Weasel Obits and News

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 Blrnd02.gif (70 bytes)    Widow of Minister is Claimed By Death, "Carmi Democrat-Tribune" (March 13, 1950)

Mrs. Betty Jane Weasel, 67, widow of the late Rev. Byrd M. Weasel, died at 6:20 a.m. Saturday at Evansville's Welborn Baptist Hospital. She had suffered from heart disease for about two years and had been in the hospital since last Monday.

A former resident of Hawthorne township, Mrs. Weasel had made her home in Emma for the past several years.

Funeral Today

Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. today at the Tennessee Bend Missionary Baptist Church with the Rev. J.D. Morgan of Valier and the Rev. Harold Bailey officiating. Burial was in Herald Cemetery with the Kittinger Funeral Home in charge.

She leaves two sons, Kenneth and Ralph, both of Herald; 4 daughters, Mrs. George D. Walker, of Emma; Mrs. Bertis Chapman of Herald; Mrs. George Mobley, of Norris City; and Mrs. Jewell Bates, of New Haven; 2 brothers, Gilbert and Tom Wilson, both of Norris City; 13 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren.

Blrnd02.gif (70 bytes)     Good Friend and Neighbor Died, "Carmi Democrat-Tribune" (March 14, 1950)

        Herald Department

This community was sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Betsy Weasel, a life long resident of this community. She had moved only a short time ago to Emma.

Mrs. Weasel leaves a host of relatives and friends here and the community feels the loss of a dear friend and a good neighbor.


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