Gleanings from "The Kinmundy Express"
Compiled by Dolores Ford Mobley
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Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Newspaper Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Jan. 5, 1950:
- A New Year Eve’s Birthday Party: Mr. and Mrs. Emil MEYER entertained 71 of their friends and neighbors to a party at their home on New Year’s Eve. The occasion was to celebrate 3 birthdays which fell on New Year’s Day, namely Emil MEYER’s 49th, Jimmie LANE’S 19th, and Lee STOCK’s 8th. Mrs. MEYER was assisted in entertaining by her two daughters, Mrs. Vernon SULLIVAN and Mrs. Richard BRANSON. The evening was spent in singing hymns, playing Pinochle and Bingo and many beautiful prizes were awarded by the hostess. As the waning hours of 1949 drew to a close, delicious refreshments of sandwiches, cake, coffee and pop were served. Many pictures were taken and a good time was had by everyone. After 1950 was ushered in, good-nights were said and many were the thank you’s extended Mr. and Mrs. MEYER for an evening long to be remembered.
- Laura GREEN and Emmett GARRETT Speak Vows: Miss Laura GREEN, daughter of William L. GREEN, and Emmett GARRETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT, were married Saturday evening at seven o’clock at the Christian Church with Rev. HARGRAVES officiating at the double ring ceremony. The bride was attired in a blue suit with black accessories and had a corsage of white roses. Her sister, Louise, was her attendant and wore a cinnamon suit with black accessories and had a yellow pom corsage. Elwin CHEATUM was the groom’s attendant. Miss Dorothy GRAVITT of Lawrenceville sang “Because” and “I Love You Truly” preceding the ceremony and was accompanied by Mrs. Eldon DUNBAR. Mrs. GARRETT graduated from Kinmundy high school in 1942, attended business college in Centralia and has been employed by the Borah-Holman Motor Sales in Olney. The groom graduated from Granite City high school, business college and has been employed in the office of Sohlo Oil company at Centralia. He served in the Southwest Pacific Theatre for several months. A reception was held immediately following the ceremony with Miss Dorothy McCULLEY of Kinmundy with Misses Helen SAFLER and Irene WALTERS of Olney serving. The couple left on a short wedding trip and will be at home in Independence, Kansas, where the groom has been recently transferred. (A list of out-of-town guests was included.)
- Mrs. PENDLETON Dies: Mrs. Annalee PENDLETON passed at her home in Farina, Dec. 18. Funeral services were held on Dec. 21 and interment made in New Bethel cemetery at Golden Gate, Ill. Mrs. PENDLETON and her husband resided in Meacham twp. for several years before moving to Farina a few years ago since which time Mr. PENDLETON has managed the Lyric Theatre there.
- Gilbert DOOLEN submitted to an emergency appendectomy in Salem Memorial Hospital Wednesday.
- Richard GRAY is a medical patient in Salem Memorial Hospital since Monday. At first it was feared he was suffering from polio. We are glad to report this is not the nature of his illness.
- Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCULLEY have a baby boy born in Salem Hospital Jan. 1 and named Russell Allen.
- BASSETT-REESE: Mrs. Florence BASSETT and Mr. Otto REESE were married in Salem on Dec. 28 in the Grace Methodist Parsonage by the Rev. Heber BURGE. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Merle JONES. After the ceremony, they came to the groom’s home in Kinmundy where they are at home to their many friends.
- Robt. HUDDLESTON Dies: Funeral services for Robert HUDDLESTON, 72, Omega farmer, were held Monday at Brown Church with Rev. Clyde SINCLAIR officiating. He died at his home Saturday night having been in ill health for some time. He is survived by his wife, three sons: Beryle, Earl, and Bruce and one daughter, Mrs. Beulah JONES, all of Omega twp. Interment was in Parker Cemetery.
- Rev. and Mrs. Angus PHILLIPS and son, Ted, motored to Bloomington last Wednesday and spent the night with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin PHILLIPS and two daughters.
- Omega: Mr. and Mrs. Joe MEDLEY have moved into the PERRY property here in Omega.
- Wilson School: Miss Viola MEYER returned Tuesday to her school work in Vancleve, Ky. after visiting the past week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER and other relatives.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Jack BARKSDALE and daughter attended the charivari and shower for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwin LONG at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George LONG, Wednesday night.
- Word has been received by Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM that little Gary NELSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin NELSON of Mason is in Vandalia Hospital suffering with a fractured skull and is in serious condition. Gary, age 2, fell from the family car and hit the pavement. Mrs. NELSON is the niece of Mrs. CHEATUM.
Jan. 12, 1950:
- Mrs. Lloyd BAILEY was hostess to a group of friends Sunday evening honoring the birthday of her husband. The evening was spent socially and refreshments were served.
- Mr. Rube FULFER of Decatur, a former resident and businessman of this city, underwent a spine operation in Mercy Hospital in Champaign on Dec. 14. He returned home Dec. 26 and is slowly improving.
- Fred GAMMON Announces for County Clerk: After a lot of coaxing and urging, Mayor Fred GAMMON has decided to make the race for County Clerk on the republican ticket. He will very likely have no opposition in the primary election this spring. Fred is a veteran of World War II, serving in the European Theatre. For the past 2½ years, he has been secretary of the Kinmundy Building and Loan Association. Last year, he was elected mayor of the city of Kinmundy. We feel that Fred is well qualified for the position which he seeks.
- Buys Business: Pleasant H. ROBNETT, better known as Bud ROBNETT, is now the owner of the Star Garage, Kinmundy Ice Plant, Kinmundy Oil Company, and White Star Service Station, all formerly owned by the ROBNETT family. His father, the late Pleasant F. ROBNETT, entered the business world in Kinmundy in March, 1913 by erecting a small garage. After returning from World War I, he enlarged the garage and in 1922 added the ice plant. Later he also became engaged in the bulk oil business. When the hard road was completed through this city, he erected a filling station. He is a student in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois, and upon graduation, will make his home in Kinmundy and operate these businesses so ably started by his father. Good luck, Bud.
- Louella SHREFFLER Rites Held Saturday Afternoon: Louella Isabelle CHANDLER, daughter of John Bell and Nancy CHANDLER, was born in Foster twp. Oct. 13, 1861, and departed this life Jan. 4, 1950. She was united in marriage to Aaron Irving SHREFFLER on Dec. 24, 1884. They had nine children, four of whom have preceded her, passing away in early life. The death of her companion, who died Nov. 13, 1918, left Mrs. SHREFFLER and five sons. For a number of years she has been confined to her home because of ill health. During this time her son, Leslie, has been with her. The other surviving sons, besides Leslie at home are: Harry of Wilmington, Ill.; Cecil, Gordon, and Herschel, all of Alma. One brother, Oscar CHANDLER of Decatur, Ill.; and 15 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. A sad incident in her late life was the death of one of her older grandsons, Lyle, who gave his life in the defense of his country during the last war. Services were held Saturday from the Alma Methodist Church with interment in Martin Cemetery.
- Dr. Chas. W. YOUNG joined the medical clinic in DeKalb, Ill. with Drs. J.W. OVITZ and John W. OVITZ, Jr. He is a graduate of the Univ. of Ill. College of Medicine, interned at the Milwaukee General Hospital, and during World War II he served two years in a field Hospital with the U.S. Army. For the past 3 years he has been a resident physician in Internal Medicine at the Research and Educational Hospital and an assistant instructor at the Univ. of Illinois College of Medicine. He will be in Chicago two afternoons a week to continue his work there. Dr. and Mrs. YOUNG and son will reside in Sycamore.
- The fire department was called Friday to the home of Miss Pauline BAGOTT to extinguish a fire in the living room caused by an overheated stovepipe. The celotex around the pipe caught fire burning out to the ceiling. The fire was of short duration with about a $30 damage.
- Mr. and Mrs. John PHILLIPS Celebrated Golden Wedding Anniversary: On Jan. 6, 1900, Miss Martha Anne SHANAFELT and John PHILLIPS, both of Meacham twp., went to Salem where they were married. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Simmos PHILLIPS. The day was warm, rainy and roads muddy. They left home at 3 a.m. and didn’t get back until 1 o’clock the next morning spending only enough time in Salem for the ceremony. After their marriage they lived on a farm in Meacham twp. for five years. They then moved to the southern part of the state near Steelville. They lived there for four years after which they returned to Kinmundy where they have since resided. Mr. PHILLIPS has been a farmer and day laborer all his life. This couple has been blessed with 8 children, 4 dying in infancy. Those now living are Mrs. Don WEST, Decatur; Miss Avanelle PHILLIPS, Rockford; Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY, and John, Jr., Kinmundy. They now have 11 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Both are enjoying fair health. On last Friday evening, a family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY in honor of the Golden Wedding. All of the children were present for the occasion except Mrs. WEST.
- Pleasant Grove: The school bus didn’t go Friday as the Kinmundy school was dismissed on account of the roads being a glaze of ice.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Florence MARSHALL celebrated her 68th birthday Sunday at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MARSHALL where Mrs. Robt. MARSHALL served a chicken dinner with angel food cake and ice cream for dessert and her little granddaughter, Darlene sang “Happy Birthday” to her grandmother.
- In Memoriam of dad and granddad, Ren WAINSCOTT who died Jan. 4, 1948, by Mr. and Mrs. Richard SCHWABE and Dickie Dean.
Jan. 19, 1950:
- Paula Joyce MULVANEY: Paula Joyce, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester MULVANEY of Iuka, died at 8 o’clock Monday morning. She was taken ill on the day previous. A doctor was summoned but she died before he reached the MULVANEY home. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home. An inquest was held Tuesday and the coroner’s jury returned a verdict of “cause unknown”. Services were held today in Iuka.
- Mr. and Mrs. Rufus ADAMS of Meacham twp. have a baby girl born in Salem Hospital named Connie Faye.
- The baby daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. PRUETT born last Thursday in the Salem Hospital has been named Susan Corwin. This family now have two daughters.
- A Boy! Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and son named John Miller have returned home from the Greer Hospital in Vandalia. Both are doing fine. We extend congratulations.
- Fred ALTVATER Dies: Services were held Monday from the McMackin Funeral Home in Salem for Fred ALTVATER, 72, who died at his home in Salem twp. on Saturday. Rev. A.A. MILLICAN was in charge of the funeral and burial was made in Evergreen Cemetery in this city. Mr. ALTVATER was born in Germany and came to this country when five years of age. He and brother, John, were reared in the home of Frank EMBSER, south of Kinmundy in Alma twp. In addition to his wife, Mrs. Daisy THURSTON ALTVATER, he leaves a son, Kerron, of Salem, and his brother, John of DeSoto, Mo.
- Our local high school received notice that a member of the senior class, Bill TOCKSTEIN, residing west of town, is honored by having one of his poems published in the National High School Poetry Anthology of Poetry. The National High School Poetry Association was founded in 1937.
- Graveside services were held Monday for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde JONES of Iuka. The baby was born Sunday in the Salem Hospital.
- The fire department was called out this morning to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter GEORGE to extinguish a fire caused by an overheated stovepipe. The flames were quietly extinguished and very little damage done.
- Family Fights Fire Next Day After Funeral: A funeral one day and a fire the next has been a lot of the BUCKMINISTER family of St. Louis. On Friday, Elbert BUCKMINISTER, 45, a bus driver, was buried. Saturday a fire drove his mother, wife and daughter from their home. They are the driver’s widowed mother, Mrs. Bertha BUCKMINISTER, his widow, Ella, and daughter, Mary. The fire began in the daughter’s room and destroyed all her personal belongings. The family was given refuge by Mr. and Mrs. John BECK of St. Louis. (St. Louis Globe Democrat). Mrs. Bertha BUCKMINISTER, daughter of the late Samuel ALLEN, was a former Kinmundian and will be remembered by the older folks.
- Buys DISS Business: Glen COLEE, and son, Don, of Tolono, have purchased the grainfeed and coal business from Mr. J.H. DISS and will take charge of the business next Monday morning. They are here this week getting acquainted with the business as well as the customers. Mr. COLEE has purchased the Chas. F. PRUETT property on Quality Hill and the family will move here soon. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Glen COLEE and Mr. and Mrs. Don COLEE and small son. As to Mr. DISS and family, at the present time, they have in mind moving to Colorado but are undecided. The family will remain here until the end of the school term at least.
- Wm. C. McELYEA Laid to Rest: Services for William C. McELYEE, 76, retired farmer, were held Sunday at the Linton Funeral Home. Rev. George SCHERR, St. Louis, officiated with burial in Oskaloosa Cemetery. He died Friday and is survived by his wife and several children. He was a Spanish-American war veteran.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie HALL are parents of a daughter born Friday. Mrs. HALL is a patient at Greer Hospital in Vandalia.
- Sunday marked the golden wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Harley HILL. The day was spent quietly however as Mr. HILL was a patient at the Salem hospital at the time.
- There will be a meeting Jan. 24th to discuss the possibilities of a merger between the LaGrove and Kinmundy Community High Schools.
- Have Family Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. R.W. MAXEY of Freeport; Marion MAXEY and family of Polo; J.E. STEWART and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe HOLMAN and family of Sterling; Clyde SMITH and family of Rock Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Robert SELOOVER and family of Como; Mr. and Mrs. Mervin JANSSEN and family of Mt. Morida; William MAXEY of Sterling; and Dale MAXEY of Menominie, Wis. were dinner guests on Dec. 26 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert MAXEY. With 7 grandsons, 7 granddaughters, all our children and the 7 in-laws, don’t think we didn’t enjoy seeing them all seated at one time. Last night, the SELOOVERS, STEWARTS, MARIONS, and Brother W.W. and wife of Polo, had an oyster supper with us in memory of our 41st anniversary. Now Baileyville is on the new blacktop between Forreston and Freeport and our place is just across the track from the deport and right by the Post Office. R.F. MAXEY.
- The Kinmundy P.T.A. meeting held it’s regular meeting Monday with Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY, president, in charge. Reports by the secretary, Mrs. Lester HOWELL, and treasurer, Mrs. William COLE, were given. The program was in charge of Mrs. Fred BOYD. A film on cancer was shown, and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW gave a talk on “How to cooperate with Your Doctor”. A quartet composed of Marceline GENTRY, Lillie BAILEY, Jacqueline HUMPHREY and Wyona HANNA rendered several numbers as did the members of the Boxer Quartet.
- Nursery Shower: Mrs. Harold CHANCE was honored at a nursery shower Monday at the home of Mrs. Wydel PIGG with Mrs. Carl CRAIN and Mrs. James EAGAN, assistant hostesses. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Will WALSH called on Mr. and Mrs. Paul SMITH and sons Tuesday night bringing Larry a cake and helped him celebrate his 1st birthday.
- Pleasant Grove: There was no school at Allen Monday as the teacher, Marjorie WALKINGTON, attended the funeral of Fred ALTVATER in Salem Monday.
Jan. 26, 1950:
- The 31st Annual Meeting of the Marion County Farm Bureau was held Jan. 21 in the Young School Gymnasium in Salem twp. and was attended by 800 members and members of their families. The following were elected directors: Kinmundy - Eugene SHUFELDT; Raccoon - Leon McBRIDE; Foster - Harry PERKINS; Meacham - Gilbert FORD; Stevenson - George IRWIN; Tonti - Eldon BRANCH; Carrigan - Lee BRITT; Odin-Sandoval - Ben YOUNG; Omega - Sherrill VANDEVEER; Centralia - David SUTHERLAND; Iuka - Erwin WIEHLE; Romine - Euell CLARK; Haines - Ira DALTON; Salem - Claude BURGE; Patoka - E.L. SHARP; Alma - Ray VANDEVEER. Roger CRUZEN, president of the Marion County 4-H Club Federation gave a talk on funds being raised for 4-H Club camps. The charter members present were: W.W. BLAIR, W.L. COPE, Henry CLIFTON, Guy SHAFFER, J.I. JONES, Lena BOYNTON, Edna JONES, H.H. McLAUGHLIN and W.T. GASTON.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gene JEZEK entertained at their home Saturday night John JEZEK, Miss Pauline LAMBIRD, Miss Joan JEZEK, Billy George WALSH, Mr. and Mrs. Edward JEZEK, and daughters, Brenda and Nancy, of Salem. The evening was spent playing Bingo and Pinochle. It being John’s birthday Sunday, a cake was decorated and served as well as coffee and sandwiches.
- Birthday Dinner: A birthday dinner was given Sunday in honor of Mrs. W.L. BARNES birthday. Tables were set in the Robb & Barnes Garage and a delicious dinner was enjoyed by all at the noon hour. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert NICHOLS of Vandalia; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson LAUX of Carlyle; Mr. and Mrs. Luther BARNES, Mrs. Ralph BARNES and son of Patoka; and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil HAMPSTEN of Kinmundy.
- Mrs. Bryan PITTS underwent a gall bladder operation in Salem on Saturday.
- Marlis Ann is the name of the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray INGRAM. She was born Jan. 23.
- Mrs. Florence SHRIVER fell and broke her hip Friday and is now a patient at St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis.
- A birthday surprise supper was given in honor of Mrs. Bertha JEZEK at her home last Wednesday. Those who helped her celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. J.O. ARNOLD of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. C.M. HESKETT, Sarah, Billie Jo, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Edward JEZEK, Brenda and Nancy; Billy George WALSH of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Gene JEZEK, Miss Lillian BUNDY, Miss Fern FORD, Miss Pauline LAMBIRD, Joan, John JEZEK and Billy Joe. She received many nice gifts.
- Mrs. Charles ROSE of Champaign died at the home of her son, Myron ROSE, in Maryville, Mo. Jan. 19th and was laid to rest in Champaign. Her husband, Charles ROSE, died suddenly about 4 months ago on their farm east of Kinmundy. Mrs. ROSE leaves the son, Myron of Maryville, and a daughter, Mrs. Earl JUPIN, of Centralia. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas POTTER and a sister of Mrs. Charles KELLER.
- On Monday evening, 197 citizens of the LaGrove and Kinmundy High School Districts assembled at the local gym to discuss organization of a new unit school district. Another similar meeting will be held in St. Peter in the town hall on Feb. 1st.
- Meacham: Mrs. GREENWOOD, who resided at Sibley, Ill., and is the mother of Earl GREENWOOD, died Saturday and was buried Monday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS, Virginia, and Dale called at the Ed HARRELL home Sunday afternoon.
Feb. 2, 1950:
- Mr. and Mrs. Cliff OLDEN and sons moved their household effects to Tolono Saturday where Mr. OLDEN is employed as a signal maintainer. Mrs. Ed BRASEL and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon STOCKER spent the weekend with them getting them settled in their new home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Porter SIMCOX have a baby daughter born Jan. 26 in Vandalia Hospital. Mrs. SIMCOX is the former Pauline NELMS of Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM spent Sunday in Edgewood with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin NELSON. Little Gary NELSON is now home and is reported to be slowly recovering although his right side is still paralyzed.
- Roy DAVIS of Brighton Park, son of Mrs. Margaret DAVIS of Chicago, but formerly of this city, was elected an officer of the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company.
- Riley WILLIAMS received word that his sister, 79, died at her home in Brazil, Ind., Sunday. The funeral was held Tuesday with interment there.
- Mr. J.B. MAXEY has purchased the Florence JACK farm, consisting of 80 acres in Section 24 of Kinmundy twp., located 2 miles east of Kinmundy on the Louisville Rd.
- Harold JONES has purchased the Emmitt GRAY farm, consisting of 222 acres in sections 4, 5, 8 & 9 of Kinmundy twp. This farm joins Harold’s father’s farm (G.F. JONES) on the east. We understand that Mr. GRAY and daughter, Fern, will move to town as soon as they locate a place.
- Mr. Jesse GEORGE has purchased the Ray GEORGE farm located in section 11 of Kinmundy twp. The farm is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. William LUX. We imagine within a short time Jesse will build himself a private lake on the back 40.
- Thomas Darrell PERRY: Funeral services for Thomas Darrell PERRY, two months old, were held Monday at the Meacham Baptist Church with Rev. HANEY of Centralia officiating. Thomas was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold PERRY of Sadorus, formerly of Kinmundy. He died Jan. 28 in Champaign Hospital. There are several brothers and sisters surviving, as well as the parents. Mrs. Myrtle PERRY of Kinmundy was the child’s grandmother.
- Birthday Dinner: Relatives and friends from St. Louis, Flora, Clay City, and Kinmundy gathered at the W.T. PHILLIPS home Sunday and surprised Mrs. PHILLIPS with a birthday dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. O.J. MILLER and son, Flora, Mr. and Mrs. Merle HARVEY, Clay City; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon GIVERN, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Fred WILSON and son and Mr. and Mrs. John WILSON of Kinmundy.
- Birthday Dinner: Relatives and friends from St. Louis, Flora, Clay City, and Kinmundy gathered at the W.T. PHILLIPS home Sunday and surprised Mrs. PHILLIPS with a birthday dinner.
- Miss Jean ALEXANDER left Monday for Shelbyville where she is now employed by the Chamber of Commerce in that city.
- Dewey HOSKINS, Clay county farmer, Dies after falling from tree: Funeral services are being held this afternoon from the Iola Baptist Church, for Dewey HOSKINS who died in Olney Tuesday. Death was due to injuries sustained in a fall from a tree. Mr. HOSKINS and his family resided on a farm in Clay county just north of the Kinmundy-Louisville road. He was topping the trees about his place Saturday when the accident happened. He leaves his mother, Lena HOSKINS; his wife, Pauline; and three children, Gary 9, Roxanna 6, and Roger 5. He also leaves 6 brothers and 2 sisters.
- Ira N. ALLEN Dies: Word has been received here of the death of Ira N. ALLEN, 75, at his home in Oakland, Calif. on Jan. 8, 1950. He was the son of the late A.M. ALLEN and is survived by one son, Mitchell, and a daughter, Martha, at home. He also has 4 grandsons and a half-sister, Mrs. Webster LOWE of ElCajon, Calif. His wife died several years ago. Ira grew to manhood in Kinmundy.
- Kinmundy Royal Neighbors Lodge held their installation of officers last Tuesday with a large crowd attending. Officers installed were: Mrs. Amy COLE, oracle; Mrs. Walter WEISS, vice oracle; Mrs. Francis HAMMER, past oracle; Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM, chancellor; Mrs. Fred GAMMON, recorder; Mrs. Chris JASPER, receiver; Mrs. Virgil SEE, Marshall; Mrs. Erwin SOLDNER, assistant marshal; Mrs. Ruben CRAIN, inner sentinel, Mrs. Percy FOLLOWELL, outer sentinel; Mrs. R.H. PIGG, manager; Miss Pauline LAMBIRD, faith; Mrs. Kenneth WILKINSON, courage; Miss Zola BARBEE, modesty; Miss Bonnie JONES, unselfishness; Mrs. William CALDWELL, endurance; Mrs. Elwin INGRAM, musician; Mrs. Chester MENDENHALL, flag bearer. Mrs. Gene JEZEK was chairman of the refreshment committee.
- A Nursery Shower was given Mrs. Charles JASPER in her home Tuesday by Mrs. Glen INGRAM and Mrs. Kenneth DUCKWITZ. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Meacham: Mrs. Ruben CRAIN, Mrs. Freddie MISELBROOK, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer NEAL attended the funeral Monday at the Meacham Baptist Church for the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Harold PERRY.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Junior MERRITT of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Earl HASSEBROCK and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT helping them celebrate their wedding anniversary.
- Miletus: Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie ALDERSON moved Tuesday of last week to the place formerly known as the Jasper KRUTSINGER farm south of WILKINSON Store.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER attended the funeral of Dr. and Mrs. NESMITH’s little daughter at the Presbyterian Church in Salem Friday afternoon.
Feb. 9, 1950:
- Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS fell on the walk at her home here Sunday morning and suffered a broken right arm near the shoulder. She was taken to the Salem Hospital and Monday afternoon taken to St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Mabel GARDNER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER, Jack GARRETT, and Miss Dorothy LOTZ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Berthol GARRETT in St. Peter Wednesday night.
- Mrs. Lou KING Dies: Word has been received here of the passing of Mrs. Lou KING of Champaign, her death occurred in Chicago. Misses Katherine WORMLEY, Ruth ROHRBOUGH, and Helen ROHRBOUGH spent Monday in Champaign.
- Mrs. B.F. MAHON, wife of our former Christian Church minister, died suddenly Sunday noon at her home near Mason. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the family home and interment was in Mason Cemetery.
- Surprise Birthday Dinner: Thirty-one friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Noel SHAFFER, Feb. 5th, with well filled baskets and pleasantly surprised her, it being her birthday, and also honoring Patsy SHAFFER, it being her birthday also. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS and family and Miss Jackie HAMPHREY, Mrs. Gertie SHAFFER, Elmer ROSE, Miss Adelle BUTTS and Jimmie SADLER, all of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond EAGAN and Mrs. Etta EAGAN of Alma; Mrs. Nola MAYBERRY, Jacob REITZ, of Farina, and Mrs. Sarah GRIFFIN of Salem.
- Charles EAGAN, 72, died at his home in St. Louis Feb. 4. The body was brought here Tuesday and services were held from the Christian Church, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. He leaves his wife, Lillie, and two sons, Colbert R. of St. Louis, and Kleon D. of DeQueen, Ark. Mr. EAGAN was a former resident of this city, being a brother to the late William EAGAN.
- Janet HAMMER Makes Radio Debut: Little Miss Janet HAMMER, accompanied by her teacher, Mrs. Herman LATHROP, made her bow in the air as a piano soloist Saturday morning over station WVLN at Olney. Janet is five years old and quite talented on the piano. Janet is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER (Sumner Press)
- Mrs. E.C. BARGH, who is spending the winter in Kenilworth, Ill. with her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. S.M. DAVIDSON, will undergo an operation in the Ravenswood Hospital in Chicago. She has been in the hospital for the past week getting tests, x-rays, and blood transfusions.
- Anniversary Dinner: A basket dinner will be held for Mr. and Mrs. Charles FORD to celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, Feb. 12, at the noon hour in the Evangelical Church Parish House, Farina. Bring service for your own family. All friends are invited.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Joe POLANKA and son and daughter spent Sunday with Frank AUMILLER and family, and celebrated their mother’s birthday anniversary.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER celebrated their 20th anniversary and the 9th birthday of Charles, Thursday with the following friends: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh COPPLE and Donna and Barbara; Mr. and Mrs. Ross SMITH and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Rubin CRAIN, and Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON.
- Miss Ruth ROHRBOUGH and Miss Katherine WORMLEY accompanied Miss Helen ROHRBOUGH of Salem to Champaign Monday where she had been called due to the death of her aunt, Mrs. L.B. KING.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ARMSTRONG and Farrel attended the funeral of Fred CARTER at the Needmore Church southeast of Iuka in Romine twp. Sunday.
- Shriver School: The Rockhold school children held a birthday party for their teacher, Mrs. Bertha SEE and one of the pupils, Charles SOLDNER, whose birthdays were on Feb. 2. Some of the mothers came with two large angel food cakes and fruit salad.
- William GARRETT has purchased the Eli DOOLEN farm west of Kinmundy.
- Guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tom BALLANCE Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Claude GARRETT, Mrs. Orie ATKINS, Mrs. Allie THOMAS, and Mrs. Bessie McGRUDY of Alma; Mrs. Dow GREEN of Mt. Vernon, Mrs. Lewie SULLENS, Mrs. Carl DUNLAP, Mrs. Dale BALLANCE, and Mrs. Clyde BALLANCE. The occasion was Mrs. BALLANCE’s birthday.
Feb. 16, 1950:
- Frank HARRIS, Meacham Farmer, Dies Friday: Funeral services for Frank HARRIS, 86, were held Tuesday at the Linton Funeral Home at the Restitution church in Casey, the Rev. C.L. HILL, Farina officiating. He was a retired farmer and resided in Meacham twp. He died Friday at the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia. Interment was made in the Slucher cemetery at Casey. He is survived by his wife, two sons, W.F. HARRIS, Electra, Texas, and Fred HARRIS, Princeton, Ind.; three daughters, Mrs. Mattie HITT, Casey, Ill.; Mrs. Mamie CHESEBRO, Riverside, Calif.; and Mrs. Nellie McDOWELL, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- The daughter of Representative and Mrs. Ora DILLAVOU of Urbana and the son of Anthony WESTRATE of Chicago were married last Sunday in Urbana. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. W.H. GRAY, who made his home here many years ago.
- Free Coffee and Cookies: The DOOLEN Electric will celebrate their 4th Anniversary Saturday and will serve coffee and cookies free to the public all day. They invite you to visit their store on this day.
- Billie MORRIS, son of Mrs. D.F. NEATHERY had the misfortune to crush his hand between a pipe and truck on which he was working at Flora.
- Pleasant Grove: Mansford ALLPHIN, Jack BARKSDALE, Ora ALDERSON, John SHAFFER, Herbert ALDERSON, Ray VANDEVEER, Sammie HIESTAND, Dan HIESTAND, Darrell and Dwight KLINE, Floyd BEARD and Clyde ROSE cut and burned brush along the high line from the gravel road to Pleasant Grove Church Friday.
- Shriver School: Carroll SIMMONS attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. John PADGETT at the OSBORN Funeral Home in Dix Sunday.
Feb. 23, 1950:
- Surprise Birthday Dinner: Mrs. Burdette JENKINS entertained at a surprise birthday dinner honoring her husband Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert JENKINS and son, and Arthur JENKINS of Alma, Mr. and Mrs. Ben JENKINS, and Mr. and Mrs. James E. JENKINS.
- Breaks Hip: Mrs. Alice MILLER had the misfortune of tripping on a rug Tuesday evening, falling and breaking her hip. She was found Wednesday morning by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. A.H. MILLER, who had gone to her home with some cold medicine. She was taken to the Salem Hospital in the Linton Ambulance , and then on to St. John’s Hospital, St. Louis, where she will receive medical attention.
- Mr. Emmitt GRAY has purchased the Clyde PRUETT property from Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY. He and his daughter, Fern, will move therein within the next few days. Mrs. Richard MOTCH and son, who has been occupying the property, will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. HULSEY until such time as they sail for the far east to join Sgt. Richard MOTCH, who is now stationed there.
- Mr. W.L. CATES has purchased a part of Lots 27 & 28 D.P. SNELLING’s Addition from William BARBEE. This real estate is located just of ROBB’s Café on Route 37. Mr. CATES says he merely bought it as an investment, although he may make a used car lot out of it.
- Frank S. HARRIS: Frank Sigel HARRIS, son of Thomas and Martha STULL HARRIS, was born on March 2, 1863, at Chambersburg, Columbiana Co., Ohio. He died away on Feb. 10, 1950, at the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia. At an early age he came to Illinois to reside. He spent a few years in Oklahoma. He was a resident of the town of Belle Air, Ill., for a number of years, where he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1905 he moved to Casey, Ill. where he was engaged in several lines of business. His first wife, to whom he was married in 1884 was Miss Sarah Frances TOUTY of Bell Air, Ill. She died in 1893. Six children were born, of whom four survive, two sons LeRoy and Ernest preceded him in death several years ago. Mr. HARRIS was married a second time to Miss Ora B. FINNEY of Casey. Two children were born to this union, a daughter who died in infancy and a son who survives. Mr. HARRIS has resided on his farm east of Kinmundy for the last 30 years. He leaves the following children: Mrs. Mattie HITT, Casey, Ill.; Fred F. HARRIS, Princeton, Ind.; Mrs. Mayme CHESEBRO, Riverside, Calif.; Mrs. Nellie McDOWELL, Las Vegas, Nevada; William F. HARRIS, Electra, Texas; a sister, Mrs. Perry MILLER, of near Bell Air, Ill.; also 14 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at the Linton Funeral Parlors in Kinmundy and at the Church of the Restitution seven miles east and south of Casey, Ill. By Rev. C.L. HILL of Farina, and burial was made in the family lot in the cemetery near the church.
- Buys Café: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ROBB have purchased the Frank & Mary’s Café along Route 37 and are now open for business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank SHELTON were forced to sell their place of business due to the ill health of Mr. SHELTON. They have moved into the home they recently built near the café.
- Nellie BRASEL to Receive Annual DAR Medal. It is the custom every year, for the D.A.R. to make an award to the outstanding girl of the senior class. The Seniors of 1950 nominated four candidates and from those Nellie BRASEL was selected by the student body in an election conducted by the Student Council. The other candidates were Rojean ALDERSON, Anna Mae RITTER, and Nadine SMITH. (A picture accompanied this article.)
- Donate Site for New St. Philomena’s Church: Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS have donated a deed to a part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Mary E. EAGAN’S addition to the Original Town, now City of Kinmundy, to St. Philomena’s Church for the sole purpose of erecting a new church there. The local Catholic congregation have been anticipating erecting a new church, for the past several years. Under the leadership of the local priest, Fr. A.B. SHOMAKER, a building fund was started some time ago. This fund is large enough now that the parishioners think they can start on their new building program. Most all of the parishioners wanted the new church more centrally located in the city but the Bishop of the Diocese thought it ought to be erected on the present site. The Bishop finally gave his consent to change the location. So now, in the very near future, probably this summer, a new beautiful brick St. Philomena will be erected on the corner of Madison and Sycamore streets.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold CHANCE announce the arrival of a son on Feb. 14 in St. Mary’s Hospital, Centralia. He has been named Delvin Phillip.
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald ROBB have a baby son, Morris Dean, born Feb. 16, in Salem Hospital.
- BAILEY-MALEY: Miss Marjorie BAILEY, a daughter of Bert BAILEY, of Kankakee, and Billy K. MALEY, were married Feb. 18, at the Shiloh Congregational Christian Church in Dayton, Ohio. Her brother, Russell, gave her in marriage. The BAILEY family were former Kinmundy residents, and the bride graduated from Kinmundy high school and worked at the post office here for several years. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Victoria JOHNSON of this city.
- Celebrates 67th Wedding Anniversary: Feb. 13th being the 67th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. SNELLING, open house was held at the home of their son, Hallett, on the 12th. The following relatives, friends and neighbors called on the couple: Mrs. Mae HALLETT, Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. O.E. PENETON, Hammond; Mrs. Jennie WAINSCOTT, Champaign; Mr. and Mrs. Elroy SNELLING and children; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. ALLEN, Mrs. Ruth LARKIN, Mrs. Rena EAGAN, Mrs. Carrie ARMAGAST, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MANGNER, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. HENSLEY, Walter HENSLEY, and Mr. and Mrs. J.G. HOLDSWORTH.
- Cecil WILLIAMS and Howard PERRINE have announced the opening of WILLIAMS and PERRINE Tractor Sales on Highway 50 west Salem in the building formerly occupied by Salem Automotive Sales and Service.
- Carl DOOLEN of Oklahoma City, Okla. spent Friday and Friday night here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. DOOLEN. Carl and his family have been in Oklahoma for about a month. A few days before leaving Oklahoma, his car was stolen in Centralia. The car was found in Indianapolis about a week later. Carl drove his car home with him.
March 2, 1950:
- Commerce Commission Restricts Electricity Due to Lack of Coal: As part of the emergency coal conservation program, customers of Central Illinois Public Service company, commencing Monday, Feb. 27, will be required to reduce the use of their electricity by at least 25 percent.
- 1500 Attend Singing Convention: A crowd estimated at 1500 people attended the Marion County Singing Convention held here in the gymnasium Sunday afternoon. It was to have been held in the Christian Church but due to the forethought of those in charge, it was taken to the gymnasium instead. It was undoubtedly, the largest crowd ever assembled in Kinmundy outside of a 4th of July Celebration. There wasn’t standing room in the gymnasium. Many did not care to stand and returned to their homes. The actual count of the cars parked on the streets, leading in all directions to the gymnasium was 297 at 2:15 o’clock. It was estimated that at least 50 more cars drove through the lines and seeing such a large crowd, turned away. The writer was one of those late comers and could not get inside the gym. We know it was a might fine program and those who did hear it, were really lucky. The following quartets appeared on the program: Gospel Aires, Pleasant Grove (from Centralia), Wabash Five, The Three Hit and 1 Miss Quartet, The Boxers, and Kinmundy Quartet, and Feather Sisters Quartet and several duets and solos.
- Mrs. Laura GARRETT of Independence, Kansas visited over the weekend at the W.L. GREEN and Frank GARRETT homes.
- Entertained on Wedding Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughter, Mildred, were in Effingham Sunday where they were entertained at the Park Haven with a delicious chicken dinner, which was awarded them on a Radio Programme in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. STOCK and daughter, Deloris, as their guests, as their 35th anniversary was the same day.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB have purchased the property belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Richard SCHWABE located on Route 37. Mr. and Mrs. SCHWABE of Tolono, were here Tuesday transacting the business.
- Charles INGRAM Dies: Mr. I.D. INGRAM received word this morning of the death of his brother, Charles INGRAM, 77, which occurred at the home of his son, Walter, in Wellston, Okla. last night. He had been in ill health for some time. Mr. I.D. INGRAM in company with his nephews, Dwight and Joe INGRAM, will leave Friday morning to be in attendance at the funeral in Wellston Saturday.
- Mrs. Florence BASSETT called on Mrs. Nola ROBB Monday afternoon.
- Virginia SPENCER and Merle GREENWOOD Wed: Miss Virginia SPENCER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SPENCER, and Merle GREENWOOD, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl GREENWOOD were married here Saturday afternoon in the Methodist parsonage, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, officiating. They were unattended. Immediately following the ceremony, the couple left for St. Louis, where they spent the weekend. The bride is a senior in Kinmundy H.S. The groom is a graduate of the local high school and was a member of the armed forces. Since his discharge, he has been engaged in farming with his father. The young couple are at home in the Jack HOCKADAY property in the west part of the town.
- Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER Have Unwelcome Visitors Friday Night: Deputy Sheriff Marshall WILLIAMS was called to the Herman SOLDNER farm home Friday night about 11 o’clock to investigate late night callers of Mr. and Mrs. SOLDNER. Mr. SOLDNER states that he was awakened by the barking of his dog. He saw the lights of a car coming toward his house. At once he arose, he turned on the yard light, and went out to welcome his callers. He said he saw two men in the car. He asked them what they wanted but they would not reply. He asked them a second time and they said nothing. AT that he walked around behind the car where he could see the license number. He had nothing to write down the number but memorized it. He started back to the house and then one of the men commanded him “Come here”. But Herman kept right on going to the house. This command scared him enough that he forgot the license number. Upon reaching the house, Herman grabbed his shotgun but could not find the shells. The next best thing was to call the sheriff. This he did and deputy WILLIAMS responded. The men stayed for awhile and then left before deputy WILLIAMS arrived. It is supposed that these two gentlemen were up to some kind of mischief. Mr. SOLDNER found the shells for his gun the next day and now, if they return, Herman is ready and he’ll sure shoot a tire off their car.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. PEYTON of Vandalia have a baby girl born Feb. 16 named Jo Lynn. This is their second child. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mason BASSETT of Alma, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee O. PEYTON of Vernon.
- Brown (from last week): A charivari and shower was given at the Fenton NEAL home Wednesday night for Mr. and Mrs. Richard MUNDS.
- Rev. Angus PHILLIPS was called to Odin Sunday to officiate the funeral service of Charles CARLYLE.
- In Memoriam of Don D. GRAY who died March 1, 1949 by mother and father and wife, Annie.
March 9, 1950:
- Cleveland RIPPY, who was elected president of the Marion County Singing Convention, has appointed D.J. ALEXANDER, of this city, as his vice president.
- Anna and Amos WILBUR, Katy HULTZ, Marion ELDER, and Lillie HEEG ate birthday dinner with Mrs. Rebecca ZIEGLER on March 3. Mrs. JAMES was also a caller in the afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. G.E. SHREFFLER and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT Monday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. O.E. CORRELL and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff LEMAY spent Sunday in Oblong. They were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex HAMILTON and attended the funeral of Mrs. CORRELL’s cousin, Frank FOUTY, in Yale in the afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY of Decatur spent three days last week here with their daughter and family, the Fred GAMMONS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles BASSETT and family have moved from the WAINSCOTT property to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ROBB. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB have purchased the WAINSCOTT property.
- Mr. and Mrs. Berthol GARRETT of St. Peter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eli CONANT Saturday evening.
- The Tri-City Fishing Club held a meeting Thursday evening at the Legion Hall and elected a new board of directors and set of officers. The new directors are Morris CHASTEEN, and Cecil BAILEY, representing Kinmundy; Ocal ALTOM and Robert GRAY, Alma; and Jack WATSON and Earl STANSBURY, Farina. Cecil BAILEY was elected President, Jack WATSON, vice president, and Ed SHREFFLER, secretary-treasurer.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Arthur PARRILL and son, Clifford and daughter Vera were Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde FRANCE of Salem helping them celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mrs. Leo STOCK and daughter, Mrs. Betty FATHEREE were co-hostesses to a nursery shower Monday for Mrs. Peggy BOLINGER. A good crowd was in attendance and many beautiful and useful gifts received.
- Omega (from last week): Miss Sharon Sue EBLIN entertained a number of her little friends at a birthday party on Tuesday afternoon.
March 16, 1950:
- Marion County War Memorial Association Compiling List of Dead: The Marion County War Memorial Association has begun work on compiling the list of names of Marion County servicemen who lost their lives in past wars so that these names can be inscribed on the war memorial which is to be built within the next few months in the Bryan Memorial Park in Salem.
- Bridal Shower: Mrs. Percy FOLLOWELL was hostess at a shower honoring her daughter, Mrs. Herbert BELL, a recent bride, Friday evening at her home. Those present included Mrs. James EAGAN, Mrs. James HALL, Mrs. Wydell PIGG, Mrs. Richard MOTCH, Miss Zola ROBNETT, Mrs. Roy HALL, Mrs. Carl CRAIN, Mrs. George KEEN, Mrs Roy OLDEN, Mrs. Melvin GEILER, and Mrs. Edward HALL.
- The Kinmundy Cemetery Association met Saturday with Raymond ATKINS presiding. Election of officers was held. Fred KLEISS was elected President, Raymond ATKINS, Secretary, and I.D. INGRAM, treasurer. Mrs. S.E. SHELLEY and Fred GAMMON were elected to the board of directors.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frederic PRUETT of Boulder, Colo. have a baby boy born March 13th in the Boulder Hospital.
- Kaye GREENWOOD, Kinmundy, is a winner in the Prairie Farmer WLS School Time “Citizenship” contest. The 13-year-old girl from Marion county is in the 8th grade of the Rockhold School and her teacher is Mrs. Virgil SEE. 5271 essays were written by elementary school children about “What Citizenship Means to Me”. 50 winners were selected from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will be award two beautiful table model General Electric radios - one to take home and one to present to his or her classroom.
- Five Celebrate Birthdays: About 24 relatives and friends helped to celebrate 5 birthdays Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CORRELL. Two sons, Arley CORRELL of Thomasboro, Ill., and Albert CORRELL of Kinmundy; a son-in-law, Clifton LEMAY, also of Kinmundy; a granddaughter, Anna Marie VOGEL of St. Elmo; and Mrs. CORRELL’s brother, Albert HAMPSTEN, of Iuka. Among those present were: Arley CORRELL and family of Thomasboro; Louis VOGEL and family of St. Elmo; Mr. and Mrs. Albert HAMPSTEN of Iuka; Edwin HAZLETT and family; and Mrs. Sarah HAMPSTEN, Mrs. CORRELL’s mother of Granite City; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie HAMPSTEN of Meacham; Albert CORRELL and family and his mother-in-law, Hattie HUDDLESTON, and Clifton LEMAY and family of Kinmundy. Several flash pictures were taken and all enjoyed the day, if it was raining.
- Bridal Shower: Zola BARBEE and Geneva CHARLTON had a kitchen shower for Mrs. Virginia (SPENCER) GREENWOOD March 6 at the BARBEE home. Guests were: Mrs. Eugene ERNST and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Earl GREENWOOD and daughter, Kay, Mrs. Pauline WEST and daughter, Edith, Mrs. Marshall SPENCER, Mrs. Eva SNELLING, Wanda FRADENBURG, Roberta COOPER, Marilyn SLANE, Martha MONICAL and Mrs. Guy BARBEE and grandson, J.R.
- Celebrate 91st Birthday: Mrs. Sarah MILLER celebrated her 91st birthday, March 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence JOLLIFF of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Bill MILLER and son, John, of Tuscola; Miss Beulah DISS and Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILSON ate dinner with her. She had three lovely birthday cakes baked by Mrs. Neva JONES, Miss Beulah DISS, and Mrs. Clarence JOLLIFF. She received many gifts and 60 birthday cards. Afternoon callers were Mrs. I.D. INGRAM, Emmett GRAY and daughter, Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCULLEY; Mr. and Mrs. Fred ALEXANDER, Mrs. SADLER, Dorothy SULLENS, Mrs. Neva JONES of Kinmundy. Mrs. Mabel GARDNER of St. Louis had a surprise party for Mrs. MILLER just a few days before her birthday, serving ice cream and cake. Mrs. Ida WILLIAMS and Mrs. Lena ROBNETT of St. Louis were guests. On Sunday, March 12, members from the Christian Church, and Rev. TAYLOR called on Mrs. MILLER, singing songs and offering prayer, also gifts.
- Miss Twila PIGG was guest of honor at a birthday party given by her mother at her home Saturday. 16 little girls in Twila’s room attended. It was Twila’s 12th birthday.
- Mary Louise SULLIVAN: Funeral services were held Friday from the Alma Methodist Church for Mrs. Mary Louise SULLIVAN, 52, wife of Roy SULLIVAN, who died at her home in Foster twp. on Wednesday from a heart attack. Interment was in Alma Cemetery. Besides the husband, she leaves 9 children: Vernon of Salem; Sterling of Kinmundy; Violet TOCKSTEIN of Alma; Edith DACE of Alma; Phyllis JONES of Alma; Delores of Salem; Charles, 14; Norman, 12; and Larry, 10, at home. She is also survived by her father, Hiram THOMPSON, of Alma; three brothers, William and Charles THOMPSON of Mt. Vernon; and Harold THOMPSON of Centralia; and four sisters, Tillie THOMPSON, Lucy RANDOLPH, and Edna PITTMAN of Alma; and Lillie PITTMAN of Bakersfield, Calif.
- Shriver School (from last week): Dinner guests at the Virgil SEE home Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill CALDWELL and son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WILKINSON and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis WILKINSON, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BARRETT and daughter, the occasion being the birthday of Kenneth WILKINSON and also Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WILKINSON’s 2nd wedding anniversary.
- Shriver School (from last week): Dinner guests at the Carroll SIMMONS home Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Harold SIMMONS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred COOK, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN and Janet, and Mrs. Anna MARLOW. The occasion was the birthday of Harold SIMMONS. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER and Mr. and Mrs. Merle KLINE and children.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and daughter of Alma, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS and two children, Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER, and Mrs. E.G. DILLON called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday.
- Pleasant Grove: Robert (Bob) SMITH entered McMullen Hospital in St. Louis Friday where he will have an operation on one of his eyes on March 6th. His eye was injured some time ago when a piece of steel struck him in the eye while working in one of the Salem Shops. Mrs. SMITH wishes to state he would be glad to hear from relatives and friends as he will be there three weeks.
March 23, 1950:
- Officers and the board of Directors of the Kinmundy Cemetery Association met Saturday to discuss rocking the arterial streets of the cemetery. The present roads are of cinder base and as usual every spring, are in poor condition.
- A Freak Accident: When Merle JACKSON opened his filling station Sunday morning, he found shattered glass on his floor. He looked up and saw his plate glass window had a three inch hole in it. Then he noticed his stove pipe cut thru. Then he saw a steel object embedded in the wall. Upon examination, he found the steel object to be a piece of a truck spring 3x7 inches. The only thing he could figure out was that a passing truck dropped the piece of spring which was picked up by the wheels and whirled thru the window. It happened lat Saturday night or early Sunday morning.
- Mary S. WALKER: Mary S., youngest daughter of Samuel and Agnes PRUETT ROBB, was born March 3, 1864 in Marion county, Ill., and died Mar. 14, 1950 of Woodriver, Ill. She was converted in girlhood and united with the Methodist Church at Arnold Chapel. She was married June 16, 1887 to M.S. WALKER, who died July 11, 1927. Eight children were born to them, two dying in infancy. Those surviving are Edwin, Janesville, Wis.; Martha, Woodriver; James, Alma; Jane STEVENS, Salem; Nell JONES and Beth GRIFFIN, Alma. She also leaves 19 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Almost her entire life was spent near her birthplace, but advancing years and failing eyesight caused her to give up her old home and go to the home of her daughter, Martha, in Woodriver, where she made many friends. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Mrs. Chas. FOX spent Sunday in Salem as one of the 24 guests at a dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer KEELER to celebrate her mother’s birthday, Mrs. Fred MERRITT.
- Loren KLINE Kills Another Wolf Tuesday: Loren KLINE, residing 6½ miles south of Kinmundy was in Iowa Tuesday displaying a wolf which he had killed that morning. He stated that he was aroused at the break of day by his chicken being molested. He grabbed his single barrel shotgun and stepped out of the back door. He saw what resembled a dog around his chicken house. He stepped just a little farther and the animal, not seeing him, came toward him. He let it have it and killed it the first shot. When he got a closer look at it, he found it wasn’t a dog. Everyone who saw the animal said it was a wolf or a coyote, and a few arguments ensued as to which it was. But we fell plenty safe in calling the animal a wolf, because if you will look up the word coyote, you will find it is a prairie wolf. This makes the third one killed in this vicinity within the past three years. Where they come from no one knows.
- Captain Walter W. WILLIAMS of Kinmundy is presently on a 15-day active duty tour with the Air Training Command at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. During this period he will serve as a squadron commander.
- HANKS-LANE: Miss Alene HANKS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Masel HANKS of Farina, and Robert LANE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl LANE, of Kinmundy were married Wednesday in the Kinmundy Methodist parsonage, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Virl SEE were the attendants. The bride attended high school in Louisville, and the groom attended two years high school in Kinmundy. He also served in the armed forces. They will make their home with the groom’s parents for the present.
- Farm Home Burns: The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER in Meacham twp. caught fire Friday afternoon and considerable damage was done before the blaze was brought under control by the local fire department. Mr. and Mrs. SOLDNER were in Kinmundy at the time the fire was discovered by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER living on the adjoining farm. It was not long after the alarm was spread until there were several there with the fire engine. Luckily, the well held out until the fire was extinguished. From all appearance, the fire was caused by a defective flue. The whole upstairs as well as the contents were destroyed. The contents of the downstairs were carried out but practically every room in the house was ruined with smoke and water damage. Mr. and Mrs. SOLDNER are now at home in one room of the house which they hurriedly fitted up.
- Mr. and Mrs. Roy HULSEY have purchased the Frank DAVIS property on Route 37.
- Clifford G. JACKSON has purchased the property on Route 37 from James E. JENKINS and will reopen a grocery store and filling station in the near future.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. THRASHER, Jr. of Park Forest, Ill. have a baby daughter, their first child, named Tracey Nadine on March 8th. The maternal grandmother is Mrs. E.J. HALLEMAN and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd THRASHER of Glen Ellyn, Ill.
- Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Gustin L. EAGAN in Denver, Colo. on March 12. She was a former resident of Kinmundy and will be remembered by the older folk. Burial in Alamosa, Colo.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER had the misfortune Friday to have their home badly damaged by fire which started in the attic. They were not home at the time but the fire department at Kinmundy was called by Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER, who saw smoke coming from the roof. They are very thankful to all who helped in any way to save their home and furniture.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON received word of the death of Mr. Lish JOHNSON on Monday in Centralia Hospital. They attended the funeral service held at Odin Tuesday.
- Pleasant Grove: Francis SIPES and son, James, of Alma went to Springfield early Thursday to be with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Geneva BOYD, who is in a TB Sanitarium there for sometime. During an operation, 5 robs were removed. She came thru the operation as well can be expected.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the funeral of Roy SULLIVAN at Alma Friday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE’s children and families have been assisting in helping care for them while on the sick list. Clyde was in the hospital a few days threatened with pneumonia.
- Pleasant Grove: Most all the Pleasant Grove Home Bureau members attended the Home Bureau family night at Kinmundy Thursday night and report a nice program. We were sorry to hear that one of our members, Mrs. Robert FOSTER, was injured in a car accident while returning home and taken to the hospital, also sorry to hear of the accident on Friday when Halice LEWIS’ truck and Jimmy SHREFFLER’s car were demolished and occupants injured.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Herschel ROSE and daughters spent Sunday with his parents, after going to Bee Branch for Church and Sunday School, but the oil heater had blown up that morning and there were no services as they had no heat.
- Omega: Mrs. Minnie KNISELEY is in the hospital with a broken leg.
- Omega: Mrs. Hattie HUDDLESTON spent a few days last week with her father, C.W. VANCLEVE. Mr. VANCLEVE is 91 years old, his last birthday which was Feb. 22.
March 30, 1950:
- Mrs. Jennie LINGENFELTER of Marion, a former Kinmundy resident, was guest of honor on her 80th birthday at a luncheon at Fishers in Salem Saturday, ben for her by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy LINGENFELTER. A list of those attending was included.
- Mrs. Frank GARRETT underwent a major operation in the Salem hospital Tuesday morning.
- Harold HOWELL was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner given by his wife Sunday at their home here. Out-of-town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne BECHTOL and son of Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred PURVIS, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert LOCKART of Odin.
- The Kinmundy Chamber of Commerce met in regular session Monday evening in the Rebekah Lodge Room with 18 members present. The spring “clean-up” day, a joint “Beautifying the City Park” with the Woman’s Club, flood lights for the Softball team, and Community Planning Committee were discussed.
- Mrs. Eugene PRUETT Dies: Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Eugene PRUETT of Marlette, Mich. Services were held Tuesday at Marlette. She is survived by her husband and 3 children. Mrs. Stella PRUETT and Mrs. W.S. PRUETT of here are sisters-in-law of Mrs. PRUETT. Mrs. W.S. PRUETT and F.G. PRUETT of here joined by Mrs. H.M. LANDES of Lewiston, and Rev. Walter B. PRUETT of Golden, left Monday for Marlette.
- Miss Vickie SEE was guest of honor at her 2nd birthday party held at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fred SEE. Present were Mrs. Denard MERCER and Mrs. Howard HELM and daughter of Salem, Mrs. Charles KLINE and daughter and Mrs. J.W. McCULLEY and son.
- Birthday Party: Mrs. Orie ATKINS was guest at honor at a birthday party held at her home Tuesday. Present were members of her family and brother and sisters, Mrs. Lewie SULLENS, Mrs. Carl DUNLAP, Mrs. G. Tom BALLANCE, Mrs. Dow GREEN of Mt. Vernon; Mrs. Allie THOMAS of Alma, and Claude GARRETT.
- Jack GARRETT and Miss Dorothy LOTZ of St. Peters were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.E. SHREFFLER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER of Sumner spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER. Miss Nannie BURKETT of Sumner, accompanied them there.
April 6, 1950:
- Union Easter Sunrise Service Sunday Morn: The annual Easter Sunrise Services will be held Sunday morning promptly at 5:15 a.m. in the Methodist Church. Rev. WALLACE of the Church of God will deliver the message. Assisting with the services will be Rev. DEBAULT and Rev. PHILLIPS. The choir will be made up from all the churches and there will be special musical numbers.
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle GREENWOOD were guests of honor at a shower given them at their home Saturday evening. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Bake Sale: The Pleasant Grove W.S.C.S. of Alma charge will hold a Bake Sale, Saturday, April 8, at DeLuxe Cleaners at Salem. Homemade candy and colored eggs will be sold also.
- The basketball banquet honoring the high school boys, cheerleaders, and managers was held Tuesday evening in the high school cafeteria. Dinner was potluck. Mr. Thomas BRUMMETT, coach, was the master of ceremonies. Group singing was led by Sue HESTER, Patricia GRAY, and Betty FEATHER followed by the address of the evening, by V.V. BARCROFT, Supt. of schools in Clinton county and former coach and principal here. Letters were awarded Don CHEATUM, Don ADAMS, Lon EBLIN, Bill VALLOW, Bill HESTER, Al MALEKOVIC, Charles WHITE, Dick JOHNSON, and Bill WRIGHT. Sue HESTER, president of the Pep Club, was awarded a letter as were Bill BEARD and Danny JOHNSON, managers. Cheerleader letters were given Marcelline GENTRY, Betty WILLIAMS, Joyce McHATTON, Lela DOOLEN and Shirley ERNST. A large crowd attended.
- A host of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Jennie ALBERT April 2 in honor of her birthday which was March 28. All those present brought baskets filled with food and a delicious dinner was enjoyed by all. She received many nice gifts as well as cards. (A list of those attending was included.).
- April 2nd was J.C. McCARTY’s birthday and 30 of his relatives came with well filled baskets to help him celebrate the occasion. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. J.M. McCARTY and grandson, Lynn KINCAID of Iola; Mr. and Mrs. Burdette McCARTY and daughter, Teresa of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McCARTY, Loretta and Darrell of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Sam FEHRENBACHER, Sammie and Tommie , and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer MARQUART of Olney; Mr. and Mrs. Rex McCARTY and Rex, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCARTY and Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles JINKINS of Farina; Mrs. Robert HAMOND, Pamela and Bud of Salem; Frank and Harry McCARTY, brothers of Jake, of Alma. Though the weather was quite rainy, everyone had a nice time. After playing some games til a late hour all went home wishing him many more birthdays.
- Many witnessed the tree setting demonstration on the Clyde SHUFELDT farm on March 28th, 2½ miles north and 7 miles east of Salem. 2000 Shortleaf and 5000 Loblolly pines were set out using a new mechanical tree planter.
- Delmar D. DEBAULT and family are returning to the Kinmundy Christian Church as pastor of the church this week. They have spent the past 3 months in Florida where Mr. DEBAULT recuperated from a chest condition caused by pneumonia.
- Mrs. B.F. LINTON attended the golden wedding anniversary of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S.E. ROBINSON in Shobonier Sunday.
- Meacham (from last week): Ira MERRITT moved the household goods of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo PERRY to their home near the Brown Church last Friday.
- Meacham (from last week): Earl HASSEBROCK and family spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira MERRITT celebrating Earl’s birthday.
- Pleasant Grove: The pupils at Allen School enjoyed vacation as their teacher, Mrs. Merle WALKINGTON attended teacher’s meeting in East St. Louis.
- Omega: The school children enjoyed vacation Friday while their teacher, See MILLICAN and wife, Helen MILLICAN attended the teacher’s meeting in East St. Louis.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND and family attended a surprise supper Friday on her father, Geo. LONG, in honor of his 56th birthday.
- Omega (from last week): Herschel ROSE and family have moved from his farm south of here to the Elder farm west of town.
- Shriver School (from last week): A large crowd attended the charivari and shower given for Mr. and Mrs. Robert LANE Saturday night at the Earl LANE home.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Virgil SEE, Claude, Ralph, and Clyde ROSE helped Mr. and Mrs. Herschel ROSE move Tuesday from their farm south of Omega to the Arno MILLER farm recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. E.B. WARD and family.
- Shriver School (from last week): A large crowd attended the shower Saturday night for Mr. and Mrs. Merle GREENWOOD, given for them at their home in Kinmundy.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and daughter, Janet, called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
April 13, 1950:
- Eight children attended the birthday party for Jimmy PIGG Friday afternoon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wy PIGG. Present were Charles, Bruce and Denny GRAY, Lavrene and Buddy HANNA, Dewin CHANCE, and Billy BOYD. Mrs. Irene CHANCE and Mrs. Marjorie BOYD were also present.
- An Easter egg hunt sponsored by the P.T.A. was held Saturday in the school yard with a committee and Room Mothers in charge. Mrs. GADDIS and the Home Ec classes colored the 29 dozen eggs which had been donated for the occasion. The following were winners: Golden Egg - Ronnie CATES; Prize Egg - Chas. PERGL; Lucky Egg - Beryl KEEN.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo DONOVAN spent the weekend here with homefolks enroute from Clinton to Paducah, Ky, where Mr. DONOVAN will be Division Engineer for the Illinois Central Railroad, succeeding C.J. CARNEY, deceased. Mr. DONOVAN began his Illinois Central service in 1921. He has served as an accountant, timekeeper, clerk and foreman. In 1938, he was loaned to the government during the construction of Chanute Air Force Field near Rantoul, returning to the railroad the following December. He served with the railway battalions in the European Theater during WWII from 1943 to 1946, and returned as track supervisor in Springfield. In 1949 he was named Division Engineer of the Springfield Division at Clinton, and on April 1, was named Division Engineer at Paducah, Ky. He attended the Chicago Technical School and was married to the former Marie O’BRIEN of this city in 1938.
- Unusual Happening: April the 9th, being the birthday of J.A. HAMPSTEN of Oblong, Ill., a number of relatives were gathered at his home to help celebrate. In the afternoon Mr. HAMPSTEN brought in a box containing 4 bunny rabbits and 3 small kittens, which he said, and we have no reason to doubt, were being mothered by the mother cat. Both the bunnies and kittens were thriving well. About the same time in the afternoon, Mr. HAMPSTEN was informed that twins had just arrived and that both mother and kids were doing well. The twins were goats.
- Birthday Dinner: Mrs. B.O. GARRETT was a guest of honor at a birthday dinner Sunday at her home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and family, Mr. and Mrs. William GARRETT and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Berthol GARRETT of St. Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER and family, Jack and Wanda GARRETT. Mrs. GARRETT received an Easter lily from her son, Floyd, the only son not present. He is stationed at Ft. Devens, Mass.
- Kinmundy Wide Awakes 4-H Club Organized Friday: On April 7th, a group of boys and one girl met at the office of the Kinmundy Express and organized what will be known as the “Kinmundy Wide Awakes” 4-H Club. Wyett COLCLASURE will be the local leader of the club. Those present were: Harry BRASEL, Neal BRASEL, Gary KLINE, Charles WILLIAMS, Lewis O’DELL, Kent O’DELL, Keith DISS, Betty ERNST, and Morris MAXEY, along with their fathers. Election of officers were held and the following elected: Betty ERNST - President; Lewis O’DELL - Vice President and county federation director; Harry BRASEL - secretary-treasurer; Kent O’DELL - reporter; Morris MAXEY - recreation chairman.
- Word was received here Wednesday by the Prudence WILKINSON family of the tragic death of Capt. John R. MARTIN in a plane crash in Sandia secret weapon base, New Mexico, Tuesday night. Capt. MARTIN was one of the men lost. The plane and crew were completely destroyed by flames. Capt. MARTIN is the husband of the former Virginia WILKINSON of West Frankfort. Mrs. MARTIN and four little daughters survive.
- John MILLER, 79, died in a nursing home in Vandalia, Sunday morning. Funeral services were held from the Stonecipher Funeral home in Farina Tuesday with interment in Farina Cemetery.
- School Elections Held Saturday: School elections were very quiet here Saturday as the candidates running were unopposed. Elected were Tom HELPINGSTINE as a member of the high school board; Wyett COLCLASURE as president of the grade school board, and Robert LEE, Fred BOYD, and Ener ZIMMER as members of the grade school board.
- Wilson School: At the school election Saturday, Leo STOCK was elected director for a term of 3 years.
- Omega: At the Omega School election Saturday night, Lyman JONES was elected director.
- Birthday Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CORRELL, Albert CORRELL and family, and Hattie HUDDLESTON of Kinmundy drove to Oblong, Ill. to help celebrate birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. Alex HAMPSTEN of this city, Harvey HAMPSTEN of Hammond, Ind., Nellie HAMPSTEN of Robinson, Ill., and Oscar CORRELL of Kinmundy. A few flash pictures were taken. (A list of those attending was included.)
April 20, 1950:
- Louise GREEN and Elwyn CHEATUM Married Saturday Afternoon: Miss Louise GREEN, younger daughter of Mr. W.L. GREEN, of this city, and Elwyn CHEATUM, son Mr. and Mrs. Erwin CHEATUM, also of this city, were married Saturday in the Christian Church with Rev. Delmar DEBAULT officiating. Attendants were Miss Helen ROBB and brother of the groom, Francis CHEATUM. Mrs. CHEATUM attended Kinmundy schools and graduated from high school here in 1946. She attended Brown’s Business College at Centralia and for the past 3 years has been employed as bookkeeper at the National Auto Supply firm in Salem. Mr. CHEATUM also attended Kinmundy schools and graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1946. Since his graduation he has been employed as a telegraph operator for the Illinois Central Railroad at Edgewood and Odin. A reception was held in the basement of the church immediately after the ceremony. Mrs. Paul MONTGOMERY, Mrs. G.E. ROLLINSON of Salem, and Miss Dorothy McCULLEY, friends of the bride, presided at the table. That evening, a bridal dinner was served at the home of the groom’s parents. (A list of those attending was included.) After the dinner, the couple departed on a week’s wedding trip to New Orleans. Upon their return, they will be at home in the Dunlap Apartments.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. GIBSON of Arthur spent Sunday here with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS. Mr. C.H. VALLOW was also a dinner guest. This happened to be on the 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAMS.
- Miss Barbara Kaye HAMMER celebrated her 10th birthday Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER, Miss Beulah DISS, and Miss Ruth BAYLISS.
- On April 16th, thirty-eight relatives and friends gathered to help Mrs. Ralph HOYT and Mrs. Frank HOYT celebrate their birthdays. Those present were: Mrs. Daisy ADAMS and son, Mr. and Mrs. Marion EVANS and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy MOORE and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy WHITE and family, Mr. and Mrs. Millard EVANS and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy MOORE and son, Mrs. Goldie PHELPS and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOYT and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HOYT and Mr. Jess HOYT.
- A surprise Anniversary dinner was given Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Ray GEORGE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene JEZEK. Others helping them celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. Louie JEZEK, John and Billie Joe, Mr. and Mrs. William LUX and sons, Jimmy and Charles, Mrs. Eileen SCHWABE, Patricia and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse GEORGE, Carol and Kay.
- Twenty-eight members of the Pleasant Grove Home Bureau met in the Brubaker townhouse on Friday. The following officers were elected: Chairman - Mrs. Melvin CURRIE; Vice-Chairman - Mrs. Fred MOODY; Secretary - Mrs. Leo STOCK; Treasurer - Mrs. Ray VANDEVEER; others appointed were: health chairman - Mrs. Will WALSH; recreation - Mrs. Ralph ROSE; reporter - Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND.
- Mrs. Burdette MAXEY was guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner Sunday at her home here. Present were the immediate family: Mr. and Mrs. Charles BASSETT and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. D.F. NEATHERY of Kinmundy; and Mr. and Mrs. Billie MORRIS and family of Flora. It was also the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. NEATHERY.
- Meacham (from last week): Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS and daughter and son, and Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
- Omega: Elsa ARNOLD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ARNOLD, received a broken leg Saturday in Salem when she was hit by a car while crossing the street.
- Wilson School: The brothers and sister and families of Leo STOCK gave him a nice surprise dinner last Sunday in honor of his 50th birthday which occurred on April 14th. Those in attendance to enjoy the sumptuous dinner and family get-together at the old homestead were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. STOCK and daughter, Delores; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. STOCK and son, Jimmie, and daughter, Cheryl Annette of Effingham; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur STOCK and sons, Larry and Michael; Mr. and Mrs. Charles STOCK and daughter, Sandra of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughter, Mildred of Kinmundy; and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT of Salem.
- Brown: Several of the neighbors gathered at the Jack YATES home Friday and sowed oats while Mr. and Mrs. YATES were in St. Louis with their son.
- Pleasant Grove: Floyd BEARD, Herschel, Clyde and Claude ROSE and son, Paul MARSHALL sowed 28 acres of oats for Ralph ROSE who had been in the hospital several days last Wednesday. Jimmie LANE helped in the afternoon and the Cecil LANE family has been doing his chores.
- In Memoriam of our husband and father, Daniel DOOLEN, who died April 19, 1949. Mrs. Dan DOOLEN and family.
April 27, 1950:
- Charles C. GARNER: Charles C. GARNER, 73, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John GARNER, died April 21 at his home in Centralia after several weeks illness. Mr. GARNER spent most of his early days in Kinmundy. Later he married Mrs. Ada GOFORTH and moved to Centralia. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, and sister, Mrs. Edna HUNT of Taylorville. Services were held April 23 from the Linton Funeral Home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Miss Carrie SEE is assisting in the care of Mrs. Alice MILLER during her recovery from a broken hip.
- The organization meeting of the Kinmundy 4-H Clubs was held Apr. 22 at the home of Miss Katherine WORMLEY. The leader of the Kinmundy Handy Stitchers is Mrs. Lester HOWELL. The officers for this club are as follows: President - Donna SCHOOLEY; Vice-President - Beverly HANNA; Secy-Treas. - Loretta DISS; Reporter - Norma HAYS; Recreation Leader - Marilyn O’DELL. The members other than the officers are Nancy BEARD, Whitney HANNA, Bonnie GRAY, Barbara DOOLEN, and Rosalyn LOWE. The cooking club, the Kinmundy Menuettes, with Katherine WORMLEY as their leader chose their officers as follows: President - Loretta DISS; Vice-President - Shirley BEARD; Secy-Treas - Karen JONES; Reporter - Beverly HANNA; Recreational Leader - Barbara DOOLEN. Other members are Rosalyn LOWE, Phyllis HOYT, Marilyn O’DELL, and Edith WEST.
- Raymond W. WALTERS, died in Pana on Apr. 24th after a short illness. He will be remembered as bookkeeper at the First National Bank about 1918 and was active in the Order of the Eastern Star, being first Worthy Patron of Kinmundy Chapter No. 606.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Dan HIESTAND and daughter, Nellie, attended a party Thursday for Sammie Lee SHAFFER, given at the Mancil CANTRELL home.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Leo STOCK visited Sunday at Salem Hospital with her daughter, Mrs. Peggy BOLLINGER, and new baby daughter, born on Saturday morning.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin DACE and son, Ronnie, moved last week from Alma to their new home near Shriver School.
- Meacham: Wednesday is the last day of school at Rockhold and on Tuesday the parents and friends and families surprised the teacher, Mrs. Virgil SEE and her scholars by taking their dinner to the schoolhouse and enjoyed dinner together. There were 34 present.
- Miletus: Mr. and Mrs. Robert SILLS have a baby boy born April 18 named Ellis Eugene.
- Miletus: James ALDERSON and Claude JAMISON traded farms and James ALDERSON and wife, who have been living in the Jasper KRUTSINGER house, moved one day last week to their new farm near Omega.
May 4, 1950:
- Mrs. Oscar CORRELL who was in Salem Hospital several days with pneumonia, came home last Thursday and is slowly improving, but is still confined to her bed most of the time.
- On April 29, Avanell PHILLIPS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John PHILLIPS of this city, and John ALIS, of Rockford, Ill., were married at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY by Rev. Angus PHILLIPS. They were attended by Dorothy SCHOOLEY and John PHILLIPS, Jr., sister and brother of the bride. Avanell graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1939 and has been supervisor of the Bell Telephone Co. in Rockford for the past 5 years. Her husband is a graduate of Rockford H.S. and is a machinist. They left immediately after their wedding dinner for their wedding trip to Miami, Fla.
- Services were held Sunday from the Atkins Funeral home in Salem for Frank G. HENNEMAN, 69, rural route1, Kinmundy who died in Salem Memorial Hospital Friday after an illness extending over the past two weeks. The Rev. Frank TREADWAY was in charge of the service with burial in Alma Cemetery. Born in St. Louis on June 2, 1880, HENNEMAN was a lifelong resident of Marion County, engaging in farming. In addition to his wife, he leaves two daughters, Mrs. Ida WARD, Salem, and Mrs. Opal GOODMAN, Oakland, Ore. In addition, he leaves a sister, Mrs. Helen SMITH of Alexis, Ill., and a brother, Henry HENNEMAN, Centralia.
- Mrs. Alice HABEL has sold her residence property to Mr. and Mrs. Burdette JENKINS.
- Hazel L. DEVORE Brought Here for Interment: Hazel L. second child of Charles and Adora SHUFELDT, was born, in Chicago on Aug. 16, 1892, and died in Portland, Ore. on Apr. 22, 1950. She came with her parents to Kinmundy when a small child and here she grew to young womanhood. When a young girl she united with the Methodist Church. Hazel was married to G. Seth DeVORE at Lakeview, Ore. on June 4, 1919, and they had two daughters, Gwendolyn, now Mrs. Abram MERCER of Yuba City, Cal., and Harriet, now Mrs. William AUXLER of Kiamath Falls, Ore. Besides her husband and daughters, she leaves 4 little granddaughters, Pamela and Marilyn MERCER, and Colette and Coleene AUXLER; two sisters and five brothers, Mary and Pearl of Salem, Clyde and Marion of Iuka, Henry of Salem, Eugene of Kinmundy, and Walter of Seattle, Wash. She also leaves two sons-in-law, and two nieces and nephews. Services were held in Portland, Ore. on Apr. 24, 1950. Then the body was brought to Kinmundy, and services were held here from the Methodist Church on Apr. 28 with Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON, Mr. and Mrs. John BROOM of Alma; Mr. Richard BROOM of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse BROOM of Effingham and Mrs. OWNES of Marion; Mrs. Minnie LOCKHART and Ms. Bertha PRUETT of Kinmundy were among the friends that attended the service of Dedication of the Carl V. SCHERMERHORN Memorial Organ on Sunday at the Methodist Church in Ridgefarm, Ill. The Hammond Electric Organ was presented to the church by Lt. Irene SCHERMERHORN in memory of her brother, Capt. Carl SCHERMERHORN, who died in a Japanese Prison Camp near Manila in 1942.
- William H. GRAY Dies in Champaign Sunday: William Harvey GRAY, 74, of Champaign died in Burnham Hospital in that city. Services were held Wednesday at the Mittendorf Funeral Home, and the body was cremated in accordance with the deceased’s wishes. He was born Apr. 12, 1876, a descendant of early pioneer families of Marion county. He moved to Champaign from Kinmundy in 1920. He had been associated with the Champaign National Bank for the past 20 years. He was a member of the First Methodist Church and of Champaign Western Star Lodge, A.F. & A.M., and was a 50 year member of the Masonic Lodge. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. W.H. ABNEY of Quincy, and Mrs. Ora DILLAVOU of Urbana; a son, James Harvey GRAY of St. Louis and Muroc, Calif.; and two granddaughters, Betty Ann ABNEY, Quincy, and Mrs. Kent WESTRATE, the former Joanne DILLAVOU of Urbana.
- R.W. PIGG, aviation chief electronicsman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. PIGG of Kinmundy, recently reported for duty with Air Development Squadron One, Boca Chica Field, Naval Air Station, Key West, Florida. Before entering the Naval service on Sept. 10, 1940, he graduated from Kinmundy H.S. and was employed by The Kinmundy Express.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil SEE and Billy Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WILKINSON and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Paul SWIFT and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MULVANEY, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BARRETT and daughter spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill CALDWELL helping Billy CALDWELL and Markie SWIFT celebrate their birthdays.
- Shriver School: Mrs. Anna MARLOW and Mrs. Burdette BRASEL and daughter, Betty, visited Swift School Wednesday which was the last day of school. The parents and friends gathered at the noon hour with well filled baskets and surprised the teacher, Mrs. Mary BRASEL.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Arthur PARRILL accompanied by her son, Clark and wife and daughter, Vera, and sister, Mrs. C.L. HILL, left Saturday for New Martinsville, W. Va. to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Geneva GLENDIMING.
- Pleasant Grove: Guy SHAFFER has started working on the new house he is building for his son, Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER. John GARDNER of Salem is supervising the job and others are helping with it.
- Pleasant Grove: Several families from here attended the funeral of Frank HENNEMAN in Salem Sunday. Interment was made in Alma Cemetery.
- In Memoriam of Mrs. Alta WEST who died May 7, 1949.
May 11, 1950:
- The Marion County Home Bureau held it’s 4th annual meeting on Friday in Salem. The following officers were elected for 1950-51: Mrs. Cecil KELL - Pres.; Mrs. Bartley BURLEYSON - V.P.; Mrs. Rollin WILLIAMS - Treas.; Mrs. See MILLICAN - Sec.; and directors: Mrs. Scott TRICKEY, Mrs. Ernest LEICHT, Mrs. Frank DUNCAN, Mrs. James STEPHENS, and Mrs. Maxey AYERS. The officers for 1949-50 were: Mrs. H.J. BARKSDALE - Pres.; Mrs. Earl PURDUE - V.P.; Mrs. H.B. SEAGER - Treas.; Mrs. See MILLICAN - Sec.; Directors - Mrs. Raymond RICHARDSON, Mrs. Herbert WINSTON, Mrs. Ed GILLEY, Mrs. Frank DUNCAN, and Mrs. James STEPHENS.
- Car Accident Fatal to Mrs. Wesley ADAMS: Mrs. Wesley ADAMS, 53, of Meacham twp. was fatally injured Tuesday morning when her car rolled down a steep embankment one mile west of the I.C. overhead on the Kinmundy Louisville road. Mrs. ADAMS was returning home from Louisville where she had purchased some baby chicks. Just what happened, no one knows. It is supposed that she lost control of her car which caused the car to run down the embankment striking a tree sideways. This happened close to the Pearl WHITE home and was seen by one of the children playing in the yard. The child immediately notified his father, who went to the scene. Soon Oran COOPER, residing just to the south, came along. He went to the Wilkinson Store and phoned the Linton Ambulance. He also picked up some help, went back and removed Mrs. ADAMS from the car. Just as the ambulance arrived, she died. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home, and an inquiry was held yesterday by Coroner JOLIFF. Death was caused from a fractured skull. Services will be held Friday from the Meacham Baptist Church.
- Glen Dale VANSCYOC, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester VANSCYOC, was taken to Mark Greer Hospital Friday where he underwent an emergency appendectomy.
- The Kinmundy Women’s Club met Friday at the Methodist Church and the following officers were elected for the new year: President - Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT; Vice President - Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY; Secretary - Mrs. Lester HOWELL; Treas. - Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON; Reporter - Mrs. Richard BROOM.
- Mr. and Mrs. Stan ROBERTS of Farina have a son born May 5th and named John Stanton. The ROBERTS now have two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ener ZIMMER are the happy grandparents.
- On Sunday, May 7, Mr. and Mrs. Frank LOWE of Seattle, Washington were guests of honor at a family reunion held at Bryan Memorial Park in Salem. It is Mrs. LOWE’s first visit back for 43 years and 34 years since Mr. LOWE was here. A delicious pot luck dinner was enjoyed at noon. This was a very enjoyable day for this family who has been separated for so many years. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Saturday, May 6th, Miss Grace ARNOLD celebrated her (?) birthday quietly at home. She received many cards and beautiful flowers. Grace has been shut-in for several months and all these cards, calls and flowers helped her pass the time. We hope she will soon be out enjoying good health.
- Mrs. Jane HOHLT accompanied her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth BOGIE to her home in Vincennes, Ind. Sunday. Mrs. BOGIE is recovering from a serious accident and has been in the F.O. GRISSOM home several months.
- Richard MOTCH, who has been stationed in Japan the past two months, returned home Monday to spend furlough here with relatives.
- Mr. and Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY of Decatur came Wednesday to visit their daughter and family, the Fred GAMMONS. Mr. LIVESAY returned Friday but Mrs. LIVESAY is staying here for an extended visit.
May 18, 1950:
- Jerry BARBEE in Hospital after Gun Battle with Gene SHAFFER: Jerry BARBEE and Berneice SHAFFER are both in the Salem Hospital as a result of a gun fight which took place in the Gene SHAFFER home Friday evening. Mrs. SHAFFER has a broken arm while Jerry has a gunshot wound in his right chest. The almost fatal shot was fired by Gene SHAFFER, divorced husband of Berneice. According to Gene, he and Berneice became separated last fall. Berneice and Jerry BARBEE then went to Chicago where they lived. Two months ago, Gene obtained a divorce. Last week, Berneice returned to Kinmundy to visit her children, leaving Jerry in Chicago. He followed. Not being able to find her in Kinmundy, he went to Centralia to the home of a niece, Mrs. Harley JASPER. Not finding them at home, he broke in and searched the house. He first broke into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert STONECIPHER, a daughter, thinking that was the niece’s home. Immediately warrants were sworn out for his arrest by the Centralia police failed to pick him up. BARBEE then returned to Kinmundy and visited the home of the SHAFFERS. He and Gene had words and Gene ordered him off the place and never to come back or he would call ‘the law’. Jerry remarked that he was coming back and to have plenty of ‘law’ on hand because he would need it. That evening he went to the SHAFFER home again. The daughter happened to be in the filling station near the home and saw Jerry coming. She ran into the house and told her daddy that Jerry was coming. He was only a few feet behind her. But Gene locked the door from the inside as Jerry stepped on the porch. Jerry finding the door was locked, began kicking it and finally broke the lock. This did give Gene time to get his shotgun. Much to his amazement, he hand only one shell. When Jerry entered the room, he had a .38 Colts revolver in his hand. Berneice seeing this, tried to get it out of his hand. But Jerry began shooting at Gene. After shooting twice, Jerry brushed Berneice aside which gave Gene the opening he had been waiting for. He shot and Jerry slumped to the floor dropping his gun. Gene then stepped over his body to see just how bad Berneice was hurt, as a part of the charge had struck her in the arm. Jerry then came to and grabbed his gun in the other hand and fired one shot. He then rose and ran outside where he fell. Realizing that he could go no farther, he pitched his gun in the grass and weeds. The Linton Ambulance was then summoned and deputy sheriff, Marshall WILLIAMS, was called to the scene. After some questioning, BARBEE and Mrs. SHAFFER were taken to Salem Hospital. At first there was very little hopes of BARBEE’s recovery but later reports are to the effect that he has a 50-50 chance. Just as a matter of routine, Gene was also taken into custody and immediately posted bond, whereupon he was released. The evidence was very plain that he had shot in self-defense. So if BARBEE recovers, there is no question but what he has a prison term staring him in the face. BARBEE is just past 21 years of age. He was reared in Chicago by an aunt and uncle who were very devoted to him. His mother died when he was 6 years of age. About two years ago, he came here and made his home with his step-grandmother, Mrs. Maude BARBEE.
- Edward S. JONES: Edward Seymour JONES, the son of James F. JONES and Elizabeth ARNOLD JONES, was born June 25, 1868 in Foster twp., west of Kinmundy. He was the youngest of 7 children, 4 brothers and 2 sisters, all of whom preceded him in death. He was married to Rilla HOLT on Dec. 17, 1890, and they had 1 son, Kenneth JONES, who died Dec. 30, 1941. At the age of 19 years, Ed JONES became a member of the Methodist church at Arnold Chapel, and at the time of his death he was a member of the Methodist Church of Kinmundy. He is survived by his wife, Rilla; 1 granddaughter, Mary Alice JONES of Harvey, Ill.; his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jule JONES of Blue Island, and several nieces and nephews. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home on May 13, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating, with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Walter CONANT Knocked Down by Truck Saturday: Walter CONANT, son of Mrs. Florence CONANT, was the victim of an unavoidable accident Saturday morning while crossing State Route 37, near the A.J. JACKSON home. Walter was crossing the slab afoot when he was struck by a pickup truck driven by Harvey JOHNSTON living north of this city. Walter rolled quite a distance and received burns and bruises about his head and face. He was taken to Salem Hospital where he received treatment and was allowed to return home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred GAMMON and family spent the weekend in Decatur. Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY, who has been visiting here, returned to her home there.
- Gertrude L. WADE: Funeral services were held yesterday from the Methodist Church in this city for Mrs. Gertrude L. WADE, 80, who died Monday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Glenn ROBB in Salem. She had been an invalid for several years. Rev. Heber BURGE, pastor of the Methodist Church of Salem, officiated. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. Gertrude L., daughter of I.T. and Sarah WILSON DILLON was born June 5, 1869, and died in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ROBB, May 15, 1950. On June 5, 1891, she married Thomas J. WADE and 2 daughters were born. After the death of her husband, she made her home with these daughters and sons-in-law. She was a member of the Kinmundy Methodist Church and of the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by the daughters, Mildred (now Mrs. Glenn ROBB of Salem), and Marjorie (now Mrs. Robb GREEN of Kinmundy); 4 grandsons, Richard ROBB of Wayne, Mich.; Daryl ROBB, Tokyo, Japan; Leroy GREEN of Tolono, Ill., and Keith GREEN of St. Peter, Ill.; 1 great-grandson, and 2 great-granddaughters; 1 brother, E.G. DILLON of Kinmundy, and nieces and nephews.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles JASPER have a son, Tommy Alan, born May 14. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Chris JASPER, and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ed INGRAM of Farina. This is their second child and son.
- Henry FOLLOWELL Dies: Henry Clay FOLLOWELL, 78, was found dead in his apartment in the Jesse REESE home Monday. He and his daughter, Olive, have made their home in this apartment for the past few years. The daughter had gone to Salem for the afternoon and was supposed to come home on the bus. But finding a ride with a friend who was to come later, she phoned Mr. REESE to tell her father that she would be late. Mr. REESE knocked on the door and not rousing anyone went in. Mr. FOLLOWELL was lying on the couch. Mr. REESE shook him but found he was dead. Mr. FOLLOWELL had been sitting on the front porch talking to a neighbor, George SHUMAKER, who left him about 3 o’clock. He was the victim of heart trouble and it was apparent that he died of a heart attack. Services were held this afternoon from the Methodist Church in Edgewood, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, officiating. Interment will be made in the Edgewood Cemetery.
- Guests of Mr. and Mrs. B.O. GARRETT Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and family, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. SHREFFLER and children, Mr. and Mrs. Berthol GARRETT of St. Peter, and Jack and Wanda GARRETT.
- The Chamber of Commerce and city authorities met with the Illinois Central Railroad official to discuss the possibly of using the I.C. Lake as a source for Kinmundy’s water supply.
- Brown (from last week): Brown School closed Wednesday. The teacher, pupils, and patrons enjoyed a wiener roast and basket dinner. Mr. NICHOLS has been re-employed for next term.
- Meacham: The neighborhood was made very sad by the sudden passing away of Mrs. Wesley ADAMS.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Tuesday, May 2nd being the last day of school at Allen, the pupils, teacher and several friends and relatives went to Bryan Park for a picnic dinner. In the afternoon most attended the matinee at the Salem Theater. (A list was included of those who attended.)
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Robert MARSHALL and little daughter, and mother, Mrs. Florence MARSHALL, went out to Sandy Branch Sunday morning, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CONANT, Mr. Elmer BASSETT, who has been so poorly, but is getting better slowly. They also stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ank NICHOLS.
- Dr. and Mrs. Harry CRAIG of LaCrosse, Wash. are here visiting Mrs. CRAIG’s sisters, Mrs. Edwin HARRELL and Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, as well as other relatives and friends.
- Omega: Claude JAMISON has purchased the S.J. MILLER property in the north part of town and will move there soon.
May 25, 1950:
- Producing Oil Well Brought in on T.E. ROBB Farm West of town: Luttrell & Hannon have been drilling an oil well on the T.E. ROBB farm west of this city the past week. Saturday, they had a good showing of oil. Pipe has been run and the well will be put on a pump. It is expected to make from 75 to 100 barrels per day. This will be the first producing well in Kinmundy twp.
- Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom: The annual Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom were held Saturday evening at the high school. The theme of this year’s affair was “Hitch Your Wagon to a Star” with blue and silver the color scheme. The lunch room where the dinner was served was decorated according to the theme as was the gym where the couples danced. Leading the grand march were the newly crowned queen, Mary BOUSEMAN and her escort, Harold BLANK, followed by Junior President, Ronald SMITH and Zola BARBEE and Senior Class President, Albert MALEKOVIC and Eileen BEARD. The queen’s attendants, Callie McGUIRE, Nadene SMITH, Darlene MULVANEY, and Elnora WILLIAMS, and their escorts were also in the grand march. Mothers of members of the Junior class served the dinner to approximately 120 students and guests. Mrs. Beulah McCLURE and Jamie McGEE are class sponsors.
- Henry C. FOLLOWELL: Henry Clay FOLLOWELL, son of Mary Jane and Wilson FOLLOWELL, was born Apr. 22, 1873 in Casey Co., Ky. on May 15, 1950. Mr. FOLLOWELL came with his parents when a young man to Effingham Co., Ill., where he lived on a farm near Edgewood. He was married to Miss Mary LANDRETH in 1900. They had 3 children, one dying in infancy, Percy FOLLOWELL of Kinmundy, and Olive FOLLOWELL of Kinmundy. In 1933 he moved to a farm south of Kinmundy where they resided for several years, before moving to Kinmundy. His wife preceded him in death by 7 years, 1 month and 2 days. He leaves his son, Percy and daughter, Olive, both of Kinmundy; 6 grandchildren, Mary Lou, Leon, Shirley, Henry, Wayne, and Ronnie; 3 brothers, Killis and James, both of Kentucky, and Carson, of Effingham; 2 sisters, Lillie and Hattie, who both preceded him in death.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.A. ARNOLD of Salem have a son named Theodore Franklin (Ted) born in Salem Hospital on Monday.
- Mrs. William McELYEA died in the Flora Hospital Monday. The body was brought here and prepared for burial. Funeral services were held Wednesday from the Oskaloosa church and interment made in Oskaloosa Cemetery.
- The Eighth Grade Commencement was held in the school gymnasium for Kinmundy Grade School on May 26, 1950. The class roll: James McHATTON, Shirley Jean HOWELL, James Edwin WHITE, Leon FOLLOWELL, Connie Joe HOYT, Shirley Ann BAILEY, Carol Sue THOMS, Paula Rogene SMITH, Wesley Dean DOOLEN, Loretta Jo DISS, Shirley E. FOLLOWELL, Gladys L. BRIMBERRY, Lillian Ruth TATE, Joyce Ann GEILER, Donna Marlene SCHOOLEY, Shirley Ann JASPER, Janie SHAFFER, Julia Marcella PHILLIPS, Ronald WHITNEY, Neal R. BRASEL, Burl Duane WHITNEY, Jimmy Ray LUX, Bonnie Jane GRAY, David HANNA, Leroy DISS, John G. DOOLEN, Earl Leonard McCLURE, Darrell Eugene BUTTS.
- The program for the Kinmundy Community High School Commencement was printed. It was held in the School Gymnasium on Monday, May 29, 1950 at 8 p.m. The Class Roll: Rojean ALDERSON, Rosalie ALDERSON, Mary Evelyn BASSETT, Mary Louise HOUSEMAN, Claude Wesley BLACK, Nellie Pauline BRASEL, Shirley Edwin JENKINS, Mary Marcelline GENTRY, Donald E. GARRETT, Helen Marie FEATHER, Betty Jean FEATHER, Geneva Mae CHARLTON, Glen Wesley JOHNSON, Paul Eugene LANE, Martha Louise MONICAL, Anna May RITTER, James KERLEY, Betty Jane WANTLAND, Jerry Dale WALKER, Virginia Lee GREENWOOD, Nadene Rae SMITH, Robert Dean GEILER, Callie D. McGUIRE, Donald M. ADAMS, Lillian Louise BAILEY, John William BEARD, Betty Louise BRANCH, Harry B. BRASEL, Mary Lillian BUNDY, Charles Kenneth CHANCE, Fern Ann FORD, Donald Ray EBLIN, Cora LaVern CRUTCHFIELD, Elma Mae CONANT, Donald Wayne CHEATUM, Wanda E. FRADENBURG, Wyona May HANNA, Sarah Lucille HESKETT, Addonia Mae HUBBELL, Betty WILLIAMS, Sammy E. LOWE, William B. VALLOW, William Robert MIDDLETON, Albert Charles MALEKOVIC, Richard Leo JOHNSON, Bill TOCKSTEIN, Glen Charles WHITE, Virgil L. TIPSWORD.
- A birthday dinner was held in the honor of Guy and Fred BARBEE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy BARBEE Sunday, May 21st (A list of those attending was included.)
- Miss Pauline BAGOTT is suffering from a dog bit in her right hand.
- Charleston and Louisville School Bus Collide Here Monday: Charles STEWART, 67, was seriously injured Monday morning when his car side swiped a school bus on the curve just west of the C. & E.I. subway on State Route 37. His wife was also injured but not seriously. The STEWARTS were enroute here after visiting a brother, F.A. STEWART at Dix. The car went out of control on the curve and struck the left front of the south bound school bus. The car turned over, righted itself, and crashed several feet in a fence on the Lowell DISS place. STEWART was rushed to the Salem hospital where he is in a critical condition. The school bus was loaded with 38 Louisville high school seniors, enroute to St. Louis, to spend the day. After the accident, they changed their plans and spent the day in the Centralia Park.
- Meacham: Dr. and Mrs. H.F. CRAIG were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Monday and Monday night and on Tuesday morning departed for their home in LaCrosse, Wash.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Jack KRUTSINGER, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie HASSEBROCK of Alma called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Tuesday evening.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Nellie MAYBERRY received the announcement of a granddaughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad REPEC of Modest, Calif. on May 9th named Ruby Sharon. She was born on Uncle, Fred MAYBERRY’s, 14th birthday.
- Solomon CAUDILL had the misfortune of severely injuring one finger and having another finger amputated at the first joint on the drilling rig on which he was working Friday.
- Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCULLEY Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Denard MERCER and son, Max, of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCULLEY. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles KLINE and daughter. The occasion was John’s birthday.
- Memorial services will be held at the shed at Sandy Branch on May 20. Rev. Tommy McGEE of Louisville will deliver the address.
June 1, 1950:
- The Kinmundy High School Annual Association held it’s annual reception at the schoolhouse Saturday evening. For some unknown reason, several of the graduating class were absent. In all, there were 157 members and guests present. A delicious chicken dinner was served by the members of the P.T.A. after which the business meeting was held. Mrs. Robert JOHNSON, president, welcomed the new class into the association. The response was given by Donnie CHEATUM in the absence of the class president. The minutes of the meeting held last year were read by Mrs. Elwyn CHEATUM, secretary. The financial report was given by Joan ALEXANDER, the treasurer. In the roll call, Mrs. Mattie KILLIE, had the distinction of being the oldest member present, having graduated with the class of 1900. Mrs. Laura GRESHAM was second with the class of 1902 and Mrs. Josephine SNOW was third with the class of 1912. The nominating committee reported the following officers for the coming year: President - Norma MILLER; Vice Pres. - Mrs. Laverne KEEN; Sec.- Jean ALEXANDER; Treas. - Mrs. Edwin SHREFFLER. The group then went to the gymnasium where the initiation ceremonies took place. After this the reminder of the evening was spent socially. (A list was included of those attending from out-of-town.)
- Mrs. Rochelle MISELBROOK, Poppy Chairman, wishes to thank all who helped make Poppy Day a success. A total of $59.50 was collected from the sale of 500 poppies. The Poppy Posters were judge by the Unit Wednesday night. Winners in class No. 1 were: Paula SMITH - 1st; Leroy DISS - 2nd; Donna SCHOOLEY - 3rd. Winners in Class No. 2 were: Barbara DOOLEN - 1st; Karen JONES - 2nd; Marilyn O’DELL - 3rd.
- WEST-INGRAM Wedding: Mrs. Paulene WEST and Joseph INGRAM, both of this city, were married Saturday at the home of the bride. Rev. W.L. WALLACE officiated the ceremony. Attendants were Mrs. Lorna MOSSER of Chicago and Maxey SPENCER. Flower girl was Miss Edith WEST, daughter of the bride, and Earl Leonard McCLURE was ring bearer. A wedding reception was held immediately after the ceremony at the home of the bride. Mr. INGRAM is associated with INGRAMS Elevators and Mrs. INGRAM is employed with the Brown Shoe company at Salem, which position she will remain for the present. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. REYNOLDS of Bloomington are moving into the property recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Burdette JENKINS. The JENKINS bought Mrs. Alice HABEL’s property. Mrs. HABEL is accompanying her daughter, Mrs. Mary TOLLISON, to her home in Minnesota and she will stay with her.
- John N. METZGER: John N. METZGER, son of John and Barbara METZGER (deceased) was born in St. Clair county, near Collinsville, Ill., on Oct. 14, 1865. After five years of suffering, he died on May 22, 1950 at Missouri Baptist Hospital in St. Louis, Mo. When a young lad, he moved with his parents to a farm near Kinmundy, where he grew to manhood. In 1891, he was married to Lillie KRUTSINGER and they lived for some time in Farina, Ill. later moving to Arkansas and 23 years ago he settled in St. Louis, where he spent his declining years. They had 3 children: Bertha, who died at the age of 2 years; Eva, who lived with her father and Carl, of Belleville. He also leaves his son and daughter, a very dear daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carl METZGER, a brother, Charles METZGER of Decatur; and a sister, Mrs. Kate BROCKELMAN of Springfield. Two sisters and three brothers have preceded him in death. Services were held in Kinmundy from St. Philomena Catholic Church conducted by Rev. A.B. SHOMAKER with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. (A list was included of those attending from out-of-town.)
- Lulu Belle HARKEY: Lulu Belle HOLT, the youngest of 5 children born to Samuel and Susan ATKINS HOLT, was born Aug. 24, 1880, west of Kinmundy in Marion county and died at the Bennett Nursing Home in Vandalia on May 20, 1950. On Oct. 9, 1898 she married John William HARKEY and with him moved to their farm west of St. Peter. They continued to reside here at their splendid farm home where they lived an ideal life together for more than 47 years. Her husband died suddenly the afternoon of Dec. 5, 1945. When quite young she joined the Methodist church but after her marriage she attended services with her husband at the Loogootee Lutheran Church. One son, Glen , was born to this union and now resides in Maplewood, Mo. She is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Rilla JONES of Salem; and a brother, John HOLT of Kinmundy. Three sisters preceded her in death, Mary ARNOLD, Betty CHANCE, and Emma ARNOLD. Services were held at the Lash funeral parlors Monday by Rev. C.L. HILL and burial was made in the Old Loogootee Cemetery.
- Minnie WAINSCOTT HOWE: Mrs. Minnie WAINSCOTT HOWE, 82, died in the Burnham city hospital, Champaign, Monday, after an illness of several months duration. Services were held from Mittendorf Funeral Chapel in Champaign Wednesday with burial in Evergreen Cemetery in the family lot. Mrs. HOWE was born Nov. 12, 1887 on a farm near Kinmundy, the youngest daughter of Isaac and Symantha HARRIS WAINSCOTT. She grew to womanhood at Kinmundy and received her education in the public schools there. In early childhood she united with the Christian Church and transferred her membership to the University Place Christian church upon coming here a few years ago to make her home. On March 3, 1915 she married Forrest HOWE of Kinmundy. For a few years they lived in Iowa where they were engaged in business, later returning to Kinmundy to care for Mrs. HOWE’s aged parents. Later they moved to Xenia where they entered the gasoline and oil business. Mr. HOWE died in 1935. Mrs. HOWE was also preceded in death by her parents, two brothers and 2 sisters. She leaves four brothers, Richard WAINSCOTT and Jesse H. WAINSCOTT both of Champaign; Louis WAINSCOTT of Baytown, Texas; and Charlie WAINSCOTT of Kinmundy; John M. WAINSCOTT of Champaign is a nephew, and Mrs. Millard E. LANE of Urbana is a niece. The funeral was in Champaign
- Mel BOYD Rounds Out 25 Years as Janitor of Kinmundy Schools: Mel BOYD and Alva OLDEN have been re-employed as the janitors for the local grade and high schools. Mr. OLDEN was employed a few weeks ago due to the resignation of James CHANCE, who worked with Mr. BOYD the past winter. Today, Mr. BOYD commences his 28th year in this position. This speaks pretty well of the service he has rendered. This is a year around job. When these boys are not stoking fires, they are mowing grass. Up until this past winter, Mr. BOYD has done most of the work alone, save for the help of a boy now and then. The schools have grown to such an extent that both boards of education deemed it necessary to have two janitors.
- Phillip D. INGRAM, 7, only child of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. INGRAM of Decatur died in Springfield Memorial Hospital Wednesday after a week’s illness. Services will be held Saturday afternoon from the Dawson & Wikoff Funeral home in Decatur, with interment in Decatur Cemetery. The deceased is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. I.D. INGRAM of this city.
- An election will be held June 10 to determine whether there shall be a consolidated unit district grades one to twelve in the territory now consisting of Kinmundy Community High School and the Farina Community High School District.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Robert SMITH and children went to St. Louis Sunday to visit their husband and father, who had another operation on his eye last Friday. He returned home Monday.
- Mrs. Walter RINKEL and daughter accompanied Mrs. Milton GIGAR to Greenville to attend commencement at Greenville College. Gene K. RINKEL, son of the former, graduated.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Leo STOCK had with them over the holidays their children: Harry MONTGUE and son, Berry Richard, of Sullivan, Mo.; Mrs. Betty FATHEREE and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin BOLLINGER and daughter of Salem.
- Wilson School: Mrs. Chris MEYER and daughters, Ruth and Viola, attended graduation at McKendree in Lebanon, Tuesday, George being a graduate.
- Meacham: A fair sized crowd attended services at Meacham Baptist Church Sunday, and also went to Elder Cemetery for Decoration services. The cemetery was very nice, has been well mowed, and taken care of.
June 8, 1950:
- Christy E. GENTRY, son of S.W. GENTRY of Kinmundy, received the Bachelor of Arts Degree from the School of Religion with a major in English Bible at Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. on May 31st.
- Mr. George CLEMENTZ was called to his home in Highland, Ill. Wednesday due to the illness of his wife who suffered a stroke. She was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Highland where she died that same evening. Services will be held in Highland Friday. Mr. CLEMENTZ has been spending much of his time here working in the Tony YOUNG Orchards which he has under lease.
- Kinmundy Softball team, managed by Cecil BAILEY, played two games in the Salem Softball circuit this week. Friday night Kinmundy beat Christian Seniors 14-1 and Charles BASSETT won the star of the game award on his hitting ability. On Monday Kinmundy beat the Moose team 11-1 with Dick BROOM winning the star of the game award pitching a one-hit game.
- Funeral services are being held this afternoon from the Alma Methodist Church for Frank DOUDERA, Sr., 82, who died in the Salem Hospital on June 6th. Rev. E.M. DYCUS will officiate. Interment will be made in the Martin Cemetery. Mr. DOUDERA has been a resident for many years of the Greenridge district north of Alma.
- Merta ROTAN Home Burned Saturday Morn: In spite of a downpour of rain Saturday morning, fire completely destroyed the Miss Merta ROTAN home. The alarm was turned in but a fuse blew out in the electric siren. So the old fire alarm was sounded. The fire department made the run, but in spite of all they could do, the fire could not be put out. They were greatly hampered in not having water. The fire was caused from a kerosene stove in the apartment of Mrs. Mault MONTGOMERY, who shared the home with Miss ROTAN. Mrs. MONTGOMERY lighted her stove and went in Miss ROTAN’s apartment and visited a while. When she returned, she found the room in flames. Very little of the contents were saved and what were taken out, were badly damaged from the rain. At the present time, Mrs. MONTGOMERY is making her home with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul MONTGOMERY and family. Miss ROTAN is making her home with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. B.J. ROTAN, Miss Pauline HILLER, and with her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HANNA and family. As soon, as arrangements can be made, Mrs. MONTGOMERY and Miss ROTAN will occupy the B.J. ROTAN property just north of Miss Anna KOLB.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles BASSETT have purchased the Isaac WAINSCOTT property north of State Route 37 and will erect a new home on the site in the near future.
- Myron Charles ROSS died in the hospital in Artesia, New Mexico on June 1. Services were held in Artesia the following day and the body taken to Lyons, Kan., where burial was made on June 14th. He leaves a wife; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel CROSSETT of Edwardsville, Ill., and Mrs. Caroline YEAGER of Kinmundy; and one brother, William B. ROSS of Salem, Ill. Myron grew to manhood in this city and learned the banker’s trade here. He went to Lindsborg, Kan. several years ago as a flour chemist for a large mill there. About 15 years ago he purchased a large bakery in Artesia, N.M. which he had at the time of his death. On May 9th, Myron underwent a major operation which did not cure his ailment and complications set in.
- On June 4, Robert Lee SINCLAIR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde SINCLAIR, of Meacham twp. graduated with a B.S. in Ed. Degree at Eastern Illinois State College in Charleston, Ill. He was also a member of Sigma Pi, participated in intramural athletics for 3 years and was member of the varsity cross country team his junior year.
- Joyce McHATTON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McHATTON, a pupil of Kinmundy H.S., will leave on June 20th for MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Ill., where she will attend the 10th annual session of Illini Girls State until the 28th, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Nita COLCLASURE, Unit President, stated that Joyce was selected by Kinmundy Unit because of her outstanding qualifications.
- Mrs. Roy DOOLEN entertained June 1st with a large party in honor of her daughter’s 2nd birthday. Those present were Mabel DOOLEN and Linda, Marceline GARRETT and Gary, Fern BASSETT and Jimmie and Donna, Roberta GREEN and Larry, Billy, and Bonnie, Sypha ARNOLD, Delia CALDWELL and Barbara Sue, Martha CALDWELL and Billy, Lucille HEADLEY, Edith NICHOLS, and Elsie DOOLEN.
- Mrs. Harold CHANCE, Mrs. Carl CRAIN and Mrs. James EAGAN were co-hostesses at a nursery shower honoring Mrs. Wydell PIGG at Mrs. PIGG’s home Tuesday night. (A list of those attending and sending gifts was included.)
- Rev. Angus PHILLIPS performed the wedding ceremony of James E. BARKHURST, 22, and Miss Mildred DONALDSON, 20, both of Effingham on Saturday. Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Olin HINGER, also of Effingham.
- Lowell DISS Jr. of Norfolk, Va. is spending 2 weeks leave from the Navy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. DISS.
- Miss Jacqueline HUMPHREY and Darrell DISS, Lowell DISS Jr. of Norfolk, Va., and Miss Joan JUSTICE of Centralia, and Merle HEICHER and Mrs. Eileen SCHWABE spent Tuesday in St. Louis attending the ballgame and opera. The occasion was Miss HUMPHREY’s birthday.
- Mrs. Claude RAINEY, Mrs. Dan RAINEY, Mrs. Charles BEE, Mrs. Earl JACKSON, and Mrs. Ed FORD of Alma spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Tom BALLANCE.
June 15, 1950:
- Charles WHITE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WHITE, won first place in the talent quest at a Centralia theatre Wednesday night. He played the piano and sang. He will compete the 5th of July with the winners of the five weeks’ contest and that winner will compete in Belleville. The winner is determined by applause.
- Mrs. Walter LESEMAN, residing south of this city, had the misfortune of falling from a ladder while washing windows and breaking her arm Tuesday.
- The W.S.C.S. Unit of Pleasant Grove met June 6th with Mrs. Ralph ROSE. Quilting and piecing quilt blocks was the work of the day. This was the first meeting since electing officers for the coming year. They are: Pres. - Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND; Vice-Pres - Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON; Sec. - Mrs. Melvin CURRIE; Treas. - Mrs. Robert SMITH; Promoter - Mrs. Pearl ROSE; Publicity - Mrs. Emil MEYER; Sympathy Chairman - Mrs. Will HIESTAND. Our next meeting will be with Mrs. John SHAFFER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Perry NEAVILLE celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary Sunday with an open house at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Verchial TROUT. 200 guests registered during the day. Mr. and Mrs. NEAVILLE were married June 11, 1900 in Salem and have lived in Kinmundy all their lives. They had 4 children. Three are living and were with them Sunday. There are 7 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren, all of whom were present except a granddaughter, Mrs. Wilmadean LUNDY of Alameda, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. NEAVILLE are in good health and enjoyed greeting their guests. They were honored with a family dinner at noon with 50 members present, and received many gifts and 150 cards. (A list of those attending from out-of-town was included.)
- Members of the Royal Neighbor Lodge met Tuesday of last week with Mrs. William COLE, oracle in charge. It was announced that three members of the local chapter were eligible for 50-year pins: Mrs. E.C. BARGH, who spent the winter in Kenilworth; Mrs. Martha HUGGINS, who is now residing in Newton Center, Mass., and Mrs. Frank HAMMER of Morris.
- Ervin CHEATUM was guest of honor at a birthday dinner Wednesday at his home here. Present were his wife and children, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd CHEATUM and daughter of Effingham; Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn CHEATUM, Francis CHEATUM and Donnie CHEATUM. He received many gifts.
- Mr. and Mrs. Virgil LIVESAY returned to their home in Decatur Thursday after spending several days here with their daughter, Mrs. Fred GAMMON and family.
- Miss Wyona HANNA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. HANNA, and Carroll Lee CROSLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry CROSLEY of Farina, were married Sunday at the Methodist Church in this city, Rev. C.L. HILL of Farina officiating. Mrs. O.E. GARRETT accompanied by Rojean ALDERSON provided the music prior to the ceremony. Mrs. Wayne MARSHALL, sister of the bride from Springfield, was matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Misses Geneve EBLIN and Lila GARRETT. Miss Tona MOORE of Tolono was flower girl and Richard HOWELL was ring bearer. Harold HOLLINSHEAD of LaClede was best man and Ivan BAUMAN of Decatur and Benjamin MAXON of Farina were the groom’s attendants. Ushers were C.W. MAXON of Danville, John L. CALDWELL of Pana, Ronald SMITH and Xon HANNA of this city. The reception was held at the country home of the bride’s parents. The couple left on a wedding trip to the Great Smoky Mountains and will be home west of Kinmundy after June 20. The bride graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1950. The groom graduated from Farina H.S in 1946, and attended the Univ. of Ill. He is a partner in the firm of HOLLINSHEAD and CROSLEY, plasters.
- Mrs. Minnie KNISELEY Dies: Mrs. Minnie KNISELEY, 82, died at her home near Omega Tuesday. Services will be held from the Omega Presbyterian Church on Friday with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in this city.
- Mrs. Mary COPPLE Dies: Mrs. Mary COPPLE, widow of the late Gorman COPPLE, died at her home in Omega Tuesday. Services will be held from the 1880 Christian Church this afternoon with interment made in the church cemetery. The deceased leaves one son: Charles of Omega, and a grandson, Cleo COPPLE of Muncie, Ind.
- Rural Areas Defeat Proposition of Forming Unit School District in Election Saturday: The official vote will not be canvassed until sometime next week in the office of the county school superintendent. The best figures we can obtain for the total vote in Rural Areas: Yes - 207; No -333; Urban areas - Yes - 344; No - 261. Kinmundy proper voted 132 - yes; 8 - no; Farina voted 171 - yes; 4 - no; St. Peter said 10 - yes; 56 - no. Loogootee said 4 - yes and 75 - no. Wilberton said 6 - yes; 88 - no. So it was really Loogootee and Wilberton twp. in Fayette county that defeated the proposition.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Chas. WANTLAND and Lou ALDERSON attended the graveside services of a relative, Mrs. Minnie HOWE, in Kinmundy Wednesday afternoon.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Several from here attended the reception in Alma Friday night for Rev. and Mrs. TREDWAY, who was returned back to the Alma charge.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd attended Children’s Exercises at Pleasant Grove Sunday night.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Robert SMITH are spending a few days in Columbia, Mo., meeting their new grandson born June 6th to Mr. and Mrs. Claude WEHMYER and named Robert Allen.
- Omega: Cleo COPPLE and family were called here Tuesday night on account of the death of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary COPPLE, who died Tuesday.
- Omega: Mrs. Minnie KNISELEY died at the P.J. JENKINS home Tuesday.
June 22, 1950:
- Miss Betty CHANCE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.S. CHANCE, residing west of this city, and Arthur E. MULVANEY, son of Clarence MULVANEY, of this city, were united in marriage Saturday in the Methodist Parsonage of this city. Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiated, and they were attended by Mrs. Helen PATTERSON and Keith CHANCE. The bride was a graduate of Kinmundy H.S. in 1948. The groom is employed by the White Star Service Station in this city as a mechanic. The couple will make their home in what is known as the Steve HUGGINS property in the southeast part of town which as been owned by the groom since his release from the armed services.
- North Camp Drake, Japan: Private Paul J. WEST, son of Pauline WEST INGRAM, Kinmundy, has been assigned to the 8th Engineer (C) Battalion of the First Cavalry Division (Infantry). Private WEST had his basic training at Fort Riley, Kansas prior to his shipping overseas from Fort Lawton, Washington, Apr. 20th. Before enlisting in the Armed Services he worked in the Brown Shoe Factory at Salem. He also attended one year at the Kinmundy H.S. For sports Private WEST likes boxing. He plans to join the Navy when his army enlistment expires. His job with his outfit, Company A, is a jeep driver.
- Mrs. Mault MONTGOMERY was guest of honor at a shower Monday given her by the Christian Church. She received many nice gifts. Sandwiches and coffee were served. Mrs. MONTGOMERY’s possessions were recently burned when the ROTAN home burned.
- Mr. and Mrs. James JONES have a daughter, Lila June, born June 9th. They now have two boys and two girls.
- Elizabeth N. BROOM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM, Alma, is attending the Methodist Youth Caravan Training Center in Oskaloosa, Iowa preparing for voluntary service in local Methodist Churches during the next 7 weeks.
- A birthday surprise party in honor of Mrs. Eileen SCHWABE was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray GEORGE. Guests were Keith and Patricia, Mr. Merle HEICHER, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LUX and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gene JEZEK.
- Mrs. George ZIMMER received word that Charley MENEELEY died on May 19th in Florida. He will be remembered by his many friends and old neighbors as he grew to manhood on a farm in the SEE neighborhood south of town.
- The annual election of officers for Kinmundy Lodge No. 398 A.F. & A.M. was held Wednesday: Worshipful Master - J.W. McCULLEY; Senior Warden - R.H. SCHOOLEY; Junior Warden - Merle JONES; Treas - C.R. ALDERSON; Sec - C.F. GAMMON.
- Miss Donna Jean ROPER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan ROPER of Odin, became the bride of Kenneth Ray JACKSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. JACKSON of Centralia on Saturday in the Methodist Church in this city officiated by Rev. Angus PHILLIPS.
- Mrs. Mary LANE Buried in Arthur Sunday Afternoon: Mary Evalee (COLLIER) LANE, daughter of Hezekiah and Lucy Jane COLLIER, was born in Lovington, Ill. on Mar. 19, 1872, and died in Vandalia Hospital on June 16, 1950. She married April 2, 1891 to Henry Kellum LANE and they were married over 50 years. They had 7 children, 3 sons having preceded her in death. She leaves the following: her husband, Henry Kellum LANE; children: Earl LANE, Cecil LANE and Elsie SHAFFER of Kinmundy, and Hazel VANSCYOC of Farina; 20 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. When quite young, she united with the Methodist Church. Services were held from the Methodist Church in Kinmundy on Sunday with Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER officiating, and Rev. Angus PHILLIPS assisting. Burial was in Arthur.
- Mrs. Wayne ROBB was guest of honor at a nursery shower Thursday evening at the Legion Hall with Mrs. Dick GRAY and Mrs. O.E. MILLER co-hostesses. 40 guests were present.
- An Ice Cream social will be held at Jones School June 29th for the benefit of Jones Cemetery.
- Miss Marian Elizabeth JOHNSON graduated from Southern Illinois University with a Master of Science in Education on June 11th.
- Miss Thelma DOWNS and William McKINLEY of Centralia were married Sunday at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Centralia. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. C.B. MENDENHALL. The bride had always been a Kinmundy resident until she moved to Centralia a few years ago. She is employed in a clerical position in that city, which position she will retain. The groom is a businessman in Centralia. They will make their home there. After the wedding, a supper was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. MENDENHALL.
- John BOUSEMAN, son of Mrs. Evelyn BOUSEMAN of Alma, graduated from Anderson College with a Bachelor of Arts and Science degrees on June 16th.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER and family of Sumner spent Sunday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. L.J. HAMMER and Mr. and Mrs. Wes HAMMER.
June 29, 1950:
- Installation of officers for the Kinmundy MYF was held Sunday night in a candlelight ceremony during regular church services. Installed were: Beverly HANNA, Pres.; Phyllis HOYT, Vice Pres.; Patricia BAILEY, sec.; and James BRASEL, treas. The four commissioners are Shirley BEARD, John DOOLEN, Lewis O’DELL, and Donna SCHOOLEY. Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT was installed as sponsor of the group.
- Laverne CROWDER: Mary Laverne CROWDER died June 24 after an illness of several years at the age of 41 years. She was born of James and Fannie CROWDER in Wilberton twp., Fayette Co., Ill. on Apr. 18, 1909. She lived in Vernon during her childhood. In adult years she was employed in Salem until her illness. She leaves her mother, Mrs. Fannie MILLER of Kinmundy; her sister, Mrs. Marie HATHAWAY of Vernon; a nephew, James HATHAWAY and two nieces, Joyce and Janice HATHAWAY. Services were held Tuesday from Linton Funeral Home in Kinmundy conducted by Rev. Alvin C. KNIKER of Farina. Burial was in Meador Cemetery in Vernon.
- A miscellaneous bridal shower is being held for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MULVANEY Friday at 7:30 by Mrs. Helen PATTERSON at the groom’s home. All those interested are invited to attend.
- The DISS family reunion was held Sunday at Kitchell Park in Pana with a basket dinner at noon. Those from here attending were Mr. and Mrs. Orville DISS and son, Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS and family, and Miss Jacqueline HUMPHREY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BLOMBERG and family, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. DISS and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and Kaye, and Miss Beulah DISS.
- Miss Joan JEZEK and William G. WALSH motored to Sardis, Miss., and were married on June 19th in the Methodist Church. After a short honeymoon in the south, they returned to this community where they will reside. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louie JEZEK, residing south of this city. She is a senior in the Kinmundy H.S. and plans to finish her course. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. WALSH, residing south of Alma, in the Zion district. He is a graduate of Salem H.S. with the class of ‘46. Since his graduation, he has been farming with his father.
- Mr. and Mrs. Morris CHASTEEN have a baby girl born June 27th named Virginia Ilene.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jess GARRISON moved Tuesday from the apartment over their store to their country home located on Kinmundy-Patoka Road.
- Sheriff’s Office Busy with Fireworks Bootleggers: We understand the county sheriff’s office is busy picking up violators of the state law prohibiting the sale and firing of certain types of fireworks. They do not pay much attention to the small lad who shoots firecrackers except to find out just where he procured them, which is an easy matter. They then in turn make a raid on the vendor’s place of business. The vendor then gets free transportation to the county seat. The fellow who sells these illegal fireworks are just the same as a bootlegger and the sheriff’s office treats them as such.
- A miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. William McKINLEY was given in the home of Mrs. Glen WHITE Tuesday. The honoree received many beautiful and useful gifts. The group was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Delilah CALDWELL and daughter, Donna. (A list of those attending was included.)
- PFC Kenneth HOOVER of New York City visited Mr. and Mrs. William HUMPHREY and family Friday.
- Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne KEEN have moved from the Florence JACK property to the HULSEY property on Route 37.
- Leonard MULVANEY: Leonard MULVANEY, 44, died of a heart attack near Shelbyville Sunday. The body was brought here and services held yesterday from the Alma Methodist Church, Rev. Frank TREADWAY, officiating. Interment was made in Martin Cemetery. Mr. MULVANEY and family lived on the McINTOSH farm in the Meadow Branch district. He had just arrived at the farm in Shelbyville Sunday where he had employment. He leaves a wife and 5 children.
- Donnie CHEATUM left Monday for Palestine where he is employed as a telegraph operator for the next 30 days.
- Kinmundy American Legion post elected their officers at their meeting last Monday: Commander - Wayne ROBB; Adjutant - Dwight DAY, Jr.; Senior Vice Commander - Fred BOYD; Historian - Sam LOWE; Service officer - Wyett COLCLASURE; Finance officer - Tom BARRETT.
- Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS and children were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary COPPLE Thursday afternoon at Lovell’s Grove Church.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Herschel ROSE are parents of a baby boy born June 16th in Salem Hospital named James Loyd.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Herschel ROSE and daughters ate dinner Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE, then went after his wife and baby who returned from the hospital.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and Janet called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Leo STOCK and son, Lee, and Vicky FATHEREE were in Centralia Sunday attending the surprise dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. STOCK’s 23rd wedding anniversary. A large crowd was in attendance.
July 6, 1950:
- Dolpha Paul HANKS: Dolpha Paul HANKS, son of Austin and Mary HANKS, was one of their five children, born Oct. 1, 1882, in Omega twp. Upon reaching manhood in this community, he married Etna Jane RITTER, in 1902. They had 6 children: Vearl of Mascoutah, Ill.; Leo of Hillsdale of Ind.; Rex of St. Louis; Mrs. Lora HILL; Mrs. Irene ABBOTT and Mrs. Sylvia BENOIST, also of St. Louis. In 1919, Mr. HANKS and family moved from Omega twp. to St. Louis, Mo. In Nov. 1929, he moved to Hillsdale, Ind., and made his home with his son, Leo and his daughter-in-law, until Leo’s employment took him to Hammond, Ind. He remained in Hillsdale, Ind. until poor health forced him to take up residence with his daughter, Lora and son-in-law, Albert of St. Louis. Even under the loving care of his daughter, Lora, whom has had a nurse’s training his health continued to fail. He died on June 24, 1950 in St. Louis, Mo. He is survived by widow, Etna, his 6 children, all of whom are living; 8 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild; also 2 brothers, Gus and Al.
- A miscellaneous bridal shower was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. WALSH, Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene JEZEK. (A list of those attending was included.)
- The following officers were installed at the Kinmundy Lodge No. 398 A.F. & A.M.: L.W. McCULLEY - W.M.; R.H. SCHOOLEY - S.W.; Merle JONES - J.W.; C.R. ALDERSON - Treas.; C.F. GAMMON - Sec’y; Robert LEE - S.D.; Francis HAMMER - J.D.; C.S. WATSON - Champlain; A.A. MALINSKY - Marshall; Harvey HANNA - S.S.; Wyett COLCLASURE - J.S.; Erman ALLEN - Tyler.
- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert VANDEVEER were host and hostess to a lawn party Monday evening, July 3. There were 40 present and all enjoyed the display of fireworks lasting 2 hours. Refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Roy MILLER and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ray VANDEVEER and family; Mr. and Mrs. Pete JOINS and family; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ALDERSON and family; Mr. and Mrs. David SHAFFER and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul SHAFFER and family of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Leon MILLER of Carmi; Mr. and Mrs. Lou MILLER of Olney; Mr. and Mrs. D.H. VANDEVEER, Mr. and Mrs. Guy SHAFFER, Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gene ERNST and family, Lester VANDEVEER and Lillian BUNDY.
- June 27th being Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND’s (?) birthday, all her brothers and sisters and their families, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude HIESTAND met at her home Sunday and had a delicious dinner all spread on the table when Mr. and Mrs. HIESTAND returned from Sunday School and church. Mrs. HIESTAND, naturally, was very much surprised and confused until all present to sing “Happy Birthday to You”. She agreed it was still nice to have a birthday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glen BRASEL have a daughter, Linda Kaye, born in their home June 23rd.
- Lucy DEW: Lucy Jane, daughter of John R. and Harriet ROBB DEW was born in Kinmundy Apr. 24, 1859 and died at her home in Kinmundy on July 3. She was the eldest child of a family of 9 children, Charles F. of Kansas City, Mo.; Frank E. of Jasonville, Ind.; John W. of Mt. Vernon, Iowa; Martha of Kinmundy, and Edward, Hubert and 2 infants deceased. At an early age, she united with the Methodist Church, and has been a member for the past 75 years. She was a member of the Eastern Star for over 50 years. Miss Lucy began teaching school at an early age and continued in that capacity until she entered the business profession as a stenographer, working at Kansas City, Mo., and Minneapolis, Minn. She worked in this profession until coming home to care for her aged mother.
- At the regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres - Elsie REESE; Vice Pres. - Thelma INGRAM; 2nd Vice Pres. - Bessie DISS; Chaplain - Pearl HANNA; Treasurer - Mildred KLEISS; Historian - Marilla JENKINS; Sergeant at Arms - Rochelle MISELBROOK.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alex STOCK, daughter Dorothy and son, Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT and Anna KOLB were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS. The occasion being the 64th birthdays of Fred and Alex. Afternoon visitors were Donald and Arnold METZGER and Arthur KRAMER of Decatur, and Mr. and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW and Mary Jo PAGANO.
- Ralph MORROW, Omega Farmer, Killed in Field by Lightening Friday Afternoon: Funeral was held on Sunday from the Lovell’s Grove Christian Church near Omega for Ralph Millican MORROW, 35, who was killed Friday afternoon by a bolt of lightning in a field 4 miles east of Omega. Occurring between 2:30 and 3:00 p.m. just before the Friday afternoon rain, the lightning apparently struck MORROW in the face. He was dead before he could be rushed to ths Salem Hospital. The Rev. Thomas H. WILSON, pastor of the Barr Christian Church near Odin and of the Ramsey Christian church was in charge of the service. Burial was in the church cemetery. Arrangements were by the Wilson Funeral Home of Odin. With MORROW at the time of the accident was Masel BROWN and his son, Otis. The three were on BROWN’s farm, near a creek. BROWN had just driven off on a tractor and his son had walked about 15 feet from MORROW when the lightening struck. BROWN’s son was knocked down but not injured. MORROW’s team ran away, calling BROWN’s attention, and he returned to find his son trying to revive MORROW. MORROW was alive when BROWN reached him. He and his son placed him in a car in which MORROW had been loading sacks of fertilizer, and rushed him to the hospital. MORROW, a farmer, and a member of the board of Lovell’s Grove Christian Church, leaves his wife; 2 daughters, Colleen, 7, and Paulette, 15 months; his mother, Mrs. William MORROW of Omega twp.; and a sister, Mrs. Harold CRIPPEN of Odin. His father was the late William MORROW. (“Salem Republican”)
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Several from here attended the Vacation Bible School graduation exercises at the Methodist Church in Alma Sunday night. A nice display of work was shown in the church basement.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Clyde ROSE spent Sunday afternoon at the Boston Lake to be with the Kinmundy High School Senior Class of ‘48 who enjoyed a picnic lunch there. Pictures enjoyed a picnic lunch there. Pictures were taken in the afternoon and some went swing. A nice time was reported.
- Omega: Between 500-600 people attended the funeral service of Ralph MORROW, who was killed by lightening on his father-in-law’s farm, Sunday afternoon at the Christian Church here.
- Meacham: The Community Birthday Circle Club and their families held their annual ice cream party Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER and Charles. There were 42 present. Mrs. Mary BALKE and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh LACEY and son of Farina were all with us, and we were all happy to have Mrs. Edwin HARRELL with us after her long confinement at home. All enjoyed the 9 freezers of ice cream and fine cakes.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES attended the funeral of Mr. Frank BOYD in Salem Friday afternoon.
- Brown: The annual homecoming and basket dinner will be held at Brown Christian Church July 9.
July 13, 1950:
- LOTZ-GARRETT: Miss Dorothy Mae LOTZ chose the same day for her marriage to Marvin Jack GARRETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Berthol GARRETT, Kinmundy, as did her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben LOTZ, St. Peter - that day having been Wednesday, June 28, at 2 in the afternoon. The Rev. F.J. DUECKER read the vows of the single ring ceremony in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in St. Peter. The bride was lovely in a white nylon, street-length, tailored dress. Her finger-tip-length veil was secured to her beautifully arranged coilfure by a Juliette crown of seed pearls. Her only jewelry being a double strand of pearls. She wore white nylon mitts and carried red roses on a prayer book. Norma SHREFFLER, of Kinmundy, sister of the groom, was matron of honor. She wore a street length pink dress with pink accessories and a corsage of yellow carnations. Best man was Leland LOTZ, St. Peter, brother of the bride. Mrs. LOTZ attended in a navy blue and Mrs. GARRETT in light blue dresses. A reception was held at the bride’s home July 8 with a seven o’clock dinner for 95 guests, following a wedding journey through Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. GARRETT their home at the Roberts apartments in Farina. We join the many friends of this happy couple in extending hearty congratulations. (“Vandalia Leader”)
- James Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil LANE, residing southeast of Kinmundy, is in the hospital suffering from a broken nose, three broken teeth, and cuts about the face, received Monday night when his 1940 Chevrolet car ran into the back end of Gene SHAFFER’s gasoline truck, parked just south of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter WEISS. James was on his way home at 8:30 o’clock. At this particular place, he was meeting a car coming from the south and the lights blinded him to such an extent that he did not see the parked truck. He said the truck did not have any lights turned on. In the truck was Billie SHAFFER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene SHAFFER, and Wesley DOOLEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl DOOLEN. SHAFFER received a cut over his eye. Just why the truck was parked at this place, we did not learn. The car is a total wreck, while very little damage was done to the truck.
- Word was received here and in Farina by relatives of the sudden passing of Charles WILLIAMS in Bothell, Washington of a heart attack. Services were held there on Wednesday. Mr. WILLIAMS will be remembered by many of our older residents. For many years, he operated a Photo Studio here, and later, a café.
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BOYD have a baby named James Lewis born July 6 in Salem Hospital.
- Mrs. Glen WHITE was pleasantly surprised by her father and mother Sunday with a picnic dinner in the James Brown Park, Flora, for her birthday that was July 10. Those enjoying the day were Mr. and Mrs. C.B. MENDENHALL, Mr. and Mrs. James NEAVILL, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKINLEY, Centralia, Shirley HOWELL, Helen FEATHER, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen WHITE and family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughter, Mildred, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT were in Tuscola Sunday attending the 4th annual KLEISS Reunion held at the Ervin Park. Over 100 were in attendance.
- A goodly number of people met with the Chamber of Commerce last Friday night to discuss the problem of locating a doctor here. Dr. FRANKLIN will come to Kinmundy, July 19, to make final arrangements about moving here. He will have his office in the Dunlap Apartments where the late Dr. C.F. DOUGHERTY was located. His practice will start Aug. 1st.
- The annual COLE Reunion was held in Moweaqua on July 8th at the home of Ed ZINDEL. A long table was made on the lawn and was loaded with good things to eat and all done their share of eating. The same officers were elected for another year. Then the rest of the day was spent looking and taking pictures. With a lot of fun also talking about old times. There were 45 present: Mr. and Mrs. Orval WINDERS and Coleen of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Bob GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE, Sr. and Jr., and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE, Mr. and Mrs. George COLE, all of Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Truman SPURLIN and Mr. and Mrs. Glen HAMILTON of Vandalia; Mr. and Mrs. Glen STANGER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil TAYLOR and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen GILLETT and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack PERRYMAN and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle WALTE and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ZINDEL and sons, and Mr. Jim DIAL.
- Miss Marian JOHNSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. JOHNSON of Kinmundy, has accepted a position as physical education teacher at Crossville High School.
- Of the several family reunions held at the Bryan Park at Salem Sunday, that of the R.H. FEATHER family was one. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. FEATHER, Dick FEATHER and family and Cephus ADAMS of Patoka; Chas. FORD and family of St. Peter; Chas. Lee FORD and wife, Salem; Earl FEATHER and family and Mary WINKS of Alma; Laura GARRETT, Independence, Kansas; Elwyn CHEATUM and wife; George FEATHER and family; Evelyn FEATHER, Dolores GARRETT, Burl GREEN and family, Glen DOOLEN, W.L. GREEN.
- The families of Richard MOTCH have received word from him that he is now with the 24th Division in Korea.
- Mr. and Mrs. John FORD and son, Robert, of Alma, and Miss Evelyn BASSETT spent the weekend in Chicago.
- Omega: It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BRANCH are purchasing the Omega Café from Billy Noah KNISELEY, and will take charge this week.
- Brown: A large crowd attended the Homecoming and Basket Dinner at Brown Sunday. The minsters were Rev. HAZLETT, morning services; Bro. DEBAULT, afternoon services; and Rev. MEROLD, evening services. The meeting continues thru this week.
July 20, 1950:
- George H. BARGH, Kinmundy, has been named assistant Dean of Men in charge of fraternity affairs at the University of Illinois, beginning Sept. 1.
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richard WEST have a son born in St. Mary’s Hospital on July 15 named Michael Dean. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. WEST of Woodlawn and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. PFEIFFER of Decatur. His great-grandparents are Mr. Leonard WEST and Mr. and Mrs. John PHILLIPS, Sr. of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. William GARRETT are the parents of a girl born July 11 at the Salem hospital. She weighed six pounds and has been named Rebecca Faye. This is their second child and daughter.
- More than 300 people attended the singing convention at the high school gym Friday evening. The affair sponsored by the Gospelaires lasted until 12:45 and was generally well received.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON spent Saturday evening with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland ALDERSON in Salem. The occasion was Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON’s birthday.
- Members of the ALEXANDER families held a basket dinner Sunday at Boston Lake in Omega. Present were Mr. and Mrs. M.H. HART of Champaign; Mr. and Mrs. William HUMPHREY and children, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. ALEXANDER and children, and Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER. John LYKENS of Mansfield and Darrell DISS were guests.
- The J.A. BROOM family held a picnic dinner at Bryan Park in Salem Saturday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. BROOM of Alma, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BROOM and children of Miami, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. John A. BROOM, Jr. and children of Columbia, S.C., and Mrs. Walter BROOM and son, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Howard BROOM and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BROOM of Alma; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard BROOM and son, Kinmundy.
- A 32-year-old mother was killed just south of Farina early Tuesday morning when the car in which she was riding crashed into a bridge abutment. She is Mrs. Elmus HEARD of Gary, Ind. She was removed to the Salem Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. Injured in the accident were her husband, 36, and three daughters, Arlene 14, and twins, Jean and Jeanette, two. They are reported to be in fair condition at the hospital today. State patrolman, Earl JACKSON, said that HEARD, who was driving the car, apparently went to sleep at the wheel. The family was enroute to Thompsonville. JACKSON said the car was completely demolished.
- Charles and Howard BLOMBERG have taken their combine to Kansas and are participating in the wheat harvest there.
- Miss Nancy Emogene LOWE, Kinmundy, is enrolled as a student in the first session of the Washington University Summer School.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the funeral of Robert BAKER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo BAKER at Lovell’s Grove Church on Wednesday.
- Meacham: Sunday evening at Boston Lake, 23 people of the Brown Christian Church were baptized.
July 27, 1950:
- Elizabeth KILLIE spoke to the Sunrise Circle of WSCS on Wednesday with Mrs. Herman SOLDNER and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER as co-hostesses. Miss KILLIE, daughter of Mrs. F.W. KILLIE of this city, is visiting here this month. She formerly lived in Kinmundy and attended the H.S. here graduating from Centralia H.S. when the family moved their residence there. She is working with a company to start a dress factory to manufacture American clothes in Guatemala, and spoke of the life and customs in Guatemala.
- Four Marion County 4-H members will be showing their livestock at the Illinois State Fair. They are: Bob FRANCIS of Salem; Vernon HALL of Iuka; and Harry and Nita Rae STORMENT of Salem.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.R. ROLLINSON and sons were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher COLE, Sunday. They celebrated Mrs. ROLLINSON’s birthday.
- Mrs. Harriet DeVORE Passed 98th Birthday Monday: Mrs. Harriet DeVORE was guest of honor at a luncheon Monday given by her daughter, Mrs. Florence CONANT, the occasion being Mrs. DeVORE’s 98th birthday. Present were: Mrs. DeVORE’s three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth WINCHELL of Vallejo, Calif., Mrs. Anna SCOTT, Mrs. Fannie SCHWARTZ of Salem; and her brother, Frank HUMPHREY. Another sister, Mrs. Margaret GRAMLEY was ill and unable to attend. Mrs. DeVORE is in excellent health and greeted her many callers during the day. She was the recipient of many cards, flowers, and presents. Her son, Seth DeVORE, of Portland, Ore., called her and she conversed with him over the phone. (A picture accompanied this article.)
- Mr. and Mrs. J.S. KING of Bellingham, Wash., announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to Kenneth E. JACKSON of Kinmundy. A late August wedding is being planned. Kenneth is Chief Engineer and Announcer at Station K.P.U.G. Bellingham, Wash. and is well known here.
- Charles WHITE will have a 30 minute program on Station WCNT Jan. 29th. The program will consist of music from local talent.
- Ener ZIMMER, Harvey HANNA, and Glen BRASEL Receive Fractured Pelvises in Falls: Ener ZIMMER had the misfortune of tripping over a board Saturday at work at the Ingram Elevator while carrying a sack of feed. The impact of his fall resulted in a fractured pelvis. He was taken to the Salem Hospital where Dr. Chas. PRUETT examined him and then sent him on to the St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis. The last reports are to the effect that he is doing O.K. A double accident occurred Tuesday afternoon when Harvey HANNA and Glen BRASEL were jerked from the top of a load of bailed hay by a telephone wire. Mr. HANNA had baled some timothy hay on his farm north of town and had engaged Lowell DISS with his truck to haul it to his home just north of this city. He had also engaged Glen BRASEL and Ben BUTTS, his hired man, to help. Mr. BUTTS was riding in the cab with Mr. DISS while Mr. HANNA and Mr. BRASEL were riding on top of the load. Both men were riding sidewise with Mr. HANNA in front. They said they had forgotten about this telephone wire crossing the road west toward the Russell WILLIAMS farm. The wire struck Harvey and dragged them both off. Earl DOOLEN and Alva OLDEN, passed by soon after the accident. They stopped and after a little examination, Earl drove on to the Russell WILLIAMS home to telephone for the ambulance. But this telephone wire was broken. Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER happened to be visiting the WILLIAMS home at this time and they came to town for the ambulance. Mr. DISS and Mr. BUTTS knew nothing of the accident until they stopped at the HANNA barn to unload the hay. As soon as they missed the men, they went back to look for them. They arrived on the scene in time to see them being put into the ambulance. Both men received pelvis injuries and Glen a compound fracture of the right arm. They were taken to the Salem Hospital where Dr. Chas. PRUETT examined them and sent them on to the Alexian Bros. Hospital in St. Louis.
- Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil I. MARSHALL of Whitehall spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Florence MARSHALL and brother Robert and family. Virgil is Superintendent of the Whitehall Schools, and just recently moved there from Villa Grove.
- Meacham: William COOK of LaClede died and services were held Monday in Farina with interment in Keen’s Chapel Cemetery.
Aug. 3, 1950:
- Porter MALONE Dies: Emmitt Porter MALONE, born of Frank and Alice MALONE, on April 3, 1883, and died July 30, 1950. He was united in marriage to Anna POLANKA Nov. 25, 1916, and they had three children: Joseph, Clyde, and Martha. He was a farmer until ill health forced him to take up residence in Alma, in February of 1946. He is survived by his widow, Anna; and three children: Joseph of Edgewood; Clyde of Watson; and Martha COLLIER of Alma, all of whom are living. Three grandchildren, also, two brothers and one sister, Lyman of Alma; Ellis of Arizona; and Bessie of Shattuc. Services were held from the Alma Methodist Church with interment in Martin Cemetery.
- How the Story Grew: Jesse GEORGE, Ray GEORGE, and Frank GREEN went to the Okaw River Sunday afternoon to look after some traps they had set. They had one which had been set on Decoration Day and on account of high water, had not been able to examine it since. They started in looking for it and after so long a time, located it. They had a mighty hard time raising it and they supposed that it had buried itself in the mud. But after getting it to the boat, they found that it was full of catfish. In fact, the fish were packed in it and could not move. There were two weighing 15 pounds each, and several smaller ones. In all, the fish weighed 50 pounds. This was the story as related by Ray GEORGE, direct to the writer. The next time we heard the story, it was a 25 pounder, one 15 and some smaller ones. The next time the story grew to a 35 pounder and a 15. Then it jumped up to just one 50 pounder. Anyway, we are glad the total weight stayed the same. All this brought up Jesse’s blood pressure to such a pitch that he, in company with his father, Ray GEORGE, and his nephew, Keith SCHWABE and Gene ERNST, left early Tuesday morning for Kentucky Dam, where they will try their luck at some real fishing. They will return tomorrow.
- Jess GARRISON is moving his hardware store from the present location to the Bank Building formerly occupied by Garden’s Hardware. He expects to have everything in readiness and open for business by Aug. 12th.
- The Kinmundy Lumber Co. have commenced the construction of a large garage and filling station just north of the lumber yard. It will include the present filling station standing on the site.
- Mr. and Mrs. R.W. BAYLIS and children and Mr. and Mrs. A.J. BAYLIS attended the REINDL reunion in Taylorville, Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. John W. SHAFFER announce the arrival of Susan Earline weight 7 lb. in the Salem Memorial Hospital Aug. 1st.
- Members of the DAY family held a reunion Sunday in the Kinmundy Park with a basket dinner served at noon. The group decided to hold their reunion the last Sunday in July. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert DAY and Mr. and Mrs. Paul BECK and son, Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Earl GOBEN and William DAY, Champaign; Mr. and Mrs. Walter SMITH and daughter, Litchfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ben DAY and son and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis REITHMANN of East St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Ira WILLIAMS, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DAY and daughter, Mt. Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. DAY, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DAY, and Mrs. Myrtle DAY, Alma, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. DAY, Jr., and son, Kinmundy.
- Clyde W. PRUETT: Clyde W., son of Meredith and Cornelia DUEL PRUETT, was born in Kinmundy, Aug. 6, 1882. He died in Belleville, July 26, 1950. He was one of six children, all of whom preceded him in death. On Sept. 21, 1904 in St. Joe, Michigan, he married Mittie PARKER, and they had 2 children. He was employed by the C. & E.I. railroad for a number of years until ill health forced him to retire. He had always made his home in Kinmundy until two years ago when he and his wife went Belleville to reside with their daughter. He leaves his wife; one son, Kleon, Bellefontaine, Ohio; one daughter, Mrs. Marcelline JONES, Belleville, Ill.; three grandsons, Richard and John PRUETT, Russiaville, Ind.; and Bobby JONES, Belleville. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home Saturday, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- The site was blessed and the ground broken for the new St. Philomena Church Sunday morning. At the present time, St. Philomena Parish has a membership of 75, representing 22 families. The old church, a poorly constructed frame structure, standing in the northeast part of town, was built in 1870. Only living members who can recall the building of this church are Charles METZGER, 89, and John LIKE, 86, both living away from here, making their home with their children. According to the history of the church, services were held in Kinmundy as early as 1866, in private homes, by visiting Franciscan Fathers from Teutopolis. The new church will be modern in every respect, and the lot was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS.
- Pleasant Grove: The funeral of Delbert FISK was held at Woodlawn Church Saturday. Mrs. Herschel ROSE and baby attended the funeral.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB spent Sunday in Sumner, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER.
- Meadow Branch: Mrs. Freda GARRETT and Mrs. Florence MARSHALL and Mrs. Robert MARSHALL were callers at the home of Mrs. Pearl LENHART Friday.
- In Memoriam of Mrs. Kate BUSWELL, who died Aug. 7, 1948.
Aug. 10, 1950:
- Herschel B. WILKINSON was installed Aug. 5th as acting postmaster of West Frankfort on Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo DONOVAN of Paducah, Ky. spent Sunday here helping her mother, Mrs. Margaret O’BRIEN, celebrate her birthday. Others present at the dinner Sunday were Mrs. W.B. VALLOW, Mrs. Laverne KEEN and son, Pat, and Miss Cornelia O’BRIEN.
- The 21st Reunion of the BROWN family was held in Bryan Memorial Park at Salem on Aug. 6, 1950. Three of the older members of the family, Mrs. Allie BAGOTT of Kinmundy, Mrs. Tillie O’CONNELL of Effingham, and Mrs. Rose BROWN of Farina were present. There were also 51 other relatives from near and far. (A list was included.) After a bountiful dinner, a short business meeting was held. Mrs. Tillie O’CONNELL was re-elected as president and Mrs. Lois deWERFF as secretary. The only two members of the family are Merle STORCK who was married to Frances VANSANT, Apr. 7, 1950. The afternoon was spent in visiting etc. John McFEE told of his recent trip to Ottumua, Iowa, and news of the McFEE Reunion. Lawrence McFEE had written an interesting letter which all enjoyed, and Noel SMITH reported on their vacation in Florida.
- Dwight C. DAY, Jr. has received his orders to report to Great Lakes training station Aug. 19 and from there he will be sent to Atak, Alaska, an island off the southwest coast of Alaska.
- Mr. and Mrs. Art COCKRELL have purchased the Nora YOUNKIN property owned by the Christian Church and are planning to move there soon.
- Miss Geneva Mae CHARLTON, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess CHARLTON, residing south of this city, and George MULVANEY, 17, foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert OUTHOUSE, residing east of this city, were married Thursday evening in the Methodist parsonage in this city by the Rev. Angus PHILLIPS. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Paul COURSON, Jr. The bride is a graduate of Kinmundy H.S. with the class of ‘50. The couple will make their home with the groom’s parents.
- Jimmy Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LUX, underwent a tonsillectomy at the Salem Hospital Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edward ESSARY are the parents of a girl born Aug. 8th in Mattoon Memorial Hospital, named Sandra Jean.
- Word was received here of the passing of Mrs. Bert WILKINSON in the hospital in Rockford, Sunday. Her illness was of short duration. Services were held in Rockford on Wednesday. Mrs. WILKINSON is survived by her husband and one son, W. Oscar WILKINSON and wife. Those from here attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude WILKINSON, and Mr. and Mrs. Herschel WILKINSON of West Frankfort.
- Larry PIPER was a guest of honor on his 3rd birthday at a party given by his mother Saturday. Larry received lots of gifts and ice cream and cake were served. Present were: Mrs. LaVern KEEN and son, Pat; Mrs. Dick GRAY and daughter, Gloria, Mrs. Harold ROBB and children of Sullivan; Mrs. Duane HANNA and son, Randy of Salem; Mrs. Charles BASSETT and sons, Mrs. Art BOYD and sons, Mrs. Earl DOOLEN and daughter, Pam; Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER and children, Donna and Cindy WILLIAMS, Johnny DAY and Jean ALEXANDER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter BROOM of Salem have a son born Aug 2 named David Allen. He is their second son and child. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. BROOM of Alma are the paternal grandparents.
- A Girl! Mr. and Mrs. Darrell LIVESAY of Decatur are parents of a daughter, born Aug. 6, weighing seven pounds. Mr. LIVESAY is a former Kinmundy resident.
- Miss Elsie TOCKSTEIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph TOCKSTEIN, Sr., became the bride of Jamie McGEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis MAHON of Granite City on Aug. 5 at the Alma Methodist Church. Rev. E.M. DYCUS, pastor of the Methodist Church in Granite City, officiated. Attending the couple were the bride’s sister, Mrs. Ann WILLIAMS of Chicago and Hubert H. POTTS of Granite City. Wyona CROSLEY and Miss Rojean ALDERSON provided the music. A reception was held at the TOCKSTEIN home north of Alma. The bride is a teacher at the Greenridge School, and the groom is a teacher in the Kinmundy H.S. They will make their home in Robnett apartments.
- The annual Homecoming and Basket Dinner will be held at the Pleasant Grove Church Sunday, Aug. 13. Everyone welcome.
- An architect’s drawing of the new St. Philomena Church which is being constructed at the corner of Madison and Sycamore streets was included.
- Meacham (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Carl CRAIN and Mrs. Ruben CRAIN were in Sandoval Sunday attending funeral of Mrs. Carl CRAIN’s grandchildren, Mr. NETTLES.
- Pleasant Grove: Some from here attended the charivari and shower for Mr. and Mrs. Tommy SHREFFLER at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert SMITH Friday night.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Carroll SIMMONS attended the funeral of his aunt, Miss Alice DEERING in Kell on Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gene BURKETT have a baby daughter born in Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia on Monday.
Aug. 17, 1950:
- The PARRILL family reunion held their 45th annual reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin PARRILL in Farina Sunday with 52 in attendance. A basket dinner was featured at noon. Those from Kinmundy who attended were Misses Eva and Ella PARRILL, Mr. and Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM, Mrs. B.E. SIPLE, and Mrs. Ed HOHLT. Dean PARRILL of Farina was elected president and Miss Eva PARRILL, secretary.
- Miss Zola ROBNETT received a telephone call from her mother Monday stating that Bud was in the hospital in Brownsville, Texas, with an attack of appendicitis but it was thought that they could proceed with their trip the following morning. Mrs. ROBNETT, in company with her sons, Bud and Quinnie, are on a vacation trip through the south.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil HARVEY moved their household goods here Tuesday from Ridgefarm to the property recently sold to George KESSLER by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford OLDEN. Their three children will be with them this weekend. Mr. HARVEY is becoming a partner of his cousin, Kenneth ROBB, in the implement business, in this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Erschel JENKINS have a son, Terry Wayne, in the Mark Greer Hospital on Aug. 10th. He and mother are now at home.
- Mr. Lewis J.T. O’DELL, superintendent, the local schools will open their doors Sept. 1st. The same teaching staff will be maintained as last year, with the exception of the commercial teacher in the high school. Mr. U. Frank MILLER, of Murray, Ky., will replace Carl ROBINSON.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wydell PIGG have a daughter, Cheryl Ann, born in the Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia on Aug. 11th.
- A letter from PFC Paul WEST, who enlisted in Nov. ‘49 and is now with the first cavalry division in Korea. The letter dated July 29 includes the following excerpts: “Well, I guess I’d better write a letter - I don’t know from one minute to the next whether I’ll be alive or not. These Koreans are tough and there’s no getting around it either. I’ve seen so many dead and wounded I never want to see another as long as I live. We don’t eat, drink or sleep. All we do is fight, fight, fight. It’s kill or be killed. It’s driving me crazy. I’ll be sitting down trying to sleep or eat and a sniper shoots and knocks a hole thru your cap or plate (mess gear we call it) or see your buddy shot. These people are crazy. I am scared. I don’t give a damn who knows it. So is all my buddies and everyone else. We have five tanks of the enemy and lots of heavy equipment too, but don’t believe the radio as we hear it too and we can laugh at what they tell the states. Well, I got to take off again. We don’t have envelopes or paper, so I’ll do the best I can.”
- Harvey HANNA and Glen BRASEL returned home from the Alexian Brothers Hospital in St. Louis Sunday. Harvey is able to be about with the aid of crutches and able to drive his car most anywhere. Glen isn’t quite so frisky but is able to be up and about the house with the aid of crutches.
- Jimmy, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale McCARTY of near Iola, and a great grandson of Jake McCARTY of near this city, fell in a well on Monday of last week. He was visiting at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George KESSLER. Mr. KESSLER happened to see the lad fall and jumped in after see the lad fall and jumped in after him. The well was 8 feet in diameter and Mr. KESSLER had to cling to the pump-pipe until help arrived to pull both of them out. A broken board on the well platform was the cause of the accident.
- Meacham: A bridal shower for Mr. and Mrs. George MULVANEY was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murrell REESE Thursday.
Aug. 24, 1950:
- Mr. and Mrs. Keith GREEN of St. Peter have a daughter, Deborah Kay, born in Mark Greer Hospital, Vandalia on Aug. 16. The mother, before her marriage, was Lorna Mae DREWES. Mr. and Mrs. Victor DREWES of St. Peter, and Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GREEN are the grandparents.
- Dwight DAY, Jr., has been called back into the service. He reported to Great Lakes, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce OLDEN and Mrs. DAY accompanied him to Chicago and returned home Saturday. Mrs. DAY plans to spend this weekend in Chicago.
- Mr. and Mrs. Russell WILLIAMS and children served a delicious chicken dinner to the following: Mr. Harvey, Charlotte, DeDe and Mary HONN of Mahomet, and Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON and Martha. It was in commemoration of their 13th wedding anniversary.
- The 14th Annual Reunion for former Illinois residents was held Aug. 20th at Ferguson Park, Okamos, Mich. The group was extremely pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Dwight HANNA and daughter, Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and Judy Ann, Miss Martha HANNA, and Mrs. Amelia ROBB ATKINSON visit them at this reunion. Others who attended are: Mr. and Mrs. Carl HEADLEY and Dean and Darwin, Mrs. Cecil HEADLEY, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Sam P. ROBB, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington FULLER and Marge Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Duane SKINNER and sons, David, Billy and Dennis, Miss Mary Edith ROBB, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ROBERTS and Gary and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ROBB were absent on account of Mrs. ROBB being in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE with Sammy and Johnny and who had been visiting friends and relatives in Michigan for a few days were unable to remain for the reunion.
- Woodrow JOHNSTON Fatally Injured In Truck Accident Early Wednesday Morn: Woodrow JOHNSTON, 33, was killed instantly Wednesday north of Sandoval on State Route 51, when his pickup truck overturned. He was taken to the undertaking parlor at Sandoval and later removed here to the Linton Funeral Home. Riding with him was Mr. Harley HILL, residing south of this city. Mr. HILL was taken to the Centralia Hospital and treated for bruises. Services for Mr. JOHNSTON will be held Friday from the Christian Church in this city, Rev. Delmar DEBAULT, officiating. Interment will be made in Elder Cemetery in Meacham twp.
- Rev. M.L. WATSON, 77, was found dead in bed by his family at his home in Alma, Tuesday morning. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home and prepared for burial. Services will be held this afternoon from the Alma Methodist Church, Rev. Frank TREADWAY, officiating. Interment will be made in the Alma Cemetery. Rev. WATSON was a retired Methodist Minister.
- Rev. and Mrs. Angus PHILLIPS were in Sandoval Sunday where Rev. PHILLIPS officiated at the wedding in the Methodist Church of Miss Rose Marie GIBSON of Sandoval, and Neil E. DAVIS of Centralia.
- The Marion County Singing Convention will be held at Sandy Branch, in Foster twp., Sunday, Aug. 27, at 2 p.m. Featured on the program will be the Little Wabash Five of Effingham; The Cox Family of Palestine; The Hawley Quartet, Salem; The Jones Quartet, Arnold Chapel; and the Mother-Daughter Quartet, Omega. There will be several other numbers by local talent.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bailey WILKINSON have a son Paul Cole on Aug. 18 in Holden Hospital in Carbondale.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Jess CHARLTON and son Larry, were in Farina Sunday helping her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John KAISER celebrate their 44th wedding anniversary. Her mother returned home with her for a short visit.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Selby GARRETT spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND.
- Wilson School: A charivari and shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess CHARLTON for their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MULVANEY. A large crowd was in attendance.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. John SHAFFER and Sammy, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Herschel ROSE and family attended the Young Married Couples Meeting in Salem Friday night.
Aug. 31, 1950:
- Mrs. S.A. WHISNANT Passes 90th Birthday and Honored at Family Reunion Sunday: In a house just 2 blocks east of the Methodist Church in Kinmundy lives a charming, gracious lady all alone. Her home is a gathering place for many of the neighbors, for they all like to call on her, and although she was 90, Saturday, Aug. 26, even those much younger, find her the “life of the group” for Mrs. WHISNANT still has a youthful outlook and a keen sense of humor. She was born in Jennings Co., Ind. in 1860, the daughter of Joseph and Virginia (GENTRY) GALLOWAY, the 4th child in a family of 6 children, made up of 5 girls and 1 boy. When only a little past 1 year of age, she was brought by her parents to a farm on the old Mt. Vernon-Salem road, just about 7 miles south of Salem. The old homestead and part of the land still belongs to GALLOWAY descendants. Traveling was hard in those days, so Mr. GALLOWAY and the 2 older children made the trek to the new home in a covered wagon, accompanied by a neighbor, but Mrs. GALLOWAY and the 2 younger children remained with her husband’s parents until she received world that the new home had been reached, when they came on the train. During the period of waiting, Mrs. GALLOWAY sewed for the children, making among the clothing, dresses for the baby (Mrs. WHISNANT). One day the grandfather came in and said, “Why are you making THREE dresses for the baby? She will just outgrow them.” Whereupon the grandmother answered, “Well, when one dress is in the wash, and one gets soiled, what would you do if you did not have the third one?” Life was rugged in the new country on the GALLOWAY farm and everyone had a share in the work. Since there were two older girls in the family, and only one boy, Mrs. WHISNANT has often remarked that she always had to be a milkmaid. However, there was much fun and enjoyment in the family, and the strict Presbyterian training of those days built a strong foundation for sterling character, and the family had the respect of the entire neighborhood for fair and honest dealings. A person who had loaned Mr. GALLOWAY some money on the farm remarked once, “I always knew that the day before payment is due, Mr. GALLOWAY will be on hand with his money.” The farm was a sort of inn to early day travelers, for the Mt. Vernon-Salem road was a main thoroughfare in those days, and people would often stop for the night in this home. The deep well on the place, still in use, has long been known for it’s good cold water, and people used to stop for a drink, who had driven a long distance to get this water. In those days people drove their cattle and hogs to St. Louis market, having to stop several times along the way, and the GALLOWAY home was one of the stopping places. The large barn accommodated the stock and the drivers were given shelter in the home, often crowding it in capacity. In the winter, often a circle of men would surround the fireplace, the only means of heating the house, and leave the children shivering in the background. After the GALLOWAYS came to Illinois, two more daughters were born and all of the family lived to be 75, or older, but at this time only Mrs. WHISNANT and one sister, Mrs. May SIMER of Monticello, now 82 years of age are left. Others of the family, all of whom spent all or most of their lives in Marion county, were: Alice (Mrs. George HUFF); Wilson (H.W. GALLOWAY); Emma (Mrs. Richard FARTHING); and Ollie (Mrs. Samuel BOGAN). At one time when Wilson was a young lad working away from home in White Co., Ill., one of the sisters wrote him a letter, telling that eggs were “down to three cents a dozen”. Mrs. WHISNANT was named Semeila Ann, but the family soon began calling her “Nan” and that is what most of her relatives call her. However, in school, she was known as “Anne” GALLOWAY, and that is the name by which her husband always called her. In her youth, she was active in the Tyroneen Literature Society held for a number of years at the old Rainey school house, and the young people for miles around attended, through the only means of travel in those days was on foot, horseback, or in wagons. Those literary meetings were educational, for many original essays were written and read, a newspaper was featured spirited debates and lively business meetings gave the young people training. Many romances were started and developed here, when the boys asked to “see you home,” etc. In 1875, an elaborate “Exhibition” sponsored by Miss Mollie BLOYS, teacher in Rainey school, was given and was attended by people from the neighboring towns of Salem and Centralia. A glance over the old program shows that the GALLOWAY young people had a generous part on the program and Annie GALLOWAY gave a declamation “Popping Corn”, sang a solo “The Step-Mother”, and helped in a dialogue, entitled “The Noblest Boy”. The seats in the old Rainey school were made of logs split in the center and smoothed off, and the building was made of logs. Anne GALLOWAY was popular among the young people, and had many friends among the boys, but at an early age she centered her affections on David C. WHISNANT, and they were married in February, 1879, beginning housekeeping in a small cottage near the county line in Raccoon twp. As was customary in those days, their furniture was very meager, some of it being homemade. After a few years, they moved to Alma twp., near Kinmundy, and later to Kinmundy, where the remainder of her life has been spent. Four boys were born to them: Boyd, who now lives near Portland, Ore.; Earl, who has made his home in Virginia, Ill.; George, who died May 1949; and Noah, who resides on a farm near Argenta, Ill. Since the death of Mr. WHISNANT in August, 1926, Mrs. WHISNANT has lived alone most of the time, sometimes going to the home of a son, a sister, or a niece, for the winter months. She still does her own housework, cans vegetables and fruits, even making some garden, and does her own laundry. She looks after her business affairs, and when she goes to town, one is reminded of the song “A little bit of business here. Little bit of business there.” as she trips about the streets on her errands. She isn’t “set in her ways” but is very agreeable and easy to live with. She often says she tries to “do as she is told”, but she can still make her own decisions, and has a saving sense of humor. Besides her sister, her sons, she has 17 grandchildren, and more than 20 great-grandchildren. On Sunday, Aug. 27, relatives and friends to the number of 69, gathered in the Salem Memorial Park in Salem with well filled baskets for a birthday celebration. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Woodrow JOHNSTON Given Military Rites Friday: Woodrow Clay JOHNSTON, second son of Grover and Jessie LAMPKIN JOHNSTON, was born in Meacham twp. Sept. 10, 1918 and died Aug. 23, 1950. He attended Booker School and grew to manhood in that community taking part in the usual boyish activities. He served in the C.C. Camp and on Oct. 17, 1940, he enlisted in the army and was honorably discharged after 4 years of honest and faithful service to his country. He leaves his mother and father; two brother, Merl and Harvey; one sister, Mrs. Helen HAMPSTEN; two sisters-in-law; one brother-in-law; and two nephews. Services were held from the Christian Church Friday, Bro. Delmar DEBAULT, officiating. Interment was made in Elder Cemetery under the auspices of the Kinmundy Post of the American Legion.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Junior SQUIBB and son moved from Salem Monday to the residence property formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J.N. VALLOW. Mr. SQUIBB has employment with Linton Funeral Home. Mrs. SQUIBB, nee Barbara MURPHY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter MURPHY, is a former resident of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DOOLEN and daughter have purchased the HANNA Café and will take charge Sept. 1st. Mr. DOOLEN will continue his barber business while Mrs. DOOLEN and Lela Mae will operate the café.
- Services Held Last Thursday for J. Lem BALLANCE: John Lemuel BALLANCE, son of Rev. John Henry and Sarah Frances MORGAN BALLANCE, was born June 3, 1882, on a farm northwest of Kinmundy, and spent the early years of his life there. He attended Kinmundy and Farina High Schools and taught in country schools 12 years. Lem was married to Stella MILLER Nov. 3, 1903. To them were born 2 daughters, Alice and Helen, now Mrs. Edwin STEVENSON of Alton, and Mrs. John PETERS of Meredosia. An implement business in Kinmundy and later ownership of the Kinmundy Express occupied his time until he went to Salem in 1922. He remained there as County Treasurer and Circuit Clerk for 14 years, returning to his farm near Kinmundy, where he spent the remainder of his life, doing the work he loved best in the fields and around the home, enjoying the fellowship of neighbors and friends and especially rejoicing in his deeply satisfying family life. He was a member of the Masonic Order for 42 years and is well remembered for his ability as an auctioneer. Lem was one of ten children, six of whom died in early childhood. Two sisters, Lulu WARREN and Josie ROBB, also preceded him in death. Another older brother, George Thomas BALLANCE, survives. In addition to his wife, the two daughters and two granddaughters, Jacqueline PETERS and Carole STEVENSON mourn their loss. He passed away on Aug. 22, 1950. Services were held from the Methodist church Thursday, Rev. C.L. HILL of Farina officiating, and Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, assisting. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mont RITTER have a son born in Salem Hospital on Aug. 26th.
- Rites for Frank GREEN Held Wednesday: Isaac Franklin GREEN, son of Philip and Nancy GREEN, was born in Foster twp. Nov. 1, 1884. He spent his boyhood on the farm, going to school at North Fork and Sandy Branch. He spent his life farming and running a blacksmith shop, sawmill, and threshing machine. He married Nola SCHWARM, and they had a daughter, Fern, now Mrs. John J. SYFERT. He died Aug. 27, 1950, and leaves to mourn his daughter of Mode, Ill; a granddaughter, Helen Kay; 4 sisters, Anne of Houston, Texas; Mae and Bertha MALINSKY of Kinmundy; Myrtle LANSFORD of Alma; 3 brothers, William L. of Kinmundy, Lucian E. of South Bend, Ind., and John F. of Calif. Services were held from the Sandy Branch Shed Wednesday, Rev. Delmar DEBAULT, officiating with interment in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Rites for Robert PARRISH to be held Friday: Robert PARRISH, 73, died a his home in Salem Tuesday and brought here to the Linton Funeral Home. He is a former Kinmundy resident. Surviving are his wife, Mary, and the following children: Cleon of Owoso, Mich.; Mrs. Robert CLAY, Chicago; Mrs. Jesse GEORGE, Kinmundy; Estes and Nell, Champaign; Paul and Mrs. Geneva OSBORNE, Creve Coeur; Mrs. Roberta GREEN, Patoka; Hilda, Salem; and step-daughter, Marle GERHART of Salem. Services will be held Friday from the Linton Funeral Home with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert LINDER have a son born Aug. 24th named Samuel Ellis.
- The Kinmundy Wide Awakes 4-H Club, under the direction of Gene ERNST, made a fine showing at the County Fair last week. The regular 4-H Show was held on Saturday and the awards in our club were as follows: CLASS A - Blue Ribbon: Betty ERNST, Angus Steer; Shirley ERNST, Angus heifer; Lewis O’DELL, Hampshire gilt; Charles ERNST, Bourbon red turkey; CLASS B - Red Ribbon: Keith DISS, Corrledale ewe lamb; Kent O’DELL, Hampshire ewe lamb; Morris MAXEY, Jersey heifer; CLASS C - White Ribbon: Gary KLINE, Holstein heifer. On Wednesday some of the Wide awakes showed their livestock in the Junior Show. The awards were: First Place - Lewis MAXEY, Jersey heifer under six months; Second Place - Morris MAXEY, Jersey heifer under one year; First Place - Keith DISS for Corrledale ewe and lamb; Second Place - Shirley ERNST for Angus heifer; Third and Fourth Places - Lewis O’DELL for Hampshire gilts; Third Place - Jimmy HESTER for Spotted Poland gilt. The MAXEY boys won first and fourth place in the Open Class with their Jersey heifers. All the Wide-Awakes are to be commended for their show this year.
- Lt. Lewis SPURLIN, WWII veteran in the Pacific who remained in the Marine Reserve after WWII, was called back to service and reported Aug. 5 to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif. In WWII, he served as a radio man with ground troops and after the war has been on the police force in Los Angeles, Calif. for 4 years. He has a leave from the Department. He is married and has a son 8 months old. Lieut. SPURLIN is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. SPURLIN of Vandalia, Ill.
- Pvt. John HOYT landed in Korea on Aug. 17th, according to a letter from him to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOYT. He is stationed in Tusan with the supply line unit, and according to his letter, he is not much in love with the country.
- About 30 relatives and friends visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.E. CORRELL, Sunday. Among them were Louis VOGEL and family and friend of St. Elmo, Altus COX and family and friend of Palestine, Clifton LEMAY and family of Kinmundy, and Mrs. F.S. HARRIS of Meacham. At the noon hour a table was spread out of door with plenty of good things to eat. After dinner, all motored to Sandy Branch to the Marion County Singing Convention, where the COX children took a very active part in the program.
- KEEN Family Reunion Held Sunday: The first annual KEEN Reunion was held Sunday in the Salem Park with 44 present to partake of the bounteous basket dinner at the noon hour. It was decided by the group present that this would be an annual affair and the last Sunday in August was set as the date. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene KEEN, Mr. and Mrs. Ed HALL and 4 children, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin GEILER and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil KEEN, Mr. and Mrs. Burl GREEN and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George KEEN and 2 sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ray OLDEN and son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern KEEN and son, Mr. and Mrs. Percy FOLLOWELL and 4 children, Charles COATNEY and son, Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie HALL and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy HALL all of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley JASPER and son of Centralia.
- JACKSON Family Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. O.B. JACKSON of Plainview, Texas, were guests of honor at a picnic dinner at Boston Lake Sunday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON, Martha and granddaughter, Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Lee SKEEN and daughter, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Jack GILLEY of Edwardsville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred GILLEY of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Donald GILLEY of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Lester THALMAN and daughter and Miss Joyce VAN SANT of Vandalia; Mr. and Mrs. M.H. HART of Champaign; Mr. and Mrs. William HUMPHREY and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. ALEXANDER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merle JACKSON, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl DUNLAP.
- Mrs. George GILLESPIE of Anderson, Ind. and Mrs. Charles ROBB of Decatur came Friday to visit a few days with their sister, Mrs. Elizabeth ATKINS and attend the HOLT Reunion.
- Mrs. Luke NORRIS died Tuesday in Effingham Hospital. She was a sister of Mrs. Ervin CHEATUM.
Sept. 7, 1950:
- Lewis J.T. O’DELL begins his 5th as superintendent of the local schools. Schools opened Friday, Sept. 1st with a total enrollment of 336 students. Of that, 173 are enrolled in the high school. The grade school faculty consists of Mrs. Florence WEISS, grades 1 &2; Miss Alice READNOUR, grades 2 & 3; Miss Hester HEATON, grades 4 & 5; Mrs. Alice LEWIN, grades 6 & 7; Lester HOWELL, grades 7 & 8. The faculty of the high school consists of Lewis J.T. O’DELL, Physics; Jamie McGEE, mathematics and grade coach; Ruby O’DELL, English; Hugh MILLER, Commerce; Olivia LOVELACE, history and girls’ physical education; Thomas BURMMET, civics and boys’ physical education; Helen LAUGHBAUM, English and French; Beulah McCLURE, science and biology; Katherine GADDIS, home economics. The janitors are Mel BOYD and Alva OLDEN. Mr. BOYD started his 26th year as janitor of the local school on June 1st. (A picture was included of Mel BOYD.)
- Robert Milton PARRISH, son of Nathan J. and Annah R. PARRISH, was born Aug. 4, 1877 at Shoals, Ind., and died Aug. 29, 1950 at his home in Salem. He was the 6th child of a family of 10 children, of which, only one survives. He was married to Rosetta RICHARDSON on Dec. 24, 1900, and they had 11 children. She died Feb. 8, 1920. He was again married to Mary E. SCOTT on Sept. 17, 1927, and they had 3 children. He was preceded in death by 4 children and leaves to his passing, his wife, Mary; 4 sons: Cleon, Omosso, Mich.; Neil, Sharpsville, Pa.; Estus, St. Joseph, Ill.; Paul, Flint, Mich.; 6 daughters: Mrs. Leta CLAY, Chicago; Mrs. Eva GEORGE, Kinmundy; Mrs. Geneva OSBORN, Peoria; Mrs. Roberta GREEN, Patoka; Mrs. Marie GERHART, Kansas City, Kan.; Mrs. Hilda PHILLIPS, Waukegan; and one sister, Mrs. Junnie CAMPBELL, Brazil, Ind. Also 24 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.
- A family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Sarah MILLER on Sept. 3rd. Those present were: Mrs. Victoria JACKSON and son, Grover BAILEY, of Kinmundy; Mrs. Margaret DAVIDSON and son, Roe and family of Odin, and son, Sam and daughter, of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Jim BRADY and son of Centralia; Ted MILLER of Lansing, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill MILLER of Tuscola, and Mrs. Nell WILSON of Decatur. All enjoyed a basket dinner at noon.
- Miss Lillian BUNDY, daughter of Mrs. Eunice BUNDY, and Lester VANDEVEER, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. VANDEVEER, were married Thursday at the Methodist parsonage with Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Henry SPENCER were their attendants. After a wedding dinner at the home of the bride’s mother, the couple left for a two-week’s trip to Minnesota and Canada, after which they will make their home on a farm near Kinmundy. The bride graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in June this year, and the groom also graduated from Kinmundy H.S. and has been farming with his father.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bill HOUSE of Mansfield have a son born in Burnham City Hospital in Champaign on Sept. 5. The HOUSES now have two daughters and a son.
- A cowboy birthday party was held Saturday in honor of the 7th birthday of John VANDEVEER by his mother, Mrs. Herbert VANDEVEER. Refreshments of birthday cake decorated in a ranch scene, ice cream and grape kool-aid were served. Favors of pocket-sized cowboy story books were on each plate. Those present were: Patty and Larry SHAFFER, Joan and Mary Jane ANDERSON, Mary Ann and Ray Jr. VANDEVEER, Charles and Garry ERNST, Buddy HOWELL, Ernest VANDEVEER, Mrs. Paul SHAFFER, Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON, and Mrs. Ray VANDEVEER.
- Word has been received that Pfc Marion E. SHAFFER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette SHAFFER, is in Korea, with the 17th Division. He has been stationed in Japan since Feb. 1949.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SOLDNER spent Thursday in Watson attending the Luke NORRIS funeral.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glen WHITE accompanied their son, Charles, to Carbondale Tuesday where he will enter Southern Illinois University.
- Mr. H.L. WARREN received word this week of the death of J.D. DEFFENDALL, 87, which occurred at his home in Oakland City, Ind. on Aug. 25th. He was a very good friend to Mr. WARREN and several years ago held a meeting here at the Southern Methodist Church.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wydell PIGG and family moved to Carbondale Tuesday where Mr. PIGG will enter Southern Illinois University.
- Mrs. Ray GEORGE had the misfortune to catch her left arm in the wringer of her washing machine and is suffering from a badly bruised arm, but she reported no bones broken.
- Omega (from last week): Omega School began Monday with See MILLICAN as teacher and an attendance of 26 the first day.
- Meacham Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON attended the HARRELL Reunion Sunday at Brown Park in Flora. Owing to the threatening weather, only around 50 attended.
- Meacham: Several of the children of Mr. and Mrs. WYATT held a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER, Sunday in honor of Mr. WYATT’s birthday.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Bill SLANE and family attended a family reunion at the Tom SLANE home Sunday.
- Wilson School (from last week): Mr. BABER of Kinmundy is helping Leo STOCK paint the interior of Allen School this week. An addition was recently built to the school house.
- Pleasant Grove: Allen School started Friday with Mrs. Merle WALKINGTON as teacher. There was no school Monday due to Labor Day. Mrs. Oran ALDERSON is hauling the children.
- Mrs. Ed FORD of Alma visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Tom BALLANCE.
Sept. 14, 1950:
- Rehearsals Going forward for Legion Home Talent Show Next Tues. and Wed.: Tom BARRETT, Chairman of the Cast Committee, and Mrs. Dordia KEENE, dramatic coach, have announced that Mrs. Raymond ATKINS has been chosen to play the role of Aunt Silly in the famous comedy. Miss Mildred KLEISS, Bill WILLIAMS, Wyett COLCLASURE, Wayne ROBB, Mrs. Lola WILLIAMS, Mrs. Jean SIPES, Mrs. Maxine ROBB, Miss Phyllis HOYT, Mrs. Lorraine DOOLEN, and Ed SHREFFLER are also starring in the show.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth PIGG of East Orange, N.J. are parents of a daughter according to word received here by the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. PIGG.
- The Kinmundy’s Woman’s Club held it’s first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. F.O. GRISSOM Friday with Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT presiding. Secretary’s Report was read by the new secretary, Mrs. Hester HOWELL, and Mrs. C.R. ALDERSON gave the Treasurer’s report. Miss Elizabeth BROOM of Alma, a student at Scarritz College in Nashville, Tenn. was a guest and presented a voice recital accompanied by Mrs. A.M. WILSON of Alma. Seven new members joined: Miss Edith MORGAN, Mrs. E.R. LOWE, Mrs. Walter WEISS, Miss Ella PARRILL, Miss Evelyn KILLIE, Mrs. Kenneth ROBB, and Mrs. Cecil HARVEY.
- On Sept. 6th, Mrs. Emil MEYER, assisted by Mrs. Ralph ROSE and Mrs. Herbert ANDERSON, honored Miss Ruth MEYER with a linen shower at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER. 35 were present. Miss MEYER is soon to become the bride of Woodson PHOENIX of Walnut Hill.
- Pvt. Paul WEST Seriously Wounded in Korea Sept. 4th: Mrs. Pauline WEST INGRAM received a telegram from the War Dept. Wednesday informing her that her son, Pvt. Paul WEST, had been seriously wounded in action on Sept. 4th in Korea and that he was now hospitalized. She also received a letter on the same day from Paul, dated Sept. 4th, but said nothing about being wounded. Evidently the letter was written before hand.
- Mrs. Denard MERCER, of Salem, was honored with a surprise birthday dinner at her home Saturday with 16 present. Those from Kinmundy attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred SEE and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles KLINE and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McCULLEY and son.
- Mrs. W.W. BAGOTT celebrated her 88th birthday Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul BAGOTT and Mrs. Fred FLETCHER of Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell BAGOTT, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and daughter, and the Lloyd HAMMERS.
- Mr. Jess HOYT celebrated his 75th birthday yesterday. He is in excellent health and as good a man as he ever was, so he says.
- Cpl. Vernon JEZEK of Anchorage, Alaska, is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louie JEZEK and other relatives.
- 23 members of the local WSCS society of the Methodist Church motored to Odin Tuesday and celebrated the 10th anniversary of WSCS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy GREEN have a son born Sept. 9 in the Mercy Hospital in Champaign.
- James ROBNETT, son of Mrs. Pleasant ROBNETT, enlisted in the Navy and is at Great Lakes Training Center at the present time.
- Mr. and Mrs. Don COLEE have a son born Sept. 10 named David James. This is their 3rd child, and 2nd son. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn COLEE are the paternal grandparents.
- Meacham: Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS, Virginia and Dale were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Herman SOLDNER received word from her brother, Dewey LACEY that his son, Kenneth, had a very bad accident. His back was broken while working with some machinery.
- Omega: It is reported that reported that Ace WAGONER received a broken arm and some bruises when he was hit by a car Friday night. The car was driven by Marion MIDDLETON and he reports he was blinded by the lights of a car he was meeting and did not see who was walking on the side of the road.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Pid BASSETT and Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Elno WILLIAMS and children of Sterling spent Saturday night with her parents, Sam Lowe and family. They were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Paul EHRAT of Vernon.
- Pleasant Grove: Rev. TREADWAY led a two week revival at Pleasant Grove Sunday night. The Sandy Branch quartet assisted with the singing through the meeting.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ruth MEYER was hostess to a linen shower for her niece, Miss Ruth MEYER at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER, Wednesday.
- Wilson School: Miss Viola MEYER left Monday night to resume her studies at Kentucky Bible Institute at Van Cleve, Ky.
- Brown: Cora MONICAL, Dean BAKER, wife and daughters, Eva and Phyllis called on the Willie BEARD home. The occasion was their 50th wedding anniversary.
Sept. 21, 1950:
- Staff Sergeant Marion E. BRIMBERRY graduated this week from the Air Force Communications School at Scott Air Force Base. He will serve in the maintenance of the Air Force’s vast network of radio hookups. S.Sgt. BRIMBERRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BRIMBERRY, Kinmundy, served in the Asiatic Pacific Theater of Operations during and following WWII. He was awarded 4 bronze stars for his theater ribbon, one Arrowhead, two stars for the Philippine Liberation Ribbon, a Presidential Unit Citation and other decorations. His nephew, Cpl. Bennie GRAY, is also a student at Scott Field Air Force Base.
- Pleasant H. ROBNETT underwent an appendectomy in the Burnham City Hospital in Champaign Monday. He left Chicago that afternoon after undergoing an army physical checkup. While enroute to Champaign, he had an attack but was able to make it to Champaign. His sister, Miss Ebla, spent Tuesday in Champaign.
- Mrs. Earl OUTHOUSE was guest of honor at a nursery shower given her by Mrs. Cliff LEMAY Tuesday in her home. Present were: Mrs. Harold MORRIS, Mrs. Fred SEE, Mrs. Charles JASPER, Mrs. Glenn INGRAM, Mrs. Gene WILLIAMS, Mrs. Paul MONTGOMERY, Mrs. Ray OLDEN, Mrs. Melvin GEILER, Mrs. George KEEN, Mrs. Bob ELSTON, Mrs. O.E. CORRELL, Mrs. Margaret GRAY, and Mrs. Jim HALL.
- PFC Paul WEST in Great Lakes Naval Hospital since Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Joe INGRAM and daughter, Edith, spent the weekend in Chicago visiting Mrs. INGRAM’s son, PFC Paul WEST. PFC WEST was wounded in Korea on Sept. 4th. He was shipped via plane to Chicago, arriving there Saturday. They received the word Sunday morning and took out for Chicago but arrived there after visiting hours. So they did not get to see Paul until the next day. According to Mrs. INGRAM, Paul looks pretty good for all that he has been through. He is rather pale from the loss of blood and looks rather tired from battle fatigue. PFC WEST, who is only 18 years of age, had the misfortune of stepping on a personnel mine. The explosion crushed his left knee and broke the leg just below the knee. He is now in a cast and will have to remain in one for about 7 months. Before leaving Korea, PFC WEST was awarded the Purple Heart.
- Snake Story: Last Friday, Tom CHEADLE went to his farm to get some tile he had there that he needed. He put two pieces of tile in the car and decided to take a walk over the farm and look things over. On the way home he thought he heard a funny noise beside him. You can imagine how surprised he was to see a big black snake looking out of the window of the car beside the windshield. It didn’t take him long to stop the car and open the door of the car and get the snake out. By this time the snake was crawling along the window and going in back of the car. Tom got the snake out by it’s tail and got it out. He judged the snake to be about 5 feet long. Apparently the snake must of gotten in the car while Tom was out in the field. Tom says he discovered he could yell like a woman.
- Word has been received here by F.G. ALEXANDER that his brother-in-law, Mr. Alva OVERLIN, of Rosemead, Calif. died on Sept. 16th. Military funeral services will be held in Odin, Ill. Sept. 26th with interment in Peaceful Valley Cemetery at Odin. Mr. OVERLIN will be remembered by some of the older railroad men as Kinmundy was his first position as telegraph operator for the Illinois Central Railroad.
- The Kinmundy Unit American Legion Auxiliary met in the Legion Hall Sept. 13 to install the newly elected officers. Officers installed were Pres - Elsie REESE; 1st Vice Pres. - Thelma INGRAM; 2nd Vice Pres. - Bessie DISS; Treas. - Mildred KLEISS; Sec. - Florence REESE; Historian - Peggy JENKINS; Chaplain - Pearl HANNA; Sergeant at Arms - Rochelle MISELBROOK; Ass’t Ser. At Arms - Norma SHREFFLER; Jr. Past President - Nila COLCLASURE.
- Celebrates Birthday: Mrs. Elizabeth ATKINS was a guest of honor Sunday when approximately 100 friends and relatives gathered at the city park to help her celebrate her 81st birthday. A basket dinner was featured at noon and visiting in the afternoon.
- The Meacham Worthwhile 4-H Club met on the night of Sept. 11th at the home of Donna WELLS. Officers were elected: Donna WELLS, Pres.; Genelle SINCLAIR, Vice Pres.; Irlene PARRILL - Sec.; Kay GREENWOOD - Rec. Leader.; Rosa Lee PARRILL - Reporter for Farina paper; Kaye GREENWOOD - Reporter for Kinmundy paper. New members are Donna COPPLE, Sue HOWELL, and Rosa Lee PARRILL.
- The first meeting of the P.T.A. of Kinmundy was held Monday in the gym with a large attendance. New officers are: Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY - Pres.; Mrs. Eunice BUNDY - Vice Pres.; Mrs. Eugene SHUFELDT - Sec.; and Mrs. Robert LEE - Treas. A vegetable and flower exhibit was held in connection with the meeting with 75 entries by school children and adults. (A list of winners was included.)
- Mr. and Mrs. Freddie NEAL have a son born Sunday in Salem Hospital named Jimmie Allen.
- Swift School: North Fork and Sandy Branch school houses were sold last Saturday morning. Russell HEADLEY purchased both of them.
- Omega: Claude ROSE had a new porch built on his property here last week which is occupied by the Omega Café.
- Pleasant Grove: There was no school at Allen Monday afternoon as the teacher, Mrs. Merle WALKINGTON, attended a teacher’s meeting.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES received a letter last week from their daughter, Mrs. Geneva BOYD, who has been a patient in St. John’s Sanitarium in Springfield for some time, stating that she has a number 8 now, and when she gets a number 10, she will be eligible to be released from the hospital. We are all happy for her and hope she can come home before too long and will be well again.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the charivari and shower for Mr. and Mrs. George MEYER at his parents home Saturday night. Many nice gifts were received.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Freddie NEAL have a son born Sunday at Salem Hospital named Jimmie Allen.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer NEAL attended the funeral in Xenia for William SLAGELY Monday.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Chester KLINE attended the wedding of their nephew, Darrell KLINE and Miss Nancy GALBREATH at her home in Salem.
Sept. 28, 1950:
- The wedding of Miss Nadine CAMPBELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. CAMPBELL, of Olney, and Rev. George W. MEYER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER, of Kinmundy, was held Sept. 10th at the First Methodist Church in Olney by Rev. Walter A. SMITH of the First Methodist Church, and was assisted by Rev. Leland HOPPER of the Calhoun Methodist Church. Attendants were Miss Cathryn CAMPBELL and Rev. Eugene SCRUGGS. Miss Carole COLLINS and Master Tom COLLINS, Jr., niece and nephew of the bride, were ringbearers, and her niece Miss Sarah Ann CAMPBELL was flower girl. The bride is a 1948 graduate of the E.R.C.H.S., and last year was a freshman in McKendree College in Lebanon. The groom is a graduate of McKendree College in 1950, and is now enrolled in the Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas. After a short honeymoon, the couple will reside in Texas.
- Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. J.H. SHREFFLER, of Alma, that their son, Jim, had been seriously injured in an auto accident at Waukegan. He is suffering from a concussion, a broken jaw bone, and a hole in his stomach. He was riding with a fellow worker when they had a head-on collision. He and his wife, the former Bernadine SHANAFELT, were making their home in Waukegan where he has employment, and the accident happened Sunday morning while he was enroute to work.
- Effective last Sunday, I.C. Train No. 26, became a flag stop at Kinmundy. Therefore, there is no more mailing of letters at the depot as has been the custom for years. Mail will be picked up each evening by the truck at 6 o’clock. This means that you must have your mail in the postoffice by 5:30. However, if you are a bit tardy with your letter writing, you may mail your letters at the postoffice after closing hours. This mail will be sent out on the C. & E.I. Meadowlark early the next morning.
- Mrs. Sarah MILLER received word that her son-in-law, Frank WILSON, of Decatur, had both legs broken last week while at work directing traffic. A car hit him, resulting in the broken legs.
- Mrs. Ora HARRIS, 78, widow of the late Frank HARRIS, died in St. John’s Hospital, St. Louis, Tuesday. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home and services will be held Friday at the Restitution Church near Casey, Ill. Rev. C.L. HILL of Farina will officiate and interment will be made near Casey.
- Walter Scott GEORGE, youngest son of Jesse and Louisa GEORGE, was born Sept. 29, 1880, and died near Kinmundy on Sept. 20, 1950. Early in life, he united with the Southern Methodist Church. He married Nettie WILLIAMS on May 25, 1906. In the spring of 1920, they adopted Eva Maxine PARRISH, a little girl of 4½ years. He leaves his wife, Nettie; daughter, Eva Maxine; son-in-law, Jesse; and 2 granddaughters, Carol and Kay; and a sister, Mrs. Maude GRAY, all of Kinmundy. Services were held from the Methodist Church Friday, Rev. S.A. MATTHEWS of Elksville, officiating, assisted by Rev. Angus PHILLIPS. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson JONES have a daughter born in Salem Hospital on Sept. 21.
- Mr. and Mrs. S.O. ALEXANDER of St. Louis spent the weekend here, with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER, and attended the funeral of Alva OVERLIN in Odin Friday.
- Miss Rojean ALDERSON and Dwight KLINE Wed Sunday Afternoon at Pleasant Grove: Miss Rojean ALDERSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oran ALDERSON, of Pleasant Grove community, and Dwight KLINE, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Loren KLINE, of south of Kinmundy, were married Sunday at Pleasant Grove Church with Rev. Frank TREADWAY of Alma, officiating. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Truman JENKINS. Mrs. Jack BARKSDALE played the wedding music before the ceremony, and accompanied Mrs. John SHAFFER who sang during and after the ceremony. Dan HIESTAND and Jack BARKSDALE were ushers. Mrs. KLINE graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1950 and the groom graduated from Salem H.S. in 1948 and has been associated with his father in farming. A reception was held at the church immediately following the ceremony with Misses Nellie BRASEL, Evelyn BASSETT, Rosalie ALDERSON and Viola MEYER, friends and sister of the bride, assisting in the serving. The couple will be at home in the Dwight DAY property in Kinmundy.
- Meacham: Mrs. Ora HARRIS died Tuesday at St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Pid GARRETT spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT.
- Omega: Leland SCHOOLEY and Miss Zetta SCHOONOVER were married in Salem on Saturday.
Oct. 5, 1950:
- The six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott TRICKEY Friday suffered a broken right collar bone and painful bruises and cuts when he was struck by a car at the corner of South College and West Main Streets, near the Gulf Service Station in Salem. The boy, William Ray TRICKEY, ran into the path of a car driven by Raymond HALL of Franklin Street in Salem. HALL was making a turn from Main onto South College, when the child suddenly ran from behind a car which had stopped at College preparatory, to turn on Main. The child was struck by the car’s headlights, and knocked down. The accident was observed by the child’s sister. Barbara Sue, and children of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice BRUNNER. HALL rushed the child to the Salem Memorial Hospital, and the BRUNNERS went to the hospital immediately after the children had told them of the accident. The TRICKEYS were not at home at the time of the accident. After emergency treatment at the hospital, the child continued to complain of his shoulder and a doctor again was called. At this time it was found that his collar bone was broken. The children were returning home after attending a movie. Mr. TRICKEY is basement manager of the Illinois Brokerage Store in Salem. (Salem Republican). The TRICKEY family were former Kinmundy residents.
- Mrs. Matilda FRENCH Dies: Word was received here by relatives of the death of Mrs. Matilda FRENCH, 83, which occurred at her home in Gillette, Wyo. Oct. 1. She had suffered a stroke of Sept. 17th from which she never rallied. She leaves her husband, Seymour FRENCH and 7 children. Also one brother, Eli MORGAN, of Vernon. The deceased will be remembered here by many of the older residents. She was here visiting her brother, the late Wesley H. MORGAN, about 4 years ago.
- Jesse GEORGE Wareroom Burglarized Tuesday Night: Upon opening his wareroom Wednesday morning about 9 o’clock, Jesse GEORGE noticed the barricades from a window had been torn away and several cartons of canned goods knocked over. Mr. GEORGE says he could not tell just what was stolen because he doesn’t keep an inventory of the wareroom. This is the first case of burglary reported in Kinmundy for a long time and we sincerely hope that it will be the last for a long time at least.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.E. LEWIS of Glendale, Ariz. have a baby boy, Stephen Edward, on Aug. 30th. The mother was formerly Miss Louise CRAIG, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene CRAIG, of Glendale, Ariz.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed BRASEL had a family picnic at the park Sunday for their family. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff OLDEN and sons, Tolono, Mr. and Mrs. Edward HALLER of East St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis JOHNSON and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon STOCKER, besides Mr. and Mrs. BRASEL.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.F. NEATHERY were in Indianapolis last week attending a reunion of C & C class, Mr. NEATHERY’s college class. They also visited in Renssaler, Ind. with her sister, Mrs. Ed DENTON.
- Community Singing Well Attended: The Gospelaires of Centralia, presented a community sing to approximately 400 people Thursday night at the Methodist Church which was sponsored by Class No. 14, taught by Emmitt GRAY and the Men’s Fellowship of the church, D.J. ALEXANDER presided. Also appearing on the program were the Alma trio consisting of Mrs. John FORD, Mrs. Claude RAINEY, and Mrs. Dwight DAY, the Mother-Daughter quartet of Pleasant Grove, and the ROSE sisters of Omega. The affair was a benefit, proceeds going to the carpet fund of the church.
- The Royal Neighbor Lodge of Kinmundy held it’s regular meeting by Mrs. Francis HAMMER, oracle, and initiation of 4 candidates: Virginia Sue JACKSON, Mrs. Raymond OLDEN, Mrs. Cliff LEMAY, and Mrs. Ellen PERGL.
- Harry WAINSCOTT, son of William and Jennie BLAND WAINSCOTT, was born west of Kinmundy on what is known as the Mark SWIFT place on Aug. 4, 1880, and died Sept. 24, 1950 after an illness of nearly a year. When a small boy they moved to Wichita, Kansas, where they lived several years, when they returned to Kinmundy. At the age of 18, he went to Springfield where he has been a resident ever since except a few years spent on a farm. For many years he was employed by the Sangamon Construction Co., and later by the Illinois Foundry. He leaves his wife, Effie; and two sons, William at Springfield, and Harold of Portland, Ore.; two sisters, Mabel WARD of Peoria, and Jessie SMITH of Blackwell, Okla.; 5 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Bish Memorial Home Thursday with burial in Roselawn Cemetery.
- On Wednesday night of last week, the state police raided several places of business in Marion County, mainly in and around Salem, Centralia, and Sandoval, Central City and Iuka, and found 13 slot machines, 7 pinball machines, 2 craps tables, 2 ______ tables, and several punch boards. The gambling devices were held as evidence until it was certain no charges would be filed by the county authorities against the owners of the business places. No charges being filed, the state police then hauled the machines to the Salem City Dump where they were broken and burned. The coins taken from the machines amounted to $11830.95 which was turned over to the County Treasurer and placed in the county’s general fund.
- Miss Wanda GARRETT returned Monday from St. Mary’s Hospital where she had been a medical patient since Friday.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Donald SHAFFER gave a party after school Tuesday for her little son, Jerry, entertaining several little school mates and friends.
- Pleasant Grove: A large crowd attended the charivari and shower for Mr. and Mrs. Darrell KLINE and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight KLINE Wednesday night at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren KLINE. Each couple received many nice gifts.
- Swift School: Mrs. Esta ROBB visited with Mrs. Pearl GARRETT Friday afternoon.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Pid GARRETT went to St. Louis Sunday morning and met his sister, Miss Mabel GARRETT of Corpus Christi, Texas, who will visit with her brother and wife and other relatives.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. John FORD of near Alma, and Mr. and Mrs. E.G. DILLON called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL Sunday afternoon.
Oct. 12, 1950:
- About this season of the year, there is considerable complaint of damage to Rural Mail boxes. As it is the season of Halloween, it is felt that children (?) are largely to blame for this damage. The tearing down or damaging of any mail box is a violation of the postal laws and it carries a penalty of up to 3 years in a penal institution or a maximum fine of $1000. We would like to also call the violation of this Postal law to the attention of hunters. It is very unlikely that any quail or rabbit will secret itself within a mail box. So, please, boys, save your ammunition.
- On Oct. 4, Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND was hostess at a surprise birthday party at her home in honor of her nephew, Billy Dean SEE’s 10th birthday. Members of Billy’s Sunday School class were present.
- Mr. and Mrs. David LOWE have a daughter, Joy Carol born in Good Samaritan Hospital in Mt. Vernon, on Oct. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. LOWE are the paternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER are the maternal grandparents.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leon JONES have a son, Russell Wayne, born Oct. 7th in Salem Hospital. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar JONES.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. FERGUSON of Cedar Falls, Iowa, spent a few hours here Wednesday greeting a few of his former pupils. Mr. FERGUSON was a teacher here in the local high school in 1916-17. This was his first visit to Kinmundy since he left and needless to say that several faces were not at all familiar.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughters, Mildred and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT, were in Ivesdale Saturday attending the wedding of his nephew, Wilbert MAGSAMEN to Miss Catherine WALSH. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Carl VALLOW at Champaign. On Sunday they attended a family dinner in Pesotum at the home of Fred’s sister, Mrs. Emma MAGSAMEN.
- Private funeral services were held for Mrs. Sue BOWMAN, 75, at the Linton Funeral Home Sunday, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Mrs. BOWMAN had resided in Salem and Kinmundy for a number of years but had been living in Mattoon at the Rebecca Home where she died suddenly Friday. She is survived by a son, Norman, of San Diego, Cal. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and Miss Anna KOLB were in Effingham Monday calling on relatives of Rudolph ROEDL, who died Saturday. Mr. ROEDL was a former resident of Kinmundy, having run a ten cent store here for several years.
- Final Rites Held Tuesday p.m. for J. Augustus GREEN: Johnathan Augustus, son of James Monroe and Eliza Ann GREEN, was born in Foster twp. Aug. 13, 1867, and died at the home of his son, Orie, Oct. 8, 1950. On Dec. 31, 1885, he was married to Miss Anna M. CHICK. Four children were born. One son, John, died at his home in Montana only a few months ago. In 1915, he and his wife went to Montana where they lived for 33 years. They returned here 2 years ago to make their home with their son, Orie. Besides his wife, Anna, he leaves one daughter, Ola FRIZZELL of Alma; two sons, Orie, of Arnold Chapel; and Dow, of Mt. Vernon; one sister, Mrs. Anna ARNOLD, and one brother, S.C. GREEN of Vandalia; 10 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Linton Funeral Home Tuesday with burial in Sandy Branch Cemetery, Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating.
- Mrs. Nellie BARGH, 80, died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Scott DAVIDSON, in Kenilworth, Ill. Mrs. BARGH, nee HOLBROOK, was born at Mason and lived in Kinmundy some 50 years where her husband was a druggist. She is survived by her husband, Edwin C., her daughter, Mrs. DAVIDSON and 3 grandsons and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mildred BARGH, of Kinmundy. She had been in ill health for the past few years but died suddenly.
- Miss Mary STOCK, 67, died in the Anna State Hospital Tuesday, where she had been a patient for the past 29 years. The body was brought here to the Linton Funeral Home. Services will be held from St. Philomena’s Church Friday, Rev. Fr. A.B. SHOMAKER, officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Miss Kathryn AUBERRY of Centralia and Verlin BUNDY of Odin were married Friday at the Methodist Church with Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Warren BUNDY of Newton were their attendants.
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle GREENWOOD are parents of a baby boy born in the Salem Memorial Hospital. He has been named Thomas Lee.
- Dr. and Mrs. L.E. WORMLEY of Yuba City, Calif., are parents of a son, according to word received here. This is the first great-grandchild of E. WORMLEY.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Bob WEEMS and baby of Belvidere spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. Ralph ROSE and family. He is leaving Thursday for the Army.
- Pleasant Grove: Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND had a surprise party for Billy Dean SEE after school Wednesday when 16 little folks came to help him celebrate his birthday.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Harold SIMMONS, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling SULLIVAN and Janet, Mrs. Carroll SIMMONS and Wayne, Patricia and Lorraine attended the charivari and shower Saturday at the Alvin MICHIAL home given for Mr. and Mrs. Malchi MICHIAL.
- Swift School: Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and daughter, Judy, visited Saturday with her parents, Bert GARRETT and family.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT visited with Mr. and Mrs. Guy ARNOLD Sunday evening.
Oct. 19, 1950:
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. ROBB of Wayne, Mich., a daughter on Oct. 16. This is the 2nd daughter for the Richard ROBB’s, and also the 2nd grandchild for the Glenn ROBB’s.
- Mrs. Nellie BARGH: Funeral services for Mrs. Nellie BARGH, 78, were held Friday at the Methodist Church with Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating. Mrs. BARGH died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Scott DAVIDSON, in Kenilworth. She had spent most of her life in Kinmundy and is survived by her husband, Edwin Charles; a daughter, Mrs. Scott DAVIDSON; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mildred BARGH, of Kinmundy; and 3 grandsons. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Services for Mrs. Joe MYERS, 80, were held Sunday afternoon at the Gospel Assembly Church in Effingham. Burial was in Oak Ridge cemetery. She is survived by her husband; three children by a former marriage: Ervin CHEATUM of Kinmundy; Cliff CHEATUM of Sandoval; and Mrs. Ethel LUCAS of Salem; 13 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. The pallbearers were all grandsons.
- Charles WHITE and Lillie BAILEY, students at Carbondale spent the weekend here with their parents, the Glen WHITES and Cecil BAILEYS.
- SHREFFLER Named President of Newly Organized Lions Club Tuesday Evening: Seventeen fellow townsmen met Tuesday evening in the Rebekah Hall to consider the possibility of organizing a Lions Club in Kinmundy. For 2 successive meetings, the officers of the Chamber of Commerce met and tried to elect new officers. But not having a quorum present, they couldn’t do it. It seems as though everyone lost interest in the Chamber of Commerce. It was at the last meeting, some of the members decided to investigate the Lions Club. This they did and extended the invitation to the Frank DAVIDSON, the Lions Zone Chairman from Salem, and F.W. FRIBERG of Lions International. After discussing the matter at length, a vote was taken and the group decided to go ahead and organize. Then the following were selected as officers: President - G.E. SHREFFLER; 1st Vice - Jesse GEORGE; 2nd Vice - John PIPER; 3rd Vice - Raymond ATKINS; Secretary - C.F. GAMMON; Treas. - D.J. ALEXANDER; Lion Tamer - Carl DUNLAP; Tail Twister - Earl DOOLEN; Directors: Glenn COLEE, W.M. HUMPHREY, Don COLEE, and J.N. VALLOW. The first meeting of this newly formed Lions Club will be held on Wednesday evening, Oct. 25th.
- Last Thursday evening, Mrs. Harold HOWELL was honored with a nursery shower at her home in Kinmundy sponsored by Mrs. Earl DOOLEN, Mrs. O.K. MILLER and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Mack ROBB and Mr. and Mrs. Sam LOWE were among those who spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BALLANCE. Mrs. BALLANCE is suffering with a fractured knee she received when she fell on the basement steps in her home.
- Swift School: Eddie SHREFFLER, Kenneth ROBB, Carroll GARRETT, Bill GARRETT and families, and Jack GARRETT and wife spent Sunday evening with their parents, Bert GARRETT and wife.
- Shriver School: Ronald BEARD, Billy Dean SEE and Dale SMITH visited Friday with Farrol ARMSTRONG and helped him celebrate his birthday.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Check KLINE ate supper Wednesday with their daughter, Mrs. Bruce OLDEN, in honor of Mrs. KLINE’s birthday.
- Wilson School: Miss Ruth MEYER and Woodson PHOENIX of Walnut Hill were married Sunday at Pleasant Grove. A reception held afterward at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris MEYER. At present, they are staying with his parents near Walnut Hill.
Oct. 26, 1950:
- Oct. 14th, being the 90th birthday of C.E. SCHAUFELBERGER, Sr., a family reunion was held Sunday at the Bond Co. Fairgrounds in Greenville, Ill. Mr. SCHAUFELBERGER has 10 living children, 37 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren, all of whom were present along with their families making 102 in all. Attending from Kinmundy were Mr. and Mrs. Jack DISS and family; Miss Beulah DISS, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and daughter. Mr. SCHAUFELBERGER is Mrs. HAMMER’s grandfather.
- Kinmundy-California picnic: The Kinmundy folks gathered basement of the Sunset Methodist Church in Los Angeles, Calif. for an all day annual meeting, on Oct. 15th. The following was reported as attending: Mr. and Mrs. Frank WARDALL (Ethel KING) Mrs. Frances WARDALL and three children, Jim HOWELL, Jim BLAKESLEE, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie ELDER, Miss Lois HEATON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles MARQUARD, Mr. and Mrs. Fay LOVELL and Mrs. LOVELL’s sister, Miss MILLER, Mr. Johnny SIMPSON, Mr. and Mrs. Austin WAINSCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. WATKINS and daughter, Mrs. Larry NOLAN and baby Kitty Colleen, Mrs. LOHMAN and daughter, Margaret. Corresponding Secretary, Charity CONANT LOWE.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark HEADLEY announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Norma, to Norman SHOWERS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warden SHOWERS of Compton, Calif., formerly of Alton. Miss HEADLEY is a graduate of Alton H.S. and received her bachelor’s degree from Illinois State Normal University in June, 1950. She is teaching in the 5th grade at Milton school. Mr. SHOWERS, a graduate of Alton H.S., was in the service for two and a half years and was separated from the 82nd Airborne Division in 1947. He attended Shurleff College and received his bachelor’s degree in June 1950. Mr. SHOWERS is attending the Univ. of Southern California, working on his master’s degree. Miss HEADLEY is a granddaughter of Mrs. Lillian HEADLEY and Mr. and Mrs. G.C. DOOLEN of Kinmundy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Marvin BASSETT are the parents of a baby boy born Oct. 22 in the Salem Memorial Hospital. They now have two sons and a daughter.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse GEORGE have a baby boy born in Mark Greer Hospital in Vandalia. The GEORGE’s now have two daughters and a son.
- Mr. and Mrs. Billie Gene FIELDS of Colee Dam, Wash., have a baby boy named Billie Lea. The grandmother is Mrs. Lucille FIELDS, and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Minnie FIELDS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Angus FURR, of Phoenix, Ariz. have a baby son born Oct. 16 named Craig Allen, according to word received here by Mrs. J.H. NELMS. The boy is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene CRAIG of Glendale, Ariz. and former Kinmundy residents.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.J. JACKSON returned Friday night from a 2360 mile trip. They visited friends and relatives in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
- Celebrates Birthday: Sunday, Oct. 22 being the birthday of Mrs. W.F. ROBB, her brothers, Bert GARRETT, wife and daughter, Wanda, Clyde GARRETT and daughters, Barbara and Carolyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT came with well filled baskets and spent the day with her.
- Kinmundy Students honored at Carbondale: Charles WHITE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen WHITE was honored recently at the Southern University campus at Carbondale by being elected Vice President of the freshman class, which consists of 1200 members. Miss Lillie BAILEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BAILEY, was also honored by being chosen house representative in campus affairs from her house, Club 16.
- Pleasant Grove W.S.C.S. Celebrates 10th Anniversary: On Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 11th, Cubbage Chapel W.S.C.S. brought a very pretty angel food cake decorated with 10 candles, baked by Mrs. Frank TREADWAY, minister’s wife, of Alma, and presented it to the Pleasant Grove Ladies of W.S.C.S. The occasion being the 10th anniversary of Women’s Society of Christian Service. A large crowd was present for the program which was given at 1:30 at the Pleasant Grove Church our Theme being “Ye Are the Light of the World.” Rev. TREADWAY gave a splendid talk concerning “Three Special Dates”. Miss Lois DAVIDSON, recently returned missionary work from Chili told of conditions and customs there which were of great interests to all. A short play entitled “Mrs. Doolittle Visits Dr. Advances Clinic”, was given by Mrs. Melvin CURRIE, Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND, and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND. Mrs. Tom SHAFFER was taken into our society at that meeting. She reviewed how the society had advanced from a Ladies Aid organized under her leadership. Tribute was paid to the deceased members for the heritage they had handed down for our keeping. Cake brought by various members, along with the birthday cake was served with coffee and social conversation was enjoyed. At a late hour the meeting adjourned.
- Loren MAXEY, 18, of Freeport, Ill., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. MAXEY, was awarded the National F.F.A. recognition of the farm electrification award. Mr. and Mrs. MAXEY were former residents of this community.
- Funeral services for Mrs. Elsie MULVANEY, 55, was held at the Brown Church with Rev. HARGRAVES of Anna officiating. Mrs. MULVANEY died Sunday in Barnes Hospital, St. Louis. She had been in ill health the past 2 years but her condition was critical the past month. She has spent most of her life in Brown community but had resided in Salem the past 6 years. She is survived by her husband, Arvie; 4 children, Mrs. Helen PIPER, Kinmundy; Mrs. Juanita COMBS, Champaign; Mrs. Marjorie CORNWALL, New York; and William, Urbana. Nine grandchildren also survive. Interment was in Phillips cemetery.
- The first regular meeting of the newly organized Lions Club was held in the basement of the Christian Church Oct. 25th. 18 members and 4 guests were present with Lions President, G.E. SHREFFLER.
- Alma School Carnival: The annual carnival will be held at the Alma School Friday evening, Oct. 20th, at 7:30. The theme to be used this year will be “Little Abner and Dogpatch”. A nice program has been arranged and the public is invited.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT, Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT and Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde GARRETT, Barbara and Carolyn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB. It was Mrs. ROBB’s birthday.
Nov. 2, 1950:
- The annual Halloween Parade sponsored by the P.T.A. and businessmen of this city was held in this city was held Oct. 30th in the gym with Mrs. Clifton LEMAY and Mrs. Robt. LEE in charge. Winners were:
Witch - Nancy SMITH, 1st; Teddy TROUT, 2nd;
Ghost - Clara BRASEL, 1st, Harrison COLCLASURE, 2nd; Jerry GARDEN, 2nd; Patsy BEARD, 3rd;
Fat Man - Ronnie HOYT, 1st; Vervadene SLANE, 2nd; Mary Jo PAGANO, 2nd; Pauline SILLS, 3rd;
Boy Dressed As Girl: Billy Dean SEE, 1st; Dennis BASSETT, 2nd; Boyd DEBAULT, 2nd;
Kenneth BUNDY, 3rd;
Hobo - Bryce GEILER, 1st; Bill HANNA, 2nd; Bobby SHUFELDT, 2nd; Gayle KLINE, 3rd;
Girl Dressed as Boy - Linda DOOLEN, 1st; Patricia PATTERSON, 2nd; Lena Diane TROUT, 2nd;
Sandra SHAFFER, 3rd;
Gypsy - Rosalie GARDEN, 1st; Gloria GRAY, 2nd; Ilamae HANNA, 2nd; Linda JENKINS, 3rd;
Clown - Donnie GORDEN, 1st; Warren SHUFELDT, 2nd; Jackie LEE, 2nd; Sharon EAGAN, 3rd;
Cowboy - Freddie HOWELL, 1st; Dickie HOWELL, 2nd; Rudy SLANE, 2nd; Everett BRIMBERRY, 3rd;
Indian - Johnny DISS, 1st; Kathleen O’DELL, 2nd; Phillip SCHOOLEY, 2nd; Freddie GAMMON, 3rd;
Animal - Bobby LINTON, 1st; David LINTON, 2nd; Beryl KEEN, 2nd;
Negro - Mickey SHREFFLER, 1st; Larry BASSETT, 2nd; Teresa GORDON, 2nd; Susie KLINE, 3rd;
Buddy HANNA, 3rd;
Story Book Character - Donna Gale WILLIAMS, 1st; Wesley SIPES, 2nd; Larry PIPER, 2nd;
David LEE, 3rd; Donnie KEEN, 3rd;
Miscellaneous - Sharon Jean CROSBY, 1st; Cheryl WILLIAMS, 1st; Janice Ky ESSARY, 2nd;
(Couple) Kate KEEN and Christine FOLLOWELL, 3rd;
There were approximately 150 masked people who were each given a candy bar. Judges were Mesdames H.F. DENNIS, A.H. MILLER, and D.J. ALEXANDER.
- Mrs. Charles JASPER was guest of honor at a birthday surprise party at her home Saturday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Marion BOSTON and family of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. H.K. DUCKWITZ and Mrs. Richard WEAVER and daughter of Altamont; Mr. and Mrs. Dwain WHITE and family and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn INGRAM of Kinmundy.
- A large crowd attended the bridal shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis VOGEL near St. Elmo for their daughter, Anna Marie, and her fiancé, Earl HARRIS. Several nice gifts were received. Miss VOGEL and Mr. HARRIS are to be married Nov. 4th at the Altamont Catholic Church. (A list of those attending was included.)
- Mrs. Nellie BARGH: Nellie HOLBROOK, daughter of F.S. and Sarah C. HOLBROOK, was born on a farm near Farina on Sept. 12, 1872. She moved with the family to Mason, and it was there that she met Edwin C. BARGH of Kinmundy, who was in charge of the drug store in Mason. They were married at the HOLBROOK home Aug. 5, 1891, and moved to Kinmundy, where Mr. BARGH operated the Drug Store, until age and ill health caused him to give up the business. Three children were born, one dying in infancy. George H., who died Nov. 25, 1944, and Vera, now, Mrs. Scott M. DAVIDSON, who survives. Mrs. BARGH was a good Christian and a loyal member of the Methodist Church. She contributed an active part in the building of the church here in 1904. She became ill in the summer of 1949 and went to the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. DAVIDSON, of Kenilworth, for the benefit of hospital care. It was at this home she died Oct. 10, 1950. Mrs. BARGH is survived by her husband, E.C. BARGH; the daughter; 3 grandsons, Charles DAVIDSON, Mt. Vernon; George BARGH, Champaign; Joe BARGH, Kinmundy. A grandson, Scott DAVIDSON, Jr. died June 15, 1935, at the age of 10 years; a brother, C.J. HOLBROOK of Chicago; and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mildred BARGH of Kinmundy, also survives.
- Mr. and Mrs. James GARDEN have a baby daughter in St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Louis, on Oct. 30th.
- Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. PRUETT have a daughter, Roberta Lynn. They are living in Norfolk, Va.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry GRAY celebrated their 35th anniversary Sunday at their home here with a surprise dinner at noon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan STEPHENSON of Dupo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles GRAY and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry GRAY and daughter. Afternoon callers were Mrs. E.O. ZIMMER and daughter, Alice Marie and Mrs. Stan ROBERTS and sons of Farina. Also celebrated were the Ivan STEPHENSONS’ 12th anniversary and the Charles GRAYS’ 13th anniversary and Mr. Harry GRAY’s birthday.
- Omega: Hugh COUGHLIN has purchased the CANTRELL farm in Shadden district.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT and Donna spent Saturday in Centralia shopping. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Buster BENDER and family.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCARTY have a daughter born last Thursday. They now have a son and a daughter.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Francis SIPES spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen BOYD in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Tom GARRETT, Mr. BOYD, and son Edward drove to Springfield Tuesday and returned Mrs. BOYD home. She had been a patient at St. John’s Sanatorium since the 7th of last November.
- Meacham: This neighborhood was made sad to hear of the death of Mrs. Mattie COURSON, who died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clyde FRANCE in Salem.
- Meacham: The parents and scholars of Rockhold School enjoyed a Halloween Party Monday at the school house.
Nov. 9, 1950:
- BAGOTT Home Wrecked by Lightning Tuesday Evening: An electrical storm struck our community Tuesday evening at 5:45 o’clock and the lighting did quite a bit of damage. Luckily, no one was injured although we understand, Ray GEORGE was knocked down while at his work at the ice plant and Jean ALEXANDER was numbed in her home when the home of Pauline and Alta BAGOTT was struck. The front part of the BAGOTT home was completely wrecked. Just about every window in the house was broken. The radio was broken to pieces and the switch and motor on the oil heater burned out. All the electrical wiring was ruined. No fire ensued. Either the same bolt of lighting which struck the house or another bolt, no one knows which, struck in the yard about 25 feet from a large elm tree, digging a hole in the ground about a foot deep and cutting off a root to this tree about 4 inches in diameter. The D.J. ALEXANDER home next door suffered a few broken windows. Another bolt struck near the city hall, putting out the lights and breaking out two windows. This bolt also broke out two windows in the Christian Church and also two in the Masonic Temple. Several reported that it blew out their electric furnace controls or that it blew out their light bulbs. We understand a couple of homes in Alma also suffered from lightening. What a heck of a way to celebrate a Republican Victory.
- Loren CONANT Dies in Fire Near Odin Friday Night: A World War II veteran who saw service in Korea before the Korean war, lost his life, a fellow worker was badly burned, and a third fellow worker escaped early Saturday morning when fire and unknown origin destroyed five single-room cabin on the James OGG hog farm, one mile north of Odin. Loren CONANT, 38, son of Ira D. CONANT, of Iuka, was burned alive in his flaming cabin. His two friends were unable to arouse him or save him. Funeral was held Monday afternoon, with the Wilson Funeral Home of Odin, in charge of arrangements. The three men were employed by OGG to care for his 500 or more hogs. They resided on the place, each staying in a single cabin. They had been in OGG’s employ for about a month. Leo LEWIS, 22, was first to be awakened by the cracking of flames at about 1:30 a.m. In running through the door of his cabin, he was badly burned about the face, legs and arms. He called for CONANT, but couldn’t arouse him. The third man, Arthur LOUDERBACK, 34, was able to get out of his cabin without injury and they ran to the home of a neighbor, Bud ADAMS. In the meantime, flames were noticed by Mrs. Fred STINE, of Odin, who notified the Odin Fire Department. By the time the department reached the scene, four of the cabins had been destroyed and the fifth was blazing. CONANT’s charred remains were not found by firemen until the ashes of his cabin had cooled. Awaiting the recovery of the body, the Marion county coroner ordered the other two men held by the sheriff, but they were released after the coroner’s jury absolved them of blame. Origin of the fire was not determined. CONANT was born June 13, 1912, at Kinmundy, and served 4 years in World War II, with the Navy. Some time after his discharge he reenlisted this time in the Army and did duty in Korea, taking his discharge before the Korean war broke out. In addition to his father, he leaves two brothers, Emmett of Brentwood, Mo. and Billy, U.S. Navy. (Salem Republican)
- Harry G. HANSON was honored last week by being presented with a gold watch and a diamond studded gold Shell emblem for having completed 25 years of service with the Shell Oil Co., at their Wood River, Ill. refinery. Harry’s former home was Kinmundy, where he graduated from the local high school in 1923. After his graduation, he went to South Bend, Ind., where he worked a short time at the Studebaker Factory. From there he went to Peoria and worked for the Caterpillar Co. In 1925, he went to work in Wood River, and was employed as a gauger in the cracking dept. He was later moved to the treating department (light oil) as an operator. And since 1932, he has been shift foreman. Harry can boast of 20 year attendance record with no lost time due to sickness. He also served his 25 years without a lost time accident. Mrs. HANSON is the former Vera RAINES of Woodriver. They were married in 1927.
- Mrs. Annie YOUNG has sold 60 acres of her 200 acre farm to Mr. and Mrs. Orie LEACH of DeKalb, Ill. The 60 acres is comprised of 20 acres containing the large two-story brick house and outbuildings and 40 acres of apple orchard. It is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. LEACH to make their summer home here and then after retirement, 5 or 6 years hence to make this their permanent home. Mr. and Mrs. LEACH have leased the apple orchard to Richard BROOM. Mrs. YOUNG will retain her home in the house for the time being.
- Cpl. Floyd E. GARRETT, 22, recently arrived in the Far East Command where he is on duty with the 7th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Division as a squad leader in Company E. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert GARRETT, residents of the North Fork community.
- Walter McHATTON won second in the Centralia Field Trial on Oct. 25, and was presented with a trophy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence DOUGLAS of Karnak have a baby boy, Stephen Richard, Nov. 4, in Riverside Hospital, Paducah, Ky. The mother was formerly Helen INGRAM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.D. INGRAM of this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry GRAY, Jr. have a baby daughter born Nov. 3 in Salem Memorial Hospital and been named Diana Lee.
- Mr. and Mrs. James STRICKLER have a baby girl.
- Pleasant Grove: Some of the mothers and preschool age children attended a Halloween Party at Allen School Tuesday.
- Shriver School: Mr. and Mrs. Virl SEE and children moved last week from Shriver district to their new home south of Omega. Mr. and Mrs. Robert LANE have moved to the farm vacated by the SEES.
- Swift School: We were sorry to hear of the tragic death of Loren CONANT at Odin last Saturday night.
- Omega: Several from here were at Bee Branch Sunday to hear the Gospelaires Quartet. Mrs. Jane HADDEN, who is 88 years old, gave quite an interesting reading.
- Mr. and Mrs. Art COCKRELL returned Wednesday from Festus, Mo. where they had spent the last month with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas BRICKEY and new granddaughter, Margaret Ann BRICKEY.
- Mrs. Art COCKRELL spent last Sunday in St. Louis with all but one of her children present. The occasion was Mrs. COCKRELL’s birthday and her children honored her with a party on that day.
Nov. 16, 1950:
- The Christian Church held their homecoming Sunday at the church with special services being held all day.
- Cpl. Denton G. BRASEL, who has been stationed in Canal Zone, spent last week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen BRASEL. He was enroute to Selfridge Field, Mich., where he will be stationed.
- Mrs. Chas. FOX spent Sunday afternoon in Salem, where she was a guest at a dinner party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer KEELER to honor three birthdays of the MERRITT family, that of Mrs. KEELER’s father, Fred MERRITT and her aunt, Mrs. Anna VAWTER, and her niece, Mrs. Fred (Bud) MERRITT.
- Schuyler PARRILL Funeral Held Thursday Afternoon: Schuyler Bascom PARRILL, one of 9 children born to Absolom and Sarah Katherine MILLER PARRILL, was born Nov. 4, 1869 on his father’s farm, east of Farina, and on Nov. 7, 1950, three days after his 81st birthday, following a brief illness, he died in the same house in which he was born. One of the nine children died in infancy. Those who grew to adult age and survive him are, Misses Luella and Eva Mae PARRILL, of Kinmundy; Mrs. Lillie SPECKER, of Brownstown; Mrs. Clara B. GUNTHROP of Barrington, Ill.; and one brother, Lloyd M. PARRILL of Hammond, Ill. A sister, Mrs. Inez WISEHEART, died in 1948, and a brother, Charley, died in 1943. He completed his educational course in the country school near his home and for a period of time was a student at Farina. He had planned to become a telegraph operator and had begun his apprenticeship at Kinmundy, but this was cut short and abandoned when his father died. He went back to the farm home to live with his mother and to care for her and the farm. With the exception of a few years, he spent his entire life on the farm and in the community. When President McKINLEY called for volunteers to fight in the war with Spain, he enlisted in Co. G. 4th Reg. Illinois Infantry. His regiment, where he served as a bugler, was sent to Cuba, where he did occupational duty. They were returned to the U.S., where the regiment was discharged May 2, 1899. He was a good soldier and justly proud of the service he and his comrads rendered for their country and for oppressed humanity. On Oct. 19, 1912, he married Miss Bessie HENSLEY of Kinmundy, and a few years after fulfilling a desire to live on the old home place, they moved to the farm which has been their home. Aside from those already mentioned, he is survived by his wife, and by a very large circle of nephews and nieces, neighbors and friends, and by a rapidly diminishing number of Spanish-American War Veterans of Co. G. 4th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. These with the sorrowing wife, the four sisters, and the brother, mourn their loss. Services were held from the M.E. Church in Farina with burial with Military Honors in Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy. Stonecipher Funeral Service in charge.
- Final Rites Held Sunday Afternoon for Elmer BASSETT: Again the enemy, Death, has passed through our community, bringing to an end the life of a prominent citizen, a good neighbor and sincere friend. Elmer BASSETT, son of Harvey F. and Sarah BASSETT, was born in Foster township on Aug. 29, 1871, finished his earthly career November 10, 1950, aged 79 years, 2 months, and 12 days. He was of a family of six children, one sister and four brothers; also two half-sisters and one half-brother, all whom preceded him in death. On Oct. 3, 1897 he was united in marriage to Maggie McWHIRTER, who life span ended March 2, 1935. As the years rolled by, four sons and three daughters came to bless this matrimonial union, all of whom survive, except one son, Charles was killed in an auto accident, Jan. 30, 1935. The deceased had been in failing health for more than a year. He realized time was running out for him, having so confided to some of his children and close friends. Mr. BASSETT lived his entire life on the farm where he was born, was a man of sterling character and sound judgement, dealing honestly and fairly with his fellow man. Many are they who have sought his advice on problems confronting them. The high standards by which he lived, proved conclusively by his belief in a just and loving God, who has made provision future life in a righteous "New World for All who Seek After It". Left to mourn his passing are six children, namely, Gage, Gale, Grace, Mason, Edith, and Ellis, all living within the same township, where they and their father were born, three sons-in-law, three daughters-in-law, thirteen grandchildren, a large number of nieces, nephews, and other relatives not to mention a host of friends and neighbors. We, his neighbors and friends, feel very keenly that we have lost the council of a substantial citizen and friend, and how much more must the children and other relatives realize their loss. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Zion Church, Rev. Oscar L. HAWKINS officiating. Interment was made in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd PARRILL, Former Kinmundians, Celebrate 50th Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd PARRILL of Hammond, observed their 50th anniversary with an open house at their home Sunday. Their 5 children: Glenn, Charles, Frances, Myrtle, and Virgil were all present but Glenn who resides in Charleston, S.C. They also have 9 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. In attendance were the sisters, Misses Luella and Eva PARRILL of Kinmundy; Mrs. Clara GUNTHROP of Barrington; and Mrs. Lily SPECKER of Brownstown, as well as many nephews, nieces, and friends. They were married Nov. 11, 1900 by Rev. Thomas BALLANCE.
- On Nov. 9, the pupils of St. Peter public school surprised their teacher, Miss Herminie GRANDT, with a party it being her birthday. James RICHMAN and Gerald CHEADLE each presented her with an angel food cake and then the children sang “Happy Birthday”.
- Eugene SHAFFER has sold his residence and filling station property to Michael J. KALFUS of McHenry, Ill. who will move here soon. Mr. SHAFFER and his family have gone to the northern part of the state looking for a location.
Nov. 23, 1950:
- P.T.A. Meets: The regular monthly meeting was held Nov. 20th with Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY officiating. After the business meeting, Mrs. Delmar DEBAULT offered as her part in the program, a welcome song by her two children, a number by the four FEATHER sisters, and a trio Donnie THOMPSON, Beverly PHILLIPS and Mary FEATHER.
- Mrs. Lodema A. CATES, 78, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth O’CONNOR in Plainfield, Ill. on Nov. 18. Services were held Tuesday in Mill Shoals, Ill, with interment in the Mill Shoals Cemetery. The deceased was the mother of W.L. CATES of this city.
- Sheriff elect, Jim McCRARY, has named William HOSKINSON of Odin, and Robert MARSHALL, of Kinmundy, as his deputies. They will begin their duties on Dec. 4th.
- A Buck Deer Sighted Near Meadow Branch School: Mr. Reindl BAYLIS reported to us Sunday morning that he sighted a real live honest to goodness deer running at large south of the Meadow Branch schoolhouse on Saturday afternoon. He also said it was a buck but he was so excited that he forgot to count the points on his antlers. He was within 20 feet of him. They both just stood and gazed at each other for quite some time. Finally the deer ran out and down the road. There are several places around here where deer could thrive without being molested unless it was by bears. It is the thought of several of our nimrods that some of the crabapple thickets do contain bear. With just one buck deer running at large, we are just a little optimistic about the deer population increasing very rapidly in these parts.
- The body of Harry SHORT, 55, who died in Hammond, Ind. arrived here Sunday. Services were held from the Linton Funeral home Monday with interment in Iuka Cemetery.
- Mrs. William CALDWELL was guest of honor at a nursery shower given her Thursday evening at her home by Mrs. Virgil SEE and Mrs. Kenneth WILKINSON. (A list of those present were included.)
- Walter LESEMAN is convalescing at his home south of town after undergoing an operation in Decatur, Macon Co. Hospital, two weeks ago for the removal of a kidney. He is getting along nicely.
- Word has been received here from Lawrenceville that Miss Mary SHRIVER, who resides at the Methodist home there had the misfortune to fall and break her shoulder.
- Rev. Angus PHILLIPS was in Odin Friday at the funeral of Charles ABERNATHY of Farina.
- Phillip SCHOOLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney SCHOOLEY, held a birthday party Monday at his home with Johnny DISS, Jackie LEE, and Bruce GRAY.
- Our community was shocked by the news that Bill NICHOLS died at Champaign after being struck by a bicycle. His father, Herschel NICHOLS, teaches at Brown School.
- Meadow Branch (from last week): Word was received in this community Sunday morning that Elmer BASSETT had passed away. While we knew he was not well, he was always so cheerful when you met, it came as a shock. The children have our most heartfelt sympathy.
- Meacham: This community was made sad on hearing of the death of Harry SHORT of Hammond, Ind. He and his family formerly lived in this neighborhood.
- Pleasant Grove: Several attended the funeral of Elmer BLACK at the Atkins Funeral Home Sunday.
- Pleasant Grove: Word has been received here that Clarence WALKINGTON of Tunnel Hill had a back injury Oct. 16 when a ladder broke with him. Two joints were fractured and three joints jammed closer together on one side. He was in Halden Hospital in Carbondale until Nov. 2, and was put in a full length body cast. He hopes to have the case removed about New Year’s.
- Swift School (from last week): George FORD and family spent Sunday in St. Peter with his sister, Mrs. Jana EVANS, and son, Ford.
- Swift School (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Buster BENDER and daughter of Centralia, and Frank GARRETT spent a couple of days this week near Fairbury with Elsworth CHANDLER’s hunting pheasants.
- Omega (from last week): The REA contractor has finished the line running north from here, and the farmers along this line will soon be enjoying electricity.
- In Memoriam of wife and mother, Della HOYT who died Nov. 28, 1948. Jess HOYT and children.
- In Memoriam of Clella WAINSCOTT who died Nov. 25, 1946. Daughter and family.
Nov. 30, 1950:
- Miss Marilyn HUMPHREY, older daughter of the William HUMPHREYS of this city, and John LYKINS, son of James LYKINS of Mansfield, were married Thursday at the Christian Church, Rev. Delmar DEBAULT, minister, officiating. Miss Jacqueline HUMPHREY, only sister of the bride was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Jean and Joan ALEXANDER, cousins of the brides. Richard WOLF, cousin of the groom, was best man. Ushers were M.H. HART of Champaign, uncle of the bride, and Tom SUTA of Chicago, cousin of the groom. After a wedding dinner at the bride’s home for the immediate family, the couple left on a wedding trip to St. Louis. On Sunday they left for Champaign where they will reside while they are students at the University of Illinois. Mrs. LYKINS graduated from the LaFayette, Indiana High School, and attended the University of Illinois where she is a junior in the school of occupational therapy. Mr. LYKINS attended the Mansfield schools and is now a junior at the University in the school of veterinary medicine. He served 2 years in the armed forces in Korea.
- Elwyn CHEATUM was guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner held for him at their home Saturday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert MALINSKY, William and Mae GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin CHEATUM, Francis CHEATUM and Eileen RAMSEY of Odin.
- Mr. and Mrs. Nobel HALL and children, Margie and Carol, Bartonville, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HALL and son, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. PRATHER and children, Ross and Charles, Mulkeytown, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. RAMSEY and children, Sherry and Billy, Ziegler, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed HALL and children, Douglas, Helen, Leona, Freddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy HALL and baby, Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Roy HALL, Sigel; Mr. and Mrs. Gene COATNEY and son, Kinmundy; Mr. and Mrs. Chas BRIM, Mulkeytown, Ill., 31 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren ate dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim BRIM.
- Nov. 27th, the annual installation of Kinmundy Chapter No. 606, O.E.S., was observed at the Masonic Lodge. Dale WRIGHT, Fred GAMMON and Allie D. NELMS were Escorts and John Wm. McCULLEY, Color-bearer. The following were installed: Jessie VALLOW, Worthy Matron; Curtis S. WATSON, Worthy Patron; Carl DUNLAP, Asso. Patron; Paulene JOHNSON, Secr.; Florence MAHAN, Treas.; Frances WRIGHT, Conductress; Margaret LEE, Asso. Conductress; Vera McCULLEY, Chaplain; Caroline YEAGER, Marshal; Grace DILLON, Organist; Marjorie BOYD, Adah; Mayme YERIAN, Ruth; Dorothy A. McCULLEY, Esther; Dorothy McCULLEY, Martha; Katherine WORMLEY, Electa; Hester JAMES, Warder; E.G. DILLON, Sentinel.
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. KALFUS and 3 children, and Richard PETERSON, father of Mrs. KALFUS of McHenry, arrived here Sunday evening with their household effects and are now at home in the property they recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Eugene SHAFFER on Route 37.
- Miss Sue COX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George COX of Salem, and Eugene MULVANEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie MULVANEY, were married Sunday at two p.m. at the Brown church with Rev. Dwight HAZELETT officiating. Her sister, Mrs. Eugene KEPPNER, of St. Elmo was her attendant, and Don HUDDLESTON of Brown, was best man. Darlene MULVANEY, groom’s sister, played the piano and was accompanied by Miss LaFern MULVANEY, another sister, who sang. A reception was held at the club at Boston Lake following the ceremony with cake and punch served by Shirley COX, sister of the bride, and assisted by Jane AHL and Elizabeth HARMON. Mrs. MULVANEY attended Salem schools and is employed at Vick’s Drug Store. Mr. MULVANEY attended Kinmundy schools and farms with his father. They will make their home in an apartment in Salem.
- Miss Darlene MULVANEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie MULVANEY and Vernon BANDY of Iuka, were married Nov. _____, at Mt. Vernon at the home of the groom’s sister. The groom’s uncle, Rev. BISSELL, officiated. They were attended by the groom’s sister and husband. Mrs. BANDY is a senior at Kinmundy H.S. The groom attended Salem schools and leaves Dec. 1 for army training.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wydell PIGG and family of Carbondale visited his parents, the R.H. PIGGS, over the weekend and attended the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. LEWIS of LaClede, Saturday.
- Richard WILLIAMS of Chicago arrived Friday with some of his family’s furniture as they are moving from Chicago and will reside in the Robnett apartments.
- The car of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon STOCKER of Savoy was a complete wreck after it collided with a car driven by Bill HAWKEY of Farina. The accident happened on Thanksgiving evening about a mile north of Farina on Route 37. Mr. and Mrs. STOCKER, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff OLDEN and two sons, Cary and Michael of Tolono, were coming to Kinmundy to spend Thanksgiving with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Claude HANNA of this city, happened to be driving just ahead of the STOCKER car, and avoided being hit by HAWKEY by taking to the shoulder. After the accident, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. INGRAM of Sullivan, also on their way to Kinmundy, stopped. They picked up Mr. STOCKER, who seemed to be injured the most, and took him to the Salem Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. HANNA took Mrs. OLDEN and son, Michael, to Dr. WALKER’s office in Farina where they were given first aid. Mr. STOCKER received a cracked arm and chest bruises. Mr. OLDEN a slight scalp injury and cut nose. Mrs. OLDEN had both legs cut and bruised as well as bruises on her chest and arm. Michael OLDEN had several teeth knocked out. Mrs. OLDEN and two children, and Mrs. STOCKER were riding in the rear seat. Mrs. STOCKER and Gary came out without a scratch. Young HAWKEY was charged with “Driving on the wrong side of the road”. He carried no insurance, so in all probabilities his troubles have just begun.
- Honored on Birthday: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan DeVORE of Kinmundy entertained the following relatives and friends to a potluck supper at their home on Monday night to honor the birthday of Mrs. DeVORE. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Rufus ADAMS and Connie Faye, Mr. and Mrs. Clark HAMPSTEN and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Harry THOMPSON and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Orion BUTTS and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Frank BURKETT, Mr. and Mrs. J.G. WATSON, Mrs. Cynthia PHILLIPS, and Francis KRUTSINGER. Wanda received several nice and useful gifts.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bryan PITTS have sold their farm in Meacham township to Mr. and Mrs. Charles LOWE. Due to the ill health of Mrs. PITTS, they expect to move to a smaller place.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold ROBB and family of Sullivan, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with their parents, the Wes ROBBS and Marvin CONANTS.
- Omega: The pie and box supper at the Omega School last Tuesday night was well attended. The proceeds were about $30.
- Omega: Gene MULVANEY and Miss Sue COX were married at the Brown Church Sunday. The reception was held in the new home at Boston’s Lake.
- Brown (from last week): A large crowd attended the shower and charivari at the Earl McGEE home Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Junior McGEE.
- Shriver School (from last week): No school at Brown Thursday and Friday, as the teacher, Herschel NICHOLS, was called to Urbana after his son, Billy was in a fatal accident. Funeral held Sunday at Salem.
- Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Agnes ARNOLD were the Clyde BETCHELHIMERS of Waterloo, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. ARNOLD and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DISS and daughter of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Orville DISS, and Miss Pearl ARNOLD of Springfield.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred GAMMON and sons and Miss Helen BASSETT spent Thanksgiving in Decatur with her parents, the Virgil LIVESAYS.
Dec. 7, 1950:
- A double wedding was performed in the Methodist Church parsonage in Paragould, Ark. on Nov. 29th, the Rev. R.E. CONNELL, pastor of the church officiating. The contracting parties were Miss Mary Sebastian of Odin, and Bill SOLDNER of Kinmundy, and Miss June BAYSINGER of Centralia, and Bill GRIFFIN of Foster twp. Each couple attended each other. Immediately after the ceremony, the couples left on a short honeymoon trip through Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, returning here last Friday. The first bride is daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John SEBASTIAN of Odin, and is a graduate of Odin H.S. with the class of ‘50. Her groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SOLDNER, of Meacham twp. He is a graduate of Kinmundy H.S. with the class of ‘45. Since that time, he has been farming and teaching in the rural schools. At present, he is teaching the Camp Ground School in Meacham twp. This happy couple are making their home with the groom’s parents for the present. The second bride is the daughter of Mr. Jeff BAYSINGER of Centralia, formerly of Odin. She is also a graduate of Odin H.S.. Her groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester GRIFFIN of Foster twp. At present, he is employed as a mechanic in the GRIFFIN Garage in Alma. For the present, this happy couple will make their home with the groom’s parents.
- A birthday party honoring Marilyn HOWELL and Darlene DEBAULT was held at the DEBAULT home Saturday afternoon. Present were Pauline SILL, Judy ROBB, Barbara HAMMER, Eileen HARVEY, Patsy BEARD, Dorothy SHAFFER, Vervadine SLANE, Wanda BUTTS, Carole GEORGE, Barbara LANE, Dollie SHAFFER, Linda JONES, Ada BRASEL, Amy LEMAY, Darlene DEBAULT, Marilyn HOWELL, Boyd DEBAULT, Buddy, Shirley, and Barbara HOWELL.
- A birthday dinner honoring Carroll GARRETT was held at his home west of Kinmundy Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. B.O. GARRETT and Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. William GARRETT and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jack GARRETT of Farina, and Mr. and Mrs. Junior GARRETT of St. Peter.
- Mr. Mervin CHEADLE and Merritt EBERHART of St. Peter have enlisted in the Navy, and left for Great Lakes, Nov. 27th, where they will take their basic training.
- Last Rites for Mrs. Fred CRAIG Held Tuesday Afternoon: Services for Mrs. Cordia CRAIG, 74, were held Tuesday at the Linton Funeral Home with Rev. Angus PHILLIPS officiating and Rev. Orlando BRAKEMEYER of Mascoutah assisting. Mrs. CRAIG had been in ill health for the past 2 years and died at her home here Saturday. She is survived by her husband, Fred; a brother, John KENNEDY of Florida; a half-brother, Rolla KENNEDY of Calif.; and a half-sister, Mrs. Gertie WAINSCOTT of Baytown, Texas. A niece, Miss Hazel KENNEDY, of Elgin, and two aunts, Mrs. Effie WINFREY of Nashville, and Mrs. Prudence WILKINSON, also survive. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
- It is two weeks yet before winter officially opens but we are having a little touch of it right now. The snow started falling Tuesday and continued all day Wednesday and the most of last night. This morning the thermometer stood at 8. In measuring the snow the best we could, we find it to be 14 inches on the level and many drifts as deep as 4 feet. This is really the deepest snow we have had for several years. The weatherman predicts more snow for today. So it will probably be deeper and before it is over with, we may see another one of those old time snow which we oldsters brag about.
- Relatives and friends held a surprise birthday dinner Dec. 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noel SHAFFER and family in honor of Mr. SHAFFER’s (?) birthday. Those present were Mrs. Gertie SHAFFER, Patsy, Dorothy, Dollie and Judy SHAFFER, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DISS and sons, and Miss Jackie HUMPHREY, all of Kinmundy; Mrs. Nola MAYBERRY and Jacob REITZ of Farina; Mr. and Mrs. John WARREN and son, J.E. of Olney; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond EAGAN of Centralia; Mrs. Arthur HOLLEMAN and children of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SHAFFER and son, Donnie, of Olney.
- Addresses were included of the boys from the community who are in the service so that Christmas cards can be sent to them this year. They included: Pfc Wm. D. LEE; Sgt. B.D. WILLIAMS, Pfc Marion E. SHAFFER, Sgt. Charles GARDEN, L.J. DISS, Sgt. Richard F. MOTCH, Ralph B. KRUTSINGER, Cpl. Robert J. HOYT, Pvt. John F. HOYT, Sgt. Floyd E. GARRETT, Dwight C. DAY, CT1; Cpl. Retus B. GENTRY; Pfc Paul WEST; Pfc Lewis J. PHILLIPS, TSgt Marion M. HINES; Pfc Eugene H. BAKER, Mervin CHEADLE.
- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon ALLEN have purchased the grocery store and service station from Clifford JACKSON on State Route 37 North. They will reopen it for business in just a few days. Mr. ALLEN intends to keep on with his employment with COLEE & Son and Mrs. ALLEN will conduct the business.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS spent Friday night with Elmer BEST and family of near Tolono. On Saturday, they were joined by their daughter, Mildred, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence QUANDT, and they all attended the wedding of Mr. KLEISS’ nephew, William MAGSMEN to Miss Bernice WOOD at St. Mary’s Church in Crittenden, near Pesotum.
- Roy W. DAVIS has been elected President of the Kiwanis Club of Chicago for 1951. Roy is the youngest son of Mrs. Margaret DAVIS, Chicago, and a former Kinmundy lad.
- Man, with Hands Tied, Rolls From Moving Car While Passing Thru Kinmundy: About 2 o’clock Monday afternoon, a 1939 Studebaker went through Kinmundy on Route 37, heading north. As it passed the Merle JACKSON Service Station, he noticed one of the doors coming open. Just about passing the station, a main rolled out of the car. He was soon on his feet and walked back to Merle’s station and asked him to call the police. This man, who gave his name as Roy JONES, of Bridgeport, had his hands tied behind him. Merle immediately called the sheriff’s office in Salem but no one answered the phone. At that he called the state police. It was not long until 2 state police were on the ground. Mr. JONES stated that he picked up a hitch hiker in Lawrenceville whose name was Gene SWAZY. He carried a gun and a black jack. Just where the holdup, if any, took place, we did not learn. Whether Mr. JONES was just a little hazy from his roll from the car which was going about 35 miles per hour, or if he did not care to tell everything, we can’t say. He mentioned that he did not want to divulge everything. All he wanted was his car back. But he was told by the state police that he would have to prefer charges against SWAZY before he could get his car back. Then he consented to do so. At that he went with the police to Salem to press charges. Later, he stated a different story. He said that he had befriended SWAZY, who was from Tennessee and had taken him into his home for a few days. That morning, at the point of a gun, SWAZY forced him to take him in his car to look for work. The car was found abandoned the next day north of Kinmundy near the Chas. BLOMBERG farm.
- Dr. and Mrs. Chas. YOUNG of Sycamore, Ill., have a baby girl born Nov. 26 named Margaret Susan.
-The fire department was called to the Edwin YUND home on Friday of last week when, due to a defective kitchen flue, a fire broke out and did extensive damage to the roof. Due to the fast action of the fire department, the fire was held to the roof.
- Mrs. Anna SCOTT will celebrate her 92nd birthday Dec. 10, in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clara HARPSTER, near St. Peter, where she is spending the winter.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): The funeral of Charlene Kaye, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles CARTER, was held in Sandoval Wednesday.
- Pleasant Grove (from last week): Those attending the Thanksgiving dinner at Pleasant Grove were: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HIESTAND, Mr. and Mrs. Claude HIESTAND, Mr. and Mrs. Will HIESTAND, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HIESTAND, Mrs. Roger MONICAL and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald SHAFFER and children, Mr. and Mrs. Dan HIESTAND and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel ROSE and children, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl ROSE and son, and Floyd BEARD. Those coming in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Shine WILSON of Alma, Mrs. John SHAFFER and Sammy, and Mrs. Virgil SEE and Billy Dean. A bountiful dinner was enjoyed the afternoon, and each one telling what they were most thankful for.
- Pleasant Grove: Gene ANGLER of Brubaker, who accidentally shot the end off 3 fingers and his thumb off his right hand is getting along nicely. Dr. SCHOONOVER is his attending physician.
- Pleasant Grove: Some of the young folks met at the Jack BARKSDALE home Monday night to practice for a Christmas program to be given Christmas Eve at Pleasant Grove Church.
- Pleasant Grove: Several attended charivari and shower for the newlyweds last week, one of Tuesday night for Mr. and Mrs. Vernon BANDY at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie MULVANEY and one on Saturday night for their son, Eugene, and wife also at his parent’s home and on Thursday night for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur WHITE at her parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil WILCOXEN.
- Omega: A charivari and shower was held Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil WILCOXEN for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur WHITE who were married Wednesday. Mr. WHITE reported for induction into the Army Friday and Mrs. WHITE returned to her studies at S.I.N.U. at Carbondale.
- Omega: Mrs. Lyman JONES and Mrs. Carrie SEE were in Salem Sunday attending funeral services for Mrs. Ollie ROGERS.
Dec. 14, 1950:
- The City of Kinmundy was highly honored Monday evening when it was invaded by a whole pasal of distinctive Lions. The occasion was the Kinmundy Lions Charter night held in the school cafeteria. 86 members and guests were served a mighty fine dinner by the local P.T.A. Several of these guests were from the Salem Lions Club as they sponsored the Kinmundy Club. There are 25 charter members: C.R. ALDERSON, D.J. ALEXANDER, R.R. ATKINS, Tom BARRETT, Don COLEE, Glenn COLEE, Earl DOOLEN, Carl DUNLAP, C.F. GAMMON, James GARDEN, B.J. GARRETT, Jesse GEORGE, Richard GRAY, Harvey HANNA, Cecil HARVEY, W.M. HUMPHREY, Lewis J.T. O’DELL, John PIPER, E.K. ROBB, P.H. ROBNETT, R.H. SCHOOLEY, G.E. SHREFFLER, Eugene SHUFELDT, J.N. VALLOW, and Walter W. WILLIAMS.
- The addresses of a few more boys in the service were included in case people wanted to send them a Christmas card: Cpl. J.P. BARGH; Rct. John F. MOTCH, Cpl. Richard HALL, PFC Richard HALL, PFC Herbert HALL, Sgt. George HALL, Cpl. Denton G. BRASEL, James E. ROBNETT; PFC Willard D. MERRITT, Fred E. CRAIN, Rct. Charles N. MONICAL, Lt. Richard E. BRANSON.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl OUTHOUSE have a boy born in the Salem Hospital Tuesday named Wayne Leon.
- Funeral services were held Sunday from the Linton Funeral Home for George HEADLEY, 72, of Foster twp., with Oscar L. HAWKINS, officiating. Burial was in Sandy Branch Cemetery. Mr. HEADLEY was found dead in his barn Friday by his wife. Death was due to a heart attack. Besides his wife, the former Eva THOMAS, he leaves a daughter, Nana LEWELLEN, Arcola, and a son, Dresden of Princeton, Ind. He also leaves a brother, Ed, residing northwest of Alma. Mr. HEADLEY was born just ½ mile west of where he and Mrs. HEADLEY had lived for 50 years. They would have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Dec. 16th.
- Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt GARRETT of Independence, Kan., have a baby girl born Dec. 11th named Carla Jean. W.L. GREEN is the maternal grandfather and Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARRETT are the paternal grandparents.
- The funeral for William S. NORRIS was held at the Christian Church in Mason with Delmar DEBAULT in charge. NORRIS had been in ill health for a year and died Saturday at the age of 72. He is survived by his wife, Flora; five daughters, Nina CHEATUM, Kinmundy; Beulah EVANS, Denver, Colo.; Mabel ELRIDGE, Watson; Delores BRAY, San Francisco, Calif.; and Lucille PARKS, Dieterich; and one son, Elvis of Watson. His first wife preceded him in death in 1934. A brother, Hurley, of Mason and a sister, Velia CHEATUM, of Mason, also survive. NORRIS was a retired farmer and had spent his entire life in Effingham county. Burial was in Mason Cemetery.
- Omega: Electricity was turned on the north line last week and the people on that line are now enjoying electricity.
- News from last week: Pvt. MOTCH, of Camp Atteberry, Ind., spend the weekend here with his parents.
- Pleasant Grove: We are sorry to hear of the tragic death of Rev. Donald BALL.
Dec. 21, 1950:
- Illinois Central to Close Alma Station at Close of Business on Dec. 29th: According to Mr. R.E. DAVIS, agent of the Illinois Central station at Alma, next week will be the last for his station in that village. The company will close the station on Dec. 29th and it will become what is known as a “prepay station”. A hearing was held some time ago in Salem, before representatives of the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the closing of this station. The citizens of Alma put up a brave fight to save the station but the company showed it to be a losing proposition. Thus the rating of the commission was that it is to be closed. The Alma station was a very busy place during the fruit harvest and several hundreds of cars of fruit were shipped from there annually. This was a few years ago. During the past few years, most all of this fruit has been hauled out of Alma in trucks. Carload shipments of freight will still arrive in Alma providing the freight is prepaid. And cars can still be loaded there and probably billed from Kinmundy station. The passenger train schedule will not be affected. Trains 25 and 26 can still be flagged to receive passengers but no tickets will be sold. In our conversation with Mr. DAVIS last week, he had not decided just what he would do. He is one of the fifteen youngest operators or agents on the road. This will mean in all probability, he will work a ‘swing job’ close by until such time as something desirable is placed on ‘bulletin’. Mr. DAVIS is comfortably located in Alma and wishes to continue living there. To him, he says, it is the garden spot of the world.
- Ed THOMPSON Laid to Rest Monday: Funeral services for Edward THOMPSON, 67, were held Monday morning at St. Philomena’s Church with Rev. A.B. SHOMAKER of Salem, officiating. Ed died Friday at his home here and had been in ill health for the past several months. He is survived by one sister, Miss Thelma LYONS, of Kinmundy; and two brothers, James LYONS of Chicago; and William of Champaign. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
- Seven students of K.C.H.S. have recently been honored by having their essays accepted for publication by the National Essay Association. This organization publishes each year Young American Speaks - an anthology of the best essays submitted by high schools all over the Nation. The students whose essays were accepted are: Betty ERNST, Ronald POLANKA, Elnora WILLIAMS, Helen BASSETT, Donna SCHOOLEY, Kaye GREENWOOD, and Shirley BAILEY.
- Mr. B.F. LINTON, accompanied Mrs. Rebecca ZIEGLER and daughter, Mrs. Lillie HEEG, via ambulance, to Mrs. HEEG’s home in Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. ZIEGLER has been ill for some time and Mrs. HEEG was here caring for her. On his return home, Mr. LINTON went via Great Lakes and accompanied PFC Paul WEST here to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe INGRAM. It will be remembered the Paul was wounded in Korea about 3 months ago. Paul is still in a cast, but with a little help, is able to be up and about some. He is home on a 30 day furlough.
- Card of Thanks: Many thanks to my friends for the hundreds of letters and cards I received during my stay in the hospital. You will never know how much they mean to me. An you will never know how thankful I am to be able to be home for Christmas. Paul WEST.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred NIRIDER of Peoria, formerly of Decatur, have named their new adopted son, Mark. The baby was adopted Saturday. They have another son, Kenton. Mrs. NIRIDER is the former Lucille McEVOY. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. McEVOY and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert NIRIDER, both of Decatur. (Decatur Herald)
- Nellie BRASEL and Sam HIESTAND Wed in Alma Parsonage Sunday Afternoon: Miss Nellie BRASEL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen BRASEL, and Sam HIESTAND, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude HIESTAND, were married Sunday afternoon at the Methodist parsonage in Alma with Rev. Frank TREDWAY officiating. Miss Thelma McGUIRE was the bride’s attendant, and John GRIFFIN, of Alma, was the attendant for the groom. The couple left on a wedding trip to St. Louis and on their return will make their home with the groom’s parents for the time being. The bride graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1950 and has been employed in DOOLEN’s Café. The groom graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1945, served in the armed forces, and has since been farming with his father.
- Shriver School: The charivari and shower held at the Raymond SOLDNER home on Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Billy SOLDNER was well attended.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Pid BASSETT visited the Guy ARNOLD home Saturday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Delmar DeBAULT and children were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, the Charles DeBAULTS at Mason. In the afternoon they attended the wedding at Old Union Church of Tom McGEE and Miss Wilma TURNER. Rev. McGEE was formerly pastor at the Christian Church here.
Dec. 28, 1950:
- Miss Marceline GENTRY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Retus GENTRY, and Mr. LaVerne AMBUEHL, son of Mrs. Edward AMBUEHL, of St. Peter, were married Sunday at the Methodist Church with Rev. Angus PHILLIPS, officiating. Mrs. Imogene WILLIAMS, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Caledonia McGUIRE of Salem, and Miss Helen FEATHER. Little Miss Cheryl WILLIAMS, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Elmer MYER of St. Peter was best man, and Elroy RUNGE of St. Peter and Dale HULSEY were ushers. Cake and punch was served by Miss Joyce McHATTON, and Misses Elnora WILLIAMS and Sue HESTER of Alma. Miss Lela Mae DOOLEN was in charge of the guestbook. Mrs. AMBUEHL graduated from Kinmundy H.S. in 1950, and has been employed in Centralia. The groom graduated from LaGrove H.S. and is engaged in farming. They will make their home with the groom’s mother near St. Peter for the time being.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.G. ALEXANDER wrote a letter from Texas that was printed.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred KLEISS and daughter, Mildred, went to Springfield Saturday to attend the funeral of an aged aunt, Mrs. Kate BOCKELMANN, aged 95 years and 4 months. She had been a patient for over 7 years in St. John’s Hospital in Springfield. She was raised and lived until her marriage around Kinmundy and is remembered by many of the older people as Miss Katie METZGER.
- Orville LOGAN of Mason has retired from the railway mail service after 30 years service. He and Mrs. LOGAN, formerly, Mrs. Peggy NEAVILL, will now make their home for several months in Palatka, Florida.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred LANGENFELD of Palatine, Ill. have a baby boy born on Dec. 26th. Grandpa (Orie) ATKINS is very well pleased over having a grandson.
- The many friends of Mrs. Bertha CURRY will be pleased to know that she is progressing very nicely after her recent operation in Barnes Hospital, St. Louis.
- Larry ROBERTS, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan ROBERTS, of Farina, fell from a chair and broke a bone in his right leg. He is at home, however, with his leg in a cast. He is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ener ZIMMER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Duane HANNA of Salem have a son born Dec. 21 at Memorial Hospital. He has been named James Duane.
- S. Sgt. Marion E. BRIMBERRY of Eglin Field, Fla. is spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art BRIMBERRY.
- Miss Jeanette HOHLT and George MAXEY were married Tuesday in Farina at the Evangelical Reform Church. They were attended by Miss Irma Jean KRUENEGEL, a friend of the bride, and Loren MAXEY, brother of the groom. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elno HOHLT of Farina. She is a graduate of the LaGrove H.S. with the class of ‘48. Since her graduation, she has been a student nurse in Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, and will graduate from there next June. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. MAXEY of Freeport, but formerly of this city. He is a graduate of Freeport H.S. with the class of ‘48. He has been assisting his father on the farm. After a short honeymoon, the bride will return to her studies in Barnes Hospital and the groom will enter the armed services.
- Carl GREEN of Texas City, Texas is here spending the holidays with his father, W.L. GREEN.
- Pleasant Grove: Several from here attended the Christmas program at Omega Church Saturday night, and the program at Pleasant Grove Church was well attended Sunday night. A nice program was given at each church and Santa Claus arrived at each place with plenty of treats for the children.
- Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Tom SHAFFER’s children and their families met with their sister, Mrs. Nelda WILKINS and family last Sunday to celebrate the wedding anniversary of their parents, but were sorry when their father was unable to go and had to go to the doctor and back home, so they spent the afternoon with their parents. He is not much improved.
- Wilson School: Mr. and Mrs. Walter BRANNON moved from our vicinity last Saturday to their new home near Tonti, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim WALKER and family moved Monday to the farm vacated by the BRANNONS.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HAMMER, Mr. and Mrs. Francis HAMMER and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB spent Sunday in Sumner with Mr. and Mrs. Dale HAMMER.
- Guests Christmas Day of Mr. and Mrs. B.O. GARRETT were Mr. and Mrs. Carroll GARRETT and family, Mr. and Mrs. William GARRETT and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack GARRETT of Farina, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ROBB and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Junior GARRETT of St. Peter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHREFFLER and family.
- Mrs. Herbert BELL left Friday to join her husband who is stationed in Selfridge Field, Mich.
- Meacham: A very good program was rendered at Rockhold School by the scholars assisted by the teacher, Mrs. McGEE, Mr. TOCKSTEIN, and Mrs. Georgia SOLDNER. Mr. TOCKSTEIN sang two beautiful songs. Gifts were placed under the tree and distributed by Santa Claus after the program. A large crowd attended.
- Meacham: Mr. and Mrs. John S. FORD and Janet spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL.
- Meacham: Mrs. Jennie JAHRAUS, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn JAHRAUS, Virginia and Dale spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin HARRELL.
- Omega: Leroy SEE, who has been with the wholesale house in Salem, will take over JONES Grocery Store here after the first of the year.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Donald ROBB have a baby boy born Dec. 20th in Salem Hospital and named Marlin Eugene.
- Swift School: Elsworth CHANDLER, wife, and daughters of Fairbury spent Sunday night at the Frank GARRETT home.
- Swift School: Gilbert FORD and family, Roy HULSEY, wife and son, Dale, and Sue HULSEY, Charles FORD, wife and Darrell, Charles Lee FORD, wife and son, Mrs. Jana EVANS and son, Clyde BALLANCE and wife, Mrs. Charlene MOTCH and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George FORD and family.
- Swift School: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BASSETT and family ate Sunday dinner with Mrs. Effie ROBB.
Please note!!! The articles on this web site were originally reported in weekly editions of "The Kinmundy Express" (also known at one time as "The Marion County Express") which are now located on microfilm at the Illinois Historical Library in the Microfilm Depository in Springfield, Illinois. Please note that the gleanings listed within this compilation do NOT represent entire articles in most cases, but instead, general and summarized information with special interest being focused upon data which is significant to genealogical research.
Compiled, transcribed, and printed by Dolores Ford Mobley. (March 1999) Questions, comments, suggestions should be directed to the e-mail address below. Permission to copy, is requested.