Wilson Obits and News

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Blrnd02.gif (70 bytes)  "White County Democrat" Carmi, Illinois (Oct. 19, 1899)


We are sorry to note the death of Mr. George Wilson of near this place. He passed away last Friday and was interred Saturday at the Heralds Prairie Cemetery. Rev. Lafayette Bryant preached the funeral. The family have the sympathy of the community.

Blrnd02.gif (70 bytes)   "White County Democrat" Carmi, Illinois (May 11, 1910)


Mrs. Martha Wilson, of near here, died at the home of her son, George, near New Haven, on Wednesday of last week, interment at Lick Creek, Friday by C.F. Stucky, her pastor.


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Updated: 01/21/13                                                mailbox.gif (1210 bytes) Comments? Dolores@ford-mobley.com