Ford Obits and News
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Kinmundy Knowledge, "Marion County Democrat", (Feb. 13, 1890)
We are sorry to hear that our old friend, C.C. Ford, is very sick with La grippe and pneumonia.
(LATER: He died Monday afternoon.)
"The Kinmundy Express", (Jan. 26, 1900)
Ed Ford, who went to Kansas a few weeks ago to buy land passed through here this morning on his way home at Farina, and informed us that he has purchased nine hundred and sixty acres of the best Kansas land.
(From the Feb. 18, 1915 edition of archival articles.)
Alma News, "The Kinmundy Express", (October 15, 1914)
Neil McCarty, John and Chester Ford spent Sunday at the home from Kinmundy where they are attending high school.
"The Kinmundy Express", (October 28, 1914)
Marion County Farmer's Institute prize winners included:
Horses and Mules:
1914 Colt 1st - E.G. Ford
2 Year Old 1st - E.G. Ford
2 Year Old 2nd - E.G. Ford
Alma Express, "The Kinmundy Express", (Nov. 12, 1914)
Ed Ford was in St. Louis several days this week attending a Hereford Cattle sale.
Alma Express, "The Kinmundy Express", (Nov. 19, 1914)
The members of the Fancy Work Club were very delightfully entertained Friday afternoon at the country home of E.G. Ford. The members were taken to and from the Ford home by B. Pullen and C.D. Tomlinson in their automobiles. Those present were Mesdames E.G. Ford, William Hester, B.G. Pullen, S.L. Laswell, T.J. Day, and C.D. Tomilson.
"The Kinmundy Express", (Dec. 10, 1914)
One pure bred Percheron stallion, 7 years old, for sale. E.G. Ford, Alma, Ill.
"The Kinmundy Express", (Dec. 31, 1914)
Mrs. Imogene Ford of Farina spent last week with her son Ed and family.
John and Chester Ford and Neil McCarty, who are attending high school in Kinmundy, spent Saturday and Sunday at home.
"The Kinmundy Express", (November 4, 1915)
Eugene Ford and wife of Farina, were here a few hours Saturday morning on their way home from Jetmore, Kansas, where they spent a few weeks with his brother, John Ford and family. Gene expressed himself as well pleased with the country and talking favorably of locating there if he can sell his Farina property.
"The Marion County Express", Kinmundy, Ill. (Sept. 19, 1918?)
Will Ford, who recently moved here from Texas and occupied the Wilson residence for a short time, has moved to the W.H. See farm near Kinmundy.
Shanghai News, "The Marion County Express", Kinmundy, Ill. (Sept. 21, 1918)
- The Sunday School convention and basket dinner was well attended on Sunday.
- Ed Ford, wife, and Will Ford and family attended the convention at Shanghai Sunday.
- Eugene Ford and mother attended the convention Sunday. His mother is keeping house for him while his wife and son Don are visiting her father in Oklahoma.
"The Kinmundy Express", Kinmundy, Ill. (March 2, 1922)
Mrs. W.H. Ford returned home Friday after a two week stay with her son Roy, who is sick in Champaign. Roy is improving but unable to leave the hospital at present.
"The Kinmundy Express", Kinmundy, Ill. (Jan. 3, 1924)
St. Peter: Bernhard and Ford sisters returned to St. Louis Sunday after a short visit with home folks.
"The Kinmundy Express", Kinmundy, Illinois, (Dec. 2, 1915)
E.G. Ford and family of Alma have left for San Angelo, Texas where they expect to make their home. Mr. Ford owns a large body of land in that section and will devote his time to farming. They leave hosts of Marion county friends who wish them good luck and health in their new home.
"The Kinmundy Express", Kinmundy, Illinois, (December 23, 1915)
Word received from E.G. Ford of San Angelo, Tex., states that the weather there is fine and he is plowing every day without wearing a coat and they have no fire in the house. The Fords like their new home fine and are glad they made the change.
Happy Hollow News, "Marion County Express", Kinmundy, Illinois, (Feb.20, 1918)
Ford to Return
Mr. Ed Ford, who formerly lived near Alma, and who removed to western Texas two years ago, has decided to return to "Egypt", according to reports. It is reported that he has purchased the farm known as the L.C. Pullen place, east of Alma, and will return in the near future.
Mr. Ford was one of the influential farmers of the community, and it caused a surprise when he left Illinois. A great number of his friends welcome him back, as he is one of the progressive farmers who are a benefit and a credit to any community.
"The Kinmundy Express", (Sept. 19, 1918)
Marion County Farmer's Institute and Alma Fair Prize Winners included:
First Prize
Draft Mares Ed Ford
Draft Teams Ed Ford
"The Kinmundy Express", (Oct. 4, 1923)
Marion County Farmer's Institute Prize Winners included:
First Prize Second Prize
Cow - 2 years or over E.G. Ford and son E.G. Ford and son
Bull - 2 years or over E.G. Ford and son
1923 Heifer calf E.G. Ford and son E.G. Ford and son
Best Herd E.G. Ford and son
1923 Bull calf E.G. Ford and son
"The Kinmundy Express", (February 11, 1915)
Chester Stanley Ford
Just as the day had passed away and a new day had dawned, the earthly life of Chester Stanley Ford, son of E.G. and Sarah Ford, came to a close and his new life begun. He was born in Farina, Illinois on March 18, 1897 and entered into Life Eternal on February 5, 1915, after having lived 17 years, 10 months and 18 days.
His going away fills the hearts of his father, mother, sister and brother with sadness, besides many other relatives and a host of friends mourn his departure. Chester took sick on January 24, and in a few days the hard fight for his life began, which at times seemed hopeful up to the last.
He was an obedient, helpful and happy hearted boy. Until his sickness, he was a student in the Kinmundy High School, and there, as with all his school work, he ranked with the best in his class. He was a regular attendant of the Alma M.E. Sunday School, a member of Class No. 5 and assistant secretary of the Sunday School, filling the secretary's place a number of times. In the class he was always prepared to express his thoughts on the subject being discussed and this with his pleasing manner and pleasant smile endeared him to all, his teachers and classmates especially.
The real experiences of this life are not easy, and although Chester was by industry acquiring an education and by forming good habits preparing himself for useful life, God in His living kindness has called him into a larger life, just as he was in the happy youth time, thus escaping the real experiences of a longer life in this world. In a rational moment he looked into the face of the writer and sang a few words of 'The Sweet Bye and Bye', and in his delirium he so often begged to be taken home. We tried to make him realize he was there, but we did not know how. The Savior knew and has satisfied his longing for Home, so
I can not say and I will not say
That his is dead - he is just away
With the cheery smile and a wave of the hand.
He has wandered into an unknown land,
And left us wondering how very fair
It needs must be since his smiles are there.
The funeral services were held Saturday morning from the M.E. Church in Alma, at 9:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. DeLain, and interment made in the Alma Cemetery.
We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their kind words and deeds during the sickness and death of our dear son and brother, also to the Kinmundy High School teachers and other friends for their sympathy and beautiful flowers, also to the Alma Sunday School and choir; may you have the same sympathy and kindness should the time ever come when you will have such an experience as ours.
E.G. Ford and Family
"The Kinmundy Express", (February 11, 1915)
Sixty-five persons, including teachers and pupils in the Kinmundy school and others went to Alma last Saturday morning and attended the funeral of Chester Ford.
Ford-White, "The Kinmundy Express", (Feb. 22, 1917)
With both her paternal and maternal grandparents present, as well as her own father and mother and other relatives, Miss Emogene Ford daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Ford, was married on Wednesday afternoon at the family residence, five miles southwest of San Angelo, by the Rev. Joe F. Webb, pastor of the First Methodist church at San Angelo.
Mesdames Rebecca Shepard of Illinois, and Emogene Ford, were the grandmothers, the former having journeyed all the way to Texas to be present at the union of her granddaughter with Carl White, a prosperous rancher who resides at Amy, Colorado. They will make their home at Amy. Besides the grandmothers and the mother and father the others present were Roy Ford, John Ford, Misses Ella Mae Ford and Martha Elizabeth Ford.
Miss Ford and Mr. White had been childhood sweethearts back in Illinois and the groom had never lost hope that she would some day become his valentine, and sure enough, Miss Ford did become Mrs. Carl White, and that, too, on St. Valentines day.
Miss Ford was an active member of the Marthas society and a valuable teacher in the First Methodist Sunday School here. - - San Angelo (Texas) Daily Standard, Thursday evening, February 15.
TRAGIC DEATH OF MRS. CARL WHITE, "The Kinmundy Express", (October 14, 1920)
Accidental Discharge of Shot Gun Proves Fatal
The community was badly shocked to learn of the tragic death of Mrs. Emogene White of Amy last evening about six o'clock. The accidental discharge of a shot gun in a truck at the Stoney Point Bridge about sixteen miles southwest of town, he had stopped to get some water for his radiator. While out of the car the gun was accidently discharged, practically the full load entered the left side of Mrs. White's body at the shoulder. Their three-year-old son was seated by the side of Mrs. White and luckily escaped with slight injuries.
The injured boy was brought to town by Perry Clifton and Ruby Council, who passed Mr. White on the road with his dead wife, to the Field ranch for assistance. The lad is not seriously injured. Dr. Parker informs us this morning that a flesh wound of the left leg and a few scratches from shot in the right arm are the extent of his injuries.
Mrs. White was born at Farina, Illinois, June 26, 1895, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Ford, who resided at that place. She was 25 years, 3 months, and 12 days old. The couple was married about four years ago, the injured lad being their only child.
The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mr. White in his hour of sorrow and misfortune. Mrs. White was an affectionate woman of a kindly disposition and her sudden passing is mourned by a large circle of friends.
("Lincoln County, Colorado Democrat")
The body was brought to Alma where funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon and interment made in Alma cemetery.
We wish to thank all our friends for their sympathy and help in our great sorrow.
We especially wish to thank the ones who furnished the beautiful music and also for all the lovely floral offerings.
Carl White and son
Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Ford
John Ford
Mrs. Florence White
Rhea White
"The Sabbath Recorder", p. 671
Emogene Goodrich Ford was born near Newville on Rock River, Wisconsin, June 20, 1843, and departed this life May 7, 1921, aged 77 years, 10 months, and 17 days.
She came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Anson Goodrich, to Farina, Ill. In 1861 and the next year, November 10, 1862, she was married to Calvin Chester Ford and had lived in or near Farina until her death. Her companion departed this life in 1890, since which time she had walked lifes journey alone, and had nobly met the duties that came to her.
She was the mother of six children, one daughter, Jana, dying at the age of eighteen months. Her five sons and many of her neighbors and neighbors children whom she helped in times of trouble, rise up to call her blessed.
Tis said that never a beggar was turned empty-handed from her door; she preferred imposition rather than that one worthy sufferer should go unfed.
While never identifying herself with any church she expressed herself as favoring the Seventh Day Baptist, and so the pastor of that church was requested to conduct the funeral service which was held at her late home May 9, at 2:30 p.m. The large concourse of neighbors and friends attest the great esteem in which she was held.
Alma News,"The Kinmundy Express", (May 10, 1921)
E.G. Ford and wife and son, John, attended the funeral of Mr. Ford's mother near Farina last Monday.
Catherine and Elizabeth Atkins, Jennie Stock, and Mrs. H.L. Warren were in Farina Monday attending the funeral of Mrs. Imogene Ford.
Obituary of Mrs. E.G. Ford, "The Kinmundy Express", (April 14, 1927)
The sweetest lives are those to duty wed,
Whose deeds both great and small
Are close-knit strands of unbroken thread,
Where love enables all.
Sarah E., daughter of John and Rebecca Hull Shepard, was born Oct. 21, 1867, and passed away at her home near Alma, Ill., April 9, 1927, aged 59 yrs, 5 months, and 19 days.
Between the dates of her birth and death, as in every life, great experiences and changes have taken place. Her mother once said to me, "Sarah was a good child and as soon as she was any size began to take some of the burdens off of me and increased in helpfulness as she grew older." She kept this up - doing for others all through her life.
She was once a pupil of the late Prof. J.B. Abbott, the beloved instructor of the Alma and surrounding schools for many years. She, as many of his pupils, chose school teaching as her work for a time.
She was married to E.G. Ford March 8, 1892. Three children came to bless this union, Emogene, John, and Chester, each named for a grandparent.
The first real sorrow came to them on Feb. 5, 1915, when the Death Angel came and took Chester from them. Oct. 8, 1920 another great sorrow fell to their lot in the tragic death of their only daughter, who was then the wife of Carl White of Amy, Colorado.
Each time the clouds of sorrow visited them, Mrs. Ford showed great bravery such as only a true Christian woman could possess. John was left to them and she must be cheerful for his and Mr. Ford's sake.
So she lifted her head and went her way
Before the world with scarce a tear.
And bravely unto those she met
Gave smiles or messages of good cheer.
She gave her lips to laugh and song
And somehow went on thru each day,
But Oh, the tremble in her heart,
Since Gene and Chester went away.
Mrs. Ford leaves to mourn their loss besides the devoted husband and son, one grandson, Carl Ford White; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Harrell and Mrs. Jennie Jahraus of near Kinmundy, Illinois; and Mrs. Grace Craig of Marcus, Washington.
Twenty-three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Ford came to Alma to make their home where they have continued to live until the present time, excepting two years spent in Texas. Ever since she has been among us, she has been one that could always be depended on to give efficient help in all the activities of the Church and Sunday School. She was an enthusiastic worker in the ladies' aid where her pleasant manner and ready wit made her a favorite of all and often the life of the gathering, yet she was unassuming - rather shrank from leadership, insisting that others could fill the place better than she.
She served as secretary of her Sunday School Class since it was organized. She united with the Church in 1915 during the pastorate of Rev. Pierre Delain and was a faithful Christian. She was one of the few of whom it can be truthfully said that we could count her friends if we knew the number of her acquaintances, also that those that knew her best loved her most.
She will long be missed - so sadly missed - not only in the home and by her relatives, but in the Church, the Sunday School, the Ladies' Aid, the Fancy Work Club, and the entire community.
God gave her strength for sorrow's cup
She drank with no complaint,
We should not have less strength than she
For treading on life's stormy way,
But now the tremble's in our hearts
Since she has gone away.
- Sarah E. Purcell
The funeral services were held Monday morning at 11 o'clock from the M.E. Church in Alma, Rev. Mays officiating. Interment was made in Alma cemetery.
To those who assisted us by their deeds of kindness of words of sympathy during the sickness and at the death of beloved one, Sarah E. Ford, we express our gratitude.
The Family
Meacham News: Mrs. Ed Harrell was called to Alma Friday on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Ed Ford, who passed away Saturday morning. The family have our deepest sympathy.
Miss Gardner Became Mrs. John Ford Thursday, "The Daily Independent", Murphysboro, Ill. (May 27, 1927)
As the school year draws to a close so does the days of Miss Lelia Gardner as being a "Miss" and a Pedagog in the Grammar schools in Centralia. At seven o'clock Thursday evening, May 26 in the beautiful country parsonage of the Centralia Christian Church, Miss Gardner will take the Holy vows of Matrimony and become Mrs. John Ford. The marriage is a result of a courtship that started two years ago when the bride-to-be went to Centralia to instruct music in the Fields School and to teach the second grade.
The impressive words will be said by Rev. Fannon, pastor of the Centralia Christian Church and the ring ritual will be used. The attendants of the wedding will be, Miss Katherine Laswell, a very intimate friend of the bride-to-be, who is also an instructor in the Fields School at Centralia. The Groomsman will be William Williams.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Gardner of South Legion Way. She is a graduate of the grade schools here, the M.T.H.S. and the Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbondale, and for the past two years has been an instructor in the Centralia schools. She is a member of the First Christian Church of this city and has been very active in church work, teaching in the primary department for several months.
Mr. Ford is the son of Edward Ford. He received his high school education at the Kinmundy High School, and is a very accomplished young gentleman. He is now engaged in agricultural work at Alma.
Following the ceremony the couple will leave for St. Louis where they will enjoy a brief honeymoon after which they will return to Alma where the groom has a very pretty modern country home. The intentions of the couple were to tour the west as a honeymoon but due to the recent death of Mr. Ford's mother the couple have postponed their trip until the early fall.
Ford - Gardner, "The Kinmundy Express", (June 2, 1927)
The many friends here of John Ford of near Alma, will be surprised to learn of his marriage on last Thursday, May 26, to Miss Lelia Gardner of Murphysboro. The ceremony was performed in Centralia. Immediately after the ceremony, they departed for St. Louis, where they spent a short honeymoon, returning to Alma where they will make their home on the groom's farm.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Gardner of Murphysboro, and for the past two years has been one of the competent teachers of the Centralia grade schools.
The groom is the only son of E.G. Ford of near Alma. He attended Kinmundy High School and is held in high esteem in this community.
The Express extends heartiest congratulations.
John Ford of Alma and Miss Lelia Gardner of Murphysboro were married in Centralia Thursday evening and will make their home here. They have the congratulations of their many friends.
Farina Items, "The Vandalia Union", (Thursday, Dec. 12, 1929)
William H. Ford, 55 years old, for many years a farmer of this vicinity, passed away at Indianapolis, Ind., last Thursday, following a long period of failing health. He had but recently given up farm life in a hope that rest would better his condition, but was taken to the hospital soon after his arrival in Indianapolis. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C.L. Hill. The relatives are his wife, four children, Roy, of Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Mary Cook, of Indianapolis; Ella Mae and Martha, of Farina; and four brothers, Ed, of San Antonio, Texas; Charles, of St. Peter; John and Eugene, of Farina.
Former Resident Passes Away, "The Kinmundy Express" (Dec. 9, 1929)
Mr. Will Ford, a former resident of this community, passed away at his home in Indianapolis Friday and he was buried in Farina on Sunday. Mr. Ford occupied the Henry William See farm for many years, moving from here to Farina. On account of ill health, he was forced to quit farming early this summer. He then moved to Indianapolis.
Former Resident Dies in West, "The Vandalia Union" (July 14, 1949)
Mrs. Effie (Mathis) Ford, who spent many years of her early life in the Loogootee and Farina community, died in Lynwood, California on July 6th, according to word received last week by her close friend, Mrs. Lottie Harner, of Avena.
Mrs. Ford suffered a stroke July 4th and died two days later. She had many friends and acquaintances in this county. Mrs. Ford is survived by two daughters, Mary and Martha, both of California, and by a son, Roy of Flint, Michigan, several grandchildren, and other relatives.
Mrs. John G. Ford Suffers Fatal Stroke, "The Vandalia Union" (June 27, 1935)
Mrs. John G. Ford, 59, sister of Mrs. Fred Ervin, of Vandalia, suffered a stroke at her home in Farina Saturday morning, June 22, 1935, from which she never regained consciousness, passing peacefully away at 4:15 in the evening of the same day. She had been in failing health all this year. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at the M.E. Church in Farina and the interment made in the Farina Cemetery. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Wigham.
Lillie Belle Stephens, third daughter of Pleasant Merida and Rhoda Devore Stephens, was born Nov. 17, 1875, at their farm west of Loogootee, where she grew to young womanhood. She was converted and joined the U.B. Church at Pleasant Grove in her girlhood. At the age of 17 she began teaching in the public schools of Fayette county. She was united in marriage with John G. Ford September 20, 1898. To this union six children were born, who together with their father survive. The children are: Blossom and Glen, at home; Walter in Springfield; Myrtle in New York; Irene and Claribel, in Chicago. One grandson, Duane Goodman, who lived with them and was as lovingly and tenderly cared for as her own children, also survives. Her father and mother are deceased but she is the first of her family of eight brothers and sisters to go. The surviving are: Mrs. Mary Hoover, Dr. C.P. and P.A. Stephens, Loogootee; Mrs. Martha Ervin, Vandalia; Mrs. Nellie Mahon, Greenville; Drs. W.L. and B.L. Stephens, Meridian, Cal.
John Ford, 68, Died Near Farina Sunday, "The Vandalia Union" (Nov. 23, 1939)
John Ford, aged 68 years, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Ford of Lone Grove township, died at his home one mile west of Farina, Sunday afternoon after an illness of several months. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in Farina Methodist Church and burial was in the cemetery adjoining Mr. Ford's farm.
Mr. Ford and Miss Lillie Belle Stephens were married in September 1899. Mrs. Ford proceeded him in death four years ago. He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Blossom Goodman, who made her home with him; a son, Walter, at Waverly; daughters, Miss Myrtle and Miss Clarabelle, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Miss Irene, of Springfield; and a son Glen, who is a geologist and travels. Mr. Ford is also survived by three brothers, Edward, of Alma, Charles, of Lone Grove township, and Eugene of near Farina.
Mrs. John Ford, Child Injured in Car Crash, "The Daily Independent", Murphysboro, Ill. (Nov. 8, 1936)
She is Pinned Beneath Machine in Route 13; Pelvis Bone Broken
Mrs. John Ford of Alma, Ill., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Gardner, Murphysboro, and one of her three children were injured Sunday morning when their car overturned just north of the Vergennes overhead in State Route 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford and the children were enroute to Alma after spending the weekend with her parents here. They were to have attended a family reunion at Alma later in the day.
Their car went over when they were in the act of passing a car ahead and the car turned out in front of them.
Pinned under the car, Mrs. Ford said she could hear her bones break. A pelvis fracture was her worst injury. The youngest child, aged three, suffered a gash in the forehead. One of Mr. Ford's shoes was torn off. Each member of the party suffered bruises.
Leo Gardner, brother of Mrs. Ford, likewise was motoring to his home in Indianapolis. From the height of the Vergennes overhead he saw the accident. Being in a hurry he was not going to stop but on seeing rescuers drag a woman from beneath the car, he said he knew it was his sister.
I.H. Cornett of Vergennes brought Mrs. Ford to the local hospital. The people in the other car were from Cutler. They suffered slight bruises only.
"The Kinmundy Express" (Aug. 14, 1943)
Mr. Charley Chester Ford passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Ballance, residing northwest of this city, Monday, Aug. 9th at 9:15 a.m. aged 75 years, 24 days.
Short services were held from his home northwest of this city at 10 o'clock this morning and the funeral services were held at 10:45 this morning from the Evangelical Church in Farina. Interment was made in the Farina cemetery.
Mr. Ford had been very ill since last March. After spending two weeks in a hospital, he made his home with his daughters, Mrs. Roy Hulsey and Mrs. Clyde Ballance.
Life History of Charley Chester Ford, "The Kinmundy Express" (Aug. 19, 1943)
Well Known Farmer Residing Northwest of Here
Charley Chester Ford, the son of Calvin Chester and Emogene Goodrich Ford, was born July 15, 1868, in Lone Grove Township, Fayette county, Illinois. The maternal grandfather of Charley was Anson Goodrich, who with the Fords, the Bonds, and other early settlers had much to do with the settlement of the locality about Farina, and for the educational and musical interests that have centered here. Mr. Goodrich helped organize the Seventh Day Baptist Church and the Seventh Day Baptist Society, and was for some time the President of the latter organization. Mr. William Bond, a grandson of Mr. Goodrich, was the first baby born in the colony, and the mother of Charley Ford, Miss Emogene Goodrich, and Calvin Ford were the first couple to be married. It is worthy to note that, the first religious services held in this early day colony, were in the home of Anson Goodrich and this same home was sometimes headquarters for weeks for families migrating to this community. The Goodrich family came to Farina in the year 1861 and of this family one member, Mrs. Anna Maxon, aunt of Charley Ford, survives. The father of Charley was a pioneer in this county and the experiences of his son are also those of an early settler.
More than fifty years ago Charley purchased the land where the family home was built and with the exception of a few years, all his remaining life has been spent upon the farm and in the locality where he died.
March 25, 1896 he was united in marriage to Magdelene Jahraus and six children were born to the union. Oct. 28, 1908, the wife departed this life leaving the sorrowing husband with a family of children ranging from 11 years in age to the youngest ten months old. The youngest child, George, was taken into the home of a brother, but when two years of age he was returned to the family home.
The finest compliment that can possibly be paid a man left as Mr. Ford was, is the statement by his children that, "in all the years that intervened between the death of the mother and the breaking up of the home by the marriage and departure of the children to homes of their own, is the fact that he was father and mother to the family and always gave his children first consideration." He was a good husband, an affectionate father and obliging neighbor, and a loyal citizen. His word was as good as his bond and when his word was given or an obligation accepted, the contract was carried through although it might mean less to him. He was for many years a school director and was greatly interested in educational matters. He never made a public profession of Christ but at heart was a Christian and was always interested in the Church and the work it tried to do, and urged his children to attend the services and affiliate with the Church organization.
For several years, Mr. Ford has failed in health and has sought relief from physicians and in the Mark Greer Hospital. These were trying days for a man as active as he had been, but he bore his affliction patiently. He was cared for in the home of his daughters, Mrs. Tillie Hulsey and Mrs. Fern Ballance, at whose home he passed away August 9, 1943 at the age of 75 years and 24 days.
The generation to which Mr. Ford belonged to is rapidly passing away and to much credit cannot be given these men and women of their day for the sterling part they have played in the organization of our present day civilization. They pass from the scene of action but they "throw us the torch" they have carried so long with the prayer that we carry it to the completion of the things they visioned but were never quite able to accomplish.
Aside from the aunt, Mrs. Anna Maxon, already mentioned, he leaves to mourn his departure, 6 children, Mrs. Jana Evans, of Baylis, Ill.; Mr. Charles Ford, of St. Peter, Ill.; Mr. Gilbert Ford, of Farina, Ill.; Mrs. Tillie Hulsey and Mrs. Fern Ballance, of Kinmundy, Ill.; and Mr. George Ford, of Alma, Ill. Eleven grandchildren, two brothers, Ed G. Ford, of Alma, Ill., and Eugene Ford, of Farina, Ill., and a host of relatives and friends, who with the family, mourn his passing. Two brothers, one sister, and two grandchildren preceded him in death.
Funeral services were conducted on the 12th day of August at 10 a.m. from the old home place in Lone Grove township and thence to the Evangelical Church in Farina. Burial was in the Farina cemetery, Rev. C.L. Hill, officiating.
Evelyn Bassett and Robert Ford Wed Sunday Afternoon, "The Kinmundy Express" (Jan. 11, 1951)
Miss Evelyn Bassett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bassett, and Robert Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ford, of Alma, were married Sunday afternoon, January 7, 1951, at 2:00 o'clock in the Methodist Church of Alma. The Rev. Frank Tredway performed the double ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kline served the couple as attendants.
The bride chose a blue crepe street length dress and wore a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Kline wore a black crepe dress and her corsage was also of white carnations.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Ford are graduates of Kinmundy High School, Mrs. Ford with the class of '50 and Mr. Ford with the class of '47. He is engaged in farming with his father.
Those attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ford, John and Janet Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bassett and Helen, and Lewis O'Dell.
Following a short honeymoon in the southern states, Mr. and Mrs. Ford will reside on a farm near Alma.
Swift School, "The Kinmundy Express" (Jan. 11, 1951)
Congratulations from our neighborhood to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ford, who were married Sunday in the Methodist Church at Alma. Mrs. Ford was Miss Evelyn Bassett before her marriage. The very best of good wishes to you.
News from Farina, "The Vandalia Leader" (Apr. 23, 1953)
Mrs. Ford Dies
Mrs. Martha Ford, 72, died Friday morning in the home of her son, Don. She leaves the husband Eugene; a half-brother, Charles Oldham, of Texas, and one grandchild. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Stonecipher Funeral Home, Rev. Mulvany officiated and burial was in Farina Cemetery.
"The Kinmundy Express" (Sept. 1955)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Ford of Alma observed their 25th wedding anniversary Wednesday. They were also celebrating Fords 92nd birthday, which was August 31 and Mrs. Fords birthday, which was September 1. A potluck dinner was served in the basement of the Methodist Church in Alma. Prayer was given at the noon hour by Vernon Craig.
Following the dinner their granddaughter, Janet Ford played the wedding march. Dwight C. Day made a short talk and read a poem, "A Happy Marriage", by Edgar Guest. The daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lelia Ford, sang "I Love You Truly".
In the afternoon cake and punch were served by Mrs. Emma Rainey, Mrs. Grace Jackson, Mrs. Bessie Phillips, and Mrs. Rhea Gragg. There were 82 people signing the register.
Ed Ford Dies, "The Kinmundy Express" (May 30, 1960)
Mr. Ed Ford, 96, Alma's oldest citizen passed away at the Fayette County Hospital, Vandalia, Thursday, May 26.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. A former minister, Rev. Tredway, of Shattuc, officiating. Burial was in Alma cemetery. He leaves his wife, Delsie, one son, John, 5 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.
Delsie Ford Dies, "The Kinmundy Express" (Oct. 7, 1971)
Delsie Ford, 86, United Methodist Village, Lawrenceville, passed away Tuesday evening. Funeral services will be held in the Village Chapel Friday at 10 a.m. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. at the Alma Cemetery. Nichols Funeral Home, Lawrenceville is in charge of arrangements.
Surviving are one step-son, John S. Ford, Alma, and several nieces and nephews.
Ford - Logsdon, "The Kinmundy Express" (March 3, 1966)
White glads and candle light provided the setting Sunday, February 27th, for the wedding at 5:30 p.m. at the Alma Methodist Church of Miss Janet Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ford, Alma, and Fred Logsdon, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Logsdon of Louisville. The late afternoon ceremony was performed by Rev. Everett Weiss, of Collinsville. Mr. Logsdon has finished his work at Eastern Illinois University, and will soon begin teaching at Rock Island.
Miss Ford was attired in a white suit and veiled hat. The matron of honor, Mrs. Keith Smith, Kinmundy, wore a yellow suit and yellow flowered hat.
The best man was Ed Hayes, of Louisville. Robert Cobb was usher. Mrs. Bruce Clement, of Murphysboro, cousin of the bride, played appropriate music preceding the ceremony.
Following the ceremony the bridal party drove to the Starlight Restaurant west of Salem for dinner. A beautiful wedding cake was served by Mrs. John W. Ford and Miss Susie Logsdon.
The immediate family attending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford and family, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ford and Kathleen, Mrs. Jack Krutsinger, Sue and Paula, Mr. and Mrs. William Logsdon, and Miss Susie Logsdon.
The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hayes, Allen Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Page, Mr. and Mrs. William Yanik and family, Mr. and Mrs. Major Drake and family, Larry Johnson and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Johnson, Mrs. Jennie Johnson, Mrs. Ethel Logsdon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Purdue, Mr. and Mrs. O.V. Gragg, Rev. and Mrs. Everett Weiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clement, Miss Sue Carruthers, Mrs. Helen Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford, Mrs. Gilbert Ford, Robert Cobb, and Miss Cheryl Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ford Celebrate, "The Kinmundy Express" (June 8, 1967)
40th Wedding Anniversary May 26th
The fortieth (40th) wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ford, of Alma, was celebrated May 28th at the Starlite Restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford were married May 26th, 1927, at the Christian Church parsonage in Centralia, with Rev. F.O. Fannon performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Williams, of Alma, were attendants.
Those present at the dinner Sunday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford, Diane, David, Dale, Dolores, and Dena; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krutsinger, Sue, John, Dan, Paula, Mike, Kelly, and Karla; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ford, Kathleen and Brian; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Logsdon; and Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Williams.
Lelia Ford Dies, "The Kinmundy Express" (Sept. 26, 1968)
Mrs. Lelia Ford, 63, of Alma, passed away at Carle Clinic, Urbana, Saturday, Sept. 21. She was born Feb. 24, 1905, in Desoto, Ill., the daughter of Reynold R. and Jessie Blevins Gardner.
Funeral services were held Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. in the Alma Methodist Church with Rev. J.H. Lorance officiating. Interment was made in the Alma Cemetery.
She is survived by her husband, John S.; two daughters, Mrs. Jean Krutsinger, Salem; Mrs. Janet Logsdon, Mt. Zion; two sons, John W. and Robert, both of Alma; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Skoropad, Chicago; Mrs. Helen Carruthers, Carbondale; three brothers, Leo and Willard Gardner, both of Indianapolis, Ind.; Robert Gardner of Kansas City, Mo.; and fourteen grandchildren.
Mrs. Ford was a member of the Alma Methodist Church.
John S. Ford, "The Kinmundy Express" (Aug. 8, 1974)
John S. Ford, 77, Alma, passed away at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 31, in Salem Memorial Hospital. He was born March 18, 1897 in Farina, the son of Edwin and Sarah Shepard Ford. He was united in marriage to Lelia Gardner, who passed away in 1968. He married Rada Caldwell June 6, 1974. He was a member of the Alma United Methodist Church and was veteran of World War I.
Surviving are his wife, Rada; two sons, John W. and Robert E., both of Alma; two daughters, Mrs. Jean Krutsinger, Salem; and Mrs. Janet Logsdon, Mackinaw; fifteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Alma United Methodist Church with Rev. Richard Schmidt officiating. Interment was made in the Alma Cemetery.
Those attending the services from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Ford White, Grand Junction, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gardner, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Skoropad, South Holland; Mrs. Helen Carruthers, Danville; John R. Walker, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Armando Orlina and family, Hazel Crest; John Purdue, Springfield; Mrs. Suellen Johnson and daughter, Paducah, Ky; Walter Ford, Waverly; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O'Dell, Galesburg; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Ford and daughters, and Susan Patterson, Tuscola; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nichols, Bradley; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Duncan, Decatur; Mrs. Susie Williams, Livermore, Cal.
John W. Ford Dies, "The Kinmundy Express" (November 28, 1996)
John W. Ford, 62, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, formerly of Alma, died Thursday, November 21, 1996 in Fredericksburg. He was born April 13, 1934, in Alma, the son of John and Lelia Gardner Ford.
Survivors include one son, Brian Ford, of Eugene, Oregon; one daughter, Kathleen Ford of Houston; one brother, Robert E. Ford of Alma; and two sisters, Jean Krutsinger of Centralia and Janet Ford of Seattle. Mr. Ford was a retired farmer and a veteran of the U.S. Army.
Graveside services were held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday at Alma Cemetery with Steve Palmer officiating. Roger Atkins Funeral Home in Salem was in charge of the arrangements. There was no visitation.
Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association.
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