one test on the Cleve DOOLEN farm and are at present working on the Win HEADLY land south of the North Fork school. The results of these tests remain the secret of the company. A tower is being put up on the A.D. NICHOLS farm on the Kinmundy-Patoka road and a drilling rig will be moved in soon. It is our understanding that other wells will be drilled on the NEILSON and LUCAS farms also in Foster twp.
- Samuel GRAY, age 86, died in the home of his sister, Mrs. Ellis Fry in Tuscola Tuesday. Services will be held in Tuscola this afternoon, and the body will be brought here and laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased is a half-brother to Mrs. Rebecca ZEIGLER of this city.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT.
- Swift School: Mrs. Elsie DOOLEN is the proud owner of a new Maytag washing machine.
- Swift School: Miss Gladys GARRETT spent a few days with her aunts, Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY.
- Swift School: Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters, visited Sunday at the Effingham hospital with Mr. Virgil LIVESAY, who is very much improved.
- Meadow Branch: This community was shocked to hear of the death of Martin WANTLAND last Thursday night. Quite a number from here attended the funeral at Alma. Martin was born in this neighborhood in the house where Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCULLEY now live. His parents were splendid neighbors.
- Meacham: J.W. WHITTENBURG and wife, Harry WHITTENBURG and son, William, of Madisonville, Ky., and Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON attended the TATE family reunion at Mt. Vernon Park on Sunday. A large crowd of the family from southern Illinois, and Evansville, Ind. were present. After a fine dinner, the Mayor of Mt. Vernon gave the welcome address, and there was a musical quartet. J.W. WHITTENBURG gave an interesting history of the TATE family.
- Meacham: Mr. Nathaniel BASSETT died at his home Friday night, and was laid to rest in a cemetery in Sailor Springs, Ill. on Sunday. Mrs. BASSETT has the sympathy of the neighborhood.
- Pleasant Grove: Charles WANTLAND and Pearl ROSE, received word of the death of their nephew, Martin WANTLAND, who was killed in a truck accident near Carlyle Thursday evening. Services were held at the Christian Church in Alma with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Miss Nelle INGRAM returned Saturday from Boulder, Colo. where she attended the University of Colorado. She was accompanied home by her cousin, Mrs. Mildred AUSTIN, and daughter, Helen, of Minneapolis, Kansas.
Aug. 11, 1938:
- Services were held for George W. NEWELL Friday at the M.E. Church. 6 nephews acted as pallbearers, namely, Riley and Harley NEWELL, David, Maurice, Xon and Willard SCHOOLEY. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. A list of those attending from out-of-town were printed. It was the request of Mr. NEWELL that there be no obituary but with the consent of the bereaved companion, the following sketch has been prepared for publication: George Washington, son of Samuel and Sarah NEWELL, was born in Bridgeport, Ill. on Oct. 30, 1866, and died at his home in Kinmundy Aug. 3, 1938. He was the youngest of a family of 3 boys. The mother died when he was only 2 years of age. The father never remarried, but held his little family together until the boys were grown. George was educated in Bridgeport schools and after finishing there, attended the Southern Illinois Normal University, taking a short course in teaching. He taught school for 6 years, and for 3 years was employed as an attendant at Anna State Hospital. It was while working here that he met his future bride, Ella SCHOOLEY, of this city, who was also employed there as an attendant, and on Feb. 20, 1896, they were married. Just a year after their marriage they came to Kinmundy where Mr. NEWELL was employed by WILSON & DAVIS in the merchandising business. He later entered business for himself, but in 1911, was compelled to sell his business to look after the affairs of his father, who died that year. Soon after coming to Kinmundy, he joined the M.E. Church South, later moving his membership to the M.E. Church where he remained a member until his death. He has been a member of the board there, secretary of the church until 2 years ago, and church treasurer for the past 20 years. No children came to bless the home, but the nephews knew they were always welcome at uncle Georges and aunt Ellas. Mrs. Willard KAMPMAN, nee Mable GREEN, was like a daughter to them, and made her home in their home for several years. Just a year ago, while the M.E. Church was being redecorated, there was an inscription of the Holy Bible painted on the wall above the altar at no small expense. The donors name remained a secret until his death. It was Mr. NEWELL who had this done and at the time he swore the painters to secrecy. Mr. NEWELL had been in ill health for the past 10 years, but for the past 9 months, had been confined to his bed. Besides his wife, he also leaves 2 brothers, J.T. NEWELL of Sumner, and H.A. NEWELL of Bridgeport, and many nephews and nieces.
- Mr. and Mrs. G.R. ROLLINSON are the proud parents of a son, who made his arrival early last Friday morning. G.R. was so hilarious over the occasion, that he staged a regular "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere", broadcasting the news over the neighborhood. Grandpa and Grandma COLE havent come down to earth yet and uncle Bill said, "Youll just have to name him William." Therefore the youngster will be known as Paul William.
- The A.D. NICHOLS well was spudded in and drilled to a depth of 160 feet and the casing set. We understand the stake has been set for the location on the LUCAS farm and a rig will be moved in soon. The WILSON well south of Alma was drilled to a depth of 2200 feet and has been abandoned. They drilled through the Benoist sand but found it dry.
- In the County 4-H Judging Contests for Girls 4-H clubs of Marion county, first place in the style show was awarded to Miss Willadean SHAFFER, a member of the Brubaker Handymaids Club, who modeled a navy blue polka dot tailored dress. Second place honor was awarded to Miss Frances KLINE of Alma, a member of the Kinmundy Dandy Stitchers 4-H Club. Miss KLINE modeled a school dress. Both Miss SHAFFER and Miss KLINE will represent Marion County at the annual State Dress Revue to be held at the State Fair next week. In the foods judging, 2 girls will represent Marion County, Miss Annette VALLOW, a member of the Kinmundy Menuettes 4-H Club, and Miss Marian ARCHER, a member of the Sandoval 4-H Club. In clothing judging, Miss Maurine HAWLEY, a member of the Sandoval Clothing Club placed high, and if shes not able to attend the State Fair, Miss Virginia ARCHER, also of the Sandoval Club, will represent the county.
- The Annual Alma Homecoming will be held Aug. 14 at Jollywoods Park. There will be a basket dinner at noon and a good program in the afternoon.
- The Ray ZARLINGTON Comedians will be here next week. Their tent will be pitched in the City Park. They promise a highly entertaining and a good clean show at very moderate prices.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Lyle WILLIAMS has returned home from Chicago where he has been attending barber school the past year.
- Green Ridge: An oil rig has been put up on the A.D. NICHOLS farm.
- Green Ridge: Miss Bessie THOMAS returned home Saturday after being employed for Mrs. Clyde GARRETT for several weeks.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Carl HEADLY and daughter returned Sunday to their home in Lansing, Mich., after spending their vacation here with home folks.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Leo KENNEDY of Sandoval, called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
- Meacham: Mrs. Dora HEICHER and family called on Edwin HARRELL Sunday evening.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. Walter RIPPY had his arm badly injured Sunday morning while hunting from a gun explosion.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth JONES have moved their household furnishings here from Chicago and are now at home in the property of Mr. and Mrs. Don JACKSON near the C. & E.I. depot.
- Mr. and Mrs. James HORTON of Vandalia have a son, Robert Dean, born in their home. The mother was before her marriage, a teacher in Kinmundy H.S.
- Miss Mabel GARRETT of Wheeling, W. Va. arrived Sunday in Kinmundy to visit her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Orville GARRETT, and other relatives and friends.
Aug. 18, 1938:
- Tennis Austin MARTIN, son of Dr. and Mrs. J.R. MARTIN, was born in Hatton, Alabama, March 29, 1890, and died Aug. 12, 1938, in the Methodist Parsonage in Farina, Ill. Mr. MARTIN was left an orphan at the age of 5 years old, and was then brought by an uncle to Illinois, in whose home he was reared. Mr. MARTIN joined the ministry and was admitted to the Southern Illinois Conference in 1911and had served several area churches including Kinmundy. He was married to Miss Elsie Pearl BATSON of Carbondale in Nov., 1911, and they had 2 children, De Mova MAURLINE, now Mrs. George MAURLIN of St. Louis, and Robert Eldon. His wife died Jan. 14, 1920. He later married Miss Ruth RUSH of Litchfield, and they had 2 children, Francis June, dying in infancy, and Max Lee, the loved brother of the 2 older children. He also leaves 2 sisters, Mrs. H.R. CHURCH of Sherman, Texas; and Mrs. Miles LEEK Jr. of Elkville. Services were held in the M.E. Church in Farina, and then the body was taken to Elkville for interment in Elkville Cemetery.
- Mr. Lenard LEWIN reports the supply of milk coming to the cheese factory increasing. He is now receiving about 2500 lbs. of milk daily.
- A picture of the 4-H girls who won county awards and will attend the State Fair was printed, and included: Donna BELL of Sandoval; Francis KLINE of Alma; Willadean SHAFFER of Kinmundy; and Ruth BELL of Sandoval. Winning judges in the Marion county contest pictured were: Virginia ARCHER of Sandoval, clothing judge; Mariam ARCHER of Sandoval and Annette VALLOW, foods judges.
- The A.D. NICHOLS well east of town is down to a depth of more than 1900 feet and still drilling. Some of the natives became excited when news was spread the latter part of the week that they were just about to hit the pay-sand. Some kept watch all night.
- The 7th annual McGEE Reunion was held in Bryan Park Aug. 14 with an attendance of 35. Relatives were present from Toledo, Ohio; Freelandville, Ind.; Odin, Breeze, Flora and Kinmundy, Illinois. Mrs. Theo. MILLER of Kinmundy was the oldest one present, and little Joe McGEE of Breeze was the youngest. The reunion was called to order by the president, Frank McGEE and they all sang "America". Next years reunion will be held in Freelandville, Ind. Readings were given by Mrs. John McGEE and Mrs. Scott DAVIDSON. Mrs. Theo. MILLER told of the cradle that rocked them all to sleep as children and sang a lullaby. Mrs. J.H. JACKSON sang a song. A picnic dinner was enjoyed by all.
- Florence JACK and Ruth ROHRBOUGH were in Patoka Saturday evening attending a dinner party given by Mrs. O. Z. SMITH, nee Winona STEVENS. Mrs. SMITH is a bride of only a few weeks, and very recently Miss ROHRBOUGH entertained a party of friends in her honor.
- The PARRILL Reunion was held at Bryan Memorial Park Sunday with 54 in attendance. They had come from Hammond, Ind.; Denton, Texas; Chicago, Decatur, Effingham, Iuka, Farina, and Kinmundy. The noon picnic dinner was a feast.
- News of the death of John B. MORGAN, of Montrose, Colorado, which occurred July 23rd, has been withheld from his brother, W.H. MORGAN, of this city on account of his serious illness. Upon the arrival of the latters son, Dr. J.B. MORGAN of Cleveland, Ohio, here this week, who has spent the past 2 weeks in Montrose, he was told of the death of his brother. The deceased was reared in the North Fork Community and attended the local high school. He afterwards attended Valpariso University and became a teacher. About 40 years ago, he went west and settled in Montrose, where he was held in the highest esteem by his fellow townsmen. Services were held at St. Pauls Episcopal Church in Montrose, with interment in Cedar Cemetery.
- In looking out over the state for the tallest stalk of corn, Prairie Farmer had come to Marion County to find it. The winners were announced over WLS last Saturday night at the State Fair. The winner of the contest was a Mr. BRANSON of Iuka, his stalk measuring 16 feet, 4 inches. Second place went to a man from Ramsey. Leland BRASEL of this city ranked fifth with his stalk measuring 15 feet 8 inches. It seems rather odd that Marion county won these honors over the northern counties where they grow nothing but corn. Mr. BRASEL says he is going to have to chop his stalks down before he can husk the corn or use a step-ladder.
- Sunday being the birthday of Guy ARNOLD, a number of his relatives and friends gave him a surprise just before noon when they arrived with well filled baskets to help him celebrate the occasion. Needless to say it was a day to be remembered. After the delicious dinner, many were the moans and groans which result in eating too much. Those present besides Mr. and Mrs. ARNOLD were Mr. and Mrs. Darrell ARNOLD and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Arno SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. ARNOLD, Mr. and Mrs. Eli ROBB and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank JONES and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DOOLEN and family, C.I. DOOLEN, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES and family, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elnoe BROWN and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT and family.
- Mr. R.F. MAXEY of Rock Falls, Ill., formerly of this city, entered a Chicago hospital on Wednesday of last week for another operation on his hand.
- Green Ridge: The community was very sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Ike BLURTON who died Friday and was brought to the home of Lessie McWHIRTER, where his brother, John, made his home. Interment was made in Martin Cemetery.
- Meadow Branch: Little Johnnie JOHNSON fell at the home of his Grandfather RIPPY last Tuesday, and broke his collar bone.
- Brown: Sunday being the 66th birthday of Mrs. Eva ODELL, a number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of her son, Vernie, and helped her celebrate. A long list of those attending was included.
- East Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Loyd PARRILL, Mr. Charles PARRILL and children, Mr. Glen PARRILL, Mr. and Mrs. Garnett DARLAND and baby of Hammond, Ill. were callers at the C.H. HOWELL home Sunday. They were accompanied to Bryan Park by Mr. HOWELL where they attended the PARRILL family reunion.
- Meacham: Mrs. Susanna JONES had the misfortune Friday to fall and break her arm between the shoulder and elbow.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Max KELLER of Gary, Ind. are parents of a boy born Aug. 10 and named Frederick Marshall.
- The old sheet iron building owned by J.R. TELFORD and WILKINSON Building is being razed. It is being moved to the TELFORD farm where it will be used as a hay barn.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER, Mr. and Mrs. M.E. HELM, and Mr. and Mrs. W.J. CHEADLE attended a birthday supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N.H. BLACKBURN of Farina Friday night.
Aug. 25, 1938:
- Excerpts from the autobiography of John B. MORGAN, former Kinmundian, were printed. This was written by the educator for autobiographical purposes while he was a member of the house of representatives, 24th general Colorado assembly.
- The SEE-CRAIG Reunion was held Sunday at the Bryan Memorial Park in Salem when more than 100 of the SEEs and CRAIGs and their descendants were present. The date of the reunion was set to conform to the time of Mr. Ellis SEEs vacation, to make possible his presence. At the noon hour, a sumptuous dinner was spread. A list from those attending from a distance was printed.
- August 21st being the 5th birthday of ______ MORRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Porter SIMCOX, Jr. invited his Grandma MORRIS, Aunt Vera, and cousin Charles to eat birthday dinner with him.
- GARRETT Reunion: The annual GARRETT Reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT. Relatives to the number of 58 came with well filled baskets and a delicious dinner was served at noon hour. The afternoon was spent in visiting and games. Everyone enjoyed the day very much.
- Glen Gilbert JONES, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah JONES of Centralia was born June 24, 1938, and died Aug. 15. He is survived by his parents and 6 sisters and brothers, namely, Mildred Louise, Mary Jean, Darrell Lee, Alice Marie, Harold Lloyd, Noah Robert, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry YOST of Alma, and Mr. and Mrs. T.M. JONES of the North Fork community. Interment was made in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Little Lila MARCELLA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur BROOM, was born July 31, 1938 in Hammond, Ind., and died Aug. 12. Besides the parents, she leaves her grandparents, Mrs. Belle BROOM of Alma, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DODSON of this city. Burial was made in Hammond, Ind.
- The relatives of the late Ras EAGAN held a reunion at Salem Park on Aug. 21. At noon a picnic dinner was enjoyed. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Herman WHITE; Secretary, Mrs. B.F. LINTON; Treasurer, Mrs. Clyde PRUETT. A list of those attending was included.
- The 5th reunion of the WATSON family, also the 44th wedding anniversary of J.P. WATSON and wife was celebrated Aug. 14 at the home of J.P. WATSON and wife. A sumptuous dinner was enjoyed by all. There were 71 present. Watermelon was served in the afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Paul WATSON. A list of those attending was printed.
- The oil well being drilled on the A.D. NICHOLS farm in Foster twp. was abandoned as a dry hole Saturday and the machinery is being moved to a location south of Beardstown.
- William Henry WOOLLEY of Champaign died Saturday in Carle Clinic Hospital. Services will be held at Rose Lawn Cemetery in Champaign. The deceased was a brother to Ross WOOLLEY, a former resident of this city.
- The annual HARVEY reunion was held Sunday in Kinmundy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. HARVEY. There were 90 in attendance. A list of those traveling from a distance was printed.
- Mr. H.L. WARREN spent last week at the State Fair exhibiting his limestone conveyor. Several people view this conveyor and Mr. WARREN has several prospects for the sale rights.
- Mr. Cecil A. DENNISON, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.A. DENNISON of this city, was found dead in the Valalla Cemetery in St. Louis Tuesday, a victim of suicide. He had gone there a short time previous to visit the grave of his wife. Grief was the only motive of his actions. He was 67 years old. Services are being held this afternoon. His sisters, Mrs. Chas. BOYD of this city, and Mrs. C.E. WILKINSON of Centralia, and his niece, Miss Florence JACK, of this city, left this morning for St. Louis to be in attendance at the funeral.
- Prairie Grove: Jeanette and Jackie HOHLT attended a birthday party in Farina at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Cleo VON BEHREN, in honor of her daughters Betty Anns 4th birthday.
- Omega: George LONG, our road commissioner, had the misfortune to break his arm while cranking a car last week.
- South of Town: Young School began on Aug. 22 with Mrs. Bertha SEE as teacher.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Noah THOMAS and family attended the GARRETT reunion.
- Green Ridge: Miss Mary Ann DOUDERA called on Mrs. Rada CALDWELL Saturday.
- Green Ridge: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WILLIAMS have a baby daughter, weighing 10 lbs. born Friday, and named Alice Ruth.
- East Meadow Branch: The Latter Day Saint Church a half quarter west of the McCULLEY home has been torn down and is being taken to Salem where it will be built into a home out near East Lawn Cemetery. The land on which this church has stood for half century or more was deeded by the late W.H. BREWER to be used as church property as long as a building stood, now becomes property of the T.A. McCULLEYs.
- Meacham: Miss Ella HASSEBROCK called on Mrs. Mary HARRELL Monday afternoon.
- Miss Florence DOOLEN of Salem spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Effie ROBB.
- Mrs. KETTLES, nee Eunice SEE, returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday, after a few days spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike SEE, and attending the SEE-CRAIG Reunion.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn BRASEL and children left for their home in Hoopston, Wed. They had been spending the summer at their farm south of Kinmundy.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Lena HAYS began her winter term of school at Frogpond east of Omega Monday.
- Pleasant Grove: School started at Elder Monday with Mrs. See MILLICAN as teacher.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Lucille SHAFFER has employment in Salem.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Martha June HEISTAND, who has employment in Salem, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude HEISTAND.
- Rev. D.E. MELTON was taken to the hospital in Alton Thursday with double pneumonia.
Sept. 1, 1938:
- Hoodlums preyed upon our fair city Thursday night. The Atlas Tire & Service Station was broken into and robbed, Paul MONICALs car was stolen, Dr. H.L. HANNA came almost losing his car, E.E. BROWN had his car ransacked and George BROWN, an oil worker, who has apartments with Mrs. Alice MILLER, had his car broken into and ransacked. The culprits gained entrance to the Atlas Filling Station by breaking the lock on the window. They broke the cash drawer open and took the contents which were a few pennies, a bunch of keys, and a 1937 chauffeurs badge belonging to E.E. BROWN. They also made away with some candy and cigarettes. E.E. BROWN also found his car had been ransacked. Paul MONICAL went to get in his car Friday morning and found it was gone. It was a 1932 Model Chevrolet. But the thieves were very nice about it. They closed the garage doors after taking the car. This car was in the John HOLT garage. They tried to make way with Dr. HANNAs car but he heard them trying to start it. He yelled at them and they left it and went on foot. He says he is satisfied they would have gotten away with it but they happened to flood it in starting. They gained entrance to George BROWNs car by pushing up a floor board. They stole a revolver from his glove compartment. Both Sheriff PITTS and his deputy, Bob SIMONS, camped around here about all day Friday picking up clues. On Saturday morning, Sheriff IRVIN of Effingham met Deputy Sheriff SIMONS here for a consultation. A Standard Filling Station in Dietrich had been robbed on Friday evening and the chauffeur badge of E.E. BROWN had been found in the station. That is evidence that both stations were robbed by the same party or parties, but never-the-less, the boys around town have been having quite a bit of fun kidding "Peek" about his chauffeurs badge being found in Dietrich. This is the fourth loss the Atlas Station has sustained by robbery in the past few years and so a burglar alarm is to be installed which should remedy the situation a little. Week before last, the C.E. RAINEY store at Alma, which is equipped with a burglar alarm, was broken into and the alarm set off. Mr. RAINEY has the alarm in his house which is just across the street from the store. He grabbed his gun and woke up his neighbor, Roy GREGORY, to assist him. GREGORY was stationed at the front door while RAINEY went behind his store and found a window open. RAINEY made a noise and at that, the fellow in the store picked up a wrench and broke out the front window and went out. GREGORY shouted "Halt" but he failed to halt. At that GREGORY shot into the air but that did not scare him. Then he shot twice at his feet and that failed to slow him up. Then he aimed at the body but the robber got away. Both GREGORY and RAINEY, who also fired a shot at him, say they are satisfied that the man was hit. A young man giving his name as Robert WILSON, age 18, and his home as Chicago, was picked up in Frankfort, Ind., Tuesday. He was driving MONICALs car and locked bumpers with another car. When he did this, he jumped out of his car and ran. The other fellow, just a lad, figured he was rather suspicious and took in after him and soon captured him. Sheriff PITTS was notified and in company with Paul MONICAL, went to Indiana yesterday. They returned last night with the car and the prisoner. He confessed to the robberies of the RAINEY store in Alma, the Atlas Service Station, the BROWN gun, the MONICAL car, and the Dieterich Filling Station. And so the matter is all cleared up as far as suspicion runs.
- Aug. 27th at the Rev. Luther TOLIVER home in Olney occurred the marriage of Mr. Maurice PRICE and Miss Naomi MILNER. They were accompanied by Mr. Forrest PRICE and Miss Louise MILNER, brother and sister of the bride and groom. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer MILNER of west of town, a graduate of Sparks Business College in the class of 36. She recently resigned her position as typist in the Civil Service Department at Washington, D.C., and now is employed at the Stay-Rite Mfg. Co. in Shelbyville. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl PRICE of Shelbyville, a graduate of Sparks Business College in the class of 34, and is now employed as assistant shipping clerk at the Ann Arbor Mfg. Co. in Shelbyville. At present the couple will reside with the grooms parents.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mike ZUMSTEG celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at their home Aug. 28 with a basket dinner. The anniversary cake was presented by their son, Louis, of Decatur. Every body came with well filled baskets, and all departed at a late hour. Listed were those attending from out-of-town, and other Kinmundy friends. All the children were present except Marceline (Mrs. Russell SLOAN) who resides in Hayward, Cal.
- Annual HOLT Reunion Held Sunday: The second annual HOLT reunion was held here Sunday. It was scheduled to be held in the city park but owing to the rain, it was held in the Bargh Building. There were 125 present. All came with well filled baskets and a sumptuous dinner was spread. Dick ATKINS had the honor of being the oldest one present and the honor of being the youngest one present went to his granddaughter, little Shirley Ellen BACKENSTO. The entire day was spent in visiting and music and parting time came all too quickly.
- The Kinmundy-Los Angeles picnic will be held in Barnsdall park in Los Angeles on Sept. 25.
- The Annual Kinmundy-Champaign-Urbana picnic will be held Sept. 1 at Chrystal Lake Park in Urbana.
- Mrs. Mary THRANE, wife of the late Peter O. THRANE, died at her home in Chenoa, Ill. Aug. 22, age the age of 86 years. Mrs. THRANE was born in Flemsburg, Germany and was married to Peter O. THRANE in Denmark. They came to Kinmundy in Sept. 1875, and lived here until 1900, when they moved to Chenoa, Ill. Mr. THRANE was a tailor engaging in that business until his death. He died May, 1918. Two children survive, Oluf P. THRANE of Abilene, Texas, and Bertha, at home, a teacher in the Chenoa public school. 2 others, Anna and Mae died a few years ago. The THRANEs while here, were one of the substantial families of Kinmundy, of high moral standard, good citizens, held in high esteem.
- Glenn D. BRASEL and Mrs. BRASEL, nee Irene SEE, former Kinmundians, helped entertain visiting American Legionaires. This unit is composed solely of members of a single over-seas organization of the World War. Only the men and nurses who formed Medical Unit 21 from Barnes Hospital and Washington University are eligible for membership in this Post. The reunion was detailed in this article.
- East Meadow Branch: School began, Aug. 29th, with an enrollment of 17, and Mrs. Ruby LINTON as teacher.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the charivari and kitchen shower at the Sam SWALLEY home Saturday night, given for his granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willis DENTON of Vandalia, who were married a short time ago. Mrs. DENTON was formerly Miss Darlene KAGY, and is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John KAGY of Vandalia. The couple will reside in Vandalia.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Sarah ROGGERS at Lovells Grove Church Monday.
- Omega: Halice LEWIS is erecting a filling station on the F.E. CHEELEY lot just south of the blacksmith shop.
- Omega: Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah ROGERS, a former resident of this community, were held at the Christian Church Monday with interment in the cemetery nearby.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters were Centralia visitors Saturday.
- Swift School: Velma Jean CONANT spent Saturday night and Sunday with Norma Dell GARRETT.
- Meacham: Mrs. Reforma BOUSMAN died at the home of her son, Mr. Marion BOUSMAN, Aug. 26. Services were held at his home and interment was in Elder Cemetery. She was born in Muncie, Ind., but lived most of her life in this neighborhood. She leaves 2 sons, Marion and Roy, and was 81 years, 2 months, and 5 days old.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and family attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mike ZUMSTEG at their home in Kinmundy on Sunday.
- Wilson School: Our school opened Aug. 22 with Miss Marjorie KELLER as teacher.
- East Zion: This community is sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Mark SWIFT who was taken to Mark Greer hospital at Vandalia one day last week. He was operated on for appendicitis, Monday.
- East Zion: Mr. Cyrus and Charley ARNOLD attended church at Givens Chapel Friday and Saturday night.
- Continued autobiography sketches of John B. MORGAN.
- WILLIAMS Reunion (from last week): A WILLIAMS reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS. Those in attendance were: Mrs. Laura McKENZIE of Brazil, Ind., Mrs. Cora WILLIAMS and son, Russell and wife, Mrs. Harry KNOWLS and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Indianapolis, Ind., and P.F. ROBNETT and family. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Charles GIBSON of Arthur, Ill.
Sept. 8, 1938:
- Mr. Rolla LIVESAY and Mrs. Emma SNELLING gave their many friends a big surprise last Friday by slipping away to St. Louis and being united in marriage in the North Water Tower Baptist Church in St. Louis. They were attended by Mrs. Clara McQUILKEN, a cousin to the groom, and some other friends. The wedding dinner was served in the home of Mrs. McQUILKEN. The bride needs no introduction as she has been a resident of this community for several years, being the widow of the late George W. SNELLING. The groom came to Kinmundy about 3 weeks ago to assist his son, Orin LIVESAY, who is occupying the J.W. LLOYD farm, with the harvesting of his fruit crop. He is also the father of Mr. Harry LIVESAY, who, with his family, are newcomers in this community. He also has another son in Champaign and 2 sons and 2 daughters in California. For present they will be at home in the brides home west of the C.& E.I. depot. On Saturday evening a rousing charivari was given to them. A list of those attending was included.
- Mr. and Mrs. Maxey SUGG and children, Betty and Stanley, of Atlanta, came Thursday to spend the day with Mr. SUGGs mother, Mrs. Lillian SUGG. They are moving to Portland, Oregon, and enroute will live in their trailer. Mr. SUGG will be associated with his brother, Norman, in the newspaper business, publishing special edition advertising in the northwest.
- On Sept. 4th, 70 members and friends of the SOLDNER family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER in Meacham. A sumptuous basket dinner was served on the lawn at noon. At the business meeting, Mr. George SOLDNER of Marion, Ill. was elected President, Mrs. Nettie Cook of Kinmundy, Secretary and Treasurer. A list of those attending was included.
- We have on display in this office a bundle of wheat which was brought here by Mr. Pearl ROSE from Canada. He said he just pulled a couple of handfuls from a 40 acre field. There is not a head to be found because the grasshoppers ate it off. He said all the wheat in theat particular area was just like it. He also said that driving in this grasshopper infested area was just like driving in a snow storm, only worse. It was certainly tough driving. It will be remembered that Mr. and Mrs. ROSE and son recently returned home from a trip into Canada to visit Mrs. ROSEs brother and family.
- Mrs. Annie MARLOW and Mr. Howard BOUSMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Percy LACEY, Mrs. Mary BALKE, Mr. and Mrs. Jess NORMAN and family were among the relatives who attended the NORMAN reunion Sept. 4, at Kissel Park in Pana. Over 100 people registered. A truck with over 30 in it went from Farina.
- Mr. Cal KLINE underwent a major operation in St. Anthonys Hospital Friday. He is apparently getting along alright.
- Mrs. Jay ARNOLD died at her home in Vernon, Saturday. Mrs. ARNOLD, by marriage, was a cousin of Mr. J.T. ARNOLD, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, and Mr. Charles DOOLEN.
- Brown: The Annual Basket dinner and homecoming will be held Sept. 11. Everyone is invited.
- South of Town: Mrs. Finneta CROSSETT spent a few days last week with relatives in Salem. Just recently, her sons, Claude and Ralph, were here to help her celebrate her 80th birthday.
- North Fork: The EAGAN Reunion was held Sept. 4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen JONES. Those attending were: Mr. A.I. EAGAN, Mrs. Emma EAGAN and daughter, Pearl, Miss Sarah EAGAN and Jimmy, and Mary EAGAN, Mrs. J.C. VICKS of Mounds, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Tony MONSCH and daughter, Ruth, of Chicago; Mrs. Stella COX, Mildred, Lloyd and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse JONES and family, Miss Helen JONES and Mr. and Mrs. Hen JONES and Nellie Mae. A delicious dinner was served cafeteria style.
- North Fork: Several from here attended the ROBB Reunion Sunday.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and Lila spent Sunday with her parents, Geo. LENHART and wife.
- North Fork: A good many from here attended the kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Elmo WILLIAMS at the home of her father, Sam LOWE, Saturday night.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Doug MARLOW have a new baby daughter born Sunday morning.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Geo. LONNON and son, Bob, and daughter, Mrs. Oran ALDERSON, accompanied by Miss Evelyn MULVANEY and Morris WHITE, spent Saturday night with relatives in Ellsworth, Ill., and attended the SCHOOLEY reunion there on Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin PARRILL and little daughter, of Panama, have been guests of Mr. PARRILLs cousins, the Misses Luella and Evengeline PARRILL. Mr. PARRILL is an instructor in the high school of Panama. He came to the states this summer to take his degree, PhD at Iowa State University. Mr. and Mrs. PARRILL and daughter left Monday for New York, and from there by boat to Panama.
- Mr. William JACK and daughter, Miss Florence, have moved to their home in Kinmundy, recently purchased from Mrs. Elizabeth LANGDELL. Miss Florence will teach in the Salem Public Schools and motor there and back each day.
- Swift School: The kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Elmo WILLIAMS was well attended Saturday night at the home of Sammy LOWE.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Pid GARRETT spent Tuesday evening with Marvin CONANT and family.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Clyde BASSETT.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. JONES, Mrs. Icy GARRETT and Mr. C.I. DOOLEN were in DuQuoin Monday attending the DuQuoin State Fair.
Sept. 15, 1938:
- Mrs. Lucy A. CARMEAN, age 73, wife of Rev. J.M. CARMEAN, was instantly killed last night when she was struck by and auto in front of her home north of Olney Park on Route 180. Mrs. CARMEAN had been at the fairgrounds during the day assisting at a church stand and was returning to her home. She had alighted from a car on the east side of the road and started across the road west to her home when she was struck by a car driven by C.J. McCORMICK of Newton. The left side of the car struck her knocking her to the pavement and killing her instantly. Her right leg and arm were broken and her neck was also broken. C.J. McCORMICK, of Newton, driver of the car which struck Mrs. CARMEAN, stated he was driving 30 to 35 miles an hour and did not see her until the car was upon her and it was impossible to stop. He and his wife were enroute to the Richland County Fair. Witnesses verified this report. Mrs. CARMEAN is survived by her husband; 2 sons, Bliss of Olney, and Florus of Clinton; and 1 daughter, Mrs. Nell LYON of Gary, Ind. The CARMEAN family will remembered here as having operated Dads Hotel for several years.
- The body of Bennett CARMAN was entered in Evergreen Cemetery last Wednesday. He died on the preceding Monday at his home in DuQuoin from an ear infection. Services were held in DuQuoin that morning.
- Mr. Harry DAVENPORT, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Anson BRANSON of this city, died in Chicago on Monday following an operation for a ruptured appendix. The body was brought to Salem, his former home, where services were held from the Baptist Church and interment was made in that city. The deceased was 45 years old, and leaves his wife, Beulah, and a 14 year old daughter.
- Mr. Charles DOOLEN received a telegram Monday announcing the death of Mr. H.A. HOPKINS of Orangeville, Ill. Mr. HOPKINS died at his home Sunday, burial at Orangeville. Mr. HOPKINS was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Fannie LOWE.
- Mrs. E.E. BROWN underwent a tonsiltomy Tuesday morning at the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia.
- A cable drilling outfit set up on the A.D. NICHOLS farm in Foster twp. near the location of the abandoned well completed only a few weeks ago. A rotary rig has been set up on the NEILSON farm, also in Foster twp., which is about 2 miles from the NICHOLS location.
- Wayne ROBB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli ROBB, and a junior in the local high school, was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia Friday evening for an examination. He had played ball at school in the afternoon and became violently ill, and suffered intense pain. By the time is trouble was diagnosed, he was much better. The doctor decided it was a slight heat stroke.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harve BRANSON, Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. BAGOTT, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. HAMMER, Dale HAMMER and Miss Mildred ROBB were in Salem Sunday where they attended the 10th annual reunion of the BROWN families at Bryan Memorial Park. A splendid dinner was enjoyed.
- Green Ridge: Lyle WILLIAMS spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES took their daughter, Marion, to Carbondale Wednesday, where she will attend the fall and winter terms at S.I.N.U.
- Pleasant Grove: Herbert ANDERSON won the prize given at Zion last Tuesday night for bringing the largest Sunday School Class to Church.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JOHNSON of Neoga had a baby boy in Mattoon Hospital. The mother is formerly Miss Florence ARNOLD.
- Meadow Branch: Miss Evelyn JOHNSON is attending school at the Carbondale Normal University this winter, and Mr. Harold ROBB is attending business college at Centralia.
Sept. 22, 1938:
- Mr. Launce LINGENFELTER died at his home in Champaign, Sept. 16, 1938. He was born in Kinmundy, Sept. 12, 1896, son of the late Nelson and Jennie LINGENFELTER, nee FENSTER. In early childhood, his parents moved from Kinmundy, but his frequent visits to this, his birthplace, to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gotlieb FENSTER, now deceased, and his aunt, Mrs. Fred S. SONGER, have made him quite well known here. He was married to Miss Eulaine WEST of Fort Worth, Texas on Dec. 2, 1928. Besides his wife and son, Danny, he leaves his mother, Mrs. Nelson LINGENFELTER of Kinmundy, his brother, Roy LINGENFELTER of Cleveland, Ohio, an uncle, Roy FENSTER of Champaign, and aunts, Mrs. Edward GRAY of Weleeka, Okla., and Mesdames Seth FOSTER and Fred S. SONGER of Kinmundy. Mr. LINGENFELTER was a member of the Christian Science Church. The burial service was conducted by Mrs. Melvin B. ROGERS, a Christian Science Reader from Champaign, at the home of Mrs. SONGER. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. A list was included of those traveling from a distance.
- Henry A. HOPKINS, 78, well known resident, died Sunday morning at his home in Orangeville. The son of Martin and Matilda HOPKINS, he was born Sept. 18, 1864 on a farm near Vernon. On Feb 13, 1884, he married Clara DOOLEN, who preceded him in death 9 years ago. They had 9 children, all of whom are living except a daughter, Dorothy, who died in 1930. Mr. HOPKINS was married to Mrs. Laura BUCHER of Winslow on Nov. 16, 1934. She survives as do the following children: Clemetine ROWLAND of Kewanee; Tillie BENNETT of Oregon; Nettie KROH of Paw Paw; Albert HOPKINS of Dixon, Forrest HOPKINS of Rockford; Floyd HOPKINS of Beason; Zoyce KEENEY of Freeport; Gladys YOUNG of Freeport. Also surviving are a brother, J.M. HOPKINS of Patoka; 14 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. Mr. HOPKINS was an employee of the Illinois Central Railroad company for 42 years, and was pensioned in 1928 while working in Huldane. Services were held at the Burlington funeral home with burial in Huldane Cemetery.
- Mr. Fred David Perry SNELLING, a former resident of this city, died in St. Lukes Hospital in Chicago Sept. 19 following an operation for bladder trouble, aged 68 years, 11 months, 8 days. The body arrived here last night on the I.C. Train, and was taken to his boyhood home now occupied by his nephew, W.C. SNELLING. Services were held from this residence, and interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Fred KLEISS Bags Grass Seed Thief: On last Friday evening, Fred KLEISS, living south of town, was awakened about 11:15 by the barking of his dog. The first thing that entered his mind was his more than 200 sacks of grass seed. Armed with his flashlight, he went out on the porch and yelled to his dog to "sick em". At this the dog ran directly to the shed with Fred close behind. As soon as he looked in the shed, he saw some of the see was missing. He ran back to the house and phoned to his neighbor, Chester KLINE, to have his children come home at once. The three children, in company with the KLINE children, had attended a pie supper at the Shriver School that evening. It had been in the habit of the KLEISS family, since threshing their redtop, to not all leave home at the same time. At this particular time there were 2 lamps lighted in the house. The shed where the seed was stored, also served as the garage and was therefore not locked at this particular time, awaiting the arrival of the car. But the three children had already left the KLINE home and by the time Fred reached the road in front of the house, they were there. He related what had taken place and the children said there was a car standing down the road with the engine running. At this Fred jumped on the running board and back they went. The car was still there and the engine still running. Fred shown his light in the car and a fellow ran up pretending that he had been sleeping off a drunk. The fellow made a grab for the flashlight but Fred was too quick for him. At this Fred ordered him to kill his engine but he refused. At this Fred slapped his hand to his hip pocket and said, "You kill that engine or Ill drill a hole thru you." At this command, the fellow obeyed. Sheriff PITTS was notified and with his deputy, Bob SIMONS, was soon on the scene. And several neighbors also turned out as soon as the alarm was spread. PITTS recognized the man in an instant. His name was EVANS and he has a criminal record. He was at one time a resident of this city for a short time, having married Mrs. Matilda PYLES. In a check up, 11 sacks of seed were found piled near a gate north of the house, and 3 more were found in a cornfield next to the road the next morning. The sacks by the gate were left unmolested that night and covered with a tarpaulin to protect it from the elements of the weather. The next morning, Sheriff PITTS brought EVANS shoes back to the scene and the shoe prints in the dust matched. Although EVANS keeps denying the fact that he is guilty, there is no question about it. From all appearances, there is another person involved but he is still at large. According to the license on the said car, which is a 1933 Ford V8, the owner of the car lives in Decatur. A check up was made by the Decatur police and he was not at home on this night. There was plenty of grass seed on the floor of the car which was spilled, while tests were made on the other loads. And the tire treads of the car coincided with the tracks made at the scenes of other grass seed thefts in this community. So we are in hopes that as soon as EVANS partner is apprehended, the stealing of grass seed will be stopped. The very next day, Mr. KLEISS hauled his grass seed to market and on Sunday morning, left for Pesotum, for a few days visit with relatives.
- A very enjoyable time was held Sunday when the annual DISS Reunion was held in Fairview Park, Decatur. 150 descendants were present. Those who attended from Kinmundy were Mr. and Mrs. J.H. DISS and family; Mr. and Mrs. O.R. DISS and sons, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. DISS and sons, Miss Beulah DISS, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. BLOMBERG and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER.
- Pleasant Grove: The Friendship Baptist Church, 2 miles west of the overhead crossing south of Alma, burned down Saturday. It caught fire from a spark on the roof which blew from burning trash which had been cleaned off the church year in preparation for a rally and basket dinner to be held there Sunday by the Brubaker Baptist Church.
- South of Town: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse MULVANY are enjoying a new radio.
- Meacham: Miss Ada JONES returned to Sullivan Sunday night, where she has employment.
- Shanghai: Uncle Sam JONES celebrated his 80th birthday Thursday at the home of Mrs. Leland BRASEL. Uncle Sam received 60 cards, letters and congratulations. His daughters, Mrs. BRASEL and Mrs. Earl BUNDY of Salem, were with him. A son, Charlie, of Lansing, Mich. could not enjoy the grand day. Uncle Sam has lived to be an octogenarian. Few people do. His ancestors were pioneer settlers in this immediate neighborhood.
- An editorial from the Plainview, Texas Evening Herald from Aug. 29 was printed about Mr. and Mrs. O.B. JACKSON and the horse show held at their place attracting over 1800 people.
Sept. 29, 1938:
- Funeral Rites of James W. ARNOLD, 91 Year Old Foster Resident, Held Monday: James William, eldest son of John Wesley and Nancy JONES ARNOLD, was born Feb. 14, 1847, and passed away at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tack GREEN, Sept. 24, 1938 at 11:00 P.M. at the advanced age of 91 years, 7 months, and 10 days. He was one of a family of seven. Four are still living, namely: Mrs. Elizabeth DOOLEN and Mrs. Rose DOOLEN of Vernon, Ill.; J.T. ARNOLD, of Kinmundy, Ill., and Massey ARNOLD of Kimberly, Idaho. John Ivy ARNOLD died many years ago, and Mrs. Emmaline MASSEY passed away last night, Sept. 25th. On Nov. 18, 1869, he was united in marriage to Miss Permelea Jane ROBB. Five children came to bless this happy couple, four sons and one daughter. One son died in infancy, and Elmer and Samuel of Arnold Chapel, Orie of North Fork, and Mrs. Lola GREEN of Zion are left to mourn their loss. Uncle Jemes and Aunt Meek (as they were known to everyone) lived 65 years in the same homestead, sharing their joys and sorrows together. A hearty welcome always awaited all relatives when they visited this home. Two grandchildren were taken into their home, Doris, now Mrs. Ernie JONES, and Dale ARNOLD. These children were given every care from childhood. The grandson, Dale and wife, moved in this home before the death of the dear wife and mother on Mar. 24, 1935, and continued to care for him until five weeks ago when he was taken to the home of his only daughter. She with her family, tenderly cared for him until he was called to his Eternal Home. He was converted at a camp meeting at Sandy Branch Camp Ground when a young man and later united with the Arnold Chapel Church where he lived a true and faithful Christian. He was a member of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, A.F. & A.M., for more than 50 years. He was a kind husband and father, a good neighbor and a friend to everyone, that knew him. Besides the four children, the brothers and sisters, he leaves 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, many nieces and nephews and other relatives who are left to mourn his passing. One grandchild, Loyd ARNOLD, and one great-grandchild, James JONES, are waiting to meet him in Heaven. Sacred the memory he leaves behind. Softly and sweetly let us toll the bell. The Angels voices keep repeating as they sing. Your loved one sweetly sleeps and all is well. The funeral services were held from the Arnold Chapel Church Monday afternoon at one oclock, Rev. Monroe SMITH officiating. Interment was made in Sandy Branch Cemetery under the auspices of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, A.F. & A.M.
- Mr. Harry BRASEL, residing north of this city, and 2 boys driving a trailer truck owned by the McLeansboro Produce Co. narrowly escaped death when Mr. BRASELs car was hit by the truck on the hard road crossing at the city park Monday. Mr. BRASEL was heading north and had stopped waiting for a truck to pass from the west. As soon as the truck had passed, he started to pull across the slab in the path of the McLeansboro truck, which was traveling west. He said he looked toward the east but did not see the truck. The truck was uprighted and pulled into the city park where it stood until the next day when it was moved away under its own power. Luckily all parties escaped with just a few minor bruises.
- Funeral services for Fred D.F. SNELLING were held from the Wilfred SNELLING home in this city Thursday with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Out of a family of 5 boys and 2 girls, Mr. SNELLING leaves only 1 brother, Mr. E.A. SNELLING of Chicago. This family were pioneer settlers of this community. The deceased grew to manhood here and while yet a young man, went to Chicago to make his way. For the past several years he has been engaged in the real estate business in that city. For the past year, he has been in ill health and on Sept. 19, underwent a major operation, dying soon after the operation was completed. Short services were held in Chicago and the body was brought here to his old home, now occupied by his nephew, W.G. SNELLING, where services were held. A list of those from out-of-town who attended was listed.
- Miss Burdette MAXEY and Mrs. Vera MORRIS BASSETT surprised their many friends Tuesday by driving to Perryville, Mo., where they were married by the Methodist minister of that city. They were accompanied by Mr. Forrest JONES of this city and Miss Geneva AMBUEHL of Farina. The bride is the only daughter of the late Ira C. and Luella MORRIS while the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MAXEY. The groom has farmed practically all of his life but this year accepted a position as foreman of the W.P.A. gang working on the township roads. They will make their home in the MAXEY homestead on the eastern outskirts of Kinmundy.
- Mr. Theodore MILLER and Miss Sarah McGEE were married in Central City, Ill. on Sept. 26, 1888. Mr. MILLER at that time was employed in the coal mine at Sandoval, so they took up their residence in that city. The following New Years Day, the couple moved their personal effects to Kinmundy, where Mr. MILLER found employment in the local coal mine. 10 years later, he purchased a small farm north of town, where he engaged in farming on a small scale and worked at his trade when the mine worked. When the local mine was abandoned, he sought work in the mines at Sandoval, Odin and Breeze, but left his family, on a little farm. He gave up coal mining about 20 years ago and farmed on a larger scale. About 16 years ago he moved his family to town, where he engaged in the shoe repair business, which business he still conducts. Mr. and Mrs. MILLER had 7 children, namely: Mrs. Lou KNECHT of McLean, Ill.; Mrs. Nell WILSON of Decatur; Walter of Findlay, Ill.; George of Danville; Mrs. Margaret RHINEHART of Chicago; Ted of Lansing, Mich.; and Bill of Kewanee. On Sept. 25, 1938, this happy couple celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary at their home in this city with a full days program. During the morning, the Christian Church, of which Mr. and Mrs. MILLER are members, came to their home and sang church hymns, followed by prayer and talks by several of the members. At noon a potluck dinner was held. In the afternoon, friends called, and readings were given by Mrs. Bessie HIESTAND, Mrs. H.E. MINER, and Mrs. C. GRAY, which were followed by a solo a granddaughter, Dortha MILLER of Findlay. Then songs were sung by the members of the old church which they attended while living in the country, dear old Shanghai. This was followed by 2 numbers by Mr. and Mrs. Leland BRASEL. Orangeaid and cake were served, and pictures were taken of the group. Three of the children could not be present Nell, Walter and Bill. There were over 100 registered during the day.
- Lyle WILLIAMS has purchased the barber shop from his uncle, Floyd WILLIAMS. Lyle has been in the shop since Aug. 1, when Floyd accepted a chair in one of Salems barber shops. Lyle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T.P. WILLIAMS living west of town and is a very accomplished young barber. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd WILLIAMS will continue to occupy the flat above the shop.
- Rev. and Mrs. Walter E. WILLIAMS and 2 daughters arrived Wednesday at their parsonage home in Kinmundy. Rev. WILLIAMS has been appointed pastor of the Methodist church.
- Rev. and Mrs. David E. MELTON left for their new home in Wyoming, Illinois conference. He served his appointment 3 years in Kinmundy.
- Mr. Marion HELM and his brother, Joe, were reroofing the porch on Joes home at Loogootee, Tuesday, when the porch pulled away from the house and collapsed. In the fall Marion sustained a fractured vertebra and Joe a broken leg. Both were rushed to Mark Greer Hospital where they are doing as well as can be expected.
- Shanghai: Roy HULSEY of St. Louis is moving this week to their farm known as the METZGER place.
- Prairie Grove: Dr. HANNA was called to the Hermie MEYERS home to see a sick horse one day last week. He pronounced it sleeping sickness, Glen WELLS and Jaker JARHOUSE each have 1 sick with the same disease.
- North Fork: Several attended the kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Harold ARNOLD at the Orie ARNOLD home Saturday night. A good time was enjoyed by all.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT and children were Sunday guests of Elvin CONANT and family.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday P.M. with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT.
- Swift School: Clyde BASSETT and family called on Clyde GARRETT and family Sunday afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul JAMES, and Mr. and Mrs. John HEAD and daughter, Louise, of Denver, Colo., were in Pana a week ago Sunday attending the funeral of Mr. JAMES aunt.
- Those who were at the Walter GEORGE home Sunday to help him celebrate his birthday were: Mr. and Mrs. A.H. HORRELL of West Frankfort; Mr. and Mrs. R.A. GEORGE and Nan BISINGER of Odin; Mr. and Mrs. Henry GRUBE of Villa Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Ed COLE, Mrs. Anna COLE and son, Cedris, of St. Peter; Mrs. Merle ELLIS and daughter, Betty, of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace OSBORN and 2 daughters, Jean and Joan, of Farina; Mr. and Mrs. Ray GEORGE and family, and Mrs. Albert MALINSKY of Kinmundy.
Oct. 6, 1938:
- Mr. Harry BURGE and brother, Mr. Herschel BURGE have purchased the general merchandise store of Ralph ROLLINSON in this city. The store was closed on Monday and Tuesday for invoicing. Mr. Harry BURGE has been managing this store since it has been established in Kinmundy. Mr. Herschel BURGE is at present employed in the car shops at Mt. Vernon and will retain his position for the present. The firm will be known as BURGE Brothers. Harry BURGE will be the manager of the store and will be assisted by William COLE. Mr. G.R. ROLLINSON, who has been assisting in the store, will move his family to Kell this week where he will assist in the store of that place.
- The 43rd annual picnic of the Kinmundy Association of Southern Illinois was held the last Sunday in September in Los Angeles. A list of those registering was printed. A silent tribute was given in memory of our departed members. Ellis and Jennie WAINSCOTT traveled 700 miles to be there for the event. Officers elected were: Kitty NEAVILL, President; Fay LOVELL, Vice President; Ethel KING WARALL, Secretary; and Chat CONANT LOWE, Corresponding Secretary.
- A poem was written and printed by Gladys BRADLEY.
- Mr. Emmitt JONES died at his home in this city this morning after suffering a stroke of apoplexy on Monday.
- Last Tuesday evening at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. HAMMER, Mrs. HAMMER and Mrs. Pearl JIMERSON gave a wedding shower for Mr. and Mrs. J.B. MAXEY. About 45 guests arrived, each with a gift for the bride and groom.
- Two more locations have been made in Foster twp. for the drilling of oil wells, one on the BILEK farm and the other in section 21.
- Pleasant Grove: A farewell party was given for Rev. and Mrs. MOTZER Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER, who are moving to Coffeen, Ill.
- Meacham: The Community Birthday Circle held their monthly birthday celebration Sunday for members that had birthdays in October, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL. Mr. HARRELL, Miss Geneva HEICHER, Merl HEICHER, and Gladys SHORT had birthdays, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin HASSEBROCK celebrated a wedding anniversary.
- Green Ridge: Mr. and Mrs. F.L. DOUDERA, Jr. have a son born Sept. 23, and named Carl Richard.
- Wilson School: On last Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER entertained to supper, Rev. and Mrs. MOTZER and 2 sons of Alma. Later in the evening, a group of Pleasant Grove church members arrived and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed, everyone thanking Mr. and Mrs. MEYER for their kind hospitality shown.
Oct. 13, 1938:
- Last Sunday evening, Owen BISEL had a wreck with an oil worker by the name of Tom HYNES. Owen was driving to Salem and Mr. HYNES started to pass him. After he had pulled out to pass, he noticed a car coming in the opposite direction. He then attempted to pull in from of Owen but there wasnt enough space. The 2 cars sideswiped. The front fender, grill and radiator of Owens car were ruined and the rear fender of the other car was mashed.
- Henry Emmitt, son of Samuel and Hulda JONES, was born Sept. 27, 1877, and died at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orie ATKINS on Oct. 6, 1938. He had been in ill health for many months but on last Sunday he was feeling much better so he with his son, Forrest, went to spend the day in the ATKINS home a short time after noon, he became seriously ill from which he never recovered. On Oct. 11, 1896, he married Miss Mary Agnes ROBB, and they had 1 daughter and 3 sons. They lived on a farm until moving to Kinmundy in 1926 to help care for her father, F.M. ROBB. He joined Arnold Chapel in 1908. On Jan. 25, 1937, his wife died. The youngest son, Forrest, who is still at home, has been a faithful, untiring son trying to make his dark days bright and comfort his many wants. The other children did everything in their power to help him during his long months of suffering. He is survived by 1 daughter, Mrs. Pearl GARRETT of Granite City, 3 sons, Roy of Patoka, Merle of Arnold Chapel, and Forrest at home. Two sisters, Mrs. Neva JONES and Mrs. Lily SHAW of Arnold Chapel, and 1 brother, George JONES of Vernon, and 2 half-brothers, Orie ATKINS of Kinmundy, and Fred ATKINS of Maroa; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held at the M.E. Church in Kinmundy with Rev. Cecil LOWE officiating with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Highest county awards in girls 4-H Club work this year go to 3 girls named as outstanding club members at the 4-H finish-up held in Salem on Oct. 6. They are Annette VALLOW of Kinmundy, Miram ARCHER of Sandoval, and Mary Alice BLACKBURN of Salem. Records of these girls now go to the state club office at the University of Illinois. Five girls also share honors as 1938 county project champions. They are Annette VALLOW of Kinmundy; Willidean SHAFFER of Brubaker; Helen Jean BLACKBURN of Salem; Wilma SHAFFER of Kinmundy, and Francis WILLIAMS of Salem.
- Charles SIEMER died at his home in this city on Monday. Although he had been in poor health for the past few months, his death came unexpected. For the past 10 days he had been bedfast with heart trouble and flu, but was thought to be recovering when he suffered a stroke and died immediately. Mr. SIEMER married a local girl, Hazel DENNIS, and most of their married life was spent away from here. For a number of years they lived in St. Louis, Mo., where he was employed by the Missouri State Life Insurance Co. for 21 years. Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. SIEMER came to Kinmundy to make their home. He was a graduate of Austin College in Effingham. He is survived by his wife and one brother, George SIEMER of Colfax, Ill. Services were held at the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- St. Elmo was the victim of a $200,000 fire Tuesday night when a refinery at that place was completely burned. The fire was said to have been caused by a boiler blowing up. Flames shot 400 feet, and luckily no one was killed, although there were 3 of the workmen injured. The flames threatened the entire city and a call was sent out to the surrounding cities for help. The blaze was not brought under control until Wednesday.
- Both the NICHOLS No. 2 and the NEILSON No. 1 were abandoned this week as dry holes. Naturally this makes the populance of that part of Foster twp. feel bad. Unless deeper drilling comes in vogue, we dont believe there will be any more wells drilled in that vicinity. A rotary rig has been set up on the BILEK farm and we understand that drilling is to start today.
- Miss Mary EVANS, sister of Mrs. Dosh INMAN of Kinmundy, passed away at her home in Salem Sunday. The interment was in Holts Cemetery Tuesday. Mrs. INMAN has the sympathy of her many friends.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.B. ROHRBOUGH and Misses Ruth and Virginia, Mr. Edwin WORMLEY and Miss Katherine, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L.C. ROHRBOUGH and Miss Helen of Salem, went to an outing Sunday to show, Mrs. C.B. ROHRBOUGHs sister, Miss Karl LOWE of Fairmont, West Virginia a typical October day in Illinois. They traveled to Old and New Salem to the tomb of Ann Rutledge and to Springfield and memories of Abraham Lincoln.
- Mrs. Irma HAMMER, who suffered another attack of gallstones, is reported somewhat improved at this writing.
- Mr. Billy MORRIS, who is convalescing from an appendectomy, is getting along as well as can be expected.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar JONES announce the arrival of a daughter in their home Sunday. Her weight is 9½ lbs. The family now has 2 boys and the little daughter, who is named Karen Marie.
- On Oct. 9, 1938, Mr. and Mrs. George GILLEY of Iola, Ill. celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home. They moved to a small farm near Iola 26 years ago. At noon, a delicious dinner was served. There were over 80 registered guests on this day. Those from Kinmundy attending were: Mr. and Mrs. J.H. JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON and daughters, Martha, Helen and Peggy and their son, Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. O.B. JACKSON of Plainview, Texas.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS Sunday afternoon.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. Bert GARRETT and family spent Sunday with the W.F. ROBB family.
- East Zion: This community was saddened to hear of the death of aunt Lizzie CALDWELL, who died at the home of her older son, Peck, on Monday. Services were held at Zion with interment in Caldwell Cemetery.
- Brown: Chas. MONICAL and wife were business visitors in Farina Monday. Their son, Harold, accompanied them there as he is attending Farina High School, and had spent the weekend at home.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and family were in Kinmundy Friday night helping Mrs. Jennie STOCK celebrate her 76th birthday.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and daughter were Sunday guests of Clyde BASSETT and wife.
- North Fork: Carroll GARRETT and family visited Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Effie ARNOLD.
- Pleasant Grove: The new minister, Rev. WIGHAM, filled his first appointment at Pleasant Grove Sunday morning.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. George LONNON visited Saturday evening at the Oran ALDERSON home and enjoyed the new radio.
- Pleasant Grove: The Aid met with Mrs. Bessie HIESTAND last Wednesday. The usual potluck dinner was enjoyed at noon. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Lois ALDERSON, Wed., Oct. 19th.
- Omega: Word has been received by his parents that Harold FIELDS, who is in the U.S. Army at San Francisco has been promoted to First Sergeant.
- Dr. and Mrs. E.E. SMITH of Blackwell, Oklahoma, Hazel WAINSCOTT MEYER, and Mabel WARD of Peoria, and Harry WARD of Springfield, all children of the late William WAINSCOTT, formerly a resident of Kinmundy, were here last week visiting relatives and friends. It was the first visit back here for Mrs. SMITH and Mabel WARD in 34 years.
- Miss Pearl ARNOLD, R.N. of Olney, is spending her vacation in Kinmundy with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. ARNOLD.
Oct. 20, 1938:
- The prospects of oil around Kinmundy are looking better with the drilling of the BILEK well west of town, which is now down to more than 1000 feet.
- Miss Dorothy Marilyn GARRETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin GARRETT of Cranford, N.J., was married on Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. S. Houston BAKER at All Souls Church in Millington, N.J. Both Mr. and Mrs. BAKER graduated from Cranford High School. Mrs. BAKER graduated from University of Illinois and Katherine Gibbs School. She has a secretarial position with W. & J. Sloan. Mr. BAKER received his degree at Rutgers and is associated with American Airlines. The bride is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. O.E. GARRETT, residing west of Kinmundy.
- October thus far has set a new warm weather record. That is the way it appears to the most of us but some of the old timers tell a different story. Mrs. Nancy NEIL informs us that 58 years ago, they enjoyed just as warm weather. In fact, they had only four frosts and no freezes at all that entire winter and the next year there was a bumper crop of everything.
- The local Methodist Church will observe Rally Day Sunday Morning.
- Miss Elaine OVERHOLSER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn OVERHOLSER of Monmouth, Ill. became the bride of Maurice Ray SEE of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis E. SEE of Ormonde at a ceremony in the brides home. Miss Lucille WAGGONER attended the bride, and Elroy SEE acted as best man for his brother. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at Hawcocks café to 12 guests. The couple will reside in Monmouth. Mrs. SEE has been employed for the last 3 years in the office of the State Finance company located in the National Bank building. Mr. SEE manages the Kroger store on the north side of the square. The groom is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. M.H. SEE of this city.
- Mr. O.E. GARRETT has beaten the record of any of the hog raisers in this community by having a sow that farrowed 20 pigs last week. All were normal pigs except 1 but the sow being so large, overlaid a part of the litter and the last report we had on it there were still 10 left. It really would have been a record had all of them been raised.
- Mr. Merle JACKSON is busily engaged building a new brick garage on the site along the hard road where the A.J. JACKSON store burned last spring. For the past several years Merle has operated the Shell Filling Station and as soon as the building is completed, will enter the garage business.
- Mrs. Alice BUNDY received a message Monday morning of the death of her brother, Mr. Julius WILSON, of Waynesville, Ill. Mr. WILSON was a former resident of this community.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. R.C. ROBB spent Saturday night and Sunday with his son, W.F. ROBB and family.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Ted MAYBERRY and little son attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion GRIFFIN in Alma Sunday in honor of Mr. GRIFFINs birthday.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Will KNISELY of Washington and his sister, Mrs. Ada SHRIVER, of Sandoval were calling on old friends in this vicinity Thursday. This was Mr. KNISELYs first visit back in 54 years.
- North Fork: A family dinner was enjoyed Sunday at the home of R.H. GREEN and family. The occasion was in honor of R.H.S birthday which was Oct. 18. Those enjoying the day together were: Mr. and Mrs. J.T ARNOLD, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MORGAN, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Elnoe BROWN, Virginia and Kathleen, of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. L.E. GREEN and L.E. GREEN, Jr. of Patoka; and Mrs. Gertrude WADE of Salem.
- North Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB were Sunday guests of the Bert GARRETT family. C.I. DOOLEN and son, Eli, were Sunday a.m. callers.
- North Fork: Mrs. Icy GARRETT and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP and Dorothy Francis spent Sunday in the Orie ATKINS home.
- North Fork: Bob GREEN and family were callers at B.O. GARRETTs Monday evening.
- Miletus: Several relatives and friends with well filled baskets gathered at the home of Laurence PERRY and helped his celebrate his birthday Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. CONANT of Miami, Florida have a baby daughter, Barbara Louise, born Sept. 11.
- Miss Margaret HICKMAN is in Salem, where she has a position in Sweeneys Drug Store. While there she is living with her aunt, Mrs. CHASSEL.
Oct. 27, 1938:
- Mr. Forrest JONES of this city and Miss Geneva AMBUEHL of Farina, motored to Perryville, Mo. Thursday where they were united in marriage. They were accompanied by Miss Helen HOWELL and Mr. John Paul COURSON, both of Farina. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John AMBUEHL of Farina, and since her graduation from high school there, has been employed as assistant in the dental office of Dr. F.C. HAMMOND. The groom is the youngest son of the late Emmitt JONES and for the past several years has been employed as an attendant at the Atlas Tire & Service Station. For the past few weeks he has been absent from his work due to the serious illness of his father, but will resume his duties the first of the week. The couple will make their home here in the JONES property in the northwest part of town.
- Nora Louise SHAFFER LAWRENCE, oldest daughter of Thomas and Anna SHAFFER, was born in Alma twp. Dec. 8, 1912, and died Oct. 22, 1938. She was a cheerful happy child, loved by her friends, playmates, and teachers. At the age of 12 she was injured while playing and from that injury she never fully recovered. While at a tender age, she united with Pleasant Grove Church in Alma twp. On July 3, 1936, she married Sterling LAWRENCE of Salem. She was preceded in death by 1 brother, Darrell. She is survived by her husband, her parents, 5 brothers, Ira, Eura and Donald of near Salem, Arno of Sandoval, and John of Davenport, Iowa; 2 sisters, Mrs. Nelda WILKINS of Salem, and Pearl, at home; 2 aged grandparents; and 14 nephews and nieces. Services were held from the Presbyterian Church in Salem with interment in East Lawn Cemetery in Salem.
- The celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Will KNISELEYs golden wedding anniversary took place Sunday at their farm home near Omega. Being so well known throughout the county, many people participated in this happy event. Mr. J.H. NELMS, Mrs. Frank NELMS, and Mrs. John ROBB attended from Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. John HOLT received a letter from Mrs. SAGE Sunday announcing the death of her husband, Mr. J.B. SAGE, at their home in Shelley, Idaho. Mrs. SAGE will be remembered by her many Kinmundy friends as Mrs. Dave HASELTEEN, nee Junia DAVIS. Mr. HASSELTEEN died shortly after moving west, going there for Mrs. HASELTEENs health. Mrs. SAGE spent all her girlhood and young womanhood days in Kinmundy.
- The BILEK well is down more than 1700 feet and the formations are looking better with every foot. The story will be told in the next few days now.
- It was the good fortune of Mr. Marshall SPENCER, residing just south of town, to have a wind-charger presented to him free of charge. Mr. SPENCER attended the State Fair this summer and happened to view the exhibit of the Wind-Charger Co. of Sioux City, Ia. After viewing the exhibit, he was handed a card which he filled out and dropped it in a box. There were more than 5000 names in this box. The name drawn from this box would receive the charger. And Mr. SPENCERs name was the one. The tower is 45 feet high and has a 32 volt generator. It was necessary for Mr. SPENCER to buy the batteries and wire his home. And now the SPENCER family is enjoying a city convenience at very little expense.
- East Meadow Branch (from last week): Misses Lucille and Lena SANDERS, Thomas BOONE, Dutch OLDEN, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. BAYLIS, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. HOWELL and Shirley Jean spent Saturday evening with Merle BAYLIS and enjoyed ice cream the occasion being Merles birthday.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER attended the shower Sunday evening given at the home of Mrs. Kate SIGRIST for her son, Raymond, and his bride.
- Swift School (from last week): Mrs. Lottie COLE, Mrs. Hazel LIVESAY, Mrs. Mamie BASSETT, and Mrs. Clella WAINSCOTT attended club at Esta ROBBs Wednesday.
- Shanghai: Mr. and Mrs. R.D. HANNA and Xon, and Mr. and Mrs. E.H. GRAY and daughters were guests of Chester KLINE and wife in a gorgeous birthday dinner Sunday.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Bryan LOVETT and Mr. J.C. HELM of Loogootee, were here Monday visiting Mr. HELMs brother, Marion, who is convalescing from a broken back. Mr. HELM suffered a broken leg at the same time of Marions injury, but is much improved.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Forrest DOOLEN of Gary, Ind. have a 9 lb. son born Monday named George Richard.
-Wilson School: There was no school at Wilson on Monday. The teacher, Miss KELLER, attended the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Sterling LAWRENCE, of Salem.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Gage BASSETT spent Friday afternoon with his father, Mr. Elmer BASSETT.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Will KNISELEY, given at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul JENKINS, Sunday. Although the weather was a little cool, a long table loaded with plenty of good things to eat, was spread in the yard. Mr. and Mrs. KNISELY received several nice presents and cards.
- Pleasant Grove: The Aid met last Wednesday with Mrs. Oran ALDERSON. A good dinner was enjoyed at noon. Her quilt was completed and other work done. The next meeting will be with Miss Eula CRAIG, Nov. 2.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd attended the funeral of Mr. John BASOM, which was held at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 oclock. Interment was made in the Baptist Cemetery.
- Pleasant Grove: W.H. SHAFFER and daughters attended the baptizing at the bridge east of Omega Sunday. 5 were baptized.
- East Meadow Branch: Mildred ROBB and Dale HAMMER were Salem visitors Saturday night.
- East Meadow Branch: Mrs. Pearl LENHART and Mrs. Vera McCULLEY visited Friday afternoon with Mrs. Clyde GARRETT, near Arnold Chapel.
- Omega: Mr. SAPP, who is driving a transport truck, spent Sunday night with his family here. He was hauling a load of new cars from Detroit to Arkansas.
- Omega: Leo EASTMAN has moved to Brubaker, where he has employment in a store.
- Omega: The derrick of the SHUFELDT farm west of Omega is up and drilling will probably begin this week.
- Mr. Ed WILSON of Iowa is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Alice BUNDY and other relatives. This is the first visit to his old home in 22 years.
- Dr. H.L. HANNA spent the weekend in Martinsville, Ind. with his wife, who is receiving treatment for rheumatism in Barnard Sanitarium.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.F. ROBB and Mr. and Mrs. R.H. PIGG and son, Kenneth, were in St. Elmo last Sunday afternoon viewing the oil fields.
Nov. 3, 1938:
- While Mesdames FOSTER, LINGENFELTER, and SONGER were visiting their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy FENSTER, in Champaign, a message came to them announcing the death of their sister, Mrs. Edward GRAY, nee Mary FENSTER, at her home in Weleetka, Okla. on Oct 27. Mr. FENSTER and Mrs. LINGENFELTER left at once for Weleetka where the funeral was held. Mrs. GRAY was reared in Kinmundy, spent her girlhood and young womanhood here. Later she married Mr. GRAY, who for a number of years, was one of Kinmundys business men. Besides her husband, Mrs. GRAY leaves a daughter, Mrs. Gail DUBIE and 2 grandsons of Tulsa, Okla.
- Miss SCAWTHON received a brief note from Mrs. F.W. KILLIE of Centralia, Wednesday, announcing the death of Mrs. Maude HALEY, nee McBRYDE, at her home in Nashville, Tenn., Sunday, Oct. 30. Mrs. HALEY had been quite ill for sometime. Mrs. HALEY was Mr. R.P. McBRYDEs youngest sister. Surviving members of the immediate family are Mr. and Mrs. R.P. McBRYDE and a brother, R.J. of Houston, Texas, better known to Kinmundy friends as Jodie McBRYDE.
- The Halloween Parade sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Association, Monday was a success in every way. There were about 200 in the parade. Following is the list of the prize winners:
Clown - David LOWE, 1st; Harry SPENCER, 2nd.
Indian: Jimmy ALEXANDER, 1st; Reed MURPHY, 2nd.
Gypsy: Kenneth PIGG, 1st; Mary Jane JACKSON, 2nd.
Negro: Buddie ROBNETT, 1st; Ruth HINES, 2nd.
Ragged Man: Dorothy BOUGHERS.
Fat Man: Herschel BRIM.
Ghost: Billie JACKSON.
Best Girl Dressed as a Boy: Norma Gail ROBB.
Best Boy Dressed as a Girl: Charles PARKER.
Most Comical Character: Gene GRAY.
Cowboy: Richard MAULDING.
Mother Goose Character: Zola ROBNETT.
Historical Character: Marilyn MILLER.
Movie Actress: Mildred BOUGHERS.
Red Riding Hood: Peggy JACKSON.
Best not in above classes: Dorothy SWIFT, 1st; John HOYT, 2nd.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.S. PRUETT and son, Carl, and Mrs. C.F. PRUETT drove to Lawrenceville Saturday afternoon to visit a few hours with their aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth LANGDELL. On that day Mrs. LANGDELL was celebrating her birthday.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT is in Chicago where she is spending a few days with her daughter and family, the Louie SULLENS.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Ruby LINTON, our school teacher, had the pupils come Monday morning masked. There were 16 in all. They walked over to Mrs. Ira MARSHALLs home to be judged by her. Mrs. MARSHALL proclaimed Rosalea RIPPY as best masked. Games and contests were held back at the schoolhouse where prize winners were: Evelyn BLACK, Mona SHREFFLER, George SHREFFLER, and Helen RIPPY. A wiener roast was enjoyed at noon.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Fred CHANCE and little daughter, Emma Sue, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Seymour CHANCE, it being his 44th birthday.
- Brown: Mrs. Hugh OULREY died Thursday at her home after a brief illness. Services were held at Brown Church with interment in Phillips Cemetery. She leaves 4 sons, Sam and John of Xenia, Marion residing near home, and Clyde at home; 3 daughters, Tessie of Los Angeles, Fern of near Omega, and Myrtle at home.
- Brown: The masquerade party and wiener roast was well attended at the home of Oren BUTTS Saturday night. About 60 were present. A list of those attending was included. Games were played and refreshments of pumpkin pie, wieners and candy were served. Music was furnished by Riley PHILLIPS, Virgil BURKETT, and Opal COOPER.
- Brown: Edna COOPER is the proud owner of a new washer.
- Greenridge: Mr. Elmer BASSETT spent Sunday and Sunday night with his son, Gage BASSETT, and family.
- Greenridge: Mr. Gage BASSETT called on Charlie ARNOLD Monday evening.
- Shanghai: Shanghai School started Nov. 1. Miss Mattie IMBODEN of Odin is the teacher. She will make her home with Milton GIGERs while in this neighborhood.
- Meacham: Mrs. Edwin HARRELL is ill at this writing.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS report the marriage of their grandson, Mr. Bob HARRIS, on Oct. 24 at Hendersonville, Ky. They expect to make their home in Salem.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER of Davenport, Iowa announce the arrival of a little son born last week, which has been named Thomas Arthur.
- Pleasant Grove: The SCHUFELDT well is reported to be down 1700 feet or more. Large crowds are visiting the well, and people seem very anxiously awaiting the outcome.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Dalt VANDEVEER and family accompanied by Wilma and Lucille SHAFFER attended a VANDEVEER Reunion at a park near Flora Sunday.
- North Fork: Mrs. Marjorie GREEN entertained the Club on Wednesday. All members except 3 were present, and Mrs. Nancy GREEN, Mrs. Gertrude WADE, Mrs. Elsie DOOLEN, and Mrs. Vivian SMITH and daughters were guests. We were glad to welcome Mrs. Hazel LIVESAY as this was her first meeting this year. Quilting, picking beans, and making tea towels was the work. Marvin CONANT, Mack ROBB, Fletch COLE, George COLE, Ren WAINSCOTT, and Virgil LIVESAY helped roof the house. Mrs. Clella WAINSCOTT will entertain the Club next Nov. 9.
- North Fork: Mrs. Pid GARRETT and mother, Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEY, were callers at R.H. GREENs last Friday P.M.
- North Fork: Misses Mildred and Leta ATKINS, Leroy and Keith GREEN were entertained by Norma, Junior and Floyd GARRETT at a candy making party Saturday night.
- Mr. George W. WILSON of Decatur was here Saturday having work done at the cemetery. He was accompanied by Mrs. WILSON, his bride of a few months.
Nov. 10, 1938:
- Mr. Fred BISEL died at his home in this city Sunday from bronchial pneumonia, aged 58 years, 9 months, and 17 days. Services were held from the Christian Church in Salem with interment in East Lawn Cemetery. For the past few months, Mr. BISEL had a growth on his nose which was reported to be a skin cancer. On Oct. 18, he went to the I.C. Hospital in Chicago to have it looked after. After an examination he was sent home on account of not being physically fit to undergo an operation. He returned to Chicago a week later but took cold on the way there and was again returned home. His cold gradually grew worse and on Saturday of last week, pneumonia developed which caused his death. Mr. BISEL was born and grew to manhood in that place. He entered the employ of the I.C.R.R. in 1901 as section laborer at that place. In 1907, he was promoted to Section Foreman, which position he held at Kinmundy at the time of his death. His position caused him to live in various places along the I.C. System, and it was while living in Odin that he married Miss Eva VAUGHN on June 16, 1906. They had 2 children, namely, Irene, now Mrs. Raymond SMITH, and Owen, who are left with the devoted companion to mourn their loss. He also leaves 2 brothers, Ben of Centralia; and Dan of Tonti; and 2 sisters, Mrs. Ella BAKER of Tonti, and Mrs. Kittie BEAL of California. Mr. BISEL was a veteran of the Spanish American War, being a member of the 139th Regiment.
- Mrs. Belle SCHERMERHORN of Ridgefarm celebrated her 80th birthday Sunday in the home of her son, E.M. and wife, by entertaining to dinner the following relatives: her daughters, Mrs. J.A. BROOM of Alma; and Mrs. J.C. BROOM of Edgewood and families; Carl SCHERMERHORN of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Robert GRANT and little daughter (only great-grandchild of Mrs. SCHERMERHORN) of Easton; Mrs. Gertrude WADE of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, Mrs. Ella DILLON and Miss Anna DILLON of Kinmundy. Many letters, cards, messages, flowers and gifts were received from friends and relatives who could not be with her on this occasion, wishing her many more happy birthdays.
- Mr. Artie GORDON of Iuka and Miss Mary EAGAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison EAGAN, living north of this city, were married in Clayton, Mo. yesterday. They will make their home in Iuka.
- Mrs. P.L. NEAVILLE received a message Sunday night, Oct. 31, announcing the death of her 11 year old nephew, James DURKIN, of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom DURKIN. Death was caused from anemia. Mrs. NEAVILLE left here Monday morning to attend the funeral but took very ill while on the train. She left the train at Findlay, where she remained a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Walter MILLER, until able to return home.
- Both the BILEK and SHUFELDT wells ceased drilling Sunday when they both drilled into the McClesky sand and found it dry. The BILEK well was drilled a little over 2300 feet while the SHUFELDT well was drilled to a depth of 2557 feet.
- On Monday, Miss Nellie INGRAM, in company with Misses Lora JONES and Helen GARRETT, motored to Beardstown where she placed her application for school teaching. On their return home, they stopped in Springfield to get their supper. They parked on one side of the street to the other side when a car without lights swooped down upon them. Nell and Lora jumped right into the path of another car and were knocked down. Helen stepped backward and was okay. The 2 girls were taken to the hospital where they received first aid and remained until Helen drove to Decatur where she picked up Ray INGRAM who is employed there. Ray drove them home that night. Both girls were considerably bruised, but Nell was able to go to her school in Waltonville the next morning, where she will teach a few days before entering her new duties at Beardstown.
- The election here was a quiet one on Tuesday. The Democrats were again victorious in State and County.
- Meacham: Mrs. Olga WEISS and daughters, Olga and Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Merle JOHNSON attended a wedding anniversary dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter WEISS Sunday.
- Pleasant Grove: The wind did quite a little damage here Friday blowing down hay stacks for different ones. Some windows were blown out, and a tool shed was torn down for Will SHAFFER.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Eula CRAIG and mother entertained the Aid last Wednesday. A fine dinner was enjoyed at noon. Piecing blocks was the work of the day. On Nov. 16th the Aid met with Mrs. Leo DEADMOND.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT spent Sunday afternoon with her brother, Bert GARRETT and family.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB spent Sunday with her parents, Bert GARRETT and family.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB and Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT spent Saturday evening with Sam LOWE and family and enjoyed a chilli supper.
- South of Town: On Nov. 6, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Walter WEISS gathered at their home and helped them celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M.F. BOYER of Argenta, Mr. and Mrs. Ben REILMAN and Bud and Ruth, and Clarence LAWSON of Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard PAULSMEYER and son of Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Art WEISS and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merl JOHNSON, Mrs. Olga WEISS, daughters, Laura and Olga, and Hugh COPPLE.
- Miletus: On Nov. 3, 1938 occurred the 80th birthday of Aunt Alice MULVANY, and Sunday, Nov. 6, at the home of Will CHASTEEN and wife, the event was celebrated with more than 100 relatives and friends present. At the noon hour, a lengthy table was arranged and loaded with the choicest of good eats. Among the many cakes were 3 beautiful ones, baked by a granddaughter, Mrs. Lillie HEIDEN, and 2 nieces, Mrs. Fern GREEN and Mrs. Dolla BRAZIL. A list of those attending was included.
- East Zion: Mr. Warren OSBORNE was taken to Salem Hospital and operated on for appendicitis Wednesday.
- East Zion: A revival at Arnold Chapel is still in progress. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Rev. LINDER is in charge of the service.
- No Hunting: We, the undersigned, will allow no hunting or trespassing on land owned or controlled by us, James JONES, Clyde BALLANCE, Roy HULSEY, Harold JONES, G.F. JONES, Dale BALLANCE, Harvey HANNA, Emmit GRAY, Virgil LIVESAY, Clyde C. BASSETT.
- Prairie Grove: Glen SIGRIST and wife are the proud parents of a boy born Saturday, Nov. 5th.
- Mr. Marion HELM has so far recovered to sit up and be taken to the breakfast table Sunday morning. Though still in the cast, this is very satisfactorily improvement. It will be remembered that Mr. HELM had a very hard fall when a porch collapsed on which he was working some time ago, causing a serious back injury.
Nov. 17, 1938:
- Ancel Henry BASSETT, Life Long Resident of This Community, Succumbs, Age 79: On Tuesday morning this community was visited by the grim reaper who closed life's race for one of our good friends and neighbors. Ancel Henry BASSETT, son of Harvey and Sarah BASSETT, was born in Foster township, August 22nd, 1859, and was overtaken by the enemy, "Death", Nov. 15, 1938. The deceased was one of a family of seven children, three girls and four boys, all of whom are gone except one brother. He was united in marriage to Mary McCUNE Sept. 22, 1881, and to this union five children were born: Ernest, of Foster township, Arthur, Len and Ralph deceased, and Mrs. Sadie MILLEN, of Jennings, Mo. Uncle Henry, as he was known to all his friends and neighbors and which reflected the high esteem in which he was held, had been in very poor health for many years, having had a paralytic stroke eleven years ago, and being nearly deaf for some years. Yet with all these afflictions he remained cheerful and jovial to everyone, and how his face would light up with joy when company came in. He leave his devoted companion of 57 years who has so tenderly cared for him during his years of affliction; one son, Ernest; one daughter, Mrs. Sadie MILLER; one brother, Elmer BASSETT, who resides on the old parental homestead; five grandchildren; many other relatives and host of friends where ever he has resided. The family has lost a kind, loving husband and father, the community, a good citizen and neighbor. Funeral services were held from the home yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Paul ARNOLD, officiating. Interment was made in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- On Nov. 3 in St. Louis, Mo. occurred the marriage of Miss Dorcas E. GRAY of this city to Mr. Ivan E. STEVENSON of Iuka. Miss GRAY is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. GRAY. Mr. STEVENSON is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl STEVENSON of Iuka, Ill., and at present is in Greenville, Ill. at a CCC Camp. The bride is living with her parents while he is away.
- The neighbors and friends betook themselves, uninvited, but not the less welcome, to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest JONES, Nov. 8th. Mr. and Mrs. JONES have been lately married and this miscellaneous shower was coming to them, a shower of many useful gifts.
- Mrs. Matilda MAXWELL has received word of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. William H. BATES, which occurred at the home of his daughter in Shanandoah, La., Sunday. Services were held and interment made there. Mr. BATES was a former member of this community, having lived here some 30 years ago.
- Lewis CORNELL, wife and son were here Monday visiting his mother, Mrs. Cora CORNELL. This was the first visit here since his recent appendectomy in the Salem Hospital.
- South of Town: Nov. 11th being the birthday of Miss Myrtle HILL, her pupils and several of the patrons of Shriver School District honored her by serving a birthday dinner. The birthday cake was baked by Mrs. Nell KLINE, decorated by her daughter, Marie, and was presented by Clayton GENTRY.
- Meacham: Mrs. Mary BALKE received word Friday of the death of Mrs. Nyta BALKE TRACY, which occurred at her home in Platteville, Wis. Services and burial were held there. Nyta grew to womanhood in this community and received her education at Kinmundy High School. She leaves her husband, and 1 sister, Mrs. Hazel KAISER.
- Meacham: The Community Birthday Circle was royally entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER on Saturday, it being their wedding anniversary and also the birthday party for several having birthdays in November.
- Meacham: Miss Alice ROGERS and Mr. Glenn CURRY of Farina were married Nov. 5th. They are living in Farina.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON called on Mrs. Ida HARRISON near Xenia on Sunday. Her husband, Mr. Theodore HARRISON, died Nov. 8, and burial was made in Oskaloosa Cemetery.
- Meacham: Mrs. Mary BALKE and Mr. and Mrs. Percy LACEY were in St. Peter Friday at the home of Mr. Albert BAURER, who died Thursday and buried in St. Peter.
- North Fork: Leta ATKINS and Floyd GARRETT spent last Friday and Friday night in Kinmundy with relatives. They went on their bicycles.
- North Fork: Bert GARRETT and wife, and Cecil GARRETT and family spent Sunday P.M. with Gilbert DOOLEN and family.
- North Fork: Mrs. Nancy GREEN and family, W.L. GREEN and family, Mrs. T.M. JONES and Albert, and Noah JONES and family, spent Sunday with the Monroe LANSFORD family, celebrating Mrs. LANSFORDs birthday.
- North Fork: Several from here attended the charivari and kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Eli GREEN Saturday night.
- East Zion: Roberta ARNOLD and Eli GREEN motored to St. Charles, Mo., and were married in the Northern Methodist Parsonage by Rev. SCARBOROUGH. Mr. Clyde GREEN and Miss Marie DOOLEN were the attendants.
- East Zion: A large crowd attended the kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Eli GREEN at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ARNOLD. They received a lot of nice presents. They wish to thank each and everyone for their presents.
- East Zion: Lewis JONES and family are the owners of a car.
- Pleasant Grove: Earl FURRY held the lucky ticket at a drawing at the WANTLAND Store in Brubaker last Saturday and received a sack of flour.
- Green Ridge: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer GAMMON are parents of a 4½ lb. boy born Thursday. The mother was formerly Lillie SULLENS.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Tom GARRETT spent Thursday evening with T.L. DOUDERA and family.
- The Busy Bee Club met with Mrs. Esther ROBB Wednesday. Those present were: Mesdames Lutie McWILLIAMS, Vera McCULLEY, Florence MARSHALL, Clara MILNER, and Miss Dorothy WANTLAND. Quilting on a double wedding ring quilt was the work of the day. At noon a delicious potluck dinner was enjoyed. Mrs. ROBB was ably assisted by her daughter, Miss Mildred.
- Charles E. PRUETT came out from Washington University, St. Louis to spend the week with his mother, Mrs. C.F. PRUETT.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert DOOLEN have an 8 lb. daughter born Nov. 16.
Nov. 24, 1938:
- Another oil well was started Monday morning on what is known as the Selby GARRETT land in Foster twp., north of the abandoned BILEK well. All eyes are anxiously awaiting the results on this well as it is near the "hot spot" of Foster twp. This land is now owned by the Federal Land Bank of St. Louis and we are told the Mid-Western Oil Co., holds the lease on the land. The well is known as the Banks No. 1. The royalty buyers have been playing this section very strong because the seismographic tests show it to be good. Just a little more time will prove or disprove these tests. We are told the drillers said they would know by Sunday of this week just what the outcome is but the chances are it will take a few days longer.
- Mrs. Ora SCHWABE was certainly surprised Nov. 20th, it being her ?? birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ren WAINSCOTT and Mr. and Mrs. Richard SCHWABE, with well filled baskets, called and placed the birthday dinner on the table and helped the SCHWABE family celebrate. They also brought gifts.
- A State Embalmers License was granted to Dale HAMMER on Nov. 17th which happened to be his 21st
birthday. Along with his license was a letter from Governor HORNER congratulating him on his success. And we also join in extending congratulations.
- North Fork: The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert DOOLEN, who made her arrival last week, has been named Barbara Louise.
- North Fork: Mrs. Nancy GREEN and family are enjoying a new radio.
- East Meadow Branch: Aldred LEMAY is suffering from bruises and a gash in the forehead, the result of an accident Saturday night, when in company with George ZIMMER.
- Green Ridge: Tom and Jack GARRETT called on Paul and Clyde THOMAS one night last week.
- Prairie Grove: Marion BOUSMAN and family are enjoying a new radio.
- Miss Lois ROBB is serving an apprenticeship in the Beauty Parlor of Mrs. Pearl JIMMERSON.
- Pleasant Grove: Warren SMITH put a new roof on the front porch of Clyde HIESTANDs house Wednesday, which had blown off by the recent heavy wind.
- Pleasant Grove: The Aid met Wednesday with Mrs. Marjorie DEADMOND. A pretty King Tut quilt which had been pieced and joined up by our aid girls was put in the frames. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Gladys HIESTAND on Nov. 30th.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS were in Springfield Monday, attending the funeral of a relative, Mrs. Emmitt ROBB.
- Shanghai: The neighbors and friends of Virgil LIVESAY husked his corn this week.
- Shanghai: Visitors in the Frank JONES home this week were: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT, Misses Mildred ROBB and Lucille SANDERS, Thomas BOONE and Dale HAMMERS.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON and Ella DILLON, who is spending a few days with them.
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul HANNA have a daughter born at their home Nov. 18.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT has returned home from Chicago after attending 2 weeks there with her daughter, Mrs. Louie SULLENS and family.
- Carl PRUETT came down from Illinois University to spend the weekend at home.
Dec. 1, 1938:
- Last week we told you an oil well was started on the Selby GARRETT land in Foster twp. This week we are sorry to tell you it was drilled to a depth of 2005 feet and plugged as a dry hold. This depth took it through the Benoist Sand which was as dry as powder and the Company did not see fit to go on down to the McCloskey sand. This well dims our hopes more than ever as it was getting rather close to the "hot spot" west of town. But on the other hand, new hopes have risen because of the abstracting of this area. Time will tell.
- Thanksgiving morning, Mr. Edwin WORMLEY received a lifetime pass over the Illinois Central Railroad System. With it was a letter of congratulation from President DOWNS, commending him for his service these past 40 years.
- On Nov. 21, in the M.E. Parsonage in Iuka, occurred the marriage of Mr. Irwin SMITH of this city and Miss Frances FULTON of Iuka. The bride is an Iuka girl. The groom is son of Mrs. Ida SMITH of this city and a graduate of the local high school with the class of 36. He has recently completed a course in telegraphy at Chilicothe, Mo. The couple will make their home at present with the grooms mother in this city.
- Mrs. Mabel MARTIN was in Ramsey the first of the week attending the funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr. John T. MARTIN, who died at his home there Sunday from heart trouble. Services and interment were held in Ramsey. Mr. MARTIN was 65 years old at the time of his death, and was formerly a resident of this city.
- Nov. 27 being the 6th birthday of Marlin MORRIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Billie MORRIS, and the following day being Mrs. Lewella MORRIS ?? birthday dinner at her home celebrating the 2 occasions. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Billy MORRIS, 3 children, Darrell, Marlin, and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. MAXEY and son, Charles, and Miss Ruby LAMBORN.
- Mr. Willard SCHOOLEY has been suffering the past 2 weeks from rabbit fever and we are happy to report that the disease has been checked and he is recovering nicely.
- Mr. N.J. ROBNETT has cut off his beard and is now dressed in a "professors vandyke". The kiddies wont mistake him for Santa Claus now. Mr. ROBNETT stated that he did not do away with his long beard intentionally. He started in to merely trim it a little but for some unknown reason, couldnt get it even. Consequently he kept right on trimming, trying with every cut of the scissors to get it even. The result was the vandyke. Mr. ROBNETT is 81 years of age and it has been more than 40 years since he shave his face. He used to be troubled with bronchitis and a doctor once told him if he would let his beard grow, it would be a protection to his throat. This he did and he never had the disease any longer. We make mention of this little incident because it is the passing of the last long beard in the whole community.
- The Kinmundy Methodist Church will celebrate its 75th Anniversary.
- Swift School: Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY entertained the Club Wednesday. Quilting and piecing blocks was the work she had planned for us, and quite a bit of work was accomplished. Mrs. LIVESAY served a delicious dinner assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Esta ROBB and Mrs. Mamie BASSETT. Mrs. Emmitt GRAY and daughter, Mrs. Lou JONES and Lora Agnes, and Mrs. Esta ROBB and daughter, and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB were welcome guests. Next meeting will be with Miss Mae GREEN, Dec. 7th.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughters spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Mary BASSETT.
- Swift School: The community was very much saddened to hear of the fatal accident of Newel HAWKINS of Salem. His father, Rev. HAWKINS, is pastor of Brown Church.
- North Fork: Orie ATKINS and family and Mrs. Icy GARRETT spent Thanksgiving Day in Mt. Vernon with Dow GREEN and wife.
- North Fork: Bert GARRETT and family spent last Thursday at Carroll GARRETTs and helped butcher.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edward DOOLEN were in Lebanon Friday spending the day with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack PFEFFER. They were celebrating Mrs. DOOLENs birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mel BOYD entertained their children Thursday to a family dinner when every member was present: Mr. and Mrs. Henry BOYD and son of Highland; Mr. and Mrs. Jack HAWKINS and son of Olney; Mr. and Mrs. Fred BOYD and 2 sons of Dundee; Mr. and Mrs. John BOYD of Kinmundy; Harry, Frank and Arthur at home. Mrs. BOYDs nephews were also included in this dinner party, Ralph LUX and Will LUX with his wife and baby.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dow GREEN entertained in their new home in Mt. Vernon on Thanksgiving Day, Mrs. GREENs mother, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tom BALLANCE; her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Orie ATKINS, all of Kinmundy.
- Miss Ruby ARNOLD of Chicago, and Miss Pearl ARNOLD of Olney spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan ARNOLD.
Dec. 8, 1938:
- Susan Doshia EVANS INMAN, daughter of Thomas and Isabell EVANS, was born in Foster twp. on Jan. 6, 1874. She was one of a family of 7 children. In early girlhood she ran a dress making shop for a number of years. She was married to Job INMAN, who died July 4, 1921. She was the mother of 2 children, a daughter, Mrs. Rochelle BAKER of Danville; and a son, Charles E. INMAN of South Bend, Ind. She is also survived by a granddaughter, Laura BAKER of Danville; 2 brothers, Rollin and John EVANS and 1 sister, Agnes KISNER. Services were held from the Christian Church with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- The annual meeting of the Kinmundy Building and Loan Association was held Monday. The annual statement was discussed which showed the affairs of the association to be in better shape than they have been for several years. In the annual election, A.H. MILLER and C.B. ROHRBOUGH were reelected directors and J.N. VALLOW elected as a new one.
- We are happy to say that Guin VALLOW made the State Honor Roll in 4-H Club Work this past year. Guin is a member of the Kinmundy Roudies 4-H Club and is enrolled in the dairy project, having a fine herd of registered Guernsey cattle. There were only 4 boys in the county who made this honor roll, namely, Harold Francis BEALS of Centralia, dairy; Charles J. KINSEY of Centralia, pig; Darrell PRATT of Sandoval, pig; and Guin.
- Mrs. William HAMMER entered the Mark Greer Hospital Saturday and underwent an operation Monday for the removal of the gall bladder.
- Last Monday being the birthday of Noel SHAFFER several of his relatives planned a surprise dinner for him Sunday. It was a complete success. Those present were: his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SHAFFER, his only sister, Mrs. Lowell DISS and family and Uncle Elmer ROSE. Many were the thoughts of Russell, a brother, who is in California.
- Just as the new sheriff took the oath of office Monday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS made their way toward their new home on what is known as the Hiram LACEY farm east of this city. Mr. PITTS has owned this farm for the past 2 years and he has made several improvements on the place. This farm has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Eli ROBB and son, who moved to the Billie JACK farm 2 weeks ago.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Robert BEARD, their children and their families were at their home for his birthday Sunday.
- Meacham: The Meacham Spelling contest was held at Rockhold School Saturday with Lester HOWELL as the teacher. Miss SINCLAIR had the highest grade.
- Prairie Grove: Art WEISS and family attended a family dinner at the home of her parents, Thos. NEAL and wife, in honor of his birthday.
- Miletus: Elery BUTTS and wife are the proud parents of a baby boy born Dec. 4th.
- Mrs. Ella DILLON was in Farina for the weekend to attend the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Ladies Reading Circle of which she was a charter member.
- Wilson School: On Sunday, about 20 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion SHUFELDT for a pleasant surprise in honor of her ?? birthday. A pleasant social evening was enjoyed by all present.
- Wilson School: George MEYER returned home last Tuesday from Heyworth where he had been employed the past 2 months husking corn.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Walter RIPPY, who has been seriously ill for several days was taken to Centralia Hospital for several days, was taken to Centralia Hospital Tuesday to undergo an operation for gallstones.
- North Fork: Kenneth ROBB and wife spent Sunday with the Bert GARRETT family.
- North Fork: Mrs. Ernest BASSETT is the proud owner of a new Speed Queen washing machine.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Virdie LONNON and daughters, Myrle and Mrs. Lois ALDERSON, attended the funeral of Mrs. Clarence ROGERS in Salem Thursday.
- Pleasant Grove: The Aid met Wednesday with Mrs. Gladys HIESTAND. The next meeting is Dec. 14 with Mrs. Ruby HIESTAND. At this time a Christmas exchange will be held so dont forget your present and try to be there.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Magnus LUCAS of Salem have a baby girl born Friday at Centralia Hospital. Magnus is an old acquaintance of this community.
Dec. 15, 1938:
- The Kinmundy M.E. Church celebrated the 75th anniversary of the erection of the First Methodist Church building. A history of the church was included.
- The disease of which we have heard so much about, tularemia, or rabbit fever has claimed its first victim in this community, namely our beloved fellow townsman, Harry EAGAN. About 2 weeks ago he dressed a rabbit which had been given to him by a friend and he had just a scratch on his hand. But it was enough of a scratch to innoculate his blood. At the time he didnt think so much about it and went right on with his work with the W.P.A. road work. But he had fever all the time. A few days later, he was unable to work and after consulting a physician, took to his bed. The doctor reported that he had the disease well under control until last Friday when pneumonia set in. On Saturday he was removed to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia and he died Sunday afternoon after being there just 27 years hours. The body was brought here that evening to the Linton Undertaking home where it lay in state until Tuesday when it was taken to the home. The services were held from the M.E. Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Harry Arthur EAGAN was born in Kinmundy on Jan. 6, 1891, the only child of Delbert and Alice EAGAN. He spent his entire life in and around Kinmundy. In 1910 he was married to Gladys RHOADES, June 19th. Nine children were born to them, 2 of whom died in infancy. The living are: Marcelene, now Mrs. Carroll CROSS of Mattoon; Tiona, now Mrs. John BLAIR of Carter; John of East St. Louis; and James, Noah, Opal, and Eileen at home. For a number of years he was organist at the Presbyterian Church in Kinmundy. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Alice BUNDY of Kinmundy; his wife and children; the following uncles and aunts: Ed, Roland, George and Leonard WILSON and Mrs. Stella BLALOCK, all of Webster City, Iowa; and Will EAGAN of Kinmundy; and Charles EAGAN of St. Louis; also 1 granddaughter, Joan EAGAN.
- While playing basketball against Salem Tuesday evening, Wayne ROBB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli ROBB, had the misfortune of being hit in the throat with either the ball or another players elbow, he doesnt know which. It happened right at the end of the game and no one noticed the accident. Upon reaching the dressing room, Wayne fell to the floor gasping for a breath. After being revived by his fellow players, physicians were summoned but Wayne could not utter a sound. His vocal chords had been paralyzed by the blow. The physicians thought him plenty able to return home that night and he did. He rested well and the next morning uttered a few words, but has not regained power of full speech. He was instructed to be mighty careful and not talk too much when his voice returned. We sincerely hope that Wayne will soon be O.K. again.
- Mariah PHILLIPS SIPES was born in Omega twp. July 26, 1866, and died Dec. 10, 1938. She was the daughter of W.S. and Mary Hester PHILLIPS. In her youth she joined the Presbyterian Church where she held her membership until her marriage. On July 4, 1895, she married Willian Gracen SIPES, who died March 14, 1931. Upon her marriage she transferred her membership to this church, the Salem M.E. Church, with her husband. They had 3 children, all of whom survive her. She leaves 1 daughter, Mamie; 2 sons, Clyde and Vernon; 1 step-son, Loren; 4 grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Adelia MARLOW and Mrs. Emma KNISELEY, and 2 brothers, Scott and Tom PHILLIPS. Mrs. SIPES spent her entire life in and about Salem. For about the last 20 years, she has been in poor health, unable to move about without the aid of crutches at first, and for the last 10 years was confined to a wheelchair. Services were held from the M.E. Church in Salem with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.H. BACKENSTO and 2 daughters of Hartford, Ill. motored here Sunday. Mrs. BACKENSTO and daughters remained to help care for her mother, Mrs. R.M. ATKINS who has been seriously ill, while Mr. BACKENSTO returned home that same day.
- It begins to look as though the Kinmundy-Louisville road is a realization. It has been partially completed from the town house in Meacham to the slab in Kinmundy. The first coat of rock has been put on this far. This is a very substantial cost and will do very well for this winter should the weather not permit the finishing. From what we have been told, when completed, this road will be just as good as a concrete slab. - Omega: Donald MARLOW dropped a pole on his foot and broke a bone in it last week. He is still confined to the house at this time.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Paul CALDWELL of Alma called at the See MILLICAN home Sunday afternoon.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Sam LONG were in Omega Monday. Sam reports that he broke a rib last week and suffers considerable pain from it.
- Meacham: Mr. Willie GREENs are the owners of a new radio.
- Meacham: The Community Birthday Circle was entertained at the home of Mrs. Idela KAGY Saturday evening to help her celebrate her birthday and also her grandsons, Carol SLANEs birthday. After congratulations, a fine program was given of recitations by Carol SLANE and other children, and several readings by older persons. There were several guessing contests, and a popcorn race gave much amusement. Violin music by played by Mr. HASSEBROCK and Mr. James KAGY. A lunch of potato salad, sandwiches, pickles, and coffee were served.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank HUMPHREY and Mr. and Mrs. C.R. HEATON and daughter, Hester, attended a birthday surprise dinner for Mrs. Anna SCOTT of Kinmundy on Sunday.
- Wilson School: Vernon SIPES spent most of last week near Salem with his mother, who was seriously ill and died Saturday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Percy LACEY called on Mr. and Mrs. Merl JOHNSTON Sunday evening. They report Merl improving from his recent tonsil operation.
Dec. 22, 1938:
- Ella RICHARDSON DILLON had just left her friends in Kinmundy and Farina a little more than a week ago, to spend the winter with her son, Eugene, and family in Chicago. She was very happy in anticipating this visit. She contracted a cold a week after her arrival and Lobar pneumonia developed. She died Dec. 17. Ella was the daughter of Edward and Louisa RICHARDSON, born March 23, 1870, and grew to womanhood in Farina. After her fathers death, she engaged in General Mercantile business for a number of years. On Oct. 23, 1895, she married John R. DILLON, and they had 2 sons, Clinton Eugene and Edward Richardson. This family made their home in Farina until 1920, when they moved to Muncie, Ind., and resided there until Mr. DILLONs death on June 6, 1935. Her church affiliation was with the Farina M.E. Church. She was a member of the Ladies Reading Circle of Farina, and for many years was an active member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She leaves 2 sons, Clinton Eugene of Chicago, and Edward Richardson of Beryley, Cal.; 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter; 1 sister, Mrs. H. Walter JONES of Muncie, Ind.; 1 brother, Edward RICHARDSON of Hammond, La., and nieces and nephews. Services were held in the M.E. Church of Farina with interment in Evergreen Cemetery of this city. A list of relatives attending outside Farina was included.
- Mr. Tom JACKSON died at his home in Kinmundy last Thursday at the age of 65. Nephritis was the cause of his death. Services were held from the Hancock Funeral Home in Salem with interment in Salem Cemetery. The deceased leaves his wife and 6 daughters, all married except 1, who is at home. This family moved here from Salem only a few weeks ago and are domiciled in what is known as the Charles WHITE property, just north of WHITEs barn.
- Mr. and Mrs. Milton BAYLIS of Champaign have a baby girl born at Burnham Hospital Dec. 17, and named Patricia Arlene.
- According to a clipping sent by Mr. and Mrs. R.D. COCKRELL of Oklahoma City to Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, Mrs. Dora BRENNER died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. May FENSTER in Houston, Texas from a stroke. She was 82 years old. She had lived the past 9 years wit her son, J.E. BRENNER of Oklahoma City, Okla. She leaves a son and daughter, and 4 grandchildren. Services and interment were to be made in Oklahoma City. The deceased will be remembered by the older citizens here.
- Mrs. William HAMMER died at Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia, having undergone a gallbladder operation 11 days previous. She was apparently getting along in good shape and was to be dismissed from the hospital the following day. On Saturday morning she had called her husband here and made arrangements with him to come and get her. She was up and around, walking some, and moving about in a wheelchair. She went into the bathroom, and the nurse heard a thud, and she was found lying on the floor, unconscious. Before the doctor could reach her, she had died. The body was brought here to Linton Funeral home. Services were conducted from the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Irma Alice HAMMER, daughter of Alfred and Fannie WILLIAMS, was born Aug. 16, 1907, and died Dec. 17, 1938 at Vandalia. She was married to Edward SALZMAN April 21, 1923. Her husband died May 9, 1925. She was married to Wm. HAMMER on Jan. 25, 1931. She leaves her husband, father and mother, 3 sisters, 4 brothers, and 1 niece. She united with the Christian Church in Dec. 1931.
- Gone To His Happy Hunting Ground: Kinmundy Duke I, whelped Jan. 30, 1930, died Dec. 19, 1938. A victim of distemper and pneumonia. Duke was entered in 11 amateur field trials and was place 8 times - 1 firsts, 3 seconds and 1 third. That is the inscription on the slab which marks the final resting place of J.R. MAHANs setter dog, Duke.
- Meacham: Mr. George WISEHEART, our oldest citizen, 96 years of age and a Civil War veteran, with his son, Paul, and 2 grandsons and his daughter, Mrs. Gus BOSTIC of Bent, Ore., and Mrs. Earl JUPIN and little daughter of Salem, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KELLER.
- Meacham: Mrs. R.C. ROBB and daughter, Florence DOOLEN, called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KELLER Sunday morning. Little Miss Helen DOOLEN returned home with them.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS Saturday evening.
- Green Ridge: Mrs. Gage BASSETT returned to her home from Salem Hospital where she was operated on for tumor and appendicitis. She is getting along nicely.
- Wayne ROBB was agreeably surprised Sunday when Bob MAHAN, Richard MOTCH, Dale WRIGHT, and Guin VALLOW walked in at the noon hour to have dinner with him. All had been previously arranged by his mother, the occasion being his 17th birthday. After dinner, the boys enjoyed a trip to Iola where they visited a few minutes with friends.
Dec. 29, 1938:
- In compliance with the order of the Attorney General and numerous complaints received, any person found possessing or operating a slot machine in Marion County, Ill. after Jan. 1, 1939 will be prosecuted tot he full extent of the law.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP had with them for a turkey dinner on Christmas Day the following people: Orville Thomas JACKSON of Michigan; Louie SULLENS and wife of Chicago; Leona COWGILL of Decatur; Mr. DAVIS and wife of St. Louis, Mo.; Harry HUNTINGTON and wife of Centralia; Billy HUNTINGTON of Salem; Dow GREEN and wife of Mt. Vernon; Claude GARRETT and family of North Fork; Orie ATKINS and family of North Fork; Albert DUNLAP and wife of Kinmundy; Noah THOMAS of Alma; Charlie DOOLEN; Icy GARRETT and Mr. and Mrs. Tom BALLANCE of Kinmundy.
- The annual Christmas dinner was served as usual at the J.T. ARNOLD home, their children and grandchildren participating. Mr. and Mrs. L.E. GREEN and son, L.E. Jr. of Patoka; Mr. and Mrs. Robb GREEN and sons, Leroy and Keith, of North Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Orville SHROEDER of Patoka; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MORGAN, Jr. of Houston, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Elnoe BROWN, Misses Virginia and Kathleen and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHER and family.
- Herman KNECHT of McLean brought Mrs. KNECHT and Roberta to Mrs. KNECHTs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore MILLER, Friday to spend the week. They attended the funeral of Scott DAVIDSON, a brother-in-law of Mrs. MILLERs on Saturday.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and children spent Sunday with the James McNICHOLs family.
- East Zion: Mr. Bud CALDWELL is the owner of a 1934 Chevrolet Master.
- East Zion: A large crowd attended the candy making party at the Maurice BALLANCE home in Patoka Wednesday. A long list of those attending was included.
- Meacham: Mr. Willie GREEN had the misfortune last Thursday to break his left leg. He was taken to Vandalia Hospital.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG helping him celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard CLINEBELL and family of Springfield, and Miss Phyllis LANE were guests also.
- Meacham: The Community Birthday Circle went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merl JOHNSTON to help him celebrate his birthday but we had been there only a short time when Miss Olga WEISS was stricken very ill, and the doctor was called.
- Meadow Branch: The Meadow Branch School of which Mrs. Ruby LINTON is teacher had an excellent program Friday afternoon. The plays and pantomime, "Silent Night" were well received with Mrs. Florence MARSHALL accompanying at the piano. The children enjoyed the little tree and Santa Claus distributed presents and treats from Mrs. LINTON.
- Green Ridge: Sunday dinner guests at the home of the Frank DOUDERAs were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed DOUDERA, Mr. and Mrs. Joe DOUDERA, Mr. Geo. DOUDERA and family, Mr. Thomas DOUDERA and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde OSBORNE, Mr. B.D. DIXON and Mr. Tom GARRETT.
- Green Ridge: Mr. Noah THOMAS and family spent Sunday afternoon in Kinmundy with Mrs. Icy GARRETT.
- Camp Ground: Mrs. WALLACE is going back to her home in Chicago. She had an acute attack of indigestion.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (March 1999) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.
Updated: 09/01/11 Comments?