Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Jan. 2, 1947:
- Miss Emma Lucille BLACKBURN, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. BLACKBURN, became the bride of Aubrey O. CARY, Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents, 115 South Marion, Salem, Illinois. The Rev. E.M. DYCUS, pastor the Grace Methodist Church performed the double ring ceremony. Preceding the bride and her father down the stairs were her bridesmaid, Miss Jo McGRAW, matron of honor, Mrs. Lorin McMACKIN, sister of the bride, flower girls, Miss Bonnie Lee SMITH and Chonita McMACKIN, nieces of the bride, and her ringbearer, Master David SMITH, nephew of the bride. Mr. CARY is the son of Mrs. Jessie CARY of St. Louis, Mo. He was attended by his brother, Wiley A. CARY of Salem. Ushers were: Wilbur D. SMITH, Waterloo, brother-in-law of the bride, and J. Robert BLACKBURN, Litchfield, Ill., cousin of the bride. The bride graduated from the Salem Community H.S. in 1944, and has since attended Southern Illinois University. The bridegroom attended Salem Community H.S. entering the Armed Forces in 1943 and was discharged in 1945. Since his discharge he has attended St. Louis University. He is now a civilian employee of the army in St. Louis. After a short wedding trip they will be in their home at 2123 Menart St., St. Louis.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil HIGHLAND announce the arrival of John Patrick, in the Salem Memorial Hospital, Dec. 27. Mr. HIGHLAND is one of the instructors in our local high school.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter HIESTAND, of Champaign, are the parents of a baby boy born last week in the Salem Memorial Hospital. He will answer to the name of William Douglas. The mother is the former Maxine PURCELL of Alma.
- Mr. and Mrs. Willard SCHOOLEY left last week for East Moline, Ill., were they have accepted positions as attendants in the State Hospital there.
- Mrs. Carroll GARRETT is a patient in the Mark Greer hospital in Vandalia. We wish for her a speedy and complete recovery.
- Miss Myrtle BRASEL slipped Sunday morning and suffered a broken wrist. At present she is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland BRASEL.
- Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. HANNA purchased the Zimmer Café this week and assumed full charge of the same yesterday morning. Both Mr. and Mrs. HANNA are well known in this community, having been born and reared here and for the past several years have been engaged in farming in this community. We can see no reason why Mr. and Mrs. HANNA won’t do well in their new undertaking and we are wishing for them the best of success, and now Mr. E.O. ZIMMER is retiring from the business world after 23 years. In 1922, he purchased the Buswell Restaurant. Then in 1927, purchased the Willis Bakery and combined the two. He later closed out the bakery and has been operating the café ever since. During all these years Mr. ZIMMER has made many friends who are very sorry to see him leave the business world. At the present, he says he has no definite plans.
- Meacham Oil Well Reported A Producer: An oil well was commenced a little over a week ago in Section 21 of Meacham Twp. on what is known as the old WEISS farm now owned by George BOYE of St. Peter. Last Friday morning, the drilling was stopped at a depth of about 2200 ft. when a ten foot saturation was encountered. Pipe was set and the derrick was taken down Saturday. Now it is awaiting a cable tool outfit to drill it in. Just how strong a well this will make remains to be seen. Anyway, we are all happy in the thought that there is oil this close to Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Russell SHAFFER of San Bernardino, Calif., announce the arrival of Linda Charlene, on Dec. 24.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed BRASEL were happy Sunday to have their entire family with them for the day: Those present: Mr. and Mrs. Ellis JOHNSON and daughters, Betty and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie HALLER of Highland, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon STOCKER, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff OLDEN, and two sons, Garry and Mickie.
- Ray GEORGE is now home from St. Anthony’s Hospital, Effingham. He is recovering from double pneumonia.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford JACKSON and daughter have moved a part of their household goods to Vandalia where Mr. JACKSON has accepted a position as guard at the Illinois State Penal Farm.
- Mrs. Margaret GRAY was happy to have her 3 sons with her over Christmas, John See, R.M. 1/c, Charles of Hines, Ill., and Fred at home.
- A.L. VALLOW of East St. Louis and Miss Zelma VALLOW of St. Louis, Mo. spent Christmas with their father, C.H. VALLOW.
- Miss Alice Marie ZIMMER and Shirley GRAY are visiting Shirley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry GRAY Sr. in Buckley over Christmas vacation.
- Eli CONANT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin CONANT has arrived home from the Army.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B.E. DOOLEN and son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl DOOLEN and son spent New Year’s Eve in the W.R. DOOLEN home.
- Wilson School: Miss Viola MEYER returned Monday to her school work near Lawson, Ky. after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER.
Jan. 9, 1947:
- Kinmundy Alumni Stars Crush Kinmundy High School Hornets 39 to 24: The Kinmundy Alumni defeated the local Community High School’s Hornets last night before a capacity crowd. Once again the citizens of Kinmundy were able to see the High School stars of yesteryear. As everyone expected, the game was hard and fast, and in some cases rough. This year the mighty Alumni team consisted of 12 stars of by-gone days, namely, Bob GRAY, Kenneth PIGG, Art BOYD, Junior and Floyd GARRETT, Bob JOHNSON, Howard ROBB, Willard WILEY, Dick GRAY, Billy BROOM, Bennie DOOLEN, and Calvin BARBEE.
- Mrs. Kate EARL Funeral Tuesday: Katherine Mary, only daughter of George W. and Martha BEAVER, was born in Kinmundy, Ill. At an early age she was converted and joined the Southern Methodist Church. She was very fond of music, and for years was a regular member of the choir of her church. When the S. Methodist church was dissolved, she transferred her membership to the Methodist Episcopal Church. She was married to Edward Reynolds HENSLEY, and to this union was born 7 children, 3 of which died in infancy. Those surviving are: Mrs. Bessie PARRILL of Kinmundy; John W. Of Prestonburg, Kentucky; Chester of Chicago; and Mrs. Martha McGRUE of South Bend, Ind. There are also 6 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Her husband, Edward, passed away in 1922, and soon after she went to Chicago to live. In 1928 she was married to Louis EARL of Chicago, who preceded her in death a few years ago. For the past several years, because of failing health, she has made her home with her children. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Schuyler PARRILL, on Saturday evening, Jan. 4, 1947. The funeral service was held from the Methodist Church in Kinmundy, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Alta Mae, beloved wife of W.G. SNELLING, passed away Tuesday, Jan. 7, aged 45 years, 6 months, 26 days. Funeral services will be held from the residence this afternoon, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. SNELLING succumbed to a heart ailment.
- Joe FIELD Dies: Word was received here this week on the passing of Mr. Joe FIELDS, of Clarkston, Mo., a former citizen of Kinmundy. Mr. FIELDS died Christmas morning from a heart attack while showing a neighbor girl the Christmas presents he had received.
- Joins Polar Bears: Not to be outdone by some of the larger metropolitan areas, Kinmundy has accidently started a branch of the Order of Polar Bears, and it all happened this way. The thermometer dropped down to around 14 degrees Saturday and had been hovering below the freezing mark for about a week. Naturally, one would think it an excellent time to ice-skate. So a small band of the younger generation proceed to the C. & E.I. Lake. One lad, namely, John GARDEN, ventured out just a little too far from the shore line, the ice gave way, and he dropped into the water up to his neck. Yes, the water was cold and in the clamor to set himself out, he lost his spectacles in the water. No, he didn’t feel the urge to recover his spectacles either. So thus far this season, John is the only official Polar Bear that we know of, and by the way, if any of you nimrods happen to land one of those “Old Grandpappy” bass next spring wearing a pair of spectacles, you will know that they rightfully belong to John GARDEN.
- Wilson School - Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn WOODEN have a new son born Saturday night at Salem Hospital.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN spent the weekend in St. Elmo with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin DACE.
- Mr. and Mrs. Roy SULLIVAN, sons, Charles, Norman, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN spent Tuesday at the Carroll SIMMONS home and helped butcher.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Walter HIESTAND of Champaign have a new son born in Salem Hospital on Dec. 26th.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Pearl ROSE and family called on Claude ROSE and family Sunday afternoon to see the new grandson born Dec. 28th. Other visitors were Herschel ROSE and family, Leroy SEE, Ralph ROSE and Donald SMITH.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mancil CANTRELL.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): A large crowd attended the Christmas program Tuesday night.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Several from here attended the Christmas program at Lovell’s Grove Monday night.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Merle SEE and family attended the Christmas program at Omega school Tuesday night.
Jan. 16, 1947:
- Buys Farm: Mr. Chas. BLOMBERG has purchased 80 acres of what is known as the Dr. CAMERER farm northeast of this city, from Mr. Harvey HANNA. This farm joins Mr. BLOMBERG’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. BLOMBERG land on the north. The house on this farm has been occupied by Mr. BLOMBERG’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. BLOMBERG, since last April. They will continue living in the house.
- Great-Grandad: Mr. W.W. LOWE is pretty proud of the fact that he is again great-grandad and it all happened this way. James Edward, son, was born to his grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edward LOWE, of Brunswick, Ga. Gordon Edward is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James O. LOWE of Hercules, Calif. and James Oswell is the son of William Warren LOWE, of this city. There you have it, and may we say congratulations to everyone concerned.
- Celebrates 95th Birthday: Mrs. Esther L. MITCHELL, of this city, celebrated her 95th birthday last Monday, Jan. 13. At noon a small birthday dinner was given for her by her family and friends. The dinner included a large cake with candles and all the trimmings. Those present were Clyde BARROW and family, Lawrence and Andrew BRUBAKER, Charles and Ale BURK all of Salem. The Express joins in with Mrs. MITCHELL’s friends in wishing her many more happy birthdays.
- Mr. Arthur D. HOLBROOK, youngest brother of Mrs. E.C. BARGH, passed away Saturday, Jan. 11th, in Chicago. Funeral services were held Jan. 14, at Drake Funeral Home with burial in Irving Cemetery, Chicago. It was not possible for Mrs. BARGH to attend the services.
- Sgt. Albert CORRELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.E. CORRELL, arrived here Friday after receiving his discharge from the army at Ft. Sheridan the day before. Sgt. CORRELL has spent the past year in Germany with the Army of Occupation.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred BOYD are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine girl, who made her appearance in the Salem Hospital early Wednesday morning.
- Business Changes Hands in Alma: Mr. Lavern GRAY purchased the grocery stock and fixtures of Gex PULLEN in Alma and assumed charge last Monday morning. Mr. GRAY has been employed in the Rainey Store for the past several years. Mr. PULLEN opened this fine grocery store about 2 years ago and has enjoyed a splendid trade. We have not learned just what his future plans might be. Mr. GRAY states that he will continue his cream buying station in connection with the store.
- Life History of Mrs. Virginia SULLENS of Alma: Virginia M., daughter of Thomas and Mary WILLIAMS, was born April 3, 1865 in Fayette county and departed this life Jan. 10, 1947, at the age of 81 years, 9 months, and 7 days. Nov. 22, 1891, she was united in marriage to Charlie SULLENS. To this union, one son, Relza, was born. She and Relza and family shared their home together, she loving her daughter-in-law, Ruby, and her 3 grandchildren as her very own. At the age of 13 years, she gave her heart to God and united with the Methodist Church, at which she has been a faithful Christian for 68 years. One sister, Mrs. Julia MAXEY, of Kinmundy and her husband, Charlie, preceded her in death a number of years ago, leaving to mourn their loss, her son, Relza, daughter-in-law, Ruby, and 3 grandchildren, Virginia, Betty, and little Mike; 3 brothers-in-law, Frank, Oscar and Lawrence SULLENS; a number of nieces and nephews and friends. For many years she was a teacher in public school and many of her scholars and schoolmates remember her good works and teachings in past years. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Methodist Church in Alma, Rev. CURTIN officiating. Interment in Alma Cemetery.
- Swift School: Eli CONANT has returned home from the Army and will be with us for quite a while now. Welcome home, Eli.
- Swift School: George FORD has gone to Hammond, Ind. where he has employment.
- Meadow Branch: Word has been received this week of the death of Mrs. Homer MILNER’s father, who died New Year’s Day at 11 a.m. at his home in _______ county. Mr. and Mrs. MILNER, sons, Howard and Harmon and wife and daughter, Mrs. Naomi PRICE, Shelbyville, attended the funeral. Mr. TROTTER visited his daughter’s home ______ when they lived her.
- Swift School: Helen ROBB has employment in Flora and spent the weekend with home folks.
- Swift School: Mrs. Thurman ROBB, who has been in the Effingham hospital, returned home last Thursday.
- Omega: Robert WRIGHT left for St. Louis this week where he will attend an electrical school.
- Mr. and Mrs. Webster LOWE of Phoenix, Ariz. visited during the holiday with their new granddaughter in San Diego.
Jan. 23, 1947:
- John William BANNING, son of Eunice Emeline Lily BANNING and Fieldon Brooks BANNING, eldest child of a family of 8 children, was born in Fayette Co., Ill., near Cowden, Dec. 19, 1863, and died at his home in Kinmundy, Ill., Jan. 16, 1947, aged 83 years and 27 days. On July 26, 1886, he married Sarah Adell TIPSWORD of Ramsey, Ill., and they had 7 children, 2 whom preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife and 5 children as follows: William Marion of Farina, Ill.; Perry Brooks of Cisco, Ill.; Mrs. Argola INGRAM of Kinmundy, Ill.; Mrs. Alvirda FRANCIS of Mason, Ill.; Raymond Moses, of Kinmundy, Ill. He also leaves 28 grandchildren, and 24 great-grandchildren; 3 sisters, Mrs. Sarah TROUTMAN of Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs. Clara ROWLAND of Poplar Bluff, Mo.; Mrs. Lola HALL of Tower Hill; 2 half-brothers, Ed BANNING of Gladewater, Texas, Brooks BANNING of Dallas, Texas; and several nieces and nephews. They took into their home to rear, a granddaughter, Mrs. Henrietta BANNING STOGE, when she was a very small child. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Hira BYERS in the Church of God at Kinmundy, Jan. 18, 1947. Interment in Elder Cemetery. (A thank you note was also included from Mrs. Adell BANNING and family.)
- Coon Hunters Elect Officers: The annual meeting of the Kinmundy Coon Hunters Association was held Tuesday evening in the City Hall. After discussing the affairs of the association, Kenneth ROBB was elected President and Dwight INGRAM, Secretary-Treasurer. T.E. TROUT, Loren ALBERT, and C.S. CHANCE were elected directors. The association reported that it had purchased 11 coons which were taken alive during the open season from the hunters and that they had turned these loose just after the season closed. The hunters report a good season this year, with a total take of about 80 coons by members of the association.
- Consults Specialist: Mrs. E.W. DOOLEN, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. H.M. GRAY, of Urbana, and Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW, spent Friday in St. Louis where Mrs. DOOLEN consulted a specialist regarding a fractured hip. Mrs. DOOLEN fell several months ago injuring her hip. Enroute home, they were entertained to dinner in the home of another daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack PFEFFER in Lebanon. Mrs. DOOLEN accompanied Mrs. GRAY home on Sunday for an indefinite visit where she will recuperate.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard GRAY are rejoicing over the arrival of a 7½ lb. daughter, who made her arrival last Thursday morning in the Salem hospital. She will answer to the name of Gloria Jean. Both mother and daughter, as well as daddy, are doing fine.
- The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred BOYD will answer to the name of Betsy Jane.
- WELSH-LANGENFELD: Mrs. Mildred WELSH, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orie ATKINS, residing northwest of this city, and Mr. Fred LANGENFELD, of Centralia, were married Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock in St. Theresa’s Church, in Salem, Rev. Fr. A.B. SCHOMAKER officiating. They were attended by the groom’s sister and husband. Immediately after the ceremony, the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Miami, Fla. They will make their home in Centralia. The bride has been employed for the past few years as an operator for the Bell Telephone Co., in Salem. The groom is also an employee of the Bell Telephone Co. in Centralia. Those from here attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP and daughter, Dorothy Frances, Mrs. Lewis SULLENS and son, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS, and daughter, Helen, and mother, Mrs. Frank KLEISS.
- Fire Department Makes Run: Last evening, about 9 o’clock, the fire department was called to the home of Mrs. Pauline WEST, in the west part of the city, and quickly extinguished a blaze which caused about $250 damage. The fire was confined between the studding which is evidence that the fire caught from the flue which is built on the outside of the house. It took quite a while to get at the blaze.
- In the Methodist Church in this city on Sunday, Jan. 19 occurred the marriage of Miss Lois Marie KLINE and Mr. Bruce OLDEN, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER reading the double ring ceremony. They were attended by Mrs. Dale WRIGHT, sister to the bride, and Mr. Clifford OLDEN, brother to the groom. Before the ceremony, Mrs. Frank BAKER of Salem sang “Always” with Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON at the instrument. After the reception, the happy couple left for St. Louis, where they will spend their honeymoon. After two weeks, they will be at home in to their friends at 319 W. Warmouth St., Salem, Ill. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE, residing south of this city. She is a graduate of the local high school with the class of ‘43. Since that time, she has been employed as a stenographer in Salem. At the present time, she is employed by the Central Pipeline Co., of Salem. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosco OLDEN of this city. He attended the local high school and served in World War II with the 69th Infantry Division in Germany. He returned home last May 10th, wearing the Purple Heart in addition to his other decorations. At the present time, he is employed in the Wooley News Stand in Salem.
- Omega: William DEETER, who has recently purchased a “jeep” was in Omega last week.
- Miletus: Mr. and Mrs. Irvin HAMPSTEN received a letter from their son, Glenn, who has been in Germany several months, saying he was starting home Jan. 16th.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL were Salem visitors Friday.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE and son were visiting in Kinmundy Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lilly McCULLEY who is suffering with a burned arm she received last week.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT were shopping in Patoka Saturday.
- Swift School: Bill GREEN is moving into Kinmundy. Sorry to lose this family from our community.
Jan. 30, 1947:
- On last Thursday morning, Miss Donna MAULDING, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C MAULDING of this city, and Mr. Dan S. RAINEY, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. RAINEY, Sr. of Alma, motored to Morganfield, Ky, where they were united in marriage in the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. Gilbert ROBERTSON. They were unattended. After spending Friday sight seeing in Kentucky, they returned home Saturday. For the present, they will make their home in Kinmundy. The bride is the graduate of Kinmundy Community High School with the class of ‘42. For the past 3 years, she has been employed as a bookkeeper in the First National Bank of this city. The groom is a graduate of the Salem Community High School with the class of ‘42. He spent 32 months in the army in the Medical Corps. He spent 2 years in the Southern Pacific Theater. Since his discharge he has been employed in his father’s store at Alma. He will continue with his position.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank LEE, 118 S. Marion, Salem, announce the marriage of their daughter, Betty to J. Roy FOGLE, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy FOGLE, Sr., 312 E. Bennet, Salem, in Mayfield, Ky., on Sept. 28, 1946. The couple are living at the home of the groom’s parents and attending Salem Community High School. A kitchen shower was held one night last week at the home of Mrs. ARNETT, after a meeting of the Alpha Delta. Many useful gifts were received.
- Among the 719 candidates for degrees who will be graduated from the University of Illinois, Feb. 2, include the following: Robert D. MAHAN - B.S. Civil Engineering; Earl A. YUND - A.M. Education.
- Mr. and Mrs. Howard ROBB announces the arrival of a baby daughter girl in the Salem Memorial Hospital Sunday morning. Her name is Linda Lou.
- Mr. and Mrs. Beryl DISS are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby daughter Monday morning in the Salem Memorial Hospital. They now have a fine family, a boy, Danny Joe, and Gretchen Ann.
- Life History of Mrs. Emma ADAMS: Emma K. DANIELS, daughter of George and Adeline DANIELS, was born in Clay Co., Ill., on Dec. 18, 1860. At the age of 86 years, 1 month, and 12 days, she entered into her eternal rest after a week’s illness. In 1880 she united in marriage with Hilary Lafayette ADAMS, who preceded her in death on Dec. 3, 1945. With the exception of one year, her entire married life was spent in the home in which she passed away. Three children came to bless the home and in her loving kindness she took Cecil, a nephew into her home and cared for him as her own. She was a member of the Church of Christ at Shiloh. She leaves as survivors her two sons, Edward, of Kinmundy, Ill.; Ernest, of Edwardsville, Ill.; and one daughter, Mrs. Ethel SMITH, Farina, Ill.; the nephew, Cecil JAMISON, who lived at home with her; one sister, Mrs. Alice DUNLAP, Kinmundy; and one brother, Arthur DANIELS, Salem, Ill.; 10 grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted from the Linton Funeral Home, Monday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, Rev. Wm. REED, officiating. Interment was made in Phillips Cemetery.
- Chamber of Commerce Reorganized, F.G. PRUETT Elected President: Twenty-three businessmen, employees and those interested in the welfare of Kinmundy met in the Legion Hall last evening and reorganized the Kinmundy Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was called to order by D.J. ALEXANDER, president of the old organization. F.G. ALEXANDER, secretary of the old organization, read the minutes of the last meeting of Apr. 30, 1945. The first thing was the election of officers which resulted in the following: President - F.G. PRUETT; V. President - Dwight DAY; Secretary - Edwin SHREFFLER; Treasurer - Junior GARRETT.
- Mrs. Rose CHEADLE received a telegram Monday stating that her niece, Mrs. Grace JOURAN, of California, was killed in an auto accident. The body was taken to her home town at Rosati, Mo., for burial. Mrs. CHEADLE was unable to attend the funeral. Mrs. JOURAN served in the Marine Corps for 2 years.
- Wilson School: Guy SHAFFER and wife are moving this week to their farm in Meacham twp. after residing the past 10 months on what is known as the HUMPHREY-GRAMLEY farm.
- Wilson School: Owing to the bad roads leading to Pleasant Grove Church, prayer meeting Tuesday night was held at the Chris MEYER home. A nice crowd was in attendance.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN have returned from their honeymoon and spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE.
- East Zion: Several attended the kitchen shower and charivari for Mr. and Mrs. Gene GOODWIN of Bethalto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli GREEN Saturday night. Mrs. GOODWIN is the former Miss Margaret GREEN, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.M. GREEN of Bethalto and a sister of Eli GREEN.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Ancel ARNOLD left Sunday morning for Lebanon where he will enter school to study for the ministry.
- East Zion: Mrs. Elmer JONES, Mrs. Florence BASSETT, Mrs. Della CALDWELL and Mrs. Roberta GREEN attended the stork shower in Patoka Friday night for Mrs. Vivian JONES at the home of Mrs. Imogene MARTIN. She received many nice gifts. Refreshments of pudding with whipped cream, coffee and pop were served.
- Prairie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Lowell REESE spent Tuesday with her father, Mr. Fred HOHLT, and helped him celebrate his birthday.
- Prairie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Chris JASPER and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. PHILLIPS, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis CORNELL and family attended a surprise birthday dinner for Mrs. Minnie CORNELL of Mattoon. She was celebrating her 80th birthday and had the pleasure of having all of her children present.
Feb. 6, 1947:
- CONANT Funeral Friday: Mrs. Emma CONANT, widow of the late John R. CONANT, passed away at the home of her son, Willis, in Granite City, Wed. morning. Funeral services will be held from the Linton Funeral home in this city Friday, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased leaves 2 sons, Willis, of Granite City, and Roy of Decatur. Mrs. CONANT is an aunt of Mr. J.R. MAHAN, being a sister to the late Mrs. Jennie MAHAN.
- Thomas M. JONES Laid to Rest Saturday P.M.: Thomas Marion, son of Thomas and Mariah Lee JONES, was born July 30, 1864, near Birmingham, Ala., and departed this life Jan. 29, 1947, aged 82 years, 5 months and 29 days. While but a boy, this family moved to Marion Co., Ill., where T.M. grew to manhood. On Nov. 5, 1891, he was united in marriage with Miss Etta GREEN, daughter of the late Philip GREEN. This couple established a home on the farm where they lived for 54 years. To this union was born 10 children: Albert, of Chicago; Milburn of St. Louis; Jesse, Foster Twp.; Leslie, Alexandria, S.D.; Edward, Lincoln, Ill.; Gifford, Richland, Wash.; Chester, Billings, Mont.; and Noah, Centralia, Ill. One son, Martin, and one daughter, Emily, died in infancy. He was bereft of his companion July 20, 1942, and 2 years ago moved to Centralia, where he has since resided. T.M. was of truly pioneer stock. His mother, Mariah LEE, being a cousin of Gen. Robert E. LEE. T.M.’s paternal grandmother had the distinction of being the first white woman to spend a winter in Foster twp., having migrated her from Georgia with a family of six sons, settling near what was later called Fosterburg. Here the subject’s father grew to manhood, going back to Georgia, where he married and reared a family. Later he moved to Alabama and to Illinois. The subject leaves to mourn 8 sons and their families, two brothers, W.H. of Foster twp., and James, of St. Louis, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the Galbreath Funeral Home in Centralia, Feb. 1 conducted by Rev. WIGHAM of Central City, burial in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. James GREEN are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby son, Charles Wesley, in the Salem Memorial Hospital Tuesday night.
- Meacham: Charles NORMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse NORMAN, and Mrs. Florence HOHLT are both seriously ill and were taken to the Effingham hospital.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur COURSON and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT Sunday. Mrs. COURSON went to Decatur, where her mother, Mrs. Katie OUTHOUSE, suffered a stroke and is in serious condition at the Macon Co. Hospital.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SOLDNER and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRAINS and also helped Mr. and Mrs. SOLDNER celebrate their wedding anniversary.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND and family have moved to their new home known as the old HUMPHREY-GRAMLEY farm, located by Guy SHAFFER. This vicinity extends to them a hearty welcome.
- East Zion: Forty-two attended Sunday School at Zion Sunday morning.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Ted CALDWELL, formerly of this community, have a baby born Feb. 2 at Salem Hospital.
- East Zion: A large crowd attended the bingo party at the Jones Schoolhouse Friday night.
- Swift School: Mr. Tom JONES, an old neighbor of our community, died at his new home in Centralia. He was buried Saturday at Sandy Branch.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and Donna Mae spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank JONES.
- Swift School: A kitchen shower was given to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy GREEN at the home of his parents last Thursday night. About 50 were present. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. Candy bars and cigars were enjoyed by those present.
- There was a “In Memoriam” poem for Beauford L. HANNA by his wife, Irene HANNA, and children.
Feb. 13, 1947:
- Miss Bernadine POLLOCK, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.H. POLLOCK, became the bride of Leroy GREEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN of Kinmundy, on Jan. 28 in St. Mary’s Rectory, Centralia, with Rev. Michael PODROSKY, officiating. Attendants were Miss Margaret POLLOCK, sister of the bride, and William AYDT of Centralia. After the ceremony, the couple left for a short wedding trip. For the past year, the bride has been employed with the Jasper Grocery Store in Centralia. The bridegroom attended Kinmundy schools and served 25 months in the Navy. The couple will reside in Tolono, Ill., where he is a telegraph operator for the Illinois Central Railroad.
- Life History of a Mrs. Katie OUTHOUSE: Mary Katherine, daughter of Robert D. and Emily SEABORN GRIFFIN, was born in Louisville, Illinois, on March 18, 1868, and passed to her eternal rest on Feb. 3, 1947, in the Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur, Ill., at the age of 78 years, 10 months, and 15 days. On Sept. 20, 1883, in Louisville, Ill., she was united in marriage with Thomas OUTHOUSE, who preceded her in death in 1922. Five children were born to this union - one, Johnny, died in infancy. She spent most her married life around Farina and Oskaloosa. She was a member of the Meacham Baptist Church. She leaves as survivors her 4 sons: Louis of Mattoon; Robert of Kinmundy; Jeff of Sullivan, Ill.; and Howard of Warrensburg, Ill; two sisters, Mrs. Amy BONHAM, Odin, and Mrs. Ira CONANT, Farina; one brother, Frank GRIFFIN of Sandoval, Ill; 10 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the Farina Missionary Baptist Church, Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Elder H.H. SHELTON, assisted by Elder Eddie LOMELINO. Interment in Oskaloosa Cemetery.
- Obituary of Wm. Hardy JONES: William Hardy JONES, of Arnold Chapel in Foster Twp., passed away at his home Tuesday evening, Feb. 4th. He was born in Jefferson Co., Ala., near Birmingham, on Mar. 1, 1867, the son of Thomas P. and Mariah JONES. When he was 8 years of age he came to Illinois with his father and older brother, Thomas. His first year in Illinois was spent with Aunt Nancy ARNOLD, of whom he often spoke of as being a good Christian woman, who gave him good care and training while in her home. She took him to Arnold Chapel when Brother MANIFOLD was the minister. Mr. JONES’ mother came to Illinois soon after with his younger brother, James, and the family was reunited. The mother and father were Primitive Baptists in Alabama, but after coming to Illinois, the mother joined the Methodist Church at North Fork. When 16 years of age he was converted and joined the Methodist Church at Arnold Chapel where he was an active member throughout his life. On Feb. 19, 1889, he was united in marriage to Martha Geneva JONES in Foster Twp., Marion Co., Ill. To this union were born 6 children, Samuel P. of Duncan, Okla.; Lewis H. of Alma, Ill.; Edgar L. of Kinmundy, Ill.; J. Carl of St. Louis, Mo.; and two who died in infancy, Mina Beatrice and Herold. Uncle Will Hardy, as he was always known to them all, lived a full religious life, always taking an active part in Sunday School and church work. He taught the Men’s Bible Class and sang in the choir for many many years. When Sunday came he took his family to church. Those left to mourn the loss are his wife, four sons, four daughters-in-law, 12 grandchildren, 1 great-grandson, a brother, James of St. Louis, and many other relatives and friends. His brother, Thomas, proceeded him in death a few days.
- The residence on the farm property belonging to Mrs. Edgar GREEN located about a mile southeast of Kinmundy, and sometimes referred to as the Waterburg place, was completely destroyed by fire this morning. An alarm was sent in to town about 9:30 and several men responded to the call with the city fire truck. But about all they could do was to battle the grass fire that was spreading from the burning building. The house was not occupied at the time. We understand, Mr. GREEN, who recently purchased this property, was burning the high grass around the house and the fire got out of control.
- Mr. E.C. BARGH celebrated his 88th birthday Feb. 7 in a very quiet manner. The weather being rather chilly, he said he just stayed at home.
- Emma Jane CONANT Dies: Emma Jane, daughter of Christian and John Wesley ROBB, was born on a farm west of Kinmundy, Feb. 14, 1860, where she lived until her marriage to John Rasmus CONANT. Two children came to this union, Willis W. of Granite City, and Roy J. CONANT, of Springfield, Ill. She suffered the loss of her husband Jan. 20, 1923. She moved to Springfield, Ill., in 1901, having lived there since. She leaves to mourn her loss, her two sons, two grandsons, one great-granddaughter. She was a member of Flower City O.E.S. in Springfield. Funeral service was held from the Linton Funeral Home in this city, Friday, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Notice to Dog Owners: We have had several complaints lately regarding dogs. We seem to have several running at large who have no owners. Therefore, we are asking that you keep your dog securely tied or kenneled so that all these stray dogs may be killed. We ask your cooperation in this matter. Remember, if your dog is killed, don’t blame us. City Council. C.A. BOONE, Mayor.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. George FEATHER spent Sunday at the home of Bill GREEN in Kinmundy. It being Bill’s birthday, the relatives all came out at the noon hour and surprised him with a delicious pot luck dinner.
- Swift School: Guy ARNOLD’s had as their Sunday afternoon callers: Mr. and Mrs. G.F. JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Orie ARNOLD, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Forrest JONES spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT.
- Swift School: Helen ROBB of Flora spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman ROBB.
- Swift School: Little Billy Dean SEE had to miss school Monday afternoon on account of a burnt arm.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. George SOLDNER, Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER celebrating Raymond, Billy, Charles, and Mr. George SOLDNER’s birthdays.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE accompanied by their brother, Hugh COUGHLIN, motored to Mackinaw, Ill. Saturday to attend the funeral of their uncle, George CORREY.
- Pleasant Grove: Floyd COURSON and family have moved to their farm they bought of Leroy KNISELY and wife which was recently vacated by Lester SMITH and family.
- Meadow Branch: PFC Clayton GENTRY was discharged at Fort Sheridan recently. He arrived home Feb. 10 and spent a few days here. He was in the army 1½ years. He served the infantry in Italy. He left Sunday for Decatur where he has employment.
- “In Memoriam” poem was printed in honor of Billy DODSON, who died on Feb. 11, 1940, our son and brother, by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DODSON and ________________.
Feb. 20, 1947:
- Virginia Mae, the 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester VANSCYNC of Farina is very ill in St. Anthony’s Hospital in Effingham with typhoid. There is a mild epidemic in Farina and there have been 4 cases there.
- Bennie DOOLEN has accepted a position as manager of the Kohl & Meyer Wholesale House in DuQuoin. He assumed charge of the store Monday and will move his family there in the very near future.
- Mr. E.C. BLOMBERG and wife spent Sunday with their son, C.H. BLOMBERG and family. Grandpa BLOMBERG was 88 on Feb. 14th. He is enjoying good health and looks forward to reading the daily news and hears a sermon on the radio each Sunday morning. He has a sister in St. Louis who is 86 and a brother in New York who is 84. He also has another son, John, who resides in Cuba, Mo. He was made very happy on his birthday when he received quite a number of birthday cards from relatives, friends and neighbors.
- Mrs. Chas. ARNOLD of the Zion neighborhood had the misfortune of falling last Thursday evening breaking her hip. She was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia, where she is recuperating.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin SHREFFLER announce the arrival of a baby boy in the Salem Memorial Hospital. He will answer to the name of Michael Kyle. Both mother and baby are doing fine and are now at home.
- A very pretty wedding occurred Saturday afternoon in the Alma Methodist Church when Miss Veda MEYER became the bride of Mr. David LOWE. Rev. CURTIS, pastor, read the single ring ceremony. They were attended by Miss Nancy LOWE, sister to the groom, and Mr. George MEYER, brother to the bride. Only the immediate families were in attendance. Mr. UNDERWOOD, and evangelistic singer from Kentucky, sang “I Love You Truly” immediately preceding the ceremony. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER, residing south of this city. She is a graduate of the local high school with the class of ‘45. Since her graduation, she has been employed by the Brown Shoe Co., Salem. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. LOWE residing southwest of this city. He is also a graduate of the local high school with the class of ‘45, having received his diploma while in the service of his country. He spent two years in the navy, most of which time was spent in the Southwest Pacific. Since his return home, he attended school in Chicago one semester and then went to Peoria, where is now employed by the Catapillar Tractor Co. The happy couple left Sunday afternoon for their new home in Peoria. Their present address will be 437 Missouri Ave., Peoria, Ill.
- Feb. 18th, 1947 marked the 64th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. SNELLING, and to celebrate the occasion, this good couple held open house Sunday afternoon and evening in their home with son, Hallett, in Chicago on the 16th. A large group of relatives and friends came to help honor the event. The afternoon was spent playing games and lively conversation until the dinner hour when the hostess served a bountiful supper which was much enjoyed by all. (A list of those attending was listed in this article.)
- Prairie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ELKINS and sons moved Wednesday to the place recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMITH.
- Prairie Grove: Miss Dorothy COMBS who has employment in Bloomington, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey COMBS and son, Harry.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL called on Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS, Thursday evening.
- Miss Joann COLE, who is employed as a bookkeeper in the City National Bank, Centralia, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George COLE.
- East Zion (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Lewis JONES, Mrs. Jack and Mrs. Lester GRIFFIN, went to Wood River Friday to see Mrs. JONES’ and Mrs. GRIFFIN’s mother, Mrs. Mary WALKER, who is seriously ill. They returned Saturday.
- East Zion (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Marvin BASSETT and daughter, Donna, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT.
- Miletus (from last week): Mute KRUTSINGER, son of Charlie and Jane KRUTSINGER was born in Oskaloosa twp., Clay Co., Ill., and died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Annie SMITH, in Hardy, Iowa., Jan. 25th, aged 64 years and 3 days. He was the youngest of a family of seven. His parents and 5 brothers, namely, Edd, Jasper, Silas, Clark, and Marion, preceded him in death. His only sister, Annie, one brother-in-law, two sisters-in-law, 20 nieces and nephews, and a number of cousins mourn his passing. Ira KRUTSINGER of Kinmundy and his sister, Mrs. Anna BOYLE of Alma, attended the funeral in Hardy, Iowa on Jan. 28.
- Miletus (from last week): Friends - can you imagine what a thrill it would be to talk to your son some 6000 miles away? Such was the experience of Mrs. Ira KRUTSINGER when her son, Cpt. Francis KRUTSINGER called from Tokyo, Japan Saturday night. He landed in Yokahoma, Sept. 21 and is stationed in Johnson Army Air Base as a clerk-typist in the Orderly Room. He expects to sail for the U.S.A. about March 26.
- Miletus (from last week): Aunt Mag BOSTON, an elderly resident of Oskaloosa, died at her home Saturday night. Services in Oskaloosa, Feb. 11.
- Miletus (from last week): Ora YATES and wife received a letter from their son, Cpl. Lavern, who is in Japan, postmarked, Jan. 29th, with the good news, “Coming home”.
- Mesdames Effie DOOLEN, Kate BOUGHERS, Mildred HANNA, and Misses Florence DOOLEN and Wilma BOUGHERS were in Mt. Vernon attending a REA meeting. They report a good time and also report that Mr. O.E. GARRETT, residing northwest of this city, was made a director.
- Brown: Charles MONICAL and wife received word of a granddaughter, born Feb. 2 to Harold MONICAL and wife of Alton, named Margaret Madelyn.
- Mr. and Mrs. August MALINSKY and daughter, Clara, of Flora, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank HUMPHREY of Kinmundy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert MALINSKY, helping Albert celebrate his birthday.
- Miss Beulah DISS of this city received a letter this week from her nephew, Charles BLOMBERG, who is with the army in Japan. Charles has been in training and is soon to return back to Yokahoma. Charles also stated it shouldn’t be too long before he gets on a boat to come back to the good old U.S.A.
Feb. 27, 1947:
- Charles C. SPENCER’s body was brought here Tuesday morning. Mr. SPENCER died Sunday in Glencoe, Ill. Funeral services were in Alma the same morning at the home of Mrs. PURCELL with burial in the Wilson Cemetery.
- Saturday afternoon a birthday party was held at Salem, Ill. for Virginia Sue WILLIAMS. The ones who attended were Joyce McHATTON, Lela Mae DOOLEN, Patricia and Shirley BAILEY, Shirley HOWELL, Alice Marie ZIMMER, and Charles WOOLBRIGHT of Centralia. Games were played and refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Selby GARRETT was also a guest.
- A Girl! Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. WILLIAMS of 4585 Elston Ave., Chicago are the proud parents of a baby girl, weight 8 lbs. 10 oz. She has been named Patricia Eilene. Mrs. WILLIAMS is the former Ruth BASSETT of Foster Township.
- Stork Shower: Mrs. Marie BARKSDALE (DFM note: should be Maxine BARKSDALE) was hostess last Friday to a stork shower in honor of Mrs. John SHAFFER, of Kinmundy. Those attending from here were Mesdames Lucille VANDEVEER and daughter, Mabel SMITH and daughter, Marjorie DEADMOND and daughter, Lillian CURRY and daughter, Lois ALDERSON, Lottie MUNDWILER, Pearl SHAFFER and children, Imogene ANDERSON, Madeline SHAFFER, Lucinda CANTRELL, Hattie BARKSDALE, Laura ROSE, Wilma VANDEVEER and son, John, Meryl HELM and daughter, Emila WAGGONER, Mae BRANNON, Jennie HIESTAND, Bessie EMBSER, Mabel EMBSER, and Miss Amber HIESTAND. Many other fine and lovely gifts were given by several ladies who were unable to attend. After the gifts were given, the hostess served refreshments.
- Mr. Ray SCHOOLEY of Omega died in his home at 2 p.m. Sunday. Mr. SCHOOLEY had been ill for some time. Before he was taken ill, Mr. SCHOOLEY was a blacksmith in Omega. Funeral services were held at the Omega Church Wednesday. Burial was made in the Lovell Grove Cemetery. Mr. SCHOOLEY was 64 years of age.
- Hugh Aaron McCLURE passed away at his residence a few miles north of Salem, Ill., on Saturday, Feb. 22, 1947, at the ripe old age of 81 years, 1 month and 28 days. He was born Dec. 24, 1865 the son of James Warren and Harriott LaRUE McCLURE, at their home about 4 miles southeast of Farina, Ill. In Meacham twp. Here he grew to manhood and was united in marriage on Sept. 26, 1898 to Nettie Ann HOWELL at Watson, Ill. The first 7 years of their married life they resided in Missouri and went from there to Kansas where they lived until 1908, at which time they moved back to Kinmundy, Ill. To this union were born five sons and two daughters, namely, Mrs. Forrest JOHNSON, of Joliet, Ill.; Mrs. Virgil MILLER, of Xenia, Ill.; and sons James of Los Angeles, Calif., Eugene of Lake Bluff, Ill.; John and Earl of Salem, Ill.; and Arad of Secor, Ill. He also leaves to mourn his passing his divorced wife, Mrs. William REYNOLDS, of Bloomington, Ill.; one brother, James Warren of Los Angeles, Calif.; and one sister, Mrs. Charles WILKINSON of Paxton, Ill; 13 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by 3 brothers, namely John, of Pocatello, Idaho; Alfred, of Posey, Okla., and George of Jackson, Miss., and 2 sisters, Mr. Maggie PARRILL of Farina, Ill, and Miss Anna McCLURE, also of Farina. Funeral services were conducted from the Linton Funeral Home in this city Tuesday afternoon, Rev. CURTIS officiating. Interment was made in the Elder Cemetery.
- Those in “The Darling Brats” were: ______ AVERY, Helen ROBNETT, John GARDEN, Kathern HESKETT, Kathryn POLANKA, Betty HAMMER, Bob PHILLIPS, Henry JUDD, H.R. MOYE, Mona MULVANEY, Patty LOGUE, Benny GRAY, Benny BRASEL, Betty Ann HELPINGSTINE, Jean ALEXANDER. (A picture of the Junior High School Class Play Cast was included).
- Mrs. Frank HUMPHREY, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. MALINSKY attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Annie BECUE in Gilmor last Friday. Mrs. BECUE died last Tuesday after a short illness. She was preceded in death by her husband a few months ago. She is survived by one son, Arnold, and his family. A few years ago the BECUES occupied the farm where Mr. and Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT and sons now reside.
- Swift School: Lila GARRETT spent the weekend with Evelyn and Helen BASSETT.
- Swift School: Guy ARNOLD and wife entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and Donna Mae, and Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN and Keith to an oyster supper last night.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mrs. Maxine BARKSDALE’s mother, Mrs. Will COX, and some of the Young Chapel Ladies spent last Friday with her and helped her finish a quilt. Mrs. Lucille VANDEVEER and daughter also spent the day with them.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): At the Pleasant Grove Home Bureau meeting Feb. 14th, the following officers were elected: Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND, Chairman; Mrs. Jack BARKSDALE, Vice Chairman; Mrs. Melvin CURRIE, Sec. & Treas.; Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND, Rec. Leader; Mrs. Theo EMBSER, 4-H Club Leader.
- Pleasant Grove (this week): James SIPES of Champaign and Miss Jean WILLIAMS of Alma spent last Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES.
- Pleasant Grove (this week): Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ray VANDEVEER and daughter, and Ora ALDERSON and family attended a kitchen shower at the Chris MEYER home Saturday night for newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. David LOWE. Several nice gifts were received.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Fred ALEXANDER called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Thursday afternoon.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL were in St. Peter Saturday afternoon.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl CRAIN helped Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRAIN celebrate his birthday Thursday evening.
- Meacham: On Friday evening, the P.T.A. of Rockhold school held their regular monthly meeting at the schoolhouse. A very pleasant time was had by all - singing old songs and then Mr. J.P. HICKMAN gave a fine talk enjoyed by all. Cherry pie and ice cream was served.
- Prairie Grove: Mrs. Mary HANBAUM talked with her son, Kenneth, saying he would soon be home. Kenneth is serving in the U.S. Navy.
- Mr. Cal LANE is recovering from a light stroke. He is now able to be up and around the house, and is able to talk some. We wish for him a speedy recovery.
- Mr. Cecil Frank JONES of Chicago visited a few days the first of this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.F. JONES.
- Omega: Last week was moving week in Omega as Lyman JONES moved his stock of goods from the PERRY property to the new store building. Mrs. NAURT moved her restaurant from the COPPLE Building to the PERRY building, and Lewis HAMPSTEN moved his furniture to Salem where he will make his home.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Henry McWILLIAMS of Cicero came down Saturday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McWILLIAMS.
- East Meadow Branch: Mrs. Tony BEBERGER of Chicago is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Mary SLOVICK.
March 6, 1947:
- Mrs. Jeanette BOUGHERS, the daughter of the late Belle and Martin ALLEN of Kinmundy, passed away Monday, March 3, at City Hospital in St. Louis, aged 64 years, 18 days. Jeanette ALLEN was born Feb. 13, 1883 on a farm east of Kinmundy and later moved into town with her parents. On March 17, 1901 she was united in marriage with Joseph Seph BOUGHERS. To this union 2 children were born, a son, who preceded his mother in death, Oct. 7, 1931, and a daughter, Mrs. Oneta ______EASTER of St. Louis. She was a member of the Christian Church of Kinmundy until she moved to St. Louis where she became a member of the Tower Grove Church. Funeral services were conducted from the Hoppe Funeral home in St. Louis, March 4, after which the remains were brought to the Linton Funeral Home in Kinmundy for a brief services conducted by Rev. MAHON of Mason, Wednesday with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Besides her daughter, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. F.B. GEORGE of Alanson, Mich., and aunt, Miss Stella COX of Kinmundy and a stepfather, Wm. T. EAGAN of Kinmundy.
- Minnie B. Smith RUDOLPH entered into her Eternal rest on Feb. 28, 1947 in Decatur, Ill. after a year’s illness. She was born in Kinmundy Mar. 7, 1886, the daughter of Thomas and Dosh BORING SMITH. At the time of her passing, her age was 60 years, 11 months and 21 days. She attended the public school in Kinmundy. She was united in marriage to Emmitt RUDOLPH, now deceased. She made her home in California for a number of years, and while there she became a member of the Free Methodist Church in Sacramento. For the last several months, she made her home with her sister, Mrs. NIRIDER in Decatur, who, with the assistance of Mrs. FLANIGAN and Mrs. Mona CROSSMAN, close friends, so tenderly cared for her. Those left to miss this dear one are: 2 sisters, Mrs. Mattie NIRIDER, Decatur, Ill.; Mrs. Georgia SMITH EAGAN, Antonito, Colo.; one half-brother, Thomas Clyde SMITH, San Diego, Calif.; 4 nephews, Merle and Fred NIRIDER, Decatur; Tom and Lyle EAGAN, Antonito, Colo., and one niece, Mrs. Dosh McHENRY, Shelbyville, Ill.. Funeral services were held from the Linton Funeral Home Sunday, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Duane HANNA moved their household goods from Salem Saturday and are now occupying the Ida SMITH apartment.
- Has Birthday Party: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE and Sammy, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. George COLE and Joann, and Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN and Keith were very pleasantly entertained Sunday, March 2, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE, in honor of the birthdays of Fletcher, Mack, Sam and Marjorie, whose birthdays occur in March. We have enjoyed this happy occasion for 20 years and hope next year, all of our families can be with us. All were present this year but Bill and Darlene and families, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. COLE, and Leroy GREEN and wife. Bill and Darlene both called by telephone and wished us all a happy birthday. A delicious dinner with home made cake and ice cream were enjoyed by everyone. We plan to meet next year with Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE.
- The Health Committee of the City Council ordered the local schools closed Tuesday and remained closed for the remainder of this week. This action was taken in hopes that it will curb the flu epidemic which is raging throughout this part of the state. Several students were absent from school last week. On Monday of this week, about 40 percent of the students were out of high school, and about 50 percent from the grade schools. The school authorities recommended to the Health Committee that they take this action. School will reopen on Monday of next week. Mr. O’DELL announced that when schools are closed by local health authorities, the time lost is not required by law to be made up at the end of the school term. Several schools throughout Southern Illinois have been closed because of this epidemic.
- Clarence MINGEE and Helen JACKSON speak vows in Champaign Saturday: The wedding took place at the University Place Christian Church on March 1st. Miss Martha JACKSON, sister of the bride was maid of honor, and Mr. Howard REVELL served as best man. After the wedding, a reception was held at the home of Mrs. Jack HONN, sister of the bride, in Champaign. Mrs. MINGEE is a graduate of the Kinmundy High school, class of ‘43, and was employed by the Bell Telephone Co. in Champaign. Mr. MINGEE is a graduate of the Tolono H.S. and attended the U. of I. He is employed by the Caterpillar plant in Peoria. The couple will make their home in Peoria.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.R. MAHAN accompanied their son, Bob, in Springfield, Monday where Bob has accepted a position as an engineer with the state.
- Mr. Beryl DISS was taken to the Salem Hospital Monday. His appendix was removed that evening. Beryl is reported as doing fine.
- Mr. and Mrs. Verchial TROUT have bought the property of Mr. and Mrs. George POWELL and intend to make this their future home. This property, the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lee BARBEE, is near the city park. Mr. and Mrs. POWELL expect to remove to Belleville to make their future home. We hate to lose this family from our community, but congratulate Mr. and Mrs. TROUT on buying their home, and wish them much success.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Peter BURKE and Mrs. Robert HIKERT of Chicago and brother, Joe COUGHLIN of Calif. are here visiting their sister, Mrs. Chester KLINE and family, and brother Hugh COUGHLIN and family. It is the first time in 12 years that they have all been together.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh COPPLE helping Miss Donna Marie celebrate her 6th birthday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON attended the funeral service at the Linton funeral home for Mrs. Minnie SMITH RUDOLPH.
- Omega: Halice LEWIS is walking on crutches after being kicked by a horse at Mt. Vernon last week.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD to Centralia last Wed. where Mrs. ARNOLD entered the hospital for treatment.
- Brown: Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at the Mt. Carmel Church for Mrs. Mary EVELAND. Interment in Parker Cemetery.
- Brown: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O’DELL and son, Vern, moved Saturday to the O’DELL property recently vacated by Wm. DEITER and wife.
March 13, 1947:
- James Franklin HICKMAN, member of the K.C.H.S. faculty, funeral Sunday: James Franklin, son of Zachariah and Mary Frances DOTY HICKMAN was born Jan. 17, 1881 in Carrigan Twp., Marion Co., Ill., and passed away in the Salem Memorial Hospital, Salem, Ill. March 6, 1947, aged 66 years, 1 month, 20 days. The mother passed away when Frank was about 10 years of age. The father, with the rest of his family, migrated to Oklahoma, leaving Frank with relatives that he might finish his schooling. His education was acquired in the rural schools of Carrigan Twp., Salem H.S., Southern Illinois Normal University, State Normal School at Normal, Ill., and the University of Illinois, Champaign. He held a State Life Supervisory Certificate. On Jan. 9, 1911, he was married to Miss Nelle SOMERVILLE, of Odin. To this union, 3 children were born, namely, James Russell and Sherman Francis, of Decatur, Ill., and Mary Margaret LEE of Kinmundy. His beloved companion died March 2, 1946, just four days over a year ago. Frank very plainly showed his grief for his loved one. “Pop” as he was commonly called by several of his students, was a great educator. He began his teaching career in a rural school located north of Odin, Ill. Then he went to the Odin H.S. In 1910, he was elected County Superintendent of Schools of Marion County. After the expiration of his term in 1914, he became editor of the Salem Republican. After serving for one year in this capacity, he accepted the superintendency of the Vandalia Schools. From there he went to Mowequa, Ill., as superintendent of schools, which position he held for 14 years. In Sept. 1932, he resigned his position and accepted the position of manager of the Mowequa Coal Mine. Just two days before Christmas the same year, the mine met with a great disaster. A gas explosion took the lives of 52 men, and injured several others. Frank was one of the first to go into the mine after the explosion and there he spent tireless hours directing the rescue work. He came to Kinmundy in the fall of 1935 as a member of the high school faculty and remained her for 9 years. In the fall of 1940, while attending a meeting of the Kinmundy Chamber of Commerce one evening, he advance the idea that we should improve our local high school by making it a Community High School. Little by little the idea grew and finally, the following spring, this came to pass. So this community is deeply indebted to Frank HICKMAN for the great improvement in our school system. Frank remained with the school here until 1944, when he accepted the superintendency of the Vernon Schools. Love for his Kinmundy friends, young and old, caused him to accept his former position here on the faculty last fall. He was certainly a happy man, and again the writer heard him remark, “I am home again and unto death do us part.” Yes, he loved Kinmundy and Kinmundy loved him. Besides his 3 children, he is survived by 2 brothers, Sam E. HICKMAN, Altus, Okla., and Charlie HICKMAN, Eldorado, Okla., and 2 sisters, Nellie MOYER, Tahoka, Texas, and Annie McREYNOLDS, Eldorado, Okla.; a daughter-in-law, Elizabeth, wife of James Russell, a son-in-law, Robert LEE, both of whom he loved as his very own, and 3 grandchildren, James Norman HICKMAN, son of James Russell, and David Russell LEE and John Franklin LEE, all of whom he was very proud. He was a regular attendant of the Methodist Church and for several years was chorister of the Sunday School. He was a lover of music. Even in this service today, when the family was asked if they had any special selections, they answered, “No, just open the book. Just any song would have been alright with dad.” He was a member of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Funeral services were held Sunday in the High School Gymnasium with Rev. J.R. CURTIS officiating, and Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, assisting. By request of the family, the life of the deceased was eulogized by Rep. R.J. BRANSON of Centralia. Interment was made in the Odin Cemetery.
- A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. Theodore MILLER, March 11, in honor of her 88th birthday. Those present were Mrs. Victoria JACKSON, Miss Beulah DISS, and Mr. Grover BAILEY. Three lovely cakes were given to Mrs. MILLER as well as several presents.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.C. BARGH have sold their business building, known as the West Building, to Mr. J.B. HARRELL, of Louisville. Mr. HARRELL owns and operates the Farina Lyric and we are certainly in hopes he will establish a show in this city.
- Sells Property: Mr. and Mrs. E.C. BARGH have sold their business building, known as the West Building to Mr. J.R. HARRELL of Louisville. Mr. HARRELL owns and operates the Farina Lyric and we are certainly in hopes he will establish a show in this city.
- James HANKS as Teacher: Mr. James HANKS of Crossville, Ill., a former G.I., was hired Wednesday to fill the vacancy of the former J. Frank HICKMAN, it was announced by Lewis J.T. O’DELL, Supt. of Schools. Mr. HANKS is a graduate of Charleston Normal, Charleston, Ill.
- Members of the Eastern Star and their husbands and members of this local Masonic fraternity and their wives, will gather Friday evening, March 14th, beginning at 6:30 o’clock for a dinner prepared by the members of the Eastern Star. A program has been arranged afterwards dedicated to the new banquet room. Each family of the Eastern Star is asked to bring a pie.
- Mr. H.K. LANE celebrated his 80th birthday March 8. He received many nice cards and on Sunday, his sister, Mrs. Cleora BINEGER, of Arthur, Ill., and Mrs. Lela BENNETT and Mrs. Roy FULFER of Champaign, Ill., spent the day with him.
- Meacham: The C.B. Circle surprise Mr. and Mrs. Merl JOHNSTON Sunday, the day before being their 13th wedding anniversary. They were very much surprised. Guests came with well filled baskets and at the noon hour a fine dinner was served. The afternoon was spent in topics of the day. 26 were present.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Victor YATES have moved to the farm of Mr. Erman ALLEN and family, and formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. BUTTS and family.
- Prairie Grove (from last week): Kenneth HANNABAUM, who is serving in the U.S. Navy is here spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest HANNBAUM and family.
- Prairie Grove (from last week): Leo PORTER returned to his camp Friday after spending furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve PORTER.
March 20, 1947:
- Celebrate 65th Wedding Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BAGOTT observed their 65th wedding anniversary and Mr. BAGOTT’s 88th birthday with a family dinner in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred FLETCHER, in Charleston, March 16. They were privileged to have all their children with them for this occasion; also all the grandchildren except one: Mrs. Dorothy LEAVITT of Cleveland, Ohio, and all the great-grandchildren except four. The home was decorated with cut flowers and two beautiful cakes adorned the table. After dinner, which was served to about 30 guests, Mr. and Mrs. BAGOTT enjoyed opening the many gifts and cards which they received from friends far and near. Present for the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. John Clark BAGOTT of Palouse, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Russell BAGOTT of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BAGOTT of North Manchester, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Max CARRAWAY and son, Ronnie of Kalamazoo, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Bert GUBBINS of Muncie, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER, Donn and Janet Lee, Sumner; Mrs. Rose BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie DE WERFF, Mrs. Ted HOWARD, Mr. and Mrs. Milford STORCK and Mr. and Mrs. Herman SMITH, Farina; Mrs. Gage VAUGHN, Mt. Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Paul BAGOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell BAGOTT, Tommy and Gerry, of Charleston; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER and Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and Kaye of Kinmundy.
- Mr. Willard BROWN, 60, committed suicide by hanging himself in his home in Mattoon Wednesday morning. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home and prepared for burial. Funeral services will be held March 21, from the Funeral home, Rev. BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Harriett, of New York, and one son, Earl, of Effingham, his mother, Mrs. Arminda BROWN of this city, two brothers, Harvey and Elno, both of this city, and two sisters, Mrs. Harriett SCHLANGENHAUFF, Janesville, Wis., and Mrs. Rochelle LACEY, of Pontiac.
- Breaks Arm: Miss Dorothy SHAFFER, 7 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER, broke her arm Tuesday while on her way home from school.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold RICHARDSON, of Centralia. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Otto DE WERFF and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin BURTON and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. A.T. SIGRIST. The occasion being in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A.T. SIGRIST’s 42nd wedding anniversary and the birthdays of Mrs. DE WERFF and Mrs. PITTS.
- Mr. and Mrs. R.C. MAULDING received a telephone call from their son PFC Richard MAULDING, Paratrooper, from Oakland, Calif., saying that he had arrived Friday and expected a furlough soon. Richard has been stationed for the past 7 months in Japan.
March 27, 1947:
- Fear 112 Miners Lost in Centralia Explosion; 142 Men in the Mine at the Time; 30 Escape Deadly Gas Blast; 35 Miners Now Known to Be Dead; Centralia Mine No. 5 Explosion Worst Since 1909: Centralia is suffering from one of the worst disasters in the history of Marion county. An explosion occurred in the No. 5 mine, owned by the Centralia Coal Co. and located just south of Centralia in Washington county, at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, entrapping 131 men. 30 of those men were rescued soon after the explosion. However Mark WATSON, a pumper, died soon after his rescue. The news of this great disaster spread over the nation like wildfire. Assistance came from every direction. Ambulances from most every point in southern Illinois, as well as many from Scott Field, rushed to the scene and are still standing in readiness to receive the injured. Nurses and doctors are on the scene and in readiness. A truck load of blood plasma is on hand. The state mine rescue crews from DuQuoin, Eldorado, Zeigler, Herrin, Benton, Benld, and Belleville, as well as the federal crew from Evansville, Ind. are on hand doing everything they possibly can in the rescue work. They are assisted by a few of the local miners who worked another shift, and know the mine. The Red Cross was soon on hand with their First Aid units. and the Salvation Army was soon on the scene with a mobile unit service hot coffee, doughnuts, and sandwiches to the workers and bystanders. The Illinois Central Railroad switched their wrecker diner and sleep on the siding where the rescue workers are being taken care of. Photographers and newsmen from every news service and magazine, as well as news reel photographers, are on hand. Soldiers from Scott Field are hand helping the State Police and county enforcement officers. Business was at a standstill in Centralia Wednesday. No one cared to shop and very few cared about going about their usual vocations. Most everyone went to the mine intent on helping hand if at all possible. But there was little anyone could do. Wives, mothers, fathers, and children of those entrapped, stood all night Tuesday and all day Wednesday, awaiting some word from their loved ones in the mine. This was indeed a pitiful sight to behold. Everyone felt just as sorry as they could for these folks. The rescue work is slow. The workers are forced to work with the aid of gas masks and oxygen tanks strapped to their backs. The mine is filled with gas and black damp. Yesterday, it was reported, the workers were about 3000 feet from the shaft and the main ‘entry’ is about 3 ½ miles long. In this distance, they had run across 16 bodies which were brought to the surface late yesterday evening. 16 more bodies were brought to the surface early this morning. Little hope is held for the remainder of the men in the mine. Although, Mr. Robert MEDILL, State Director of Mines and Minerals who is on the job, directing the rescue work, cited a case back in 1911 where men had sealed themselves in against black damp and lived for 22 days to be rescued. Regular broadcasts are being made direct for the surface of the mine. There is little to be learned in these broadcasts because there is very little news to be had. The rescue shifts are working in shifts of 7 and 8 hours. So the only news that can be gathered is when these shifts are changed. According to radio reports this morning, all business in Centralia will be suspended today, as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives. It is the supposition at this time that the explosion was caused from accumulated dust in the mine. The state mine examiner had examined the mine just a week ago and found it had air in some parts of the mine as well as loose rock. He also complained about the excessive dust in the mine, especially along the roadbed and recommended that it be sprinkled. This was in his written report to the coal company. We understand that nothing had been done to correct these findings. U.S. Senator C. Wayland BROOKS, introduced a resolution yesterday, which was immediately passed by the Senate, calling for an inquiry by the senate public lands committee to determine whether any federal official was negligent. The mine is under government control. Prayer services were held in more than 500 churches throughout Southern Illinois yesterday for the lives of these men entombed. All Centralia churches are being kept heated for those who care to visit them at any time for prayer service. These miners were remembered in prayers last night at the local Methodist Church. This is, indeed, very horrible. We cannot begin to paint the true picture unless you have personally visited the scene of this disaster. It is truly a pitiful sight. This is the worst mine disaster in Illinois since the Cherry Mine Disaster in 1909, which took the lives of more than 200 men. (DFM note: There were also 3 pictures of the rescue workers near the mine.)
- A New Cop: Mr. Harvey BROWN is now wearing the star, which designates him as being the official law enforcement officer of the City of Kinmundy. His appointment took place last night upon the resignation of Mr. Ank GRAY.
- Mrs. Vera DAVIDSON, of Kenilworth, Ill., came Tuesday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. BARGH.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert DOOLEN are rejoicing over the arrival of Carol Lynn, who made her arrival Saturday in the Salem Memorial Hospital.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Herschel MARLOW of Downs, Ill. were here Sunday to attend his mother’s funeral service.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Adelia MARLOW at Omega church on Sunday.
- Meacham: Mrs. Edwin HARRELL is a patient in the Effingham Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery.
- Swift School: Emmett GARRETT, who is employed at Centralia now, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT.
- Prairie Grove: Mr. Fred HOHLT suffered a heart attack Friday. At present, he is reported as improved.
- Prairie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Herschel MARLOW of Downs, Ill. were here Sunday to attend his mother’s funeral service.
April 3, 1947:
- Dorothy Alice KLINE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis KLINE of Harvey, Ill. became the bride of Eugene Edward PATHEL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie PATHEL of Crete on Saturday evening. Mrs. James WILTSHIRE, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor, and Marcela SCHWARTSKOPF and Dolores KLEIN, sister of the bride, served as bridesmaids. Earl PATHEL of Columbia, S.C., brother of the bridegroom, served as best man, the ushers were Willis BRAUN of Crete, and Charles KICKERT of South Holland. The bride graduated from Thornton Twp. H.S. with the class of 1946 and is now employed with the Perfection Gear Company. The bridegroom attended Crete H.S. before entering the navy. He served for 2½ years in the South Pacific. He is now employed at Hibbard’s Hardware store in Chicago Heights. The groom is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Harve BRANSON of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. William COLE and family moved to Kinmundy Wednesday and are now at home in the Whitteburg Apartments.
- Mr. C.G. JACKSON left Saturday for Danville in answer to a message announcing the death of her niece, Miss Aileen OWEN. The deceased will be remembered by several in this community as she with her sister, Helen, made their home here with Mr. and Mrs. JACKSON and attended High School. The father, James OWEN, is a brother to Mrs. JACKSON.
- (From the Alamosa, Colorado Daily Courier): Mr. and Mrs. J.M. DISS of Hooper were the honored guests at a surprise party on Monday evening at the I.O.O.F. Hall, the occasion being their 30th wedding anniversary. An appropriate program was presented followed by games. (DFM note: A list of those attending was included.)
- W.L. GREEN-D was elected supervisor of Kinmundy twp. over Beryl DISS-R in the election Tuesday. Tom HELPINGSTINE-D was chosen as highway commissioner over William LUX-R and Jesse REESE-I who sought re-election on the Independent ticket; Glen JOHNSON-R and Otis CHARLTON-R as constables, and Dwight INGRAM-R as school trustee over Carroll SIMMONS-D, succeeding Fletcher COLE-R who retired as school trustee.
- In the election in Meacham Twp. held Tuesday, Ruben CRAIN-D won over Claude HENNING-R for Highway Commissioner. E.G. DILLON-R was unopposed for School Trustee.
- Final Count Shows 111 Died in Mine No. 5 Explosion; Investigation Starts: Federal, state and local investigations are underway to determine the cause and who was at fault of the mine disaster in Centralia last week. The last of the 111 entrapped victims are being buried today.
Although these investigations will not bring back the lives of these men, there is no doubt but what the findings will have a great bearing on the safety of mines in the future.
- DYER Children in Accident: Barbara and Lawrence DYER of this city, in company with Von WILSON of Edgewood, were returning to Kinmundy Tuesday evening in WILSON’s new Ford. The night was very foggy, and just north of LaClede, they ran head on with a Chevrolet car from Indiana, occupied by two more men. They reported the Chevrolet was astraddle of the black line and was running without lights. Both cars were demolished. Lawrence was thrown through the windshield, receiving several cuts about the face. Barbara received some chest injuries. and WILSON was cut and bruised. They were taken to the Salem Hospital in the Linton Ambulance where they were given attention. Lawrence and WILSON were dismissed the following morning but Barbara was not dismissed until Wednesday afternoon, having had x-rays taken of her chest. The two gentlemen in the Chevrolet were taken to Effingham hospital for treatment but we did not learn how serious their injuries were.
- Barbara, 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl LANE, was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital on Tuesday of last week and operated for appendicitis. Her appendix had bursted but from all reports she is getting along fine. She was able to return home Tuesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil CURRY of Chicago came this morning to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. Bertha CURRY.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dean BRUBAKER of Indianapolis, Ind. announce the arrival of a bouncing boy last Saturday. Grandma (Mrs. Wesley JONES) left immediately for Indianapolis to help care for her new grandson.
- The Junior Community Choir, under the direction of Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM, which will make their first appearance Sunday morning at the First Methodist Church, and again Sunday evening when the group will sing at the Christian Church. Those pictured were Patricia BAILEY, Shirley BAILEY, Helen HALL, James WHITE, Loretta DISS, Barbara HAMMER, Phyllis HOYT, Wanda GARRETT, Bonnie GRAY, Carol THOMS, Barbara DOOLEN, Patricia DOOLEN, Louis MAXEY, Barbara HOWELL, Morris MAXEY, Donald THOMPSON, Marilyn O’DELL, Patricia PRUETT, Barbara ALLEN, Kathleen O’DELL. (A picture was included with this article.)
- Mr. and Mrs. L.M. DISS Honored: Mr. and Mrs. L.M. DISS of Hooper were the honored guests at a surprise party on Monday evening at the I.O.O.F. Hall, the occasion being the 30th wedding anniversary. An appropriate program was presented followed by games. Lovely refreshments were served by the four sons and son-in-law. (A list of those attending was included.) “Alamosa, Colo. Daily Courier”
- Home Again: PFC Richard MAULDING, Paratrooper, returned home Monday on terminal leave after spending the past few months in Japan. He was met in St. Louis by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. MAULDING. Mrs. D.T. UNDERWOOD accompanied Richard here from California and will visit her daughter in Centralia.
- Danny Jo DISS celebrated his second birthday March 30. A delicious birthday dinner with a decorated cake with 2 candles was served at noon. The guests were grandmother, Jesse BRUBAKER, and son and daughter, Jean and Joe, of near Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Orville DISS and sons, Charles and Leroy, Miss Beulah DISS, Misses Ruby and Grace ARNOLD and Pearl ARNOLD of Springfield, who celebrated her birthday on Saturday and great-grandmother, Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD.
- Pleasant Grove: Pearl ROSE and family, Ralph ROSE and family, and Virgil SEE and family ate supper with Ralph HIESTAND and wife Wednesday evening honoring their father’s birthday.
- Prairie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin DIETRICH and son retired to their home in Pennsylvania after spending several weeks in the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. HAWKEY.
- Prairie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Laverne ENGEL are parents of a baby boy born March 21st.
- Swift School: Mrs. Effie ROBB and Florence DOOLEN called on Chas. LOWE and family Sunday afternoon.
- Swift School: Wilbur LONGIE has entered the Swift School, making a total of 21 pupils now.
- Swift School: Clyde BASSETT and daughters, Helen and Evelyn, were in Centralia, Saturday.
- Mrs. Ivy MORGAN spent the weekend here with her nephews, Tom and Lem BALLANCE, enroute to her home in Chicago, after spending the winter in Fla.
April 10, 1947:
- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse REESE left Sunday for Jewel, Iowa to spend a week with Mr. REESE’s brother, Ben and family.
- Dwight HANNA, who is attending school in East Lansing, Mich., is spending a few days here with his wife and daughter.
- The city of Kinmundy is one of the few communities who still have telephone service. Most of the larger cities are effected by the telephone strike. The local telephone operators are not union which explains the good service we still have. However, the long distance calls are affected with the telephone company accepting only emergency long distance calls.
- Alta BRASEL and Steven EAGAN wed: April 5, in the home of Rev. WILSON, Odin, Ill., minister of the Alma Christian Church, Miss Alta D. BRASEL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul BRASEL of Alma, became the bride of Mr. Steven E. EAGAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison EAGAN. The wedding was held at 10:00 a.m. with the parents of the couple attending. After the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. EAGAN were given a shower in the home of the bride’s parents in Alma, where many fine gifts were given to the couple. Mr. EAGAN is employed here in Kinmundy as a truck driver by the Kinmundy Lumber Co., and is a veteran with 2½ years in the service of his country. The couple will make their home in an apartment provided for them in the home of the groom’s parents, northwest of town.
- Wanda BUTTS and Ivan DEVORE Wed: Wanda Marie BUTTS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orion BUTTS became the bride of Lowel Ivan DEVORE, son of Mrs. Harry THOMPSON in Salem on Friday. Rev. Orville HAWKINS officiated. The bride was employed at the Brown Shoe Co. for 3 years. The groom has been employed 1½ years in Griffieth, Ind. as a carpenter. He served 4 years in the U.S. Air Force and spent 3 years in the South Pacific. They will make their home in Griffieth, Ind., where he is employed.
- Melba SIPES and Neil BUNDY Wed: Miss Melba SIPES and Neil BUNDY were married March 28 in Morganfield, Ky. by Rev. BOWLAND, pastor of the Christian Church. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon SIPES of Salem, and the granddaughter of Mr. Floyd CRAIG of Kinmundy, on whose anniversary the young couple were married. The bride is a graduate of Kinmundy H.S. and was employed by the Bell Telephone Co. in Rockford for 3 years and the past year in Centralia. The bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray BUNDY of Centralia and a graduate of Centralia H.S. After a trip thru several places of interest in Kentucky, Indiana and Southern Illinois, they will reside on a farm near Walnut Hill, Ill.
- Celebrates 67th Birthday: Sunday, April 6, several relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CORRELL to celebrate his 67th birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo CORRELL and children of Garden Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. Lester SMITH and son of Bellvidere; Mr. and Mrs. Arley CORRELL and son of Thomasboro; Mr. and Mrs. Louis VOGEL and children and Edwin HAZLETT of St. Elmo; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey JOHNSTON of Farina; Mr. and Mrs. Clark HAMPSTEN of Meacham twp; Mr. and Mrs. Albert HAMPSTEN, Mr. and Mrs. Albert CORRELL and son, Mrs. Hattie HUDDLESTON and grandson of Omega; Mrs. Ed CRUTCHFIELD and Donald of Salem; and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton LEMAY and daughter of Kinmundy. A nice dinner was served at the noon hour and several nice gifts were received by Mr. CARROLL.
- Lewis WILSON Sr. Dies: Mr. Lewis WILSON, Jr. passed away Friday in the Lee Convalescent Home in Salem aged 82 years, 7 months, and 6 days. Services were held from his late residence in this city Sunday, Rev. Clyde SINCLAIR officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. (DFM note: The article had Lewis as both “Sr.” and “Jr.”)
- The Victory Producers 4-H Club met Monday at North Fork School house with all members present. Cecil JONES and James Kenneth WALTON gave talks on corn, and William GRIFFIN gave a talk on Electricity. Our next meeting will be Friday at the Foster townhouse. Our leader is Lester GRIFFIN. Leroy SWIFT, Reporter.
- Hep-Cats Meet: The Hep-Cats met Tuesday night from 7 to 9:00 in their club room. The evening was spent in playing games and dancing. Popcorn and sandwiches were served. Election of officers was held and the following were elected. Charles WHITE - Pres.; Bill VALLOW - Vice Pres.; Lois SHAFFER - Sec’y and Treas.; Lela Mae DOOLEN - Reporter. This is a Recreation Club for teenagers with mothers chaperoning.
- Meadow Branch: George E. SCHOPMEYER of Effingham called on Ira MARSHALL last Thursday. He and Mr. MARSHALL were both graduates from the Rose Polytechnic Institute of Terre Haute, Ind.
- Omega: Loren MIDDLETON’s house in Soloam district caught on fire from the flue Monday morning, but was extinguished with little damage.
- Meacham: Paul JONES and family of Oskaloosa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MILLER and family, Mrs. Lloyd SELBY and family of Sullivan, Fred JONES and family were Easter dinner guests of their mother, Mrs. Susanna JONES.
- Meacham: Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER, Mrs. Mary BALKE, and Mrs. Ruben CRAIN were in Effingham Hospital to see Mrs. Edwin HARRELL, who has pneumonia. They report her better.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and daughter, Judy, spent Sunday in Kinmundy with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT and family.
- Swift School: Frank GARRETT and daughter, Donna Mae, spent the weekend at Fairbury, Ill. at the home of Elsworth CHANDLER and family.
- A column of “In Memoriam” of Mrs. Etta McCARTY who died Apr. 8, 1946 was included by Dad and children.
April 17, 1947:
- Kinmundy Coon Hunters Ass’n Field Trial a Success: The Kinmundy Coon Hunters Association held a field trial Sunday in the A.O. CHARLTON Grove, west of this city with 200 people present. The field trial consisted of showing of coon hounds, and a puppy race. However, none of the Kinmundy owners were lucky enough to cash in on prizes. Most of the prizes went to dog owners of Patoka. The field trial was held in order for the association to raise money to restock coon in the country around Kinmundy. The members of the association want to thank every one who helped in any way to make their field trial a success.
- Charles E. BLOMBERG arrived home Friday after serving several months in the army in Japan. On Sunday the following relatives gathered at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. BLOMBERG, for a “welcome home” dinner in his honor: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. BLOMBERG, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. DISS and family, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. DISS and family, Leroy DISS, Miss Beulah DISS, and Mr. and Mrs. F.W. HAMMER and daughter. Orville called in the afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LECKRONE, of Hammond, Ind. announce the arrival of Robert Martin on April 10th, in the Hammond Hospital. This is the second son. The mother will be remembered as Miss Helen GARRETT. Grandma (Mrs. O.E.) GARRETT is in Hammond helping keep the home fires burning.
- Buys Store: Chloris and Gerald WILLIAMS and James SIPES purchased the grocery and meat market in this city from W.R. DOOLEN last Saturday and took charge Monday evening. The WILLIAMS Brothers operate a store at Alma and have taken James SIPES in with them as a third partner in the Alma store as well as this one. Mr. SIPES is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES residing southeast of Kinmundy in the Elder School District. He is a clean cut young man and will make a mighty fine manager for the local store. Upon retirement from the business world, Mr. DOOLEN says he has no plans at the present except that he is going to take a much needed rest. We are sorry to lose Bill from the business world and sincerely hope that he will see fit to get back into some kind of business in the near future.
- Mrs. Francis HAMMER entertained the girls of Room I, Saturday, at a party in her home, honoring the 7th birthday of her daughter, Barbara Kaye. The afternoon was spent playing games, after which refreshments of ice cream and cake were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. W.B. PRUETT. Favors were given each guest. Barbara Kaye received many nice gifts. Guests include: Ruth BAYLIS, Barbara HOWELL, Beverly PHILLIPS, Barbara ALLEN, Patricia PRUETT, Edith WEST, Kathleen O’DELL, Ellamae HANNA, Marilyn HOWELL, Sheila PICKEL, Peggy PRUETT, Marilyn O’DELL and Barbara Kaye HAMMER.
- Miss Alice BAGOTT of Champaign came Tuesday to visit her sister, Miss Pauline BAGOTT.
- Francis HICKMAN of Decatur spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Robt. LEE and family.
- Mrs. Annie YOUNG has returned home after spending the past few weeks in Chicago attending the wedding of her son, Dr. Chas. W. YOUNG.
- Sunday, April 13th relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. EAGAN to help celebrate the birthdays of Mr. W.T. EAGAN, who was 77 and Mr. James E. EAGAN. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jim EAGAN of Kinmundy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry HOWELL, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest STORCK of Farina and Mr. and Mrs. Dane GUY of LaClede.
- Discharged: PFC David SHAFFER received his discharge March 27th from the army and is now at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. SHAFFER.
- Obituary of Lewis WILSON: Lewis WILSON, son of Lewis and Rhoda WILSON, was born June 28, 1864, at Harmony, Ind. and departed this life in Mrs. Lee’s Convalescent Home in Salem at 12 noon on April 4, 1947 at the age of 82 years, 7 months, and 6 days. He will be sadly missed by his children and grandchildren and friends. His wife and two sons preceded him in death. Funeral services were held from his residence in this city Sunday afternoon, Elder Clyde SINCLAIR officiating. Interment was made in the Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. J.R. EHERENMAN of Dunsmir, Calif. passed away Saturday morning after an illness which started Feb. 15th. He was a brother-in-law of the W.S. PRUETT’s and was visiting in our community last July in company with Mrs. Minnie and Charles LOCKHART, who have made their home with Mr. EHERENMAN since 1919.
- Receives Letter in Regard to Son’s Death: Mr. and Mrs. G.M. WELSH of Mt. Vernon, Ill., and former residents of Kinmundy received a letter the other day from Mr. Walton BARGER of Kansas City, Mo. in regard to their son, Manuel, Jr.’s death in the battle of St. Lou on July 4, 1944. For several months Mr. and Mrs. WELSH have been trying to contact Manuel’s buddies and men of his old outfit to find out just what happened. Mr. WELSH advised us that this letter from Mr. BARGAR has given them more data than any other correspondence they have received to date. Mr. BARGAR was a former Sergeant in Manuel’s outfit. Here is part of the letter by Mr. BARGAR to Mr .and Mrs. WELSH: “I certainly can never forget July 4, 1944. It was positively the worst day we had in the whole war, and the Captain and any of the men who lived through the day say the same thing, but I cannot relate what I now remember in a letter. I only want to give you the information I have as to where the fighting occurred that day. I have the actual battle maps we used in combat and can pinpoint the place where we fought. Referring to the report of the day, I have concluded that your son was probably lost in the vicinity of a very small French town, a church only, called Ste. Suzanne, which is located in Normandy, exactly 5.8 miles east of La slaye De Puis, and a little off the main road probably 600 yards north. Here we met a fierce German counterattack with tanks and infantry, which cost us at least one platoon, and decimated the Company on our flank that day leaving only stragglers and no organized support. I have no figures and no rosters for all of the war, but I know that the original company which I was in at the start was down to 8 men by the first of August, and about the time involved we had probably some 40 old men left. Your son was a replacement you say. I am sorry I don’t remember him. If anyone of the men I see does remember, I will pass on the information. One must remember in a case like this, things happen pretty fast, and Mr. BARGAR hadn’t had time to learn all his men. We thought the many friends of Manuel would like to have this little information.
- City of Kinmundy Remains Dry after Election: There was quite an interest taken in the city election Tuesday and a large vote was polled. The wet and dry question was up for consideration and the final tally said 296 YES and 194 NO. Therefore the sale of alcoholic liquor shall be prohibited in the City of Kinmundy. There were no contest for alderman. Wydell PIGG was elected for the First Ward, Earl DOOLEN for the second, J.H. DISS and James GARDEN (unexpired term) for the Third.
- Chris JASPER heads District No. 25 School Board: Mr. Chris JASPER won the election for president of School board of District No. 25 with 16 votes, while Mr. James GARDEN, a write-in-candidate, received 11 votes. There were several other write-in-candidates for President of the Board. With Mrs. Jean BROOM receiving 4 votes, Ralph LUX 1 vote, and Lewie SULLENS receiving 2 votes. For the race of board members, J.H. DISS, and E.O. ZIMMER were re-elected. In this vote Lewie SULLENS received 1 vote, and 1 votes was cast for Marion County. There were a number of spoiled ballots in the election with people writing in names and forgetting to make the check in the square. In the election for one board member for the community high school District No. 500, we have the returns from the local precinct showing Tom HELPINGSTINE winning with 37 votes, Mrs. Jean BROOM 6 votes, and W.S. PRUETT with 1 vote.
- Clay B. SIMER, member of the House of Representatives of the Arizona Legislature, delivered a masterful address this session. Mr. SIMER will be remembered here by many who are glad to learn that he is making himself known in the world.
- Sugar ration books will continue in use.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank ZINSER announce the arrival of Richard Otto in the Salem Memorial Hospital last Monday weighing 7 lbs. The mother is the former Miss Christine TROUT. They will return to her parents’ home here today.
- Mrs. Anne ROYAL, Mrs. Clifford BREESE, and Mrs. Earl MARSH of Battle Creek, Mich. spent the weekend here with their father, Mr. Lou ALDERSON, south of town.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Jess CHARLTON and family were in Farina Sunday helping celebrate her father, John KAISER’s, birthday.
- Wilson School: At the school election Saturday night, Leo STOCK was elected school director for a term of 3 years.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur PARRILL and son, Clifford, were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. C.L. HILL of Farina, also celebrating the birthdays of 3 members of the family.
- Frank ARNOLD of Michigan, D.A. ARNOLD of Denver, Colo., Forrest ARNOLD of Frederick, Okla., Miss Pearl ARNOLD of Springfield, and Mrs. Clyde BETCHELHEIMER of Iowa are here helping care for their mother, Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD, who is seriously ill.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.M. FISHER, Mrs. Florence CONANT, Mrs. CHANCE, E.W. DOOLEN, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, and F.G. JONES attended the funeral of Belle JOHNSON in Salem Monday.
- Meacham: Mrs. Edwin HARRELL is at home after several days in the Effingham hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery for her.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Charles EHART of near Shobinier, Ill. and Mrs. Olga WEISS of Farina spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh COPPLE. Their daughter, Donna Maria, is still bedfast with rheumatic fever, but better.
- Meacham: Mrs. Emma COURSON died Tuesday and her funeral service was held at Meacham Baptist Church Thursday with burial in Elder Cemetery.
- Brown: Laurel RITTER of the army returned home Thursday.
- Swift School: Mrs. Guy ARNOLD was pleasantly surprised Saturday evening when her son and family, Darrell ARNOLD and family of Breese, Ill. and daughter, Mrs. Arnold SMITH and family of Centralia came to celebrate her birthday.
- Swift School: Those attending the coon dog meet from our community were: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB, Kenneth ROBB and family, Frank GARRETT and Donna Mae, Sam LOWE and Sammy.
- Swift School: Our school held their election Saturday evening and elected George FEATHER as director succeeding Jack CHANCE.
- Mrs. O.E. GARRETT sent word to Grandpa (Pid) GARRETT that he has another grandson named Robert Martin.
- Miletus: Friends and neighbors were made sad when they learned of the death of Aunt Emma COURSON of the Meacham community, Apr. 9th. Funeral was held at Meacham Church Friday officiated by O.A. ATCHINSON of Centralia. Burial in Courson Cemetery.
- Miletus: Mrs. Ora YATES returned home Thursday from Centralia Hospital where she had undergone an operation for appendicitis on Thursday of the week previous.
- Miletus: We are rejoicing to know so many boys are returning from overseas: Lavern YATES arrived home March 24th; Francis KRUTSINGER, Apr. 5th; Charles BLOMBERG, last week, all from Honshu Island, Japan; Douglas DOODWIN arrived home Apr. 7th from Phillippines, and Jr. BUTTS and Walter BRIMBERRY, Apr. 14th from Hawaii.
- Meadow Branch: The school election was quiet Saturday. William McWILLIAMS re-elected director.
- Pleasant Grove: The Pleasant Grove Sunday School are scheduled to sing over Centralia Radio Station WCNT Sunday April 20th from 2:30 - 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon.
April 24, 1947
- Charles N. WOOD, former Kinmundy Lad, Killed in ‘City of Miami’ Wreck Saturday: Charles N. WOOD, 51, was killed last Saturday in the wreck of the I.C. Train, City of Miami, which occurred about 3 miles north of Champaign. Mr. WOOD was the baggageman on this train, having relieved Mr. Charles PETERS, the regular baggageman, for a few days. This was to have been Mr. WOOD’s last trip as Mr. PETERS was reporting back for work on the next trip. Mr. Charles REEDUS, of Centralia, conductor, was also killed in the accident. Both men were in the baggage car at the time of the wreck. Mr. WOOD, who resided in Champaign, with his wife, will be remembered by many here as he grew to manhood in this community. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James WOOD. Funeral services were held Tuesday and interment made in Champaign. Charles’ many friends in this community were very sorry to hear of his untimely death and the bereaved family have our sympathy. (Mr. PETERS, the regular baggageman, is an uncle of Mrs. J.N. VALLOW.)
- Kinmundy Merchants sponsors free shows: Starting Wednesday night, May 7, the businessmen of Kinmundy will sponsor a free picture show every Wednesday night this coming summer. The show will be managed by Mr. WINEGARNER of Carter, Ill., who has been presenting a show here every Wednesday and Saturday night for the past several nights.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cliff LEMAY are rejoicing over the arrival of Brenda Joyce, who arrived last Thursday, April 17th. The LEMAYS now have 2 daughters.
- PFC Junior BUTTS and PFC Walter BRIMBERRY Home: PFC Junior O. BUTTS was inducted in the U.S. Army Air Force in April at Fort Sheridan, and was sent from there to Amorilla, Texas and received his training there. July 1st was shipped to Lowery Field, Denver, Colo., and entered Aeroplane Mechanic School. After graduating from school was sent to Hamilton Field, Calif. and shipped overseas in Hawaiian Islands and arrived home on April 14. He’s spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orion BUTTS. He will receive his discharge May 2. PFC Water BRIMBERRY is also home on terminal leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roley BRIMBERRY. These two boys entered service the same day, trained together, went to the same school, was shipped overseas, and arrived home the same day.
- Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS announce the arrival of a 6 lb. daughter in the Mark GREER Hospital in Vandalia, following a Caesarian operation Monday. Both mother and daughter are reported as getting along in fine shape.
- Homemakers 4-H Club: The organization meeting of the Future Homemakers 4-H Club was held Friday night, April 18, at the Swift School with 14 members and several guests present. The business meeting was called to order by our leader, Mrs. Roy DOOLEN, and Mrs. Bertha SEE assisting. The election of officers was held and the following were elected: President - Betty FEATHER; Vice President - Lillian BUNDY; Sec’y & Treas. - Donna Mae GARRETT; Rec. Leader - Dorothy FEATHER; Reporter - Helen BASSETT. The meeting adjourned with the next meeting to be held May 14 at the home of our leader. Helen BASSETT - Reporter.
- Miss Linda Elizabeth REHN and Dr. Charles W. YOUNG were married April 12th in Evanston, Ill. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. REHN of Evanston, and the groom is the son of Mrs. A.J. and the late Anton J. YOUNG, of Kinmundy. Miss REHN attended Northwestern and Stanford Universities receiving her Masters Degree from Stanford in 1945. Dr. YOUNG was graduated from U. of Illinois Medical School in 1942, and served during the war in the 41st Field Hospital in the South Pacific. He is now taking special work at the U. of Ill. and Research Hospital in Chicago. They will reside in Chicago for the present.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS and their mother, Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER are the proud parents of a little son born Sunday night in the Salem Hospital.
- Pleasant Grove: Little Janet BARKSDALE was taken to Salem Hospital Saturday where she was given penicillin treatment, returned home Monday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER and family of Pleasant Grove attended conference in St. Elmo Thursday where their son, George, received a local minister’s license.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil MARSHALL of Granite City brought their aunt, Miss Lillian HENNINGER and cousins, Chas. Jr. and Lillian Mae HENNINGER of Vandalia to spend Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL, Robert MARSHALL, wife and baby also were Sunday dinner guests.
May 1, 1947:
- Mr. W.W. LOWE, a highly respected retired businessman of Kinmundy, passed away at his home in this city last Thursday after an illness of two months duration. Funeral services were held Monday from the Methodist Church, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating and Rev. Cecil LOWE, assisting. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. As a mark of respect to their old associate, all business houses were closed during the funeral. William Warren LOWE, son of Margaret E. ARNOLD and Samuel Thomas LOWE, was born in Foster twp., Nov. 6, 1862. He attended school at North Fork. He parents died when he was a boy of 14 years of age and then he made his home with his older brother, Charles LOWE. He was converted when young and united with the North Fork Church. On May 7, 1885 he was united in marriage to Minnie O. HEADLEY and to this union was born 5 sons: Charles Albert, who died in infancy; James O. of Hercules, Calif.; Edward R. of Kinmundy; Webster W. of Phoenix, Ariz.; and Gordon M., who passed away Feb. 8, 1941 at his home in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. LOWE and sons remained on the farm until 1900 when they moved to Kinmundy and Mr. LOWE entered the business world. Having a very pleasing personality and quite honest, he became a very successful merchant, and continued in the business until 1942. His companion passed away March 6, 1938. Upon coming to this city, he transferred his membership to the Methodist Church here. Has been treasurer of the Sunday School for 23 years, was charter member of the First National Bank, and this was his 48th year as Director of the Building and Loan Assoc. Mr. LOWE served as Mayor of the city and a member of the School Board. He was an honored member of the Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, A.F. & A.M. On Mar. 22, 1939 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Belle HAWKINS of Belleville, who has been a faithful companion, and survives him with the 3 sons, 8 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. (A picture accompanied this obituary.)
- T.E. TROUT has sold his interest in the Mobil Station, located along Rout 37 to Joe INGRAM. Joe is now on the job.
- O’DELL Re-Employed As Superintendent: Mr. Lewis J.T. O’DELL has accepted the position for the coming year as Superintendent of the local community high school, and the grade schools. At a joint school board meeting Tuesday night contracts were given to the local teachers of both the community high school, and the grade schools. A salary increase of 20 percent has been offered to the teachers. As to date, Mr. O’DELL is the only teacher who has accepted.
- Mrs. Nellie HALEY, beloved wife of Ed HALEY, formerly of this city but now of Livingston, Ill., passed away in the Alton State Hospital Monday. Funeral services were held yesterday in Livingston and the body brought here in the afternoon for burial.
- The American History and Civics class of Kinmundy Community High School, shown here with the superintendent of the school, Mr. Lewis J.T. O’DELL, and Representative Robert J. BRANSON, Centralia, were introduced in the Illinois House of Representatives on a tour of the State Capitol, Tuesday, April 22. Introduction of the class was made from the House floor by Rep. BRANSON. Guide service for groups touring the Capitol by Secretary of State Edward J. BARRETT. Among the students in the group were: Bobby Dan WILLIAMS, Robert L. WILLIAMS, Clark L. KRUTSINGER, James HANKS, Kenneth TIPSWORD, Denton BRASEL, Charles GARDEN, Charlene Jane HULSEY, Arlene ZIMMER, J.B. MAXEY, Vernon JEZEK, B.K. BAILEY, L.E. VANDEVEER, Betty GEILER, Zola ROBNETT, Jimmie ROBNETT, Mary Lou FOLLOWELL, Charles BASSETT, Lowell Junior DISS, Benny BRASEL, William HOYT, all of Kinmundy, and Mary WOODEN, Emma Lou CHANCE, Marilyn PURCELL, Marjorie Edith CONANT, Rosemary CONANT, Betty JONES, Ruth WRIGHT, Betty CONANT, and Robert FORD, all of Alma. (Note: A picture accompanied this article.)
- Next October, Fred J. BLACKBURN will start his 30th year as a farm advisor for the Marion County Farm Bureau. He is Illinois’ oldest farm advisor.
- Wolf Hunt Set for Sunday morning: Several weeks ago when we printed the story about a couple of wolves running at large in this community, some thought the story was just a lot of bunk. But it was a true story and these two wolves are still in the community. It is thought that there have been enough rabbits for these two creatures so no livestock has been molested as yet. It has been found that these wolves now denned in what is known as the CONANT Hollows, east of town, and it is thought that they now have their young. Mr. J.R. MAXEY has volunteered to lead a group of men and destroy this den if it can be found. He has set next Sunday morning 9 o’clock as the time for this. He is asking 12 or 15 adult sportsmen to join him at the Arnold HIGGINS Farm at this time to help comb the hollows. You don’t need to bring your gun, just yourself. For any further information regarding this hunt, ask M. MAXEY.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Mrs. Ruben CRAIN were in Effingham Tuesday afternoon where Ervin consulted an eye doctor for the injury he received in his eye by being hit by a staple.
- Meadow Branch: The friends of Mrs. Otis HINES will be glad to hear that she has returned from the hospital in Chicago to her home there. She had a major operation performed and was in the hospital 5 weeks and 3 days.
- Swift School: Swift School closed last Friday ending another successful term taught by Mrs. Virgil SEE. She has been rehired for another year, making it her third term.
- Swift School: The community was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Bertha SEE and the pupils last Friday. On account of the rain, the picnic was held in the schoolhouse. Hot dogs, potato salad, chips, marshmallows, pickles, cookies, and deviled eggs were very much enjoyed by all.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and Donna Mae and Mr. and Mrs. Tom HELPINGSTINE and daughters attended the show at Salem Tuesday evening.
- Swift School: Mrs. Leland BRASEL closed her school at Shanghai last Friday and the community gave a basket dinner Sunday for her and her pupils.
- Swift School: Claude HANNA was taken to the hospital in Centralia Saturday evening suffering with pneumonia.
- Mrs. Minnie FIELDS returned home last Thursday from Grand Coolee, Wash. where she had spent the winter with her son, Joy and family.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE attended a surprise family dinner at the home of his brother, Loren KLINE and family. The occasion being in honor of Mr. and Mrs. KLINE’s 25th wedding anniversary.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin BASSETT and daughter, Donna, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT.
- Pleasant Grove: Kenneth SHUFELDT, who has employment in Kansas, spent Thursday night with his sister, Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON and family, and then they all spent Friday with their parents, Marion SHUFELDT and family, where Kenneth visited a few days.
- Prairie Grove: Otto REESE closed a successful term of school here Friday. At the noon hour the patrons came will well filled baskets and enjoyed a basket dinner.
- Prairie Grove: Miss Imogene McCARTY who has employment in Harvey, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen McCARTY and family.
- Prairie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Art WEISS and daughter, Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. Merl JOHNSTON left Monday for Brownstown, Wis., where they will visit with their brother, Mr. and Mrs. John WEISS and daughter.
May 8, 1947:
- Wolf Hunt Results: One Striped Kitty; Another Hunt Planned for Sunday: As remembered in last week’s paper, a hunt would be formed Sunday morning and try to find the den of wolves who have been roaming the countryside east of the city. Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. at the Arnold HIGGINS farm, east of town found 50 men and some boys ready for this adventure. Groups of men were place in different locations and then the hunt started through the jungle of blackberry briars and crab apple. Different groups did find several dens which were used. Mr. Glenn JOHNSON, who was among the hunters, had his prize fur dog along, which would go in the dens and smell them out. Only one den produced results. After several minutes of hard digging by the men and the dog, the undesirable aroma of a skunk was smelled, then the cry of “it’s a skunk” went up, and at this time all of the men including the dog took off in all directions, and Mr. Skunk walked out and went on his way. However, the two wolves were seen that morning by Mrs. Bryan PITTS from her kitchen window running east between their farm and the GREENWOOD farm, about the time the men started on their hunt from the west. It is a known fact that these wolves have moved. On Monday morning, Earl GREENWOOD saw them carrying their young south through what is known as the Jim BROWN land. Then on Tuesday, Carroll SIMMONS, while plowing on the Anna MARLOW land, saw the wolves. His dog along with a dog owned by Earl LANE, was chasing rabbits near the field in which he was plowing. All of a sudden, he heard quit a commotion. The dogs were fighting and yelping. Looking up he saw what he believed to be a police dog chasing the other dogs. His dog came to his wagon and there he stayed all afternoon. On his way home that evening, he related his story to Earl LANE. Earl had already found that something had happened because his dog was pretty well chewed and a large gash was in his side. So now, another hunt will be on Sunday morning. Herbert VANDEVEER has been chosen as master of the hunt. All the nimrods and farmers of the community are asked to meet in Kinmundy at Peck BROWN’S filling station where a little organization work will be talked over before proceeding to the place. The men will leave here promptly at 9 o’clock. So be here by 8:30 at least to talk over the situation. It is hoped that enough men will turn out, with shotguns so all roads can be properly patrolled. No rifles will be allowed. Those who will be appointed to comb the brush will not be allowed to carry a gun. This is a safety measure. Also, all you fellows with good fox hounds, are asked to bring them along for this hunt. Another thing, everyone is asked not to go to the place where these wolves are before the appointed time on Sunday. There should be at least 125 men turn out for this hunt to make it complete. So don’t stay at home figuring there will be plenty without you. Let’s destroy these before they get a good start.
- Mr. and Mrs. Duane HANNA are rejoicing over the arrival of a 7 lb. boy, who made his arrival in the Salem Hospital Sunday morning. He has been given the name Randell Len.
- Mrs. Hattie COCKRELL, of this city, received word on the 28th of April of the death of her sister, Mrs. Ella ANDERSON. Mrs. COCKRELL, along with Mr. and Mrs. Harry NICHOLS, were to see Mrs. ANDERSON on Sunday, Apr. 25, and found her in good spirits. Mrs. ANDERSON lived in Murphysboro. Mrs. ANDERSON’s body was brought here for burial in the Elder Cemetery.
- Richard MOTCH of St. Louis spent the weekend here with homefolks.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred DUNLAP, of Champaign, spent the weekend here with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. DUNLAP.
- Citizens of Kinmundy, as well as people traveling through our city have a fair warning about speeding through the city on Route 37, as well as the streets of the city. The City has placed large speed limit signs at the city limits on Route 37 as well as at the ends of the business districts. The speed limit through the city on Route 37 is 35 miles per hour and 15 miles an hour through the business district. The State Police are giving full cooperation to the city officials on speeding through the city on Route 37. It has been noted several times cars speeding as high as 70 miles per hour on Route 37 through the city. This is very dangerous, especially when School is letting out. So our advice is to read the signs and keep that speed down, or you might find yourself in front of the J.P. paying a fine.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Marjorie WALKINGTON closed a successful term of school at Allen Thursday. She and the pupils and most of the mothers enjoyed a dinner in the park in Salem, then Mrs. WALKINGTON took the children to the show in the afternoon.
- Swift School: Lyle SWIFT came Saturday from Norfolk, Va. to spend a 30 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SWIFT.
- Swift School: Mrs. Effie ROBB and daughter, Miss Florence DOOLEN, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. LOWE and family.
- South of Town: Little Susie Joann KLINE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merl KLINE, has returned after undergoing an operation for appendicitis at Salem Hospital.
- South of Town: The patrons of Young School had a basket dinner for their teacher, Mrs. Eva SOLDNER and her pupils, the last day of school.
- Brown: A large crowd attend the Golden Wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Luther BEARD, Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. George POWELL have moved to their new home in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Verchial TROUT have moved to the place vacated by the POWELLs which they recently purchased, and Mr. and Mrs. James EAGAN and family have moved into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. TROUT.
- Meadow Branch: The Meadow Branch school closed last Wednesday with Mrs. Lyman MALONE as teacher. She has taught here the last 2 years and was well liked by her patrons. She will teach next year at Happy Hollow. One of her pupils, Beryl COOLEY, completing the 8th year’s course, and will graduate in June.
- Raymond ATKINS who has employment in Alton, spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth ATKINS. He was accompanied by his nephew, Joe Dick BACKENSTO.
May 15, 1947:
- City Offers Reward: City officials are offering a reward of $5.00 for information to who tore down and destroyed the speed limit signs on Route 37 at the city limits. So anyone having this information report it to any of the city officials.
- Great-Grandmother takes to Riding in Airplanes: Mrs. Margaret SCULLEY, of this city, who is a great-grandmother, having had 87 birthday cakes in her life so far, took her first airplane ride the other day with her grandson at the controls. It seems Mrs. SCULLEY was visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Thomas COKE BRICKNEY, when her grandson, Mr. BRICKNEY, offered her a ride in one of his four planes of which, she accepted. While flying Mr. BRICKNEY showed grandmother the floods in Missouri and Illinois. After landing Mrs. SCULLEY was asked how she liked her ride, her reply was, “Just fine, I want to go again.” Mr. BRICKNEY is a Navy Veteran of World War II and during the war, flew bombers in all parts of the globe for the navy and now owns a small flying field in Festus, Mo. You must give Mrs. SCULLEY a lot of credit for wanting to fly, for there are a lot of people today of her age and a lot younger, who still think flying isn’t safe, or who do go up for a ride want to take a box of dirt along as they can keep one foot on the ground.
- Jesse GEORGE is remodeling what is known as the Lowe Building adjoining his store on the south and will incorporate it as a part of his store. This will be his dry goods room, thereby giving him all of the original store room for the groceries and meats. He has added some new equipment to his meat counter, too, having installed a new power meat saw.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse HOYT Celebrated Golden Wedding Anniversary May 9th: Friday evening, May 9, Mr. and Mrs. Jess HOYT residing south of this city, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. This lovely celebration was given by their children. A nice chicken dinner was given in the evening, with a large white cake with 50 candles. All of Mr. and Mrs. HOYT’s children were present except Mrs. Avery BOUGHERS, who at the present is making her home in California with her family.
- The Siloam Victory Bees 4-H Club held their bi-monthly meeting Friday night at the Siloam school house with Sherrill VANDEVEER, Leader, and 12 members answering roll call. Each member reported what he was to have for his project. The next meeting will be May 22 at the home of Donald Ray EBLIN. Russell ROSE, Reporter.
- Shriver 4-H Club: The Shriver Sewing Circle 4-H Club met with their leader, Mrs. Mabel SMITH, at her home Monday evening, May 5th. They elected these officers for the following year: President, Nadine SMITH; Vice President, Mary Jane DEADMOND; Secretary, Roberta SMITH; Reporter, Rojean ALDERSON; and Recreation Leaders, Rosalie ALDERSON and Nancy DEADMOND. After the meeting refreshments were served and games were played. The next meeting will be with Rosalie and Rojean ALDERSON. The meeting was adjourned, all going home after having had a good time. Rojean ALDERSON, Reporter.
- About 60 men responded to “the call of the wolf” Sunday morning and as a result one dog wolf was killed. The men met at the appointed place and talked over organization. Then they proceeded to the hollow east of Dalt VANDEVEER’s. The men divided into groups and each group was assigned a certain station. An area of about a mile square was completely surrounded. It was not long until one group spied a wolf but he spied them at the same time. He was out of range of the guns but one man fired a couple of shots in order that the other groups would be on the alert, and they were. One group looked up and saw the animal coming toward them but before he came within range, he spied them and took off in another direction, and as one fellow put it, “he was jet propelled and was sure carrying the mail”. The wolf made for the creek and followed it so he would be out of sight. But a group of men were stationed on and near the bridge on the Meacham-Kinmundy road, and sure enough, the wolf attempted to pass under the bridge. Mark ARNOLD spied the animal coming toward the bridge and let him have a charge when within range. This shot knocked him down but he was soon up and started off again. Then he gave him the second barrel. This knocked him down again. Then Willie BURKETT let him have a charge and knocked him down. But again, he was up and BURKETT let him have the second barrel. Down he went again and up he got again. He made it to a small thicket and fell dead. According to the story as was told us, Dick BROWN was really the first one to see the wolf coming toward him but he got the “buckacre” or couldn’t get his gun off safety or something. Anyway, he just didn’t take a shot at him. The dead wolf was brought to town and place on exhibition. He measured 24 inches tail and 50 inches long, from nose to tip of tail. He weighed about 50 lbs. As soon as he was put on exhibition many an argument ensued. Some said he was a prairie wolf and others said he was a coyote. The argument continued all day and far into the night. Those who are knowledgeable about wolves said he was a wolf and those who had shot coyotes said he was a coyote. However, if there are anyone still in doubt as to the identity of this animal if you will consult the dictionary, you will find the definition for the coyote is a prairie wolf, and the definition for a prairie wolf is a coyote. Anyway, Mr. BURKETT took the wolf home with him and skinned it for the pelt. Now he says he doesn’t know if he is going to have the pelt or not. He would like to have it made into a rug. This is the first wolf he has ever shot and the first one that he has ever seen. The phenomes of all this is wolves have been extinct in this part of the country for several years. Just where this pair that is being hunted down migrated from, no one knows. But everyone is of the opinion that if they aren’t killed out now, the country will soon be overrun with them again. It is a known fact that the she wolf is still at large as she was seen by Virgil SEE the following morning in the location hunted on Sunday. Dalt VANDEVEER saw this wolf Wednesday and again this morning saw her carrying her pups. He located her old nest and found one pup left behind which he took to the house and still has. So another hunt will be on next Sunday morning. Men with guns are asked to meet again at Standard Oil Service Stations at 8:45, organize and leave promptly at 9 o’clock for the appointed place. It is hoped that at least 125 men will turn out for this hunt so the she-wolf will be killed and the hunts ended. We cannot afford to let these animals get a start in the community. Some farmers reported some lambs killed this spring from unknown causes and it is thought these wolves did it. Again, Herbert VANDEVEER will be in charge of this hunt. (A picture of the wolf accompanied this article.)
- Among the other meeting notes were those of the Meacham Home Bureau, the Kinmundy Women’s Club, Pleasant Grove Farm Bureau, Kinmundy Home Bureau, Rainbow Circle and , Linger Longer Club.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Dale WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KLINE, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN spent Mother’s Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE.
- Miletus (from last week): A surprise birthday dinner was planned for Mrs. Denver WILKINSON, last Sunday in the home and her daughter, Mrs. Eugene GIGAR, near Kinmundy. Mrs. WILKINSON will be 74 years on May 9th. Those present to celebrate the occasion were her husband, Denver WILKINSON, Woodrow WILKINSON, wife and son, Les WILKINSON and wife, James TATE and wife, Jr. TATE and family, Lora GENTRY and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis WILKINSON and Kenneth, and the Eugene GIGAR family. The oldest daughter was not in attendance, but she and family spent Monday with her parents.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil ROBINSON and children from Centralia and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND were dinner guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Paul SMITH’s, helping Paul celebrate his birthday.
- East Zion: Mr. and Mrs. James BASSETT spent Mother’s Day with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin BASSETT and daughter, Donna.
- East Zion: Billy, the son of Mr. and Mr. Louis JONES punched a stick in his eye and injured it seriously. He was taken to Centralia to an eye specialist, but was sent to St. Louis.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER, Donn and Janet, of Sumner, visited here Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB and the Lloyd HAMMER families.
- Sunday afternoon callers at the Edwin HARRELL home were Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS and children.
May 22, 1947:
- ROBB Buys R & G Café: A deal was completed Saturday whereby Mr. Howard ROBB became the sole owner of the R & G Café. Mr. ROBB and his brother-in-law, Richard GRAY, have been partners in the business. Mr. GRAY has employment with F.G. PRUETT at the present time.
- Breaks Arm: Mrs. E.C. HUGGINS suffered a severe break of her right arm near the shoulder, May 8, when she fell in her home. She was immediately taken to Salem Memorial Hospital where the arm was set. She is being cared for by her daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. MORTLAND.
- Memorial Services will be observed on Decoration Day in the usual manner in Evergreen Cemetery. The services will be in charge of Kinmundy Post, American Legion. Rev. Cecil LOWE will deliver the address of the day.
- Memorial services will be held at Sandy Branch on Sunday, May 26, Rev. Em. DYCUS of Salem will deliver the address.
- The Future Homemakers 4-H Club held their regular meeting Wednesday night at the home of our leader, Mrs. Roy DOOLEN, with all 14 members, the leader and the co-leader, Mrs. Eugene GIGAR present. Guests present were Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and Mrs. Clyde BALLANCE. The meeting was called to order by the president, Betty FEATHER, new business was transacted, a talk was given by Lillian BUNDY and demonstrations by Lila GARRETT and Evelyn BASSETT. Delicious refreshments of sandwiches and soda were served. The meeting was adjourned to meet May 29th with Donna Mae GARRETT. Helen BASSETT, Reporter.
- John MOTCH of Kinmundy will be the Marion county delegate to the forthcoming annual Illinois conservation school at Lake Villa, it was announced today. Alternate will be Louis THRASHER of Centralia. As a winner of an essay contest sponsored by the Illinois Federation of Sportsman Clubs, MOTCH will attend the school for one week, expenses paid.
- Annual Junior-Senior Prom: The annual Junior-Senior Prom was held last Friday evening, May 23 in the High School Gymnasium, which had been transferred by the Junior class into a “Top Hat Nite Club”. At 7 o’clock, a three-course dinner was served by the mothers of members of the junior class to faculty and board members and their guests as well as the two classes. Sophomore girls served the dinner. Miss Mary Lou FOLLOWELL was crowned Queen of the Prom which began at 9 p.m. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy FOLLOWELL and a graduating senior this spring. Under a glittering crystal orb, students and guests danced to the music of Dave WELSH and his orchestra from Salem. Participating on the banquet program were John MOTCH, junior president, who served as Toastmaster; Charles BASSETT, senior president who responded to a welcome given by Bill AVERY; Helen ROBNETT, who gave the senior will; Jean ALEXANDER, who delivered the Senior History; Betty Ann HELPINGSTINE, who gave the senior prophecy, and Betty HAMMER, who led group singing. Miss Dell CANTRELL and Mr. Kenneth McGUIRE, co-sponsors of the junior class, supervised the planning of the affair.
- Wolf Hunt Held Sunday with No Results; Another Hunt May Be Staged Soon: The wolf hunt was staged Sunday morning as planned. Not so many men showed up for the hunt as the Sunday previous. The party drove as far as the Young School and there the cars were abandoned. The wolf was seen in this locality the day before but she wasn’t seen on this particular day. All that could be found were some fresh tracks in the mud. This wolf is now harbored in territory that is mighty hard hunting on account of the brush. It is now the supposition that she is plenty safe and will raise the remainder of her young in the neighborhood of the Cockrell Cemetery. The residents of that community will be on the lookout for this critter and it may be that another hunt will ensue before the vegetation gets too high.
- Family Dinner: On Sunday, May 11, a potluck dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER. Their dinner was to celebrate a number of birthdays, namely, Mrs. HAMMER, Chas. and Donald Lee BLOMBERG, Mrs. Beryl DISS, Jimmie DISS and Loretta DISS, the 9th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. HAMMER and the 4th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Beryl DISS, both occurring on May 10th. At the noon hour a delicious dinner was enjoyed by the following: Orville, Lowell, J.H. and Beryl DISS and families, Chas. BLOMBERG and family, and Beulah DISS. At a late hour all departed for their homes thanking Francis and Edith and Barbara Kaye for their hospitality.
- Captain Walter B. PRUETT, Chaplain, arrived home Saturday after spending the past year in Korea. Needless to say that he was very happy to get back with his family, and his family as well as his many friends were happy to see him. He is now on his terminal leave.
- The programs for the 8th grade commencement, and High School Baccalaureate and Commencement were printed. Those graduating from high school were: Lowell Junior DISS, Robert Laswell WILLIAMS, Denton Glen BRASEL, Ruth WRIGHT, Charles R. BASSETT, Charles Rea GARDEN, Bobby Dan WILLIAMS, Robert E. FORD, Ralph Burdette KRUTSINGER, Betty Lou CONANT, Marilyn PURCELL, Betty Joyce JONES, Betty Jeanne GEILER, Rosemary CONANT, Betty Arlene ZIMMER, Marilyn Alice MILLER, Lester Donald VANDEVEER, Mary Lou FOLLOWELL, Zola Marie ROBNETT, Mary Ellen WOODEN, Charlene Jane HULSEY, Robert Kenneth BAILEY, Emma Lou CHANCE. Those graduating who were also veterans were: Vernon ZOLLER, John Riley MIDDLETON, James Oscar CHANCE, Thomas Harry SHREFFLER, Ralph Eugene JENKINS, Francis Gene JEZEK, Harold CHANCE, Clayton Shelly GENTRY, Samuel Eli CONANT. Valedictorian was Betty JONES and Salutatorian was Bobby Dan WILLIAMS.
- Miss Elizabeth Ann TONEY, 13 year old daughter of Mrs. Edwin INGRAM of Kinmundy, won a Superior rating for her piano solo at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Ill.
- Miss Nancy LOWE, R.N. of St. Louis, spent a few days here last week helping care for her grandmother, Mrs. Florence WHITE, who has been quite ill.
- T.D. MANGER and daughter, Mary Ann of Chicago, visited her Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. H.M. FISHER. They had been called to Farina because of the illness of his mother, Mrs. Mary MANGER, who is suffering from a severe heart attack.
- Carl WHITE and son, of Amy, Colo., have been visiting here at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. LOWE, with his mother, Mrs. Florence WHITE who is seriously ill.
- Swift School: Evelyn BASSETT had as her guest Tuesday evening, Nellie BRASEL. They attended a skating party in Vandalia with the F.H.A. that evening.
- Brown: Funeral services were conducted Friday in Brown Christian Church for Mrs. Sarah WAGONER. Interment in Parker Cemetery.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Richard PAULSMEYER of near Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Merl JOHNSTON were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh COPPLE. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh LACEY called in the evening. Both Mr. COPPLE’S daughters are afflicted with rheumatic fever.
May 29, 1947:
- Mr. and Mrs. Dwight DAY, Jr. are happy to announce the arrival of John Douglas, weight 7 lbs. 12 oz. In the Salem Hospital on May 27.
- There was a letter printed from Rev. C.A. BURRIS of Nespelem, Wash. in regards to Carl GREEN. The letter was written to W.L. “Bill” GREEN, Carl’s father. Carl is teaching school and coaching in Washington.
- Mrs. Iva HAYS and son, Louis, have purchased the Mary HOCKADAY home and have moved therein. Mrs. HOCKADAY is at home in the Minnie Fields apartment.
- The Victory Producers 4-H Club met at the Foster townhouse last Wednesday with 16 members present and 2 absent. Demonstrations were given by James Kenneth WALTON, Cecil JONES, and Leon ARNOLD. Talks were given by Dan GARRETT, James Kenneth WALTON, and Gena JONES. Leroy SWIFT, Reporter.
- The East Side Priscillas spent a very pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Art COCKRELL in her home. Seven were present. Next meeting to be with Mrs. E.G. DILLON.
- Mrs. Ray INGRAM is recovering from a broken finger on the right hand received while leading a horse.
- Rev. and Mrs. Orlando BRAKEMEYER and little daughter, Marsha Lynn, entertained the Rainbow Circle of the W.S.C.S. Wednesday afternoon.
- A Girl! Mr. and Mrs. Robert EAGAN of Patoka, announce the arrival of a baby girl, Gloria Deen, in the Greer Hospital in Vandalia last Saturday, May 24. She weighed 7 ½ lbs. The mother is the former Lucille GARRETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT, former residents, now living in Alma.
- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew NEAL are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl named Helen Mae, weight 8 lbs. The NEALs now have 3 daughters.
- Beginning Thursday, June 5th, the stores in Kinmundy will close on Thursday afternoon until further notice. They are remaining open each Wednesday evening to accommodate the large crowds attending the free picture shows.
- Mr. Ben JENKINS has filed his papers for retirement from his position as section laborer on the Illinois Central Railroad. His retirement is retroactive as of May 8th. He will have to undergo a physical examination to ascertain if he is eligible for retirement under the disability clause. Mr. JENKINS is 51 years of age and has been in the employ of the Illinois Central for 29 years. - Marion county will be represented by Mrs. Bernice BUTTS of Kinmundy in the 1947 Illinois Chicken-of-Tomorrow Contest. She will compete for the state title against entrants from 20 other counties at the judging to be Springfield Aug. 12.
- A large crowd of 75 attended the county meeting of the American Legion here Monday night. The meeting was called to order by Com. Raymond ATKINS, local post commander.
- Meacham: Mr. John FORD and son, Johnnie, and daughter, Janet Sue, and Carl Ford WHITE of Amy, Colo. called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Wednesday afternoon.
- Omega (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Ollie KITCHEN were called to Xenia last week on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. WAGONER. Services were held at Brown Church. Interment at Parker Cemetery.
June 4, 1947:
- Mrs. Lila PULLEN, 70, passed away yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fletcher GRAGG of Salem. Funeral services will be held at Alma Methodist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased is the mother of Mrs. Mildred BARGH, of this city.
- The marriage of Miss Jean WILLIAMS and Mr. James SIPES took place at Alma Methodist Church Sunday night. The bridal party consisted of Mrs. Alfleta ARNOLD, sister of the bride, as maid of honor; Miss Marian SIPES and Mrs. Armetha SIMER, sister and sister–in-law of the groom as bridesmaids; Mr. Woodson SIMER, brother of the groom as best man; Mr. Chloris WILLIAMS and Mr. Ancel ARNOLD, brother and brother-in-law of the groom as groomsmen, Miss Beverly WILLIAMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack WILLIAMS, and Miss Janet WILLIAMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude WILLIAMS (Chicago) as flower girls; Jimmy WILLIAMS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack WILLIAMS as ringbearer. Ushers were Miss Betty WILLIAMS, sister of the bride, and Edward Lee BOYD, nephew of the groom. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy WILLIAMS residing west of this city. She attended the local high school, and went to Chicago in 1942 where she was employed by the Western Electric Co. She returned home two years ago and since that time has been employed in the Williams Bros. Store in Alma and Kinmundy. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES residing south east of this city, and is a graduate of Salem High school with the class of ‘39. After his graduation, he went to Pontiac, Mich., where he was employed in a store. He remained in that position until he entered the service for his country. He was discharged in 1946. He attended the University of Illinois for a short time and then became a third partner in the firm of Williams Bros. in Alma and Kinmundy. The young couple will make their home in Alma. (Note: A picture accompanied this article.)
- Charles WHITE, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WHITE, will appear on W.C.N.T. this coming Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. on the Band Wagon Program. Charles will broadcast every other Tuesday at this time from now on.
- Graduation exercises were held at the local gym Tuesday evening for the 8th grade graduates of the rural schools of Kinmundy, Meacham, Foster and Omega townships. Thirty-five graduates received their diplomas. The Class Roll was: Blanche Neoma DONOHO, Joseph Ronald POLANKA, George Robert DOUDERA, Dorothy Irene McWHIRTER, Carl Bernard LANE, Wayne SIMMONS, Lila Pauline GARRETT, J. Richard INGRAM, Everett COURSON, Charles PILMAN, Rosetta BUTTS, Maxine NEAL, Don HUDDLESTON, Wayne WILKINSON, Darlene MULVANEY, Mima Lee WHITNEY, Ula BURKETT, Clyde WAGONER, Howard Frederick BLOMBERG, Richard Keith CHANCE, Virginia Lee HELPINGSTINE, Donna Mae GARRETT, Wilmer EMIL, William LANGE, Beryl Dean COOLEY, Russell ROSE, Nellie Mae CHAPMAN, Jack BARKSDALE Jr., Clarence Dale MICHAEL, Harold PRESGROVE, Gene JONES, Wilma Jean CALDWELL, Nora Dee HOPKINS, Pearl Lavern JONES, DeLila Mae DONOHO, Lila Fay DONOHO. Piano solo - Pearl JONES; Vocal solo - Nellie Mae CHAPMAN; Vocal Trio - Donna Mae GARRETT, Dorothy FEATHER, and Virginia Lee HELPINGSTINE. The Address was by Lewis J.T. O’DELL, and presentation of diplomas by Paul B. CHANCE.
- Lester VANSCYOC was taken to St. Anthony’s Hospital in Effingham Tuesday where an appendectomy was performed.
- Fred CAWREY, former resident of this city, died at his home in Crown Point, Ind. a few months ago.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Paul SMITH attended the charivari and kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Leroy SEE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin WALSH Saturday night.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ralph ROSE was taken back to the hospital last Tuesday night from the home of her parents, where she had been taken on Sunday, in a serious condition, and has been receiving blood transfusions.
- Birthday Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB entertained last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth HARVEY of Ridgefarm, Wm. HARVEY of Brazil, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Judy, the occasion being in honor of the birthdays of Elsworth HARVEY and Kenneth ROBB.
- Family Reunion: Mrs. Kate BUSWELL of Gilman, John SCHOENBORN of Parsons, Kan., Tom SCHOENBORN of Pleasant Plains, Mr. and Mrs. Ed SANDHOFER and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence SANDHOFER and children, and Miss Eva SANDHOFER of St. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Herschel WILKINSON and two children of West Frankfort met at the Fred KLEISS home Friday where they enjoyed a family reunion. This was John SCHOENBORN’s first visit back to the hometown in 20 years and he was very happy to greet many of his old friends.
- John BOUSEMAN of Alma was awarded a numeral at Anderson College at the Senior Day program. He is a sophomore at Anderson College, and he earned major letters in basketball and track at Kinmundy H.S.
- Chuck, Johnny, and Dick GARDEN left Thursday for Louisiana to visit their grandfather and grandmother GARDEN.
- Miss Charlotte Ann MYERS married Nelson Wayne BRIDGE, Jr. Sunday at the First English Lutheran Church in Decatur before 350 guests. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell MYERS of Decatur. She attended Millikin and has been a bookkeeper at the Millikin Bank. The groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nelson W. BRIDGE, Sr. of Decatur. He is a student at Millikin University. The bride’s mother was the former Miss Clara HAMMER, formerly of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil CURRY of Chicago have a boy born May 28th named John Michael.
June 12, 1947:
- Miss Marilyn MILLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.H. MILLER, of Kinmundy, and Mr. Richard MAULDING, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. MAULDING, were married at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Alice MILLER on June 8th. The bride’s sister, Miss Norma MILLER, was maid of honor, and Howard BROOM, friend of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride is a ‘47 graduate of K.C.H.S. The groom graduated in ‘45, and has served two years as a Paratrooper with the 11th Airborne Div. He returned to the states in March ‘47. After a wedding trip thru the Ozarks and the Southwestern states, they will make their home in Kinmundy. (A picture accompanied this article.)
- Miss Charlene Jane HULSEY and Richard Forrest MOTCH were married in the Kinmundy Methodist Church. The bridal party consisted of Mrs. Wydell PIGG, maid of honor; Miss Clair LOUISDA, St. Louis, and Miss Jean FORD, Alma, bridesmaids; Robert D. MAHAN, best man; Dale HULSEY and John MOTCH, groomsmen; Alfred CRAYS and Charles FORD, Ushers. Before the bridal party entered the church, Mrs. John FORD sang “Because”, with Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON at the instrument. Immediately after the vows were taken, Mrs. FORD sang, “I Love You, Truly”. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY, residing north of this city, and is a graduate of K.C.H.S. with the class of ‘47. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A. MOTCH of this city, and is a graduate of this high school with the class of ‘40. After his graduation, he attended the Lincoln Aeronautical School and then joined the navy in 1942, where he spent 4 years. The young couple will make their home in St. Louis where the groom is employed by the McDonald Corp. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the beautiful home of the bride’s parents.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl LANE received a telephone call from their son, Pvt. Robert E. LANE, from Camp Kilmer, N.J. last week, stating that he had landed in the U.S. on June 3rd, and expects to home sometime this week. He has spent the past year in Germany.
- Mrs. Mary Lou MESSER died on June 4, 1947. She was born in Missouri on July 31, 1862, and came to Kinmundy, Ill. with her parents at a very early age and has lived her entire life in and around this vicinity. She was married 3 times and from these unions the following sons and daughters survive: Norman H. BLACKBURN of Sandoval; John L. BAYLISS of Columbia, S.C.; William W. BAYLISS of Salem, Mo.; Mrs. Harry HUBBARD of Villa Grove, Ill.; and Clayton A. MESSER of Tuscan, Ariz. Also surviving are 9 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Four babies died in infancy, and a son, Orville BAYLISS and a daughter, Mrs. Irene MESSER BRUCE passed away a few years ago. Mrs. MESSER has been with her daughter, Mrs. HUBBARD, in Villa Grove, since December 1946 and suffered a fall fracturing a hip April 30th, from which she never recovered, passing away at the hospital in Tuscola, Ill. on June 4th. For many years she was a member of the Baptist Church, but at the time of her death she was a member of the Methodist Church in Kinmundy. Funeral services were held from the Methodist Church in this city with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Word has been received here of the death of Mr. Jesse R. SAGER which occurred in his home in St. Louis last Friday from a heart ailment. Services were held in St. Louis Tuesday and interment made in Lebanon, Ill., his former home. He was 66 years of age. For the past several years, Mr. SAGER was employed by the St. Louis Dept. of Public Utilities and held an executive position at the time of his death. He was V.P. of the Sons of Revolution of the State of Missouri, and was past master of his lodge. Besides his wife, the former Miss Elsie BRADLEY, daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. William BRADLEY, he leaves one son, Richard and one daughter, Mrs. Alice Louise BARNERO. The deceased was a brother-in-law to Miss Gladys BRADLEY of this city.
- At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kinmundy Building and Loan Association Monday evening, Mr. C.B. ROHRBOUGH tendered his resignation as secretary due to ill health. Mr. Fred GAMMON was then employed for the unexpired term. He will take over duties of his office next Monday.
- Miss Lela KRIETEMEYER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. KRIETEMEYER, of Centralia, and Mr. John SEE, son of Mrs. Margaret GRAY of this city, were married Saturday evening at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Centralia. They were attended by Wilma KRIETEMEYER, sister of the bride, and Frederic SEE, brother of the groom. The bride is a graduate of Centralia Twp. High School with the class of ‘38. Since her graduation, she has been employed by the Hollywood Candy Co. The groom is a graduate of Kinmundy high school with the class of ‘37. Soon after his graduation, he entered the navy. He has chosen this service as a career and is now on annual leave. They will leave soon for their temporary home in Newport, R.I.
- Under the direction of Mrs. Hazel SIEMER, Noble Grand of Rosedale Lodge No. 371, the members motored to Evergreen Cemetery and participated in the Memorial Services for their departed members. The Secretary, Mrs. J.A. HOLT, read the roll of honor, followed by a prayer by the Chaplain, Mrs. Edna WILLIAMS.
- The Kinmundy American Legion will sponsor a dance Friday, June 13 from 9:00 to 12:00 at the local Community High School Gym. The music will be furnished by Bob BURGESS and his band of Centralia. Advance sale of tickets can be bought from the Bargh Drug Store and Hanna’s Café. The Legion has gone to a lot of trouble and expense to have this dance. The proceeds of the dance will go for building a new legion home. All precautions have been taken not to have any disorderly conduct at the dance.
- Rev. W.B. PRUETT preached Sunday at the Methodist Church about the missionary work in Korea, from which place he recently returned as Chaplain.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Claude WEYHTMEYER and daughter of Columbia, Mo. spent part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert SMITH and family.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Harold KINELEY and children from Cal. moved Monday to the Newt KINELEY farm (better known as the Clabe SIPES farm). Her brother and her husband’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt KINELEY of Mo. came with her for an indefinite time. Harold has employment in Calif. and will join the family later.
- Pleasant Grove: A charivari and kitchen shower was given Thursday night from Mr. and Mrs. James SIPES at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES.
- Has 87th Birthday: Theodore MILLER celebrated his 87th birthday Sunday with a chicken dinner at noon with relatives and friends in his home. Those present at noon were: Mrs. JACKSON and son, Grove BAILEY, Mrs. Margaret DAVIDSON of Odin, Walter MILLER of Lincoln, Mrs. Nell WILSON, Decatur, and Miss Beulah DISS. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Minnie FIELDS, Mrs. Icy GARRETT, Mrs. Dorothy SULLENS and son, Larry. Larry and his grandmother sang Happy Birthday to Mr. MILLER. He received many beautiful presents, lovely cards and 2 big birthday cakes and three lovely bouquets.
- Has unwanted guests: Mr. Jake McCARTY, living east of Kinmundy, reported to us Monday of this week that his home had been invaded by unwanted guests. It seems Mr. McCARTY’s front room window, there is a part of glass out thus these unwanted guests made their way in. Mr. McCARTY heard the hum of bees and when he went to his front room, he found a swarm of bees all over the room. Mr. McCARTY tried every way possible to get rid of these guests, but all attempts failed and as a last resort, Mr. McCARTY started burn paper and rags and smoked the bees out the way they came in. Jake reported that he had quite a time for awhile, but finally all was peaceful and quiet.
- Mrs. Chas. FOX spent the weekend in Decatur visiting relatives, also attending a reunion of 20 cousins and families from Topeka, Kan., Chicago, Champaign, Detroit, and other cities, which was held at Lake Decatur.
June 19, 1947:
- Betty Lou CONANT and Charles SEE were married in the parsonage of the Christian Church in Paducah, Ky. on June 9th. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William CONANT, residing west of this city. She is a graduate of K.C.H.S. with the class of ‘47. The groom is son of Mrs. Margaret GRAY of this city. He is a graduate of the K.H.S with the class of ‘41. He spent three years in the navy and was discharged in 1946. Since that time he has been in school at Hines Hospital until recently when he accepted a position with the Hines Hospital in Dwight. An in fair dinner was given at the home of the bride’s parents Thursday evening. A beautiful wedding cake was baked by Mrs. Mark ARNOLD, an aunt to the bride. Immediately following the dinner, friends and neighbors gathered and gave the couple a kitchen shower and charivari. The couple left Monday for Dwight where they will make their home at present.
- Joe RODDY and Miss Donna BRASEL of Salem surprised their friends by slipping off to Morganfield, Ky, and being united in marriage. They were attended by Dale BRASEL, brother of the bride, and Miss Betty RODDY, sister of the groom. Donna is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette BRASEL, of Kinmundy. She attended K.H.S. for one year, but graduated from Salem high school with the class of ‘44. She has been employed at the City Drug Store in Salem for the past school year. Joe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P.M. RODDY of Salem. He was graduated from Centralia High school. He was in the service having spent 3 years overseas, and is now in flight training at Leckrone field. Their home will be in Salem.
- Miss Betty EDMAN, daughter of Maurice EDMAN of Tacoma, Washington and Mrs. Martha EDMAN of Great Bend, Kan., was married to Mr. George BARGH, son of Mrs. Mildred BARGH of Kinmundy. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne BOYER, the former Beverly COLEGROVE, were the couple’s only attendants. Mrs. BARGH is a graduate of the Great Bend H.S., with the class of ‘46, and has been employed as a bookkeeper for the Great Bend Tribune since October. She is a granddaughter of Mrs. Effie ROBB of Kinmundy. Mr. BARGH was graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1944 and served 18 months in the army air corps. He recently completed his sophomore year at the Univ. of Ill. in Champaign where he majored in law. The couple left immediately for a wedding trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. BARGH will reside in Great Bend the remainder of the summer. In the fall they will be at home in Champaign.
- In the Christian Church in Salem on Sunday afternoon, occurred the marriage of Miss Anna Louise MERCER of Salem, and Mr. Frederic SEE of this city. Miss Mildred LONG was maid of honor and Mr. Charles SEE was best man. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denard MERCER of Salem. She is a graduate of the Salem H.S. with ‘42. Since her graduation, she has been employed at the Brown Shoe Co. The groom is the eldest son of Mrs. Margaret GRAY of this city. He is a graduate of the Kinmundy H.S. with the class of ‘36. After his graduation, he went to Buffalo, N.Y. where he was employed by the Curtiss-Wright Co. until he entered the service in 1942. He was discharged in 1946 after having served 2 ½ years in the European Theater of Operations. He is now employed by the Rochester-Goodell Engineering Co. of Salem. The couple will make their home in Dunlap Apartments for the present.
- The Alma Home Bureau Unit met Tuesday night, June 17, in the school building with Mrs. Earl JACKSON, chairman, presiding. Mrs. Logan PHILLIPS read the secretary and treasurer’s reports. Roll call was answered by each member naming her favorite vegetable. Announcement was made of the change in plans regarding the St. Louis trip which has been postponed until July 2, for the Alma group. The buses will leave Salem at 6:30 a.m. The Home Bureau cookbooks were inspected and several sold. The major lesson on “The Use of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables” was given by Mrs. H.O. HINKLEY and Mrs. F.J. LENDIG, who prepared and served a number of attractive and appetizing salads. The minor lesson on “Picture Hanging” was given by Mrs. John FORD. Recreation was in charge of Mrs. William E. WILLIAMS. One guest, Mrs. Wanda MARZ, of Chicago was present. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, July 15, at the school building, with Mrs. Elizabeth BURTON, County Home Advisor, present to give the major lesson, “Overcoming Our Prejudices.” Visitors are always welcome.
- Major and Mrs. Herman M. MARLOW of Little Rock, Ark., have a daughter, Hazel Ann, arriving June 9th.
- Mr. Chas. ARNOLD, residing west of this city, suffered a stroke of apoplexy Monday morning and is reported as being in serious condition.
- Bobbie JONES, son of Marcelline PRUETT JONES, submitted to an operation for the removal of his adenoids in Belleville, Saturday.
- The N.I.P. Club met at the home of Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER Friday afternoon, June 13. After a short business meeting, refreshments were served by the hostess. The girls will meet next at the home of Mrs. Duane HANNA on Friday afternoon, July 11.
- At the regular meeting of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398 A.F. & A.M. held last evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Worshipful Master - J.B. MAXEY; Senior Warden - Carl DUNLAP; Junior Warden - John W. McCULLEY; Treasurer - C.R. ALDERSON; Secretary - J.N. VALLOW.
- There will be a Sunday School Convention held at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 21, at Arnold’s Chapel.
- The regular meeting of the Future Homemakers 4-H Club was held Wednesday, June 11, with Betty, Dorothy, and Beverly FEATHER. Lillian BUNDY, Vice President, had charge of the business meeting due to the absence of the president. A wiener roast was decided on for the evening of June 15th for the members, their parents, and invited guests. After interesting talks and demonstrations, refreshments of cake and pop were served and the meeting adjourned to meet in two weeks with Lila GARRETT. Helen BASSETT, reporter.
- Celebrates Birthday: Mr. and Mrs. Orion BUTTS entertained 50 relatives and friends to a wiener roast at their home on Tuesday night, honoring their son, Jr.’s 20th birthday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DOOLEN and Lela Mae of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis JOHNSON and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Clark HAMPSTEN and son, Mrs. MOODY and D_______, Mr. and Mrs. Frank BURKETT, Gene and Bobby BURKETT, Mr. and Mrs. Loren COOPER and Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER and Billie, George KING, Gene CRAIN, Francis, Ralph and Clark KRUTSINGER, Roy and Boya WHITE, Walter, Rosetta, Lavene Alpha and Arletha BUTTS, Mrs. Delma DEMURRY, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert TATE and children, Mike BUTTS and Merle GREENWOOD. A good time was had by all.
- The Pleasant Grove Unit of the Home Bureau met Friday June 13th at the Brubaker Town House with 21 members present. Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND, chairman, was in charge of the business meeting. Roll call was answered by naming my favorite rose. Mrs. Fred MOODY and Mrs. Ray VANDEVEER were appointed to sell cookbooks. Mrs. A.G. LOWRY was elected reporter. Mrs. Ted EMBSER and Mrs. Wilbur LOGSDON gave the minor lesson on corsages. Mrs. Paul SMITH was in charge of recreation. Mrs. Elizabeth BURTON gave the lesson on “Prejudices”. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments served by the hostesses Mrs. William WALSH and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND. The next meeting will be July 11 at the Brubaker town house. Mrs. Warren SMITH and Mrs. Bert HUMES will give the lesson. Mrs. Will HIESTAND and Mrs. Oran ALDERSON will be hostesses.
June 26, 1947:
- Three Sons of Mrs. Margaret GRAY Married Within 8 Days: The three sons of Mrs. Margaret GRAY and their brides. From left to right: John SEE and the former Miss Lela KRIETEMEYER who were married in Centralia June 7th; Frederic SEE and the former Miss Anna MERCER who were married in Salem June 15th; Charles SEE and the former Miss Betty CONANT, who were married in Paducah, Ky, June 9th. This is somewhat a record for a mother having three sons married within 8 days. (Pictures accompanied this article.)
- Mrs. Josie ROBB Found Dead in Bed Wednesday: Mrs. Josie ROBB, residing in the east part of town, was found dead in bed yesterday morning by her neighbors, Mrs. Burdette MAXEY and Mrs. Dale WRIGHT. Mrs. MAXEY became suspicious when Mrs. ROBB failed to get her milk, as was her usual custom on Tuesday evening. Then on Wednesday morning when she didn’t come after it, she became alarmed and went over to see if she was at home. Upon reaching her house, she noticed the bedroom window raised slightly, and found all the screen doors hooked. She immediately summoned Mrs. WRIGHT, and together they took out the window screen. They saw that she was dead and immediately phoned the son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ROBB, at Salem. Then they notified B.F. LINTON. Mrs. ROBB had accompanied Mrs. MAXEY and family to the show Monday evening. Upon entering the room, Mrs. MAXEY found the clothes which Mrs. ROBB had worn Monday evening, placed on a chair beside her bed. So from all indication, she died in her sleep Monday night. Mrs. ROBB has had a heart ailment for the past several months and it is believed that this was the cause of her death.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter DOOLEN and baby daughter, Lynn Davis, of Macomb, Ill., spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. DOOLEN. Baby Lynn is just eight weeks old and this is the first time she has been seen by her grandparents. And sure enough, she looks just like grandpa and is grandpa ever proud of this.
- Sells Farina Theatre: The 400 seat Lyric Theatre at Farina was sold Monday to Mr. G.E. BERTCH and his son, Peter BERTCH, of Suring, Wis. The new owners took charge immediately. Mr. G.E. BERTCH will return to Wisconsin shortly and the theatre will be managed and operated by his son, Peter, and his daughter, Esther BERTCH. The theatre was purchased in 1945 from the late C.T. WADE by John R. HARRELL of Louisville, immediately after his release from the Army Air Forces, where he served as an officer and airplane pilot. In 1946, the theatre was completely remodeled and has been in constant operation since with two shows each nights except for a few weeks in the winter months when Monday night shows only were discontinued. The theatre policy will follow right along with what it has been in the past.
- The Shriver Sewing 4-H Club met Wednesday, June 18, at the home of Mary Jane and Nancy DEADMOND. All members were present but one. The members practiced making button holes. Our leader, Mrs. Mabel SMITH, helped the new members cut out their garments. After the meeting, games were played, and refreshments were served. Rojean Alderson, Reporter.
- Flies Relief Supplies: Lawson Field, Ft. Benning, Ga. - 1st Lt. Kenneth P. LACEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton S. LACEY of Kinmundy, serving as a transport pilot with the 9th Air Force at Lawson Field, Ga., returned to the base last Sunday night after flying an emergency mission to flood stricken Ottumawa, Iowa. The Lieutenant was flying a C-82 “Flying Boxcar” which was ordered to Scott Field, Ill., to pick up tow giant Diesel generators needed by the hospital of the inundated city.
- George H. BARGH of Kinmundy is among 16 University of Illinois students initiated recently into Chi Gamma Iota, scholastic honorary organization for veterans.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mrs. Chas. BERRY and son took dinner to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BUTTS, Monday, it being her birthday anniversary, she received some nice gifts.
- Swift School (from last week): Evelyn and Helen BASSETT spent Saturday night and Sunday with their cousin, Lila GARRETT.
- Swift School (from last week): Emmett GARRETT called on his cousin, Mr. Jack GARRETT and family, Sunday afternoon.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Edd REPEC and family moved from Salem one day last week to his mother’s farm, living in part of the house with his mother and family at present. He expects to build soon.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Tob WILKINS and family moved the first of last week from the Dalt VANDEVEER farm to the Noah BERRY farm.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin BURTON of Mason. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. A.T. SIGRIST and Mrs. Flo SIGRIST of Loogootee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold RICHARDSON of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Otto de WERFF and daughter, Edith Jane, Mr. Fred RENNEKAMP, and Carol DIPPOLD of Farina, Mr. and Mrs. Rob BURTON and daughter, Lucy and grandson of Mason. The occasion being the honor of birthdays of Edith, Jane de WERFF and Bryan PITTS.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lish JOHNSON in Odin in celebration of Mrs. DILLON and Mrs. JOHNSON’s birthdays. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. George JOHNSON of Tennessee Prairie, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl JACKSON of Alma.
July 3, 1947:
- On Saturday morning in the Christian Church in Alma, Miss Martha MALONE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. MALONE, became the bride of Mr. Douglas COLLIER of Salem. Before the ceremony, Mr. Lewie SULLENS of Kinmundy, sang, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Pat WILLIAMS of Salem. Miss Betty CRAIN of Salem, was maid of honor, and Clyde MALONE, was brother of the bride was best man. After the ceremony a reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. MALONE. Mr. and Mrs. COLLIER then left on a short honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs. COLLIER were both employed in the Brown shoe factory in Salem, and will make their home in Salem. (A picture was included with this article.)
- Josie Mildred (BALLANCE) ROBB youngest child of Rev. John H. and Sarah Frances BALLANCE, was born at the family home northwest of Kinmundy on Sept. 26, 1890. She grew up on the farm in a happy home, the father being a Christian minister. She was one of a family of ten children, six of whom died in infancy, and a sister, Mrs. H.L. WARREN, about 8 years ago, leaving of this large family two brothers, G. Tom, and J. Lem BALLANCE. She received her education in the rural school and Kinmundy High School. On Sept. 28, 1908, she was united in marriage with Samuel Eli ROBB, and to this union was born two daughters and one son, one daughter dying in infancy. They made their home on the farm, for some years, then in later years moved to Champaign. Recently they returned to Kinmundy and purchased a home where the husband and father died April 7, 1946. Now some 15 months later, she, too passed away in the home where they expected to live among old friends and relatives, leaving to mourn their great loss the daughter, Mrs. Veda BECK, of Burbank, Calif., and the son, Wayne ROBB of Salem, a grandson, John BECK, son-in-law, Otto BECK and daughter-in-law, Maxine ROBB, and many other relatives and friends. Services were held from the Methodist church, Rev. O.L. HAWKINS officiating.
- Life History of Charles F. ARNOLD: Charles Fletcher ARNOLD, son of Wm. and Almeda CONANT ARNOLD, was born in the North Fork community, Foster twp., Aug. 26, 1875, and died June 21, 1947. The deceased had been in failing health for some time yet never complained, suffering a paralytic stroke Tuesday from which he never revived. On March 23, 1897, he was united in marriage to Sypha MOREY, who survived him. Charlie was one of a family of 7 brothers and sisters. Being left fatherless when quite young, he went to live with an uncle, George CONANT, who cared for him as a father until able to fight life’s battle alone. Left to mourn his passing are: the life companion who has been an invalid for some months and for whom he was tenderly cared; one daughter, Roberta GREEN, who were the light of his life; two grandsons, Larry and Billie GREEN, who were the light of his life; one granddaughter, Edith Louise GREEN, who he devotedly worshiped having died in infancy; one son-in-law, Eli GREEN; one brother, John F. ANDERSON of Vernon, Ill.; and older brother, Geo., having died many years ago at the age of 16; four sisters, Mrs. Lillie BLANKENSHIP, Mrs. Mae SIMCOX and Mrs. Pearl HUDSPETH of Patoka; Mrs. Rada CRENSHAW of Dallas, Tex.; three brother-in-law, John T. BLANKINSHIP of Patoka; Eddie MORE of Decatur; and Frank JARRETT of Vandalia; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Frank JARRETT of Vandalia; and Mrs. John F. ANDERSON of Vernon. Deceased was converted at Arnold Chapel some 16 years ago became associated with that congregation later transferring his membership to Zion where he was very active in his church work. Services were held June 22, 1947 at the Zion Methodist Church. Interment in Jones Cemetery.
- St. Philomena’s Catholic Church will be holding their second annual ice cream summer social on the church lawn on Saturday evening, July 12.
- A basket dinner was held in the Kinmundy Park on Sunday, June 22, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. PRESTON and son, Bill, of Watronville, Calif. Mrs. PRESTON is the former Mayme WILLIAMS, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.G. WILLIAMS. A list of those attending was printed.
- Mr. Fred O. GRISSOM giving the new postmaster, Richard R. ATKINS, a few instructions regarding the bookkeeping system used by the Postal Dept. Mr. ATKINS states that he is not going to lose any of his hair worrying over his new duties. He promises to render the same good service as the patrons of this office have experienced in the past. (A picture accompanied this article).
- Mrs. A.O. CHARLTON entered Barnes Hospital Tuesday, where she will undergo a major operation.
- South of Town: Mr. and Mrs. Earl LANE entertained Sunday with a family dinner in honor of their son, Robert, who has returned from Germany. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Cal LANE, Burdette SHAFFER and family, Cecil LANE and family, Mr. and Mrs. Verl SEE and daughter, and Leroy VANDEVEER.
- Shriver School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB were callers at the Carroll SIMMONS home Friday afternoon.
- 1947 Class of Kinmundy Community High School pictures: Betty JONES, Ralph JENKINS, Zola ROBNETT, Bob WILLIAMS, Ruth WRIGHT, Junior DISS, Emma Lou CHANCE, Arlene ZIMMER, Ralph KRUTSINGER, Marilyn MILLER, Charles BASSETT, Denton BRASEL, Charlene HULSEY, Bob BAILEY, Mary Lou FOLLOWELL, Charles GARDEN, Betty CONANT, Betty GEILER, Bobby Dan WILLIAMS, Mary WOODEN, Eli CONANT, Rosemary CONANT, Lester VANDEVEER, Marilyn PURCELL, Robert FORD.
July 10, 1947:
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON motored to Salem Sunday, and were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.T. GEIBE. A chicken dinner was served in honor of Merle and Martha JACKSON’s birthdays and the 38th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON. Mrs. GEIBE was assisted by Miss Peggy JACKSON.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER and Donn and Janet of Sumner, visited here Sunday evening with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. HAMMER and Mr. and Mrs. W.F. ROBB.
- Word was received yesterday here that Mr. George MESSER underwent an operation July 8 in Mercy Hospital in Urbana. Mr. MESSER’s right leg was amputated just above the knee. Latest reports say his condition is fair.
- A meeting of the Sword of Bunker Hill will be held in the Masonic Hall in Kinmundy Thursday evening, July 10. There will be a class of 30 initiated on that night. A banquet will be held after the meeting with special entertainment. All members please take notice.
- Mr. Ray VANDEVEER reports that he bailed 689 bales of Timothy hay from 7 acres on his farm south of this city. The bales averaged 60 lbs. making a total of almost three tons per acre. This is an exceptionally good yield and just another example of where it pays to improve your land.
- Orval SPURLIN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. SPURLIN of Vandalia, graduated in June from the U. of I. with a Master’s Degree. At present he is living with his wife and daughter in Urbana going to summer school. He will move his family to Amboy, Ill. at the close of school where he will teach, and head basketball coach, and assistant football coach.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER returned home Tuesday after spending several days in Chicago visiting friends. While in Chicago they attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Annette.
- Mrs. Roy GARDNER of St. Louis came Monday to spend a few days with her sisters and brother, Mrs. Ida WILLIAMS, Mrs. Cora WILLIAMS, and C.H. VALLOW and families.
- Mr. and Mrs. Avery BOUGHERS and children, and Mrs. Dorothy WHITECOTTON and children of Torrance, Calif. are here spending their vacation with Mrs. BOUGHERS’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess HOYT and other relatives.
- Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and daughter, Barbara Kaye, and Miss Beulah DISS spent Sunday near Greenville with Mrs. HAMMER’s father, E.C. SCHAUFELBERGER and also attended a family reunion.
- Miss Zelma VALLOW of St. Louis and A.L. VALLOW of East St. Louis spent the weekend here with their father, C.H. VALLOW.
- Mrs. Josephine SNOW of East St. Louis spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. Margaret O’BRIEN and family.
- Mrs. Al UHLE and children of Chicago came last week to spend a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank JONES and family.
- Mrs. Annie YOUNG left Saturday for Chicago where she will visit her son and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. YOUNG.
- R.D. MAHAN of Springfield spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. MAHAN.
- The following guests were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. COLE Monday night: Mr. and Mrs. Walter WARREN of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE, Billie and Larry ROLLINSON of Chicago; and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG. The occasion being the second birthday of little Marilyn Sue COLE.
- Meacham: July 4th was the 54th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS and members of the C.B. Circle went to their home to help them celebrate. A fine potluck dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL, Mr. and Mrs. Merl JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRAIN, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Willie SLANE and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CORRELL and Mrs. Mattie HITT of Casey, Ill.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND attended a family reunion and basket dinner at the Sam BARKSDALE home near Iuka, Sunday.
July 17, 1947:
- Ellis J. WAINSCOTT, 66, died on Wednesday in Champaign at the home of his son, Jack M. WAINSCOTT. Mr. WAINSCOTT had been ill a month following an operation. Services were held Friday in the Mittendorf funeral home, with burial in Kinmundy. He was born March 8, 1881 in Kinmundy the son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac WAINSCOTT. He lived in Champaign from 1912 to 1926 when he moved to Westwood, Calif. because of his health. While here he worked for the Red River Lumber Co. He returned to Champaign in 1940, and retired as a worker for the Univ. of Ill. physical plant last April. Oct. 20, 1903 he was married to Jennie HUMPHREY. He was a member of the Kinmundy Masonic Lodge. He leaves a wife, son, grandson, four brothers: Lou of Baytown, Texas; Richard and Jess of Champaign, and Charles of Kinmundy; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie HOWE of Champaign and Mrs. Elizabeth SHEDENHELM.
- The fire department was called to the Kinmundy Ice Plant yesterday afternoon to be in readiness should a burning exhaust from the engines get out of control. The fire burned itself out and no damage was done.
- Bryce, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry GEILER, was a pretty sick boy over the weekend, suffering from a high fever accompanied by chills. He was taken to the Salem Hospital early Monday morning where his case was diagnosed as being tonsilitis. After being treated his parents were permitted to bring him home. At first it was thought that the child was bordering on polio and everyone is grateful that it wasn’t.
- Mrs. Arthur BOYD was honored at a surprise Stork shower given at the home of Mrs. Duane HANNA Friday afternoon. She received many beautiful gifts. After a short business meeting refreshments were served by the hostess. Out of town guests were Mrs. Ralph DAY and daughter, Donna. The club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beryl DISS July 24th.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gene COSBY of South Bend, Ind. announce the arrival of Sharon Jean, weight 9 lbs. 4 oz on June 27. Grandma HELPINGSTINE returned home last week after spending the past month and a half in South Bend keeping vigilance. She reports the granddaughter to be very pretty and says she looks just like grandmother. However, Grandpa HELPINGSTINE lost 20 lbs. over the ordeal, due mostly to eating his own cooking.
- Charles B. ROHRBOUGH, one of Kinmundy’s Oldest Native Sons, Laid to Rest Tuesday: Charles Batelle, son of Calandar and Anna MOORE ROHRBOUGH, was born in Kinmundy Sept. 1, 1866. He was one of a family of six children, 3 brothers passing away in infancy; a sister, Helen ROHRBOUGH MORGAN in 1919; a brother, L.C. ROHRBOUGH in 1946; an adopted sister, Katherine GROVE WORMLEY in 1936. Mr. ROHRBOUGH was the last of his immediate family. He was united in marriage to Anne GROVE WATSON of Fairmont, West Virginia, Dec. 6, 1899, and brought his bride to Kinmundy where they have since made their home. Four children came to bless this happy couple - Ruth Watson, Jean Moore, Charles Calandar, Anna Virginia. Jean Moore and Charles Calandar dying when quite young. Mr. ROHRBOUGH was a member of the City Council and School Board for a number of years, Treasurer of Kinmundy Cemetery Association for over 25 years, and his great interest in the work has helped to put the Association for where it is today. He was a member of the Kinmundy Lodge for over 50 years, and was a member of the Knights Templars of Centralia. He was one of the leading businessmen of Kinmundy for a number of years being in the clothing business, but in later life was secretary of the Building and Loan Association, until ill health prevented him from attending to the duties of his office. After some time of suffering from a heart ailment he died on July 13, 1947. He leaves his beloved companion, two daughters, Ruth and Anna Virginia, son-in-law, James GREEN, two little grandchildren, Ruth Ann and Charles Wesley GREEN; also three nieces, Elsie ROHRBOUGH of Utah, Helen ROHRBOUGH of Salem, and Katherine WORMLEY and one nephew Lorentz WORMLEY. Services were held from the Methodist Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. (A picture accompanied this obituary.)
- C.S. WATSON, local C. & E.I. railway agent retired from duty Friday, July 11 after 42 years and 1 month duty. He started in railroad work on June 12, 1905 as a clerk for the C. & E.I. in Arthur, Ill. As a clerk he was also learning telegraphy. A few years later he was put on as a telegrapher in Findlay, then Westervelt, Ill. His first job as station agent was in Benton, here he remained for some time coming to Kinmundy 25 years ago, where he has been the local C. & E.I. agent until his retirement last Friday. In the 42 years of railroad work, Mr. WATSON has seen many changes in the railroad business. One of the biggest changes Mr. WATSON said is the falling off of the railroad freight and passenger business due to the car. Now Mr. John PIPER is sitting in the agents’ chair with his feet on the desk wearing the agent’s cap which is over 40 years of age and a little worn around the edges, asking you as you walk in, how many tickets, please. John started with the C. & E.I. on June 18, 1943 as an operator in Kell, Ill. and as since then worked as an operator in the Chief Dispatcher’s office in the Salem Yards. John has always been around the railroad, and started to pound the telegraph key when quite young. John hopes to build up the railroad business now that he is in command of the railroad here in Kinmundy. However we think one of thee first things he should do is please get a new agent’s hat for this job.
- Clara MEYERS Rite Tuesday: Mrs. Clara MEYERS died in the Alton State Hospital July 13th, aged 76 years, 8 months, and 11 days. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home. Services were held Tuesday from the Meacham Church, Elder Clyde SINCLAIR officiating. Interment was made in Elder Cemetery.
- On last Saturday evening in the local Christian Church, Miss Joann COLE became the bride of Bailey WILLIAMS of Salem, Rev. B.F. MAHON, reading the single ring ceremony. They were attended by Miss Leah WILLIAMS of Salem, and Carl VALLOW of this city. Preceding the ceremony, Carl VALLOW sang “Always” with Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON at the instrument. Immediately following the ceremony, the young couple made a short honeymoon trip to St. Louis. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George COLE, residing northwest of this city. She is a graduate of the local H.S. with the class of ‘46. For the past several months she has been employed as a bookkeeper in the City National Bank in Centralia. The groom is the son of Mrs. Corryne WILLIAMS of Salem and is a graduate of the local H.S. with the class of ‘45. He served several months in the Navy and was stationed in the southwest Pacific during the war. He is now employed by J.C. Penney Co. of Centralia. The young couple will make their home in Centralia.
- An article was printed about several schools financially embarrassed and District 500 is in grave condition.
- Prairie Grove: A basket dinner was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur COURSON Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard OUTHOUSE of Warrensburg; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence OUTHOUSE and family of Mattoon; Mr. and Mrs. Ervin MULVANEY and family of Bement; Mr. and Mrs. Ed MULVANEY of Monticello; Mr. and Mrs. Ora YATES and family; Mr. and Mrs. Earl OUTHOUSE and daughter of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Bob OUTHOUSE and Mr. and Mrs. Murrell REESE and sons, the occasion being in honor of the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bob OUTHOUSE and Mr. and Mrs. Earl OUTHOUSE and birthdays of Linda Kaye OUTHOUSE, and Richard and Roger COURSON.
- Meacham: The funeral service for Mrs. Clara MEYERS was held at the Baptist Church Tuesday. She is the mother of Mrs. Harry THOMPSON.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and daughters, Jean and Janet of Alma called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL and Mr. and Mrs. Bert FORD Sunday afternoon.
- Family Reunion: 100 relatives met at Bryan Memorial Park in Salem on Sunday with well filled baskets. The occasion was to honor the 71st birthday of Mrs. Paul YOUNG of Salem. At the noon hour, grace was said by Mrs. Nora YOUNG of Salem and everyone sang happy birthday. (A list of those attending was included.)
- The VANDEVEER family reunion was held Sunday in the Charley Brown Park in Flora. (A list of those attending was included.)
July 24, 1947:
- Mrs. Margaret C. SCULLEY died at her home in this city on July 19th at 1 a.m. She ate a hearty supper and woke up during the night feeling bad. She gradually grew worse and finally passed away before a doctor could get to her bedside. She was 87 years of age. Services were held Monday from the Methodist Church, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment was made in New Pickers Cemetery in St. Louis. Margaret Caroline, oldest child of Thomas and Louisa POTTER, was born on a farm east of Kinmundy in Meacham twp., Nov. 9, 1859, and lived there until married to James B. SCULLEY Jan. 1881. She was the oldest of 5 children; two passed away after they were grown, leaving two sisters, Mrs. Chas. ROSE of Champaign, and Mrs. Chas. KELLER of Meacham. Five children were born into her home, four of whom have passed away, leaving the oldest daughter, Mrs. Art COCKRELL, who came to Kinmundy 5 years ago to share her home. She left four grandchildren, Gilbert KOTTKAMP and Harold KOTTKAMP of St. Louis; Mrs. T.E. BRICKEY of Festus, and Elizabeth WHITEHEAD of St. Louis. She also leaves a loving daughter-in-law, wife of Randolph SCULLEY, who passed away at his home in Salem Depot, New Hampshire, six years ago, May 20.
- Mrs. Clara Helena MEYERS was the daughter of Godfrey and Salome MEYERS. She was born Oct. 25, 1869 in Llepsic, Germany, and died on July 13, 1947 in Alton State hospital. She united with the German Lutheran Church when but a child. In the year of 1875, she came to this country with her parents, who located at Pittsburg, Pa., where they made their home for two years. The family then came west and located on a farm near St. Peter, Ill., where they lived for several years, later, moving to a farm in Marion county. Four brothers and one sister proceeded her in death. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Ella THOMPSON, two grandsons, Ivan DeVORE of Griffith, Ind., and Donald THOMPSON of Kinmundy. Services were held July 15, 1947 from the Meacham Baptist church, Elder Clyde SINCLAIR officiating. Interment in Elder Cemetery.
- GARRETT Family Reunion: - Monday, July 14, the Bert GARRETT family held a family reunion in their home. The was the first time the GARRETT family have all been together in a long time. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT, Mr. Junior GARRETT, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin SHREFFLER, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Jack GARRETT, Mr. Bill GARRETT, Wanda GARRETT, of this city; Mr. and Mrs. Carl HEADLEY of Lansing, Mich.; and Mr. Floyd GARRETT of Peoria, Ill.
- Mrs. Wydel PIGG entertained last Friday evening, July 18, several friends in honor of Mrs. Arthur BOYD at a stork shower. The honoree received many nice gifts.
- Mrs. Charles GRAY entertained last Monday night friends at a stork shower for Mrs. James EAGAN, she, too received many nice gifts.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse GEORGE announce the arrival of Beverly Kaye, weight 7 lbs. 5 oz on July 15th in the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia. The mother and babe will return home today.
- Mrs. Harriett DeVORE will celebrate her 95th birthday Thursday, July 24th. She is in very good health for one of her advanced years and still possesses a keen mind and ready wit. She is one of the oldest citizens in Marion county and has lived in her present home 56 years. Mrs. DeVORE has 7 great-grandchildren: Richard, Eliza, and Abigail BROWNRIGG of St. Louis; Helen MONTGOMERY of Fulton, Mo.; Pamela MERCER of Portland, Ore.; Geo. E. CONANT of Keys, Calif.; and last and newest little Coletta AUXIER of Kinmath Falls, Ore. born July 5th. Mrs. DeVORE is very much interested in her friends, old and young, and tries to keep in touch with all they do, especially the weddings. She has lived a long and useful life and has grown old gracefully. She has had invitations to dine out on this very important day, but her only son, G. Seth DeVORE, of Portland, Ore., has written her to say he will call long distance again, this year and she must be at home.
- Notice of Special School Election: A special school election will be held at the schoolhouse in Alma, Ill. on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1947 in School District No. 25, Marion County, Illinois, for the purpose of voting on the proposition, “Shall the maximum tax levy rate in District No. 25, Marion county, Illinois be increased from 50 cents to 75 cents?” Polls will be open 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m. John S. FORD, Sec’y.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin STEVENSON and daughter of Alton, visited over the week here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lem BALLANCE.
- Mr. O.B. JACKSON, former resident of this city, now of Plainview, Texas, will show “Mahogany Chief” a fine harness horse champion in the coming horse show in Plainview, Texas. Mr. JACKSON won second place with this horse in a horse show in El Paso, Texas.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil GARRETT have purchased what is known as the Pres McHATTON farm north of town from the Jennie HANNA heirs and will make this their future home.
- Alma Home Bureau Meets: The Alma Unit of the Marion County Home Bureau met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Earl JACKSON. Mrs. JACKSON, was in charge of the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Logan PHILLIPS. Roll call was answered by naming favorite desserts. 17 members were present. It was voted that the Unit contribute to the Polio Drive, and for the 4-H Club Camp. Announcement was made of the local leaders’ training school to be held on July 25. Mrs. J.B. OWEN and Mrs. Rada CALDWELL will attend from this unit. Since the lesson is to be on “Outdoor Cooking”, plans are being made for an evening picnic to which the husbands may be invited. The date will be announced later. The major lesson on “Pressing” was given by Mrs. John FORD and Mrs. Nina MIDDLETON. No minor lesson was given. Refreshments were served by Mrs. JACKSON, and assisted by Mrs. FORD and Mrs. MIDDLETON.
- Wilson School: J.T. CHARLTON accompanied by his son, Jess, motored to Hoopeston on Monday where they attended the funeral of the former’s brother, Will CHARLTON.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Amy SIPES received word last week that her sister, Mrs. Frank HENNIMEN of Arkansas had gotten both of her legs broken. She was walking a foot log which broke letting her fall about 14 feet into a hole of water breaking 1 leg just above the ankle and the other just below the knee.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry DENNIS of Louisville spent Sunday with Mrs. J.H. NELMS and Mrs. Chas. E. SIMER celebrating Mrs. DENNIS’ birthday.
July 31, 1947:
- MILLER Reunion: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie MILLER of Alton came Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Lem BALLANCE. On Sunday they attended the MILLER Reunion held in the Bill MILLER Grove near St. James. Others from near here attending were Mr. and Mrs. Donald ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey COMBS, and Mr. and Mrs. John HOHLT of Farina.
- Mrs. Maude STRIVEY, formerly Miss Maude GARNER, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John GARNER, died at her home in Taylorville, Ill. She was 61 years of age. Her husband passed away just one year ago. Funeral services and interment were made in Taylorville.
- Dan ZIMMERMAN, Dan RUSSELL, wife and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SWIFT spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. EAGAN, helping their mother, Mrs. EAGAN, celebrate her birthday. Mrs. SWIFT surprised her mother by bringing two fried chickens, and angel food cake, and a freezer of ice cream.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd WANTLAND have a girl born July 24th in the St. Elmo hospital weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. and named Shara Kaye. Mr. and Mrs. WANTLAND now have a boy and a girl.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bennie DOOLEN of DuQuoin announce the arrival of Teresa Jean, weight 7 lbs. on July 24th, in the DuQuoin Hospital. Both mother and babe are doing fine.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. HUGGINS of Boston, Mass. announce the arrival of Martha Rose on July 24th.
- Opens Own Shop: After working as a saleslady for 18 years for the J.C. Penney Co. of Centralia, Mrs. Florence JASPER, formerly of this city, will open her own shop at 1246 N. Poplar St. in Centralia on Aug. 2nd. She would be very happy to see her Kinmundy friends visit her when in Centralia, and especially on this date. See her ad elsewhere in this issue. For the past several years, her husband, John JASPER, has conducted a grocery store at this location. This year, the building was enlarged considerably and divided into two rooms. Mr. JASPER will still continue his grocery business while Mrs. JASPER will conduct her ready to wear department.
- Tent Revival Meeting: A revival meeting will begin next Monday evening in a tent located just east of the overhead crossing on the Brubaker Road. These services are being conducted by the Alma Methodist Church. Everyone is invited to attend these services.
- Fire Department Called to Glen BRASEL home: A defective coal oil stove exploding and bursting into flames caused considerable damage to the Glenn BRASEL home three miles north of this city, Saturday afternoon. The Kinmundy Fire Department responded to a call which came through the local telephone office. As the fire department arrived at the scene, neighbors of Mr. BRASEL as well as himself, were fighting the fire with a bucket brigade. The fire was held to the inside of the wall and roof over the kitchen of the house. Only one large well provided the water at the home. After a little confusion 50 feet of fire hose was laid. The fire department was used for around 30 minutes still the stubborn blaze was extinguished. Most of the damage to home was from water for while throwing on gallons of water and afterwards the plaster in two rooms began to fall. Mrs. BRASEL with the help from neighbors removed two rooms of furniture while the men were fighting the fire. Mr. BRASEL reported that the house was fully covered by insurance. As to our fire department, we might say the fighting equipment was in far better shape than at previous fires. The city officials are trying to replace and repair the department in order to keep it up in the best condition. However, the city fire department would be a little more effective if the city would organize a good volunteer department having each man learn to do a certain thing, in this way the department could respond a little more quickly to fires, and it would cause less confusion at the fire.
- On Thursday, July 24, at the home of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Nellie VANSCYOC in this city, occurred the marriage of Miss Betty VANSCYOC to Mr. James HALL, Rev. H.R. AVERY officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester VANSCYOC, residing east of Farina. For the past several months, she has been employed by the Brown Produce Co. in Farina. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed HALL, of this city. He is at present in the trucking business. The couple will make their home in the James BRIM property in the southwest part of town.
- Mrs. Harriett DeVORE enjoys her 95th birthday anniversary last Thursday: The above is the likeness of Mrs. Harriett DeVORE as she appears on her 95th birthday last Thursday. And what a great day this is for her. She received callers from 8:30 a.m till 8 p.m. and when evening came, she decided that she had had a very busy day. She received letters, cards, flowers, cakes, fruits, cookies, candies and phone calls galore. And a special telegram from her only son in Portland, Ore. topped off the day for her. However the son had tried to call her but could not get through. Mrs. DeVORE was born and reared in Ohio near Cincinnati. And there she married and had her family. After the death of her husband, she came with her children to Kinmundy in 1892 to be near her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew HUMPHREY. Upon arriving in Illinois, she too up her abode in her present home and has lived there ever since. Mrs. DeVORE has four children, namely, Florence CONANT of this city; Mrs. Helen BROWNRIGG of St. Louis; Mrs. Edith MAGILL of Richmond, Mo.; and Seth DeVORE of Portland, Ore. Another son, H. Clay, died soon after the Spanish-American War from a disease contracted during his service while in the navy during the war. She also has 4 sisters and one brother, namely: Mrs. Anne SCOTT and Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEY of this city; Mrs. Fannie SCHWARTZ of Salem; Mrs. Elizabeth WINCHELL of Velij, Calif., and Mr. Frank HUMPHREY of this city. Mrs. DeVORE contributes her good health and long livedness to the old adage of “Early to Bed and Early to Rise”. This season found her planting and caring for her flowers as usual. But only a few days ago, after spending the entire day in her yard and garden with a spade she was heard to remark “I guess I am going to have to give up digging ditches. It makes me rather tired anymore.” To you, Mrs. DeVORE, we wish to extend our congratulations and sincerely hope that you will take care of yourself in such a way that five years hence Kinmundy can boast of having a centurion. (A picture accompanied this article.)
- Wallace HULTS was painfully injured Monday while working on a railroad bridge. A piece of timber falling on his foot, mashing it, and splitting the bones in several places.
- Swift School: Miss Evelyn BASSETT enjoyed a week’s vacation at the 4-H Camp having been chosen on account of having the highest grade of the county. Four were chosen to go.
- Swift School: Helen BASSETT visited with her Uncle Clyde GARRETT and family.
August 7, 1947:
No newspaper on file.
August 14, 1947:
- Charles INMAN, the only son of Job and Susan EVANS INMAN, was born Apr. 12, 1902 in Foster twp., and died at his home in South Bend, Ind., July 29, 1947. When just a small lad, Charles moved with his parents and sister to Kinmundy where he attended school and grew to manhood. He was a easy likable lad and made many friends. After the death of his father, he continued to leave with his mother and help make a livelihood for her. About 20 years ago, he went to South Bend, Ind., where he accepted a position with the Studebaker Corp. He was filling a very important position with that firm at the time of his death. In 1937, he was married to Miss Grace SULLENS of Alma who with his sister, Mrs. Rochelle BAKER of Danville, Ill., survive. Services were held Aug. 1 from Linton Funeral Home in Kinmundy, Rev. A Cadman GARRETTSON officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Miss Barbara MURPHY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter MURPHY and Ralph J. SQUIBB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. SQUIBB, were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents in Salem, with Rev. George WRIGHT officiating. The were attended by the fathers of the bride and the groom. Many friends gathered soon after the wedding to wish the bride and groom well and honor them with miscellaneous gifts. Refreshments of wedding cake and punch were served by the mothers of the bride and groom. A charivari followed. Those who witnessed the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Walter MURPHY and sons, Reed and Pat, and daughter, Becky; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SQUIBB and daughter, Wanda, Mrs. Annie SQUIBB, grandmother of the groom; Howard SHELTON and Imogene WERRIER. SQUIBB was a senior in S.C.H.S. at the time of his enlistment in the U.S. Navy in Dec. 1943. He served for 29 months in both the Atlantic and Pacific Theaters of operations and participated in the invasion of Okinawa, continuing on under fire for 72 days until the island was secured. He received his honorable discharge in May 1946, and is now employed by the Salem Greenhouse.
- Supt. of Schools, Lewis J.T. O’DELL announced that Kinmundy Public School and Kinmundy-Alma Community High School would open Tuesday, Sept. 2. All summer Mr. Mel BOYD, janitor at the local grade school, has been busy fixing up the school rooms. All the floors in each room has been scrubbed.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS and children returned home last Thursday evening from a four week trip through the west. They visited in Hooper, Colo. with the Marlin DISS family and in San Bernardino, Calif. with Russell SHAFFER and family. On their return trip, they took in Yellowstone Park and the Black Hills.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bill BRUCE of Chicago are the proud parents of a baby girl born Monday in Edgewater Hospital. The mother was formerly Miss Corrine BAILEY of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. James EAGAN announce the arrival of a son, Gerald Eugene, who made his appearance Aug. 7 in Salem Hospital.
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne PIGG, Aug. 3 at Cocoa, Fla., weigh 6 lbs. and 2 oz., and her name is Judy Lynn.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd attended the Homecoming at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Brother George MEYER and gave the message in the morning. Brother CURTIS and wife were with us to enjoy the fine dinner at noon and for the afternoon services. After songs and testimonies were heard, a young man from the Phillippines gave a very fine talk. He is studying and expecting to do great work in the ministry.
- Dennis KEITH was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy GRAUMENZ who live on the Lowell DISS farm, north of this city. Mrs. GRAUMENZ was formerly Miss Marjorie RINKLE of Farina.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. KLINE were host and hostess to a family picnic dinner Sunday at Bryan Park in Salem. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bob HILKERT and daughter of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KLINE and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh COUGHLIN and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale WRIGHT of Kinmundy. The afternoon was spent in swimming and visiting.
- Aug. 11th being the birthday of Ren WAINSCOTT and Darla ALEXANDER, Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER served a delicious dinner in honor of this occasion. The following guests were present: Ren WAINSCOTT, Jimmie ALEXANDER, and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON.
- Mrs. Fred CRAIG received word of her brother’s death, Walter KENNEDY, who lived in Tulore, Calif. She has another brother, Ira, who is very sick and not expected to live.
August 21, 1947:
- One Injured in Truck Crash Thursday Night on Route 37, North of Kinmundy: This happens when you or anybody else tries to take their half of the road out of the middle of the road. The above two pictures shows the results of two trucks after they had side-swiped each other Thursday night about 10 p.m. on Highway 37 one mile north of Kinmundy. The accident happened when a coal truck driven by Archie Tone PRICE of Marion, Ill, who was going south started to pass another truck, and met the large semi-trailer truck loaded with lumber. The results are shown in the above pictures. PRICE’s truck was completely torn up. After the crash, the coal truck threw wreckage all along the highway on both sides. The two trucks came to rest about 200 yards apart, with the large semi-trailer truck in a bean field on the left side of the highway. The large semi-trailer truck, which was owned by Mr. W.A. WHITE of Memphis, Tenn., and driven by Wilson Branch TRIVES, a colored boy. TRIVES gave us his personal account of how the accident happened. He stated “It happened so quick, that I didn’t know just what to do. I couldn’t put on the air brakes, because of my heavy load, all I could do was to just take it and hope for the best”. TRIVES stated, “The good Lord must have been with me last night when this wreck happened.” That was his only answer as how he escaped being killed in this wreck. TRIVES reported when his truck finally came to a stop, he got out and ran back to PRICE, who by that time was up walking around. “He looked hurt and was bleeding like a stuck pig.”, TRIVES stated. It was thought PRICE was thrown clear of the wreck and in this manner escaped death. As to just what happened to PRICE, no one seems to know, however it was believed he was taken to a hospital by some passing car.
- The wedding of Miss Dorothy Louise FISH and Curtis WELTER was solemnized in St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Rockford on Aug. 2. Mrs. LaVerne WELTER of Benton, Wis. was the matron of honor, and the bridegroom was attended by his brother, LaVerne WELTER. Since her graduation from school she had been employed in the Central National Bank in Rockford. Mr. WELTER is a mechanic at a garage in Rockford. The bride is the daughter of John FISH, Colorado, and granddaughter of Mrs. Anna SCOTT of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl MARSH of Battle Creek, Mich. announce the arrival of a boy. Mrs. MARSH is the former Elsie ALDERSON, living south of Kinmundy.
- Harvey CURRY of Chicago came Sunday to spend a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Bertha CURRY.
- The Meacham Bobcats 4-H Club held their regular meeting at the home of Charlotte HANBAUM on Aug. 15th. Minutes of the last meeting which was held at the home of Virginia WEISE on July 25th was read by Marleen HAWKEY. A talk was given by Loretta McCARTY. The demonstration was given by Donald McCARTY. Refreshments were served by Mrs. HANBAUM. Loretta McCARTY, Reporter.
- Mr. Jesse GEORGE will have his grand opening of his newly converted Nation Wide store this coming Friday and Saturday. Elsewhere in this issue you will find a large advertisement of special bargains for this occasion. Mr. GEORGE converted over his store the first part of the summer, to a new self-service type of store.
- Paddy GRAY has sold his grocery and meat market and service station to Erchel JENKINS, who assumed charge Friday morning. Mr. JENKINS is an energetic young lad and we are sure that he will succeed in his new undertaking. Mr GRAY is retiring from the business world on account of his health and says that he intends to do nothing but just loaf for at least a year.
- Brown: About 53 relatives and friends of Mrs. Eva O’DELL gathered at her home Sunday to help her celebrate her 75th birthday.
- The FEAR family reunion was held at Salem Park. (A list of those attending was included.)
August 28, 1947:
- Farm Youth Donald R. CRUTCHFIELD Killed Saturday by Farm Tractor: Donald R. CRUTCHFIELD, 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed CRUTCHFIELD, was killed Saturday afternoon when he fell from his tractor on the Claude HIESTAND farm south of Kinmundy. CRUTCHFIELD was one of the many farmers helping thresh on the HIESTAND farm on Saturday. CRUTCHFIELD had finished his dinner and had started out with his rubber tired John Deere tractor and wagon to the hay field. Soon afterwards the other farmers, too started out with their wagons, and noticed CRUTCHFIELD’s tractor and wagon running wild. The tractor and wagon had already gone through two fences and had started thru a corn field when it was first noticed by the rest of the farmers. Several of the farmers went after the runaway tractor, while the rest of the men started a search for CRUTCHFIELD. They hadn’t gone far when they came up on his body. From all marks on the body, CRUTCHFIELD had fallen forward over the flywheel of the tractor. CRUTCHFIELD’s neck was broken and other chest and internal injuries were discovered. The body was taken to the Linton Funeral Home where an inquest was held that evening. The coroner’s jury returned a verdict of accidental death caused by falling off the tractor and being run over. Services for CRUTCHFIELD were held Monday from the Oskaloosa Church, Rev. C.L. HILL officiating. Interment made in Oskaloosa Cemetery. He is survived by his father and mother, one sister and two brothers.
- The Kinmundy’s Woman’s Club will hold it’s first meeting of the year on Sept. 5. Mrs. Given Morgan JONES of Pontiac, Director of the Illinois Prison of Women at Dwight will be the guest speaker and vocalist.
- Three persons were injured, one critically, in a two car crash Friday afternoon, south of Alma. The injured were Charles OLDHAM, 36, of Jonesboro, Ark., driver of the 1939 DeSoto, H.R. COMPTON and Ethel EASLEY both of Salem. OLDHAM received a broken right ankle and rib injuries, COMPTON received only minor injuries while EASLEY was critically injured, receiving double pelvic fracture and being paralyzed from the waist down. EASLEY is still in the Salem Hospital. The crash occurred on the curve south of Alma, which is known as the Curley HAWKINS curve Friday about 5 p.m. COMPTON, accompanied by Miss EASLEY, was driving a 1940 Ford, and was heading north around the curve, where they met OLDHAM driving on the shoulder on their side of the road. COMPTON immediately cut his car to the left to avoid crashing into the oncoming car, but at the same time OLDHAM cut his car back to the right, and crashed into COMPTON’s car hitting it on the right side where Miss EASLEY was riding. The crash of the cars was so great that you could plainly see the imprint of Miss EASLEY’s knee in the door of the car. Mr. Marshall WILLIAMS, Deputy Sheriff, was called to the scene of the wreck and called for an ambulance. Meanwhile OLDHAM was taken by WILLIAMS to the Salem Hospital, first for first aid to his broken ankle. OLDHAM was then placed under arrest by WILLIAMS. OLDHAM is now being held in the county jail, charged with reckless driving and diving while intoxicated. County law officials were informed by OLDHAM’s boss, that he was one of the many drivers he had hired to drive used cards from the north down south. And some time north of here, OLDHAM had stopped and bought a fifth of whiskey. OLDHAM’s boss began to notice OLDHAM was driving from side to side of the road and tried to stop him. Without success, he stopped in Alma and phoned his boss for instructions he preceded and found OLDHAM already had wrecked his car with COMPTON’s. This is another case where you can’t mix alcohol and gasoline.
- Due to the hot weather, the Kinmundy Ice Company has been forced to ration ice to it’s customers. However, the first aim is to take care of his old customers, and the citizens of Kinmundy first, and then people from out of Kinmundy. The capacity of the Kinmundy Ice Company is only 8 tons of ice in 24 hours. In normal times this is enough ice to take care of all the company’s trade. Another problem for the local ice company was the water situation. For over a month now they have been forced to pump water from the Illinois Central Lake, south of Kinmundy and this has been their only source of water. Saturday and Sunday the ice company ran out of ice, and had to turn people away. Now that the weather has turned a little cooler, the Kinmundy Ice Company hopes to supply all the ice the local citizens want.
- A surprise dinner was given at the Edwin YUND home last Sunday in honor of Mrs. YUND’s birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry CONRAD, Mr. and Mrs. Guy STORMS and two granddaughters, of Windsor, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard ELVERS and two children, Stanley and Ruby, of Pana; Julius LAPE, Mrs. Merida LAPE, Geo. PRUETT of Vandalia; Lewis LAPE, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest LAPE and two children, Iris Jeanne KEITH of St. Peter; Mr. and Mrs. Earl YUND and children, Barbara Fay and Ronald Keith of Patoka; Mrs. Mary HOCKADAY and Mrs. Minnie FIELDS of Kinmundy. All enjoyed a sumptuous dinner and the afternoon was spent in good social visits.
- Mrs. Avanelle PHILLIPS and friends from Rockford, Ill. spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY and family, enroute to Raleigh, S.C. for a vacation.
- Mrs. E.S. COMBS of Springfield came Friday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. J.H. NELMS and sister, Mrs. Hazel SIEMER.
- Earl WHISNANT and wife of Virginia, Ill., Herschel WHISNANT and family of Pleasant Plains, Ill., spent Sunday with Mrs. S.A. WHISNANT to celebrate her birthday.
- Mrs. E.C. ROLLINSON was here last week visiting her parents. She returned to her home in Chicago Sunday accompanied by her two sons, who have been spending the last two months here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. COLE.
- Misses Betty and Corrie VANDERWOLK, from West Orange, N.J. are visiting their sister, Mrs. Arthur BOYD.
- INGRAM Mill to Buy Beans This Year: The INGRAM Boys have been busy for the past several weeks now, getting their mill in order to handle soybeans this fall. They have put in new scales, which after the load, if weighted, can be dumped form the wagon or truck. The beans then fall into a pit below, and are then taken by a bucket belt to the third story, where they are held for shipment from Kinmundy. This new bucket belt is large enough that when it makes one complete round it will have delivered one ton of beans to the third story. When the beans are to be shipped, they will be loaded in trucks and hauled to the railroad, where a loading machine they have built will load the beans from the truck into a railroad car.
- Dwight INGRAM and Mr. Kleon PRUETT, of this city escaped serious injury early last Thursday morning when the truck they were driving turned over. The turnover happened on the first curve west of the Illinois central underpass, on Route 51 north of Centralia. INGRAM escaped with bruises, while PRUETT suffered a broken collar bone. The wreck was caused when INGRAM, who was driving the truck at the time, fell asleep and failed to make the curve. INGRAM had been working for the past 24 hours at the mill and unloading limestone. He had taken a truck load of dog food to Centralia and was returning with his truck loaded with beanmeal. The truck turned completely over and righted itself again, dumping all the load except one sack of meal. The truck cab was smashed up and a few windows broken. The truck was pulled home and repairs made.
- The Annual Holt Family Reunion will be held this coming Sunday, Aug. 31, in the city park. All the Holt family and friends are urged to attend.
- The local community high and grade school will open it’s doors next Tuesday morning. In the grade schools the teachers will be the same as last year. However, in the community high school the teaching staff will be entirely new, except for Mr. Lewis J.T. O’DELL who was rehired last spring by the board of education as superintendent of both the grade and high schools. All the high school teachers have been hired expect the teacher for Home Ec. As to date no teacher for this subject has been hired. The teaching staff of the Community high school is as follows: Lewis J.T. O’DELL - Superintendent; Mrs. Lewis J.T. O’DELL, English teacher; Mrs. Beulah McCLURE, of Salem as Science teacher; Edward H. BOYER of Centralia, as Commerce teacher; James Robert McGEE of Granite City, Coach and Social Science teacher; Jamie Lee McGEE of Granite City, Math teacher. James and Jamie McGEE are twin brothers. Thomas E. BENNETT, Normal, Social Science teacher. All the teachers this year are teachers with degrees. To date, the community high school will have 41 freshmen, with more to report the first day of school The total enrollment will be about 163 this year it is believed.
- Meacham (from last week): On Aug. 11, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer NEAL and son, Freddie, had all their children home for a family dinner. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. NEAL and baby of Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew NEAL and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Howard MULVANEY and family.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Several from here attend the funeral of Sam BARKSDALE at the Methodist Church in Iuka Sunday.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Jess CHARLTON entertained to a Sunday dinner at their home honoring the 41st wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John KAISER of Farina. Other guests besides her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Romain MEYER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford KAISER and family of Farina, Paul Ray PITTS of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert SMITH and family.
September 4, 1947:
- Mr. and Mrs. Virl SEE of Omega, announce the arrival of a baby boy born at their home Aug. 25. The boy’s name is Robert Wayne.
- Virgil HARPER, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. HARPER, former citizens of Kinmundy, was brought here for burial in Evergreen Cemetery by B.F. LINTON, local funeral director. HARPER died Wednesday morning in a Chicago hospital from an overdose of sleeping pills.
- Miss Pearl ARNOLD of Springfield, spent her vacation last week with her mother, Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD and others, returning to her work, Monday.
- Two new students from Kinmundy have been admitted to Southern Illinois University for the fall term. They are Marilyn MILLER MAULDING and Richard Ray MAULDING.
- Mr. W.R. DOOLEN has purchased the Kinmundy Barber Shop from it’s former owner, Mr. WICKENHAUSER of Salem. Mr. DOOLEN took charge Tuesday morning.
- Mrs. Jesse GEORGE of this city was badly burned Friday evening when a pile of rubbish she had started to burn, suddenly flashed up in her face. The accident happened around 6:30 in the evening. Mr. GEORGE had applied coal oil on the rubbish for his wife and went on with his chores. Mrs. GEORGE later came from the house to light the rubbish. When she applied the match, the rubbish suddenly flared up. In her excitement, Mrs. GEORGE stumbled and fell with her right hand and arm going into the fire. However, she was able to get out before her clothing caught fire. Mr. GEORGE rushed her into the house and applied first aid. Mrs. GEORGE was then taken to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia for treatment. She returned to her home the same evening. Mr. GEORGE stated that he didn’t see how the coal oil could explode in that manner. However, he explained the place for burning rubbish was over their cesspool and seeping gas might have caused the sudden flash of fire.
- Mike BUTTS, a citizen of Kinmundy was killed Friday evening when struck by a car driven by Edmond FISHER of Mt. Vernon. The accident occurred around 7:30 p.m. on Highway 37 when BUTTS was crossing the highway across from Frank & Mary’s Café. First to the scene of the accident reported that BUTTS only lived two or three minutes. The body was taken to Linton Funeral Home in Kinmundy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOYT were the only witnesses to the accident besides FISHER, driver of the car. Mr. HOYT explained, “We saw Mike walking in the road past our house going to Frank & Mary’s Café as he does several times during the week. As Mike got to the highway he stopped for an oncoming pickup truck from the south. This pickup was making a lot of noise as it passed. The next thing we heard was the screeching of brakes, and when we looked up we saw a cloud of dust. At first we thought it was some one else, but on our arrival at the scene we found it to be Mike.” Mr. BUTTS, who had poor eyesight was almost blind. The only way he had of telling the coming of traffic was by the sound of motors. It is believed because of the roar of the pickup truck coming from the south, Mike failed to hear the other oncoming car, which struck him. FISHER reported that he had the car lights on at the time, but because of the time of the day, it was very hard to see, and couldn’t see BUTTS til he was right upon him. FISHER, explained, I was traveling around 35 miles per hour and when I saw Mr. BUTTS he was in the center of the highway, and was walking to my right, I cut my car hard to the left and at the same time I applied my brakes, but I just couldn’t keep from hitting him.” BUTTS’ body struck FISHERS’s car on the right and did little damage to his car. BUTTS suffered a wound in his left temple, broken neck, and broken left leg. FISHER was cleared from all liability, when the coroner’s jury returned the verdict of an unavoidable accident. Michael Jr. BUTTS was born Feb. 28, 1897 and died on Aug. 29, 1947. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William BUTTS who preceded him in death a few years ago. He was one of the nine children in which two brothers, Isaac and Ray, preceded him in death. He leaves five brothers and one sister, namely, Ben BUTTS of Kinmundy; Elmer of Alma, Mrs. Cora YATES of Alma; Ed and Willie of Louisville; and Cecil of Champaign. Services were held Sunday at Meacham Baptist Church conducted by the Rev. C.L. HILL, with interment in Elder Cemetery.
- The local peach harvest is now in full swing. A picture was printed in the Ray INGRAM orchard in the south part of Kinmundy. Peaches around Alma are selling for $1.75 per bushel for the 2 ½ No. 1 Peach. Local growers can’t understand why the bottom fell out of the peach market.
- It was announced that escorted deliveries of approximately 37,000 casualties of middle-western servicemen who were killed overseas in World War II will begin in late October with arrival in Chicago of nearly 500 bodies from Hawaii.
- Former Alma boy killed in Decatur: William Glenn SMITH, 22, of Decatur was fatally injured Tuesday morning when he fell while working at the A.E. STALEY Mfg. Co. Taken to the Decatur and Macon County hospital by ambulance, he died at 10 a.m. Company officials said that Mr. SMITH was working on a car suspended from a rail on the ceiling of the syrup refinery at the plant. It is believed that he touched the high voltage trolley wire and was knocked 14 feet to the floor. Attending physicians said that Mr. SMITH was revived from the electric shock and that death was due to a skull fracture. Mr. SMITH was born in Decatur, Dec. 11, 1924, a son of J.A. and Fannie SMITH and was married to Ethel COOK Jan. 1, 1946. He was a veteran of WWII and served with the army in Europe. He leaves his wife, his father of Effingham and his mother of Decatur; three brothers, James K., Decatur; Loren R., New Oleans; and Harry L., Effingham. William SMITH was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE living south of Kinmundy.
- McCARTY Family Reunion Held Sunday: The McCARTY family held it’s annual family reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. Jake McCARTY, living on the Louisville Road. Those present are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McCARTY, Mr. and Mrs. Edward KINCAID, Mr. and Mrs. Dale McCARTY and son, Jimmy, of Iola; Mr. and Mrs. Sam FEHRENBACHER and sons, Tommie and Sammy of Olney, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Burdette McCARTY and family of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCARTY and sons, of Harvey, Ill.; Mr. Harry McCARTY of Alma; Mr. Jim PHILLIPS of San Jose, Ill.; Mr. Oren PLOWMAN and Mr. Howard BRETZLOFF of Tolono, Ill.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Several from here attended the funeral of Donald CRUTCHFIELD at Oskaloosa Monday.
- Omega (from last week): Chas. BEARD died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alice SIPES Monday. Arrangements have not been announced at this time.
- Pleasant Grove: School began at Allen Monday. Mrs. Marjorie WALKINGTON is the teacher. Several new pupils this term making enrollment 18.
- Wilson School: School started at Allen School on Sept. 1, and the pupils from Wilson will attend there this term, owing to the shortage of pupils in our district.
- Omega: Omega School opened Monday with See MILLICAN as teacher.
- Meadow Branch: The Meadow Branch school will commence Monday, Sept. 1st with Mr. Roy MULVANEY, teacher.
Sept. 11, 1947:
- Jesse GEORGE of this city was rushed to the Effingham Hospital in the Linton Ambulance Sunday morning suffering from a ruptured blood vessel. At this time Mr. GEORGE is making a speedy recovery and expects to return home this coming weekend.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. VALLOW are the proud parents of a 7 lb. son who made his arrival this morning at 7 :11 o’clock in the Centralia Hospital. He has been named Joe Allen. Both mother and babe are doing fine, as well as dad. This is their first child and the first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H.N. VALLOW, who returned home last night from the western trip. We really haven’t had time to decide whether the newcomer looks like grandpa JONES or grandpa VALLOW. Anyway, grandpa JONES is too busy picking peaches today and grandpa VALLOW is too busy with this paper, to make a decision right now. We’ll hold a consultation sometime this weekend and decide.
- Kinmundy Ice Plant has second fire: Fuel oil around the large diesel engine in the Kinmundy Ice Plant was the cause of a 5 a.m. fire Wednesday. The oilfire was started when the exhaust from the engine burned out, thus causing the oil around the engine to ignite. Mr. Ray GEORGE, who was on duty at this time in the morning, noticed smoke coming thought the windows of the plant. After inspecting the engine, he called for the city fire dept., then went to the roof of the building to watch for fire. The city fire dept. arrived on the scene in a few minutes and laid 100 feet hose. The fire was placed under control a few minutes after their arrival. Inspection afterwards showed no damage to the large engine or the building.
- Mr. and Mrs. C. Walter NEIL of Flint, Mich. announce the marriage of their only daughter, Phyllis Bush NEIL to Rolland E. PARKER of this city. The ceremony was performed on Sept. 6, 1947 in the Presbyterian Church. They left by plane for Chicago and then to the west coast where they will spend their honeymoon until Oct. 1st, returning to reside in Flint. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. DOOLEN and a niece of Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON.
- Miss Katherine WORMLEY was hostess to the Rainbow Division of the W.S.C.S. Wednesday with Mrs. Martha HUGGINS in charge of devotions.
- Miss Betty Gorgene BARCROFT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V.V. BARCROFT, became the bride of James DODD, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Leo DODD of Eldorado in Carlyle. The bridesmaid was Miss Elta WILLIAMS of Brownstown and the best man was Charles CHANDLER of Carbondale. After a two weeks’ honeymoon, the couple will live in Carbondale where they will both attend the University this winter.
- Supt. of Schools Lewis J.T. O’DELL announced this week that the enrollment of the Kinmundy community High School will be from eight to 12 more than last year.
Sept. 18, 1947:
- Miss Mary Cathelene KNAPP of Salem became the bride of Carl G. DOOLEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.C. DOOLEN of Kinmundy Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo KNAPP, brother of the bride. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. C.C. LOWE, and uncle to the groom. Miss Edith BUNDY was maid of honor and Mr. Roy C. DOOLEN best man. Mr. and Mrs. DOOLEN left for Washington, D.C. and points of interest in Virginia where they will spend their honeymoon. Upon their return they will be at home in Centralia. The former Miss KNAPP was a graduate from the Salem H.S. with the class of ‘44 and for the past three years she has been employed as a bookkeeper in the Tressler Variety Store in Salem. Mr. DOOLEN was graduated from Kinmundy H.S. with the class of ‘36 and for the past 10 years has been employed by the Felmont Corp. in Centralia except 4 years spent in the army. He now holds the position of Chief Clerk.
- With 100 friends and relatives present, Miss Frances Jean BOSLEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. BOSLEY of Champaign, and Morris LEIGHTON, son fo Dr. and Mrs. Morris LEIGHTON of Champaign at the First Methodist Church in Urbana. Miss Helen Ann STEER was the bride’s attendant, and Beach LEIGHTON , brother of the groom was best man. Ushers were his other brother, Richard LEIGHTON, and Lewis STEPHENS Jr., formerly of Urbana. Both Mr. and Mrs. LEIGHTON were graduated from Urbana H.S. in 1944. She attended the Univ. of Ill. For two years and was graduated form Illinois Commercial college this summer. She received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry and his commission as an cosign in the naval reserve at the University in 1947. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. BOSLEY entertained at the rehearsal dinner at their home for the bride party and immediate families. Among the guests was H.L. WARREN of Kinmundy, grandfather of the bride, who came for the wedding.
- Ralph LUX, manager of Kinmundy Lumber Company, Found Dead Friday morning: Ralph LUX, 33, manager of the Kinmundy Lumber Company, was believed to have committed suicide by hanging here Friday morning. Mr. LUX and arrived for work with the Lumber Company at his usual time Friday morning. Mr. NEATHERY stated that LUX went about his work that morning as he did every morning. Around 9 a.m., Mr. NEATHERY started looking for LUX to deliver some material. Soon after, Mr. NEATHERY and Mr. Percy FOLLOWELL found LUX in the company’s restroom. Dr. Hugo MILLER was summoned, and pronounced Mr. LUX dead. Sheriff Tib WOOLBRIGHT, and Deputy Sheriff Marshall WILLIAMS were then called to the scene. Mr. LUX had used a window sash rope cut from the Lumber Company’s stock roll. In the Linton Funeral Home Sheriff WOOLBRIGHT found a note in LUX’s pocketbook left to his wife and boy. The many friends of Ralph were shocked to hear the news of his death. Ralph had been in ill health for some time, and was in low spirits since he was rejected for physical reasons by the Army. Services were held from the Methodist Church on Sunday, Rev. DYCUS, officiating, assisted by Rev. BRAKEMEYER. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Ralph Wade, youngest son of the late Henry and Minnie WADE LUX, was born in Kinmundy March 24, 1914. He attended the rural grade school and graduated from Kinmundy H.S. with the class of 1932. For some time he worked for the Illinois Central Railroad Co. and was employed by the Kinmundy Lumber Co. In 1937, being manager at the time of his death. On March 31, 1939 he was married to Miss Velma DUNCAN of Salem To make their home more complete, two sons came, the oldest passed on in infancy. He served as president of the School Board of District No. 25 for two years. He was respected for gentleness, his good repute, and reasonable kindness. He is survived by the beloved companion and son, Gene, a brother, William of Kinmundy; aunts, Mrs. Ida EADE of Flora; Mrs. Ada HILL of Benton; and Mrs. Mel BOYD of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Claude HANNA received word the other day of the marriage of their daughter, Rojeanne to Mr. Howard L. BRANDENBURG, in St. Clair, Mo. on Sept. 5. At the present time, Mr. and Mrs. BRANDENBURG are making their home in St. Louis.
- Myron CRAIG, Postmaster at Alma, was in Davenport, Iowa, over the weekend attending the wedding of his son, Ambrose, to Miss Storm RUSHTON of Davenport. The ceremony was held in the South Park Presbyterian Church in Rock Island, Ill on Sept. 14. Following the ceremony a reception was held in Davenport, after which the couple left for a short motor trip thru Northern, Ill. and Wisconsin. They will return to Davenport where Ambrose will attend the University.
- Mr. and Mrs. Emerson JONES announce the arrival of a baby girl on Sept. 13. The little Miss will answer to name of Norma Jane. Mr. and Mrs. JONES now have four girls.
- A transient worker, Henry DUBEA, 65, was found dead in the PERSEL orchard south of Farina Tuesday around 10 a.m. DUBEA had been working in the orchard for some time, and hadn’t been seen since Saturday. However, county officials believe DUBEA had been dead about 12 hours when his body was found. DUBEA’s body was found by another worker in the orchard. The body was removed to the STONECIPHER Funeral Home in Farina.
- The Sixth Annual Meet of the Kinmundy Fox Hunters Associate was held on Sept. 4, 5, and 6 in A.O. CHARLTON’s Grove west of Kinmundy with a good attendance each day. Following is the secretary’s report showing the names of the winner taking first, second, and third place respectively in the contest of each day:
Thursday, Sept. 4
Ladies Horn Blowing Contest: $1 - Mrs. Ginger LEMAY, Kinmundy; 50 cents - Mrs. Roy MISELBROOK
Men’s Horn Blowing Contest: $1 - Russell WILLIAMS, St. Elmo; 50 cents - Harry NICHOLS, Farina
$1 Prize for the oldest married couple on the grounds: 47 years, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard WEST, Kinmundy
Derby Fox Hound Chase (8 dogs were entered)
$5 & Ribbon - Big Boy Buzzard, Dale REETER, Brownstown
$2 & Ribbon - Pepper, C.H. BALLANCE, Kinmundy
Ribbon - Rolla, Leon CAMP, Iola
Friday, Sept. 5
Men’s Jig Contest
$1 - Everett COURSON, Kinmundy
50 cents - Dale STIPP
Prize - Junior COURSON
Girl’s Jig Contest:
$1 - Delores DYER, Kinmundy
50 cents - Delores DYERS, Kinmundy
Ugliest Man Present:
$1 - Myron HAMMER, Kinmundy
50 cents - Tuffie TROUT
All Ages Fox Hound Chase - 40 dogs were entered and cast was made for chase; no dogs scared and no prizes were awarded
Saturday, Sept. 6
Ladies Cow Calling Contest
Canister Set - Mrs. Bob SILL, Kinmundy
50 cents - Mrs. Edith MULVANEY, Kinmundy
Old Fiddlers Contest
$3 - Walter BURKETT, Iuka
$2 - Mrs. Kate KEEN, Kinmundy
Bench Show Dogs
(Puppies 6 mo. or under - Females)
$1 - Skipper Stride, Dale REETER, Brownstown
50 cents - Mary Lou, Dale REETER, Brownstown
Bag of Ingram’s Dogfeed - Toosl, Ray MULVANEY, Kinmundy
(Puppies 6 mo. or under - Males)
$1 - Tanner, Ray MULVANEY, Kinmundy
50 cents - Linda Stride, Dale REETER, Brownstown
Bag of Ingram’s Dogfeed - Nip, Gale SILLS, Kinmundy
(Pups 6 mo. and under 1 year - Female)
$1 - Judy Heels, Russell WILLIAMS, St. Elmo
50 cents - Boomy, Ray MULVANEY, Kinmundy
Bag of Ingram’s Dogfeed - Betty, C.H. BALLANCE, Kinmundy
(Pups 6 mo. and under 1 year - Male)
$1 - Ky. Dude, Ray MULVANEY
50 cents - Jeff Heels, Russell WILLIAMS, St. Elmo
Bag of Ingram’s Dogfeed - Russell WILLIAMS, St. Elmo
Derby Dogs - Male
$1 - Big Boy Buzzard, Dale REETER, Brownstown
50 cents - Rolla, Virgil CAMP, Iola
All Age Dogs - Male
$1 - Red, Harry NICHOLS, Farina
50 cents - Rock, Frank LINDER, Salem
Bag of Ingram’s Dog feed - Harry NICHOLS, Farina
All Age Dogs - Female
1st Prize - Fly, Harry NICHOLS, Farina
Best Dog of the Fox Hound Breed of any age - Male or Female: Prize - Ribbon and 25 lbs. Vitality dog feed: Fly, Harry NICHOLS, Farina
- Meacham (from last week): Mrs. Maxine BARKSDALE gave a recital by her music pupils at the townhouse in Brubaker Sunday night.
- Meacham (from last week): Pearl ROSE and family, Ralph HIESTAND, Chas. KELL, Ralph and Herschel ROSE and wives, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude ROSE and little son, and Mr. Virgil SEE and Dean attended the funeral of Wm. (Bill) SMITH in Decatur Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS of Kinmundy and Mrs. Lulu BARRALL and family of Salem, also attended the funeral.
- Swift School (from last week): Swift School started Sept. 1 with 15 pupils enrolled. Two new pupils entered the 1st grade, Judith Ann ROBB and Jimmy JONES. Mrs. Virgil SEE is again teaching, this making her 3rd year.
- Meadow Branch (from last year): Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BUTTS attended the funeral of their brother, Mike BUTTS, Sunday at the Baptist Church in Meacham twp. Burial in Elder Cemetery.
Sept. 25, 1947:
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BOONE of Vandalia announce the arrival of Daniel Kenneth, Wednesday morning in the Mark Greer Hospital.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl PATHEL of South Carolina, announce the arrival of a son last week. Earl is the grandson of Mrs. Harve BRANSON of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack PFEFFER of Lebanon announce the arrival of James Edward on Sept. 19th. The mother was formerly Miss Lora Elsie DOOLEN of this city.
- An article was printed concerning the advantages of a consolidation between the Kinmundy and Patoka schools.
- Edward W. DOOLEN Laid to Rest Friday Afternoon: Edward William, oldest son of John W. and Martha ROBB DOOLEN, was born Apr. 6, 1871 in Kinmundy twp. and died at his home in Kinmundy Sept. 17, 1947. He was one of a family of nine children, namely Cora (MORGAN, deceased), Emma (deceased), Agnes (ARNOLD), Daniel, Samuel (deceased), George (deceased), Estella (PRUETT), and Cleveland. Edward grew to manhood around his birthplace and on Nov. 25, 1891, he was married to Miss Myrtle HEADLEY. This couple had enjoyed almost 56 years of happy wedded bliss together. To this union 11 children were born, namely Ruth Agnes (CONANT, deceased), Lotta Florence (NEIL), Dorothy Isabelle (ETHERTON), Bryan Clyde, Emogene (GRAY), Minnie Myrisa (GUNDERSEN), Arthur HEADLEY, Nellie May (KENNINGTON), Walter John, Clara Cathryn (BARENFANGER, deceased), and Lora Elsie (PFEIFFER). Ed, as he was known, followed the vocation of farming. He and his good wife moved to a farm in Foster twp. soon after their marriage. Here they remained until 1908, when they moved to Kinmundy with their family. However, Ed continued to operate the farm, driving to and from his home, for several years. His entire life was spent in and around Kinmundy with the exception of one year when he moved his family to Champaign. Ed was very civic minded and served for several years as a member of the Board of Education, several terms as Supervisor of Kinmundy twp., was a member of the Methodist Church, a member of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398 A.F. & A.M., and a member of Kinmundy Chapter No. 606 O.E.S. He leaves his faithful companion, 9 children, 19 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild, 2 brothers, and 2 sisters. Services were held Friday from the Methodist church, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. (A list of relatives attending from out-of-town was also included).
- Basket Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Milton GIGAR and son, Eugene, had a basket dinner Sunday at their home in honor of Mrs. George GIGAR with forty present. Those attending were: Mrs. George GIGAR and daughter, Fern; Mrs. Tony FARELLA and daughter, Barbara Kay; Mrs. Corwin WILSON all of Waukegan, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry RILEY of Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarke SMITH and family of Pontiac, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil POTTER and family, St. Elmo, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Adrian POTTER and family, Mason, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul FOGLER and daughter, Carolyn Ann, Mrs. Morris SMITH and family, Farina, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Byron BRUBAKER, Altamont; Mr. and Mrs. Gene GIGAR and daughter, Patty, Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Roy POTTER of Loogootee; and Mr. Henry GIGAR, Kinmundy.
- Basket Dinner: A basket dinner was held Sunday, Sept. 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McHATTON, honoring the birthdays of Mrs. William FURRY, Charles JONES, and Joyce and Jimmy McHATTON; also the wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Tom JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McHATTON, and Mr. and Mrs. Junior GORDON. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom JONES and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville GORDON and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold HIGGINS, Mr. and Mrs. Junior GORDON and family, Mr. and Mrs. William FURRY. A good time was enjoyed by all and our regrets were expressed that Mr. and Mrs. Bert McHATTON couldn’t be with us as their anniversary is also in September.
- Former Residents Mr. and Mrs. LACEY Celebrate Golden Wedding: Sept. 22, 1897 at the home of the bride in Meacham twp., Mr. and Mrs. Louis LACEY, son of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth LACEY, and Miss Jennie Florence MEEKS, daughter of Samuel and Mary McCLUER MEEKS, were united in marriage with the Rev. William J. SIMER officiating. Sept. 21, 1947 at their hospitable home in Farina attended by their neighbors and friends, they celebrated a half century of happy, prosperous, life and service together. Louis and Jennie as they are familiarly spoken of, were born in Meacham twp., and with the exception of winters spent in Florida in late years, they have lived in this vicinity all of their lives. During these years they have engaged in farming. More than 204 signed the registration book.
- Winners of the P.T.A. Vegetable and Flower Show at the local grade school were listed. Judges were Mrs. Florence CONANT, Mrs. Pearl FISHER, and Miss Eva PARRILL. Winners were: Pumpkins: 1st - Johnnie JOHNSON, 2nd - Barbara HAMMER; Mango: 1st - Garold DOOLEN, 2nd - Patricia BAILEY; Peanuts: 1st - Johnnie DOOLEN; Potatoes: 1st - David HANNA, 2nd - Donna SCHOOLEY; Cucumber: 1st - Herman HOYT; Tomatoes: 1st - Carl JONES; Green Beans: 1st - Leroy DISS; Marigold: 1st - Barbara DOOLEN; Zinnia: 1st - Barbara HAMMER, 2nd - Karen JONES; Mixed Bouquet: 1st - Edith WEST, 2nd - Julia PHILLIPS, 3rd - Johnnie JOHNSON; Coxcomb: 1st - Marilyn ALLEN; Chinese Lantern: 1st - Sammie JONES.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry CLARK of Salem have purchased what is known as the MENDENHALL property, from Mrs. Mary SECHLER. They intend to make their home.
- Wm. MILLER and wife of Tuscola spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. MILLER.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.M. WATKINS and daughter, of San Diego, Calif. are here visiting Mrs. WATKINS’ brother, Mr. and Mrs. James NEAVILL.
- Mr. Merle BAYLIS of Sterling, Ill. came Monday to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. BAYLIS and other relatives and friends.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. DOOLEN of Everett, Wash., came Friday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DOOLEN and daughter.
- The Annual Meeting of the Sandy Branch Cemetery Association will be held at the shed on Oct. 5th. The public is invited. Elmer BASSETT, Pres.
- Mr. Philip PAGANO of Chicago came last night to spend a few days with his wife and daughter, who are visiting in the J.N. VALLOW home.
- Mrs. Martha STOKER underwent a mastoid operation in the McMillan hospital in St. Louis recently.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE and their family were among those attending a surprise dinner on Sunday for his mother, Mrs. Maggie KLINE, in honor of her 80th birthday.
- Swift School: Our school cleared $47.90 at their pie supper held last Thursday evening. Most everyone in the community attended and some from Kinmundy.
- Swift School: Our community was saddened again by the passing of Ed DOOLEN, an old neighbor and friend and brother of Mr. Cleve DOOLEN and an uncle of Mrs. Claude HANNA.
- Swift School: Mr. Emmett GARRETT is enjoying a new Studebaker car.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil MARSHALL and Mr. and Mrs. Felix SENTIFF of Granite City; Dr. and Mrs. Frank LEEVER, Mrs. Genevieve ALLEN and son, Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. John METZGER of Woodriver, Miss Lillian HENNINGER of Vandalia; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MARSHALL and little daughter, Darlene, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL to celebrate 72nd birthday of Mr. Ira MARSHALL. They intended to have a picnic dinner in the yard, but it rained, so a cafeteria dinner was served in the dining room. Mrs. LEEVER brought her uncle a lovely angel food cake with pink icing and pink candles. The women all joined hands and marched around the table singing “Happy Birthday”, Mr. SENTIFF made a nice talk, Mrs. MARSHALL and Mrs. ALLEN rendered several piano selections.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Lucille SANDERS of Deep Water, Mo., visited Miss Ruby SHAFFER and family last week. She was a roommate of Mrs. SHAFFER while working at the Salem hospital when Mr. SHAFFER was in the army service.
Oct. 2, 1947:
- Seward GREEN Dead: Funeral services were held this afternoon from the Hancock chapel for William Seward GREEN in Salem, who died at his home Sunday evening. Born in Kinmundy and a resident of this county all of his life, GREEN served for 30 years as a representative in this area for Watkins products. He had been ill for the past three months. The Rev. William KRUEGER, pastor of the First Christian Church of Salem was in charge of the service. Burial was in Phillips Cemetery in Meacham twp. Seward leaves two brothers, Morton, a twin, of Decatur, and Edmond of Arthur.
- Harold B. JONES is a patient in the Salem Hospital suffering from an infected jaw.
- Yesterday, Mr. Fred J. BLACKBURN of Salem began his 30th year as Farm Advisor for Marion County. Mr. BLACKBURN was Marion County’s first farm advisor, and is the oldest in service of the state’s 99 farm advisors. Mr. BLACKBURN started in 1917 at his present position. Mr. BLACKBURN’s work isn’t all in his office in Salem, but most of it is in the field with the farmers of Marion county.
- Kenneth Lee McCARTY enroute to his home in Harvey visited a short time Sunday morning with his grandfather, Jake McCARTY. Kenneth Lee had delivered a saddle horse to his uncle, Marshall McCARTY of Iola.
- Chuck GARDEN and Bud ROBNETT went to Champaign Sunday where they will enter the U. of I. for the coming year.
- Around 300 local and neighboring farmers attended the Soil Conservation Field Day Friday of last week on the Marshall SPENCER farm south of Kinmundy. A description of the events and pictures were included.
- Miss Jean LANDESS has been hired as the Home Ec. Teacher for the first semester of school.
- A thank you was printed from Mrs. Prudence WILKINSON of San Diego, Calif. for the cards and letters on her 82nd birthday.
- On Sunday morning, Fred KLEISS had the misfortune of falling from a truck load of sawdust and having a rear wheel of the truck pass over the lower part of his abdomen. He was taken immediately in the Linton ambulance to the Salem Hospital with very little hopes of him reaching the hospital alive. Upon reaching the hospital, he was attended by Dr. HORSMAN, and made as comfortable as possible to await developments. Upon hearing of the accident, Mrs. Phillip PAGANO, who is visiting here, left immediately to assist in caring for him. Rev. Fr. A.B. SCHUMAKER, upon hearing of the accident, left in the midst of his church services to administer the last sacrament. At first it was thought that the pelvis was crushed as well as severe internal injuries. In the afternoon, Dr. HORSMAN called upon Dr. Charles E. PRUETT to assist him and an X-ray was taken which revealed no broken bones. And late in the afternoon, they decided that there was no immediate evidence of severe internal injuries. Severe shock followed the accident which had to be combated before a thorough examination could be made. On Saturday afternoon, the street leading to the Catholic Church had been oiled. Fred employed Burdette SHAFFER to get a load of sawdust in his truck that evening late. This sawdust was being spread Sunday morning over the oil. Fred was in the truck scooping while the truck was moving backwards. The truck stopped which threw him off balance and he toppled over the back of the truck. The truck started again as Fred hit the street. He said he saw the wheel moving toward his head and tried to move clear of it. But it passed over the lower part of his abdomen. We are happy to state that Fred is now well on the road to recovery but will be required to remain in the hospital for about another week.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. Will MARLOW died Sunday at his home. Services will be held at Lovell’s Grove Tuesday afternoon.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Ted MAYBERRY and son attended the funeral of his father, Mr. George MAYBERRY, at the Christian Church in Alma Sunday, Rev. E.M. DYCUS officiated, and interment was in Alma Cemetery. Mr. MAYBERRY was found dead in bed.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES and daughters, Miss Marian and Mrs. Glen BOYD and family of Salem, and son James and wife of Kinmundy attended the funeral of his brother, Mr. Sherman SIPES of Effingham Sunday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER went to Meredosia, Ill. Sunday attending the wedding of their son, Kenneth, at the Methodist Church.
- Omega: Wm. MORROW died at his home in the Redlick district Sunday. The funeral held Tuesday at the Christian Church.
- Omega: Over $100 was cleared at the pie and box supper given by the Ladies Aid at the Omega Church Thursday night.
October 9, 1947:
- Charles REESE, 65, a former resident of this city, was buried Monday in Rock Falls, Ill. Mr. REESE had been ill for the past four months. Mr. Otto REESE and Mr. Jesse REESE, brothers, and Lowel REESE, nephew, attended the funeral.
- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert VANDEVEER are the proud parents of a son born Oct. 2, who was named Ernest Leroy. They have another fine son, John William, who was four Sept. 2. Mrs. VANDEVEER is the former Miss Wilma SHAFFER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. SHAFFER of Kinmundy.
- Fred KLEISS is a good deal better but unable to leave the Salem Hospital as yet. Another X-ray taken this past week revealed a slight fracture in the pelvis. He is unable to turn himself in bed as yet, but hopes to accomplish this feat before the week is over.
- Life History of Rosie B. WILSON: Rosie B. WILSON, youngest daughter of John and Harriett SULLIVAN, was born Oct. 2, 1864 in Louisville, Ill., and passed away at the home of her grandson, Frank LEE in Salem Oct. 1, 1947. She was one of a family of six children, all having preceded her in death. On April 6, 1883, she was married to Frank WILSON, who died March 3, 1945. To this union 3 children were born, 2 having passed away in infancy, and Stella LEE, a surviving daughter, with whom she made her home. She entered the Baptist Church at an early age in Louisville, Ill. She leaves to mourn 1 daughter, 4 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-granddaughter. Services were held from Linton Funeral Home on Oct. 3, Rev. H.R. AVERY, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Miss Betty GEILER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry GEILER, of this city, became the bride of Mr. Erschel JENKINS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Berl JENKINS, on Oct. 3. The couple motored to Morganfield, Ky. where they were married with Mr. and Mrs. Donald MILLER as their attendants. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. JENKINS spent a two day honeymoon in the state of Kentucky. They will make their home in an apartment adjoining Mr. JENKINS’ grocery store.
- A week from tonight, the women of Kinmundy will meet in the American Legion Hall for the purpose of forming an American Legion Auxiliary for Kinmundy. Several ladies from the Salem Post will be here to help in organizing the Kinmundy post.
- Captain Arthur W. DOOLEN, now in Germany, wrote a letter about the City of Frankfurt.
- Plans for the first state Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Illinois to be located in Mt. Vernon have just been approved by the director of Public Health.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.R. LOWE motored to Peoria Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. David LOWE, who have a new home in Peoria.
- Mr. and Mrs. B.F. NEATHERY spent Saturday and Sunday in Danville, Ind., attending a reunion of the Scientific Class of 1910 of the Central Normal College, now Canterberry College, of which he is a member.
- The many friends of Mrs. Kate BUSWELL, of Gilman, Ill. regret to learn that she suffered a light stroke last week. She is reported better and able to be up and around some now but kept on a strict diet.
- The Sunrise Circle met last Thursday afternoon to the Methodist Church with several members and four guests. Mrs. Jane HOHLT was hostess and was assisted by Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM. The doors were opened revealing a table beautiful with flowers, china, silver and a birthday cake with three lighted candles. All stood and sang “Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Allie NELMS, it being her 84th birthday. Mrs. H.M. FISHER gave a tribute to her past, Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM to her present, and Mrs. HOHLT to her future. Miss Evangaline PARRILL gave a toast and told of an interesting incident. Mrs. NELMS united with this church when 13 years of age and remained a loyal and worthy member for 71 years.
- The Kum-Bak Class of the Christian Church met in the church basement Sept. 16.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL entertained Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS to a very tasty and delicious chicken dinner on Oct. 1st, it being Mr. HARRELL’s and Mrs. HARRIS’ birthday.
- Mrs. Elwin TROUT was taken to the Salem Hospital Tuesday evening and underwent an operation for appendicitis Wednesday morning. She is getting along O.K.
- Swift School (from last week): An old fashioned charivari and kitchen shower was held Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve DOOLEN in honor of their son, Carl and wife of Centralia. About 70 people of our community was present, and many useful and beautiful gifts were received. A social good time was enjoyed along with delicious refreshments of candy, popcorn, and cigars. At a late hour all departed wished Carl and wife much happiness.
- Omega: W.H. LAUGHMAN of Bee Branch district died last week in Salem hospital. Services were held at the Christian Church Tuesday.
Oct. 16, 1947:
- Dwight BUNDY, 45, living west of Kinmundy died Saturday at 10 p.m. in the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia, from the results of a truck accident earlier that morning. BUNDY was driving a truck loaded with beans to Decatur for the Patoka elevator when the accident happened. The accident occurred on U.S. Highway 51 between Patoka and Vandalia about 7 a.m. There are several reports of how the wreck happened, but it is believed BUNDY was forced off the road by a Hayes freight truck while passing BUNDY’s truck. BUNDY then pulled his truck back on the road, which cause his truck to overturn. The truck cab and bed then lay down on the left side of the road throwing it’s load of beans on the pavement. At this moment a car coming from the north crashed into the cab of BUNDY’s truck ensuing injuries to BUNDY. BUNDY suffered a head concussion, nine broken ribs, and internal injuries. BUNDY had a choice of pulling his truck back on the road or hitting a bridge. This load of beans was thrown 60 feet beyond the scene of the accident. Funeral services were held Wednesday with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery. BUNDY leaves a wife and four children, with the oldest boy in the Army.
- Mr. and Mrs. Marion MAXEY, Dixon, Ill., are proud over the arrival of John Henry, born Oct. 10. They now have two daughters and one son.
- Patoka School Board Drops School Consolidation Plans Like “Hot Potato”: The consolidation of the Kinmundy and Patoka High schools exploded this week, when the local Community High School Board along with Supt. of Schools, Lewis J.T. O’DELL, went to the School Board of Patoka to arrange for a trip to Springfield for the purpose of meeting with the State School Officials. The members of the local school board reported that when they approached the Patoka High School Board, they had reversed their plans about the consolidation of the two schools, thus causing the local school board and many of the citizens to wonder what had happened. The change was thought to have been caused from high pressure put on them by the Patoka Lions Club. The plan was to build the new school on a location between the two communities on the Kinmundy-Patoka Road in Foster twp.
- Mr. and Mrs. Freddie MISELBROOK announce the arrival of Joanne Jane, born Oct. 9 in the Salem Hospital.
- We received a card from Harry WHITSON this week from Spooner, Wis. stating he and Mrs. WHITSON had been visiting there for the past two months with their five months old granddaughter (and parents). He says “and when grandpa pops into view, out goes both arms. That is the kind of girl to have.”
- Raymond TIPSWORD, 44, Illinois Central railroad foreman of the Bluford cut off, and family, suffered only minor scratches Saturday night when their car and a carload of boys from Salem, driven by Robert WARDEN, side-swiped on Highway 37 three miles north of Salem. The accident occurred about 11:30 p.m. with both cars badly damaged. In the car driven by WARDEN, Ivan LEUTY, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe LEUTY, of Salem died from injuries enroute to the Salem Hospital. He suffered severe head injuries, a pelvic injury and other serious injure while WARDEN suffered a severe laceration to his face. The three other boys riding in the car had only minor bruises and scratches. All were treated at Salem Hospital. At a coroner’s inquest which was held Monday morning in Atkins Funeral Home in Salem, the LEUTY boy was found to have come to his death when the two cards collided. The funeral was held Tuesday in Salem.
- The Methodist Church in Meredosia was the scene of the wedding of Miss Ruth Norma BOYD and Kenneth Leon LACEY. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur BOYD. She is a graduate of Meredosia Community H.S. and attended Gem City Business College in Quincy. For three years she has been employed at the Elliott State Bank in Jacksonville. The groom, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey LACEY, is also a graduate of Meredosia Community H.S. and served two years in the U.S. Navy during the war. The couple will reside in Meredosia where he is employed with the Foundation Co. (A picture accompanied this article.)
- School News : A Physical Education teacher has not yet been obtained for the girls of the high school. Their only hope is to have a P.E. when they hire a Home Ec. Teacher the second semester. Next year school officials will be required to put in shop courses along with other courses. At the present time there are 22 veterans getting courses in Agriculture in the evenings at our local high school.
- Wilson School (from last week): Johnnie Bill FORD spent Sunday with Johnnie WALKER.
Oct. 23, 1947:
- Funeral Rites Held Friday for Dwight BUNDY: Our community was sadly shocked and grieved Saturday morning when the news came that Dwight BUNDY had been seriously injured in a wreck south of Vandalia. He died at Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia on Oct. 11, 1947. William Dwight, the youngest child of Thomas and Lillian BUNDY, was born on a farm in Wilburton twp., Fayette Co., Ill. on June 5, 1903. On this farm he grew to manhood. On May 11, 1927, he married Eunice ANDERSON, and he and his bride went to housekeeping on a farm near the home of his parents. To this happy couple was born four sons and one daughter, Billy, Duane, Lillian, Kenneth and Bobby; Duane living only 18 days. Dwight was a friend to everyone, a very kind and devoted husband and father, always thinking of the joys and comfort of his family. He was a member of Arnold Chapel church for several years. He had been employed at the Patoka Elevator for 3 years and was very fond of his managers and fellow workers. Billy, the oldest son, is serving his county in the army Air Corps and is stationed at San Antonio, Texas. Besides the wife and four children, he leaves the following brothers and sisters: Earl of Salem; George of Maroa; Mrs. Edna GREEN of Billings, Montana; Mrs. Marjorie MACIAS of Chicago; and Mrs. Carrie GARRETT of Alma. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Zion Church east of Patoka the Rev. Raymond LINDER of Dahlgreen, Ill. officiating, and Rev. Olin of Vernon assisting. Interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- There was a meeting held in the American Legion Hall in Kinmundy this week for the purpose of organizing a Legion Auxiliary. The following were elected and installed: Mrs. Wayne ROBB - President; Mrs. F.A. MOTCH - 1st Vice President; Mrs. Ruben CRAIN - 2nd Vice President; Miss Louise GREEN - Secretary; Mrs. Hugo ZIMMER, Jr. - Treasurer; Mrs. Otto REESE - Historian; Mrs. Jesse REESE - Chaplain; Mrs. Irene HANNA - Sergeant; Miss Ilene EAGAN - at Arms. It was decided to meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
- Miss Katherine WORMLEY had the misfortune of turning her ankle which caused her to fall on the street Tuesday evening. She was taken to the Salem Hospital Wed. morning where an X-ray revealed no broken bones, but she is now laid up with a mighty bad sprain. She is being attended by Dr. Chas. E. PRUETT.
- Mrs. O.E. CORRELL, Mrs. Jeff LEMAY and children and Mrs. Albert CORRELL were in St. Elmo last Monday where they attended the wedding of Mrs. O.E. CORRELL’s granddaughter to Edwin HASLETT.
- Dr. and Mrs. Chas. W. YOUNG of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. A.J. YOUNG over the weekend.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WHITE and Mrs. James NEAVILL were in Chicago last week attending the funeral of Mrs. NEAVILL’s brother.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.A. MOTCH and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. MAHAN, Miss Edna MOTCH, Mr. and Mrs. Richard MOTCH and Mr. and Mrs. F.G. PRUETT spent Sunday in Centralia with Mr. and Mrs. George MOTCH celebrating birthday anniversaries of Mrs. MAHAN and George MOTCH.
- Mrs. Bertha CURRY accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW home from Chicago Sunday where she had spent the past two weeks with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil CURRY and Mr. and Mrs. James ADAMS and family.
- Omega (from last week): Mrs. Leslie EBLIN was notified of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. FLANIGAN, Saturday. He was found dead in bed at his home.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Chas. JOHNSON went to Maroa Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. JOHNSON’s grandfather, which was held there Sunday.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. E.L. RADFORD of Centralia have moved to the Carl HINES place. Their 3 little daughters attend our schools.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mr. Shelly GENTRY moved last Tuesday into the Mike BUTTS home in Kinmundy, which he recently purchased.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Wm. PYLE received word from Indiana, that his oldest brother died suddenly last week. He was unable to attend the funeral on account of the illness of his wife.
- Wilson School (from last week): Peggy HARGIS, daughter of Mrs. Leo STOCK, and Erwin BOLINGER of Salem slipped away to Ky., Oct. 8 and were married, returning to her mother’s home Thursday afternoon. They are making their home in Salem.
- Wilson School (from last week): Sunday Mrs. Chester KLINE received a pleasant surprise when Mr. and Mrs. Dale WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KLINE, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN, Mrs. Maggie KLINE, and Mrs. Carrie HEATON and Hester came with well filled baskets to help celebrate her (?) birthday. A sumptuous dinner was enjoyed. Nell received many nice gifts.
- Miletus (from last week): Mrs. Claud MULVANEY died in Chicago, her former home city, Oct. 10th, she with her husband, Claud, came into our community in early summer and have a modern bungalow nearly completed on their farm, formerly known as the Emmit MULVANEY farm, where they had hoped to make their future home. Martha became very ill and was taken back to Chicago for an operation.
- Miletus (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Robert BOSTON received word a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Freddie MISELBROOK on Oct. 10th in the Salem hospital.
- Miletus (from last week) Mr. and Mrs. Mancil BOUSEMAN was thru this vicinity Sunday evening after helping to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of their former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. PICKLE near Oskaloosa.
- Swift School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth CHANDLER and family of Fairbury, Ill. came Saturday evening and spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and Donna Mae.
- Roy DOOLEN had the misfortune of hurting his head and hand while working on a combine last week.
- Wilson School: A charivari and shower were given Mr. and Mrs. Erwin BOLLINGER Friday evening at the home of her mother, Mrs. Leo STOCK. Several were in attendance, but the rain and storm kept many away. The young couple received many nice gifts.
- Brown: A large crowd attended the funeral for Jim WOODWARD, Wednesday. Interment in Parker Cemetery.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BUTTS had as Sunday dinner guests in honor of their brother, William STALLON’s 50th birthday, the following: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson STALLON, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. CRIST of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BERRY and son of Kinmundy, Will PYLE, Glen COURSON and Jess WHITE of Bement and Merle COURSON of Ivesdale.
- Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and daughter, Janet, called an Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
Oct. 30, 1947:
- Mrs. Elizabeth KLEISS, 87, died at the home of her son, Fred KLEISS of this city Wednesday evening, Oct. 29, 1947, from a heart ailment. She had been in ill health for some time, and had been making her home here with her son and family for the past three months. Her daughter, Mrs. Emma MAGSMAN of Pesotum came Tuesday to assist in caring for her. The body was taken to Linton Funeral Home. It will be taken to Pesotum this evening, with services held tomorrow from the Pesotum Catholic Church, with interment made in the church cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac HUMPHREY entertained the HUMPHREY families and their husbands and wives on Oct. 26th in their spacious country home near Lawrenceville, Ill. Thirty-five were present to partake of a bountiful dinner. After dinner, the afternoon was spent visiting and a tour of inspection to the HUMPHREY Packing House. This is the first reunion since 1941. Several of the family could not be present on account of distances and other unavoidable reasons. Those present from Kinmundy were: Mrs. Harriet DeVORE, Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEY, Mrs. Anna SCOTT, Mr and Mrs. O.E. GARRETT, Mrs. Florence CONANT, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank HUMPHREY; Mr. and Mrs. William M. HUMPHREY and daughters, Marilyn and Jacqueline of LaFayette, Ind.; Ennis HUMPHREY of Washington, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. John HUMPHREY and daughter, Harriet of Lawrenceville, Ill.; Mrs. Albert REIMAN and son, James of Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Charles LARKIN, Chicago; Mrs. Ellis WAINSCOTT, Champaign; Mrs. Fannie SCHWARTZ, Mr. and Mrs. Ted SLACK of Salem; Miss Jessie FISH, Mt. Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Jed HARPTER and Miss Lula WEGMILLER of St. Peter; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. WHETSTONE and daughter, Carol Ann of Lawrenceville.
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BOYD announce the arrival of William Arthur, Jr. in Salem Memorial Hospital on Oct. 18.
- Mrs. Richard MOTCH of Effingham underwent an appendectomy at the Salem Hospital Monday evening. She is reported doing nicely.
- PFC Allen L. BRASEL and Pvt. Emmett N. SHOEMAKER to Arrive in Kinmundy Soon: The casketed remains of two Alma men, World War II deceased members of the Armed Forces returned from overseas for final burial, will arrive in Kinmundy in the next few weeks, each accompanied by a uniformed U.S. Army escort from the Chicago Distribution of the American Graves Registration Division. Both served overseas with the U.S. Army and bodies were interred in Henri Chapelle temporary cemetery in Belgium. The next of kin for PFC BRASEL, was Mr. Paul BRASEL, Alma. The next of kin for Private SHOEMAKER was Mrs. Gertie SHOEMAKER of Salem. Both requested that their family members be returned for final interment in the United States. A nationwide poll of a representative group of the 300,000 Gold Start families who lost members overseas during World War II indicated that 70 percent desired to have their deceased warriors brought back to their homeland for final interment. Thus over 15,000 of Illinois fallen dead will be returned through the Chicago Distribution Center the next two years from their temporary testing places now scattered throughout the world. The government provides the casket, transportation overseas, a commemoration flag, a headstone, reimbursement of up to $75 towards burial expenses and a military escort, and that the eceions as to the nature and extent of funeral services rest solely with the next of kin. Many veterans groups are voluntarily offering their services form military burial ceremonies.
- Some of the farmers reported that they finished their bean harvest a week ago and started into their corn harvest just before the rains. One farmer also reported that his corn was making 50 bushels per acre. This sure sounds good but we are satisfied there will be more 25 bushels acre corn than there will be 50 bu. Although there will be some corn sold and shipped to market, the majority of it will be used for feed on the farms.
- Soybean Harvest Nearly completed: The yield in soybeans varied this year from 8 bushels to 25 and the price ranged from $3.15 to $3.50 per bu. The yield was much better last year, but the price is much better this year.
- 1st Lt. and Mrs. Bill WILLIAMS announce the arrival of a girl, Oct. 16. Lt. WILLIAMS is stationed at Randolph Field, Texas.
- Pleasant Grove: Fred SEAMAN came last Wednesday to spend the winter with his sister, Mrs. Harold KENELEY and family after a few weeks visit with his parents and other relatives in Kansas.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND gave a stork shower for Mrs. Paul SMITH assisted by Mrs. SMITH and Mrs. Ralph ROSE Friday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE went to Chicago to visit their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. ROLLINSON and family. Larry, the youngest, is in the hospital suffering with rheumatic fever. Mrs. COLE stayed for a longer visit.
Nov. 6, 1947:
- Mrs. Myrtle DOOLEY has purchased the property of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fletcher COLE and will move her household goods here soon. She will remain with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. KENNINGTON of Ohio, this winter.
- A New Cop: Mr. Harvey BROWN tendered his resignation as chief of Police Friday evening and Mayor BOONE had engaged the services of Elwin TROUT in this capacity. We are truly sorry to lose Mr. BROWN as our cop because he did his work to the utmost satisfaction of all concerned. However, we see no reason why Mr. TROUT will not make good in this capacity also.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.R. LOWE of this city received word Friday morning informing them they were grandparents of a baby girl born Friday in Peoria to Mr. and Mrs. David LOWE. She was named Sharon Kay. This is also the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER, living south of Kinmundy.
- Mrs. Nora BURKETT passed away at the Salem Hospital Nov. 5 aged 63 years, 22 days. Services will be held from the Methodist Church in this city this afternoon, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased leaves her husband, Charles BURKETT, of this city, and two sons, Vernon and Lowell, both of Salem.
- Leonard A. ZUMSTEG Killed in Auto Accident in Calif.: Leonard A. ZUMSTEG, 42, better known as Joe, died Oct. 29, in Hayward, Calif. from the results of an auto accident near there. Mr. ZUMSTEG and Walter D. COFFEE, 65, driver of the car were hit by a large two trailer truck near Hayward, Calif. No one was able to describe just how the accident happened. The accident occurred about 8 a.m. after Mr. ZUMSTEG and Mr. COFFEE were returning to Hayward from a bridge construction they were working on as carpenters. The accident was blamed on the heavy fog which covered the country at that time. The impact of the crash carried the death car the distance of 225 feet, which left the road and clipped off a power pole. Mr. COFFEE was killed instantly, while Mr. ZUMSTEG was rushed to a hospital in Hayward and died three and a half hours later from internal injuries, and a fractured right arm. Mr. ZUMSTEG’s body accompanied by his wife, Thelma, arrived in St. Louis Sunday morning. Services were held from the St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Salem, Nov. 4, with interment in the Evergreen Cemetery here in Kinmundy. Leonard was born March 23, 1905 in Kinmundy. Besides his wife, he leaves his father, Michael ZUMSTEG of this city, 2 brothers, Louis of Chicago and Oliver of Granite city; 2 sisters, Mrs. Marcelline SLOAN, Livermore, Calif., and Mrs. Wanda WATTERSON, Kingsford Heights, Ind. Mrs. SLOAN is ill and was not permitted to attend the funeral services.
- Earl DOOLEN, owner of DOOLEN’s Electric Shop, of this city, had the misfortune of crushing the end of his index finger on his right hand Saturday while assisting Abe BAYLIS in lowering a concrete well top over a well. Mr. DOOLEN was taken to the Salem Hospital where he was given first aid treatment. After an examination by Dr. Charles PRUETT, it was decided the finger could be saved.
- County Wide Rate Killing Campaign Sponsored by Farm Bureau, Nov. 22: Destroy Rats and conserve our food supplies during the coming winter, advises Farm Advisor, Fred J. BLACKBURN, in pointing to a county-wide rat killing to be held Saturday, Nov. 22. Last winter severe damage by rates to corn stored on farms and to food products of all kinds in towns resulted in enormous waste.
- Halloween Parade a Success: In spite of the inclement weather Friday evening, several kiddies and parents turned out for the annual Halloween Parade, sponsored by the local P.T.A. in the gymnasium. As a rule, three parades are held on Main street with the judging taking place at the bandstand. But the old bandstand has seen better days and is fast becoming dangerous for any one to stand on. So it was really a good idea to take this affair to the gymnasium again this year, if for no other reason than the weather. This year found the masquerading mostly with the children and the judges had a mighty hard time in placing the awards in several cases. Here are the winners:
Witch - Carole GEORGE, Morris MAXEY;
Ghost - Rosalee GARDEN;
Fat Man - Duane GRAY, Beryl GRAY;
Aunt Jemima - Louis MAXEY, Bennie GRAY;
Old Man - Connie HOYT, Dennie KEEN;
Old Fashioned Girl - Brenda GRAY, Garry OLDEN;
Indian: Beverly PHILLIPS;
Boy Dressed as Girl: Twila PIGG, Karen JONES;
Clown: Wanda JENKINS, Edith WEST;
Negro Man: Jerry GRAY, Beryl KEEN;
Miscellaneous: Patricia LIVINGSTON, Loretta DISS, David LINTON.
Due to the rain on this evening, very few pranks were played by the younger set. So after all, we are thankful that it does rain on certain occasions, aren’t we?
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and daughter, Janet Sue, of Alma called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert FORD, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
- Meacham: Mr. E.G. DILLON attended the funeral held for Mrs. Ed HALLADAY in Farina Saturday afternoon.
- Brown: A large crowd attended the charivari and shower at the Johnny HENKE home for their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene BANNON.
- Wilson School: Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER on Friday of the birth of Sharon Kaye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David LOWE in Peoria. Of course Grandma and Grandpa are all smiles as this is their first grandchild.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE and son ate dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil SEE and son, and then all attended the funeral of Mr. Forrest CHEELEY in Salem at the Church of God Sunday. Interment was in the cemetery back of Lovell’s Grove Church.
Nov. 13, 1947:
- Mr. and Mrs. A.K. GEIBE of Salem are parents of a daughter born Nov. 9 in the Deaconess Hospital in St. Louis. She was named Mary Lynn. Mrs. GEIBE is the former Miss Alberta JACKSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON.
- Mr. and Mrs. Freddie LANGENFELT have a daughter, Linda Marlene, born Nov. 3 in Centralia Hospital.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. FEATHER, residing northwest of Kinmundy, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 9. However, their anniversary was on the 11th of November, but their many friends called on them Sunday. Open house was held for this grand couple from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m Sunday. At noon Sunday, relatives and their families gathered at their home and enjoyed a fine dinner. After dinner Mr. and Mrs. FEATHER cut their lovely golden wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. FEATHER were married on Nov. 11, 1897, in Wayne City by Rev. Martin BROWN. Mrs. FEATHER’s maiden name was DICKIE. Those present for the dinner were the children: Mrs. Chas. FORD, Earl, Ralph, George, and Dick, and their families; two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. William KEEN of Pekin, and Mr. and Mrs. Garfield MELTON of Wayne City; also present were Leslie KEEN and wife, Edgar MILLER and family, Albert RAAB and family, Oran MILLER and family, and Annette KEEN of Pekin; Miss Marcie MARSH and Burl MELTON, Wayne City; H.U. FEATHER and Dwight GAMMON, Fairfield; Donald MILLER and family and W.L. GREEN and daughters. A large number of neighbors and friends were callers in the afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. FEATHER have 18 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. (A picture of the couple accompanied this article.)
- MORSE-SUGG Wedding: At the First Congregational Church in Portland, Oregon on Sept. 27, occurred the wedding of Miss Carol J. MORSE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. MORSE, to J. Stanley SUGG, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maxey M. SUGG. The couple will reside in Portland, Ore.
- Eugene SHUFELDT, director and moderator in the Soil Conservation Service in the Marion County Soil Conservation District, received second prize in the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company Soil Conservation Center. This contest was a report of the best conservation practices being put on one farm during the year beginning Oct. 1, 1946. His farm is located about one and one-half miles south of Kinmundy and is a rolling farm which was being eroded by heavy rains. Mr. SHUFELDT has this all terraced on the steeper slopes and is practicing contour farming and strip cropping in order to conserve his soil.
- E____ LUTTRELL, Howard PHILLIPS, E____ FELLER and Earl PURDUE will represent Marion county Farm Bureau as voting delegates to the 63rd annual meeting of the Illinois Agricultural Association to be held Nov. 17-21 in St. Louis.
- Mrs. Mattie CHANCE who is spending the winter in Oblong with her daughter and family, was called here Sunday to attend the funeral of a sister-in-law near Salem.
- Pleasant Grove: Some from here attended the funeral of Herman BRUBAKER in Salem Saturday afternoon. Mr. BRUBAKER died in the Salem Hospital.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE and Clyde ate dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND. In the afternoon, they visited Salem Airport and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND and Clyde took an airplane ride.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB spent Sunday at the Mack ROBB home.
- Swift School: Lila GARRETT spent Tuesday night with Evelyn and Helen BASSETT.
- Swift School: George FORD has employment in Michigan.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Walter BRANNON attended a birthday party Friday evening given for Frank EMBSER at his home.
- Wilson School: Johnnie Bill FORD spent Sunday with Johnnie WALKER.
- Brown: Ellis BUTTS and wife moved the latter part of the week to property in Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tony POD and son, Richard, of Scott Field, Ill. visited over the weekend with Mrs. POD’s grandmother, Mrs. W.W. LOWE. On Saturday they all attended the funeral of Mrs. LOWE’s aunt, Mrs. J.F. HAWKINS of Centralia.
Nov. 20, 1947:
- Harry E. MINER of DeLand, Florida who is spending the winter with his sister in the warm sunshine, will celebrate his 80th birthday on Nov. 6th.
- The remains of Miss Mary WHITE, 65, of Oak Park, Ill., were brought here Tuesday and laid to rest in the Evergreen Cemetery. The body was accompanied by a brother, Joseph W. WHITE. This family left Kinmundy about 60 years ago.
- Word was received here yesterday by Mrs. Eliza BARBEE, announcing the death of her son, John, which occurred in Champaign that day. He had been ill for sometime. The deceased was a locomotive engineer for the Illinois Central R.R. and made his home in Champaign.
- On Nov. 16th, the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER was celebrated at the Evangelical Parish House at Farina. A delicious dinner was served at noon to over 100 guests. The table was decorated with a beautiful 3 tiered wedding cake baked by the groom’s sister, Mrs. Fred COOK. After a short program was rendered by Rev. C.L. HILL, Mrs. VALLOW, and Mrs. DILLON. (A list of all attending was listed.)
- Thomas Riley PHILLIPS, son of William and Sarah ______DAVEPORT PHILLIPS, born in Clay Co., Ill. on March ___,1870, died at the Salem Hospital Nov. 13, 1947. He had been seriously ill for one year. In 19____, he was united in marriage to Elizabeth RUSSELL, who passed away in 1915. On Dec. 26, 1917 he married Cynthia WILLIS. His entire life was spent in Clay county or Marion county. He was a member of the Church of Christ of the Booker Community. He leaves the following survivors: his wife of Kinmundy; one son, Melvin, of Hammond, Ind.; three step-children, Clyde WILLIS, Dyer, Ind.; Vernon WILLIS, Black Oak, Ind.; Mrs. Flossie RUSSELL, Hammond, Ind. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home Saturday, Rev. William REED officiating. Interment in Elder Cemetery.
- Miss Lois G. INGRAM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward INGRAM of near Kinmundy, became the bride of Charles E. JASPER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris JASPER of Kinmundy on Nov. 14, 1947 at Louisville, Ill., performed by Rev. W. W. HUNSOKER, minister of the Baptist Church of that city. Witnesses were Mrs. Mattie SLAGELY and Ruth HUNSOKER. Mr. JASPER is a veteran of World War II, serving with the A.T.C. of the U.S. Forces. Being overseas almost 28 months, he spent 25 months in the C.B.I. Theater and three months in India. The happy couple are now at the home of the groom’s parents. A charivari and shower will be given at the bride’s parents Nov. 20th.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.C. BARGH accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Scott DAVIDSON to their home in Kenilworth, where they will spend the winter.
- Young School Destroyed by Fire Monday Evening: The one-room school house of School District No. 19, known as the Young School, was completely destroyed by fire Monday evening. The Kinmundy Fire Department was called by the building was too far gone to do any good at all. The teacher, Mrs. Velma EDWARDS, has 13 pupils, and Mr. Earl LANE, one of the directors who happened to be there to get his small daughter, left the schoolhouse at 4 o’clock. The fire in the furnace had been banked for the night as per usual. Thirty minutes later, neighbors discovered smoke pouring from the attic and in just a few seconds, flames began to leap from the roof. Just what really caused the fire, no one will ever know. But it is presumed that possibly an overheated stove pipe was the cause. The neighbors say this because just one day last week, the overheated pipe caused the building to catch fire around the flue during school hours. The fire was quickly extinguished. The building had been wired for electricity, and the wires from the poles were strung just last Friday. But as yet, no electricity has been turned on. So it couldn’t have been defective wiring. This building was built in the summer of 1916 after the former building was burned. So this is the second fire this district has suffered. The building was partially covered by insurance. The directors of the district held a short meeting directly after the fire and declared a school holiday of one week until they can make arrangements to get school started again or get the pupils in school somewhere. (A picture accompanied this article.)
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Ellis BUTTS have moved to Kinmundy where they have purchased property.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles SOLDNER, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER and Billie attended the 25th wedding anniversary held in the Evangical Parish house in Farina for Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER. Over 100 were present.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT moved Mr. and Mrs. Arthur COURSON and family to their new home in Farina one day the past week.
- Meacham: Clyde HIESTAND entered Salem Hospital Friday and had an operation on his eye Saturday removing a cataract.
- Wilson School: Walter BRANNON was in Springfield Tuesday attending the funeral of his aunt, Grace BRAHAM.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur WOODEN and son have moved into our vicinity in the cabin on Mrs. Dorothy ALTERSON’s farm.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE entertained on Sunday with a family dinner the following relatives: Mrs. Robert HILKERT, Mrs. Peter BURKE and daughter, Mary, of Chicago; Mrs. Joe COUGHLIN and daughter, Margie, of Calif.; Mr. Hugh COUGHLIN and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Dale WRIGHT; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KLINE and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN; Mrs. Joe COUGHLIN and daughter are leaving this week for South America to join her husband and make their new home.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. J.T. CHARLTON and Mr. and Mrs. Dave WOODEN were in Farina Saturday where Mrs. WOODEN sought medical aid for a very sore foot caused from stepping on a nail two weeks ago.
- Omega (from last week): Several from here attended a funeral for Herman BRUBAKER in Salem Saturday.
Nov. 27, 1947:
- Celebrated 93rd Birthday Tuesday: The above is the likeness of Mrs. Kate HEFLIN of this city, who celebrated her 93rd birthday, Tuesday. On Tuesday, a dinner was given in Mrs. HEFLIN’s home in honor of this occasion. Besides Mrs. HEFLIN and her grandson, Don ROGERSON, those present were Miss Della SEXTON, Mrs. Mary BOSTON, and Mr. Jack BOSTON. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Jane CRATHERS, a cousin of Patoka, Miss Ida HAYES and sister-in-law and children of Cartter: and Mrs. I.D. INGRAM of this city. (A picture accompanied this article).
- We are happy to report Fred KLEISS is now able to be on our streets again with the aid of crutches.
- Miss Audrey FIELDS of Salem, has received word that her father, who was seriously ill, is improving and hopes soon to be home. Mr. FIELDS, who is a former resident of Omega, is hospitalized at Fairbury, Ill.
- Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER is now confined to the Salem Hospital. On Saturday night she underwent an appendectomy. She is doing fine.
- The Body of Hero Sergeant Harold W. KLEISS to Arrive in Kinmundy Soon: The casketed remains of Sergeant Harold W. KLEISS, a World War II deceased member of the Army from Marion county being returned from overseas for final burial, will arrive in Kinmundy, Ill. in the next few weeks accompanied by a uniformed U.S. Army Escort from the Chicago Distribution Center of the American Graves Registration Division. (A picture of KLEISS accompanied this article.)
- Mr. and Mrs. D.E. WILKINSON, of Meacham twp., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Retus GENTRY of this city, Nov. 23, their anniversary being Nov. 21st. Relatives enjoyed a delicious basket dinner after which the cakes were served. There were six cakes altogether which included three large wedding cakes. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis WILKINSON, a brother, and son, Kenneth; sons, Mr. and Mrs. Les WILKINSON and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow WILKINSON; daughters present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson STALLONS and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Retus GENTRY, son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene GIGAR and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. James TATE did not attend as they are in California at present; a grandson, Mr. and Mrs. James TATE, Jr., and son of Farina; and granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gene WILLIAMS and daughter, city, were present. Another granddaughter, Mr .and Mrs. Xon HANKS were absent because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. WILKINSON have nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
- Alonzo BAYLIS, residing two miles west of Kinmundy, had the misfortune of breaking his left leg above the knee last Friday. The accident happened about 2 p.m. after Mr. BAYLIS had loaded a load of soybeans from the field. The wagon was loaded and Mr. BAYLIS was on top of the load, ready to start to the barn. When the team started the wagon came uncoupled. The horses pulled the front wheels from under the load, causing the load to drop to the ground, and causing Mr. BAYLIS to fall from the load. He lay in the field for about two hours. Mrs. BAYLIS became worried about him when he did not show up when she thought he should and went to see if something was wrong. He told her that he had yelled as loud as he could for quite sometime but was unable to make her hear him. She helped him to the house and then called the Linton Ambulance, which conveyed him to the Salem Hospital where he is reported as doing fine.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. Alonzo BAYLIS had the misfortune to fall off a load of hay, at his homeplace, Friday, and broke his leg above his knee. He was taken to Salem Hospital.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Elmer BUTTS called to see Mrs. Mae PYLE Thursday afternoon at the Salem Hospital. Mrs. PYLE is very low and doesn’t know her friends anymore.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MULVANEY have a baby boy born Sunday at Salem Hospital.
- Meacham: On Sunday, the C.B. Circle went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER to help them celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Twenty-four were present. A fine dinner was served at the noon hour and games and current events were enjoyed. The club presented this couple with a beautiful gift.
- Meacham: Mr. Glenn JAHRAUS and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Friday evening.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND called on Nancy DEADMOND of Brubaker Friday afternoon, who had just returned from Salem Hospital where she had submitted to an appendectomy.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. WANTLAND spent Saturday at the See MILLICAN home helping the little granddaughter celebrate her first birthday.
- Pleasant Grove: Ted MAYBERRY, Ed REPEC, and Glen BOYD helped Francis SIPES and wife move to their new home Friday, vacated by Mr. HAYS and daughter the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. SIPES had lived on the farm they moved from, known as the George ELDER farm, for 26 years.
- Pleasant Grove: Correction: Clyde HIESTAND entered the Centralia Hospital for his eye operation instead of the Salem Hospital as stated last week. He expects to come home Wednesday.
- Greenridge: A birthday dinner was given for Mr. and Mrs. Joe DOUDERA and Mrs. Charlie QUICK Sunday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. F.L. DOUDERA and family, Mr. and Mrs. George DOUDERA and family; Mr. and Mrs. George HEADLEY; Mr. and Mrs. Forrest WILLIAMS; Mr. and Mrs. Jack OSBORN; Mr. and Mrs. Bill HEADLEY and family; Mrs. Allie THOMAS; Mrs. Rube McCURDY; Mrs. Harry DOUDERA and daughters, Joyce Ann and Geraldine; Mr. and Mrs. Edw. HEADLEY and family; Mrs. Yancil YATES; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie QUICK and sons.
- Mrs. Belle LOWE has moved in the property just west of her former home commonly known as the TYNER bungalow. Mrs. Fannie K. EAGAN and Miss Evelyn KILLIE are now domiciled in the LOWE home, having recently purchased it from the W.W. LOWE estate.
December 4, 1947:
- A Soldier Boy Comes Back to His Home in Alma: As one passed through our neighboring village of Alma this week, you noticed the flag dancing in the breeze at half-mast. This was a tribute to Alma’s first returned War Dead. Seeing Old Glory floating at half-mast caused the passerby to stop for a moment and bow his head in silent prayer. This boy has come home - a hero. After having been away from his loved ones since May 5, 1944, Private First Class Allen L. BRASEL is home. As Train 123 came to stop in Kinmundy Monday morning, a tear came to the eye as the baggage door was opened and the flag-draped casket of PFC BRASEL was placed in the awaiting hearse. The honor guard of uniformed men stood at attention and gave a hand salute. One heard the soft cries from the broken hearts of the family. Then you stopped and thought that this is what our hero waited and hoped for - to come home. Hardly a day passed in his army life that he didn’t think about home and of all the swell things that went with it. He had dreams of what home would be like as he lay in the mud of Holland with the hell of war around him. On Oct. 5, 1944, in a battle near Kerkrade, Holland, PFC BRASEL met the Supreme Commander. The war and the hard road of life was over for him. Only 20 years of age - too young we may think, but this was God’s means of calling him to his Heavenly Home. Yes, PFC BRASEL gave his all for us so that we could go on with our way of life as free men and enjoy the fruits of our way of life. We hope that this boy, along with the thousands of other fallen heros, did not die in vain. We also hope that the leaders of the world powers will remember the golden rule and will carry it out to the fullest measure. PFC BRASEL entered the service of his country on Dec. 8, 1943 and received most of his training in South Carolina. He shipped overseas in June, 1944, landing in England and then on to France. He was a member of Company E, 120th Infantry Battalion. The mortal remains of PFC BRASEL were accompanied here from Chicago by Cpl. George M. DUNCAN, a veteran of World War II. The train was met by members of the family, friends, and a honor guard of uniformed men from Kinmundy Legion Post No. 519. The honor guard accompanied the body to the family home in Alma. Services were held yesterday from the Christian Church in Alma with Rev. WILSON officiating and Rev. HARD assisting. Interment was made in Alma cemetery under the auspices of Kinmundy Post No. 519, American Legend. PFC BRASEL was the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Paul BRASEL. (Two pictures accompanied this article. One of Allen BRASEL in his uniform, and then other of the casket coming off of the train with the honor guard.)
- Dr. Hugo MILLER was taken to the Salem Hospital Sunday evening suffering from pneumonia. It is reported this morning that his condition was very serious.
- Mrs. Jessie SHELLY has returned from Kansas City, Mo. where she attended the funeral of her only son, whose death last week was quite unexpected from a heart attack. The many friends of Mrs. SHELLY extended to her their sympathy.
- Mr. Clyde MORGAN of Ohio came Monday to spend two weeks with his father and sister, W.H. MORGAN and Martha.
- Kinmundy Chapter 606, O.E.S. Install Officers Tuesday: Tuesday evening, Dec. 2nd, Kinmundy Chapter No. 606, Order of the Eastern Star, held public installation at Masonic Hall with a goodly number of members and friends present. The following were the Installing Officers and Escorts: Bertha CURRY - Installing Officer; James SIPES - Escort; Ruth ALEXANDER - Installing Chaplain; Dwight ALEXANDER - Escort; Hazel SIEMER - Installing Marshall; John W. McCULLEY - Escort; Bertha PRUETT - Installing Organist; Wm. B. ROSE of Salem acted as retiring Worthy Patron. Jessie VALLOW - soloist. The new officers for 1948 are: Katherine WORMLEY - Worthy Matron; Albert MALINSKY - Worthy Patron; Florence DOOLEN - Assoc. Matron; Curtis S. WATSON - Assoc. Patron; Paulene JOHNSON - Secretary; Florence MAHAN - Treasurer; Nora OLDEN - Conductress; Leah WILLIAMS - Assoc. Cond.
Allie D. NELMS - Chaplain; Caroline YEAGER - Marshall; Grace DILLON - Organist; Jean SIPES - Adah; Marjorie BOYD - Ruth; Blanche KENNEDY - Esther; Jessie VALLOW - Martha; Dorothy GRAY - Electa; Hester JAMES - Warder; Edward G. DILLON - Sentinel.
- Meacham: Mrs. Susanna JONES had her children home with her Thursday. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd SELBY and family of Sullivan; Mr. and Mrs. Igo JONES and family of Broadlands; Mr. and Mrs. Paul JONES and family of Oskaloosa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred JONES and family; Mr. and Mrs. Fred MILLER and family; twenty-eight in all.
- Wilson School: Several of our farmers are now enjoying electricity as the current was turned on last Saturday in this vicinity.
- Wilson School: Dave WOODEN is suffering with some cracked ribs received in an accident while shucking corn last week.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. I.D. INGRAM entertained their children and grandchild at a Thanksgiving dinner in their new home last Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Coy INGRAM and children from Sullivan; Dr. C.L. WRIGHT, Carbondale; Nelle INGRAM, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence DOUGLAS and son, Donnie, Karnack, Ill.; Mrs. Lucille JOHNSON and children, Windsor, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. L.C. INGRAM and son, Phil, Decatur, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray INGRAM and daughter, Lynda, Kinmundy, Ill.
- In Memoriam of Clella E. WAINSCOTT who died Nov. 25, 1946, by husband, daughter and sisters.
Dec. 11, 1947:
- Mr. and Mrs. J.J. ALLEN of Granite City, Ill. announce the arrival of their third child, a daughter, Gloria Jean, born Dec. 3 in the St. Elizabeth Hospital. The mother was the former Bernice BAUGH of Granite City.
- Donald MARLOW Kills Self: Donald MARLOW, 46, residing north of Farina, took his own life Saturday afternoon at about 1:20 o’clock by shooting himself in the head with a .22 rifle. He leaves his wife and nine children, ranging in age from 5 months to 22 years. Services were held Monday from the West Point church and interment made in Faulk Cemetery. Donald had been in ill health for the past three years and the immediate family state that they had been looking for this to happen. He had not been sleeping soundly lately and had talked of going to the hospital soon. The family lives on a farm they recently purchased, about five miles north of Farina. On Saturday, Donald appears to be doing some work around the barn and went to the hay mow. A short while later, the 10 year old son went to the hay mow and found his daddy sleeping in the hay. He went back a little later and found him dead with the rifle beside him. The deceased was well known in this vicinity, having been born and reared near Omega, and for several years lived on a farm in Meacham twp.
- In the home of the groom’s parents north of Farina, at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, occurred the marriage of Miss Arlene ZIMMER of this city, to Mr. Stanton ROBERTS, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, Pastor of the Methodist church of this city, reading the single ring ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord ROBERTS, brother and sister-in-law of the groom. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.O. ZIMMER of this city. She is a graduate of the local school with the class of ‘47. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lacey ROBERTS. He is a prosperous young farmer of the Farina vicinity. The happy couple will make their home in Farina until a residence can be erected on the farmland.
- Eileen EAGAN and Charles GARRETT Speak Vows: Miss Eileen EAGAN and Mr. Charles GARRETT were married last Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Grace Methodist Church in Salem. Rev. E.M. DYCUS reading the single ring ceremony. They were attended by Miss Joan ALEXANDER and Mr. Junior GARRETT. Immediately following the ceremony, the happy couple left on a short honeymoon, returning home Saturday. They are now at home in the Robnett Apartments but will make their home on the Eli DOOLEN farm west of this city in the near future. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Gladys EAGAN of this city. She is a graduate of the local high school with the class of ‘46. Sine her graduation, he has been employed by the Bell Telephone Co., of this city, as an operator. The groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Berthol GARRETT of this city. He is also a graduate of the local high school with the class of ‘37. “Bill” as he is familiarly known, spent about four years in the army, there of which were spent in the Southwest Pacific. Sine his return home, he has engaged in farming on his father’s farm west of town. We join the many friends of this happy couple in extending hearty congratulations.
- Word reached her Saturday of the serious illness of Charles DAVIDSON, son of Dr. and Mrs. S.M. DAVIDSON of Chicago. Charles is attending school in Bloomington and on Friday dropped into a coma while sitting in this room. He did not regain consciousness until Monday and is still in serious condition. Dr. and Mrs. DAVIDSON are at his bedside constantly and he is being attended by Chicago specialists.
- GARRISON’s Hardware Store, owned and operated by Mr. Jess GARRISON, had it’s official grand opening Saturday of last week. In the evening the store gave away five valuable door prizes to celebrate their opening. At the close of the day it was believed that about 500 people visited the store. Mr. GARRISON is Kinmundy’s newest businessman, and we wish him a lot of success in his hardware business.
- Billy ANDREWS is Buried Here: Billie Walter ANDREWS, son of William Wallace and Nancy Olive ANDREWS, was born in Lamar, Benton Co., Miss., Oct. 28, 1885, and died on Dec. 7, 1947 in St. Louis, Mo. He was a member of the Methodist Church in Memphis, Tenn, and spent most of his life in and around Memphis. He is survived by 1 brother, 3 sisters, 12 nephews and nieces, and 1 great-niece. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home in Kinmundy, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased was a brother to Robert J. ANDREWS of Lawrenceville, formerly a resident of this city.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Dave WOODEN returned Friday from Salem Hospital where she had been a patient several days suffering from blood poisoning.
- Miletus: John TIPSWORD, who is suffering with cancer of the face, has been a patient in Barnes Hospital. His wife and Mrs. Lonnie TIPSWORD spent from Sunday until Monday evening there. They report improvement in her condition.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the funeral of Donald MARLOW at the church near their home in Effingham Co. Rev. Bert MILLICAN of Salem preached the funeral. Burial in a cemetery near their home.
- Mrs. Chas. FOX accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J.R. HIATZ to Terre Haute, Ind. Sunday, to attend a double birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer KEELER, given in honor of Mrs. KEELER’s father, Fred MERRITT of Salem, and her aunt, Anna VAWTER of Salem.
- Brown: Those who spent Sunday in the O’DELL home were: Chappy DURALL and wife; Elno KNAPP and family; Lester O’DELL and family; Roy SHORT and wife; Arvie MULVANEY and wife; Merle GREENWOOD; Junior GREEN, Thelma, and Callie McGUIRE; Anna Mae RITTER; Mary and Martha MONICAL; Ula BURKETT, Eva BAKER, Darlene MULVANEY; Sally McCLELLAND, Shirley WHITNEY. The occasion being in honor of Arletha’s birthday.
Dec. 18, 1947:
- Miss Bonnie BASSETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason BASSETT, of near Alma, and Mr. Lee H. PEYTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. PEYTON, of Vernon, were married at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, Dec. 7, at Alma, Ill. by Rev. John CURTIS. They were attended by Miss Shirley PROTZ and James HATHAWAY of Vernon. The bride is a graduate of Vandalia High School with the class of ‘46 and for the past year has been employed in the Dept. of Conservation at Springfield. The groom, a graduate of Niantic H.S., is a veteran of WWII, having spent 3 years in the service. A reception was held following the ceremony at the home of the bride’s parents for the bridal party and the immediate families. The couple will reside in Vandalia where the groom is now employed by Ray WALTON for the Texas Company.
- Life History of Dr. Hugo MILLER, Kinmundy Physician for Forty-Nine Year’s: Dr. Hugo MILLER, a doctor in Kinmundy for 49 years, passed away in the Salem Memorial Hospital
on Dec. 14, 1947, at the age of 82 years, 11 months, and 28 days. He was born in St. Louis, Mo. on Dec. 17, 1864, the son of Jacob and Caroline HERTZ MILLER. He was one of four children, having been preceded in death by his two brothers, Will and Oscar, and one sister, Emily. On Feb. 19, 1891, Dr. MILLER was united in marriage to Alice THIEMAN. Two sons blessed this union, Oswald and Arno. He attended Beaumont Medical College and was graduated from there in 1895. He began immediate practice in New Florence, Mo., and in 1898, moved this practice to Kinmundy. He served in his profession faithfully for 52 years. Many and sincere are the praises for his medical ability, his kind manner, and his deep sympathy for his patients. His willingness to make calls in spite of difficulties and severe weather will long be remembered by the people in the community. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Oswald and Arno of Kinmundy; five granddaughters, and one great-grandchild, and a host of friends, who are saddened by their loss. Funeral services were conducted form the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. (A picture accompanied this article.)
- Life History of Brenda Joyce LEMAY: Brenda Joyce, daughter of Clifton and Adina LEMAY, was born Apr. 17, 1947 at Kinmundy, Ill. and died Dec. 14, 1947 at the Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, Mo. Brenda was preceded in death by a brother, Sherrill Raymond. She leaves besides her parents, one sister, Amy Jo, age 4 years; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LEMAY, and Mr. and Mrs. O.E. CORRELL; one great-grandmother, Mrs. Sarah HAMPSTEN and a host of other relatives. Services were held from Linton Funeral home Tuesday, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment was made in Eastland Cemetery.
- Lea Evelyn WILLIAMS, the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy WILLIAMS, suffered a broken leg while playing in her home, Wednesday. She was taken to Salem Hospital where the leg was set and placed in a cast.
- Farina Sportsmen Kill Two Wolves East of Kinmundy Sunday: For the past several weeks, several farmers living in Meacham twp have reported seeing two wolves roaming the countryside. One farmer reported chasing the pair of wolves out of his barnyard lot one morning. Last Sunday, 15 Farina sportsmen headed by Mr. Albert LOY decided to do something about this matter. Each hunter took his shotgun loaded with a heavy load shell, and as a result of their efforts the pair of wolves in Meacham twp. are no longer. This group of Farina sportsmen had the luck of killing one of these wolves at 11 a.m. and the other at 2 p.m. The first wolf was killed by one shot fired by Chap ROBERTS of Farina, and was killed on the Ed HARRELL farm east of Kinmundy. The other wolf was killed in the afternoon by Mr. Gene ERNST of Farina. The hunters formed a large circle and started to close in on these wolves. In killing the second wolf, every hunter was able to get in a shot. The wolf kept running from one side to another in trying to make his escape. In all about 25 shots were fired at the second wolf before the fatal shot found it’s mark. The male wolf measure 24 inches high, 4 feet and 4 inches long, while the female wolf measured 23 inches high and 4 feet long. These two wolves killed Sunday by the Farina hunters were of the same type as the one killed earlier this year by a group of Kinmundy sportsmen. The same question has arisen in Farina now as was in Kinmundy this summer, as to whether it was a wolf or a coyote. We call it a wolf; however, in the Express photo published late in the summer in the “Sports Afield” magazine the editors of this magazine stated they believed this animal was a cross between a dog and a coyote. In our opinion this question will never be settled. We have had reports of another wolf running at large in the northwest part of Kinmundy twp. around the Clyde BALLANCE community. We receive first reports of this wolf last week. (A picture of the hunters and the two wolves was included.)
-Vernie LYONS was born at Logootee, Ill., and died at his home in Murphysboro, Ill. He was 58 years old. Mr. LYONS was a dispatcher for the Illinois Central Railroad at Carbondale for many years. He was the son of Mrs. Amanda HELM, who preceded him in death about 17 years ago, and a nephew of Mrs. Robert GRAY of this city. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Bernice DEROSE of Granite City, Ill., and two granddaughters.
- Omega: This community was saddened Saturday night when the report of the death of Donald MARLOW at his home near Altamont, was received. Several friends and relatives attended the funeral services at West Point Church near where the family lived. Services were officiated by Rev. A.A. MILLICAN, Monday afternoon.
- Wilson School: Harry PETERS of Toledo, Ohio and Alfred PETERS of Jackson, Mich., visited a couple of days last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. CHARLTON.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur PARRILL and son, Clifford, were in Farina Tuesday attending the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Addie PARRILL who died in Champaign Sunday.
- Pleasant Grove: A Christmas program will be given at Pleasant Grove Christmas Eve.
- Miss Patty Jean GIGAR, Eugene GIGAR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton GIGAR, in company with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul FOGLER and little daughter, Carolyn Ann; Henry GIGAR, brother of Mrs. FOGLER’s motored to Waukegan, Ill. and took Mrs. FOGLER’s mother home who had been visiting. They took in the International Livestock Show in Chicago and stopped in Pontiac, Ill. for a night visit with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clark SMITH and daughter, Nita Mae.
Dec. 25, 1947:
- Kinmundy High School Gym Suffers $3,000.00 Loss in a Early Morning Fire: Over Heated Furnace Believed Cause of Blaze: The Kinmundy Community High School Gym suffered a $3,000 or more loss by fire about school time here Monday morning. The fire was caused by an overheated furnace in the heating room of the local school gym. The Kinmundy Fire Department was called at 8 a.m. when Mr. Mel BOYD, the school janitor discovered the blaze and large amount of smoke. The local fire department laid 400 feet of hose in order to fight the stubborn blaze. The fire department pumped the small well on the school ground dry in a short time, and then continued pumping from the large well. Mr. BOYD reported that he had fired up the furnace about 7 a.m. Monday morning for the high school morning assembly which is held in the gym. He continued with his duties about the gym for awhile and then fired the furnace again. Mr. BOYD continued his duties over at the main school building for the next 30 minutes. About 8 a.m. he returned to the Gym to check his fire. When he opened the south side door to the Gym, the smoke coming out of the building forced him back. He closed the door and called for the Kinmundy Fire Department. Mr. BOYD reported that Monday morning wasn’t any different than any other morning this winter. He stated when he left the building everything was in order and the blower of the furnace was working properly. The main fire was located in the basement of the gym above the furnace burning the top sills that supported the gym stage. The fire also burned its way to the top part of the stage, causing the top part of the stage curtain to catch afire. This in turn caught the fibre board ceiling afire. This part of the fire was not noticed until the main fire of the basement was put out. It was then the firemen noticed fire in the ceiling. At this time the Farina Fire Department arrived on the scene. Their chemical hose was laid and chemical was used in order to extinguish the ceiling fire. However, the fire had spread so far that it wasn’t possible to extinguish the ceiling fire. The local fire department then started pumping water again with a great amount of water being used to stop this smoldering fire in the fibre board ceiling. In all the local firemen fought the stubborn blaze for two hours. After the smoke had cleared away, Mr. Lewis J.T. O’DELL, high school principal, had several of the boys at work mopping up the water on the Gym floor in order to keep it from being water damaged. It was either mop up water or be in English class, one of the boys stated. Most of the damage was done by water and smoke. The remaining fibre board-ceiling that didn’t burn was blackened by the smoke, with the wall of the Gym black and water streaked. Carpenters were on the scene early in the afternoon estimating the damage to the Gym and surveying the work to be done. The School Boards had $10,000 fire damage on the Gym, and an insurance adjustor arrived in Kinmundy Tuesday morning to make the adjustment of the fire damage. Mr. O’DELL reported that he hoped that they could make the most of the repairs on the Gym during the coming Christmas vacation. Mr. O’DELL also stated that Mr. Paul MONICAL, Principal of the LaGrove Community H.S. of Farina had offered the Kinmundy Community H.S. the use of their Gym for basketball practice or for any of their home games till the local Gym is repaired. We think this swell of Mr. MONICAL to do this. It is fine to have such fine neighbors to help our local school. Of course, the friendship between our two towns is a little strained when the two basketball teams meet. (Two pictures were included with this article.)
- Youth Arrested For Placing Large Spike on Railroad: Earl DENNIS, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. WIMBERLY, living north of Kell, Ill., is in the Marion county jail today facing a delinquency charge for placing a spike on the C. & E.I. Railroad track near Salem. As a result of this venture Mr. Carl McGUIRE, signal maintainer of the C. & E.I. Railroad is in the Salem Memorial Hospital suffering from serious injuries cased when his motor car hit this spike on the rail. The spike had been placed head up and between the joints of the rails. When Mr. McGUIRE’s motor car hit the spike it threw him clear. McGUIRE was found unconscious by R.R. MOUNT, of Kell, section foreman, whose crew was working a half mile away from the scene of the accident. Railroad officials announce that one or two freight trains had passed over the spike before it was dislodged from the track. The WIMBERLY boy was arrested following an investigation by Salem police officials.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lem BALLANCE were called to Meredosia Monday to the bedside of their son-in-law, John PETERS, who is a patient in the Beardstown Hospital. On Sunday John met with a painful and almost fatal accident. Because of the frozen fog on the bridge spanning the Illinois River, he and another car collided. Standing near their cars investigating the damages to their machines, which was slight, another car came towards them at a high rate of speed and to avoid being hit, John jumped up on the railing of the bridge, and slipped and fell some 50 feet to the sandy river bed. At the last report he is in a serious condition.
- Wilson School: Several from our vicinity attended the shower and charivari at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON Saturday night in honor of Kenneth SHUFELDT and bride, who are here visiting relatives and friends. Many nice gifts were received.
- Wilson School: Miss Viola MEYER came home Friday from Lawson, Ky. where she is attending school, to spend Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER.
- Meacham: Mr. Glenn JAHRAUS and son, Dale, called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Tuesday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND, Mr. and Mrs. Robert SMITH, and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE attended the funeral of PFC Sam ATTERBURY at the Nazarene Church in Salem Monday afternoon.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. E.B. WARD and family from Arkansas arrived at the Francis SIPES home on Tuesday and are moving to the farm recently vacated by the SIPES family; known as the George ELDER farm.
- Pleasant Grove: Miss Marian SIPES, who teaches school in Salem, is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (March 1999) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.