Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Jan. 6, 1949:
- Local Legion Sponsoring Teenage Dances: Members of Post 519 of the American Legion are taking care of the recreation problems of the teenagers of our community by sponsoring a juke box dance in the Legion Hall every Friday night. The program for the youngsters was started by the Legion about two months ago, and has met with great success ever since. The dances are conducted by the teenagers themselves with a few of the members of the Legion present to supervise the dance. While not dancing, the youngsters can enjoy soft drinks and candy sold in the Legion Hall. Many of the newcomers to these weekly dances are just learning to dance, while many are old timers of the graceful art. While some communities are wondering what they can do to show the teenagers a good time, the Kinmundy American Legion takes pride in being one of the first to take this matter in hand and provide suitable recreation for the youngsters. (Along with a picture was the caption: Teenagers enjoying dancing New Year’s Eve at the American Legion Hall in Kinmundy, Left to Right are Donna Mae GARRETT of Kinmundy, Donnie CHEATUM of Kinmundy, Mary BOUSMAN of Alma, Bill VALLOW of Kinmundy, Helen Feather and Charles WHITE, both of Kinmundy.)
- Drilling activity on the HOWELL No. 1 stopped Tuesday of this week when orders came through to plug the well, and classed as another dry hole. This well was located on the Curtis HOWELL farm located west of Kinmundy.
- Gussie A. YERIAN Dies Monday from Meningitis; Graveside Services Tuesday: Mr. Gussie A. YERIAN passed away in the Salem Memorial Hospital Monday. He took ill Saturday morning in his home, but merely thought he was contracting influenza. His condition gradually grew worse and early Monday morning he was taken to the hospital where the doctors diagnosed his illness as meningitis. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery Tuesday, Elder Clyde SINCLAIR officiating at the short graveyard service attended only by the widow and son and a half-brother, Eddie ORCUTT. Upon their return from the hospital, the immediate family secluded themselves in the home and asked their friends not to call. They have taken every precaution possible not to contract or spread the disease. This is the first case of meningitis in this vicinity for several years. Just where and how Mr. YEARIAN contracted the disease will always be a mystery. He and his family had spent the Christmas holidays in St. Louis with relatives but did not come in contact with it there to their knowledge. We are truly sorry for the bereaved family that they had to be alone in their hour of sorrow but it had to be thus and they understood. Gussie Albert, son of John A. and Annie BLACKBURN ORCUTT, was born Aug. 1, 1882 in Rockbridge, Greene Co., Ill., and died Jan. 3, 1949. When 18 months of age, the father died. The mother brought her infant son to the home of her parents, where he grew to manhood, attending the local grade schools. In 1902, Gussie went to St. Louis where he entered the employ of the Terminal Railroad Co., as a switchman. There he met and was married to Miss Mary A. McFATRIDGE on June 1, 1910. To this union, one son, Winifred G., was born. They remained in St. Louis until 1929 when they moved to Kinmundy on account of the sons health. They remained here until 1941 when they moved back to St. Louis. They remained there until 1947 when they returned to Kinmundy on account of Mr. YERIAN’s health. He was a member of the Baptist Church, of Kinmundy Lodge No. 399 A.F. & A.M., and of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainman. Besides his widow and son, he is survived by his step-father, William ORCUTT, and two half-brothers, George and Eddie ORCUTT, all of Champaign.
- Richard Kepley arrived Dec. 29 to Lt. and Mrs. Carl E. PRUETT in Norfolk, Va. The PRUETTS now have a daughter and son.
- Sammy JONES, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar JONES suffered a broken left lower arm when he fell at school, Tuesday. He was taken to Salem Memorial Hospital. This is the second time Sammie has had broken the same arm.
- Rev. and Mrs. Ancil ARNOLD of Lebanon, have a baby girl, Dana Lynn, born Jan. 4. The mother is the former Alfleta WILLIAMS.
- In Hospital: Mr. Ed FORD, 85, of Alma, is a patient in St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis, from a fall and injury of his hip.
- Junior DISS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS, left Sunday for St. Louis where he enlisted in the navy. On Monday, he was sent to San Diego for training.
- Guests at the George FORD home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BALLANCE, Mr. and Mrs. Bert FORD of Farina, Mr. and Mrs. Charles FORD of St. Peter, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard MOTCH. Sunday was George FORD’s birthday.
- Swift School: All the FORD families met at the Geo. FORD home Sunday to celebrate George’s birthday. The menu for the day was turkey with all the trimmings.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Judy, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack GARRETT from Sterling were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT, Sunday.
- Shriver School: A large crowd attended the New Year’s Party at the Cecil LANE home Friday night. It was also the birthday of their son, James.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Donald SHAFFER and children moved recently to the WALKINGTON farm here, just recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon SULLIVAN.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the funeral of Mr. Bruce EAGAN in Salem, Wednesday, also the funeral of Mrs. Kate JENKINS in Salem Sunday. Mrs. JENKINS was the mother of Paul JENKINS of this community and Mrs. Herschel HIESTAND of Salem.
Jan. 13, 1949:
- The Rosedale Rebekah Lodge No. 371 of Kinmundy held it’s regular meeting and election of officers Friday night at the Rebekah Hall. The new officers are Mrs. Caroline YEAGER, noble grand; Mrs. Pauline JOHNSON, vice noble grand; Mrs. John HOLT, secretary; and Mrs. H.M. FISHER, treasurer. The trustees elected were Miss Wilma BOUGHERS, Miss Alice READNOUR, Mrs. Stella LEE, Mrs. Len LEWIN, Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT, and Mrs. Hazel SIEMER. Mrs. Hazel SIEMER is the retiring noble grand. After the meeting, refreshments were served at Hanna’s Café.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter VANDERWOLK, of West Orange, N.J., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth to Kenneth PIGG, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. PIGG of Kinmundy. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. PIGG is in the Navy, stationed at Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Mrs. Icy GARRETT, who has been confined to her home for several weeks, is now a bed patient except for a few minutes rest periods.
- Mr. C.H. VALLOW, Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS and Mr. and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW motored to St. Louis Sunday on account of the death of their brother-in-law and uncle, Mr. Roy GARDNER. Mrs. WILLIAMS and Mrs. VALLOW remained over night and attended the funeral on Monday. Funeral services were held and interment was made in St. Louis Monday morning.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold BUTTS announce the arrival of a baby girl, Jan. 10, in the Salem Hospital. She has been named Esther Marie.
- Omega: Mrs. Tom ARNOLD received word that her sister, Mrs. Myrtle WIDDOWS, had died at her home in Springfield. Services were held Monday.
- Omega: Bryan BEARD, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie BEARD died at the home last week. Interment was in Shadden Cemetery.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Robert MARSHALL and daughter, Darlene, took dinner with her mother, Mrs. Florence MARSHALL Saturday and helped her celebrate her birthday.
- Meadow Branch: Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. PRUETT on Sunday were Dr. and Mrs. Hugh LANDESS of Lewiston, Mrs. C.F. PRUETT, and Miss Jean LANDESS. The occasion was Miss LANDESS’ birthday.
- Meadow Branch: Kenneth PIGG, who has spent a 30 day leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. PIGG, has returned to Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB are sporting a new Hudson. I haven’t seen it yet, but I know it must be real nice.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT along with the rest of Frank’s brothers and sisters celebrated Bert GARRETT’s birthday Sunday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Paul SMITH have a son born Jan. 10 in Salem Hospital.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT took Mr. and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD to Centralia last week and while they were there they called on Mr. Eli DOOLEN who is in the hospital with a broken bone in his foot.
- Meacham: Mrs. Anna MERRITT, Mrs. Mattie COURSON, Mrs. Ira MERRITT, and Willard MERRITT called on Mrs. Annie NICHOLS Sunday, who has returned home from Effingham Hospital where she was taken for setting of 2 broken bones in her leg. She is improving nicely.
- Wes ROBB was elected manager of the Kinmundy baseball team at a meeting at Hanna’s Café Friday night.
Jan. 20, 1949:
- Ice Causes Interruption in Electric Service and Business: We here awakened Tuesday morning by the sound of rain on our roof, and looking at the thermometer, we found it to read 26. We well knew what to expect when we ventured out of doors. The rain soon turned to sleet and we were glad because it did help our footing. The temperature gradually rose to 32, where it remained most of the day. The sleet turned back to rain and we found a very picturesque winter scene when we did venture out. The trees were laden with ice. The rain continued to fall all day and more ice formed on the trees. The result was that many limbs were broken off, and they broke down telephone lines as they fell putting several phones out of service. And some of the limbs fell on electrical wires causing our city to be without electricity for 4½ hours.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl DOOLEN announce the arrival of a boy born in the Centralia Hospital, Jan. 14. This is the 13th grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve DOOLEN.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard BROOM and son, Stuart, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM of Alma. On Wednesday, the J.A. BROOMS left for Miami, to spend the rest of the winter.
- The annual meeting and regular bank election was held Tuesday afternoon at the bank. The seven directors were re-elected to the board. They are A.H. MILLER, F.E. JONES, L.D. INGRAM, C.R. ALDERSON, W.S. PRUETT, H.E. MINER, and Dr. Charles E. PRUETT.
- Birthday Party: Mrs. Richard GRAY entertained at a birthday party Sunday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Gloria’s, second birthday. Games were played by the tots and refreshments were served by Mrs. GRAY. Little Miss Gloria received many nice gifts. Those helping her celebrate were Mrs. Robert GRAY and Gary and David of Alma, Mrs. Beryl DISS and Gretchen of Salem. Mrs. Duane HANNA and Randy, Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER and Mickey, Mrs. Charles BASSETT and Larry, Mrs. Bennie DOOLEN and Stephen and Terry, Mrs. Art BOYD and Billie, Mrs. Fred BOYD and Betty, Mrs. Dwight DAY and Johnnie, Mrs. Wayne ROBB, and Misses Shirley and Patricia BAILEY.
- Nursery Shower: Miss Zola ROBNETT entertained at a nursery shower for Mrs. Richard MOTCH Monday evening in her home. The evening was spent socially and the hostess served refreshments. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Those present were: Miss Mary Lou FOLLOWELL, Mrs. William FRAKES, Mrs. Stan ROBERTS and son of Farina, Mrs. Charles BASSETT and son, Mrs. Dwight DAY, Jr., Mrs. Wydell PIGG, Mrs. Lura ROBNETT, Miss Louise GREEN, Mrs. James STRICKLER, Mrs. F.A. MOTCH, and Mrs. Roy HULSEY. (Also included was a list of those sending gifts but unable to attend.)
- Mrs. Hazel HOYT has received word from the American Red Cross and her son, Cpl. Robert HOYT that he was flown to the States from Japan on Jan. 4. Our readers will remember that Cpl. HOYT was injured in a jeep accident and he is now hospitalized.
- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene KLINE of St. Joseph, Mo., have a son born Dec. 31st named Alan Reed.
- Icy GARRETT Dies: Mrs. Icy GARRETT, 81, passed away at her home in this city this morning at 7 o’clock. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
- Pink and Blue Shower: Mrs. Jack BARKSDALE and Mrs. Virgil SEE were co-hostesses at a pink and blue shower given Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Kenneth WILKINSON at Mrs. SEE’s home. Contests were held and refreshments were served by the hostesses. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Those present were Mrs. Lester BASOM of Salem; Mrs. Frank SIMER and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Herman SOLDNER, Mrs. Clarence QUANDT, Mrs. Howard SMITH, Miss Mildred KLEISS, Mrs. Kenneth ARMSTRONG, Mrs. Earl LANE, Mrs. Chester KLINE, Mrs. Merle KLINE, Mrs. Dale WRIGHT, Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT, Mrs. Ellis WILKINSON, Mrs. Lyman JONES, Mrs. Dan HIESTAND, Mrs. Ralph ROSE, Mrs. Walter WEISS, and Mrs. Clifford DOUTHITT and daughter of Flora.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. Dewey COULSTON recently moved his family to Effingham where he is operating a filling station.
- Wilson School: George MEYER came home Thursday evening driving a new Dodge and Clifford PARRILL is driving a new Pontiac.
- Shriver School: A list of those attending the farewell party Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. A.L. SULLIVAN was listed. Mr. SULLIVAN has purchased a farm near Alma and expects to move there in the near future.
- James ROBNETT, student at St. Louis Business School, has returned to St. Louis after spending the last few days here with his mother, Mrs. Pleasant ROBNETT.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred GAMMON and son spent the weekend in Decatur visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY.
Jan. 27, 1949:
- Miss Marie BAILEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BAILEY, and Robert JOHNSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank JOHNSON, were married Saturday at the Methodist parsonage at 7:30 p.m. with the Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Charles BASSETT were the attendants. The bride graduated from the Kinmundy H.S. in 1946, and since graduation has been employed with the Illinois Bell Telephone Co. in Salem. The groom also graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1946, and is employed with a firm in Salem. A wedding reception was held Sunday at the home of the bride’s parents in Kinmundy. The couple will make their home in an apartment in Salem which they recently furnished. (A picture of the couple was included.)
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold ROBB announce the arrival of Robert Eli, 8½ lb. boy born Jan. 22 at 8:45 p.m. in the Shelbyville hospital. This is the second child for Mr. and Mrs. ROBB.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS have a son born Jan. 21. This is their fifth child and son.
- Mr. Henry DeWERFF of Farina will celebrate his 97th birthday, Feb. 3. Mr. DeWERFF is widely known among Kinmundy people as he lived for a number of years on a farm north of this city before moving to Farina.
- The fire department was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold MORRIS in the east part of town Tuesday afternoon on the account of a flue burning out. No damage was done.
- David Walter BLYTH, 8 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John BLYTH, of Lincoln, Neb. passed away Sunday morning. The body, accompanied by the parents, will arrive here Saturday and interment will be made in the Evergreen Cemetery. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Mrs. BLYTH was the former Helen PRUETT of this city.
- Dr. and Mrs. L.E. WORMLEY are parents of a girl, Lorinda Gene born Jan. 20, at Yuba City, Calif. She is the great-granddaughter of Edwin WORMLEY of Kinmundy.
- Icy GARRETT Funeral Rites Held Sat. P.M.: Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock for Mrs. Icy GARRETT, who passed away at her home in this city Thursday morning, from the Linton Funeral Home, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating. Interment was made on the family lot in Evergreen Cemetery. Icy Dora GARRETT was the youngest child of the late Ben and Laura Ann Jones DOOLEN. She was born in Foster Township on March 11, 1867. On October 21, 1884, she was united in marriage with Theodore GARRETT, who passed away September 14, 1925. To this union eight children were born, namely, Emma (Mrs. Tom BALLANCE), Claude, Eugene (deceased), Hattie (Mrs. Dow GREEN), Minnie (Mrs. Orie ATKINS), Lela (Mrs. Carl DUNLAP), and Dorothy (Mrs. Lewis SULLENS). They also reared a niece in their home, Mrs. Allie THOMAS. Her brother and sister, Charles DOOLEN and Hattie ATKINS, preceded her in death. “Cards of Thanks: We wish to thank our many kind friends for their assistance in any way during the illness and death of our dear mother. Also for the kind words of sympathy and condolence, the sweet music and the beautiful floral offerings. We especially wish to thank the members of the O.E.S. and the neighbors for their thoughtfulness. The Children of Icy GARRETT”
- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne KEEN have moved to Lima, Ohio where he has employment with the Gulf Oil Co.
- Students of the local high school received TB shots given Monday at the school.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW motored to Champaign Friday where they spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl VALLOW and attended the funeral of Mrs. VALLOW’s uncle, Harry BACKENSTO of Tuscola on Saturday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Claude HIESTAND were entertained to supper Tuesday night at the Ralph HIESTAND home, it being Claude’s birthday.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin CONANT received word Sunday morning of the arrival of a new grandson born Jan. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold ROBB of Mode, Ill.
- Swift School: A birthday dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George FEATHER Sunday. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl FEATHER and family; Mary Lou WINKS of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Charles FORD and Darrell; Mr. and Mrs. Dick FEATHER and Dennie; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHER and family; Mr. Bill GREEN and Laura; Mr. and Mrs. Hall FEATHER and Charles WHITE.
- Sharon Faye ROBB of Mode is spending some time here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB.
- Dale BRASEL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette BRASEL, left for Joliet Sunday, where he has employment as a guard at the penitentiary.
Feb. 3, 1949 (misprinted as Feb. 24, 1949):
- To Celebrate 90th Birthday: Mr. E.C. BARGH, who with his wife is spending the winter in Kenilworth as guests of their daughter and family, the Scott DAVIDSONS, will celebrate his 90th birthday, Feb. 7th.
- Last Rites for Mary E. REESE Held Monday: Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Airs and Maggie DORR CONANT, was born Nov. 9, 1895 in Farina. While still a small child, she moved with her parents to Kinmundy where she grew to womanhood. She attended the local schools, graduating from high school with the class of ‘14. After her graduation, she became a school teacher. On Aug. 2, 1916, she married Otto REESE, a classmate of her high school days. They had three children named Wanda Marion (PARIS) now of St. Louis; Kenneth W., now of Centralia; and Juanita Hope at home. Immediately after their marriage, this couple went to Vernon, Ill., where they resided until the husband entered the services of his country in WWI. After his return, they moved to Centralia where they remained until 1942. Then they moved to Joliet, Ill., where they resided until their return to Kinmundy in 1946. In 1910 she converted and joined the Methodist Church in Kinmundy. She became active in church work and took a very active part in the Epworth league because she like to work with young people. After returning to Kinmundy she again taught school in the rural districts until her health failed. She did everything possible to regain her health but it was to no avail. She became resigned to her fate, made requests for her final rites, and kept right on smiling. On Jan. 29, 1949, she died. Besides her devoted husband and three children, she is survived by two grandchildren, Steven and Gloria REESE; her aged mother, Mrs. Maggie CONANT, of this city; two sisters, Mrs. Pauline STEWART, Hanford, Calif., and Mrs. Charity LOWE, Los Angeles, Calif.; and one brother, John CONANT, of Jacksonville, Ill. Services were held from the Methodist Church, Jan. 31st, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON left Feb. 1st for a two weeks vacation to Florida, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Leland ALDERSON of Chicago. On Feb. 5th they will attend the Commencement Exercises of the Univ. of Florida at Gainesville. Their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roland ALDERSON, are in the class of 500 who will graduate. Roland will be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and Mary Ellen will receive the Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree.
- Mr. and Mrs. Loren ALBERT, living on the Patoka Kinmundy Road, have a baby boy born Jan. 30 in Salem Hospital.
- David Lee entertained ten little boys at his home Saturday afternoon in honor of his 8th birthday. Games, contests and moving pictures were enjoyed by all. Those present were Donald THOMPSON, Johnny JOHNSON, Gary OLDEN, Ronnie DOOLEN, Donnie Gene KEEN, Warren and Robert SHUFELDT, Rudy SLANE, Jackie LEE, and Mrs. Stella LEE.
- Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM is a surgical patient in the Centralia Hospital having underwent an emergency operation Thursday.
- Andy EAGAN Interred Here: Andy EAGAN, 79, a former resident of this city, died at the home of his daughter in Sandoval, Sunday. Services were held in Sandoval Tuesday afternoon and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery in this city. Mr. EAGAN worked in the coal mine here several years ago, and will probably be remembered by some of the older residents.
- Mrs. Frances ESSENPREIS of Champaign, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Mary Anne to Ernest V. BROOM, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM of Alma. The wedding will take place in April.
- Mrs. Florence CONANT, who has spent the past three months as a guest of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James D. CONANT in Gardena, Calif., arrived home Friday evening. Mrs. CONANT made the trip by plane, and due to weather conditions, the plane was forced to land at Springfield instead of St. Louis. Mrs. CONANT reports a most interesting trip home as they flew over many of the snow and flood areas in the west and she described the appalling conditions of the livestock in those areas, more than two million head having been frozen in an incomplete check.
- Jake McCARTY spent Tuesday with his brother, B.F. McCARTY, in Salem helping him celebrate his 80th birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.G. BLOMBERG are visiting their son, John, in Cuba, Mo. Mr. E.G. will be 90 years old Feb. 14th.
- Miletus: Mr. and Mrs. Earl JAMISON have moved from the north central part of the state and are now at home on the Eli GOODWIN farm near Mt. Carmel Church.
- Miletus: Several from this vicinity attended the sale of the Oak Grove School buildings Saturday.
- Mrs. Leonard WEST was moved to Decatur Hospital by ambulance Sunday. She has been ill some time at her home.
- Mrs. Ralph FEATHER spent the weekend in West Frankfort with her husband who is employed there.
- Pleasant Grove: Some of the Pleasant Grove members attended the all conference meeting at Alma last Thursday night to decide what would be done with the parsonage there, which is to be sold at public auction Saturday Feb. 5th, to make ready for a new parsonage.
- Omega: Leland SCHOOLEY left for army camp at Camp Breckinridge last week.
- Omega: Eugene BAKER enlisted in the army and left for Camp Breckinridge Monday.
- Brown: Mary MONICAL, who is attending school in St. Louis, spent the weekend with her parents, Steward MONICAL and family.
- Brown: Earl JAMISON and family moved Saturday to the E.C. GOODWIN property from the northern part of the state.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCULLEY and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. Halmon LENHART were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCULLEY Sunday in honor of the Thurman McCULLEY’s 35th wedding anniversary. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph GILLIS of Salem.
Feb. 10, 1949:
- Mrs. Minnie SIPLE, who is domiciled with Mr. and Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM for the winter, had the misfortune of slipping on the ice Sunday School and fracturing her right arm near the shoulder.
- Lloyd HAMMER was guest of honor at a birthday dinner held Sunday at his home here. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER and family of Sumner, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and daughter of Kinmundy.
- Master Charles GREEN was guest of honor at a birthday dinner held Sunday at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Charles ROHRBOUGH, it being Charles’ second birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. James GREEN and daughter of Farina, Miss Helen ROHRBOUGH of Salem, Ed WORMLEY and daughter, Katherine, and Miss Ruth ROHRBOUGH.
- Mr. L.J.T. O’DELL and sons spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.H. O’DELL of Loogootee.
- Pleasant ROBNETT returned to Champaign Sunday where he is a student at the U. of I. after spending his mid-semester vacation here with his mother, Mrs. Pleasant ROBNETT.
- Recruit Joseph BARGH, son of Mrs. Mildred R. BARGH of Kinmundy, has completed a course of study for Army Clerks with the 47th Specialist Training Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division, Fort Dix, N.J.
- Robert HOYT, who has been overseas for the past several years, and who was injured in a jeep accident in Japan spent the past week here with his mother, Mrs. Hazel HOYT. Sgt. HOYT, who more recently has been a patient at Percy Jones Hospital, Battle Creek, Mich. will soon be transferred to Fort Valley Forge, Penn.
- Brown: Rev. CROOK filled his regular appointment at Brown Sunday morning and evening. He was a Sunday dinner guest of Fenton NEAL and family.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Walter BRANNON attended a surprise supper Wednesday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Frank EMBSER in honor of their 33rd wedding anniversary.
- Meacham: The C.B. Circle met with Mrs. Ira MERRITT on Jan. 27. It was a very bad day and only 5 members were present. It was also the 30th anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. MERRITT. Piecing quilt blocks was the work of the day and a fine chicken dinner was served at the noon hour.
- Meacham: It is reported that the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred JONES was burned down one night last week.
- Meacham: About 18 men came to help Merle JOHNSON and finished gathering his corn. Mr. JOHNSTON has been ill for several weeks and the neighbors decided they could help by gathering it. So Saturday morning they with their teams and tractors did the job and were happy to do it for Merle. Several ladies went and helped get a fine dinner for the workers. Those helping were: Erwin SOLDNER, Clark HAMPSTEN, Merle HEICHER, Art HOEHNE, Art WEISS, Kenneth ELKINS, Bert FORD, Glenn McCARTY, Harvey JOHNSTON, Ernie HANABAUM, Raymond STORCK, Freddie MISELBROOK, Loren COOPER, Vick YATES, Carl CRAIN, and Dewey COMBS. The ladies helping were: Mrs. Olga WEISS, Mrs. Alice HOEHNE, Mrs. Helen HAMPSTEN, Mrs. Olga COPPLE and daughters, Mrs. Effie CRAIN, Mrs. Georgie SOLDNER, and Mrs. Vera HAMPSTEN.
- Fred GAMMON, A.A. MALINSKY, J.G. VALLOW, Erman ALLEN, I.D. INGRAM, R.H. SCHOOLEY, Lewie SULLENS, and Carl DUNLAP were in Alma Sunday attending the funeral of H.O. HINKLEY.
Feb. 17, 1949:
- GARRETT Well Dry, Making Total of 19 Dry Wells for Kinmundy: The oil well drilled on the Cecil GARRETT farm 2½ miles northwest of this city was plugged yesterday and abandoned as a dry hole. In going over the situation with Mr. B.J. ROTAN, who keeps himself pretty well posted on the drilling of oil wells, we find there has been 19 wells drilled within Kinmundy twp., and everyone of them has been dry holes. Here are the wells that have been drilled. Wm. MORRIS, Chas. METZGER, Sam LOWE, O.E. GARRETT, A.E. FRENCH, Mary HOFFMAN, G.F. JONES, Maulding COPPLE, SNELLING, Lena KRUG, CROWLEY, SLOVICK, HOWELL, E.W. DOOLEN, Ed JONES, Otto KRUG, Louise MORGAN, and Cecil GARRETT.
- Emmett Byron COCKRELL, 75, of El Reno, Okla., a retired bank official and organizer, died in his home Tuesday after a long illness. COCKRELL was born on a farm in Kinmundy, and moved to Hennessey, Okla. in 1898 and to El Reno, Okla. in 1908. When a cashier of the First National Bank of El Reno he was appointed state bank commissioner in 1910 by Gov. HASKELL. His offices were in Guthrie until the capital was moved in Oklahoma City. He was one of the organizers of the Central State Bank and the State Exchange Bank, which combined to become the First National Bank and Trust Co. Later he organized and became president of the Bethany State Bank. Survivors include his wife, Pearl A. COCKRELL; a sister, Rena EAGAN, Chicago; a daughter, Mrs. John M. NOFTSGER of El Reno, Okla.; two sons, James B. COCKRELL of El Reno, Okla., and Donald COCKRELL of Corpus Christi, Texas. (“El Reno, Okla. Tribune”)
- Pvt. Marion SHAFFER of Camp Breckinridge, Ky., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER. Pvt. SHAFFER has finished his basic training and is being sent to a camp in California for further training.
- Morris MAXEY, who has been confined to his home for some months with a broken leg, returned to school on Monday.
- Linda Dale arrived Feb. 8 in Chicago to Mr. and Mrs. Horace McMAHON. Mrs. McHAHON is the former Annette ALEXANDER, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER.
- Meacham: Word was received here by Roy MISELBROOK of the death of Mr. E.B. (Toot) COCKRELL of Oklahoma City, Okla. Emmitt was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James COCKRELL of this neighborhood. He attended Rockhold School and Kinmundy H.S. when Prof. Harry MILLER was teacher.
- Omega: Several from here attended services held for Sgt. Dale CHEELEY whose body recently arrived from overseas. Services were held at the Church of God at Salem with interment in the Christian Church cemetery here.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Claude ROSE and sons called on his parents Monday evening and after returning home, they had attended the Open House of the new KNISELEY Tractor and Implement Building. Several from here also attended the occasion.
- Swift School: No school at Swift today. The creek was too high for the teacher, Mrs. Bertha SEE, to cross.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Charles JOHNSON have a daughter born Feb. 7th named Marslia Louise JOHNSON. Mrs. Marshall TONER of Chicago is here to care for her daughter and baby.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard SIGRIST of Salem have a son born Tuesday at Centralia Hospital. Mr. SIGRIST is a former Kinmundy resident.
Feb. 24, 1949:
- Hilda SEE and Eli CONANT Wed Friday: Miss Hilda SEE, daughter of Paul SEE, of Omega, and Eli CONANT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin CONANT, of west of Kinmundy, were married Friday afternoon in Salem, Rev. ADAMS officiating the ceremony. Mrs. Charles DISS, her sister, was her attendant, and the best man was Charles DISS. The bride attended Omega School and has been employed in Salem. The groom attended Kinmundy schools and was graduated from Kinmundy H.S. In 1945. He also served in the armed forces. The couple left on a short wedding trip to Indianapolis, and on their return will live in Salem. Miss Rosemary CONANT and Miss Ella Mae SEE were guests at the wedding.
- Celebrate 66th Wedding Anniversary: Sunday, Feb. 13, a few of the “Home Town” folks and neighbors called on Mr. and Mrs. E.A. SNELLING at the home of their son, Hallett, to help this good couple celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary. It is always a pleasure to visit with Roy and Jennie, who are able to remain young even if the calendar does make it appear differently. Present during the afternoon and evening were John W. ALLEN and wife, Mrs. Ruth LARKIN, Mrs. Rena EAGAN, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. HENSLEY, Walter HENSLEY, Mr. and Mrs. James HOLDSWORTH, Mrs. CARLSON, Mrs. ARMAGAST, Elroy SNELLING and family. Surprise visitors were Dr. and Mrs. Scott DAVIDSON.
- John BROWNRIGG Passes Away: John BROWNRIGG, 46, only son of Richard T. and Helen BROWNRIGG, of St. Louis, and oldest grandson of Mrs. Harriett DeVORE of Kinmundy, died on Wednesday in St. Mary’s hospital in St. Louis after several months illness. Services were held at St. Louis Cathedral Friday and interment was in Calvary Cemetery. He leaves his widow, a son, Midshipman Richard Thomas BROWNRIGG and two daughters, Eliza and Abigail BROWNRIGG, besides his parents and grandmother. BROWNRIGG had been a member of the firm of RHEINBOLDT-GARDNER, investment bankers since 1932.
- Celebrates Birthday: John WILSON was a guest of honor at a birthday party held for him at his home Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. William WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. Birney McGIVERN and Miss Edith WILSON, all of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Otto MILLER of Flora; and Mr. and Mrs. W.T. PHILLIPS of Kinmundy.
- Mrs. Georgia E. SMITH has announced the marriage of her daughter, Jean, to Andrew C. VICHOTA, Jr. on Feb. 12. The ceremony took place in the United Church of Hyde Park in Chicago, and the reception was held in the church parlors. Mrs. VICHOTA is a cousin of Mrs. Arno MILLER of Kinmundy. Miss Norma MILLER of Urbana and Mrs. Wm. HOUSE of MANSFIELD, daughters of the Arno MILLERS, attended the wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne GRAY of Waukegan, were weekend guests of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard GRAY and daughter.
- Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. MARSHALL of Villa Grove spent Saturday and Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Florence MARSHALL, and brother, Robert and family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe HACKLEBACK of Beckemeyer, visited her mother, Mrs. Victoria JOHNSON, and aunt, Mrs. Theodore MILLER, Saturday.
- Meacham: Mrs. Dora HEICHER is in Lombard, Ill. with her daughter, Geneva, and husband, who are parents of a new baby girl.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER were in Brownstown Friday to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Ulysses SMITH’s granddaughter, Agnes Fern SMITH, who was found drowned in a creek as she returned home from school. She was 14 years old.
- Brown: The children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Geo. W. VANCLEVE gathered at his home Sunday to celebrate his 90th birthday which was Feb. 22.
- Brown: Mrs. Gertrude NAVERT, owner of the Omega Café, has installed a pool table in her restaurant.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Roy SULLIVAN and family moved Tuesday to their new farm which they purchased near Alma. Mr. and Mrs. Virl SEE of Omega are moving to the farm vacated by Mr. SULLIVAN.
- Misses Nellie BRASEL and Mona CONANT are confined to their homes with the mumps.
March 3, 1949:
- Leta ATKINS and John R. MAZANEK Wed: Miss Leta ATKINS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orie ATKINS, of west of Kinmundy, and John Ross MAZANEK, son of Mr. and Mrs. John MAZANEK, of Alma, were married at 10 o’clock Thursday morning at the Baptist Parsonage in Salem. Rev. BALDWIN officiated the double ring ceremony. The bride graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1945 and since her graduation has been employed in Salem. The groom graduated in 1945 from Kinmundy H.S. He served with the armed forces in the Pacific area and since his return has engaged in farming with his father. The couple left on a ten day wedding trip to Texas and on their return will make their home in Alma.
- Merchants Improving Their Stores: During the past two weeks, Jesse GEORGE has added two new fixtures to his store, a new meat counter and a new ‘Serve Yourself Counter’. The meat counter is larger than the one it replaced. The inside is constructed of stainless steel which makes it very easily cleaned. The ‘Serve Yourself Counter’ has two divisions, both refrigerated. The top is open and is to be used as a vegetable freshener. Dairy products and cured meats are kept in the lower division. The firm of MAHAN & MOTCH have also added a ‘Serve Yourself Counter’ very similar to that of Mr. GEORGE. They have also been rearranging their stock, making new shelving and will eventually have a ‘Self Service Store’. This shows that our merchants are progressive.
- Don GRAY Dies: Funeral Services will be held this afternoon from the Hunter Funeral Home in Vandalia, for Don GRAY, 49, who died Tuesday evening from a heart attack in his home near Vandalia. Don is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert GRAY of this city. He was a graduate of Kinmundy H.S. with the class of ‘19. He lived on a small farm near Vandalia and was employed in Vandalia. He leaves a wife, his parents, three brothers, Harry of Buckley, Laverne of Waukegan, and Paul of this city. Interment will be made in Vandalia Cemetery.
- Miss Florence DOOLEN underwent an emergency operation in the Salem Hospital Monday evening. She is getting along O.K. and expects to be home within a few days.
- Mrs. James GREEN was a guest of honor at a birthday party held at her home in Farina Sunday. Those present were Mrs. Charles ROHRBOUGH, and daughter, Ruth, Mr. Ed WORMLEY and daughter, Katherine, all of Kinmundy, and Miss Helen ROHRBOUGH of Salem.
- R.C. CLUSTER of Salem, Dies: Funeral services were held from the Salem Theatre Monday afternoon for R.C. CLUSTER, 63, of Salem. Mr. CLUSTER was well known to the people of Kinmundy. He was the owner of the three Salem Theaters. At the time of his death that Friday in a St. Louis Hospital, he was serving in the capacity of Vice President of the Salem National Bank.
- Chicago Trainman Killed Here Sunday Night by Streamliner: James D. THOMAS, 42, of Chicago, was killed north of Kinmundy Sunday evening by the Illinois Central train No. 2, “The City of New Orleans”. The accident happened at the north end of the Illinois Central siding north of the old coal mine. Thomas was the baggageman on train No. 26. His train had gone in the siding in order to let the fast streamliner pass. THOMAS had gone in front of his train to open the switch. According to the trainmen on No. 26, THOMAS walked out from in front of his train in the path of the oncoming speeding diesel. No. 2's speed was estimated at between 70 and 80 miles per hour at the time of the accident. The average speed of this fast train is set at 90 miles per hour, but due to the curve at the depot it must slow down to 60 miles per hour. However, the streamliner was running behind schedule Sunday evening. The accident happened at about 8:45 p.m. The impact threw THOMAS approximately 160 feet along the right of way down the embankment, and into a water filled ditch. The body was taken to the Linton Funeral Home in Kinmundy and prepared for burial and shipped to Chicago the following day. Funeral services were held in Chicago Wednesday morning and burial will be made in Carmi, Ill. THOMAS leaves his wife and four sons ranging from 7 to 14 years of age. The wife arrived here on train 25 Monday morning and accompanied the body to Chicago that afternoon on train 30. The inquest was originally scheduled for Monday morning at 10:00 o’clock, but due to the fact that the crew from No. 2 couldn’t be present at that time, the inquest will be held later in the week. (A picture was included with the following caption: “The body of James D. THOMAS, 42, of Chicago, father of four children, being removed from the Illinois Central right-of-way after being struck here Sunday night by the ‘City of New Orleans’ ”.)
- Miss Louise GREEN of Salem, and Elwyn CHEATUM of Kinmundy, were in Tolono Sunday where they were the attendants in the wedding party of Harold SISK and Donna HAWKINS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lem BALLANCE and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS were in Mattoon Wednesday visiting Bryan’s father, Mr. B.H. PITTS at the I.O.O.F. Home.
- Miss Pearl ARNOLD of Springfield visited her mother, Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD over the weekend.
- Leo DONOVAN of Springfield has been promoted to division engineer and transferred in Clinton, according to word received here. Mr. and Mrs. DONOVAN were former Kinmundy residents.
- Mrs. Selby GARRETT and Mrs. Rada CALDWELL of Alma, were guest of Mr. Wesley MORGAN and daughter, Martha on Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Virgil HAMPSTEN have moved to the Effie ROBB farm north of Kinmundy.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie SHUFELDT have a baby boy born Feb. 24 in Salem Hospital.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Clara AUSTIN at the First Baptist Church in Salem Friday.
- Pleasant Grove: The community meeting at Allen School was well attended Feb. 18. The program was given in honor of Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthdays and was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Merle WALKINGTON is the teacher.
- Pleasant Grove: Carolyn ROSE attended a party Saturday given by Mrs. Doug MARLOW for the birthday of her daughter Colleen; also the birthday of Sharon Sue EBLIN. Each received several gifts and refreshments of cake and jello were served.
- Meacham: The C.B. Circle held an extra meeting Thursday with Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER to start making a comfort for the Fred JONES family, who recently had a fire that destroyed nearly all of their household goods. The next meeting will be this Thursday with Mrs. E.G. DILLON to finish piecing the comfort.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles, and Mr. and Mrs. Merle JOHNSTON were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh COPPLE and daughters, helping Donna Marie celebrate her 8th birthday.
- Brown: Joe LITTRELL and wife are now living in the Oak Park schoolhouse, which they purchased and are planning to move to their property.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Verl SEE moved to a farm in Alma twp. last week.
- In Memoriam of my brother, A.J. WEST, who died 7 years ago on March 2nd by Marie Dixie SLAUGHTER.
- Miss Marian JOHNSON, student at Southern Illinois University spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen JOHNSON.
March 10, 1949:
- Polio Victim Badly Burned While Ironing: Mrs. Elsberry WARD, 38, rural route 1, Kinmundy, sustained first degree burns last Friday morning when a can of kerosene placed on an ironing board overturned against a stove and exploded. Mrs. WARD, who is paralyzed from the waist down, overturned her wheel chair and fell into the flames in an effort to pull herself out of danger. She was able, however, to smother the flames with a blanket and pillow from a prone position. She was brought to the Salem Memorial hospital at 10 a.m. for treatment, and is reported recovering satisfactorily. She was a victim of infantile paralysis. Prior to the accident, from her wheelchair, she was attempting to iron from a board placed on two low stools. She was using a kerosene burning iron. “Salem Republican”
- WARREN-HAMMER Nuptials: Mrs. Edith W. WARREN and Dolph H. HAMMER, both of this city, were married on Tuesday after, March 8th, at the home of the bride, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Attendants were sister of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Homer KAGY, of near Alma. The happy couple will continue to make their home in Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard MOTCH are rejoicing over the arrival of Richard Forrest II, who made his arrival in the Effingham Hospital Monday morning. Weight 8½ lbs. Grandpa and Grandma HULSEY as well as Grandpa and Grandma MOTCH are also rejoicing as this is the first grandchild for all of them.
- Mr. and Mrs. Howard ROBB of Waukegan announce the arrival of Howard Leroy, Jr., Feb. 23, of Waukegan.
- Sarah A. BANNING: Mrs. Sarah Adella BANNING, 83, wife of the late John BANNING, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward INGRAM, in Meacham twp., Saturday afternoon. Funeral services were held Monday from the Church of God in Kinmundy, Rev. Hira BYERS officiating. Interment was made in the Elder Cemetery. Mrs. BANNING had been ill in the Vandalia Hospital for several weeks and had returned home the morning of her death. Mr. and Mrs. BANNING were residents of Kinmundy for several years prior to his death. Linton Funeral Home was in charge of the services.
- Celebrates Birthday: Thirty-five relatives and friends were entertained to an 8 o’clock dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orion BUTTS on Thursday night to honor the birthday of Mrs. BUTTS. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Claud JAMISON, Mr. and Mrs. Byron SILL and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert SILL and children, David WOOLRIDGE and Miss Betty SILL, Frances, Ralph and Clark KRUTSINGER, Bobby BURKETT, Mr. and Mrs. Frank BURKETT, Mr. and Mrs. Clark HAMPSTEN and son, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil HAMPSTEN, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow WILKINSON and son, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus ADAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Les WILKINSON and Nancy and Gerald MULVANEY. Music was furnished by Claude JAMISON, Byron SILL and Clark KRUTSINGER which was enjoyed very much. A good social time was had by all. Mrs. BUTTS received several nice and useful gifts.
- Heavy Snow Has Traffic Stalled Between Kinmundy and Farina: Don’t kid yourself. Spring is not here yet. Just because we have a few nice days is no sign that the weather will be nice from now on. Remember this is March and we always have all kinds of weather. Then besides March came in like a lamb so it is bound to go out like a lion. The past few days were rather nice and the farmers were beginning to sow oats. This morning a nice four inch wet snow blankets the earth. This is our sixth snow of the season. In the beginning, we were promised eight. So that leaves two more to go. Wait a few days yet before plowing your gardens. As we go to press, traffic is tied up between here and Farina on State Route 37 because of snow drifts. Cars and trucks are lined up from the old coal mine past Schneider’s Springs. We understand the same exists north of Farina and the maintenance crews are working there to relieve the traffic congestion.
- Birthday Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN and Keith entertained the following people to a birthday dinner Sunday honoring the birthdays of Fletcher COLE, Mack ROBB, Sam LOWE and Marjorie GREEN. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE, Mr. and Mrs. Bill COLE, son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. ROLLINSON and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE and Sammy, Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy GREEN and Mickie and Miss Lorna Mae DREWES. We have enjoyed our birthday dinner together for over 20 years, but this is the first time for many years we have had the entire family together, except Kathryn LOWE WILLIAMS and family. We enjoyed the dinner, the privilege of being together, and departed hoping to all be together next year in the home of Mack and Nellie ROBB.
- Mrs. Hazel HOYT received word that her son, Cpl. Robert HOYT, was transferred from Percy Jones General Hospital in Battle Creek, Mich. to Valley Forge General Hospital in Phoenixville, Pa. to undergo plastic surgery.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Walter BRANNON helped Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS two days last week move from Alma to the VANDEVEER farm known as the old JACOB’s farm.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS of Alma, moved Tuesday to the Dalt VANDEVEER farm, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Dewey COULSTON, who moved to Effingham.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ida WARD was rushed to the Salem Hospital Friday by ambulance, suffering from burns received when she started to fill a gasoline iron and it exploded. Although badly burned, she is reported to be resting and doing as well as can be expected.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MARLOW were in Sullivan, Ill. last Friday where Douglas accepted a position in the Masonic Home there.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Hall FEATHER, Mr. and Mrs. Earl FEATHER and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHER, Mr. and Mrs. Richard FEATHER, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. FORD and Darrell, and Mr. and Mrs. George FEATHER attended the funeral of Hall FEATHER’s brother, Uhle FEATHER, in Fairfield Sunday.
- Swift School: The annual March birthday dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob GREEN this year to honor Sam LOWE, Mack ROBB, Fletcher COLE and Mrs. Marjorie GREEN. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE and Sammy, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE, Mr. and Mrs. Bill COLE and family, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. ROLINSON and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy GREEN and Mickie, and Miss Leona Mae DREWS.
- Swift School: Miss Donna Mae GARRETT was confined to her home last week with the mumps.
- Swift School: Miss Helen ROBB was taken to Effingham Hospital this week with a bad sore throat.
- Brown: Charles LANE and wife have a baby boy born March 3.
- Several members of the Masonic order attended the funeral of Don GRAY in Vandalia Thursday.
March 17, 1949:
- Jury Returns Open Verdict in Death of Farina Woman Tuesday: Funeral Services were held Monday afternoon for Mrs. Robert MELTON, 32, Farina telephone operator, who was found dead beside the Illinois Central tracks there early Saturday morning. She was struck by I.C. Train No. 29 at approximately 11:15 p.m. Friday. Bits of clothing and some flesh on the locomotive was noticed when the train stopped in Centralia, and a checkup resulted in the discovery of a body at the Wade crossing in Farina at about 2:30 a.m. by a brakeman of a northbound freight after crews had been alerted to search for the body. Mrs. MELTON and her husband, who operates the Farina Cleaning Establishment, had returned to Farina from the home of an oil operator southeast of there just before the accident happened. The MELTONS have two daughters, Bob Ann, 5, and Peggy Rae, 2. Interment was made in the Farina Cemetery. The inquest was held Tuesday evening at 7:30 in Farina. The jury returned verdict of “cause unknown”.
- J.C. WILSON Dies: Mr. Jesse Clair WILSON, 52, died at his home in Alma, Wednesday morning at 3:30 o’clock. He had been in ill health for the past few years. Mr. WILSON was born in Alma and had been a life long resident of that place. For several years he conducted a poultry and feed business there. He is survived by his wife, one son, Bill, a student in the Kinmundy H.S.; one daughter, Mrs. Ray RANDALL, Centralia; four brothers, John, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ellis, Decatur; Carl, Centralia; and Arthur, Alma; four sisters, Mrs. John ELLERY, Arkansas; Mrs. Ralph ANDERSON, Freeport; Mrs. Evelyn WEST, Centralia; and Mrs. Eugene CARL, Centralia. Services will be held Friday from the Alma Christian Church, Rev. HARGRAVE officiating. Interment will be made in the Alma Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WILKINSON have a daughter, Linda Louise, born in the Salem Hospital on Mar. 11th. Grandpa and Grandma (Ellis) WILKINSON feel as though now is the aged class as this is their second grandchild.
- Celebrates Birthday: Mrs. Mary WALKER observed her 85th birthday on March 3rd, at the home of her daughter, Martha, in Wood River, Ill. Her granddaughter, Mrs. Jack COX, who observes her birthday on the same day, daughter, Mrs. Lester GRIFFIN and grandson, Donald JONES, spent the day with her. She was the recipient of more than 100 cards and letters, and several lovely floral gifts and wishes to extend her thanks to all friends and relatives who remembered her.
- Mrs. Ernest HOLZHAUSEN Dies: Mrs. Ernest HOLZHAUSEN, 56, passed away at her home in Meacham twp. Tuesday morning. She had been in ill health for several years. Services will be held from the Meacham Baptist church this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Elder Otis ATCHISON of West Union, officiating. Interment will be made in the Elder Cemetery.
- William EAGAN was taken to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia Wednesday suffering with appendicitis. He was not operated but is still receiving medical treatment.
- Celebrate 40th Anniversary: The relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL were their dinner guests last Sunday, honoring their 40th wedding anniversary which was the following day, March 14th Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John FORD, Jean, Janet Sue, Bob and Johnnie Bill, Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS, Virginia Mae, and Dale. A delicious chicken dinner was served and two beautifully decorated angel food cakes were prepared by Mrs. FORD and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS. The cake of the former had a miniature bride and groom on top, the latter was a four-tiered one. A beautiful potted tulip plant was presented by the FORDS, a gift from Dr. and Mrs. H.F. CRAIG of LaCrosse, Washington. The afternoon was spent reminiscing of friends and events of the past. They departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. HARRELL many more happy anniversaries.
- Mrs. William VERHOEKS, nee Mary CHEADLE, of Kankakee, writes as Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd William VERHOEKS are the parents of a daughter, Laura Lynn, born Feb. 9th, in St. Mary’s Hospital, Kankakee. Aren’t these grandbabies the most wonderful and precious things?
- In Korea: Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER received a phone call Wed. night from their son, PFC Marion E. SHAFFER, from Pittsburg, Calif. saying he was to leave the following morning for Korea, where he will be stationed.
- Sarah MILLER Celebrates 90th Birthday: Mrs. Sarah MILLER celebrated her 90th birthday, March 11th with several friends and relatives. She received 175 birthday cards , many from WLS listeners. WLS broadcasting station sang a song for her. Rev. DeBAULT, evangelist, recorded his sermon and played it for her and she enjoyed it very much. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence JOLIFF, Mr. and Mrs. Vince BEARMAN, Mrs. Mary KNOTTS, and two daughters and Mrs. Opal McNEAL and two sons, all of Centralia; Miss Beulah DISS, Mrs. Victoria JACKSON and son, Grover BAILEY of Kinmundy, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILSON of Decatur, who have been with her this winter caring for her since she broke her leg last October 15th. She is now out of her cast and sits up some in her wheelchair. She received many beautiful cards.
- Evelyn KILLIE Sustains Broken Hip in Accident Tuesday night: Miss Evelyn KILLIE received a broken hip as well as bruises and lacerations Tuesday evening when she was struck by the car driven by Mr. Lewis J.T. O’DELL. The accident happened on east cross walk at the Methodist Church, at about 7 o’clock. Miss KILLIE had left her home and was enroute to the home of her brother, Mr. Fred KILLIE, who lives in the east part of town. A car driven by Mr. Ralph JENKINS was approaching the crossing from the east. He stated that he saw Miss KILLIE and also saw Mr. O’DELL’s car approaching from the west. He was far enough from the crossing that he stopped and figured that Miss KILLIE would stop and let Mr. O’DELL go by. Mr. O’DELL states that he did not see Miss KILLIE until shortly before he struck her. He was traveling east and the lights of JENKIN’s car were in his face. When he did see her, he applied the brakes and slid his wheels. He said he was not going very fast at this time. Miss KILLIE was taken to the Salem Hospital in the Linton Ambulance immediately after the accident. Yesterday afternoon upon advice of Dr. PRUETT, she was taken to St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis.
- Mr. and Mrs. T.R. SULLENS of Alma announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia, to Harry B. FOLTZ, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. FOLTZ of Carlinville. The wedding took place March 5th at 7 p.m. in Morganfield, Ky. with Rev. Walter JARBOE officiating. Miss Flora HARRELSON, of Eldorado, a friend of the bride, and George FOLTZ, of Carlinville, the brother of the groom were attendants. Mrs. FOLTZ graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1946 and has attended Southern Illinois University. She has been employed at the North Fork School for the past three years. Mr. FOLTZ attended Carlinville H.S. and was graduated from Southern Illinois University in 1946. He served 42 months in the U.S. Marines. He is now employed as Social Science Instructor in the Pana H.S. The couple expect to make their home in Pana at the end of the bride’s school year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Darrell REESE announce the arrival of Nelda Fay, born March 13 in the Salem Hospital.
- Celebrates 87th birthday: Mrs. Eliza BARBEE celebrated her 87th birthday Sunday. Those who came to spend the day with her were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BARBEE of Champaign, Mr. Ralph BACHERT of Urbana; Mr. and Mrs. Von WILSON and family of Laclede, and Calvin BARBEE of this city. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Chris JASPER, Miss Beulah DISS, and Mrs. Zella NEAVILL.
- A verdict of accidental death was returned in the death of James THOMAS. THOMAS was a baggageman on train No. 26, was killed north of Kinmundy Sunday night, Feb. 27, by the “City of New Orleans”. At the inquest T.E. LITWILLER fireman on the “City of New Orleans” stated that the train was going 60 miles per hour at the time of the accident. He also stated that he saw THOMAS in the center of their track 50 or 60 feet before they struck him. J. HOEGILEN engineer on train 26 also told the same story. HOEGILEN said, “I knew he wasn’t going to make it”. HOEGILEN also stated that THOMAS knew the fast train was coming, but couldn’t give any account as to why THOMAS was crossing the track at the time. The fireman on No. 2 stated that the lights, and bell as well as the horn were working, and they had given their signal to the flagman on Train No. 26 as they passed.
- The Tucson, Ariz. high school basketball team coached by our own Bud DOOLEN has had another very successful season, having gone through the entire season undefeated, which means they also won their state tournament. They did this very same thing last year, which makes a total of 51 consecutive games won.
- Mrs. Dwight DAY, Jr. entertained at a birthday party in honor of her husband, Monday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN and Mr. and Mrs. L.E. GREEN and son of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Steve RAINEY of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. John PIPER and son and Mr. and Mrs. William WILLIAMS and children of Kinmundy. Ice cream and cake were served.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS and family, and Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL.
- Meacham: Monday being the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL, the C.B. Circle and their families went to their home and helped them celebrate. Eleven were present. Refreshments of pie and coffee were served. Here’s hoping they can celebrate many more anniversaries. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Percy LACEY, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRAIN, Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles.
- Pleasant Grove: Dr. FATHEREE of Xenia was called Wednesday to see Chas. WANTLAND and finding he had developed pneumonia, he took him to the Salem Hospital. He is reported to be improving.
- Pleasant Grove: Jack BARKSDALE, Jr., who stays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BARKSDALE and attends high school, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack BARKSDALE and Janet.
- Omega: It was erroneously stated the Mrs. Alice MILLICAN’s brother had died at Mulberry Grove. It was her brother’s wife instead of her brother.
March 24, 1949:
- Kinmundy Mourns Loss of Distinguished Citizen, W.S. PRUETT: Our community received another shock Sunday evening when the news was quickly spread that Mr. Walter S. PRUETT had just died of a heart attack. He had been in ill health for the past few years and his passing was really not a surprise to several of his most intimate friends, and yet, it was a shock too. We are prone to believe that Walter had a premonition of his death. Week before last, he wrote his sister, Mrs. E.C. HUGGINS in Champaign and insisted that she come and spend the weekend with he and Mrs. PRUETT. This she did. Then in his church on the day of his death, in a public prayer, he asked God to give him the strength to perform a certain task imposed upon him. Then on the eve of his death, he called, he called his son, Rev. Walter B., at Vandalia, and asked him not to tarry but right on over. Walter B. and family were enroute here but stopped in Vandalia for a brief visit with relatives. When Walter B. and his family arrived, he did not meet them at the door as was his custom but sat in his chair. They exchanged the usual family greetings and while the ladies busted themselves with the evening meal, he and his son talked. In less than 10 minutes after their arrival, his conversation stopped and he was gone. This man’s life is an open book. He had no fears because he had often remarked that he always did what he thought was right and therefore had a clear conscience. and we think the greatest compliment that we can pay anyone is to say that he was a good man. Walter was born and reared in this community. He attended the local schools and graduated from the local high school with the class of 1902. He was a lover of sports and during his high school career, was active in the track meets. In his senior year, he was declared the champion interscholastic pole vaulter of the state. This was indeed a great honor. He was never too busy but what he could find time to read the sports page as well as take in several sporting events. After being associated with his father and brother in the produce business in 1907, Walter did a great deal of traveling over Southern Illinois, buying eggs from the merchants in most every hamlet between here and the Ohio River. This gained him a wide acquaintance over Southern Illinois. In 1935, after the death of his brother, Charles, he sold the produce business because it was too big and as he said, too many worries for one man. He then established a wholesale flour, feed and sugar business which he operated until 1940. Walter was very active in community affairs. For several years, he served as president of the Board of Education of School District No. 25. Then after the organization of the Community High School District, he served as a member of that board for three years. He served as mayor of the City of Kinmundy from 1919 to 1923. During this time, he had plenty of headaches with the municipal light plant. He was instrumental in negotiating a deal with the C.I.P.S. Co. for the purchase of the old plant. In 1919, he was elected director of the First National Bank. Upon the death of his brother in 1935, he assumed the office of President, which office he held at the time of his death. He was elected a director of the Kinmundy Building & Loan Association in 1920 and served as president from 1935 to 1944. (Because of failing health, he resigned as director in 1944.) He was also a director of the Kinmundy Cemetery Association. He was truly a community man. Very few drives for a worthy cause have been conducted without his help. With all of these activities, we can truthfully say that his greatest love was his work for his church. His age was 65 years, 3 months, and 27 days. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon from the Methodist Church, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery under the auspices of Kinmundy Lodge No. 309, A.F. & A.M. The earthly career of a successful, useful, and capable business man, an honored citizen, a faithful and worthy churchman and a man who cannot be replaced, was finished when the Master Workman called on Sunday at 7:10 p.m. March 20, 1949, and said “Come up higher”. Walter Simpson PRUETT, son of Francis Asbury and Sarah FUQUA PRUETT, was born in Kinmundy, Ill., Nov. 23, 1883. A sister Nell, Mrs. Ufa HOUSH, and a brother, Charles, preceded him into the life eternal. Other sisters, Mrs. E.C. HIGGINS of Champaign, and Mrs. A.B. MERCER of Greenville, Rhode Island; a half-brother, Eugene PRUETT, of Marlatt, Mich., and a step-brother, Jess WHITAKER of San Luis Obispo, Calif., all survive. Walter grew up in a Christian home and in his youth accepted Christ as his Savior, following the principles of Christianity throughout his life. He attended the Kinmundy schools, graduating in 1902. He also finished a course in the Business College at Dixon, Ill. After finishing school, he joined his father and brother Charles in the produce business of 1907, creating a partnership, F.A. PRUETT and Sons. The firm expanded until it included branch houses in Farina, Herrick, Vernon, Carlyle, Centralia, and Tamaroa. On Sept. 28, 1910, he and Bertha STEUBER were united in marriage. To this happy union came four children: Roberta, deceased; Rev. Walter B., a Methodist minister in Golden, Ill.; Dr. Carl E., in the U.S. Navy, Norfolk, Va.; and Helen, Mrs. John D. BLYTH of Lincoln, Neb. The grandchildren were a source of joy and happiness. They are Patricia and Peggy, daughters of Rev. and Mrs. Walter A. PRUETT, and Merry Carol and Richard Kepley, children of Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. PRUETT. These with his beloved companion are left to mourn their loss. After his retirement in 1948, Mr. PRUETT devoted his time to his chief interests, his family and his church. He was chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Kinmundy Methodist Church, Treasurer of the Conference Claimants Society of the Southern Illinois Conference, President of the First National Bank, Kinmundy, a member of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, A.F. & A.M. at the time of his passing. There was scarcely an office of importance in civic or local church life which he had not held, always being interested in the fine things of life. Mr. PRUETT will indeed be missed by his family, his many friends, and the entire community. (A picture was included, as well as a list of relatives and friends attending the services from out-of-town.)
- Mr. and Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM entertained at a dinner party for their son, Donnie, on his 17th birthday last Tuesday. Guests were Robert MIDDLETON of Alma; and Mr. and Mrs. Elvis NORRIS and baby of Watson. Donnie received several nice gifts as well as a large cake baked for him by Mrs. MIDDLETON.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.W. BAGOTT Celebrate 67th Wedding Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. William BAGOTT, of Charleston, celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary, and Mr. BAGOTT’s 90th birthday on Tuesday, March 15th. Due to Mr. BAGOTT’s weakened condition, the event was a quiet affair and was held at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred FLETCHER. Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER of this city, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BAGOTT and sister of Mrs. FLETCHER. The couple received many cards, gifts and flowers.
- Junior Class Play April 1st & 2nd: The Junior Class of the Kinmundy Community High School will present their play “Here Comes Charlie” on Friday and Saturday evenings, April 1 and 2 at 8 p.m. Members of the cast include Wyona HANNA, Charles WHITE, Evelyn BASSETT, Bob MIDDLETON, Jerry WALKER, Betty Lou SIMER, Donny CHEATUM, Betty WILLIAMS, Nellie BRASEL, and Bill VALLOW. The play is being coached by Mrs. Lewis J.T. O’DELL. There will be music by Rojean ALDERSON and the Junior Girls Trio between acts.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT motored to Effingham Sunday where they were guests of Mrs. KLEISS’ brother and family, the Fred STOCKS.
- A list was included of those from out-of-town attending the service of Mrs. Belle SCHERMERHORN.
March 31, 1949:
- Last Rites Held Sunday for Lt. Lyle J. SHREFFLER: The casketed remains of 2nd Lt. Lyle J. SHREFFLER, who was killed in action on Okinawa, April 20, 1945, arrived here last Thursday night and were taken to the Linton Funeral Home where they remained until Saturday when they were taken to the family home in Alma. Funeral services were held from the Methodist Church in Alma, Sunday afternoon, Rev. W.G. WIGHAM of Central City, officiating, and Rev. C.I. HEFLIN of Alma, assisting. Interment was made in the Alma Cemetery under the auspices of Kinmundy Post No. 519, American Legion. Second Lt. Lyle James SHREFFLER, eldest son of Cecil L. and Lillie BLACK SHREFFLER, was born near Alma, Ill., Nov. 3, 1921. He grew to young manhood on a farm near Kinmundy, Ill., and entered Kinmundy H.S., graduating with honors with his class in the spring of 1939. For two years, he operated a filling station at Alma, Ill., when he was called to enter the army, Oct. 20, 1942. He received most of his training at Camp Adair, Oregon, and sailed to the South Pacific July 4, 1944. He landed in the Philippine Islands being in active combat on several of these islands, especially Leyte and Luzon. He received his commission as Second Lieutenant and was transferred from Company F to Company I, and sent to Okinawa, landing there on Easter Sunday, April 8, 1945. He was killed in action on this island April 20, 1945. He is survived by his parents, one brother, Sgt. George SHREFFLER; four sisters, Mrs. James EAGAN, Kinmundy; Mrs. Harry MULLINS, Hammond, Ind.; Mrs. Henry WILLIAMS, Mt. Carmel, Ill.; and Mrs. Hartzell POWELL of Alma; three grandparents, Mrs. Ella SHREFFLER, and Mr. and Mrs. George BLACK, all of Alma; three small nephews and two nieces, besides a host of relatives and friends. Two infant sisters preceded him in death. Lyle was a quiet, peace loving boy, and this admirable personality was retained throughout his army career, as was verified by his comrade, Kirkwood WINGFIELD. He came to see Lyle’s parents, when he returned from overseas at the close of the war. So in his quiet way, he was a friend to all his fellowmen. But amid the roar of fierce battle that spring day the Heavenly Father called him to that Celestial Home of eternal peace and quiet. So we, his loved ones, that must linger yet a little while, are comforted with the thought that this boy that made so great a sacrifice is now - Safe in thy immortality. (Pictures of Lyle in uniform, and of his flag-covered casket being carried, were included.)
- Mr. and Mrs. William FRAKES have a baby daughter, Marcia Lynn, born March 27 at Salem Memorial Hospital. Mrs. FRAKES is the former Betty HAMMER, and daughter of Mrs. Myron HAMMER of this city.
- Mrs. Belle SCHERMERHORN: Huldah Arabelle (DILLON) SCHERMERHORN was born Nov. 8, 1858 near Kinmundy, and died March 14, 1949 at the home of her son, E.M. SCHERMERHORN at the age of 90 years, 4 months, and 6 days. He was married to A.V. SCHERMERHORN Oct. 10, 1877. Two sons and four daughters were born. Her early married life was spent in different cities while her husband was a Railroad Conductor. Later they moved to a farm near Kinmundy and engaged in the fruit industry for 16 years; they then moved into Kinmundy where Mr. SCHERMERHORN engaged in the Lumber business. Later they came to Ridgefarm, and entered the same business. Mrs. SCHERMERHORN has resided in Ridgefarm for 41 years. From early childhood she attended the Methodist Church of which she was a member. After her 70th year, she attended Sunday School 11 consecutive years without missing a Sunday. Mrs. SCHERMERHORN leaves two sons, Frank E. of Seattle, and Ernest M. of Ridgefarm; two daughters, Mrs. Nellie BROOM of Alma, and Mrs. Grace BROOM of Linton, Ind. to all of whom she was much devoted. Her husband preceded her in death in 1926, also her youngest daughter, Ruby, in 1922, and her youngest daughter, Mae, in 1944. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Gertrude WADE of Salem, Ill., and one brother, E.G. DILLON of Kinmundy, and many other relatives; also 20 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren, whom she dearly loved.
- Mr. and Mrs. Neil LUSK of Oklahoma City, visited with Zelia NEAVILL on Monday. Mrs. LUSK, the former Susie BARTLETT and Mrs. NEAVILL were schoolmates at Rockhold school a number of years ago. They were visiting with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MISELBROOK in Meacham twp.
- Miss Catherine JESSMAN of Chicago is spending several days with her father, John JESSMAN.
- Harold MORRIS, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia in Salem Hospital, is recovering.
- The Kinmundy Cemetery Association held it’s annual meeting Saturday, Mrs. H.M. FISHER, President, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. FISHER has been the president for the past 14 years. Noel SHAFFER is the present caretaker of the cemetery. Election of officers was held with the following results: President - Raymond ATKINS; Vice Pres. - Florence JACK; Sec. - Pauline BAGOTT; Treas. - Fred GAMMON. New directors elected were Mrs. H.M. FISHER, Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON, and E.E. BROWN.
- Meadow Branch: Little Marsha JOHNSON called with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles JOHNSON, on her great-greatgrandfather, Mr. H.W. SEE, Sunday afternoon. Mr. SEE is 90 years old and will be 91 soon.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB have moved to Kinmundy into Aunt Icy GARRETT’s place and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. FORD have moved to where Kenneth’s lived.
- Shriver School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Burdette BRASEL and family moved last week to the WHITTENBURG farm recently vacated by Jim JOHNSTON and family.
- Omega: Joyce MULVANEY of Brown District was the best speller at the Omega twp. spelling contest held at the Omega School Saturday.
- Omega: Mrs. Alice SIPES and Miss Mary BEARD received word Tuesday that their brother, John BEARD, had died at his home in Salem.
- Miss Elizabeth BROOM returned to her studies at Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn., Monday after spending spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM, Alma.
- The condition of Miss Evelyn KILLIE, who is a patient at St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis is reported to be good according to word received by Mr. and Mrs. F.W. KILLIE from their daughter, Mrs. Amos WHITLOCK. Miss Killie broke her hip in an accident and the bone was set Saturday.
April 7, 1949:
- Mrs. MAXWELL Dies in Effingham Hospital Fire: Mrs. Matilda MAXWELL of this city lost her life in the St. Anthony’s Hospital fire in Effingham Monday night. Mrs. MAXWELL was a patient in the 3rd floor of the hospital, and from all reports only a few totaling less than four, were able to get to safety from this floor. Twelve hours after the fire her body had not been found in the ruins of the 84 year old hospital. By now most of our readers know all about the terrible fire that gutted the Effingham Hospital. Effingham’s radio station went on the air three hours before their regular time to give their listeners the latest news of the disaster, and they did a splendid job throughout the day. Tuesday’s daily papers carried scare face headings of the fire along with pictures during the night and pictures of the ruins. Even news from Russia only got a small play up in Tuesday’s papers. All you could read was eye witness stories from Effingham people who were at the fire trying to help those patients to get out. As a weekly paper, we can’t expect to make a big news break and be the first to let the people know about a big news story as this fire was, but we can give you our personal story of what we saw and how we felt at the scene of the fire. I didn’t learn of the fire until about 5:45 Tuesday morning when Mr. Fred KLEISS woke us to tell us of the fire. By 6:45 we were in the car rolling to Effingham for pictures and what we could find out to report to our readers. By 7:20, we were in Effingham, and at the hospital. A heavy smoke hung over the city as we arrived at the scene. A news photo plane was making several passes at the ruins photographing the scene from the air. After taking several pictures of the ruins we talked to several people at the scene. One man stated to us, “I was staying with my boy in the hospital when the fire broke out. I grabbed my boy and the next one to him and made it out of the hospital. I then tried to return to help out more, but it was then too late to do any good.” We talked to Effingham’s Ass’t. fire chief, who stated that he was on the first fire truck to reach the fire. He stated that it was the practice of the hospital to keep the halls in fine order, keeping the floors highly waxed and polished. The chief said, “I could hear the fire sweeping through the halls, just like a gasoline trash fire.” And this is exactly what happened. The fire being fed by the wax on the floor and the paint on the wall. It was a terrible sight for all to see. Even the hardened newspaper photographers from the city showed this as they went around recording this disaster on film. We noticed two or three firemen playing a stream of water into the first floor window, and in a short while came out with a body in a blanket. The bodies were taken to the rear of the hospital to a large garage which served as a morgue. We saw relatives going back to the morgue as a body would be removed from the ruins. Men who looked like they could stand anything were crying as they went to the morgue. We later saw firemen and helpers carrying blanket covered baskets from the nursery. We couldn’t take too much of this, and went to the front of the hospital. We noticed the hospital office worker had a list of all those in the hospital, standing along with several sisters. It was wonderful how several of them could remember how many people were in each room and their names too. It was from this list we saw the name of Mrs. MAXWELL, who was on the third floor. From the reports in the daily papers and from the reports at the scene of the fire, we heard the fire chief state that two nurses had a chance to get out, but refused to do so, but chose death and stayed with their patients. This deed was truly living up to their oaths as nurses. We made five photos of the fire of which you will see three in this issue due to the early morning when these photos were taken and with the smoke still heavy around the ruins, the photos aren’t as good as they would have been if the day had been clear. We hope that we have been able to give you a word picture of this terrible fire for those of you who were not able to go and see for yourself. As we go to press, we learn that the body of Mrs. MAXWELL has not been identified. All the bodies have not been removed from the ruins but they hope to complete the task today.
- Three from Kinmundy Lose Life in Effingham Fire: According to the latest incomplete official list of known dead in the St. Anthony’s Hospital fire, three persons are from Kinmundy. At the present time, those that are identified from here are the infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SIGRIST, living north and east of Kinmundy. Mrs. Cora CALDWELL, age 80, of Edgewood, sister of Mrs. George SHUMAKER of this city, and aunt of Mrs. Glen JAHRAUS, and grandmother of Mr. Jamie McGEE, local community high school teacher. Mrs. Matilda MAXWELL of this city is known dead, but her body has not been found or identified yet.
- Fear 74 Died in St. Anthony’s Fire: It is believed that 74 persons are dead or missing in the tragic fire that swept through the St. Anthony Hospital Monday night. By this morning the hospital registrar stated that of the 69 bodies recovered, seven were still unidentified. Five other persons listed as missing are presumed to be dead under the ruins. Complete records of the hospital were destroyed by the fire, but hospital registrar stated that 124 patients and staff members were believed in the building at the time of the fire. Effingham fire officials stated today that it may be several days before all the bodies will be recovered from the blackened ruins of the hospital. A sister stated that the fire started in a laundry chute.
- Funeral Services for Twins: Grave side services were held yesterday afternoon in Evergreen Cemetery for Eileen and Irene SIGRIST, 17-day-old twins of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SIGRIST, who lost their lives in the St. Anthony’s fire Monday night. Rev. Fr. A.B. SHOMAKER had charge of the services.
- Funeral Services Held Wednesday for Mrs. Cora CALDWELL: Grave side services were held Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Cora CALDWELL of Edgewood, who lost her life Monday night in the St. Anthony’s fire in Effingham. Mrs. CALDWELL is the sister of Mr. George SHUMAKER of this city, and an aunt of Mrs. Glen JAHRAUS, and grandmother of Mr. Jamie McGEE, local high school teacher. She had been an invalid in the hospital for the past 6 years.
- Farina Man Killed Sat. in Car Accident: Keith REICHERT, 21-year-old Farina man, was killed south of here on Route 37 Saturday night in a two car collision. A passenger in the REICHERT car, Arkel DIPPOLD, 19, also of Farina, was seriously injured. He suffered severe cuts on his forehead. The second car was driven by Robert HANNA, 16, of this city. HANNA had Paul WEST, Kenneth JASPER, and Herbert HALL, of this city, as his passengers. REICHERT died as he was unloaded from the ambulance at the Salem Hospital. All involved in the wreck were taken to the Salem Hospital for first aid and check up. All were released from the hospital but DIPPOLD. The accident occurred at about 11 p.m. as the Farina boys were returning from Salem, where they had been to a skating party. Both cars were heading for Kinmundy at the time of the accident, with the Farina car running into the left fender of the HANNA car. At the inquest held Monday morning in Farina, Robert HANNA stated that he had turned around at the Patoka road and had started back to Kinmundy and as he neared the site of the old pump house, he stated that he saw a bright light behind him all of a sudden, and from then on, he don’t remember what happened. Most of the other boys in the Kinmundy car and the Farina car stated that they didn’t know just what had happened either. The coroner’s jury found REICHERT’s death as accidental. Funeral services for REICHERT were held from Farina Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon.
- Morris LEIGHTON has been awarded an Atomic Energy Commission pre-doctoral fellowship in geology for the academic year of 1949-50. He is the son of Doctor and Mrs. M.M. LEIGHTON of Urbana, and attends the University of Chicago. Mrs. LEIGHTON is the former Jean BOSLEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. BOSLEY of Urbana, and the granddaughter of Mr. H.L. WARREN of Kinmundy.
- Miss Jewel JONES, R.N. of Chicago, is caring for Miss Beulah DISS who returned last week from Effingham Hospital.
- Emmitt VALLOW Dies: Word was received here last Thursday morning of the death of Emmitt VALLOW, 90, which occurred at his home in LaJunta, Colo., the day previous. Services and interment was made there. The deceased was a brother to Mrs. Matilda MAXWELL, who lost her life in the Effingham fire Tuesday morning. He was an uncle to C.H. VALLOW, Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS, Mrs. Cora WILLIAMS, Mrs. Thurman ROBB, and Miss Gladys BRADLEY of this city.
- Clarisa Jane WELLS: Mrs. Clarisa Jane WELLS, 83, died at the home of her son, Millard WELLS, in Oskaloosa, Clay Co., Tuesday. The remains were brought to the Linton Funeral Home and prepared for burial. Services will be held this afternoon from the Oskaloosa Community Church, Rev. REED officiating. Interment will be in Stipp Cemetery.
- Democrats Win Township Election, Road & Bridge Rate Raised: The Annual township election held Tuesday was rather a quiet affair in Kinmundy twp. Again, the Democrats claimed a sweeping victory. There were a total of 144 votes cast in Precinct 1, and 172 in Precinct 2. Here are the total votes for each candidate:
For Town Clerk: Wilma BOUGHERS, D. - 205; Oscar CORRELL, R. - 106
For Assessor: R.H. PIGG, D. - 200
For Justice of the Peace (two to be elected): Art COCKRELL, D - 142; Erman ALLEN, R - 168
For School Trustee: Thurman McCULLEY, D - 172; Roy HULSEY, R - 135
The proposition to raise the Road and Bridge Tax carried with 138 for and 127 against.
In Meacham twp., things were just a little livelier and the results were just a little mixed up as far as the parties were concerned. Bryan PITTS, D., was elected supervisor over his opponent, Milton LACEY, R. Mrs. Eva SOLDNER, R. was elected town clerk over Bill TAYLOR, D. F.B. MISELBROOK, R. was made assessor over Ella WILKINSON, D., and Virgil SEE, D. won for Justice of the Peace over Ed. INGRAM, R. and Claude MULVANEY, R. Charles HAMPSTEN, D. and Willie SLANE, R. are the new constables. Dewey COMBS, D. won over his opponent Glenn WELLS, R. for School Trustee. In Foster township, Mason BASSETT, R. was re-elected supervisor over his Democrat opponent, Joe POLANKA. John CHANCE, D. was elected assessor over O.M. ARNOLD, R. Harold JONES, D. was elected town clerk over T.P. WILLIAMS, R.; James McNICOL, R. was elected school trustee over Oscar CALDWELL, D. In Alma twp., a very light vote was cast with the Republicans being successful in electing all their candidates. J.O. ARNOLD was elected highway commissioner for an unexpired term, and Steve RAINEY is the new town clerk. In Omega Twp., a complete Democratic ticket was swept into office with very little contest being shown by the Republicans.
- Mrs. Florence JACK entertained for Mrs. L.C. KEEN at a nursery shower Wednesday. Contests were held and prizes won by Mrs. W.F. DOOLEN and Mrs. C.E. WILKINSON. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Miss Ruth ROHRBOUGH. Mrs. KEEN received many lovely gifts. Favors of miniature baby bonnet nut cups were given to all present.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.K. LANE celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary Saturday, April 2. They day was spent in a quiet way, as on account of failing health of both. Several friends and the children of Mr. and Mrs. LANE called on them during the day. They received many cards, gifts and flowers which was a real pleasure to them and greatly appreciated..
- Mr. W.F. HOWELL of Des Moines, Iowa suffered a light stroke on March 29th. According to the word received here by his brother, Harold HOWELL, he is somewhat improved.
- Swift School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Donald ROBB moved yesterday to the place they purchased recently from their uncle, Roy ROBB.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Charles BUCHORN have a baby boy born March 25 in Salem Hospital.
- Omega (from last week): A farewell dinner was given for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MARLOW Tuesday night. They are moving to Sullivan this week.
- Wilson School: Uncle Henry SEE, who has been confined to his bed since last summer with a broken hip will celebrate his 91st birthday on April 12 and his daughter wishes many of his many friends to remember him with a card shower to cheer him up a bit. His address is Alma, Ill.
April 14, 1949:
- C.A. WALTON, Foster Farmer, Injured by Tractor and Disc Monday: Mr. C.A. WALTON, 52, prominent farmer of Foster twp., was injured Monday afternoon by being run over by his tractor and disc. He is in the Mark Greer Hospital and in very serious condition. Mr. WALTON was discing corn ridges for oats. He let his tractor run while he stepped off to scatter the accumulated corn stalks, then got back on his tractor while it was in motion. The tractor is a Ford and it is necessary to get on the machine just in front of the rear wheels. In getting on, his foot slipped and he was dragged under the rear wheels. Then the disc came over him. His father, Mr. Orville WALTON, was sowing the oats with a team but was going in the opposite direction. When he turned at the end of the field, he noticed the tractor running wild. He then noticed his son and ran to his aid. In passing the tractor he switched off the ignition, stopping the machine. Mr. Louie SOUTIER was working in a neighboring field. The elder Mr. WALTON summoned him and then ran to the house for his daughter-in-law. The other neighbors were summoned as well as the ambulance. One foot was severed, the abdomen was cut open, as well as several other cuts about the body. After reaching the hospital, it was found that both shoulders were broken, the spine was injured, and the bladder cut open by the disc. In spit of all this, it is reported that he remains conscious most of the time.
- Mrs. M.J. MAXWELL: Matilda Jane, daughter of George W. and Jane KENNEDY VALLOW, was born in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, Dec. 6, 1860 and perished in the St. Anthony Hospital fire at Effingham, Apr. 4, 1949, aged 88 years, 3 months, and 29 days. While yet a child, she with her parents, moved to Kinmundy. At the age of 13 years, she accepted Christ as her personal Saviour from which time, she led a consistent Christian life. Apr. 11, 1883, she united in marriage to Robert Weston SPICER, and they had 4 daughters: Mrs. John HAMMER of South Bend, Ind; Mrs. Nora E. IVY, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Oscar RENNIE (deceased) and Mrs. T.E. ROBB of Kinmundy. Her beloved husband passed away March 7, 1901. After 8 years of widowhood, she was again united in marriage to Mr. W.A. MAXWELL June 20, 1909 who preceded her in death July 28, 1936. Besides the daughters, she leaves to bitterly mourn their loss, 10 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren, besides numerous other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held from the Church of God Sunday afternoon April 10 at 3:30 o’clock, Rev. H.R. AVERY, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. (A listing of those attending the services from out-of-town was included.)
- W.H. MORGAN: Wesley Harmon, son of Benjamin A and Isabelle FOSTER MORGAN, was born July 17, 1860 in Foster twp., Marion Co., Ill., and died at his home in Kinmundy Apr. 7, 1949. He grew to manhood in Foster twp. and on Dec. 2, 1886, he was married to Cora DOOLEN. His wife died on Mar. 1, 1946. To this union 12 children were born, 2 passing away in infancy, and a daughter, Helen, in 1940, and a son, Ben in 1943. His vocation in life was farming. In 1914, he and his family left their farm in Foster twp. and moved into Kinmundy where he has since resided. He was a 50 year member of the Kinmundy Lodge, No. 398, A.F. & A.M. He is survived by 4 sons: Dr. Maurice MORGAN of Texhoma, Okla.; Dr. James MORGAN and Clyde of Cleveland, Ohio; and Wesley of McAllen, Texas; 4 daughters, Edith and Mrs. Genevieve CURRAN of Cleveland; Mrs. Mary THRASHER, Glen Ellyn, Ill.; and Martha at home; 20 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren; 1 brother, Eli MORGAN of Vernon, Ill.; 1 sister, Mrs. Tillie FRENCH of Gillette, Wyoming; and a large number of nephews and nieces. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home April 9th, Rev. Cecil LOWE, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Alonzo HAMMER was born March 26, 1880 in Kinmundy. He was a son of John Wesley and Mathilda Puffer HAMMER. He passed away April 8th, 1949 in Decatur, Illinois, at the age of 69 years and 12 days. He spent his boyhood in Kinmundy. He married Matilda LANSFORD, who preceded him in death June 20, 1931. He leaves four sons, one daughter, 5 brothers and one sister, several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He left Kinmundy in 1918 and lived most of that time in Decatur. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Christian Church in this city, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. Those from out-of-town here for the services of Lon HAMMER Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Burdette HAMMER, Mr. and Mrs. Carl HAMMER and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Wes HAMMER and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William HAMMER, Mr. James HAMMER, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell MYERS, and Mrs. Geraldine FYKE and son, all of Decatur; Mr. and Mrs. John HAMMER, Mr. and Mrs. Fred HAMMER and son, and Mr. and Mrs. William HAMMER, of South Bend, Ind.; Howard HAMMER, of Farina; and Mrs. Bessie JACOBSON, of Mt. Vernon.
- W.M. HEADLEY: Winifred Maurice HEADLEY, son of David and Hannah COLE HEADLEY, was born Nov. 10, 1872, and died Apr. 7, 1949. He was born in Foster twp. and spent his entire life there. In 1898 he was married to Lillian DOOLEN and to this union 14 children were born. One daughter, Bessie and one son, Harry, having preceded him in death. He leaves to mourn their loss, his beloved wife and 12 children, namely, Russell and Wesley at home; Cecil, Carl, and Harvey of Lansing, Mich.; Leslie of Montana; Mark, of Alton, Ill.; David and Hubert of St. Louis, Mo.; Merle of near Vernon; Mira SIMMONS of Salem; Mabel DOOLEN of Kinmundy; Pearle DOOLEN of near Vernon; and 1 brother, Fred HEADLEY of near Kinmundy; two sons-in-law and 7 daughters-in-law, 24 grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held from Arnold Chapel Church April 9th, Rev. Cecil LOWE, officiating. Interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Celebrate 4 Birthdays: Thirty-five relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.E. CORRELL Sunday to celebrate the birthdays of 4 of those present. Mr. and Mrs. Alex HAMILTON of Oblong, Ill.; Nellie HAMPSTEN of Robinson; and O.E. CORRELL of Kinmundy. Those present besides these were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HAMPSTEN of Meacham; Mr. and Mrs. Albert HAMPSTEN; Albert CORRELL and family, Louis HAMPSTEN and family of Omega; Louis VOGEL and family of St. Elmo; Clifton LEMAY and family of Kinmundy; and Sarah HAMPSTEN of Yale., Ill. A long table was spread at noon, well filled with good things to eat, which all seemed to enjoy. All enjoyed visiting with each other in the afternoon.
- Mrs. Earl DOOLEN was guest of honor at a pink and blue shower given for her by Mrs. Harold HOWELL, Mrs. Virginia FOSTER, Mrs. Eunice BUNDY and Mrs. William DOOLEN at the home of Mrs. HOWELL on Thursday evening. Games and contests were enjoyed and the honoree received many nice gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostesses.
- Celebrates Birthdays: Robert M. JENKINS and Arthur JENKINS were honored Sunday by a birthday dinner given by Mrs. Robt. JENKINS in their home near Alma. Robert’s birthday being Sunday, April 10th, and his brother’s Arthur, Monday, the 11th. Those present were Rev. and Mrs. Elmer WESTER, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. William JENKINS and son, William Jr., Opdyke, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben JENKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Ershel JENKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette JENKINS, Linda Kaye and Wanda Joan of Kinmundy; Mrs. W.E. WRIGHT, Alma, Mrs. Nellie JENKINS, Arthur, Charles and Shirley JENKINS of near Alma. A delicious dinner was served at the noon hour and a good time was enjoyed by all. We wish the JENKINS brothers many more happy birthdays.
- Mrs. L.C. KEEN was the honoree at a nursery shower given by Mrs. John PIPER, assisted by Mrs. Steve RAINEY of Alma. A list of those attending was included.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chris JASPER were in Mattoon Thursday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. JASPER’s brother-in-law, Clarence MORGAN.
- School Elections Held Saturday: In the school election held Saturday, Rodney SCHOOLEY and John FORD were elected to the high school board, and Wyett COLCLASURE, president of the district grade board, and Walter McHATTON and Richard CLAYTOR as members of the grade school board.
April 21, 1949:
- Dan DOOLEN Found Dead: Daniel DOOLEN, 74, was found dead in his home at Harvey, Ill., Tuesday evening at about 10 o’clock by his daughter who had just returned from a weekend visit in Michigan. It is presumed that he died from a heart attack just a short time previous as he was clad in his night clothes. Funeral services will be held in Harvey this afternoon. The body will be brought here and burial will be made in Evergreen Cemetery Friday under the auspices of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, A.F. & A.M. The deceased was a brother of Mr. G.C. DOOLEN, Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD, and Mrs. Estella PRUETT of this city.
- C.F. GAMMON made Mayor of Kinmundy: There was a total of 212 votes cast in the City Election held Tuesday which resulted in Fred GAMMON receiving 127 votes and Carl DUNLAP 82 for Mayor. The only other race was for Alderman in Ward One. Gene WILLIAMS received 55 votes and Earl DOOLEN, 31, for this office. Other officials elected without opposition were: John PIPER, City Clerk; C.R. ALDERSON, Treasurer; Art COCKRELL, Police Magistrate; Alderman, 2nd Ward, Edwin SHREFFLER, full term and Chris JASPER unexpired term; Alderman 3rd Ward, Dwight DAY.
- A Great Grandson: Mr. and Mrs. R.L. BURROWS are the parents of a son born at Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Ore., Apr. 14. The mother was the former Betty Joan SUGG, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maxey SUGG. The little fellow’s birthday will be remembered as the date of the most disastrous earthquake the Pacific northwest ever experienced. In sending the above news item, Mrs. Lillian SUGG writes: I was here alone, just had sat down to the radio to listen to the noon news broadcast when I begun to feel the building rumbling and shaking, then the dishes and pans in the kitchen rattled, the doors swung shut, and my radio would have tumbled to the floor had I not grabbed it. I would not have been much surprised to see the wall coming down at me. Did I run in the street? No, I just sat there and took it. In a few minutes there was a knock at the door. I opened it and the manager of this apartment building stood there looking so excited and he said, “Your daughter just called and asked me to come up and see about Mother?” I said, “Tell her I am alright not to worry”, but I went to the davenport and laid down and shook for an hour. Then I was terribly sick at my stomach as most everyone experiences. Effie was working in a ten story department store down town and said everyone run for the street. At Public Library more than 300 books rumbled to the floor. It was worse in Seattle but bad enough all along the coast of Oregon and Washington. The northwest is beautiful but you can tell all my friends I would rather live in good old Kinmundy where they don’t have the experience of floods and earthquakes. The damage has been estimated at twenty million dollars, that’s for Oregon and Washington. Sincerely, Lillian SUGG.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bailey WILLIAMS of Centralia, are happy to announce the arrival of Karla Sue, in St. Mary’s Hospital, April 19th. The WILLIAMS now have two daughters and grandpa and grandma (Geo.) COLE now have two granddaughters.
- Ruth WRIGHT and Elmer GIBSON Married Sunday in Alma Church: Miss Ruth WRIGHT, daughter of Mrs. Emory WRIGHT of Alma, and Elmer GIBSON of Chicago, son of Mr. Levi GIBSON of Eldorado, were married Sunday at the Methodist Church in Alma. Rev. John CURTIS officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mr. GILLIS of Chicago was bestman. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Paul WRIGHT, and the maid of honor was Miss Jeannette SMALLEY. Mrs. GIBSON attended the Alma Schools and graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1947. She was employed in Salem until last winter and since that time has cared for her grandmother in Alma. Mr. GIBSON is employed by Hines Hospital in Chicago. He graduated from Eldorado H.S. A reception was held in the Church basement with the bride’s Sunday School Class serving. (A picture of the couple was included.)
- Birthday Party: Mrs. Lester HOWELL and son, Dickie, and Dale LAGER were honorees at an Easter Birthday Party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester HOWELL Sunday. A potluck dinner was served at noon and an Easter Egg Hunt was held for the children in the yard in the afternoon. (A list of those from out-of-town was included.)
- Word has reached us that Stafford BOSWELL is ill in the Kankakee Hospital, where he is expected to remain for two weeks having suffered a heart attack.
- Celebrate 59th Wedding Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary Saturday in a quiet way. In fact, they hardly realized it was their anniversary until Mr. WILLIAMS went to the post office and took home about 40 cards from relatives and friends, congratulating then and wishing them many more happy returns of the day.
- In a visit to the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia on Monday, we found the condition of Mr. Addis WALTON to be serious as yet but somewhat improved. Because of his broken spine, he has been paralyzed from the waist down. But on this day he reported to us that he had some feeling in his left thigh. It will be remembered that Mr. WALTON was run over and cut by his tractor and disc last week.
- H.T. WEST Dies: Harry T. WEST, 70, a former resident of this city, died at his home in Houston, Texas on Wednesday. The remains will arrive in Salem via the B. &. O.R.R. Friday. They will be met by B.F. Linton with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. Florence WHITE, 86, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.R. LOWE, yesterday evening at 9 o’clock. She had been an invalid for several years and yet her death was rather sudden. It is presumed that she suffered a stroke a short time before her passing.
- Brown (from last week): Several attended the wiener roast Wednesday night, given in honor of Martha MONICAL’s birthday.
- Swift School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT and Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB Sunday evening.
- Omega (from last week): At the school election Saturday, Hugo WAGONER was elected director for the full term, and Fred G. MULVANEY was elected to fill the vacancy caused by Douglas MARLOW leaving the district.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mrs. Linnie POLANKA was at Carbondale a week ago Saturday to visit her daughter, Miss Kathryn, who is attending Normal there.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Mrs. Joe POLANKA was taken to Mark Greer Hospital last Thursday and found a major operation was necessary immediately.
April 28, 1949:
- Maryanne ESSENPREIS and Ernest BROOM Speak Vows Sat. Morning: On Saturday at St. Mary’s church, Champaign, Miss Maryanne ESSENPREIS, daughter of Mrs. Frances ESSENPREIS of Champaign, was married to Ernest V. BROOM, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. BROOM of Alma. Rev. Fr. ROONEY officiated at the double ring ceremony in the presence of 50 guests. Attending the bride was her sister, Miss Monica ESSENPREIS of Chicago, and Howard BROOM of Alma, attended his brother as best man. Ushers were C.O. HINDERER of Iuka, and Jim TIZER of Salem, friends of the groom. Maryanne’s brother, Richard, walked her to the altar. The ceremony was followed with a reception at the home of the bride’s mother. A wedding luncheon for the wedding party and families followed at the Town club. Mr. and Mrs. BROOM left later on a motor trip to New Orleans. They will be home in early May in Alma. Mrs. BROOM is a graduate of Champaign H.S., and graduated from the Univ. of Ill. In 1947. She has since been employed as an industrial designer in Chicago. Mr. BROOM is a graduate of Salem H.S. and was graduated from the Univ. of Illinois in 1945. He served in the navy for 28 months, his foreign service being in the Pacific. Later he returned to the University where he took graduate work. Mr. BROOM is engaged in farming at Alma. Out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM and son, Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Walter BROOM of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Richard BROOM of Kinmundy; Miss Elizabeth BROOM of Nashville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy LAYSON of Mason; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest SCHERMERHORN of Ridgefarm; Mrs. M.E. BURCH of Cerro Gordo; Mrs. A.D. KOSS of Decatur, Mrs. Walter W. KNEBEL of Highland, and Mrs. Harold NORTON of Paris.
- Dan DOOLEN: Funeral services for Dan DOOLEN, 74, of Harvey, were held Thursday afternoon at Harvey. The body was brought here and burial was Friday afternoon under the auspices of Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, A.F. & A.M. He was a brother of Mr. G.C. DOOLEN, Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD, and Mrs. Estella PRUETT of Kinmundy. (A list of those attending from out of town was included.)
- Life History of Mrs. Florence WHITE SEE: Florence SEE WHITE, daughter of Michael and Nancy Jane SEE, was born Dec. 6, 1862 on the old homestead where she has spent the last years of her life, and died on Apr. 20, 1949. She grew to womanhood in this community and on Dec. 7, 1884 married Douglas S. WHITE, the couple making their home a few miles away. To this union was born 4 children, one daughter and one son dying in infancy. The two surviving are Carl N. WHITE of Colorado Springs, Colo., and N. Rhea, now Mrs. E.R. LOWE of Kinmundy. Mr. WHITE died on Sept. 25, 1916. Soon after Mrs. WHITE moved to Colorado to be with her children, and after the death of her daughter-in-law, she kept the home for her son, Carl, and his little son, Carl Ford. Between the two, grandmother and grandson, there grew a very close companionship, and the passing of the years only added to this deep affection. Carl Ford WHITE now lives near Hugo, Colo. Two other grandchildren, Nancy LOWE, R.N. of Baltimore, Md., and David LOWE of Mt. Vernon, Ill., have also shared her love and devotion and 1 little great-grandchild Sharon LOWE, has recently been the source of much pleasure and joy. In failing health she returned to the old home in the fall of 1944, and during the years since has been lovingly and efficiently cared fro by her daughter and son-in-law. She has enjoyed being near her one surviving sister, Miss Clara SEE of Kinmundy. Her love for flowers was well known, she knew them all by name, and they seemed to bloom at her bidding. Services were held at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. LOWE Saturday, Rev. MULVANEY officiating. Interment in Eastland Cemetery. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Miss Lucy DEW celebrated her 90th birthday Sunday. She received many flowers, several gifts, and more than 50 cards. She was presented with a beautiful birthday cake baked by Mrs. Effie ROBB.
- A birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. Howard HELM was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion HELM Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Howard HELM and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Denard MERCER and son, Max, and Mr. Frank MERCER, all of Salem Mr. Maxey SPENCER was an afternoon caller.
- Surprise Birthday Dinner: Thirty relatives and friends were present at a surprise birthday party in honor of Mrs. Wyatt COLCLASURE in honor of Mrs. Wyatt COLCLASURE held Thursday evening at her home west of Kinmundy. A potluck dinner was held at six o’clock. The evening was spent socially. Mrs. COLCLASURE received many lovely gifts including a new electric range, a present from her husband. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Bridal Shower: Miss Virginia BROWN was guest of honor at a bridal shower given her by Mrs. F.G. PRUETT, Mrs. Frank WILLIAMS, and Miss Gloria TSCHUDY at the home of Miss TSCHUDY in Salem Wednesday evening. Bridge was played with honors going to Mrs. Don LAPE and Miss Jane FINKS. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Miss BROWN is to become the June bride of Clinton KALLENBURGER.
- Harry T. WEST Buried Here Friday: Funeral Services for Harry T. WEST, 70, were held in Houston and the body brought to Kinmundy for burial on Friday. Mr. WEST, a former Kinmundy resident, was a mail carrier.
- David WHITE, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen WHITE, Injured Last Week: David, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WHITE, was injured last Thursday afternoon when he was knocked down by the car driven by his grandfather, Mr. C.B. MENDENHALL. The accident happened after David, his father and grandfather had returned home from a little drive. David and his father alighted from the car. David, unnoticed, ran around in front of the car as Mr. MENDENHALL started to run the car in the garage. The bumper struck him and knocked him down. He was rushed to the Salem Hospital where an X-ray revealed a broken leg. He was then taken by ambulance to St. Joseph’s Hospital in St. Louis where he is a patient. His mother is staying with him.
- E.A. VALLOW Dies: Emmet A. VALLOW, La Junta pioneer resident, died Wednesday in Denver, where he had lived for the past 5 years. He lived in La Junta from 1899 until moving to Denver. Mr. VALLOW was born in Wyandot Co., Ohio, on Nov. 13, 1858. He was 90 years,4 months, and 17 days old at the time of his death. He had been ill for the past two weeks. In his early boyhood, Mr. VALLOW moved with his family to Indiana and later to Kinmundy where he grew up. In the fall of 1883, he entered the teaching profession which he followed until 4 years later when he became editor of his local newspaper. In April, 1889, he came to Trinidad where on Aug. 22, 1889 he married Miss Effie JONES of Carbondale, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. VALLOW came to La Junta in Sept. 1889. After coming to La Junta, he was a carpenter by trade and for many years was a bailiff of the district court. He was a member of the Methodist church and the Masonic Lodge. He received his 50 year Masonic award from the Euclid Lodge No. 64 of La Junta in Nov. 1941. Mrs. VALLOW and one son, Willie Harold, preceded Mr. VALLOW in death. He is survived by one daughter, Oma J. VALLOW of LaJunta, and 2 sons, Eugene A. and J. Raymond, both of Denver; one grandson, Bill VALLOW, and one granddaughter, Dianne VALLOW, both of Denver; and one sister, Mrs. M.J. MAXWELL of Kinmundy, Ill. Masonic funeral services will be held in La Junta at the Peacock funeral home on Friday. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery.
- George Holbrook BARGH, a student at the Univ. of Ill. won scholarship recognition for ranking in the upper 3% of his class.
- Mrs. Belle WILLIAMS JOHNSON, 80, died at her home in Alma yesterday morning after an illness of several months. Services will be held from the Alma Baptist Church Friday, Elders KLAPP and KNIGHT, officiating. Interment will be made in Martin Cemetery.
- School Meeting: There will be a meeting at the Kinmundy Community H.S. Gym April 29th to discuss the organization of a Unit District to include the territory included in the present Kinmundy Community H.S. District and the LaGrove Community H.S. District.
- Brown: A large crowd attended the charivari and shower at the Rob HUDDLESTON home Saturday night for Mr. and Mrs. Burl HUDDLESTON.
- Brown: Several from this vicinity attended a surprise birthday supper at the Wyett COLCLASURE home in honor of Mrs. COLCLASURE.
- Meacham: Tuesday was the last day of school at Rockhold and the teacher, Mrs. Walter WEISS and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER took the children to the Salem Memorial Park for a picnic.
- Meacham: Several attended the kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Gene BURKETT Friday evening.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Harold CHANCE and family are moving into the Virgil LIVESAY property today.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughter, Mildred, called on Uncle Henry SEE and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ZIMMER Sunday afternoon. Uncle Henry tells us he received 150 cards for his 91st birthday on Apr. 12.
- Wilson School (from last week): Rev. and Mrs. C.L. HILL and son, Teddy, helped celebrate a joint birthday dinner at the Arthur PARRILL home on Easter in honor of both their’s and Mrs. PARRILL’s birthdays.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Walter BRANNON attended a birthday surprise party on Mrs. Lester BASOM on Saturday evening.
- Mrs. Leonard WEST suffered a heart attack last Wednesday in the home of her daughter in Decatur and is seriously ill at this writing.
- Capt. Russell POWELL of the air corps, who just returned from Germany, spent Thursday and Friday here visiting his sister and family, the Wyatt COLCLASURE’s. He is enroute to Phoenix, Ariz., where his wife resides.
May 5, 1949:
- HANNA’s Café Damaged by Car: The north window of HANNA’s Café was broken Wednesday night when a car driven by Mr. F.O. GRISSOM of this city crashed through it. Mr. GRISSOM was turning in to park when the car went out of control, ran up on the sidewalk, and through the window. Nobody was injured in the accident, although, Dwight INGRAM, who was reading a paper in front of the window, moved in a hurry when the glass started to break. Workmen started repair this morning on the building.
- Buys Service Station: Mr. E.E. BROWN sold the stock and fixtures of the Atlas Tire & Service Station to Harry BOYD on May 1st. Mr. BOYD took complete charge immediately. Mr. BOYD has been in the employ of Mr. BROWN for the past 10 years, and the business is not at all new to him. This station handles a full line of Standard Oil Co., as their local agent.
- Wm. EAGAN Dies: William EAGAN, 79, passed away Tuesday afternoon in the Mark Greer Hospital, Vandalia. He underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis Saturday. Funeral services will be held from the Linton Funeral Home this afternoon, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- LEWIS-BROWN Nuptials: Miss Maud LEWIS of Bible Grove and Harvey BROWN of this city, were united in marriage Monday at the Christian Church, Salem, the Rev. SMITH reading the single ring ceremony. They were attended by Miss Margaret HOLDEN and Miss Gloria GARDNER, both of Salem. The groom brought his bride to his home in this city immediately after the ceremony and are now at home to their many friends.
- Kay GREENWOOD, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl GREENWOOD, living east of Kinmundy, won the title of Marion County Spelling Champion Saturday. Kay is an 8th grade student in the Rockhold School in Meacham township. Her teacher is Mrs. Florence WEISS of Kinmundy. Kay was the only contestant to get all words of the first 100 spelled correctly in the county contest held April 30th in the county courthouse. Second place winner was Barbara Ann FRY, 11, of the Woodlawn School, the Iuka township entry, spelling 97 words correctly. Third place went to Dean BOPP, 15, of Steele School in Carrigan twp.
- Obituary of Dan DOOLEN: Dan DOOLEN of Harvey, Ill., was born near Kinmundy on March 30, 1875, and died April 19, 1949. He was married on Jan. 20, 1898 to Mary MORRIS, and to this union were born 7 children, of whom one died in infancy. The family resided on a farm near Kinmundy until 1916 when they moved to Salem, where they lived until 1923, moving at that time to Harvey, Ill. The deceased had been a member of the Christian Church for 27 years having united with the Christian Church in Salem in 1922 and later transferring his membership to the Christian Church in Harvey. He had been a faithful member of the Masonic Lodge for 53 years, having been affiliated with the Lodge at Kinmundy, Salem, and Harvey. He leaves his loving wife, Mary; six children, John of Chicago; Harold of Billings, Mont.; Miner of East Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. Melba BRACY of Harvey; Wayne of Billings, Mont.; and Mrs. Helen KLETZING of Munster, Ind.; one brother, Cleveland, and two sisters, Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD and Mrs. Stella PRUETT, all of Kinmundy; also 11 grandchildren.
- DOOLEN - BASSETT: Miss Florence DOOLEN, daughter of Mrs. Effie ROBB, and Clyde C. BASSETT were married Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist parsonage in Salem, with the Rev. H. BURGE officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Basil WILSON, of Salem were the attendants. The bride, who was attired in a blue dress with matching accessories, had a corsage of red rosebuds. She attended Kinmundy schools, Brown's Business College in Centralia, and served as a WAC for 3 years in Africa and Italy. Since her return from the service, she has been employed in the Tri-County Electric Office in Salem. Mr. BASSETT is employed by the F.G. PRUETT firm in Kinmundy. The couple will make their home on the groom's farm west of Kinmundy.
- Wilson School: Friday being the last day of school, our pupils with their teacher and their mothers, enjoyed a special day with a wiener roast at Bryan Park in Salem. Mothers from this district were: Mrs. Jess CHARLTON, Mrs. Dave WOODEN, Mrs. Leo STOCK, Mrs. Dan HIESTAND, Nellie and Mrs. Russell FATHEREE and daughter, Vicky.
- Wilson School: On Apr. 24, Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE entertained to a family reunion in their home honoring her brother, Joe COUGHLIN, who is here on a 3 months vacation from South America. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe COUGHLIN and Joe Jr., of South America; Mr. and Mrs. Peter BURKE, Paul, and Kathleen; Mr. and Mrs. Robert HILKERT and Joan and Roberta of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN of Salem; and Mrs. Maggie KLINE, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh COUGHLIN and family; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KLINE and daughter; and Mr. and Mrs. Dale WRIGHT.
- Omega: Omega School closed Thursday and the teacher, See MILLICAN and the children and some of the parents, held a picnic at the Salem Park.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Larry YOST, who has been working for Ray VANDEVEER, for some time, was called to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester YOST, by the death of his sister, Juanita, who died very suddenly, and Francis SIPES attended the funeral at Humboldt, Ill.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Lee WARD and Miss Elaine GARRETT, who have kept their marriage a secret, were given a rousing charivari Saturday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.B. WARD. Miss GARRETT stayed with the WARD family quite some time before they moved to this community and practically all the time since they came here. After treats were given, the evening was spent socially.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES attended the funeral of Mrs. Belle WILLIAMS at Alma Friday.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mrs. Marjorie WALKINGTON closed a successful term of school at Allen School Friday with a wiener roast at the park in Salem at noon. Most of the mothers were present and a few relatives.
- Swift School: The community extends congratulations to Mr. C.C. BASSETT and Miss Florence DOOLEN, who were married Saturday afternoon.
- Inadvertently omitted in the list of honor students of the University of Illinois last week was Miss Norma MILLER (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arno MILLER) and Miss Marilyn HUMPHREY (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William HUMPHREY).
May 12, 1949:
- Roberta SMITH Queen of Junior-Senior Prom: The school social season was climaxed Saturday evening when the annual Junior-Senior Prom was held. This is always the highlight of any high school student. In many cases, it means the wearing of the first formal dress. It also gives the students a chance to display their etiquette. The banquet was served in the cafeteria by the mothers of the Junior Class, Senior Class, faculty and members of the Board of Education and their wives. At nine o’clock, the group adjourned to the High School Gym where they found their invited guests awaiting them. They then danced to the music of Eddie FISHER and his orchestra. The gym was beautifully decorated with various colored crepe paper streamers and stars. A white picket fence embanked with wild cherry shrubbery, surrounded the dance floor. A lily pool was in one corner and seasonal flowers was seen most everywhere. At 9:45, Miss Roberta SMITH, a senior, was crowned queen of the prom. Her escort, Tommy SHREFFLER, had the honor of crowning her. In choosing a queen, candidates from the Senior Class are chosen by the Junior Class. From this list of candidates, the queen is chosen by a popular vote of those attending the prom. Her escorts are chosen from the Junior Class. (A picture was also included of the crowned queen with all of the other court members: Bill BEARD, Callie McGUIRE, Bill WILSON, Wyona HANNA, Tommy SHREFFLER, the queen, Sammy LOWE, Nadene SMITH, Dwight KLINE, and Rojean ALDERSON.
- Mrs. George COLE is a patient in the Mark Greer Hospital, Vandalia. She underwent an emergency operation last week for appendicitis.
- Services Held for William EAGAN: Funeral Services were held last Thursday afternoon from the Linton Funeral Home for William EAGAN, 79, who died May 3, in the Mark Greer Hospital, Vandalia, after an emergency operation, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. EAGAN was the son of John and Mary EAGAN, early Kinmundy settlers. He is survived by his wife, Emma, and one brother, Charles, of St. Louis.
- Mrs. Glen WHITE and son, David returned from St. Louis on Wednesday. David, whose leg is in a cast is reported to be resting comfortable.
- Obituary of A.S. ALLARD: Ambrose Spencer ALLARD was born Nov. 25, 1859, in Pope Co., Ill., and died at the Christian Rest Home in Homer, Ill., Apr. 27, 1949. His parents died when he was quite small and he went to live with other relatives. At the age of 19 he went to work at the blacksmith trade and worked at this trade for many years. He was married to Melvina Josephine THOMPSON in Cape Co., Mo., some 40 years ago. They later moved to Kinmundy, where they made their home for many years, and it was here that his beloved wife preceded him in death May 6, 1943, and since then the most of his time has been spent at the Homer Christian Rest Home. He leaves 3 step-daughters, Mrs. Frank BALDWIN of Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Alvin SANDER of Kinmundy; Mrs. Etta BURFORD of St. Louis, Mo.; and a number of nieces and nephews. His brother, Campbell ALLARD, was buried on the same date 25 years ago, and two of this brother’s daughters, Mrs. Victor BAZLEY of Fenton, Mich., and Mrs. A.U. AXELSON of Detroit, Mich., were attendants at the funeral here in Kinmundy on Apr. 29. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. Burdette BRASEL and Mrs. John LEE were in Nokomis last Monday visiting their brother and making funeral arrangements for their father, who died in Lodi, Calif. on Apr. 30th.
- Mr. and Mrs. Burdette BRASEL and Mr. and Mrs. John LEE were in Taylorville Friday attending the funeral of their father, Mr. Chas. McCLAINE, who was a former resident of Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughter, Mildred, attended a shower Sunday near Farina at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George SHATZ, honoring his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SHATZ, just recently married.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert MAXEY of Freeport are rejoicing over the arrival of a son born May 5. He has been named Rodger Lynn.
- Housewives are Asked to Enlist for Home Fly Control Program: Every homemaker must be a woman army this spring to fight the battle against flies. Your family’s health and comfort depend on how well the fly problem is licked in your home and community. From the health standpoint, flies are a real menace, they carry at least 20 human diseases, possibly including infantile paralysis. There are two ways to keep our home fly free - by strict cleanliness and by good spraying with the right fly killer.
- The Salem M.Y.F. Subdistrict met Monday, and officers were elected for the coming year: President, Nellie BRASEL, Kinmundy; Vice Pres., Jimmie GIBBONS, Fairview; Sec. & Treas., Frances HALL, Iuka; Comm. on Worship and Evangelism, Joann ORR, Salem Grace; Comm. on Missions, Sue HESTER, Alma; Comm. on Community Services, Edith June DeWERFF, Farina.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER attended the funeral service in Centralia Sunday afternoon for Mr. Merriett RAY of Tennessee Prairie.
- Swift School: Mrs. George COLE was taken to Vandalia Hospital Wednesday evening and then underwent an appendectomy Thursday.
- Swift School: Mrs. Millie SPICER of Orlando, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Garland MELTON and family of Wayne City, Ill., along with all of the FEATHER families gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hall FEATHER for a sort of reunion Sunday and of course to celebrate Mother’s Day.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur WOODEN and family have moved to Alma.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT were guests of Mrs. Effie ROBB’s Mother’s Day.
- Swift School: Several friends and neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT with a shower Monday. They received several nice gifts and they in turn treated us with candy and cigars.
- Omega: Mrs. Allie WHITE died at her daughter’s home in Bee Branch Saturday night. Services were held at Bee Branch Church Monday with Rev. Heber CHERRY of Salem officiating. Burial in Iuka Cemetery.
May 19, 1949:
- Obituary of Alta WEST: Alta WEST, daughter of A.J. and Catherine ALLPHIN, was born July 8, 1878, and died May 7, 1949, at the home her daughter, Mrs. George JONES, Decatur. She married Leonard WEST, Oct. 20, 1900, and they had 9 children, three preceding her in death, Bonnie Rochelle, Alretta May and A.J. She leaves to mourn her husband, two sons, and four daughters, Fauna JONES, Donald Eugene WEST, Edra LIVINGSTON, Lorraine ABELE, Marie SLAUGHTER, all of Decatur, Ill, and Darrell WEST of Kinmundy; 20 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren; 5 sisters and 1 brother. She was baptized in the Baptist Faith at 17 years of age, and again renewed her faith at the Church of God. She had been in poor health for the past 3 years and seriously ill for the last 8 months suffering untold misery.
- Memorial services will be held at Sandy Branch on May 29, Rev. Don HARGRAVES of Patoka, delivering the address.
- Patsy PRUETT, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. PRUETT, underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis last week. Immediately after the operation, she contracted measles and had to leave the hospital. She is recuperating in her home in Golden, Ill.
- Mrs. Zoe EASTERDAY of Ramsey, Ill., died in St. Petersburg, Fla., Tuesday. She had been Instructress of Kinmundy Chapter O.E. S. for a number of years. Services will be held in Ramsey on Sunday.
- There were 11 entries in the Poppy Poster Contest sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Prizes were awarded as follows: Class I - Grade 6: Jerry Lee TRICKERY, 1st Prize; Jerry Arden MORRIS, 2nd prize; Patricia SMITH, 3rd prize. Class II - Gladys BRIMBERRY, grade 7, and Audrey HULTS, grade 8, made a poster together, 1st prize, Leroy DISS, grade 7, 2nd prize; Paulene Rogene SMITH, 3rd prize.
- Celebrates 91st Birthday: Charles METZGER, formerly of this city, celebrated his 91st birthday recently at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry METZGER, in Decatur. He wants to thank all the good friends and old neighbors who remembered him with a greeting on this occasion. He would be glad to have anyone visit him on Sundays at Henry’s home.
- Mrs. Mabel GARDNER of St. Louis came Tuesday to visit a few days with her sisters and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS, Mrs. Cora WILLIAMS, and C.H. VALLOW.
- Rear Admiral and Mrs. Clyde B. CAMERER, of California, are spending the week here with Mrs. CAMERER’s sister, Mrs. Walter S. PRUETT.
- Meacham: Richard COURSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur COURSON, was operated on for appendicitis in Vandalia Hospital on Friday.
- Meacham: Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS last Sunday helping Virginia Mae celebrate her birthday which was the following day when her school friends met with her and had a merry time together.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER and Sammy attended the charivari of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Melbourn CANTRELL, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mancil CANTRELL Tuesday night.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Funeral services for Mrs. Laura SMITH were held Saturday at the Old Baptist Church.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Several attended the baptizing at the C.W. RUFUS pond Sunday afternoon. Herschel MAXEY’s boys and Lewis PHILLIPS were baptized.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND have a new bathroom in their home.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Walter BRANNON attended a farewell party Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil GREEN as they are leaving soon for Oklahoma to make their home.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON, Sammy SHAFFER and Miss Ruth MEYER are shut in with 3 day measles.
- Pleasant Grove: Tom SHAFFER, who is seriously ill, is reported some better at this writing. The hiccups of several days duration have stopped. The children were all called home: Arno of Tacoma, Wash. came to Chicago by plane; Eura of Monticello, spent the weekend here. The boys plowed and planted 20 acres of corn for their father.
- In Memoriam of our mother, Mrs. M.J. MAXWELL. Lovingly her daughters, Amie, Nora and Georgia.
- In Memoriam of Martha DOWNS who died May 21, 1945. By her children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DOWNS and Thelma DOWNS.
- Prairie Grove: On Apr. 29, the Meacham Worthwhile 4-H Club met for the 2nd time in the home of their leader, Mrs. Cornelia PARRILL. Officers elected were: Pres. - Irene PARRILL; Vice Pres. - Loretta McCARTY; Sec. - Charlotte HANBAUM; Reporter - Virginia WEISS.
May 26, 1949:
- Death Claims Mrs. Stella McGEE: Mrs. Stella McGEE died in St. Joseph’s Hospital in Breese May 18 following a nine months illness. She had been a patient in the hospital for the past 20 weeks. She was 72 years and 2 months of age, and had been a resident of Breese for the past 32 years. Mrs. McGEE was born in Kinmundy on Mar. 18, 1877 to J.B. and Mary WILLIAMS CARMAN. She grew up in Kinmundy and attended school there. On Mar. 17, 1894 in Kinmundy, she married Joe McGEE, who died 15 years ago. To this union were born four children: Frank McGEE, Flora; Mrs. Clarence (Cleo) CHESNEY, Harvey; John McGEE, Breese; and Mrs. John (Kate) McNAIR, Gillespie. Also surviving Mrs. McGEE are 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. She attended St. John’s Church in Breese. Services were held at the Bruegge Funeral Home in Breese with Rev. T.E. BEIER officiating. Interment in Elwood Cemetery beside the body of her husband.
- Lightening Strikes PITTS Home: There is nothing in the old saying that “lightening will not strike twice in the same place”. About 2 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS had the living daylights scared out of them when lightning struck the chimney on their house. History repeated itself Monday evening at about 9 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. PITTS had just gone to bed when lightening again struck the chimney. They were soon up and surveying the damage done. The house was filled with smoke and noises coming from the attic sounded much like there was fire there. Bryan drove his Ford to town and spread the alarm. The siren was sounded and the volunteer fire department was soon on the run in a downpour of rain. On their arrival they found the smoke had died down and they couldn’t find any fire. However, the inside of the house was covered with soot. When our fire engine was rebuilt, some wanted to have a cab or at least a windshield put on the truck. Others thought that was just a lot of tommy rot and added expense. But anyone who makes a run with the truck in a downpour of rain will tell you different. Besides being drenched to the hide, they couldn’t make any speed because of the rain hitting them in the face. So this is something for the new council to consider.
- The 8th grade commencement will be held in the gymnasium May 27 at 8 p.m. Rev. Delmar DeBAULT will be the speaker. There will 15 graduates in the class, namely, James SADLER, Kenneth KRUTSINGER, Dwight JONES, Helen HALL, Shirley ERNST, Jack BOYD, LeRoy SHAFFER, William THOMS, Dorothy Frances DUNLAP, Patricia BAILEY, Kent O’DELL, Richard CLARK, Dennis ROBB, William BURGE, and Audrey HULTS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne KEEN have a baby boy born in the Salem Hospital Tuesday. He has been named James Patrick.
- Mrs. Rochelle MISELBROOK was hostess to a baby shower last Friday for Mrs. Ralph MULVANEY at her home in Kinmundy. Games were played and refreshments of sandwiches, cookies and iced tea were served. A list of those bringing presents was included.
- War is Declared: J.R. MAHAN has declared war on blue jays but not until after they fired the first shot. and it all happened this way. Sunday morning, while shaving, Beak heard a noise and saw a small bird clamoring down the window screen. Immediately after applying the bay rum, he went outside, bareheaded, to see the small creature. He picked it up and gave it a toss upwards into the tree. But that little fellow let out the ‘hey rube’ cry and mother, father, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins came to the rescue. While all these were attracting his attention, another one swooped down from nowhere and wounded him twice on the forehead and once in the right eye. With the blood streaming, he ran for cover. Beak spent the remainder of the day figuring out his line of offense. On Monday morning, at the break of day, he donned his hunting clothing, his leather cap, goggles, leather gloves, and tied a muffler around his face. With his trusty rifle in hand, he set out in quest of the enemy. He did not have much trouble in finding his opponents and he is happy to report that he now has 8 notches in his gun butt.
- Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE, Mr. and Mrs. Paul SWIFT, and Billie and Carrol THOMAS were in Effingham Saturday attending the funeral of Elliott THOMS. Services were held from the Baurer Funeral home with interment in the Memorial Cemetery. Mr. THOMS, 37, was found dead in bed Thursday morning. It is presumed that he died from a heart attack. He made his home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. THOMS, in Effingham. This family were former residents of this city. Besides his parents, he leaves a brother, Forrest, and a sister, Betty, and his two children, Billie and Carrol THOMS, who have made their home with their grandmother, Mrs. Lilly McCULLEY, of this city, since the death of their mother, the former Florence McCULLEY.
- Decoration Day Services were planning to be held in Kinmundy on Monday at Evergreen Cemetery. A list of the program and committees were listed.
- We received a letter from Mr. F.G. ALEXANDER, who with his good wife, is sojourning in Plainview, Texas, vacationing, and spending the money they reaped from their daffodil crop this season. At present, they are kept busy attending round-ups and rodeos. It wouldn’t surprise us one bit to see Fred coming home in a ten-gallon hat, high heeled boots, and maybe wearing chaps.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chris JASPER and daughter, Shirley, and Charles JASPER and son of Altamont, spent Sunday in Vandalia, where they visited Mrs. Charles JASPER who underwent an appendectomy at the Mark Greer Hospital Friday morning.
- Meacham: Several from here attended the baby shower at the home of Mrs. Ralph MULVANEY in Kinmundy on Friday. Lots of nice gifts were received.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from this community attended the funeral of Ed ATTERBURY Friday at the Baptist Church in Salem. Mr. ATTERBURY and family lived in this community for several years.
- Miletus: On May 15, a number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Clark KRUTSINGER and pleasantly surprised him as an honored guest to his 19th birthday dinner. The young folks occupied the time by swimming, playing ball, and guitar music and singing. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Miletus: Elder N.T. COURSON was born in Marion county on Jan. 4, 1877, and died at his home in Fairfield, May 17, 1949. Services were held at the Meacham Baptist Church May 19th, Elder A.E. KRETZER of Beecher City, officiating with interment in Courson Cem. He leaves 2 sons, Fred of Allerton, Ill., and Paul of Kinmundy; and Mrs. Nellie FRANKLIN of Homer, Ill.
- The Kinmundy Class of 1949 was pictured and included: Raymond GRIFFIN, Roberta SMITH, Cecil JONES, Jean FORD, John HOYT, Harriet ALLEN, Bill WILSON, Betty SULLENS, Harriet MIDDLETON, Darrell DISS, Geneva EBLIN, Dale HULSEY, Barbara McNICOL, Virgil POWELL, Ruth HARRIS, and Carlin HANKS.
June 2, 1949:
- Miss Helen GEORGE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray GEORGE, and Francis Gene JEZEK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louie JEZEK, were married Monday at the Methodist Church, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Mrs. Eileen SCHWABE, sister of the bride was the bride’s attendant, and the groom’s attendant was his brother, John JEZEK. Mrs. JEZEK graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1946, and since graduation has been employed in the Jesse George Store. Mr. JEZEK also graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1947, and is a student pilot. The couple left after the reception for Marion for a short honeymoon but will make their home in Kinmundy. (A picture of the couple accompanied this article.)
- May 29th was Poppy Day, and with the help of 16 children, 500 poppies were sold by 1 p.m. Three prizes were given and the youngsters selling the greatest number were: 1st - Billy THOMS, 2nd - Shirley BAILEY; 3rd - Jerry TRICKEY.
- The annual Alumni reception was held Saturday evening with Miss Helen GEORGE, 160 members and guests partook of a delicious chicken dinner served by the Parent-Teacher Association, in the school cafeteria. The class of ‘49 was welcomed into the association, and the response was given by Darrell DISS, President of the class. The minutes of last year’s meeting was read by secretary, Frances GRAY, and report given by treasurer, Charles KLINE. Officers for next year are: Merle JOHNSON - President; Helen ROBB - Vice President; Joan ALEXANDER - Secretary; Louise GREEN - Treasurer. Afterwards, the following program was given in the gymnasium: Group singing led by Mrs. O.E. GARRETT; Vocal solo by Wyona HANNA accompanied by Rojean ALDERSON; Trio by Frances GRAY, Marie JOHNSON, and Millie BASSETT; Vocal solo by Mrs. O.E. GARRETT accompanied by Mrs. Paulene JOHNSON. History of the school, Miss Pauline BAGOTT. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. (A list of those attending from a distance was included.)
- Chas. A. MUNDY Found Dead in Home Sunday Morn: Chas. MUNDY, 64, was found dead Sunday morning in his home by his wife. Saturday evening, Mrs. MUNDY retired while Mr. MUNDY sat in the kitchen and read. She went right to sleep and did not awaken until the next morning. She noticed that Mr. MUNDY had not been to bed and went to investigate. She found him sitting in the kitchen with his head laying on the table. Mr. MUNDY had not been feeling well for quite some time, but he never seemed to complain. It is presumed that he died from a heart attack. Services were held yesterday from the Linton Funeral Home, Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. Julian NOCHMAN had the misfortune of breaking his leg Friday evening while stepping up on his tractor. About 30 minutes later, Joe SLOVICK, a neighbor, was passing by and hear Mr. NOCHMAN screaming. He stopped to investigate and found him lying on the ground. He immediately summoned help and Julian was taken to Salem Hospital. He was then taken to Barnes Hospital in St. Louis.
- Arthur WEISS Dies: Arthur A. WEISS died at his home northeast of this city 2 a.m. Tuesday morning, presumably from a heart attack. Mrs. WEISS was awakened at about 1:30 p.m. by Mr. WEISS making a peculiar noise. She tried to awaken him but he was unconscious. She immediately summoned the doctor but before his arrival, he had died. Besides his wife, he leaves one 16 year old daughter. Services will be held this afternoon from the Farina Evangelical Church with interment in Farina Cemetery.
- Fred THOMPSON, 64, formerly of this city, died at his home in Farina, Wednesday. Services were held May 29 from the Meacham Baptist Church, Rev. C.L. HILL, officiating. Interment was in Elder Cemetery. He leaves his wife and 10 children, namely: Blanche CHASTEEN, Kinmundy; Josephine BOUGHERS, Farina; Lloyd, at home; Ralph, Farina; Cleo, at home; Ivan, Chicago; Nieta WILLIAMS, Brownstown; Frieda WRIGHT, North Carolina; Marjorie and Norma Jean, at home.
- Mrs. Charles ROHRBOUGH was guest of honor at a birthday dinner held at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James GREEN in Farina Sunday. Present were Miss Ruth ROHRBOUGH, Ed WORMLEY and daughter, Katherine, and Misses Elsie and Helen ROHRBOUGH of Salem.
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore TOLLEFSON and son, Richard Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert TOLLEFSON and daughter, Judy Ann, and son, Gary, spent the weekend here with their mother, Mrs. Mary TOLLEFSON and grandmother, Mrs. Alice HABEL. On Sunday, Mrs. HABEL entertained to a birthday dinner in honor of her daughter, Mary TOLLEFSON.
- The first meeting of the 4-H Club was held at our leader’s home, Miss Katherine WORMLEY, May 27 at 2:00 o’clock. The following girls were present: Beverly HANNA, Bonnie GRAY, Norma HAYS, Shirley BEARD, Loretta DISS, Donna SCHOOLEY, Barbara DOOLEN, Karen JONES, Julia PHILLIPS, Helen BASSETT, and Doris JOHNSON. Mrs. VALLOW and Martha HANNA were the guests. The following girls were elected officers of the club: President - Norma HAYS; Vice President - Beverly HANNA; Sec’y & Treas. - Helen BASSETT; Recreation Leader - Donna SCHOOLEY; Song Leader - Julia PHILLIPS. We chose as our club name, the Kinmundy Menuettes. Our project is cooking. Club meetings are to be held every Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Loretta DISS, June 2nd. Visitors are always welcome. Loretta DISS, Reporter.
- School News: Commencement for the high school is June 3, and the faculty for next year is complete with one exception, according to Mr. O’DELL, the superintendent. All teachers are coming back with the exception of Miss Sally CAMPBELL and Miss Betty KISH, who resigned. Mr. Carl ROBINSON of Anna, has been hired to replace Miss KISH but as of yet, the board has not hired anyone for Miss CAMPBELL’s place. In the grade school, all teachers are returning except Mrs. Annie YOUNG who has resigned.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. J.R. BAKER received word Saturday that their son, Eugene, who is in the army in Alabama, had been injured in an auto accident and was in the hospital in Chattanooga, Tenn.
- Brown: Several attended the musical party in the Jim WILKINSON home Wednesday night.
- Meadow Branch: Miss Kathryn POLANKA spent her vacation at home and went with her parents to a family reunion at Flora Monday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Lee WARD have a baby boy born Sunday in Salem Hospital named Lonnie Lee.
- Mrs. Clyde BASSETT, Mrs. Caroline YEAGER, Mrs. Art BOYD, Mrs. Effie ROBB, and Miss Katherine WORMLEY were in Flora Wednesday where they attended an Eastern Star meeting. Mrs. BASSETT served as conductress.
June 9, 1949:
- Mr. and Mrs. Larry NOLAN of Los Angeles, Cal. have a baby girl born Mary 20th and named Kitty Coleen. She is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.M. WATKINS. Mrs. WATKINS is the former Miss Kitty NEAVILLE of this city.
- Audrey HULTS, Joyce GEILER, Patricia SMITH, and Margaret O’DELL became members of the Kinmundy Menuettes 4-H Club.
- Genevieve COOK and Harold SIMMONS Wed: June 4th at the Presbyterian parsonage in Salem occurred the marriage of Miss Genevieve COOK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred COOK of Farina, and Mr. Harold SIMMONS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll SIMMONS of Kinmundy, officiated by Rev. A.C. GARRETSON. The bride chose Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN, sister of the groom, as her bridesmaid. The groom chose his brother-in-law, Sterling SULLIVAN, as best man. Mr. SIMMONS graduated from Kinmundy H.S. with the class of ‘41. He entered the service for 3 years and since his return he has engaged in farming. Mrs. SIMMONS attended the Farina H.S. After a short honeymoon in southern Illinois, the couple returned to Kinmundy to make their home on the SPIESE farm where the groom has the home prepared for his bride.
- Miss Jacquelyn HUMPHREY was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party held for her Monday evening by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William HUMPHREY. About 25 guests gathered at the HUMPHREY home and then went to the Legion Hall where dancing and games were enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the HUMPHREYS assisted by their daughter, Marilyn, and Miss Joan ALEXANDER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. WEED of Chicago have a daughter, Susan Lynn, born in the Ravenswood Hospital on June 1. The mother was the former Margueritte SIPES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde SIPES, Lebanon, Ind.
- A Neighborly Deed: On June 6, following the sudden death of Arthur WEISS, a Meacham twp. farmer, 17 neighbors, friends, and relatives came with 13 tractors and other machinery and disced, harrowed, and planted 40 acres of beans besides cultivating several acres of corn which Mr. WEISS had planted. Men who helped were Lowell and Murrell REESE, Bryan PITTS, Clarence NEAL, Fenton and Jack HOHLT, Merl JOHNSTON, Glen, Donny and Jerry McCARTY, Kenneth ELKINS, Dewey COMBS, Ernie HANBAUM, Bert FORD, Raymond STORCK, Walter WEISS, and LaVern ENGEL. At the noon hour the wives of the workers also Mrs. Hugh COPPLE brought and served the dinner. Mrs. WEISS is truly grateful and appreciative for this kind deed.
- Ralph CROSSETT Dies: Word was received here Friday of the death of Ralph CROSSETT, at his home in Altheimer, Ark. He had undergone a major operation a few weeks ago for cancer of the spleen. Services and interment was made there Sunday. Ralph will be remembered here by the older residents. He was the younger son of the late Lloyd and Finnette CROSSETT.
- Have Family Gathering: A family dinner of the SHAFFER and ROSE families, was held at the Salem Park, May 29th, in honor of George SHAFFER of Louisville, Ky., and Norman ROSE and Russell SHAFFER, of San Bernadino, Calif. There were 91 members of these families present for dinner. The oldest one present was J.T. CHARLTON and the youngest was Larry Dean DISS. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Tollie MENDENHALL Dies: Mr. Tollie MENDENHALL, 66, passed away in the Salem Hospital June 3 after an illness of several months. Services will be held June 10th from the Hancock Funeral Home in Salem. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery in this city under auspices of Marion Lodge No. 130, A.F. & A.M.
- Arthur A. WEISS: Arthur August WEISS, son of John and Emma SPORLEDER WEISS, was born near St. Peter, Ill., May 18, 1949. When only a small lad of two years, his mother died. Two years later his father married Miss Olga KLEEMAN to whom Art has given his never ending devotion. On Feb. 15, 1928, he was married to Miss Eva HEICHER, and they had one son, who died in infancy and on Apr. 9, 1930, the wife too was taken. Jan. 2, 1932 he was married to Miss Dollie NEAL and to this union was born one daughter, Virginia, who was the pride and joy within their household. Besides his wife and daughter, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Olga WEISS of Farina; 4 sisters: Mrs. Richard PAULSMEYER of Hoffman, Ill.; Mrs. Merl JOHNSTON and Mrs. Hugh COPPLE of near Kinmundy; and Mrs. Hugh LACEY of Farina; 3 brothers, Walter of Kinmundy; John of Brownstown, Wis.; and William of Richmond, Calif.; one aunt, Mrs. Jess NORMAN of Farina; and many sisters and brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews. Services were conducted Thursday at the Evangelical Church in Farina by the Rev. KNICKER. Burial in the Farina Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl DOOLEN are parents of a daughter, Pamela Jean, born Friday morning at the Salem Memorial Hospital.
- Charles A. MUNDY: Charles Austin MUNDY passed away at his home May 28, age 54 years, 6 months and 19 days. He had been in ill health for several months but never complained. He was born in Sandoval, Nov. 9, 1884, the son of Edwin and Sarah MUNDY. He was married to Miss Bessie GRAY of Farina on June 5, 1908. He leaves his devoted wife, two sisters, Mrs. Charles ALLISON, of Sandoval, and Mrs. Jess BEAL of Chicago, several nieces and nephews. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- A covered dish dinner was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli DOOLEN in Centralia in honor of Mrs. DOOLEN’s father, Charles HAMMOND, of California, who is visiting them. Mr. HAMMOND is 84. Those from here who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT and children, Junior, Jack and Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill DOOLEN and Lela Mae, and Mr. and Mrs. Benny DOOLEN and children of Salem.
- Graduating from the U. of I. on June 12th will be: Donald R. MEYER, of Alma, B.S. Division of Spec. Services for War Veterans; George H. BARGH, Jr., B.S. in Journalism, Robert D. MAHAN, M.S. Civil Engineering, Norma L. MILLER, B.S. Home Economics, all from Kinmundy.
- Brown: Several from here attended the music party Thursday evening at the Claud MULVANEY home.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ROBB of Salem, Mrs. Gertrude WADE, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON helping Mrs. WADE celebrate her 80th birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne PIGG and daughters of Corpus Christi, Texas are spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. PIGG. The Wayne PIGGS are enroute to Panama where he will be stationed.
- Miss Helen ROBNETT left Tuesday for Champaign where she will enter the Univ. of Illinois.
- Dessert Bridge Shower: Miss Virginia BROWN was guest of honor at a dessert bridge shower given her Monday by Mrs. Dale WRIGHT and Mrs. Richard BROOM at the home of the latter. Miss BROWN and Clinton KALLENBERGER are to be married June 11 in the Methodist Church. (A list of those attending was included.)
June 16, 1949:
- Virginia BROWN and Clinton KALLENBERGER Have Church Wedding: The Methodist church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Helen Virginia BROWN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. BROWN, became the bride of Clinton H. KALLENBERGER, son of Mr. and Mrs. George KALLENBERGER of Pittsburgh, Penn. The bride’s uncle, Rev. Ira SCHLAGENHAUF of Janesville, Wis., was assisted by Rev. Angus PHILLIPS. Mrs. Wesley MORGAN of McAllen, Texas, sister of the bride was matron of honor, and her other sister, Mrs. Dwight DAY, Jr., was bridesmaid. Doyt COVERSTONE of Salem was the groom’s attendant and Charles KLINE and Dale WRIGHT, the ushers. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. KALLENBERGER attended Kinmundy schools and Brown’s Business College in Centralia. She has been employed by Potter and Reeves at Salem in a secretarial position. Mr. KALLENBERGER attended Pittsburgh schools and graduated from the Univ. of Pittsburgh with a degree in petroleum engineering. He served as a naval officer in the southwest Pacific and engineer with the Texas Company in the Farina area. The couple left after the reception on a wedding trip to Canada. They will reside in Salem. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Will Celebrate Golden Wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Monroe HOLMES will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Estus NORMAN, in Farina, with Open House for relatives and friends.
- Dr. MAXEY Dies: Dr. Moss MAXEY, 75, died at his home in Mt. Vernon on Monday. Services were held yesterday. Dr. MAXEY was a pioneer in his field in the treating of tuberculosis. He had been in ill health for the past 10 years, but has continued to treat patients at his home. He had served in official capacities with several national medical societies. He was also a 50 year Mason. Dr. MAXEY was a brother of Mrs. Lillian SUGG, formerly of this city, now of Portland, Ore.
- Dr. DUNCOMBE Dies: Dr. Mirza Philip DUNCOMBE, 75, one of Marion county’s oldest active doctors, died of a heart attack at his home in Patoka late Sunday.
- Sgt. Marion E. BRIMBERRY Now on Isle of Guam: Sergeant Marion E. BRIMBERRY is now serving with the United States Air Force on Guam. Assigned to the 4th Rescue Squadron at North Guam Air Force Base, as a radio operator, Sergeant BRIMBERRY participates in search and rescue missions performed by the squadron. Sergeant BRIMBERRY, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BRIMBERRY of Kinmundy, graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1941. He entered the service in 1942, and served in Australia, New Guinea, the Phillipines, and Okinawa.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence JOLIFF and daughter and family of Centralia came up Sunday to help their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Theodore MILLER, celebrate his 89th birthday. Mr. MILLER attended Sunday School as is his custom.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold JONES have a son, Steven Glenn, who was born in Salem Hospital last Friday.
- Jake McCARTY received word Saturday that his son, C.L. McCARTY of Harvey, suffered a broken leg when he was thrown from a truck.
- A reception for Rev. and Mrs. Angus PHILLIPS and the regular fellowship dinner will be held June 23 at the Methodist church. Rev. PHILLIPS recently was appointed minister of the Methodist church, transferring here from Odin.
- Seventy relatives and friends attended the wiener roast held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orion BUTTS on Friday night to honor the 22nd birthday of their son, Jr. BUTTS. (A list of those attending was included.)
- WILKINSON-REDDEN: Miss Helen WILKINSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. WILKINSON of West Frankfort, and William REDDEN were married in the Baptist Church in West Frankfort on Saturday evening. Both the bride and groom attended West Frankfort schools and the groom is now a student at the college of Murray, Ky., from which he will obtain his degree Aug. 1. Miss WILKINSON has often visited in Kinmundy with her grandmother, Mrs. Prudence WILKINSON and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. WILKINSON.
- Mrs. James BOSTON had a covered dish dinner for James R. BOSTON on June 12th. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Meacham: Thursday evening a large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll SIMMONS for a charivari and shower for the bride and groom., Mr. and Mrs. Harold SIMMONS. Many nice gifts were received and a pleasant evening enjoyed by all.
June 23, 1949:
- A number of relatives spent Sunday with J.H. DISS and family as June 22 was Jack’s birthday. Mrs. DISS and children had planned a surprise for him and he was really surprised. All came with well filled baskets and a delicious dinner consisting of fried chicken and all that goes with it was enjoyed. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Orville DISS and son, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. DISS and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BLOMBERG and family, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. HAMMER and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl DISS and family and Beaulah DISS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Monroe HOLMES will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at the home their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Estus NORMAN in Farina with Open House for relatives and friends on June 26th.
- Obituary of Ralph L. CROSSETT: Ralph Loyd (Bob) CROSSETT, 55, of Altheimer, Ark., died June 2, 1949 in St. Vincent’s hospital in Little Rock following an illness of several months. Mr. CROSSETT was assistant cashier and bookkeeper of the Bank of Altheimer from 1924 to 1930. He was connected with the Altheimer Credit Corp. for 7 years and was with Walt Gas and Oil Co. until he retired because of ill health. He was born Oct. 16, 1893, son of the late Loyd and Finette JOHNSON CROSSETT, in Kinmundy, and went to Altheimer, Ark. in 1924. He had been city recorder and treasurer for 18 years and had charge of the draft registration and ration board during the war. He served in WWI. Survivors include his wife, the former Miss Letta PATTERSON, 1 son, Louis L. CROSSETT of Pasadena, Calif., and two granddaughters, Judy and Patty CROSSETT of Pasadena, Calif. Interment was in Memorial Park Cemetery in Arkansas.
- A pot luck supper honoring Mr. and Mrs. Marion HELMS who are moving to Salem was held Tuesday in the Christian Church basement with 85 church members and friends attending. The honorees received a fluorescent light fixture for their new home from the Sunday School.
- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. CRAIG, of Glendale, Ariz., announce the engagement of their twin daughters, Lois and Louise. Miss Lois is the bride-elect of James A. FURR, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. FURR of Mesa, Ariz., and Miss Louise will wed C. Edward LEWIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LEWIS, of Glendale, Ariz. The wedding date has be set for mid-summer. These girls are the granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. NELMS of Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SPENCER are the grandparents of a baby girl born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Albert LOY of Farina in Salem hospital. This now makes the LOYS three children.
- Jim, Hugh and Mary Jo MORGAN, children of Dr. James MORGAN of Chicago, are spending several weeks visiting their aunt, Miss Martha MORGAN.
- 4-H News: The 4th meeting of the Kinmundy Menuettes was held June 17 in the home ec room. 14 members were present, and roll call was answered by giving the name of our favorite tree. Our assignment this week is to make ice box cookies. A talk was given by Beverly HANNA on Baking Equipment. A demonstration was given by Helen BASSETT, Bonnie GRAY and Beverly PHILLIPS on Orange Thin Cookies. These cookies and lemonade were served as refreshments. Games were played, led by our recreation leader, Donna SCHOOLEY. The next meeting is June 23 at the Methodist Church. Thursday, June 16, ten members of the 4-H in Kinmundy, went on the Champaign tour. The members that went were Beverly HANNA, Norma HAYS, Audrey HULTS, Joyce GEILER, Loretta DISS, Patricia SMITH, Helen BASSETT, Bonnie GRAY, Barbara DOOLEN, and Karen JONES. Our leader, Miss Katherine WORMLEY, went with us. On the campus we visited the Lincoln Hall, the Library, the Greenhouse, and other buildings. Before noon a program was held for all the 4-H Groups. Afternoon the boys went on a tour of the university farm. Programs were planned for the girls. A talk was given on good posture and a talk and demonstration on flower arrangement. Other entertainment was planned for the girls. The trip was very interesting. Loretta DISS, Reporter.
- Messrs. Charles and Mel BOYD of Kinmundy, and Mark BOYD of Farina, accompanied by Miss Florence JACK attended the funeral services for their cousin, Leroy SPRINKLE in Vandalia Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred GAMMON and son and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. GAMMON left Monday for Washington D.C. on a trip.
- The Southern Illinois 4-H Camp in West Frankfort is to be dedicated on Saturday. Construction has already started, and the kitchen-dining hall is now under construction.
- Mrs. Gene JEZEK was the guest of honor at a shower given her by Mrs. William LUX, Mrs. Eileen SCHWABE and Mrs. Jesse GEORGE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray GEORGE Tuesday evening. Miss JEZEK, a recent bride, was the former Miss Helen GEORGE.
- An ice cream social will be held on Thursday night at the Jones School for the benefit of Jones Cemetery. The “Gospelaires” of WCNT will entertain.
- Shriver School: Billy Dean SEE has the mumps.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Woodson SIMER of East St. Louis came out to attend the wedding of his sister, Miss Marian SIPES, who became bride of Tom GARRETT of Alma on Saturday at the Methodist Church. The couple’s honeymoon trip was to New Orleans.
- Pleasant Grove: Paul SMITH lost a nice young cow Tuesday from eating too many beans.
- Omega: The SEE family honored their father, Paul SEE, with a picnic dinner at the Salem Park Sunday and attended the Sportsman Picnic.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.L. COCKRELL and Mr. and Mrs. C.P. COCKRELL, Mrs. Laura GRESHAM and son Bill, and Mrs. Ivy MORGAN of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. H.M. FISHER and on Sunday attended the wedding of Miss May Ann MAHAN of Centralia to Burton C. BROWN of Chicago which took place at the First Methodist Church in Centralia. (A list of others that attended was also included.)
June 30, 1949:
- Nursery Shower: Mrs. Raymond SHAFFER was honoree of a nursery shower held for her at the home of Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER Wednesday. Games and contest were held and refreshments were served by the hostess. (A list of those attending and of those sending gifts was included.)
- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan STEVENSON of Odin have a son, Dale Keith, who was born in St. Mary’s Hospital in Centralia on June 19th. The mother is the former Miss Dorcas GRAY of this city. This makes the STEVENSONS three boys.
- A fellowship dinner and reception was held for the new minister of the Methodist Church, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS. His brother, Rev. Earle PHILLIPS of Flora who is the district superintendent, was also present.
- A Model A Ford driven by Dennis ROBB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester ROBB of this city, and a 1947 Ford driven by Omar LOTZ of St. Peter, collided Tuesday afternoon on State Rt. 37 at the Chris JASPER corner. Both cars were driving east. LOTZ attempted to pass ROBB just as ROBB was making a left hand turn. Both cars were considerably damaged. In the car with ROBB was his younger brother, Jerry. In the car with LOTZ, was his wife and infant son and brother-in-law. The baby’s forehead was bruised from striking the windshield and Mrs. LOTZ received a gash in the leg. Both cars were traveling a low rate of speed or it might have been a different story.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred SEE are parents of a girl, Patty Lynn born June 22 at the Salem Hospital. Mrs. Margaret GRAY of Kinmundy, and Mr. and Mrs. Denard MERCER of Salem, are the grandparents. This is their second child and daughter.
- Mr. and Mrs. John SEE of Centralia are parents of a daughter, Jennifer Suzanne, born June 23 at Centralia. Mrs. Margaret GRAY of Kinmundy is the paternal grandmother. Mrs. GRAY’s two grandchildren were born 5 hours apart.
- John CONANT, of Jacksonville, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Maggie CONANT.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben CRAIN and Gene spent last Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON and enjoyed homemade ice cream celebrating Mr. and Mrs. DILLON’s and Mrs. SOLDNER’s birthdays.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles, and Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON attended the 50th wedding anniversary in Farina Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Estus NORMAN for Mr. and Mrs. Monroe HOLMES.
- Pleasant Grove: A nice crowd attended the children’s program at Pleasant Grove Sunday night.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER and others from here attended the wedding of his brother, David SHAFFER, and Miss Marjorie STEPHENS, who were married Sunday at Zion Church.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ruby SHAFFER and Mrs. Emogene ANDERSON attended a bridal shower given recently for Miss Marjorie STEPHENS at the home of Mrs. Leroy SEE.
- Mrs. Clyde BASSETT, Mrs. Effie ROBB, Mrs. Carrie YEAGER, Mrs. Nora OLDEN, Mrs. Robert LEE, and Miss Katherine WORMLEY spent Monday night in Vandalia attending the Eastern Star meeting. Mrs. BASSETT was Ruth in the ceremonies.
July 7, 1949:
- Rev. and Mrs. Delmar DeBAULT moved in one of the Glen WHITE houses last week. They were formerly located at Minier.
- Everett COURSON, Billy SOLDNER, Darrell DISS, and Merle HEICHER left Sunday on a motor trip to California.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe VALLOW have a son born July 5 in St. Mary’s Hospital in Centralia. He was named Paul Norris.
- Old Fashioned Revival at Sandy Branch campground beginning July 6. Services each evening at 8 o’clock. Special music and singing.
- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd CHEATUM of Gilman spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM. On Sunday, they with Francis CHEATUM attended the ball game in St. Louis.
- W.L. GREEN and Miss Mae GREEN returned Friday from a 7000 mile trip which took them through the southwestern, western and northwestern part of the U.S. They visited Mr. GREEN’s son in Billings, Mont.
- Teaching Staff Complete: Superintendent Lewis J.T. O’DELL reports to us that he now has a complete teaching staff for the coming term of school. The grade staff will be Lester HOWELL, Alice LEWIN, Hester HEATON, Alice READNOUR and Florence WEISS. The high school staff will be: J.T. O’DELL; Jamie McGEE - Math, Geography; Thomas BRUMETT - Social Science, Boys P.E., Coach; Beulah McCLURE - Biology, General Science; Oleva LOVELACE - Social Science, Girls P.E.; Ruby O’DELL - English; Helen LAUGHBAUM - English, French; Katherine GADDIS - Home Ec.; Earl ROBINSON - Commerce. The last three named are new on the staff. Miss LAUGHBAUM comes from Michigan, Mrs. GADDIS from Casey, Il., and Mr. ROBINSON came from Anna, Ill.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT had all their children home Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Charles HAYS and two children of Thomasboro, Ill.; Earl HASSEBROCK and daughter of near Odin; Junior MERRIETT and wife of Salem; and Willard at home for a few days before being transferred to California.
- Jimmy ALEXANDER is 15 years old today. He didn’t sleep very well last night and at 5 o’clock this morning, he was sitting on the step of the Building and Loan office waiting for Mayor Fred GAMMON to arrive at his office so he could make an application for his driver’s license. It’s a shame but sometimes it takes 2 months for a license to come thru.
July 14, 1949:
- Boys and Girls Wade Mud to Catch Pigs at County Fair Wed.: On Wed. afternoon at the Marion County Fair, 26 registered gilts were turned loose in an improvised pen in front of the grandstand. About 40 barefoot boys and girls were also turned loose to catch these pigs, with the understanding that if they caught a pig, and successfully lifted it out of the pen, it belonged to them. They were allowed only one try. If the pig broke loose, they were ruled out. Also, those successful in landing a pig, are to bring one gilt from their litter to the fair next year to be turned loose in a like manner. A good rain visited the fairgrounds an hour previous to the pig catching contest. So the pigpen was plenty muddy and there was no need to grease the pigs. Those successful in getting themselves a pig were: Robert FRANCIS, Salem; Dickie McLAUGHLIN, Salem; Herbert BROWN, Kell; Billy Joe PARKINSON, Kell; Bobby CRIPPEN, Iuka; Warren Howard SIPES, Salem; Richard JONES, Salem; Dale SUTHERLAND, Centralia; Don MORGAN, Salem; Eugene MERKLE, Centralia; Raymond JONES, Salem; Luther SHAFFER, Salem, David WHITECHURCH, Centralia; Jim PHILLIPS, Centralia; Jim LANGENFELD, Centralia; Bill PHILLIPS, Centralia, Roger CRUZEN, Walnut Hill; Darrell KLINE, Salem; Kenneth BRANCH, Salem; John ARNOLD, Iuka; Bill SUTHERLAND, Centralia; Lester BRANCH, Iuka; Jess THOMAS, Iuka; James CRIPPEN, Iuka; Dale HESTER, Salem. (Pictures of Eugene MERKLE and Herbert BROWN were included.)
- The Girls’ ball team sponsored by the Kinmundy American Legion Auxiliary will play the Salem Bell Telephone Girls’ team Friday evening at the Kinmundy diamond. Mrs. Hope WRIGHT is team manager.
- COLE Reunion: July 10, the annual COLE Reunion was held at the home of Ed ZINDEL in Moweaqua on the lawn with a long table loaded down with good things to eat and everyone did it justice. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. J.F. COLE, Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDANIEL, Mr. and Mrs. Harry WAINSCOTT and son, Wm. and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale HOLLERMAN and family and Dale’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Glen GILLETT and family, Mr and Mrs. Jack PERRYMAN and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen STANGER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle WAITE, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil TAYLOR and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ZINDEL and sons. The following officers were elected: Mr. J.F. COLE, Pres.; Mrs. Ed ZINDEL, Sec’y-Treas.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe RODDY of Salem, announce the arrival of a boy Friday morning, July 8, in Salem Hospital. He has been named Jimmy Jo. The mother was formerly Donna BRASEL. This is their second child.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bill COLE and Bobby entertained the following to a birthday supper at the I.C. Lake on July 7 in honor of the 4th birthday of Marilyn COLE. Mr. and Mrs. J.F. COLE, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. ROLLINSON and sons, Billie and Larry.
- HARRIS Reunion: A reunion of the HARRIS family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS, July 10. Those enjoying the day together were W.F. HARRIS, Electra, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Fred HARRIS, Princeton, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Bob HARRIS and two children, Grayville, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert HARRIS, Yale, Ill.; Mrs. Mattie HARRIS HITT, Casey, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred LAYMAN, Yale; Mr. and Mrs. Perry MILLER, Oblong, Ill.; Miss Vona HARRIS and Mrs. Alta MATHENY, Robinson, Ill.; and Mrs. Dessie WEAVER, son Frank and family, Casey, called in the afternoon.
- Family Dinner: Thursday evening relatives and friends gathered at the Harold HOWELL residence and enjoyed a picnic dinner honoring B. Bryan HOWELL and son, Burrell, of Long Beach, Calif. Those in attendance including the guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. WILLIAMS of Bothen, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred PURVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Robert LOCKHART, of Odin; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis HOWELL and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harry HOWELL and granddaughter of Farina; Mr. and Mrs. Lester HOWELL and sons, Freddie and Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. O.E. GARRETT, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DENNIS, Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEY, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold HOWELL and family of Kinmundy.
- Kent JACKSON Dies: Word was received yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER of the death of their nephew, Kent JACKSON, of Portland, Ore. In the message received, it stated that death came to JACKSON Tuesday from a stroke. JACKSON was 34 years of age, and the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. O.B. JACKSON of Plainview, Texas, and former residents of this city. Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON and son, Kenneth of this city are in Plainview, now visiting with his brother and family.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Carroll SIMMONS attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. D.R. HALE in Iuka Thursday.
- Meacham: The Meacham Baptist Church held a baptismal ceremony at the Ira KRUTSINGER pond Sunday afternoon. Five were baptized.
- Meacham: A birthday dinner was held at the Ira KRUTSINGER home Sunday for Ralph KRUTSINGER.
- Major and Mrs. J.C. GUNDERSON of Washington, D.C. left Friday after spending the week here with Mrs. GUNDERSON’s mother, Mrs. E.W. DOOLEN. The GUNDERSON’s will sail July 22 for Germany where he will be stationed.
July 21, 1949:
- Nursery Shower: Mrs. Beryl DISS and Mrs. Earl YUND were co-hostesses at a nursery shower in honor of Mrs. Edwin SHREFFLER Tuesday evening given at the home of Mrs. DISS. Contest were played with prizes won by Mrs. William GARRETT, Mrs. Bennie DOOLEN, and Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER. Refreshments were served. Those attending were Mesdames Kenneth ROBB, William GARRETT, Earl DOOLEN, Bert GARRETT, Benny DOOLEN, Ross HANNA, Robert HANNA, G.E. SHREFFLER, William DOOLEN, Fred GAMMON, Charles BASSETT, Emmajean ALBERTS, Velma LUX, Jennie ALBERTS and Misses Joan ALEXANDER and Helen ROBB.
- The 66th annual Marion county Soldier’s and Sailor’s Reunion will be held in the Bryan Memorial Park, Salem, Ill. July 25th to 30th. Hon. Everett M. DIRKSEN, who served in the 73rd thru the 80th Congresses in Washington will be the headline speaker on Republican Day, July 26th.
- On July 10, the BOUSMAN-PHILLIPS family reunion was held at the park in Farina and about 100 members of the two families attended. The reunion was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles WILLIAMS of Seattle, Wash. Mrs. WILLIAMS was Kizzie BOUSMAN. They formerly lived in Kinmundy but moved to Seattle about 20 years ago. The BOUSMAN and PHILLIPS families intermarried many years ago and several double cousins were present although many of the older generation have passed on. (A list of those present was included.)
- On July 15, the Meacham Worthwhile 4-H club met at the home of Mrs. Cornelia PARRELL. There were 7 members present. Kay GREENWOOD served a lunch of Koolaid and cookies. Virginia WEISS, Reporter.
- J.L. HOFFMEISTER Dies: Mr. J.L. HOFFMEISTER, 89, of Farina, died in the Bennett Nursing Home in Vandalia July 12th. Services were held in Farina last Thursday afternoon with interment in Vandalia Cemetery. He is survived by two sons, Joseph, of Royal Oak, Mich., and Rolla of Ramsey; and one daughter, Mrs. Hazel LACEY of Meacham twp.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MULVANEY have a daughter, Shirley Marie, born July 12 in Salem Hospital.
- Mr. and Mrs. George SHUMAKER have a house full of guests this week. Their daughter, Ena and her husband, Ralph GREEN, Chief Petty Officer, U.S.N., are visiting from Washington, D.C. Their son Glen SHUMAKER, with wife, Lucille, son David, and daughter, Glenda, also arrived from Dallas, Texas, for a few days visit. Glen will continue on to New York to attend the National Music Manufacturers convention Glen has owned and operated the Dallas Music Center in Dallas, Texas for the past 11 years.
- Birthday Dinner: A surprise basket birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. Frank GARRETT’S birthday was held Sunday at her home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth CHANDLER and daughters Wanda, Lila, and Joan; Jerry ASPER, all of Fairbury; Emmett GARRETT, Centralia; Laura Jean GREEN, Olney; Mr. and Mrs. Roy JONES, and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin JONES and daughter, Valda, of Patoka; Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd JONES of Alma; Miss Betty JONES of Salem; and Calvin BARBEE and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest JONES of Kinmundy; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT, and daughter, Donna.
- Mr. Fred HANKS, Kinmundy, has received the appointment of Warden of the Illinois State Penal Farm near Vandalia. He will enter upon his duties Aug. 1st. From 1933 to 1941, Mr. HANKS held the position of assistant warden at this institution. Previous to his appointment then, and after his release in 1941, he served as deputy sheriff of Marion County.
- Omega: Mrs. Hugo WAGONER had the misfortune to turn over her car on the Brubaker Road Tuesday morning as she and Mrs. Valeria SCHOOLEY were driving to their work in Salem. Neither was injured but the car was badly damaged.
- Swift School: A surprise birthday dinner was held in the home of Mrs. Frank GARRETT. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES and family; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd JONES and family of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Darvin JONES and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy JONES from Patoka, and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest JONES and Mr. Calvin BARBEE, Miss Laura GREEN of Kinmundy, and Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth CHANDLER and family of Fairbury, Ill.
July 28, 1949:
- Herb VANDEVEER Again Wins First in County Plowing Contest: Herbert VANDEVEER, Kinmundy, was again declared the winner in the Marion County Contour Plowing Contest held July 23 on F.A. DIETRICH farm 2 miles south of Kinmundy. He won the contest last year and placed third in the district meet in Carlyle. Also placing were: 2nd - Don McLAUGHLIN, Salem; 3rd - C.G. MAJONNIER, Patoka; 4th - Ray VANDEVEER, Salem; 5th - Jerry McCARTY, Kinmundy; 6th - Wayne HUNTER, Salem; 7th - Riley KEELE, Salem. Included in the contest was laying out a contour plot with a hand level, back and dead furrow, adherence to contour, waterway and ends, trash coverage, plowing out the middle. The six judges were: Martin DeLINCH, Salem; Ruben YOUNG, Salem; William E. WILLIAMS, Alma; J.N. VALLOW, Kinmundy; Wm. CULPEPPER, Mt. Vernon, and E.N. STEELE, Mt. Vernon. A picture was also included of the contestants and officials attending including: Ray VANDEVEER, Herbert VANDEVEER, Riley KEELE, C.G. MAJONNIER, Wayne HUNTER, Don McLAUGHLIN, Jerry McCARTY, Eugene SHUFELDT, Omar SQUIBB, William E. WILLIAMS, Reuben YOUNG, William CULPEPPER, Fred BLACKBURN, E.N. STEELE, Martin DeLINCK, Sam WINFREY, Lee BRITT, Ralph HAYES, George ERWIN, Wm. SIEDEL, J.N. VALLOW.
- Celebrate Wedding Anniversaries: Several relatives, friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell REESE Sunday to help them celebrate their wedding anniversary, and Mr. and Mrs. George KEEN’s wedding anniversary also. A list of those present was included. Everyone enjoyed a nice dinner at the noon hour.
- Family Birthday Dinner: Mrs. Carl DUNLAP entertained several relatives to a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversaries of Mr. Carl DUNLAP, Mrs. Claude GARRETT, and Miss Sue LAWSON. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude GARRETT, Mrs. Leona COWGILL and daughters, Betty and Irene, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Bill CAUDLE, and son, Johnny, Salem; Don, Darrell and Gary GARRETT, Sue and Billy LAWSON, Dahlgren; Mr. and Mrs. Roy GARRETT, Decatur; and Mr. and Mrs. A.C. DUNLAP.
- Celebrates 97th Birthday: Mrs. Harriett DeVORE celebrated her 97th birthday Sunday with an open house. Friends and relatives called on her and she was the recipient of approximately 80 cards and many lovely gifts and flowers. Her only son, G.S. DeVORE of Portland, Ore., and a daughter, Mrs. Florence CONANT, were with her. Mrs. DeVORE would like to express her thanks for all the remembrances and to everyone who helped make Sunday her nicest birthday. She was in excellent health and able to greet and talk with everyone who came.
- Mr. Rube FULFER of Lincoln, Ill. was operated on Tuesday morning for appendicitis at St. Clar’s Hospital in Lincoln.
- Obituary of W.W. BAGOTT: William Winfield, son of William and Anna HARRISON BAGOTT was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on March 15, 1859, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred FLETCHER, in Charleston, Ill. on July 18, 1949. When he was nine years old, the family moved from Cincinnati to a farm south of Kinmundy in the Pleasant Grove district where he spent the rest of his life until 10 years ago when the home was destroyed by fire. On March 15, 1882, he was married to Miss Alma BROWN. To this union were born 7 children, 3 of which: Willie, Jeanette, and Clark, have preceded him in death. The others are: Mary, now Mrs. Fred FLETCHER, of Charleston; Paul of Charleston; Alice, now Mrs. L.J. HAMMER of Kinmundy; and Anna, now Mrs. Bert GUBBINS of Muncie, Ind. After the destruction of the home by fire, Mr. and Mrs. BAGOTT made their home with their children becoming a welcome and enjoyable part of each home. Besides the devoted wife and children he is survived by 8 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. Services were held July 20th from the Methodist Church in Kinmundy, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Mildred BARGH in Water 5½ Hours After Falling in Cistern Tuesday: On Tuesday morning, Mrs. Mildred BARGH had the misfortune of falling in the cistern at her home. She had gone home from her store at 9 o’clock to wash windows. One of the windows was directly over the cistern which was covered with planks. In attempting to step on a chair, the chair toppled over, letting her body strike these planks in such a manner as to let her drop in the cistern. The cistern contained 6 feet of water. The accident happened at about 9:30 a.m. and she remained in the water, clinging to the pipe, until 3 p.m. when Mrs. Chas. WAINSCOTT heard her calling him. Mr. WAINSCOTT had gone to her home to mow the yard. He summoned help and she was lifted from the cistern. She then collapsed from exhaustion. After spending the evening and all night in bed with heat pads and an electric blanket, she was able to be up and around the house some the next morning.
- Celebrate 40th Wedding Anniversary: Sunday, July 10th, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. A delicious chicken picnic dinner was served in the Salem Park. All their children were present except Mrs. A.K. GEIBE of Norman, Okla.. The following were present: Mrs. Jack HONN, Charlotte, DeDe and Mary Margaret of Mahomet, Ill.; Mrs. C.P. MINGEE and Mary Ann, of Peoria, Ill.; Mr. Kenneth JACKSON of Bellingham, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Merle JACKSON, Miss Peggy JACKSON of Champaign, Ill.; Martha and Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS, Charles, Brenda, and Clarellen.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCARTY have a son, Robert Leon, born in the Vandalia Hospital on July 25th.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd attended the kitchen shower and charivari of Mr. and Mrs. Paul COURSON Jr. at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansford ALLPHIN Thursday night.
- A SHUFELDT - DEVORE family dinner was held Tuesday evening at Bryan Park in Salem.
Aug. 4, 1949:
- City Streets and Alleys Sprayed with DDT To Guard Against Polio: A group of citizens headed by B.F. LINTON met Friday morning, cleaned the gutters in the business district and washed the streets and sidewalks with the fire engine. On Friday, Mr. Ray INGRAM came to town with his spray rig and all streets and alleys were sprayed with DDT. The whole idea behind this work is to rid the city of flies. Flies are believed to be the carrier of the polio germ. And although there have been no cases of this epidemic broken out here, we do not want any. In the meantime, every household should cooperate with these gentlemen by cleaning up their rubbish, which is one of the natural breeding places for flies. And then applying DDT about their premises.
- Charlie MILLER Dies: Charlie K. MILLER of Wood River, died Sunday afternoon while attending the MILLER family reunion in Fayette County. Death was attributed to a heart attack. MILLER was born April 26, 1884. He died at the age of 65. He was the son of the late Isaac MILLER and the former Miss Alice PRUETT of Fayette County. He was married in 1903 to the former Miss Bertha LASH in Fayette County and lived in that vicinity until moving in 1928 to Wood River, where he was employed by the Shell Oil Co. He remained in their employment until his retirement five years ago. He was a member of the Junior Order of Mechanics of East Alton. He is survived by his wife of Wood River, and a daughter, Mrs. Eugene S. QUILLEN of Edwardsville. Mrs. QUILLEN formerly taught in the East Alton School District. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Stella BALLANCE of Kinmundy. The services were held from the Streeper Funeral Home in Wood River with Rev. Wm. F. BOHN, pastor of the First Baptist Church of East Alton, officiating. Burial was in Bethalto, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lem BALLANCE and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS attended the services Tuesday.
- Mr. Charles MANGNER of Meacham twp. was painfully injured Saturday afternoon while helping with threshing on the Jess NORMAN farm. Shortly after dinner he was bringing a load of bundles from the field. While crossing a ditch, the ladder on his wagon broke and fell on the horses. This frightened the horses and they ran away. Not having anything on which to brace his feet, Mr. MANGNER fell from the load and was run over by the wagon. He was taken to Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia where it was found that his right leg was broken at the knee, as well as being badly lacerated. He will remain in the hospital.
- The City Council had their regular meeting and is considering the purchase of a power mower.
- Mrs. J.A. HOLT has received word of the death of Mrs. Minnie HASELDEN WHITEHEAD of Wayne, Nebraska. She is a former Kinmundy resident, staying here with her mother, Mrs. Sarah HASELDEN. Six years ago, Mrs. WHITEHEAD with her mother and sister-in-law, Mrs. Junia SAGE, visited friends and relatives here.
- An “In Memoriam of Mrs. Kate BUSWELL who died Aug. 7, 1948" column was printed.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HOYT gave a farewell supper for Robert J. HOYT Monday, who left for the army Tuesday morning. Those attending were Mrs. Hazel HOYT and two daughters, Loretta and Connie, Mr. and Mrs. John BRASEL and Mr. Jess HOYT.
Aug. 11, 1949:
- Luke SCHERMERHORN Dies: Word has been received by Mrs. J.A. BROOM of the death of her uncle, Luke SCHERMERHORN, 83, of Spokane, Wash., who died July 29, with burial in Spokane, Wash. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. SCHERMERHORN was a former Kinmundy resident, but had not visited here for the 45 years.
- Mrs. Ida MOELLER, residing north of Arnold’s Chapel, informing us that she is now a grandmother. A son was born to her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter MOELLER, on Aug. 4th.
- Three Cases of Polio Reported for Kinmundy During Past Week: Three cases of polio were reported here that past week, the first to strike our community. On Friday, Miss Zola BARBEE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy BARBEE was taken to Centralia to see a doctor. The doctor pronounced her trouble as a light case of polio, not bad enough to be hospitalized, and she returned to her home that evening. On Sunday, Walter WEISS residing south of town, was taken to the Salem Hospital, where the doctors diagnosed his case as polio. He was taken late Sunday evening to East St. Louis for further examination and treatment. Leonard, the 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Leonard NEAVILLE, residing on the Nola YUND farm north of this city, was taken to the Centralia Polio Clinic Tuesday. The doctor reported that the child has had polio and is now getting over it. However, he is a patient in the Clinic receiving therapy treatments.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McCULLEY and Miss Dorothy McCULLEY of Salem were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCULLEY, Wednesday, the occasion being Mr. McCULLEY’s birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER, Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. W.W. BAGOTT spent Sunday in Salem attending the BROWN Reunion at Bryan Park.
- Miletus (from last week): On July 8, 1949, Ralph KRUTSINGER attained the age of 21 years and on Sunday, July 10th, a dinner was arranged at his home. He had accompanied his brother, Clark, Jr. BUTTS to Kinmundy and upon their return at noon, found a number of friends had gathered and prepared a table of delicious food in the lawn, and he was surprised indeed when they announced him honored guest of the occasion. (A list of those attending was included.).
- Miletus (from last week): A birthday dinner was served at Salem Park July 31 in honor of David WOOLDRIDGE of Farina and little Miss Mary Jane SILL.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCARTY have a son, Robert Leon, born July 22.
- Wilson School (from last week): Everyone in this vicinity is sorry to hear that our neighbor, Buddie, 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene HELM, has been stricken with polio and is a patient at the Centralia Clinic.
- Omega (from last week): Kenneth CHAPMAN and Pauline JONES motored to Kentucky Saturday and were married there. They will reside in the new apartments over Jones Store when they are completed.
- Omega (from last week): Geneva EBLIN is recovering from cuts and bruises received in an auto accident Friday while returning from the Reunion. Her brother, Donnie, who was driving, received several bruises. The accident happened about 5 miles east of Salem when another car suddenly skidded in front of the EBLIN car. Both cars were badly damaged.
Aug. 18, 1949:
- Louise and Lois CRAIG Married in Double Ceremony in Arizona: The Glendale First Methodist Church was the scene on Aug. 8 in the double exchange of wedding vows by the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene CRAIG. Miss Louise CRAIG became the wife of Charles Edward LEWIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LEWIS of Glendale, Ariz., and Miss Lois CRAIG was married to James Angus FURR, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.P. FURR of Mesa, Ariz. Both Mrs. FURR and Mrs. LEWIS came to Glendale, Ariz. in 1945 from Danville, Ill., and are graduates of Glendale Union High School.
- Family Dinner: Those attending a family dinner at the Frank and Mae GREEN home Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Lucian GREEN and son of South Bend, Ind.; Mrs. Helen HARMON of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Monroe LANSFORD, Doris and Orville of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Lester HOWELL and sons, W.L. GREEN and daughter, Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. A.A. MALINSKY of Kinmundy.
- Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wm. YOUNG of Chicago have a son, William Roland, born Aug.14.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughter, Mildred, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT were in Tuscola Sunday attending the KLEISS reunion.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM, Mrs. Minnie SIPLE, Mrs. James GUNTHROP of Barrington, Mrs. Henry SPECKER, of Brownstown. S.B. PARRILL and Miss Luella PARRILL attended the 44th annual Parrill reunion and picnic held at Brown Park in Flora last Sunday.
- Miss Harriett ALLEN and Freddie NEAL were married on Sunday morning by Elder O.E. CORRELL in his home in this city. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie NEAL, brother and sister-in-law of the groom. The bride is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erman ALLEN of this city, and a graduate of the local high school with the class of ‘49. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. NEAL of Meacham twp. For the past few months, he has been employed as a truck driver for the State Highway Department. The couple will be residing with the groom’s parents where they will make their home for awhile.
- Mr. Eugene SHUFELDT motored to East St. Louis Saturday and returned Mr. Walter WEISS to his home. It will be remembered that Mr. WEISS was taken to East St. Louis last week because it was believed that he had polio. There he underwent several tests and his case was finally diagnosed as an infected kidney.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW were in Brownstown Sunday afternoon attending the funeral of a cousin, Mr. W.D. RODE.
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SHAFFER announce the arrival of Donald Ray born Sunday morning.
- Pleasant Grove Homecoming Sunday: Rev. Burdette WALKINGTON of East Alton, will be the afternoon speaker at the Homecoming at Pleasant Grove, Sunday, Aug. 21. Bro. TREADWAY will speak in the morning.
- Meacham: Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS had as dinner guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS, Virginia and Dale. The occasion was in celebration of Dale’s 5th birthday.
Aug. 25, 1949:
- Pleasant Grove Church Centennial Celebration Held Sunday: The centennial homecoming of the Pleasant Grove Methodist Church, located five miles southeast of Kinmundy, was celebrated Sunday at the church with regular Sunday School and church services, a bountiful basket dinner at noon and an afternoon program. 175 members, former members and friends registered during the day. The master of ceremonies, H.J. BARKSDALE, presented the program of the day featuring Rev. Burdette WALKINGTON, of Alton, as guest speaker. Group singing was enjoyed along with special numbers including a duet by Mrs. James SIPES and Mrs. B.F. LINTON, a trio composed of Rojean and Rosalie ALDERSON and Mrs. Maxine BARKSDALE and a solo by Will LECKRONE. Invocation was given by Rev. Frank TREDWAY, present pastor, and Rev. George MEYER gave the benediction. The WSCS of the church led the Lord’s Prayer. The church was decorated with floral offerings sent by Mrs. Alma BAKER TURNER, Alton, former member and Mrs. W.W. BAGOTT, who was given special recognition as being the first Sunday School superintendent, members present remembered. She was introduced by Mrs. Ray VANDEVEER. Mrs. Emma SHRIVER, of Wyoming, who was a member 70 years ago, sent greetings which were read by Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND. Mrs. John KAGY, Salem, another former member also sent greetings which Mrs. Claude HIESTAND read. The history of Pleasant Grove church as presented by Guy SHAFFER was most interesting. The first record of religious services being held in the Pleasant Grove community was in 1841. In that year, John WILSON, of Ohio, came to Illinois with his sons, Richard Tilton and John Corwin WILSON and Wilson WHITE, a grandson. This family along with the other scattered families in the community had been having school in an old abandoned house but during this same year a log school house 24 x 18 feet with a weight pole roof was built near where Pleasant Grove now stands on ground given by the WILSONS. Thomas MILLER was the first teacher. Once a year, Bishop ROBERTS preached in this house. Rev. Joseph HELMS and Rev. T.L. MIDDLETON were among the first ministers. In the early days Pleasant Grove was on the Salem circuit (1870-1873), and on a Kinmundy circuit from 1873-1890. In 1890, Alma was made the head of the circuit, containing the four charges, as it now is. Pleasant Grove, Cubbage Chapel, Zion, and Alma. The deed to the church property states that on Nov. 4, 1857, it was deeded by William HULTS to John C. WILSON, Thomas A. WHITE, Samuel PHILLIPS, Thomas PHILLIPS, and R.L. WILSON, trustees. This deed was recorded Nov. 10, 1857. Just what year the church was built we are not certain, but we do have evidence that the late Joseph Henry SHAFFER helped haul logs to be used in the construction of this church and at the time of his death was collecting funds to be used for repairs. We have been unable to find the names of only a few early worshipers. Besides those mentioned in the deed, the names of BROWNS and VALLOWS were listed. The names of the ministers and years they served this community are: 1870 Rev. T.W. HOUSE; 1871 Rev. John LEEPER; 1872-73 Rev. A. RARESOME; 1874-5-6 Rev. W.T. WHITAKER; 1877-8 Rev. G.W. GRABE; 1879-80-81 Rev. N.B. COCKSEY; 1882-83 Rev. N. BASCOM; 1884 Rev. R.R. GIVIN; 1885 Rev. John W. BAIN; 1886-87 Rev. James G. DEE; 1888-89 Rev. W.T. BRANNUM; 1890 Rev. Chester BURK; 1891-2 Rev. Charles BOVARD; 1902-03 Rev. Charles GERKIN; 1904 Rev. HISER; 1905 John SMITH; 1906 Rev. Haleck CARLIN; 1907 Rev. Fred JOHNSON; 1908 Rev. Charles BOVARD; 1909 Rev. Fay MERRIOT; 1910 Rev. Frank BROWN; 1911 Rev. FORD; 1912-13-14-15-16 Rev. Pierre DeLAIN; 1917 Rev. YOUNG; 1918 Rev. Justin WILSON; 1919-20-21-22 Rev. John WATSON; 1923 Rev. Charles YECK; 1924-25 Rev. CLOWER; 1926-27 Rev. Charles MAYES; 1928 Rev. A.A. FARRELL; 1929-30 Rev. C.R. WISE; 1931-32 Rev. Carl STREUBING; 1932-33-34-35-36 Rev. E.M. DYCUS; 1936-37 Rev. Norvel MOTZER; 1938-39-40-41 Rev. W.G. WIGHAM; 1942-43-44 Rev. L.E. HARD; 1945-46-47-48 Rev. John CURTIS; 1949 Rev. Frank TREDWAY. The church is still used for services, church being held twice a month and Sunday School every Sunday. A Sunday School plaque dated 1849 still hangs on the wall and is in excellent condition. Three men, Francis SIPES, Will SHAFFER, and Guy SHAFFER were given special recognition as being responsible for keeping the church going during the recent war years. Mrs. Francis SIPES paid tribute to the former ministers by reading an “Ode to Pastors”. (A list of those attending the services from out-of-town was included. as well as a picture of the church. )
- Mr. and Mrs. J.M. MAHON of Greenville will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary Aug. 28th at their home. There will be an open house. Mrs. MAHON before her marriage was Nelle STEPHENS.
- Rev. Delmar DeBAULT and family will settle in Kinmundy on Aug. 29th to take up his duties with the local Christian Church.
- Mrs. Dessie REA and son, Donald, of Dennis, Kansas and Mrs. Eva COX of Robinson, Ill. visited last week with their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CORRELL and other relatives in this vicinity. This is Mrs. REA’s first visit in Illinois since she moved to Dennis 43 years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel CORRELL.
- Obituary of Harry PRUETT: Harry, son of E.E. and Nellie DEWELL PRUETT, was born in Missouri on Oct. 19, 1876, and died in Salem Hospital on Aug. 21, 1949. He had been ill for several months. Most of his life was spent in Kinmundy where he farmed until his health no longer permitted him working. Here he had many friends and acquaintances. He is survived by 1 brother, Clyde, of Belleville, Ill., and several nieces and nephews. Services were held from Linton Funeral Home with Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde PRUETT of Belleville have sold their property in the north party of town to Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY.
- Mr. and Mrs. William FURRY of St. Louis have sold their property in the south part of town to Mr. and Mrs. James SCHOOLEY.
- John BOYD Dies: John BOYD, 42, Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel BOYD of this city died in the Salem Hospital last night about midnight. He took ill on Tuesday evening and was taken to the hospital Wednesday afternoon. Death was attributed to a heart ailment. He leaves a wife and a 9 year old son. Arrangements are incomplete at this time only that services will be held in Kinmundy with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.T. BOUSEMAN Celebrate 80th Birthdays Sunday, Aug. 21: 115 relatives and friends assembled Sunday, on the lawn of the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. BOUSEMAN, who live 6 miles east of Kinmundy on the Louisville blacktop, to help the couple celebrate their 80th birthdays. Summoned to dinner by an old fashioned dinner bell which has been in use on the farm for more than a quarter century, relatives and friends from Iowa, Illinois, Virginia and Indiana congratulated the couple and wished them many more happy years together. “Mollie” who was 80 Monday, and “Johnny” who became 80 last Friday, are long-time residents of this area, having been married on March 6, 1895, they lived their first year on a farm near Farina. Then in 1896, they bought 120 acres where they now live, cleared the land, and for 53 years have been known and respected members of the community. The couple expressed hearty appreciation for the many useful and beautiful gifts presented to them by friends attending the basket luncheon. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, Mrs. Susanna JONES, Mrs. Anna MERRITT and Bob SLANE were among friends that helped Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie BOUSEMAN celebrate their 80th birthdays on Sunday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT received a letter this week from their son, Willard, stating he had arrived at Yokahoma, Japan.
Sept. 1, 1949:
- Gertrude GLUESENKAMP and Berthol GARRETT Wed Saturday P.M.: Miss Gertrude GLUESENKAMP, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver GLUESENKAMP of St. Peter, and Berthol GARRETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT, of west of Kinmundy, were married Saturday evening at 6:30 in the St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church by the pastor Rev. F.G. DUEKER. The double ring ceremony was used. Mr. and Mrs. William GARRETT were the attendants. Ushers were Jack GARRETT, brother of the groom, and Lester GLUESENKAMP, brother of the bride. The bride wore a grey suit with green accessories and carried a bouquet of white gladioli and rosebuds on a white Bible; Mrs. William GARRETT wore an aqua suit with black accessories and had a pink gladioli and rose corsage. The groom’s mother was attired in brown with a white carnation corsage and Mrs. GLUESENKAMP wore a blue dress with a red carnation corsage. The bride’s cousin, Bernice BOYE, sang “The Lord’s Prayer”, during the ceremony. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. GARRETT attended St. Peter and Farina schools and since her graduation has been employed in the St. Peter Bank. The groom graduated from Kinmundy high school, served two years in the Navy, and has been employed in the Kinmundy Bank since his discharge. Upon return from their wedding trip, destination unannounced, the couple will be at home in St. Peter. Those from here who attended the ceremony were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT and daughter, Mrs. William DOOLEN and daughter, Dale HULSEY, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. SHREFFLER, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and son, Mr. and Mrs. Eli DOOLEN and daughter of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB, Mrs. Hazel LIVESAY of Decatur; Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and daughter, Jack GARRETT, Keith GREEN, Lorna Mae DREWES, Emmett GARRETT of Centralia, and Miss Laura Jean GREEN.
- A basket dinner honoring Rev. Tom McGEE was held in the Christian Church basement Sunday, Aug. 28, with 95 present.
- Services Held for Editor John H. CRAIG Wednesday: Mr. CRAIG was born at Kinmundy on Jan. 22, 1883. At the age of 17 he taught school in Kansas, and moved to South Dakota a year later where he taught school for a year west of Tripp, S.D., and for 3 years in the city. He married Miss Mary W. KLATT, Sept. 6, 1905, and in 1907, the couple homesteaded in Pennington County. They returned to Tripp in 1907 and purchased the “Tripp Ledger” from L.A. FOX. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Muriel (Mrs. Charles MILLER), Tripp, S.D.; Roberta (Mrs. B.G. MONK), Canton, S.D.; his sons-in-law, and three grandchildren, Cynthia MILLER, and Dennis and Gail MONK, and a brother, Eugene, of Glendale, Ariz. Services were held at the Methodist Church in Tripp, S.D.
- Private Morris O’DELL Brought Here: The casketed remains of Pvt. Morris O’DELL arrived here Friday on the I.C. Train No. 29 and were taken to the Linton Funeral Home. Services were held Sunday from the Oskaloosa Church, Elder Clyde SINCLAIR officiating. Interment was made in Oskaloosa Cemetery under the auspices of the Flora American Legion Post. Pvt. O’DELL entered the service Feb. 5, 1943 and was killed in action in France, Dec. 4, 1944, aged 20 years, 10 months, 5 days. He leaves his father, Mr. Vernie O’DELL, residing in the Brown District east of Kinmundy; one sister, Arletha; his grandmother, Mrs. Eva O’DELL; and several uncles and cousins.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. VALLOW of Champaign announce the arrival of Bernard James on Aug. 31 in Mercy Hospital, Champaign. He is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall WILLIAMS, Salem, and the fourth of your editor and wife.
- M.Y.F. Elects Officers: The Methodist Youth Fellowship elected new officers last Sunday night, Aug. 28. They are: President - Nellie BRASEL; Vice President - Addonia HUBBEL; Secretary - Donna SCHOOLEY; Treasurer - James BRASEL; Commissioner on Worship and Evangelism - Beverly HANNA; Commissioner on Missions and World Fellowship - Helen BASSETT; Commissioner on Community Service - Lillie BAILEY; Commissioner on Recreation - Jimmy ALEXANDER. As yet a sponsor hasn’t been obtained.
- Edward RICHARDSON Dies: Services for Edward RICHARDSON were held Friday at the Episcopal church in Hammond, La. He passed away at his home in Hammond on Tuesday, having been in ill health for some time. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Curtis, of Hammond, and Howard of Boston. Interment was in the Hammond cemetery. Mrs. RICHARDSON is a sister of Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM and Mrs. B.E. SIPLE of this city. Another sister, Mrs. Ed HOHLT is with Mrs. RICHARDSON in Hammond.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.W. JACKSON of Decatur have a son born Aug. 30 named Don Michael. D.W. JACKSON is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles GAMMON of this city.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND attended the wedding of her niece Miss Patsy AUSTIN of Salem, and Bob BLACKBURN of Flora who were married in the Baptist Church in Salem Sunday.
- Pleasant Grove: Some from here attended the charivari and shower for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BRANCH at his parental home.
- Pleasant Grove: Rev. TREDWAY is holding a 2 week revival which started Monday at Pleasant Grove.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lem BALLANCE attended the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. MAHON of Greenville Sunday.
- Brown: Mr. and Mrs. Earl HUDDLESTON and son, Charles WHITNEY and Charles HANKS spent the weekend in Jasper county and attended the HANCOCK Reunion.
- Brown: Oren Ray MULVANEY and Miss Betty SMITH of Xenia were married Sunday in Xenia Church.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles BASSETT and sons attended a birthday dinner honoring Elmer BASSETT at his home west of town Sunday.
- Omega: School began Monday with See MILLICAN as teacher.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE attended a birthday party Monday at Kenneth WILKINSON’s in honor of Kenneth’s 35th birthday.
- Among those from here who attended the HOLT Reunion held Sunday in Bryan Park at Salem were: Mr. and Mrs. J.A. HOLT, Mr. and Mrs. D.F. NEATHERY, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE, Mr. and Mrs. George COLE, Mrs. Elizabeth ATKINS and son Raymond, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB.
Sept. 8, 1949:
- Maud and Abe BAYLISS Found Dead in Blazing Home Friday Morning: At 12:30 Friday morning, Kinmundy citizens were awakened by the sound of the fire alarm. It proved to be a fire at the home of Maude and Abe BAYLIS. The southwest corner of the house was ablaze when it was discovered by Mr. and Mrs. F.A. MOTCH who live just across the street east. Mr. MOTCH’s dogs were doing considerable barking which awakened them. Mr. MOTCH raised the window to quiet the dogs and just about that time Mrs. MOTCH saw a light flicker. At that they begun to investigate and found it to be the BAYLIS home. They aroused their two sons who summoned the fire department while Mr. and Mrs. MOTCH ran across to the burning house. They first went to Maud’s bedroom window and seeing that she was not in her bed, called to her but received no answer. Then they went to the bedroom of Abe which was ablaze but could see no one in his bed. The fire department soon arrived and searchers went into the home. Several started but were forced back on account of the smoke and fumes. Finally Donnie CHEATUM and Delmar BEBAULT were successful in getting to the living room where they found Abe. They brought him out and he was pronounced dead. E.E. BROWN and D.J. ALEXANDER then went back into the same room and found Maud. She was pronounced dead also. From all appearances, the fire started in Abe’s bedroom. Maud was a semi-invalid from arthritis. It is the supposition that Maud tried to save Abe and got him as far as the living room where they both fell. It was found that Maud had one leg broken which evidently happened in the fall. The flesh of both bodies was slightly seared but badly discolored from the smoke. The coroner’s jury returned a verdict of “Death came from suffocation” at the inquest held Friday evening. This was a rather stubborn fire and the department worked until almost 4 o’clock extinguishing the smoldering embers. Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER, who live next door, served coffee to the firemen which was greatly appreciated as the air was quite chilly and several of them rather damp from the water. A double funeral service was held Sunday afternoon from the School Gymnasium, Bro. Delmar DEBAULT, officiating. Interment was made in the Eastland Cemetery under the auspices of Kinmundy Post No. 579, American Legion. Jacob Abel BAYLISS was born Nov. 15, 1895 and departed this life Sept. 2, 1949. He received his education in the Kinmundy school, and at the age of 21 years he enlisted in the service of Co. G. 130th Inf. 33rd Div. He served for 18 months as a Sergeant. After coming out of the service, he made his home with his father and elder sister. His father preceded him in death Oct. 16, 1933. He met his death by suffocation. He will be greatly missed by all the loved ones and neighbors. Abe was always thoughtful of others, even a crippled bird would get his attention. They leave to mourn their loss, 5 sisters, and 2 brothers, Mayme MERRITT, Jacksonville, Ill.; Bernice LAYTON, Panoa City, Okla.; Jossie LEMAY, Kinmundy; Lorrie SWANK, Della ORCUTT, and Alva BAYLISS of Champaign, Ill.; Milton BAYLISS of Vernon, Ill.; There are 15 nieces and nephews and 13 great nieces and nephews.
- To Celebrate Golden Wedding: Mr. and Mrs. J.W. REESE of Pana, Ill. will celebrate their 50th anniversary Sept. 11, 1949 with a basket dinner at the Park in Pana. Mr. REESE is the oldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G.E. REESE of Kinmundy, who observed their 50th anniversary in Kinmundy on Aug. 25, 1928. Mrs. REESE was the daughter of Thomas PAYTON of near Vandalia. They had 7 children, 2 dead and 5 living: Lloyd and Orville of East Alton, Ill.; Roy and Emma of Peoria, Ill., and Mabel of Pana, all are married. They also have 16 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. Mr. REESE is a retired railroad man after 38 years service. They are both in good health. They have lived in Pana the past 30 years. They lived in Kinmundy when they were first married, leaving there 45 years ago. Relatives and friends are invited.
- Helen ROBNETT and Lester VANDEVEER Wed Sunday: Miss Helen ROBNETT, daughter of Mrs. Pleasant ROBNETT, and Lester VANDEVEER, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. VANDEVEER, were married Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Effingham Methodist Church, Rev. James A. CONNETT officiating. Betty FURROW and Henry SPENCER, both of Farina, were the attendants. Mrs. VANDEVEER attended the Kinmundy schools and graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1948. She attended business college at Shelbyville and the University of Ill. The groom graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1947 and has since engaged in farming with his father. The couple will make their home with his parents temporarily.
- The Kinmundy Woman’s Club held it’s first meeting of the year, Sept. 2, with Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM, hostess. Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT, President, was in charge, and secretary and treasurer’s reports were read by Mrs. Dale WRIGHT, and Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON.
- Lorna DREWES and Keith GREEN Wed Sunday Eve: Miss Lorna Mae DREWES and Howard Keith GREEN exchanged wedding vows on Sunday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor DREWES of St. Peter, Rev. DUEKER of the Evangelical Lutheran Church officiating. Mrs. Dale PORTER, sister of the bride, and Dale PORTER, were the attendants. Mrs. GREEN attended St. Peter Schools. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN of west of Kinmundy, graduated from Kinmundy H.S., spent 15 months in the navy and has been employed for the past two years in Salem. A dinner was served following the ceremony after which the couple departed for Merimac Caverns, Mo. They will be at home in an apartment in Salem upon their return. Those attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A.B. MEYER, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DREWES and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy GREEN and son, of Tolono, Mrs. Estella PORTER, Miss Eunice KAUFMAN, Mrs. DUEKER and son, Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Victor DREWES and son, Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN of Kinmundy. Those who were unable to attend the wedding but attended the reception were Mrs. Josie BUSSE and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin SCHNARRE and daughter.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis BUTTS were painfully injured Friday morning on highway 50 west of Salem at the Selmaville road, when their car collided with another car driven by Mrs. Mary Irene FOSTER BEAVER of Carlyle. Mrs. BEAVER was going east toward Salem. She was not injured. Mr. BUTTS was preparing to turn south on the Selmaville road when the accident happened. He received a broken leg and chest injuries. Mrs. BUTTS received head injuries and a broken arm. Both are patients at Salem Hospital.
- John William VANDEVEER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert VANDEVEER, celebrated his 6th birthday Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete JOINS and two sons, Jack and Jimmy of Salem were present for the occasion. A wiener roast was enjoyed that evening.
- Curtis HOWELL Found Dead in His Farm Home Sunday by his Nephew: Joseph Curtis HOWELL, 74, was found dead sitting in a chair in his home west of this city, Sunday by his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. John McCLURE of Salem, who had come to visit him. He had been in ill health for quite some time but insisted on living alone most of the time. He had recently spent sometime with his sisters in Bloomington because he didn’t feel so well. It was evident that he had been dead for some time. An inquest was held Tuesday and death was caused by Myocarditis on Sept. 2. Services were held Tuesday from the Christian Church, Bro. Delmar DEBAULT officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery under the auspices of the Kinmundy Lodge. Joseph Curtis HOWELL, son of Arad Monroe and Mary Jane HOWELL, was born at Humboldt, Ill. Aug. 14, 1875, and died at his home west of Kinmundy on Sept. 2, 1949. His death was caused by a heart attack. His boyhood days were spent near the vicinity of his birth and the rest of his life, he lived with his parents west of Kinmundy until their death at which time he took up his abode alone. He was a farmer, and a long time member of the Masonic Lodge of Kinmundy. He leaves to mourn his passing 4 sisters: Mrs. Nettie REYNOLDS, Mrs. Roddie BASS, Mrs. Fannie LAMBORN, all of Bloomington, Ill., and Mrs. Amy TRUEBLOOD of St. Louis, Mo. There were three sisters and one brother who preceded him in death. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd BAILEY are parents of a daughter born Sept. 6 in St. Luke’s Hospital in St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BAILEY are the paternal grandparents.
- Has Birthday Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert VANDEVEER entertained relatives Sunday to a birthday dinner in honor of their mother, Mrs. Guy SHAFFER, their son John William, and their niece, Vivian MILLER. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles KEELING, Champaign (parents of Mrs. G.W. SHAFFER); Mr. and Mrs. Leon MILLER and daughter, Vivian, Carmi; Mr. and Mrs. David SHAFFER and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul SHAFFER of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. G.W. SHAFFER, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert VANDEVEER and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. John W. SHAFFER and son.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON attended the HARRELL-HORTENSTINE Reunion at the Brown Park near Flora Sunday. A basket dinner was served at noon, with about 75 present. Next year will be our 25th reunion.
- Meacham: On Friday evening, the C.B. Circle with other neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer NEAL for a wedding shower for the newly wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie NEAL.
- Wilson School: The pupils from this district are again attending school at Allen this year. School started on Sept. 1 with Mrs. Merle WALKINGTON as teacher.
- The Summit Prairie Baptist Church in Stevenson twp. observed it’s Centennial Sunday with an all day meeting. Approximately 150 attended the service and basket dinner at noon and a crowd of about 500 attended services in the afternoon. (A picture of the crowd in front of the church was included and a pictures of the cake sent by Herschel HOLTSCLAW and Mrs. Florence KELLY.)
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON and daughters attended a surprise dinner on Mrs. Guy SHAFFER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Solomon CAUDILL and son and daughter have moved their personal effects here from Prichard, West Virginia and will be one of us as soon as they can find a home. Mr. CAUDILL will assist in the Garden’s Hardware.
- A family dinner was held at the Denard MERCER home in Salem honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ward MERCER and daughter of Rockford, and Mr. Frank MERCER of Dixon. Attending from Kinmundy were Mr. and Mrs. Fred SEE and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KLINE and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McCULLEY.
Sept. 15, 1949:
- The Illinois Central Railroad suffered a bad wreck 3 miles south of Effingham Tuesday morning when two engines side-swapped, one turning over, and several feet of track being torn up. Engine 2555, a freight train was on the south bound main track going at a slow speed when Engine 2519, a work train, disobeyed a red signal on the west siding and came on to the southbound track, striking Engine No. 2555. Engine 2555 was pushed to the left while Engine 2519 went off the road bed to the right, sinking in the soft mud and turning over. Crewmen from Engine 2519 jumped from the cab before the engine turned over, got up and ran clear before the engine fell on it’s side. The head brakeman of 2519 suffered a sprained shoulder. Traffic on the south bound line was opened late Tuesday. The northbound line was open for traffic most of the day. (A picture of the trainwreck was included.)
- The wedding of Miss Betty Jean TURNER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Russell TURNER, of Lynchburg, Va., and William Dean HART, son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Harold HART of Champaign, took place Sept. 6th in the Centenary Methodist Church in Lynchburg. A reception was given at the Boonesboro Country club. The couple will reside in Miami, Florida. Mr. HART attended the Univ. of Ill., and is now a senior in the Univ. of Miami majoring in marketing. Mr. HART is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER of this city.
- Miss Geneva EBLIN, of Kinmundy, has been accepted at Southern Ill. Univ. starting Sept. 12th. She graduated from Kinmundy H.S. with the class of 1949.
- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene SCHRIER of Bunker Hill, Ill. have a son born Sept. 11 named Charles Eugene. The mother is the former Ruby REESE of this city.
- County Coroner, W.R. “Bob” HANCOCK died suddenly from a heart attack Monday.
- Dr. W.T. DAVIS is Kinmundy’s new doctor. He started his medical practice in Kinmundy Monday morning after moving here from Patoka. He is 55 years of age, married and his wife, Ina Mae helps him in his office and on calls. They have one son, W.T. DAVIS, Jr., 32 years, who is principal of Washington Junior High School in Murphysboro, Ill. At the present time, he has opened his office in the Dr. MILLER building. He graduated from the National University in St. Louis in 1920, and since that time has practiced in Southern Illinois Coal fields around Herrin, Ill.
- Among those from here who attended the wedding of Miss Elsie BROWN and Charles Lee FORD in Salem Saturday evening were Mrs. William DOOLEN and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FEATHER, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. FEATHER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BALLANCE, Mr. and Mrs. Dale BALLANCE, Mr. and Mrs. Richard MOTCH, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. COLE. Miss Lela Mae DOOLEN was bridesmaid and Dale HULSEY, an usher.
Sept. 22, 1949:
- The 8th Annual Meet of the Kinmundy Fox Hunters Association was held on Sept. 8, 9, and 10 in A.O. CHARLTON’s grove west of Kinmundy with a good attendance each day. In the Derby Fox Hound Chase, 14 dogs were entered and a good chase was reported. No dog was scored, but each dog entered shared equal of the cash prize paid. Friday, Sept. 9, was the All Age Fox Hound Chase and 29 dogs were entered. A good chase was reported. 3 dogs tied for first place, namely, Fiber owned by Frank LINDER, Salem; Tarzen, owned by Gerald BUTTS, Kinmundy; and Bonnie Heels, owned by C.C. BASSETT, Kinmundy; 2nd prize, Ohio, owned by Pat DONOHO, Alma; 3rd prize, Rock, owned by Leroy COLCLASURE, Iola. On Sept. 13, a chase was run by the 3 dogs tied for first. It was a good chase, and Tarzen, owned by Gerald BUTTS, Kinmundy, was awarded first and winner of the Trophy Cup. The cup was given in memory of Jeff CRUTCHFIELD, who was a great lover of fox chasing. Saturday, Sept. 10 was Bench Show: Puppies under 6 months of age: 1st - Jack, owned by A. MULVANEY, Salem; 2nd Queen, owned by Frank LINDER, Salem; 3rd - Linda, owned by Lon LIMES, Louisville;
Puppies under 1 year old: 1st - Spotty, owned by Frank LINDER, Salem; 2nd - Lulu Belle, owned by Lon LIMES, Louisville;
All Age Females: 1st - Fly, owned by Harry NICHOLS, Farina; 2nd - Mollie, owned by Frank LINDER, Salem.
All Age Males: 1st - Rowdy, owned by H.D. CRUTCHFIELD, Alma; 2nd - Pup, owned by Harry NICHOLS, Farina; 3rd - Fiber, owned by Frank NICHOLS, Farina.
Female Derby: 1st - Ann, owned by Andrew MULVANEY, Salem; 2nd - Ellen, owned by H.B. CRUTCHFIELD, Alma.
- Surprise Birthday Party: Mrs. Elizabeth ATKINS was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party and dinner held Sunday at her home here. She was 80 on Sunday and had received 80 birthday greetings and remembrances. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Berthol GARRETT and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ora ATKINS and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard BACKENSTO and daughter, Shirley, of Hartford; Mr. and Mrs. Richard MURFIN, Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis LANSFORD, Mrs. Elmer ARNOLD, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold CHANDLER, all of Lester; Mrs. Ida SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Guin VALLOW, Mr. and Mrs. D.F. NEATHERLY, Miss Florence STORRS, Mr. and Mrs. Junior GARRETT, of St. Peter; Raymond ATKINS and Mrs. Virgil TROUT.
- Julian NOCHMAN Buried in Evergreen Cemetery: Services for Julian John NOCHMAN, 44, were held Friday at the Linton Funeral Home, with Rev. Fr. A.B. SCHOMAKER, officiating. Julian John NOCHMAN, son of Michael and Mary (KSIAZEK) NOCHMAN, was born in Kinmundy on Jan. 28, 1905, and attended rural schools in Kinmundy twp. His parents died when three of his sisters were young and he reared and educated these girls. He engaged in farming his entire life. He had been in ill health for the past five years and seriously ill and hospitalized for the past several months. He died at Anne’s Hospital in Chicago Tuesday morning. He is survived by 2 brothers, Stanley and Anthony NOCHMAN, and 5 sisters, Mrs. Katherine GNIANEK, Mrs. Mary BANACH, Mrs. Sophia HENRIKSON, Mrs. Anne ROTH, all of Chicago; and 1 sister, Mrs. Florence ROBB of Kinmundy; One brother, John, died in infancy. 10 nephews and nieces and 2 grandnieces survive. He had never married. Mr. NOCHMAN was a great sportsman and loved to hunt. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene MORGAN of Chicago have a son, John Gilbert MORGAN, born Sept. 14. He is the grandson of the late Gilbert and Mrs. Ivy MORGAN, former Kinmundy residents.
- Louise SHAFFER, H.S. Student, a Polio Suspect: Louise SHAFFER, 16, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER, was taken to St. John’s Hospital in Springfield Tuesday night suffering from polio. She had not been feeling well that day and it was thought that she had a light case of intestinal flu. In the evening, she complained about not being able to use her limbs. At that, Dr. DAVIS was summoned and he told the family that she had all indications of polio and suggested that they take her to Springfield, which was done. Yesterday, the doctor reported to Mrs. SHAFFER that according to the tests made thus far, Louise does not have polio. She will remain in St. John’s for a few days for further examination. Louise is a sophomore in the local high school.
- P.T.A. Meeting Well Attended: The first P.T.A. meeting of the year was well attended on Sept. 19. Supt. O’DELL introduced the faculty, after which Paul MONICAL of Farina was the speaker. Group singing was led by Mrs. Amelda VALLOW. The flower show, a feature of the evening, was voted an annual affair. There were 31 entries from school children, and 13 from adults. Judges were Mrs. J.B. MAHAN, Mrs. Florence CONANT, and Mrs. Paul PIPER. Following is a list of winners:
Children: 1st - Ann SHAFFER, Quentin ROBNETT, David LEE.
2nd - Freddie HOWELL, Linda JENKINS, Barbara HAMMER
3rd - Twila PIGG, Garry OLDEN, J.R. STEPHENS
Adults: 1st - Mrs. Harley HILL, Mrs. Tom BALLANCE, Mrs. Tom BALLANCE
2nd - Katherine WORMLEY, Mrs. Bertha MALINSKY, Mrs. Harley HILL
3rd - Mrs. Ethel HANNA, Mrs. Bertha MALINSKY, Mrs. Edd BRASEL
- Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER and family had the pleasure of talking with their son, Pvt. Marion SHAFFER, who is stationed in Japan, Sunday evening. They said his voice was clear and they were very highly elated over hearing him.
- Calvin BARBEE left Sunday for Chicago where he will take up his duties there as a railway mail clerk in the Chicago Terminals. Calvin has been employed as a clerk in the local postoffice since his return from service. He recently passed the Civil Service Exam for Railway Mail Clerk. and now has received his appointment.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin SHREFFLER are parents of a daughter born Monday, Sept. 19, at Salem Hospital. Mrs. SHREFFLER is the former Norma GARRETT. This is their second child and first daughter.
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald MILLER of Mattoon, announce the arrival of Carla Jacqueline, Sept. 21, in the Methodist Hospital.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy GREEN of Tolono, have a baby girl born Sept. 21 in Mercy Hospital, Champaign, and named Carolyn Ann.
- Local F.H.A. Attends Meeting: The local chapter of the Future Homemakers of America was represented at the House of Delegates meeting in Robinson Sept. 17th. Those attending were Misses Betty WANTLAND, Evelyn BASSETT, Callie McGUIRE, and Rosalie ALDERSON as delegates; Mrs. Mabel SMITH, Chapter Mother, and Mrs. Katherine GADDIS, Home Economics Teacher. The program consisted of various talks, discussion groups, the election of sectional officers, a movie on silverware, and recreation. The girls all reported an interesting and enjoyable day. The Kinmundy Chapter Officers are: Betty WANTLAND - President; Evelyn BASSETT - Vice President; Callie McGUIRE - Secretary; Rosalie ALDERSON - Treasurer; Marcelline GENTRY - Program Chairman; Martha MONICAL - Publicity Chairman; Mrs. Mabel SMITH - Chapter Mother.
- DAY Family Reunion: Members of the DAY family held their reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight DAY, Jr. and son. Those from out-of-town who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert DAY and Mr. and Mrs. Paul BECK and son, Steve, of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Earl GOBEN and grandson, Sonny, of Champaign; Ben DAY and son, Mrs. Joe DAY and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis RIETHMANN and children of East St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Ira WILLIAMS, St. Louis; Mrs. Vera MENGEL, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Walter SMITH, Litchfield; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank DAY, Mrs. Myrtle DAY, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight DAY of Alma.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. John S. FORD and family were callers at the Edwin HARRELL home Monday evening.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL, Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Loren WILLIAMS of Alma were in Salem Sunday morning to meet Mrs. H.F. CRAIG from LaCrosse, Wash., who is here visiting relatives and friends. A sumptuous dinner was served at the HARRELL home.
- Omega (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Claude ROSE announce the arrival of a baby daughter last week.
- Omega: Claude JAMISON and family have moved into the Claude ROSE property recently vacated by Bruce HUDDLESTON.
- John McCULLEY spent Sunday in Danville attending a reunion of Co. D, 130th Infantry, 33rd Division.
Sept. 29, 1949:
- Henry William SEE, Pioneer of Kinmundy twp. Dies at 81: Henry William SEE was born near Corydon, Iowa on Apr. 12, 1858, almost three years to the day before the state of the Civil War, the son of Fred and Virginia BARNETT SEE, and the 5th of 6 children, his parents having come to Iowa by river boat from Point Pleasant, West Virginia, some years previous to his birth. At the age of 6 years, he moved to Illinois with his parents and they bought and located on the ground now known as the Aaron HUTCHINSON farm near Alma and lived here until Henry was a youth of 20 when he and his brother and parents moved to southwest Missouri locating near the town of Sarcoxie, spring of 1878. It was near this place he met and married Ellen BURRESS June 4, 1879; they were destined for a long and happy married life of over 54 years which was terminated by the death of Mrs. SEE Sept. 7, 1933. They made their home in Missouri for one year only coming to Kinmundy, Ill. in a covered wagon, a journey that required 18 days in June 1880. The first few weeks and following winter they occupied upstairs rooms in the home of Mr. SEE’s parents, moving to a farm south of town in the spring of 1881. In 1882 they bought the land which was later to become their permanent home for in the fall of 1882 Mr. SEE broke the sod of prairie grass and planted it to wheat while in the summer and fall of 1883 built and moved into the house wherein he died 66 years later. During their long years of residence there the couple exemplified in the highest degree the true American spirit of industry and integrity. It was people like these possessed of such isudable characteristics who carved a great inland empire of the middle west out of 100 years before had been raw wild prairie. The simply early American creed of neighborliness and helpfulness was never better typified than in the daily lives of these good people. When only 17 years of age, Mr. SEE became a member of the Harmony Baptist Church and remained a loyal adherent of that faith. He had also been a member of the Masonic Lodge, Odd Fellows, and Modern Woodmen, and loved the creative vocation of farming. On May 7, 1948, he suffered a fall which contributed to an extremely helpless condition into which he speedily lapsed, and was in constant care by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George ZIMMER in their home until he passed away on the eve of Sept. 22, 1949. He is survived by 5 children: Mrs. Pearl LENHART of Alma; Mrs. Caddie PATTERSON of Kinmundy; Mrs. Edna TELFORD of Salem; Guy SEE of Kankakee; and Mrs. Leona ZIMMER of Alma; their first son, Fred Carl, having died in early infancy. Also surviving are 8 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-granddaughter. Services were held from the Methodist Church Sunday, Rev. Irvin SMITH of Odin, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Chas. W. ROSE Passes Away: Chas. W. ROSE of Champaign died suddenly Saturday morning at his farm east of Kinmundy. He and Mrs. ROSE had come down Friday afternoon to visit at the Chas. KELLER home. Early Saturday morning Mr. ROSE went out to his farm to cut some weeds. When he did not return within a reasonable time an investigation was made and he was found dead caused by a heart attack, according to Dr. DAVIS who was summoned. He apparently had died soon after reaching the farm. Mr. ROSE, 75 years of age, was a retired I.C.R.R. engineer. He leaves his wife and two children, Myron ROSE of Marysville, Mo., and Mrs. Earl JUPIN of Centralia. Services were held in Champaign on Tuesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. John BLYTH of Lincoln, Nebr., have a daughter born on Sept. 21 named Lynn Janelle. Grandma (Mrs. W.S. PRUETT) is in Lincoln helping care for her new granddaughter.
- Charles BLOMBERG left Thursday to Champaign where he will enter his senior year at the Univ. of Ill.
- Last Rites Held for Katherine SCAWTHON Wednesday: Miss Katherine SCAWTHON died in the Methodist Home of Lawrenceville Monday from pneumonia. Services were held in the local Methodist Church yesterday. Rev. N.C. HENDERSON of Lawrenceville, officiating and Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, assisting. Interment was made the family lot in Evergreen Cemetery. Miss SCAWTHON was 83 years of age. She had been a resident of Kinmundy for several years before going to the Methodist Home in company with her sister, Miss Florence, about 8 years ago. Miss Florence passed away about 3 years ago. Miss Katherine leaves no close relatives.
- John L. SCHOOLEY Dies: Mr. John L. SCHOOLEY, 81, died in Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 21. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home where funeral services were held Sept. 23, Rev. Joe C. SHEINUTT of Little Rock, officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. SCHOOLEY is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter, and 2 brothers, James and Clarence SCHOOLEY of this city, and one sister, Mrs. Beatrice ALLEN of Charleston.
- Mary BASS Dies: Mary E. BASS, 63, resident of Rock Falls for the past 7 years, died early Sunday in York Hospital, York, Nebraska, after several years of failing health. Mrs. BASS was born Jan. 15, 1886, in Jewitt, Ill., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry JONES. She married Joseph N. BASS on Dec. 11, 1904. Surviving are her husband, 9 children, and 25 grandchildren; a daughter, Elizabeth RICE; and a son, Robert, of York, Nebr.; Archie of Laclede, Ill.; Joseph D. OLIVER, Everett, Elwin and Pearl of Rock Falls; her daughter, Vivian RAYMOND accompanied her to Nebraska. A daughter, her parents, one brother, and one sister preceded her in death.
- Birthday Dinner: Mrs. Maggie KLINE was guest of honor at a birthday dinner celebrating her 82nd birthday Sunday at her home south of Kinmundy. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Claude ALEXANDER and Miss Elsie GEE, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Gene KLINE and son of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Charles KLINE and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE; Mr. and Mrs. Loren KLINE, Mr. and Mrs. Merle KLINE and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl GREENWOOD and children, and Miss Rojean ALDERSON.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOYT of DeKalb were here the latter part of the week visiting relatives. While here, they purchased the Jennie ROTAN property. They moved their household effects here Tuesday night.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.H. DISS went to St. Louis Friday were Mr. DISS entered Barnes Hospital. On Saturday morning he underwent a thyroidectomy.
- Dr. DAVIS was called to Odin early Saturday where he delivered a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Roy BOWEN. She has been named Marcia Ann.
- Mrs. R.W. WAINSCOTT Dies Monday: Mrs. R.W. WAINSCOTT, 74, of Champaign, died Monday at her home after an illness of nearly a year and a half. Mrs. WAINSCOTT had been a resident of Champaign for nearly a year and a half, and had been bedfast for that time. Alta WAINSCOTT was born Oct. 10, 1874 at Farina, and her parents died when she was an infant. She resided on a farm south of Kinmundy, and was married to Richard W. WAINSCOTT on Jan. 22, 1895. She was a member of the Christian Church of Kinmundy. She was also a member of the Order of Eastern Star 606 of Rosedale Rebekah Lodge, and of the Royal Neighbors of America. The body was taken on the Mittendorf Funeral Home. Surviving in addition to her husband are 6 children: A.B. WAINSCOTT of Hollywood, Calif.; C.A. WAINSCOTT of Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. Millard LANE of Urbana; Mrs. A.E. SEDELL of Cook, Minn.; Earl WAINSCOTT of Largo, Fla., and Ellis WAINSCOTT of Dixon. One son, Chester, preceded her in death. She also leaves 8 grandchildren, Martha Lee SCHROER and Ray WAINSCOTT of Cincinnati, Ohio; Rita WAINSCOTT of Latonia, Ky., Janice WAINSCOTT of Long Beach, Calif.; Floyd WAINSCOTT of Phoenix, Ariz.; Leland WAINSCOTT of Flagstaff, Ariz.; James LANE of Corpus Christi, Texas; and Eugene WAINSCOTT of Largo, Fla.; 3 great-grandchildren.
- Life History of P.F.C. Maurice O’DELL: PFC Maurice ALGIER, son of Vernie and Hester O’DELL, was born in Songer twp., Clay Co., Ill., Jan. 20, 1924. He was married to Dorothy STOVERS, Dec. 10, 1942. His mother preceded him in death Oct. 1943. On Dec. 4, 1944, he died fighting in action for his country near Volksberg, Frances. He leaves to mourn their loss, his father, one sister, Arletha, a grandmother who helped make his home possible since the passing of his mother, and other relatives and friends. When the call to arms was sounded he was inducted in the army Feb. 25, 1943. He received his training at Camp Phillips, Kansas, and was in the 44th Division 114th infantry. On Aug. 15, 1944, he was sent overseas and was killed. Maurice died fighting for rights and liberties that he practiced while living and for these rights he worked hard to accomplish. He was liked by all who knew him. Six years and 8 months ago, Clay County, we took from your midst a good young man and from among your people. Today we return him to you a martyred hero, not thine any more, but the Nation’s. Funeral Services were held Sunday, Aug. 28, from the Oskaloosa Church and interment made in the cemetery nearby. (A picture of O’DELL in uniform was included.)
- Celebrates Birthday: On Sept. 19th, friends gathered at the home of Mrs. HABEL to help her celebrate her 76th birthday. On Tuesday she was surprised when her grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted TOLEFSON and son, Richard, arrived, from Minneapolis, Minn., to celebrate a belated birthday with her.
- After serving Marion county as Farm Advisor for 31 consecutive years, Fred J. BLACKBURN was placed on the retirement list as of Oct. 1. Until another Farm Advisor is employed by the Board of Directors of the Marion County Farm Bureau, the duties of this office will be fulfilled by Mr. Harold GORDON of Mt. Vernon, Farm Advisor. Mr. BLACKBURN, came to Marion county on Oct. 1, 1918 to take up the duties of Farm Advisor. He had completed a 4 year course in the College of Agriculture at the Univ. of Ill. in 3½ years, graduating in June 1914. On Feb. 1, 1914, he began working for the University in the Farm Management Dept, being stationed at Ewing, Ill. On July 1, 1915, he was transferred to another department. In this new work, he spent his time on a demonstration train, demonstrating water systems, heating systems and home appliances. In July 1916, he returned to his farm home in Montgomery county where he farmed until coming to Marion county. He was married to Miss Emma ROSE of Collins, Ohio, On Aug. 29, 1917. He met his bride while he was stationed at Ewing, she being a teacher in the college there. They have 4 lovely daughters, all being born since coming to Salem, namely, Lela Rose SMITH, Nashville; Mary Alice McMACKIN, Odin; Helen, at home; and Emma Lucille CARY, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. BLACKBURN have also been blessed with 6 grandchildren. Mr. BLACKBURN has been an outstanding man in his chosen field. For the past few years he has had the distinction of being the oldest Farm Advisor in the State from the point of service. This entitled him to the honor of being Dean of the Illinois Farm Advisors Association. He is also the director for district 7 in this Association. Mr. BLACKBURN states that he has no definite plans for the future except that he expects to keep his home in Salem for this winter at least.
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald ROBB attended the wedding reception of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lester MILLER last Wednesday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.F. NEATHERY motored to Lebanon, Ill. Saturday and spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde SIPES. Sunday they attended the annual reunion of the C. & C. Class of 1910 where 21 members met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto BREITWIESER of Elwood, Ind.
October 6, 1949:
- Farm Advisor, Fred J. BLACKBURN, issued a farewell to the Farm Bureau, and the speech was printed.
- Have 57th Wedding Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Robert GRAY of this city observed their 57th wedding anniversary Sunday in their home. They observed it in a quiet way having no company and no unusual dinner. We extend congratulations to this hearty couple.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard BROOM and son, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM, of Alma, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter BROOM, of Salem, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BROOM Sunday, the occasion being Ernest’s birthday.
- Breaks Hip: Mrs. Ed HARRELL, of east of Kinmundy, is a patient at St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis. She had the misfortune to fall and break her hip Monday morning.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Robert ROBB and children, who recently returned from three years spent in Germany, spent a few days last week here visiting friends and relatives. They were enroute to Pennsylvania where he will be stationed.
- J.H. DISS returned home on Wed. of last week from Barnes Hospital in St. Louis after undergoing a thyroidectomy on the Saturday previous. On Friday, the incision became infected and he returned to Barnes on Saturday morning for treatment. According to reports, he is getting along alright again now and expects to be home within a few days.
- Nursery Shower: Mrs. Fred GAMMON was guest of honor at a nursery shower held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Francis HAMMER. Games and contests were held. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess.
- Mr. and Mrs. Junior VANSCYOC of Romulus, Mich. have a baby girl born Oct. 2 and named Judy Kay. Grandma VANSCYOC (Mrs. Lester of Farina) is in Michigan helping care for the granddaughter.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL entertained Mr. and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDOWELL of Las Vegas, Nev., Mrs. Grace CRAIG to a delightful birthday dinner Oct. 1, it being Mr. HARRELL’s and Mr. HARRIS’ birthday.
- Meacham: Mrs. Edwin HARRELL had the misfortune to fall Monday morning and break her hip. She was in the basement doing her washing, and she was taken to St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis.
- Meacham: Mrs. Roy and Mrs. Freddie MISELBROOK and Mrs. Mary BOSTON attended a baby shower for Mrs. James SCHOONOVER near Louisville, Ill. on Sept. 28.
October 13, 1949:
- Darrell SHUFELDT Found Dead in Dum’s Creek Sunday Afternoon: The body of Darrell SHUFELDT, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion SHUFELDT residing southeast of Omega, was found Sunday afternoon in Dum’s Creek 3 miles north of Iuka. He had been missing since Tuesday evening. Darrell was employed as a truck driver by the McNamar & Crowley Steel Fabrication Firm of Salem. He lived at home with his parents but it was not unusual for him to be gone from home for a few days at a time because of driving his truck to other points. But he was hardly ever gone away from home two nights in succession. When Darrell did not return home on Tuesday night and again on Wednesday night, Marion became alarmed about his son. He made due inquiry and found that he had been in Iuka Tuesday evening and had left for home that evening. Marion continued his search alone until Sunday when he enlisted the help of Lex BEARD, Joe OSBORN, Alva and Charles FATHEREE of Iuka, close friends of Darrell. These boys started out on the Iuka-Omega road. In nearing the bridge over Dum’s Creek, they noticed a hubcap laying beside the road. They then noticed the brush about the bridge had been broken down. There was about 8 feet of water in the creek, and noticed a little oil floating on the water. They begun to probe with poles and soon found a car was under the water. About this time, Mr. Herbert ANDERSON, a brother-in-law of the deceased, happened along and took charge of operations. A wench truck was procured and Mr. Walley PHILLIPS, who lived nearby, came upon the scene and offered to dive into the water to investigate and also hook a cable to the car. The car, a 1939 Ford, was hauled from the creek and it proved to be Darrell’s car. PHILLIPS made several more dives and finally brought Darrell’s body to the surface. From all appearances, the body had been pinned beneath the car. At this bridge, the road makes a slight turn to the left just before crossing the bridge. It is supposed that Darrell did not make this turn in time and hit the bridge, whirling his car into the creek. The creek rose that night due to the rains, and covered the car. From the marks about Darrell’s head and body, everyone was satisfied that he was killed before the car hit the water. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home and prepared for burial. C.C. KITCHEN, Justice of the Peace of Omega Township, conducted the inquest at the Funeral Home Monday evening. The jury consisted of Francis FATHEREE, Orville FATHEREE, Joe OSBORNE, Lex BEARD, Arthur SILLS and Herbert ANDERSON. The jury returned the verdict of “accidental death due to fractured skull and car submerging in creek.” Services were held Tuesday from the Methodist Church in this city, Rev. Frank TREDWAY of Alma, officiating, and Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, the local pastor assisting. Interment was made in the family plot in Evergreen Cemetery. Darrell was born March 27, 1930 in Alma twp., and died on Oct. 4, 1949. He grew up as any normal boy attending school, enjoying sports and activities of youth. He was a good student, graduating from the grades in 1944 and attended 1 year of high school. At the time of his death, he was employed by McNamar and Crowley in Salem as a tank builder. He is survived by his parents; 1 sister, Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON of Salem; 2 brothers, Kenneth of Texas, and Lawrence at home. Also 2 nieces, Joann and Mary Jane ANDERSON, and 1 nephew, Kenneth Earl SHUFELDT of Pampa, Texas. A brother, Harold, has passed on.
- Senator and Mrs. Clay B. SIMER of Winslow, Ariz. arrived Monday and visited until Wednesday in this community with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SIMER and daughter and husband, and other relatives and friends.
- Mr. Carl DUNLAP left Monday for Chicago to attend Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M.
- Improving: Mr. and Mrs. J.W. WHITTENBURG, who are making their home for the present with their daughter and son-in-law in Springfield, stated they are both improved very much. Mrs. WHITTENBURG states she is now able to take a few steps.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred CRAIG Entertain Guests on Golden Wedding: On Oct. 11, relatives and friends came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred CRAIG to help them celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Delicious refreshments of ice cream and angel yellow food cake were served. Mrs. CRAIG, with the help of her companion, spared no effort in the arrangements for this event. Misses Ruby ARNOLD, Eula CRAIG, Martha JACKSON, Mrs. Anna MARLOW, Mrs. James KENNEDY, and daughter assisted with serving. The couple received many beautiful gifts. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Frank V. DAVIS will celebrate his 83rd birthday on Oct. 14th. He is at present a patient in the Lee Nursing Home in Salem.
- Miss Elleen PARKER, daughter of Mr. Glen PARKER, was married to Mr. Edward D. ALTMAN of Manteno, Ill. She has been employed in Manteno for several years, making her home with an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde PARKER.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS and son moved recently from the Dalt VANDEVEER farm to Kinmundy, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester VANDEVEER have moved there.
- Pleasant Grove: Paul SMITH attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Lawrence BRANCH at Young’s Chapel Church Wednesday.
October 20, 1949:
- On Saturday evening, five of our local lads seemed to be having a lot of fun until they were stopped by Lt. Nelson PAGE of the State Police, after leading him a merry chase. It could have been very costly, but as luck would have it, it wasn’t. Bill SADLER drove a panel truck to town that evening and invited Bob GEILER, Bob HANNA, John MARTIN, and Herb HALL to take a ride. They started out with Bob HANNA at the wheel. They raced up and down the streets at a fast rate of speed. City Marshall, Ray BOUGHERS, tried to stop them but they tried to run him down. At that, Mr. BOUGHERS phoned the sheriff’s office for a little help. Lt. PAGE just happened to be standing by and answered the call. The boys just happened to turn off the hard road at Frank & Mary’s Café just as Lt. PAGE arrived in town. The chase started from there. Up one street, down another, and through alleys, they went. They finally headed out on the Louisville Road. Lt. PAGE finally stopped them about 7 miles east of town. He brought the boys back to town where he questioned them at length. They acknowledged visiting the home of Mayor Fred GAMMON and ramming his garage doors in order to get him to chase them. But Fred and his family were spending the weekend in Decatur. The boys were turned loose with the understanding that they would appear in County Court with their fathers on Monday morning. This they did. Judge McMACKIN gave the boys a good lecture and turned them loose with the understanding that they were not to be on the streets after dark for a whole month. If they disobey this order, the sheriff’s office is to be notified and they will be brought into court again and a more severe penalty imposed. The charges preferred by Lt. PAGE will stand until the month is up. Pranksters have damaged considerable property in town in the past two weeks. The city does not have the finances to employ extra police. So the only way we know of to stop this is to impose a curfew. After it is imposed, enforce it without exception. We are truly sorry these boys had this trouble and we are more sorry for the parents. We know that they did not sanction the actions of their boys. Other parents should profit by this experience. You have good boys but take them in hand, especially at this time of the year, and make sure they are good. The same should also apply to some girls.
- Lowell Junior DISS, 19, EM, FA, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS, has graduated from the Electrician Mate School, U.S. Naval Training Center at San Diego, Cal. Junior rated second highest of his class with an average of 86.67. He entered navy service Dec. 16, 1948 at Mt. Vernon, Ill. He has now been assigned to an oil tanker USS Canister 99 at Norfolk, Virginia. He will sail for Naples, Italy on Oct. 28.
- Charles William WHEELER, son of Mrs. Julia WHEELER of Sandoval, also graduated from this same naval class, a high honor man with average of 92.20. Mrs. WHEELER will be remembered here as Miss Julia HUBERT.
- At the fall meeting of the Illinois Press Association in Decatur, Ill., the Kinmundy Express was awarded third place in the Best News Photo class. Two photographs were entered by the Express in the contest. One of the Illinois Central baggageman killed by the City of New Orleans in March. The other entry was of the Effingham fire in April. The photographer was Joe VALLOW.
- John JESSMAN, 97 Succumbs Monday in Mt. Vernon: John Peter JESSMAN, 97, died in the Jefferson Memorial Hospital in Mt. Vernon, Monday morning. He was taken there on the Saturday previous. Mass was held this morning at St. Philomena’s Church by Rev. Fr. A.B. SHOMAKER, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. He was born in Lithuania, Sept. 17, 1852. He was left an orphan when just a baby. At the age of 7, he herded geese for his board and finally, at the age of 10, he was taken to a farm where he worked for his board. In 1866, he came to America and worked in the coal mines. Here he saved enough to make the trip back to his native land and claim his bride, Miss Veronica BRAZIS in 1891. Immediately after their marriage, they came to America and settle in Pana, Illinois, where they resided for 4 years. They then came to Kinmundy where Mr. JESSMAN worked in the coal mine. They took up their residence on a small farm west of this city. After the closing of the mine here, Mr. JESSMAN devoted all his time to farming. Seven children came to bless this home, three sons dying in infancy and one boy, John Jr., dying at the age of 14. On July 6, 1944, his wife died. Three daughters survive, namely, Helena, of Detroit, Mich.; Katherine of Chicago, and Amelia of this city. Since the death of his companion, he has been tenderly cared for by his 3 daughters, who have taken turns living at home with him.
- Last Rites Held for Elizabeth NIRIDER: Elizabeth TOMLINSON, daughter of William and Isabelle TOMLINSON, was born in Kinmundy on Nov. 10, 1866, and spent her entire life in this vicinity. She passed away at the home of her daughter in Carlyle on Oct. 14, 1949. She was the last of a large family, all of whom preceded her in death. On June 20, 1893, she married Fred J. NIRIDER, and they had two daughters, Mary Isabelle, who died while still an infant of 6 weeks, and Georgia, now Mr. V.V. BARCROFT of Carlyle. Nineteen years ago on Oct. 13, Mr. NIRIDER died. She leaves one daughter; one grandaughter, Betty, now Mrs. James DODD of Olney; a step-daughter, Gail, now Mrs. LA. SNELLING of Sheboygan, Wis.; a step-son, Gilbert of Decatur; 4 step-grandchildren, Genevieve, Merle, Docia, and Fred; and several devoted nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Eastern Star, and of the Methodist Church. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home Sunday, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Members of the Sophomore Class of Kinmundy H.S. enjoyed a hayride and wiener roast excursion at the Glenn BRASEL farm north of Kinmundy Friday night. Class officers are: President - Jim ALEXANDER; Vice President - Sue HESTER; Secretary - Dorothy FEATHER; Treasurer - Eileen BEARD; Reporter - Helen BASSETT; and student council member, Beverly HANNA. Sponsors are Miss LOVELACE and Mrs. GADDIS.
- PFEIFER-WEST Wedding: Miss Dorothea Pearl PFEIFER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George PFEIFER, and Donald Richard WEST, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. WEST (formerly of Kinmundy) were married Oct. 8th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ABELE.
- LAPE Family Reunion: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin YUND entertained over the week and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles LAPE of Dowaglac, Mich. A family reunion was held on Sunday at the YUND home. The following were present: Julius LAPE, Salem; Mrs. Merida LAPE, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. ELVERS, Stanley and Ruby, Pana; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley WERNECK, Chicago; Lewis LAPE, Iris Jeanne and Keith, St. Peter; Mr. and Mrs. Earl YUND, Barbara and Ronald, Nokomis. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Donald LAPE, Judith and Lindy, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Otis HARPSTER, Miss Mabel PRUETT and Sidney PRUETT, St. Peter.
- Dr. W.T. DAVIS informs us that he is leaving Kinmundy for business reasons. He says both he and Mrs. DAVIS like this town and they believe it is a good location for a doctor. But they have property elsewhere that needs their attention. If they happen to dispose of their property, and another physician does not locate here, they might come back and make this their permanent home.
- Meacham: Edwin HARRELL, Glenn JAHRAUS, Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, and Mrs. CRAIG spent Sunday in St. Louis with Mrs. HARRELL. They report her improving nicely.
- Omega: A nursery shower was held at the Paul SEE home Monday night for Mrs. Eli CONANT. A large crowd attended.
- Miletus: James BOSTON was stricken with an attack of appendicitis and was confined to his bed last week. He is reported much better and was able to up yesterday.
- Miletus: A charivari and shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert SILL Thursday night in honor of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. David WOOLRIDGE, who were married Oct. 8th.
- Miletus: Mr. and Mrs. Ener ZIMMER and daughter spent Sunday in Farina where they helped their grandson, Larry ROBERTS, celebrate his 1st birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul PIPER attended the funeral of Frank WOODWORD in Kell Tuesday.
October 27, 1949:
- Dr. William BOGIE Killed in Auto Accident on Way to Kinmundy: A dreadful accident happened Saturday afternoon which was of much concern to Kinmundy citizens. Dr. and Mrs. William BOGIE of Vincennes, Ind. in company with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. William P. BOGIE and daughter, Beth, of New York City, were enroute to Kinmundy to visit the elder Mrs. BOGIE’s sisters and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM, and Mrs. Minnie SIPLE. Beth was to celebrate her 11th birthday in the GRISSOM home on Sunday. The junior Mr. BOGIE was enroute to San Francisco to attend a conference and had driven his family to the home of his parents in Vincennes. The family was going to visit there while he was attending the conference. He was going to fly from Chicago today for San Francisco. So they were all coming to Kinmundy on Saturday afternoon. The junior Mr. BOGIE was driving his father’s car, a 1947 Hudson, Dr. BOGIE was in the front seat with his son. The other three occupied the back seat. They had turned north from Flora toward Louisville. About midway between the two cities they met a Ford car driven by Mr. STEEL, age 24. With him were his two younger brothers. Just before they met, the Ford car left the pavement. Mr. STEEL jerked it back on and it swerved across the road and back again in front of the HOGIE car. At this point, the cards collided. A truck driven by C.C. KOYOID of Ludlow, which had two other occupants, enroute home from Iuka, were following the BOGIE car, with the intention of passing as soon as the Ford had passed. When the truck stopped, it was between the two cars, which were both headed north. Mr. KOYOID was slightly injured and dazed from his rear view mirror bracket. The 3 occupants of the Ford car were unconscious. All the occupants of the BOGIE car were also knocked unconscious except Dr. BOGIE who was killed instantly when his head struck the pavement. The injured were all taken to the Olney Sanitarium and Dr. BOGIE to the Neal Funeral Home in Louisville. About 2 hours after reaching the hospital, the daughter-in-law regained consciousness long enough to have a nurse notify Mr. and Mrs. GRISSOM. They went immediately to the hospital. They found their sister had both limbs broken, a bad laceration of the forehead and eye, the son had head, scalp and mouth wounds and 3 broken ribs, his wife, a broken leg and head and scalp wounds, the daughter, bruised and cut over the left eye. An inquest was held Monday in the Courthouse in Louisville. Dr. BOGIE’s body was then taken to the Gardener Funeral Home in Vincennes, where funeral services were held Tuesday and burial in Fairview Cemetery in Vincennes. Dr. BOGIE had been a practicing dentist in Vincennes for more than 50 years. On Saturday, Mrs. GRISSOM called the other two sisters, Mrs. E.F. HOHLT of this city, and Mrs. Ed RICHARDSON of Hammond, La, who were visiting in Boston. They flew to Chicago Sunday and arrived here Sunday evening. Mr. BOGIE and his daughter will be discharged from the hospital the end of this week. His wife and mother will have to remain for a while yet but both are reported to be making progress. Mr. STEEL, the driver of the Ford, died Tuesday evening from his injuries, but the other 2 boys are reported to be recovering.
- Correction Please: In our story about the boys having fun last week, we stated that Ray BOUGHERS called the sheriff’s office. This morning the sheriff’s office informed us that they never did receive the call but the Salem City Police Station did, and Lt. PAGE answered the call from there.
- K.C.H.S. Hornets Start Basketball Practice: Basketball practice is underway at K.C.H.S. as 37 Hornets reported to practice last week. The Hornets will be paced mainly by the 7 returning lettermen. They are: Co-Captains, Don CHEATUM and Dick JOHNSON, and Bill WRIGHT, Don ADAMS, Albert MALEKOVIC, Charles WHITE, and Bill VALLOW. Other bright prospects to see much action are: Glenn DOOLEN, Don EBLIN, Bill HESTER, Darrell GARRETT, Mac GARRETT, James BRASEL, Jim ADAMS, Dwight JONES, Bill THOMS, Gene BAILEY, Jack BOYD, Leroy SWIFT, Herb WILLIAMS, Jim ALEXANDER, John FORD, Eugene GIGAR, Dennis JOHNSTON, Dennis ROBB, Keith SMITH, Claude WILLIAMS, Garold CHASTEEN, Don GARRETT, Dannie JOHNSON, and Robert KERLEY. The Hornets will be smaller than last year. The first 5 average height will be about 5 feet, 8 inches.
- Didja know that Elizabeth KILLIE, who formerly designed and produced department store displays for W.L. Stensgaard and Associates (in Chicago), is now being hailed as “the Nelly Don of the Banana Republic.” Since establishing her home in Guatemala City some months ago, the erstwhile Shecagoan has turned her artistic talent to designing dresses to be made by the native needlewomen of Guatemala for that Republic’s rapidly mounting tourist and export trade. (Chicago Sun). Miss KILLIE is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. KILLIE of this city.
- JONES-KESSLER Wedding: Miss Peggy JONES, of Iola, and Robert KESSLER, of near Louisville, were married yesterday morning in the St. Philomena’s Church with Rev. SHOMAKER officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Berkie JONES of Iola, and is a graduate of the Thornton High School in Harvey, Ill. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George KESSLER residing on a farm in Clay County, 12 miles east of Kinmundy. He is a graduate of Louisville High School, ‘42, and spent two years overseas with the Field Artillery. They will make their home on a farm near Louisville.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Verle SEE called at the hospital in St. Louis to see little Ronnie SEE, who was operated on last week for an abscess and his appendix was removed. He is reported quite sick.
- Cleve DOOLEN, Emmitt GRAY, Mrs. Effie ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Claude HANNA, Mr. and Mrs. Orville DISS, Mrs. Florence BASSETT, and Mrs. Chas. PRUETT attended the funeral of W.R. BONE in Bethany Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. John HOLT spent Saturday in Farina and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul MONICAL. Saturday was Mr. HOLT’s birthday and his daughter held a dinner for him.
- Miss Jean ALEXANDER of Shelbyville spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. ALEXANDER. Miss Jean FORD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. FORD of Alma, returned with Miss ALEXANDER to Shelbyville to enter a business college there.
- Omega: Roger MULVANEY and family moved to the Nellie GREGORY farm last week.
- Brown: Masel BROWN returned home Wednesday after having a foot amputated at the Weber Santitarium.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wyett COLCLASURE and family spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. COLCLASURE of Farina where a COLCLASURE family reunion was held.
Nov. 3, 1949:
- A large crowd gathered at the School Gym Monday night for the Halloween Parade sponsored by the P.T.A. and the business men of this city. Mr. Lester HOWELL, teacher of the 8th grade, was master of ceremonies. The judges were: Miss LAUGHBAUM, Mrs. GATTIS, and Mrs. Thomas BARRETT. The first, second, and third prizes were awarded to the following children:
Witches: Linda JENKINS, Roselle GARDEN
Best Girl Dressed as a Boy: Barbara CAUDILL, Marylin Sue COLE, Shirley BEARD
Best Boy Dressed as a Girl: David HANNA, Bobby COLE, Gary KEEN
Clowns: Donny KEEN, Amy Jo LEMAY, Quentin ROBNETT
Ghost: Jerry GARDEN, Nancy BEARD, David LEE
Hobo: Billy HAMMON, Morris MAXEY, Dirts JOHNSON
Best Dressed Negro Man: Thersa GORDON, Larry WEST, Johnny DISS
Best Dressed Negro Girl: Patricia SMITH, Judy SMITH
Indian: Beverly PHILLIPS, Bobby SHUFELDT, Lewis MAXEY
Fat Man: Louise SHAFFER, Tommy BOYD, Carl JONES
Best Child Dressed as an Animal: David LINTON, Dicky and Freddie HOWELL, Jackie LEE, Charles HOWELL
Best Character in Story Book: Ilamae HANNA, Carrol GEORGE, Barbara HAMMER
Miscellaneous: Cynthia and Donna Gale WILLIAMS, Larry BASSETT, Billy Dean SEE, David WHITE
Each child masked was given a candy bar after the judging.
- Several friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. Geo. KEEN Friday night and enjoyed a Halloween Party. Mrs. Ed HALL received the gift for being the best masked and Mrs. Ray OLDEN the gift for guessing who each one was. Other prizes were won by playing Bingo, by Mrs. Ginger LEMAY, Mrs. Mary REESE, Mrs. Mayme YERIAN, Mrs. Agnes TATE, Mrs. Grace JONES, Mrs. Hazel GEILER, Mrs. Ray OLDEN, Mrs. Jean GRAY, Mrs. Orpha OUTHOUSE and Mrs. Lillie LINDER. Refreshments were served after playing games.
- Dr. Carl E. PRUETT will be the newest ship officer on the U.S. S. SLAPAN. He is a graduate of the Univ. of Illinois, and the College of Medicine, Chicago. Dr. PRUETT was married in 1943 and has two children, Merry Carol, age 2½, and Ricky, age 8 months. Mrs. PRUETT is a graduate of the school of Music, Illinois Wesleyan College, where she majored in voice. The PRUETT family is living in Norfolk. (More information was included about Dr. PRUETT’s career.)
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT have moved into the property they recently purchased on Route 37 two miles north of Salem.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland ALDERSON in Salem Thursday, the occasion being Mr. ALDERSON’s birthday.
- Martha E. ORGAN Dies: Mrs. Martha E. ORGAN, 87, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tom DOUDERA, north of Alma, Tuesday evening. Services will be held from the Alma Christian Church with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Wyett COLCLASURE II is recovering from a tonsillectomy performed at Salem Hospital last week.
- For her wedding yesterday to Otto William GLADE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto GLADE, of Jersey City, N.J., Miss Marian Margaret MERCER, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur MERCER of Greenville, R.I. was married at the First Free Baptist Church of Smithfield in Greenville, R.I. officiated by her father, Rev. A.B. MERCER.
- A basket dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BURKETT on Sunday in Kinmundy, to honor the birthday of Mr. BURKETT. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl LAMBIRD and children of East St. Louis; Mrs. Opal NELDO and Joe FRENCH of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Till COPPLE of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Dock HAYS and children, Mr. and Mrs. Grover JOHNSTON and Charley BURKETT of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Orion BUTTS and Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben BUTTS and Wanda and Layman BURKETT. The honoree received several nice gifts.
- Meacham: Mrs. Harry CRAIG left Saturday for her home in Washington state after a visit with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL and other relatives and friends.
- Wilson School: The Electric Light men have been busy putting up lines and getting ready to turn on the electricity at the Jim WALKER, Walter BRANNON, and Chris MEYER homes.
November 10, 1949:
- Late Bean Harvest Accompanied by Several Accidents Past Week: The past week has seen many of the soybeans combined. The weather has been ideal but the ground is still soft in spots. Those who still had beans in the field have been working extra hard to get them out. This may have been the cause of several accidents happening last week. Chester KLINE had the misfortune of losing the first two joints in his little finger on his left hand when it run under a V belt on the pulley on the underloading auger on the hopper. The belt was slipping and Chester was pitching a little dirt onto the belt. His glove became entangled with the belt, jerking his finger under the pulley. His hand was also cut and bruised. This stopped him from combining for the remainder of the day as he had to have his hand taken care of. He was on the tractor the next day using his good hand. Glenn JAHRAUS, residing north of town, got his overalls tangled up with his power takeoff. He was soon minus two pairs of overalls, the top pair, and brand new ones. It tore these overalls into shreds. Luckily Glenn was not injured. Charles JOHNSON, residing west of Kinmundy, had a like experience. His clothing became entangled in the power takeoff and he would have gone to the house in a barrel but there wasn’t any barrel handy, so his brother, Danny, who happened to be with him, went to the house for more clothes while Charles went on with his combining. Carl CRIPPEN, residing south of Kinmundy, in some unknown manner, fell under his combine. The combine run over him, breaking his leg. They say that corn pickers are more dangerous than combines. With the husking season coming on, we rather expect to hear of many more accidents.
- Mrs. R.H. PIGG was injured in a car driven by Mrs. Marie LECKRONE on Route 50, south of Salem, Friday. They were enroute to a funeral in Odin. Mrs. PIGG’s glasses were broken and she is suffering from shock.
- A baby boy was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Eli CONANT in the Salem Hospital named Gary Lynn.
- Beverly, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John PHILLIPS, Jr. submitted to an appendectomy in Greer Hospital Saturday.
- Miss Lenora KETTLER, daughter of Mrs. Nellie ROBERTS of East St. Louis, and Howard BROOM, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM of Alma, were married at a nuptial mass on Nov. 5 in St. Joseph’s Church, East St. Louis, Ill. officiated by Rev. Fr. DRISCOLL. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Bernard KETTLER. Mrs. William DAVINROY of East St. Louis was matron of honor, and Mrs. William CARROLL of East St. Louis and Miss Hope TREJO of St. Louis were bridesmaids. Tony BITTMAN, fraternity brother of the groom was best man, and William DAVINROY and William CARROLL were groom’s attendants, and Paul BROTHERS and Jerome CULLEN, ushers. Mrs. BROOM attended East St. Louis schools and prior to her marriage, was employed in a secretarial position with River Construction Co., Granite City. The groom graduated from Salem H.S., served in the Armed Forces, and is a junior at the Univ. of Illinois, where he is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. A wedding breakfast was served to the wedding party and immediate family at the YWCA, East St. Louis, following the ceremony. The couple will make their home in Champaign. Those from here attending were Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BROOM of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Walter BROOM of Salem; Richard BROOM and Mrs. Arno MILLER of Kinmundy; Mrs. Richard MAULDING of Carterville, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy LAYSON of Mason.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glen WHITE and son, David, consulted a doctor in St. Louis Monday regarding David’s broken knee. David has been recovering nicely, but Sunday suffered a fall and we hope he will suffer no ill effects.
- Saturday night, Nov. 12, the Kinmundy H.S. presents their Fall Festival sponsored by the Junior class. There will be games, side shows, and an auction sale of valuable articles donated area merchants. From 9 to 10, there will be stage entertainment, and promptly at 10:30, the King and Queen will be crowned. They are to be elected by popular vote Saturday night. The votes will be one cent each. Adult admission is 40 cents and school children 15 cents. These tickets count as votes for your choice of King and Queen. The candidates for King and Queen are: Senior - Bill BEARD and Rojean ALDERSON; Junior - Ronald POLANKA and Donna GARRETT; Sophomore - James BRASEL and Eileen BEARD; Freshmen - Dwight JONES and Shirley ERNST.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dean JONES have a son named Ronald Lee in Salem Hospital on Nov. 7th.
- Mrs. Bertha CURRY has returned to her home here after spending the past year in the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil CURRY in Chicago. She was accompanied home by her son, Cecil, and daughter, Mrs. Jim ADAMS and two younger children. We are happy to report Mrs. CURRY able to take care of herself and light household duties.
- In Memoriam of Charles H. HOWELL who died Nov. 7, 1948, by Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank HOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bryan HOWELL and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. PRUVIS, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. HOWELL and family.
Nov. 17, 1949:
- Mr. and Mrs. John PHILLIPS, Jr. and two daughters moved into their newly built home west of town Saturday.
- Clyde ROSE Run Over by Load of Corn Tuesday evening: While returning from the field Tuesday evening with a load of corn, Clyde ROSE, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.M. ROSE of the Elder School district, had the misfortune of being run over with his wagon. He and his brother, Herschel, had husked corn that afternoon on a flat bottom frame and the load was estimated at about 75 bushels. Clyde stated that he became cold while riding on the load and thought he would walk along the side. He stepped down on the doubletrees and slipped. The front wheel caught his right foot which threw him down. This wheel ran over the entire length of his body. It just happened to be a rubber tired wagon. He was taken to Salem Hospital where it was found that he suffered a broken collar bone, burns and bruises.
- Severally Injured: Danny Lee, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT, living northwest of Kinmundy, had three fingers severed from his left hand Friday by an electric pump.
- George William LENHART Died Monday Morn: George William, eldest son of John and Caroline KISER LENHART, was born in Bryan, Ohio, on March 25, 1876 and died at his home Nov. 14, 1949. He had been in failing health for several years, but his fatal illness was of short duration. When a small boy, he came to Kinmundy and here he spent the rest of his lifetime. He was married to Pearl SEE in 1899. Four children were born to this union, two dying in infancy, and one daughter, Mrs. Nita JOHNSON, passed away in 1934 at the age of 34 years. His vocation in life was farming. He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Freda GARRETT of Kinmundy; 3 granddaughters, Lila, Barbara, and Carolyn GARRETT; 3 grandsons, Charles Robert, and Dannie JOHNSON; one great-granddaughter, Marsha JOHNSON; one sister, Mrs. Vera McCULLEY; and one brother, Harmon, both of Kinmundy. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Arthur WHITE Shoots Son-in-law, Hugh BLAIR, in his home, Wednesday night: Arthur WHITE, 77-year-old Alma twp. farmer, is free on $10,000 bond pending a grand jury investigation next January into a complaint of murder filed against him by State’s Attorney Basil WILSON following the shotgun shooting last Wednesday night of WHITE’s son-in-law, Hugh BLAIR, 48. At a coroner’s inquest, WHITE testified that he shot his son-in-law when he reached for a gun after threatening to kill three persons. WHITE said BLAIR, who together with his wife, lived at the WHITE home, returned in a drunken condition, said he was going to blow the house up, and threatened that he was going to shoot somebody. WHITE testified that he got his shotgun and “let him have it”. Glen ROBB, deputy sheriff, told the coroner’s jury that the gun BLAIR allegedly reached for was not loaded. BLAIR was shot with a .12 gauge shotgun at close range, and was dead before he could be taken to Salem Hospital. ROBB said also there had been general family trouble, but that he did not know the nature of it. The coroner’s jury recommended that WHITE be bound over to the grand jury. WHITE gave himself up after the shooting, which occurred about 9 p.m. Funeral for BLAIR was conducted Saturday from the Hancock Chapel, with Rev. A. Cadman GARRETSON, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in charge with burial in East Lawn Cemetery. BLAIR, whose occupation was hauling and teamwork, was born in Marion county July 16, 1901, and resided here all his life. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BLAIR of Salem. No children are left. In addition to his wife, Nellie WHITE BLAIR, he leaves the following brothers and sisters: Miss Mildred BLAIR, Decatur; Mrs. H.M. DOOLEN, Billings, Mont.; John A. BLAIR, Harvey; Frank BLAIR, Jr., Belleville, and Mrs. Loren MORMAN, Harvey. The WHITE residence is located on the east side of Alma twp. in the Elder School District. (“Salem Republican”)
- Mrs. Jed HARPSTER and sister, Miss Jessie FISH, R.N. will leave for Glenwood Springs, Colo. Wednesday morning to visit their brother, John FISH, who will undergo surgery for gall bladder trouble. John’s health has been very poor since he was so badly burned a few years ago.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.C. GODLEWSKI, of Chicago, announce the arrival of Laura Ann, on Nov. 4th. The mother was formerly Miss Laura GUST, daughter of Mrs. Nora GUST of this city.
- In a short note from Mrs. Ethel CROSSETT of Yakima, Wash., she states, “I am grandma again. Little Stewart Ross WILSON arrived Nov. 4th.”
- Mr. and Mrs. G.H. McWILLIAMS of Cicero, have a daughter, Mary Ellen, born Oct. 29. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W.L. McWILLIAMS of Alma, and Mr. and Mrs. F.P. PILLSU of Anaheim, Calif.
- Mrs. Ed RICHARDSON of Hammond, La., who is here visiting her sisters, Mrs. F.O GRISSOM, Mrs. Jane HOHLT, and Mrs. Minnie SIPLE, had the misfortune of falling on the steps of the Olney Sanitarium Tuesday, suffering a broken hip. She had been visiting her sister, Mrs. William BOGLE, who is a patient in the Olney Hospital, after her recent accident. She had just left the hospital to return here when the accident happened.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Merle SEE were called to St. Louis Thursday and their little son, Ronnie, underwent a second operation Friday morning.
- Miletus (from last week): James BOSTON was rushed via Linton’s ambulance to the Veteran’s Hospital in Marion Thursday where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. His father, Robert BOSTON, accompanied him.
- Omega (from last week): Mrs. Ethel NIX and sons, Barney and Clarence, have returned from Alabama where they were called on account of the death of her son there.
- Omega (from last week): Ted MERLOW has married a girl who works in the Masonic home in Sullivan.
- Brown: Arvie MULVANEY and wife moved this week from their farm to Salem. Freddie MULVANEY is moving in the house vacated by them.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ruby SHAFFER and Sammy were making calls on neighbors Tuesday for the 4-H Fund Drive.
- Pleasant Grove: Several men gathered corn for Merle SEE Tuesday: Albert PERRY, Oulrey HANKS, Cecil LANE and sons, Jimmy and Carl, Ralph ROSE, Emil MEYER, Verl SEE, Lyman JONES, Paul SEE, Charley COPPLE, Fred MULVANEY, Sterling SULLIVAN, Floyd COURSON, Joe WAGONER, Bob NAURT, Keith WIMBERLY, and Jack BARKSDALE. The following ladies helped furnish and serve the dinner for the men: Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN, Mrs. Verl SEE, Mrs. Ralph ROSE, Mrs. Joe WAGONER, Mrs. Delbert SMITH, Mrs. Floyd COURSON, Mrs. Paul SEE, Mrs. Gertie NAURT, and Mrs. Ogie BRANSON.
- Meacham: Mr. Edwin HARRELL, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS were in St. Louis Nov. 3, and Mrs. Mary HARRELL returned home with them from St. John’s Hospital. She stood the trip fairly well and is glad to be at home.
Nov. 24, 1949:
- Mrs. H.J. BARKSDALE will present her pupils in a piano recital at Brown Church Friday night, Nov. 25 at 8 o’clock.
- A Boy! Mr. and Mrs. Fred GAMMON announce the arrival of a 8 lb. 10 oz. boy in the Salem Hospital, Monday morning. He has been named Timmie Dayne.
- Mrs. G.T. BALLANCE, Mrs. Allie THOMAS, Mrs. Lewie SULLENS, Mrs. Carl DUNLAP and Mrs. Orie ATKINS spent Friday in Mt. Vernon, the guests of their sister, Mrs. Dow GREEN.
- Family Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT were host and hostess to their married children Sunday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER and son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill GARRETT and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Junior GARRETT.
- Janice Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ROBB of Wayne, Mich. was born. Mother and babe are doing nicely. Of course, the proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ROBB of Salem
- Omega (from last week): Master Ronnie SEE, who has been in the hospital in St. Louis the past 4 weeks returned home Sunday and is improving.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Dave WOODEN is a patient at Salem Hospital suffering with blood poisoning.
- Wilson School: A family birthday dinner was enjoyed Sunday at Sunny Slope farm in honor of several members of the PARRILL family. Those present were: Rev. and Mrs. C.L. HILL and son, Billie, of Farina; Miss Vera PARRILL, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Clark PARRILL and daughters Janice and Eileen, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur PARRILL and son Clifford.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROSE are the parents of a baby boy born Nov. 20.
- Pleasant Grove: Several worked at the church Wednesday and Thursday painting the ceiling and papering. The church has electric lights now.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BRANCH have purchased the Omega Café and are now opened for business.
- Omega: Clyde ROSE, who was injured when he fell from a load of corn, was able to in Omega Saturday.
- Brown: Mrs. O.E. CORRELL, who was in Salem Hospital is able to up most of the time now. The doctor was called to their home Saturday morning to see Mr. CORRELL who is now in bed with pneumonia.
- In Memoriam of mother and grandmother, Mrs. Clella WAINSCOTT, who died Nov. 25, 1946, by Mrs. Helen SCHWABE and family.
- In Memoriam of Della HOYT who died Nov. 28, 1948, by husband and children.
Dec. 1, 1949:
- Elmer L. PORTER, Iuka, Ill., a farmer, will again head the Marion County Production and Market Administration Committee during the coming year. The county convention of community delegates was held Nov. 29, 1949 in Salem. These are the men who will be responsible during 1950 for the local administration of such Federal farm programs as Agricultural Conservation, loads and purchase agreements, acreage allotments, and other related programs. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and alternates for townships are as follows:
Alma: H. Jackson BARKSDALE, LeRoy YOUNG, Melbourne CANTRELL, John W. SHAFFER, Melvin CURRIE.
Carrigan: Lee D. BRITT, Samuel L. TICKNOR, Everett C. JETT, Edwin L. TICKNOR, W. Dale SNYDER.
Centralia: David J. SUTHERLAND, S. Howard PHILLIPS, G. Floyd SMITH, Severan D. PHILLIPS, Herbert P. PHILLIPS.
Foster: Orie M. ARNOLD, John CHANCE, R.H. GREEN, Cleve McWHIRTER, Lewis JONES.
Haines: Everett C. HENSON, H. Ralph BAKER, Eugene ARNOLD, Bert W. MORTON, W. Floyd BLANKENSHIP.
Iuka: Elmer L. PORTER, Lowell A. LAGOW, G. Cecil CLIFTON, Wm. L. HAHN, John E. KOEHNKE, Jr.
Kinmundy: Guy ARNOLD, Frank G. GARRETT, Sam E. LOWE, Wm. LUX, Glen BRASEL.
Meacham: Ellis A. WILKINSON, Merl JOHNSTON, Murrell REESE, Wayne WHITNEY, James E. HANKS.
Odin-Sandoval: Harold C. CRIPPEN, Paul F. BUNDY, H. Stanley FORREST, Richard SEIDEL, Frank J. BURGESS.
Omega: Lonnie MULVANEY, Dean BAKER, Mason ARNOLD, Wayne E. SCHOOLEY, Leon L. BAKER.
Patoka: Lou J. BATES, Rufus J. STEPHENS, Roy I. MALAN, Jesse WALTON, C. Roy BALLANCE.
Raccoon: Willard E. MORTON, Estie P. LUTTRELL, R. Harley DEVOR, Ray E. CRAIG, L. Martin PARKINSON.
Romine: Euell CLARK, Audrey H. SOGER, George ALLISON, John T. SPANGLER, Doy L. CLIFTON.
Salem: Samuel J. SEIBER, Peter L. GUTH, Herman M. WINKELJOHN, Frank PHILLIPS, Oscar FARTHING.
Stevenson: Ellis E. KAGY, C. Vernon SIPES, James E. LECKRONE, Porter GASTON, Andrew BRUBAKER.
Tonti: John R. FULTON, Bert E. DUNCAN, Russell OSBORN, James JETT, Floyd MILLAN.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard BROOM have a new son born at St. Louis Maternity Hospital Wednesday. The young man will probably inherit the name of both grandfathers. Their 2-year-old son, Stuart, is a guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. HAMILTON in Chatworth, Ill.
- BROOMS have Car Accident: Mr. and Mrs. John BROOM of Alma, and son, Richard, of Kinmundy, escaped what could have been a very serious accident Sunday night, Nov. 27, at about 9:30. Coming home from St. Louis 2 miles west of Breese, they encountered a drunken driver who forced them into the ditch. Mr. BROOM, who was asleep in the front seat with his son, was thrown out of the car and escaped with bruises. Mrs. BROOM suffered a cut in the forehead and bruises. Richard was the most severally hurt, having a deep cut over his right eye. They were taken to the Breese hospital for surgical care and treated for shock. They were released Monday afternoon.
- Opens Garage Here: Wayne BARNES opened a garage in the Kenneth ROBB building Monday morning and expects to make his home here. He will do general repair work on cars, tractors, and farm machinery. Mr. BARNES is a mechanic by trade and moved here with his wife and two children from Vandalia where he has been employed. Wayne spent his boyhood years in this community. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther BARNES.
- Mr. and Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN have a daughter born in the Salem Hospital on Nov. 24th.
- Mr. and Mrs. James SCHOOLEY have moved from their farm south of Kinmundy into the property they recently purchased in the south part of town.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCULLEY and daughter moved Thanksgiving Day from their farm home west of town to the property they recently purchased from Marion HELM.
- Mary HOCKADAY Dies: Word was received here yesterday of the passing of Mrs. Mary HOCKADAY, who resided in North Hollywood, Calif. She died on Nov. 29th and services will be held in Calif. on Friday.
- Buys Business in Minonk: Joseph G. VALLOW, in company with your editor and wife, were in Minonk, Ill. last Friday where Joe purchased the town’s only photographic studio. He will take charge of his new business on or near Jan. 1st. During our short stay in the city, we were very favorably impressed. We are truly sorry to say that we are losing our son and his family from our midst but feel that he is making a good move. Joe will continue doing photo work here until the first of the year. After that, he will move his equipment to Minonk and install it in his new studio.
- U. of I. students who spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents were Marilyn HUMPHREY, John MOTCH, John GARDEN, and Bud ROBNETT.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON entertained at Thanksgiving dinner their children and their families: Mr. and Mrs. Jack HONN and family of Mohamet; Mr. and Mrs. Merle JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS and family and Martha JACKSON.
- John FISH underwent a gallbladder operation two weeks ago in the Glenwood Springs, Colo. Hospital. His sisters, Mrs. Jed HARPSTER of St. Peter, and Miss Jessie FISH, R.N. of Mt. Vernon were with him. In a letter to relatives they stated that he is improving and soon hopes to be at his home again.
- Richard MOTCH left Wednesday for Fort Sills, Okla. to take up his duties as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army. He re-enlisted in the army last week. Mrs. MOTCH and son will remain here until Richard can find an apartment for them. Richard has been employed in the Mahan & Motch Store for the past two years. We are truly sorry to lose these young people from our community.
- Betty FURROW and Henry SPENCER married Nov. 19th in Farina: Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SPENCER announce the marriage of their son, Henry, to Miss Betty FURROW, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest FURROW on Nov. 19th. The couple was united in marriage by Rev. C.L. HILL at the Seventh Day Baptist Church of Farina. The maid honor was Mrs. Bud ENGEL, sister of the bride, and the best man was Bud ENGEL, brother-in-law of the bride. Mrs. SPENCER graduated from Farina H.S. in 1949 and since graduation has been employed in restaurant work. Mr. SPENCER graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1946 and is employed in farming. Those from Kinmundy who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SPENCER and Virginia and MAXEY and Lester VANDEVEER.
- SHAFFER-STONECIPHER: Miss Lola Jean SHAFFER, daughter of Eugene SHAFFER of this city, and Robert STONECIPHER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam STONECIPHER of Salem, were married last Friday morning in Morganfield, Ky. They will make their home in Centralia where the groom is employed as a mechanic for the Rad-Mor Motor Co.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN have a daughter born Thanksgiving Day in Salem Hospital named Janet Elaine.
- Pleasant Grove: Those attending Thanksgiving dinner at Pleasant Grove Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack BARKSDALE and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER, Mr. and Mrs. Oran ALDERSON and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Donald SHAFFER and children, Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Claude HIESTAND and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND and Bobby ROSE, Dwight KLINE, Jackie BARKSDALE, Fred MAYBERRY, Flory John REPEC, Mr. and Mrs. Paul SMITH and children, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel ROSE and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Shine WILSON from Alma, and Mrs. Gene HELM and children came in the afternoon. A short program and a nice talk by Mr. WILSON was much enjoyed.
- Pleasant Grove: Those who helped redecorate and clean the church recently were Mesdames Emogene ANDERSON, Ruby HIESTAND, Avanelle HIESTAND, Gladys HIESTAND, Eula CRAIG, Dolly CHARLTON, Mabel SMITH, Lillian CURRIE, Marjorie DEADMOND, Myrle HELM, Dawn SHAFFER, Ruby SHAFFER, Maxine BARKSDALE, Miss Ruth MEYER, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND, Mr. and Mrs. Oran ALDERSON, and Dwight KLINE.
- Omega: Claude ROSE is finishing his building here and it will be occupied by a restaurant soon.
- Omega: W.E. GREENE is having a public sale Thursday this week and Mr. and Mrs. S.J. MILLER will move to the property which Mr. GREENE is vacating.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Walter SCHOONOVER and family moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BUTTS last Wednesday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. WANTLAND were entertained to supper Tuesday at the See MILLICAN home helping Karen Ann celebrate her birthday.
Dec. 8, 1949:
- On Dec. 2, 1949, at the Masonic Hall, the officers of Kinmundy Chapter No. 606, O.E.S. were installed: Nora OLDEN - Worthy Matron; Carl DUNLAP - Worthy Patron; Jessie VALLOW - Assoc. Matron; C.S. WATSON - Assoc. Patron; Paulene JOHNSON - Secretary; Florence MAHAN - Treas.; Dorothy SCHOOLEY - Conductress; Frances WRIGHT - Assoc. Conductress; Vera McCULLEY - Chaplain; Florence BASSETT - Marshall; Grace DILLON - Organist; Ella Mae HESTER - Adah; Blanche KENNEDY - Ruth; Margaret LEE - Esther; Dorothy McCULLEY - Martha; Katherine WORMLEY - Eleeta; Caroline YEAGER - Warder; E.G. DILLON - Sentinel; Marion BARBEE - Color Bearer;.
- Miss Louise SHAFFER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER, underwent a tonsillectomy Saturday morning in the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia.
- A Boy! An eleven pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard WILLIAMS of Chicago, last night at midnight.
- Rev. Wm. L. WALLACE and son, Jackie, went to Jasonville, Ind. Monday to the funeral of an aunt of Rev. WALLACE. They spent the night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil WALLACE of Clinton, Ind.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert GRAY of Alma have a son born Dec 2 at Salem Hospital. They have two older sons. She was formerly Miss Margaret BARBEE of this city.
- Miss Jean LANDESS of Lewistown, visited over the weekend here and assisted her grandmother move into the Dunlap apartment.
- The Senior Class is presenting their play, “Calling All Carrs” on Dec. 15 and 17 this year. There will two casts, one will present the play on Thursday night, and other on Saturday. Tickets will go on sale at Hanna’s Café. Reserved tickets will be 50 cents and general admission 35 cents. The members of the cast who will present the cast on Thursday night are: Addonta HUBBLE, Harry BRASEL, Fern FORD, Betty WANTLAND, Rosalie ALDERSON, Betty FEATHER, Evelyn FORD, Claude BLACK, Virginia SPENCER, Charles WHITE, Jerry WALKER, Nellie BRASEL, Sam LOWE. The members of the class presenting the play on Saturday night are: Betty WILLIAMS, Don CHEATUM, Lillian BUNDY, Geneva CHARLTON, Sarah HESKETT, Helen FEATHER, Dan GARRETT, Nadine SMITH, Don ADAMS, Wyona HANNA, Bill VALLOW.
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle KLINE have a son born Dec. 1 in Salem Hospital named Jon Doran.
- Paul WEST, the son of Mrs. Pauline WEST, of this city, left last Friday for Fort Riley, Kansas, where he will serve with the regular army.
- Word has been received here of the illness of Harry WAINSCOTT, a former resident of this community. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy on Nov. 3rd and has not been able to speak or move hand or foot since. However, the doctors tell him he will come out of it but it will take time. He lives in Springfield, Ill.
- Opens Business in Salem: Lewie SULLENS has opened a sheet metal business in Salem located at 515 Whitaker St. He and his family will continue to live in Kinmundy and he will commute to and from his work.
- Judge Ward HOLT Says Divorces increasing in Marion county. Money matter, sexual incompatibility, and in-law annoyances are three basic difficulties which are involved in a rapidly increasing divorce rate, Circuit Court Judge Ward P. HOLT told Salem Rotarians on Friday. Judge HOLT said that of every two marriages in the United States, one winds up with a divorce. He said there is some hope in a new law now before the Supreme Court. It provides a 60-day waiting period before people who file an intention to sue for divorce may actually go to court. During the interim, the new legislation provides for a special marriage counsel to investigate the couple’s difficulties and determine if anything can be done to save their marriage.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence WOKER of Centralia and Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER attended the funeral for an uncle in Taylorville Saturday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Paul COURSON Jr. moved Wednesday to the Charlie McGEE farm near Meacham Baptist Church.
- Richard A. BROOM, was accompanied home from St. Louis Sunday by his wife and son, Ted Duncan BROOM. Mother and son are happy to be home and are both doing fine.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS and son moved Monday to the VANDEVEER farm on the Brubaker Road.
Dec. 15, 1949:
- Has Near Fatal Accident: Sam JONES, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar JONES, had a near fatal accident Sunday afternoon by running his gasoline motor propelled scooter into a passing car, driven by a Mr. DILLMAN of Louisville. The accident happened on the Louisville Road in front of the JONES home. Sam was coming out of his yard and did not see the car which was heading west. Mr. DILLMAN applied his brakes and swerved to the right but Sam hit the car just behind the front wheel. Had the accident been timed just a second sooner, Sam would have been in front of the car and no telling what would of happened. The impact pitched Sam backwards rendering him unconscious, in addition, he received several cuts and bruises and a broken clavicle. Mr. DILLMAN had to have some minor repairs made on his car before he could proceed. Mr. and Mrs. JONES and daughter and mother, Mrs. Edna WILLIAMS, were at their farm north of this city, when the accident happened. Sam was taken to his parents by a neighbor, Eugene WILLIAMS. The parents then took him to Salem for medical attention.
- Neighborly Deed: Will HIESTAND, who has been bedfast with neuritis for several weeks, was unable to husk his corn crop. On Tuesday of last week 14 neighbors came with 8 wagons and 1 truck and had the corn husked by noon. Those helping were Joe WAGGONER, Roy YOUNG, Jack BARKSDALE, Paul SMITH, Frank EMBSER, Dan HIESTAND, Van MUNDWILER, Claude HIESTAND, Walter BRANNON, Edward REPEC, Herbert ANDERSON, Gene HELM, Loren KLINE, and Ray VANDEVEER.
- Miss Shirley JASPER received a nice potted plant last Saturday night from the Salem Flowers as a door prize. Salem Flowers celebrated their 3rd anniversary last Saturday, and they had 1085 to register on that day.
- Berry H. PITTS Dies: Berry H. PITTS, 83, familiarly known as “Uncle Ben” died in the IOOF Home at Mattoon early today. He entered the home in 1944. Mr. PITTS was a school teacher in his younger days, and was educated at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Later he followed the carpenter’s trade and was a charter member of the Carpenters’ local. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows lodge in Centralia where he resided for more than 50 years. He was married to Polly Ann HENRY in 1891. She died in 1904, and in 1908 he married Belle M. JOHNSON THARP. Survivors are 3 sons: Maurice of Magnolia; Bryen of Kinmundy, a former Marion county sheriff; and Earl H. PITTS of Salem; 2 brothers, G.S. PITTS of Sterling, and Lon PITTS of Odin; and a sister, Mrs. Rosa BURGE of Centralia. He also leaves 6 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Services from Queen-Boggs funeral home with Rev. Oscar HAWKINS in charge. Burial in Burge Cemetery. (“Centralia Sentinel”)
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. JONES celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary Sunday in Sullivan in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. INGRAM and family.
- Nancy Jo KING, 15 months old foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar BUTTS, died early Tuesday morning from a streptococcus infection. Services were held Wednesday from the Methodist Church, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mrs. C.B. MENDENHALL was called to Hammond, Ind. last Friday on account of the death of her nephew’s wife, Mrs. Ainsworth MERCHANT. Services were held Saturday and burial made in Hammond.
- Miss Florence JACK entered the Salem Hospital Saturday with a light case of pneumonia. She was released Monday morning in time to attend to her school duties in the Salem Schools.
- Miletus: James BOSTON and wife have a baby boy born Nov. 23. James HANKS and wife have a baby girl born Dec. 9.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ira KRUTSINGER took time out from their farm duties and spent a few days with relatives recently. They went to Audubon, Iowa to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence STEEL on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. STEELE is the daughter of Rev. J.E. GARRETT and wife, Angeline CRUTCHFIELD. From there they went to Hardy, Iowa to attend the Golden Wedding anniversary of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. SMITH; Mrs. SMITH, formerly Miss Anna KRUTSINGER, born and lived until grown near Oskaloosa, the only one living of a family of 7. Enroute home they visited cousin, Maggie MILLER NASERS and family of Watseka, Ill. and spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of Alva CRUTCHFIELD and family of Wilmington, Ill. and arrived home Thursday. They certainly enjoyed the vacation and found that their sons, Francis, Ralph, and Clark had done an excellent job “batching”.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Arthur PARRILL and son, Clifford, went to Bloomington Thursday where Mrs. PARRILL entered the hospital and on Saturday submitted to an operation for a tumor of the throat.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Tom SLANE celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary, Sunday. On Saturday, the following friends and children enjoyed the evening with them: Mr. and Mrs. William SLANE and Bobby; Mr. and Mrs. Harold SLANE and family; Mr. and Mrs. Arlie SLANE and family; Mr. and Mrs. Robert BEARD and family; Mr. and Mrs. Roy SHORT; Mrs. Flossie ANDERSON; and Charlie SHORT.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Guy SHAFFER visited Sunday with Mrs. and Mrs. John SHAFFER and Sammy. Mrs. John SHAFFER took the stitches out of the gash Mr. Guy SHAFFER had recently got cut in his head.
- Mr. and Mrs. Will HIESTAND wish to thank all of the men who came out and shucked their corn out, also to thank those who have remembered Mr. HIESTAND with cards and letters and for the nice Thanksgiving dinner. Those who came and gathered their corn were: Frank EMBSER, Joe WAGONER, Loren KLINE, Roy YOUNG, Claude HIESTAND, Ray VANDEVEER, Herbert ANDERSON, Dan HIESTAND, Walter BRANNON, Paul SMITH, Jack BARKSDALE and Van MUNDWILER, Ed REPEC, and Gene HELM. Mr. HIESTAND, who was confined to his bed for several weeks, is now able to sit up for a short time each day. Mrs. John SHAFFER still goes and gives him shots.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Merle WALKINGTON are enjoying a new television set.
- Omega: The Omega Café moved to their new quarters in the Claude ROSE building this week.
Dec. 22, 1949:
- Dedication of Christian Church Parsonage Attended by Several: The dedication of the new modern parsonage of the Kinmundy Christian Church, was held Sunday, Dec. 18, in the church auditorium, with a goodly crowd in attendance, despite the inclement weather conditions. Delegations were there from neighboring churches of Alma, Patoka, Farina, Mason, Red Brush, Salem, Effingham, and Elliotstown. The call to worship was given by Ray PIERSON, minister of the Christian Church of Effingham. Don HARGRAVE, pastor of the Patoka Christian Church, led the congregation in the singing of the gospel songs, with Mrs. Eldon DUNBAR at the piano. Following the reading by Tom McGEE, minister of the Mason Christian Church, and offering was taken for the purpose of adding to the parsonage fund. The dedication address was given by Charles E. MILLS, Dean of the Lincoln Bible Institute. Following the service, those attending were invited to visit the new building.
- A son was born Dec. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SPURLIN of Los Angeles, Cal. This is their first child and been named Michael Lewis. The mother is the former Janet OGLESBY, daughter of Mrs. Eugene OGLESBY of Los Angeles, formerly of Vandalia. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W.T. SPURLIN of Vandalia.
- Home from School: Miss Elizabeth BROOM of Alma is home from Nashville, Tenn. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM. Miss Marian JOHNSON is home from Carbondale; Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. VALLOW and son of Champaign will be here and in Salem with their parents. John MOTCH, John GARDEN, Bud ROBNETT are home from the Univ. of Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Richard MAULDING will visit here from Carbondale. Miss Kathryn POLANKA of Alma will be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe POLANKA and Ronald.
- Mr. and Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM have a granddaughter, Karen Ann, born Dec. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd CHEATUM of Gilman. The young Miss made her arrival at the home of her maternal grandparents in Effingham. Grandma CHEATUM was also present for the occasion.
- Sgt. Richard MOTCH of Fort Sill, Okla. is spending Christmas here with his family.
- Has Car Accident: Miss Joyce McHATTON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McHATTON, of this city, in company with James WILLIAMS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall WILLIAMS, of Salem, were victims of a car accident while returning home from Salem Sunday afternoon. The accident happened near Alma. A truck, heading west, stopped on the pavement and a dog jumped from the cab in front of the WILLIAMS car. In trying to avoid hitting the dog, James lost control, and the car turned over several times. James was the first to be thrown from the car and then Joyce came next, with the car still rolling. The two victims were taken immediately to the Salem Hospital and given first aid. Joyce had several lacerations about the neck and head while James received a chipped ankle bone. The new Ford was a total wreck. From the looks of this car, the victims were mighty lucky.
- The Kinmundy Women’s Club met Dec. 16 at the home of Mrs. C.B. ALDERSON with 29 members present.
- A picture of the Editor and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW, was printed along with their grandchildren.
- Vandals at Work: Several of our fellow townsmen have worked diligently to beautify the city park. They have gone to the trouble to set out trees where trees were missing, setting shrubbery of different kinds and several evergreens. Mayor C.F. GAMMON reports to us that someone has deliberately pushed several of the young trees over. Just why anyone would do this is beyond us. It might of been some playful children or it might have been some grownup. Now Mayor GAMMON is asking the residents around the park to keep an eye on it. If they see any one molesting any of the trees or shrubs, just give him a ring.
- Word has been received by Mrs. C.F. PRUETT of the death of her little grandson, Charles Otto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick PRUETT of Boulder, Colo., which occurred Dec. 19. He was 1 year and 6 months of age. Services and burial were held in Boulder, Wednesday.
- Farm Women Hit Hard by Sudden Drop in Egg Market This Week: The farm women of this community have had to tighten the purse strings on Christmas shopping due to the sudden drop in egg prices. Saturday the local market dropped to 26 cents per dozen on “hen fruit”. If you stood around the stores on this day, all you could hear was “ahs” and “ohs”. Yesterday when these same women returned to town with more eggs, they never uttered any exclamations but they made up their minds in a hurry. The egg price had dropped to 20 cents. There was only one thing to do and that was to sell their hens. And that’s just what will take place because when a woman says she’s going to do something, she generally makes her word good. 20 cents per dozen is certainly the lowest price for eggs for many a year. You can truthfully say that it is a pre-war price. Even during the height of the depression, the price of eggs did not drop much below this. So this makes one stop and wonder if we are not heading right into another depression. As we see it, the farm women have a few choices in the matter. They can sell their hens or they can have their husbands furnish all the feed or they can eat the hens or they can just eat the eggs. Local housewives should use more eggs too. If you are accustomed to using 6 eggs in a cake, use 12. The cake will be all the better.
- Wilson School: There will be a Christmas program and a tree at Pleasant Grove Church on Christmas evening. Bring the kiddies and come.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Dollie CHARLTON and Mrs. Mabel SMITH were in St. Louis Friday visiting their sister, Mrs. Freeman EAGAN at Barnes Hospital.
- Brown: Mr. I.N. WOOLEY, who received injuries when he fell from a ladder while repairing a phone line, is able to be home from the hospital, and is slowly improving.
- Meadow Branch: William CALDWELL and family moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCULLEY.
- Chuck GARDEN and Bobby Dan WILLIAMS of Ft. Devens, Mass. are spending Christmas leave with their families here and in Alma.
- Pleasant Grove: A Christmas program will be given at Allen School Friday night by the teacher, Mrs. Merle WALKINGTON and pupils.
Dec. 29, 1949:
- Betty VANDERWOLK and Kenneth PIGG Wed Thursday in New Jersey: Miss Betty VANDERWOLK became the bride of Kenneth PIGG, SK2, on Dec. 22, 1949 in the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian Church, West Orange, N.J., the Rev. H. PEARCE officiating. They were attended by the bride’s sister and brother, Miss Corrie and John VANDERWOLK. Several relatives and friends were present. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter VANDERWOLK of West Orange, N.J., and a graduate of the West Orange H.S. with the class of ‘48. Since her graduation, she has been employed as secretary to the Board of Education in West Orange. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. PIGG of this city. He graduated from the local H.S. with the class of ‘44. Immediately following his graduation, he enlisted in the Navy and has been there since. At the present time he is stationed at the Brooklyn Naval Receiving Station, Brooklyn, N.Y. They will make their home in East Orange, N.J.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BAILEY had the extreme pleasure of having all their children, and grandchildren with them on Christmas Day. Mrs. Belle SUTTON was a special guest. In all there were 26 present.
- Bryan PITTS a Candidate for Sheriff: After a lot of coaxing and urging by close friends, Bryan PITTS, a farmer residing in Meacham twp., finally consented Tuesday morning to allow his name to appear on the Democrat ballot for the office of sheriff. The primary election will be held on April 11th. The last day for filing petitions for this election is Jan. 23. Mr. PITTS at the present time is the supervisor of Meacham twp. He has been a resident of Meacham twp. since 1938 when he finished a four term as sheriff of Marion county.
- Theodore MILLER, 89, Succumbs Christmas Day: Theodore MILLER, son of Adam and Catherine MILLER, was born June 12, 1860 at Central City, Ill., where he grew to manhood, and was married to Susie SALLIS of Sandoval, Ill. Three children came to this union. After her death he was married to Sarah McGEE of Sandoval on Sep. 26, 1888, and seven children were born. He was a coal miner most of his life and a member of the Miners Union. For a number of years, the family resided on a farm north of town, but in later years, moved to Kinmundy where he operated a shoe repair shop and cream station. Soon after, he united with the Christian Church and always attended when possible. He was a devoted companion to his invalid wife and a thoughtful father to his children. He died Dec. 25, 1949. Three children, Jack, Sarah, and Mrs. Lou KNECHT, preceded him in death. Surviving are the aged wife and 8 children: Mrs. Ida HOWARD, Terre Haute, Ind.; Mrs. Maude JOLLIFF, Centralia; Walter, Lincoln; George, Danville; Bill, Tuscola; Ted, Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. Nelle WILSON, Decatur; and Mrs. Margaret RHEINHART, Los Angeles, Calif. Services were held from the Christian Church Wednesday, Bro. Oscar HAWKINS officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Joseph G. VALLOW, who has been employed by the Express for the past 3 years as staff photographer as well as a mechanical man, will leave the first of the year for Minonk, Ill. where he has purchased a studio and will devote his ful time to photography. (A picture of Joe VALLOW was included.)
- Betty JONES and Calvin BARBEE Married Monday in Methodist Parsonage: Miss Betty JONES, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES, became the bride of Calvin BARBEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy BARBEE, on Dec. 27 in the Methodist parsonage. The Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiated. Attendants were Miss Rosemary CONANT and Bob BAILEY. A dinner for only the immediate families was served in the home of the bride. Both Mr. BARBEE and his bride are graduates of our local high school and enjoy a large circle of friends. After graduation, the groom served in the Navy. After his discharge, he was employed in the local post office. Since September, he has been working under civil service as a mail clerk. He has just been transferred to St. Louis. Mrs. BARBEE, since graduation, has been employed in Salem as secretary in the County Highway office. After a short honeymoon, they will go to St. Louis to make their home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Howard SPENCER and son, Billy, arrived Saturday night from Scottville, Ky. to help Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SPENCER celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary. Other Christmas guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gene ERNST and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Merle GREENWOOD. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Albert LOY and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry SPENCER of Farina.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Jack BARKSDALE and daughter, Janet, attended the Christmas program at Happy Hollow Friday. Mrs. Joe LUTTRELL is teacher.
- Meacham: A Christmas program was given by the scholars of Rockhold school Friday to a full house of parents and friends. It was a good program and Santa Claus came with a present for all the children. Miss Kaye GREENWOOD was the pianist and Billie Dean SEE gave a piano solo.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (March 1999) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.
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